Northwest Vintage Car & Motorcycle Museum Message Inside this issue: Volume 6 issue 4 Museum Headlights 2 October–December 2008 Quarterly newsletter Oregon Garden Car Show 3 Thanks to Paver Stone 4 Purchasers How to Purchase a Paver Stone 4 Deadline for the next newsletter is: Board Minutes 5 December 10th Spokesman 6 Please submit articles for future newsletters to: Volunteer of the Quarter 6
[email protected]. From the Toy Box 8 Al & Sue Lake-Newsletter Editors Museum Activities Steam Up Car Show Working Together For Your Enjoyment Meetings by Ed Weber Member/Board meetings. Antique Powerland and the Northwest and passengers used Powerland’s The third Wednesday of each Vintage Car & Motorcycle Museum generous offer and the Museum’s month at 6:30 pm at the joined together during the annual Show Field to park and show their Service Station. The next th “Steamup” to provide a clean, dust- vehicles. Eighteen car manufactur- meetings are October 15 , th free place to park vintage vehicles ers and 3 motorcycle manufacturers November 19 ., and th while attending the show. For all vehi- were represented: December 17 . cles that entered the area prior to Cars: Ford, Willys, Buick, Brush, Education Committee 10:00 am and were willing to stay Holsman, Chevrolet, MG, Volks- meetings. The next meeting is parked until 3:00 pm, Powerland pro- wagen, Dodge, Cord, Studebaker, at the Service Station on vided 2 free passes! th REO, Oldsmobile, Edsel, Packard, November 7 at 6:30 pm. Because of traffic congestion during Saab, Plymouth, and GMC. Coming Events the daily parade, vintage vehicles Motorcycles: Triumph, Honda, and October 4 32nd Oregon were requested to stay in the show Harley Davidson.