ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCH.COM 75 ¢ NEWSSTAND | 40 ¢ HOME DELIVERY FRIDAY | AUGUST 2, 2019 CPD focuses on removing illegal guns from streets Shelton also discusses officer conduct, community policing at overview meeting BY ISABELLE ALTMAN
[email protected] Getting stolen guns off the street has become a pri- ority for Columbus Police Department, Chief Fred Shelton told the CPD Over- view Committee Shelton during its meeting Thursday at the Columbus Municipal Complex. The topic came up when board member Leroy Lollar asked how 17-year-old Curtis Lathan, who has been charged with murder, got the gun that killed 16-year-old Arykah See OVERVIEW COMMITTEE, 3A Amanda Lien/Dispatch Staff Starkville-Oktibbeha Consolidated School District Superintendent Eddie Peasant speaks with SOCSD convocation speaker and original Freedom Writer Manny Scott at Lee Hall on Mississippi State University’s campus on Thurs- day. Scott encouraged teachers to build better relationships with students by recounting how one of his high school teachers in Los Angeles helped change his trajectory. Alabama man ‘Freedom Writer’ recounts inspiration arrested for he received from high school teacher shooting teen Manny Scott encourages SOCSD faculty to prioritize building student relationships Alleged shooter is BY AMANDA LIEN Still, he said, prayer never hurts. at Wilson High School in Los An-
[email protected] “I just had this feeling that teach- geles, California where, more than second suspect to be ers here needed the reminder of 30 years ago, he was part of Erin STARKVILLE — While driv- their ability to be the salt and light Gruwell’s English class.