A g e n d a & d o c u m e n t s Europe Triathlon Annual General Assembly 1 V i r t u a l - 6 March 2021


Annual General Assembly Agenda 3

1. Presidents‘ Report 4

2. Secretary General Report 10

3. Executive Board Members‘ Report 11

4. Development Committee Report 14

5. Technical Committee Report 15

6. Race Commission Report 16

7. Marketing Commission Report 17

8. Resolutions 20

9. Annual General Assembly 2020 Minutes 25

10. Treasurer Report 2020 33

11. Audit Committee Report 37

12. Draft Budget 2021 39

13. Elections-list of nominees 42

A g e n d a & d o c u m e n t s Europe Triathlon Annual General Assembly 2 V i r t u a l - 6 March 2021


Time Item Description

10:50 a Pre-meeting 11:00 b Registration, welcome and opening remarks by the ETU President c Admission and/or resignation of National Federations d President’s Report e Secretary General’s Report f Executive Board members’ Report g Committees’ report 1. Development Committee 2. Technical Committee h Commission Reports 1. Race Commission 2. Marketing Commission i Any other business (of which previous notice has been given to the Secretary General)

13:20 j Pre-meeting 13:30 k Confirmation of the register of voters l Confirmation of the minutes of the preceding Annual General Assembly m Treasurer Report 2020 n Audit Committee Report o 2021 Draft budget p Proposals of resolutions to the Annual General Assembly q Elections 1. President 2. Vice-President 3. Treasurer 4. Executive Board 5. Development Committee 6. Technical Committee 7. Audit Committee

A g e n d a & d o c u m e n t s Europe Triathlon Annual General Assembly 3 V i r t u a l - 6 March 2021

ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY DOCUMENTS In order as handled in the Assembly

1. President‘s report

Dear Friends, it is with great pleasure that I present you The Europe Triathlon activities last Term report. This Term started at our elective Congress in Roma on February 18th 2017. It also started the now “traditional morning runs” which have become part of our group activitiesivities.

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As in the previous term, we have been working as a TEAM and I want, in this formal occasion, to take the opportunity to thank the friends that join me at the Europe Triathlon Board table, all the Members of the Audit, Technical and Development Committees for their outstanding support. The Members of the 2 strategic Commissions, Media/Marketing and Race that provided exceptional support to our strategy.

A big role has also been played by the continuous support, starting with their President, from all the World Triathlon Staff.

Finally, a special thanks to you all, Presidents of our National Federations: we have always felt your trust and backing.

At the beginning of the Term, the new elected Board made an important decision related to the “4 years Strategic Plan”.

We decided to adopt the “Strategic Aims” that were approved by the World Triathlon EB and to adapt them to our European situation. The decision was made in order to be in line with the World Triathlon “four years Strategic Plan 2017-2021”. The Aims are listed:

1. Consolidate the presence of Triathlon with the Olympic and Paralympic Families not only in Triathlon but all Multisport Events 2. Maximise the profile and sustainability of Triathlon Events 3. Develop the Sport 4. Provide strong and effective global leadership We adopted, for our European strategy, the above Aims deeply convinced that the activities required at World Triathlon level are different from the ones required at European level and the overall success of the Strategy is deeply linked to the success of the Continental Confederations Strategy.

The update of our activities in order to achieve the Aims, have always been provided to you at all Presidents Conferences and Congress.


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Here under I summarise the key points in support of the aims

1. Consolidate the presence…. . be part of the 2023 . be part of the 2022 European Sport Championships . be part of the European Youth Olympics . support new race formats . support Paratriathlon and all Multisport format, promoting these through the NFs and European Championships

We can proudly say that all points were successfully achieved

2. Maximise the profile and sustainability of Triathlon Events . ensure that we are recognised as the Governing Body of Triathlon . continue to promote AGs’ participation to our Events . monitor the overall costs of the Events . improve our Junior Circuit . environmental sustainability

Not all points have been completely achieved but for all of them there is an action plan in place.

3. Develop the Sport . continue to support with our founds the Development programs . have all the European Countries represented in Europe Triathlon . encourage all NFs to have National Championships in all disciplines . encourage and support “Mentor Programs” . support and encourage exchange of Young Athletes across Europe and the World All activities successfully in place

4. Strong and effective leadership . maintain good governance principles and spread the best practises in our NFs . provide a positive contribution to World Triathlon activities . promote and ensure fair play in our Sport . promote Drug Free Sport . ensure financial sustainability of Europe Triathlon We are committed to work proactively with World Triathlon in order to help to create the “4 years Strategic plan 2021-2025” and then custom make it to fit the European situation. World Triathlon success is the result of the achievements made in the 5 Continental Confederations. To obtain success with our European Strategic plan we always worked by priorities. Financial sustainability Development Races 1. Financial strategy

The Treasurer report will provide all the details. I would like to give you a short summary.


A g e n d a & d o c u m e n t s Europe Triathlon Annual General Assembly 6 V i r t u a l - 6 March 2021

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Bgt Income 391.725 412.306 539.279 488.397 185.621 470.000 Admin Costs 50.576 46.634 51.218 50.451 62.261 54.400 Results -17.050 10.316 21.378 20.043 -22.339 -69.000 Reserves 254.472 264.788 286.177 302.060 279.721 210.721

*2020 result is in blue as till in process You can appreciate how the INCOME curve has going on increasing almost constantly over the last few years. It is the result of our strategy started in 2012 when we were faced by a difficult financial situation. The income sources are, for the major part, from our race income: fees for the European Cups and the participation fees (split over the term) of the European Games, European Sport Championships.

The income from Sponsors is still neglectable and reduced to zero in 2020. We did a good job, but we can improve further by successfully implementing our Marketing strategy. ADMINISTRATION COSTS are kept under strict control. We have a noticeably lean team and because of this we were able to financially close 2020 with a small loss. This approach need to be reviewed in our next term. All the goals reached so far, are due to the great work of Volunteers that continually provide Europe Triathlon with their precious professional skills. The negative part of it is that we depend too much on the people: we must create simple and clear processes handled by a lean administrative structure.

We were able to steadily increase our RESERVES. We assume that 100K€ could be the right amount. The next Executive Board will have the responsibility to invest it wisely.

2. Development The mission of the Confederations is to develop the Sport of Triathlon: in our case in Europe. Since 2012 it has been at the top of our priorities and we are proud that the process we began in 2012 was the inspiration for the World Triathlon Development Plan.

Our process is still focused on two main areas: the so called “common projects” and the “national project” It works well and we are trying to maintain a good balance among the two.

The old motto “face to face” and “bottom up” approaches, are still valid and are at the base of all our actions.

According to our strategy, we have been able, since years, to support the development activities with 60.000€ from our Budget in addition to the 140.000€ from World Triathlon.

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3. Races

“if you do not have Races, you do not have Triathlon”

Races for our Sport are vital for the existence and the development of Triathlon. It is a huge chapter as it involves almost all the activities in our world.

Elite Athletes, Age Groupers, Juniors, Youth, ranking system, Travels, sustainability issues, income sources, TV, Partners, Governmental support, Professional LOC relationships… everything is closely entwined under the title of Races.

From our perspective we achieved good results in these past four years: the full report will be presented by the Race Commission.

A lot more must be done, and we have all the tools and experience to do it successfully with the support of our NFs The next term will be key for Europe. To end my report a quick look back at 2020

If we could give a name to 2020, I would call it the “ZOOM year”.

We have all suffered the consequences of the pandemic on personal and professional levels that is still hitting us badly.

One of the few positive aspects of this year is that we have learned to communicate better with each other without face-to- face meetings. Ironically, the way that our EB is now working is far more efficient compared to what we were used to up to 2019. Before 2019, we met in person 3-4 times per year and 1 board meeting per month by Skype. From February 2020 our EB has met by Skype or Zoom over 100 times with a similar number of meetings with the Committees/Commission.

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We used to say, “see you at the next Race”. This does not happen anymore; the phrase now is “at what time can I invite you for a zoom call?” is the new way of working.

I am sure it we will continue in the future with this way of meeting even when all these restrictions are relaxed. It is also more sustainable.

I am optimistic for our future. The vaccine will be the solution and, when the weaker sectors of the population become immune, we will see a light at the end of the tunnel.

To end a big thank you to the Federations that helped us organise the President’s Conference: FITri ROMA 2017 – Russian Triathlon federation, MOSCOW 2018 – Triathlon Ireland, Dublin 2019 – Belarusian Triathlon Federation 2020

Thank you to the NFs that have organised our Triathlon European Championship OD and SD



WEERT, 2019

MALMÖ, TARTU unfortunately could not take place in 2020.

A g e n d a & d o c u m e n t s Europe Triathlon Annual General Assembly 9 V i r t u a l - 6 March 2021

See you in Virtual on March the 6th

Renato Bertrandi, ETU President

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2. Secretary General‘s report

I am pleased to submit my report which catalogues and summarises my activities since the last Annual General Assembly, which took place virtual on 27 August 2020. I would like to start by using this opportunity to thank Triathlon Ireland for their assistance in organising the 2020 virtual Annual General Assembly. Since we all met in Minsk, Belarus, the Executive Board had unfortunately no face to face Board meetings. Luckily we all discovered ‘zoom’. So since my last report, at the 2020 Annual General Assembly on 27 August, the Board met by zoom 7 times and many smaller meetings on marketing and media, on events, on the Next Generation Challenge, etc. which were organised with only a subgroup of the Board members present, depending on the point on the agenda. I prepared in cooperation with Renato the agendas and made the minutes of each of the meetings. As a former elite athlete I was very pleased that we were able, in these challenging times, to organise some events: the Riga Triathlon Junior European Cup and Triathlon Baltic Championships, the Olsztyn Sprint Triathlon European Cup and Junior European Cup, the Banyoles Triathlon Junior European Cup, the Belgrade Junior European Cup, the Alhandra Triathlon Mixed Relay European Championships, the Alhandra Triathlon Mediterranean

Championships and the Barcelona Sprint Triathlon European Cup. However unfortunately we had to cancel many other events due to the pandemic. I would like to say huge respect and a big thank you to ALL race organisers and assigned Technical Officials for all their efforts! Another big achievement was the Next Generation Challenge. Giving athletes born 2001 till 2006 the opportunity to do a 400m swim and 3 kilometer run in their own country or club and gain points for the results was a great idea from the Junior High performance coaches of some of our National Federations. I was more than happy to put extra time in preparing all the results on a weekly basis. At the award ceremony that took place virtual on 28 January, it was a pleasure to see all those young promising athletes, and maybe future Olympic Champions, listening to the biggest Champion in the history of triathlon, 2 times Olympic Champion Alistair Brownlee. Thank you Alistair, thank you athletes, coaches and National Federations. On a weekly basis I am involved within Development with a call between the Development Coordinator from World Triathlon and Europe Triathlon, Zita and Zeljko and the Committee chair Aldo and secretary Werner. Every week these meetings have put a smile on my face due to the positivity of each of them and their efforts in trying to have as many development projects realised as possible. On a monthly basis I also took part in the Development Committee meeting. Europe Triathlon is ready in 2021 to offer the Developing National federations opportunities to grow, the athletes the possibility to race in various events thanks to the help of the Local Organisers and assigned Technical Officials. The continuous assistance of the World Triathlon Development and the World Triathlon Sport Department will help us deliver this. Some of you will no longer be candidates for a position within Europe Triathlon and whilst some of you sadly may not be reelected, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Europe Triathlon Board and the chairs, secretary and members of the standing committees and commissions over the past 4 years. Kathleen Smet, Europe Triathlon Secretary General

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3. Executive Board report

The Executive Committee of the European Triathlon Union comprises the following members: President and Chair: Renato Bertrandi - World Triathlon Continental representative Vice President: Denis Jaeger - Relation Challenge, Ironman Vice President: Chris Kitchen - Marketing & Media Commission chair Treasurer: Alicia Garcia - Marketing, Sponsors Executive Board Members: Martin Breedijk - Innovation and new technologies Mariya Cherkovskaya-Taresevich - Liaison Development Committee Herwig Grabner - Race commission chair Eugène Kraus - Liaison Technical Committee Galina Shipovalova - Media support Secretary General: Kathleen Smet Media Manager: Amé Venter

Presidents’ Conference Minsk Beginning of February, the 2020 season started very well for all of us with the President’s Conference and the ETU Gala in Minsk. The Belarusian President Andrei Silivonchyck and Maryia Charkouskaya-Tarasevich had put together an interesting program for us and we were hosted in a very hospitable man.

2020 Saison: We were well prepared 2020 should have been an incredibly special year, the Olympic Games in Tokyo were on the program, and with the last chance to win an Olympic spot for the athletes and the National Federations.

Everything started normally, our race commission had set up a proper racing calendar with the help of the national federations, and the local organizers. Contracts were signed, the athletes had prepared particularly hard for the season.

COVID-19 Pandemic And then suddenly at the beginning of March the terrible news COVID-19, a pandemic that initially began far away from Europe, but the virus rapidly overran Europe and the entire World. Lockdowns were ordered in most countries, shops, schools were closed, we all had to stay at home.

All activities were banned, competitions were postponed for an uncertain time, and later most of them were cancelled. It was a difficult and opaque situation.

The organizers, our secretary Kathleen Smet and our race commission tried extremely hard to save what could be saved. It was particularly important for us to at least hold the European Triathlon Championships in Tartu, but without success despite the huge help of Margus Lepik, the Estonian President. But do not think that this was less work for all of us, on the contrary, we have never had so much work, almost every week the Executive Board had at least one Zoom Call.

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Especially the race commission and Kathleen who had daily contacts with the race organizers, and they were always hoping that something would work out.

Swift Competitions and Next Generation Challenge Considerations were given to new forms of activities like virtual Swift Club Competitions and the Next Generation Challenge. Thanks to good relations with Swift, virtual competitions were organized weekly. With the help of the coaches Rick Valeti and Alessandro Botoni the Next Generation Challenge was launched for our Youth categories. Young Athletes from 16 different nations participated.

Finally, some competitions Thanks to the many webinars of the World Triathlon Sport Department, later in the year some competitions with many socially distanced rules and restrictions could take place. The highest possible number of National Championships and European Cup races that could be organised were delivered. We have had excellent support from Spain, Portugal, Belarus, Latvia, , Italia just to name some of the countries.

We would especially like to thank the World Triathlon Sport Department, our Technical Committee, and our Technical Delegates, all the Federations involved, and especially the local race organizers for their tenacity.

Medias, new logo With the help of Pascal Salamin, the Media Commission took care of our new Europe Triathlon logo and the new branding guidelines. After Paul Groves and Ceci Frascaroli were no longer available for our media work, the Media Commission was able to find, with Amé Venter, the right young and enthusiastic Media officer. Finally, I would like to highlight the friendly, respectful cooperation between all Executive Board members and the great commitment and positive approach over the last 4 years. Especially the tireless, intelligent, and encouraging leadership style of our President Renato Bertrandi which contributed a lot to this good atmosphere and the success of this last Olympic cycle.

It was real a pleasure to work with and in this group and I would like to wish my colleagues and all the candidates for the elections a good success.

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Prepared by Eugène Kraus, Executive Board member

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4. Development Committee Report

Key Projects and Achievements Proposals for improvement

Minsk Face-to-face meetings with Presidents Virtual / Live meeting to discuss 2021 national /Secretary General of national Federations development projects with Presidents/General cat. 2 and 3 to discuss Development projects Secretary of NFs 2020

Document on Europe Triathlon’s Prepare smooth transition to 2021 to new Development Committee is the future. composition of Europe’s Development Committee

after elections of March and related retirement of present President and Secretary.

Detailed analysis results of - Reflect results World Triathlon’s annual NF World Triathlon’s Annual National Survey in approval process national development project proposals; Federation Survey. - Analyze results of updated Annual National Federation Survey by World Triathlon

Annual meeting to evaluate NF projects for

2021. 3 virtual sessions

Welcome new committee members after

election by General Assembly.

Committee Members: Chair: Aldo Lucarini Secretary: Werner Taveirne Members: Armine Antonyan, Pierre Bigot, Mario Kasovic, Ljudmila Medan, Mitja Mori Continental coordinator: Zeljko Bijuk

Report prepared by: Aldo Lucarini, Werner Taveirne

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5. Technical Committees Report

Key Projects and Achievements Targets for 2021

Monthly meetings among the members and Move on with the reactivation of the sport in the

with the ETU EB Representative. COVID-19 context.

Big coordination ITU/ETU for the TD and Cooperation with World Triathlon Technical

aTD assignments. Committee.

Coordination among with World Triathlon Set up standards of operations for the assigned TD’s and Europe Triathlon Executive Board in the coordinated with World Triathlon. COVID-19 events planning context.

Big involvement of the Technical Officials in Reactivation of the SFTO program, considering the

the events that could move on in 2020. support of the LOC’s.

Howard Vine (GBR), Bela Varga (HUN) and Jorge García (ESP), elected for the World Triathlon Technical Committee.

Committee members: Jorge Garcia (ESP) – Chair Maisie Bancewicz (GBR) – Secretary Alpar Nagy (HUN) Line Amlund Hagen (NOR) Duncan Hough (GBR) Julien van der Plancke (FRA) Fritz Schwartz (AUT)

Report prepared by Jorge Garcia

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6. Race Commission Report

Key Projects and Achievements Targets for 2021

Maintaining races during the corona pandemic. Implementation of the new branding guidelines at

the 2021 events.

Close contact exchange with all LOC'S to find Restructuring of the race commission with a focus common solutions for every race during the on high performance sport, age group sport and

difficult season. More than 100 zoom calls races with experts from the respective subject during the season. areas.

Implementation of the Next Generation Implementation of all scheduled races in 2021 in Challenge together with an expert group of close coordination with the LOC’s and the specified national coaches. technical delegates.

Implementation of the Triathlon Europe Junior Continuation the Next Generation Challenge.

Ranking during the pandemic period.

Repositioning of the Triathlon European Championships. Age Group Sprint and Standard

Championships together again in one location. Repositioning of the European Super Sprint Championship.

Commission Members: Chair: Herwig Grabner Secretary: Kathleen Smet Members: Different experts, depending on the subjects

Report prepared by Herwig Grabner

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7. Marketing & Media Commission Report

#Achieve More

Key Projects and Achievements Targets for 2021 and the next Quadrennial

Overview and Commission Activity Commission Activity and Strategic Aims 2021 - Europe Triathlon has made significant 2025 and beyond improvements to our media and marketing Media and Marketing is going to be a crucial part of activity over the last four years. the development of our sport in Europe. We have a Amongst other areas we have: fantastic opportunity when we come out of the • revamped the website shadow of the pandemic to maximise the position of • increased activity on all social media Europe Triathlon to provide opportunities to grow platforms our sport and raise the bar of what we do already. • Developed a coherent “brand” with The pandemic has highlighted to many governments common event logo styles. the importance of the health of their nation and we • Developed NF resources with items need to be able to help NFs capitalise on the such as the NF Toolkit potential of increased funding for sport. • Gained sponsorship from a number We believe we need to increase our base to increase of organisations (new sponsors are the high performance potential. We need to deliver being worked on) fantastic events but we also need to sell the sport to • Employed a new Media Officer non triathletes. • Increased live streaming of events, • Political and Development Theme and significantly raise the profile of o Consolidate the Sport of Triathlon in Europe Triathlon and our sport. Europe This was delivered by having a well- o Raise awareness of all the multisport established and very active commission events – triathlon is not just triathlon with all members contributing to the o Provide strong leadership innovative development of Europe Triathlon. ideas and support to our National Federations to sell the sport There is of course much work to do but the • Competition Theme progress over the last four years has been o Maximise the profile and sustainability great and I want to take the opportunity to of triathlon events thank all the Commission members. o Develop the sport from the base up • Commercial Theme o Create and develop win-win partnerships o Increase visibility to consolidate the top and broaden the base of the European Multisport community

How will we deliver this? We plan to develop a comprehensive Media Strategy as a subset of the overarching Strategic Plan. This

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will be a live document setting out our values and plans. Our Comms will be focused on story telling – creating emotional captivating stories on: • on our values and identity • creating heroes; elite to age group • ordinary people doing extraordinary things • event story telling • partner story telling • NF story telling – developing shared promotions of NF initiatives • innovation and development ideas stories o NF Incentives/Programmes (try a tri, women in sport etc) o Next Generation Challenge o etc • Leveraging Major Games to raise our profile Munich 2022 and European games 2023 We will set some Strategic Targets such as o Facebook reach, engagement and likes o Instagram Accounts reached and interactions o Twitter – tweets, impressions, profile visits and mentions o Website hits o Streaming and Broadcast views and length of view o etc

Branding 2021 Goals Launched the new brand and logo Primary Goals o Political Theme – Develop our corporate identity and visibility o Competition Branding Static and Live o Commercial – Partner presence profile and services Deliverable goals Late 2020 provided us with a new branding • Finalise the media strategy/strategic plan opportunity following the finalisation of • Identify and promote our key events and World Triathlon’s new brand. Europe deliver an event streaming Triathlon developed our own brand logo • Plan and deliver a minimum of 3 premiere that provides a family link to World events with live streaming/broadcast Triathlon to hopefully fit in with the family • Finalise the event branding document feel and confirm the change of operating • Initial Prospecting for new partners name from ETU to Triathlon Europe.

o Headline

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We built on the work already taken place o Tier 2 on unifying the event logos and we hope to o Tier 3 develop our brand further with • Event branding and promotion standardised event websites. The new logo • Finalise the NF Events Toolkit – to help NFs will require new branding material but the sell our events rebrand will provide us with a huge opportunity to develop our brand. We are in the final stages of producing our Event Branding guide which we hope will be launched in the next few weeks together with all our event Logos.

Race Media Production Race Media Production A lot of work was undertaken to try and get We also want to implement the TV Streaming plans live streaming of 4 Premium Junior Cups in scheduled for 2020 in the 2021 season. We feel the 2020. The plan was to have good quality Premium Junior Cups can tell a compelling story with live streaming from the events with remote these athletes being our future Olympians. We editing to minimise the cost of delivery. believe there would be interest from a number of NF Plans were well in place to provide this to be able to show the events on their own media service to our member NFs but the Covid channels to allow their supporters to follow their 19 Lockdown across Europe meant that junior athletes through a season. many events were cancelled or postponed We also are wanting to look at TV Quality production and as such the Streaming Programme was of our championship events to further promote and put on hold for 2020. raise the profile of triathlon. We believe we can find The financial implications for ETU as a new technology to allow us to keep the costs of result of the lockdowns also had an production down whilst still providing TV quality influence on this decision. The cost saving output. was a significant factor in the solid bottom We would want to work in partnership with the line of the ETU finances. Championship LOCs to see how we can best achieve this high quality production.

Major Games Major Games Munich 2022 - I am on the Board of the We have a fantastic opportunity to raise our profile Munich 2022 European Championships and maximise the benefit that we can get from mass along with Renato and the plans for this broadcast exposure associated with major games. event are developing well with now nine Europe Triathlon will be present at the European sports: championships in Munich in 2022 and we expect to • Cycling be included in the EOC European Games in 2023.

• Athletics We also have the benefit of the 2024 Olympics being • hosted in Europe with I am sure a spectacular • Rowing Olympic Triathlon in Paris. • Triathlon Plus 4 new ones: We need to use these events to leverage our profile • and as such we will have media strategies to • Speed Climbing promote our elite athletes at these events.

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, and; • Beach This combination will provide for a fantastic event in 2020. I am also on the Brand and communications Working Group which had its first meeting. This gives us an opportunity to influence the strategy and hopefully learn from other EFs and the ECM Media Team. European games 2023 We are currently finalising negotiations to be a part of the European games 2023.

Sponsorship Sponsorship Europe triathlon has been reasonably A new sponsor deck has been produced to help sell successful with some small sponsors such Europe Triathlon. We firmly believe that we can offer as Nirvana, On, Austral and Scicon and a valuable proposition to the right partners. It needs whilst some of these have changed to be a good fit that is of value to both parties. direction in part due to Covid we are We will actively be looking for ideal partners in 2021 actively looking at new sponsors. and beyond with a plan to sign a multiyear deal with a Headline Sponsor.

Europe triathlon’s development require additional revenue to set up a staff infrastructure to drive the sport forward and we will seek to come to a deal with a significant partner.

Covid 19 has had a massive effect on the Europe Triathlon and also with all our athletes, NFs and LOCs but it does also provide an great opportunity to be in the best possible position to bounce back. We know the virus is going to be around us for a long time and there will undoubtedly be more peaks but we want to take advantage of the situation by being innovative and adaptable. We are triathletes and we have an advantage over sports that have been around for a long time in that we don't carry the same baggage. We are not the same as the others and we can put ourselves in a fantastic position to relaunch in 2021 and beyond. I want to offer my sincere thanks to the Commission members for all their hard work and diligence over the last year. It is really appreciated. Committee/Commission Members: Chris Kitchen Board Liaison Eva Werthmann Pascal Salamin Amé Venter

Report prepared by: Chris Kitchen

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8. Resolutions

Resolution from Belgian Triathlon

The Articles of Association (AoA) were voted at the Presidents meeting 2013 Warsaw (POL). Due to the short period to write new AoA the General Assembly (GA) accepted some additions and clarifications in the AoA may be voted on at a later stage. We notice that the terms of reference (ToR) for the Technical Committee and the Development Committee in the AoA have never been clarified (Art 29 and Art 30). Furthermore, Art 32.3 states “The Executive Board will lay down the standing, members, duration of appointment responsibilities and purpose (terms of reference) for commissions.” This has not yet been done for the Legal Commission, Marketing Commission, Medical Commission, Paratriathlon Commission, Race Commission. Furthermore, in 2013 the Executive Board made a Disciplinary Sub-committee which would make which would make within 3/6 months comprehensive Disciplinary Bye-laws (Art 39.1 and Art 39.2) and a sperate independent Disciplinary body. The proposal has been put to the GA in Alanya but withdrawn under pressure from the ITU and would be looked at in cooperation with ITU (1) (Ref Minutes GA Alanya 2013). ETU still has no disciplinary rules and a Disciplinary body. Having no independent disciplinary body and clear transparent disciplinary and ethical rules leads to legal uncertainty and liability. Furthermore we propose to make a difference between ‘standing’ commissions (the commissions mentioned in the AoA) (Art 12.F) and commissions (formed only temporally – working groups) (Art 32.2). Belgian Triathlon asks for the above matters to be resolved for the next GA.

Resolution from Cyprus 1. Increase with 1 more the Executive Committee 2. For Sponsors of ETU if the EB meet some big companies via through local Triathlon Federations if possible.

Resolution from Ireland Resolution 1 Article 28.5 - Sub-Committee Formation • Current: At least one (1) member shall be from each gender, except for the Audit Committee. • Proposal: Remove the exception allowed for the Audit Committee, which should also have gender balance. Resolution 2 Article 29 – Technical Committee Proposal: Establish a Terms of Reference for the Technical Committee, including term limits for members. Resolution 3 Article 30 – Development Committee Proposal: Establish a Terms of Reference for the Development Committee, including term limits for members.

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For comparison, Article 31 does a reasonable job of framing the formation, role and term limits for the Audit Sub-Committee. This should be in place for all sub-committees. Resolution 4 Proposal: Europe Triathlon establishes a Women’s Committee. Note: the triathlon Ireland resolution came 1 day to late. The Assembly will vote first whether to accept the resolution or not.

Resolution form Spain We would like to propose to Europe triathlon the possibility of studying the possible inclusion of swim/run races in the activities of the multisport festival. We believe that it is an issue that could be studied jointly Europe Triathlon /World Triathlon so our proposal is To study it on the Europe Triathlon board, and if deemed interesting, to propose it to the world triathlon. Swim/run races are growing a lot in Europe, and there are not specific federation associated. We consider can be included in our races as could be a kind of "cross aquathlon", but is needed to study its viability.

Resolution from the European Triathlon Union Board

Whereas; The Articles of Association state the company name to be European Triathlon Union the Board proposes to change the name of the organisation to "Europe Triathlon" and; Whereas; Article 28.5 of the Articles of Association reads “ At least one (1) member shall be from each gender, except for the Audit Committee” The Board proposes to change the wording to: "For the Technical and Development Committee at least three (3) members shall be from each gender. For the Audit Committee at least one (1) member shall be from each gender"

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9. Minutes of the preceding Annual General Assembly – Virtual, 27 August 2020

Introduction and legitimacy of the Annual General Assembly webinar meeting Vice-President Chris Kitchen opened the AGA and welcomed all delegates. First came an explanation of the webinar meeting and all the procedures. Chris is the facilitator of the meeting and the AGA minutes will be prepared by the ETU Secretary General, Kathleen Smet.

Only voting delegates, one per National Federation (NF), will have voting rights. Other delegates can view the Assembly via a private You Tube Channel, meaning the Channel is not open for public.

Once attendance has been confirmed, delegates will be muted during the presentation of reports and delegates and guests are asked to remain on mute. Presentations and elections will be in the order as outlined in the agenda. The reports, send to you 30 days ago, will be taken as read with a short update. During each report presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions using the Q&A control. All questions submitted will be dealt with after each presentation.

There will be 4 polls for which each delegate will be asked to vote: approval of the 2019 AGA minutes, the 2020 Extraordinary General Assembly minutes, elections for one position at the Development Committee and one position at the Audit Committee. Once a voting poll is launched, the voting poll will appear on the delegates screens within 30 seconds, voting will be open and must be completed within 90 second. Voting results will be shared with all attended on their screen within 90 second of vote closing. A test poll was launched.

When the meeting formally closes ETU will take questions under Any Other Business, of which previous notice has been given to the Secretary General or reaches a 2/3rd majority.

After the official closure of the AGA, we will have an open session were all attendees will have the opportunity to raise their hand and will be unmutes to ask a question.

Legitimacy of the AGA. We have no section on virtual meetings in our Articles of Association and as we are registered under the Luxembourg law, we asked the opinion of Luxembourg lawyers and they agreed for the meeting due to covid adaptation. We will ask each delegate if there is any objection when we confirm the register of voters.

Welcome and opening remarks

Renato Bertrandi welcomed everyone to the 36th Annual General Assembly of ETU. It is great to hear you all and we appreciate the time you spend with us. We had the Extraordinary Annual General Assembly earlier this year and now we have the first virtual AGA. I would like to introduce our guests: Marisol Casado, Antonio Arimany, Zita Csovelyak, Gergely Markus, Enrique Quasada. We also have guests outside of Europe: Justin Park, Lim Seungjun and Barry Siff. A big thank you to the Irish Federation for setting up this webinar AGA.

Marisol Casado, ITU President, addressed the audience. A g e n d a & d o c u m e n t s Europe Triathlon Annual General Assembly 24 V i r t u a l - 6 March 2021

Dear President Renato, Dear Presidents, This year has been unlike any other in our history, I can tell you that, and first of all I wish that you, your families, and all your NF members are staying safe and healthy in these challenging and difficult times. We are all slowly going back to this “new normality” that no one knows what exactly is, but I am sure that it will bring some challenges but also some new opportunities ahead.

Let me start this speech by reassuring you all that the relationship with the National Federations is key for us, it has been always one of my priorities, and is now an even more important due to the fact that the new normality after the pandemic is giving us fewer opportunities to meet face to face. We usually say that we keep the athletes at the heart of the ITU, and that of course is true, but let me add one thing. We also have the National Federations at the very heart of our organization. Without you, your athletes, your events, your support, your commitment, we would be nothing.

As you all know, ETU was my first international house, where I started my international career, and I am always honored to be here. And I want to take this opportunity to start by expressing our most sincere gratitude and congratulations to not only the ETU, but also to the National Federations that have already resumed competitions, not only at a national level but also organizing international competitions. I was thrilled the last few weekends to see the competitions in Riga and Olsztyn. I know the great efforts these National Federations, local organisers, officials and ETU have done to put us where we all want: back on the blue carpet. I know we are all working with the World Triathlon COVID-19 Guidelines for Event Organisers in light of the pandemic, and it is of paramount important that the guidance is followed to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the races everywhere. That has always been our priority and must continue to be at the forefront of every aspect of the race. You have proved already that events can come back in a safe manner, and you have all of our respect and appreciation. Hopefully, many more will follow in the upcoming months so that we can go back to a certain normality. Again, thank you all for this.

It is remarkable the contribution that ETU is doing in the last years not only to the World Triathlon Executive Board, but also to all the Committees and Commissions, proving that the European leaders are committed with the organization and willing to invest their time, knowledge and expertise on making our sport better for everyone. We currently have Europeans chairing eight of the 10 Committees of Word Triathlon, and that’s something you all should be very proud of. Your leadership, under the guidance of Renato an the ETU Executive Board, has made our organization grow not only in Europe, but everywhere. And your National Federations are helping developing the sport in many other aspects. Now that is the time for presenting nominations for many positions on the World Triathlon Committees, I can only encourage you to do so, to continue this magnificent work. Another remark I want to do is that I want to thank each and every one of you for your contribution to the National Federations Survey. Our Development and National Federations Relations team has done an incredible effort to get the results of the third survey up, with the contribution from all National Federations, and we now have a clear picture of what is the real situation everywhere. It might seem like a tedious task for all of you, but for us is really

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important to have direct and continuous feedback from you all, so that we can manage all our resources in the most efficient way. You will all receive in the next day’s your own copy of the results to then work with our staff on refining some answers or information missing, to have the final report ready for our Congress in November. We have consolidated an important fund for Development in Europe. I know sometimes is not easy to explain why we give Development funds to Europe as it might not be perceived as a region in need of these funds, but in the last years Renato and all the ETU Board has been using these funds in the most effective and productive way, so that now Europe is also a leading continent in this area. 2020 has been a will be a challenging year on this matter, but I can assure you that Europe is setting a trend, and I really think that you all should be proud of this. Of the way you are investing in development, on the commitment you all show to these programs. We will continue with this support, helping Europe to grow. I really want to thank Renato for aligning the goals of ETU to the goals that we have set up for us in World Triathlon, so that it was easier for all to work together with the same goals and most importantly, with the same vision. We need to continue working that way, aligned so that we can improve together.

I am also working with Renato, as with the other Continental presidents, to define and structure in the most effective way the role of the Continental Confederations, that we have learned from experience that it has to be a bit more clear and defined in the next four years. As you know, both World Triathlon and ETU are currently going through a rebranding process. I am beyond excited to tell you that our new image will be stunning, and it will be not only a change on the logo, it will be a new vision for our sport that I am sure that it will help us all to reach new limits. I cannot break the news now and show you, but you will be the first ones to know how we will look like. Save the date on your calendars: October 1st.

We still don’t know if our Congress, on November 29, will be hybrid or fully virtual, we are waiting to see how the pandemic evolves to take a decision, but in any case, I really hope to see you -either virtually or in person- in November. It will be time for elections, and as you all know I will be running again for the Presidency, but I will chat with you about that on another occasion. This time today is to talk about you, your National Federations, the ETU and how we all work together to continue organizing events in the Continent, to give the maximum to our athletes and coaches, and to survive the best we can to this pandemic that is having a massive impact on all of us.

Thank you all so much, and see you soon. a. Admission and/or resignation of National Federations There were no new admissions and no resignations over the course 26ft he year. b. Confirmation of the register of voters

There were 36 National Federations present, of which all were entitled to vote. They were: Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Moldova, The Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Romania, , Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine.

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There was no objection of any NF to have this AGA virtual. c. Confirmation of the minutes of the preceding 2019 Annual General Assembly and 2020 Extraordinary General Assembly The minutes of the last meeting of the AGA held in Weert, the Netherlands and Extraordinary General Assembly, virtual, were taken as read, approved by 31 votes and 1 abstention, having 35 NFs present as one has connection problems, and signed by the Chairman as a true record. After the first vote, regarding the approval of the Weert minutes Poland joined the meeting, which means 37 NFs are present. d. Presidents’ Report

Dear Presidents, delegates and friends.

The presidents’ report that you have received with the complete documentation of the AGA, was written a few weeks ago, is till actual, and I hope you had the opportunity to go through it and I will give it for read. In my contribution now I want to highlight only some points and, and at the end, I will be pleased to answer all your questions.

Today is August the 27th and when I wrote my report I was really hopeful to present it in Tartu at the AGA in front of you all and to have the pleasure to meet you in person. We have kept the hope to stage our European Championships as planned in Estonia till the very end. I want to thank Margus Lepik, the Estonian President, for his commitment and with him, all the Federations and LOCs that have their races scheduled this year. It has not been easy and on the many zoom calls we had almost on a weekly basis, we got to know each other well. Thank you again. And congratulations to Latvia ad Poland to host successfully the first events.

I know that at the National level you all have been struggling to keep your activities in place, no matter the side of your NF and in some cases even to survive. Lack of races, problems with Sponsors, lack of governmental help and so on. During these difficult months what came clear to me is the Passion and Commitment in all of you. 35 year ago took place the first edition of the Triathlon European Championships in Immenstadt. Board member Eugène Kraus brought it to my attention. Looking at the results we see: Johan Druwé, Belgian National Federation President, who was 38th with the best run split, faster than Rob Barel. Walter Zetting, Austrian Triathlon Federation President, who was 109th with the best swim split. Also Con O’Callagan and Joop Van Zanten, founding members of ETU took part as well.

Yes, we are here now as Presidents, Delegates, we play a political role but Triathlon is in our Skin.

The ETU Executive Board is working with your same enthusiasm and commitment. A big thanks goes to Denis, Alicia, Chris, Maryia, Martin, Eugène, Galina and Herwig. They are all professional, play an important role in their NFs and work as volunteers for ETU and are doing a great job. We are really a good team. A big thank to our Secretary General too. We have been working a lot during these difficult months with weekly EB and the only thing that has to be updated in the report you have in your hands, is the number of zoom calls that at

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present, has exceeded 150 ! it was 50 at the time of the report.

By the end of July Paul finished his collaboration as ETU Media Manager with us. It was a decision taken in agreement about 1 year go with effect in July 2020 in order to give us the possibility to get organised and find a replacement. Since the beginning of July we have Amé Venter on board. Welcome Amé. Chris will properly introduce her during his contribution. Paul was our Media Manager but, most of all, a good loyal friend. He loves Triathlon so much that I am sure we will see him in the future at our events. Where will be our future meetings? I am confident that the ITU Congress in Paris will take place in the Hybrid form for giving the possibility to the NFs that can attend, to be there in person. We could finally meet in person and have our Continental Confederation meeting. It is an Elective congress then is very important for us to select the right candidates, especially the European ones, not only for the Board positions but also for the various Committees. The Pandemic has affected, is affecting and will also affect in the future the Sport and we have to be strong to face new scenarios. Then the next occasion will be around February next year. As we did 4 years ago we have decided to have the Elective Congress and the Gala first and the President Conference during the European Championships in 2021. The date and location were already defined but, at present, due to the situation, it has to be reconfirmed. We will keep you posted as soon as we have the final confirmation.

A final word on the Pandemic. It has hit our personal lives at all level and is affecting the Sport in general very deeply, just look at football, Cycling... . We are living now a period of instability and uncertainty. The only thing that is clear to me is that we cannot think that our Sport, as it is now, will be the same in the future. The consequences of the Pandemic, at the end, will not be limited to the Health and will not stop with a vaccine. Is making us rethinking on priorities and, for this reason, we must be ready and open to changes. Our Sport, that is young and by tradition curious and open, is in the good position to get the opportunities that are created out of this crisis. Stay together, share the best practices and we will come out stronger!

There are no question or remarks. e. Secretary General Report

The work of a Secretary General of a sport Federation usually does not change that much year by year. We prepare around the same time the same documents: on affiliation, on events, on development,… . There are the annual meetings to be organised and prepared, like Board meetings, Presidents’ Conference, Gala and AGA. Only, this year was different in every possible way. It was a busy, stressful and I must admit sometimes a disappointing period. However I am very proud and happy, that with the help all of you: NFs, LOCs, ETU Board and staff, ITU and some NF junior coaches to be able to give the athletes some challenges for 2020 with the European Cups, Junior European cups and last but not least the Next Generation Challenge we organise.

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I can only hope that next year it will be just one of those ‘normal’ years and that we are able to meet face by face. Until then stay healthy and together we keep triathlon strong in Europe. There are no questions or remarks. f. Treasurer report

The treasurer’s report and 2019 Financial statement, Audit Committee report and 2020 budget was presented at the Extraordinary General Assembly. g. Executive Board Report Dear friends, this is a short summary of the report you’ve already have in the text format. Every year the Executive Board is working to drive ETU forward but this pandemic year is so much special and efforts have been doubled if not tripled. So… The list of what has been done just in 2019 but now perceived as if it was… from the ancient times. So just to remind you: one: U23 ranking system has been created and implemented. Two: doping-control at the Junior European Cups became mandatory. Three: a special grant for the innovation ideas for Sport of Triathlon has been launched. Four: new European Championships containers (starts from 2021) has been created and presented/ Five: test year with event’s online streaming/broadcasting.

In 2020 we were preparing for the annual.. and exciting season but have been locked inside our houses, locked by the Virus. It was a time of our weekly zoom meetings, when the future of the events, alternative types of activities were discussed and implemented.

I am proud to be part of this work, it was and it is a really team work. Thanks every NF, thanks ITU team for collaboration and working closely and thanks Renato for leading us. There are no questions or remarks. g. Committees and Commissions Report 1. Development Committee

Aldo Lucarini, President of the Development Committee to speak. He showed first the names of Committee members and the fact that a new member will be elected later during this meeting, as a replacement for our dear friend who passed away, Peter Klosz. It will only be for a few months but he can get familiarized with the way we work.

Overall budget is more or less 200,000€ and is divided this way that 60% is going to general projects and 40% to NFs projects.

In 2020, because of the pandemic, most of the general projects are pending. Due to travel restrictions there will be no development camps however Zeljko is working hard to have a camp later this year. We only had 1 race for our Development team, in Olsztyn and the Youth Festival is cancelled. We might have 1 TO seminar in Moldova. So far 1 coaches course is planned Slovakia. We will see what is possible to do in the last four months period. 23 NFs were invited to submit projects and 48 projects were approved. The NFs are doing their best to realize them totally or partially. 5 NFs, so far, asked to modify their projects, in order to adapt them to the new situation. The Committee will be very flexible in the evaluation this year but please note that he time limit to change any projects is 15 September.

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The goal for 2020 is to carry out in safety as many activities as possible. For 2021 the first goal is coming back to normality, but this is not in our hands. We have planned to improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of the Committee, implementing some structural internal reforms. This documents has been presented to the Board for approval. We have also planned a more challenging evaluation of the National projects, strongly focuses on the real needs of federations, as they come up from the results of the ITU survey. There was one question from Emil Stoynev (BUL) regarding the planning of the level-1 coaches course in Bulgaria. Aldo replied saying that there are 2 problems: the local and travel restrictions due to Corona and the political situation your federation is in now with another NF being recognised by the Bulgarian sport authorities.

2. Technical Committee Jorge Garcia, President of the Technical Committee to speak. The Committee organises monthly meetings among the members with Eugène as Executive Board representatives. This year was the first year that there was an agreement to have opportunities for Self-funded Technical Officials with accommodation and meals covered for all the ETU events. We are the first confederation to apply this. There is a big coordination between ITU and ETU for the TD and aTD assignments. The assignment of the TDs for Munich European Sport Championships 2022 have been made.

Goals for 2020 and 2021 to continue work strongly with LOC and TDs for the upcoming events in the covid-19 context and to continue working with the same pattern as previous years, with regular calls to have to best support from the assigned TO to the LOCs. Thanks Kathleen for the support of the office, Eugène for his support to the Committee and the entire board for their assistance.

There were no questions and remarks.

3. Race Commission Herwig Grabner, chair of the Race commission welcomed everyone. You received all the information regarding the 2019 season so I therefore focus on the 2020 season. Thanks to the commission members, the Technical Committee and the ITU sport department for their assistance. Claire Michel has been added to the commission as elite athlete. 2020 race calendar European Championships was showed on the screen. 2 events took place prior to the pandemic: Cheile Gradistei Winter Triathlon Championships and the Punta Umbria Duathlon Championships. One Championships is still on the calendar, the Alhandra Triathlon Mixed Relay Club European Championships. All other Championships unfortunately are cancelled, like Middle Distance Triathlon, Aquathlon, Aquabike, sprint and Standard distance Triathlon, Youth and U23 Championships.

2020 race calendar European Cups and Junior Cups calendar was showed. Riga and Olsztyn took place. A big thank you for both organisers that showed it is possible to organise races. 4 more events are currently in the calendar. Unfortunately we had to cancel 16 events. However all LOCs tried to have the events in place. Finally it was a common decision to cancel the races due to the many restrictions due to covid. Thank you for the hard work done by all. From ITU side we are happy to have the WTC in Hamburg and the WC events in Arzachena and Karlovy Vary and the Paratriathlon WC in Alhandra.

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2021 application deadline is 30 September. Triathlon European Championships are planned to be part of the WTS. It is a huge step forward for ETU and a great opportunity to be part of the WTS. AG standard and sprint will be again on the same location. The U23 and sprint Champs are linked to 1 super sprint Championships on semi-final and final format. The ITU Multisport Championships Almere is moved from 2020 to 2021 meaning ETU moved their Multisport Champions to 2022. The event will take place in Spain. This means that for 2021 the Multisport Championships will be spread over different sports and locations. We are also looking for organisers for the 2021 European Cup and Junior European Cups. All the bid documents can be found on our website. Already allocated for 2021 are the Alsdorf Powerman Duathlon Middle Distance Championships and the Long Distance triathlon Championships in Roth and the Triathlon Youth Championships Festival in Zagreb.

ETU next Generation project, supported by some NFs coaches, led by Rick Valetti (GBR) and Alessandro Botttoni (ITA). The purpose is to give athletes a perspective to race a 400m swim and 3000m run. Athletes receive points for both and a ranking will be made. Results need to be send by the NF coaches to ETU. The first results are received. Other results will be accepted till 4 October.

Martin explained one other initiative by ETU, which is the Virtual Time Trial Challenge. It was set up for another generation of athletes then the Next Generation Challenge. We tried to get in contact with zwift which did not work. We starts with WTRL a time trial in the spring. There is a lot of enthusiasm amongst the teams that. The TT is now on summer recess but will be back in Autumn. A small contribution will be asked to the participating teams. There were no questions or remarks.

4. Marketing & Media commission

Chris Kitchen, chair of the Marketing and Media commission to speak. Much of the work on hold until 2021. Before the lockdown occurred we had created the NF toolkit for our European Championships to get AG athletes go to the events. We did a lot of work around TV and streaming especially on junior events as we want to raise the profile. We will also increase the requirement TV and streaming in our event contracts, were at least live streaming services should be set up. We are working with ITU to rebrand our logo. This will be ready by 1st of October. 2022 European Championships in Munich. We will be part again of the ‘European Sport Championships’. Make sure you send your top athletes. The event will be very special as it will be 50 years after the Munich Olympic Games and the venue of triathlon will be right in the Olympic parc. After many years of helping us out Paul and Ceci moved on and we offer a huge thanks to both for all the work they have done in the last few years in raising the profile of triathlon in Europe. To replace them we have since July, a fantastic new media manager: Amé Venter. She is her to present herself. Amé said she is looking forward to work together with everyone. She thanked Chris and Kathleen for helping to find her way within ETU. Chris said we are looking to have more joined work together with all the NFs. So please get in contact with Amé.

There were no questions and remarks.

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h. Resolutions

There were no resolutions either from the Board or NFs. i. Elections The numbers of NFs have been changed just prior to the elections so we have 36 NFs in place. The CVs of all candidates have been send earlier this week to all NFs. 1. Elections for one Development Committee member ETU received 4 nominations. 32 NFs voted. This are the results: Marc D’Hooge (LUX) 8 votes (25%) Mario Kasovic (CRO) 9 votes (28%) Tamas Liptak (HUN) 6 votes (19%) Maria Shorets (RUS) 9 votes (28%) There was a tie vote, so a second vote was organised between Mario and Maria on which 33 NFs voted. These are the results Mario Kasovic (CRO) 18 votes (55%) and Maria Shorets (RUS) 15 votes (45%). Mario is the new member of the Development Committee. Congratulations.

2. Elections for one Audit Committee member ETU received 2 nominations. 31 NFs voted. Vladimir Shkurin (RUS) received 11 votes (35%) and Michael Ziv (ISR) 20 votes (65%). Michael is the new member of the Audit Committee. Congratulations. j. Any other business There was no any other business.

Renato ended the Assembly by congratulating everyone on the first ‘virtual’ AGA. The good news is that we all saved a lot of money by not to have to travel but to be honest a virtual AGA can never replace a face-to-face meeting. The big problem is that we had no joined coffee break. We replace this by an open session following the closure of the AGA. Finally the 2020 AGA was closed by Renato.

Minutes were prepared by Kathleen Smet (ETU Secretary General) and edited by Renato Bertrandi (ETU President) and Chris Kitchen (ETU Vice-President)


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10. Treasurer report - 2020 Accounts

Attached documents: - Budget 2020 & Final Results 2020 - Profit and loss statement - Balance Sheet - Notes to Financial statement 2020 has been a difficult year for all of us and the situation generated by COVID19 also has had an impact on our accounts. We started the season presenting a draft budget in Minsk but later we were forced to update it and to present to you a budget to approve in our virtual assembly with significant changes. The Europe Triathlon board tried to minimize the impact on our accounts by taking cost cutting measures. Whilst we have our reserves to be on the safe side, we tried to avoid expenditure that was not important. As treasurer I want to thank World Triathlon and to all National Federations and race organizers as they were in line with us trying to minimize the risks and to explore cost effective solutions. Also, I would like to thank all executive board members plus Werner and Stefano for their work in order to have a monthly view about the situation.

In the documents you have all the information regarding the accounts 2020 and I want to explain which the reasons were to make the decisions we made.

All the documents show the situation at 31 December 2020, and in the notes to the balance sheet you can find the actual situation, with most of the pending payments done.

The budget approved in our extraordinary assembly shows 342.500 € income and 446.004,92 € expenses, expecting a final investment of 103.504,92 €, so -103.504,92 € decrease to our reserves. The situation is we had 185.620,72 € income and 207.960,05 € expenses, having a final investment of 22.339,33 €, so -22.339,33 € decrease to our reserves. The reasons behind the figures:


2020 2020 31/12/2020 BUDGET INCOME Affliliation fees 21.500,00 21.500,00 Event fees 44.140,00 100.000,00 Olther income 170,08 0,00 Sponsors 0,00 0,00 80.000,00 80.000,00 WT Development Grant 38.010,64 141.000,00 Non Existent Liabilities 1.800,00 0,00 185.620,72 342.500,000

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• Affiliation fees 21.500 € in budget and 21.500 € in final result as no changes regarding the number of NF. • Event Fees 100.000 € in budget and 44.140 € in Final result, due to the race cancellations and also because Europe Triathlon Executive Board took the decision to decrease the event fees to 50% in order to try to minimize the extra costs regarding Covid 19 for the organizations. Also, it was decided to “share” costs with the LOCs regarding the fees for the cancelled races (and in case LOCs from NF’s category 2-3, not to charge the part of the fee we use to keep after a cancellation) as most of them already have had expenses and it was a force majeure situation not expected. • Other income 0 € in budget and 170,08 € in Final Result, due to interest of our savings account. • Sponsors 0 in budget as it was presented in Minsk as due to the pandemic, ON shoes and Nirvana were not in position to give to us the agreed cash. • Glasgow 80.000 € in budget and 80.000 € in Final Result as contribution from Glasgow is already in our bank and we agreed to split the amount, finishing in 2021. • World Triathlon Development grant, 141.000 € in budget and 38.010,64,64 € in Final Result due to the cancelled activities. Is important to know that World Triathlon paid the grant for all the activities that were possible to deliver by the National Federations, even if they were allocated to our budget (as you know the investment in development as in the past years is 200.000 €, including in Europe Triathlon budget the amount of money needed to arrive to 200.000 € once the World Triathlon grant is paid). • Non-Existent Liabilities, 1.800 € this was not included in budget is related prize money not asked for by athletes for the season 2018 and before.

EXPENSES Expenses in the Budget are 446.004,92 € and in Final Result 207.960,05 €.

Annual Assembly + PC/gala 13.410,67 17.224,34 Anual Assembly 150,32 4.000,00 President's Conf. / Gala 13.260,35 13.224,34 Executive Board 0,00 4.000,00 Ex Board meetings 0,00 4.000,00

• Annual Assembly +PC/Gala 17.224,34 € in budget and 13.410,67 € in Final Result, less expenses due to the virtual assembly, as we had only the zoom account costs. • Executive Board 4.000 € in budget as we were expecting to have at least one final presential board at the end of the season but no possible to have it. We had weekly virtual executive board meetings.

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ETU HQ - office costs 69.286,35 66.900,87 salaries 62.261,12 54.800,00 office rent 3.313,65 4.200,00 office equipment 818,90 665,64 Mobile Phone 700,00 1.800,00 communication 0,00 3.000,00 insurances 925,97 435,23 Shipping 584,46 1.000,00 other costs 682,25 1.000,00

• Regarding ETU office costs, we had less costs regarding shipping, communication, and mobile phone. • We decided to leave the rented office as Kathleen started to work from home and according to our agreement with the Orienteering Federation it was possible to leave the rented office starting in September. In salaries we have more expenses as there were a regularization from Attentia (company in charge of General Secretary contract) regarding the amounts of 2018, and also due to the increasing in media manager salary during the months before we employed the new media person. • Office equipment includes the payment for the software system for the accounts. • Other costs include lawyer advisory regarding situation with Logo

Committees/Commissions 282,90 2.388,71 Travels 188,71 188,71 Accomodation 0,00 1.000,00 Meals 94,19 1.200,00 Others 0,00 0,00

• Committees and Commissions 2.388,71 € in budget and 282,90 € in final result. There are only some costs regarding Minsk meetings and no others due to the travel restrictions.

Events 56.409,34 137.191,00 Prize Money Juniors 20.000,00 20.000,00 Pool prize money 0,00 40.000,00 Pool U23 0,00 15.000,00 2022 ESC participation 397,55 1.500,00 tv & media costs 2.969,33 4.000,00 marketing/signage/branding 0,00 1.000,00 ETU services to LOC 18.482,43 28.583,00 medals and gifts+ Finish Tape 5.773,90 10.561,00 technical delegates 8.786,13 16.547,00

• Events 137.191,00 € in budget and 56.409,34 € in final result. A big part of the unspent money is due to the fact it was no possible to organize the minimum events planned to have the rankings on place. This was not the case with the Juniors, so prize money for juniors was paid.

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• As it was not possible to organize the events scheduled, we also had less expenses associated to events, branding, medals, services, TDs….

Other expenses 1.145,32 3.600,00 honorary members 0,00 600,00 bank charges 1.145,32 3.000,00 sundry expenses 0,00 0,00 bad debt loss 0,00 0,00 loss on currency exchange 0,00 0,00

• Other expenses 3.600 € in Budget and 1.145,32 € in Final Result. We had only the expenses for the bank charges and no others. Banks charges were not as much as 2019 due to the wire transfer level, lees prize money to pay and less activities in development to be reimbursed.

Development 67.425,47 214.700,00 Projects 44.425,47 183.200,00 DVLP Grant (MInsk ) 3.400,00 3.400,00 Coordinator fee 13.200,00 13.200,00 Innovation Award 6.000,00 6.000,00 WT Mentoring Program 0,00 6.500,00 Paratriathlon 400,00 2.400,00

• Development chapter includes the 200.000 € allocated for projects, grant to attend Minsk and the coordinator fee. • World Triathlon decided to reimburse European Triathlon all the expenses made in 2020, so, we will include this reimbursement in accounts 2021 as it was agreed later than 31 December 2020. • In this chapter included also the 14.700 allocated for other projects as Innovation award, WT Mentoring program and paratriathlon support. • WT mentoring program is in place but virtually, so no expenses for meetings. • Regarding Paratriathlon only one Paratriathlete asked for support to attend Alhandra race.

The purpose has been to continue on the same path that we have followed in recent years, applying the procedures that we implemented in former years, to keep our finances under control.

Following auditor’s recommendations, 100.000 € was transferred to the new account in Raiffeisen bank in order to minimize risks.

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11. Audit Committee report

Preliminary remarks: Due to the persisting confinement, it was impossible to check the accounts and underlying documents in sitio at the treasure in Rome. However, the Accountant Officer Stefano Mondello and the treasurer Alicia García provided the audit committee (AC) with all key accounting data (balance sheet, profit and loss account, list of all bookings during the year) via e-Mail. During a Zoom meeting on 28th in January 2020 further, general questions could be clarified. The auditors made a sample selection of specific expenditures and raised several questions to the Accountant and the Treasurer which were consequently answered or clarified.

This report of the AC and the accounts will be submitted for approval to the General Assembly of ET 2021. The AC had access to documents, data and information requested from the ET office via internet and appreciated the availability and exceptional support under these special circumstances provided in a constructive manner by the Treasurer Alicia García and the Accountant Officer Stefano Mondello. Accounts 2020

1. The Financial Statement shows a loss of 22.339,33 € (compared to a profit of 20.043,49 € in 2019). 2. The total assets in 2020 of 491.642,74 € were about 2% lower than in 2019 (503.622,33 €); the total liabilities of 211.921,77 € increase of 6 % compared to the precedent year (201.562,03 € €). 3. End of December 2020 the 3 bank accounts in Luxembourg are split into two for “savings” with amounts of 261.015,01 € and 99.996,00 € and in one account for running financial activities with an amount of 109.355,15€ (less than at the end of 2019 because 100.000,00€ had been transferred a new saving account). 4. Mainly due to deferred income from Munich Grant the total liabilities increased end of 2020 to 211.921,77€ (2019: 201.562,03€). 5. World Triathlon agreed that all expenses of ET for ‘Development’ occurred in 2020 will be reimbursed. As this was not realised in 2020 these amounts will be booked upon receipt in the 2021 accounts.

Further Remarks

6. The AC noticed that the planned budget for 2020 was estimated very prudently compared with the realised expenditures remaining often under the planned budgets, which was partially due to cancelled events and meetings as consequence of the pandemic crisis. 7. The AC noticed that the recommendation in the 2019 audit report to create new bank accounts with limited maximum amounts of 100.000€ to have guaranteed this sum by the state’s funds in case of a financial crisis had been realised. 8. The AC noticed that ET re-funded to national member associations contributions for cancelled competitions and events. Through this gesture crisis related financial pressure for those national association could be softened.

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9. The AC noted that some reimbursement claims based on expenditures occurring in 2019 had been introduced with considerable delay only in 2020. The AC therefore recommend setting strict delays until which date reimbursements for expenditures occurring in the running budgetary year have to be submitted to the treasurer (e.g. not later than 10th of January of the following budgetary year). 10. Reimbursement claims shall strictly be signed and supported by corresponding detailed vouchers.

The Audit Committee concluded that the 2020 accounts audited show a fair and true view of ETs financial situation and recommends the Congress to approve the 2020 accounts.

Hendrik Fehr and Michael Ziv, Audit Committee members

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12. Treasurer report - 2021 draft Budget

Attached document: - 2021 draft budget For 2021 we have decided to present to you for approval a conservative budget, with the main idea to continue with all the activities. We don’t know what the situation will be regarding races due to COVID19 restrictions, but we have included all the income and costs relatives to all races already in our calendar. The idea is to continue investing money from reserves, so we present to you a budget with 470.000 € income and 539.000 € expenses, so a planned reduction in the reserves of -69.000 €.


EUROPEAN TRIATHLON UNION Budget 2021 INCOME Affiliation fees 22.000,00 Event fees 237.000,00 Sponsors 0,00 Glasgow (last allocation) 70.000,00 WT development grant 141.000,00 470.000,00

• In the Affiliation side 500 € more than in 2020 due to Andorra NF new affiliation. • Event fees we have included all the races already in calendar. • We have decided not to include sponsors, we are in negotiation with some potential ones but as no formal agreement for the moment we prefer to leave as zero and then, if successful, to include it in our income at later stage. • 2021 it will be our last year with the split money from Glasgow and in 2022 we will start to include Munich revenues in our income. • World Triathlon development grant it will be the same as in 2020. As you can see in the audit and treasurer report, World Triathlon agreed to pay to Europe Triathlon all the expenses made in 2020 in development, so when the money is transferred to European Triathlon this will be included in 2021 income with no costs associated.


Annual Assembly + PC/gala 30.000,00 Anual Assembly 15.000,00 President's Conf. / Gala 15.000,00 Executive Board 12.000,00 Ex Board meetings

• Regarding Annual Assembly as we have decided to do it virtually, we have included the Lumi system costs relatives to the virtual format. Is a huge expense but due to the situation that we will have elections, we consider we need to use a tested and good system and Lumi

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was tested satisfactorily and used in the World Triathlon elections. • We consider the situation with COVID will be better at the end of the season it will be good to try to keep in place our Gala or a celebration joining a race, so we have included expenses in the president’s conference/Gala chapter. • Executive Board meetings, we have included the maximum number we can have in person in the hope all will be as a normal year.

ETU HQ - office costs 73.700,00 salaries 54.400,00 storage rent 3.600,00 office equipment 1.500,00 Mobile Phone 1.200,00 Media 4.000,00 insurances 1.000,00 Shipping 5.000,00 other costs 3.000,00

• We will keep the same level in administration costs, salaries include General Secretary’s salary, media manager’s salary and accounting person’s salary. • We have left the office rented and a new place for storage is rented. • Office equipment includes account software and a contingency in case equipment will be needed. • Media includes material and travels needed for the media person.

Committees/Commissions 6.000,00 Travels 1.500,00 Accomodation 1.500,00 Meals 1.500,00 Others 1.500,00

• Even if the Assembly is to be be virtual, we will keep this money in the budget in case some other meetings will be needed at the end of the season.

Events 205.500,00 Prize Money Juniors 20.000,00 Pool prize money 40.000,00 Pool U23 15.000,00 Krakow/Munich participation 3.000,00 tv & media costs 20.000,00 marketing/signage/branding 15.000,00 ETU services to LOC 41.500,00 medals and gifts+ Finish Tape 16.000,00 technical delegates 35.000,00

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• We expect to have a normal season so all prize money are in the budget. • Krakow and Munich meetings are in the budget as not all will be virtual. • We want to increase the Europe Triathlon exposure and for this reason we have decided to allocate 20.000 € in tv and media costs. As it was explained in Minsk we wanted to invest in streaming in 2020 and it was no possible due to the events cancellation, so we have included again budget for this purpose in 2021. • As our logo is changed, we need to increase in marketing/signage/branding in order to replace all material. • ETU services/medals/Td, will be according to the races organized.

Other expenses 6.000,00 honorary members 3.000,00 bank charges 3.000,00 sundry expenses 0,00 loss on currency exchange 0,00

• We always include Budget for honorary members in case travels for assembly or meetings if needed. • Bank charges used to be always the same in a normal year, so no major changes.

Development 203.400,00 Projects 186.800,00 DVLP Grant (PC ) 3.400,00 Coordinator fee 13.200,00 Projects 2.400,00 Paratriathlon 2.400,00 Innovation Award WT Mentoring Program 0,00 539.000,00


• We will continue investing 200.000 €/year in development, part coming from World Triathlon grant and part from our reserves. • The paratriathlon support will remain in the same amount as in 2020. • We did not receive nominations in 2020 for the innovation award so no funds allocated for prize, but the Project will be in place as we will ask for projects again in 2021. • World Triathlon mentoring program will be virtual, so no costs associated.

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13. Elections

The order of elections is: 1. Europe Triathlon Executive Board: Three elected Board members, including the table officers should be of each gender. - the President; - the Treasurer; - the two Vice Presidents; - the Executive Board members (5 to elect) 2. Members of the Committees: At least one member shall be from each gender, except for the Audit Committee - the Technical Committee (7 to elect) - the Development Committee (7 to elect) - the Audit Committee (3 to elect) (2 years term)

List of nominees

President (1 to elect) Votes Name Gender Country Bertrandi Renato M ITA

Vice-President ( to elect) Votes Name Gender Country Breedijk Martin M NED James Bill M GBR Kitchen Chris M IRL Yerolimpos Georgios M GRE

Treasurer (1 to elect) Votes Name Gender Country Garcia Perez Alicia F ESP

Executive Board Members (5 to elect) Votes Name Gender Country Bigot Pierre M FRA Breedijk Martin M NED Charkouskaya-Tarasevich Maryia F BLR D’Hooge Marc M LUX Grabner Herwig M AUT Hasselberg Sørensen Karen S F NOR James Bill M GBR Patsalides Odysseas M CYP Salamin Pascal M SUI Shipovalova Galina F RUS Silvdahl Ola M SWE Stoica Vlad M ROU Bigot Pierre M FRA

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Development Committee (7 to elect) Votes Name Gender Country Aydemir Onur M TUR De Jaeghere Laurence F FRA D’Hooge Marc M LUX Dusa Adina F ROU Grealish Anna F IRL Heath Sara F GBR Kasović Mario M CRO Medan Ljudmila F SRB Mori Mitja M SLO Patsalides Odysseas M CYP Shorets Maria F RUS Strauss Aigars M LAT Van Schuylenbergh Reinout M BEL

Technical Committee (7 to elect) Votes Name Gender Country Amlund Hagen Line F NOR Besenyei Istvan M ROU Bogaert Dirk M BEL Budja Ivan M SRB Garcia Martinez Jorge M ESP Homberger Andrea M ITA Kasapoglu Begüm Özüekren F TUR Leitane Evita F LAT McAtamney Hugh M IRL Muzicek Petr M CZE Nagy Alpár M HUN Patsalides Odysseas M CYP Schwartz Friedrich M AUT Surikova Yulia F RUS Taylor-Hough Sarah F GBR Vander Plancke Julien M FRA Van Niekerk Michiel M NED Wackerhage Holger M GER

Audit Committee (3 to elect) Votes Name Gender Country Fehr Hendrik M LUX Hasselberg Sørensen Karen S F NOR Kiliçoglu Korhan M TUR Mac Guinness Conor M IRL Zariņš Arvids M LAT Ziv Michael M ISR

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