Mb Seems Enough C Mthaty K Sweetsxxx,2014-02-23,AR,026,Bs-4C,E126 Lambar the NEW YORK TIMES, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2014

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Mb Seems Enough C Mthaty K Sweetsxxx,2014-02-23,AR,026,Bs-4C,E126 Lambar the NEW YORK TIMES, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2014 C M Y K Sxxx,2014-02-23,AR,026,Bs-4C,E1 26 AR THE NEW YORK TIMES, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2014 C M Y K Sxxx,2014-02-23,AR,026,Bs-4C,E1 Film 26 AR THE NEW YORK TIMES, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2014 A. O. SCOTT MANOHLA DARGIS Film C M Y K C M Y K Sxxx,2014-02-23,AR,026,Bs-4C,E1Sxxx,2014-02-23,AR,026,Bs-4C,E1CCMMYYKK Sxxx,2014-02-23,AR,026,Bs-4C,E1Sxxx,2014-02-23,AR,026,Bs-4C,E1 A. O. SCOTT Being HumanMANOHLA DARGIS C M Y K Sxxx,2014-02-23,AR,026,Bs-4C,E1 26 AR 26 AR THE NEW YORK TIMES,THE SUNDAY,26 NEW26 YORK FEBRUARYARAR TIMES, 23,SUNDAY, 2014 FEBRUARYBeing 23, 2014 HumanTHETHE NEW NEW YORK YORK TIMES, TIMES, SUNDAY, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 23, 23, 2014 2014 26 AR Film FilmSeemsTHE NEWEnough YORK TIMES, SUNDAY, FEBRUARYFilmFilm 23, 2014 A. O. SCOTT A. O. SCOTT SeemsA.MANOHLAA. O. O. SCOTT SCOTT DARGIS MANOHLAEnoughFilm DARGIS MANOHLAMANOHLA DARGIS DARGIS BeingA. O. SCOTTBeing Human Human BeingBeingMANOHLA Human DARGISHuman PARAMOUNT PICTURES Being Human C M Y K SeemsPARAMOUNTSxxx,2014-02-23,AR,026,Bs-4C,E1 PICTURES Seems Enough Enough SeemsSeems EnoughEnough That Sweet Lamb Seems Enough C MThatY K SweetSxxx,2014-02-23,AR,026,Bs-4C,E126 LambAR THE NEW YORK TIMES, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2014 Film In Wolf’s26 InAR Wolf’s Clothing ClothingTHE NEW YORK TIMES, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2014 PARAMOUNT PICTURES PARAMOUNT PICTURES PARAMOUNTPARAMOUNT PICTURES PICTURES Above, Leonardo Di- A. O. SCOTT MANOHLA DARGIS Leonardo DiCaprio’s duality Above, Leonardo Di- Leonardo DiCaprio’s duality Caprio as theFilm stock trad- reflects our ambivalence. Caprio as the stock trad- reflects our ambivalence. er Jordan Belfort erin Jordan“The Belfort in “The PARAMOUNT PICTURES That ThatSweet Sweet Lamb LambWolf ofThat WallThat Street”;Wolf left, of Wall Street”; SweetSweet left, Lamb Lamb A. O. SCOTT as Howard Hughes in MANOHLA DARGIS as Howard Hughes in FRANÇOIS DUHAMEL/SONY-COLUMBIA PICTURES, VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS IT SEEMS LIKELY that LeonardoIT SEEMS DiCaprio LIKELY that Leonardo DiCaprio “The Aviator.” FRANÇOISBeing DUHAMEL/SONY-COLUMBIA PICTURES, Human VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS “The Aviator.” will not win an Oscar next Sundaywill not win for anhis Oscar next Sunday for his At 23, Jennifer Lawrence portrayal of the financial scamportrayal artist of Jor-the financial scam artist Jor- At 23, Jennifer Lawrence dan Belfort in “The Wolf of Wall Street.” As That Sweet Lambstands out, as does her acting. dan BelfortIn in “The Wolf’s Wolf of WallIna rule, Street.” Academy Wolf’s As votersClothing prefer displays of ClothingInIn Wolf’sWolf’sstands out, ClothingClothing as does her acting. a rule, Academy voters prefersuffering displays and stoicismof in the face of adver- Being Human Seems Enough suffering and stoicism in thesity face from of adver- leading men. Jordan’s brief so- IT WAS AT THE 2008 Venice Film Festival Above, Leonardo Di- Above, Leonardo Di- Above,Above, Leonardo Leonardo Di- Di- Leonardo DiCaprio’sLeonardojourn duality in a country-club DiCaprio’s prison duality hardly qual- LeonardoLeonardo DiCaprio’s DiCaprio’s duality dualityIT WAS AT THEthat 2008 JenniferVenice Lawrence Film —Festival future Oscar sity from leading men. Jordan’s brief so- Caprio as the stock trad- Caprio as the stockT was trad- at the 2008 Venice Film Festival that JudyCaprioCaprio Holliday?as as the the stock stock trad- trad- Or was Jennifer Lawrence just ifies; nor do the ill effects of too many that Jenniferwinner, Lawrence squirrel skinner,— future American Oscar warrior journ inreflects a country-club our ambivalence. prisonreflects hardly ourqual- ambivalence. Iner Jordan Wolf’s Belfortreflectsreflects in “The ourer our Jordan ambivalence. ambivalence. Belfort Clothing in “The erer Jordan Jordan Belfort Belfort in in “The “The quaaludes in the film’s most celebrated Jenniferwinner, Lawrence squirrel— signaled skinner, — thatfuture American she wasOscar no warrior ordinary winner, star- being Jennifer Lawrence, the best actress win- ifies; nor do the ill effects of too many Wolf of Wall Street”; left, Wolf of Wall Street”;Seems left, let. She wasn’t Enough yet famous then, just a pa- WolfWolf of of Wall Wall Street”; Street”; left, left, scene not involving cocaine and a prosti- — signaled that she was no ordinary star- quaaludes in the film’s most celebrated as Howard Hughes in as Howard Hughessquirrel in skinner,parazzi American afterthought warrior to CharlizeAbove, — Theron, sigLeonardo- Di-nerasas Howard Howardwho Hughestripped Hughes in in on her way to grab her Oscar IT SEEMS LIKELY that LeonardoITtute’s SEEMS rear DiCaprio LIKELY end. Andthat though Leonardo Jordan DiCaprio gives Leonardo DiCaprio’sITIT SEEMS SEEMS LIKELY dualityLIKELYthatIthat Leonardo Leonardo DiCaprio DiCaprio FRANÇOIS DUHAMEL/SONY-COLUMBIA PICTURES,FRANÇOIS VIA DUHAMEL/SONY-COLUMBIA ASSOCIATED PRESS PICTURES, VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS FRANÇOISFRANÇOIS DUHAMEL/SONY-COLUMBIA DUHAMEL/SONY-COLUMBIA PICTURES, PICTURES, VIA VIA ASSOCIATED ASSOCIATED PRESS PRESS “The Aviator.” “The Aviator.” let. She wasn’ther co-staryet famous in “The then, Burning just Plain,”a pa- one of “The“The Aviator.” Aviator.” scene notwill notinvolving win an Oscarcocaine nextwillup and Sunday stocknot a win prosti-swindles for an hisOscar for nextsales Sunday seminars, for hishe willwill not not win win an an Oscar Oscarnaled next next Sunday thatSunday forshe for his his was no ordinary starlet.Caprio Sheas the stockfor trad- David O. Russell’s “Silver Linings Playbook” reflectsANDREW COOPER/MIRAMAX our ambivalence. FILMS parazzi afterthoughtthose agonizingly to Charlize dopey moviesTheron, that play tute’s rearportrayal end. of And the financialthoughportrayalcan Jordanscam hardly artist ofgives be the Jor-said financial to undergo scam theartist kind Jor- of portrayalportrayal of of the the financial financialAt 23, scam scamJennifer artist artist Jor- Jor-LawrenceAt 23, Jennifer Lawrenceer Jordan Belfort in “The AtAt 23, 23, Jennifer Jennifer Lawrence Lawrence wasn’t yether co-starfamous atin then,“Themajor Burning festivalsjust a paparazzibecausePlain,” oneof their ofafter red-- and then — in what was the perfect capper to up stockdan swindles Belfort in “Thefor salesWolf danredemptionof seminars, Wall Belfort Street.” inthat “Thehe As the Wolf Academy of Wall likes Street.” to con- As dandan Belfort Belfort in in “The “The Wolf Wolf of of Wall Wall Street.” Street.” As As Wolf of Wall Street”; left, ANDREW COOPER/MIRAMAX FILMS stands out,those as agonizingly doesstandscarpet her acting. power.dopey out, During asmovies does a thatpseudo-event her as playacting. Howard for Hughes in standsstands out, out, as as does does her her acting. acting. can hardlya rule, be Academy said to votersundergo asecrate.prefer rule, the displays Academy kind of of voters prefer displays of a arule, rule, Academy Academy voters votersthought prefer prefer todisplays displays Charlize of of Theron, her co-starPARAMOUNT PICTURES in “The the inanity of the awards season — flippedFRANÇOIS the DUHAMEL/SONY-COLUMBIA PICTURES, VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS IT SEEMS LIKELY that Leonardo DiCaprio the movie, Ms. Theron spoke“The about Aviator.” the suffering and stoicism insuffering theMr. face DiCaprio, ofand adver- stoicism almost in 40 the and face still of ableadver- to sufferingsuffering and and stoicism stoicism in in the the face faceat ofmajor of adver- adver- festivals because of their red- MURRAY CLOSE/LIONSGATE redemption that the Academy likes to con- will not win an Oscar next Sunday forBurning his Plain,” onelimited of numberthose ofagonizingly older actresses dopey working bird at someone in the press room? sity from leading men. sityplayJordan’s fromguys brief leadingin their so- 20s,men. underwent Jordan’s briefno great so- sitysity from from leading leading men. ITmen. WAS Jordan’s Jordan’s AT carpetTHE brief brief2008 power.so- Veniceso-IT WAS DuringFilm AT Festival THE a pseudo-event2008 Venice Film for Festival At 23, JenniferITIT WASLawrence WAS AT AT THE THE 2008 2008VeniceVenice Film Film Festival Festival secrate. portrayal of the financial scam artistthatmovies Jor- Jennifer that Lawrence play thatin at— the major future Jennifer industry Oscar festivalsLawrence and showered —because futurepraise onOscar ofan- “Silver Linings Playbook”thatthat Jennifer Jennifer is the Lawrence Lawrence movie — that— future future Oscar Oscar journ in a country-club prisonjournphysical inhardly a transformation country-club qual- prison for the hardly role. qual- No dan Belfort in “Thejourn journWolf in of in a Wall acountry-club country-club Street.” As prison prison hardlythe hardly movie, qual- qual- Ms. Theron spoke about the Mr. DiCaprio, almost 40 and still able to winner, squirrel skinner, winner,otherAmerican co-star, squirrel warrior Kim skinner, Basinger, American who warrior wasn’t standsMURRAY out, CLOSE/LIONSGATE aswinner, doeswinner, squirrelher squirrel acting. skinner, skinner, American American warrior warrior ifies; nor do the ill effectsifies;tricky of noraccent too do many wasthe mastered,ill effects noof distanttoo many his- a rule, Academy votersifies;ifies; nor prefernor do do displaysthe the ill theirill effects ofeffects red-carpet of limitedof too too many many number power. of older During actresses a pseudo-event working turned me around on Ms. Lawrence, 23, trans- play guys in their 20s, underwent no great That SweetPARAMOUNT PICTURES — signaled Lamb that she was—there. no signaled ordinary Ms. Lawrencethat star- she was apparently no ordinary silenced star- —— signaled signaled that that she she was was no no ordinary ordinary star- star- torical personality brought to life. Though quaaludes in the film’squaaludes most celebrated in the film’s most celebrated suffering and stoicismquaaludesquaaludes in the face in in the ofthe adver-film’s film’s most mostin celebrated thecelebrated industrythe roomand showered by joking that praise Ms. onBasinger an- had physical transformation forhe the has role.been nominatedNo three times before, let.for She the wasn’t movie, yet famousMs.let. T then, heronShe wasn’tjust spoke a pa-yet famous about then, the just limit a pa-- forming meIT from WAS ATa skepticTHE 2008let.let.
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