Monday February 6, 2016


Monday RAINY 7°C



Hundreds of suspects detained in

anti-Daesh operations across Turkey Romanian gov’t to withdraw controversial corruption decree Counter-terrorism squads capture almost 450 Daesh suspects Romanian Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu said Saturday he will can- in almost 20 provinces, including Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir cel a decree decriminalizing some corruption offences following na- Turkish police detained near- ya, Kilis, Hatay, Corum, An- tionwide mass protests. “We’ll hold ly 450 suspects linked to the talya, Diyarbakir and Van. an extraordinary meeting tomorrow Daesh terrorist group in Anti-terrorism police in the to repeal the decree, cancel it,” he early-morning raids across capital Ankara detained 60 said during a press conference in the Turkey on Sunday, security Daesh-linked suspects early government building in... MORE DETAILS sources said. The suspects, Sunday morning. In Istanbul most of them foreign nation- and northwestern Kocaeli, als, were charged with being a total of 18 people -- 14 of members of an armed terror- them foreigners, including Bomb blast kills two ist organization, according 10 minors -- were arrested for to the sources, who spoke on having alleged links to the soldiers in eastern Iraq condition of anonymity due Daesh terrorist group. The Two Iraqi soldiers were killed and to restrictions on talking to operations were conducted five others injured in a bomb blast the media. Separate police in 20 different addresses in Sunday in eastern Iraq, according operations were conducted Istanbul’s Beyoglu, Esenler, to a local police officer. An explo- across at least 18 provinces Sisli, Bagcilar, Maltepe, and sive device detonated as a group of including Ankara, Istanbul, Sultanbeyli districts as well soldiers were clearing landmines in Kocaeli, Bursa, Izmir, Konya, as one address in Kocaeli. In al-Mukhisa village, 30 kilometers Bingol, Adana, Sanliurfa, Ga- the Aegean province of Izmir, northeast of Baquba district of Di- ziantep, Adiyaman, Malat- security forces... MORE DETAILS yala province... MORE DETAILS Turkish Defense Minister urges Greece to ‘talk’ over problems Turkish Defense Minister Fikri Isik has called on cent days, we are sadly watching Greek Defense Greece Saturday to solve the problems “by talk- Minister who made extremely unfounded and ir- ing” following the islet crisis on the Aegean Sea. responsible statements,” Isik said during a meet- Fikri Isik said the neighboring countries should ing of ruling Justice and Development (AK) Par- work together to solve their problems while urg- ty in Turkey’s northwestern province of Kocaeli. ing that “provocative statements” of his Greek ”[His] statements, discourses and actions are ir- counterpart, Panos Kammenos must end. “In re- responsible and provocative... MORE DETAILS Georgia cancels FETO Thousands in mark Solidarity Day linked school’s license Georgian Ministry of Education has talking with the media. The offi- canceled Saturday the license of the cials said the formal decision on the Ethiopian President Wirtu school that is known to be linked to cancellation of the school’s license the Fetullah Terrorist Organization would be issued within 10 working to visit Turkey next week (FETO) in Batumi. Sahin Primary days. According to Georgian law, - and High Schools’ license was can- when a school’s license is canceled, Ethiopian President Mulatu Te celled due to some serious deficien- educational procedures are sus- shome Wirtu will pay a five-day offi- cies such as student enrollment pended from the day the decision cial visit to Turkey starting on Mon- system, officials from the country’s is formally issued. By the decision day, the Presidential Press Center Education Ministry told Anadolu of the Ministry, the students will be said. According to the statement, on - Agency, speaking on condition of transferred to various educational Tuesday Wirtu will meet with Turk ish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. anonymity due to restrictions on institutions. MORE DETAILS During his visit, the talks will focus Human chains, rallies, and mas- minute as a mark of solidarity with on bilateral relations and regional sive protests marked Kashmir Day the in the occupied val- and international issues as well as US gov’t appeals court across Pakistan Sunday to express ley. A human chain was formed by the signing of various agreements solidarity with the ongoing free- thousands of people across roads between the two countries, the dom struggle in Indian-held Jam- at several points connecting Paki- statement added. Wirtu will also at- mu and Kashmir. The day, which stan with . The song tend the groundbreaking ceremony order blocking travel ban was also marked in the U.S., Brit- You Can Blind Our Eyes But Can- for the new Ankara embassy of the ain, Belgium, and other Europe- not Steal Our Dreams -- released East African country, which has a The U.S. Department of Justice on der issued by Federal Judge James an countries, has been officially by the Pakistan army to denounce population of some 100 million. In Saturday formally appealed against Robart in Seattle, Washington. ”The observed every Feb. 5 by Pakistan Indian forces’ brutal use of force 2005, as prime minister, Erdogan a federal court order that blocked opinion of this so-called judge, and Azad (liberated) Kashmir against protesters in the valley -- declared 2005 the Year of Africa, President Trump’s controversial which essentially takes law-en- since 1990. The day began with a has gone viral on social media. In Turkey was accorded observer status travel ban. Trump had promised forcement away from our country, moment of silence, bringing traffic recent months hundreds of Kash- by the African Union, and Turkey’s earlier in the day to reverse the or- is ridiculous and will be... MORE DETAILS across the country to a halt for a miris have lost their... MORE DETAILS official outreach to Africa...MORE DETAILS