British Records: Lambeth Palace Library

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British Records: Lambeth Palace Library MICKOFlLM Z. 5.1 <:J 1 LAMBETH PALACE LIBKAKY • London, England LAM/fUL, Vol. VI LAMBETII PALACE: Fulham Papers, General Correspondence. Continental Colonies, 1712-n.d. Keel no. Z.5.191 P. 208 1711/12 Jan 21. N.C. Letter from ke v . .Jrio . Il rrnst o n to bishop of London. Trust!> that bishop hd!i seen letters Urmsr.oll hel::. w r i t t e n c o SPG, therefore will not relate "wha t d t I Lic u lu i o s and unheard of hardships live here struggled with"; "Our confusions" have much obstrucr.ed his work; Mr. Gordon's request not unreasonable; asks bishop to make Society aware of his plight and "eithcr provide better for mc, remove me to a Ghrisr.ian Country or else call me home"; complains against local granting of divorces, licenses for marriage, and letters of administration. I'IJ.20Y-210 1712 July 25. Chowan. Letter from Kev. Giles Kainsford to [bishop of London). Has found here "a well dispos'd people" who a t t e nd services and have children b ap t ised; has baptised a few Negroes, "r.ho' wich much difficulty 1 • ob t t.hc a t nd the leave for so doing f rom i r Ni:lsters"; good work of Mr. Mashburn, a schoolmaster at Sarum on Va./N.C. border; Mashburn "highly deserves the e nc ou ra g cmc o t of the Society" since he wouLd teach Chowan Indian children gratis Eor a salary of E20 a year; people impoverished by Indian war, so he expects little supporL I rom them; Mr. Urrnst on and he "manage our r c spe c t ive DisLricl!:, to the Gen'ral SdtisEacr.ion of the People"; he Likes the country "cx[r~'am well a t. present"; lords proprietors have given (200 towards building a church, but war prcvcnLb it at present; Gov. Hyde "gives his Duty to your Lordship." lFragmt'nt.] I'p. 211-212 1712 Sept 2~. N.C. LetLer [rom Hev. Jno. Urmston LO [bishop of London). Apprehensive concerning death of Gov. lIyde on ~ept. 8; "the fiJctious, quaking Party are not a liLt.le rejoiced," but, hopes government s t ab le enough (or them IhH to be a threat; hopes Col. Pollock, president of the coullcil lid prudent, wise Gent," will be appointed governor, sinc~ he is il strong o( the church; requests bishop co intercede with the duke o( Beaufort, palatine, • on behalf of Pol lock. Mr. Kalnb[ord has preached only once and has left [or England--"he hath carn'd an f150 easily"; hopes duke o[ Beaufort will appoint Urmston chaplain, and has asked Lr i c nd to p roc u rc depuc a c Lcn for him (rom Sir John CollCLol1-- "favours lwhichJ would be no profi.t at all, but a greal t u r t hc ra nc e of my t-H~sion"; colony in great danger (rom t he Indians; "It the So c i e c i e is not kind 1 shall be forced to run lnrlt, bankrupt and not able to continue much longer here." Pp. 21J-214 n i d . lca. 172)~1. "t-lcmor.lndum Concerning the Endowment of the Church in NorLh c.i ro lt na ." Comments on Tr o t t t s collection o t laws a::. c omp a red to current situation i n N.C. Lnc lud c s extract 01 letter (rom John Baptista Ashe to k cv . Mr. ~ull, 6 Apr 1721, l arnc n t Lng that only orie p a r i sh in N.C. is supplied and r~qucsting Bull [0 make reprcscntaLion~ to t:ngldnd . I'p. 215-216 1725 Dec 3. AU id a v i t o I George Burri ngton and others c ouc c rn i ng e x arni n.r t io n of Kev. Thomas Bay ly e by Cov . Sir k ic h.ird • Everard, Chid .Jus t Lce Ch r i s t op hc r Gale, and Scc re i u ry .John Lovick reg a rd i ng Bilylyc's preaching. (rnllr I d III'XI ... 1.."., - l'p.217-218 1725[2bJ Jan 25. Ed o nc on , Letter from Gov. Sir k i c hu r d Eve ra r d to [bishop of London]. k e v , Thoma s Ba y l e y , fo rme r l y of Phi l adc l ph i a .md Va., who r e he W,lS turned out, for drunkenness and "vile action!>," came to N.C., whl!rc he w...s "continudlly drunk"; recenLly demanded to preach in Edenton a t the courthouse J a nd , whl!n Everard refused him tile key, broke In; ch i cf just icc bound h rm over to the Ge ne r a I CI)UrL, and George Burrington is his bail; Bayley now in • Pasquotank "a Preaching up I<ebellion"; hopes bishop wonlt mind it Everard prosecutes him; praisp tor kev. Mr. Blackwell, who is beloved by all except "~1r. Bur r i ng t on s Pa r t y't ; i sk s for three other missionaries; Quakers "d a i l y EncrcJse." P. 21 Y 1725[26] Jan 27. Af(idavit of kcv. John Bldcknall concerning request of k e v . Thomas Ba i l e y , d ma n of "a very vile a nd i n f amou s Ch a r ec t e r ;!' to preach in Edenton. 1'1" 220-221 1726 May 12. Bath Town. Lettpr from kev. Thomas Baylye to rbishop of London]. Has been in N.C. three years, baptising many dnd bringing many to communion; the "People under fly c e r e " a r e "one ha l I of North Carolina"; asks for the t80 ~llowed tor thi!> plucl!, since he hd~ J wlfe and lour small children; CJme to N.C. to unable his wife to recover trom the gripes; former Gov. Bu r r i ng t.o n and assembly have int~rceded with lords propri~cors on my behall, which you m;JY have heard from Mr. Goff or Edmond Porter; "most of t.he refrdC[orincSb ot this country is owing to the wdnt of ministers"; Presbyterians hive 1 minisLer, Mr. Clemens, on Neuse klvur not far from Bath Town; many Quukers in P<Jsquotank "nd Pcrquimans; Dr. King, lIl.Jster of Chartcrhousc, can inform you o I me; has been in America 14 Yl!ars, mostly in Naryland. K"cltes to rrnu l a (in Latin) of his ordination as priest on 15 June 1712; was o r d a i nv d <.IS deacon <.It Westminstc·r ill 1705; is in 43rd year of ag~; great difficulty of hIS minisLfY in N.C. Pp , 222-223 1726 May 25. Bath lown. Petition to [bishop of London] [rom churchwardens, vestry, and gentll!men o( St. Thomas's Pn r i s h on behalf of Re v . Thomas ~dylye. lias been 111 t he s ..· p a r t s u lrno s r three y e a r s a nd has c a ke n "great pains and c a r c " III h i.s ministry; asks [or him thL' (80 d year tormerly allowed by the SPG tor minister he r e ; we will assist a l l WI' Colli, but l a c e Indian WJr "has rendered us unable to r a i s « a suftl~iunt subsidy for d O~c~nt Maint~ndnce ot th~ Ministry." Includes endorsement at s amc by "The Commt s s t onc r , at the Vestry o I Hide Parish." I'p. 224-225 n i d . [c,1. 1726]. Na r r a t i v e by kcv. Thomas B.ry l ye concerning his • buing refused permlssion by Gov. ~vcr.Jrd to predch in EdenLon. I'p. 22b-227 1729 Apr 14. N.C. L~·tLCr [rom Gov. Sir k i c ha r d Everard to [bi~hop 01 London]. Commissioners for bui l.d i ng c hu r c h in EdentOll have t600 in h~nd, but disagreements prev\.'nt work'!> proceeding; Chl~f obstruction is Secrcl~ry John Lovick, ",1 rna n of 110 ReLi g i o n ... brought Up.i Footboy and oJ I?imp"j hu s i n t o rma t io n t h u t, Hr. Su nd c r s on bequeathed l a nd , etC., to rna i n t n i n d rnini s t e r In Cu r r i t uc k Pr cc i nc t , but t h a t it WdS cmbe z z l e d by Lovick .lnd ochen; when he g~ts a copy ot the will he will sl!Ild il to the blShop. PI->. 228-22{' 172<1 Oct 12. Edenton. LeC:Lcr from Gov. $ir I<ichclrd Evcrclrd to [bishop 01 London). Quakl'rs clnd tbptists flourish 1n N.C. becuu~o.! of I.lck at clergy; kev. Nr. Jones ot Ndnscmol\d, Va., s~·rvl..·S IlCdr the border, but is old clnd infirm: Pdul P.llmer, .t l1aptisL [":lcher, has "g.tined hundreds"; Secretary Lovick sco!(s .It r~ligion and prevenlS construction at church; Lovick was ..1 tootboy to Gov. Hydc; Gov. Eden "in the Atf.:lir or Thacth ttw Pir.HL· madl~ him ACL th~' P,lrt 01 <In Affld.lVll ..
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