What Is Theosophy? Vol 2, No 11 What Is Theosophy?
Theosophical Siftings What is Theosophy? Vol 2, No 11 What is Theosophy? by Anonymous by New York Herald of August 18, 1889 Reprinted from “Theosophical Siftings” Volume 2 The Theosophical Publishing Society, England An investigation into the doctrines of Esoteric Buddhism, as laid out and presented in the "Secret Doctrine", and other Theosophical works, by the New York Herald of August 18, 1889 [The able reviewer begins with a table of contents, which is headed with the title "Spread of the New Religion". As Theosophy is not a religion, this is the only fundamental, though almost, universal mistake made by the outsiders. Otherwise, and in all respects, this is the best, the fairest, and most serious review that has ever yet appeared in a daily paper. Editor T.P.S.] SPREAD OF THE NEW RELIGION Theosophy, or, as it is termed by its later devotees, Esoteric Buddhism, is spreading among the better educated people of the world with a rapidity unequalled by any other modern cult or religion except Mormonism or Spiritualism. It has its parent society and its branch organizations in India, Russia, England, the United States, and elsewhere. While its peculiar tenets date back to a remote antiquity and include, as expounders, seers and the philosophers of the ancients, the alchemists of the Middle Ages, and the metaphysicians of the Renaissance, it has received such an impetus in more recent times, and particularly in the present century, as to have become, in fact, an entirely new dispensation. As Buddhism was the repudiation of sacerdotal and ritualistic Brahmanism, and Protestantism a revolution against Romanism, so the existing Esoteric Buddhism is an upheaval against the prevailing materialism of this day and generation.
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