Blrjgyp Houses Today! to Sell Dial Ments
\ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (Cob*.), BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. REPAIRS AND SIRVICiS (Cont.) 1 MlltHUKTOII SOS SALS (Cwt.t MISCBLLANIOUS POR SALE. RESTAURANT. ne'irby lid.; does RESTAURANT, nice n.w. location, seats 80 WANTED, self-service grocery and meat PAINTING and naoering m distinctive ■Ot’S WOOL SUIT, till *8; boy * foop#160 14. dally; clous 7 p.m. dally, no Sun- people; fully equipped and recently painted; market; sales, $3,000 per week and up: colors, specialising in Dvt. homes and IWfVSS,.'SI %*B?. leather coat, wool lined, fur collar, alae 5 employes; nets over <8,000 year low rent, tood lease; right party can make city or nearby suburban. Phone Taylor offices. PAUL POLOKOFF. GE. 14*6. 10, $8; girl's wool coat and legtlnis set. MISCELLANEOUS for sah. miscellaneous roii sali. W-000; terms. MR THRIFT, money NA. PAINTING of the better kind; work done APEX^DE LUXE WOVE*, with metal cov- alae 10, girl's Mates, size 2. **; ?T£&t;.,prl?''i«>8 here. 0460. .$8; i N- T. ave. n.w. NA 9743. GROCERIES—Looking or a money-maker? Cm&EBE-AMEKICAN RESTAURANT, fully immediately. WO. 8137. er. nice condition; alio 16-lnch Westing- marionettes by Tony Sarae, Hansel and DESK, antique pine schoolmaster type. run COAT, black, size 18, *25; rote suit. RESTAURANT on large military reservation We have a list of them are eauipped. Md.: rent. does PAINTING—Neat work; estimates cheer- house fan. like new. Call Alexandria 4106 wetel. all ased buy in eood condition. excellent condition; no dealers. Call Ord- 16; navy suit.
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