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St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida


St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 12, November 13, 1924

St. Cloud Tribune

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STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 12, November 13, 1924" (1924). St. Cloud Tribune. 113. 1294 NOVEMBER 1924 8T < I <»I I) TKMPERAT-JRX „SUN|lBX)NfTUEl!W_DifrHUi FRI 'SAT • Llo you -na?*d any Job Printing tndiiy? [ I II to, •cnil or phonn ua your nrdar now ! JL 'ft.t. ...|... \nm\un- O 7>* HO Friday, Nov.'inis'i' 7 80 ill [2.}3!.4J5|6!7(8 Saturday, Nnvellilii't- s sn i*,tl b AV* AAJA-.I AO AHhflD Killiiluy. November II S*_'. Ill Mo n.i i... Xovellll.ei' III gg gg 16 17i 18119 20 2122 Tuesday, Nov.utter il so go 233o24 2526 27 28 29 Wi .1.,, ..'..... November BO 06


WELL-KNOWN ARTIST COUNCIL CONTRACTS OFFICIA L ELECTION RET URNS BAND CONCERT EN- DONATIONS RECEIVED As I .iiml..nil County TO PAINT ST. CLOUD FOR NEXT YEAR SUP- Ity 1-4. Cloud Tribune for llscrola mYFD I AST SIIIMnfiY RY CT •PI nun l7^ _v 1'UEtTNCT Ml LANDSCAPE PLY FUEL OIL NAME Ill; 111 UITTT T CITY PARK BAND tober: V, Msl.i't. of Mouth Kent; "! I mi Tin' hqpilax wrrkly netting of llu The tlrst of Ihe Benson s bin..I . . ti nn.. Is In Hi. . Iinui nml announces 1 Legislature: 'I'll.* soeond report i>|" Hu* dona I Ions city council mi'l in MMten al tin* i-h> eorls uiis tttOU ill the ei:.v purk Insl it he has boon So Impressed Ihi* W. It. 1IOKWIN 1:121)1 :;j .;:: i:il) u T:i|l1« 8TI i.i Jijj.ll) 21 lmai li'ri'insl ;,v tho Lllllll s.ine e Iiie lust •nil.'] Iul seenery lu this senium tlinl luiU liint .Mnmlay litnrniiij-. Tin* mln Snmhiv iiftorniion. Willi Mr. J. M. reporl publlahed ln Th W.M. 1 AM.ISS --[1.I2| I ir. 217; 1| tl] U7I l.-.o*, 1.717 Tribune Is ni' *-. nt iiii* pri-vti'iiM nw.injr wi*ii "I •81B ns IIII.I ninny hive betas, made i..,iuy nml I,.- will iiinke several shafcheo ••tang ri'iiil nml n*>}>n>v<' I '. aoMing in nbeiy there i. sim „ shoat- - in haa aaaa recognised in m.iny arsys nnt ri PII rli'iuii'it nl BM Mr-ynr MU- ItllllT UtANKKIMtl. ItSSl 8| 17|l.-i7 1, I2| i«| ir., ISO II (tll 1 i.y Art oiKnnl/.iillotis of 1'. •• o| now eontpoaed of eiubieett members Bl the iimiuuii needed for the Mu I IIII wns ut-M nirti il tu tipixilnt 11 Clerk ol Court: lilll •11 1 In.-lu.lint; the illrts-tor. ninl with the He ttudled nt iln- Rhode Ichool iiiiiiiiiitli't' for thi' pttfctUMsl on ii tnii-t 1 son-..n. nud those whose imiues hnve • lleslKlis uml Arl Slu.I.nils' League .1. 1. oVKltSTUKKT |4N1| 3ll| TJI237 in Tll .'71 :i.-,| '•' L'l .2.18 23|flKli supply of new lliuale reeenlly re- not appeared ,.n tba Hal ara urged tn nl' luml in iiislatl mi lni|rlt'im*iit hi nisi* eelvtsl. mn ny- tfooil prourttnis in*' in -- Ni w V>il'k ; truvebsl nml sliidi.'.l t'i shelter eily iiiiirliiiii*rv. Counly .liulKe: Illlll 1 1 1 innko their contributions IIS soon us Kim.pel was president ill llle A:*: stoi'i* I'm* lhe inusle lovers of lhe city possible. Th,. season of rnn.-erl*. bus H. \V. 1'i.rti-r iii»|>e.ire.l lii'l'mv tht T. I.. HM Kit V.I22I. si lir. 22 III " I'H [In Iln* , i,, ,,.„„.. no -.started nud llu* fun,Is will be s lib-lit-' I.o.r-llo of New York I'll f. council on behalf nf iiie band Mklnf ,1. W, l ll.IV Kit :;;s ii*. 'in; (11 L'l tll L'L' 8 Mtljj^l The l.unil is composed entirely of -.1, I illlll..'.II,He,.. Won n .liver .1 ll .11 lite I'lllt- Iheir >H|i[n>i t. ,11*1, KviK.silion : lliilunnleli I'rize "local niiisl.'iiins nml wllh Iln* eo ..pern 'll... B 1•..iiiiiiniiiii K sines ii s| rs port Mr Pennon nl' Un- PoUrUu oil Oo., Prosecullnc Allonicy: I lllllll it. National Academy; Durham Hon of tbe eiiizens ,,f nu. community ore ii]i|n:ir.'il before tin* potmcU ninl PAT JOHNSTON X l.l It:. 1 I n.'.|24i-iir. YOWKI.I. 1'.. ll .!;...* morning, i.hi.-o.l I.y Ibe : ..uu. il of llle Nu­ I'. K I 1I> I J I I ; I • 'i A. His- •Jll.l Mr. Mike Peitermn, thr el-ectrlcnl Tl n. .ii nexl win ha .In -..rI ll, ii Academy from ilo Ranger Fund. 'l'n\ Assessor: ___| : II Illl .Y 1'ii.l, 5.00 euflne• r. was preaenl and ita^ed tbnt lol.I nt iiie oily park nt 8:80 o'clock \V 1 Eteaga n 1.00 .• pi, line- |,i.i-. In,s,',| by this fund ure w. I. HAKHKH I.",:; 3(1 Ml 217 |s 7.'. 12771 32 Ll L'L'I Ll 1 is: iln* nil hns bean rery mtlafnctoor mul aad iiio .iiiz. ns art nrged t,. is- pn s .1. l.v Mtlsie ^^ . 2.IHI go i.. tin* National Uallery In Wash* im timm-h, tin- council would ba bona* .ion. ii. c. ir tbey ext rvlss taa) pp* It. ,1. llll.l.lCIIUANIlT -_|'H2| "Bj 1|14'.' 1, ti) 07111 17.". n 11)2 ent ill lui*.*,. nuinltei's. Yon will not 1st Lores 1.00 lit 1 eil hy .-.i_iiiiii- I lie e..iii lint. Ar- ..nly enjoy ihe program, if yon uM t n within live yetira after the death of ':ix Colleelor I I I lilll IB, Kiln w. Armour ."..INI iMiiui'nnnis mra mnda fm- tbe coming attend your presence will encourage \l .-< Mrs. Solon Browc • n.iai * .* iiriist. This picture litis I ti ymt. . I. BANDY* 177 :ll 72 27 1 I'. 71270 ."..'. Ill 17 L'ss LII, 1.-.'.>.'. ( tl.e bond lo give the voiy best ih,., S. t . Lackey 1.00 .II.-I* I., ih. Telfair Academy, al Mny nr .Mi Mullen reported bo .hi hnve. (ounty Surveyor: I M it. ... .Ln.' - 1.(10 I- .tiiuinh. iln. council thai he tpDolntod Oeo, 1 >:iiii. I J. I I L - - -.; I'.ll L'.l ••-•2!2ll.".' l.">: 71) 2711 ."... II 17 2-T-t Lit 113 A V. 1 Mm v 0. llut-l I.IHI ..'|.rosonle.l nl Il.e Null..nil \**l Club. ns nis:h( m.irohnL I..I lOUNtflON 1 '1 ih ..111 I ins club. N. « York: Rhode Island i>in- wire allowed nud council id- ( oiniiiissioner lli.I I II lilll I ... I ot Designs; Plantations clui.; , MEN'S BIBLE CLASS M ». N.'llle Ilinn. ."..INI jiiUllllil, T. W AMI:S __ L 2-. IUL L' It 121| 17| 111 11)' 131 S| 621 I.'.oile Island Hoapltsl, I-rovblenei'. -—litw] A. 1 . Doughty . I.INI li I.; Yollimslown, Ohio. Art M i-eiiiu B I.. 1>. OVKltSTltl 12 It I.V, J_l II7:17.-. 21 s, lldSd, L'l, 11 loll ORGANIZED LAST M I.IHI t. | In fil-lVilt Ili-ctlillis 111 the BERT BAXTER PIONEER Commissioner I.isi. .1. A Nelson L'INI II I I I I L M s. Dorothy Jacques 2.lnl .'• .>lbij* . ities of the country. II. P, Sl'lll. i-li:i 271 III »2*222| 30, S, 13 1.-.7 22 1137 FRjDAY •Ir. is ti very young mnn lo M *s. s. w. Lackey . I.INI OF ST. CLOUD RETURNS Coiiiniissfoii'-r Di I. 3: Jl s . 'iin.f.IN-II PC 11 luotlll.1 r of lhe fnlbovllll* I'M III I I I I I I I I I I I II.. M'IIK nilil^ C1I.SK nf Hn* M. |*. :i.iH. Wl 1M • i'i' an orgaalaatlons; AawM-lnte of the II. O. 1'Altl IN .|aim| 20| „|IT|eti*il ll» iiitfiiniz.i l ".'I 1 is 1.00 1. B. Dlefendort __ -'..Ml League; life Mentha* ..r ihe An sin Ile It i \|. r. 11 lm WIIH on • of the Illl tl Hi 11 ii.v elevtlnu tin* following, offlrets A. K. HASH :al7, 2(1 4i>;227 J I 1 ..nis League; Artist Kite Member ot host known l.n'bers thnl seat operated lll| T.T|2(Hl| 31 nml leaders: Ptas. Amos IfcOUli VUv . Iloilwin .->.(K. I oniniissii,.,r Disl. Bl s 2311 21 IL'IM ,\ S Alls Club; ArtlSl I.lie Mem n bllslnoss lu St. ('louil, but win. |ai I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'li'si.i.nt. 11. 0. Outlaw; •acretary, T. II Ilny I.IHI __|23fi| 111, l«|103J 1I| 71|134| 22| 10] l!l.'14| 20| 771 .1,, • I lltlllllln . hat of Lotus cinb; ArtM Member of II spell of * iMiltilei insl" illlll sold out tl. T. Ml Noll ^---:--_- W. A. Arr.iwKinllli ; Troii*nu*'*r. I'M. ... .1.110 - magUUdl Club; I'rovl.l. i.-e Art licit' -MI.u sfter the prosont editor of ll_V. I'llll.l.ll'S ..litiai 8 ii i:,*j i ia ion, mi ol isiml ti aot f Porter I.IHI ,s»-. . V, . Il.'l. . 1.00 Clahl Artists' Fund Society I Ai-ii-i tha Tribune loesti .1 In the city, ilnni- Pub. lu. Dis. Ki-i-. I., M. Parker is taac-har or the ill. ll I I Illi 1. ^\ i's(..\*.*r , loa -l.ip ; >. ..en. elietit A.-nilcinv ol i,v decided thai ibe Weader Ctty wus .-lllis. .|s-is|..(| [.V H], nllli. ,.,,I'|IS llf n I.IHI II KATZ 12*. 31. 47'1112 1.1; 7.1.23SI 34] l.j lS.l'.HI, 22,127" c. K. Nelson FlOS Arts: l'l...- Mts Kisb'iiilioii. eie. the Inst place for lii iflor nil. u- Baa|a_o_. TI lasting Friday Blgbl 1.00 His. . . II. Wnrlii'1,1 ... \li. Nisi..-: is u,...wii ,,s i, inn.lseiiii,. inn.,' ha hml t host of eaod Mends Co. ltd. I'ub. In. Dls. ll wits lh.. .„.,:i.i,,ii ot 11 l>illii|ll,*l. Illi' ..'lO i i i i ; Illl A. It. Payne o nier .-nni mnde his reputation palal nn.l rii-t..iiii'1-s uu,] could nlwnys \V. W. A I.M AN 7| (111 n I lUj Tl; 32.1' lioin'L preparad nnikr tin- .Ii.-...-- .no .1 701 12j aillM] .'lm H, . Sc-l.ei- ....* N.w England tandsrain**, Lately taha ti iisiiiui; or buatlarf trip eoerm tion ,,f Miss Kiiiiii,.,,, Daft tearher .rai .1. (.. I.ANIEH :i::i *.'.-,, 71 lis; ll ill I.M 21 :. i.-.i 1)00 1 C. lli.1.lie -.'.(HI i • bus exhibited pictures of rapids, nml ltt'i-e thnt would be Inleresl itu;. Ho of domestic si'li-tiii' In tliV hlali acaool, .wlft Wat. I* livers nil.) suine ol* suit landed back bere o %tw tot* after llil. I'ub. In. DU. »^_ I I ',.,i t.v aereral of her students. "Iter no.I reeks on Miiine Coasts, lie tlie ili-st ..r ibis nth, im. leased A HTKVRNM |314| 1.1 Ml Hlii I.; 7.; re. ::i :i IL 103 22 lOffn 11 nn. 11 in-read ..r wiii.ii met curt *70..H) The I.inn! wishes t.. take this mean. t : i -on.e nni.. lately in etch- l ll No. 0 in the new Johnson build. niliilil M-<1I lii* proud, nml r,'tl>'i 1..1 •lusiii • Peace, DM. 1: ..1 Bxpressmg to those whose contrlbu- . .in.I Is .bowing nl present Is-siiles _l umi is this wo.-k Installing ttu I _J L ut i*n 1 t* red ll 00 iin, v-.H-i* being daaa : .1. M JIHINHTON IL'.II 27', 4*J l_III l 1 I LISO lL.Vi _ iJII ; :l. 2n 1L1II . pbnir.'s. eli-hliiifs in New ^'.,ek. liu.-l'l ,i bni-bei- shop in llu* bolt s uu.l tivn shower hatha l ,; II 171' 21 IOJ7 pros sul, iln- slnaing IIOIIIK by tbe IHSS r 1* JOHNSON -^i'^i'! W '-•"' -"' ll :.:i IM| .'MU ceive,! ami will IK* published in' The s.iiuriliiy lo spend a f. .*. ere. ka «Hit also tll modi rn conventencee for tin* ler tin- .lir,*!-lii.n ..f iho n.'v. In-. n.AW l'lilini.- I tin.'. i is w-lf... who wns called bere sereu tellies who In,\,* lu the pust tVu sears n <• rn i ±.. I II I 'II 1 Hi adman. 11 llle S. W Porter, Manager, ....•ks sjo on iiisouiii of iiie Bartons III* become reg^ilar patrons <»f UarbBf UKKKKII I. I id v. 1.. M. Parker Bads tho address I ll.'t* lll..||ll-|*. Mis. .1,-ssi,. 11,1.1-,-. shops. I'HHTKIt T I I — I I < i.f w.i...IHO to nil. nn.l especially t.. SIMII nn.l Kentucky nietme. Mr H.\l.i* bus . ir.'iiiuntiviutitisl lh. r_t it...s.' win. inni recently Joined ma We nrr pleflaed In lune Mr, nn.l Mr.. I tilted States, nml It is pleasing to hi. rliias. ST. CLOUD SCHOOL N sla>| in niu- midst nn.l hope Hint I liny t'i l.-ii.l*. t>. Iin.l i.itl thnl h.' i-t.uhl not ARMISTICE DAY CELEB BRATION ON TUESDAY 1 oi\ in Parker wus toastmaatat. A. ».ll Itel siiffleli'.il ailllil iu Iheir shoos resist lb,' mil ta .-..ine liiuk lo HI. 11. IfcOUl respoaded t., Kbs toaat, --.inr HOLD CENTENNIAL !• i-imse Iheni to i-i turn lo SI. .'loud t'louil to loettle i>i't-iiitiiiently. A WONDERFUL SUCCESS IN EVERY WAY Teacher"; I: E. Dlefendort, "Our l,„.-tl..r ....._,M1 .in,-til will la- iiiiule by Mr. Officer*,'': J, Ttrtutoo, "Our Kiitui*.'." PROGRAM ll;i\ter ne\i week u. to the netual Tlio apsakhii w..s Intelpaiiad wiih ilute of tho apanlag of lh>' aaa. burner Ttu- itxth iinniverKiiry of the si_n tmnpt tin* "inner mun" to it large miisi,* laitii VIK-III nmi InstnuneafsL In keeping with the l.i-c Centennial 'READ *EM AND WEEP" shop in ih.. .{ohnson bulldlna*. in* f the armistice which etas**! tht crow.!. The dinner wus served After iin* luiii'iii.t Ber, I,. M. Parker Celebration at Tallahassee lieuinnlnn; Mr. mul Mrs. ltaxter unil Is-en l.» iirlil Wgt, WJIs .elehruteil In Ht. imfeterlu style (jn ith** t.mri-.i elnh Introduced the Ber, Jenkins, pastor nt iust Mniiii.iy in obaaiTsncs of tbo . nte.l r..i- some time In Iti. till. I.I. BIG GAME AT THE ClOUd last Tnseilay with nn elnhornie house, uml It U Q^daratood thnt the tln> Kirst M. E. Church of Orlando, IIHIIII annl-rstM***. nf the foundtng ef Iilnho. uml nni.le lhe Hlii to SI. t'loml lirogram of events iirraimeil hy Ht. good things thnt hud hoon prepareit who iiiiule tin- prllliipnl ii.l.lri ss of tho the Suit.- Is-u'islalin r Florida, tin* in their enr arriving on Wnlnesdiiy of CITY HALL t'loud Tii-l No. NU , of the Aim*rlcnr. ipiickly dln-iipiM-ared. nnd nettnl the '•vi'iiinu, and wna |rat,.ni*,| %. with Si. Cloud Sihoois carried out a i>ro- lust »**ek. i Legion. Indies a nice sno. "«fird the fund iiiiirkod ntlontlon. Ho Is tin eloqnsat p-ram Insi Monday aaotliliig in tflsn «YnpMhaotfr.-**, front and renter The exercises nf tin* day were In- they nre rulslng for rep-uirs on the s|«'iik.-r. 110L fnrKCtliig; the liuiiiutoiis hiBl. school nuditorium. riu* worlil wnr hoyn ot this com- IMKTIIDAY DAVi j-un with the forming of a nn'iisicr tiinrch. nda of 1KB, rajvttnt just enough of Tin- program follows: , -uiit.\ «ill nrbor nt tin* St. Cloud Mr. \V. W, Tnimli.lffe of BowUnfl piimile at the C*. A. lt. Halt, l.lent. I task, t Hall < enlist thla ilfiiiont lata hia inlk t„ keep the Selection by lliuh School Orchestra. • •ity hull next Tu-wlny nUh-t. Xovcin liieen, I >hio. IN ninety one years old. Colvln I'arker was mursluil of the day In the ufternooii at 4:00 o'cl.Mk a 111I11.I frexh etwe*»n the iittinkH will ta* spri'inl nml each will her ,.f .',.111 in,-.-,-,* rooma, nn dlt la pastor of the Baptist church of Bt, I iluriiiK tin* rlvll War in CNMBPftAf L . il\ , lie.'Hled hy the pool COlOf. ut I-. i'i."stimaii-Hiiphomiiri* and ttie .Inniof- hnre a cnahc-a to nhow hln skill with planned a monthly affair. Undet aUa Clou.I. | lttt t'nviilry nf Ohio nnd was c-i-oi t I. Mil. li. I L'nst. Q, A It. nud the Ht. aScnfor i-lassi'N of the Ht. Ctoud High rii. tii-if cubes, Everj Hervlre mnn to OviUHBaJ Ihmnas. Mr. Tninileltfle leadership, tba class i« prortag a nila- Scripture IteiidlnK by Iter. ,|. ,\. fal­ Ci.nid Band. The u. A. u. Drain school. Tliif wns a spirit' d contest i.lile HIIJ.III. I 10 ths work of the I-IUH'CI, Inn, jiaator of I'resliyterlan .hur. - In r.l.\ Invited in IM' prc-rni prompl 1 ba > ini JI ipondlAi bli o intora in Ht. si. Corfu ami veterans of Ihi* tl. A. It. nnd each (emu confident of y. in si. Cloud. Forts four wtrs preseRl Cloud. il 7 'HO ;iinl iZ'-t in t In* Idg FKU1M. Cloud lor Mineral se-as»uis JI niv inn i followed the band, .v xt enttn thn Th.' re-nit was a «ci.iv of _tt io 7 In l-'ii.I.i.i nlgbl ; uml the Interest is smh s.,11.-. "Suwannee Itlver." Come on, .vmi yoht nmi doughboy* about Not rat-bar lal anil 1 ***_*{World*War Veteran* with the onion fnvor of the fioalllliail Suphmiion thai >i rapid growth in n ban is Addross by Win. Landlsa, former Sliu-.l tlic w.iil,*- !" aboul May i-t. llr. Tunnlcllffi La of Ilic Hi. i li.inl ,1'nst ami the Bring team. •topping at lhe Pennsylvania Hotel, j expected. pastor of the First Metbodlsl cbnrcb "Ht'itili'iiiiiiHlwrcp !" t' "iiiiniI ti'i*. •qaad of the post in uniform carry* "The Weed ( 011101:111.1 ' The Trll.nn.' join*, bandh 0 Hh Ll of at. Oloud. iim' riiif*. in chtn-gi. nf'iit. A. J. in tin* after noon ami al night tin* SOME nrs MM; BBTWRBN iiuin,v trii'mis ami Ofith Mr. Tiiiinl- J Hong, "Florhln. My Florida.'.' Oelgtr, The laigion was f«.ll. Fla. Nov. lllh The SI. mie was ajOtUBg si'.itcl. nnd I In pro tun* for the 1 pic of Ht. t'loml. A trapttOM whlrh II i*i* u .u:i lly inMrki-il cion,i Orowass Assoclstlon t in MKIIKIDIST 1 III III II gram begftfl in ebarga of l.lent. OotYln slOOl Minn was netted liy the Legion NOTES • I"n*i* HUM in Un* Utah llinmi-." Nol CHARTER BOARD GETS reitiilar session Nov. (lib. Meeting Ivor li. Ilyiiiliiiun, I>. 1... Pinker, from the picture whi. h will g" to- i Minister .-> In St. Cloud or KlMlmmee, When called to order by Preeldenl l'urk... New orfieers lii.Htalle-1 ward carrying mi IBM n.Mi\it,ies of vmi get oat td the train nt Klailxumee DOWN TO REAL nt 8 p. M. Minnies of previous nieei- N,'v* Bunday evening >>••• ahall ln- The tir>r i Li i on the program tlic post during the coming year. u-t'ure it in time 0Df tha si, init wore read iiiiii approved. trodncs tha new song book entitled was "Anirelcn." led hy tho IHI ml. This i r;iiii tu linvr, yon M*e a Inti* nnxlH Se.ret.iry reported having received "-"-adaheavw*! a nopal Beoffk* This WORK was followed with .".ii Hecomts silent I.Mt'tt Siilati. upliolMliTiil in v.lmir. prices on S I potatoes anil Is mis for v"ll»'n- Of music Is one of the prayer nml taps SOIIIHII-HI. The In­ eleetrletQj IHMIIIHI Otlthmitfh yon do RED CROSS ROLL CALL sprliiB: planting and nrged every Issiy lirodiiellons In tha BBcrad music world Thursihiy evmiln^ the i-hartir board vocation was made liy He\. Win. i,-.t iii*iil thia featurt nml you arc met to make Iheir estimate of scrrage all"1"' '* une "' lhe best books of Ita rii-it eil nt the revent apodal iity elee- l.aiiili**s. I.*, a .'iiiirt.*..iiN mh] DTparlmcitd driver timi ini't nt tin* -Thiimtier of H"ommeree TO START IN ST. nn early dale ao ns to allow for Iho •<•••'' '" church use fralny. The new- •hn will whlvk yon to Ht. Cloud In n rnmiis and peifii-ttd «>rKtinlxntlon for The puhlic Instulltithm of the newly plnelnu of un early order lo secure !>' .'rirnnized orchestra Is axpettsd to ohfteil officers of HI. Cloud 1'oM No. Jirt'y. the Joh ahen.l of them. ib,. best prtcea, AII those Bxpacttog I'"' Pteoaat, and help make tbe seta*. |A American I.e^imi, then to-'k place CLOUD 17TH. Tlit* proprietor of rhb> lino \< Kr. to plant were especially re- aarvlt iithuslastlc and Inaplrlag. The t'innii v. Johnaon won tn\netn*\\ with I.lent, t'ohin Parker am mini; A. Coleei). who has tak.'ii np bis re- •lUKNteil to submit the aertapo al tbe servlci*. will lieuln at 7:.'tll p. m.. The tim Ir man ami Mrs. (triioe Sfynuoiir an Installing officer. The ceremony •Jdenoo sifter havtiuE ntn >IH many WHS nan;; ,t »e. retnry. Meet Intfs were I,. M. 1-urker. chairman of the SI next meetlnu. j rcKiilar for lhe day will la, 1 MUM very Impressive nnd will he long .-.IIOWH In Hi. in.rth ns he .arcs fur or •cheduM tot ttnty ToooAay nmi Fri-i clond chapter. Bad cross, wishes ull Mr. HOIMI minle a very IntsrealluK held ul the usual hour, ijiiiVs. Mr. -'.ilitij BM hln ear IM*- itay evenhiKs until the work of the romanborrd hy mi thooa prosent. The the oi'iiuiiizatloii '.vnrkers that served talk on the grow lag and f.-rt iii/jii i,.n Oa Wednesday nlt-ht. r l..- OoaasM tween St. t'loud nml KU-iuniicc nn the i-harter board is i....l> i.. siihmlt fur offi.ei*. hiHtalled were A. .1. 0«Lf ie the drive for niemlMTS last year, of wlifeh wns apiiris-lntnl by T. a i, tollowlni Rfhedule: f the Laymen's Council will tt im 1 adoptlou. ('mn niainh-'r: W. B. Ilelilinger, -Q00 all ehupter ine tubers ninl others In­ all poeoant. have charge of the mid week prayer r-MTM St. (loud at S-riOn. m.; 1:45, At the meeting Friday evening the coinmaniler J h, T. Paffeor, adjuinnt ; tel, ste.I In tills work ta nn*et at the Seer. Inry then read severni clippings ineetlnB. .Mr. ( olvln I'arker will lend 1 .«> nml 7:tr. p. m. And netlon of the honrd will IH* taken it. F. Bli burn, Bnanca officer; Oolrtn Cluinilior of Coniineris' room at .'t taken front the Patau's whit ll were the Meeting, aastatad by t_et men of tmvroh H^BUBBM at TO:*JO a. m., on rHH'Unns of Hie ptopoaad ehiirtor to Turker. s. rviee off leer | W. K. Frnnk, e*. [... k 11,'VI Meitiltll 11 t'toi HINlll to very interesting IIS they Illl Ihrew tin* lentil, A good program of ma-atc, 2:80, 5; io nml 1:40 v. m. ts- Anally lubmltttd, these lielng taken historian ami chn|ilnin; (Joorge .tcf- Htiirt the drive for renewins meiplier- souie liL'lit on the irrowloi-; of produce. prayer nmi testimony win bent seven He meet? all trnliiH in KiHsfinim-e, 1'roin the ihnrters of many titles thnt I'crs -.ergt'unt nt arms. .Itips nn.l resiimliiK Bed Cross work The grotrtng of Bprlag oweel pota-' 'clock iiiiii occupy ths HIM hnif hour. mul inuki'M Rpee la I trips whenever tliis TU** adilre-s on I liis was hnve tbOOn sncies-fiil muter lhe nnii- III this i Hi toi's wus then Introduced and mm Following ths prayer meeting we shall mu IM* dmii* wlthmit lntt*rferlnic with liy Mr. Petaney Wny, ol in>i- ma linger furin ehuttff, A nurse has boon ptninlBsd from stilernbb* interest shows nn.l nil tbose in church social hour I,. itive opportu­ the regular Khedulo. Mr. Colaaa ran lumlo. 'n-preseiitflm*! lhe m-paiiinent Thove iim rters iro now iM'inu' emi hi'inlipinrt. rs ho serve SI. Cloipl. uml preaenl w nrged to auk i rati nity for the i.. ip-i together, he found at tht* HI. Cloud Hotel. ('.imiiimnj. r of lhe Floridu American •MafOoJ 11> I lie imll\ iilunl meinliers of t__yS Iiu.i l.eell eileonntefe.l in sl u I I iiune ns to the Beraags they moot* |A s| ini inviiniii.ii Is extended to nil l.cgimi. Ilis renin rks wi*re well the board ami tmi.m'r.ixv ni_ht the BO*. lag llle ilrlie this year pnrtly on in- Iilunl nml i-voin'st,*,) to BrgB lbelr our tourist friends to . .one |., th,. ehoron, c'linplimenting Ihe local post WESTERN UNION SUPT. inovnl nf the whi>h* iioanl will lie count of the Inability to bars a Bases neighbors to gsl In nml plunt nn.l help i meeting and "gel acquainted." ftrofl In \%hal is ii adv. on their m 1 ivillcs, ninl calling at hn slnrt the work In Beptember as plun I., swell the a.-reiiiie an.i bring Osceola i i.m to the iptcttdld example of pa­ A,|-..-iu.e Mol|,.-. : Tl.m.ks*.'iv|in{ Winn tin* I...anl lia> delihi ratitl on n< .1. County Into lis own. Tin-re was COU. VISITS ST. CLOUD triot lam wo ha.e in the 11M S of tin* iBervlce ol (he cbnrcb on Thanksgiving all ii-'.-.l.-.l .,*, (inns fnr Die .ity it will wuii tin* election out or the mtrj, siderable ilisciission as to lite planting Jlbiy. \'..v. ITth. Kr. Ilyii.liiiuu will 1 Veli-rinis of the elvil wnr, \v. W, Duke, DUtrlct Oonxmorclal (hen report uml the ihnrler will I.c Aiiuisii.e Day properly obaeired, iiiiii growing of planta which brougbl preach. Mnnncrer uf tha Wesli-rn luiun Tele pnbllabfkd for •tndy hy tin* ntbUc nnd The program cloood w n h thi 9*90} eeerytblng is now randy for the lo-.'l out sola., good potato which win bo The Laymen's Council lms chargs i.r «nii»h Company nml aaalatajri to Itata Ihei" llnal apiiroval will deiith* the lug of the "Hhir Hpnngh-il Haniier,'' roll call. Of inleresl III iill who expect to |.Illlll. the serviee on Sllnilny e\. uli.u*. Dec HiimTinlendent ol (hal i-miitmiiy. lo- i|iiislimi of eiiiiimisslon manager L'HV Ifil hy Ihe hand. The snnie oriranlzatlon Unit serve.1 s. .rotary reported thai BMMO sf 7lh. iMiniii'iit In this city. Jk'-s Dinner Serveil as lust teat bus In en ll|i|H.inle.l i.y ra i eil at .hi * 'k soi iv llle. Flu.. waa a u...,,ers of seed hml been received from Lmlies' Aid lluxatir uu.l a.ipper visitor in tlie eily Tnositny In tin- in The l,i gloii this year did not tinkle Mr. Parker t,. serea this year, and the Stule Miirkcllnu Burcnii nn.l he Tuesday, Dec, Snd. tereaU of the telaffrapta httritHMa. George T. Martin, of VFlUlamaport, ilo> ilinuer proposliimi, Imt I'viemlcl every one Is BTgad lo allend the llle.'l wus wrltlllK theae people iniiiie.liul.-l> Mr. ImUe was well pleasi'il with the I'a, tin* meat liursi- sim,. plhhir, tins 1 twit privilege to the hnlles of the ini; Mi.iiilily in orili-r tlinl work niay lo u" I prices nn.l In.pel to lie lllil.- were | outlook in si. Cloud uml remained lonffarrh "d hi the city an.I i» st(.|i|»liiK praabytorlan .iomii, wX%n aavvod • lie slnrteil III once anil tbe ilrlve coin lo ipiol.. tbem ul the next ri'ixular There being no further biislni-s* . iimmh tn tierw the ArmUtlca Day)with his frland, Ool, T. D. Orockrr, "Min«- Hlnncr" of curned boH and pieieii i..\ TbankBglrtag Day, at aa- Bleating, meeting iid.lournisi by regular motion, I .uniii' in-ill al I.n ui I.n » 3d ,UI;i luUl av iinii* eablMgo and olher good things that from lieii.bpii.rtvi-a. Order, for aome fertiliser ami teed Secretary. Till R8DAY, Mill-Mill It 11, IDM r-\(iK TWO THE ST. CI.OUD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA KHAKKN CIRtl'S TO UK l\ KIS- in their pl. . \MII ^^. i i have .hm.* -.-III KVMOHI I *, HAD Fine Tar and Honey J nt__> __1i the S'IIH,. thing." >he r.i'h."I i iii\ni:zvms IN (vdioi.v ('»• SIMMKE ON SVIIKItW NOV. IS "Iteutetulh !• -he wenl nn. Still Best for Chest Ou9 / \i\\\l it' ' ih. lime t\h.-II ltnl. WiUoil WHU killed S.-il ,ir.!,i\ N.iv, •JL^ nl'l. Miooii inni : ;i John AaMej and thn t lil- -' u iu bin rn r, mi j our hnii*e P '' J ' Ileal, ti nits I-I out I i-n under buise tnnaae • of conve*, Colds and Coughs A tin ntlo Iteiich. ' When thej hro-ughl i Ue inn -t rircUfl ever mode I j t he ta ; tt, . Hint,r.l t-> lit.' w - i|. .11. Of SIlcrilT iM Our mothei and' grandmotnera Temptations • '•••'. t.. the .-..I •••-•••-„ nttlKMiy I ..I'.M.. .'••.'...... ** .-J- ...... ,...... *- "...I ironnlt y ninl • ' ; ! %-VOuIu OO -.VlLllOliL pill.' I'H' ciilo unil show in Kttwliumea oa Nov. Copyriahi. i.M« b* <;i-..i-"» ft*V-~ ..' HA ct ii K. ,n< inberlug. i coi ered M . :.i .... o| olhel ::.*•- i-n.'. 'I'' isyrup In the hooaa fcj* odugb , rare with my baud. pnl-lea arho rmunrted them op Bl lha st %*- to mdo tha yi.iin. loii.*. happy aad chest colds, fir. This wa| many i . in MI ,\i.n noa." she eoxv I.I'.-I,. .-nil .. run* Helwatlitn rlrst brldfla tbe oM toiks young. The grr*al pi yoiiis ago, but modern rnatliatna kaa SALLIE GIVKS \ TOAST ! toklug botb niv hands In hia, ho sai.i i oio i*> OH Siiiii.ii.'iv mornlug :it id.iut :i ni! tender i tinned, "and the picture is r It Idly leuillllll Intn III'. Mini ...... '* never heen ahle to improve on thi* TO IIIK YO-TNGEH KT I in R roll P thai a i dear. Remember) Sa iiie. what yon • ."rin k. pjlrart „f' nil. a raal \vtii«i tintt'-teBted remedy, Uoetorw say ••I'M- coma to take yo\ home, s il Thnl llu* A-hl.v (at I did ti"l 0O»> animal clrcoi is a 1034 acqutittlon, • J..!':- hara n ur yjg9an if stripped •aid wiih thai runny I it Ho tuiuklo ilu. it* depredation. \,iy rloaelj In the pine tar is hard to beat for 1 SJ|V\ III!' lie." having bean Imported from tin* arorld'a ji.tkcr" .1 IH 1 iMl DOHI iinii*.!, ' in your rye, "Bob oughter change bin I tna eaa. eaael would asetai la M nos> quickly loos.ning and removing tho IW'ii;i-l« ,i \ •| doal MM why that'i oereeaarj irreatPFt wihi animal tmlnkog quartern flrli play it u I show .>n brand !' " she « hUpt red. deaeed i.v tkfl iil..l..-in*.' sines tha phkym and congestion that ere tho nil. «ri*,il l-n'l Anne stifflei ntlv i nl ert i in n •" '•'* ;it HtaUlngban, Oarmenr, lurladetl in the other e-nmtag » un' "Uh. hot Kllie. that was different, :i.i..,.,i> L.tili- sun.inv mornlnf, Ka». -. actual eauHe of the eough. At tho tptt I l'»'** y.ut'it* fUM, ;iri*n't ymi. •I'lea-.e ,t..iit." he pleaded. 'Sin theee dleplayi win ba found Uodg, I didu'l knew. 1 didn-t," i Walled. • Hint Asiiicv h.i- beea ilinn: w t •—*• name time pine tar uml honey soon Sjillii*'.'"' she HIMII'HI.-I tn mi'. ttXglnt ban nothing to do artth this." tlgera, leopardB, iminr nml irlialj "Neither did they, Snllle." HIIO de- h..tis,. nln.iit fnur miles out of SI. Booths and heal all irritation anil vvor tn (hi* tn\tin whoro I ri' "Oh, doein'l ahnV 1 laughed scorn .larctl. "It's hard for IIM to take in hears trained oatrlcbaa win he letn soreness. I .'loud alnee last laaualy, Tlir.-i* , latHHai W.irn *g Kishi'i's Ofchtdfl fully. "Then why did you take her I 1 In ml.lition to tbo Spnrku gTOVf it Thn Mi..! < .it it 1 < I..--H -Mil wltli tragedy, specially nt a glaae**** fbefore iho Pompana imnk I,.I.I.CI>. 9 I •< ti I WM W "ariiisK. tu church, and why did you go to' si toaed the suhjeet. hut 1 shall sl xti-on "Rotation" hoi-son. rhe two ni'V. 1 *-full line •UOOMI In l liniiHiiiiilt of her hooee Sunday Qlghl fur BOpper?'* siviy days .ut... lbs bandits paattd by .'h'PhtiTit haraa. tiney jniiti*.! ana poo- rsniiiu*« tor ymOrm •* tn-at Ituown n* Dr. M. talOOsftlta woro nwny. Anno nnd iicvi r forget her tittle tnlk. the .iiuv nt Mllitntor I.nke, nnd -lop­ M.-u-* mut* Tmt hmttmy. Tills t» •olta- furt i-*-* . . .nt rhiirch .•ytWC. i Aung at Mm. the arorda that had (To Be Coatlnaed Next Weak) Ini borae*, the nthh County vig cirrus. tin. uii v oompouiidad of Jimi tti*. ri«iit be* Q buralog in my brain ai; arentng. ped for Kit-iitiiie. Cnpthln Tlapar*! soiiN, 111,«| h *-ts t.f ,.."|...i 11 'ii • of ptn« tnr, honcv unit other whin ht might bnw ttnywi with ME atiiik-ftiiiiis. h«*«iiTi« tnitri-.Ufiitii whlrh tbnt moriiliiir . . Sun. hi > night llo looked punaled. Wo held my fRPTTU l Hh:\U <)1 KSTIONS C.\RB* Now- of tin* Wiping nut of the Ash­ othor-i of 11 novt I miture. Tho rln-us tho l" '•1 iloclora tiave f mi n.i to ni.l In !...... '••,, ins uui***.' was sure I ley KIHK reached,* Koehaeh ol proper apaaa with m> eUbaraM} nimmtt tmilat. It ..-mulii-i nhNolntfly on ->,-...,.. ll** .-•• .*." III«"» luKinu-r . . . and geiitlo. I llkoil tho tlnn B*aaaurej HI.1.V iiDlnl.'.t. iinrcot!.* or tmrmfiU .lrmr*. MU I don't km.w \\ h>, hut I Ml Iik.- I the Orlando-Melbourne Baaeh Com- Htaged epaa-tacle, "Bcbaaa from the of his cool tinkers. I*.m. tit bis honio In WV-t 1'iilin Kelgu of King Tut." in which*all at c«u It-. KIY-*"I tu youtiff ctitlUl'fn—rtn« for wmiM got I'Vi-u wiih C-tfrtta Wright Tho puaale printed this week -haa croiip lt lll*ltr*IB taTfMMl. *i*o. If jf I .till loraethlBf wim toti dtrUlah '"nin don't uiiilorstand. Sallie. This H.'111'li. :il>,iiit I o'clock Siiniliiy tho mil inn in, parfDmara, preale-r you wnnt tin. b***it. a lUmttollH that ..rt*.. laa'l trivol.m... lt is NKt'KSSAUY for l;oen found to make -everal plays oa inoriiiiia;. He sras KCIIIIIK rendy lo iliueen .nni it larga cborua partlctpatfe, •tiiiM tho sjatv.-r'-t*: .'>u«li ..v.-iniriit. hn nf which in- wonM dlMpptsrt if hn 1 worda, and you are warntil. In your iun you «-»t Dr. iifit'i Piin*-T«r Hoiie-\ etoto agnnenA ynu to como honn'. Don't I** alnrmod lake Mrs. lto.t.n. k t,i tin* 4:11.1 train. Aa 11 ii nn.:; tlnisli to tin* -all lV;iUuv It cooita only tta «t toiy etioJ (lrun:la('a. when 1 toll vmi ntleinpis to solve it. to ba careful n li.-n snni,, ..I* his ti.'qutilnti.ui'i'- drove prrforinami'. 11 genuine KURIINII KH< "KlL'lit. O Jud/t" I ilic'Ti-il h.'r on, In Which Salli-\ I .o...k Fail Her Imw you nad the questions. There Is ill rrom the .lit., tion of 111,' Selustlun Hunt, tntroduetng real trtebrbrad high •Tll help yon got them >tarte_!" "Your father n-tedl you. Rallli ,-is mui h laformattmi ta them as there hiiitlCi' nnd told of htivlim siitt the lumper*, broad jurapera, mul parfecl - I leaptil tn tho Inhle. in* is Bhall 1 ba perfectly frank withl\tt in the puzzle itself. lt was coin bodies of ilu* root bandits af aboul 1% M hooii-.l foxbouaui will replace tin* poeed hy PlncUh Hertz, and it Is he Wl-,. wants tn -*t;i>s up nil you.' l t.'Ki. lyliu: in tl.o toe*, whoro thoy old-time anil vory dangaroue nbarlot FOR SALE Mcved that you wilt havo a lot of fun Iin.l fiillen. 'til tho ti'i'iiy uii in h..iirs nrwl play I nodded iluinMy. rin-ivs n>ii:illv to IK* foiiml with Other STRIPPED pokerr 1 ihollQMM '1 solving H. Tlio answor to this pua* •'Well, ha !>* ;» very si.-k man." ami ale ami n new pu/./lo will IH* printed Moi.iey robbed the smart bank two ,inu*fs. IMiNT rORQBT TIIK Hooaa, ." Raoaia :i _>ta, Blscttle I ll..." r.ottctag my pwnnlrd took, be hurried ti- \l week. feats n2<>. Bras ..iti.iii ond intot* to DATS, KlssiMMKK Ratnrdav Nov • iuliis. I'IIIU. chi,kin House, ..J.siai •'('..unt m« in " to explain. "At tlrst ho wouldn't let coped fnun tba l'l I—uderdals Jnll. "Now vnii'iv talkhm" nml ** us teli .'mi becauae be dldw'l wanl 4 Thla was tin- a. i ond \ tall of ".embers Siiiuli (',., siiiuli l.„|, SIIHIH Id ,-f approval iiiliio frnin all you to fret about him while yoa we e ___h ____H'" _H 1* 1 ol the t*0t to Hn* Stuart litink A-b- l't hj nf tbe riKiui und tlu*n a o\Uc want- n load Matte, I'.ui now, hi « IT 6 ley Iin.l robbed it aol oy months . at lator in vnif.iiiii f.iirly I I£* 1 Ilmiiii Houaa, tifOo. Terma wauta you and rail r-nnetaoily fnt 'bU 10 previous, in company srlth Hay I.Inn. ihoutod : little girl!** Mr Wri--ht'> rot-efl waa iii mt4 f[fl] 0 iiiuvi.l .-...11*.• • 1 fr Iho Florida "Suits me 1 -ft. in ii WlB Sallit-'s lil' finitely i« uiler nud kiml. • Hi 1 HpfS penitentiary; Bob Mlddleton and loo SOUTH FLORIDA'S 111. st..i-.v Rooming iiu.i Boantlng . :-:" n-.iiimi* rtng my danctttf Like ti Hash the thing ho had jual " §9"' __!'* r..m\ Tt-.i, ,-\ i.- in tha OacsjolB Rnuse, Fuiiii-ii.-.i Plenty of fiuit. - i:-l«-l t. p T3""1 .'ii.s.' lii. I'll,,* „nlv 14,700. told me waa picturing itself oa my KU a ...tuny .Inil :tt Ki —innii.'.' at Hn- pic- GREAT NEWSPAPER "HhOClUi 1 w.nni.i Win Sallie," dt* brain Pnthi r \> ing thera ill . . . .nt iiin,-. .larr.l IVI.T M. Mill in. "ainl have fcwffl Ilmi.i*. I it....ii... partly needing me and wanting me. fof I Sumlay nluhl .Indite Boebaek -L'l' try in' tn ever -inn- I un lirr hi _M know the depth "f hia love nml yet One raoaa cottage on same lot Price .r:,fIU\" B * [s-.l ni iho stars Bl Alligator Utko mul torn between bl* fine, uneeifflah Bptrll it, . ..iivcr-aiion wiih ihe storekeeper It' you wtuil to keep potted IMOa Peter was • dear aad so faithful. and his human longing for m,> at his ;is w. r<- thoy nil. I tnnk IB tha room here, asked If ho had seen .lohn Ash- side. 1. i Itlloly. --N..." llu* nuill r. piled. on the marvelous development 0 Cottaga, untaralabed, 2 nt n cliiiiir. It \\.i> a jnlly ii'tiwil. l-O H-.U | 1 Lata, Hoetrlc Lights, citj Water, Kv.-ryom WOA it a food A • i tt*a ;• »re NOW. Om tba Mal "thai i-. ii"' since al***l before last." ol' South l'loriilu, you must .itiriiKi*. $!/<>.. Tertaa, \i.trnla wnt i-layiiu: a fgnyomt jtM9 train." I leaped to my foot. He li.- araa not aware until Judge 11'.*- read atatoj, -whai'ii i do Wham ton An* glaaced nl his watch in tht atmh I..t. k taM 'iiio. thai A.lil.-y lui,I IH*«*II gleam. "TTiere la i train In nne hbui killed. I ll..II-I*. *.' r.x.ina up -tnlrs, '.'ono Away—Whiit'll 1 il.rr" drawled I'liniisih.-,! for IIBlit hoaaekeeplog, . hy _R»i* Baker, ami a bnlf. Wa enn make it. Dent lUHHZONTAl. The BBOOtlag "1" the four lian.lils THE TAMPA MORXIXG 1. A direction, (abtk) ,ii.v>m stalm mratsbad. Din Aw. "ran' tho sdnflns*. We'd rather harry; you hav,. enough time. Thnt prtli-tlctllly vvijN's out th,. Ashley niinu. is, unless I hinln't thought al it* 4. A miiioral i alih. i TRIBUXE trie*., on. WHI.T 2 r.itn. v«ri hear Sniihv ttivo na • - toaat," nml all wblrh ii.s tcttorlaed the ea-t t-oaal .'l.v of <*lioli*,< fniit. Slis-piiii* linnh on • yis nirnt'ii in m.v direction. Instant hut"—he staniinoriil perhaps -tou'd ll. one who mffera for baltef. i..r iln* pn-i ilf*..*n years. 1" Not -hullow. Every nook anil eorner of -ml tloor. Maa I'-'.iaai. ly the room waa timet A potnpllment rather go aland." The odaoont of the enplure and kill- 1-'. A ghrTg name. t Maaaoa, ptttt tt,imj. tn whoop things up for them, and by An exclamation. ••You moal aaauredy can." h.- BTowad- :a l'il .i.ivt-. i wouldn't fail them. IM help An honor societv. (ahh.l from llu- office of Sheriff II. O. Haker Copy ami rates. House of ,"*, r.H.ius on pnvisl slri*et. "It was ju-t that I did not want to of I'liini H.n. li eouuty. thu Ashley, thom lm vi* n good thin*. The kiml Intrude. 2a Solitary. l.ot *Nb*lBQ, fllrnlatiiil liousr. Illl fruit ot B 1 tinio thoy wantoil. 26. A bird Mul.l.y.' Shorty'' I.inn nnd THK TAMPA MORXlXi; trsss, 1'rUc $I..-HXI.IHI •lipping around through I side It,.1. Mid.Melon were goliiit lo pass "A toaat, SaHio.'' tluy rlminii'i'il. dear I eral unnoticed to my room _v A proofreader*! mark. thtOttgh SI I i unity that niulit TRIBUNE i mist'ii my gtsa* and sent a malil to Kill*', to whom I 30. A combining form. Nice now lliinitalnw, t'j llloiKs headed for .la.k-oiiville. he planned "I givi' you . . . explained, In th,. meantime i Ihrea VERTICAL from N. Y. Aroiiii.-. the Tounger A chemical .-h ment. lahh.t lhe enpttiri*. S. V" a torn iifn wary ttdagn iu my hns- 1. Tampa, Florida o. A I my. "Wi. iioiifvc tin* aaa iinj#inl..iui!ile '•Cheer up. if you oaa, Bailie.** *iu 'The .hcrirfs party left Fori I'lcree. lVa story, i r. House, tctoaa*" To suhtraot without parmuulofl, kill is- tu'inc lulled geatad nu hostess. "You'll coiue X enrt-iiiik' a heavy eluiiu nud n-il wi_^ir_ra_iWMwwwi_i_s IHUVii. 2 Lota. Price tl.lMHI. "We fbrgtva kaytlUni in oa. h other through *.vlth tlyh.i; ..dors. Ymi al- ."i. An art Institution, (abb.) liiim-m, which on ra affixi*«l to tbe • exeapl hatei Mnoym. w.iys do. You were horn like that. 7. Itest. bridta ri.ti'iiino. tin1 offitiTs aftafwart 4 Ho,nu Hooaa, i'ity W.ii.-r. l-'.l., tti. \\o [irninis,- thnt whatever happeaa \y tka htin-iif*. cat. .old*.. i.ri|i|H-, Ilvngui-. Il.-.i.l.ii hrs, :i dte of iij)|ii;ci-i- ninl than •fiance. as the great out of-do-ors. 17. A peepoaltton. Tba intUT alio alappadt '"'t tba .**.1, rrtor.l, w. kn... I .•(ititiiiuoii. "IAH us hereby dedicate "we'i,- all behind you. The .-iitin* M A pronoun. irbai 0J9M arraac ttyty fallad ta aattet a iv. MAL KSTVI'K our Urea t.i ptaa-aaen • " snntr." 'J'.*. A mineral. that riMvUsTi paaaa until Bairaaadao, I had trii'd tn throw my whole self .lust al that IBJIWIfl tlie gOtgg of •1ft, Insanity. Almost nt aaea John A>h]i*y roo An addition. lata the toast i nan BMttnfl ....: ..-•. "Chop sticks." rendered by two of U7. ugnlaad tin' orn.ITS an.i raacnad tot HM IMI daring tho entire nine, I hml tho my exaberanl frtaada, araa wafted in bli riii.'. Ho araa laa into, mui taa i'• nnn thai alien gyot wen* watching, through the doorway In • of IP-HUM t'OB Ml I IM. t'onr w.-iv li-il inni tll,. Ileht :it Mosquitoes. Files, Fleas. ned-Bn-fS, following my iimniis.*. i alapf-d to­ btataal aoajad. Soin- others, aeektng tin* trout of tin- cai* to In* si'iii t !n'.| ! KILGORE'S BRED RIGHT SEED POTATOES ward the far ind of tin- nx/m nuil saw si-if e\prc-si.)n had coacatred the idea Moths, Cockroaches anil \nta. In me house, ynnl or the on-hiirtl. l*o you While slni-itT \\"*- iraa tf.'iiintf fl man itaadtaf la tho doorway of turn teg on tha •Tfetrola at tba lame hanili-nits out atf liis mr, A-h!>> |BV) Catching my gaae, be atartad walking tlm.- and had prohahly ehnaen the want to learn bow to kill theae inaeel [insl | ? tin* >iuniii to tiro, ;mil i In* inni nil flCKMl I in* room In my illrertlon. I tirst record nt hand. "Y-s ive bate no drea tla •baocara arblcb UM awtab knew that walk—my heart waa leap I e- n i nas" rlad with ih.- luni-iluni- Make your own Insect killer tnni t'niiiii t.. ravaal aad aacan Drias. Ing. I rtcogntaed the iwteg of his ilinn ilinn duin-duiii-iluin' of tba {iiano home; as simple to make ss s pot of win n tbe -inoki' rlcarad away tba artna ami aaoalden If wftfl CnrtlM crowd. eoffte. anil v-*ry cheap. battdltM un'. daad, wblle all membera Wright I felt a -.-use of Joy nml at My nerves wen* mi eilire, M.-iil ua '-'.-' ,-.*i.ts, stamps or coin, of iu.' poaaa bad eecapad Injury, tha name tim** • flood of taacuaton. r.llie." 1 exclaim, .1, "tell them for anil we will mall you the formula for making a atalnless loaectltclde lliut thuuicii tho abootlng hud atortad ai ;i }\o rearhad my aide aad ottered his Uodneaw Bake to he quiet or I'll range or ..nly Ifteeu tent. tn aaetat me from the table. •cream '** will positively kill aboye mentioned In­ "IHil you liko my tonst?" I naked. she aped Bwlftly down the ball ami sets and mnny more. Send 2f» cents A-llloy wns ;t I mill |fl yi-:irs olil. "is there Bome ptnee we could go I could hear her - ailing nl tba top today. It wilt be the best quarter yoa Mol.h'.v, hi>* no|.lii'\v. wai Knt LO, I.inn nnd talk quietly together?" be Ignored uf the stair: ever invented. 88 uml Miilillolon ,.-,. Tin*'- '•Tinn Off the tTaft down there. nrotn placed in rin na blaa la artati h my ipiesihiii. V-l'MtlllA rilEMI.'**., CO. thoy bad IMH'II ridlns end broosbl to "Kir-t toH mo how you got here Sallie'-. just had a meeeage from her hii. Bl. 4 lull' ir.iml Ave dad He'a ill. D'ye hearT* Kmi riiTio to nn undertaking aatab unil dO yoa know evorybodyl Why P. O. Hex MM ll-lini.-nt. didn't you tell me ymi were invited "Aw. waaaaj wattor with tin- nld J\( KSONVIl.l.K. n (IBIIO to tha part) ••' Inan'.-" a haraa rolce reptti d, *'i i > in­ Tbe gaag wai amalad tor loaom* "] was not." he .-l.lii'.l "I .nine to ruin S;illi,-'s g I tiun Tell h.-r arable rabbartee of banka, -tor.'*., liquor for n purpoae," be added n -t tO worry. I'll mix her a luvly a tai.1 ilinn.'in-- osbof • afloat aad "Wait. Bailie ) .-Ui d aomeon-Q highball If .-he'll coiue on down." A Uaa i- i'Vi-n >:ihi t.. baae baaa ncroaa the room, ""you're made ns bold door cloaed. CURED cbargetl win, M-ttfdar. Tbe British I our glaaaei ao loaf the atuff La ageing. I .-..uhl bear oae ot the flrls try- WITHOUT I U'lvi-iiiini'iii bai inugbi th-in tor pinny I 1 [on l.i'in t he '" im- to atop him. hur it waa too lata, SURGERY on tin- blgh -<-.i-. Thai ne.nn for ine lo finish what 1 J threw m.v-elf on tin* bed, t*"nrs PILES alerted. rtreamteg down my face, r.uie. re- 'Uh y s. Mr. (Trlghl tb-ffl is th.- turntag, saw that I had heard the Fistula ind Other Racial Dls»*ses i.wr M K mi ANSWKK gaag.M lie boared cnnrtaoualy. hWe ttaoco oa tha itaira, taaaaafoiij Trt«t*e-*i bf u>« PAI k,tii IN un i.n. IH\II:> were i11 — t aboul to partake of a 111' "I'm lorry, saiii.-." iha roaaforted, T * nk r A cr 0 I 1 e s ihpiid rrfirahmant Won't you J« in "it'- ju-t thai they doa'l Qaderatand." AMBULANT METHOD No liotpttal, no operation, no Kb-af-nce U-'.'" "Aiel thiu't want to'" I Bung at front home, no Ions -of tim-*, no Interf-vr- » A, N|DBL I 3 TW BEnER SEED POTATOES Ho was offered gUaaoa from erary- her. "i-air weather triendai -that's ••ncoj with aociat •n_BoT«nicnU. '• a niirri', bai i notn-'ii ha piii.e.i his oa whal they nre. lt didn't innke any Semd for my Free Booltlet— r F t C TJIA D AH 5 u TIIK RKST SKKI) IS TIIK lilKAI-KST IN TIIK KNU tha table. difference to them if my Dnd was "Curing Pilet and Other Mootni Diaeaeet"—It axplaina every- 1 H TBA IVE. LI r o t Kllgore'a llroil llichi Oeiig Potatoes give OooMo the yield of 'iii'.- atora i Lifted my glaan, DEAD." I winced nt the word. "All A onlhuir.i siiil. It baa Hie vigor nn.l nnii*tal liurlty, free of dlaSBSS Hire's bopiag thla prahlbltloa staff thinu they want is | •-....,1 -^.rt to atnilse 1A B L t 0 I_|T mul true to tyjie. we're drinkins from the Mitchell's iheni and men when B fallow ->ts in Dr. Geo. L. Dickersori lovula . i liar won't ft-ult In any thing worse Parent OtOdl right, grown, harveate.1 nml stor.**' right l>ouMe troiihle thoy aren't will in; ti. U-avi' tCCTAL AND I'ELVXC SPECIALIST L grti.leil. than headaches in the iin.rii m„ " 1 LBT p OD|) L|A V t--ir playtiiin*. I tell ynu BUIe it's | 12*1'/« Mnin Hu OppMita Kr«M' • Writs f"r fiittltor Infill pallia, nnii prloea. Kurly or lata alilpnients. With that. | tamed and followed Mr II id en shame a nol I am prett) much (.---ni* ' n-ior Itrrn* :::'». H|t|_J| O •J D Wright, who wns apparently eugor for i|i--u:t'd with them all." I'h.ncj HU JACKSONVILLE, FLA. B my attention. •Now. now, Saiii,-. don't take if eg EOBK A C tl H KILGORE SEED CO. outside on lhr* terrace, I Jumin-d OM) s 0 Bertaualy." she pa it o.i m> ihoulder PLANT CITY, KLA. „ 4t •> and sni on the ralltag. IP* atood "They didn't think ymir father waa C N C K It T c hilently ho-ide OM tOt a uioliienr. Then P i°; , really in. Maybe it' you had bees „ £ *t '.:..:..*..x*-*...xx--v.-*:--.--'---+*.--'-*^ >


Pop Spoke Too IH Quick

By Edward McCullough


Tlie re nre t rim lim Is mul crinn-s in Mow fork, Thai is Impreoaod on yoa LITTLE LAKESIDE CITY CLOSELY COCPER 355 POINTS lii'iiiiisf wr .here Mv.- in lhe linn-1 iL*hl I and you road nf nil metropoUtan mis J ALLIED WITH NATIONAL FIGURES FROM CHAMPION- iu i tls. Tlii'X' seem tninifioiis slm|»ly becauae New STorh Is M bngo, itut. (norida Ban, Nov. K>.) THIS IS T||K KIND SHII" person for penoa, the Indlrtdnol lol St. Cloml has ninny dlatlngulahlng SI. Cloud hns many live w ires. Mgy] tafer In New torh than Is any other I f pnture... a whi.h place tbe little .ity f Iff 11 if wires. although they ure t HARLOTTS, N. t'., Nov. .". I'.arl place of larva popnlatlou op this too- tbe ih HUS .if Lake Toli.ipfknll'_ii, l charged With eie.trie forte, |,m g g Cooper, by taking •econd place at the tineiit prolmhly lu the worldo claaa by ttaelf, Aside from nny nal pie W lh, llil Ve "pep" , W h« do |i,,t gQ opening aCO-mtle claaak at tha uaw ]>>| ine iniiki il s|H'ilai point nf thiH oral features of adtantagea, hat i" <• uhuiit with long futes. hni aon UM Speedway here, is within UC polnta simn some who have not heen here pie form u dUttngniehtng Bantart. bright Hide uf life, a smile and good of the national chamnlonablp of thn for a fear nr two mny not Imowi The only newtpnper puhiishid lu the wind for thoae they meet, whn boom Ameriean Automobile Aaaoclatlou tot NEXT TO WIM HOA1E TOWN THE <.KK.\T CITY INTERESTS VOL imw- condltiona have changed, Those .-it., i- the St. ClOUd Trihune. n new.-y. Ina tend «»f knock, and who '"have a 1084. MOST. \ FLOAT.NO 1'OI't LAH ON OE A MILLION. AN INSIDE who seek temptation in New York enll well edited and sph mildly gotteet-np reusen for iln hope thnt is iii tliem." One mure aanctlon d r:u*e remains to bO driven, nt I-»H Angeles, (nl , on. VIEW SIIOWINO IT IS POUCBD AND HOW THIS KKMTN ON TIIK iiiiii it hut temptation will seek none paper. IU editor ami inihllNher IK Tliere urn mnny sileh in (he linl. out, The public vine In ihe pnat ia-jciand John* Inke town, and .me of these IH A. J. Nov. '27. Tlie winner uf that raee will NATION. a newspnuiIT muu of aoclatoi with the wide-open town *m a j Mrportence, and a rock-rlhbed Demo­ Bookhout. He ram • here fron Ono* add BOO polnta to bla aeore, Tba driver been hnniMhi-il from tie* streets of (hi crat who numbcra mnny of his beat until, Ns V. WU* eunvliie' d. invested entiling in seem id will gi**t 2f mind. the rtletingplahtng tentuioa of St. more, ami now be has enough aand Studebaker Bpeclal with which ha baa Himsi'Vi'lt mi thru ugt) n Long li***-- hare cimid. iteside- being a atwceaaful 111 his shoes to hold him. He eomi-s won his points thus far, fust emmgli Force of IMM K.KhtliiK Oofg every aaaaoc. f.iriier and earlier as to win this raee lie will lieeouH', for tinkered witii thi* New York poltre. pniiiisher of ti live Democratic new* s, , l the third time In liis earner, the I lm ie*. t, wi*]l-nii'Miiiii(f niei y umvi ,,f rt,. inonih outward Lganagpment j paper, he is a public aptrtted cltln* n the yeara go bj pretty ' " be will that mnltoa this eity nf l*e a '•year-rnuiuler-* mie that enn'i crowned ape ueh bare averaged aboul ft-ftean montha aobleved without sweat tf brow or I the anying goca, The cironmatance lie is always amuml among the buys, a reeord. suyinn aon. thing good, giving u lift C-ouper's stnnding nuw iv 1,240, .lim Mcta, iiiu-fh*. in facts becauae i f the mixed which marks Mr. John sun us n fea­ ,l ehl llle tor uf New York's pupil In I |i m. ture, and St. Cloud ns a eity of KOOcial bora and a booat there, my Murphy, at time* uf his death - - V'i\v hm* come 11 change. One nun Syraeitse, N. Y., hud wun I,.ri!r"> polnta, lms iiri'ii poiir,. Oonuulaaloner "f How the insk is probably the moal difficult mention, is aotnetblag else. t U thla kli.d of in-,.pie ihat have < t Its kitnl the wnrhl iiruiiiKl. Sn there When I'resldent Harding visited betped to make st. Cloud famoua . Mr. which remains the high s. ore. Al that Turk City for teven yciir*- nml bo IM time H was beUaVOd no Other driver the unly truined potli i-ninn whn IIIIH is ii gripping simy uf ninny men work* Clurida two yen IM ago, Mr. .I.diiisiui. n BookhoUl nnd tlm nindniu are ainong ever held the port. The mi l.v unin In tng tO make the way safe for ynu, Democratic editor, wns aelected to ac­ Ht. Cloud's most highly and prtaod hnd a chance '" ovhntomo tha aoor- fortv .vnirs who hna been properly nml tor the NVw York, r, Sun f company a committee from the 9tn- Hiz4-iiN. There are mhersi and we moua lead w h if h Murphv had estah- IVI pa red for his fab, TB wore the this work k done al risk of life— pnbliean delegation, tu go to si. Au­ will enll nth titfun tu • ' of these llahed. nine wiih u fold bnr mi ihr rnii.ii- the at tin* plntol's mouth. Wnr never mnls gustine and as-d-t in extending grant- later. Itut When, on Sept. 21. COQpOK mar­ ried Mrs. j,,,„s Bailey of Troy, N. V.. ilny hi- won BpUOtntrrt. for the police. It is of a happy, anappy iius to Preeldenl Harding, in view of VKTKKTXS ASSOCIATION the golden haired girl whn cried when Sn greet hns li'i'ti his ittccVM thnt fer.-e nf U.OU0 men that I shall write. the fact that St. Cloud has a good | like tn nur I&000 hlm-,-.-n(s many Republican!, tliis cjrettmntance be lost the Indlanapolla race in -luly, probably never again will a Hayor ot The regular meeting >d the Veter- •ha said : New York appoint n -TottimJaalotter na n vast general committee welcom­ is Rtgnistcant. uns Aaeociattioa waa held mi Saturday ing 'i"' fenenU mass nf vlaltora to That St. Cloud is a noteworthy eity "I will lie l-'arl's inasitit. lie w ill other than fi'iiin tin* fotOt lie IH to fternoon, Nov. s. wltb tin* Proaldent, win the ehniupionship Ihis yenr." rule. The people of the ril.v h.m* mn* community, mfeguardlng them in la further vouched for l»y the net Mr. W, V. Kenney in tin* . Iinir. street iiml bome or hotel Thoy fur- The next race run was ut Fresn... hjir ! the different i . that il has heen -eh it eil as n home Opening song. _jnortca. ( ul.. tht. 2. OoopM won It, hands nisli the lirst Iin,. of contact het w fnr mure thun mie individual nf an- Prayer. Mrs. Uiley. I'mhiiiiiy it la thi*. vmy understand* tbe munlelpalliy and tbe visitor. down. Charlotte was the scene uf his in*- of tbe force .imihtnul with g I tlonal reputation, c. w. Bennett, BO, .Minnies of the prevlnus meeting seenml ru.e -iiieo the wedding. lie w.m thej nnike It a plensanl emitnei. f, nu uii'le of the lute Cresidmit Iliird- read t>y the Seeretary and approved. rare executive abllltg nml magnetic are th. gruff daya bt old, never to •econd. ill* maacofa preacuce In the quality ef leadership tlmt has m lutr. has made his rowldence In SI. LVotlcea roud. St. Cloud ". i U glvt n, grandstand seemed tn impart lliagif niii.'.I Iti. hnnl I.tiiiu'it in iln whnt ull reappear In New York. Clmnl. Mr. Bennett Is a nmsi inleresl- Illlll Collection laken. lo his driving. He led the Held frmu IIIM predecefaora. greal ami auwll, Twu repmis thai lie to-day mi my big talker, II mt relates sniue xory ln- The Soeial hour was held with the tlie 12th to tho Wth lap, when be Called at. He |,ns rlcnmil the iiiy The man who came un from the desk illustrate the present ilny polite tere-iinj- itorlea of the late president Relief -Corpa iii charge with Mrs. went into tin* pita, at tii" 188th lap ot rmniniTi-i.-ili/.i I \ itf nml opi-n spirit. A patrolman of the Truffle Mr, Bennett nwd m he a railroad Bart lei as leader. ranks to head the police of the n-k- fot iis week*' leav with- in* again took the lend according to puuMlng. Hi* baa reduced aerlquu world's greatest eity, New York. locomotive onglnefr on a roud ninninji Sung. Plorlda, the seme hoard, and apparently never iiiiiu- in Nrw Ynrk more (hun forly j lie haa dot.e more in aeveti yeara' .nil pay. This is I lightly uuus.iil ,-u tbroutrfa Marlon, Ohio, Mr. Bardlttg*a Smi::. C-plutubla Hem of Ihe < Venn. again wus hem led. Itut a re-check of per -nt from the aggregate af the his en plain hns Invest i„ate.l. lie has home eity. lie fells 1|,.\\ he hllH llltlliy Recitation, Laura lh-iiy. Pretty | time than all predecessors to bring times taken young Warren flavor-He. lime of laps guv,, hlin second. hist in. WII i. 1016, the departmetit to its present high found tlmt thi- inan. whoae pool has Ways. Travels Terrilh* Speed boon iu fron. of the pii'-'s 0 in ii " iho Rardlng into the eah wltli him. enr- Smtg, Battle Hymn, of the Ite in "lin-r direction! he hns Unproved standard of efficiency. He has him through the city nml drop­ lie mnde lhe 172 l:i|>. of a mite ami made New York safe for the stran­ greal ocean liners -(f tbe Cumrl ci'in* public. a fourth, at the rule uf 134.0 inih-s mi the beat recorda of otter daya. pllliv depart-, has so mi.|..|.e'i * i 111 - ped idm off at the eity boundary, Mu.-ie. Obmv-de Marsh. mi Uie Everyone enn eat tin- rhnngc in the ger and avoided by the crook. nu Inmr, hut a waving liuudkerehief veil by hia courtoay and his good young Hardin, making hi-* way Link lla I i.milieu, fl liliml.. l*s. in -Mrs. Cooper*a box cautioned him pollca iiitit mir nml tin- result tag humor, thai one rttlaen picked blm out homo Inii.lied with BUgtltf ov. Ills change in tin' public attitude. The Rending, Annette Smith, Tim Km and he eased off to a pace only :*=uf- fm* ii simml honor, W. It. I.eed . niii- nude banght him to un am hit ion to linee af Affli.tlull. a-pint of tiu* hns changed When you rouroolf have elalted New Acient to keep his place, As a result.. \nrk hnvf purl iclpiiteil In this llmniire eiti/.u of tin* Wide wm-'.-I. has become a railroad man and tu Mow Sung, MVIS. Brammer andl .MH*. actually has Improved nnder •ttlctet fmind this New York cop W dli ihe whistle for the croaalngv; and htf, at tho ilnish, ids Studebaker Bpeclal miracle, \* rbgpa, wlthoui real la. ng Johnatott, Winn I have croattOd the was running like a wuteii. discipline than it eye*, knew and tiu* logolahod thai he invited he u i Uia Bennett uya "the wny Warren tmiiwl percentagei af crtma hav.- eteadily how graal way tha thing ot whteh Bar. Bncore, When Nature awaawg "I have driven (his mr nnehangiii W'.te tO tiik" • si\ weeks' |ni*r ot that whistle was enough tn tWtBg out tint IMM.i. Sen Vork is the aatgat, ynu were tl part. from her alien I dream. through Ihe whole year." said Coop.i the lire department mem." "Little did aleaneal ami moal moral large otty in Kfd hy Ihis iMiistiint tlnw Of o*w Europe nt his expaMe. Recitation, Mr. Black man. Waiting "and i: is ligill now in shape to win the world. Aad emrep-i for the Internal comer* t hero ejdafa a I wny s in New Cop to BUoMBti Couliln'l Swim Irenin." says Mr. iteuneti "thnt I for dinner. Bncore, We were roused the I-us A limes nnr. That's u I'IHIU warfare among law-breaken and boot- Yuri-, n floating population nf ahonl s carrying a futuro preeldenl of to tight. run and nothing enn (mieh this k-ggera it lms i.>s vloleni crime than one million. Tin* i-ity is the nntton'a Smne foW inmilhs ago il wai fmind tin- Cnited Bta tea in the eah. teaching Mrs. Ryan and Mr. Wolverton. Studebaker Bpeclal for staudin« up any city of nny alao, The peaceful magnetic nnt re, thr foeal point nf neceaaary t*. add swimming to thn ne. hilll tO biOW the whistle.* Mandolin and Banjo with Miss Kmer- under thn! kind of work." rlttaea of Nnv Ymk wnlks in -ni.-iv. its travel, Mon- peraona visit it thun ompHahmenti taught in mir Potfan llr. Rennet I has recently received smi at the pimm, 8 nuuCbUTa. well .guarded, plegaantly protected; gO tn any othar plain on this earths Training Mchool. Bohmd the <>r let a letter from Dr. John Harding, fatu- Mis- i:inersuii and Mr. Wolrertou. thaukfl tn Khhard E. Kn right.- Editor. \.\i iii ymir hooaa city or town How lay lhe attempt • hrave lad in bloi >r the dead preetdent, atatlng that violin and piano. _ UUIIIIM -. Song. Mrs. Kunavel. *t ut i, probably bolda tecond place in had made to MCUO • woman fi.ii'i that he would aoon leave his northern Recitation, Dorothy Oeorge, Today. Flag taluro h.v all. yonr interi'st. drowning lu an ii liim llarlem Bivi .• hmne for st. Clone) to apend the wtn Encore, They always pick mi ine. Cloaed hy ilnglng two verses of the lly HMTIAKI) E. BN RIGHT Ninety per ii til nf thnsi- wh.. read Tho i»'suii -A.I- in- had to i.e reamed ter with his conaln nnd other frlenda Reading Mr*-. -Ogle, Two Ways I _ Star Spangled Banaat*. Pottoe t'oiiiinissimi.r. N. V. City this it.i juiii tin* gcaaJ atream. Bome ;ii-o. Ni.vs th.* BBporta abow that that h.-i. Smile. ! 1- iun. es It. Ililny, Seeretary. Reurj day Che seemingly Impaaatble conn- fnr trade, si MIM' for social ad­ ami' lad was enlleil the mh. r day happena in at to tha City bf New vantage, in the rest ui ..I another woman who a ork. Perhapa the moal remarkable liny nt I'eril Now I'.issr.t was ceugfcj nech t'oem In a mi Mure nf smh iireiiiTiiiirs is tnni whlrh I In r.' a ;is II i inn- wiu-n si.IIK pic ot" mml nnd wnler nit In the • I BM happens .very twenty four honn and mr..I ilu- M.-ii"i-n- ,->> a place nf river, whi.h directly Involvea moot of you peril nr poaalble dleaaerr, Tlmt day, Stand back, you poii'l mike |r. nld *im road nil*. I believe, has paased. To-day, Amer* a eomrada tat this -nil unaklllfu I i:,m> .ia\ n , ity ih,- Uaa of Akron, i. nii.s genooally recognise thai Now •wlmraer, "Stand bach nothing," waa ()., moves luin the imii "ju-lis. Ther* *i m l*. is tbe safeet. the moal Biinltar) tbe a newer and overboard wenl the ii unloads it* people on rhe already nml tin- beat guarded nf cltlea, Thla two nf th. iu It was hard to *. i p. • i..u.l.-.l Nrw lurk. It is like the ritj ttmoda supreme in tbe aaf. tj nf tin* woman and tha torn ot them cou'd rising "f ihe tnomUsg tide. Later the atreeta nntl iif ilu* boose*- in n..t move her thrmuili the mud I'h" Tii.ii -.inn* day this in..I,, thnn • gnardlauahlp of the public benlth nmi h. ap whoee in# Iii lily to nw)ta liml hundred tbotutand peraona leavea the In morality. I apeak with authority mi enuseil the •*. hool order slaved by nu-tropuliK, it i*- it- dally an evoni this subject. \o a. ii i ot. the tho woman, holding up her bead bile ns tbo lining uf il.' ii'l- flong the staiisti.N with their Inevitable com- ids comrade swam fifty feel back for fill, ui Hei*: of the L-lty'a waterfront. i artaona, ropca. With (been they eventually hauled her eat ->f n riling tide, it was nil in the day's wurk. These an* only two uf the Incident) in the great dramh that is called Hew Ym-k. In this aeriea I propose to lu- tio.hiee you to the liaek atage aei rota, show you Imw lhe ploy OT the pnireiint is kept nti ninthly moving: tO reveal some of the thrills thai mark the task of k. eptng ihiuj-s Mitn for you ami ** uelghbora aud fm* thoee eoualna Tht: NwSt**Jebaktr Special Six ut yours who are twice removed tu IhtpUx-Phattuii New York. These coUBina, wim were your too Harnett unly yesterday, mnke tip the dominating majority of Kow Yorkers (u-day. Poaalbly |mi *• row vmi win he among them. HOTEL AKKIVAI.S Open car when you want it St. Cloud Hotel: Oeorge Turabnll, Seheiie. imly. N. V.; II. C. Mt*Bride, Miami ; Chaa. B. Snyder, St. P '..*rs l.urg. fla.I Mr uml Mrs. II M Kel —an enclosed car in 30 secemds lOflg, I'et.iskev. Mieh. \ Mr. and Mrs. Win. Win. V KoMer. Pn. . 1 •. C. Muff man. Brighton< Mieh.; A. Rogej Brighton Mien.; Mrs. \. Houi-rs ITH the new-type Studebaker Duplex them while trying to obtain for the emer­ Wyou may take your choice—ride in an gency the protection given by a closed car. Brighton, Mieh. open car if you like—enjoy the cool, freah air What You Want- Bemlnole: W. inlander, Rocheoter, and healthful aunahine, For in the Duplex the side enclosures are N. Y.; C It. llryan. Rochester, N. \.; instantly accessible—yet rolled up safely out .his. .1. Wylle, New Ymk : Oiney Then in 39 seconds—without even leaving of the way when not in use. Knihl. Marshull. Mieh.: Mr-. Olney your seat—it can be changed to a deeply •Treed. Murshall. Mi. h : Andrew cushioned, richly appointed, fully protected If this two-fold utility were the only fea­ enclosed car. It's no fuss or bother at all— ture of the new Studebaker cars they would rread, Marshall. Mieh.; Mr. and Mrs. still be a sensational value — but therm mrm When You Want:It! DoaaldnuD, , bQch.; C. W. (imply lower the roller enclosures — ita ao nun/ othurm. Kan-a-. Cos Angeles; .1. \V. Ttttta and easy a child can do it. wife, Angelea; C. P, I.nwe and No more hurried efforts to put up curtains New body lines—new beauty—more power­ wife. Bvanatnn, 111.; R. R. Jobiatone. in the wind and rain. ful engines — new eaae of gear shifting — numbing srrvlre Is an occasional ncccsaity. The averafe Tampa; c. H Baker, Highland Park, No more hunting for the right one while genuine balloon tires—and the easiest steer­ home requires the servlres of a plumber, but a few times in.: \v. K. Barrow, Jadt-nmvlUe, Ha.; the storm beats in. ing car you ever drove. J. U. Kra/.ii i and wife, Dayton. (•. ; in Its existence.—but when it wants it, it wants it. It. E. I.(ml. Moline. 111.! A M. II , rris. No more exposure through holes torn in In justice to yourself—see thla car today. Winter months are lhe time of lhe year when real IgOt Allgeles; Win. Tllolllp-t HI. Ni*VVlirk. |>l»*r aervlce muat be ronahlrreil. I'romptnesH—ef- \ .1 . Mary K. Stone, Llvermore STANDARD SIX SPECIAL SIX BIO SIX Knll**, Me.; W 11 . Tuntieeliff* uml flriinrj—go«l worhamiinalii,, uml reu-sOniiWe |«rlcea are nj-in. w.a 50HP. IJO-tn. W.B. 65 H. P. 127 Js. W. B. n H. P. wife., I.. I.. Brown and fam­ IV,.. I'li.eum iii.^l important. We Kunruulce all of these hi the service ily, Mfinpeli. r. O. ; .1. I.. UtUhl md Qssptss OILS S-PaM. Duplex- Phaeton $1495 7-P.M. Duple. - Phaeton .187* 3P... ll„,,lr. K.Mulat.r IIH 3-Paaa. Duples-Roaducr 14SO we offer you. wife. Nii\ Canaan. Conn. 11'.,. *- . nt • N. ,.(... i 1199 5-Pa... C.upe .... Z6SO 4-Paaa. Victoria .... Z09O No mailer whether ymir nods are for tl small repair 5-Paa. Coupe 1495 7-Pa...,, .... 2789 M'u. Sedan. . . . • Ii.t 5-Paw. Sedan 2150 Job—or insinuation of a complete plumliliiK system in a 3-Pu. I*. ..Iin, 1.50 S-Paaa. Berlin.) .... BUI 7-Pa... Berlin. .... 28(50 NOTICE K)K FINAL DISC HA ROE .,*.... 1 In,,1,. ,, 4 ,l,„ ,, ->.**i«. 4-w-he.' •"raJtri. 5 diiu wrtecU. ...*>..!, 5 .1... wheel-* new IHIIIM* j,ni may lie planning Ihia spring, we a»k Ihe in 'in- ''..nit "f County Judgi ,60 exlt-u • 74 - .79 ...... |,ni'l,p- of quolliiK vou prices .f riorldn, (All price. 1. a. I*, tactoriet, nn.l *ubtr,i to change „ n h..ui m.i Ice ) In tiie eetat" of meaner A Me- ( ui in i, k. ',• • .i ' <\, t Keeola ' '•• Notice |a hereby given, tu all whom n. thai mi i ii>' ..1 - I.I j of li.eeii.i-i \ l»* 1024 I •bail .ipply KISSIMMEE AUTO CO to the Honorable T. C. » omer, Judge of aald -Court ai Judga of Pi i-.u.-. KISSI.M.MI.i:. IIOUIDA for aiy i MI,< i dlacharga as A I mini WALTER HARRIS atratrla of the eatato of RIeanot A. Mi''nrnii. U. tate ami ask fur their approval . STUDEBAKER DUPLEX Dated Odt. 31, A, 1>. XYtti. MAISIF. roWELl. Cllll-i*- t;s cP*A. -o*. 11-8 vreeka. Aduii-u. - ,' ri _ THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR Till 'RSIIAY, NIIVEMIIKK I-l. 1**"-* tPA.JE PODS THE ST. CLOTTD TIU BIT-IE. ST. CT.OUD. IT.OHID A

KKKSHMEN^OPHSO.MOKKS W.IMAVS IMI'KOYKMKNT .1.111 FIH'K TS AM) M1DWKST I NI.IN NKW SO< IKTV WALLOP JI'MOR-SKMORS Tin' Wtuuiiii's initu'iivi-iiii'Mt Club Kll-st llleelllu*; Of seusoll of llle llllou New Baglaud Society uui iu I'm ' ST CLOUD TRIBUNE CHAMBER COMMERCE s IN GAME ItASkKTH.I.I bald Its ragular us .tim- Wwlnpsd*. in. 1 nt ihe Club 11,-11 -.- ui 8:80 p. in. .;. A. 11. Hnll Monday it i P M rnblUhixJ Kwrv Thors-lny 11- lhe \. , :. in iin* library. Tbe Presldenl ,11 Tueeday, N..,. 1. 1024, 1 1. in.'i wnh \i.. president, Mi. II tgr. ( I.Ol 1> Till Of >H lOMI'AJIV LUNCHEON HELD , TueadH. aftOrapou BS I>:HI .1 Hi.' railed il>>* naeetlai i.> order uroniptls Meeting opened with Prosldenl Wnr le.v ia tbe .*ii:..r. CLAUD F. JOHXBOy...** . .pn YESTERDAY • I Aruil .tire D...... |s|,,.| ;,l •••.'.'I Mhmti's Of 111.' In-' . ,1 >-. C • t. ai DeoNyer In the chair. America aung ns opening, pm." uf ilu* V*11f.• r I i - fo • •. I l«il M-.u ktatoM I .-ill .stlni-iiisi, w ini, .....I read I appn.eed. ii tho Cooke, giving ihe luvocntlon, Minnies ,.l* ctlug iii April r> ..' April '•>'.,. IIMII. Rl Hi-- nt S| Tl: SI. .'lllllll I ll lllll.'l- nt <• I"'.I k'l.m.'S nf Mil' V.'.ll- Ul Ti ...isiir, r's i sport accept, d- Ciotui Ph rhla. '" di r tha Act tti - ad I A letter eras raad i.y il e aarrelarj Minnies ..f April 11. I'.JI read hy uu.l approved. 111.-;.-. i iii rag-alar -.-.imi ••. Wi i l'ii'.inn,-ii .*-'* I.'.i:.I «f L'arch 8 lira. ;; '' ' •• • : *' ni..r l.'.iin I.. : scon of 1 ih.' \\'..iu.ii'- I'l.ii..** of KlKsluimee secretary nn.l approreil, Plniinclal re­ Retain ..i' treasurer given. 1 tort made nml aecept..! ; - nml. " *AilTertlflil.«( bills sri (myall * •fl ih.- extemllni li..-|.liiiliiv tu Hi.* si 'l'"" Report ..1 .. unlnstliuj ...inn..nee II, :,i.ih i NOT. mi. in..iin-- wtto '••" te H, The 11 M meeting of the I'nlnii will * uf " i Vmttl - ""i kii'i-vn I: do their [woaua's Iul. ra 0 iweptluu In 1 I'r.-i.l.-nl. M.. Mi Hiuii irxtt iv iin.l nn.l spprorsd. Ku m»> ' ara. ' " i'i.-"* was M-.TIDB* I to ui will i •• .' tutn 'I '•' i'' 1" "dts we. I Tueeday, Dae. -'. 1 :.-_• 1. wheu the Sen. \ , Presldont, Mr. Butterj Blade I'.v Hi.- !.i.'nii..T-iii|. IIBII ...I I - al jrouuiater tesoo ire ..i the officers of the Htsle Feders* uiiiiuiil election oceura, .Ir. Vies President, Mr, llatbiiwiiy, TI„. Trll u ie !" pohllahed ejrtj n. in g . . n.i:.ill.•. s Mr. A 1.. Isi .1 ilmi ili.v u.n the rlghl tu the | tins of tbe Women's i-luha to i»- helil v Matter uf progntai committee came Treoaurer, Mr Todd, 4-r nn.l ill M t ot tb* •*'•'M**«l Harinw i*,'|...i-t...i tot iii<* raad mill iiiiii'i.rin- in defeat- .1 the elder team. day o*. 7. Tin- inviluliMii «:is im at.u.*. p. -i.i.'' fr..' for **'-i"1 i jmati aim ui. 1'i'esi.ieni deferred snni,. until Si. r. ... 1 \ . Mrs. Billot. tee tbsl iln* ,...-..I t.. Klsslni WA*\ 'l'l"' lineup was us follows: amlously accepted. t,,r tti P .nthi -r ne tot Ihres muntba- .lose of meel Lag*, . ii.iplniii. Mrs. Benedict, pi.ii.isi itrh-iiy in advance. ..!., ii nmlii tn traffic, nml also n,:it Knsli N,,,,!. Posll Ion .ltlll s.-II. \ letter fn he Buperlnl lent, Mr. /. Barager raade - r*_arka l'l ... i ',.r,vs|i, .mh 111, I! Pi ni l{h. in. - -11. .-I a as raopaaad BB* Unit Guard Mr. rag. "i ""* Children's "f in ssndlna !• yttot •obeerlptlnti, always BklBg lu'M 11 lil.l; nml those .„ *,, h, ther rem • ii ot ssw mbacrlhwr. tha*. ..!' iln* raad wara ... *M Ttooauo iim Hartley .links,.min.. wns read ssklnj for help All elected us Bomlnatad. i ina '""ir sddrsM ba sate te ataia Hun r.l A ...ll.*.-linn wns taken ln which aboul folio, im; u success. of I.n llllilllte.. r I i shape ill III.' ritv limits. Au ''experience meeting" meeting f-oriiuT inl.l nnii. Mrs. s. VV I'.. i. i : ilmi Punl Kean I....iis Qneaaus i.n dollars wns received and ordered Bfl uienil.ei'. paid .lms for IHAI >e; . I'lll.T forwarded 1.. tba II. Tbe club waa next onl> r. Mr. Ilii.liun.iu told Mrs. \\- in,1 passed owity slue. RMUIIIB notices in loeel eolsmas, l&c I there vronld be o baad roacerl aaal ,,t Lis vl.ll I" I e.-l.-.n, ills,. llu* tlatmt for -llm-hiy -siiviTtlNiiig tnr siimli.v after i al 8:80 o'dack. Prans Phil* 1.. .li,* WlBKlntou alu-sya make, n donation to Hu* homo -.-I • •. raiHtii'i "M application. poinis 111 imui ivm-te ne visit.u IU.UBII- ,. . siule : Maine, HI; N .in.I nsk. .1 il..- meaibers i" tall their I'lirwunl ,.,r\ viii sboul Thaukagtvius luae. Kll)| nU (| I I ,,...:.. .1. Tote it.i.s The' Antique which is 1.. ba 1,rs. Reported a cold summer nmi'n ._,. v,.,ui n: Mis-. IS; u. T ,,,. •,*** HI' •-• ' t .Mis. .1. M. Raj ml broOghl il|. Ill,* forward hel.I ..11 ihe '.inii uml 21al wis dls l""'* '*' - ""'I sul.l In- wns glad 1.1 i; ,-,,,,,, |a; Visitor*., 11 lolnl. ..' I'r. stuii Jo| Bl .11 Pred Reagan . us.. ro nn.l con ; i was decided i" lie l.i.k in SI. Cloml. Mr. Wulker who M|. |,,lM _Tp „ sl,,„.| ,a|k. ItuvUI qnestl. .. <>f u tourist caaip fraaad and si ri-M,..i in,. ,-1.:,11,1 >,. 1- of commerce nn.l Sul.. -.,.' 1 N.w England dinner MU iln* l»''l "' I I" Kansas .1 yeara re- .*,,.„ Hngland to hnve ilm pmitram s... lal Sots : M>* .and Ml* < Bl' lo iiisin.s. men, and m..i*.' esperiall*j tin- Kdround Vlu.*i 1 Oerard Miller* L'lsi which would i»* BOc Includlug ihe jlie.l uii original poem ..11 Kanaaa Toirrlal Club the Isal Mondi... In v il estnte de-alers, to posh ths •uh, , All. 1- the waa .lis- whU*b wus v. ry *K I. Hr. Cooks fibber •-'Ilh. Voted lo tui-ept. . bars ink.-ii .1 laa o laa went tn lown where I flelnlvil nt ter. Mis H.n 1 suggested further F»auk Arenburg* 11.'lily /.ill." Program Haass in WaabiagtoB, for sa, posed of tl,.- program waa token ap iin* marriage of his daughter, nml Mini tin* chair appoint a coaualttea t.. j •Oerard Mile •.ill.slinili',1 f.,1* Recitation l.v .Mr.. W'llmnn other I"ni* v.*;. a. wllieh wus iu rbargB ,.f Ml", llohlen, ui... visited relatives uml frtaodo m inv,-iim,ie Hi,* 111:111. r ui once. Aii,', Oaioeas and Reagaa. lilt i.r New Knuliin.l. Mrs. Slulk .* Anierlen wns sua. hy llu* eluh. BB (ilueess went tii Nel.r.iskii Ivliere he The Prorhlenca 'oarnaL, amon. snni.. .ii.. ussi,,,, 1,, th,- msmharo in." Phomaa sis,.ml quarter. JesUS SUM'S, Mr. I'owler nn.l \l - Mr*. Rhine, Miss KniiiKTsoii uml preached in ploaeer days, lie vhaHsd other papera, fa-ro Ftsrtna s>>m>* i>ni>- ..iris' I..1111,' Billot. nut Iln- prcvii il,s| iiiiii ilu* f..l- Rati W..hen..11 l:,\,l III,' eluh Willi Brown < ..uniy. Ind., ilu- scenic por­ li.iiv ..ii tin* adopttaa ..' ii"' nim-ii'l Friday nluht al T .'in. . '1.11,. 111 > -I-.- Iteeltlllh.ll. Mrs. Ball' towlag committee wns appolaled : Mrs. two iH'.-iniifiii selections oo Hu- OulUr tion nf llle slnle where llle .lull hoiisls i i pnihlt.KIng state Inheritance and ,s Blgh scliiinl. K01H..11..11. .Mrs. Barks Raymond, Mr. Win. l.nmiiss nml Uev. un.I Zilher guitar. Mrs. /inimerniiin ,.i* only 1 prii r iii 80 years, in In..mi,' tax, in tha laaua ..r Ki-i.ln.v. •ays' Oaraos Hottg, lllll'inh for (ll.l New I A wr, iinii nuve a leiy teterestlng BUd iii.iiu.'- 1*, .ylvaala lm vtstted ..hi iwiitle llr. I.-.11.lis- rv- .iu inv Itatlnn N,*\l i'lnns.l;i\ ul 7 -in. l-'n*.Inn' B- tiie mil. ..11 Libraries. Reading, Mis. Rhoadee Senator Lodie, tka war-haras ol tho Buphomorea, ra .I1111I..1* .'icnim*... uml elilll'eb bulldlug where iwo lie. ilnlh.ii, .Mr. Todd. 1,1 iln* t<> stop ni hi. office Mrs K1.111 iv,-i aang. accompanied by ..1 iiis grandfathers had worshipped. United Btoteo senate for man* iroara, ,.\liss two lovely numbers, Iteeilnlioii. Mrs, Whilely. nii.i laapet'l :i bead uf Oaeendtsb A roll >>f sinus resulted us followa: psased swaj al Csmlirldte. M-i.-.. l.illlnn.-i.s. w hi, li a*as 141..M 11 l.v .Mi­ o Al C 1 found a rasa la the garden Bf love" We wi-s Mis. Balsas wim nlwaya Indiana. n>; Illinois. 11': Iowa, B SUII.I.IV . renin.. This Uox** tba >•>•• ll.H,1 nu Cypres. Island. .Mr. .1. It OMLC ninl "Dreaming s love in Ihe twilight" wns nn the arogranL BAILEY'S BIG liinii... i: atsnaas t: Nebtaakji, 8; pnhllrnna a-lthnut s saasts leader fat ,; nnii. county agricultural agam*. apoba whi.h wns ts'i-enii, tenjbyed by nil. Hm 1 l.v Mis. Smilli uml Mrs, BM Bouth link.iln. 1 ; Cololnilo. 2. Hi. present, n few words In regard 10 eolo-riflg of Dorothy Qaorge recited u poem from ATTRACTS MUCH Mr. Bookharl of New York govs il diet. ih,. imii stallBg tlmi tbey oauM ba •iniiies itiley in 11 very ptsaa- Iteeilnlioii I.y Mrs. Murks. Hi, 1* Sun la itivinu Si rl..u.l line talk. They reuelle.l I "' III Mny colored rury niolly, uml tboaa il-'**lr- ins' uuilllier. The eluh elnp]*«'.l InliK Close. 1 i.j ringing Htar Hpaagl : ,1 iin.- paaa of near, each tor, «rtne*i ATTENTION nmi r.iiin.l snow bank. 1 ..1* •". 1.11 daap iii^- ;.. know ahonl the procaas abanid ntul loud fur unolher l.ut tlie Hullllel*. is bigl.l.v .punctated i.y lha people ..r In plscaai lu* necled nn ..'.en..111 ull gst in ( willi liim mln In* will litlle hilly refuaed. this cltjf. The sun. pulillahed Bl Or­ The I.Ik* .* nil sals of llle <'. A. summer with aacepttoa of dny. Adjouraed nil se,*,.mi Haaday tlii.ih explalB in .l.'inll. Mrs ,*hu ml sister gava 1 pinu.. lando, la Florida', only dally repnbllc- Bailey Orocery whieh atarted »..i N.t Mr Aii.ier-..11 asM im loved SI. December. . <;. .-. Outlaw stnti'.i tbal sararal iiu.i. wiii.ii brought forth Iwarly ap. -1 aawspsper. Tbey ba-rs iiii- ajaafc vemlM'r .".ii. uml runs f.u- fan ilnyi. Cloud, hi- s|,eiit tour winters here be­ Claro Rhoadea, Prrsw Coy romplatnta t..... 1 been reported In .e- Installed 10-pace stertotyps press, sua in .Mrai-Uirg tbs attention of many pl.use ing unable lo walh w.11 until ha tried cni.l to ll"* dO OspUe tank in tin- "•ay 11 wiih bootleg. The How, . of tb,* tim-i in lhe state, to me. 1 the I.iiyers who ure tuklnij: advantaflB "f Mra. It..>\ nml pleasure. lutr that garlod. Mi- II.unin 1 I'll...' Wny fnun Mieh.. | — gate iln- mantler. LUburn Oodw in. A. Mrs Rhine, Miss Kiiiii, i-,,,i nml Mr. 1 Th>* Lakeland Braning Udfet emmt .Mr. Motley hn- IIU.I printed fnun sp. nl stimuli 1 north .n.i -'"I - "' Nolli-i* uf \|i|ili. itinn for Tax DIHSI s McKay aad Jack rtnsonl Wolverten aajata pleaaed ibe audience ..ui in . pun liuser of SI .loll.I Cltj un.' t - pa* - -.f th. Hn 1 • dvertl j St. rlomt ....ii.s 11 uml Is enjoyta. gUltara nml /.hh. r k'Hiliir Liinii tlckel Mi* I. I'*:••'- f who inv Certificate No. HI, dated Ibe 7 Ind for Lakeland, Polk 11 ; IIAVWAS AT \ \K» OOSSKK 'ilu* ur.'iiiesi patroaags in tin- iii.t..t*i Mrs h'..\vi,*r *-i\.. n reading from iHtn. to SI Clond In IMOO '- IIM day ,,r Augiul \ D. IBIT, lms ill. riorlda In gaaaraL Tbe i«..|...- oi Klllll ( K KKl II IN MX of his store. nn ..l.l s.i 1 reader whi.h was rerj phased and expscta to remain. .sni.l cv. snd No-Imade application r.n* tai deed •• Isa nn edition, :.- HM pi l.fsh. ••- I ilu: lllis tell .Illy llerioil llle lllil.ll- pes .Mrs. Hln. kmnn read a rerj amusing 1:.,-],:. reports cold sni Or, '„ scenrdanre wltb law. Su,.' certl •riven i" ih.- tourists saaaa of the by Mr. l'.uil.'v's plana 1.. BOOT. Ulli.le on l.eillllil'l ill. III.' lull.]., :||. I'realdeul appointed t. Baragir, . ,. i,,.„,,.. the following describ. ll- s .1 THIPLETT. iak a m reading matter Issued la paeenl monihs liis .lore from the preaaal building This niuiiher cloaed a delightful M.s.inines '/. ll. smilli and Ogle aa pronerty, situated in Osceola .1 * I ill*. i> isKK. Fl... Oe*. i'.i. Tbs sftei The pc .i.i. ni urir. .1 every •bout florids. Ths alaa «.f lbs i...i*. 1.. tiie room on New York avenvo BOW 1. ..simii ...1 Ittee. ul.'-.1 I" sing , ,.*•„,, ,|., ,,,„,, i,,, ::, Block 84, s 1 1 nf tbe pnd.llns is In tin ting , I., .ring antiques for Ihe e\- ; Indicate, .real proffss. lu uml 111*..un 1 occupied hy lie's Oroeeey, nn.l be lug, lilesi Binds. flood. Tbe said land being assess. thei f," miisi bnve been bj . hii.ii. Mcetlag adjoarned. Lakeland. wishes to le.lllee lhe lull:.' :!- Bl in date .1 laauance of -.1 l.l certl S lu..11 B 1... :ll s.inie time live,I III ! Nexl meeting win be Kar. 10 al >:8B| much us poaalble before the .lui.- ..1' ST. l.l KK'S EPIHTOI'AL 'leuti* in tbe in f P. w. liunn r N'ur, .*.*. f..r Hie iruib "f "•"I I removal 'ui the Librai>. IllllMI ll ST. (I.Ol I) «>IKI. Btotement 1 an in* mnny way. la* veri- j M.11.1 Baadaj after Trialtj les. aald ..1 1.rati slmll he redeem. Tt) MAKKV NOU.MI.KK .'7. 1 I. s Hendrlx. 1'. i'. si. Uske'a Episcopal Mission, Mo*.Iscrordlug ta low, tai dasd will Issi I....I inr.. ,n..i brings us to Un subjecl FINK BANANAS ('KOIYN ..i* Uiis atorj lit sorvi.. .11 10-.8U A M Ion Un* ISth day of December \ I The 1' dipping lakes Brom HV >l. U. A. IIIHH) Mi. S.nnli .1. Wilson ill..I nt lhe Tin* I'.v.111111.- Slin* I Wusliinnliiii. I'. In th.. . ill ly pari "f tliis yenr Kuli- Slll.Jeet : The BOOb i.l III'' Knrilllee. < |>,J I .1 L. OVBRHTHBTff home of her liie.e. Mrs, K. M llnuip- • li .M. !>' ;i\ 1..11 nml w if,- .uni.* I.. Text: -ml Tim.uii.- '- 10. Nn" Clerk Clrcull Court, Osceols Count) r.i ..f November Bth, will 1 1 •-- Mr. Wm. Landlas, manager ol the .„,, Arbland, KwtudQ ". 1 *.'l. In thelesa tbi I'..uu.l ni ( Uud sn.n.l riorlda, i„., i„! Interest t" the youaser s.-i ,,r I Plorlda from , with tba Bbaker i.nmi Co., on Wed Iny. had|*_ , wils.,,, wns a sister of Mrs. ra ,,i, sm,.. w.M. w I:SI-..\ Kit Cireutl Courl Heal Nov. i::-'.,.. SI l'l".11.1 lis will us min, nl ll Il.'l* im.-mi..11 to .-iii'iii:,' in banana citrus on display In bla office a large bunch LptRls Hughes of this t-ltj she ,1 aldent. nf the clly. :K Miss darner ou mi ii.-r 11 large scsle, sfiei nmh ..f Csvsndlah bananaa* grown I.y M spral Pour winters lure ami made H.,.1 her* will' ber parenta ateeeal im: nu ins] tlon >.f prsctlcslty nil of A. II.....I on Isluji.l. 'I'l'-'liiinuv fri.-mis who will regret to lean .... - and aTaduat. 1 1' tbs si in., central nmi south portion ol lbs bunch h 1.1 l- bands cm..-Inlng l-Wjol ber poking away. J. 'IMAM W- KJ\ W-M U HA UA UAUAUAkA.« UA M UA. WU& >&. >*A. HA te k ' i-l..11.1 Hlrt s,ii....l- -ini.'. piifihsse.1 ilo- Voorhees place 1..11..11..1. sin. Annie C. Wil.ou died at ths -Mis. I.,,,, im 1 un darner will i»- ul N.i r.i.oss.... whiih .01111.rises a lil There hns heen some eomllllll ol l.oi if her daughter, Mrs. Bdgar attended l.v ber sister, Mi-s Oraea il.. more iimn :-.n aerea uu.l fronts ,li- iilis p.ii-ii. uhii- viiri.-iv "f banana bs Tiiu*. in Oa lee-burr. III.. Oct. 2S. she Wiih,' darner, si nmi.1 -•< honor nt 1. , Hi .11 Iiio Ink.' Tll i.l.IL' .-I' Ing llll.l I lor, I.Ill III.'se • were had spent ten winters In si. Cloud, her marriage •• Mr. EWOB Benlon Api ii Mr. Drayton -.i oul a r>*« thou* rotored by i'..utii\ Agrieultural Agenl she w e s \. ry .1,MI* friend . f Mra, Taylor, wblrh will take idace Thurs­ ..nnI planta of the Improired Cavendish I. It .1.11.1.. Wh,, s| He. Ill II the Rngfaea and bad amda many friends day erenlng, Koremher 21. The .* *- rsrlety, the plsnta 1..ini: sboul one 1 s. is \M.V ens., uml tn. re uf u here. Mrs. Hughes bag the -v mp.illiy 1 t will l«' perfor 1 sl •'•'•'> f..oi high mul BOI f theae plants i iful ...i,.i .III.I ,i.Melons flavor, ,.r ul] iu tliis hm double bereavement. o'clock in il..* Calvary Baptlsl Church put ..ut 11 I.I.H.111 iho Brat ..f < 1. I.IHI- Large ai raaiB. ors balng planted COMING! nn.l will i.o followed Ly s reception in iusi si\- iiiMtiihs ti 1 ll,.* lim.' lhe lo the t'uvilll.lish till llu IU*. ill 11.ut the home "f Ihe Ola, Mi*, lie ''Kvery woman . \.isU> r.i h a." 1 is w.r,. placed in tin* -jroiiinl. of ur..un.I St. Clond I the specimen Bbs "Everything?" ami Mis William Newtou darner. ....ii*..-. Mr. Drayton is 1nu.l1 enthused, . n dtsplaj yesterday proves in lie -win. aol wbea -li" . tulktoa 1 he lirldesmaiila will lie Mi*. Anne .ui.1 be and Mrs. Draytoa ... '';" toll here is surety adapted to its .!..!.; I.. , Bkker, Mis. Surma Belli' Miss Basel > Inced 11. .1 Hie iiiiiiv. loiis ml.*, of th ..hi,..ti.ui. SATURDAY 11.'II.T. Mi-- Elisabeth Fm r nn I Ml" W..11.1.-rtiil opporlunil io. snd n.i.iiii.- .lorephlae Oarnet and Miss Jewell tagi I lortds offered tlm 1 11 seeker, 1...ini'i*. cousins "f il"* bride, the capitalist nml ths Inveator srs "Mr Andrea w. Buutreaa will l" not h, Hi- least o-retdrawn. November 22 beat 11..11. aaal il"* usher, will be Mr, In .luly Mr. DnytOB |dnut«l 1111- l'bllip A Jenkins, Mr Joseph A. M oth I* . U|.le of Ihollsnli.t abnuts, nml Garraghy, Mr. .luin.*- A. MM H. 1 August sllll unuttiei* two Ihousand, You Are Invited Mr. John P. Jones, Mr. .lohn A. Iteilly;,,!! .,1 whieli nre in splendid lltlon, The Greatest Electrical Appliance Sale Mr Mlchaeal P. Showaiter." I nml will n" il'.itl'l produce marketable tn conic and look ovt-r onr fine selection of tin- c • .Miss Bllaab, th 1'uiT. one uf tin* limu-lies of fruit next spring. latest style *." bridesmaids mentioned u)>ove Is nl The writer ;. m.t an expert St. Cloud Has Ever Known. Watch s si. ri.ui.I niii. iln- daughter of Mr. banana enMnre, i.m ba. kept In touch uml Mr.. T. St. Purr of this , lly. illill.V well With Kloli,Ill's .leVeioplllellt SHOES and MEN'S WEAR 1 For Prices Next Week Miss Fair has ls*en BBBplOyed in " ntul he .-an imi recall ever before bear govanunant poaltlan In Wsahlniton iui; .a* reading of banana, producing Lots of styles to select from an.i tlie i|iiality is Uu- pu-t f< w years. iu le time thnn tihii- months from ih. BlantlBg, ami iisunlly iwelve Is'iiaiantecil RKKKKAIIS SKKVK DINNKB months are required to show hi.nun. The local n.i** kahs gave a cafeteria Mr Drayton lms aartaksly proved tba iiiu- prices are a little lower than most of stores, dinner in the m-w Johnaon building eoiitenlluu ihni Nure,i,,ss,s* Is BBCVl' ami there is a reason suiin.i.iy ..' which time iiiey serve. hilly adapted t» Un* IBLi.BSafUl fr..w ninny of th.' dttseni of Bt i'loud, ns iia* of bananas GALLATIN ELECTRIC CO. well ns u number >.f oataMer. who McCAULEY'S SHOE STORE w. ie t'..rliuiiit.. emulirli tn I.e In St. Mr Ud Mt*. 3, B. Phillip-. ot, KISSIMMKK, FLORIDA .'I I thai day. Nnrili Bmmptnn, M;is-.. iirriviil ST. CLOUO . FLORIDA The committee waa compoaed af Mrs. *ii*_iit tn s|n'mi ihi-ir vrtntor hnon -nni I....I I., chairman; Mrs. A. ' \ li...l>*. roW Ml k, I! Mrs. C. P, Rhoada, Miss Colls lump h ?h* . 'l. !'t'.in-"'r'ti.'"ii' .S'5**^-*^^^^^ \$rtWffl(Wfft^ I.. 11. Mis. JaaSM Mm i is uml Mrs, M. .•ijuiriiiii'iits, Tba I'lilllipM iiii*i while = i: Ogle, rUltlnf in st. i'loud inni winter, nd \ uA*.'.#*fr,l.*f*-ty*t.-m^ The .linn. I wns n ...ini-lete sii.eess ; iii.-ir romtiBca 'iidi'd with • wedding KsmMMuui&WMia^ f the fooii w..s iinui*' ii.okini:. w.-ii pre­ •fter tIn*tr rrturn tumif. Tin-\ iffW] pared UleI W'll, ..Ulite u l.iee being iilnjrrntulniti'il by Ih'ir nniny ' sum was netted the Raheksba wh.. liu-iiiN in Sl. ( 1'iiid. ars pifunlng to rapsal tie- dlnnoi ..t regular int.*i vnl.. si.-i'iH'i*. w. wini'U'i- ofl tbe och Ains- Hi-tit., wbo ipende hiH Muntne-ri PARIS INFANT HAS 11 nt Ni w Iph\\ i. h N. II., «rrived inti LUMBER LIVING .'KANIH'AlvKNTS niulit nnd is nt his hoin-t' mi Columbia Helen Louise M.Cnllllln. BSVSa MARY PICKFORD months ,.1.1 dangbter of Mr. ami Mra. John .Mel*i,llillii. 1'. tl-. lt. II. hns eleven living grandparents. —IN— for SHAKER LAKES If y*mr or d.'iu_liti*r is tiili'nto.1 i Mr. nml Mis I: II. Km.II of lloine- I In I ninirjil wny. why n.r trivi* tln-inl worth ami Mr. uml Mrs. Let**y M» ih. ad rentage of • good IUHSII-HI in-1 i-.iiiuiu. 1'iuis. ii, ii.. un* grandparents •I 'un i.-ii i. I n.n't nuiki* i in. mistake I is txsing furuinli.'.l by ..f the child, ilmi "anything*1 win do to bagln wttb.' i The greol u'tumlp nenl. ure Mr. A cheap Inetrumool epolla tba nii.i Mi-. .1. W I'i. I ns ,,f St. I loll.I. mr. Kin.: Ml* uml Mis. John Wilson uml "Polly anna" Win. I> M.-.ullni... Br., of Allium,- uml A M1KK IIK KINN .Mr. uml Mis Jacob Kn.ll ••{ th, Palrmoun. Boad. Alliance (0.1 H< >,I\;I|»1HHM* I rnmhiHH' AT THK view. F. E. WILLIAMS gg 099999] The \\'i-- tin nin Minn.'-nin \ Will 111 MAKi: AV IhllAI. rion will bold iin- aoxl r* gnlar meet­ Dealer in nil kiadi ing} nt tbe ptrk, Nor. 20th el 2:30 \M\S lil IT " clock. AU id member- $ re to be preeent. A cordial i, i lh*-.. Art* mtot, PALM THEATRE rltiition w extended to nil frtendi end tourlsta. J. D. WOODBECK Lumber and Mr. and Hn Bd ffbjta togvUipr s_H_M*a__, n.\. •villi .Mr-. Wblte'e tWO lUtan nnd IIIIM- It. |.ITsi-l.l i r, -_r Building Materials bnnda of M;iin.'. iin- reported Friday, 14thand Saturday, 15th -ni iiioir wny i'.v nntl. t.» si. oioud. J. \V. VIIKK & SONS Mr Winn's mnih.-r. Mi,. Martha wiiii.', arrtrad inn- oo Monday of I'. IJ. ItlNN. LTD. ST. OLOUD FI'lKlllA tbla week, nnd i- domL lied wlti Hr. REGULAR PRICES .10 AND .25 nnd Mrn. C. II. \V«*11IIIHII o_ Mm nigh .ir.uh' Mbalaal Daputeasits jjf-"iii avenae. nn» Tilt .RSIIAY, VOVKMMER 13, lf*4 TIIE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD FLORIDA .-AGE OTVK

Ml.. .1. «'. Wolfe n.lliini.l In.mi' Insl Watch «.'ll for AnH t.i lie Friday sfter speeding lh. i t laj'sjlTeB Nor, *_*IMII .nd -i-i i.y Th. I-KKSIINAL GOING (OMINI1':. n. Her nnliiy friends will l„. | l.n.Hs'liii'iil ('lull. Mrs, -Aii-Mi-; - .' '•••".•. .*• MAIN RRnr.FRY A MflRKFT St. Clou&iete Gladys Ranndara who haa barn.ot Alllanre, Ohio, arrived tbe 8th i>. Bpcndlus: the pasi sevBral alkali. Fl Ispend another winter In lhe Wonder LOCAL VI.S1T1NG SOI IAI. Mi.Ts wm n vlsiinr here Iwo .hi* ..i' i iiy They are located ul Mis. LUSTS Uiis week, .*.'.... .iinii to I'll. M.i.i:-..|i N.iv -II.rl, Ai.iin. YV,',l.l,-.l:.y night. >*.:- i-. Pbelps im. I. i..i .ur.i. ii.t s. W. Purler, ri'i.l i-sluli', insiiniiic*. ( llirl.rns, rjr -*•< il nr nli., ill Gray's si., r .uni l.r.'i I"*1' IB law • M sad Mi a. Mr -. i>. I' i:i-.'i-i. in «ii iiiiii. iw. in j .Miirl.ct. II ll. i". Rrtr,ga nl t'olxlen, Iowa, is Hmltb, of Iowa, who in-rii.-.i in.i sal ,i rery aerious operation Movemjier Isi in*, in... stopping HI Hi.* Meuvluols Hotsl, is reported to b« Improving. Herj M|S Akiaader, Ura, Jinm igh I many friend, will ba pleuiwd lb l"*."*i „u,i Mrs. Blreh of Ifbllne, 111., nre SPECIALS .'. I,. Slliilll ,.!' I..Mill llill.'ll. I'll, I,. ('. lililillc. D—llist, Conn lliiililinr. f her Improvement, i,,.,,. ,,, uujoj, another winter la It. I »v:is :i .'iill.'i' In rily lust W. A]i|».nilnli'lils in nl.-. tf Cloud. I...unit in the Porter I* Whit. 11*.ii-.* Lunch, new opou. Ail Apni tin,-ni Hulls.' ill *.... «ne a/Uhln. to hnv r-ionumi-nts Vi in. Bm'Bsidr. nf Otwego, >'. Y h.i- kinds nf li:li.l,rs for -rervhndr. 0;irr. ::::!, -:,.•• •a*-.* I.... ISI. ,i, lir.iliu'.s. Ja-H I-. Bl. il...i.i i.i sii, nu nn* .••in..iny n..iii in II. in. Win. winter mouths, nri Min: bere on wed* prep. in'I. •iM Fashioned Dinner In lie aerved ii r Biggs iiniM.i in MI Oloud last i.t-s.iny r\ .'iiiim. Thursday Nov. 80th I.y tin* Improve' s.iiui.iiiy ii* Illinois to spand M. MV. nn.l Mi-s. \V II. t'liiiiiil.riinili ! l 'iuli. Saturday, November 15 th I. niii \\ hit,*.-. ii.ii.. vim any room, m tent- if *o returned to iheir home al Ninth si nil Mrs. I'...t.r ai Cltlsena Be.nlt.» nml Pennsylvania avenue <.n Tueadsj Mr. nn.l Mrs. toting of PostortB, KVKKYTIIIN.; IIIK THANKS Oa, 7-tf insi \i*,','k. after s pleasant sum r niii... .nun' in lasl sreeli to spend thatr GIVING TAIII.K AT l-All.KVS. pent In north, ra chi.s. I.I winter in Bt. Cloud, Tiny .Mrs. Btta I'ruleli-.vrse nml BOB "fl hare • rottag Naw lork AM*, nn.l 1 November 17 th Mao v.iri. arrived'bare insi snn.iny Mr, aad Mrs. P, M.I ni.l Monday, LOUIS Allurllll ...ill wit'.* ,f WlnteV Pli itreet, i-aik, wera i-aaat. M tha Bemlnols nml will ri'imiiii In iln* city for|fstnirg. Kan., nn guests of M A. It. | 11..1.1 laal wi'.'k. •ereral days on l.ii-lii.'ss. .->!•< iill. Hr., ..n.i son A It. M.-illll. Mr. , Order y.uir Tiiihcy now ul Gray's ____ M.-l I,.nulil Js n sun of Mrs. W'nv.'i Market. It 1 CLOCK DIAL WITH NINE MINUTES AFTER Mi. Aizlnii li.irii.s ut Orand EUplda, M.*. Otto in..-.i. ..n.i family ol •Ba.|« i' "'" '"' ten, MeQIlL Ui. Is ii gOBSt nl tin* Si'inin.ili' braass Kin., tor rly ,.i si. Cloud I)r. M. liisliinan-GrisHoliI, Mom'I ttn. Ma«*rawa, nor • CnUfornl* TEN SUNDAY MORNING WAS HELD HY Mil. ii-.1.1 nils* winter. were ths •tuesti of relatives and pall, and IMcoputli. Hours from 9 Io ond Twelfth si . will sill four-roomed friends kata |asl Tnaadaj 11; 2 to 4. Ha. Ave. bet. 10 Jfc 11 (tf) leottBge, well fnrnlab>'d, Including Dr. J. 1. .IIIIII... I'liyslili... anil la-ood Jersey >*..w nmi Hftv pora braa C. P. LANG, WHO WINS THE KITCHEN BvagM, Office BVar PCUa Grocery. CANDIED CITRON. IT BRANTS. ., , ..„*, . , _... ,-_ ,,,.*. La. 'as, chicks su, garaga nn.l I'lum, s at offire am: rcaidenre. II. RAISINS. MARCHING CHKKKIKS. i|r|,ls',,,. .., CIf>ud |luV|, ',,.1,„.,„.,| „fr. I electric lights, .'I lots. Big Bargain, CABINET. FIGS, DATES AT IIAILEVS. >•!,.,*. n„ n nl.sserm: ii.c. ,,-^'twf |W)oI yearyi'iirs in il..* -fl '••*>.".'- Apply abav. .ddraaa. Ura, NIIIIKII »nd son of Oblorado Ju..nil. mni. ns tln-y lin\*i.> sapiwacd ii.t l-j :ii|i .-sprint's, t'l.l.iriiiln wen t:u,.sis nt lh.- Mrs. M tubeley retnrued Bstur- "«re niluli-y glad to gal bark l...m.-" j CllftAQ' K I DC GRANTTATEI) S*.min..Ir lust week. ilny from f'lui'iis. .**,'. x., 1111,1 will spend ! .Meals, I'riivll-nmis nillcll iin:,|H r tlll.1 OUUMn • LDO. tUtjett, |t,„1Khl Wii li Oilier Guilds .39 tba winter season in Bt, Cloud. Her Mrs rraneaa It. BUlay lafl an Sun-llie.ler at Gray's Market. lt mu .i.v tri.*iiiis nn' welcoming bar back, day evening f. Mi*, nml Mrs. Hoppe nf Ix-esl.lirg, 11. i.n.11., where sh, MAIN'S Pis., r.n- lly ..f St. .'luml WOt* 'Isi will tukc Iri'iil iiirnt tor li.-r In in. ii- -- Cant and Mrs. i n. ChatOeld, of POTATOES, 8 LBS. .39 tors li,.|-|. Mils wrrk. News lms ins n received "f th. daath with Dr. Howell in the Howell Hani- It... beatl r, N*. Y., were BPVfg t'linse lUst \o\i fan Xmw r Mrs. it. W. Brack al ber s..n-- boms tsrlura. she e-rpects ta be unuu ier- arrlrlug in si. Claud lust Wednesday I..* ik Try ilir White Houss l.iin.-li In ciiiiitiinnnuii. Mrs. Brock had beenieral wsefca. awning to. tna winter aaaaon. Capt. SENATE OR CASTLE IIKANII it...... for Dinner, -•""•. ana* Bupper, -•'»* in n long tiun'. Her boms «<* la st. . iiniil.'i.i is Commander nf K. •. COFFEE, I'ER I'lll'N'D .46 it if l.i*i>nritiient uf form im habit. Bdwarda Pharmacy, New York, Mr, ana Mrs. Chstsjahtl I'll.' Il.'l H I*. 11....K1.IH..I1 llll.l film Wnnt to rani yonr hooaa, s.-.- Mra. II-L-I. nre Stopping 111 Kl' v.'llll I Mill j CQAP STAR NAITHA EXTRA LARGE .V CAKES liy HeKeesport, Pa., ara urtoag Foster, Cltlsena Realty .... 7-tf: nes.iin. KATV'RDA. ANI> MONDAY ONLY 10 CARES .40 ih. late IIITIMIIS in ths * ii* Mr., s, II. |.|.,.|,„, lms sold her place 1 1 1 .Inlin Adams ..!' N.*w Y..H. w a. "' - " " '• '•' "'• "< Brldgei«irt, Bfl I'i'-I h.tzo .;>.. i>.mi.-is wns appointed algal h 1 ,ta Wini. House I.niiili lt i Kleventh marsbsl insi weak In tin* pU*. nf l. i„ si. cii.n.l tor il.e pasl several -'"""- " " '« '" ' "'''" ' '"- r;,;:,:,,;; GOLD DUST .25 days illisl laal Tuesday morning, The tutor* borne. The purchase waa marto i i. and Dinner mul Bupper ett- six am .ii i Klmbrldga who rnalajand. .,i Bunday. Bom Baking. n if ruieral .rrnngement. hav. not >.*i tlie l,..*nli..|i. LM .our cottacM me* wRh lira,'. LIBBY'S PEACHES ^7. A^PEK CAN .24'r if \..u .Mint them rants* right .Insi r.i.ii.d a ear loml ,,f I'liini i .Mr. nn.l Mrs. A. .1. ninl film away. 7-tf Uev. ninl ML. .1. II. llenzletmi. ..f j, t~~''ti,\'r,'.f,\rn s,,.' are "in" n '"|,nsVl V.'.ii ' ">• "' Orlando were guests of Mrs. Bear Pittsburg, Pa., arrived Inst Thnrs* t0 „ Il)c, ^ witll „,,.„ ,u,., Prances l(. Riley ..n Wednesday of WISC N I'LL I REAM .ii.i i.. spend ihen- mil wini.r in this \wmat .1 ths right price. It will payil"* week. The Bloom family wen* I',. II. Kim.lull of Orand Rapids, |M CHEESE ?_g __; .33 •lly. They .1 located m SU Pennay- v,,u ,,, ,.,,,.,,. f„ .,„ dijivestlgat. tor a" '""" Detroll where Mrs. Riley Michigan, arrlred bar. bui week ami innln avenue. Is stopping ni il..' *-*" Botes, -\. s. M. Kny. su' nimle her bom. tor nearly seventy ynirs. They wen* also gneats i.f thf NO. .' IAN l7Stc Ciillicrbv Saililioff. Clilrpractnr. I Mr nn.l Mr-. Wasley Bogeta, of Mtcblgsit Ass,,, imi,.ii nl .n SUMMERS BABY LIMA BEANS TWO 1-OR .34 ll ,i. llilM.riinili lefl jraatardajr tm Office linurH, 9 to 11 a. n..; ? lo ti p. .... Brighton, Mi. li , were among thoa. ir*. Banford wbara lu will b. sags***"] ta CIIIII HuildliiK. Mt I rlvlag In Bt. Cloud frnin Iln- north the I.nil.linn work for seTeral in.'t.ilis. pn st weak, Tie-y n.,- v.-iy atoaaantly Rohersnn's Phsrmacy Bunday honn re: S :.'«> .. in. to 10:_ s, m.: L':.'ln MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI I lit. PACKAOB .14 .11 ST IN. NEW I HOI' WA1.NI TS, It. C. Senile.. Mr. nml Mrs. ,| A. . l,„ :11,.,| «r|ts .Mi-. Slliilll nu Cos 'i Mrs. Bpragne, Man St.nie nn.l '. nt .-ivtiiii,.. p. in. in 7 nn ]i. in . I' Nn. 74. I;I; wll NITS. ALMONDS AND II tf. PBANI Is Al BAILEY'S. Hand & Bitch, nil ..f Liver re Kails. I . . 10 oz. CAN Par Can IfHa Me. iiniM'.l In si. Cloud for Hi- BUB ! Dr. Vim. 11. Ilndils, 1'liysi,iati and GORTON DEEP SEA ROE TWO l.lR .30 t.r In-i Friday. Surucon. nffin- Klcvcnlh and Pcnna. l.iliriiry Hi m-Ht In IM* girea D6Xl Tenth streel certainly In.s Improved. Ave. llaj mid Night calls promptly Tlinr-ilny BUd l-'iiilny. Autiq-ara nf rn Iiiin* the II-i>Imii wlili brick seems The biggest day in the history .1 allen(lr,|. lMf I n\ i|i-*-'i-ripf imi r.'.|iii'*-tt'il in \yn 9n 7c IVr <';in I., me.-1 with approval "ilh every .nn*. st Clond tor retail ami wholeaaht Itvetvd .it rim in I HT of Po-minprw AMERICAN SARDINES TIIKKK KOR .20 grocery nn.l alao for Bailey's al their .1 Watson, wit. I ton. eb.ll i.n.INS Wiiiii* sii.iy iin* imii. Dinner Petef <>i..' "I' i.l.l lim.- .\ in Rig Hi-ni..Mil Sale, lasl s,itiir.l:i\. ,n, n bsve arrived rmiii l.yn.l.aiv ill.*. s.-r\ nl in nlil i'.'islii..lir.l ttylt ill IS IM' slle.l., l-t'llin..*.! I" SI .'It'll.I l:is( People nre taking advantage of loa \. t. Thej will mak.'iheir with o'clock Tliursilny. Mi. IVr l-niliiiKe Sim.Inv li Ins bome in M.illlll*. III. |.ri..s ami qualltj m.i. \u-. Watson'. Catbar, Waller M 3 MINUTE OAT FLAKES IWO Kill .18 _ | Lewis, whn in.s itought ths Jack >lr. .inil Mrs, Mnprs gf UfHm ArK, .. 1-1. [.r,.|.Tii :n the I*' divl* •nd Mrs- Ki;inri*s utea, nisi at otonn* Hi-rtveil Siiintii.iy fm* another winter BISCHOFF'S COCOA , >Nt, CAN .20 in iii.' iiiy. .Mrs. Qlenn riinti' hntn j Tin st Cloud Hiu'lt S.I I observed lir-i in 1000, nml lins I lm-t nl' IgSl Kli.lny nmi Salnr.lai as _g .la\- rA,IFOKNIAs fiicmlK wim will lm tiln.l in Welcome SWWWBW fur th>' ism in of the athletic aasocla- here frUndi who cams tlong this PRIINFS QQ Itlon, Th'* n I It...ei.Is were u\ rr one time, The htapea an located ai Tenth Ilic gift that carrier the hiiiiil'.sl dollars. l-'.i|iii|inieni will be nml IDibneaota arenne. ..! a: onea, ami ninny Inter. -- IS tii. fail I int athletic games nre rxpctsd thla VAN CAMP'S PORK & BEANS TURKS I <>lt .29 true ten tim cut of Christ- , winer. Peopla who ilrsli'i* tn srrmr fur nisi n.i rooma or fnrnlshad bovaea In mas-r-your photograph. NICE Id.. RED RIPE TQMATORH St. - 'luml fnr tht rniniiiK winter RI*II- PARI Y 11 IMP PPAQ I'KHIK OF lll.AUt HOME GROWN WITH TIIE EI.AVOR snn sliniilil write t'i if Citizens HValty -MnLI JUIlL ItiHO itiHe r„ t*.,„; nyo *-**• .33 AT HAll.EVS. Co. .Pflrly and linilio rcscrvatinn**, tf.

Hr. ninl Mrs K. .M linlenin. af l'*.- Mr. Gee, II. Ki ml itniijrlilf.-*.. Mrs. Miller mul Mrs. Uho-Miller hnv.' re MY-T-NICE SUGAR CORN '^r^m .29 t..t. Mils... lire ll.'l'l* IIKllill ti. slietel tiirneil ta their limtie Bl Sixth and Make your settings early, before a until winler They were iii'intn 1'o'tin.svi.;uii;i avenue tot tin* winter, :• bace ihi- s*,.|is..n liy a brotber, ! •rrtrfoi tart Prlday. aOaa Althea Mil­ Tn Christiiias --bopping begins n! .el ltlll. ntn. whn is here fnr h - ler entered Rolltna Collet* ni Winter VAN CAMP MILK \,iK\^%&*! .29 ., at •> lath 'I ii. * me located al tbe il'ark Kiniii' time _go, while Ottmrd 1(11- bTawrhiiaiiHa •' jl.v ffl me tn ST. chou) in time tn enter nml IBth sir,.*:. btffh ichool I li is year ir. the sen Inr P i-l O P LM IV MATPULCC StrfKCH anyvihcre, ^inmj; and nnilniiu AQ rnUCIIIA mrtllinCO.ti.Us; no aflerglow. rer»ox4Hr; t fur -vO Mr*. B. Vreeland waa u Jackaon \r • <'lil-s. . isiim- lu-t Toevdaj where the arenl There will lie an old-time iliin.e nun ,tK in IIIIII bet frii-n.l. Mi*. Adullnr M. RIJTTFR "*" MORRIS M I'KI Ml AQ iiyrr. nf Providence, lt. I., irrleins liinii] with Jaaa m .inyiami Beach on THR PIKE STUDIO limne ..ii Kriilu>. Mrs. Dyrj- will b« Ttldgy ni_ht. Musir hy Bt, Clood nr- tin* gwst i.f Mr*. Vreeland Cat UM wtn cheatra. i _r 11 APPS PQ K1MV 000KBB8, 7Wc l*b. OO BT. ci.oi'I) FLORIDA Mr, id hnt iimiM- an Whtennnin aeanne Mr. iiiul Mr--. Alr\ IInuhi'**. wlmse illlll Turlflli MTMt. "I ILW IIIKIK POINDS IXIR •" nld home la in Michigan, imt wh.. ipeafl -i nt Mi'iv Hmc In Sl. i 1 1. arrived All varletlei il ins mirserv t r piPC I AM V HONDURAS 1 I'i last Saturday among tM big IMIIHII II V ll.'.hi.k. nf nld-tinie st. ('lend reatitenti who nil/C Whole Traill, II MIS. KOR .29 im.i uni ipendlng iheir lime during Mr. nmi Mr- I" B, Robblna and wlto i li,' -iinimer hi northern •tatefc. There Whn liavr -i***ri• ihr pa>i fuiirtrrn wij - WM ii larife crowd ot rtsiton and .30 tor* hi St Clood reluriieil here l;i-a lliiine-fnlk- niixc.l tO ill live mi Satin SUN MAID RAISINS "W»__!__ M.-ieiii*. to kpend thn vtnaar. Mr. and COMING! MrH. KobMaa own • very attvacUr. duy nf last \\i i-K. iin in* .it the '-nnier Cnini. ave, and niMinWQ WIIITK OK 1IK4IWN SKIN Come ante nu nil yon newly-wadi UI-IIUI. O lllltl K I II- I ..It .20 Mh st. and their mnny tHenta trill ami those wii hout he me.-, ami buy w ricuitie their mi nm. your fnrr.Iture nml live g happy lift*. T. II. Summers hns u Hire line of VAN CAMP'S TOMATO, M Kuril LEAVE NOI K (Htm it i OK I R dteggtAkj iir.N. hitn?inni'l-.-t, hye tmhy. SOUP IIIKKK KOK .25 KKY AT IIVItKVN. mga, jirnphnphniie-; and rei .-rd**, ln REXALL fa. t Whal ynu wnnt In furniture. The following officer! wen* elected Pen mi ave., llrst dunr south uf IHrtl's h.v the Pa rent-Tea chen Aaaoclatioa if store. 0 tf their meeting on Worembat ted. Ura. MEATS M v toater, prealdeat; Mrs. O, Ug- gett, rlce-preaeldent; Uri. ('. Parker, WKSTKKN I'OBK SAISA.'K -.. 20*. Lb. tri nsiiri r; llri. Dthel Reed, aaerel UKST IIAMIIKK.JKB MAKK lg I.b, One Cent Sale ltefri'sliiiH-nts wi'iv srr\ nl nn.l ,i light ful pmcrani renderad. DON'T FORGET •sn KOASTS m* SBBSS i8c n>. rainiiy Washing wanted. i NOV. 20-21-22 moderate, M Mathews, eor. ISth 91 ^^'<.• .'iirrv ;i lull lint. ny tgalg. A n hie Sup pur In, Etc. Dr. ivnr t; ii-.iidiii.-in, pastor ni the Methodlil ' lnii'ii. delivered H master- PROGRESSIVE, mon ar the morning artl h • Edwards Pharmacy j Sumlay OO thi •pproncfa nf Ainu- [daj oeyamonlen held Toeadaj M n |1M-|S- , f tba T'-j-.-iii ami ... A. u. Vatat* 4 egg^ MAIN GROCERY & MARKET un* mni 'W. ic. o, ladlea ami d4Ufsttagi of Vctcrani- uttended In I hndy mwmmwimmmBti m. *t.***•**. FLA. TIN RSIIAY. NOVKMHKR l», UOt PA.'K SIX THE ST. CT.OUD TRIBUNE. ST. CT.OITD. FLOUT.)A Notice of Application for Tnx Deed ++<.^..:.^..X-%**%,"!*-:--**-!"!"W"*'"!"> *•••''•-5~W* **+*+• •:•-:• -:• -:• •:*->-M"{"H-S"M'**-I-* , Ml.Tll.cW ASSOC IATION MARY PICKFORD IN Al I oil Michimn people met on Nolle. Is ini'i'hy given, thni B. P. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Wellies.Iny, Nov. B, for 111.' llrst rou Morgan, purehaaer of l*a. Gertlllcats + •M^+•*•^••++•^•+•^••^•+•^••!^•^^^•l••^-H^••• FLASHES OF FLORIDA FACTS "POLLYANNA" alar meeting of the Mlchlgnn -Vaao, Is r Hon for the currant year .1 Ihe Tour No. I'll, ilnled Hu* . >l*l duy uf .lune lly MUSI S fiil.SOM \. ll. I0S2, hns llled -ni.l 'tlllenle HOTEL ST. CLOUD -, s ..... i I I lie 1 ; ' ' "r •i- THE GLAD PLAY ++*i-H~.-"("l"M"W" .iinii.- II..rr. iniic.i ilu* meeting <» aa- lie lifer tag deed t.i Issn- 111 iiccnril- NKWLV DKCOKATKD IMKOIS I iu lilt PHANK CHAM*: dor ul Iwo o'clock. in.*.* wllh Iun*. Snld iciillienl.' .in Bong. Amorlcii. ihe following deacrlbed pro­ Slop al Th, Hotel St. t loud. pprsoaal, ivol papsc-inlU, Is ,i ll.l ri|«v (Cop; iuhl IMII i'.v I'l'unl* I'l'.in. Prayer, Mr, Helm. Thi* fiuii will become »n Importsal 1 mny ns well own up. It Is sine perty, Kitniivd III Oaceola County. sulijecl i" ;..s..ii.ii ul full rains, Imt Minutes of the Muy B ting renil hy Floridu. lo wll : NW' , ol' SK', of Uiis i. ii,.1 practiced, Bxempt prop* prop nf Klorlda. ,,, .; i out. several paspla know ii th;- Seel*, lurv und ni.proved. now. Mv wire knows ll. I mn hi Mi'l .t S'j of SK', of NIII Sccllon ,.ri, . II . I n il u i li n t belonging Treasurer reported si i •"•- "» Band. 13 Townablp ^"i Bouth, Bang. -"' IIOl.I.IM.sWOKiTI A .iKSSKORI. to il..- Federal and stats governments, The expense i" apaMIs automobiles In lov... i fell in ih.- other lllullt. Mr lo.rr reported aa Committee for Bast, Tim said luml hatng .asessed school, .linr. b. boaptt-il, prnerolent, It ami nl u Itlontre Mini With B fcinnle procuring me Banner, A I itlful . and Itulldi rs Kl..ri.I;, is l.-ss in use of J*ns thnn lu person ell tin* itBge, I don'l cure. ll| Iiie dllle t.r the Issunii.',. of laid eharitable, srientttc, library, acrleul* moal of the states Barth! leas arrsr of banner wus shown, mad. of Mlchlgnn .crtitl.'Uli' ill the milllc nf It. P, ltevun. Box 4SS St. Clou*. FU innii ao. let} property, or property be­ tires sa thaea nre m> *.i,*.'i. hills t.» She lms captursd me. body nml boot* material, painted bj a Michigan u>»n, I, wii. I,.,e ill flri si^llt 'llu* I'tllens laid cerlillente sliull |M. ri' longing to willows 1,1 till' >.ili I climb nn.l ii" froaaa day ruts In the and l.roimlil tu norld. In iln* trunk itts-niisl oeeoi'.liuit lo luw. toy daad $200 earned by her own aserttona, .ad nm.Is tn cut llr,** in Iln* wlnl,•!• s.'ii minute slie c.inic on the slin*e my ,.f a Michigan woman, Mr-. Haiti.* 1 1 will laaue llu'ieun uu the M li day sf ,,, ,.\(.. v ],. rsog wh.. has 1..-1 ••' i' " ' son. *'n sand roads ii Is esaler t.» run heart slopped umi then went on again Huff. A moll.ui vwis iiuidi' ihni a rla- December, A. D. ln.i. KItlllltS * SI KKD „r IMHUI disabled in war ... 1*> nil-- nfi. i* II shower thaa ta-fnre It. No | with ii galumph. Sin* took my l.el iuL- vote of ihunks should he tendered .1. I.. OVBB8TRBBT, inus 1111.1 wrung them. la lhe artist who showed his artistic fortune to Ihat I'M.-nt thnl It tt* state hns sin h line BBS beaches "is Clerk Circuit Court, Oaceola .'.>.. Kin. .•.ilameys al l..w : ... .:. ' -. . aa I if I inni heen a hundred yeara or skill iii painting Hm hnn-n*** Bran uiroiilt Courl scnli liy s. II Bullock, and smooth ns a Boor. Automobil. so younger l would have isniu-hi some on,, .vns delighted with tba Banner as No, ii Dec, *•—J, i.. ti. D. c. looms 11 and 12, Btste Bsnk Bldg. , A i.v.'iiiii.i ui.. papal contains .a Uowtrm uml joiiicl ihe Johnnies al was ,,i.loin..I by nm applsnea Hint ni..*s are frequently stagad al rabio, | Hi. Mage ii'su*. Peihapa l shouhl Klaatmuee. a'U.rida advertising iinder ihis beading, Maloa- Uuy n ami ..thi'i* lieil.-lies. Ami w.i* sivea us the Banner was IIIIIUJ. wo-mro [,, Do to Florida." '" sell a where oa sarth un* there Itaec beaches hnve gone .ml lioutlll lnhslel* uml Bs. A little time wns glVSS in which lo Notirr of ApplirntiiHi for Tn\ Deed tract ..f bind n< ar JackaoBTllle. it tii. ii _. eon it. of norida? wiiter- hnd played lml' -sanetnllyv p.l> dill's, lit wi'llu ml 1*J men is herehy ulveii. Hint W. (1. dudes in these worda: 'Only When 1 . oufi'ssisl my lu'nrl WOBDllngS Join. .1 lhe society nnd paid due-. ELLI8 P. II .1 I I S. ta my wife, she aald, "Well why didn't Wed. purehaaer sf Tn\ Certlfleata thoroughly responsible, clean '*»t. at- N.ithni, Mni... State i-oinuiissioniT of ii i.cti..n resulted iu Mrs. Ulnar, No Ttl.-i. d.tsd Ihe oil. duy i.f .lune A. Alloniej At Isiw freaatr. »,.in.'ii will bs permitted to niu'/ | lier myself.** Who or |,resident ; Mr. .In s Ooff, vice presi­ agriculture, urges drink dlspi• - in rathey, Whom! Why PoMyannn. nf P. 11103, lms ilh-d snld eertlfleate In KlNalnimec, Florida. represent property." Owing to the our -tnte i" inik.' strong efforts to des! ; Prances It. Itiley, se.ictniy uu.l mv office, nml ba. made application Ifflces In I tn nli of Osceola County fiivniiiiii.' in norida "ilh course. Sin's u dour precious hnnl.. Mrs. Hose Bulla rd, treaaurer. Pro­ Huilding ..•ii more orange nn.l grapefruit Juke, angel darling, exqulalr. child. Also lur IBB ihisl to Issue in ii.'or.luuce .nii.r parts ot tin* ii.mitiy. MM frai Is 1 lo sni s in part : gram i'. ommiiii*.* is Mrs Jaaa*. Ooff, wirh low. Snld cerlillente cinhivceu Cl v II—Chancery—Crtm in lal I'rart Ira pxpreaaed thai Itasw may ba aa in- n she iloclur. Ihnt's doing good assisted h.v Mrs. Mm- lh nines. ••Th.-iv are no more oranges grows the follow inj: deacrlbed properly, situ thnn the Rockefeller fnjhttute i|ie lli,- artl meeting "ill *» held I.e.'. f land eaploltor. from tha tlum ilu peopfc .1 I Bse tin* *ttesd" uied iii Osceols Oonnty, Plorlda to­ North, «iili danger ol repeating trick, free cllllic nml twu hospllnls. Por .'. ut llu* Hub bou-e in the nil.-in..on advisedly. Orange Juice la • food, a she's i uriiiK u. ull of whnt alls ns. wn : I.ols l.'l mul 11 Hlock 11.".. SI. practiced yeara ni*-" whi.h gave ..ur delirious beverage. . splendkl appal Ira erciim uu.l cake will IM* served I'I I. The sni.l luml hafng BBBBBWd 'al Jofiiiston. ,, P. Oarrsta. Mat,* mi underdraws standing Tbo I.y the inns t eurnllve und potential l.i.l,,.. bring cske nn.l tin* Commutes laar, ninl ].- .-.iti. r. rer. ii is re­ ni*eiicy known the Kind ray. If you ul Ilic dulo of the Issunii..' ,.f sni.l JOHNSTON a fiAKKKTT. realtors ol Plorlda, who ars citiaena, commended hv dieticians llll.l pliy-i will furnish paper disiies nml spoona. .un just make iwsiple glad they'll gat certlfleata in taa nama of .1. Madden, Attorneys-at-Usw, or,, dependable, nml ahould i» .mi,., it is III no s.iis,. a nur, otic BOI x .pou program wss glf** "'"' t'nlesa sul.l certiorate ihall i.e re­ aldered by lend OWaees nn.l buyan in over whatever it la ihe.v have. Glad Mr. Qoft us leader, Mrs. I.m> Preach •an.-ea Ifl 11. and 12 Clllzeoa' Bank ii-. I.-- stimulant us are mnny "f Hm n.s. beats nil ibe itills*. bolnaeg, deemed according to law, ba. . H'-'i. Clrcull Courl rend il blltary of Where th. l'losi Seal. .1 I. OVER8TRBBT, Thir.. me thousands of dispenser. wnters. trained nurses, thoughl cures. dents were buried, Th" regular gardealag UBM la Fl..i* of ...l.l drinks in l'l,ohIn Hint ioul.1 Clerk Circuit Court, Oaeaols .... Klu U'si.ics oatepath-r, Bwcdlsh movement, Mi-, lo.rr gave • reading tot Mrs I.OI-JI Kepretentatlve is noa ni hi rn.i.a a wii II- th.- contribute to Uu* orange Industry uu.l v Oct. ii-Nov. 21. iu s. 11. Bullock, c: , eie: 11 L'oillK. K.hly. Mlchlgnn i" Miehimui. - tree planting period, Crapa la nt th.' sum.' tim.. Increase thrir own l>. .'. general in tha North ham m.i aaaa T'.ill.v iuil.,1" i. one of the seilson's \l..ti..n curried Ihut we hnve n que* New York Life Insurance Co tin.I.- hv adding this food-drink t» new play. II is pure Jny. ll is lm ti. i. boa. Three ..f ihe Questions to b. IJIMKI IIII.I less stuff has gone late stor- tbelr lisi. Aiuiutil expenditure,, for billboard mtm, Thi. would Indict, thai then mun from skin to le :iit I c. ll is .lis, ii..iii ut inch nmeHn*- uml they SAM L. LUPFER Many hotels, dahe .ad rate. tut fun li is wholesome ns n healthy an' In I.o selc. led hy Ilm President. advertising in this country bava in- will be a lively demand tm norida ui-ii orange laics to their guests. If Phttn. .'.'-* K ...... Fl., *,*. iiii. l- tin k. child, elein ns n hurst of sun-hine. Adjoin n.d lu ill. el the llrst Wed creased *o.iaiii.iKHi.iaiii t.. WO,0OO,OOO,OOO nil wonld .1.. this uu.l feature it then II,. over thnt audience like u ue .luv. III December, :n iin* past ten yean w grew up auch uu incfense ol* shower ..f soft ruin falling an n h.n. Prance. H Itiley. Secretary. Winn n person desires to laves! bli ti,. ii f this frull ns to vn-lly in parched meadow. All iln* little St Cloud I a.ii»» No. m .i ..-.' iiie demand for It iu the state, iiuii.i'y. .raa though it bi ly IB the daisies, and anqulls tlmt tr.."* a. IV II I KK OK Sl N IIKIN.IS pUrr^aBBB "f tin* \v< .'lily ueeila .-f hi* i - example would he followed In dlacouragedly under our ',la around ami r.iuns portuultj 1" serve Ua owi lia-alll-i .cii.-iul." Everybody srenl bome thai HIKIH uml sii, ei- lining," chanted twaaiy one • ii.iaj BTruliia- aaaa ... doing, rathe, tbun .i.u..' ...n.;.i wns .1...cnler uu.l kinder tn his folk. iiitert'.ts, if ihe li.ini,. baa gua sis ill 111.' Hotel Null CBS 0 "CO. tills month. Orlando i- generally considered n eepeclall) I..- children, w . . k. ns they accepted their reoeipted MSB fi'l'KIt O. A. It HALL li.,..,Ls in st,., B sl prices ..s I.'.IS..H:II '•- tourlal town, l.ut u ilispnt.ui from Chew it tifter I iik,- "Pollys " Hrrauaa it is bill s for tw.. night's lodging, following W r.ilt'l'FIIt. \V,.ralil|iful Maat.r ... equsllj | I stuff MUI be la.uichl there railing attention t" un exhibit preaching. That fm* tin* aateemed the l.l— r two sunless days this full hi every rnetnt* elsewhere, !,<• should l»' patronised, if of thing, made in Orlando, sh.."••.! , iti. s lint hold lhe s.i:ul- ahputl] Hi Iirilut . Tills popular hostelry lms la. IJ. /.ISl.MKIi.MAN,—T ther. is n local is,n.i <.r .-- ii total of ov.r sixty articles. The nev-vci* nev-ier preucli. nnd Ihut nil ilir, ;i.l\ •.•.lined , reputation l'or glv- It Bllmilitri Vliilling Hrallwrs Wrlruin. kii'.wu t.. !»' us saf. uu investinrnt an ; .... aaage ask. : attempts ta reform people nre hnd iiiii fn*e lodging nu every sullies- .lay appetllr and ...iiiity offered by u dlatanl •Do you know ihut Orlando wa.iii- in : iiosh' iv io hii.i: is th.- most this oily, nnd the custom tins • Ida dlaeatlon. corporatlOB It w-ill In* n matter of 1. 11 O. F. i'a. t.ncs plate flat* mirrors, >i."» wonderful, fascinating and Interesting light much publicity for the city ns It makM year . ..IIIIH.min .[.ii it uu.l upl.iiil.lin-* i". cases, .-.l.iii.'t.-. Tin, only iniiiiiine for of una. Tin* is tiun ii aaaa! lood do yon mora the local . itizi-n t«. pul whatava. money making complete win.low frames In the St. n. nd Ixxlaa ly is s,, I.n,||y .lime. It foully nspiires flood. Note thow No. IW. I. O. O. 9. he .I.'sins tO inv.'st in smh local "• world! Boilers, Hies, rooflag, COB- more skill Ilinn palMlng pielllles or .*uriti.**.. 'ine should thing lir.t. >>f crate for building .nd decoration pur­ RHEUMATISM ENDED tt relieve* tbat -lolly tcellog tittpts i*verjr Tasa- will inv novels. if you wnnt to see Don't suffer any longer from rheu­ iliiy .Titling la course, of his ..wn writer, nn.l thnt poses, • of the lineal pottat] t ••. Hits difficult ur. well done, witii con­ alter hearty eatlwg. of his fa mil v. Then think of the matism. Why endure such intense WMlf.. t.flk. Oil.I Fellows Bali roada, aad whose plant i pis eons summate musicry. now deliriously pains in the muscles, nerves and hoar. . ..liiiiiuiiiiy. Fii.ri.1,., towns nml long distance, t.. seel Do you know on New York BT*- v;,v breaking your henrt uml strnliihtw ny joints? BUS. AU TlstV cities im..' u'."»»i stores, but i sum. tkal it l.iilkes ciilnpilii: "lll- ;....:.::.. ; il UtUgk through your I,'ill's, br.-alh -aad go to .* -eras al dlatanl .itios. Flor­ The poison, of rheumatism are , ir.ll lag brothers wi-lrome. l.ts. « iii.irs. picture frnincs. I.r....ins. .I.IIII us u child's Inuithtei*. wilrin lis carried in the blool. LEONARDI'S ida bai good .. Il"..|s I.u! ninny yoBJlg tractors and loyal Almost everything u "oiiinu's love, conviii.ini; us u re­ in its 1'. _ 11AI.I., N. .1. folks *... to achool ill oilier stnt.-- llll.l ELIXIR FOR THE BLOOD com­ tlmt can l.e noi.le from- -loll houses, velation. Irresistible us un epidemic, bats these poisons, drives them out KlII'UKIiU' STKVKXS, S.'i •'; ll, l|, I.i l-llil.i 111,'III OP I" III"' .'N. 1'1- kit. i.en i-. church pears 1 strong us rlgMeoosnes. und alluring of the system. The rheumatism Purity si..11 ..t* nortd. sehoola •ii-> yon know that Oriando puts up ns sin. uml nil withoni any nawklah- IIAV.illTKRS OK Iti 111 I, Ml-. \.-\. .oiu.'i'. (.. norida see so many vanishes. You can go about your grapefruit. strawberries, taa_toe. Bi n.'s. ..I cheap - ly -'-..iy sentllmen. daily tasks freely, happily. Packap< Mils A.NI'.UM:ni: HAIIIIIS. N I . opportunities that they often try to their very baetf •I'.illyjiniin" il' >.m :•*•< UBS. .II'I.IA PBKNCB, S>*. rctnr • da too much, hoping t<> malts Fortunes "Msde in Ortando fireworks, anto* Bllt) _•• LEONARDI'S ELIXIR FOR il.e iii--.r year.' It will be neceaflary ii 1 hunt i'. THE BLOOD does more than this St. t'loml UsJga, I'liiiclilcrs of lle- 1.1..I.ile top., tl'llck Innii,-S. Uiil.leil Tba ok Ile.iven I'II) ii..t l gr-wpH for you. It bu-lds new strength heliiih uict I'VITV on .1 anil foiiril. I., forget Boats af lha ways of doing I., ii. lies. i.i r, I in i.-r*.. delicious fruit theatre goer, aud don't feel things io the North. Adaptability to tin nloned and vitality. It's use insures against Moiiiln.v In Hie Odd Feliowi Hall. VUi- .li inks, wagons you will \\nn; t.. sc­ in .hnv I.. nn.l to rrltlclae Mia* Polly- recurrence of attacks. Uira W'eli-onia. loci . ..i.iiii ion. " ill Insure .n.. • aa In ull ih.- «lxty things." garden, nut grove, berry patch and anna and aay wherein tbe nbnw mlghl Try LEONARDI'S ELIXIR frull or. hard. hav.* I.. .11 hetl. red. I'm ju*-; alniple FOR THE BLOOD now. Refuse it II misfortune thai the f. minded eoougb to bo haela over bead substitutes. At all druggists. 3RDER EASTERN STAR • I In Ilic world nre not ns unlay in love with the girL Leaving machinery am] tools out In ..inI .1.. n.>i nlttii.t ns much intention Al. for Polly, confound tbe Ulux, •W-++*+++*++*+-W-*-K-*++**'t^ M. i I,.ml < II:I|I(IT No. 46 iii.. "iien. .nni t much quick­ ,s Hi., [ones of evil. Misdeeds nre anil I don'l .are who knows it. er thnn u... iii terming. Everyone magnified, the act. Bf iln- lawless >t.. i.< In Cl. A. It. Mull Klrat «n' ] Hba IN humanity, sin* reealb to ga know, tbat all sorts i t* wea_ar, rain, to" in. tna '.. much of. ' bow warm aud i "i and torabte and !! "Tell The World With Signs" j I't.lril l'l:llrsilny Kvriilngs. V lsll.ilrw wind and even sunshine .i<»*» nol iia hourly il.e thousands of nur peonta divine 1 thlag it i- to i a i. I th.- in.'I..1 or W....1 parti nny I srs doing kindly acts nml -i.nkink' .lust bun . n >lii-.»ie Kiil.ll.*.. Worthy Mjitrnn wi.. i...... I .ini* through with your 11..- antly sack i" tha othi i Ao 1 a bai .1 ltd of. write to the -.tat.' board ot that there is i village in Ohio hire tiniu-s t,, grew nnd create B damand. health. .I.M•k-.niviMi-, I'ln.. for juirtic- Ooa nuiy live for tin* next fwelve Real Estate : Notary Public nlara, iiumthi rent froo. The rfllhga i*^ tool B. C. BABTLET, A " uui n fr.nii Min mi." win* sjK-iit fnr from Caatoo, and i«* the property] Typ e writing liol Winter in Miiiuii. WtOtn as follow * Hermau Gunter, Florlda Btate n*'ol- of ii Canton real aatata operator* Hsrdxara, Famine tn tin- Sen - Hetropolla: Th.-ii' nre fort.*, three (h\ i"linw** |D I orbtt, bai laaoe M d a bulletin lu width Paints. Oils, aa* Varalsbaa. Tin* uv.Muili. is I tropiriil ..r si-ini- be Mifo that wn-rer i*> morn pxten Iti thi* phi. 1. li.-iil.-~ .no- tOWn inuil)). I ti] li- I Office with Citizen.-. Realty Co., New York Avenue, trn|iinil fruit. iy |.i .i-inH-reil for. prmluri-.l anil inilizeil lie Mijuiire, arhool bonaa, meeting bonaa] It \* nut .1 i**?ar, uud tbe term "Al­ t_M World ov.-r. anil ftffecti Mi- life ami (rarum Thoreii unly one family ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA ii ic.ilni I'on 1 •" i< | iiii-n.iiiiiT. and wolfarc of more people :i, dOOg there al |>re-..-nt. Within thla family it is tnry (Mcct-,bl~ aud tantm Xthn any other nilnenil. The Inntancet an- are tin* offlefala of the town. Mayor, BRAI, B8TATB notblng i'«" mi aviniiii.i. niniiei in whieh vnl mil ile mineral inn.--.hal, ill-puty marshal, Jnll keepet Bee or Write Tin- -li.ij.1*-; vary from nniiiil tn depoetta bare heen drilled thriniKh nuil the Ilka. All are ye If-appointed oblong nr gourd siiajM-. without IteiiiK deteeted owing t.. the nnd occaatooatly exchan^a poattlona m. B. MIl.I.stiM -COtLD HITB FERTILIZKR BE MADE WE WOL1J) MAKE IT- Tin' .1 un mi'1. iai va ri«-t i**- vnry in tad thnt the samples of drilling from for a ilny or two Ju-t to relieve the at. rioud wi'ijcbt from '•ni- in thtoo ]M»UIH1** or the w.-ii ware not praaarred and as> monotony of holding the same Job too July lfith Trice list of the old rellnhle 'SiMON* 1THK" mid "GSM motOt and nad hy aome one competent to Ionic. 'I'he .own'* DOalnaaa equipment BBAXOV now ready, lontainlnj; KAI.L I'HU'KS. Standnrd of oi'A!,. Tin- eolor tntim from iinht grtnti Jiid^e their elm meter.'' He urgen in­ Inclndet nine imihiiticH. mn n poniea, to a dark purpli*. ulninst btedL il i vidua Is and muni, ipa lit i.-- engaged bollera, pumps, enfltoa minium can and ITY for the past forty yeara with Florhln Orowara Prkgg right it has ..iii-. ittnojo otnoX 'ria- 11**•- In potting down well.- to gel In touch railroad track, it is on tin* adga ot QUulity i on-iiii-led. Not the cheupest—but tbe NEST for reaalte. doM ma < ..nn- tm.' frnin . I with him >o that ilatn of what may 47n>. tw ., n tiful" ran !>»' tn.'nh'. The honaewlft Tliry contain from 12 pM i-i'iit to :M» pnr '''tit fat, bat tnty nttio gnojnt. nnii honieiaker nm -nrroiin.l tliis dwelling piaio with treea, ahrabhery, Tiny may lu- ral.-n with nn.v COOTae of f.Mni front -..un to nut-.. . rlnea and How ers to aa extent not DUHTIL-E .Spread arorado aa bnri or enck- IMMalUe in the .Vorth. Tlnn- nre Dowering treea with wonderful bloom*, ICE! or- wit|, a little --nit. Builds and ihrnbi that towar hl_D in the »lr Tin* iii*..-.'!*. ss ..f I'ivili/.iiti.iri .'.intinuttlly BII.IH t.i |ka V.n I U salad with i-ond iiio-ii ts. Of OB iin.l .-end in aeeeon pntthnM tor tha Better I'linveniuneea and lalair-aavlnir devices ot the linine. Nut y..ur iiio. wboli* neighborhood -hnii.- thai ID ao many years aifo when our parents and (fran.l|ian ni. It uiaki's • di "Ji-inns soti] 1 mn] In the North are grown in tuba and boxe* Buildings wiiiili'd to k.-.'p their milk l.i.l i.-i*. anil oilier foods 11 .-sh flno (roaea In lea crvau_ in the lawna in th" aummei ami taken anil .went it waa naiiosaory t.i sl.,iv 11 i.-ni In damp, musty \\'iii-r.-\..I- grows iu qaantttlaa, tiny nnii.-i corer In the thii. Vine- mv Cheaper , i'ii,»-s or wi'll iiousi-s. .1 I.- a itaplt ii it ii N* of ii lot. hiie wiih II.AM'I-. ..t many eolorai .Now, with tlm ai.i.of artlBcal Ice, you may Haa f.nid Tbe taate for Ubem is exceedlngtj Home thing green from the garden nan Find Out Why! Irsao iin.l sweat In olesn, .anitarjr, con.snisnl rafrinr. THF, IlKillT CUT 1 ggy in aeqolre. be had erery moatti In tha year tot 1..1-. it I. ... ,.,',,n.iinieui, too. dlsbsi remain Ntnetr-flve per oenl id thn people either market or the table, Sliau Thnfa what m.-il..-. ihe Itarth mar­ fi.sli nn.l wbowsonM for BB Indefinite tuns whin ksui ... ket popular. We know Imw to cut Ilka tin-in at Bral if gtren good onea. berrtea are ripe during tbe holiday ll.- "" !,o erery kind of meat ao thst it Is Tin- 1.' aeaaon whan tha North La coTered with I'lioii.' or i*all nn pleaaing to the enatomsr, and our cuts . ily. mow, Their foe) ami clothing hills so wi' may ini'linl H you on our di'llvery rout.'. i»f uieat are dellclona tn servs. Coma Tin' ti.',. is BTIIglOaU nud u. are HOI M Inirili'li-olii- in 1 S-fll. Tin listen. \o\ K>HII;R IS. IMI TIIK ST. CLOUD TH1BUNK. Sl CI.OUD. I I.OItlDA I'AIIK. SKVEN

] KIIII-A of t:\ fur Flnnl l», - Is... -»- • *-M-+*+-H-**K--:-**-M-*:-*.**:**J . M-M *-.'--K-++-t* v++*t*+++*i-+** LEGAL NOTICES |ln I-TII* Court of Count/ Judge, Itata >i 1 Florltln. '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_—. X i in iii.- Batata D| Carrie '.. Beamaa. de BAPTIST WOMEN OK I'I 111.f( ATION | CutftXm nlih law. Ki.l.l eartitlrata veaaed, Oei la County. !•!* Nnti"" it h.T.'iiv given, i. ill whom it U T!i.- Pl '• •" • «-«.-..i..,.,,ili .lu.tli-lnl •' ' ' .. following .l.-H.'l'l.r.l |,l-.|.< mnv annearn thai an thi inii 4ai nt ^^V>* '"". '''"T_B____— ______11... I,I.t. In ( h-iii. ,*t,. . wit: Lot 81, Block iai, .*-.. i ...... >. *.**» -, • • • -• • -•—•• ••.... $22,11. T KifliHi'.lU VV. IliU'MNs. ,i,i land i.n il tii" 'i-.i Honorable I. I.. r, Judga -.1 will Complainant ( , ,. I..IWIIC. tineale 111 the Coart, sa Judge of I'r I if, foi SACRIFICIAL EFFORT 13 BEING na nf i C. S...IH - -..i.l c.rtll idlacharga IIH Bavcati ( tha aatati ot * v bLOUD DKVHLOPMBNT „. .null i..' re d ilina tu law.lCarrla 0, Basman, ileceaaad. and thnl al MADE TO RAISE THEIR FULL OSCEOLA COUNTY I1PAN \. 11 corporation, ct al., Dtlondaiati. .„« ,i i .vlll IHMIII* ill.-r....ii on the 18th lha aame tl ' win preaenl my lltial in-- SUBSCRIPTION TO 75 MILLION TO: All partial ciiilmiiur: Intaraati uadar iln'v of NOVI-IIIIMT. A. I> lll-'l. I'* - OH !•:>.-."I.T nf .a 1.1 aatata IIII.I lal CAMPAIGN • "TIU'IIIIH it.'.viiuMs, dsceaaed, nr otherwlH Clark Circuit Court, ,tOacMl. V. ovi*ltSTltl*KTs Co l'lorida . .''Tlllllei. ih.-.ll r Oil..InupproTalr 13th^ , A I' I'.l.'l tin- pro pert v hereinafter * H. Latatar da- H„n-|, or "i ii. i >\ i-<• in tin' propartl hora Notice of Applli'Mllon for T.x I....I Nntl.-e IH hereby given .Wlllluni K. NOTItK TO ( IIHUl (IHH inli.tiT tl.'i.illi.'.l ; nil ]>iirtlt*t*t rlalmlliK 1" Potter, surcBaaer i.r Tai CrtlBesta N... Provision Mad. For Support Of Gen Tax Notice In Colin of tlie County Jul..---. Qa .1,. .rai Causa. Through Canvaas *t'*r»jit ..ini.unyi unde, INr Stilni-lliu.'t . <'lumk,n,wiil aDevatapiuena Ht. i'l..u,l 2111 .lute.I 111.* Ull t nt .Illll** A- U. ItStl, County, State of Klorlda 1..IH III.'.I Hit 1,1 .'.'rtili. Hln ia iny ..ffl*->'. I ef M.rnb.r. N.v.mb.r 30— . "*rrl„ptiieiit Company! a corporal I.m. or IIIIH In.l.l.' iippl.,'lltloii far tfl. .lee.l to |a- In re Katiitc of J*^ lVoodard. utbsrwlB. In llu- lir.ijiarty lierelnafl.T fl.* 11 uaed. D.c.mb.r 7. .'..• ill ll.'.'.ir.l.iue,. with IsW. S.I.I eertll- - rll.i*.!, unit all or nartlea Inter. Tn Illl CMllltors, L.'lluleca. I ii-trtl...t ateil lo tht. |ir.ip,*rtr lnTolred In thi. .lilt inat.. Mnbrscsa th.- foUoarlBg .i...H.*rli.e.i •uni nil Peraona hu.lng i or DuBsnda prti|.erty...... I lii OH I.i I'un.iiv. ri.ii- uanli.Ht aa'.l Katute: Under tbs leatlerahlp of tbs Worn nil hereinafter delerlbed, who.., name lilii. 1.. wll l.ot II illlll sij lot 5. HI... k II • aain..H ur.* .inhn..wn lo c.lnililulmilil. You. and euch of yon, ore hereby noil, sa'a Mlaalooary ITnlon, auxiliary tr Vou .onl emli ot are herehy re II ... I. I.iiu.l r.Miipimy'H Rlili •m. Tf\Tint? dlrlHluii No. I. The n.d.l land I.eli.K IIH lied nml rmiulr-.l to preacnt any .-Inhn. tbe Southern Mapt'. o . on. ...II. to. ...ireit to appear to the lilll "f coioplalni aud (leinun.lH which ynu, nr cither <>f ,.'...>. "d herein uirnlii.t you III IB", above ea -.--,..I nt lh., dale of Ihn IH.IIII ,f .old may hnve uaulliat the MtSt* of 'oHephlne Baptist women of tbo Sou— srs seek lFliU& id hcicuy given uiai • lied cauae. on or ln-fere Monilny, the I.t .•.Tll.l.'ati' Hi...11 I.e redeemed BSeotlllBfr to S. Wontliird, .1. ,..•.,«.'.I, lute nf Oaceo.a lag to raise 17,000.000 la sddlttoaa' i.,y af IVrenihcr, A. I>. IBS. .aalil CSua. law, tax di'.tl will Lane thereon on tbe Counly. Klorlda. to the uuilerHlicied, I'enrl >. .na a ault to faraelese a ninrtiraij. and lat day of lieeetuber. A. !>. 1VM. K. l-'Xf.'titor of MI.l.l eattife. with IN J. h. OVKItSTltKIII- tn two ream from the dale hereof. the Osceola County Tax Dated Oet. Wrd A. 1>. 1021. agEg£33 &S&Se&.. ^-j;^ -;;•; vrM I'UAHI. K. lVn.ll.ARI>. Kx.cutor. I-ota 1, 3 and .1. Block 11; Lot 21, mock Oct, III) No, -J. I.. O. D. C I.. M Barker. Special Agent, Books for the «year|1924{ opened | l.ol 1. III...I. UTl 1,01. 1 to 111 Ir- net. 23 Dec. 11., III... h l-'l ; l.ot. 1. 2 and a. lllo.-k Notice of A|.,.ll. alien fur T.x Dee. ..:.;; l.ot 1.1. uioeh l.fJ: Uaa 1. Hio.-k 131; lata 2. S, 4 and 5. lllnrk 111.1; I...,*. I. 2. 4. Nolle,. IH linr.'l.v irlven. Unil William II Tn M.r.hl. ., . laliabelh •sSSBBV, for collection on November 1st e 10, IT and IP, lllnrk 14,1; Lot. 1 uu.l >:t. To,Id I I.Hln... ,1., pnr.'hilHera of IfahalS H, Annie ll.irnea. •B8MS r I loci ll" ; t.ot. 1. 2, -i-l and 21. illnnk 111; Tax ferlltlcnte N... 7*r> ,lilted the .l I, day hleficr. .1.,.,,,, Klcffer. Felix Hleffer. I nt 1. Work l ra. 1 nn.l I, _HI.. ._ I. l._ v Ilf -fUBS A. 11. IM., ll.ive llleil eeillf He..,, ,• Hleffer. Ilarvle.. 1,., I.I,.... I am now ready to furnish esti­ I 1». 14. 10, 111. 111. 20, —1. 22— , 2.1--_ and lent,, tll my office, nml lina Iiiiule nppllnii Ion. Leu 11 I,,.„',,„ Lilly M l..-„t,,„ 1 „,,ll . Block IM; Lot. lb, 16, 11. a ii.I 2.1. Hlock n.,,. for tnx deed to |...,.,. In i r.lnn 11 I ...In,, llnrvey 11 l.enlnn. Media 111,.-.. "'; I...I*. ii I, and B, Hlock IBB; I.ota M. I with law. Sni.l <*«rtl>l>*i i.raneH Hi. Ion. llr.. Minnie l.ofortli. Mr.. Murv and 21 llln.k IM; I...l» III. -J. and 11, r„i|„n'liiK de.crlb.d prepertv. Hll.iam.l li llllllatna, Alice linn II,,. I.Inn. 11 II mates of these taxes. In writing •' ck 107; l.ot 8. Hlock 171; I.ota 10 and il uln County. Florid, to-wlt: l.ut. * I'nm I.Inn, I I.nil... l.lnn. Mrs. (In.., Block l-S; I."la .1, 4. 7, 8 10, 11 nml ml II Block till. St. l'l..11.1. Tlie ...i.l land SI.II.P.IUKII. lb". Jennie llrll l.orter, Mra, '.'. Hlock Lot. 7. i, li. 11 nnd 12. aaaaaaad at tbs data ..f the laauanc. l.eln M'rltfhl. II..-I..I Thoinp-oii. llr,. block 1.7: IB anil III, r.l... I. l-.ll; 1 ... ..I -..i.l n.Tlil.. ale In (he iiailie of I'll IV.Iene Iln ... - Vern Oyer, Cecil llyer. about taxes, give full description It, in ami 'JO. IM; t.ot. Ill nn.l 20. km.WII. t'ltleaa nal.t wrtlfleata Hindi ha Itloek ll.l; I.Ol HI 2011; Lot 211. Yule ll.ver. Lee Hnnl. Lowell Hum ntul re.leel I Iccordlns In lnw. lax dne.l will Cheat.. Hunt, and nil other per...... In- ... h n,s. l.,,|s B, I*, II, io sod H, Bloc. I.Hlin tllnrnnll nil I tin 1-1 ill, V nf I III..'.'. 220; I...IH IB, IS, 1,1. 21 uml 2.'. Block 222 ; I. ,..[..I In Lets 13. 10 nnd II In OI...I. of your property and enclose post­ V li IH24. .1. L. OVKUSTRKBT. 71. and I.ota 111 I II In Hlock Ml nf l.nta 11 and It, r.i... I. 2211; I.m- t, 11 1 Clerk i irn.ilt I' Oa .In County. Kin Ibe Cl.v of St. Cloud. Mnrlili,: lll.nh KU; Lot. 10 and l.l. Block 34.; ii-ir.nit i* i Sel. iiv s ii. Bullock. .,ml eneli of vou will pl a take c I..; 12. Hlock 2111: I...I II. Block 2112; l.ot Ill) Nov. ^^^H Block 27-; Lol 1. Block ltlll; l.ot. 1, I, nolle.* thai petition IIIIH I. I I'.i..I lu thla age. 2 /o discount will be allowed . 4. Block 171: l.oia I. s, II and 10. Court i.y w. H Crawford. Admit.i- I*- k ITS; I.OIH 1 !., Ill InnliiHlvn. Block HIUII.II 99 rriii.u ATION Htrnlor. prnvliiK nn order of llila Court H.| Lot. 1 la 10 I... I...... Bl,,, k Ml; In The Circuit Court. Seventeenth Judicial that h" I.e allowed to tabs (...... -wlnti ,.f on all taxes paid during November •• tl 1 lu in Inclu.l... Hb.nk :i»2; Lot I. Circuit, In uml For Uaceolu I uiinly, tin- rial BStSta li.Tciniicfnrc .Icscrllied. nnd Hlork 400; I.ota 1 to S Inclualre. Block l'lorida. In chancery. illl porsOBS named nn.l nil ollmr Mrsona 428; Lot. 1 and 2. Block MM; Lola I. 2, I, GBOROK \v lliU'KINS I.iter..led nre re.|Ulre.l to uppenr In Ihi. MISS KATHLEEN MALLONV i and r>. m,»k nop; I.I.IH 1 to s Inclualra. Complslaast, Coiirt .... Il inlnr 10. IIKI1, nn.l altuw O**"'*eiponding Sacr.tary, Bliptitt Block BIO; nil lii the rilv of St. rloiid, eiuiai-. If nny there hn why .nld petition I ; Lola 1 to 20 Inelimlve. H. :il. M, ST ii ni ii iiKVKi.orMUNT sh..uld not be iirailted. Woman's Missionary Union M, .17. 3S. M. tll. 112, ami ml to llil tiielii I'OMl'ANV, i, corporal loll, et Bl., Done uml Ordered nl KiHaiinmee. p'l.r *.*.'; nil in Bt, rioml lloiilcviird : Lola :i. llnlcmluntH. iii... H.N the 21at dnv nf, IMI. C. L. BANDY 1.1.1. llila 21. IH4. cash hetwenn now and the end of tha . .-., ii 2ii *--7, 2*.. .-ii in, a., H, ;n*.. io. ni.. (Scnll T I.. COM Kit. MI >w, n, no. ,i-,, ir_>. oa, m. 117. M, IB, 70. TO: WlinlinrlT Mrl.eod an-'. Mra. Wim- year for tha Kapilst 7-5 Million Cam 1 :..' na. 111, IMV. PH. mi, n«. 101. lir.'. 109, berlv Mel .1. hi. wife. Itobert l». .reward Co.intv .Indie. Om-enln Cuuuty, Klnrlila Tax Collector. i.*l, I'.'l 122. 134, 138, I'-'" l*-'T, UB, IBB, and Mabel 11. Slewurd. hia wife. Iliirrl.-t Oct. 23 Nov. 20.1V B. C. paicn. thus matching their aubacrlp 1 11. 131, 133, IBS, l.v,. mil. IM, IM, ia«, B, Itswsrd, Jnmea M. f.iiaer and Helen liooa In 1919, whnii the progrom WAA 1ST, INI I.".'., llhl. 1117, MS, 413 41H. 120. Btaward .Inifer. hia wife, (-Iprenci, S. launi h**d, with actual payments, it It .'•:.. 4411 47H, 470, 1-1. 4X2. und 311, all III Steward and Anne M, Stewnrd, hln wife. MOTtoa ton H.N A I. MBCHJ-sfttiVI snnouDced at Baptist h-dndanartora Kee. 1. twp. 28. 8. l: .. i: . Lota nil. Mt, 'rnnk B. Hooper and Mnrle Steward In Hi.* .'..iirt •' C tv JltdC*, lUta .•!' Tha women were aakad to iiiumt IV, 477.'47. 4*i;l."4ni, -MS, DM, BOB sod 010, fI....per bla wile, nml Keimetli steward PlorlifH. all 111 Bee. it.. Twji. 21V S. B. S±t'-: l.nl1 '- nud l*l!'.il...|h St...,.ir.I. hi. wife. iu tb.* nstatn nf c. i . Hvutt. dNMN* raapoaaioillty for X16.000,000, or one ,, .,, 13, 12, 14, IB, 1,1. 17 IB. IB. You and ench of you are hereby re. Ofl.',..t|;| CMII'I fifth of tha goal of tha campaign -M-t-M-M-|.|. I I |..|l M-H-i-t t I M-- ll 42. 43, 44. 4,1, 40, 47, W, 4I>, *, Bl, a*2. olllred to appear to the hill of Olll- Null.'.' I- l|.-r.'l..y BITI-II t.» nil whum It bul 'heir « 1 ii- 11-*-1 Ions want far ba H*j^**>H**--t--H-H***^ - V.. M, 7.1. 74. 70. 77, 7S, 7». *). 81, 82, plntiit tiled herein naalnat you In the above - ••nr* v .-.iii-riTii. tlmf on th.- UMh iiii ol rold this. KI, 84. aa, 87, na, ioa, ioa. ion, n.i in ....iltlnil rsuse, .... or before the lat duy I)iM-i>iiili.T A. T>. 11)24. I -hull npplv to • •lf|.|-MH'*H.t*t-.*ii reached by the .!>!.. 310, 331. BM BM, .*.40. 141, Ml, BM, alsnated si Iba B.WKSsei in whi.h tbls .HMohuri-c -in AilMilnlHtrntor nf the ettljiti* woman June 1, X914, and under ths SM, 373. 3IM. 407. 4l.:l. 41'.. t'..a und .va). order .hnll I.e |. ul.llaheil once a wi*ek for of C, I,. Ilyutt. doCSUSd, nn.l thnl nt tin- Quickly by Double- c%* all In lee. B, Twp. 20, K. lt. BO K. Lola 8 conaeeollve w,H'ka. ninni*- tlnnin..*" I______«ll! pn'Mpiit m_ y rtnui- at- unt* leadership of Mlsa Kathlaen Mallory IM, Ml, 412. 444, nnd IM. ull III Sen 4, WITNRSB iny hand and aenl of office A iiml nli-it nit nr <-f mi 1<1 Mtftta nml Quit corraapondtng aaeratary of ths l-wp. 2B. S. 11. Illl K. Lot. 271, 271, NO, i.t KlNKliinne.*. Oaceola county Florida I'n' th-lr Woman'a Missionary ITnlon, thay an Action Remedy us, 3»». ai«). aui. 302. ana. »i.t, spa. ami, IIIIH the anil, .lav of Sept, A. II. 1B34. 1. H..1 Oct i.l.. I- j-jn.i A, I». HM io*. 400. 4117, 4ir*. 41111. 410, 411. 412, 421, J ,h, OTBRSTBRKT, making extra efforta to meet thnlt Kemarkable results in quickly I Shaker Land Co. 1 122. 423. 42.. 423, 4211. 127, MB, 437. 43S, Clerk Circuit Court. w it riuwrono pledge* aa well as their quota. Thou clearing up the severest coughs 440. 411. 412. 443, 411. l.-.l, 4.-.I. 433. (Clrcull Courl ball have been obtained with n prescrip­ .... 10T, 4.-.S, 4.-.I1, 4I«I, 4im. 470, 471. 472. I.ANHIS. I-ISII ,v HILL. Hit, 81 !>>•'• It. Ailmliilwtrntor. itanda of Baptist women throughout 173. 474. 473. 4711. 4H.3. 4H*I. 487. 48». 4MI, Solicitor, for ('.iiiiplnluutit. the South are practicing aelf-denlai tion by a wctl-known specialist that i'.«>, 4U1, 402, aol. rarj. BM, .to., .ioa, .VHI, Onl. 2-Nov. 87, MITHK FOR FINAL lUNCHAR'aF in maay waya in order to make apao does two things at once. It not only GROVE LAND -.07, and IV0M, all In See II, Tp. -Ml. S It 31. in iin- Conn of countv Tads*. ItsBa sl iai e.ontrlbtittonN to thn mtaaionary soothes and heals the soreness rtr.d I I.ota 7. III. IB ll'.l. 4.-.. 47. B, M, ml. Klnrlda irritation, but it very quickly loos­ • :7. 7H 711 Ml. IMI. '.'7. Ml.. 101, 10--,, x\\, 112. Notice ut .\t,|>lleHtlnn for Ta. Ileetl In tii.' Km ntn 1Pf it. <;. M.-niii. daoaaaad, •di. at Ions 1 and honevolent enter TRUCK FARMS | 113. 111. 117. 12.1. 1211, and I2S. all In BM Notice IH llet.'li.v alvcil. thnt Mllll.ln Om-.'.ilti C I v prises embraced In the Campaign ens and removes the phlegm and I. Twp. 27. S. It. 31 I. Lot. 3. B. 0. 7. N--ti.'.' in inT,.hv gtrmn, t<* 1 congestion which are the real causo Landlaa pur«baser ..f Taa Cartiflesta of )>•'<-.-Ill whtln othar thoimands who have al 10. 18. 21. M 31. 38. 311. 40, 42. 47, IMI. 117, 112.1 lhe L'n.l dnv of .lune A. II. 11.10 inn v ea rn thnl .in tin* 15th of the coughing. It is often aston­ i-i A. 11. 1021. i Khnii aosly ' Hi" Honor ready paid out their subscriptions ar* CITY PROPERTY l 7-. BO, '.Ml. '.'7. mi. |M, UB, _.Bl., .I'-'l_ .. ami and (if Tnx Certlllcnte No 8,12 dated III.' ishing how speedily the cough stops. 127, nil In IM B, Twp. 27 It :;l. l._ Lm- ,,h is, ..I lune A. II. Ilr.*3 haa ill.s, .,1.1 sols T. L. Coinsr. Jwli-r_ -f aal.l C 1 making apeclal (linnk offerings thai n« .in.I .^*,* ^o f Proliat for niv iinui .llu Tin* prescription la known an Dr. I. ll, Iti. 21. 24. ao, an. :.,>. .r, oi, i... sn. eertlll.'iitea it. inv office nn.l hna mnde up the goal may be reached. Reporti Klnrr'a New Discovery for Cousha. It la -:.. irj. 041. P7. 112 113 111.. IM, 121. 124 plication for taa II.-C.IH to laain- In :..' liar***— nn Rs itru of ih.* aetau at ir iinui aerounta na weakening acourge, simply before retlrinrc Twp M, S |; 31 K I,..,. I, I M, HI. Hifunl.'il in OHc.'oln Coiiulv. Klorldn. tn i-:\"'-iitrt\ of mid aatata and n^w to? tholi serlptiois ln fall during this year. taka ona teaipoonful of Dr. King's Naw WM. LANOISS,Manager:: 17, 1.4. 20. II. 32. IU IO, 40, 41. 44. 4.**,. 4,1. will Lol 8 Block 121. 81. Cloml: Lol D,aporom l Dlacovery and li-.i-l It In your throat 15 17. 48 4». ."HI. .11. 7,2, :.:i. :,.. 08, 3», 00, 61. Hlock 121. SI l'l...i.l. 'il... .aid laml betas Da toil n.t,,l..r ••niii. A 1' 10_l Large Reaulta Obtained or 20 aeconda before avrallowing. Peo- r Johnaon Itiiil.llni; ', ' n.s. ,-..,! ut Ibe .lute of the laaunnc,, of M M MKRII1LL. • :. na. «.. ov nn. H7 iw 70. 7.1. - Indicating some or the results th i>;» -All-** hava been to rent on ac­ •j. New Xork Ave. 00 ir.'. \m 101 10.1 and 120. all In S.c 1 cerlitlcalc. In the inline nf Ink.i..w.i St Clou.I. had been realised from the Campaign count of continual roughing liav. often ami It B. W I. t'lili-HH ...i.i certltletttea r ' ' Twp. 27. S. It. 31 K. Lot Ml. Sec 8, Twp, up to May 1, 1924, ihe general head gotten their full I or ( buura' Bleep by •;. s. li. ll r. Lot. 2, 14. i.i, in, :;o. A .hall lm re I.-cian.1 aeeordts. t.. law, t..\ this simple nu'tli.i.l. .1 1, will Is....- III.T.'-.n .... the 14th 'lay Nni lit- nf Ap-.llonllun for Tax •• • 1 nu art ers reports that the foreign •f-H-t-r IIH I I I II I HI 1*11*1 H 11. 3.1, 40. 4,1 47. 48, 411. Bl, 01. 07, It, II.' nf November. A. 1>. III*.'.. Dr. Klng'a la excellent, too, for chil­ Ill and 12\ See II, Two, 21. S. 11. .10 lv \,.(!<•>. -. horohv rrtvan. ih"' 9. M. Bna-. mission force haa heen increaaed ovei dren's spasniodlo croup, bromhitln, laryn­ I.ota 41 48. 711 and IHI. nil io ;...,. ;!. Twp. .1 I, OVBRBTRBBT niirohimop of Tnx rartlBeaU (tn, 037. da tail 100 par cent, white as many tottnpM gitis, bronchial anthuia ami hoarseness. *.*7. H. lt. 31 K. I.ota ,12. M, IW. 711. and Clerk Clrcull lonrt. Oa It, Co.. Klnrlda. tbo 3rd .Hy of lana A. I». im*-. bai 01-1 Ou aala at all good druggists, Aak foe 121. all III Sen 10 Two, 211. S. li. 311 K. llv s. ll. Bullock. II I . hare been baptized on the foreign nld oort|ii.-n|.- In ny offl.-o. and bai um.lo fields ln the five years of the Cam 1 .1. 40. oil. and 71 III Sec HI. -|*»p. IT, Circuit Court Senl. Oct. 23-NIIV. 20. nppii,-iiti.iu f..r tnx do.-.! to laana it s lt. 31 II. Lola 111. 80. 84 87. IMI. 102. 10.1. 00 nis ni*** with law. Said oort ISeaU ntn palgn an there were church member*- It you aeed 11.7 and 11,1. ull III .M. 12, Twp. 211. S. It there at the outsat of this program no B. I.ota 34, 37 and IS. all In BM 'J. S il l. '• l.M.ll. ni..i. For lm I»-*»*il f-»ll.iw|ll;r >li'H.-rlho,l Uf. Ill'l'l V aome come •ut:',' s. i? N H. jlbtxta n, 30, U, in, 1^ Noti-w i>* ii-ni. Hitnntoil In Oae*M»la Connty, Florida, to after 7S yeara of missionary effort Sale :iv.'ti. tlmt Mrs. M. K. i «*:.:t• . iMi tll, HT, (M», 107 nml 114, Blj In St Tli-miHK. purehaaer <»f Tux rortlflcal It: Lnts 13. 14. V, nnd i«, WllUnnw In tha realm of home missions ths iiscovrR*. ia aad see i'i Twp, MX s a. :'-n t: l.nta 1 .1. 4. II. 42 .hit.*.! th- Jii.l .Inv ..f .lulv A. P. 1017 Bi(hd|Tlalon ..f Lol 11 Saotlon 11 Townnhtn 1,170 workers report tha baptism nl US i. itt, in. J." _H, nn, :t_, ;t7, :w. :i't, 4_, 44, Inn nf TUT tVrtllli'iif.* Nn. MB tfal*.1 th.' M Bottth. ltnniro 30 Kimt. Th- nni.I In n.t 20,*.,632 persons, or^si) feat Ion of 1,096 i- .v.,, im. *M. on. aa, HI, KJ. a\t. mi, HT. D-d 'Inv ol .I'm.' A. 1>. 1010. tm- H|...I niii.. holme aaaaaaad nt tin* data of tha bum- l-ti-l. 102, HM, HW. 1011, 110, 112. llil, UH. srl IflcatM In my off I .'.*. ami lum mni*.' • >- nf said .>rt lllciiti- lu th.* 11 nine nl 1ne w churches snd '..-M'. new Sunday COTJCHS mBilU eu l-U), 121. 123, 126, 127 ii ml UM. nil In H.*<* |i|i|l.-iitl.ui tti -c .1 In t.i NUHI* In Hi' A. palaa-r, Vni»ss nulil partlSeata sSall schools, and the completion of the n. Twp. 8T. H. It- '10 K. I.nts t\. M. M, 112. ft,tm wltt lnw s«it| rartlftoataa «*m- roii.*.'ino.i iceordlns t" law. tnx doo.i $1,000,000 Church Building Loan f»'>»'M"»»'l*l**t"-.-> Ti", 70, lu7 mut 120. nil tn MIT. 11. Twp ST, nic-a tin- following propertT. sl-nntad in win laana Uts**aon on tin* 171b any .•.i„i, ,**, •rnrfr mn in •? * It, HO K I.i.In 8, IS, l't, HH nml IMi mi t)s in County; Florida, t" wit • RU Nuv.'inhpr. A. IL 1084. rvitf. in HW. I.".. Twp, _(',, S, K. :iu K. Isota 1. l •' 2 i-.i... :, 12. I! -I i.l . in nn-'.1 1 -iu.1 J. L. OVKHSTHKKT An aTorujt" of 2.734 state mission *. 0 14. Ifl. if 10. 20. 21, 2.1. 24. 20. 20, <*<..•« SabfUfloIon No. 1, Lot 11 Bln<*k 1 risrn cln-nlt Cnnrt. dm 1.1 Vn„ Plorldn 10, 81, S3. TA 51, 53, 3fl, 87, 41, 44. 4^. 4fl, Florlilu I>rHln.Mt Land CO-'a Snh.llvUl.i. ii-ir.iiH Court S-iill Hy S. ll. Hullo.-k workers have been employed diirlng 17. 4«. 40. M, .'.I. r.2. Til. r;'.'. SL tti. iti, TO. No, 1 Ttu* nulil Inn.l lii'na i»nH.'H-."l nt Oot. 10 Rn?. 1.3 J. L O I> C. (he Campaign who report 240, -881 Tl, 74. 7H. ss, H:I «7 s;\ so, Bf. oi. ftS, DO, ti„. data <.f io.* laananci*s In th.- nm r 100, 102, 108, 100, 111*. 1O0. 110, 112. 111. .Inkni.wn nn.l ll. A. Utlton. Ini."-- Snld baptisms, organization of 1,64(1 I'V ns, 117 11-^. no. l«. 138, l-'l. X99,1 r-Ttlflcat** •hnll be rrdpfrood p«cordln| 1 IITV MIMTKS KOK LUNCH churches and l,0S4 Sunday schools IJ.', .in.i 128, :iii in s.i is i•.-. |i iff s it. I ,, law ,;lx ,i \H .vni (aaaa tkarson on r and the erection or repair of 2,331 10 B, Lots , si and M, nil in -Sac. tbs LTth day ->f Nov.-ml... A. l> 1024. Whm \n OfRss out nimio. Wonder l '-4. .•; :1 V !tA, nil. I *C5. IV 'Irruli Court Soul! l«v S. II Hnllii City Tax and seminaries the Campaign hat- .1 M Wl BO. I.- 0. T- 7!' Mi, Rl, gi let. io* NOT. IS, n c if I'll irt*t n loiter 1r.un li.mi,' In .1 I) put $7,52S.4S5 in permanent improve •.MI. oi. 02, M, o- OT, nm, int. nm, HIT. no. I oiiL'lif tu ilo .. liitli* wti>hiM2 UHUlfbti ments, $2,910,420 In maintenance, an.) 115, 117. IIM, Illl. 120. 121. 122. 12.'.. 121. iiml but 1 ihink rn lol it go until tomor­ 120, All in BM. 10. Twp 8T, s It BO B. Kottaa of \|>tiH.ntlon ror Tnx 11,-.-.1 $2,732,231 in endowment, while $1 i rn- i IB, 20 -jo. :i:i. 4s. 8ft, H7. 77. 7**, **»», Katies ii* hareby airan, tlmt Krnnk «;. row tiljilil. IM like In tiun.c s.>IIII' 277021 has been employed in the can . 8L 0*>. 12.-.. IJll. 127 nml UH. nil in s..- 17. Krlon.l, I'Mf.liiiHor of Tnx 1 "ort I ll.-nl o No. whore tnni-k'lit. Hope Xott CBlU. 11'- cellatlon of out stand ing debts. Twp. 27. S, It. BB B. Lot! IB ninl 10, IISO, .Int.-.I tin' Ot 1. ilnv of .1 A li ,iiiiiiii the beat ii•inciT i know. Pnrluipa s-. io, Twp SS, s. H SB B. LoU X, M, i-i'i baa ni.-.1 iald eartlOeste in my of Old Preachers Aided :.' r.7. IM). 711. Kit, tti, 0(V, IIK, Wl. IBS, III. Ben, tin.l tai nin.l.- application for tnx lu» will tiike 1110 to tlmt new Chines.' As a result of the Campaign more IU, 114. 127 iin.l 198, nil In S.'f LB, Twp. daad to laana In s<*eotdanoe with inw. Said Aim-rli'iii. plnee tonight. QOSSS I'll than 1,000 aged proachera and theli BB H. lt, .11 i: l."i- ll nn.l II III mtt :•:'"• •••••' amnraoai tba Coltowinn .1.' Notice 30, Twp. U, S ii :tl • LoU *2. 17. 21. aerlbad proparty. sltimtod In Oaeaola fix np for ranch. By thst tima it will dependent ones have been helped; M; and HO iill tii Bee 22, Twp. 211, B, U <' ty. Plorlda. to wit: Lots 3, 4. 5 nnd 0 lio twolvo, (lli. darn. 1 EOBgO-l toy ll|i- $4,4(44,000 has been put Info 19 Bap ::o K. Lnt» 3, «, 7, a, 10. li, 12. 17, SB, BS, Block 51. St. Cloud. Tin* mild land baton Mti.k. Well, ovevyune toll llio 1 I00U tist orphanages earing for 4,000 home ST. 88, BB. 4H. IMI. 75 nml 7H. nil In S.*.-. llNMOHMI'll III t llO till tO Ilf till' IH HI lilll I'i' HU l.l cortllh-nt.' shnll ba OTICE is hereby given 20 K. K 30 B, Lots 12, jl, 22. 24, and r.'.l.'.-ni.'.l n.-. .iniiiii* to lnw. t.u daad will with this dress. Wonder if I need n haa been increased from 12 to 24 110. nil in S.-.v 20, Twp. 20. H. R. 80 R. IHMUO th.-ro.Mi on 1 ho 17th dny of Movent- eoflt? It looks sort of eool. TkbfiSS In order that th»re may be no let N that the St. Cloud City I.nts 84, TM, Kl, H4, BB, 04 nnd «."). ull In bar, A n 11121 girls nni ko me Ursd- • slwa y talk imt up In the support of tha general mis Soc. 2(1, Twp. 20, H. It. 81 K- Lotn 5, ,7. L. OVKRSTHKKT 1 5, rt. II, 12. U. 14, 11. 28, 65, T7. TS, HO, dork Circuit Court. Onconln Co., Klorldn. IlliuUt BOSsaS SBSi Suine service oil lllis sfonary and other causes fostered by M. H5. H4. 115. Oil 07. BB, Ht-I. Ill, 112. 113. (Circuit Court Scan Hy S. 11. Bullock. eloviitnr. M.v lutieh hour will lio up tha denomination at tha close of the Tax Books for the year IBS, 120. 127 mul IBS, nil in Si*i*. 27. Twp. Oct, Irt Nov. 13 J. L. O. D. C. bsfors 1 K'd downntslrn. Tlmt dsmb* 7S Million Campaign, plans hare been SB, H. It 51 gT I.otM vt, mi nml 101. ml 1924 opened for collec­ in **KC, 50, Twp. 28, S. H. 31 V.. I.ntH 37. lietl iltiln't know onoiiKli to take that perfected for tha projection of tha liaNai or Application for Tst Drnl BB0SI SVl Of his nioutli. (ilad he isn't 1225 Program with tka weak of 11. 44. 00, 00, 01. 110. nil ||, S. .. SB, Twp. NoMco IM liorohT* trlvon, that Jonnlo K. m.v husl.;ii, [. Tlmt mini ever there Is November SO-Decem ber 7, when an •n H. It. 31 B. Lotn 0, 11 27. 80, 41. 42, Tlronker. pur.-hiinor of Tnx Certill.-nto No. l tion on November 1st. I Mi, 37, AT. 7K. Hi. no. 04, 05.'Wl, 07, IIM. 105, 1H10 1I11I.--J tho 3rd .Iny of .imo- A. I). 101H. Koixl looking, hut he prolmhly knuws erery-member canvaas will be made 110, lit. 114 n.-i 115 ull In tme. 31, Twp. lum illd iald cortnicnto In my office, and tf and i- otmi-eittMl I'd bsts to marry of the 2B.000 Baptist churches of the am now ready to furnish 20, H. U. 81 K. Luts 5, H, S, |l, 14. IS, 27, hns made .lppilciitloa for Int d**od to In 11 RIMHI looklnK man. Most of lie m Soutk for ths support of state, home '\ 37, 88. 30, 43. 44, 45. tW, ill. iwi. 07. SB, ina In aeeordanaa with lnw, Snld emttti arc scirUh. Think I'd rather have MS9 ~.\ Hft. 80, l»l, If.' 110 nn.l 123, nil In K.-c. lento etabfaena ttw foiinwinir daaerlbad and foreign missions. Christian educa>| estimates of these taxes. 32, Twp. 2(1, H. It. 81 B. Lots 71, Boo. IB, not so i* I look ine. However, I'll tlon, ministerial relief, hospitals and Twp. 25, M It. 30 K. Lots -K 32. 35, 5K. proparty, nltiintoil tn Osceols GanntjA 118, 07, 74, 7H. H4. 00, 03. 05 .imi 10.',. „ u hi Klorldn. to wit: Lot 07. R. L. Lr-aler'a Ad- never got nmrrled. If I do it will W orphaaagaa neit vear Thaaa aro In writing about taxes, give S.-.-. 88, Twp. 2-fl. S. It. 81 F. Lnts 5, 31, iiitif! to Kliatmmaa city. Tha nnid land .Inck, BSSSMSS no's alioiit tiu* nliost tho same Interests that hara been 12, 47. no, 1.1. 88, on, 00, TS, sa, K\ HI 00, l.i'iim iirisi-HHoil ill tin" tints? of tho Inminnro mnn I know. Wonder If he would lie ambraood in the campaign hut thay BL 101. 1-M, 10rt. 107 110, 113, 117. HO, 122, of mild certlBcatn In tin" nnmo ac .1. K. willing to move out of the city Can will be supported in the future os full description of your bfoora, rjnlaai sold oor-tltlmto shnll lie IBS, 125. nnd 12rt. ill In S**.*. 35, Twp. 27, >..u heat that! Ttioro'n a drSSO Just tha basis of annual subscriptions S ll 30 K.. and L«ts 8, H. 12. 14, 18. 25. rcii.-onn'ii 1 ir.liim to inw. tn« daad will 30 31, 34, 35. 37. 4«, 47, 40. 5.1. 51, 04. 7H laana thsrson on tho int dnv of Daeamhar like my Irojv* -OSSttB modol. 1111.7.^. from the members of tha churches property and enclose post­ and 70, nil In Hi**!. 30. Twp. 20, N. U ;tu lv A. D. 1021 J. L OVKRSTBKKT and I paid $4"* T". for mine. Vou can't rather than on a flre-yoar pledge. r Th*» St. ClOttd Trlbuim. n newspnpr>r Clerk ctroiilt Court. Os~s*>|n County Kin, (Circuit Curt *-nl) W. H. Bullock D, C. he exoluslve tliese days no mutter how Want B1B.0OO.CCC Next Year age. 2 /c discount will be iniMlNhod nt itt. plond. (im*no1n County, Oct :w> Nov. lit Klorlda, Is .i.-i.'l.y III'MIKniil.'.l us th.* iii'wu- mueh ynu pay for 11 dress. I'm not Reports reaching tha general Cam­ paa*l In whl.-h thin ordsr nhnll In* pnb- n hit in 1 ni; 1 > to-dny. Think 111 s*o paign headquarters ara to the effect allowed on all taxes paid llabs ea a wank fnr i'i«ht eooaacutlTa MM M I TO 1 HI i'­ down to Allen's nnd look at Ihat $1.75 that organisations hare been set up ivni'lm. ln Court nf Iho Countv .In.lire Osooiiln lMivotyn Two and a half yards wmild throughout the territory of the South­ WITNRSS my hnnd nnd si>nl of offl.K, County, Btnte "f Klorldn. make me a dress. If I buy it I'll hnve ern Baptist Convention looking to the during November. 1.1 Klaatminaa, Oaeaola 0«Dnty, Florhln. in ro Kstulo nt (IIML W. Wnodiird, do MIIM th.* 301)1 ilny nf S.'pt.-inlMT A IV I'l'l conned. 1.1 borrow Boas money. Ilslsn win let completion of the old Campaign J. L. OVRRSTRBRT, To nil*. Lesataaa, Dlatrfbntaai 111.' li:ive five I fUBSfl 90 near 11 through the redemption of tha t'\t>rk of Clrcnlt Court, for Omvntii County, nn.l nil Persona havlns -lafmi or PoiniuiilH pledgaa, snd tha successful launch­ Florida. sj-'itlnst Kiii,1 1: tnr.* - ladle. That will look terrlhlo In icirnilt Court H*>iil> Ton. mid-.on.h nf nro horoliy nott- that rod. PorttSpS It isn't for lior, ing of ths nn./ program through the 1 \MHS, FIHII A HULL., II.-il nml rc.|iilro.| tn prosonl nny clnluis I like this pises 1 im. Q-nssa rn take taking of subscriptions for next year, Snii.ltorH Cmnplnlniint nml danaada which you. or olthor of y.nt. at tha aame tima. It la the hope of in ri v hnvo iiK'>lunt tho ostiito of <"••> W it. $1,711 ft yanl two and n half yunls John B. Collins Oct. 2-No\L 27. Woniliird. iloi'oiiKi-.l into of St Cloud. On will cot. sbottt $4.00. .lust my luck those -charged with tha leadership ccoolft County, Klori.ln, to tho uu.lornljriioil —if there had heen cnmmh In thut In these programa that a minimum •attaa tt A|ipll-»llon for Tax Ds«id Baaeutor r_« taatamenta annaxn of sni.l piece I would hnvo hniiRbt it, and of 116,000,000 will bo raised for the Tax Collector. Nftioa Is horohv irlvon, thnt. J. 1<\ IT-tor, CM! 11 o, w 11 hi n ( Wo yoil rs from t ho iln to hereif. I hate to borrow nioin-y. Still have general denominational enterprises inn*, hn nor of Tnx Certificate No 82(1. ilntoit to 112ft and that each year there­ ths Bth 'I.i/ nf Juno A. II. 1022. hnn 111*-.. Dated Oct. sard. A. i>. IHLM. fifteen minutes. Well. j[Uean I'H 9M after there will be an Increase over ' •.ni.l cert (Sen te in my offlen, nml hns made ...... L U BARKRR. h:\o\s to tho Offlca. Want to leave tho preceding yenr. si'ptlcsLion for tux ilood to issue tn ac- ' Oct. SB-DeeK-fooulo. 11r Com toslsmonti* sinioxo. early If tho hoss -yiu ivt wei taH-r I I * If* H--M- l'l "I I "!• I' * 1 H--H^*l*^*l-*»*H*--»*r-***r-W TIHRSIIAV. \OVr.Mllr.K g\ 18-1 PAGE EIGHT THE ST. (LOUD TRinUNK, ST. CLOUD. FI.nKlDA' Ft IK SAI.K ['e&niJNMWj&jLvjiyjaiw rOB NAM*: Lota 2". mul '-'I lllia-k DO] SI. 1*1 1. Will.* K. S. All, n ;!"•!. ..j".. „ in tip. j -I WBDtrf AtjLSUm FOB SAI.I: SIVI'I, room hou> Kenlii, k\ ii \ t-iiii,* I..queen -III, uml 5th streets, . iiv natsr, electrl. lights Bllll hl.-i'ly I'liini.ll. .1. I'li'lllv ..f trull. i'n.i.iii,. Mrs. Fred Belts. II>:II. Kilt N-.I.K KOK SALE por SAI.I: (dire II>*« buaaalow, w_l l.'lt -.Al.l. »»'";'.• *•**« M°»»l -' ,,;.>sr I'ltoiir CABBAOR PLANTS ti rul.**li.',i. il..*.. in, iiii Improve- :,.,,l,,*.: I l,l,.,ks frnin school! varletha. .' I.- I Earl** in. in-.. Call A. .1. liookloiri, 111li mul F*a., corner, 11 -If Citizens Realty Co. . ..nnii. 8 block, fr.ui„„i , posPreabyterlat office! Tfnl .^-__ tv,,k.-H.-l.l. . ,.,a„l,:,.. n ir.a*-ket, ol fi ui "Hi. iinii IIII.I Bowers. ri.-,i Patch, NU,, .-.i..II i*n..'. FOB BALE Boras, harness in..I •: •:••: •:••:•:••: •:••:•:••:": s'-: •:*-:*^*:**»^-4--:--^-:**:*:'-:'^-:--:-:-*,**;**t**:**.'..:.-:-:**:**:-*i**:**.--:**:**:*%-**:*^->-:-->':--:**:*-!--;-^*:- i ,,. Etlghl Address or roll oa T. II. j','„'.',,''. cultivators nn.l i* sss rolled, 0,000, IB. s tinnier. l',.i,iitnre ttas. 0( li..x ll. „ u,;;,,;;„„,; ,„ „.,, ,,„ , , | harrows, .'. L. Hopkins at lira ™ I '"'"'• i'"' siz.- plants thai will ptoaas raa. tii Emery's in.I paal ol* lily. , I 1 BtJ- FOR BALK Coll Carbide llgbtla. loa Potata «'.>. In... Baa tf, Tlfton, M. PUCKETT-FOSTER, Mgr. plant. RaaaooaMa, inquire Bsl '•' 13-ltp KOlt SAI I llr '*... at Mrs Emery'** *-** i Hilt SAI.I: Kim* Bhofgaa practically FOB SAI.K Koi.i I.IKIU Trailer. Ap FOB SAl.K A lurge lot .10*1140 Mi.i- n>*\*\ n.-vcp l.,*,*n Mult „V.T titty plj 114 tlllaola An*. IJ -lip ...uri arena, ami "fteraat** st. Box linn'*.. BifhuUa IS uuuj*--.*. hammer tae. •"'"•. lass, -I.- ii. .lector, l hav. n.> BM tot Knu SAI.I-: At :i hargal. It take, FOB BAI-H li •> im.l Baact P.f. n fSBM Oaa- i>. a Hull, im s. ai ..i:,*-. iiv,* r,H.iu lions,* mni Mora, ball, electric piii»». linker-, l.iviiii; Avi'Mlli*. six lots, I'S fruit traea, I nut in.'- No matter what in real estate you wish we have it for you, r...'ll|.. Ilplalllllllil.- to niaki* gooil MiniMsola itvomio unil l.'illl alreel liOokitiK for WATKK FKONT, lake or ocean, call or write. n "t..'\ au.l mt** ploasiue lo ntln-r*. Foil SAI.K lillinj BtatloB nn.l Address I", o. ltox tin-.', st ClMd, s. • Mr- Poetar, T-tf rratanrant, located ..n main lil-tli- 13-41 way, hi besl place In a a"'"1 Iowa One nn.l oiic-iiiiartei- acres. HALL KAKM SAI.K. ISO .eras, Ask Mrs. foster al Ctttosa. BaaKi SWAP THIS FOB THAT mock land quarter ailla wsal at oM Co, it. Five acres and up. sugar mill. Kiis'l.t ilioiisnii.i Mian, c.Mil-.Aiii: PLANTS thai will I lm,* FOB BALE olt TltAUK Auto. lb 11,000 cash, bataace 6**j inter.-t. psj noil',.no Hard Head. L' .ding vnrt- in a NuiniHT om* Bhapa. will trad. nun inn'* witii balling*, grov* ami tw. miles of beautiful lake. • .... write I. s. Ball, «sa North ,ii,.. p. .ip.ii.l 500, si : 1.000, *1 15. Ex. for real aatata or soil. Kail at 'l'ii nklln, De stur. 111. 7 imp tiiiti**. .",:; if natural golfgrounda all ready olMnd l>r i |i per 1,000 Holly* I Farms, iff. if looking ii>r real Paro, Oa. development, tu* ot write Mrs. Poster. - u i: LI Mpefralt, Oi iBgss WANTED I . trade Oakland touring i ug .m.s mi.i plants, .1 w. in; SAI.K Flrsl Class Ford used mt f.n- Fo ,1 Truck. Box Ml, St. Ill ! 7:h st IJ- n lourlug . sr, iin idltlon sad bt a. t'loml. IJ ltp Pour tlioiisiiiiil and one liundred acrea with three miles lake front, . p. v. foi set * Ice :.t N. W. Cor citrus frail grove and acrea of wonderful banana grove, iplendld ..||i:i> OOTTAOH FOB SAI.K \ -, v ,• sod -"ill si. if IttlOUS Kim KKNT building*. We are pleased to show thla. Bee Mrs. Foster. Willi .ill imjiiov.-l.i.ii: s. s \\ l'oit KKNT T«O ale. famished Porter. i- " FOB BALE, II k 118 s. In.l. ar. • rooms for light ltoii.rk.' plBg Willi . ny liu-iit nn.l water facing aaal and io.". acres, 20 acres * * I < I grove, -te acres lakfronte , Kl acres virgin IIIK Mil-l.alie front lot*-. Tin- >it SAI.I: A .i.iii.iy 5 i ii . ullage north front Kentucky ave. ami Tit. st timber, i-room house, beautiful boineelt. pt-aperli thai "111 —rressf in .aliir. • iiMni-li..l All rmpforements .MI*. .1. \v. smiiii. is-tr. 8. IV. I'DKTr.K. I'Mf .niii garage. Lots st fruit, if .vou ',.,, a ni,-,- home, -.- tliis KIK KKNT ID acres grove in A-i condition, good bouse, one mile frotn rail- **OB s.M.K i'.i. ii .i.n,-. IIK* ,'in.l bed-lane. Price I2.T00.00, Part dowa. At mad. A>k Mrs. Foster to show this. ding. Apply Mr. . 8 Block, owner 1418 [Uoluoli avenue North. Oeorge KOlt KKNT—Mrs. IWkluini's Home in- .•ii Lain fronl. See Mrs. K Star a I of Newport. IS lip Anderson. 7-lf Cilia, ns Iteally Co. lu-aci-e bearing grove, u> acres to plant. All citrus laml. Terms. KOlt KK.NT Faralabad lower But. -' bad rooma, llTing rooas, dtnlnj loom, kit, lien. si ivennl porch, eleetri.- LOOK I 80 acres half mile from city limits, every foot good land, Iits-lits ami ,-iiv wmter, alii ami Mass. and for quick sale owner will give enough Imdded tree-i*. to plant lL'Jl f. acres foi 1*600. Now if this is not a snap, yon nre not looking Koll HK.-.r Two furnished roots. for any. with pantry ami .'lollies ,Inset, also use of laoie kit.-In n ami front li.ill. All Electric lu-iiis. Wats. Do you want a home iu the mountains! If so. what have yon in in kitchen. Mi,liij.'an menu,* halweau St. t'loud you will trade for saint-; Call nntl ask .Mrs. Foster to utii nn.l 18th stieela. it. 0, Wldrlg. li JIP show picture of bungalow. Koll BENT- Kpstair- Apart inent. 2 II. .I kitchenette, parlor. Beautiful homes ou lake front for sale. Privilege of use of UriB downstairs, llvlns al*-.. OM of Italh Willi llol I ...i.l water. On lakef i* A.* Have ynu sverstopped to think how fast VVA'I'Kl! FRONT prop* ...tun....lilies four PSapla ni*'1 ly. erties >n Florida are being taken up MILLIONS OF DOLLARS .40.1.1 p. r m..nth furnish >* ...MI silTerwari* ami linen. Must hara re­ worth have been sold in la>t year and people of the NORTH ferences, Attdreee MApai-ta*eulH Bus are ju>t waking up to what Florida really is. SJT. st. Clond, Kla. KMf Kolt KKNT Two room .pari nl No more beautiful LAKE in the whole state than is our own folly equipped for bovse keeping, will fiirin-h slaeptag rooBM. 88] LAKH TOHOPEKALIGA and the day is not fnr away when l-i'iin. are. por 4ih strsst 1-if .-very acre fronting on this lake will i«- beautified and developed. To KKNT—Two apartments, Porteff llnii.liliL'. I't'lili. ave. All im Now is your time to investigate! nrorea*. s. W. Portar. IS-U, KOlt BENT Two famished houses, GOING TO BUILD! Let us show you lots. T. ... 11,.Hi.lay. IJ lit HOMES FOR SALE WANTED TO BKNT HOUSE WANTED—Furnished, with Bungalow with cottage in rear with double gnrage, simile, How-rs fhr>*e bed-rooms nn.l all modern and fruit, excellent location. conrenieu. .'s' WTott hnv-p you to offer for rentul. Apply House, cure the New Id-room unfinished house, plenty of fruit. Tribune. 4ti-tf Comer lots, no shacks near, on Improved row. Ask Mrs. Foster. WANTKD Owner going away must sell. WANTED- Al.iut II dozen whin- Lag. horn hens. Apply llr. K. 9, Tola'. St. House just Outside of .ity, 4-room plastered house, lot 400-foot Cloud, Fin. 11-tf sipiart; on hard road. See this. Al TO SKBVUK EISELSTEIN BROTHERS Fnr Auto Service Improved I Mil acres Dear lake, all set to fruit, will sell or trade PHONE 32 it'los.'d far) any FUNERAL DIRECTORS time, an..where, A. ti. Demninn, St. for St. Cloud property. Bee Mis. Foster. tf. 209 S. AVg. SAINT CLOUD, FLORIDA ( I.....I Comalet* Mottmrn Motor Equtpmont MISCM XANKOIS Apartment bouses for sale. IP vol' AUK ramus! i" it Cteut New bungalOWS for sale. don't fall Io mak. i.-.i villi..ns for BOttBga*-*, bnng.l°w. and apartment. send deposit to bold to Mrs, Poster, Our list Is complete. We are glad to show property. I Iiir motto: l IIIZ. II. II, ally Co. 7-lf "A Pleased (luetOmer,*' KKA.VK HADEY. experieneeil BlltS mechnnie, will do yonr work nf 60c |H»I New house, plastered, finished, three lots, J'.KiO. hour. Any other kiml of work res aonahle IIK) So. Fla. Are. Filling station for sale. WRITE KOlt I.N'KoiinAi io*. for Let's Get Acquainted rule, on Hotel*., aparttnenta, sleep- llitf riKima ntul . oltujj.'s. Few InrKe Garage for sale. MM. left. Mrs. F.wler. M-fr., Citi­ It's easy. Just drop in anytime and say hello. zens Itenlty In 7-tf KtHistniirant for sale. We'll lie glad to meet yon and whatever advice .'omrades^—bar. plenty of wood now for ererybody. Wood yard h» we can give you will not cost one penny. .»—n 8th and 9th oo Delsware in Oall or addrasa P. O. Boi 817. H. 9 Looking for business opportunity, nee or write Mrs. Foster. Hettinger. fMjt Kent estate, any kind, anywhere. In the old days, hankers used to shut them­ Kolt BaTiB fllWd work horse .leap. selves up in private offices— and they were Inquire at Itev. II. Atchison. ll'JIp as hard to see as a potentate. All that is IP TOCB WBIX, Is out of commissi*. changed, though, and nowadays your bunker or yoa need a a.*w ons, cell on Or*. I'rsUier, Boa S23, St. Cloud . 17 a is right where you can see him and talk to *-:--'.--'.******I-^-M**^^ IP VOK AUK LOOKING for n nlee him any hour of the hanking day. l.nilillnK s(s.t In SI. Cloml, only two Mocks from tin* boatnaa. section, with nl.iin.lance of fruit, empiire Boi .'ill. It's that way at our bank, and a cordial in­ St. I'loud. Fla. vitation is extended to vou to call on us. KAIt.MINIl I.N FI.OltlllA. Kno-T how It la done hy raadllMJ The Kurnier anil Stiiekltuin, pnl.llshed at .la. kson- CITIZENS REALTY CO. vill.' Send 18. in slampa for a three months trial BahscrlptJoa*. Yearly rale, ,r*H,*; three yenr". 11*00, PEOPLES BANK OF ST. CLOUD Beth "How do yon like thnt man'-'' Itillh -"Nol so -rood. II'' Kets on my nerves." Ileth 'Mow so*'" .mil \Jll IV/f Itnih -lies iny dentist." ^nmmm\wmMwm mmtomwmmmmmwwmwMmmmmwmmm