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2-28-2000 2000 Highlander Vol 82 No 10 February 28, 2000

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The 3esv\it v\niveV"si+y of the Rock~ Mov\ntains

Vol. 82. No. IO . Monday. February 28. :moo Catholic Studies program inaugurated by Allison Armstrong FEATURE This spring Regis University has they are looking for a program such as developed a new dimension to the Religious one. And four, though Regis is a Jesuit EavesdroJ.> on Studies Department--a program for Catholic institution. in the past it has not always been conversataons over Catholic Studies. Phillip Gleason, professor emeritus at obvious with "Christian stuff" as Lumpp said, topics, and read profiles of the University ofNotre Dame, officially so this is a way of bringing that to those who Father Dunphy and Father inaugurated these new course offerings with are interested. Oakes. lectures and conversations to the Regis According to Lumpp. "this new program community. is not strictly theological." The program is see pages 6 & 7 Dr. Randolph Lwnpp, director of the. designed "to showcase all aspects of Catholic Studies minor, discussed the impetus Catholicity-historical, artistic, and scientific. for the new program. One, Catholic Studies is It offers an opportunity to encourage and something that is happening in schools all over showcase those many dimensions." More that are trying to become more diverse. Two, information can be found at Regis wanted to focus and highlight certain http;// ENIERfAlNMENT Phillip Gleason, professor emeritus at the University of connections to the Jesuit and Catholic The website includes the goals of the program, Notre Dame, officially inaugerated Regis' CaJholic traditions of the mission statement. Three, its requirements, and classes that are being This weekend, fill your Studies Program this spring. there are students who apply to Regis because offered this spring. plate with delicious--or not so--restaurant reviews, and for dessert try one of our Luncheon tempting movie reviews. Forum on the Future to give answers see pages 9 & 10 Regis a monumental make-over concerns of Ex corde by Kara Mattini SPORIS This past fall students were asked what Currently the ideas discussed among the Ecclesiae improvements they would like to see at Regis. task forces are onl} preliminary; however. March madness and the list came back a tall order. Requests progress seems to be moving quickly. Dr. by Jessica Fawcett approaches, but it has ranged from a bigger and better chapel, to a Ladewig. Dean of the School for Health Care A group of concerned Regis students. nothing to do with Mardi new student center including features such as an Professions and liaison to the SHCP task force administrators and faculty members gathered on Gras or the Ranger's expanded bookstore, limited banking and even a expressed her feelings toward the Forum on the February 17 for a luncheon presentation entitled baseball blues. hair salon. The physical facelift anticipated for Future: "In the beginning I was a little skeptical "Ex corde and you." Fr. Michael Sheeran, Regis campus is but one element in the of how it would work, but as it progresses and President of Regis University. and Dr. Allan seepage 8 transformation of Regis University. we approach deadlines 1 am incredibly excited. Service, Provost facilitated the program. The "Forum on the Future" is the title given to Although we are still in the process of discussion centered on the potential impact of Ex the cooperative groups of task forces who are formulating our recommendations, the corde Ecclesiae. the church document recently working, "to help sharpen its capability for experience has been an enjoyable one. This is approved by U.S. Catholic Bishops 'to gi;ide leadership in its critical mission of higher healthy and beneficial for the entire university." relationships between the church and Catholic education namely: developing leaders in the The most prominent issue among the SHCP colleges and universities. service of others" (Regis University Annual task force is space; they have outgrown their The luncheon presentation sought to ease the Report, 1998-99). The Forum on the Future is current home on the third floor of Carroll Hall minds of the Regis community and inform the comprised of nine task forces: Jesuit and and are looking to accommodate their rising public about the realistic implications of the Catholic character, Regis College, School for population. document One controversial item states that Health Care Professions, School for The Jesuit and Catholic task force is certain faculty members will be encouraged to Professional Studies, University Libraries, working to increase the presence of Catholic­ obtain a mandate from the bishop. As of now, this Physical Facilities, Technology, University theme courses into the curriculwn; increase the mandate only applies to Catholic faculty members INDEX Relations with External Communities and New number of ethics courses, particularly at the teaching a course specifically on Catholic Ventures/Partnership/Alliances . Select graduate level; and increased services directed doctrine. "Catholic Church law applies only to distinguished alumni, business and civic leaders toward poor students, particularly support to Catholics," Sheeran stated in his explanation. Editoria1 ...... 2 who have strong leadership skills chair the nine local Hispanic Catholics to name a few. They Therefore, non-Catholics or Catholics teaching News ...... 3-5 task forces in adjunction with liaisons who are are also adamant about the construction of a any subject outside of the realm of Catholicism Feature ...... ,..... 6-7 high-ranking Regis officials. The nine task new chapel that will better facilitate the needs will not be asked to obtain a mandate. forces are under the motivation of Honorable of the Regis community. Another concern is the guideline that Sports ...... _,...... 8 Richard Truly, who has ted a life of Each task force has a different agenda, but suggests a majority of a Catholic university's Entertainment ...... 9-10 distinguished public service as Vice Admiral of when the plans come together in May, the board and faculty members are members of the Calendar...... , ...... 11 the U.S. Navy, an astronaut and Administrator Board of Trustees and President Fr. Sheeran Catholic faith. While this is a suggested guideline, of NASA, and is currently the Director of the will combine and correlate th.e ideas together Sheeran pointed out the catch phrase, "as far as National Renewal Energy Laboratory ofthe that will shape and mold Regis for the next possible" applies to all of the suggested guidelines Department of Energy. twenty years. and that all faiths are valuable and should be welcomed into the Catholic community. 2 + EDITORIALS :HIGHLANDER + February 28, 2000 Fast-paced American lifestyle leaves church in the dust

by Mary Magoonaugh Do you make it to church every Sunday? half the rate reported by public opinion polls. The latest survey of religious observance How many times do we get that pesky indicates that a lot more Americans are phone survey right at the worst time possible? sleeping in on Sundays. Weekly attendance in For most of us that is all the time! This is U.S. houses of worship has slumped to its another reason why church attendance surveys lowest level since World War II (Knight­ are not always correct. One might think of Ridderrrribune News Service). A survey done themselves as regular attendees, when really Anna Curtin by The Gallup Organization reports that 38 they have just overlooked a Sunday or two percent of U .S. adults in 1996 said that they which they missed due to lack to time and or had attended church within the last week. interest. Many people think that when they are Whereas in 1995 there was a 43 percent on vacation that they are exempt from Denver's attendance rate. The highest rates of church attending regular Sunday church worship. attendance were reported in 1955 and 1958 Also, millions of seniors suffer from short­ when 49 percent of churchgoers said they term memory loss. Since they remember going Irish Pub: Fad6 attended weekly. to church as children many of them recall this Self-reported attendance rates in surveys information and project it to the present day, It is very important to remember to use a are noted to be nearly twice as high as actual adding themselves to the regular worship list "fada," where required in the Irish language, as in-church cpunts. Many churches suspect the of parishioners. in the word fad6, which means "a long lo_!lg poll figures are 40 percent higher than actual People's lives have become so hectic that time ago." If you don't use a fada, then you attendance. Studies have shown that people do Sundays are turning out to be the only day of will not pronounce the word as it should be not accurately report their behavior to the week for relaxation, personal and family pronounced. As you can see in the word 'fad6,' polltakers. According to The Christian Century, time. Sundays are seen as a day for doing the fada is over the letter "o"; it is like an Americans misreport how often they vote, bow things quietly, and not with other people. The accent on a letter in the French language. And much they give to charity and how frequently public's growing interest in spiritual issues is that ladies and gentlemen is this lesson on the they use illegal drugs. Of course the declining, and the declining ability of churches Irish language. misreporting is in the expected direction: to connect with young people is on the Wbat brought me to that topic was my people report higher than actual figures for increase. visit to Fad6 Irish Pub, which is located at voting and contributions to charity, lower for So, when you hear the alarm next Sunday 1735 19th street in LODO. between the Coors illegal drug use. morning take a minute to think if you really Field and the Chophouse. This past Saturday One case study of an Ohio Catholic want to be one of the millions of American's there was an action-packed day full of "ceoil, Church, whose parish radius included 18 who don't have time for church anymore. craic, beor agus bia," music, fun, beer and counties, interviewed 40 percent of its parish Sunday church worship takes roughly an hour food, and the entertainment all aided a very membership about how often they attended only once a week. ls this too much time to . worthy cause: JEFFCO Open Schools Irish church services. Actual attendance revealed a give to our Creator? Just rememberthe next Exchange. much lower rate of religious participation than time you decide to go to a movie or take a I got to the Irish pub with some friends at reported in survey interviews. Instead of the walk in the park on a Sunday afternoon. you about 5 p.m., and at that stage the party was 50 percent reported attendance. there actually could have spent the same amount of time in well underway with musicians, dancers and was only 28 percent regular attendance. In church reflecting on all the good things that -bands from Ireland. England. Scotland, Wales other words, church attendance is a little over God has given to you! and America All the groups did their best to entertain, and entertain they did. As we approached the pub, The Michael Collins pipeband greeted us with many a Do you know these women? familiar tune that had people singing, swaying and dancing. As we sat down and ordered, another man came on singing traditional folk Get the answers. songs and ballads. It was almost like a real "seisiun" at home. [ had heard rumors that the Guinness in Great Women of America was not quite the same as on it!l native soil, but I have to give credit to Fad6's, where they were not far off the mark. After Spirit Week originally intending to stay for just an hour or so, that plan of action went out the window as March 20-25 the time slipped by, unbeknownst to us and to our pocketbooks. As good as the pints of Guinness were, they bad the price to match­ quite a noticeable mark-up on the price at home. As a poor student these things don't go by unnoticed easily. At this stage, I an oblivious to the time of the day. But next up was a band from Iowa, with a rather unusual name of "Opie Gone Bad." This band really got the crowd moving with a good acoustic rock sound, playing some familiar songs and others composed by the band themselves. Opie Gone Bad showed a good talent for both writing and performing. ext up was a band from Devon. England, called "Equation,'' and the band was made up of four men and one women to create a great blend of traditional and modem sounds. Some beats would have you up dancing and others would leave you with no other choice but to sway to sound of their melodic harmonies Fad6's is definitely a pub with a lot of character and an Irish feel that is almost like being at home. It is comfortable and has a very welcoming aura It is a place that I will, without doubt, be seen in again. HIGHLANDER + February 28, 2000 NEWS + 3 Rick DenBest is da man to know across the street at .CircleK by Chelsea Wonacott-Mershon "You want to interview me?!" Rick's delighted shock turns jokingly'persists, stroking his partially gray moustache. doesn't just happen everyday. Staying awake would be an into an embarrassed moan, "But my life is so boring." Yet his Nevertheless, a Circle K clerk bas much to do, from insurmountable task for many, but not for Rick. Instead, Rick's career seems so glamorous. He watches commercial-free TV the most difficult job is deciding which of his customers be can and entire time he's at work, and when he's not doing that he cannot trust; in the last two years Rick has been robbed too handles hundreds of dollars in cash. On occasion he witnesses many times. Once a local came in wielding a steel sheet rock the achievements of young, dashing economists. Even though hammer, which undoubtedly could smash a skull; the kid was be contributes to someone's completely perfect day, Rick often destroying the counter display like a Tasmanian devil in a tacky sleeps through that day. Cashier Rick DenBest works for Regis ski mask. "Oh. you're robbing me?" Rick calmly ascertained as snack bar's fiercest competitor: Circle K. be handed over the kid's demand of "all the money!" which did Granted, that job description is sugar coated. Rick's TV is not even amount to $40. Although the economizing kid only actually a black-and-white account of store-aisle's security, and earned a bit of loot, he certainly left his mark on Circle K the money that he fiddles with, unfortunately, is not his own. because to this day the register's counter-top suffers dents. Most When young, dashing economists breeze into Rick's life, they thieves leave no traces of their acts, unless sboeprints out the leave damage on the counter rather than money before dashing door and around the alley-comer count. out the store's doors. As a graveyard shift employee at Circle K, What kids steal most are chips, burritos, or toiletries. Rick works between 9:00 p.m. and 7:30 a.m., so he sleeps However the most popular paid-for item is cigarettes. "We're during the daytime. The part about contributing to someone's pretty much a cigarette store," Rick reveals. In fact, Rick sells day is absolutely true, though; after all, Rick is a source for many more packs of cigarettes than he does gallons of gas. cigs. sodas, Slurpies and smiles for hungry and hankering Regis Rick's experience proves that the Regis community prefers students who've ventured out of Regis' protected domain to Camel Lights and Parliaments to all other types of cigarettes. satiate some craving. Regis students surely must appreciate Gourmet vanilla coffee and a miniature tub of flavored dairy Rick's friendly help and be familiar with his store, but are creamer is famed Circle K merchandise with sleep-starved students familiar with Rick? Regis kids. Rick DenBest., 51, deserves a "Native" sticker on his car, According to Rick, Regis kids who frequent the store are given that he was born in Paonia. Colorado, and has lived in the easily identified. For one thing, "They pay, and they're friendly," Rocky Mountain area ever since. Going golfing, skiing and Rick says before conceding. "Sometimes they're a little drunk, Rick DenBesi, Circle K employee, hard at work. hiking retains Rick's attraction for Denver. Meanwhile, stints in too." Regardless of a Ranger's state-of-mind, he or she should the Vietnam War, construction and other family-businesses cleaning floors, to stocking groceries and selling winning lottery appreciate Rick for his services and advise: "Get an education, prepared him for the responsibilities of being a nighttime store­ tickets. Rick has performed these duties for two years now. four or you'll end up a Circle K worker." clerk at Circle K. "See, I told you my life was boring," Rick nights a week-except for selling lucky lottery stubs, which

~ !jj !li Ritalin abuse on the rise Do you enjoy writing? :,J I~ ~ by Nikki Van Reusen Do you like working with people? While most people are aware of typical hard Katie, a sophomore at Regis, started taking the ijj alcohol and marijuana abuse in college, many are not drug last year. She had been drinking and snorted a 20-mg dose. "You can drink a lot more with it than Do you need an extra $500 next fall? aware of the rising recreational use of Ritalin. The I~ drug Ritalin is usually prescribed for children with you normally would," she said. "I felt my head was attention deficit or hyperactive disorder, but the drug working really quickly." With so much Ritalin in . i:I is now, and for the past decade, has been used by circulation, it's easy to get students sell or give away i college students to "get high." Such use has become their prescriptions. Drug professionals put the going ~ popular as the drug has become easy to obtain. After rate at $5 to $15 a hit As the year wore on. Katie talking to many sources whose names will be started taking it to help focus on her schoolwork. changed for their own protection, it's difficult not to Soon she was snorting it at least twice a day. "You - ? conclude that many campuses have a problem with definitely need more and more. The number of times ' this particular drug. you do it in a day increases. There's a real tendency for addiction." These days Katie has cut back. using e A freshman named Dustin. 18, tried Ritalin for Then become a !jj the first time last year. He had just come to Regis it "strictly recreationally," but points to a friend who from California. "Some of my friends had some is getting "really dependent." [f she has to drive a ~ [Ritalin] back in Florida," Dustin said. "I think one long way she'll get nervous if she doesn't have any." of their younger siblings had a prescription." It is not clear how many people take Ritalin Allowing half a 35-mg tablet per person, the group recreationally. or how often. Freshman ~eminar crushed the pills and snorted them like cocaine. For The drug is addictive and, especially if snorted, Dustin it was an immediate rush. "It makes you can have side effects: strokes, hypothermia, really hyperactive," he said. "Anything you want to hypertension and seizures. A Virginia teen died in read or do or whatever, you want to do it right then: April of 1994 after snorting Ritalin on top of beer. Teaching Anistant organize your room .. . organize your life." He said he But this is a rare case: few users end up in rehab or has taken the drug occasionally since, and knows a emergency rooms. number of students who have used it to study or to The Denver Police source contacted for this write papers or just for the buzz. He described the story considered Ritalin abuse a small problem with the potential to become bigger. But many clinical for Fall 2000! high as "intense, but you get a bad headache afterwards." social workers that treat adolescents with drug or Ritalin is he brand name for methylphenidate. a alcohol problems have seen a big increase in Ritalin ~ stimulant prescribed to children and some adults cases, usually in combination with other drug use. with attention deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADJID). The Denver Police claim that Ritalin use is more of Until the 90s, both the diagnosis and the treatment a white, upper-middle-class phenomenon. like were fairly uncommon. But within the last ten years, anorexia. lt does not appear to be widespread but as ADHD has become a fashionable diagnosis, rather concentrated. This is the bad news as well as Application deadline is March 1b, 2000. Ritalin consumption has risen nearly sixfold, the good news. On a one to ten scale, pot being a according to the DEA. About four million Americans ten. Ritalin might be considered a one But among formore information, come to the Writing will take the drug this year-including more than one certain crowds at Regis. it is common. If a high is in every 26 kids ages five to 18. With that growth out there, some college kids are going to try it. And has come a rise in recreational use, especially in high right now Ritalin, endorsed by the medical Center in Loyola 1 or call (303) 458-4q24 schools and colleges. Ritalin has appeared to become establishment. is out there in a big wa) . the drug of choice, after alcohol and marijuana. 4 + NEWS HIGHLANDER + February 28, 2000 Regis hosts Colorado Speech Communication Association Conference: "Building community through communication''

by Jessica Fawcett Regis University hosted the fourteenth Communication Careers." Panelists included Regis graduate Kelly O'Conner delivered a annual Colorado Speech Communication Margaret LeJuste, AT&T; Patty Calhoun, presentation on stereotypes of elderly citizens Association Conference on February 12. The Westward; Dr. Stanley Deetz, University of in news photos, and former adjunct faculty conference was well attended by Regis Colorado, Boulder; Neil Westergaard, Denver member Patrick Hughes, communication students, undergraduate and Business Journal; and Hadley Evans, US West presented a paper entitled: "Understanding the' graduate students from schools all over DEX. Nuances oflntolerance: Contexts, Colorado and professionals and educators in The keynote speaker for the conference Involvement, and Expressing Disapproval." the field of communication. The theme of the was Dr. Lawrence R. Frey, University of The conference provided graduate conference was: "Building Community through Memphis. Dr. Frey spoke on the topic of students with an opportunity to present their Communication." applied communication and the importance of ideas and receive feedback from Of the conference highlights was a social justice in the practice of communication. communication scholars. The event also served Dr. Lawrence R. Frey, University ofMemphis roundtable discussion of communication A number of graduate students presented as an informative and resourceful day for was the keynote speaker at the CSCA professionals entitled: "Ready or Not? Rating ideas and interpretations of communication future communication professionals. conference Academic Preparation for 21st Century theories that covered a wide variety of topics. Safe Spring Break Week Career Services and Experiential Education present: How to help a victim of sexual assault

by Sally Spencer-Thomas Sexual assault affects not only the survivor, but also partners, friends and family members of the loved one. Partners, friends and loved ones of survivors go through a number of the same feelings that survivors do. At first you might want to deny the assault happened and may respond with shock and disbelief, especially if there are no visible signs of the attack. You might feel fearful for personal safety Regis University's new online interviewing and for the survivor's safety. You may become overprotective and extremely vigilant not wanting to leave your loved one out of your system! sight However, too much caution can make it hard for the survivor to feel in control of her or his own life. You may be angry after the sexual assault and want revenge on the attacker. This feeling With you are able to: is normal, but you will not do yourself or your loved one any good if you end up in jail. You might also be angry with the survivor. Ifyou • View job vacancies and apply for interviews find yourself blaming the survivor, make certain that you have someone you can talk to about your feelings other than the survivor. • Search for internship opportunities It is not uncommon to feel depressed and discouraged. Sexual assault brings out the powerlessness of victims and loved ones. If • Submit resumes and track job progress depression lasts for more than a. few weeks or seems serious, get support for yourself. Guilt is also a feeling likely to occur after a sexual online assault Loved ones closest to the survivor may blame themselves for the assault. Remember, though, you had no control over • View workshop schedules the assault and it is the sole fault of the attacker. Healing can be accomplished with bard work and time. Relationships and friendships can survive when both people are devoted to one another and working through the For more information call (303) 458- 3508 unfortunate catastrophe. If anyone on campus is needing help dealing with the aftermath of a sexual assault, there are several resources on Companies coming on campus to interview include: Merrill Lynch, campus to help: personal counseling, health services, residence life staff, Choices, Peer American Express, FirstBank, Fortis Inves tors and many more... Ministers and Camous Ministrv. When helping a sexual assault survivor the first thing you should do is to believe the survivor. It is also helpful to validate the Go to now and put your resume survivor's feelings, be supportive, and expression your compassion for the victim. online to sign up for on-campus interviews!!! Although it may seem natural to want to hold the victim close it is essential that you ask permission from her or him. Naturally, respect the confidentiality of the survivor and the time '--lllllllli.... .,.. __ .,. ______...,. ______..J it will take for her or him to move through the - healing process. HIGHLANDER + February 28, 2000 • 5 The faces of student government 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 l

students would be VICE PRESIDENT encouraged at any or all CHIEF OF JUSTICE Senate meetings. These My name is Rachel Puckett, members of the Judicial Board. My name is Nadia and organizing large projects under represented and I have been elected into the I have many ideas to unprove and Reyes, and I am the and/or events each semester. organizations can provide office of Chief Justice. Most uphold the Judicial Board for next year. Student Body Vice Instead of sitting in Senate alternative opinions and ideas students are probably wondering and I would like to continue with the President for the 2000- meetings listening to speakers, about our growing community. what the job of Chief Justice goals that the group has established this 200 l school year. I am senators would be in small As our community grows so entails and how this elected y~ar. This year we have worked toward currently a junior groups working together on should our leadership positions. I position would better originally from San events. This will give senators propose the addition of a nursing affect them. relations Jose, California. I am more responsibility and direct student as a class representative The Chief with students heavily involved in input, so that they can better to aid in promotion of events to Justice of the and many aspects of these non-traditional students. Judicial Board is introducing our community, would also like to see more 1 an important job our including representation from the because he or organization Student residence halls so more she is to the student Government and freshmen have the opportunity responsible for body. Residence Life. to get involved. I truly believe upholding the Basically, I currently a that with more representation I am integrity and would like to member of the in student Senate it could goals of the continue to Executive become a highly effective tool entire group, as change the in bringing our community Cabinet as the well as negative Director of together. protecting the stereotypes Operations and This past year, !11ong side rights of the that students the Vice President and the oversee the student body. Class Director of Finance, I have This position is representatives. helped in the revival of responsible for choosing and Board. After all, the board is here to My avid Organizational Review. training new members of the uphold and protect the rights of their participation in the Regis Organizational Review is a ..______system. which keeps "tabs" on board. The Chief Justice also leads the fellow students, although most students community has fueled my proceedings of the board and votes in the think that the group is "out to get them." interest in Student Government. represent their constituents. As a clubs and organizations through event of a.tie between the four Associate Under my direction, the board will work This involvement afforded me a member of the Executive monthly reports and Senate Justices. This position is a serving together to change these stereotypes. view that many do not have, Cabinet, I know the stress that attendance. My intent is to member of the Student Executive Cabinet Although I ran unopposed, I still which bas aided me in goes along with organizing huge provide this information to all along with the other elected officials. and needed at least 51 percent of the votes to developing objectives to achieve events. With the aid of the aspects of our comrnumty so that it ts also responsible for dealing with all become Chief Justice, and I thank the improvement. Student Senate, events produced it is known what our Senate. issues that are related to the Student student body for choosing to vote for my The Vice President. in by Executive Cabinet would be Executive Cabinet and Judicial Government Constitution. experience and J!,Oals. It was, and always accordance with the constitution, more structured and attended by Board has done. To ensure the Due to my experience as an wiJI be, important that you cast your vote is responsible for Senate. As Vice the students. future of our student government Associate Justice this year. I will fulfill to contribute input. After al~ you will be President l would like to Getting students to be and its reputation. continuing to all requirements of the position and also affected by the outcomes of student body reorganize the student Senate and involved on this campus is highly be held accountable by our do a good job of protecting the rights of representatives' decisions. Thank you rediscover its true purpose within important in maintaining a community and the Board of the student body. I think that my and have a great day! the institution. Though the idea positive community atmosphere. Trustees is essential. experience will greatly benefit the new of elimination of Senate bas been In light of Senate being the As Vice president I. Nadia Reyes, can promise to give whole recommended, I believe that it responsibility of the Vice fTHE HIGHLANDER CONGRATULATES could be a valuable organization President, it is a goal of mine to heartdly all of my talents and 0ACK HEMPSTEAD in uniting this campus. I propose have more representation. efforts in accomplishing my goals. If you have any questions, NADIA REYES AND that student Senate work in Representation of Alliance, RACHEL PUCKETT conjunction with the Executive Residence Life, Athletics, please approach me personally. Cabinet in creating, publicizing Nursing and Physical Therapy ON THEIR VICTORIOUS CAMPAIGNS FOR STUDENT GOVERNMENT. 3 Ui6if.6 Asul Vou.9,w GoUeic- &ow.ti ,;,

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Father Dunphy Being nonCatholic Open discussion on gays in the priesthood

by Justin Clarke at Regis College Articles regarding AIDS and gays in the 11, pointed out that the article's survey was disease. The fact that priests take a vow of Fr. Tom Cummings, religious superior at belongs to the world priesthood have sparked ~ome negative completely invalid, indicating that in no way do celibacy is what makes this story so intriguing Regis' Xavier house, said. "The article's reactions within the Jesuit commumty. a few priests ______to people. "It's statistics are disfigured and sensationalized. I _____ ... by Jennifer Dodgin The articles are a three-part series reflect the the 'Elmer think it is nothing more then Catholic bashing." by Rebecca Lubs priesthood as a His mission began in 1959 and he has been working originally published in the K~sas City Star and Gantry' Fr. Cummings has been a Jesuit for 47 As a Catholic institution the majority of students, no matter what faith they follow is whole. toward the common good ever since. The Very Rev. Richard picked up nationally by a vancty of "d eaths among priests syndrome-when years and has met over 3,000 priests in his students at Regis are Catholic. However part of the Jesuit tradition. ' "Selecting and W. (Dick) Dunphy, S.J. is the religious superior at Regis newspapers, including the local Denver Post. the preacher lifetime. He knows of only six priests who many students are not. According to Many Regis students feel comfortable publicizing a University and the founder of Regis' Institute for the Common The series featured a nationwide survey that sins, it's a have died from AIDS, and he feels a huge Campus Ministry approximately 60 percent with the religious environment, although randomly selected 3,000 out of 46,000 priests. few facts about with AIDS are at least Good. big-ger story," compassion for them. "They were my friends,'' of Regis College undergraduate students are somehave issues with the Religious Studies a few priests Fr. Dunphy entered the Jesuit community with a group of Out of the 800 priests who responded, seven said Msgr. he says, "and these articles are discrediting what Catholic, while 40 percent are non-Catholic. core requirements for graduation. Regis casts a shadow 43 men. He is now one of the 12 remaining members from the (about I in I 14) said that they either are HIV+ Maniscalco. · these priests have done for the community." This creates a religiously diverse junior, Patrick Porsche says, "as a non­ on the ministry four times the rate of original group. He stayed with the community because he felt or have AIDS or might have AIDS but have Another Fr. Cummings also comments that the Catholic at Regis, find the requirement of6 a call from God. His love of the Jesuits called him to stay. environment. I not been tested. That number translates into of all Catholic article issue is not about homosexuals in the hours of religious studies is unfair. Also, priests," He has traveled and shared his love of God throughout With so many students with faiths that roughly 400 priests nationwide that have (or the general population" published on priesthood, but rather priests breaking their some teachers teach thinking that all of the the world. "A Jesuit is someone who belongs to the whole are not Catholic, Regis tries to create a might have) AIDS. cautioned the February 9 in chastity vows to God. students have the same beliefs. This makes world," he remarks. He is happiest at Regis where he can help positive environment that is inclusive of all. The series also reported tha( article's author. ------the Denver A priest, through his vows, does not the community with the common good. Regis junior Michael Woolworth says, "the me feel that if I were to speak up in class it homosexuality has contributed to the spread of Jesuit Father Thomas Reese, editor of Catholic Register also criticizes the injustice engage in physical sex with either males nor could affect my grade," Should there be The Institute for the Common Good is built on the belief most positive benefit of attending a Catholic AIDS within the clergy and that "deaths among America magazine in New York, also said that done to the priesthood by the series. "This is a females. If these priests had been other classes with a wider variety of that a healthy society focuses on the welfare of all its school is found in the positive attitudes of priests with AIDS are at least four times the rate the survey "is skewed." AIDS among adult case of a biased newspaper dumping heterosexuals, the issue would still be one and members. Fr. Dunphy is especially concerned with those both the students and the professors." choices? of the general population." males is five times higher than the general misinfollilation into that roaring river we call the same: "Love the sinner, but hate the sin." Mary Cook, Campus Ministry Regis is a Catholic community, but that population. The survey illogically compares the "Everyone sins,'' says Fr. Cummings. "It's ·~~-of without a voice. In addition, the articles reported that the 'newswires."' The article also highlights the As the religious superior for the Jesuit community, Fr. secretary. states that all Campus Ministy does not necessarily mean all students are Catholic Church has remained quiet about the results of 800 adult males to the general fact that the Catholic Church has always been human nature to sin. Even priests, believe it or -_.._ _. Dunphy also has a personal relationship with each of the programs except for the Catholic Mass are Catholic. Regis junior Kevin Berman says. issue of homosexuality among priests. population. outspoken about gays in the priesthood. not, sin at one time or another, but we should directed and geared towards students of all "Although I have had no prior expe(ience In addition to sparking major controversy focus more on the sin itself and lay off the •·•---1 Jesuits he watches over. Although Fr. Sheeran is the president Since these articles were published, about Msgr. Francis Maniscalco, secretary for of the University, Fr. Dunphy is still his religious superior. religious background. Students looking for with the Catholic religion. I still find truth in two weeks ago, many reports have surfaced communications of the National Conference of around the nation, these articles have also sinner." Dunphy said, "I am there to meet their needs and support spiritual hour with others attend the the Catholic Mass that relates to and criticizing their validity One such report, Catholic Bishops, said that this would not be an caught the attention of some of our own Jesuit them." He takes pride in the assistance he provides. Ecumenical prayer service, which is held strengthens my own religious beliefs." published in the St. Louis Review on February issue if AIDS were not a sexually transmitted Fathers. Fr. Dunphy does not know what the Jesuit community every Thursday at 11 :30 a.m. Including all will call him to do next. He is not sure he will stay at Regis because he is only guaranteed six years at any one location. However, he hopes to get another six years to continue his mission at Regis. Invest in call waiting now, His message for the student body about his role with the Father Oakes inflames all his Institute for the Common Good is that "This is not only great because I can help people, but it restores me and gives me life." so you do not miss Fr. Richard Dunphy, S.J. students with an insatiable curiosity

Presidential candidates choose by Raina Hedge ''the call'' from God "Father Oakes is probably the smartest man I 1987. He then taught at New York University in the his senior year in high school at a three-day silent have ever met. If [ ever got on the "Sho\v Who Religious Studies program where he rettived the retreat. It was at this retreat that he realized that by Gina Tagge to discuss their personal faiths Wants to be a Millionaire, he would be my Student Council's "Baker's Dozen" Best Teacher of Jesus was just as present to him, if not more so than lifeline,'' said the Year award in 1989. any physically present person. After this realization, My best friend is in the convent, becoming a nun. She's priests who set fire to a spark in their lives. Each saw a deep senior Rick In 1995 Fr. Oakes was he bent down in front of a crucifix to pray in his not a saint; she's not a Bible-beater; she doesn't think she's love for Jesus and an enthusiasm for their work. Sister Marcie, Wolf of his Scholar in Residence at room, and it was then that it dawned on him, "Oh "holier than thou." She graduated from high school last year. who has been with her order for 25 years, said "It was a kind of to sway potential voters Religious St. Edmund's College at my God, I'm supposed to be a priest." After the She chose to enter the convent rather than going to college. 'hero' worship, wanting to be like those I admired." Rachael, my Sfudies the University of retreat, he went home to tell his parents about his Why? She felt a call. best friend, who has been living in community since September, by Erin Amdor professor. Cambridge. and he also decision. Fr. Oakes recounted, "[ went home and One of my friends whom I correspond with through e-mail also admired the work of nuns in her childhood. My dad was Some candidates in the ongoing presidential as members of the Anti-Defamation League believe Anyone who • spent a s~er in told my mom J was going to be a priest. She has been a nun for 25 years. Yes, she has managed to live the attracted to the spirit and vigor of some Franciscans. Tony, the campaigns are discussing their religious beliefs more that religion is inappropriate in a campaign setting has met Fr. Germany with a research thought 1 had been brainwashed." life of a celibate woman for that long. Why? She felt a call. seminarian, is the only one who always felt a call to marriage. often than in past elections. The separation of church because it is too personal. Toe United States allows Oakes or has grant. Fr. Oakes is the Students are often amazed at Fr. Oakes' Some of your classmates may be seminarians--there are three or Now, he says, "I wanted to Lead Christians to the Lord ... The and state is a topic that has arisen in many political freedom of religion, and those who do not believe the taken one of his author of Panem of breadth of knowledge. When asked how he came to four of them taking classes here. Wait-what's a seminarian? He call is still to marriage, but in a different sense. We are all debates. Three of the frontrunners in the election same religion or any religion may feel left out or classes knows Redemption: The know so much and what allows him to learn so is a young man studying and preparing to become a priest. Yes, called, as Christians, to be the spouse ... of Christ." have expressed their devotion to Christianity while different from their leader. With so many different what Wolf is Theology of Hans Urs easily, Fr Oakes replied, "The main thing is there are young men choosing the celibate life-sorry, girls. Well, having "heard a call," what makes a person choose to campaigning. Does religion need to play a part in the religions, this is bound to happen. talking about. von Balthasar. In curiosity, and there is no substitution for it." On a Why? They have felt a call. My dad seriously considered answer? Rachael always wanted to share Christ's love with elections? A recent ABCNEWS poll stated that Since church and state are separate, some believe Fr. Edward T. addition, he bas translated more personal note, he explained, "I find the entering the seminary. He obviously didn't Why? He also felt a others, especially young children. She gnce said, "For me, I Americans were evenly divided on whether or not that a person's faith should not be included in a Oakes, SJ. is several of Balthasars history of ideas a dramatic story. Ideas are living call. can't see living my life in any other WaY-1 can't just give part candidates should discuss religion. campai~. Others argue that religious ideals help to certainly no works fro!ll German into things to me." So what is this 'call?' H's a call to a religious vocation. of myself to God. I have to give it all." She made her decision Vice President Al Gore and Texas Governor show what a person is like and what kind of leader ordinary English. Dr. Randolph Lumpp, colleague of Fr. Oakes What? Vacation? No, one letter different--vocation. The one only a few months before entering, after deciding against going George W. Bush both embrace Jesus Christ as their they may be. Moral character is being more closely professor. Fr. Oakes' students in the Religious Studies Department, sees both the Jetter makes all the difference, too. Vocations are things that are to college first. Like Rachael, Sister Marcie made her decision God, and say that religion is a deep part of their lives. scrutinized than in the past. By allowing the public to Rather, he has are well an'llre of his intellectual and witty side of Fr. Oakes. "Fr. Oakes potentially binding, for life. Yikes, why would anyone choose after high school. Tony made his decision after feeling called to -; great interest in to do something so binding forever? Geez, you can't even get "evangelize and unite all people." Both candidates credit God with helping them see that they are religious, candidates can attempt to captivated the Cl) is not only very bright and well-educated, but he Living in community is a challenge, Sister Marcie admits, overcome adversity, leading them in the right show that they have the good character to lead the minds of Regis ,.,,- etymology, and truly he also has a very quick and lively wit. We can always married if you choose a religious vocation. There must be as is living a celibate life. She says, "Good friends (both male direction and they say that their religion is part of nation. students and ~ has a 10,e f~r language. count on him to liven up our meetings with his several reasons for someone to hear and answer calls. Many religious people consider vocations and later decide against and female) are an important part of my life and make celibacy who they are. Arizona Senator John McCain has Religion is playing a role in this election and that faculty alike. cl He is fluent mGerman, perceptive humor," Dr. Lumpp said. them. My dad is one of them. He chose not to pursue a vocation possible." expressed his Christian beliefs, but he, like Bill may effect whoever is elected. If the next president Fr. Oakes "E has reading knowledge of How does Fr. Oakes want to be remembered after taking the advice of a priest. The advice was to go to Not everyone can hear and answer a call as these people Bradley thinks that religion is a more private matter. discusses his faith now, he will have to live up to the received his ~ both Gree!.: and French by his students? "I would want to be remembered and has srudied both ' college and get a degree in case the call was not real. Since he did. Yet, these people did hear and answer, and each of them One problem with the discussion of religion in standards that the American people expect. There are Ph.D. in ~ as someone who loves learning and wants to i..: met and married my mom, the call obviously wasn't real. lives the life joyfully. As Tony and Sister Marcie both said, the campaigns is that it may distance candidates from pros and cons to discussing religion in a campaign. Systematic Hebrew and Latin as convey that love oflearning... I want to inflame all What attracted him to a vocation is similar to what falling in love with Christ has been a big factor. Of course, how potential voters. [fa person does not agree or identify The candidate may bring those who identify with Theology from u.. well. my students with the same curiosity that I have." could anyone hear a call if he or she wasn't in love? with the beliefs of the candidate, they may feel them together, but may push others away. Union Theological Seminary in New York City in Fr. Oakes decided to become a priest during attracted my other friends discovering and living their excluded and change their vote. Some people, such vocations. Each had an experience early in life with nuns and 8 + SPORTS HIGHLANDER • February 28, 2000 March Madness: the tournament of tournaments

by Reeve Barker The Tournament of Tournaments will be held in about a Williams. Yes, there's another one, freshman Mike Dunleavy LSU, which bas done nothing since Shaquile O'Neil, is all week's time, after the conference playoffs. The favorites are the Jr., and the veteran presence of Shane Battier and Chris of a sudden a threat. LSU beat UCLA, and people look at event same as usual: Duke, Stanford, Cincinnati and so forth. But Carrowel. Thus, the question is, "Can freshman handle the now and say, "So, UCLA sucks!" But at the time UCLA was there is always another Valpo out there waiting to upset all these pressure?" This is a team that can make it to the Elite Eight, or doing well, and this loss started the downfall. Another huge teams and get to the Sweet Sixteen. the Final Four, but not the championship. victory for LSU was the one over Arizona. Many contend that The top three teams in the nation, in order, are Stanford, Cincinnati has been tested twice this year, and both times LSU is a force to be reckoned with. Duke and Cincinnati. they lost--once at Xavier and once versus Temple, who kicked Who could be a sleeper in this tourney? Starting out west, Stanford still carries last year's problem of team speed. Cincinnati out of last year's tournament i3S well. Cinci's soft Arizona St. could be this year's Miami of Ohio, just in a more However, Stanford may prove to be much better than last year, schedule will hurt the team's performance because players have competitive conference, Pac- I 0. Instead of Wally Sczerbiak, with the emergence of freshman Casey Jacobson, senior David not been duly challenged within conference play, Conference there is Eddie House, who was averaging a blistering 30 points Mosley and oft-injured Ryan Mendez. Further improving USA. This team is obviously dangerous, with Kenyon Martin in a game in conference play. Stanford's odds are Mark Madsen the Collins twins and the the middle, but Temple proved that its team is beatable if Though it's hard to imagine North Carolina a sleeper, that's surprising Curtis Bortcherd. So in the painted area, this team opponents force shooting from the outside. If Cinci plays up to what that team will be, assuming that the team even makes it to may be deeper than the past season's. These players can potential, then that team should be in the championship game. the Tournament. compete with anyone in the country and should go to the Final Underachieving, though, Cinci will probably bow out in the This year's Tournament will be just as unpredictable as any, Four. Sweet 16 or Elite 8, again. and this is the best tournament in all of collegiate sports and Duke is an entirely different team than last year's. This Who could forget about Kentucky? It's not what Rick maybe, just maybe, in all sports. year's players rely on outside shooting, lead by freshman Jason Patino had, but it is a well-oiled machine. Not many baseball players have scored this year by Reeve Barker The Regis Ranger's baseball team else out on the field also slumped back the first game, a complete game, but a has not found what it is they lack. into the type of perfonnance that loss none the less. He got touched for Whrle there could be many things to could best be described as "shoddy." seven runs, all earned, and despite aptly fill the void in the Ranger's team The bats napped and defense bobbled. great effort from the defense the score play, it seems that the missing piece The final of this second doubleheader was 7-4 in the end. really is team morale and spirit was 13-2. The second game versus the Hopefully the team can recover in The next day, the Rangers and Coyotes featured Dan Benton as the time for conference play-and their the Hawks squared off again, and starter. Benton was the perfect guy to Spring Break trip to Fort Hays. together the two teams combined for throw out there after Ferguson because When the team won its first and 12 errors. The Rangers made seven of Ferg has a power pitching style, only game thus far, it was on the back those, starting pitcher Dan Benton was whereas Benton has more of a of ace pitcher Ian Ferguson. The score victimized by those, going six innings, breaking ball throwing style, so was 5-4, partly because the Rangers' allowing six runs, only one which was Coyote's hitters had to adjust and bats were alive and kicking. Stil~ Ian earned. Fortunately, the bats were balance themselves. Benton lasted deserves most of the credit for awake on the Ranger's home field; nearly six innings, allowing six runs, capturing that win; he gave up only Matt Snow hit a two-run homerun. three that were unearned. Jim Warren four runs, only two of which were Also, the bullpen showed continued his strong pitching this year earned, and opposing batters sprayed improvement, as Jackson Engels came and went one and a third innings, 12 hits around the field otherwise. in to pitch and inherited a situation of allowing no hits and no earned runs. Ferguson pitched all seven innings, loaded bases. Engels escaped the The only batter who was obviously and he proved to fans that this team inning-leaving the bases loaded-and pumped was Jackson Engels, who hit could win after all-even against the gave up only one run. Still, the two triples and scored the team's only 12th nationally ranked coUegiate team, Rangers lost 11-8. run of the game to bring the total the Rockhurst Hawks. Then during the week, the score to 8-1. Ferguson bowed out for the Rangers took a 20-4 shellacking at Injuries run amok throughout this Regis Mens baseballs starting pitcher, Jan Ferguson, winds up for the second game of the doubleheader Metro. year's team; outfielder Joel Burke has pitch. series against the Hawks, though, and Refocused, the Rangers played a separated shoulder and was out for starter John McGraw took over as against the South Dakota Coyotes in two we ks: Further pitcher Jason pitcher. Unfortunately, McGraw did what was scheduled to be a two-day Robbins suffers from a tom bicep. not last even three innings, but series of doubleheaders, but due to And even Coach Dedin is hobbling on Denver loses Sharpe allowed seven runs, five of which snow and wet weather, only.two crutches for a wounded ankle. Stephanie Henry were earned, and 12 hits. Everyone games were played. Ferguson pitched by Bronco fans recently learned that their outspoken tight end, who always manages to get a rise out of fans and media alike would not return. A ten-year member of the Denver Bronco's, one ~ight have though~ that Shannon Sharpe would finish out his final days in the li--- Help }'Our future students go the distance through online education league m blue and orange. However, that is not the case. That's right, li--- Master the education tools that cut costs and build minds Shannon Sharpe has singed a free agent-contract with the Baltimore li--- 3 milHon students will enroll in online courses this year Ravens for $14 million. ... is it leaving you behind? This announcement came as a shock to many fans, but some players already expected his departure when the Broncos failed to CYBERSCHOOt.SbyGJenn R. Jones - renegotiate Sharpe's contract during training camp. founder and CEO of Jones International University: The University of the Web™. Sharpe bas made it clear that the decision to leave was not an easy one for him. He stated to the Denver Rocky Mountain News that "this Get it before you get left behind was a very difficult situation I was placed in . .. and I can honestly say, I cried. Maybe after 10 years I took the Broncos for granted. Maybe CYBERSCHOOLS AH EDUCATION RENAISSANCE they t~ok me for granted. I'll never know their thought process. All I ISBN 1-885400-76-4 · $14.95 know 1s how I felt." The Bronco fans have definitely Jost a man of many words who went out everyday and gave them a show to remember, and the players have lost a locker room guru who always knew what to say before hard game and after a tough loss. I-IlGHLANDER + February 28, 2000 ENTERTAINMENT + 9

Hanging Up

Columbia** Pictures Rated PG-13

If people go to Hanging Up expecting a light comedy, then they will be strangely surprised. But those who have read the book Hanging Up by Delia Ephron may have some idea of what they are getting into. However, the movie's trailers are greatly deceiving. There were a few mildly amusing jokes in the movie, but it was a tearjerker about The Columbia Pictures presentation Hanging Up stars (from left to right) Meg Ryan, Diane Keaton and Lisa Kudraw as three sis ters dealing with family dysfunction. Meg Ryan (as middle life, love and the telephoneas they care for their wacky father. sister Eve) and Walter Matthau (as failing father Lou) play the central roles, with Diane for approximately three days, Keton (older sister Georgia) and Lisa Kudrow The Whole Nine Yards decides he is in love with (younger sister Maddy) ma.king only her for no occasional appearances. Eve is charged with apparent caring for her hospitalized father while he **Warner Bros. reason, and slowly slips into memory loss, illness and Rated R risks his death. Maddy's job in the film is to act--in a own life very forced manner--self-centered and When Matthew Perry hits the screen in the Whole Nine Yards as in order to irresponsible. Georgia is the successful one dentist Nicholas "Oz" Oseranski, the laughs follow. However, Perry's save Cynthia's who the other sisters hate and who takes admittedly hilarious physical comedy can't save this film form its skin. It couldn't be responsibility for other people's work. shallow character development and cornball love story. less believable. Throughout the movie, the sisters and Oz is a well-meaning dentist living in Montreal with bis hated and Cynthia's father, who hate and resent each other on degenerate wife, Sophie (Rosanna Arquette). His world is shaken up character is barely varying levels, call each other on the phone at when he discovers that his new next-door-neighbor is none other than strong enough for the least every twenty-five seconds and hang up Jimmy "The Tulip" Tudesk:i (Bruce Willis), a hit man on the lam from a audience to remember on each other just as often. Chicago crime family. Sophie talks Oz into ratting Jimmy out to his her name, and she isn't the The film is riddled with Eve's flashbacks enemies in order to get the bounty money. Predictably, all kinds of only character without much of the bad old days, when mother Pat (Cloris organized crime hijinks take place, and Oz and Jimmy tum out on top. depth. We don't get to know much about Jimmie, either, though Wi llis is Leachman) tells her that she has no feelings Perry has a great sense of timing, and his slapstick gags play supposedly the star of the show. One character is surprisingly fun and for her children and when dear old dad comes perfectly off of co-star Michael Clarke Duncan, who plays the thug complex, though: Oz's dental hygienist Jill (Amanda Peet). She adds a to a birthday party stumbling drunk, etc. All in Frankie Figs. However, the physical jokes can only go so far toward bit of intrigue to the conclusion of the plot, whose twists make up for all, it's not a pretty picture. And truthfully, it making a satisfying comedy. In other words, watching Perry fall on his some of the film's other shortcomings. gets old. There's no real good guy to root for; bum is only funny for so long. This film had some drawbacks, but it was fairly funny and worth everyone in the family is messed up. The attempt at making The Whole Nine Yards a love story was watching at least once, even at full price in the theater. The film's stabs at humor are long shots lame at best When Oz travels to Chicago to squeal on Jimmy, he meets -Nicole Smith that seem thrown in. For instance, Maddy's Jimmy's wife Cynthia (Natasha Henstridge of Species). He courts her giant dog, who has Lyme disease, is dumped into Eve's lap for the two or three "funny" _ appearances that we already saw during the EAT, DmNKAND FJ[Gfil AIDS? trailer, and then it mysteriously disappears. Another rather two-dimensional aspect of the film is Eve's home life. Audiences only see a few brief scenes with son Jesse (Jesse James) Project Angel Heart holds 6th annual and husband Joe (Adam Arkin of Chicago Hope). Apparently Eve is so caught up in her first awful family that she doesn't have time DINING OUT FOR LIFE for her second. Hanging Up wasn't a complete waste; it Eat, drink and fight AIDS on Thursday, March 9th for Project Angei Heart's 6th annual Dining Out for Lift event. made me think of the problems of the elderly and how important family is. However, the On Dining Out for Lift Day, 125 restaurants will be donating 25% of their food and non-alcohol critics agree to wait for the video. proceeds to Project Angel Heart. Joining the fight against AIDS has never been easier. It's as easy as lifting a fork! Simply choose a restaurant and dine out! Have Something to Funds raised through Dining Out for Lift helps Project Angel Heart to deliver freshly prepared, nutritious meals to the srE-51 7 homes of people living with HIV/AID S. Sell it in The Highlander classifieds, it For a list_o f participating restaurants or for more information on Project Angel Heart, is a cheap way to reach visit our website at or call 303-830-0202. thousands of eyes. For ad info Some participating restaurants include: and rates, contact Bang!, Breckenridge Brewery & Pub, Chipotle, ., . Tricia Etchart @ 303-964-5391 Fado Irish Pub, Le Peep, Strings, Three Sons, Tommy Tsunanus and Wynkoop Brewing Co. 10 + ENTERTAINMENT HIGHLANDER + February 28, 2000

China West **** Grandma's Apple Pie Porteger **** Grandma's Apple Pie Grandma s old stories Grandma's old stories *** *** Grandma's bridge club 3489* West 32nd Ave ** Grandma's bridge club *****11th and Ogden ** 303-455-0360

Ho" can I express this somewhat tactfully? People who value their own o the ·weekend is coming up, and somewhere someone's got a hot date. Except physical health and mental well-being should steer clear of China West that this time, the Regis special at Chipolte just isn't going to cut it. Don't wony! This The "cuisine" at this restaurant was the worst I have ever endured. That week's restaurant review is the perfect place to wine-and-dine ... literally. includes pieces of food that 1 have picked up. brushed off, and eaten off of my Porteger, located at 11th and Ogden, can be hard to find since it is not marked own floor. Actually, that's not entirely true. The egg rolls, though a bit greasy. with huge neon lights. Instead, Porteger has just a classy little sign. which is barely were about standard for Chine e places. However. the quality plunged noticeable. Once guests step inside, however, they will see why Porteger would rather downhill from lhere. maintain a low profile: the dining area holds a maximum of 96 people. o the problem My first dinner item was the orange beef, usually a favorile of mine. The of having a stellar reputation can make Porteger a bit crowded and ah\.ays buS). China West menu claims that "The beef almost melts in your mouth." This is The wait to be seated on a weeknight is typically not long-maybe 15 minutes-but truly grounds for a false advertising suit The beef was actually rank. on a weekend night diners can expect to wait anywhere from a half of an hour to and unchewable pieces of leather coated with unappetizing, fatty globs of batter. I hour and a half. Yet, the wait is not as bad a thing as most would expect because sincerely could not bite through the beef on two consecutive tries. during lhe wait parties get to sit at private tables and make selections from Porteger's I also tried the kung pao triple delight, which was a somewhat better wine menu (First you wine, and then you dine.). experience. The meat in this dish was chewable, but tasted a little old. The After the wait is over, guest's are ushered to the other half of the restaurant to veggies were also quite soggy and the dish had none of the advertised order from the food menu. The menu consists of outstanding nouvelle cuisine. which spiciness. After two dishes 1 couldn't stomach any further tastings, though changes with each month. Typically, there are a variety of vegetarian style meals with China West also serves American and Mexican foods. fish and chicken, but Porteger also includes hearty dinners such as pot roast and steak ot only was the food more than disappointing. the ambiance at China for meat-eaters. West was something of a cross between a greasy truck stop and a thrift store. The prices on entrees at Porteger range anywhere from $11 to $25, and although Peeling pink paint, dead flowers. and menus that look to be stolen from it's a bit expensive, it is worth every penny. another restaurant onl) add to the uneasy feeling of dining at China West. As for the ambience, no one could ask for a better place to take a date. With soft I highl) recommend this restaurant to absolutely no one; in fact, Tentreat lighting and a rough. yet refined interior, Porteger is sure to set the right mood for any readers to ta}' awa) from this place. Not one detail of this review is night out on the Lown. exaggerated: I.his was. unequivocally, the most terrible dining experience of my Remember to bring money and to get spiffed up-it is definitely not the right place life. to go and wear jeans and a T-shirt. -Nicole Smith

-Ashly Hoffman


....: Robert Schimmel MR PRESIDENT! Q) Ill E Unprotected, :c a> from the HBO special E E s::. 0 (/) Warner Bros. Records t: **** (I.) ..Q l\faybe I'm just not the kind of person who likes 0 a::: good. clean jokes. Perhaps I have a sick sense of humor. But when Robert Schimmel talks about surviving an airplane's crash landing into the ocean only to have the survivor' legs sheared offb a shark. or lining the airport toilet seat with layerS of toikt paper only to experience "splashback," I've just got to laugh. Oh. and tho e are the clean jokes. chimmel is shameless in his material-he makes sex jokes about his daughter. of all people-but his stories are ones that everyone can relate to. That. of course. is why he is o hilarious. This comedy show was recorded for HBO Jive at the State Theater in Kalamazoo. \fichigan. and thankfully the CD version includes some material that wasn't aired on cable. lt's one of those shows that you hope just keeps going and going. Tre Corner Office or Drive-Through Window... Jump to the top of the col'"J>Orate ladder by learning the new secret of business success (even your future employer doesn't know about it) ...where is your degree going to take you?

FREE MARKET FU§IDN The bwiness model tor the millennium that makes the bottom line while making a difference - urwetled by Glenn R. Jones who turned a $400 loan against hls 1967 VW into one of the 2% of Regis students ten largest cable TV provider companies in the US. think KRCX 101.5 fm How Entrepreneurs and Nonprofits Create 21st Century Success ISBN 1-885400-68-3 know JACK! HIGHLANDER + February 28, 2000 CALENDAR + 11 -

E M P L O Y M E N T FOR RENT SPRING BREAK SUPER SALE! DR . BARBARA TSCHOEPE, Easy Money Cancun Jamaica Nassau CHAIR OF THE REGIS Apartments for Rent Referees and council members are needed Lake Park Condominiums, conveniently PHYSICAL THERAPY DEPARTMENT for the remainder of this semester into Save $50 on Second Semester Blowout! located at I-70 and Federal next to Call Now!!! WILL PRESENT ... next semester. Refs earn $8 a game and Rocky Mountain Park, has one bedroom 1-800-293-1443 council members will receive stipends. apartments for rent. Lake Park For more information or visit our website at: apartments feature large closets, contact Steve Wagner at security, views of the mountains and Physical Student Activities at ext. 5375. downtown, on site laundry, and paid heat and water. Only $700 mnth. Be an Entrepreneur Call 303-567-1372. Therapy Become a member of Citigroup Inc. MISCELLANEOUS Start part-time. Call Debra Hadsall at Shamrock Seats A PROFESSION OF (303)368-4556. Luxurious Home for Rent Concert, Sports & Theater Tickets CHOICE FOR THE 2-3 bedroom,2 bath and a 2 car garage. For information Reps for a major league teatn wanted Satellite T. V. and air conditioning. Contact Jim Magoonaugh HEALTHCARE Ever sleep through philosophy because Located at Aloha Beach, 62nd and Phone: (720)220-TIXS PROFESSIONAL OF THE you 're dreaming of your perfect job, Lowell,close to Regis. No smoking or Fax: (303)433-0899 FUTURE. working in pro sports? Wake Up! Reps illicit drugs. For more infonnation call Email: [email protected] (303)650-0610. are needed for The , a Buy+Sell+Trade major league soccer team. Apply in COME AND .JOIN US FOR A person with at these Holly's Soccer 2000 DISCUSSION OF OPPORTUNITIES Psychology Scholarship Award locations: Highlands Ranch (6446 E. AND MYTHS OF THE FUTURE OF County Line), Littleton (5151 S. Federal), T R A V E L The Psychology Department is pleased HEALTHCARE. Westminster (6661 Harlan), Aurora to announce that it is accepting (15352 E. Ida), or Call 303-299-1588. Spring Break 2000 applications for "The Harry Hoewischer, Browse WIN a FREE trip for S.J., Excellence in Psychology TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29TH Springbreak "2000." ALL destinations Scholarship Award." Any current junior Work at the Highlander 5-6PM IN THE SCIENCE offered. Trip Paricipants, Student Orgs & majoring in Psychology is invited to The Highlander, your student newspaper, BLDG. is currently a layout/design artist and a Campus Sales Reps wanted. Fabulous apply for the award. Applications for the cartoonist. These positions do qualify for parties, hotels & prices. For reservations Scholarship can be obtained from any ROOM I 05 as a workstudy positions. If you would or Rep registration call Inter-Campus Psychology Department faculty member. like more information call 303-964-5391. Programs 1-800-327-6013. The deadline to tum in the application is EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Friday, March 3.

. '~c-,,.!:_ lfHE WIDE WORLD OF REGIS •:_.}~2 ~~~,~~ Febraury 28, 2000 - March 19, 2000 . . .. ~9,

Monday, February 28 The Highlander comes out & midterms begin! Sunday, March 12 5:45pm Romero House community night 11 :00 am Doubleheader softball games at Mesa State noon Baseball game vs. Emporia State at Fort Hays State Tuesday, February 29 2:00 pm Baseball game vs. Ottawa University at Fort Hays State 1:00 pm Doubleheader softball games vs. Southern Colorado Monday, March 13 ·Wednesday, March 1 g'ad ((J ~ &ae4 ... 4:00 pm Men's lacrosse game at Northern Colorado 5:45 pm Romero House community night Thursday, March 2 Tuesday, March 14 Thursday Night Thrills: Frank.Caliendo noon Baseball game vs. Nebraska-Omaha Wednesday, March 15 Movie Night Friday, March 3 noon Baseball game vs. Southern Illinois 1 :30 pm Softball game vs. Tarleton State at North Richland Hills, Texas (NRH) Thursday, March 16 8:30 pm Softball game vs. Southern Arkansas at !:'JRH Thursday Night Thrills: Guitar Night 1 :00 pm Doubleheader softball games at Colorado Mines Saturday, March 4 Friday, March 17 SP1imttJ ~&r!Rl 3:30 pm Baseball game at Mesa State 12:30 pm Softball game vs. California (PA) at NRH 6:00 pm Baseball game vs. Colorado Mines at Mesa State 3:00 pm Softball game at NRH 7:00 pm Men's lacrosse game vs. Northwood Saturday, March 18 noon Doubleheader softball games vs. Neb.-Kearney Friday, March 1o 3:30 pm Baseball game at Mesa State 3:00 pm Baseball game at Fort Hays State 3:30 pm Men's lacrosse game vs. Lees-McRae Sunday, March 19 11 :00 am Softball's "Big Support Day" Saturday, March 11 Doubleheader softball game vs. Neb.-Kearney 10:00 am Baseball game vs. Panhandle State at Fort Hays State 11 :00 am Baseball game vs. Southern Illinois at Mesa State noon Doubleheader softball games at Mesa State Baseball game vs. Emporia State at Fort Hays State

• "When I grow up, I want to be an unimportant, overlooked, non-contributing member of society." ''When·! grow up, I want to ''When.I stand by helpless leave Regis, when other I want to people suffer." wander '~When I leave "When I graduate, aimlessly Regis, I want to I want to get passed because! believe that up for the job I didn't take people are mean- want because I advantage of the opportunities I had to hearted and don't know how to gain leadership skills and self have cruel handle tough knowledge." intentions. " situations. " ''When I graduate, I want to get turned down for every job I apply for because I - 0 R ... don't have any good experience.'' "When I ''When I graduate, leave Regis, I 0 R ... I want to want to fondly know that I remember the "When I graduate, can help the community I want people to hire me on the people in my I helped build spot." world." here."

"When I leave "Whenl . Regis, I want to know who grow up, I am and what I am I want capable of doing." tobe a Peer "When I grow Minister." photo by Miles Moulding up, I want to be an. RA".

RESIDENT ASSISTANT (RA) & PEER MINISTER APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 4; DUE FEBRUARY 14 Pick one up in the Office of Residence Life, Housing, & Conference Services, Student Center Room 216 or in the Office of Campus Ministry, Student Center Room 200