CEDAR CREST COLLEGE THE CRESTIAD Thursday, February 18, 2016 | VOL. 101 No.4 OMIGOD YOU BARBIE’S #OSCARSSOWHITE NEW GUYS IT’S BODY Lack of diversity in OPENING NIGHT Oscar nomnations OF LEGALLY stir controversy BLONDE page 4 page 7 page 8 Cedar Crest’s Cedar Crest launches strategic plan nursing BY REBEKKAH program on PARSONS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF the rise BY JAMIE WOJCIECHOWSKI edar Crest Col- CEDAR CREST COLLEGE IS A LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE C PRIMARILY FOR WOMEN DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION OF THE NEXT STAFF WRITER lege is currently in the GENERATION OF LEADERS. CEDAR CREST COLLEGE PREPARES STUDENTS FOR LIFE IN A process of a strategic GLOBAL COMMUNITY BY EDUCATING THE WHOLE STUDENT AT ALL STAGES OF LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. Another year goes by plan which started on as the nursing program Aug. 31 that is going to at Cedar Crest is praised. “strengthen what we do THE ASPI TION OF OTHERS In 2015 Cedar Crest grad- well as well as add new, uates consistently scored innovative ideas to the above the state board college” said co-chair, mandated pass rate with ACADEMIC TRANSFORMATIONAL INVESTMENT IN A COLLEGE OF Gaetan Giannini. EXCELLENCE STUDENT EXPERIENCE TOMORROW’S EDUCATION GREATER IMPACT a NCLEX pass rate of 96 STUDENT Global Thought Leader Enhanced Reputation percent . For those of you in Adult and Traditional Leaders Able to Navigate and Increasingly Diverse, There are four major STAKEHOLDER Shape a Complex World Further-Reaching Institution and Distinction of parts of the plan: the  Education for Women the College who do not know much about this, the average col- Board of trustees, the FINANCIAL Strategic Investments Investments in the Increase in Net Tuition Investment in Marketing RESOURCES in Academic Programs Student Experience Revenue / Increased and Brand Expansion / lege pass rate, according planning team, theme  Fundraising Increased Fundraising to the National Council of teams and the commu- INTERNAL Leveraged Innovative A College-Wide Paradigm Intentional Development Learning Environments Strategic Recruitment PROCESSES for Student Engagement and Retention Activities and Sharing of State Boards of Nursing, is nity. The strategic plan  and Practices Across a Diverse Population Institutional Stories 87 percent in a baccalau- was then split into vari- Educational Spaces and Campus Spaces Focused Enhanced Natural Campus Centers INFRASTRUCTURE Technology for Evolving on Student Success Environment and that Serve Local and reate setting. This is excit- ous steps. Academic Needs and Engagement Physical Campus National Communities  ing news for current junior “The strategic plan Increased Number of Intentionally Designed Regional, National and A Culture of ORGANIZATIONAL Signature Academic nursing students Brittney is important because CAPACITY and Integrated Student International Pipelines for Enterprising Experts  Programs Engagement Experiences Enrollment Growth in Higher Education Billmeyer, she said, it drives everything at “It’s more than just a the college” said Giannini. PHOTO | MARKETING DEPARTMENT like Blaney Hall, using the pil- Shown above is the strategy map that pass rate. It’s a standard “The strategic plan drives Cedar Crest plans to follow. lars to separate the four main of nursing. Cedar Crest programming and the direc- themes of the plan. “The Aspi- clude: Academic Excellence, Trans- doesn’t have classes of tion of the future. We are us- ration of Others” is found at the formational Student Experience, In- students who can pass a ing this to be a model of 21st top because that’s what the plan vestment in Tomorrow’s Education, test. Students who leave century women’s colleges.” will focus on. The themes range and A College of Greater Impact, as Cedar Crest leave with the The big picture of the plan areas across campus and in- depicted in the map. confidence to take care is laid out in a map shaped of patients in any setting. See STRATEGIC, page 2 We can advocate, ques- tion, and critically think. That’s what this 96 per- MBA influences changes on campus cent means to me.” In January of 2016, the BY MIRANDA ALVAREZ Cedar Crest College Nurs- STAFF WRITER ing Program was ranked number eight in the “Top 10 Up and Coming Nurs- Upon coming back ing Schools in the East from winter break there was for 2016”. The methodol- a lot of excitement over the ogy behind the ranking renovations in two class- was a point system with rooms located in Curtis Hall; each category worth one there were rumors of white point. The system was board walls and new technol- based on innovative and ogy. When the classrooms instructive methods, use opened up, students and of cutting-edge techno- faculty were impressed by the logical resources, recent new aesthetic of these rooms, facility additions/reno- pointing out that they were vations, related student unlike anything Cedar Crest organizations and societ- ies, flexible track option, has done before. The reno- istration. PHOTO | JULIANA WALL Students sit in math class while working in the community connections vation of these classrooms The MBA program, which was the renovated rooms. The whiteboard walls and and a “wow” factor. Cedar stemmed from the desire to added this year, has been thriv- televisions provide new ways of learning. Crest had a score of six to create an environment which ing. With classes filling up and earn the eighth spot, with matched the enthusiasm gaining momentum quickly in behind Cedar Crest’s new the fall semester, the program See MBA, page 2 See NURSING, page 2 Master’s in Business Admin- 2 NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016

Cedar Crest saddened by loss of business From MBA, page 1 professor Michael Donovan found it necessary to invest in creating a space just as exciting BY REBEKKAH PARSONS that his father really enjoyed work- as the program’s growth. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ing on campus, “I think what made The updated classrooms do in fact ABIGAIL ORMISTON Dad unique is that he was never feature walls which have been cured MANAGING EDITOR searching for a dream job, he was searching for how he could make a in order to work as white boards Cedar Crest College is saddened difference in the job he had. I think and these fun new walls have been by the passing of Michael Donovan, he found a lot of joy in the positive paired with very appropriate car- associate professor of business. impact he could have on students at Cedar Crest.” peting, which after taking a second Donovan was a loved member of glance actually portrays a repetitive the Cedar Crest Community and Ned Donovan told us how his father possessed a passion for education. loved helping people and was more design of the alphabet. He was a friend and a mentor on than just a professor, but a coach, a On the technical side, the class- campus. Donovan was also involved friend, and a father. room includes a monitor which al- around the Allentown area. He published many articles and was a member of the Chamber of Com- lows the professor and students to “Michael was a professor of unpar- project their work in order to better alleled passion. The outpouring merce, Allentown City Council, the of support from individuals upon American Sociological Association, share with the entire class. The up- whom he had an impact is a testa- the Institution for Management Ac- dates that seemed most exciting to ment to his level of engagement countants, the American Produc- tion and Inventory Control Society, the Dean of the School of Adult and with people from many walks of PHOTO | MARKETING DEPARTMENT Graduate Education and professor life. He will be deeply missed by the American Political Science As- Gaetan Giannini were the pods and all of his colleagues, students, and sociation of Urban Affairs Associa- the community of Allentown” said Crest in August of 2004. He was in- tion. how collaborative the space has Carmen Ambar, President of Cedar terested in making improvements Donovan received his B.A in Polit- been made. Featuring individual Crest College. in the urban region and possessed ical Science from Bowdoin College a desire to improve the lives of in Maine and his M.B.A from Co- desks arranged into a honeycomb “He was always smiling and was like shape the classroom truly nur- happy. He also had patience with residents who face poverty and lumbia University Graduate School me regarding my language and I discrimination in the surrounding of Business in New York. Donovan tures group work and discussion. learned a lot from him” said Ahmed area. was also a certified management The addition of the MBA program accountant. Alammred, freshman accounting “Professor Donovan believed in and the classroom innovations are student who had Donovan for his being diligent and he personified Prior to coming to Cedar Crest the concept by being a person of Donovan had an extensive resume just the beginning of changes here Business as a Social Process class. at Cedar Crest College. In regards Donovan was a loved member of action as in the Nike motto of “Just as he had a career at the Bank of the college community and can be do it!”.He thoroughly researched Boston where he worked with mu- to the MBA program, the Business remembered for his wisdom. each issue followed by a plan of nicipal and international banking. Department is working on adding In a press release, Cedar Crest re- action to accomplish what he de- He worked as an industrial engi- termined needed to be done then neer at Data General Corporation new concentrations and certificates flected on this with one of his most in studies having to do with data an- known quotes, “I am diligent at put- went ahead to do it” said Ibolya Ba- and was the general manager of ting one foot in front of the other. log, associate professor and chair of a microcomputer retailer. He was alytics and business within health- Don’t stand still. Don’t wallow in the Department of Business, Man- also the director of an economic de- care. Additionally, the Business De- self-pity. Find something to do and agement and Economics and Don- velopment agency. partment is in the process of hiring love. I can be optimistic at remain- ovan’s colleague. “This applied to He is survived by his two sons, adopting new teaching methods in Will and Ned Donovan and his two new faculty members who will ing diligent and not giving up, even hopefully bring high-spirited ener- when confronting negative events.” his classes as well as his communi- step-daughters Catya Donahower Donovan started teaching at Cedar ty engagement by being elected to (Class of 2007) and Devan Turcotte gy to the department. With all the City Council in Allentown.” (Class of 2011). changes the department hopes to His son, Ned Donovan, explained ride the momentum, which has al- dent experience, conceived holistical- From STRATEGIC, page 1 we have here, yet we often feel some- ready created so much excitement, what invisible in the broader Lehigh ly, is emerging as the center piece of “The Strategic Plan will lay out a Valley and the US more generally” the plan. Academic and co-curricular and continue to flourish. road map to the College’s future. It said Meade. programming and recommendations The classroom and all the depart- will define what we want the insti- During step three, the planning for student space are all coming for- ment changes will hopefully serve ward in recognition of how they work tution to be over the next 3-5 years process officially kicked off with a as a model and inspiration for reno- and will undoubtedly be ambitious presentation of the plan to the board. together to create a student learning and optimistic in scope. I suspect On Oct. 22, the next step, Communi- and living experience” said Meade. vations across campus. The college we will see initiatives that will trans- ty Day took place to mark the official “The plan is inclusive in creation. has already begun transforming form physical spaces all over campus, start of the plan. Campus was closed The faculty and staff are coming to- the campus and it will most likely add new programs and student expe- and there was a campus wide interac- gether to create this plan” said Gi- riences, and increase our visibility tive presentation held in Lees Hall to annini. continue as we continue to see new to the community at large. Current introduce the plan to everyone. This While, Cedar Crest is approaching benefits. Cedar Crest College with students will be proud alumnae when lead to CREDO presenting a draft this plan by being inclusive in the its active and dedicated cabinet and creation, that’s very rare for a plan of most of the plan is enacted, and I of the strategic plan to the Planning faculty is charging forward towards hope that they will see how their time Team during the next step. this magnitude. Higher education is at Cedar Crest impacted the plan for The sixth step kicked off the new changing especially for small private innovation and creating a campus the future,” said Provost and co-chair year with Town Hall meetings that colleges, according to Giannini. which truly serves the college’s Elizabeth Meade. will then introduce the entire strat- Cedar Crest’s previous strategic vibrant community. Changes and plan cost approximately $3.5 mil- Step one, which took place in Au- egy map to the whole campus and progress is blooming and there is gust, was the designation of the plan- invite feedback. These meetings are lion, through 2014. “We are excited ning team. This team consists of the specific to each theme. Leading to about the new strategic plan and are so much to look forward to. President’s Cabinet plus an equal the seventh step, theme teams were looking forward to it having an even “We are in a really good period of number of the most respected facul- established. greater impact than the one we are time,” Giannini said. “And have real- ty and staff who will come together A theme team is co-chaired by a completing” said Giannini. to think creatively and innovatively member of the planning committee The new strategic plan is set to be- ly seen a renaissance and a growth and oversee the plan the entire time. and one other faculty or staff mem- gin in January 2017 and will launch and we are really excited about do- Among this team are: President’s ber. In addition to the other four to during the 150th anniversary of the ing new things.” Cabinet, Bob Wilson, Kerrie Baker, seven experts on the teams. The college. Larry Quarino, Calley Stevens-Taylor, team will then call for initiatives for Kevin Barry, Allen Snook, and Lauren that specific theme from the College From NURSING, page 1 Condon. community before they review and Step two, which took place a month evaluate the submissions. the second ranked Towson Univer- work hard to maintain a NCLEX later, was the Faculty and Adminis- In February, during the eighth step sity in Towson, Maryland, having a rate that is well above the state and trative Council Meeting. During this of the process the board will be pro- score of 7 points. national levels and for this they are meeting the council met with a high- vided with the finalized map and be Sharon M. Melincavage,Associate to be commended. The college of- er education consulting firm, CRE- brought up to date on the work of the fers its support by providing faculty DO, and learned approaches to stra- Theme Teams. Professor of Nursing and Director tegic planning and outline how the Step nine of the plan begins in of the Graduate Nursing Program and students with state of the art input of faculty and staff will be for March when each team will present said, “The collaborative effort be- labs and simulation centers. The the process. top initiatives to the Planning Team tween students, faculty, staff, and nursing faculty is committed to “I am excited about the potential to for consideration in crafting the final clinical sites helped the nursing de- educating the next generation of raise the profile of the College. We plan. partment achieve this recognition. nurse leaders.” all know what an amazing College “I am also excited by how the stu- The nursing students themselves THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 NEWS | PAGE 3 A new skin Zika virus hits close to home BY MICHELLE CHAVEZ called NEWS EDITOR Lehigh University’s Vice-Pro- Integra vost of Student Affairs John BY JILLIAN SHAFFER Smeaton announced last Wednes- LIFE AND CULTURE EDITOR day that one of their students had tested positive for the Zika vi- rus after studying abroad for the ccording to the American A break, but has since recovered. Burn Association a survey conduct- The Zika virus case at Lehigh is ed in 2011 concluded that 486,000 part of a greater global concern, burn injuries had occurred that one that pushed the World Health year and were receiving medical at- Organization to announce a Pub- tention. However, not all these vic- lic Health Emergency of Interna- tims are always able to recover from tional Concern on Feb. 1. these injuries, so that they may con- One in every five people in- tinue to live their life as they used fected with Zika show symptoms to. In fact many people have per- such as fever, rash, or joint pain, manent damage from burns either according to the Center for Dis- in the form of scars or internally ease Control and Prevention. In wounded tissue. In some cases the addition, the CDC states that burns are so extensive that the body people rarely die of the infection. can no longer function and they die. However, the real danger of Zika Even if a patient is able to survive PHOTO | “LEHIGH UNIVERSITY ADMISSIONS STAIRS” BY JAMESON WILLIAMS is with the possible link between from these burns their body will IS LICENSED UNDER CC ATTRIBUTION-SHARE ALIKE 3.0 UNPORTED it and microcephaly, a neurolog- still be covered in scars which could ical disorder that affects the de- lead to self-esteem issues and even The CDC recommends that peo- The first outbreak, according to The velopment of a newborn’s head self-harm due to the idea of no lon- ple trying to get pregnant orare New England Journal of Medicine, size that leads to developmental ger fitting in or not being “normal.” currently pregnant should hold was in the Yap Island in Micronesia issues, and Guillain-Barre Syn- However, because of a new scien- off on travelling to the affected where there was 49 confirmed cas- drome, an auto-immune disorder tific study there is now a new arti- regions in South America. es. Since then, the virus has spread that can eventually lead to paraly- ficial skin called Integra created by The CDC also recommends that towards the Western Hemisphere, sis, according to the WHO. Loannis Yannas and his colleague everyone protect against mos- possibly aided by travelers to the The link between the virus and John Burke, which can help the skin quito bites, the major method of World Cup in Brazil, according to the disorders have not yet been on these victims heal. It was also spread. Vox. confirmed, and many experts and created to replace bandages which Between 1947 and 2007, there Though the virus is not affect- scientists are working towards can’t seal large areas of burned skin. was only 14 documented cases of ing students around the area, all learning more about the spread Not only would this be able to cover the Zika virus in humans, mainly should be mindful when traveling and effects of the virus, as well as large areas of skin, but the material located in West African countries for spring break. create a vaccine. makes it cover these areas fast. and in the Southeast Asia area. Time is critical when taking care of these burns because the skin is so Because of this life saving inven- The Neighborhood Center exposed that it makes it much easi- tion many people will now be able Lutz Center Fri, Feb 26 from 5:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. er for bacteria to make its way into to live even with severe burns. As of Off Campus the body. This bacteria will then now it has already saved thousands Hugs and Hope Card Making grow quickly and infect the body Events of lives STEM Valley Pop-Up Programs Fri, Feb 26 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. from the inside out which could Fri, Feb 19 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Multicultural Center lead to death. Off Campus Girl Scout Workshop Integra is a new form of skin that The Neighborhood Center Sun, Feb 28 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. helps the body grow new skin with- Fri, Feb 19 from 5:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. TCC 1867 out growing scars. This is possible Off Campus County Meadows Retirement Bak- because Integra is made of collagen Hugs and Hope Card Making ing Day polymers similar to the ones found Fri, Feb 19 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Wed, Mar 2 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 in actual skin cells. The process Multicultural Center p.m. works in which the skin is placed Cedarbrook Bingo Day onto the body and over time the Wed, Feb 24 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 Find more on-going opportunities “fake skin cells” are able to copy the p.m. or other future events at givepulse. same genetic makeup as the origi- Off campus com nal cells and dissolve to the naked eye.

Cedar Crest College, Phone 610-606-4666 Ext 3331 100 College Dr., The Crestiad Spring 2016 [email protected] Allentown, Pa. 18104 crestiad.com

Editor-in-Chief News Editor Opinion Editor Staff Writers Rebekkah Parsons Michelle Chavez Juliana Wall Miranda Alvarez, Kim-Lynn Tran, Allison Rittle, Shawnda Johnson, Managing Editor Jamie Wojciechowski Abigail Ormiston Life & Culture Editor Study Break Editor Jillian Shaffer Kristina Litonjua Academic Advisor Front Page Editor Elizabeth Ortiz Juliana Wall Arts & Entertainment Editor Athletics Editor Abigail Ormiston Rebekkah Parsons Professional Advisor Dannah Hartman The Crestiad is a student run newspaper organization. It publishes one edition every other week throughout the Fall and Spring semesters, avail- able both in print and online at www.cedarcrest.edu/crestiad. Its primary goals are to keep students informed about events and issues of concern to the Cedar Crest community and to provide staff members with an on-campus internship-quality media experience. Students participating in The Crestiad may receive academic credit for their participation. The final responsibility for news content and decisions rests with the editorial staff. The Crestiad is the student-run newspaper of Cedar Crest College and every member of the community is entitled to one copy free of charge. QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS? If you have any questions about The Crestiad or concerns regarding content, please call the editorial staff and leave a message by phone, mail or e-mail. 4 OPINIONS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 Barbie looks like us now Let’s talk about gun control BY REBEKKAH PARSONS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

ment one of these shootings How long can we sit back happens, people find a million and watch mass shooting after excuses as to why the shoot- mass shooting happen before er did it. They blame a mental we do something? illness, or some other excuse. There’s not time but the pres- That’s not good enough. We ent to have the serious conver- need to make them responsible sation around gun control. A for what they did. Make them conversation that is long over- responsible for their actions. due. Our world lives in constant I’m not saying eliminate guns fear, not knowing if going to completely. But we don’t need PHOTO | MATTEL the movies is going to lead to a assault weapons in our homes. BY MIRANDA ALVAREZ shooting. Parents fear sending There’s no need for anyone to STAFF WRITER their children to school because buy an assault weapon. of the amounts of shootings that As of right now, America is around with height and weight. have occurred this year alone. the leading country in the world Barbie recently released What I did not realize was that But we refuse to talk about for gun ownership. I know, it’s new additions to their collection the variations were not mixed it. Instead, we argue about how one of our rights granted by and the company is consider- and matched. I see curvy Barbie offensive a red cup from - the bill of rights, but our rights ing it “The Evolution of Barbie.” and petite Barbie, but I do not bucks seems to be. We argue don’t include killing people. In Their evolution includes the in- see a petite and curvy Barbie. I and get offended by pointless fact, that’s the opposite of what troduction of three new body scrolled frantically analyzing the stuff when we need to focus on we are supposed to do. types including: tall, petite, and midriffs of the dolls hoping to find the important. There are more guns in our curvy. Barbie as a company has at least one who had the “pooch” We are becoming a nation country than in Afghanistan also made efforts to represent on her lower abdomen, which so that doesn’t blink an eye when a and Mexico. the dolls in a wider variety of ca- many women dread. Also, why mass shooting occurs. Instead, We need to push for a better reers than in previous years. do all the curvy Barbies still have the news just brushes over the system for background checks; When I first heard the news I thigh gaps? Where is athletic topic. something that is simple and was ecstatic, finally there could Barbie, with thick toned thighs? Whenever talk about gun con- thorough. Have more conse- be a Barbie doll that somewhat How about a freckled Barbie doll, trol comes to the table, people quences for those who don’t resembled me. In the address bar where is she hiding? jump all over the Bill of Rights. turn in the paperwork. Maybe of my web browser I typed in the In the end I am happy that the According to the second amend- require the person to take a all too familiar Barbie.com. company has finally listened to ment, we have the right to bear class on properly maintaining As the site is loading, I rem- the so desired changes. I think arms. Which is true, that’s not the gun. inisce on all the hours I spent the new dolls will help young the problem. If everyone prac- We regulate our cars. Why holding an obscenely thin girls begin to understand that ticed this right in a safe way we can’t we regulate our guns? We blonde doll and pretending to be beauty is not merely one aesthet- wouldn’t be talking about this. have to pass driving tests to her. I am excited for all the girls ic, rather that it can be found in But that’s not the case. Truth is, drive a car. Why don’t we have who will now be able to hold a a multitude of complexions, hair it’s something that as a nation to pass gun safety tests to own doll that better represents her textures, and thigh sizes. I hope needs to be addressed. a gun? Simply changing the and the uniquely beautiful wom- that because the changes have Part of the problem is that we law to state that they need to en around her. been called an “evolution” by the try to put restrictions on who be properly trained to own the However, after browsing the company that our dolls will con- can carry guns, but these people gun might be a step in the right website, I am slightly disap- tinue to evolve to meet more re- find access to them. The back- direction. It won’t solve all of pointed. Yes, Barbie has finally alistic standards. May the dream ground checks often take lon- our problems, there will still be taken the initiative to diversify house one day host women as ger than they should, or they ar- crazy things that happen in our their products, but I still wish curvaceous, thin, pear shaped, en’t as thorough as they should world. We can’t eliminate all they would have tried to emulate tall, dark, light, freckled, kinky, be. There are people who need evil. the real woman more. wide nosed, large and small help: the drug addicts, mentally But it’s a start. It’s worth the I look at the women around breasted dolls as the ones we see ill who can gain access to dead- try. We need to stop walking me here at Cedar Crest and I in our daily lives. ly weapons. on egg shells and living in a see strong beautiful women who As if that’s not enough—we world full of passively trying to even with the changes cannot don’t change after one of these fix things and start making at- identify with the Barbie doll. mass shootings happen. Laws tempts to fix the issue. Personally, I was so excited to don’t change because god for- find out that Barbie was playing bid we offend anyone. The mo- Campus Corner Is Valentine’s Day a worth-while holiday or a scam to Olivia Pastures spend more money? Social Work Major Sophomore BY JILLIAN SHAFFER LIFE AND CULTURE EDITOR Madlyn Yuschovitz “I think that it’s a Hallmark History Major, holiday that every one try’s to Monica McDade Angela Becker Sophmore buy the biggest stuff.” Art Therapy Major Nutrition Major, SAGE Sophmore “I’m personally not the biggest Eden Yandrisovitz “I’m indifferent to it. I think it is “It’s a day for a person to show fan of Valentines Day. On pa- Art Therapy Major a holiday based off of something their significant other how much per it seems to be a sweet and Freshman stupid. I feel as though no one re- he/she loves him/her. This year, special day, but the media and ally needs a holiday just to I sent cards to friends and fami- business ruin it for me. I think it “I enjoy valentines day because celebrate love between two peo- ly and received cards from them. it’s a day dedicated to people in should be more about your love ple. But, I also enjoy it. My boy- I spent the day like any other and just being together or find- relationships. I believe that in friend and I never make a big Sunday. My day consisted of every holiday there is a way to ing way to hang out virtually if deal of it, but he always makes hanging out with my friends and you can’t be together.” make money.” me dinner and we drink wine.” prepping for the week ahead.” THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 OPINIONS | 5 On-screen heroes campaign for causes


BY PROFESSOR MAYNARD CRESSMAN “Saving people, hunting things, CONTRIBUTING WRITER the family business.” If you have ever watched the television show Supernat- If after reading my initial column in the last issue ural, that phrase rings a bell. The two of the Crestiad, I am pleasantly surprised that you Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean, are reading my second entry! You really need to ask live by that code. For more than ten yourself why! seasons, the boys have been saving in- I am going directly to deep thoughts. I frequently use the term “spirituality”, and as we are notorious nocent people from monsters, ghosts, for doing in academia, we need to define the term so angels, and demons. Supernatural may that we are all clear on what constitutes spirituality, seem like a simple show, but it is truly or at least what I mean when I use the term. Spiritu- more than that. Throughout the show, ality is most commonly thought of as religion only. the brothers don’t just save people; they However, religion is really just one type of spiritual expression. While I have come across four viable save each other from turning down a definitions of spirituality, I will narrow them to two path that they cannot return from. Sam PHOTO | RACHEL WIELGOPOLSKI seemingly different, but similar views: and Dean have always kept fighting. Wielgopolski hugging Supernatural actors Jared 1.Spirituality is part of our human nature, our “Always Keep Fighting” is a campaign Padalecki (left) and Jensen ackles (right). She met wholeness, the very essence of what we are as hu- that Supernatural star Jared Padalecki them while attending a Supernatual convention in man beings. Washington D.C. this past summer. 2.Spirituality is but one component of our life, one started. In the show’s third season, he dimension of what we are as human beings. was diagnosed with clinical depression. cause, Stephen relaunched the cam- In the first view, spirituality is seen as part of our human nature. In other words, we as human beings With the loss of his friend to depression paign a second time. All of these stars in January 2015, he created the cam- are always spiritual, whether we are consciously used their popularity and their image to aware of it or not. The second view of spirituality paign. Proceedings from the shirts sold promote the causes. suggests that we all have needs that must be ful- in the campaign went to a non-profit It is always amazing to find out that filled in order for us to grow. Spirituality is one of foundation called “To Write Love On those needs. Spirituality in this view then refers to your favorite TV stars care about their our conscious search for meaning in life as well as Her Arms,” which aims to help those fans. Whether they know it or not, stars struggling with addiction, depression, developing our relationship with our God. who do this are saving lives. It helps to While these views of spirituality may look and self-injury, and thoughts of suicide. As know that someone cares about their sound different, they actually have more in common soon as the campaigns began in March struggles, especially someone they look with each other than we may think. By learning to be one with ourselves, with nature, and to understand 2015, fans bought these shirts and, with- up to. The fans do not keep quiet about out knowing it, Jared started saving where we fit in the “big picture”, we may naturally their grateful attitudes when they have find greater meaning in life and enhance our rela- people. the honor of meeting such stars. These tionship with our God. The opposite is true as well. Jared isn’t the only star to have cam- emotional encounters make the cause The more we grow our relationship with our God, paigns toward great causes, though. Co- that much better for everyone involved. the easier it may be for us to understand ourselves and others. star and friend Mark Sheppard created As Jared Padalecki put it, “this is the “diabetes. no.” shirts. Mark decid- In the World According to Maynard, spirituality our campaign.” Many television shows is life itself. From this perspective, spirituality says ed to create this campaign for his son are not just entertainment. Many peo- that all things are part of life. Perhaps most of us can Will, who has type 1 diabetes. He do- ple, including myself, find shows to be agree that there is life and that all things are part of nated the profits from the campaign to life. a place of solace. When people say that Many spiritual traditions have a belief in the om- support Diabetes Camping and Educa- their favorite band or television show tional Services and a sleep-away camp nipresence of their God. If so, then God is Life. I also saved them, don’t take it as an exagger- embrace the Christian notion that God is love. The for children with diabetes called Camp ation. Shows save people in many ways. three terms are remarkably interchangeable. So, to Conrad-Chinnock. After the campaign For anyone fighting, please remember me, God is Life and love and since spirituality is Life itself, then all problems are at their root, spiritual ended, Mark told fans at multiple con- that you are not alone. As Jared Padal- ventions that the money raised was able problems, involving love. ecki and his friends have taken to say- To apply this to politics, for example, which is a hot to get the camp all the supplies they ing, remember to always keep fighting. topic these days to say the least, one’s political view- needed. Another CW star, Ste- point is one’s spirituality and love demonstrated. It phen Amell from Arrow, has done two Rachel Wielgopolski is a freshmen at Cedar is not a matter of politicizing one’s spirituality but campaigns titled “F*ck Cancer.” This crest College Colllege and is a writing major of spiritualizing one’s politics. campaign is about prevention, early and film studies minor. Contact her at The seemingly increasing divisiveness and ani- [email protected] mosity between liberals and conservatives is being detection, and supporting those affect- expressed as not just disagreement, but hatred of ed by cancer. After the first campaign each other. The result is our current political state raised over one million dollars for this of intransigence and gridlock. Effective political activism does not come from anger or hatred, and spiritual activism never does. Rather, it comes from love. Notice the difference in how we feel when we Submit your opinions! change the focus from being on what we hate to in- stead, what we love. We can love our political prin- Letter to the Editor: Letters must be 300 words or fewer. ciples and values while not hating those people who do not share them with us. We can embrace those people with whom we strongly disagree as people Guest commentary: All commentaries must convey a clear and con- expressing the political principles and values that they love. cise message, be written by someone with an educated opinion on a Maybe if we all did so, we could end the political topic, and be between 350 and 550 words. gridlock gripping our society, and respond to that old 1960’s question: Where’s the love, man? All entries must be emailed to Opinion Editor Juliana Wall at [email protected] by Sundays at 8 PM. Maynard L. Cressman is the chairperson of the social science department, and an associate professor and director of the social work program. Contact him at [email protected] 6 LIFE & CULTURE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 The Clinton and Cruz on education, economic All In issues, and criminal justice reform Life BY MICHELLE CHAVEZ NEWS EDITOR Hillary Clinton Education On K-12 education, Clinton will work to ensure Every Student Succeeds Act be implemented effectively, invest in early learn- ing programs and teacher training, and work towards improving student outcomes. On the college level, Clinton is proposing the New College Compact, which result in tuition free public colleges, BY NICOLE MAGLOIRE lower student loan interest rates, and an income-based repayment CONTRIBUTING WRITER system. It will also hold students and institutions accountable by having students work 10 hours a week and colleges controlling -What makes you happy? their costs. Economic Issues My life has been a constant quest Job creation through small business reform, supports an increase for happiness. I’ve looked for it un- to the minimum wage, and on tax reform, will end tax loopholes der rocks and inside of the pages of and expenditures and enact the “Buffett Rule”. Clinton will also books, I searched for happiness in create tax credits for companies and businesses that invest in their the hearts of others and in faraway workers, such as sharing their profits and hiring apprentices. lands but I never found it. For some Criminal Justice Reform reason happiness was something Will reduce mandatory minimums for nonviolent drug offenses, that always seemed to evade me, invest in reentry programs, and prioritize treatment and rehabil- I would catch it for a second and itation for low-level, nonviolent drug offenses. Clinton supports bask in its warmth for a season and medical marijuana and allowing states that legalize marijuana to PHOTO | 6 MAY 2011- OECD CONFERENCE CENTRE, then before I knew it, it was gone. act as “laboratories of democracy”. PARIS, FRANCE.OECD 50TH ANNIVERSARY PUBLIC I couldn’t seem to understand why COMMEMORATIONPRESS CONFERENCE HILLARY CLIN- I was never satisfied with life, never TON, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE IS PHOTO | TED CRUZ SPEAKS TO SUPPORTERS LICENSED UNDER CC BY 2.0 content with the present situation GATHERED I always wanted what was next. I AT A LATE-NIGHT CAMPAIGN STOP AT PENNY’S Ted Cruz spent so much time standing in DINER IN MISSOURI VALLEY, IOWA. BY MATT A.J IS LICENSED UNDER CC BY 2.0 Education line waiting for the roller coaster On K-12, Cruz will abolish the Department of Educa- that I often didn’t connect with the beautiful moments that were hap- tion, repeal Common Core, reallocate carefully re- pening all around me. viewed programs to other federal agencies or back to All of that changed when I trav- the states and local communities, and return control of eled to the Philippines in 2011 and education to the states. On college, Cruz has not out- spent one month volunteering with lined any policy proposal on cost. children that had absolutely noth- Economic Issues ing to their name. When I went to No specific industry focus on job creation, but claims Asia for the first time I had no idea what it meant to live in the moment reforming the tax system will create “4,861,000 addi- and to be content and full of joy tional jobs.” On tax reform, Cruz will eliminate the IRS right where you are. and institute a flat tax for all people of 10 percent, with Happiness is not a destination, a certain portion of income tax free. Cruz does not sup- peace is not a destination, hope is port an increase to the minimum wage. not a destination it’s all things that Criminal Justice Reform you carry with you, it’s something you create. The children that I met There is no statement from his website, and his stance in the Philippines were the hap- on the issue is not consistent with what he has said in piest children that I’ve ever seen the past. On marijuana, he said, according to Mother in my life. They weren’t happy be- Jones, that he supports states legalizing marijuana as cause of success or because of the “laboratories of democracy.” latest gadget they had but rather because they chose to be. They couldn’t afford to go to school and Barbie’s New Shapes: Curvy, they didn’t even speak English but yet after spending one hour with me they were holding my hand, Petite, and tall teaching me songs in Tagalog and smiling non-stop. BY JILLIAN SHAFFER States owned at least one Bar- paign that is going viral. In ad- I often left the volunteer site cry- LIFE AND CULTURE EDITOR bie. With an unrealistic body dition to the original slender ing. I couldn’t imagine living with image Barbie has led children Barbie doll, Mattel will now so little and still being so happy One of the most popular to self-harm, and commit acts have Barbie coming in tall, pe- and I was stunned by the thought dolls of all time used to be Mat- of bulimia and anorexia. These tite, and curvy varieties. Fur- of what if they’re crying because I tel’s Barbie. However, over the dolls were also believed to have thermore, Barbie is also going have so much yet I’m still not hap- years there have been many caused self-esteem issues with to have seven skin tones, 24 py. controversies over the image a desire for a thinner body. hairstyles, and 22 eye colors. I’m the person I am today not be- of Barbie and the messages Over the years Mattel has cause I spent my life chasing the she conveys to children. After tried to bring Barbie back on These new body types can next adventure but rather because comparing Barbie to average top as one of the most played potentially transform the way I learned how to stop and be con- female statistics she was realis- with toys on the market. This young girls see themselves. For tent, to be joyful and to be fulfilled tically estimated to be five feet process including giving her so long, the Barbie doll had one right where I am. To live all in is and nine inches with a 36-inch “slightly bigger hips”, a wheel- look and many girls desired to to know that some things you find chest, 18-inch waist, and 33- chair, and changing the color of look that way as well, despite in life and other things you cre- inch hips. her skin to “Black”, but still hav- the unrealistic standards. This ate, happiness cannot be found. I Not only was her body beyond ing “Caucasian features.” move forward can potentially hope that you’re happy today and reasonable proportions, but in Again in 1997, Mattel tried change the definition of beauty if you’re not, what’s stopping you? several of the play sets available to increase the audience of the for younger generations. for her she was given a scale “Barbie doll” and make a new However, for now custom- Nicole Magloire graduated from weighing always at 110 pounds, doll in a wheelchair. However, ers will have to wait to get our Cedar Crest College in 2012 with a which would be underweight once again this doll was un- hands on these new dolls. With degree in Communication. Nicole for someone of her size and was successful as it couldn’t func- only a limited number of dolls currently works in Denver, CO as also seen with several dieting tion properly in the Barbie doll online, they will have to pick an Admissions Counselor for the magazines. house, as the doll couldn’t fit up these dolls at the nearest global education program Up with According to a survey done properly in the elevator. store when they are released on People. Contact her at Now, in 2016, Mattel has March 1st. nrmagloi@ in 1999, 99 percent of girls PHOTO | MATTEL gmail.com. aged three to ten in the United launched a new Barbie cam- LIFE & CULTURE | PAGE 7 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016

Oscars stir controversy over lack of diversity in nominations

Narttee’s Good Eats BY KIM-LYNN TRAN

Bell Hall 612 W. Hamilton Street, Allen- town, PA 18101 (610) 437-1825 Monday-Thursday 11 am - 1 am Friday & Saturday 11 am - 2 am Closed Sunday

This American burger joint is located in the heart of downtown PHOTO | “ACADEMY AWARD WINNER” BY Allentown and recently opened DIVIDLOHR BUESO IS LICENSED UNDER CC BY in October 2015. You might want BY JULIANA WALL 2.0 to nix the sweat pants and hoodie OPINIONS EDITOR attire here and go casual. It has a fine quality appeal, yet a casual, Ever since the 2016 list of Oscar host, but they feel he could not truly for them, and they didn’t watch it.” sport bar’s vibe with TV’s along nominations was released on Jan. address this issue without stepping During a study at University of the walls and bar. The entrance 14, the Academy of Motion Picture down that would serve as a power- Southern California, researchers might be tricky for some; I know Arts and Sciences has been the new ful message, but there has been no analyzed the 700 top-grossing films it was for me. Instead of being at hot topic in Hollywood culture. For evidence that this will happen since from 2007 to 2014. They found that the front on the restaurant, it is several years, the Academy has been he is contractually obliged to host out of the top 100 highest-grossing on the (left) side of the restau- criticized for a lack of diversity in the show. films of 2014, only 17 of the top mov- rant, our (right). the nominations and the Hollywood Nominated for Best Supporting ies featured non-white leads or co- I dined here with some friends industry in general, but the new list Actor for this role in Spotlight, ac- leads, and the overall breakdown of and the service was excellent. caused last year’s #OscarsSoWhite tor Mark Ruffalo said he was decid- actors was: 73.1 percent White, 12.5 Our waiter, Eric, was friendly hash tag to resurface, causing celeb- ing on whether or not to attend the percent Black, 5.3 percent Asian, 4.9 and very attentive. He made sure rities and others to voice their opin- Oscars. percent Hispanic, and 4.2 percent our drinks were always filled and ions and possible boycotting of the “If you look at Martin Luther King Other. checked on us frequently. 2016 show. Jr.’s legacy, what he was saying is There have been many other ce- This joint is known for using Forty people were nominated for the good people who don’t act are lebrities and civilians who have local ingredients and their craft acting Oscars this year and all of much worse than the wrongdoers shared their opinions on the matter beers. I got their Wonton Na- them are white. who are purposely not acting and of the lack of diversity in the Acad- chos for appetizers and they were “Is it time that people of color recog- don’t know the right way.” emy. Some fully support the Oscars honestly the best combos I’ve nize how much power, influence, that He later tweeted he would, in fact, ban movement, while others have ever tasted. It came out just like we have amassed, that we no longer attend the show to support victims stated otherwise. nachos, but the chips were fried need to ask to be invited anywhere?” of clergy sexual abuse-the subject “I don’t think it’s necessary,” Li- wontons with BBQ pork, pepper Jada Pinkett Smith said in video mes- of the film for which he was nom- onel Richie said, a four-time Gram- jack, tomatoes, scallions, and sour sage she released on social media inated-but he added that he still my winner. “I think what you do is cream. The texture of the crunch- on MLK Day. “Begging for acknowl- sympathizes with the “ban” you show up, you show your face, iness from the chip with the con- edgement, or even asking, diminishes “I do support the Oscar Ban move- you show up and by the way, if sistency of the pork, cheese, and dignity and diminishes power. And ment’s position that the nomina- you can’t find a role, create a role,” sour cream complemented each we are a dignified people, and we are tions do not reflect the diversity of he said. “If you can’t find a movie, other so well! The savory from powerful.” our community,” he tweeted. write a movie. Come on! Let’s take the chips and sweetness of the Days after his wife’s announcement, However, in light of the contro- charge here. What’s that great line? BBQ sauce was delicious. It was actor Will Smith confirmed on Good versy, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, pres- The only way to predict the future such a hefty portion that three of Morning America that he will be join- ident of the Academy of Motion is create it.” us had to force ourselves to fin- ing her in the boycott. Picture Arts and Sciences, released Nonetheless, this is just the tip ish it so it wouldn’t go to waste. It “This is about children that are go- a statement stating: “I’d like to ac- of the iceberg compared to the un- was very well worth the $10. ing to sit down and watch this show knowledge the wonderful work of derlying problems still in America. For the entrée, I got their Lamb and they’re not going to see them- this year’s nominees. While we cel- Hollywood and the media are sup- Burger (medium-rare) with Brie, selves represented,” Smith said. ebrate their extraordinary achieve- posed representations of what peo- apricot + lemon preserves, and Pinket Smith’s words, along with ments, I am both heartbroken and ple-nation- value and appreciate. green apples. This was a very in- criticism from other celebrities such frustrated about the lack of inclu- So perhaps the issue does not just teresting combo but the savory as filmmaker Spike Lee and even sion. This is a difficult but import- lie in Hollywood, for that is just the of the lamb complemented the George Clooney have more and more ant conversation, and it’s time for effect, the result of the bigger prob- sweetness of the apricot, lemon, people wondering why the Academy big changes.” lem. Perhaps we should be looking and apple just fine! It also came has ignored non-white actors for two The lack of diversity in the Acad- for the cause and how to change with fries and was $13.50. They consecutive years. emy has been subject to heated de- that effect so that this nation can have burgers ranging from $8.50 “If you think back 10 years ago, bate for several years. A 2014 study accurately represent true diversi- to $13.50 and they have an array the Academy was doing a better job,” found that membership was 94 per- ty and acceptance. After all, that is of options that also cater to vege- Clooney said to Variety. “And all of a cent white, 76 percent male, with an what this nation claims to support: tarians with their Black Bean ($8) sudden, you feel like we’re moving in average of about 63 years old. freedom, justice and liberty for all. and Portobello burgers ($8.50). the wrong direction. There were nom- “I know many members who “The Academy is taking dra- I will definitely be coming back inations left off the table. There were wouldn’t even see [Straight Outta matic steps to alter the makeup of and be sure to check them out if four films this year: Creed could have Compton] because it represented a our membership.” Isaacs said in you’re craving a good burger and gotten nominations; Concussion culture that they detest or, more ac- response to how she, as President beer (age permitting, of course)! could have gotten Will Smith; Idris curately, they assume they detest,” of the Academy, is going to work to Enjoy! Elba could have been nominated for an Academy member recently told open up membership of the organi- Beasts of No Nation; and Straight Entertainment Weekly. “If we’re be- zation in the future. “In the coming Kim-Lynn Tran is an art therapy Outta Compton could have been ing honest, my bet is most Acade- days and weeks we will conduct a major with a psychology minor. nominated.” my members didn’t see it,” another review of our membership re- Contact her at There has also been a calling for voter told the magazine. “I think the cruitment in order to bring about [email protected]. comedian Chris Rock to step down older members, those in their 60s much-needed diversity in our 2016 as Oscar’s host. Many enjoy him as and 70s, didn’t think it was a movie class and beyond,” 8 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 Harvard’s beloved blonde takes the stage in high energy musical about self-discovery

BY JULIANA WALL “Legally Blonde centers around been one of the best experiences clearer. I’m humbled to have had OPINION EDITOR a young Reinys Beriguete as Elle Woods that I have had the opportunity to play such a fab- woman, Elle at Cedar Crest ulous and brilliant character.” This fabulously fun interna- Woods, who College, play- Music Director Bill Whitney was tional award-winning musical gains in- ing the role also excited for the show. based on the movie, Legally Blonde ner strength of Elle Woods “This is one of the most popular The Musical follows Elle Woods on and a strong has taught me shows in recent Broadway history her journey to self-discovery as she sense of self. to embrace as- for a good reason. It’s tremendous- tackles stereotypes, snobbery, and The musical pects of my ly fun! Energy-wise, it starts at 10, scandal in pursuit of her dreams. is much like self that I had maybe dips down to 9.5, then goes Her life is turned upside-down, Elle herself: hidden, only right back to 10. It’s infectious. The however, when her boyfriend vibrant, play- because I did talent and energy on display in our dumps her so he can start getting ful, lively, pos- not think that production, from CCC students serious about his life and attend itive, bright, they mattered. and non-students alike, is so im- Harvard Law. Determined to get and empow- Her character pressive and people are going to him back, Elle uses her charm to ering,” Scud- is such an in- have a fantastic time,” he said. get into Harvard Law. At school, era said. “It is spiring young Senior Lindsey Hutterer-Gallagh- she struggles with peers, profes- great fun to Luna as Bruiser woman; when er, who plays Paulette, reflects on sors, and Warner Huntington. watch as she everything and her appreciation for being cast in With the help of Paulette and Em- learns and grows and impacts the everyone seems to fail or diminish the show. mett, though, Elle quickly realizes world around her. her, she always finds a way, her way, “I could not have asked to perform her potential and sets out to prove Junior Reinys M. Beriguete to meet her goal. It’s exactly what in a better show for my final pro- herself to the world. Flores stars as Elle Woods in this I needed. In my years of college, duction at Cedar Crest. Not only Directed by Dominic Scudera, production, which is only her sec- finding ‘MY way’ in what I want to is the cast amazing, but I also have this musical is a fun addition to ond theater show ever and her first do for the rest of my life has been a the opportunity to play one of my Cedar Crest that had students ea- lead role. blur and recently I stumbled upon dream roles, Paulette,” she said. ger to put on a great performance. “The Legally Blonde show has the right place and it couldn’t be

Reinys Beriguete Flores as Elle Woods Lindsey Hutterer-Gallagher as Paulette Reinys Beriguete Flores as Elle Woods Nick Perkins as Warner Victoria Scovens as Vivienne

The cast of Legally Blonde The Musicial


Reinys Beriguete Flores as Elle Woods Nick Perkins as Warner THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT | PAGE 9 Marvel mayhem hits the big A Pop-Punk screen Deadpool style History

BY LAUREN GRIGOLETTI the person sitting next to you. There are so many GUEST WRITER things I could mention, but to spare the readers my “fangirling” I’ll only talk about key points. The plot It had explosions! It had unicorns! It had an ob- was essentially Deadpool’s origin story, but it could scene amount of disgusting jokes! It had Ryan Reyn- have been so much more. The whole film is a back olds! and forth between flashbacks and the current story If you still don’t know what I’m talking about then line, which is a save the damsel in distress/revenge you clearly haven’t been keep- tale. It’s a good thing we’re getting ing up with the Pop Culture a sequel. Possibly my favorite part BY ABIGAIL ORMISTON of this movie was that the female phenomenon that is the new MANAGING EDITOR Deadpool movie. Fans have characters were more capable than the men! Angel Dust and Negason- Back in January, Alternative Press been impatiently waiting for Magazine posted an online article this film since the initial foot- ic Teenage Warhead, yes these are their names, put the male mutants about “20 Albums We Can’t Believe age was leaked at San Diego Turn Ten This Year.” Comic Con in August. Due to shame with their fighting abili- ty and sheer power. This was a re- Before I even came across this list, I to the nature of the charac- knew some of my all-time favorite al- ter (he’s certifiably insane), freshing thing to see from a Marvel bums, including ones I currently still Fox Studios and director Tim movie, and I hope the studio con- listen to would fall on it. Miller agreed that Deadpool tinues down this path. I picked a few. should be Rated “R”, to the I highly recommend Deadpool 1. Boys Like Girls - Boys Like Girls horror of soccer moms and toy however, I cannot stress enough… Oh my. This album was really the companies everywhere. This do not bring small children or album that made this band a bunch decision was met with a great people with weak sensibilities, it of heart throbs. My favorite song off deal of controversy about might not end well. Deadpool has the album is cliché but “Thunder.” It what a Deadpool movie would set a new precedent for superhero was cute, emotional and you secretly mean for the Marvel franchise movies, and proved that audienc- wish it was about you! and for comic book movies as es want their heroes to be darker, 2. Cute is What We Aim for – The a genre. This was a film that raunchy and they do not always Same Old Blood Rush with a New broke rules and boundaries, have to “save the world”. Some- Touch just as often as the charac- times, they can just crack some aw- This was one of my favorites! ters broke each other’s bones. ful jokes, beat some heads in, order Songs like “The Curse of Curves” However, an “R” rating did not a chimichanga, build some IKEA and “There’s a Class for This” were stop the merc with a mouth furniture and call it a day. catchy and made you want to sing. from slaying at the box office. The band really created a pop-punk The movie opened last Thurs- Lauren Grigoletti is a sophomore Fine masterpiece with this album; this al- day, February 12 and had a Arts and Busniess double major. Con- PHOTO | JULIANA WALL bum was their prime. record breaking weekend with, tact her at Freshman Bailey Griggs (left) and 3. Gym Class Heroes – As Cruel As over $135 million in ticket sales. [email protected] Sophomore Lauren Grigoletti (right) sit School Children As a raving Deadpool fan, on the interactive poster at the mov- Produced by Patrick Stump (of Fall I loved this movie. It was witty, ie theater on opening weekend of the Out Boy), this album was on top of raunchy, and at times down- movie. The girls planned an outing to the list that had nothing but catchy right sadistic. It had moments see the movie with friends weeks in tunes. “Cupid’s Chokehold,” with that will make you laugh like advance. guest vocals from Stump was one a lunatic and others where of those songs you could get sick of you want to cover the eyes of hearing on the radio but still sang along. 4. My Chemical Romance – The Black Parade This album was heaven for those of the emo invasion of pop-punk music. Banksy It’s one of the most iconic albums during that period. True listeners of this album could always identify the resurfaces to first couple of notes of the song “Wel- come to The Black Parade.” This al- bum had it all. There are people like make bold me who still can sing every word of every song. This will forever be in my top five favorites. statement 5. New Found Glory – Coming Home New Found Glory pushed into the pop-punk scene of the 2000s, inspir- ing bands like All-Time Low and The BY KIM-LYNN TRAN Story So Far. “Coming Home” proved STAFF WRITER they are capable of greater and deep- er things. anksy, his identity unknown, is a graffi- B PHOTO | HTTP://BANKSY.CO.UK/INDEX1.ASP 6. The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus – ti artist known for his propaganda street art and Don’t You Fake It ironic murals. He was born in Bristol, England a wall of the Calais “Jungle” camp in Calais, France. “Face Down” was the biggest single in the 70’s. His work combines dark humor with This is where migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers off the album. The song has dark lyr- graffiti in a stenciling technique, sharing his live while they attempt to enter the United Kingdom. ics covered by a heavy beat in clas- political and social commentary on the streets Banksy said Apple only exists because US authorities sic pop-punk style. It was commonly around the world. His work began to appear on allowed a young man from Homs, Syria in. “We’re of- played on the radio. “Your Guardian the trains and walls in Bristol around 1993 and ten led to believe migration is a drain on the country’s Angel,” another well-known song, is by 2001, his spray-painted signature surfaced all resources but Steve Jobs was the son of a Syrian mi- still very popular among fans and over the UK, Vienna, San Francisco, Barcelona, grant,” Banksy said. some guitar players in training. and Paris. It is believed that he doesn’t sell his Banksy’s mural of Cosette from Les Miserables shed 7. Taking Back Sunday – Louder Now own work, but art auctioneers have attempted to. light on the alleged use of tear gas on asylum seekers If you didn’t listen to this album at full volume, you did it wrong. However, he has self-published his first three vol- from the “jungle” camp in Calais, by depicting her sur- “Louder Now” pushed Taking Back umes Existencilism, Banging Your Head Against rounded by clouds of smoke. A QR code near the mural Sunday into the mainstream scene. a Brick Wall, and Cut It Out. Random House pub- links to a YouTube video claims to show the police’s “MakeDamnSure” was and still is an lished his latest, Wall and Piece. use of tear gas in the “jungle.” anthem for many including myself. His latest works, a mural of Steve Jobs, have Banksy has no inclination of revealing his identity But “Liar (Takes One to Know One)” appeared on a wall in the Calais migrant camp in anytime soon, but you can follow him on his website gave the album and extra some- northern France and a mural of Cosette from Les http://banksy.co.uk/ thing. Miserables, appeared on a wall near the French on his site, it says, “Banksy is not on Facebook, Twitter, Abigail Ormiston is a senior embassy in London. or represented by Steve Lazarides or any other com- Media Studies major with minors in Banksy depicted Steve Jobs carrying a shoul- mercial gallery.” wiriting and theatre. Contact her at der bag and an early model Apple computer on [email protected] 10 STUDY BREAK THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 “Mr. Chemist’s Neighborhood” By David Raker


MARVEL V. DC: CAN YOU NAME WHICH SUPERHERO BELONGS WHERE? 1. Mr. Fantastic 9. Superman 2. Black Panther 10. Catwoman 3. Deadpool 11. Mister Freeze 4. Hawkeye 12. Wolverine 5. Elongated Man 13. Green Lantern 6. Batman 14. Spider-Man 7. Robin 15. Iceman 8. The Flash 16. Green Arrow FEB 4 CROSSWORD ANSWERS Across 2. Maleficent 3. Mulan 6. Snow white 9. Jack Sparrow 13. Emma Watson

Down 1.Tarzan 4. Ariel 5. Red Queen 7. Absolem 8. Bare 10. Disney 11. Bald 12. Dale THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 ATHLETICS | PAGE 11 SOCCER “STEEL”ING THE SHOW IN THE LEHIGH VALLEY PHOTO |BETHLEHEM STEEL FC


First, it was the Lehigh Valley Ironpigs. Next, it was the . And, now, the Lehigh Valley continues this explosion of being home to minor league sports teams with the addition of Bethlehem Steel Football Club. Bethlehem Steel FC will be the minor league team for the franchise the Philadelphia Union. Bethlehem Steel FC will play in the , the second tier of soccer in the United States. You might be wondering why the team’s name is Bethlehem Steel Football Club, when it is a soccer team. I think that one of the reasons is because of the sheer growth of soccer in this at the team announcement press conference in “is the missing link the Philadelphia Union country, and our growing interest in soccer August. Goodman Stadium will only be a tem- farm system. We have the Union, and we have teams around the world. In every other country, porary home, though. Bethlehem Steel FC have the youth camps, but this was the step we were soccer is called football. As confusing as that plans to build a soccer specific stadium in the missing.” is to us Americans, that’s how it is around the future, but, for now, and for this season, Good- Since the tryout, Bethlehem Steel have made a world. And as this sport continues to grow in man Stadium will be the home for the team. number of signings of players from other teams this country, we want to begin to have more as- For the team name, Bethlehem Steel FC went around the USL. They have also signed a num- sociation with other clubs and teams around the a much different route than simply announcing ber of players from colleges and from the Phila- world. Calling our soccer teams “football clubs” it at the opening press conference.. They held a delphia Union academy. Despite that fact, Beth- is getting more and more popular with the fans fan vote for four options for the team name, or lehem Steel FC continue to keep themselves too, and it also attracts a more global audience a fan could use the write-in option. The write- en-grained in Pennsylvania. to the team. Having a soccer team called a foot- in option gave fans a chance to propose a team The very first signing to Bethlehem Steel FC ball club might be a little confusing, but it is the name that was not on the initial list of team was local product Derrick Jones. Derrick Jones direction that this sport is heading in this coun- names. The fan vote for the team name, colors, came to this country from Ghana 4 years ago, try, so the new teams are simply adapting to this and logo, despite the other options, was vastly and played in the Philadelphia Union acade- change. in favor of Bethlehem Steel FC. my for the past 3 seasons. This signing was the The team was first announced on Aug. 19, Bethlehem Steel FC used to play here in the first of many. As signings continue to happen, 2015, in a press conference given by Philadel- Lehigh Valley in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, and the the quality of Bethlehem Steel FC continues to phia Union CEO and Operating Partner Nick fans were strongly in favor of seeing the team’s grow. Sakiewicz, Lehigh University’s President John return to the world of semi-professional soccer. “We’re very happy with the group we’ve been Simon, and USL CEO and Managing Partner Once Bethlehem Steel FC had a name, colors able to assemble ahead of our first season.” said Alec Papadakis. and logo, they then needed players. Bethlehem Burke. “There’s really a strong mix of experi- “This was a decision that we carefully studied Steel FC held an open tryout at Lehigh Univer- ence, both in USL and overseas, as well a prom- and analyzed all possible options. In the end, sity on Nov. 22. Bethlehem Steel FC head coach ising blend of young players who we’re confi- we’ve chosen an extraordinarily great soccer had this to say about the pur- dent can take the next step in their professional community in the Lehigh Valley that is under- pose of the tryout. “I would like to find a handful careers. We’re looking forward to officially get- served for professional soccer,” said Sakiewicz of players to invite to the winter training ses- ting everyone together for preseason and begin about the introduction of the team. Sakiewicz sion with our current players.” to prepare for our first match on March 26.” could not have said that any better about the The tryout was a huge success. There were As the inaugural season for Bethlehem Steel soccer community here in the Lehigh Valley. over 250 people there trying out for the team, FC approaches, the excitement is building. One Since the team’s announcement in August, myself included, making the coaches job of se- can feel it in the air of the soccer community they have been busy integrating themselves lecting a handful of players very difficult. And as here in the Lehigh Valley. Something great is into the Lehigh Valley soccer community. From someone who was there, trying out for the team, coming to our backyards, and will “Steel” our announcing where they will be playing their I know that this team will have a lot of excellent attention, our acknowledgments, and our admi- home games, to having a fan vote for the team players on this team because of the open try- ration. name, colors, and logo, to hosting an open try- out. Players came from all over the world at this out for the team, Bethlehem Steel FC have made tryout. There were players from Japan, Europe, Matt Waterman graduated from Lehigh Car- sure that they will not only be a prominent team and Africa at the tryout, and those are only the bon Community College with a degree in sports in the 2016 USL season, but that they will have a ones that I observed. And to only pick a handful communication. He hosts Extra Time on wxlv solid, rousing fan base back home. from 250 players from all around the world was Wednesdays at 3 p.m. where he discusses and Bethlehem Steel FC announced they will not an easy thing. Despite the vast number of analyzes soccer. Contact him at play their home games at Lehigh University’s players at the open tryout, assistant coach B.J. [email protected] Goodman Stadium; the same place where the Callaghan thanked us players at the end for the Philadelphia Eagles have their training camp great turnout and told us players that this team,

Looking to catch a game or follow along with the team?

Bethlehem Steel FC 2016 Preseason Schedule

March 6: Match v. Syracuse at Union Training Center March 11: Match at New York II March 15: Match v. Harrisburg City Islanders at Goodman Stadium (closed to the public) March 19: Match at Penn State March 20: Match v. Georgetown at Union Training Center

PHOTO |BETHLEHEM STEEL FC 12 ATHLETICS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 Falcons play for a larger cause as Sports Talk they #Play4Jaylen&JP with Becks

Kayleigh Keggan shooting a three The leading scorers of the game BY LASHAWNDALESE pointer. As the game progressed were sophomore forward Shemecca JOHNSON our Falcon’s continued to play hard. Thompson, and freshman guard Te- STAFF WRITER At the end of the second quarter the nille Stewart with ten points each. score was 31-22 with Cedar Crest Thompson came out with five down by nine points. rebounds, one assist and went two- Spring training is near so it’s time The third and fourth quarters of-two from the free throw line and to look at America’s pastime. Let’s On Saturday Feb. 6, our fear- were very tough on our girls. Even four-of-four from the field. take a look at the most exciting less team headed to Balti- though it was hard they were still Stewart was able to grab eight re- teams in the MLB. more, Maryland for a Colonial States determined, they never gave up and bounds, two assists and three steals 10. Texas Rangers Athletic Conference game against fought until the very end. They kept while going five-of-six from the free With that bruising offense that the Gators of Notre throw line. ranked number three last sea- Dame of Maryland Freshman Rianna son the American League West University. Kinard scored eight defending champs had a lineup Did you know that points, five rebounds, with established stars like Prince during the month of and two steals. Senior Fielder and Adrian Beltre. But it’s February collegiate Keggan also scored eight going to be up to the youngsters basketball teams points, three rebounds this season. Rougned Odor will dedicate the month to and one assist. be one to watch this season as he cancer awareness? Junior guard Taylor logged 32 extra-base hits in 68 Shortly after ar- Osley and freshman games and posted an .832 OPS. riving to the school Katherina Pierre had The Rangers would rank higher if and getting settled four rebounds each. they had more than just ace Cole in the locker room, The Falcons will play Hamels on their roster. a box was brought their final home game of 9. to the team. The box the season on Saturday, 596 strikeouts from the New contained purple Feb. 20 with tip-off at 1 York relievers just last year. shirts that said #Play- p.m. against Rosemont They acquired Aroldis Chapman, 4Jaylen&JP. Just College in a CSAC game. who Ks opponents at a higher before the game start- rate than any other pitcher in the ed an announcement game (15.7 K/9). He joins Andrew was made stating that Miller and Dellin Betances in the “Jaylen and JP are the pen and now the Yanks had the children of the men’s top three pitchers in terms of K/9 basketball coach for ratio. In 2015, they were second Gwynedd Mercy. in for runs and fourth His wife is currently The Basketball team in a in home runs. Those rankings battling stage four huddle during the game will depend on Alex Rodriguez honoring Jaylen and JP. pancreatic cancer. The money made their Falcon pride. who slugged 33 dingers last sea- from the game would go towards PHOTO | LASHAWNDALESE Even though Cedar Crest played JOHNSON son and A-Rod turns 41 in July so the children of the coach.” their hardest our Falcons fell to the that’s no sure thing. Cedar Crest started the game Gators, with a score of 67-37. 8. San Francisco Giants out on a great note with senior They were already a team to watch but after a very busy offsea- I got a dad-do sends a new type of son where they brought Johnny Cueto, Jeff Samardzija, and De- nard Span to the roster it’s more message evident now. Cueto might not be atop the rotation, but dating back to 2011 he sits behind Clayton BY: REBEKKAH PARSONS len, Vice President of P&G, during a DeAngelo Williams, Dallas Cow- Kershaw in ERA (2.71). Add Madi- press conference. “The quality time EDITOR-IN-CHIEF boys’ Jason Witten and the New son Bumgarner to the mix and the spent with their daughters now will Orleans Saints’ Benjamin Watson team is now a wicked-nasty one- foster the next generation of strong Super Bowl 50 has passed mean- made jokes as they each did their two punch. ing that the coveted commercials daughters’ hair. and beautiful women.” The Dad-do ad is the second pow- 7. Arizona Diamondbacks have passed. “A Dad-do comes from the heart— They had an ambitious offsea- erful Pantene ad featured in the su- This year, Procter and Gamble it’s probably not a lot of style” Wit- son that it’s nearly impossible per bowl, just after the Like A Girl (P&G) introduced a new type of ten says in the ad. to not be excited. They acquired campaign they released last year. Pantene advertisement, which only The Dad-do is part of the “strong Zack Greinke from the Dodgers At the end of the ad, Williams aired in some areas during the is beautiful” campaign that Pantene giving them another advantage emphasized the message strong is game, but was released online for all launched last year with a message with front-line arms. They already beautiful even more by asking his to see. that shares dads who spend time had MVP runner-up, Paul Gold- young daughter what she saw when Instead of its usual focus on fe- with their daughters raise self-con- schmidt and spark plug A.J. Pol- she looked in the mirror. The young males, Pantene’s ad focus on a dif- fident women. Along with the ad, lock leading their robust offense. girl replied “me” and he told her that ferent type of superhero, dads. Pantene will be releasing four how- In 2015, the team ranked second “strong is beautiful” to end the ad. In the ad, “I Got a Dad-do” many to-videos featuring the stars doing in NL in runs. The pen is the least Procter and Gamble did it again NFL stars came together to send a their best Dad-do. exciting area of the roster, but it’s with their powerful messages. message while doing the task some “We know strength and self-es- not a lost cause. teem start by building confidence in dad’s find to be daunting, their 6. Kansas City Royals daughters hair. Pittsburgh Steelers’ girls at a young age,” said Jodi Al- They made it to the World Series last fall, the team is fun to watch. Junior Swimmer, Maggie Olock They have the ability to deliv- er key hits and last season were number one with a .278 batting breaks records at championships average with runners in scoring position and two outs. They have 100 yard freestyle: 54.60 the granddaddy of all bullpens, with relievers producing the low- 100 yard breaststroke: 1:10.58 est ERA in the AL. They don’t Broke her own previous record for school and NEAC conference have a must watch ace, but Yorda- 50 yard freestyle: 24.42 no Ventura has a two seamer that Broke school and conference record averages 96.8, but fails to get the results. Look for the top five most excit- Olock is a junior psychology major who has been on the Falcons swim team for ing teams next time! two seasons. Maggie after receiving Rebekkah Parsons is a junior Me- Maggie after receiving her an award at Champs dia Studies major. Contact her at award at Champs PHOTO | Katie Vincent PHOTO | Katie Vincent [email protected]