S154 bus time schedule & line map

S154 - Elswick View In Website Mode

The S154 bus line Walbottle - Elswick has one route. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Elswick: 2:42 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest S154 bus station near you and nd out when is the next S154 bus arriving.

Direction: Elswick S154 bus Time Schedule 30 stops Elswick Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 2:42 PM Walbottle Campus, Walbottle Tuesday 2:42 PM Hexham Road-Campus, Walbottle Wednesday 2:42 PM Hexham Road-Hawthorn Terrace, Walbottle Thursday 2:42 PM

Walbottle Friday 2:42 PM

Old Hexham Road-Stephenson Terrace, Walbottle Saturday Not Operational Stephenson Terrace,

Hexham Road- Road Ends, Lemington

Lemington Road Ends, West Denton S154 bus Info Direction: Elswick A69-The Burnside, West Denton Stops: 30 Trip Duration: 30 min West Road-South View, Line Summary: Walbottle Campus, Walbottle, Hexham Road-Campus, Walbottle, Hexham Road- South View, Hawthorn Terrace, Walbottle, Walbottle, Old Hexham Road-Stephenson Terrace, Walbottle, Hexham Road- West Road-A1, Denton Burn Lemington Road Ends, Lemington, Lemington Road Ends, West Denton, A69-The Burnside, West Denton, West Road, Denton Burn West Road-South View, Denton Burn, West Road-A1, Denton Burn, West Road, Denton Burn, Denton Road- Denton Road-West Road, Denton Burn West Road, Denton Burn, View, Denton Burn, Whickham View Terminus, Denton Burn, Whickham View, Denton Burn Whickham View-Thorntree Drive, Denton Burn, Whickham View-Muscott Grove, , Whickham Whickham View Terminus, Denton Burn View-Fergusons Lane, Benwell, Ferguson's Lane- Broadwood Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne Brambles Dykes, Benwell, Ferguson's Lane-Church, Benwell, Benwell Village, Benwell, Pease Avenue, Whickham View-Thorntree Drive, Denton Burn Benwell, West Road-Roman Fort, , West Road-College, Fenham, West Road-Shipley Avenue, Whickham View-Muscott Grove, Benwell Fenham, West Road-The Plaza, Fenham, Westgate Muscott Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne Walk-In Centre, Fenham, Newcastle C.A.V Campus, Fenham, Westgate Road-Gloucester Road, Arthur's Whickham View-Fergusons Lane, Benwell Hill, Westgate Road-Elswick Street, Arthur's Hill, Westgate Road-Tindal Street, Elswick Ferguson's Lane-Brambles Dykes, Benwell Ferguson's Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Ferguson's Lane-Church, Benwell Benwell Village, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Benwell Village, Benwell Ferguson's Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Pease Avenue, Benwell Pease Avenue, Newcastle Upon Tyne

West Road-Roman Fort, Fenham

West Road-College, Fenham

West Road-Shipley Avenue, Fenham 170 West Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne

West Road-The Plaza, Fenham 482 Westgate Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Westgate Walk-In Centre, Fenham

Newcastle C.A.V Campus, Fenham

Westgate Road-Gloucester Road, Arthur's Hill Kingsley Terrace, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Westgate Road-Elswick Street, Arthur's Hill

Westgate Road-Tindal Street, Elswick 304 Westgate Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne S154 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North East and Cumbria. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved