Education B.S. Geology, University of Kansas, 2008 Cume Laude

M.S. Geology, University of Nevada Las Vegas (Course Work Completed, degree pending Thesis Completion)

Professional Affiliations Pacific Section American Association of Professional Geologists San Joaquin Geological Society

Professional Experience As a Senior Project Professional at SCS Engineers, Mr. Thompson provides geologic consulting, mapping, and technical writing for both environmental documents and petroleum industry compliance and permitting. Mr. Thompson has over five years of geologic experience working in the oil and gas industry as well as three years in environmental compliance which has afforded him a wide array of geologic mapping experience and knowledge of the software used to display and analyze geologic features and processes. A majority of projects worked on over the last three years at SCS, Mr. Thompson has performed geologic and hydrogeological analysis in order to prepare reports concerning the protection of shallow ground water aquifers throughout Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Kern County. Mr. Thompson has also been a key contributor in preparing permit application packages that include projects such as oil and gas production plans, pipeline replacement plans and general land use permitting. This experience has helped Mr. Thompson maintain great working relationships with the state regulatory agencies. Mr. Thompson previously worked as a production geologist for , LLC for three years and following that he worked in the state of Kansas mapping oil prospects as well as being a well site geologist. His technical skills and capabilities include:

 Project Management  Geologic Interpretation,  Well Log Interpretation,  Geologic Mapping, cross section construction, and preparing displays using: o ArcGIS (Geographic Information System) software, o EarthVision (3D Subsurface Modeling) software, o Openworks/Decision Space Desktop software (structure contour maps, isopach maps, cross-section construction, etc.), o RockWorks (geologic mapping/interpretation) software, o Petra (geologic mapping/interpretation) software, o Corel-Technical Drawing software, and o Google Sketchup software. o Constructing isogeochemical maps for groundwater assessment.  Preparing permit applications relating to oil and gas production and land use.  Drafting Site Plans and Floor Plans for land use permitting  Preparing documents related to Storm-water compliance,  Conducting Environmental Site Assessments,

SCS Resume – Thompson www.scsengineers.com 1

During his employment as a Production Geologist for Aera Energy LLC, Mr. Thompson was responsible for maintaining and enhancing oil production within the Midway Sunset Oilfield in , . Parts of his tasks were to develop 3D subsurface models, structure contour maps, isopach maps, cross sections, and geophysical models for reservoir characterization. He was also responsible for evaluating geophysical logs during drilling operations, and making decisions on well completions. Creating net reservoir thickness maps, property maps, and production maps were more of his job duties. He also acted as the daily reporting geologist on exploration wells in the San Joaquin Valley.

During his employment as a well site geologist in Kansas, Mr. Thompson was responsible for examining rock cuttings during drilling of production wells. In the process he was responsible for creating a mud-log and characterizing the reservoir. While working in Kansas, he also mapped potential prospects for drilling new wildcat and production wells.

During his education at the University of Kansas, Mr. Thompson worked as a research assistant for the Kansas Geological Survey where he performed water quality analysis tests. Mr. Thompson also worked as a Graduate Assistant for the University of Nevada Las Vegas where he taught Structural Geology and Geography.

RECENT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Plains All American Pipeline. Prepare ground water analysis report for a proposed pipeline that extends ~125 miles through Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Kern Counties. Conduct geologic research on historical ground water elevation and quality data. Prepare ground water elevation maps along pipeline to identify potential shallow aquifers. ERG Resources. Prepared numerous permitting documents, maps and exhibits in order to submit a 233 oil and gas well production plan to the County of Santa Barbara. This included preparing a groundwater protection report in order to alleviate concerns raised by Santa Barbara County and the public regarding mechanical integrity of well bores and the potential for communication with overlying aquifers. Sierra Resources/ ERG Resources/ HVI Cat Canyon. Prepared an Aquifer Exemption Application for the Casmalia Oil Field in Santa Maria Valley, CA. Conduct geologic analysis to demonstrate that ongoing oil and gas injection is not contaminating potential aquifers. SLO Cultivation. Conducted research and prepared report analyzing agricultural water consumption in order to obtain a permit for cultivation. Prepared site plans and floor plans for the design of a greenhouse structure in order to obtain land use permit. Miramar Landfill (City of San Diego). Prepared time-lapse map series showing the results of an odor tracer study conducted to determine the source of odor complaints in the vicinity of the Miramar Landfill in San Diego, CA. Vaquero Energy. Create maps and exhibits for storm-water compliance (SWPPP) in Kern County, CA and Ventura County, CA. Waste Management. Perform yearly post closure landfill assessment for Round Mountain Landfill in Kern County. Holmes Western Oil Corp. Conduct well research and mapping for an aquifer exemption application to expand the existing productive limits of the South Midway Sunset Field to allow UIC activities for enhanced oil recovery and water disposal. Provide geologic analysis on the current state of the ground water within the South Midway Sunset Project Area. California Resources Corporation. Conduct well research and mapping for an aquifer exemption application to expand the existing productive limits of the Lost Hills Oil Field to allow UIC activities for enhanced oil recovery and water disposal. Provide geologic analysis on the current state of the ground water within the Lost Hills Project Area. Tullytown,PA Landfill. Assist in preparing a report on man-made and natural odor sources surrounding a landfill in Tullytown, PA using ArcGIS and Google Earth Pro. Sierra Resources. Prepare a geologic description and water disposal analysis of the Barham Ranch Oil Field in Santa Maria Valley, CA.

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