was Leonardo an incarnation of En.ki-E.yah? s usual nothing was normal regarding the manner of having to collate a forum regarding Leonardo Da Vinci. If it had not been for Janet Lessin of “Enki Speaks” this forum would not have been made imperative. First in passing Janet mentions that Ea/Enki „was‟ Da Vinci, and at the time this came up in conversation it had not appeared in these texts. So, full of doubt the name “Leonardo” quickly became subject of a thorough search. The result was another one of those strange „angiopressure‟ events which the Doctor (Nostradamus) himself describes in two lines which are here. See 5 44 1 and 1 38 4, use Control+F “5 44 1”. ''Yes, you may add that I gave you that information. The researcher who pointed me on the right track, that Enki had incarnated (or appeared) as various artists throughout time to give us clues came from Glenn Bogue 9:45:2. Once you realize that is true, look at which artists are leaving us important clues and you can follow where Enki appeared or popped in, or whatever it was he did to give us these very important clues''. Date: Sat, 18 Oct 14
[email protected] In the recent couple of weeks leading up to Halloween of 2014, directives have been blasted my way – first that the Oannes forum was “slow out” then to go back to former collections of the Stargate lines and get that forum rolling, at the same time asking me to finish the “opaque traders” lines ( J-Rod45 & Treaty 9) amongst which directives this [Leonardo] one here was forced to my attention simply because of a conversation with Janet Lessin.