OLDSMOBILE HOMECOMING LONG DISTANCE WINNER 2650 MILES FROM VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA R. E. OLDS CHAPTER MEMBERS, JAMIE & SHERRILL COX ALSO IN THIS ISSUE- More Homecoming pictures and statistics A Great excuse Who Am I Editor’s message……. 2014 R. E. Olds Chapter Board of Directors This issue we have color coverage of Homecoming. Thanks to Bruce Powelson and Wayne Mason for providing photos. They really do tell the President story. There will be more Homecoming pictures in future issues. Bruce Powelson Several Chapter members attended the OCA National Meet in H 517-548-2793 C 517-331-3560 Cincinnati and there will be coverage of that show in the next issue. If you
[email protected] attended the show, please send your story and/or photos. Also in the next issue we will be showing our appreciation to all of our Vice-President Chapter members that have served in the armed forces. If you have served Chris Heminger please let me know and I would also like a photo of yourself in uniform. 517-655-3514 Please send it to me for our publication. If you send the actual photo via
[email protected] USPS, I will scan it and return it to you. Secretary PLEASE NOTE-we are in the process of preparing a membership Ed Shand roster. This is how the member information will appear: 517-655-4739 Bruce Powelson
[email protected] Howell, MI Member #279/Joined 7-2007 Treasurer 1973 88 Convertible Jerry Garfield IF YOU DO NOT WANT THIS INFORMATION LISTED, PLEASE 248-881-3619 LET ME KNOW BY OCTOBER 1, 2014.