CHUCK PAYNE COMMITTEES: District 54 Education and Youth, Chair 320-A Coverdell Legislative Office Building Appropriations – Ex Officio 18 Capitol Square, S.W. Finance – Secretary Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Higher Education – Secretary Tel: (404) 463-5402 Public Safety – Ex-Officio State and Local Government Operations
[email protected] Vice-Chairman The State Senate Atlanta, Georgia 30334 TO: Senate Education and Youth Committee Members Senator Jason Anavitarte, 31st, Vice Chair Senator Freddie Powell Sims, 12th, Secretary Senator Matt Brass, 28th, Ex- Officio Senator Lindsey Tippins, 37th, Ex-Officio Senator John Albers, 56th Senator Greg Dolezal, 27th Senator Sonya Halpern, 39th Senator Lester Jackson, 2nd Senator Donzella James, 35th Senator Sheila McNeill, 3rd Senator Elena Parent, 42nd From: Chairman, Senator Chuck Payne, 54th DATE: Monday, February 1st, 2021 TIME: 3:30 P.M. LOCATION: CLOB 307 AGENDA: SB 20 (Sen. Payne, 54th) “Relating to the “Georgia Child Advocate for the Protection of Children Act,” so as to revise the composition of the Child Advocate Advisory Committee” SB 42 (Sen. Mullis, 53rd) “Relating to indicators of quality of learning in individual school systems, comparison to state standards, rating schools and school systems, providing information, and uniform definition of “dropout” and “below grade level,” so as to provide that the school climate rating does not include discipline data” Agenda is subject to change at the discretion of the Chairman. cc: Geoff Duncan, Lt. Governor Michael Walker, Legislative Counsel David Cook, Secretary of the Senate Andrew Allison, Senate Press Office Senator Butch Miller, President Pro Tempore Elizabeth Holcomb, Senate Research Office Senator Mike Dugan, Majority Leader Melody DeBussey, Senate Budget Office Governor’s Office, Miranda Williams .