Election Report 2005-2006

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Election Report 2005-2006 EELLEECCTTIIOONN RREEPPOORRTT 22000055--22000066 Prepared and Published by the S.C. State Election Commission 2221 Devine Street, Suite 105 P.O. Box 5987 Columbia, SC 29250 (803) 734-9060 Fax: (803) 734-9366 www.scvotes.org TABLE OF CONTENTS Commissioners and Staff…………………………………………………………............. 3 County Election Commissions……………………………………………………............ 4 County Boards of Voter Registration……..…………………………………………….. 6 Certified Political Parties of South Carolina…………………………………................. 8 Special Elections……….........................………………………………………………….. 9 S.C. House District 121…….(8/16/05)…………………………………………… 10 S.C. House District 24…….. (10/4/05)…………………………………………… 10 S.C. House District 31…….. (11/29/05)…………………………………………... 11 S.C. House District 64…….. (2/14/06)……………………………………………. 11 S.C. Senate District 5……... (11/7/06)……………………………………………. 11 Solicitor Circuit 14………... (11/7/06)……………………………………………. 12 Democratic Primary & Runoff…………………………………………………………... 13 Voter Participation……………………………………………………………….. 14 Results…………………………………………………………………………….. 16 Republican Primary & Runoff…………………………………………………………... 24 Voter Participation……………………………………………………………….. 25 Results……………………………………………………………………………... 27 General Election …………………………………………………………………….……. 39 Voter Participation……………………………………………………………….. 40 Results…………………………………………………………………………….. 42 Constitutional Amendment Questions…………………………………... 80 Constitutional Amendment Results……………………………………... 83 State Election Commission Minutes……………………………………………………... 90 State Board of Canvassers Minutes……………………………………………................132 Election Protests and Appeals………………………………………………………….... 153 Douan v. Condon………….. (2/14/05)……………………………………………. 154 Moskow v. Barnwell CEC... (6/13/05)……………………………………………. 156 Wilburn v. Kershaw Co…... (12/5/06)……………………………………………. 158 Horton v. Kershaw Co……. (12/5/06)……………………………………………. 160 Visnich v. Horry CEC……. (12/11/06)…………………………………………... 162 Stacy v. Moss……………… (12/14/06)…………………………………………... 164 Voter Registration History (1956-2006) ………………………………………………… 167 COMMISSIONERS AND STAFF COMMISSIONERS Karl S. Bowers, Jr., Chairman John H. Hudgens, III Pamella B. Pinson Edward K. Pritchard, Jr. Bryan P. Stirling (appointed November 2006) John Samuel West (resigned September 2006) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Marci Andino DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Donna Royson ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Janet Reynolds, Director Cindy Peel Ken Pike Cindy Ramsey Liz Simmons VOTER SERVICES Donna Royson, Director Sheack Abraham Joe Debney Rose Glenn Cheryl Goodwin Brian Leach Blondell Montague Barbara Pagoota PUBLIC INFORMATION AND TRAINING Garry Baum, Director Heather Sherman Chris Whitmire County Election Commission Directory ABBEVILLE AIKEN ALLENDALE 102 Court Square 916 Vaucluse Road 426 Mulberry Street, Unit A Post Office Box 417 Post Office Box 3127 (29802) Allendale SC 29810 Abbeville SC 29620 Aiken SC 29801 (803) 584-4178 Fax 584-8147 (864) 366-5312, Ext 108 (803) 642-1528 Fax 642-2029 Dorothy J. Willis Fax 366-5797 Stuart Bedenbaugh Lynne West ANDERSON BAMBERG BARNWELL 107 S. Main St., Room 101 (UPS) Courthouse, 2959 Main Hwy. County Courthouse, Room 103 Anderson SC 29624 Post Office Box 947 Barnwell, SC 29812 Post Office Box 8002 (29622) Bamberg SC 29003 (803) 541-1060 Fax 541-3683 (864) 260-4149 Fax 260-4203 (803) 245-3028 Fax 245-3027 Naomi DeFrenn Katy Smith Patti Jeffcoat BEAUFORT BERKELEY CALHOUN 15 John Gault Road Post Office Box 6122 102 Courthouse Drive, Suite 113 Post Office Drawer 1228 (29901) 6 Belt Drive St. Matthews SC 29135 Beaufort SC 29906-4290 Moncks Corner SC 29461 (803) 874-2929 Fax 874-1242 (843) 470-3753 Fax 524-0617 (843) 719-4056 Fax 719-4060 Thomasine “Tommi” Brice Agnes Garvin Wanda Farley CHARLESTON CHEROKEE CHESTER 4367 Headquarters Road 118 Administrative Drive 109 Ella Street Post Office Box 71419 (29415) Gaffney SC 29340 Post Office Box 580 North Charleston SC 29405-7402 (864) 487-2559 Fax 487-8536 Chester SC 29706 (843) 744-8683 Fax 974-6419 Suzanne Turner (803) 385-2562 Fax 581-2696 Marilyn Bowers Earl Moore CHESTERFIELD CLARENDON COLLETON 416 West Boulevard Post Office Box 396 115 A Benson Street Chesterfield, SC 29709 Clarendon County Judicial Center Post Office Box 97 (843) 623-2265 Fax 623-3196 102 S. Mill Street, Room 105 Walterboro, SC 29488 Tommy Ballard Manning, SC 29102 (843) 549-2842 Fax 549-2812 (803) 435-4254 Fax 435-8362 David K. Alford Bobbie Reaves DARLINGTON DILLON DORCHESTER 300 Russell Street, Room 107 Post Office Box 973 105 Franklin Court Darlington, SC 29532-3329 Dillon SC 29536 Summerville, SC 29485 (843) 398-4900 Fax 398-4907 (843) 774-7261 Fax 774-6551 (843) 563-0187 Fax 563-0281 Hoyt Campbell Carlyle Price Katherine Worthington EDGEFIELD FAIRFIELD FLORENCE 129 Courthouse Square, Suite 106 c/o Voter Registration Office 2685 South Irby Street, Room 41 Post Office Box 442 Post Office Drawer 60 Public Service Building Edgefield SC 29824 Winnsboro SC 29180 Florence SC 29505 (803) 637-4072 Fax 637-4134 (803) 635-6255 Fax 635-5095 (843) 665-2351 Fax 292-1613 Tricia Gordon Debby Stidman Michael J. Young GEORGETOWN GREENVILLE GREENWOOD 303 North Hazard Street (29440) Greenville County Square Park Plaza Building, Suite 113 Post Office Drawer 421270 301 University Ridge, Suite 1900 600 Monument Street, Box P-117 Georgetown SC 29442-1270 Greenville SC 29601 Greenwood SC 29646-2643 (843) 545-3339 Fax 545-3342 (864) 467-7250 Fax 467-7256 (864) 942-8585 Fax 942-8566 Donna Mahn Conway Belangia Connie Moody L:\DIRECTORY\2 Page County Directories\CO _ELE.WRD Election Commission Updated: April 4, 2007 HAMPTON HORRY JASPER 201 Jackson Avenue West c/o Voter Registration Office 1506 Grays Highway, Unit B Hampton, SC 29924 103 Elm Street Post Office Box 299 (803) 943-7544 Fax 943-7530 Conway SC 29526 Ridgeland, SC 29936-0299 Kelly Futch (843) 915-5440 Fax 915-6440 (843) 726-7709 Fax 726-7626 Sandy Martin Jeanine M. Bostick KERSHAW LANCASTER LAURENS Registration/Elections County Administration Bldg. 200 Courthouse/Public Square 515 Walnut Street 101 North Main Street Post Office Box 769 Camden SC 29020 Post Office Box 1809 Laurens SC 29360 (803) 424-4016 Fax 425-7673 Lancaster SC 29721 (864) 984-4431 Fax 983-2529 Rosalyn Watson (803) 285-2969 Fax 416-9357 Marcia Pye Cassie Stump LEE LEXINGTON MCCORMICK 101 Gregg Street 605 West Main Street, Suite 105 County Office Building Post Office Box 309 Lexington SC 29072 Augusta and Pine Street, Room 1 Bishopville SC 29010 (803) 785-8361 Fax 785-8390 Post Office Box 636 (803) 484-5341, Ext. 324 Dean Crepes McCormick SC 29835 Fax 484-4392 (864) 852-2089 Fax 852-2489 Lynn Fata Suffie Jennings MARION MARLBORO NEWBERRY 137 Airport Court, Suite E Administrative Building County Courthouse Mullins SC 29574 Post Office Box 502 1226 College Street (843) 423-8268 Fax 423-8267 Bennettsville SC 29512 Post Office Box 147 Teresa C. Moody (843) 479-5612 Fax 479-5639 Newberry SC 29108 Phyllis Hagan (803) 321-2121 Fax 321-2122 Brenda Rogers OCONEE ORANGEBURG PICKENS 415 South Pine Street County Administrative Center 222 McDaniel Avenue B-9 Walhalla SC 29691 1437 Amelia Street Pickens SC 29671 (864) 638-4196 Fax 638-4197 Post Office Box 9000 (864) 898-5949 Fax 898-5637 Joy Brooks Orangeburg SC 29116 Ashley Harris (803) 533-6213 Fax 533-6215 Pam McArthur RICHLAND SALUDA SPARTANBURG 2020 Hampton Street County Courthouse Human Resource Center-Evans Bldg. Post Office Box 192 111 Law Range 142 South Dean Street Columbia SC 29202 Saluda SC 29138 Post Office Box 1287 (803) 576-2200 Fax 576-2205 (864) 445-8851 Fax 445-9147 Spartanburg SC 29304 Mike Cinnamon Frances Jaynes (864) 596-2549 Fax 596-2958 Vacant SUMTER UNION WILLIAMSBURG County Courthouse, Room 114 320 East Main Street 203 North Brooks Street (UPS) 141 North Main Street Union SC 29379 Post Office Box 1104 Sumter SC 29150 (864) 429-1616 Fax 427-7851 Kingstree, SC 29556 (803) 436-2313 Fax 436-2405 Helen Belk (843) 354-7016 Fax 354-3534 Patricia Jefferson Priscilla Cooper YORK E. C. Black Building 13 South Congress Street York, SC 29745 (803) 684-1242 Fax 684-7801 Wanda Hemphill L:\DIRECTORY\2 Page County Directories\CO _ELE.WRD Election Commission Updated: April 4, 2007 County Voter Registration Directory ABBEVILLE AIKEN ALLENDALE 102 Court Square 916 Vaucluse Road 426 Mulberry Street, Unit A Post Office Box 417 Post Office Box 3127 (29802) Allendale SC 29810 Abbeville SC 29620 Aiken SC 29801 (803) 584-4178 Fax 584-8147 (864) 366-5312, Ext 108 (803) 642-1528 Fax 642-2029 Dorothy J. Willis Fax 366-5797 Stuart Bedenbaugh Lynne West ANDERSON BAMBERG BARNWELL 107 S. Main St., Room 101 (UPS) Courthouse, 2959 Main Hwy. County Courthouse, Room 103 Anderson SC 29624 Post Office Box 947 Barnwell SC 29812 Post Office Box 8002 (29622) Bamberg SC 29003 (803) 541-1060 Fax 541-3683 (864) 260-4149 Fax 260-4203 (803) 245-3028 Fax 245-3027 Naomi DeFrenn Katy Smith Patti Jeffcoat BEAUFORT BERKELEY CALHOUN 15 John Gault Road PO Box 6122 102 Courthouse Drive, Suite 113 Post Office Drawer 1228 (29901) 6 Belt Drive St. Matthews SC 29135 Beaufort SC 29906-4290 Moncks Corner SC 29461 (803) 874-2929 Fax 874-1242 (843) 470-3753 Fax 524-0617 (843) 719-4056 Fax 719-4060 Thomasine “Tommi” Brice Agnes Garvin Wanda Farley CHARLESTON CHEROKEE CHESTER 4367 Headquarters Road 1434 N Limestone Street 109 Ella Street Post Office Box 71419 (29415) Gaffney SC 29340 Post Office Box 580 North Charleston, SC 29405-7402 (864) 487-2563 Fax 902-1127 Chester, SC 29706 (843) 744-8683 Fax 974-6419 Catie Allison (803) 385-2562 Fax 581-2696 Marilyn Bowers Earl Moore CHESTERFIELD CLARENDON COLLETON 416 West Boulevard East Keitt St,
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