mystery method download torrent Mystery Method Video Archive Encyclopedia 5-DVD Set. The 5 DVD set represents the highlights from the Mystery Method's 18-city tour, with the best of the major components of attraction, , and seduction. Reviewed as the ultimate dating product on the market today and the best material from the worlds greatest pickup artist, taking the 5 DVD set offers significant savings on products and shipping. It includes each of the 5 DVDs listed below in their entirety. Disc 1 1. MM Approach 2:25 2. On Opening 2:26 3. The Tribal Leader 1:33 4. Approaching 1:12 5. Social Proof 8:16 6. Being the Tribal Leader 0:52 7. Appeal of the Leader 1:47 8. Breaking Rapport" 0:29 9. "Negs" Defined 1:32 10. Throw & Go 0:22 11. Disqualification Theory 2:33 12. Emotion 0:51 13. Confidence 1:05 14. Alignment 2:42 15. Body Language 4:14 16. Sex Drive Survival 2:20 17. Fear of the Approach 5:22 18. Smile 0:22 19. Delivery 0:36 20. Humor 5:17 21. 3-Second Rule 2:11 22. Calibrated Woman 2:42 23. Energy Level 0:48 24. Well- Groomed 1:31 25. Connection 2:45 26. The Game Metaphor 1:29 27. Conveying 1:42 28. Competence 1:40 29. Extra Effirt 1:02 30. Calibrating Gambits 0:40 31. Opening 10s 2:02 32. Voice 0:25. Disc 2 1. Intro to A3 4:15 2. Origins of A3 2:07 3. A3 "Qualification" 1:34 4. Cant Do Without A3 1:54 5. A3 Waypoint 1:53 6. More A3 2:16 7. Moving in A3 3:44 8. "Boyband Principle" 0:49 9. Social Proof 1:11 10. Exotic Dancer A3 1:00 11. About DHVs 2:27 12. Displaying Higher Value 1:07 13. Lovedrop on DLVs 1:01 14. DLVs 0:36 15. Attraction Locations 0:45 16. Example Story 5:24 17. Storytelling 4:39 18. How to be Interesting 2:33 19. Pivots & Merging 2:00 20. Frame Games 2:48 21. About Timebridging 1:24 22. TB to Your Place 4:26 23. Timebridge Example 1:29 24. Calibration 1:26 25. Attraction Circuitry 1:13 26. Hoop Theory 5:04. Disc 3 1. Youre Unique 1:38 2. Comfort Building Kino 1:55 3. Intro to Kino 2:19 4. Knee Compliance Test 0:35 5. Kino Step 11:01 6. Kino Testing 2:31 7. Hands Off 0:24 8. Arm & Arm 1:39 9. Being Attractive 1:38 10. Accomplishment Intro 6:20 11. Avatar 0:36 12. Specializing Avatar 0:31 13. "Chick Bait" 0:43 14. Conveying Identity 1:15 15. Flash Cards 0:35 16. Peacock Theory 1:50 17. Knowing Hes a PUA 1:18 18. Go with the Flow 7:14 19. "You Are a Song" 7:30 20. Make-out Intuition 5:25. Disc 4 1. Stacking Openers 1:18 2. Indirect Approach 1:01 3. Lint in Prop Bag 1:32 4. Multiple Threading 4:14 5. Phone# to 25 Minutes 1:02 6. Levels of Sarging 2:01 7. 3-Sets & Group Theory 1:28 8. Warm-up Sets 0:38 9. What Is Attraction? 0:10 10. Gambits & Jealousy 3:16 11. Q&A 3:20 12. Having Options 0:33 13. Lock-in Necklace 0:51 14. Self Referential Feedback 3:20 15. On Lock-in Props 1:05 16. E-mail 0:32 17. Performing Artist 0:40 18. Grounding Sequence 6:01 19. A3 Waypoint 1:45 20. C1 Comfort Building 1:49 21. More on Comfort 4:34 22. Wing Hunting 6:45 23. Comfort & Trust 2:07 24. More Wing Hunting 1:44 25. Jumping Locations 8:17 26. Video Games Analogy 1:53. Disc 5 1. Power of Ritual 4:22 2. Feeling of LMR 8:21 3. Seven Hours 4:16 4. "We Should Stop" 2:21 5. About Freeze-outs 6:19 6. Example Freeze-out 6:29 7. "Hijacked My Brain" 5:52 8. More on "Hijacked" 2:37 9. "Were Not Having Sex." 5:17 10. In Terms of Kino 1:16 11. Drawn to You 3:39 12. Trigger Again 1:29 13. Need to be Chased 2:33 14. Turned Off 1:26. The Complete PUA Books Collection (3600 Mb,Downloadable ZIP) $11978 only $699 This is all excellent materials, and they are very useful, but they are very expensive . If you have already bought them, or if they are too expensive for you, you might be interested in my Complete PUA Books Collection . Complete PUA Books Collection have NO materials from respected authors from the list above (I respect their copyright), but there are many other useful and excellent books by other authors from the Internet, pick-up artists, pick-up forums and usenet newsgroups pickupers. This is a unique collection of books, which you will not find anywhere else, nor on torrents, nor on other PUA websites or on ebay. I made this collection myself, for several years, selecting the best books that fell into my hands, the most valuable, most interesting, and most importantly - proven in practice. What makes this books collection unique is that every product is reviewed by me and my friends personally and I was testing out the texhniques taught in the programs in real life, with real women to see how effective they are. There is plenty of material here that will be new to you, and a context that will make everything you already know get much better. I don't want to see anybody wasting their hard earned money on a book or audio course that isn't going to help them, so I deleted all such garbage books, not including them in this collection. However, that being said it's has also been my experience that the VAST majority of PUA guides are not good at all, and are indeed rehashed garbage (this is after reading dozen and dozens of PUA products) Please remember also that all the books in the world is the only information it can not by itself change your identity, only to give experience to help change more quickly and without unnecessary mistakes and walk in different directions. But the engine of your changes, the energy source should be your strong desire to do so. The main task is to find this energy source in youself, see a goal. And a lot of practice, despite the setbacks and mistakes. That's when PUA books will be useful, they will save you time, sometimes a lot of time. Imagine: 1055 e-books for $699 it is only about 85 cents per e-book! $699 - Money, for which I am selling these books - a VERY CHEAP OFFER ! ZIP archive have a total of 1055 ebooks (3600 Mb) so every ebook in the collection costs you only about 85 cents! 1055 ebook - it is a great big library, a lot of material to read, perhaps it's not even fit in your head! The Price/Quality ratio of my collection PUA e-Books Collection is very high, and probably even higher than those respected, well-known PUA authors that I mentioned at the beginning. Just think - in any case, you get the information, learn and seduce women, but in the first case you pay a few dollars or tens dollars for each useful advice \ seduction techniques \ NLP Pattern from the eBook\DVD of the famous author, and in my case pay less than 1 cent per useful advice \ pattern of behavior \ recommendation from the book of good\average known PUA author. The difference in price is a thousand times, but do you think it is same high difference in the results, in effectiveness and usefulness of this information? Wanna Know Who Gets All the Girls? 14 Famous Pickup Artists Exposed. The pickup world has gone a long way since the early days documented in ’ famous book, The Game. So where are the likes of Neil Strauss, Mystery and now? Well, they are still very much in the mix! If you’re looking to raise your game to the next level, look no further – we present you the finest talents all together in one place. Without further ado, we expose the 14 most famous pickup artists and their dating companies who currently grace our planet… Ross Jeffries – Speed Seduction. Dubbed the Daddy of the seduction community, Ross was mackin’ it from Day 1. Armed with the power of the mind at his disposal, he prefers daygame and especially the peace and tranquillity of coffee shops to work his ‘magic’. Pioneering the use of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques into his game, he has a crafty way with words to suggestively bring about the aura of sexual desires in his victims. It’s a powerful seduction technique, so powerful it’s controversial. Ross created Speed Seduction – one of the first PUA products to ever hit the market. He continues to teach these unique techniques to scores of men and despite now being in his 50s, he doesn’t seem to have any problem picking up the ladies. Not bad going. Neil Strauss (Style) – Stylelife Academy. If you haven’t heard of Neil Strauss and his famous book: The Game, then you’ve had your head buried in the sand like an ostrich. Back in 2005, Neil Strauss AKA ‘Style’ exposed the underground seduction community to the masses. Give your typical geek two years rubbing shoulders with the masters in seduction and what do you get? You get ‘Style’ the number 1 pickup artist in the world. The Game chronicled his 2 years of conquests that included bedding the crème de la crème of LA and famously chatting up the likes of Courtney Love and Britney Spears. Following the success of The Game, he founded Stylelife Academy where he continues teaching the secrets of modern day game to AFCs the world over. Mystery (Erik Von Markovik) – Venusian Arts. You’re guilty of further sand burying if the name ‘Mystery’ doesn’t ring a bell. Mystery (Erik Von Markovik) is the inventor of modern day game and wrote The Mystery Method. Have you heard of the terms; ‘peacocking’, ‘’ and the ‘3 second rule’? Well Mystery is your man behind this pickup lingo and the main protagonist of The Game – training Style to become the man he is today. Mystery along with chief wing Matador, rose to stardom in VH1’s The Pickup Artist in which they trained a pack of loveless hungry wolves to win over the ladies. Its safe to say, Mystery is the most famous pickup artist in the industry, I’m sure it’s hard to argue otherwise. You can learn from the master without having to be on TV! Head over to Venusian Arts where Mystery together with Matador and Lovedrop teach their words of wisdom from the foundations with The Revelation Book and beyond. Richard La Ruina (Gambler) – PUA Training. Time Out described Richard as ‘Britain’s answer to Neil ‘The Game’ Strauss’. Another classic example of geek turned ladies man, Nicknamed ‘gambler’ for his reckless yet rewarding investments on the stock markets as a young boy, Richard had it all bar one thing…women. He set out learning the hard way, good old-fashioned trial and error. After years of pacing down the streets of London, it finally all made sense. In 2006, Richard founded PUA Training, now the UKs largest pickup company, boasting the likes of Andy Lyons (AFC Andy) in his team of many. Their flagship products, Stealth Attraction and The Master Pick Up Artist University prove why PUA Training is the UK’s number 1. Read our Stealth Attraction review to understand why. Need some inspiration to start learning pickup? Check out some of Richard’s YouTube videos and pop over to his Facebook page. There seems to be a common theme – he’s always outnumbered by an abundance of gorgeous girls. Safe to say, we are very jealous… David DeAngelo – Double Your Dating. Once upon a time a real estate agent, soon bored, decided to try his hands learning the dating game. David soon developed a ‘cocky funny’ approach that became popular in the pickup community – a combination of self-confidence with a sense of humour. His Double Your Dating course is his most acclaimed work amongst many others. David was depicted in The Game where we learned his wicked ways with the waitresses (pleural of course) in a local café. And no, he didn’t charm them with heavy tipping. Jesse, Kong & Jason – Simple Pickup. Where do we start with these guys? The 3 musketeers – we wouldn’t dare separate them for this post. They have caused a storm, commandeering stardom in a flash with the power to make pickup look as easy as 1,2,3. But how did they do this? By wearing comical outfits and pulling off outrageous stunts in the aim of number closing of course… We think its genius. The following video explains all. We recommend you sit down and watch this with a glass of port… But it’s not all fun and games, these guys are serious about helping improve your game. Simple Pickup offers a variety of courses to set you well on your way to manhood. Tyler Durden – Real Social Dynamics. Tyler Durden is a famous name in the pickup community and for all the right reasons (not Project Mayhem). Tyler, (Owen Cook) is one of the originals from the movement back in the Project Hollywood days. Although Tyler’s character was depicted rather negatively in The Game, you can’t criticize his pickup skills. He is one of the co founders behind Real Social Dynamics with Papa and Co. Their business is said to the largest dating company out there. They offer bootcamps around the world and an assortment of products to study the arts, most popular of which being BluePrint Decoded offering 20 DVDs of audio and video content. Not too shabby. JT Tran (The Asian Playboy) – ABCs of Attraction. JT Tran is a self described ‘Asian hitch’, as it says on the tin, he’s pretty handy at training Asian men the art of pickup. He teaches hoards of men self-confidence and communication skills to prepare them for battle through his reputable dating company – ABCs of Attraction. A former student of Mystery’s bootcamps, JT throws up something completely new – a style favoured to Asian tastes. His book, The Modern Asian Man is a concoction of his dating formula that has taken 7 years in the making to get juuust right. Yum. Nick Savoy – Love Systems. Often described to be the #1 dating coach. Nick is the don at Love Systems. With the company originally set up in the comfort of his own apartment, Love Systems soon made waves to become one of the most popular dating companies out there. A large amount of their success is thanks to Magic Bullets, the holy grail of all things seduction which was written by Nick Savoy himself. Lovesystems boasts a 20+ workforce of qualified instructors, including Braddock who, being a young college graduate, throws in a youthful punch for the team. Braddock is the mastermind behind the popular writings – Beyond Words, and Social Mastery, ensuring Love Systems has something for everyone. Andy Yosha – Daygame. If there were a crown awarded for the best at daygame, it would be firmly resting on Andy’s head. When the sun is shining look out for this guy – he roams the streets day in day out hunting down the talent that London has to offer. A former instructor with PUA Training, Andy specialised at daygame teaching his minions the art of getting more than just a cappuccino. Andy set up in 2010 and has been teaching alongside Yad and Co the secrets of daylight number closing ever since. Most of us (me included) seem to only turn our game face on at night, missing out on the fruits of the day. And by jingo are those fruits the exotic ones. The art of catching girls off guard is the beauty of daygame. How to do it? Best check out Daygame Blueprint – your very own daygame bible to worship. You’ll become a local at Starbucks in no time. Jon Sinn – Sinns of Attraction. Another father style figure, it seems like John Sinn has been in the game forever. John was instructing back in the Mystery Method days before becoming a popular instructor with the Love Systems team. John set up Sinns of Attraction – a PUA company based in Los Angeles teaching his own style of pickup focusing on natural attraction. Seduction Roadmap is his flagship product that breaks down the seduction into concrete steps, I guess a bit like an Ikea manual for building a chest of drawers… yet far more rewarding. Rob King (Kingy) – PUA Method. A man of royalty when it comes to picking up women, Robert King AKA Kingy is a leader of men. Step aside Queen Elizabeth II; this guy can attract more women than you have Colonies under your belt. In 2012 Kingy wrote The Pick Up Game where you can gain an insight into the modern game. He teaches under his dating business PUA Method – a training driven company with bootcamps and residential courses instructing men the world over from England and Norway to America. Spiritual self-development is a central theme throughout his teachings. His stories of travelling the world with monks are sure to brush off on you in a good way. Zan Perrion – Way of Attraction. A natural. Need I say no more? This guy flips pickup on its head, instead of using routine after routine, Zan’s method is more about bringing out passion and delight in a women by creating a fantasy. A self proclaimed “student of women”, Zan focuses on love rather than pickup. Zan set up The Ars Amorata and trades his masterpieces under the Way of Attraction. No surprises that his flagship product is called The Way of the Natural, a DVD course that lays the foundations of his Casanova style teachings. Beckster – The Beckster Lifestyle. Dubbed to be the first pickup artist from the UK, Beckster is something of a celebrity dating coach with over 10 years of experience in the game. In the early days Beckster was a part of PUA Training before breaking off on his own with The Beckster Lifestyle. This guy has got seriously good chat and reminds us all that excessive peacocking is not essential. Beckster conducts bootcamps internationally and often works alongside Mystery and Matador in London. Last I heard of it, the three of them were seen sarging the West End in October. Beckster differentiates himself from the crowd by being more of a dating coach – teaching both men and women. Bit of a cupid by the sound of things… So that’s a wrap! Our very own pickup artist wall of fame. If you want to learn how to pick up girls from Beckster, Ross Jeffries, Jon Sinn and 29 more famous pickup artists don’t forget to check out this amazing group interview where we asked 32 famous pickup artists how to pick up girls in 7 different situations! Have we missed one of your favourite PUAs out? Let us know in the comments below! Mystery Method - Rules Of Attraction. The Mystery Method is a method of seduction, first popularized by Erik Von Markovik a.k.a "Mystery". It's a simple step-by-step system that teaches you how to meet, attract, and seduce or date gorgeously hot beautiful women that anyone can learn. Here are some basic concepts. Rejection and Approach Anxiety. Logically, rejection causes us no harm. But emotionally, rejection can be a punishing experience. According to mystery method, you can't avoid rejection. It isn't the solution to avoid being vulnerable. Rather, the solution is to embrace your vulnerability, to embrace rejection, and let the Field show you what is good and what is bad. Most approach anxiety is a result of imagined rejections, not real ones. The purpose of the neg is to actively demonstrate disinterest by disqualifying one's self as a suitor, or by falsely disqualifying the target. they are not insults - instead they resemble the comments of a person who does not view the target as being sexually interesting. The often-quoted example are the comments: ◊ It's too bad I'm gay or you'd be so my type. ◊ You are too much of a nice girl to me. ◊ Nice nails, are they real? No? Oh, well they're nice anyway. Demonstration of High Value (DHV) According to mystery method, people have a strong emotional reaction to people with significantly higher value. Men will have an emotional reaction to exceptionally beautiful women. This emotional reaction causes them to feel an adrenaline rush, and to act in a 'weird' way around the target female. An very attractive woman causes this reaction in the majority of men, so mystery teaches that she will subconsciously believe that any male who appears emotionally unreactive to her is of higher value than she, and she will feel attracted. Negging is also a DHV, because only a high value guy would talk to her like that, and seem sincere. She will think that you must already have girls if you talk in such a way. ◊ You are 'pre-selected' by other women - If you open the group and already have girls with you. ◊ Being not-needy and don't try to impress her. ◊ Story-telling with embedded (but well-concealed) bragging, appearing emotionally unreactive to 'targets' ◊ Cocky and funny. Have a positive, open attitude. Don't be judgmental or jealous. If she flakes on you, don't confront her about it next time you see her. Are you the guy who sat around and got upset? Don't act as if things are a big deal. They aren't. Fun and Stimulation. Just as she tends to avoid discomfort, so she is also attracted to fun and stimulation. (Once her safety has been secured, of course.) Attractive women are often found on boats or dance floors, in parties or nice cars, and around bad boys and rich men. These things are much more compelling than being a nice guy. ◊ Be slightly unpredictable. Familiarity breeds contempt. ◊ Be a fun and playful person. This is preferable to appearing tough or 'deep.' ◊ Embrace your passions and be involved in activities. ◊ Be challenging to women. They love this. ◊ Develop your social circle. Reference: 1. The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed by Mystery, Lovedrop, and Neil Strauss (Hardcover - Feb 6, 2007) 2. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss (Imitation Leather - Sep 6, 2005) 3. The Mystery Method: Mystery's Video Archive 5 Volume DVD Set by The Mystery Method (DVD - 2006) 4. Transitioning by Mystery Method Dating Interview Series (Audio CD - Feb 9, 2007) Free Mystery Games. Looking for Mystery games to download for free? Here are the top free Mystery games for PC for 2021, including Family Mysteries 2: Echoes of Tomorrow, Demon Hunter: Chronicles From Beyond, Mysteries of the Undead, and more. Download only unlimited full version fun games online and play offline on your Windows 7/10/8 desktop or laptop computer. Fast and secure game downloads. New Mystery Games. Family Mysteries 2: Echoes of Tomorrow. Demon Hunter: Chronicles From Beyond. Best Free Mystery Games. Amulet Of Dreams. Hidden Object - Rating 4.52. Amulet Of Dreams is an intriguing hidden object game with several original puzzles. If you are a fan of horror gaming and want to be the next Sherlock Holmes, the psychological horror thrills in this video game will delight you. The Island: Castaway. Time Management - Rating 4.52. Discover a fate forgotten in Lost Lagoon: The Trail of Destiny, an engaging journey across a mysterious deserted island in this free hidden object game. This unique survival game will have you gripping your armrest as you get into your survival mode, defend yourself from a mythical creature, and try to get used to the routine activities as well as the gameplay! Sea Legends: Phantasmal Light. Hidden Object - Rating 4.5. In Sea Legends: Phantasmal Light you have to solve the eerie mysteries on an island graveyard haunted by the undead lighthouse keeper. Can you find the clue to this mystery and overcome this Silent Hill styled survival horror game?