ﻓ ﺎ ﻧ ﺄ ﻗ ي ٠ﺋ ﺪم ٠٥؛ ﺋﺐ وى ة٠ؤط ال ﺷﺖت ا ﻗﻲ ن م ي ﻳ ﻔ وم ﺑﺄﻣر إ۶أق و 4 ل ص ؤك -٠ - ﻟ ال م - -٠ ؤك ص ل عئستبؤوآ۵خ ظ The Prophet of Islam says, "The' fcrld will not come to an ants of Hussein takes؛ ؛end until a man from l e d Aarge of le affairs of le worl fills it with Justice and equity as it is filled w il inji 'and tyranny."

٥[p i ii.Aifi, V .1 .51, E 66 Imam Khomeini, the Late Founder of Iran's Islamic Republic: As those expectants of his blessed arrival, it is our obligation to do our best to administer the divine justice law in this country (the country of Iran) where belongs to the Imam of the Age (May God hasten his auspicious advent) trying to avoid disunity, hypocrisy, deceit and seek divine satisfaction.

(Sahifeh-e-Noor, vol. 15, p. 22) The Final Hope | r Chief Director II Mojtaba Kalbasi Editor in Chief Sayyed Abd-al- Tavakol Editorial Board Hamid Sa'adat Mohammad Mahdi Lotfi Mohsen Rahiml Translator specialized Center of Graphic Design Mas'ud KabUrani Ma'sUmeh Sadat Mir Ahmadi

Islamic Semina^ of Qom Specialized Center of Mahdism Table of Contents


Ulama's Speech...... 2

Imamate in the Quran...... 7

Biography...... 11

Bookshelf...... 17

A Call from the Skies...... 19

A Prayer at the Time of Occultation...... 25

Hearty W ords...... 27

Charlie Hebdo Should Be Held Responsible 29

Timeline...... 33

The Ritual of the Month...... 39

Teenage Comer...... 41 i n

What is important in proceeding with an action is that one's mind becomes aware of a need and under- stands the existing gap. The next step is to meet this need and to find a strategy to fill the gap. The issue of the Last Savior is a subject that there is no nation in the world to claim not to have any concerns about. We, the Shia, who are a part of those whose minds are involved with this belief, feel that a pure knowledge about it have to be promulgated in the world. We, with the aim of our intellect and convincing rea- soning, feel responsible to make others aware of the truth and to give answers to the inquires and mis- conceptions in a logical way. This existing need has forced US to publish a maga- zine containing the materials related to the issue of the Last Savior. Naturally, there is no piece of work done by US ordi- nary humans that is not without any flaw. How- ever, what is important is that, this move has been initiated and this step has been taken once more by us and it will be more complete by the cooperation of those who can assist. Editor in Chief: Sayyed Abd-al-Mahdi Tavakol [email protected] ٧ة' ل أ س ل ئ ا

A question may come to the mind of mankind, by our instinct, are after many people that, why this world peace and justice why so far, this feel- has been always a place where the ing has never been fully met? Here oppressors have had the upper hand the Supreme Leader of Islamic Re- and injustice been more dominant public of Iran gives answer to this in- than justice. Why many people are quiry and says that the real life of forced to be deprived from their mankind that is mixed with justice rights and why this world that could and peace will just be initiated after be created by God in a better place to the appearance of Imam al-Mahdi live and to worship God is created in who is the last Savior. this way? In better words, if we This speech is presented by him in June, 2014: What is important is that the belief in the Imam of the Age is part of the world's view of religions. As divine religions express their viewpoints, through their general world view, about the world, human beings, the origin of creation, and the end of hu- manity's life - in other words, about the origin of human beings and the resurrection - one of the parts of this world view is the end of humanity's caravan in this world which is so important that is a great system which lays the foundation for all the thoughts, obligations, and rules of re- ligions. It should be noted that the issue of the afterlife and the other world is a different issue that is different from what we are talking about. How- ever, if we liken the human commu- nity throughout history to a caravan which is taking a specific path, then we are faced with this question: Where is this caravan going? What is the destination of this caravan? What is the end of this path? These are serious questions and people with their different world views should answer them. Religions have answered this question. principles cannot deny the fact that humanity has had certain requests from the first day until today, of which the most important is justice. Humanity is after justice. It has never changed its mind about this re- quest and in the end, this request will be met. This point has been reflected in our narrations: ﺗ ﺔ االءذص ﻗﻧطﺎء ذ ﻏﻧأل ﻛﻣﺎ ﺗﻠﻔن ﺋﻠ ﻣﺄ ذ ﺟؤرأ ذ ﺋﻠ ﻣﺄ ﺗﻠﻔن ﻛﻣﺎ ﻏﻧ "Through him, Allah will fill the earth with fairness and justice as if it had been filled with oppression and cruelty" [Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 51, page 146]. In most of the texts, it is "as if it had been filled" and in some texts, it is "after it has been filled". In fact, any member of humanity knows where this public path will lead to. If we want to provide a comparison, we should say that this is like a trav- eler or a caravan that is passing through difficult bends and hirns, difficult passages, mountains. valleys, swamps and scrublands in order to reach a specific point which is a free- way, an important road and an open and smooth path. All the things that we wit- ness throughout the history of humanity are a movement on the same difficult paths, in the same bends and turns, in the same scrublands and swamps and the like. Humanity is constantly taking this path in order to reach a freeway. This freeway is the era of Mahdism. It is the era of the appearance of Imam al-Mahdi (God's greetings be upon him). It is not the case that when we reach there, a sudden movement is launched and then it comes to an end. In fact, it should be said that humanity's main and ideal life just is initiated from that point and humanity just starts to take a path which is the straight path that helps it reach the destination. It helps humanity in gen- eral, not a specific group of people. It helps all groups, not just certain individu- als. Of course, this does not mean that man's nature begins to change in such con- ditions. Man's nature is an internal struggle and confrontation between good and evil. Both man's mind and nature are at play during the appearance of the Imam of the Age. Man’s instincts have certain obligations and drives. 1

Therefore, natural tendencies and instincts do what they are supposed to do. This struggle will even exist during the time of the appearance of the Imam of the Age as well. It is not the case that all people will hrrn into angels at that time. The same is true of good and evil. However, the road is one that is just appropri- ate for doing good, moving in the right direction and moving towards the real goal. We should wait. The outlook of religions towards the destination ofhuman- ity's caravan is a very promising outlook. The spirit of waiting and establishing a close relationship with the Imam of the Age (may our souls be sacrificed for his sake) and anticipating the day when he appears is really one of the greatest gates of salvation for the Islamic community. This antici- pation by itself is salvation. It is promising and revitalizing. It prevents US from feel- ing desperate, ruined, hopeless and confused about the future. It gives US hope and it provides guidance. This is the issue of the Imam of the Age. I hope that Allah, the Exalted, will make US be among those who wait for his appearance in the real sense of the word and I hope that He will enlighten our eyes about the fulfillment of this promise. r Surah al-Taubah, verse 32 God in surah al-Taubah, verse 32 says about the disbelievers,

ﻳﻧ و ن أن ﻳطﺑﺋوأ ﺗون اش ﺑﺄﻗواﺑﻬﺦ ذ ﻗﺄﺑﻰ ائء إال إ أن ﻗﻲ ﺗوذة و ﻟؤ ﻛرة اﻟﻜﻌذو ن. ﻛرة ﻟؤ و "Fain would they extinguish Allah's light with their mouths, but Allah will not allow but that His light should be perfected, even though the unbelievers may detest (it)". An explanatory narration: ! It is narrated from Imam al-sadiq (the Shia's sixth Imam) who has said. ... ﺑ ﻧ ﺑذ ﺗﻧو أﺗﻳﻪ ق ﺗﻧو ذﻏﻳﺎس١ ۵ ﻗﻌﻐوا طﻰ أذ أذ طﻰ ﻗﻌﻐوا ۵ ذﻏﻳﺎس١ ﺗﻧو ق أﺗﻳﻪ ﺗﻧو ﺑ ﻧ ﺑذ ... زوان ﻣﺋﻜﻬﺞ و األﻗزام و اﻟﺟﺑﺎ ﺑز؛ ١ﺑذﻫﺊ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻳد اﻟﻬﺎﺋﻬم اﻟﻬﺎﺋﻬم ﻳد ﺑﺛﺎ ﻧﺎﺻﺑوﻗﺎ اﻟﻌداوة ؤ ؤﺻﻌوا ﺳﻳوﻗن؛ ﺑﻰ ﻗﺛﻞ آﻟﻲ ﺑﻳ ب زﺳوﻟﻲ ه٤ال ﺻﻠﻰ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻳﻪ و آﻟﻪ و ﺳﻠم ؤ إﺑﺎد؛ ﻧﺳﻠﻪ ﻫﻠﻧﻌﺄ ﻣﻧﻬﺑو ﻓﻰ اﻟؤﺻول إﻧﻰ ﻗﺋﻞ اﻟﻘﺎﺋم ﻋﻠﻳﻪ اﻟﻘﺎﺋم ﻗﺋﻞ إﻧﻰ اﻟؤﺻول ﻓﻰ ﻣﻧﻬﺑو ﻫﻠﻧﻌﺄ اﻟﺳالم ؤ ﻳﺄﺑﻰ اﻟﻠﻪ أن ﻳ ﻐ ﺑن آﻣزه ﻳؤاﺟو ﺑن اﻟﺋﻠﻠﻧز ﺑن ﻳؤاﺟو آﻣزه ﻳ ﻐ ﺑن أن اﻟﻠﻪ ﻳﺄﺑ ﻰ إﻟﻰ أن ﻳﺗ م ﻧورة... ؤ ﻟؤ ﻛوة اﻧﺗﺋ ر ﻛ و زا "When Omayyad and Abbasid real- ized that, by our Upriser (Imam al- Mahdi), their kingdom and the gov- ernance of their oppressive rulers would come to an end they decided to show animosity against U S, to kill the progeny of the Prophet, and to decimate his descendent in order to reach hand to our Upriser to kill him. But God the Great will not let those oppressors reach out to him and will make His light complete even if the disbelievers detest it." Based on this narration, the light of God in the abovementioned verse, is the religion of God that will become perfect by Qa'im. The light of God here, may also refer to the Imam him- self and it means that the oppres- sors want to kill the Imam and do not let him to appear, but God will not let them reach their desires and will make His light prefect that means He will keep the Imam safe.

1- The plot of the disbelievers is con- Islam as a divine religion and Islamic tinuous: The malicious intention of laws are God's light since God is light the disbelievers will never come to a and whatever is from Him should be stop. We say it since in this verse the light. We call them light since it leads word "YoridUn" (they decide) is used to the removal of darkness of igno- which, in Arabic literahrre, is in ranee and immorality just as light re- simple present tense that points to an moves darkness. Imam al-Mahdi is action that is repeatedly done. (This is the one who can make this divine like when we say, John shrdies his les- light perfected by implementing the sons that mean he usually does that.) religion of God. Therefore, the enemies' decision The Imam himself is also light since against the light of God is not some- he is chosen by God and is from God thing to be done once. and all of these actions and intentions 2- The meaning of Allah's light: are godly. 3- The disbelievers aim for a same who is Imam al-Mahdi. goal: The disbelievers may offer vari- 7- A promise from God: This verse ous forms of planning to proceed makes the followers of the truth to with their mission, but all of them be confident that they will gain vie- follow a same goal which is to extin- tory. This promise will be achralized guish the light of God meaning to at the Time of Appearance that is oppose His religion. when the last Imam who is Imam 4- The pagans' efforts is futile: To al-Mahdi comes out. extinguish the light of 8- God will spread God is like to put out His religion: Not the light of sun by inly does God save the blow of mouth :is religion. He will which is a worthless spread it as w ell. attempt. Since God does 5- Mouth may refer to- not say that He w ill save giving speech: The wor H is light rather. He says mouth in the verse may that He will make it mean also that the complete that means He will add to shine111 It; tvt.everywhere in the ٠٧.mHLLilight to disbelievers' most - 11its٥ world. It signifies ththat God will ٠ important tool is to use their mo- spread His relig- uths. Therefore, ion over all parts the word may refe of the world. to giving speechesres or something 9 . 1 disbelievers a re doomed Those who oppose؛np- to face failure: Tho؛،similar to it like wiringririricr (notfnnt justinst spe cifically fighting in battlefields.) the light of God have to make sure 6- Imam makes the light of God that they won't proceed with their complete: When the religion of God mission. All efforts against the reli- that is introduced by the Prophet is gion of God is condemned to failure. light, the Imams who are the succes- When God promises to make His sors of the Prophet are the only indi- light complete it means that those viduals who can make this light com- who oppose it will be put aside plete. The final part of this comple- easily. tion will be done by the last Imam

Muhammad bin 'Uthman was the Its contents were as follows:ows: إﺋﺎ ذ ؤ إﺋﺎ إﻟﻳﻪ را ﺟﻌون ﻧ ﺷﻠﻳﻣﺄ ألﻣره ؤ رﺋ ﻰ -second special deputy of Imam al Mahdi. Like his father, Muhammad ﺑﻘﺛﺎﺋ ﻪ ﻏﺎ ش أ ﺑ وذ ﺳﻌﻳد أ ؤ ﻣﺎث ﺧﻣﻳدأ... ذزﻗ ث ؤ ذزﻗ ث was among the trustworthy compan- ذزﻗﺗﺎ و أ ؤ ﺧ ﻐذ ﻓزاﻗﺔ ؤ أ ؤ ﺧ ﻘ ﺗﺎ ﻓ ﺗ ﻧﺔ اف ﻓﻰ .Imam. In this regard ا هions of the 11 ﻣﺛ ﻌﻠﺑ ﻪ ؤ ﻛﺎن ﻣن ﻛ ﻣ ﺎ ل ﺗ ﻐﺎدﻳ و أ ن رزﻗﻪ ﻟذ١ ؤﻗدأ Imam al-Hasan al-Askari declares to some of his companions, "Amri ﻣ ﺋ ﺗ ذ ﻋﻪ٠ ﺑ ﻐﺎ ﻣن ﺑﻐده ؤ ﻳﻘوم ﻗ ﺛ ﺎ ﻗ ﻪ ﺑﺄﻣره و ﺑﺄﻣره ﻗ ﺛ ﺎ ﻗ ﻪ ('Uthman bin Said) and his son ﻏﻠﻳﻪ و أﻗ ول ا ﻟ ﻐ ﺋذ سء ٠ث1و األﺋ ﻐ ش ط ﻳ ﺑﺎ ﺑﻣ ﻜﺎﻧ ك و Muhammad bin'Uthman) are both) ﻗﺎ ﻟ ﺟ ﻌﺗﺄ ﻟذ١ ﻋﺰ و ﻟ ﺟن ﺑ ﻴ ﺬ ؤ ﻋ ﺋ ذذ أ ﻏﺎ ﻧن ﻟذ١ و reliable and trustworthy. Whatever ﻗ ؤ ا ذ ؤ ﻏ ﺛ ذذ ؤ و ﺋ ﻘذ ؤ ﻧﻣﺎن ﻧذ ﻧ ﺑ ﻳﺄ و ﺣﺎﻓ ظﺄ و they both convey to you they convey 2 ا ".from us After his father passed away. Mu- hammad was given the responsibil- "We have come from Allah and ity for Shias' affairs through a con- unto Him shall we return (the dolatory letter from Imam al-Mahdi Quran). We accept His orders and on the demise of his father. are satisfied with His commands.

Your father passed a decent life and in what you do and be your guard- faced a decent death... You are grief ian, protector and assistant." stricken, so are we; his death has af- Muhammad bin 'Uthman was the fected us as much as it has affected special deputy of Imam al-Mahdi for you. May God make him happier in 40 years since 265 A.H. (878 A.D.). In that life. this quite lengthy period, he served It was due to his sincerity and de- as a sanchrary for the Shia. He cency that he was honored with a solved numerous issues related toju- son like you who has become his risprudence, society and belief. heir and successor. May God send During his deputyship all that has mercies upon him. I praise the Al- been received by him from Imam al- mighty since the hearts of our follow- Mahdi in the form of Letters ers (the Shias) are at ease with you (al-Tawqi') is present in different and with God has entrusted to you. books under different topics. May God help you, strengthen your However, we can also gauge the power and might, support you in second special deputy's importance your affairs, give you more fortune through the sayings of Sheikh .n , Shaykh alSadUq, p. 510 ٥-Al-Ghaybah, Shaykh al-TUsJ p. 360. 2. Kama] al .1 ؛mil

-al-TUsi, one of the most great Islamic Also it is narrated that Muhammad scholars. He writes in his book bin 'Uthman has written books onju- (Rijal), "Muhammad bin 'Uthman risprudence (Fiqh) in which he has bin Said al-Amri, his agnomen is collected all the traditions from 'Abu Ja'far and that of his father is Imam al-Hasan al-'Askari, Imam al- 'Abu 'Amr. Both of them were the Mahdi and from his father 'Uthman representatives of Imam al-Mahdi bin Sa'id who in hrrn has narrated and had an esteemed position from Imam Ali al-Naqi and Imam among the real Shiites." 1 ^asan al-;Askari. : 1. Rijal, al- Tusi, p. 509. 2. Al-Ghayba, Shaykh al-TUsl, p. 363. During Muhammad bin But people reposed 'Uthmdn's period some their confidence in Mu- selfish and opportunis- People trusted him hammad bin 'Uthman tic people tried to take due to various reasons. advantage of this and The most important claimed to be the deputy of Imam al- among them were those which were Mahdi. They wanted to deceive the Letters (al-TawqT) sent by the Imam people and desired to usurp the reli- to him. Not only did they contain gious payments (like, Khums and the replies to various social and reli- Zakat) from them. They nearly in- gious problems, but also informa- jured Muhammad bin 'Uthman. It tion about some hidden affairs was a difficult trial for the people in which acted as a compelling argu- that era to recognize the true deputy ment for the people to accept his of the Imam. Under such circum- deputyship. stances, to win the confidence of the There were many incidents wherein people and overcome the enemies news of hidden affairs were given was a difficult task. by him.

Samat supplication His Demise

Samat is the famous supplication As per the available records, the (Du'a) communicated to the Shia second special deputy of Imam al- through Muhammad bin 'Uthman Mahdi (Muhammad bin 'Uthman) by a chain of transmitter to Imam al- died in Jamadil 'ula 305 A. H. (917 Baqir and Imam al-sadiq. Shaykh A.D.). He had himself informed 'Abbas Qummi has reported this about his death two months in ad- supplication from old, authentic and vance. Abul Hasan Ali bin 'Ahmad reliable sources. 'Allama Majlisi has al-Dallal al-Qummi narrates, "One also narrated this supplication in day I was with Muhammad bin Bihar al-Anwar along with its inter- Uthman and saw a slate in front of pretation. This supplication is recom- him on which he was making some mended to be recited in the late eve- sketches and writing the verses of ning of Fridays. the holy Quran. And in the margins MuLiunad bin 'U tL:!:i bin Said 1-Anui

أﺷﻬد أﺋن ﺑﺎب ..اﺋﻔؤﻟﻰ . ﺟﺋﺗف ﻏﺎرﻗﺎ ﺑﺎﻟﺧﺗﻰ اﺋﻧﻰ of that tablet, he was writing the أﻧت ﻏﻠﻳﻪ ؤاﺋﻰ ﻣﺎ ﺧﻧت ﺑﻰ اﻟﻘﺎدﺑﺰ ؤاﻟﺒﻘﺎر؛ — names of the Imams. I asked him آﻟﺳالم ﻏﻠ ﻳذ ﺻن ﻳﺎى ﻣﺎ أوﺳﻌﻪ about it. He replied, "This is for my 2 grave and I will be laid on this". A "I bear witness tht you are the door similar tradition has also been nar- of mercy of my master (Imam al- rated by Muhammad bin Ali bin ©> Mahdi) .... I have come to you after Aswadi al-Qummi. 1 recognizing your right on which you His grave is sihrated in East Bagh- remained firmly established and I dad in a clean, posh and populated know that you have not breached area in a mosque, famous as the trust reposed in your depu- Khallani. Till date Shias visit his tyship or in conveying the news. shrine and recite his supplication Peace be upon you from a door that (Ziyarat): is the most expansive door of 1. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 51, p. 351; 2. Mafatlh al-Jinan, p. 897. mercy!"

This book is originally written by further spread the religion of Islam." Allama Baqir Sharif al-Qarashl in This book includes twenty four Arabic and translated to English by parts that its four primary sections Sayyed Athar Husain Rizvi. refer to the biography of the Twelfth The esteemed author, who is well Imam and his special traits, his con- known for authoring a great number cealed birth in which closely resem- of books that deal comprehensively bles the birth of some prophets like with the lives of the Household of Moses. the Prophet, was born in 1927 in a re- Like most of resembling works in ligious family in Najaf and died in this regard, this book talks about the As the re- Minor and the . ؛ ٤ this city in June 172012 spected author says, "This book is a and its philosophy, the special depu- life sketch of the Imam whom the Al- ties of the Imam, the Imam's advent mighty Allah has prepared and trea- in which the author compares it sured to reform the world and to with this concept in other religions, keep the religion established and to the signs of his appearance, the Imam's companions and their loft} qualities, and also the Imam's policies .Numerous traditions from the and activities during his universal gov- Prophet and the Infallible Imams pre- emment. Obviously, there are some dieting h e appearance of the Imam. -A talk about the believers and de ؛* new and particular sections in this book that is worthy to be notified: niers of the Imam. The author here Some brilliant supplications of the refers to the words of more than ٠ Imam. twenty Sunni scholars who are in con- Letters that the Imam wrote to some sonance with the beliefs of the Shia ٠ of his prominent companions and sin- Imamate. In othe: e author cere Shias. Some of these letters are composed of the Imam's reply to ques- tions regarding religious laws that some jurisprudences and ordinary people posed. A talk about the Authority ٠ of the jurists, in which the author explains that I m a m - names some individual who al-Mahdi has appointed the jurists as his deputies denied the existence of the and commanded the Imam and repels their Shias to refer to them claims. ٠ and follow their ver- Another part of the book is diets. dedicated to 50 books of Sunni scholars written about Imam al-Mahdi. Finally the book ends with ٠ a Ziydrah and a supplication In another part, the author refers to a pertaining to the Imam. In appendix, group of hypocrites and deviated people the book contains a glossary of Islamic who claimed to be appointed as the Imam's deputies during his Major Occulta- terms. This book is published by tion. Ansaryian Publication in 400 pages in The book also covers a set of major objec- (Box 187,22 Shohada St., Qum, Islamic ٠ tions that the opponents of Shias pose Republic of Iran. The first edition of against the belief in Imam al-Mahdi which this book is printed by Thamin al- the respected author has refuted in a con- A'immah Publication in 2006 through vincing way. a 2000 copies. Its ISBN is: 964-438-806-2. l i l i l d ills ٠ك ال -٤ ةآل Call ﻗﻠﻞ م1٠ م٠ ٧! ١ il - A f / p s f i i i . c s / ' V ا |ت ؛ |اال/ ا—ا١ ال _٠r٠n r٠r٠n a There are many signs of the appear- the appearance of the Upriser ance of Imam al-Mahdi which have (Imam al-Mahdi) are the call from been mentioned in traditions and re- the skies, the rise of the , the ligious texts. Sometimes one can get earth swallowing in Bayda', the lost in these signs. Many of the signs murder of the purified soul (al-Nafs have already appeared and confuse al-Zakiyah), and the rise of the people as to why the Imam has not Yamani." (al-KSg vol. 8, p. 310, hadith, 438.) ust the first؛ yet come. These signs are divided This article will discuss into definite and possible signs. Re- sign, the call from the skies. garding the definite signs we can The call from the sky is the clearest refer to the following narration, and strongest sign of the Imam's ap- .pearance ﻋﻤﺮ ﺑف ﺧﺋظﻠﻪ ﻗﺎن ﺳﻣﻌ ت أﺑﺎ ﻋﺒﻲ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻳﻪ اﻟﺳال م There are traditions that state Angel ﻳﻬون ﺧ ش ﻏالﻧﺎ ت ﻗﺑن ﻗﻳﺎم اﻧﻘﺎﺋم اﻟﺻﻔﺔ و اﻟﺻﻔﺔ اﻧﻘﺎﺋم Gabriel will make the call. It will not be thunder or lightning, rather it اﻟ ﺷﻐﺑﺎ ن ؤ اﻟﻔ ﺳ ن ؤ ﻗﺋﻞ اﻟﺋﻐس اﻟزﻛﺋﺔ و اﻟﻳﻣﺎﻳﻰ و اﻟزﻛﺋﺔ "It is narrated from 'Umar bin Janza- will be a call that all will under- lah saying that he heard from Imam stand. This is what we read in an Is- al-Sadlq who has said that these five lamic narration. signs that will take place before ﻋن زراره ﻋن |ﺑﻰ ﻋﺑد 1 ﻟق ﻏﻳﻪ 1 ﻟﺳالم ق1 ل س1 دى ٠ﺛذاد د ى ﻳﻌﺞ اذﻏﺎي| ع ﻗﻠت ﻏﺎﻫﺊ أؤ ئ1 م ق1 ل غ|م ﻳﺋﺋ ﻎ'ﺑز ﻗؤم ﻳﺋﺋ ﻎ'ﺑز غ|م ل ﻳ ﺎ ﻧﻬم It is narrated from Zorarah who nar- rates from Imam al-sadiq who has said, "A caller will call the name of the Upriser (and will say something)." Zorarah here asks, "Will everyone hear it or it is just lim- ited to some groups of people?" The Imam answered, "Each nation will hear it [the call] in their own language." (Bhar ai-Anwa, vol. 52, p. 205, hadith 35.) How will this happen? How can a call be heard around the world by all people in all lan- guages? The exact manner in which this call will happen is unknown. But, there are a number of theories as to how this can happen. The first theory suggests that the call will be in Arabic (fasih) and will travel around the world in a matter of sec- onds at the speed of sound. Those who speak Arabic will un- derstand it immediately and will translate for others who would be wondering what that sound was. The news agencies would run the story everywhere and translate it as well. The tradition from Imam al-Sadiq originates in a time when people had no understanding of mass media. Hence, he was forced to say it in this manner. In the present world, there would be no problem with the media spreading this information. If the media did not want to spread the information, then social media could. If a video of a homeless man receiving a house would go viral, we can be sure that a call from the sky which everyone in the world hears would be the hottest topic around the world. The second theory suggests that each nation would hear it in their own language in a miraculous way. This is not far-fetched because Allah has the ability to do that and almost everything regarding Imam al-Mahdi is miraculous. He was en- dowed with an enormous amount of knowledge and became the Imam of the Muslim Ummah at the tender age of five, he has been living for well over 1000 years, and Allah will unite the entire globe through his hands. Hence, such a call is not outside of the realm of possibility. of the tr,traditions point to this call being heard in the month of Ramadan and is ؛Some considered a serious threat to those who rebel against Allah and religion. It is a seri- ous threat to all of the oppressors throughout the globe. Try to picture that day. The believers will be ecstatic; they will be over the moon. Imagine if you heard from the sky that the Imam is coming. But, on the other hand, there will be those who have re- jected the Imam their entire lives. An indescribable fear will engulf their existence. Let's refer to some of these traditions: ﻋﺊ أﻳﻰ ﻋﻳد اﻟم ﻋﻠﻳﻪ اﻟﺛ الم ﻗﺎن اﻟﺷﻳﺣﺔ اﺋﺑﻰ ﺑﻰ ﺛ ﻬر رﻣﺿﺎن ﻧﻜون ﻗﻳﺗﺔ اﻟﺟﻣﻌﺔ ﻟﺛالث ؤ ﺑ ﻐ رس ﻣﺿﺑن ﺻن ﻗ ﻬ ر ﻧ ﺗ ﻘ ﺎن ﻗ ﻬ ر It Is narrated from Imam al-Sadiq who has said: "The call will be heard in the month (.of Ramadan, on Friday the 23r٥of the month."(Kamal al-Din, vol. 2, p. 650 ﻏذ أﻳﻰ ﺻﻳر ﻏذ أﻳﻰ ﺟﺋﻐر ﻋﻠﻳﻪ اﻟﺴالم أﺋﻦ ﻗﺎن... اﻟ ﺻﻔﺔ ال ﻗﻔون إأل ﺑﻰ ﺷﻐﺮ زﻧﻨﺎذ ﻧﻐﺮ اﻟم ذ ﺟﺊ ﺻﺨﺔ ﻟﺠﺒﺰﺑﻴﻦ ﺻﺨﺔ ﺟﺊ ذ إﻧ ﻰ ﺧﻧﺎ اﻧ ﺣﻠق ﺑم ﻗﺎن ﻳﺋﺎ دى ﺛ ﺋ ﺎد ﻣن اﻟ ﺷﻔﺎء ﺑﺎ ﺳم اﻟﻔﺎﺋم ﻋﻠﻳﻪ اﻟ ﺳ الم ﻗ ﺳ ﻣ ﻐﻊ ﺻن ﺑﺎﻟﻔ ﺷ رق و ﻗن ﺑﺎﻧﻐﻔ رب ال ﻳﺑ ﻌﻰ ﻗذ١ز 1ال ﺔظ١ ﺳ ﻘﻳ و ال ٠ﻗﺎﺋث ءال ﻗﻌن و ال ﻗ ﻌن وأل ﻗﺎ'ﻫﺎ ض ر ﺟﻠﻳﻪ ﻗﻧ ﻌﺄ ﻣذ دش ؤت١ ﻟ ﺋ ﻓ ر ﺣم ٠اغ ﻗن ﻏﺗﺑر١ ﺑ دق ؤت١ ﻟ ﺋ ﻟ ﺋ ؤت١ ﺑ دق ﻏﺗﺑر١ ﻗن ٠اغ ﻓ ر ﺣم ﻟ ﺋ ؤت١ دش ﻣذ ﻗﻧ ﻌﺄ ر ﺟﻠﻳﻪ ض ﻗﺎ'ﻫﺎ و ﻓﺄ ﺟﺎ ب ﻓﺈن ا ﻟ ﺋ ؤذ اآلؤن ﺛؤ ﻧ زت ﺟﻳ رﺑﻳن اﻟؤوح اآلﻣﻳن و ﻗﺎن ع ا ﻟ ﺋ ؤذ ﺑﻰ ﻗ ﺢ ز ﺻﻘﺎن ﺑﻰ ز ه ﺧ ﻔ ﻔﻪ ﺗ ﻳ ﺗﺈ ﺗال ت ﺗ ﻳ ﺗﺈ ﺧ ﻔ ﻔﻪ ز ه و رﻳن٠ءئ ﻗ ال ' ﺳﻔ وا ﺑﻰ د ش و ا ﺳﻔﻌوا ؤ أ ﻣﻠﻳﺛ وا و ﺑﻰ آ ﺧ ر ؤاو١ ﻟﺋ ﺻؤث إﺑﺑﻳس اﻟﺋﻌﻳب ﻳﺋﺎ دى أأل إذ ﻗالﻧﺄ ﻗ ﺑن ﺻﺋﻠﺗوﻣﺄ ﺻﺋﻠﺗوﻣﺄ ﻗ ﺑن ﻗ ﻟ ﻳ ﺋ ﻔ ﺦ اﻟﻐﺎس و ﻳﻐﺑﻧﻬﻎء م٠ﻗك دﻟك اﻟﻳ ؤم ﺻن ﺋﺎ٠ﺳﺎ ﻣﺗ ﺣﻳر ﻗذ ﻫوى ﺑﻰ اﻟﻐﺎر و إدا ﺳ ﺑ ﻌ ﺗم اﻟ ﺷؤث ﺑﻰ ﺷﻬر ر ﺻﻔﺎن ﻗ ال ﻗ ﺳ ﻔ وا أﺋن ﺻؤث ﺟﺑ رﺑﻳن و ﻋالﻗﺔ ذش أﺋن ﻳﺋﺎ دى ﻳﺎ ﺳم اﻟﻘﺎﺑم و ا ﺳم أﺑﻳﻪ ... و ﻗﺎن ع ال ﻳذ ﺻن ﺧﻧﻳب اﻟ ﺷؤﻗﻳب ﻗﺑن ﻗﺑن اﻟ ﺷؤﻗﻳب ﺧﻧﻳب ﺻن ﺣﻧ و ج اﻟﻘﺎﺋم ﻋﻠﻳﻪ اﻟ ﺳالم ﻋﻠﻳﻪ اﻟﻘﺎﺋم ﺣﻧ و ج Abu Baslr narrates from Imam al-Baqlr who has said, "The call will be heard Just in the month of Ramadan and it will be from Gabriel calling people and a caller from the skies will call the name of the Up^iSer and everybody in the east and the west will hear the call. Everyone who is asleep will wake.Everyone who is standing

1. (Kamal al-Dm, vol. 2, p. 650.)

1. (Kamal al-Din, vol. 2, p. 650.) .hearing the call ؟ ؛ar fr ؛ll stagd out of f؛t and everyone who is sitting w؛will s May Allah have mercy on those who take admonition from this call and answer it. The first call will be by Gabriel... the call will take place in the month of Rama- ,Do not doubt about it. Obey the call. At the end of the day آ؛اdan on Friday the 23 Iblis, (Satan) the cursed, will call... and he wants to confuse people by this call. Many will be confused and will become inmates of the fire. Therefore, if you hear a call in the month of Ramadan do not doubt because it is the call of Gabriel since it will call the name of the Upriser and his father... These two calls will defi- nitely be heard before the coming of the Upriser." (al-Ghaybat al Nu'mani, P.254) ﻏذ أﺑﺎن ﺑن ﻧﻌﻠب ﻗﺎل ﻗﺎن أﺑو ﻏﻳد اق ع إ ذ أؤن ص ﻳﺑﺎﻳﻊ اﻧﻘﺎﺋذ( ع ﺟﻳزﺋﻳن ع ﻳﻐزل ﻓﻰ طورة طﻳر أ ﺑ ﻳز طﻳر طورة ﻗﻴﻴﺎﻳﺜﻪ ج ﺑﺿﻊ رﺧالﻏﺘﻰ ﺑﻴﺖ اش اﻟﺧزام ؤ رﺟالﻏﺘﻰ ﺑﻴﺖ اﻧﺗﻔ د س ﺑﻢ ﻳﺗﺎدى ﺑﺻؤت طﻠق ﻧﻧق ﺳ ﻣ ﻌ ﻪ اﻟﺧال ﺋق اﺗﻰ أ'ﺋز اش ﻗال 'ﻗﺋﻘﺋﺟﺗوه ﻗ Aban bin Taghlib narrates from Imam al-sadiq who has said, "The first person who will pledge allegiance with the FJpriser will be Gabriel who will ascend in the form of a white bird. He will then put one of his feet on the Ka'bah and the other on Bayt al-Muqaddas and will call in eloquent Arabic in such a way that all of the creation will hear him. He will state that the command of Allah has come; race toward it." (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. 285, hadith 18) By: Sheikh Hamid Waqar 25

A Prayer at the Time of Occultation

اﻟﻠﻳز ﻏﻧﻔﺑ ﻰ ﺷش ﻓﺈ ذ إن ﻟز ﻧﻌن ﻓ ﻰ ﺷ ﺗن ﻟز Zorarah who was one of the أﻏﺮف ﻧﺗوﻟن اﻟﻠﻬز ﻏﻧﻔﺑ ﻰ ﻧﺗوﻟن ﻓﺈذ إذ ﻟز companions of Imam al-sadiq says that he heard from the Imam who ﺗ ﻐ ذ ﻓ ﻰ ﻧﺗوﻧذ ﻧز أﻏﺮن ﺧﻧ ن اﻟﺗﻳز ﻋ ذﻧ ﻰ ﻋ ذﻧ ﻰ has said, "Indeed for our Upriser ﺧﺑﻘن ﻓﺈذ إذ ﺗز ﺗ ﻌ ﻧ ﻔ ﻰ ﺧﺑﺗن ﻧﺘ ﻚ ﻏﺬ Imam al-Mahdi) will be an) ﻳﺑﻰد occultation that is before his appearance." Then the Imam 'O Allah! Endow Your recognition to continued, "O Zorarah! He is the me because if I do not recognize You awaited and the one that many then I will never be able to recognize people will doubt about his birth, Your Apostle. (while at that time he is born), some o Allah! Endow the recognition of of them will say that his father died Your Apostle on me because if You while having no progeny, ... some of do not confer the recognition of them will say that he is hidden and Your Apostle then I will never be some will believe that he has not able to recognize Your (Divine) been born, ..., but God wants to Proof (Imam al-Mahdi). examine people, but those who o Allah! Endow the recognition of follow falsehood will remain Your (Divine) Proof upon me be- doubtful about the truth." cause if you do not bestow the recog- Zorarah asked the Imam, "May I be nition of Your (Divine) Proof I may your ransom. If I am alive at that deviate from my religion.'" time what should I do?" the Imam [.Bihar al-Anwar, volume 52, page 146, hadith 70؛ replied, "O Zorarah! If you could see

Even ifyou pore o^er the entire universe, you will

In a na ration. Imam a .-Mahdi says to his Shias who wait for him,

ﻧ ز د ﻳ ﻜﺔ ,ألوان و اﻧطﻠﻣﻜ ت األﻋداء "Surely, we do not ne,‘gleet your cond -tion uor are we forgetful of fries would ha.-Ve destroyed؛.would have struck you aud your ene

You may not pray for him. You may buthekeeps continue' IK

رال س ﻟدالﻛذ' seeking being a ا ص ء ه| لايأا h im -دء.دء.ن٣ة ﻟ ﺋﺔ goodness for cause of You may ﻳﻘﺎ ز ت ؛ﻟ ال ردزل ﻟت you from anguish for desert him, You may not م٠ﺗد ء ائ٠ةر'ي٠ﻧ ﺗ ال Allah. him, but he but he never remember grii.rth.ri him but he؛؛ staves-off forsakes always upun ال٠ ٠ﻧ ر ' أل .your angst remembers

.you . ؛! ز ر ا ذا ﻧ ﻬ د ن . ؛1ﺑﺗراغ ﻫﻠم و ال ﻧﺎﺳﻳن ﺑذﻛر ى وﻟن ال ﻧ ﻠد m, terrible cal. m i ties ء ت .your rem em }ranee. Had it rot b een so

(.ge 175 you ." (Bihar al. Anwar, Volume 53, p٩

If you avoid


him he gives

the message

of getting

together. V

؛hi k id respoi s : e ه1 ﺳﺔء ie Heklo^ie^

The France Magazine Charlie Hebdo once more in his special edi- tion insulted the Islamic nation trough the inclusion of new cartoons mocking Islam's holy Prophet Mu- hammad (Peace be upon him) and supposedly is translated into 16 lan- guages with many copies available outside France. People attend a rally to protest against satiri- Moslems undoubtedly render it as a cal cartoons of prophet Mohammad, in hideous and blasphemous action Grozny, Chechnya January 19, 2015. (Photo by that will end to the detriment of Eduard Korniyenko/Reuters) those who made it. Holocaust into question? It is totally clear that freedom of The Prophet of Islam is the Moslems speech does not mean at all to pub- red line and those who violate this lish nonsense and to proceed with boundary will be forced to be held an irrational act of provocation. If responsible.The Prophet of Islam is such a freedom allows people to the Prophet of peace and unity and embark on doing everything, then those who study Islam will surely con- why the West does not permit his firm it. The movement of Takfiris' and people to put the issue of the those who commit terrorist acts on the name of Islam should not be at all re- garded Islamic. Our Prophet and we the Moslems firmly condemn such ac- tions. Nonetheless, the reason why the West tries to persuade others to be- lieve that these unholy actions are at- tributed to the merciful Prophet of Islam either proves their lack of knowl- edge and ignorance about the reality The clerics who condemn The France Magazine's of Islam or their desire to help the ter- depiction in Qum, Iran January 19, 2015. rorists in their goal that is nothing but to maximize the division. 30

Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, Leader of The Islamic Republic of Iran in his letter on 21 sjan, 2015 in a letter published online and shared over Twitter, appealed "to the Aouth in Europe and North America" to make an effort to understand Islam before condemn- ing it. The Supreme Leader, Rather than focusing on these specific events, tells his readers: "I don't insist that you accept my reading or any other reading of Islam. What I want to say is: Don't allow this dynamic and effective reality in today's world to be intro- duced to you through resentments and prejudices." Ayatollah



The Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi also declared Charlie Hebdo's depiction regarding insulting the great Prophet of Islam guilty and said in a part of his statement, "The truth is that the western politicians have no political sense and wisdom; otherwise they would not have entered such a con- flict with the world of Islam due to the atrocities of a small ex- tremist group and would not have started such a dangerous game instead of rational thinking." Love MUHAMMAD

I hate Terrorism I condemn insulting the holy prophets s M w

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 17 16 15 14 13 12 ٦٦ 12 13 14 15 16 17 February 2015 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Timeline The Uprising of Mukhtar al-Thaqafi, .f February 2015 A.D On Wednesday, the 4٩ (the 14*of Rabr al-Thani 1436 A.H.)

1370 years ago (685 A.D.) on the In 66 A.H., after leaving prison, same day, Mukhtar bin Abi 'Ubay- Mukhtfir announced the revolution dah al-Thaqafi rose up against who and began calling people to punish killed Imam al-Hussein and his com- the persons who committed the panions in Karbala. Karbala massacre. He received a Mukhtar was born in the first year of letter from Muhammad bin Hijra (622 A.D.) in Taif in Saudi al-Hanafiyyah, Ali's son, in which Arabia. In his youth, at the time of Muhammad announced his support second Caliph, he emigrated with to Mukhtar. He said: "It is not an act his family to . Mukhtar of our religion to leave the murder- joined BanU hashim and came to ers of al-Hussein alive! If I do not kill Iraq at the time of Imam Ali's govern- those who killed the males from ment. Later on, at the time of Imam among the family of Mohammad, al-Hussein, he paid homage to .peace be upon him, then I am a liar Muslim bin Aqil, the Imam's emis- in this world. I ask all to help me sary in KUfa, but after the martyr- against them. Food and drink are dom of Muslim bin Aqll in 60 A.H. not permissible for me until I purify Ubaidullah bin Ziyad (the Governor the earth from them.’ of KUfa appointed by Yazid) ar- Finally, Mukhtar was martyred by rested Mukhtar and imprisoned him the enemy of Ibn-e-Zubayr in KUfa. therefor, he was prevented to join His grave can be found at the back of the army of Imam al-Hussain in the Mosque of KUfa. karbala.

٩^February 201

1. I alAthr, al-Kahiil, V.3, P.369. ٥of February L 23

The Battle of Mutah, .On Monday, the 23٣٥of February 2015 A.D (.Jumadal-Ula 1436 A.H ؛the 4*0)

1386 years ago, in the eighth year of Zayd is martyred, choose Abdullah the Hijra (629 A.D.), the Prophet bin Rawaa as your commander". sent Harith bin Umayr with a letter After the martyrdom of these three to the governor of Busra .Busrd was commanders, Khalid bin Valid and a principality and its governor and Thabit bin Arqam managed to people were Arabs, but they were reftirn with the army to Medina Christians and they were subject to with a small amount of potential the Byzantine state in terms of for- losses, but inflicted a great loss on eign policy. Romans, which constituted a great When Harith arrived at MUtah, victory to Islam and Muslims. (town in present Jordan) Shurahbil The battle of Mu'tah is, according to (the governor of Damascus of the all military criteria, a miracle and a Byzantine Kaiser) commended his supernatural event. Just imagining people to murder him. The Prophet these two military powers leads to was distressed and after evaluating the conclusion that victory would the incident, he formed an army. decisively be in favor of the greater The Prophet first appointed Jafar army, but by the will of God, the bin Abi alib to command the army Muslim combatants who were that consisted of three thousand sol- 3.000 in number, faced more than diers and said, "If Jafar is martyred, 100.000 warriors of Roman let Zayd bin Haritha replace him; If Empire's army! The Anniversary of Lady Zaynab's Birthday,

On Tuesday, the 2 4 th of February 2015 A.D. (the 5 th of JumadalUla 1436 A.H.)

1389 years ago, in 5 th or 6th year of that together means "The ornament the Migration (626-627 A.D.) Lady of her father". In the year 16 A.H. Zaynab, the third child of Imam Ali She was married to Abdullah bin and Lady Fatima, was born in Jafar al-Tayydr. She had four boys, Medina. Like her two elder brothers, Auwn, Mohammad, Abbas and Ali. al-Hassan and al-Hussein, she was She also had one daughter called named by her grandfather, the KulthUm. Auvn and Mohammad Prophet Muhammad. When Lady were martyred with Imam al- Fatima brought her to Imam Ali and Husayn in Karbala. said, "Name her"! he replied, "I Zaynab's history itself speaks of her would not name her before Allah's honorable life. She was an exem- Messenger." At this time, the Proph- plary woman of great ability, intelli- et was on a trip and Gabriel descend- gence, knowledge, insight, courage ed to inform the Prophet about Al- and perseverance. She performed lah's blessings. When the Prophet re- her divine duties to the best of her turned he said, "The name of this ability in Karbala. Though, her life baby is Zaynab; Allah chose this was always laden with hardships name for her." The word zaynab is shenever feared copingwithdifficul- derived from two words: "Zain" and "Ab" ties, this enhanced her endurance and elevated her soul.

. t r j . v 1؛ ط ٦of February"26

Entrance of Imam Rida to Niyshabur, On Thursday, the 26th of February 2015 A.D. (the 7th of Jumadal-sUia 1436 A.H.)

In the year 817A.D. (201 A.H.), on heard from his father al-usayn bin the same day Ma'mUn, the cunning Ali saying that he heard from his Abbasid caliph, forcefully exiled father Ali bin Abi Talib saying that Imam Rida from Medina to Marw. he heard from the Holy Prophet (The city where MamUn's seat of ca- saying that he heard from Gabriel liphate was located). saying that Allah told him, "The Throughout his long journey, the word There is no God but Allah, is Imam had to pass through some My stronghold in which the reciter towns and villages. One of the inspir- of this holy verse can enter and then ing times of this journey is his mag- he will dwell there safely, and will nificent entrance to NiyshabUr and not suffer My wrath" and again the reciting a hadith called Silsilat al- Imam added the following words to Dhahab registered by 20,000 schol- what he had previously stated, "But ars and writers. The Imam granted all this depends on some conditions, the people's request and in his brief and I am considered to be one of address informed the huge gather- those conditions." ing about the real interpretation of What the Imam was implying is that La ilaha illallah (There is no god but the greatest of all conditions was a Allah). He said, "I have heard my sincere and a complete submission the day^ He then very ؛ ا ﻟ ﻞfather Mrhflfn Jaf^ saying ^at he to the 1 hammad saying that he, heard hiS any disloyalty to the Prophet and his father Muhammad bin Ali saying descendants would withdraw the of the entrance to the fortress ؛gh ؛ that he heard from his father r The Ritual .On Friday, the 20٤hof February 2015 A.D There is not any specific ritual in this month, hence we refer to a. ritual that is advised to be done on the first day of each^ month. It is recommended to offer a two unit prayer in the first unit of which, chapter al-Fatiha is recited once and chapter al-tawhid is repeated thirty times. In the second unit, al-Fatiha is recited once and chapter al-Qadr is repeated thirty times. After accomplishment, alms should be given. In is mentioned in Islamic narra- ؛tion hat whoever offers this prayer each ؛month, will win safety throughout that

ay be said ؛ 'جء ؟ ء ر ءurani ؟ number of when the prayer is done:

ا٠ﺑش ا ذ آﻟؤﺧﻣن أﻟ ؤ ﺣﻳم و ﻗ ﺎ ذ٠ ذاﺗﻪ ﻓ ﻰ أالﻧض إ أل ﺑ ش أذرﻧﻘﻬﺎؤ.ﺑﻐﻐﻳﺎﺷﺛﺈﻫﺎؤﻗﺳﺋؤدﻋﻬﺎﻛﻞ ﻓﻰ أذ رﻧﻘﻬﺎؤ.ﺑﻐﻐﻳﺎﺷﺛﺈ ﻫﺎؤﻗ ﺳﺋؤد ﻋﻬﺎﻛ ﻞ أﺑﺗﺎ ى ﻣﺑﻳ ن

In the Name of Allah the all-Beneficent, the' all-Merciful. And there is not a beast in the earth' but the sustenance thereof depended on Allah. He knows its habitation and its repository. All is in a clear Book.

ﺑ م آ ذ أﻧﺈ ﺣ ﻣ ف آﻟ ر ﺣﺑ ﻲ . و إ ذ ﻳ ﻬ ﺳ ذ آ ذ ﻳ ﻧ ﺈ ﻓال ﻛﺎ ﺷ ف ﻟ ﺔ إأل ﻏو و

إئ ﻛط٠ﺑ رذ ﺑ ﺣ ﻳ ر ﺻال واذ ﻟﻔ ﺻﻠ ﻪ ﻳ ﺻﻳ ب ﺑ ﻪ ﻣ ﺊ ﺳ ﺎء ﻣﺊ ﻋ ﺑ ﺎ د ه و ﻟ ﻬ ؤ أﻟﻌﻣور اﻟﻞ 4>* ; 40 of the Month (.of Jamadi a!-'Ula 1436 A.H ٤®The l)

In the Name of Allah; the all-Beneficent, the all-Merciful. If Allah afflicted thee with some hurt, there is none who can remove it save Him; and if He desired good for thee, there is none who can repel His bounty. He strikes with it whom He wills of his bondmen. He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. ﺑ ﻐ ﻢ أش أﻟﺬﺣﻤﻦ آوﺣﻴﻢ ﺗﻨﻴ ﺠﻔﻞ آش ﺑﻐﺪ ﻋﺌ ﺮ.ﺑﺌ ﺮأ ﻗﺎ ﻋﺌ ﺮ.ﺑﺌ ﺮأ ﺑﻐﺪ آش ﺗﻨﻴ ﺠﻔﻞ آوﺣﻴﻢ أﻟﺬﺣﻤﻦ أش ﺑ ﻐ ﻢ ﻧ ﺎ ؛ أث ال ﻗؤة إال ﺑ ﺎ ذ ﺧ ﺗ ﺗ ﺑ ﻧﺎ أش و ﻳﻐﻢ أﻧﻮﻛﻴﻦ و ا ﻳﻦ ا ﻳﻦ و أﻧﻮﻛﻴﻦ ﻳﻐﻢ و أش اﺋﺮى إﻟﻰ آﺑﺌﻪ إث آأله ﺑﻌﻴﻦ ﺑ ﺎ ﻟ ﻌ ﺑ ﺎ د In the Name of Allah; the all-Benefi- cent, the all-Merciful. Allah will bring about ease after difficulty. Only that which Allah will shall come to pass. There is no power save in Allah. Allah is Sufficient for US! Most Excellent is He in Whom we trust. And I entrust my affair to Allah. Surely; Allah sees the servants. ال إﻟﺔ إآل اﺋث ﺗ ﺑ ﺣﺎ ﻗ ن إر ﻛﺋث ﻣﻦ آﻟﻐﺎﻟﻤﻴﻦ ﻣﻦ There is no God, but You. All glory be to You. Verily, I have been a wrongdoer.

ذ ئ إ ر ت ﻟذ١ ﺋ ذ 1 ﻟ ﺊ ﻣ ز ﺧﻳر ﻓﻘﻳن ﺧﻳر o Allah! Surely I stand in need of whatever good You .end down to me ؟

ذ ئ ال ﺗ ذ ذﻳ ﻰ ﻓﻧ دأ واﻧت ﺧﻳذ آﻟﺆارﺑﻴﻦ OAllah, leave me not alone; andYou are he Best of inheritors. Teenage c.rner 42

1 ج. ®ج!ة!®®ع A 1 1 س Imam ء®

The life of Imam al-Mahdi is comprised of three periods with so man; ups and downs: His Hiding Period ٠ His Minor Occultation ٠ His Major Occultation ٠ The Hiding Period: Imam al-Mahdi's hidden life started from his birth until his father was martyred. In this period. Imam al-Hassan al-Askari, the elev- enth Imam, informed his close friends and compan- ions of the birth of Imam al-Mahdi by writing letters and sacrifice offering on the seventh day of his newly- born child. Some people succeeded to visit the Imam of the Age in this period. Mohammad ibn Uthman, who is a great Shiite figure, says that forty people of US from the Shiite community (who were chosen by the eleventh Imam himself) came together in secret. Pointing to his son. Imam al-Hassan al-Askari said, 'After my death, this is your Imam (leader) and my sue- cessor. Obey him, and don't fall into division (in your religion) after my death; otherwise you will be destroyed." The Period of Occultation: This period began when the eleventh Imam was martyred and it will prolong until Imam al-Mahdi appears again. The reason why Imam al-Mahdi went into hiding said to be both preserving his life from danger and people's trial. His occultation is of two distinct stages: The Minor Occultation: This time began in 260 A.H. when the !*Im am was martyred) and lasted for about seventy years till 329 A.H. The most important characteristic of this period is that people were able to communicate with the Imam through his special deputies like 'Uthman ibn Said 'Amri, Hussein ibn RUh and All ibn Muhammad Samori. During this time, people asked the Imam through his spe- cial deputies their questions and received his ^no ؛answers. In this period of time, people di have a direct contact with the Imam and only a few of his sincere companions succeeded to visit him. The Major Occultation: On the last days of the life of the forth deputy, the Imam of the Age in a letter made him aware of his death in six days and asked him not to in- troduce anyone as a special deputy. In this way, the period of Major Occultation started. The Imam in this period of time, has referred his Shia to expert Shiite scholars and jurists. Corner Of course, it is worth noticing that even though the Imam is hidden from the eyes of humanity, people continue to benefit from the light of - his existence. In the famous narra- tion from the holy Prophet and Imam al-Mahdi himself, hidden Imam has been compared to "the sun behind the clouds" whose rays cast upon humanity. In this period, with its ups and downs, people must look ١ ١ ر -forward to his arrival and be cau ؛ tious about doing their duties and pave the ground for his appearance. During this time, some people sue- ceeded to visit him. This period of his appearance will last till God de- cides. When the ground is paved and the signs of appearance such as Sofyani uprising and the heavenly call are manifested, he will appear in and proclaim his appearance in the sacred Mosque (Masjid al-Hardm) while accompanied by his followers. After dominating Mecca and settling the possible problems, he will set off for Medina and some other places in order to eradicate op- pression and polytheism in the world and to spread justice and equity on the earth. It is during this time when the poor become prosper- ous and the rain will fall down abun- dantly, everywhere will be green and the real religion of God that is Islam will be practiced by people willingly. Teenage

Imam al-Mahdi and Allamah Sheikh Muqaddas Ardabili Corner

During the time of physical absence of the Imam, some people got the op- tired of studying and went to the porhmity to meet him in person courtyard of the shrine of Imam Ali while they could understand that he bin Abi Tilib. In moonlight, I saw a is their Imam, as a result, they got person coming towards the shrine of benefitted from the Imam by asking Imam Ali. For a moment, I thought him their questions or by being that he was a thief who intended to cured from their diseases. commit a robbery. I followed him to Allamah Sheikh Muqaddas Arda- realize the matter. beli is one of these fortunate people. The man went to the shrine and con- He was an outstanding Shia scholar tinued to move towards the grave. and it is well known about him that He stood there and saluted the whenever he faced a difficult prob- Imam and said something that since lem in regard with an Islamic issue I was far from him I could not real- which he was unable to solve, he ize it. Then the man went out and used to go to the shrine of Imam Ali headed towards the mosque of bin Abi Tllib to take resource to the Kufa. Imam to present his problem and to I, who was totally curious to find out ask the Imam to help him find out the reality about what he was doing the solution. at that late midnight, followed him One of the students of him who was to find out more about him. When following his teacher closely states: he reached the mosque of Kufa, he entered the Mihrab (niche of prayers where the Imam stands) and began to converse with someone in a sub- dued voice and totally politely. After the conversation was over, the man came out of the mosque and walked back. It was almost dawn when he was near the gate of the city. Sudden- ly, I felt like sneezing and though I tried my best to suppress it, I could not. The man who heard it turned around and came towards me. On a closer look, I recognized him to be my honorable teacher, the grea scholar Allamah Sheikh Muqadd Ardabili. After conveying my salaam to him, I said, "From the time, you entered the Holy Shire till now, I ha- ve been following you andnd I beg to know the story. With whom were you talking that much pol- itely in the mosque of Kufa?" Allamah first put me under an oath not to disclose this secret till was alive. Then proceeded to tell r that whenever he came across a diffi- cult problem in Islamic laws which he could not solve, he usually tried to present this query to Imam Ali and ask him to help. Last night, he was inspired to go to the mosque of Kufa to ask Imam al-Mahdi for fur- therhelp. Then the Allahmah continued, "I went to the mosque of Kufa and found that Imam al-Mahdi was pres- ent there standing in the Mihrab. I presented my problem to my Master and received the solution." - - - Your words It's my pleasure to thank you for this great effort. May Allah Ta’ala reward you abundantly. (Hashim Sabo)

Great read in fact so satiating to the soul to read about the Master of our Time (s). (Naveed Fatima)

I think that this issue is very important because it is .drawing the future for human and give the happiness ٠ (Hakim al.Hatami)

Salaams, Insha'Allah all is well. I took a look at the magazine. Alhamdulillah, it seems to be a great ser- vice. (Hamid Waqar)

This magazine leaves no stone unturned regarding ٠ Islam and the Holy Prophet. (Fiz Raza Hamdani)

Salamun alaikum, I am highly obliged to you for giving me a great opportunity to serve the Imam. I ٠ wish to try to do my best in my limited way. It may take a little time for me to collect references etc. and to ٠ send it to you. Please pray for me and my family. (A. f .K. Ahmad)