Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence The Inclusion-Exclusion Rule and Its Application to the Junction Tree Algorithm David Smith Vibhav Gogate Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science The University of Texas at Dallas The University of Texas at Dallas Richardson, TX, 75080, USA Richardson, TX, 75080, USA
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract teescu et al., 2008], etc.) developed in the knowledge com- pilation community are also receiving increasing attention In this paper, we consider the inclusion-exclusion in the machine learning community. In particular, recently, rule – a known yet seldom used rule of probabilistic there has been a push to learn tractable models directly inference. Unlike the widely used sum rule which from data instead of first learning a PGM and then compil- requires easy access to all joint probability values, ing it into a tractable model (cf. [Bach and Jordan, 2001; the inclusion-exclusion rule requires easy access to Poon and Domingos, 2011]). several marginal probability values. We therefore develop a new representation of the joint distri- In this paper, we focus on junction trees (a tree of clus- bution that is amenable to the inclusion-exclusion ters of variables) – one of the oldest yet most widely used rule. We compare the relative strengths and weak- tractable subclass of PGMs – and seek to improve their query nesses of the inclusion-exclusion rule with the sum complexity. One of the main drawbacks of using junction rule and develop a hybrid rule called the inclusion- trees as a target for knowledge compilation is that the time exclusion-sum (IES) rule, which combines their required to process each cluster is exponential in the num- power.