New Zealand Local Pages

Area Presidency Message The Prophetic Promise of the Messiah By Elder Kevin W. Pearson First Counsellor in the Area Presidency

he birth of Jesus Christ in the proclamation of the truth, in Tmeridian of time was one great power and authority, there of the most anticipated events were but few who hearkened in all recorded ancient scrip- to his voice, and rejoiced in his ture. Beginning with Adam and presence, and received salva- continuing with every ancient tion at his hands” (D&C 138:26). prophet through the ages, the Contrast that with “the angel promise of the Messiah, the [and] a multitude of the heavenly Redeemer, the Saviour, and the host praising God, and saying, Only Begotten Son of God was Glory to God in the highest, and Elder Kevin W. foretold. on earth peace, good will toward Pearson The righteous have wor- men” (Luke 2:13–14). their deliverance was at hand. shiped the Father in the name The birth of the Son of God They were assembled awaiting of the Son and have exercised would have been one of the the advent of the Son of God into faith in Him, repented and most acknowledged and cele- the spirit world, to declare their covenanted through baptism brated days in all of recorded redemption from the bands of and received the gift of the Holy history in the pre-mortal realm. death” (D&C 138:12,15–16). Ghost in every age where the His mission there would be the He will come again, and all His Melchizedek Priesthood has very foundation of the Father’s words will be fulfilled which He been available on the earth. plan of salvation. Who in the has caused to be spoken through The prophets foretold of His heavens would not have known His prophets. As we look to the coming in the meridian of time of that event? Thirty-three years Saviour this Christmas, may we to prepare His people, and the later, as President Joseph F. also heed the voices of His holy prophets of the Restoration con- Smith in vision witnessed, “there prophets, for a voice of warning, tinue to warn the people of His were gathered in one place an teaching, counsel, instruction Second Coming and the need to innumerable company of the and guidance, that we might ever prepare to meet Him. spirits of the just, who had been be found with the “valiant in the Sadly, there were but faithful in the testimony of Jesus testimony of Jesus” (D&C 76:79), few looking for Jesus of while they lived in mortality . . . that we “may be filled with this Nazareth when He came: they were filled with joy and love, which he hath bestowed “Notwithstanding his mighty gladness, and were rejoicing upon all who are true follows of works, and miracles, and together because the day of his Son, Jesus Christ; that we may

December 2013 N1 become the sons [and daugh- we shall have the Christmas a moment and remembers with ters] of God; that when he shall spirit, not for one fleeting day gratitude the birth of the Son appear [again] we shall be like each year, but as a companion of God. . . . him, for we shall see him as he always. We shall learn to forget “In that spirit we reach out to is; that we may have this hope; ourselves. We shall turn our embrace one and all with that that we may be purified even as thoughts to the greater benefit love which is of the essence he is pure” (Moroni 7:48). of others. . . . of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Consider these prophetic mes- “There is no shortage of We Latter-day Saints are a vast sages as you celebrate Christmas opportunities to forget self and concourse of people bound in your home this year. think of others. Such opportuni- together in a oneness of love ties, however limitless they may and faith. Our blessing is great, The Christmas Spirit be, are also perishable. There as a people and as individuals. “With the birth of the babe are hearts to gladden. There are We carry in our hearts a firm in Bethlehem, there emerged kind words to say. There are gifts and unshakable conviction of a great endowment—a power to be given. There are deeds to the divine mission of the Lord stronger than weapons, a wealth be done. There are souls to be Jesus Christ. He was the great more lasting than the coins of saved. . . . Jehovah of the Old Testament, Caesar. This child was to be- “As we lift our eyes heaven- the Creator who, under the come the King of kings and Lord ward and then remember to direction of His Father, made of lords, the promised Messiah— look outward into the lives of all things, ‘and without him Jesus Christ, the Son of God. others, as we remember that it is was not anything made that “Born in a stable, cradled in more blessed to give than to re- was made’ ( John 1:3). He was a manger, He came forth from ceive, we, during this Christmas the promised Messiah, who heaven to live on earth as mortal season, will come to see a came with healing in His wings. man and to establish the king- bright, particular star that will He was the worker of miracles, dom of God. During His earthly guide us to our precious oppor- the great healer, the resurrec- ministry, He taught men the tunity” (Thomas S. Monson, “In tion and the life. His is the only higher law. His glorious gospel Search of the Christmas Spirit,” name under heaven whereby reshaped the thinking of the Ensign, Dec. 1987, 5–6). we must be saved. . . . world. He blessed the sick. He “We love Him. We honor caused the lame to walk, the A Season for Gratitude Him. We thank Him. We wor- blind to see, the deaf to hear. He “What a wonderful season ship Him. He has done for each even raised the dead to life. To us this is, this Christmas season. of us and for all mankind that He has said, ‘Come, follow me.’ All of the Christian world, while which none other could have “As we seek Christ, as we not understanding the things done. God be thanked for the find Him, as we follow Him, that we understand, pauses for gift of His Beloved Son, our

N2 Ensign Savior, the Redeemer of the Giving as He Gave • Dismiss suspicion and re- world, the Lamb without blem- “The Saviour dedicated His place it with trust. ish who was offered as a sacri- life to blessing other people. As • Write a letter. fice for all mankind. expressed by His chief Apostle, • Give a soft answer. “He it was who directed the Peter, ‘God anointed Jesus of • Encourage youth. restoration of this, His work, in Nazareth with the Holy Ghost • Manifest your loyalty in word this the dispensation of the ful- and with power: who went and deed. ness of time. This is His Church about doing good’ (Acts 10:38). • Keep a promise. which bears His Holy Name. . . . “Never did the Saviour give • Forgo a grudge. “Christmas is more than trees in expectation of receiving. • Forgive an enemy. and twinkling lights, more than He gave freely and lovingly, • Apologize. toys and gifts and baubles of a and His gifts were of inesti- • Try to understand. hundred varieties. It is love. It mable value. He gave eyes to • Examine your demands on is the love of the Son of God the blind, ears to the deaf, and others. for all mankind. It reaches out legs to the lame; cleanliness to • Think first of someone else. beyond our power to com- the unclean, wholeness to the • Be kind. prehend. It is magnificent and infirm, and breath to the lifeless. • Be gentle. beautiful. His gifts were opportunity to • Laugh a little more. “It is peace. It is the peace the downtrodden, freedom to • Express your gratitude. which comforts, which sustains, the oppressed, forgiveness to • Welcome a stranger. which blesses all who accept it. the repentant, hope to the de- • Gladden the heart of a child. “It is faith. It is faith in God spairing, and light in the dark- • Take pleasure in the beauty and His Eternal Son. It is faith in ness. He gave us His love, His and wonder of the earth. His wondrous ways and mes- service, and His life. And most • Speak your love and then sage. It is faith in Him as our important, He gave us and all speak it again. Redeemer and our Lord. mortals resurrection, salvation, “We testify of His living and eternal life. “Christmas is a celebration, reality. We testify of the divinity “We should strive to give as He and there is no celebration that of His nature. In our times of gave. To give of oneself is a holy compares with the realization grateful meditation, we acknowl- gift. We give as a remembrance of its true meaning—with the edge His priceless gift to us and of all the Saviour has given. sudden stirring of the heart that pledge our love and faith. This is “Christmas is a time for giv- has extended itself unselfishly what Christmas is really about” ing. . . . This Christmas: in the things that matter most” (Gordon B. Hinckley, “A Season (Howard W. Hunter, “The Gifts for Gratitude,” Ensign, Dec. • Mend a quarrel. of Christmas,” Ensign, Dec. 1997, 2, 4–5). • Seek out a forgotten friend. 2002, 18–19). ◼

December 2013 N3 Local Pages n. ectio

The Spirit of Charity ll o y C r

Is in Those Bricks Histo h By Rosanna Whaanga c Z Chur N r e

n a remote island 50 kilometres northeast rk a P of City resides the of Ngati ic & V O i Rehua and the Ngawaka Dynasty. The Maori ng Ra

of name for their island is Aotea. Captain Cook y tes renamed it Great Barrier Island because it formed ur co h a barrier between the and the Pacific ap gr

Ocean. oto Ph Ngati Rehua was led by Raihi Miraka Ngawaka. She was a full-blooded white Maori and a direct descendant of Ngati Turehu and Tutumaiao, the original fair-skinned inhabitants on Aotea. It was during this time that missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints arrived on Aotea and taught the gospel. A young Matthew Cowley was one of those Raihi Miraka missionaries. He played an important role in con- Ngawaka verting Raihi Ngawaka, her son Tame Ngawaka, and from any other child. Sam and his cousins loved daughter-in-law Rihipaea Ngawaka. But Rihipaea’s the outdoor life. One day they were chasing goats husband Nupere Ngawaka did not join the Church through the bush. Not realising how close they straight away. Nupere approached Matthew Cowley were to the edge of a cliff as they ran through the and said he struggled between his Maori culture and dense bush, Sam fell off the cliff on to the rocks the Church. Brother Cowley counselled Nupere, and below. His cousins used a boat to rescue him. His told him the Melchizedek Priesthood was stronger family was devastated by the accident. Living so than his Tohunga customs. One year later Nupere far away from any hospital meant they had to care gave up his customary ways and joined the Church. for his injuries. They did the best they could, but His brother Tame was made the branch president not realising that Sam had broken bones in his on Aotea. His descendant Matthew Ngawaka is the fingers they wrapped his hands in bandages, and branch president on Aotea today. his fingers healed bent, not straight. On March 14, 1926, Sam Beazley was born on When he was 10 years old Sam’s mother Great Barrier Island. He was the fourth child of passed away, and about a year later his grand- nine children, and growing up, was no different father Nupere Ngawaka passed away too, the

N4 Ensign last Tohunga of Great Barrier Island. His grand- working on the construction of Church College. mother made a decision that the whole family These young men were obedient and took up the would move to Whananaki in the north. Sam’s challenge, left their families, moved to Hamilton father Fred dismantled their home on Great and worked hard. Barrier Island and took the timber to Whananaki In the book Mighty Missionary of the Pacific, to build a home there. Fred relied on the sup- Sam was interviewed, and said, “It became my port of the extended family to help raise his responsibility to supervise the old block-plant children after losing his wife. He took his three which was more or less used as a workshop as

n. well, where we made our fence posts and drain ectio ll tiles. On several occasions we received visits from o y C r the General Authorities of our Church; we had Histo h the honour and the privilege of actually meeting a c prophet of God, President David O. McKay. From Z Chur N r e him we learned that the temple of God was to be rk a P ic built in our fair land, a truly heart-warming experi- & V i ng ence” (Cummings, 1961, p. 113). Ra of

y An additional article, written by Elsdon Craig tes ur entitled “Mormon Maoris Build Their Way to co h

ap Education,” added, “Sam Beazley . . . is another gr

oto who has been with the college community since Ph the beginning. He is now in charge of the im- eldest sons, including Sam, to the King Country L to R: Ben portant brick plant which is operated by a crew to work in the forestry and send money back Hippolite, an composed almost entirely of Maoris. To show how to the family. After a few years they returned unknown block important and efficient this section of the work is, back to Whananaki and Fred purchased land in plant worker, they make all the bricks for the Mormon buildings and Sam Hikurangi for his family. being erected in . This involves ful- Beazley. By this time Sam had moved to Auckland filling an order of 5,000 bricks weekly for the new to work at the Council and spent Mormon chapel at Hastings. After satisfying the de- his Saturdays helping to build the Scotia Place mand for local projects the brick-making crew was Chapel, in Queen Street, Auckland. In September able, a month ago, to send a shipment of 5,500 1951, Elder George R. Biesinger, who was called bricks to help their cousins in the Cook Islands as General Supervisor of Church Building in the erect a chapel at Rarotonga. But this is not all. The South Pacific, visited the Scotia Place building site crew is actually two months ahead of schedule to assess how things were going. He called Sam, with supplies and has been able to go to Hastings Matt Tarawa, Bertie Purcell and Sam Edwards to as a body and help with the project there on the go to Hamilton to be part of the first block crew spot” (Elsdon Craig, 1955).

December 2013 N5 Sam made bricks from 1952 until he was re- many of those bricks were made by hand until the leased in 1962. The first block plant produced Church imported a block-making machine. Sam’s over one million bricks. Many of the bricks hands were crippled from his childhood accident, were shipped to Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, and the yet he made bricks for 10 years, and he loved Cook Islands, to chapels all over New Zealand, making those bricks.

Block Plant at and were used in the construction of Church “The spirit of charity is in those bricks,” says Temple View, College buildings and the New Zealand Temple Ra Puriri, a St. George resident whose father was Hamilton in Hamilton. It was an achievement, considering one of the Church’s labour missionaries. “You n. ectio ll o y C r Histo h c Z Chur N r e rk a P ic & V i ng Ra

of y tes ur co h ap gr oto Ph

N6 Ensign can see their contributions in the buildings” (Stack, 2009). Lessons in the Home Mighty Missionary of the Pacific describes the By Catherine Vaughan Church’s 1950s building program of the Pacific as s the mother of a large resolution. On more than one a “phenomenon” and the coming together of two Afamily, my life was always occasion I retired to my bedroom great creative forces. “One was devotion flaming busy and loud. With a set of to kneel in prayer, feeling com- in the hearts of hundreds of men, untrained, in- twins in the middle, our first six pletely overwhelmed. experienced, willingly answering a call to service. children arrived in just under One rainy day, with everyone The other was dedicated leadership” (Cummings, eight years, and by the time our cooped up inside, my mother’s 1961, p. 123). seventh child came along three voice of reason was completely In 2006 Church College closed. Soon some of years later, our house was burst- lost amidst the noise and bois- the buildings and bricks Sam helped make will be ing at the seams. We had always terous activity. No matter how gone. The bricks may disappear but Sam’s devo- wanted a large family, so our many times I asked them to do tion and willingness to serve the Lord will live on hearts were full, and we revelled things, it seemed to be ignored, in the hearts of many members. in the noise and constant activ- or quickly forgotten. My vision In 2011 Sam Beazley passed away. Mourners ity that accompanies a multitude of a perfect family with obedi- at his service summed up his life, as they sang of children. ent, helpful offspring bore no these lines from his favourite hymn, “Each life Overall, the children were resemblance to the free-spirited that touches ours for good Reflects thine own well behaved, and happy, and children enjoying this earthly ad- great mercy, Lord; Thou sendest blessings from got along well together, en- venture who inhabited our home. above Thru words and deeds of those who love” joying the ready-made friends Tired and frustrated, I stormed (“Each Life That Touches Ours for Good,” Hymns, and play mates they had in the off to my bedroom, and threw no. 293). ◼ home. But having so many chil- myself down onto my knees at

Acknowledgements dren so close in age also meant the end of the bed. As I poured Irene Davies there were moments of conflict out my feelings of annoyance to Rangitahi Dawn Beazley Annie Beazley-Mikaere and disagreement. Sometimes Heavenly Father, I complained Rangi & Vic Parker—NZ Church History Collection I struggled to keep a feeling about how my children never lis-

Bibliography of peace and harmony in the ten to me, and finished by saying Cummings, D. (1961). Mighty Missionary of the Pacific. home, amidst the disputes and emphatically, “How many times Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft Inc. Stack, P. (2009, June 13). “Demolition Plan Dismays scattered toys. As the children do I have to tell them?!” Alumni.” Salt Lake Tribune. Retrieved from grew, it seemed that I spent all In the silence that followed Elsdon, C. (1955, September). National Library of New Zealand. my time repeating the same my little outburst, I very distinctly Te Ao Hou-The New World. “Mormon Maoris Build Their Way to Education.” Retrieved from words over and over, especially heard the quiet answer, “About as journals/teaohou/issue/Mao12TeA/c14.html Parker, Rangi (2013). NZ Church History Collection (former when it came to their assigned many times as I have to tell you.” Kia Ngawari Trust). weekly chores, clearing up My “righteous indignation” Davidson, Karen Lynn (1943). “Each Life That Touches Ours for Good,” Hymns, no. 293. after themselves, and dispute evaporated immediately as I

December 2013 N7 I recognised the validity of those R © I words. It was true. I had to be re- minded over and over to read my scriptures, to prepare for emer- gencies with food storage, to not be judgemental . . . I knew the list was extensive. As I knelt there, pondering on the loving patience of our Heavenly Father, and the many chances He has given me as I learn the gospel principles line upon line, precept upon precept, I repented of my previous anger and frustration. I listened to the giggles and laughter coming from the other room, and I recognised that our home had been blessed with precious spirits, enjoying the excitement of having a physical body and earthly emotions. They weren’t being wilfully naughty, they were being children. They were sons and daughters of God, and I felt deeply humbled and blessed that they have been entrusted to my care while they are experiencing this earthly journey. As I went back out into the lounge and they ran to hug me, I gave thanks for personal prayer, d n

for Heavenly Father’s plan, and a l

the knowledge that families can zea w e be together forever. ◼ Christ with Children, by Del Parson n

N8 Ensign