The Alberta Gazette

Part I

Vol. 112 Edmonton, Saturday, April 30, 2016 No. 08


Re-appointment of Ad Hoc Justice of the Peace

(Justice of the Peace Act)

April 12, 2016 Wheatley, Clifford Bruce of Medicine Hat

Re-appointment of Full-time Justice of the Peace

(Justice of the Peace Act)

March 31, 2016 Ackroyd, Darryl Rae of Edmonton

Re-appointment of Part-time Justice of the Peace

(Justice of the Peace Act)

February 28, 2016 , Michael Scott Dunedin of Edmonton

Re-appointment of Full-time Provincial Court Judge

(Provincial Court Act)

April 25, 2016 Honourable Judge Bruce Richard Fraser For a term to expire on April 24, 2017

Re-appointment of Part-time Provincial Court Judge

(Provincial Court Act)

May 15, 2016 Honourable Judge Timothy G. Hironaka For a term to expire on May 14, 2017 THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, APRIL 30, 2016


Culture and Tourism

Hosting Expenses Exceeding $600.00 For the Period October 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015

Function: 2015 Elders Gathering Date: October 7, 2015 Amount: $4,280.00 Purpose: Blessing, meal and storytelling honouring the Elders from the four Blackfoot Tribes. Recognition of advisory role of the Elders. Location: Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo Jump World Heritage Site, Fort Macleod, AB BU #: 024 Function: 30th Annual Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village Volunteer Appreciation Event Date: November 8, 2015 Amount: $4,461.85 Purpose: To acknowledge the outstanding contributions of our valued volunteers over the past year Location: Chateau Louis Hotel and Conference Centre, Edmonton, AB BU #: 022 Function: 2015 Stars of Alberta Volunteer Awards Date: December 4, 2015 Amount: $4,791.32 Purpose: To honour Alberta volunteers whose achievements have greatly contributed to the well-being of their community and fellow community members. Location: Government House, Edmonton, AB BU #: 022 Function: Royal Alberta Museum Closing Event Date: December 4-6, 2015 Amount: $24,066.71 Purpose: To celebrate the final week-end at the current Royal Alberta Museum site. Location: Royal Alberta Museum, Edmonton, AB BU #: 022

Ministerial Order

(Historical Resources Act) 01/16

I, Ricardo Miranda, Minister of Culture and Tourism, pursuant to Section 20(15) of the Historical Resources Act, R.S.A. 2000 C. H-9, HEREBY MAKE THE ORDER rescinding in its entirety the Ministerial Order dated June 9, 1999, and signed by the Honourable Stan Woloshyn, then Minister of Alberta Community Development, designating portions of the former Canadian Forces Base Calgary known as Currie


Barracks as a Provincial Historic Resource and registered in the Alberta Land Titles office as instrument 991 183 719, effective as of the date set out below.

th Dated at Edmonton, Alberta, this 5 day of April, 2016.

Ricardo Miranda, Minister of Culture and Tourism

Notice of Intention to Designate a Provincial Historic Resource

(Historical Resources Act) File: Des. 2025

Notice is hereby given that no less than sixty days from the date of service of this Notice and its publication in the Alberta Gazette, the Minister of Culture and Tourism intends to make an Order that the site known as the:

Currie Barracks, together with the land legally described as:

Plan 101 1197 Block 1 All That Portion of Lot 3 Shown as Area ‘A’ on Plan 151 3093 Excepting Thereout All Mines And Minerals

Plan 101 1197 Block 1 All That Portion of Lot 4 Shown as Area ‘B’ on Plan 151 3093 Excepting Thereout All Mines And Minerals

All That Portion of Plan 091 4430 Block 1 Lot 2 Excepting Thereout: Plan Number Hectares Acres More Or Less Subdivision 1010457 13.18 34.15 Subdivision 1011197 2.48 6.13 Subdivision 1312559 3.079 7.61 Subdivision 1413347 0.209 0.52 Subdivision 1610245 11.894 29.39 Shown as Areas ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’ and ‘H’ on Plan 151 3093 Excepting Thereout All Mines and Minerals and municipally located in the City of Calgary, Alberta be designated as a Provincial Historic Resource under Section 20 of the Historical Resources Act, RSA 2000 cH-9.


The reasons for the designation are as follows: The heritage value of Currie Barracks rests in its association with the Canadian military presence and traditions in Alberta, most notably the establishment of permanent military forces in the province. It is additionally significant as the largest Depression-era public works project in Alberta.

The decision to build Currie Barracks in Calgary in the late 1930s reflected the government’s commitment to station permanent forces in Alberta and to provide them with modern training facilities. The base was originally built to house the “B” Squadron of Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians), one of the few regiments retained after World War One as part of the Canadian Army’s Permanent Force. After World War Two, Currie Barracks was also home to the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, the Queen’s Own Rifles, and other regiments. Collectively, the extant heritage elements at Currie Barracks strongly communicate multiple aspects of Alberta’s military history. The formality of military culture is reflected in the symmetrical design of the buildings, while the elegant landscaping and simplified classical details on the structures contribute to the dignified atmosphere. The buildings reflect wide-ranging elements of the base’s social and cultural history, including its original association with cavalry; the structure of military authority and the elite culture of the officer class; the everyday life of the soldiers stationed at the base; and the ceremonies associated with the Canadian regimental tradition. Currie Barracks anchored the presence of permanent forces in Alberta and occupies a central place in the province’s military history.

In addition, Currie Barracks is significant due to its association with the largest Depression-era public works program in Alberta. The base was financed through the Public Works Construction Act (1934) and provided much-needed jobs for hundreds of Albertans during the worst years of the Great Depression. The decision to build the base in Calgary reflected in part the personal influence of Prime Minister Richard Bennett (whose home riding was Calgary West), but also signified a recognition of the growing status of Alberta as a full partner in Canadian Confederation..

Any person who wishes to make a representation regarding the proposed designation may do so by submitting a written request to Matthew Wangler, Executive Director, Alberta Historical Resources Foundation, 8820 – 112th Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2P8. Any such request must be made within 30 days of the publication of this notice. At the end of the 30 day period, the Foundation will fix a date for the hearing of representations and will notify all those who have advised of their intention to make representations. On the date fixed, the Foundation will hear representations from all parties who have expressed an interest in doing so.

Dated this 7th day of April, A.D. 2016.

David Link, Assistant Deputy Minister Heritage Division


File: Des. 2297

Notice is hereby given that no less than sixty days from the date of service of this Notice and its publication in the Alberta Gazette, the Minister of Culture and Tourism intends to make an Order that the site known as the:

Edmonton Brewing and Malting Company Site, together with the land legally described as:

Plan 142 5753 Block 21 All that portion of Lot 2 Shown as Areas ‘A’ and ‘B’ on Plan 152 2690 Expecting Thereout All Mines and Minerals and municipally located in the City of Edmonton, Alberta be designated as a Provincial Historic Resource under Section 20 of the Historical Resources Act, RSA 2000 cH-9.

The proposed designation will correct an inaccurate legal description in the Notice of Intention to Designate a Provincial Historic Resource published in the Alberta Gazette on September 30, 2016, and in Ministerial Order 24/15, dated December 3, 2015, which designated the Edmonton Brewing and Malting Company Site in the City of Edmonton as a Provincial Historic Resource, under the provisions of the Historical Resources Act.

The reasons for the designation of the Edmonton Brewing and Malting Company Site are as follows: The Edmonton Brewing and Malting Company Site is significant as an industrial site; for its association with the brewing industry; for its functional, yet artistic design and style; and for its association with architect Bernard Barthel.

Located in a former industrial area west of Edmonton’s downtown, the Edmonton Brewing and Malting Company Site was a significant, early industrial complex. It was ideally located adjacent to railways and a major roadway, allowing for efficient shipping and receiving, and the near residential neighbourhoods and historic streetcar lines, providing a near-to-hand workforce. The presence of the small, more subdued administration building, distinguishable both physically and stylistically from the main brewery structure, demonstrates the trend to separate administrative and manufacturing functions in early twentieth-century industrial sites.

Built by the Edmonton Brewing and Malting Company to replace their smaller brewery in Rossdale the facility went through numerous owners, ending its active days under the banner of Molson Canada. Through extant Edmonton Brewing and Malting Company signage and a tile mosaic of a Molson logo on the exterior, the brewery provides structural evidence of the evolution of Alberta’s brewing industry from a local or regional enterprise to a nationally oriented business.


The site’s function as a brewery is also evident in its combination of practical design with fanciful Revivalist styling. The brewery’s function, the efficient production of mass quantities of beer for sale across the province, is expressed through its general factory-like appearance, its substantial scale, wide entries, and large, multi-paned factory-style windows and the variable interior floor plates, which were set to accommodate brewery functions and processes. The site also exhibits classical revival elements popular on many industrial buildings of its period. These elements include brick pilasters, window arches, dentils and modillions and are found throughout the brewery, but particularly on the more subtle office building. The main brewery building, particularly the tower, is enhanced by a different stylistic flare. Architectural details, such as simulated battlements and turrets, a barbican or gatehouse as well as the numerous semi-circular arches over entries and windows, combined with the monumental massing and vertical orientation of the brewery, effectively communicate a medieval, Germanic or Bavarian, castle-like aesthetic common to many North American breweries of the period.

The brewery’s combination of practical design with artistic styling is a hallmark of its Chicago-based architect, Bernard Barthel. Specializing in industrial buildings, particularly breweries, Barthel’s designs deliberately belie their practical and functional purpose through the use of elegant, if rather fanciful Revivalist details. Likely inspired by the strong Germanic brewing tradition of the United States and the popularity of Germanic architectural motifs in earlier and contemporaneous American breweries, such as the Anheuser-Busch brewery in St. Louis and the Pabst Brewery in Milwaukee, as well as his upbringing and training in his native Germany, Barthel’s breweries exhibit an appearance described as “castle-like” or “feudalistic.” Barthel designed industrial facilities and breweries across North America. However, little remains of his work and the Edmonton Brewing and Malting Company Site, which bears a striking resemblance to his Brewery in St. Paul, MN, is an excellent example of his style.

Any person who wishes to make a representation regarding the proposed designation may do so by submitting a written request to Matthew Wangler, Executive Director, Alberta Historical Resources Foundation, 8820 – 112th Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2P8. Any such request must be made within 30 days of the publication of this notice. At the end of the 30 day period, the Foundation will fix a date for the hearing of representations and will notify all those who have advised of their intention to make representations. On the date fixed, the Foundation will hear representations from all parties who have expressed an interest in doing so.

Dated this 8th day of April, A.D. 2016.

David Link, Assistant Deputy Minister Heritage Division



Declaration of Withdrawal from Unit Agreement

(Petroleum and Natural Gas Tenure Regulations)

The Minister of Energy on behalf of the Crown in Right of Alberta hereby declares and states that the Crown in right of Alberta has withdrawn as a party to the agreement entitled “Crossfield East Cardium “C” Unit” effective February 28, 2015.

Raksha Acharya, for Minister of Energy.


The Minister of Energy on behalf of the Crown in Right of Alberta hereby declares and states that the Crown in right of Alberta has withdrawn as a party to the agreement entitled “Mannville Lloydminster Agreement” effective February 29, 2016.

Raksha Acharya, for Minister of Energy.


The Minister of Energy on behalf of the Crown in Right of Alberta hereby declares and states that the Crown in right of Alberta has withdrawn as a party to the agreement entitled “Redwater Upper Mannville Agreement” effective March 31, 2016.

Raksha Acharya, for Minister of Energy.

Production Allocation Unit Agreement

(Mines and Minerals Act)

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 102 of the Mines and Minerals Act, that the Minister of Energy on behalf of the Crown has executed counterparts of the agreement entitled “Production Allocation Unit Agreement – Hussar Ellerslie Agreement No. 2” and that the Unit became effective on October 1, 2014.





Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 102 of the Mines and Minerals Act, that the Minister of Energy on behalf of the Crown has executed counterparts of the agreement entitled “Production Allocation Unit Agreement – Hayter Dina Agreement No. 3” and that the Unit became effective on December 1, 2015.




Hosting Expenses Exceeding $600.00 For the period April 2, 2015 to March 31, 2016

Function: Academic ARP Leadership Engagement Session Purpose: Provide an update on the Academic ARP improvement initiative to the leadership of the departments and divisions of the faculties of medicine and gather their feedback on the project. Amount: $4,520.98 Date of Function: October 6, 2015 Location: Red Deer, AB

Function: Alberta Health and Alberta Motor Association Scope Amendments Discussions Purpose: Table team meeting scheduled to occur Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, beginning May 20, 2015 - October 8, 2015. Amount: $7,334.73 Date of Function: September 16, 2015; May 20, 2015; October 16, 2016; July 1, 2016 Location: Edmonton, AB


Function: Stakeholders Sessions Purpose: To engage Albertans, subject matter experts, and other key stakeholders in undertaking this review. September 23, 2015, Grande Prairie, AB - Inclusive September 15, 2015, Red Deer, AB - Frontline October 21, 2015, Calgary, AB - Treaty 7 August 10, 2015, Edmonton, AB - Treaty 6 September 1, 2015, Edmonton, AB - Seniors September 9, 2015, Edmonton, AB - Diverse and Vulnerable Populations September 30, 2015, Calgary, AB - Children, Youth, and Families Amount: $12,549.86 Date of Function: various dates above Location: various locations above

Function: Chronic Disease Management Consensus Meeting Purpose: To come to an understanding of definitions of chronic conditions and diseases and their management and prevention. Amount: $750.26 Date of Function: October 29, 2015 Location: Edmonton, AB

Human Services

Office of the Public Guardian & Trustee Interest Rate on Public Trustee Guaranteed Accounts (Public Trustee Act)

The following information is provided in accordance with section 2(3) of the Public Trustee Investment Regulation for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016: (a) The average effective annual interest rate paid by the Public Trustee on guaranteed accounts during the year was 2.53%. (b) The average reference rate during the year was 1.58%. (c) The ratio of the average referred to in (a) to the average referred to in (b), expressed as a percentage rounded to the first decimal place is 160.8%.

Barb Martini, Public Trustee Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee.



Contract Increases Approved Pursuant to Treasury Board Directive 02/2005

Contract: Acheson – Acheson Centre – Envelope Upgrade and Systems Renovations Contractor: Marshall-Lee Construction Corp Reason for Increase: Unforeseen site and building conditions were encountered during construction. Contract Amount: $2,631,000 % Increase: 14.6% Amount of Increase: $384,422.94

Contract: Bow Island – Bow Island Health Centre - Emergency Department Addition and Renovation Contractor: Amron Construction (Division of Demke Enterprises Ltd.) Reason for Increase: Unforeseen conditions related to hazardous material abatement, soil conditions, building envelope improvements, and relocation of major mechanical and electrical equipment resulted in additional work having to be performed in an occupied hospital. Contract Amount: $4,419,958 % Increase: 13% Amount of Increase: $573,492.90

Contract: Calgary – Alberta Childrens Hospital - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Level 3 Contractor: PCL Construction Management Inc. Reason for Increase: Upgrades were required to improve building ventilation systems and address unsuitable soil conditions. Contract Amount: $5,155,200 % Increase: 21% Amount of Increase: $1,103,527

Contract: Calgary – Bow Habitat Station Interpretive Exhibitry - Construction Management Exhibit Fabrication and Installation Contractor: Taylor Manufacturing Industries Inc. Reason for Increase: Additional work was required due to complexities of the design and fabrication of exhibitory components. Contract Amount: $4,750,000 % Increase: 25% Amount of Increase: $1,173,188.24

Contract: Calgary – Foothills Medical Centre - Impacted Departments Services for Abatement and Fire Proofing Contractor: D. Owen Construction Ltd. Reason for Increase: Asbestos removal was required from previously concealed areas, including the underside of structure and within concrete block walls. Contract Amount: $975,000 % Increase: 31% Amount of Increase: $298,000


Contract: Calgary – John J. Bowlen Building - Design and Develop Main Mezzanine and 2nd Floor for HRC Relocation from Duff Building Phase 2: Interior Renovations Contractor: Everest Construction Management Ltd. Reason for Increase: Unforeseen site conditions resulted in additional ductwork and abatement work. Contract Amount: $1,016,174 % Increase: 13% Amount of Increase: $129,859.42

Contract: Calgary – South Health Campus - SHC Site Utility Feeders Contractor: Enmax Power Corporation Reason for Increase: Second power source was required and designed by utility company after construction started. Contract Amount: $8,027,080 % Increase: 19% Amount of Increase: $1,487,038

Contract: Calgary – Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium (SAJA) - Mechanical Upgrades, Balcony Ductwork Upgrades Contractor: Krawford Construction (2011) Inc. Reason for Increase: Unforeseen conditions under the second floor balcony required additional ductwork. Contract Amount: $553,327 % Increase: 25% Amount of Increase: $135,838.63

Contract: Canmore – Canmore Visitor Information Centre – New Washroom Facilities Contractor: : UFA Reason for Increase: Additional multi-media system and millwork were included during the renovation of the Visitor Information Centre to meet program needs. Contract Amount: $768,000 % Increase: 35% Amount of Increase: $270,000

Contract: Drumheller – Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology - Cretaceous Garden Removal Contractor: Lear Construction Management Ltd. Reason for Increase: Mechanical structural elements required upgrading, deteriorated walls and water proofing needed to be replaced. Contract Amount: $798,600 % Increase: 27% Amount of Increase: $218,678.63

Contract: Edmonton – Alberta Culture Building - Roof Replacement Contractor: Belvedere Roofing Ltd. Reason for Increase: Additional work was required during construction to address a potential risk of condensation and ice damming.


Contract Amount: $284,310 % Increase: 63% Amount of Increase: $179,265.71

Contract: Edmonton – Federal Building – Hazardous Building Materials Removal Contractor: DMI Services Ltd. Reason for Increase: Unexpected hazardous materials in the drywall were uncovered during construction. Scope of work was increased to address health and safety concerns. Contract Amount: $1,000,550 % Increase: 105% Amount of Increase: $1,048,803.81

Contract: Edmonton – O.S. Longman Building - Mechanical and Electrical Upgrades, Phase 4 Main and 3rd Floor Contractor: Gateway Mechanical Services Inc. Reason for Increase: New heating and domestic water piping was relocated to eliminate the risk of damaging existing laboratory piping. Contract Amount: $664,000 % Increase: 18% Amount of Increase: $117,933.97

Contract: Edmonton – University of Alberta Hospital - Stollery Emergency Department Facility Expansion & Renovation Contractor: PCL Construction Management Inc. Reason for Increase: The project schedule was extended due to contaminated soil conditions, resulting in soil remediation, additional landscaping and modifications to patient intake areas. Contract Amount: $13,200,000 % Increase: 48% Amount of Increase: $6,326,013

Contract: Edmonton – Walter Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre - Pediatric Ambulatory Clinics Renovation Contractor: PCL Construction Management Inc. Reason for Increase: During the design process it was determined that existing base building systems (e.g. water lines, sprinkler systems, ventilation ducts) were past their life expectancy and needed to be upgraded and/or replaced. Contract Amount: $6,682,000 % Increase: 35% Amount of Increase: $2,338,000

Contract: Fort Saskatchewan – Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre - Door Lock, Door Control and CCTV Security Systems Replacement Contractor: Marcomm Systems Group Inc. Reason for Increase: Replacement of the deteriorated station to station communication system, and the installation of additional security camera wiring.


Contract Amount: $3,662,844 % Increase: 14% Amount of Increase: $521,487.12

Contract: Mountain Cree – Encampment (S35 Twp 44 Rge 20 W5) - Restoration of Smallboy Encampment School Facilities Contractor: Filmore Construction Management Inc. Reason for Increase: Unforeseen construction issues at the site, construction cost escalations and delays due to labour shortages. Contract Amount: $953,000 % Increase: 71% Amount of Increase: $676,000

Contract: Red Deer – Roland Michener Centre, Recreation Complex Building 109 - Roof Replacement Contractor: Tru-Craft Roofing (2005) Ltd (Calgary) Reason for Increase: Replacement of wet insulation and replacement of additional deteriorated roofing material. Contract Amount: $471,337 % Increase: 24% Amount of Increase: $114,033

Sale or Disposition of Land

(Government Organization Act)

Name of Purchaser: 1791352 Alberta Ltd. Consideration: $52,500.00 Land Description: Plan 1423690, Block 1, Lot 1. Excepting thereout all mines and minerals. Area: 1.12 Hectares (2.77 Acres) more or less.

Name of Purchaser: L&K TIRE INC. Consideration: $600,000 Land Description: Plan 0214343, Block 2, Lot 4. Excepting thereout all mines and minerals. Area: 1.79 Hectares (4.42 Acres) more or less.

Justice and Solicitor General

Designation of Qualified Technician Appointment (Intox EC/IR II)

Edmonton Police Service Green, Natasha Marie (Date of Designation April 4, 2016) change from Fox to Green. Original designation date: April 29, 2014


Safety Codes Council

Agency Accreditation

(Safety Codes Act)

Pursuant to Section 30 of the Safety Codes Act it is hereby ordered that

Palliser Regional Municipal Services, Accreditation No. A000158, Order No. 2980

Having satisfied the terms and conditions of the Safety Codes Council is authorized to provide services under the Safety Codes Act including applicable Alberta amendments and regulations for Building.

Consisting of all parts of the Alberta Building Code.

Accredited Date: August 30, 1995 Issued Date: April 8, 2016. ______

Pursuant to Section 30 of the Safety Codes Act it is hereby ordered that

Palliser Regional Municipal Services, Accreditation No. A000158, Order No. 2981

Having satisfied the terms and conditions of the Safety Codes Council is authorized to provide services under the Safety Codes Act including applicable Alberta amendments and regulations for Electrical.

Consisting of all parts of the Canadian Electrical Code Part 1, Code for Electrical Installations at Oil and Gas Facilities and Alberta Electrical Utility Code.

Accredited Date: August 30, 1995 Issued Date: April 8, 2016. ______

Pursuant to Section 30 of the Safety Codes Act it is hereby ordered that

Palliser Regional Municipal Services, Accreditation No. A000158, Order No. 2982

Having satisfied the terms and conditions of the Safety Codes Council is authorized to provide services under the Safety Codes Act including applicable Alberta amendments and regulations for Fire.

Consisting of all parts of the Alberta Fire Code including investigations.

Accredited Date: August 8, 1995 Issued Date: April 8, 2016.


Pursuant to Section 30 of the Safety Codes Act it is hereby ordered that

Palliser Regional Municipal Services, Accreditation No. A000158, Order No. 2983

Having satisfied the terms and conditions of the Safety Codes Council is authorized to provide services under the Safety Codes Act including applicable Alberta amendments and regulations for Gas.

Consisting of all parts of the Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code and Propane Storage and Handling Code.

Accredited Date: August 30, 1995 Issued Date: April 8, 2016. ______

Pursuant to Section 30 of the Safety Codes Act it is hereby ordered that

Palliser Regional Municipal Services, Accreditation No. A000158, Order No. 2984

Having satisfied the terms and conditions of the Safety Codes Council is authorized to provide services under the Safety Codes Act including applicable Alberta amendments and regulations for Plumbing.

Consisting of all parts of the National Plumbing Code and Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice.

Accredited Date: August 30, 1995 Issued Date: April 8, 2016.

Corporate Accreditation

(Safety Codes Act)

Pursuant to section 28 of the Safety Codes Act it is hereby ordered that

Direct Energy Marketing Ltd, Accreditation No. C000260, Order No. 1565

Having satisfied the terms and conditions of the Safety Codes Council is authorized to administer the Safety Codes Act including applicable Alberta amendments and regulations within the Corporation’s industrial facilities for the discipline of Electrical

Consisting of all parts of the Canadian Electrical Code Part 1, Code for Electrical Installations at Oil & Gas Facilities.

Accredited Date: November 7, 2005 Issued Date: April 5, 2016.


Service Alberta

Vital Statistics

Notice of Change of Personal Name

(Vital Statistics Act)

February 1, 2016 Mendoza, Ainsley Mai Flores to Quirino, Ainsley Mai Mendoza Sanjeevan, Individual Has Only One Name to Mahasukh, Sanjeevan Maha Saukh, Atmosurdam to Mahasukh, Atmosurdam GladueMasson, Lexis Cherish Aubrey to Gladue Masson, Lexis Cherish Aubrey Blackbird, Ronyn Ronald Michael to Kulscar, Ronyn Ronald Blackbird Blackbird, Cheyenne Barbra to Kulscar, Cheyenne Barbra Blackbird Blessing-Ibeh, Queenedikan to Udosen, Queenedikan Ndifreke Woldehawariat, Mehreteab Kahsa to Wolde, Mehreteab Kahsay Styles, Emily Ruth to Styles, Eric Ben Meskiry, Nassor Masoud to Meskiry, Nasser Kaiden Duyly, Kaiden to Ly, Kaiden Fafard, Jean-François to Fafard, Jeffrey Lynch, Mark-Willem Keith to Lynch, Kendel Dawn Jesso, Emma Lindsay Hope to McKay, Emma Lindsay Hope Abdullah, Individual has only one name to Kawesh, Abdullah Fehr, Colin Norman to Paixao, Colin Norman Poucette, Sheena Camille Jennie to Starlight, Sheena Camille Jennie Li, Hayden to Li, Kevin Hayden Jurok, Johanna Siobhan to Slater, Johanna Siobhan Hauser, Ryder Lucas to Jopp, Ryder Lucas Hauser, Brooklyn Taylor to Jopp, Brooklyn Taylor Andrews, Rebbecca Leanne to Gavriel, Rebekah Leanne Bland, Anthony Graham to Bland, Emberlynn Baptiste, Pearleen to Kanewopasikot, Pearleen

February 2, 2016 Oltean, Ramona to Oltean, Bella Mona Thys, Catherine Ann to Thijs, Catherine Ann Douglas, Dasha Tanquerae to Guliak, Dasha Tanquerae

February 3, 2016 McAdam, Lance William Stuart to Walsh, Lance William Stuart Mohamed, Hamdi Mohamed to Ali, Hamdi Mohamed Wall, Tracy Lynn to Fenton-Wall, Tracy Lynn

February 4, 2016 Memon, Ghulam Muhamad Sagar to Memon, Sagar Ghulam Muhamad Gilbert, Matthew Cameran to Salem, Matthew Cameran Hauser, Katherine Elizabeth to Dalphond, Katherine Elizabeth Hauser-Dalphond, Avayah Patricia Elizabeth Hauser-Dalphond to Dalphond, Avayah Patricia Elizabeth Zimmerman, Aaron Jeriel Scott to Williams, Aaron Jerrel


Saloff, Kaelin Frank Johannus to Van Oers, Kaelin Johannus Walker, Jaycee Mae to Walkker, Nattalia Mae Morrison Rebolone, Hendrix James to Rebolone Morrison, Hendrix James

February 5, 2016 Soltesz, Christopher Stephen to Roy, Christopher Stephen Joseph Tomm, Robert David to Tomm, Holly Brooks, Juliette Marie to Sinclair, Juliette Marie Keneni, Nahili Oluma to Sufani, Nahili Oluma Dereje, Ketie Dinku to Sufani, Ketie Dinku Heidari Mohajerani, Majid to Mohajerani, Majid Lai, Wen Xiang to Lai, Bill Wenxiang Klammer, Charles to Klammer, Charles Koumbassa Wall, Melissa Margeret to Noël, Melissa Margeret

February 8, 2016 Brink, Espen Bertram Gazic to Orfino, Espen Bertram Beyene, Bekalu to Lakew, Bekalu Thomas Manchanda, Aanum Kaur to Grewal, Aanum Kaur Manchanda, Mannat Kaur to Grewal, Mannat Kaur Bertschy, Joachim to Bertschy, Joseph Phillips, Keegan Melvin to Harley, Keegan Melvin Al-Fartoosy, Wala'a to Fadhil Mohsin, Walaa

February 9, 2016 Lee-Penrose, Echo Sinclaire Li-Mei to Lee, Echo Mei Grzebinski-Fry, Nathan Edward to Fry, Nathan Edward G Eales, Stuart Paul to Kolynchuk, Stuart Paul Dinh, Thi Thu Phuong to Pham, Hang Thi Bich Bentley, Tracey Gail to Bentley, Tracey Hogan Castaneda, Landen Frank to Mason, Landen Frank Tynes, Destaniesky Robin to Tynes, Destanie Skye Wilk, Brooke McKenzie to Schmaltz, Brooke McKenzie Prebushewski, Ella Merissa to Westie, Ella Merissa Wildcat Tithecott, Lily Anne to Wildcat, Lily Anne Tithecott Jiang, Shu Han to Peterson, Ellinor Grace ShuHan Elkadry, Omar Jamil to Kadri, Omar Jamil Ali, Debora Mohammed to Tekle, Debora Sirak Ricketts, Marcia Herga Bertel to Ricketts, Maci-Arielle Isabellamarcia Herga Bertel

February 10, 2016 Ng, Logan Paul to Ng, Grey Paul Sun, Dan to Sun, Dana Bevans, Emily Anne to Campbell, Emily Anne , Alexis Kaily to Sanderson, Alexis Kaily Katz, Daniela Carolynn to Eclipse, Aribela Claren Mohammed, Peter Taz to Sheridan, Peter Taz Mohammed, Cheryl Evelyn to Sheridan, Cheryl Evelyn Greer, Keyrah Maggie Lorainne to McElhinney Greer, Keyrah Maggie Lorainne Henze, Jeffrey Richard Paul to Sinclair, Jeffrey Richard Paul Gordon, Mckenna Grace to Morrison-Ripley, McKenna Grace Muravyova, Oksana M to Nestea, Oksana M


February 11, 2016 Cooper, Jonah Dumoe to Dumoe, Jonah Slunteh Dechen Tsemtso, Individual only has one name to Tsemtso, Dechen Younes Fakhani, Iman to Fakhani, Iman Howard, Chase Allen to Johnson, Chase Allen Solomon, Eyoas Gebremariam Debele to Debele, Eyoas Solomon Rut, Diew Khor to Dau, Fidel Chiok Minyang Syed Ahmed Shah, Individual has only one name to Syed, Ahmed Shah St. Laurent, Joël to St. Laurent, Joël Christian Steven St. Laurent, Aimée to St. Laurent, Aimée Stéphanie Christine Porter, Jordan Lee to McMartin, Jordan Lee

February 12, 2016 Tenzing Tsomo, Individual has only one name to Dorjee, Tenzing Tsomo Smakula, Ewhenia to Smakula, Eugenia Sophie Quan, Hu Xiao Yu to Quan, Michelle Xiao Yu Madurapperuma Arachchige, Channa Vipul Indika Madurapperuma to Madurapperuma, Channa Vipul Wanniarachchige, Oshila Thilini Prasandika to Madurapperuma, Oshila Thilini Hussain, S M Emran to Hussain, Emran Faridun, Fardin to Majed, Dean Fragoso, Amanda Ellen to Robin, Amanda Ellen

February 16, 2016 Petkau, Liam Gregory James to LeBlanc, Liam Gregory James

February 17, 2016 David, Richard Arthur to David Badger, Ryk Richard Arthur David, Emilienne Margaret to Badger, Emilienne Margaret David, Margaurite Flora to Badger, Marguerite Flora Xu, Tian Ye to Xu, Alex Tian Ye Patel, Dharmishtha Hiteshkumar to Patel, Dharmishtha Gray, Keanen Dean to Johansson, Keanen Dean Gray, Brinlee Madison to Johansson, Brinlee Madison Nguyen, Patrick to Ly, Quinn Lorelei

February 18, 2016 Stilborn, Dottie Jessie Lavern to Martin, Dottie Jessie Lavern Wielgosz, Taylin Marie to Wielgosz, Austin Tyler Sears, Patrick Marshall to Allen, Patrick Marshall

February 19, 2016 Sand, Braedon Cain to MacGillivary, Braedon Cain Lavryshyn, Nataliya to Lavryshyn, Riley Matthew Tandorost, Karda to Tandorost Bardiyani, Karda Anishinabie, Caitlin Rebecca to Williams, Caitlin Rebecca Anishinabie Van Dongen, Aurora Annalise to Fox, Aurora Annalise Mosca, Pasqualino to Mosca, Patrick John Cook, Jordan Lee Brent to Lybbert, Jordan Lee John


February 22, 2016 Dube, Kristin Kortnee to Fox, Karoline Annamay Kortnee Just-Mancini, David John Oscar to Mancini, David John Oscar Medenes, Pison Gebremeskel Tesfamichael to Tesfamichael, Pison Gebremeskel Oravkin, Jordan Devin to Clare, Jordan Charles Eaton-Guzman, Emmy Amora to Eaton, Emmy Amora Aidoo, Richard Podima to Aidoo SR, Paa-Kofi Podima Pham, Thu Hang to Pham, Amy Thu Hang Nguyen, Nhat Minh to Cotterall, Travis Nhat Minh Butt, Jordan Gerald Andrew to Seifried, Jordan Gerald Andrew McKee, Roland Thomas to McKee, Thomas Roland Emanuel, Dwenda Zinza to Zinza, Emmanuel Dwendo Ogunleye, Toluwani John to Oluleye, John Toluwani Ghorbany, Ali to Ghorbany, Arya Ghorbany, Reza to Ghorbany, Arsha Fellger, Dustin Allan to Tyrer Labiuk, Dustin Allan Jerin Johnson, Jerin to Johnson, Jerin Bubalo, Nenad Lance to Colak, Lance Nenad Bubalo Bubalo, Cristiano Antonio Franco to Colak, Cristiano Antonio Franco Ferreira Laboucan, Henry to Carifelle, Henry Doyle, Sienna Braylee Cadence to Grimard, Sienna Braylee Cadence Doyle

February 23, 2016 Harkins, Kaydence Mackenzie to Lang, Kaydence Mackenzie Thompson, Hannah Lea to Matthews, Jake Pynoo, Sarah Caitlin to Rieger, Sarah Caitlin Kostiuk Rieger, Brett Cameron to Rieger, Brett Cameron Kostiuk Chen, Johnny D. to Chen, Johnny Dragon Leung, Cameron Justin to Yeung, Cameron Justin Ratuszniak, Albin to Ratuszniak, Albert Donald

February 24, 2016 Wijetilleke, Kariyawasam Katukoliha G to Wijetilleke, Vijitha Wijetilleke, Walawela Vidane to Wijetilleke, Priyanka Ross, Tehya Ndidiamaka to Trent, Grace Strocher, Brianna Cynthia to Reddekopp, Brianna Cynthia Willis, Romeo Marshall to Marshall, Romeo Frederick Faris, Ashley Heather Dawn to Faris, Ashley Victoria Ntihinyurwa, Umwali Harmony to Umwali, Harmony Minshull, Lachlan Jacob to Kyle-Robinson, Lachlan Jacob Minshull Wahle, Alexandra to Stein, Alexandra Voilenco Gudina, Boru Gelan to Gudina, Yonas Saketa Loewen, Anna Rebecka to Banman, Rebecka Anne Collins, Madelaine Mary Soper to Collins, Rowan Madoc Soper Shaughnessy, Dylan Jamison to Morrison, Dylan Jay Kim, Youngsuk to Kim, Tei Weir, Morrigan Anne MacMaster to MacMaster-Weir, Morrigan Anne

February 25, 2016 Gallardo, Danelis to Chikie, Daniella Danelis Ahmed, Fatima to Malhi, Shina Fatima Collier, Nico Bianca to Collier, Nicola Bianca


Richards, Susana Davila to Davila Santaella, Susana Nastiuk, Dayla Anne to Maisey, Dayla Anne Paine, Heather Victoria to Hall, Heather Victoria Belcourt, David Kane to Hayman, David Kane Sabourin-Tichler, Chase Douglas to Sabourin, Chase Douglas Smith, Donna Lynne to Cherry Smith, Dawn Lynne Hunt, Darren Dudley to Miller, Darren Dudley Rubinich, Andrea Antoinette to Rubinich, Antoinette Andrea Bonang, Liam Douglas Harvey to Murphy, Liam Douglas Harvey Bonang, Grace Ava Marie to Murphy, Grace Ava Marie Bonang, Sophie Joan Janelle to Murphy, Sophie Joan Janelle Parmeter, Brooke Marie-Mae to De Coteau, Brooke Mae Hall, Nathan Cordelle to Hall, Ava Chimera Love

February 26, 2016 Rawling, Margaret Jane to Evans, Margaret Jane Garg, Sanjeev to Garg, Sanj Lukenoff, Justin Kenneth Paul to Cronk, Justin Kenneth Paul Lizotte, Daveena Marie to Abma, Daveena Marie Miao, Yu Ting to Miao, Selina Yuting Han, Kyuhoon to Han, Kai Kyuhoon Choi, Hyosoon to Han, Dana Hyosoon Han, Gyeol to Han, Ian Gyeol Abdisa, Habtamu Temesge to Wakwoya, Ezekiel Kalbesa Yemane, Afeworki to Yemane, Jonas Ramanjit Kaur, Individual has only one name to Kaur, Ramanjit Ajit Singh, Individual has only one name to Singh, Ajit Mehtab Singh, Individual has no first name to Singh, Mehtab Scott, William Aidan Jr to Ryall, William Aidan Teklehaimanot, Adiam Habtom to Habtom, Adiam Slaughter, Jaycee Leigh to Hoffman, Jaycee Leigh Ahmad, Uzayr Fayd to Elahi, Uzayr Lemire, Marie Annette to Lemire, Annette Marie Herring, Judith to Sinclair, Judith You, Jianbin to You, Kenby Jianbin Islam, Naveedul to Pasha, Naveed Van Den Brink, Marinus to Vandenbrink, Reese Brough, Taigen Rylie Cameron to Deck, Taigen Rylie Cameron Idiculaabey, Andrew to Abey, Andrew Idicula

February 29, 2016 White, George Arthur to Brierley, Alan Richard Wittago, Valerie Veronique to Courtoreille, Valerie Veronique Wilson, Tyler Samuel to Larin, Tyler Samuel Wilson Conway, Liam Cooper to Irving-Conway, Liam Cooper Swann, Johnathan Darrin to Makaruk, Jonathan Darren Raghav, Chai to Raghav, Sai Crowchild JR, Skylar Alexzander to Crowchild, Skylar Alexzander JR Karimimazraeshahi, Arash to Karimi, Arash Karimimazraeshahi, Ramina to Karimi, Ramona Demissie, Amsalu to Demissie, Amy Bata, Elisabet to Batas, Liz


Nguyen, Ngoc Thuy Duong to Nguyen, Taylor Ngoc Wiens, Leanne Crystal to Knoss, Leanne Crystal Bercier, Rex Allan Dean to Clark, Rex Allen Dean Aloot, Marphiene Andre to Leung, Marphiene Andreian Martin-Dadiotis, Daegen Gregory to Martin, Daegen Gregory Secreto, Juliet Elizabeth to Secreto, Nicholas Damien Gladue, Darren Craig to Thundercloud, Darren Craig Coomes-Johnson, Kenneth Nolan to Coomes, Nolan Kenneth Dies, Gwen Yvonne to Bond, Gwen Yvonne Akwai Cham, Achang to Akwai, Christina Buth, Noah Merakwow to Akwai, Noah Mer Trebukhov, Artem to Golub, Artem Mengistu, Nathan to Habtamu, Nathan Cardinal, Anjelica Annette to Webster, Anjelica Annette Khan-Wafaee, Hoda to Wafaee, Hoda Gallant, Patrick Robert to Gallant, Torian Augustus Parsakia, Mohammad to Kia, Andre Ursuliak, Saroda Zena to Ariel, Zenna T Boyko, Travis Charles to Duggan, Travis Charles Pillaveethil Chacko, Individual has one name only to Pillaveethil, Luke Janina Mary Luke, Individual has one name only to Luke, Janina Abdul Shakoor, Individual only has one name to Shakoor, Abdul


March 1, 2016 Damer, Arden Olivia to Damer, Aiden Oliver Nassef, Nancy Ann to Fawaz, Nathan Viktor Arcand, Mary Rosy to Arcand, Maryrose Isabel Gillies, Chantelle Catherine Rose to Gillies, Chantelle Catherine Rosabelle Schamp, Morgan-Lea Hailynn to Hettesheimer, Morgan-Lea Hailynn Kalynchuk, Eric Dennis to Reid, Eric Matthew Scrivens, Tara Christine to Ferris, Tara Christine Pinckston, Matthew Frank Haley to Haley, Matthew Frank Carreiro, Caleb Michael to Carreiro, Griffin Michael Faulkner, Tyler Quinn to Broesky, Tyler Quinn Jhally, Avtar to Cheema, Avtar Singh Piatt, Tavrie Lynn to Salloum, Tavrie Lynn Joseph, Ronelca to Sidney, Nelca Tracy Jagjeet Singh, Individual only has one name to Grewal, Jagjeet Singh Brar, Simranjit Kaur to Grewal, Simranjit Kaur Balasubramanian, Mahadevan to Iyer, Mahadevan Balan Ahmed, Amgad Mohamed Noaman Hassan Said to Hassan, Amgad Mohamed Noaman Pinga, Erika Rae Acenas to McCann, Erika Rae Nancoo, Kerron to Massiah, Vaughn Gill De Borba, Joao Pedro Avila to Deborba, John Peter Lenko, Jamie Lee to Green, Hunter Lee Usmani, Mohammad Umar to Usmani, Umar Mohammad Pleshko, Weslie Victor Wayne to Pleshko, Wesley Victor Wayne

March 2, 2016 Xiao, Yunmei to Pechersky, Mer


Cardinal, Chase Emery to Oar, Chase Emery Cardinal, Sadie Amera to Oar, Sadie Amera Guo, Joseph Lan to Ian, Joseph Gou, Michael to Ian, Michael Gou, Minxuan to Ian, Michelle Silva, Lindsey Michelle to Silva, Lyndsey Michelle Rathnayaka Arachchig, Sandun Kalinda to Jayasooriya, Sandun Kalinda Wattoru Thanthrige, Shanika Darshan to Jayasooriya, Shanika Yin, Ruohui to Yin, Naomi Ruohui Marquis, Zachary Alexander Gabriel to Beemer, Zachary Alexander Gabriel Pan, Zhen Guo to Pan, Peter Zhen Guo Moran, Jean Paul to Guerra, Jean Paul Bontogon Nguyen, Liam Alexander to Nguyen, Liam Alexander Bontogon Kovaltchouk, Alexej to Kovaltchouk, Alec Tyrer, David James Mantford to Tyrer Labiuk, David James Mantford Fekete, Skyler Alan Steven to Duncan, Skyler Alan Steven Ridley-Bezpalczuk, Maverick William Austin to Ridley, Maverick William Austin

March 3, 2016 De'Lancey, Ayla Rebecca Marie to Rasmussen-Ferguson, Ayla Marie Cockell, Denver David Kenneth to Harvie, Denver David Kenneth Goodrunning, Heather Celeste to Bigchild, Heather Celeste Turner, Evelyn Marie Joy to Turner, Joy Evelyn Marie Eden, Harley Andrew Richard William to Forsyth, Harley Richard Watson, Madison Rachel Pauline to Forsyth, Madison Rachel Pauline Vaughan, Bradley Aaron to Vaughan, Erinn Hindley, Jocelyn Marie to Koehler, Jocelyn Marie Attal, Lakhwinder Kaur to Atwal, Lakhwinder Kaur Attal, Manjinder Singh to Atwal, Manjinder Singh Attal, Ashpinder Kaur to Atwal, Ashpinder Kaur Shade, Teresa to Shade, Teresa Colleen Tran, Ngoc Tram to Ford, Tabitha Joy Haydak, Ruth Grace to Rivet, Elizabeth Anne Coutts, Claire Patricia to Coutts Sorenson, Claire Patricia Ding, Jenny to Lithmexay, Jenny Lane, Sharron Dawn to Lane, Dawn Sharron Sreedharan Nair, Rani Radhamma to Nair, Rani Gopakumar Kottamoolayil Gopakumar, Anantha to Nair, Anantha Gopakumar Kottamoolayil, Gayathri Gopakumar to Nair, Gayathri Gopakumar Madhar Madhahar, Rishab to Madhar, Rishab Thomsen, Brooklynn Violet Anne to Sieben, Brooklynn Violet Anne Stewart, Douglas Darby to Dollars, Douglas Darby Roan, Morgan Dale to Kennedy, Morgan Dale Lamond, Mark Stacey to Ashworth, Mark Stacey Gaur, Naman to Gaur, Ryan Grunewald, Blaine Willis to Gates, Blaine Willis Pithva, Rudra to Pithva, Rudraa Hitendra Staniland, Frederick William to Leighland, Axel K. Torres, Kyle Toorky to Kail, Bijoy Akash Chang, Hout to Tran, Nicolas Severight, Pauliss Andrew to Warawa, Pauliss Andrew Bradley, Ashley Marie to Livingstone, Ashley Marie


Irsa, Bela Laszlo Istvan Maria to Irsa, Bill Dechen Dolma, Individual Has Only One Name to Dolma, Dechen Paw, Moo Gay to Jue, Poemuchi Kunak, Oleksandr to Kunak, Alexander Cyr, Darcy to Charuk, Darcy Kenneth

March 4, 2016 Woytkiw, Karen Lee to Woytkiw, Lee Muraslawa Thompson, Aron Alive to Thompson, Aaron Alive Sabo, Rozalija to Szabo, Rozalia Sabo, Laslo to Szabo, Laszlo

March 7, 2016 Macnamara, Montana Lee to Halvorson, Montana Lee Shaw, Hayley Johnna to Vance, Hayley Johnna Turner, Sharron Margaret to Proulx-Turner, Sharron Marguerite Copeland, Barbara Charlie to Copeland, Charlie Pai Niranjan, Tapasya to Pai, Tina Swan-Yaremy, Maximilian Winston to Yaremy, Maximilian Winston Swan-Yaremy, Grace Anne to Yaremy, Grace Anne Swan-Yaremy, Trinity Sophia to Yaremy, Autumn Sophia Ho, Miu Ching to Ho, Wendy Miu-Ching Chirongoma, Mellisa Muchayemura to Chirongoma, Melissa Victoria Cassis, Christina Miranda to Cassis, Christopher David Petite, Stephen Michael to Petite, Lily Anne Young, Theresa Loren to Young, Lorie Theresa Loren Zeiler, Deborra Ann to Kares, Deborah Mai, Ngoc Baochan to Pham, Josephine Mai Walquist, Levi Robert to Dann-Walquist, Levi Robert Bougerolle, Natasha Nadean Marie to Hunter, Nate Laird, Kaitlyn Anne to Seguin, Kaitlyn Anne Swarchuk, Kristopher George to Swarchuk, Kristos Cosmos Johnson, Kelsey Drew to Fraser, Qelsey Drew Belik, Ben George Donald to Schaade, Ben Johnnie Waiganjo Kabue, Rose Wanjiru to Kabue, Rose Wanjiru

March 9, 2016 Marquez, Justine Kyle Manda to Marquez, Justin Kyle Manda Marchant, James Edward William Roland to Marchant, Roland James Zewdu, Tikher Demissie to Hailu, Samuel Solomon Zewdu, Leul Tikher to Samuel, Leul Solomon Riddle, Craig Darron to Shields, Craig Darron McNiven-Jensen, Ashley Samantha Johanna to Gray, Ashley Samantha Johanna McKinney, Lindsey Anne to McKinney, Lindsey Anne-McKinney Lepard, Dale Edward George to Lepard, George Edward L'Hirondelle, Todd Michael to Moghan, Todd Michael McNalley, Chance Steven Robert to McNally, Chance Steven Robert Luo, Yu Xuan to Luo, Christina Yuxuan Rhodes-Murphy, Emily Lindsay to Beck-Murphy, Emily Lindsay Golrokh, Mahmoud to Golrokh, Ario Ma, Jieqi to Ma, Jessica Jieqi Knapp, Kira Eva Marie to Knapp, Jonathan Lee Allen


Jovellanos, Lord Jeanver Ke to Arcangel, Lord Jeanver Fish, Jennifer Lynn to Statham, Dean Mitchell Dhanju, Jeet to Dhanju, Ranjit Singh Sarafinchan, Quenndelynn Jenny-Alberta to Maze, Hunter Athena Balasuriya, Balasuriya Arac to Balasuriya, Raveen Balasuriya, Balasuriya Arac to Balasuriya, Anjalika Animah Duku, Zion to Duku, Zion Animah

March 11, 2016 Singh, Jagmeet to Gill, Jagmeet Singh Kahlon, Gurmeet Kaur to Gill, Gurmeet Kaur Kaur, Gursimar to Gill, Gursimar Kaur Bissonnette, Peter James to Morrisseau, Peter James Jadavji, Irfan Mohamed to Jivraji, Aman Adbursal Hildebrand, Jeremy Alvin to Kittridge, Sae Taylor Khera, Pavlin Singh to Khera, Pavel Singh Khan, Harris Tahir to Destura, Harris Ghogomu, Martin Tanwi to Tanwi, Martin Ghogomu O'Cleirigh, Tómas Cillian Micheál to O'Cleirigh, Breanne Zahra Michelle Josephine Scales, Jeffery James to Todd, Jeffery James Davies, Joseph Daniel to Moore, Joseph Daniel

March 17, 2016 Bluecloud, Adrian William Issiah to Young, Adrian Bluecloud Elliott-MacIntyre, Guy Douglas to Dietrich, Konrad Erich McCreedy, Heather Lynn to Erlen, Heather Lynn

March 18, 2016 Kohut, Jordan Thomas Micheal to Andrew, Jordan Thomas Cross, Amber Deanne to Edmonds, Amber Deanne Drennan, Ruth Theresa to Szaefer, Ruth Theresa Drennan Kong, Rebecca Sau Ki to Kong, Rebecca Siu Ga

March 21, 2016 Talebzadeh Noori, Mohammad to Noori, Kamran Talebzadeh Noori, Mohammad Parsa to Noori, Parsa Talebzadeh Noori, Dorsa to Noori, Dorsa Montesinos Davalos, Cesar Eduardo to Montesinos, Cesar Rodriguez Robalino, Lorena Monserra to Rodriguez, Lorena Montesinos Rodriguez, Cesar Andres to Montesinos, Cesar Andres Montesinos Rodriguez, Maria Lorena to Montesinos, Maria Lorena Keall, Britnie Mae to Lee, Britnie Mae Cuarezma Besenski, Adriana Sofia to Gomez, Adriana Sofia Patena, Maren Brieane to Peria, Jela Brieane Maxima White, Danielle Alexandra Bogdana to Summers, Alexandra Cross, Justine Hayley to Edmonds, Justine Hayley King, Hayley May to King, Halen Cylus Keim, Shayla Christin to Marden, Shayla Christine Thekkumalayil Abraham Thomaskutty, Aleena Thomas to Thomas, Aleena Tona, Mihaila Lyniah Marie to Punter, Mihaila Lyniah Marie Santosh Kumar, Individual only has one name to Singh, Santosh Ehen, Izuchukwu Dubem to Eneh, Izuchukwu Dubem


Pfaff, Ludwig Otto Dietrich to Pfaff, Dieter Veroba-Legaree, Burke Alexander to Legaree, Burke Alexander Veroba Darzi Zadegan Ramand, Fatemeh to Ramandi, Fatemeh Colpitts, Samuel Leith William to Weir, Samuel Leith William Jasjeet Inder Kaur, Individual has only one name to Kaur, Jasjeet Inder Desjarlais, Carrie-Lynn Brieanne to Desjarlais, Cailin Brieanne

March 22, 2016 Nystrom, Chilo Lisa Cecilia to Selden, Shylo Shakira Cecilia Onon, Oyeala Martin to Guenther, Oyeala Sheri Lynn Lawton-Unger, Tiana Dawn to Unger, Tiana Dawn Balko, Mark Guenter to Balko, Marek Günter Zhan, Yuxi to Zhan, Chris Yuxi Howse, Chrystal Dawn to Allen, Chrystal Dawn Findley, Chace Izzack to Allen-Findley, Chace Izzack Compton, Kyle Nathan to Compton, Catherine Carolyn Rose Yousuf, Abdulkarim to Kurban, Abdulkarim Bumairemu, Kadeer to Kadeer, Maryam Mailihaba, Abudukelimu to Marhaba, Abdulkarim Akbar, Agha Zulfiqar to Agha, Zulfiqar Akbar Akbar, Agha Ihtisham to Agha, Ehtisham Akbar Akbar, Agha Zeeshan to Agha, Zeeshan Akbar Akbar, Humaira Shahbegum to Agha, Humaira Shahbegum Stang, Devin Michael to Duke, Devin Michael Shamsher Singh, Individual Has Only One Name to Singh, Shamsher Nahal, Jimmy to Singh, Jimmy Skulsky, George Elvan to Skulsky, George Alvan MacLeod, Heather Katelen to MacLeod, Heather Simeney Caitlin Hernandez, Santiago to Hernandez Castillo, Santiago Penton, Stephen Richard to Pollard, Stephen Richard Penton Gebrechristos, Rediet Aron to Aron, Rediet Lealem Achamyeleh, Behatlu Tegene to Achamyeleh, Behailu Tegene Heyesus, Mary Tesfaye to Tesfaye, Mary Heyesus Lee, Eun Ho to Lee, Jake Eunho Friesen, Frederick John to Bartel, Frederick John Friesen, Jacob Patrick Bartel to Bartel, Jacob Patrick Friesen, Christian Frederick Bartel to Bartel, Christian Frederick Warkentin Friesen, Elijah Ben to Bartel, Elijah Ben Friesen, Anna Marie Bartel to Bartel, Anna Marie Bartel-Friesen, Isabelle Kay Elizabeth to Bartel, Isabelle Kay Elizabeth Moncy Ninan Philip, Individual has only one name to Philip, Moncy Ninan Steven Philip Moncy, Individual has only one name to Moncy, Steven Philip Sharon Maria Moncy, Individual has only one name to Moncy, Sharon Maria Doyle, Sophie Kathleen to Szabó, Zsófi Gibbs, Devon Thai to Tran, Devon Thai Gavin, Justin James to Arsenault, Justin Vincent Audel, Bijan to Hassanzadeh, Bijan Kowalczyk, Anetta to Ziolkowska, Anna Hewstan, Leora to Hamilton, Ruby Kay Snow-Wolf Child, Canyon Cora to Snow, Canyon Cora Alhakawati, Mohamed Salim to Hakawati, Salem Alhakawati, Majed to Hakawati, Majed


Alhakwati, Adam to Hakawati, Adam Alhakawati, Talia to Hakawati, Talia Ibrahim, Syed Ali to Syed, Ibrahim Ali Ben Hayoun, Mounssif to Ben Hayoun, Moncef

March 23, 2016 Su, Xiao to Sunie, Kevin Su, Daniel to Sunie, Daniel Su, Alexander to Sunie, Alexander Su, Charles to Sunie, Charles

March 24, 2016 Fedio, Katherina Rose to Fedio, Katherine Rose Adam, Hawa Abaker Hussein to Huron, Mahasen Adam Abdallaziz Dinka, Robel Demise to Demissie, Robel Demise, Sinan Robel to Demissie, Sinan Robel Demise, Fenet Robel to Demissie, Fenet Robel Donaldson, Daniel John Alexander to Harper, Daniel John Alexander Chung, Wai Kit to Chung, Stephen Wai Kit Magnai Khad, Enkhlen Hélène to Tumurbaatar, Enkhlen Hélène McMaster, Daniel William to Mooney, Daniel William Gbalah, Thomas to Boygeh, Gustavus J Arman, Sina to Rezai, Sina Al Mass, Susan Ahmed to Almass, Susan Almass Lingel, Dustin Richard to Darbyshire, Dustin Woodruff, Leah Marie to Brenner, Leah Marie Mao, Thai-Hua to Mao, Steven Campbell, Rose-Lynda Gabrielle to Campbell, Roy Gabrielle Johnston Sylla, Benjamin Michael Moustapha to Grady, Benjamin Michael Sylla, Isaiah Benjamin Balla to Grady, Isaiah William Kazerooni, Sam Mohamed to Kazerooni, Sam Koohpaima

March 29, 2016 Abdellatif En Naqa, H G E to Elnaka, Abdellatif Abdellatif En Naqa, Jamal to Elnaka, Jamal Abdellatif En Naqa, Jodie to Elnaka, Jodie Gwynn, Chad Cory to Gwynn, Cory Chad Abdullahi, Nahili Hassan to Yilkal, Elshaddai Lemi

March 30, 2016 Ogunleye, Lanre Akinfenwa to Oluleye, Lanre Emmanuel Ogunleye, Joyce Orejimi to Oluleye, Joyce Orejimi Ranson, Zoey Aidyn to Bussey, Zoey Aidyn Isadore, Tyra Yvonne to Collins, Tyra Yvonne O'Dell, Kassidee Lynn to O'Dell, Khalil Ketana Blessé, Keegan Romy to Blesse, Keegan Romy Ness, Amber Elizabeth to Laska, Amber Elizabeth Delaney, Joshua James to Malik, Joshua Akinetos Zhou, De Ming to Zhou, Debbie Deming Mateen, Remal Zainub to Mateen, Sarah Zainub Kingsbury, William Alfred Albert to Kingsbury, Cheryl Ashley Myra Saban, Dillon Cameron to Thomson, Dillon Cameron



Irrigation District Notice Enforcement Return (Irrigation Districts Act) Bow River Irrigation District

Notice is hereby given that the Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench of the Judicial District of Lethbridge has fixed May 2, 2016 as the day on which at 10:00 a,m. the court will sit in the Court House, Lethbridge, Alberta for the purpose of confirmation of the Rate Enforcement Return of the Bow River Irrigation District for the year 2015 and prior years.

Dated at Vauxhall, Alberta, March 23, 2016

7-8 Richard Phillips, P. Eng., General Manager.

Notice of Certificate of Intent to Dissolve

(Business Corporations Act)

Notice is hereby given that a Certificate of Intent to Dissolve was issued to MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LIMITED on March 24, 2016.

Dated at Magrath, Alberta on March 24, 2016.

D. Wesley Balderson, President.


Notice is hereby given that a Certificate of Intent to Dissolve was issued to PAK VENTURES INC. on April 6, 2016.

Dated at Edmonton, Alberta on April 6, 2016.

Kenneth King, Secretary.


Notice is hereby given that a Certificate of Intent to Dissolve was issued to PASSION PARTIES CANADA INC. on April 14, 2016.

Dated at Calgary, Alberta on April 14, 2016.

John J. Camozzi, Esq.


Public Sale of Land

(Municipal Government Act)

Athabasca County

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Athabasca County will offer for sale, by public auction, in the Athabasca County Administration Building, 3602 - 48 Avenue, Athabasca, Alberta, on Thursday, June 30, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., the following lands:

Legal Description Acres Title Number Pt. SE-24-62-24-4 / Plan 867HW, Block 6, Lot 10 - 112 032 176 Pt. NW-19-68-21-4 1.50 032 440 988 Pt. SW-1-64-20-4 / Plan 1604HW, Block 1, Lot 6 - 982 082 350 Pt. SW-29-65-22-4 104.50 952 304 064 Pt. SE-24-62-24-4 / Plan 5619BK, Block 2, Lot 20 - 102 292 993 Pt. SE-24-62-24-4 / Plan 5619BK, Block 2, Lot 21 - 102 292 993+1 Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

Conditions: Sale subject to approval of sales agreement

Athabasca County may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Cash or Certified Cheque. 10% deposit and balance within 30 days of date of Public Auction. G.S.T. may apply.

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Athabasca, Alberta, April 15, 2016.

Brian Pysyk, Director of Corporate Services.


Flagstaff County

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Flagstaff County will offer for sale, by public auction, in the Flagstaff County Office, at 12435 TWP RD 442, Sedgewick, Alberta, on Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016, at 11:00 a.m., the following lands:

Pt. of Sec. Twp. Rge. M. Acres Certificate of Title Sec. SE 03 43 16 4 5.96 052548345 SE 06 43 12 4 4.05 092363332 SW 10 42 17 4 3.06 082175047 SW 27 42 15 4 4.97 082540905 N 23 40 14 4 104.65 132276357 Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

Flagstaff County may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Cash, Certified Cheque, or Bank Draft.

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Sedgewick, Alberta, April 14, 2016.

S. Armstrong, Chief Administrative Officer. ______

Town of Calmar

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Town of Calmar will offer for sale, by public auction, at the Calmar Town Council Chambers in Calmar, Alberta, located at 4901 – 50 Avenue, on Tuesday, June 28, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., the following lands:

Lot Block Plan C. of T. 4A 2 802 1511 152 084 004 Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

The land is being offered for sale on an “as is, where is” basis, and the Town makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the adequacy of services, soil conditions, land use districting, building and development conditions, absence or presence of environmental contamination, vacant possession, or the developability of the subject land for any intended use by the Purchaser. No bid will be accepted where

- 434 - THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, APRIL 30, 2016 the bidder attempts to attach conditions precedent to the sale of any parcel. No terms and conditions of sale will be considered other than those specified by the Town.

The Town of Calmar may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Cash, Money Order, or Certified Cheque

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Calmar, Alberta, April 18, 2016.

Kathy Rodberg, Chief Administrative Officer. ______

Village of Chauvin

Notice is hereby given that, under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Village of Chauvin will offer for sale, by public auction, in the Village Office, 216 Main Street, Chauvin, Alberta, on Friday, June 10, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., the following lands:

Lot Block Plan Civic Address Certificate of Title # 1 & 2 6 4835W 100 Main Street 022147635 35 & 36 5 4835W 5020 - 1st Avenue N. 072647077 6 A 1757KS 400 Queen Street 082491303 Each parcel will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing certificate of title.

The land is being offered for sale on an “as is, where is” basis, and the Village of Chauvin makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the adequacy of services, soil conditions, land use districting, building and development conditions, absence or presence of environmental contamination, or the develop ability of the subject land for any intended use by the Purchaser.

The Village of Chauvin may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Cash, Money Order, or Certified Cheque – 10% down, balance in 20 days.

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Chauvin, Alberta, April 11, 2016.

Shelly McMann, Municipal Administrator.


Village of Warburg

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, The Village of Warburg will offer for sale, by public auction, to be held at the Village Office, Warburg, Alberta on Thursday, June 30, 2016, at 2:00 p.m., the following lands:

Lot Block Plan Title Number 23 6 597 H.W. 032 448 189 1 8 2182 M.C. 902 163 175 6 13 7720263 152 244 790 PT SW-36-48-5 032 218 415 2 12 7922029 062 410 611 6 7 1746 HW 952 296 216 Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

The Village of Warburg may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: 10% Cash deposit and balance payable by cash or certified cheque within 48 hours.

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Warburg, Alberta, April 12, 2016.

Chris Pankewitz, Municipal Administrator.



th The Alberta Gazette is issued twice monthly, on the 15 and last day.

Notices and advertisements must be received ten full working days before the date of the issue in which the notices are to appear. Submissions received after that date will appear in the next regular issue.

Notices and advertisements should be typed or written legibly and on a sheet separate from the covering letter. An electronic submission by email or disk is preferred. Email submissions may be sent to the Editor of The Alberta Gazette at [email protected]. The number of insertions required should be specified and the names of all signing officers typed or printed. Please include name and complete contact information of the individual submitting the notice or advertisement.

Proof of Publication: Statutory Declaration is available upon request.

A copy of the page containing the notice or advertisement will be emailed to each advertiser without charge.

The dates for publication of Tax Sale Notices in The Alberta Gazette are as follows:

Earliest date on which Issue of sale may be held

May 14 June 24 May 31 July 11

June 15 July 26 June 30 August 10

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