Design Guidelines ADDENDUM JANUARY 2021

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Design Guidelines ADDENDUM JANUARY 2021 Design Guidelines ADDENDUM JANUARY 2021 Colors ......................... 2 Typography ............... 3 Logo Usage ................ 6 Configurations ............6 Spacing ..........................7 Do’s & Don’ts ................8 1331 Fulton Street, Fresno, California 93721 (559) 443-8400 TTY (800) 735-2929 Colors PRIMARY COLOR PALETTEPRIMAPRIMABrandRRYY COLOR COLOR Colors P PALETTEALETTE PRIMARY COLOR PALETTE PURPLE PURPLEPURPLEGREEN GREENGREENPURPLEORANGE ORANGEORANGEGREENGRAY GRGRAORANGEAYY GRAY c55 m90 y0 k0 c5c5 5m mc96009 0y0 m0y0 k0 k0y100 k8 c60c60 cm05 m0c05 ym m1y900160000 y0 k8y k81 k000 k0 c0c0 m cm660c0675 0ym0 1 ym6001 0y 10k000 k0 y50 k8 k30 c75c75 c0m60 m60 m 6 y500 y50y1 0 k30 0 k30 k0 c75 m60 y50 k30 r137 g 65 b153 r137r137 g r g10865 65 b153 g179 b153 b63 r108r108r 137 g179 r 245g179 g 65b63 g128 b63 b153 b37 r245r245r 108 g128r 69g128 g179 g85 b37 b37 b96b63 r69r69 rg85 245 g85 b96 g128 b96 b37 r69 g85 b96 hex #894199 hehxe x# 894199#h894199ex #6CB33F hehxe hx# e6CB33F#hx6CB33Fe #x894199 #F58025 hehxe hx# eF58025h#xF58025e #x 6CB33F#455560 hehxe xh# e455560#x455560 #F58025 hex #455560 PRIMARY COLOR PALETTEPRIMAPRIMARRYY COLOR COLOR P PALETTEALETTE PRIMARY COLOR PALETTE PURPLE 85% PURPLEPURPLEGREEN 85% 85% 85% GREENGREENPURPLEORANGE 85% 85% 85% 85% ORANGEORANGEGREENGRA Y85% 85%85% GRGRAORANGEAYY 85% 85% 85% GRAY 85% c46 m77 y0 k0 c46c46 m mc775177 y0 m0 y0 k0 k0y85 k0 c51c51 cm046 m0c0 ym m85y778551 k0 y0 k0y85 k0 k0 c0c0 m cm51c5164 ym0 85 ym5185 yk085 k0 y43k0 k26 c64c64 c0m51 m51 m 51 y43 y43y85 k26 k0k26 c64 m51 y43 k26 rPURPLE149 g91 b153 rPURPLE149rPURPLE149 g91 rGREENg91137 b153 b153g197 b97 rGREEN137rGREEN137rPURPLE 149 g197 rORANGE 245g197 g91 b97 g146 b97 b153 b72 rORANGE245rORANGE245rGREEN 137 g146rGR 88g146 Ag197 g96Y b72 b72 b104b97 rGR88rGR88 A rORANGEg96 AY245 g96Y b104 g146 b104 b72 rGR88 A g96Y b104 hc5e5x m#955CA290 y0 k0 Gradienthc5ehc5xe 5Colorsxm# 955CA2m#hc9955CA260e09x 0y0 m0#y089C561 k0 k0y100 k8 hc60ehc60xe hcxm0#5 e89C561m0#hc05x89C561e ym# x m1955CA2y 900#160F59248000 y0 k8y k81 k000 k0 hc0ehc0 xem hcx#m660 eF59248hc#06x75F59248e 0ym0#x 1 89C561y#m6001586068 0y 10k000 k0 y50 k8 k30 hc75ehc75xe xhc0#m60 e586068#m60 x586068m # 6 F59248y500 y50y1 0 k30 0 k30 k0 hc75ex #m60586068 y50 k30 r137 g 65 b153 r137r137 g r g10865 65 b153 g179 b153 b63 r108r108r 137 g179 r 245g179 g 65b63 g128 b63 b153 b37 r245r245r 108 g128r 69g128 g179 g85 b37 b37 b96b63 r69r69 rg85 245 g85 b96 g128 b96 b37 r69 g85 b96 PURPLEhex #894199 75% Use the BrandPURPLEhePURPLEhxe x# 894199#GREENh894199e Colorsx75% #75%6CB33F 75% defined above. OnlyGREENheGREENhxe PURPLEhx# e6CB33F #ORANGEhx6CB33Fe use#75%x 894199 75%#F58025 75%gradient 75% colors if an expandedORANGEheORANGEhxe GREENhx# eF58025GRh#xF58025e #xA 6CB33F #Y75%455560 75%75% color palette is needed.GRheGRhxeA xORANGEh #AY e455560#Y 75%x455560 75%#F58025 75% GRhexA #Y455560 75% c38 m64 y0 k0 c38c38 m mc644564 y0 m0 y0 k0 k0y75 k0 c45c45 cm038 m0c0 ym m75y647545 k0 y0 k0y75 k0 k0 c0c0 m cm45c4556 ym0 75 ym4575 yk075 k0 y38k0 k23 c56c56 c0m45 m45 m 45 y38 y38y75 k23 k0k23 c56 m45 y38 k23 rPURPLE163 g115 85% b178 rPURPLE163rPURPLE163 g115 rGREEN g115151 85% 85% b178g202 b178 85% b115 rGREEN151rGREEN151rPURPLE 163 g202 rORANGE 247g202 85% g11585% b115 g158 b11585% b178 85% b91 rORANGE247rORANGE247rGREEN 151 g158rGR 104g158 Ag202 Y85% g108 b9185% 85% b91 b115 b116 rGR104rGR104ArORANGE AY247 g108 Y 85%g108 85% g158 b116 b116 85% b91 rGR104A Y g108 85% b116 hc46ex m#A373AF77 y0 k0 hc46ehc46xe xm# A373AFm#hc77A373AF51e77x y0 m0 #y097CA73 k0 k0y85 k0 hc51ehc51xe hcxm0#46 e97CA73m0#hc0x97CA73e ym# x m85A373AFy 77#8551F79E5B k0 y0 k0y85 k0 k0 hc0ehc0 xem hcx#m51 eF79E5Bhc#51x64F79E5Be ym0#x 85 97CA73y#m5185686C74 yk085 k0 y43k0 k26 hc64ehc64xe xhc0#m51 e686C74#m51 x686C74m # 51 F79E5By43 y43y85 k26 k0k26 hc64ex #m51686C74 y43 k26 r149 g91 b153 r149r149 g91 rg91137 b153 b153g197 b97 r137r137r 149 g197 r 245g197 g91 b97 g146 b97 b153 b72 r245r245r 137 g146r 88g146 g197 g96 b72 b72 b104b97 r88r88 rg96 245 g96 b104 g146 b104 b72 r88 g96 b104 PURPLEhex #955CA2 60% PURPLEhePURPLEhxe x# 955CA2#GREENh955CA2e x60% #60%89C561 60% GREENheGREENhxe PURPLEhx# e89C561#ORANGEhx89C561e #60%x 955CA2 60%#F59248 60% 60% ORANGEheORANGEhxe GREENhx# eF59248GRh#xF59248e #xA 89C561 #Y60%586068 60%60% GRheGRhxeA xORANGEh#AY e586068#Y 60%x586068 60%#F59248 60% GRhexA #Y586068 60% c30 m50 y0 k0 c30c30 m mc53605 0y0 m0y0 k0 k0y60 k0 c36c36 cm030 m0c0 ym m60y560360 k0 y0 k0y6 k00 k0 c0c0 m cm36c3645 ym0 6 ym3606 0yk060 k0 y30k0 k18 c45c45 c0m36 m36 m 36 y30 y30y6 0 k18 k0k18 c45 m36 y30 k18 rPURPLE178 g140 75% b192 rPURPLE178rPURPLE178 g140 rGREEN g140171 75% 75% b192g211 b192 75% b141 rGREEN171rGREEN171rPURPLE 178 g211 rORANGE 249g211 75% g14075% b141 g175 b14175% b192 75% b119 rORANGE249rORANGE249rGREEN 171 g175rGR 127g175 Ag211 Y75% g130 b11975% 75% b119 b141 b137 rGR127rGR127ArORANGE AY249 g130 Y 75%g130 75% g175 b137 b137 75% b119 rGR127A Y g130 75% b137 hc38ex m#B18BBD64 y0 k0 hc38ehc38xe xm# B18BBDm#hc64B18BBD45e64x y0 m0 #y0ABD38D k0 k0y75 k0 hc45ehc45xe hcxm0#38 eABD38Dm0#hc0xABD38De ym# x m75B18BBDy 64#7545F9AF77 k0 y0 k0y75 k0 k0 hc0ehc0 xem hcx#m45 eF9AF77hc#45x56F9AF77e ym0#x 75 ABD38Dy#m45757F8289 yk075 k0 y38k0 k23 hc56ehc56xe xhc0#m45 e7F8289#m45 x7F8289m # 45 F9AF77y38 y38y75 k23 k0k23 hc56ex #m457F8289 y38 k23 r163 g115 b178 r163r163 g115 r g115151 b178g202 b178 b115 r151r151r 163 g202 r 247g202 g115 b115 g158 b115 b178 b91 r247r247r 151 g158r 104g158 g202 g108b91 b91 b115 b116 r104r104r 247 g108 g108 g158 b116 b116 b91 r104 g108 b116 PURPLEhex #A373AF 45% PURPLEhePURPLEhxe x# A373AF#GREENhA373AFe x45% #45%97CA73 45% GREENheGREENhxe PURPLEhx# e97CA73#ORANGEhx97CA73e #45%x A373AF 45%#F79E5B 45% 45% ORANGEheORANGEhxe GREENhx# eF79E5BGRh#xF79E5Be #xA 97CA73 #Y45%686C74 45%45% GRheGRhxeA xORANGEh#AY e686C74#Y 45%x686C74 45%#F79E5B 45% GRhexA #Y686C74 45% c22 m36 y0 k0 c22c22 m mc362736 y0 m0 y0 k0 k0y43 k0 c27c27 cm022 m0c0 ym m43y364328 k0 y0 k0y45 k0 k0 c0c0 m cm2827c2834 ym0 45 ym2745 yk043 k0 y23k0 k14 c34c34 c0m27 m27 m 28 y23 y23y45 k14 k0k14 c34 m27 y23 k14 rPURPLE195 g167 60% b207 rPURPLE195rPURPLE195 g167 rGREEN g167191 60% 60% b207g221 b207 60% b170 rGREEN191rGREEN191rPURPLE 195 g221 rORANGE 251g221 60% g16760% b170 g192 b17060% b207 60% b147 rORANGE251rORANGE251rGREEN 191 g192rGR 151g192 Ag221 Y60% g153 b14760% 60% b147 b170 b159 rGR151rGR151ArORANGE AY251 g153 Y 60%g153 60% g192 b159 b159 60% b147 rGR151A Y g153 60% b159 hc30ex m#C3A7CE50 y0 k0 hc30ehc30xe xm# C3A7CEm#hc5C3A7CE36e05x 0y0 m0#y0BFDDAA k0 k0y60 k0 hc36ehc36xe hcxm0#30 eBFDDAAm0#hc0xBFDDAAe ym# x m60C3A7CEy 5#60360FBC093 k0 y0 k0y6 k00 k0 hc0ehc0 xem hcx#m36 eFBC093hc#36x45FBC093e ym0#x 6 BFDDAAy#m360697999F 0yk060 k0 y30k0 k18 hc45ehc45xe xhc0#m36 e97999F#m36 x97999Fm # 36 FBC093y30 y30y6 0 k18 k0k18 hc45ex #m3697999F y30 k18 r178 g140 b192 r178r178 g140 r g140171 b192g211 b192 b141 r171r171r 178 g211 r 249g211 g140 b141 g175 b141 b192 b119 r249r249r 171 g175r 127g175 g211 g130b119 b119 b141 b137 r127r127r 249 g130 g130 g175 b137 b137 b119 r127 g130 b137 PURPLEhex #B18BBD 30% PURPLEhePURPLEhxe x# B18BBD#GREENhB18BBDe x30% #30%ABD38D 30% GREENheGREENhxe PURPLEhx# eABD38D#ORANGEhxABD38De #30%x B18BBD 30%#F9AF77 30% 30% ORANGEheORANGEhxe GREENhx# eF9AF77GRh#xF9AF77e #xA ABD38D #Y30%7F8289 30%30% GRheGRhxeA xORANGEh#AY e7F8289#Y 30%x7F8289 30%#F9AF77 30% GRhexA #Y7F8289 30% c14 m23 y0 k0 c14c14 m mc231723 y0 m0 y0 k0 k0y27 k0 c17c17 cm014 m0c0 ym m27y232718 k0 y0 k0y30 k0 k0 c0c0 m cm1817c1823 ym0 30 ym1830 yk027 k0 y15k0 k9 c23c23 c0m18 m18 m 18 y15 y15y30 k9 k0k9 c23 m18 y15 k9 rPURPLE214 g197 45% b224 rPURPLE214rPURPLE214 g197 rGREEN g197213 45% 45% b224g232 b224 45% b200 rGREEN213rGREEN213rPURPLE 214 g232 rORANGE 253g232 45% g19745% b200 g213 b20045% b224 45% b180 rORANGE253rORANGE253rGREEN 213 g213rGR 180g213 Ag232 Y45% g181 b18045% 45% b180 b200 b186 rGR180rGR180ArORANGE AY253 g181 Y 45%g181 45% g213 b186 b186 45% b180 rGR180A Y g181 45% b186 hc22ex m#D6C5DF36 y0 k0 hc22ehc22xe xm# D6C5DFm#hc36D6C5DF27e36x y0 m0 #y0D5E8C8 k0 k0y 43 k0 hc27ehc27xe hcxm0#22 eD5E8C8m0#hc0xD5E8C8e ym# x m43D6C5DFy 36#4328FDD5B4 k0 y0 k0y45 k0 k0 hc0ehc0 xem hcx#m2827 eFDD5B4hc#28x34FDD5B4e ym0#x 45 D5E8C8y#m2745B4B5BA yk043 k0 y23k0 k14 hc34ehc34xe xhc0#m27 eB4B5BA#m27 xB4B5BAm # 28 FDD5B4y23 y23y45 k14 k0k14 hc34ex #m27B4B5BA y23 k14 r195 g167 b207 r195r195 g167 r g167191 b207g221 b207 b170 r191r191r 195 g221 r 251g221 g167 b170 g192 b170 b207 b147 r251r251r 191 g192r 151g192 g221 g153b147 b147 b170 b159 r151r151r 251 g153 g153 g192 b159 b159 b147 r151 g153 b159 PURPLEhex #C3A7CE 13% PURPLEhePURPLEhxe x# C3A7CE#GREENhC3A7CEe x13% #13%BFDDAA 13% GREENheGREENhxe PURPLEhx# eBFDDAA#ORANGEhxBFDDAAe #13%x C3A7CE 13%#FBC093 13% 13% ORANGEheORANGEhxe GREENhx# eFBC093GRh#xFBC093e #xA BFDDAA #Y13%97999F 13%13% GRheGRhxeA xORANGEh#AY e97999F#Y 13%x97999F 13%#FBC093 13% GRhexA #Y97999F 13% c5 m10 y0 k0 c5c5 m m1c017 0y0 m0y0 k0 k0y11 k0 c7c 7m0 c5m0c0 ym 1y 1m10 18k0 y0 k0y11 k0 k0 c0c0 m cm87c 810ym0 11y11 m8 yk0 1k01 y8k0 k0 c10c10 c0m8 m8 m y88 y8y 11 k0 k0 k0 c10 m8 y8 k0 rPURPLE236 g 228 30% b241 rPURPLE236rPURPLE236 g rGREEN g235228 22830% 30% g244b241 b241 30% b230 rGREEN235rGREEN235rPURPLE 236 g244 rORANGE 254g244 30% g30% 228b230 g235 b23030% b241 30% b222 rORANGE254rORANGE254rGREEN 235 g235rGR 226g235 Ag244 Y30% g225 b22230% 30% b222 b230 b225 rGR226rGR226ArORANGE AY254 g225 Y 30%g225 30% g235 b225 b225 30% b222 rGR226A Y g225 30% b225 hc14ex m#ECE3F023 y0 k0 hc14ehc14xe xm# ECE3F0m#hc23ECE3F017e23x
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