Time to lay down the law National legislation to enforce the BWC The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, is the Verification Research, Training and Information Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) Centre, an independent, non-profit making, non-govern- Time to lay down the law and Toxin Weapons and on eir Destruction () obliges mental organisation. Its mission is to promote effective and states parties to take any necessary national measures to efficient verification as a means of ensuring confidence in National legislation to enforce the BWC implement the treaty in their territory. States parties have the implementation of international agreements and intra- agreed that this requires the adoption of legislation, including national agreements with international involvement. penal sanctions. aims to achieve its mission through research, training, Only now, thirty years after the treaty’s adoption, are states dissemination of information, and interaction with the parties collectively considering what legislative provisions relevant political, diplomatic, technical, scientific and non- are required to effectively enforce the treaty. This report is governmental communities. intended to assist states parties in this endeavour by assessing The Centre is based at Baird House, – St. Cross Street, the current status of their national legislation to enforce the London, , United Kingdom. treaty’s core prohibitions. The report provides comparative Phone +.()... analysis of existing legislation, makes recommendations for Fax +.()... increasing the rate of adoption of legislation and proposes E-mail
[email protected] ways to make existing and new legislation more effective. Web www.vertic.org It should be of use to states parties preparing to adopt or amend legislation, states and organisations providing assist- Design and production: Richard Jones, Exile: Design and ance to states parties, and to the international community Editorial Services (
[email protected]).