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San Jon Sentinel, 1910-1916 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

12-22-1911 San Jon Sentinel, 12-22-1911 J. T. White

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The Reynolds Brothers from the Cogdell Brothers from the Plain Plaint was transictinir business were in town Monday doing their THE here - to day, Christmas shopping.- LOCAL ITEMS O. G. Jones of the Plains is now Mr. Harger of Detroit Michigan j working for Marvin Whitton in the visited with Mr. and M rs. Rodgers SAN JON barber shop. over Sunday. Dr. G. H. Branham, C. C. Reed W. E. Jones and wife have sold and bis T father Win. Reed of Ohio their claim near Cameron, tad left V. E. Mundell made a to was trip Ber Sharp of the Plains return Rabit hunting yesterday, Mr. monday for Ketuckey. ". and returned Tucumcari'Monday ed home from Tex. where he has eed savs De 8aw mr rabits yes home Townsite Co Thursday. been working for some time. terday than there is in the County, Frank Cook came in from Sulp-he-r Dip where to visite L. C. Martin and John Apperson he lives. Okla., bis claim on J. C. Barnett of Tipon came in the Plaines. returned home Thursday from Thursdav to spend Christmas on Mr, Geo. E. Sale who has bnen Kansas, where they have been at OFFERS A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY his claim. working on the Sentinel for the J. A. Lang was in town Sunday work for some time. to meet his sister, who retuined W. D. Bennett son past eight months, left San Jon and Harrold home from a back FOR V : Bill Fine returned for an visitet East. IN ESTEN T : : : : Wednesday came In Wednesday night from Wednesday extended visit to spend a few on his clsim. with his in Oklabama. Joe days Floydtdo Tex. thev was delayed protber R. Collins section forman of the Trick ey is now the Ed. Portor came in Wednesday sever! days on acount of the doeing Editor Sant Fe from Texico was in town act while George is SAN JON, the Most Beautifully Located Town, and in the 'to spend the hollidays with bis heavy snow. gone. Monday visiting friends. parents. Finest Valley in Eastern Quay County, New Mexico, is Lo All kind. f ... a 100 acre farm one lialf mile i.i from Mr. All Reed of Tucumcari cated About the Center of Geo. Jamison of Cameron retur executed at thi. town, good two room house the Valley, and is the principal r wiiiLC. imrurv came out to ned home from Tex. where he has Publican me land with living water, and Tuesday spend a few of the the office. with trading point valley.. $10. 00 acre on days friends here, At owns a jbeeu working for some time. . J only per easy terms, valueble farm in the Mrs. Munbay ol Tipton, left See the Valley Land Co. valley. C. 0. Armstrong and family re y Write for prices, terms and webnesday morning for Mr. Louis Jones who t turned home from Amarilo, Mrs. W. has been literature to , : Thursday night J. Dodgion and Mother descriptive where the will join her husban. working on the fience crew on the Cement Okla. where Mr. Arm were visitors at the home of Mrs. T. & M. Rail Road. left Wednes- - strong nas peen employed by a The School children all C. C. Reed Friday. HERMAN GRHARDT, Jif. Ka A. J day morninar tor Iowa. mgr., Tucumcari, N. Cement Manufacturing Co. for uaWf o informed ri- . uy, oeing ww-- - b....u t in - .. ruom maae ms regular the past y ear. 'thv RU ncxt Mr. Bill Goforth has I "UOa weekly drive to Alleft last Sundav, resigne bis c. he returned rather lata on position on the fience gang and c Local Agt., San Jon, N. M. Homer Jordan made a tripe to account Make Iost tn the joined the bridge crew on the T&M. Tucumcari last Thursday and Chapmans hardware store being darl morning. your headquarters. He sell every C. A. Jennings who h in the thing hardware line. See For Sale. Hydrolic Barber chair working in Kansas for th Mrs. Floyd McCain left this his n... stock of guns and ambition. and outfit complete. Iuquireat this few month. lor 1 ulsa Okla. 10 ( morninjj visit! OlllCe. I mmninir tv . l SAN JON HOTEL with relatives buring Christmas, j A bhcu me unrisimas good program will be render-- . s hollidays with his wifn mnA fmil YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED at tlie Christmas tree ' Mr. W. D. Rennet W at tomorrow Mrs. Margarie Martin ate Sun. north of town. F.' night, by the School children. SAN JON, - - - NEW MEXICO. to day, bringing in his wagon, day dinner with Rev. Masteran & , . . u. ana mm. W. W. . A. which he was competed .to leave Wanted famjly TRJCKEY, Prop. 50 tons of well matured wcuuet una arrived there Wednesday on account of cnreiaren headed maize. Will oav lis.cO Brown Baker , returned home nonie from the snow. Sunday, Flovada Tex. PS r ton.: from Cbillicothe last Thursday. Mr. W. D. Bennet and son Harold Z. T. McDaniel. r 1' driving through in a wagon. Mrs. Hary Grubbs and her . . " Martln Niece y Uited m th--ile- Ixoroel ;D'M hM - ea Thursdav. I work Amarilo Tex. for sever D al months IS at horn to inmnA tUm The pridge crem is here this Christmas hollidays. ROGRAMME week work. doing repair Mr. J. R. Stephson of Iowa came in Wanted Thursday to spend the hollidays Ion his place, north of town. 8ihe SckocJ and iFifth ofthe A good mare or horse must be a Sunday Meeting At a meeting of Citizens Wed. good worker, six to nine years old. Northeastern dissociation (o be held with the .... nesday. The date for a mass meet iSaptst weighing about t.aoo or more, one was set for 6hurch two row planter, one subsurface ing Tuesday aitrnoon SMissionary maptist at Mex. at 1- -30 Sanson, 0ew packer. Dr. G. H. Branham. Jany. and. Do not fail to attend this it will be of Ulblo School beginning Sunday night December the meeting, Thursday, December 28th Mrs. Aston and Mrs Walker ot interest to you and the matter must 24th and running through to Thursday afternoon. On Allen was in town be once. Thursday at 7,30 p.m. will begin tho discussion in connec- ) 7:30 p. m. Organization. Friday doing pushed through at So re tion with) the Fifth Sunday as Indicated bo'ow. jtheii Christmas shopping. member the date and come out. . Meeting 8:00 p. m. Sermon Elder J. VV. The public cordially invited to all these services and Introductory by to take part In all discussions. Lawing. Mr. A. E. Richardson of Coffey S. ville Kansas Elder W, Saunders will be in charge or the Bible Friday, December 29th who has been viseting Justice Court. School. Elder Saunders Is employed by our Associat ion for his Parents Mr. and Mrs I. D. 9:30 a. m. Devotional bv Pastor, Elder J. P. Mas- - this work, and for which he is admirably fitted. Richardson the past two weeks. Our Justice of Peace says Mon terson. returned to bis home Monday. day was the busiest day San Joa Subjects to be considered in Bible School. 10.00 a. m. Discussion of our State Work by State Have visited has had for a year, that is Judging Secretary, Elder E. P. Alldrft'gp, Elder W. E. you our new store, 1st Teaching 23 "Quickening make it that all others done as mutch busi "Life" Dawn and M. your beadquarten while a-- "Birth" Elder E. Waller. 24 in Tucumcari' 0. 0. Chanmau. ness at himself. Court convened - 1 1:00 a. m. What are 3 "Death." , 25- "Godly Sorrow." distinctive Baptist piTncip'es? at 10 AM. with one case on AnrV God and his Attri- and, should be Elder W. P. 4 26 "Repentance." Why they taught? A. J. Craig and family and Chas S. N. Mover butes. 27 "The Power of the Weeks, Elder I. D Cojn, Elder Horace Woodard v, Thos. Riley. Plea ' Woton and visited and Col. A. S. Reaves. family at Dud for 5 The Unity of the "God Blood." damage of fs9-- 5 tot destruc- - ley Anderson's Sunday. Head." a8 "Justification." $.'00 p. m. Devotional, Elder B. Q. Massegee. tion of no acres crop by horses 6 The of the "Remission." Mis-- Hall has Trinity 29 2:30 p. m. Setting up of Church of Christ, by " John resigned his posi belonging to Riley. "God Head." 30 Atonement." ' Elder H. P. Elder E. M. tion with the San Jon Mercantile sionary, Haley, Waller, Moyer being Represanted by at. 7"The Holv Ghost." 31 "Redemption." and Rev. T. J. Irwin. Co. and is now employed in .the J. D. 8- "Tbe Father." 3a "Pardon." as cook torny Cutlip. Decission in - 3:oo p. m. The Church in History. Elder J. W. Law. capacity for the bridge 9 "The Son." crew on T. & M- - favor of Moyer. Before this case 33 "Forgiveness." ing, Elder S. VV. Sherrod, Elder W. S. Saunders. the rail road. xo The Primeval State 34 "Eternal Salvation" was disposed of C. L. Owen H. 7:30 p. m. Devotional by Bro. J. D. Griffiths. Write to C. C. of man. 35 Second coming of Chapman at Tu- - B. Horne and Joe Martinex was 11 The 8:00 p. m. Temperence Discussion led by Elder Hor- for on Fallen State Christ. . :umcari, prices Windmills in for ace Robert S. W. brought engageing in a three of Man. 36 Millennial Sign of Woodard, Shannon, Sherrod, and Hardware in general. cornered fight. 12 The Redeemed Christ. Peter Larat son. Discussion open. Talks limited Martenb called to ten minutes after first first Plead not State of Man. 37 Salvation of Jews. speech. Mr. Jo'in George and family. guilty. Horne was 13 The Covenent of 38 End of Time. v --Saturday, December 30th Miss. Sally George from Tennes- then called Plead guilty, and was Grace. 39 Communion. see, who have been visiting Mr. fined ons dollar and cost. Owen de- - All day M. W. Presidnt of 14 The Covenant of the How often taken. singing, Walker, Quay Peary, for the past week, returned cal led in ing next plead not guilty. Law. When taken. County Singing Convention, charge. home Tuesday Morning. After evidence taken Martenis and 7:30 m. led -- 15 Signs of "Eternal For what purpose. p. Devotional by Bro. J. L. Branham. i Read add ot Owen being Life." 40 Baptism. 8:00 p. m. Question Box. the the San Ion discharged, Next 16 "Sanctification." Act of Baptism. Mercantile company on the back came Palracio Sancbes, December 31st. of 17 Bible "Holiness." Design of Baptism. Sunday, page this issue, they are offer with a Repliven for one Winchest some 18 Modern "Holiness." Legal Baptism. 9:30 a. m. Song Service. ing greatly reduced prices er rifel found in the hands of . TV for this week. M. 19 Illumination. 4- 1- "The Mark of the 10:30 a? m. Sunday School lesson. Jordan, after considerable dis--' , 30 Mind Illumination. v Beast." Loo a. m. Elder cussien as to the owner shio be I Preaching by E. P. Alldredge. The literay society has set the 21 Soul Illumination, 4- 2- "Tne Tlan of the in the twen the parties involved the 4 Singing Afternoon., next meeting for the first Saturday im aa 8:30 p. m- .- Missionary Sjrmon by ElderH. P. was turned over to Sanchez, Ags." Haley night in January, missing one reg- - tni ' " Master-son- , court adjourned witb Committee, J. I J P. Griffiths, .Mrs, Mamie Griffiths. ular meeting on acount of the Chri ewyHkciy well satisfied with th stmas exersise a good program has diio& , rendered. . been arrauged. ''''.' FEED FOR INCREASED WEIGHT Revised Venlon. fleiirenrtiMflvn llintf f Tesaa, In "Ketayra Bftla a pl e money In n eloquent and wIMr aJMih i"i tat gold tnlae of didol asked Where It It Intended Plata li hit, bV U Sheaf fernntli'tisl iiinrrlflxp, M other Vi::oucaby. en Market Pellewlnf spring Oral "Y-a- In Waco: bout five million." mid Hick day Should Qarn and Oats. "The Honorable mm liinda, -- mm be W the little f Hie Kitrl 'f Inl- Whin doing Bor asked Stock If th It to daughter Cured in Gno Bttasby. Prejudice la a hard thin to overcame. live sheep keeper feeding ands and a I'hlrngo pork quern, G:y hilt where health la at smke Increase that la, to f "on, he's rntlng on his ore," said anl tha weight, feeding once Asked her inoi her; An a rule, a few diae Munvon'a Odd pinion of thousand of feliaUl peopl the on market the fol- - hreak any cold and Hlckenlooper. place sheep the how long does a honey lli'inrdy will up pw dinar from your, prejudice then b an breed- "Mamma, II relieves in It wh npoa presentation of the eome menace and to lowing aprlng, writes Iowa Miit iiiniiini. neai, your you ought moon lust?" HiKMit and lung alnvnt I'rir above under oath that the court ac It Hilda. Thla la aald In er In nn exchange, the grain ration intntly. lay th Inter, "Lady Lnrlands with a bitter smile rent at snv druggist's, or sent postpaid. quitted Wllloughby of assault and bat at of people suffering fnim chronlo should be corn and oatt, when al need Medical advice write to and It la made answer. If vim tery oa the ground of extreme provo eonatlpatlon, worthy of thalr falfa or clover are as the Doctor. They will carefully attention. awaaNeaaaJeaae,afc, privlded "'The honeymoon may be snld to Miuiyoii' cation. Harper'a weekly. In tha ODlhlon of lerlon of mllahli jfadl. roughness. If the Is corn iliHKniwe your case and give you advice by most RATION FOR THE BROOD SOW roughness last, my dear, until your husband be free. American people tha atubborn fodder and straw, considerable bran " until, absolutely eonatlpatlon imaginable can be cured gins to pester you for money.' ililress Professor Munvon, 53d and Not Going. 7 a oner m or ur. call weirs Bvru should be added to the supply of ra utrcets, Philadelphia, Pa. Pepsin. Tou may not have heard of It Hog Breeder Telia How He Obtains Jctferaun "You're going to the smoker to tions. to Wether before, but do not doubt ila merits on Satisfactory Results Feed Is Important ol night, aren't you?" that account, or because It has not been Uusually about a month or so after Examine carefully every uoltle Increased In Winter. for "Nope." blatantly advertised. It has sold very harvest, if there is a good crop of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy of thai on wora or moutn recom It paper it. "Why, the boys are expecting you. uccessruuy wheat, the price of bran is lower than Infants and children, and tee that anenaauon. rarents are giving it to The following ration for brood siring to key Didn't you promise them you'd be their children who were It at of T)sk.k el Readers anything adver- - today given 1 any other time the year, and it than1 Djr tneir parents, and it ha been truth owa has given as good results as columns should intat aald more is then that I lay In my supply. of bd in its upoa mTm De nut 'u,13r that drurgista use It could ask for, says a writer In the Signature UaA7T&&&V. I intended to present, ptnontily In their families than any If the breeder baa none but breed having whst they sik (or, refuang all uave i Breeders' Gazette. While It might In Use For Over 30 Years. or imitations. yuu w, wj lue man bjbiciu iu einer lazauve. ing ewes, then the ration ahould subftitutes our family, and my wife baa Just e Letter recently received from Mr. not prove to be the best under all pe Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Frank Adams, 1413 E. 9th St., oats and bran, or bran, oats and ercised it." Wichita, conditions, It has given very satis ivbs., ana urra Asniana, lias., peas at the rate of two oats, are dui a rew or tnousands show. factory results under my conditions parts The man who looks for good can Wf tne esteem in which Dr. Cald one part bran and one If I PARKER'S" Four of my sows were part peaa. not look for he will be more .. Hla Worldly Goods. well' Syrup Pepsin la held. It la mild. purchased fodder Is to be the of anything BALSAM genue. not violent. Ilka when seven months of principal part certain to find. HAIR At an "army wedding" in Topeka re age, then the a LJ CtenMt and bnotinw the bahv salt or cathartic. It cure gradually 150 forage small supply of oil meal rronolis S Imuran! giewth. cently the service had proceeded to the and so that In time nature weighing pounds apiece. They In. Reeer falls to Beetore Ofay pleasantly should be laid for Children . to OolorT "With all I again does ita own work without out. were kept another month, then bred Krs. Wtnalow' Soothing Syrup T Bate Its Tontaful line, my worldly goods aide aid. owe It to softens the reduces Inflamtna- - fjtl Cam Hslp dlMSM a hsirLahag, thee endow." The candidate for mat Constipated people Now are 17 months old. have teething, gums, A Mc. ndl. at Dniglae inemseives to use this grand bowel they Uoa allay pain, cures wind colic, Sic bottle. rimony repeated It. "There," remarked apecinc farrowed their second litters and will FORM FOR A CONCRETE TANK wishing- - to a nr trtUITVnCfl Irliih wolf bonBds. Norwa was Anyone make trial of thla another lieutenant who a guest, weigh from 800 to 400 pounds in Love never falls, because it never DlASULnUUUiA) lanbMrdnss.foaboanas, "there his Kansas remedy before buying It In tha regular eons, eat, dnsa. Illustrated catalogue goes bicycle." City good, thrifty breeding condition, One Shown In Illustration That Will BUOKWOOD Star. way of a druggist at fifty cents or one stops trying. lamp. KSNNnLo, Lexington, fc. dollar a large bottle famlly alse) caa They have been fed somewhat near Not Break and Will Come nave a aampie bottle aent to th home the following each day per head In Out free of Easily. Beat None Too Good. charge by ilmolv addressing Dr. addition to whatever pick np In W. B. Caldwell. 201 Washington St-- they A social leader at Narrangansett was Montlcello, 111. Tour nam and address 15 acres of woods pasture, a portion I nave found an Inside form for Think arranging for a musical and called a on a postal card will do. of which contains a good stand of building concrete tanks that Is a great When You local "professor into consultation. bluegrass and white clover: Shelled Improvement on anything that I have Of the which women experience with every "I he "we'd have THE PESSIMIST. pain many think," said, better corn, four pounds; shorts, one pound"; yet seen. Tou cannot possibly break month it makes the gentleness and kindnesa always associ- two two seconds " -- first violins, bran, six pounds; one-four- th it, and it comes out 24 hours ated with womanhood aeem to be almost a miracle. said tankage, easily "No," the prospective hostess, the ' winter after the tank Is a While in no woman rebela against what ahe re wish to no Let us pound. During poured, says writer general 1 spare expense. when the weather la cold in Farm and Home. The form Is made gardt as a natural necessity there ia no woman who would have only first violins, if you months, of please, and the the amount of ssot gladly be free from this recurring period pain. Philadelphia Ledger, ground bare, feed is Increased as It is also when Dk Pieiwe'e Favorlf pMeriptloa meaee the litters become to rcaJr women stroni and tick womta large enough from Hla Exact Location. take all of the milk that the sow can we, mud ilvtm them freedom pain. was tne last It aatabllmhta reiaiartty, aubduee Mlam "wombat at opera supply. Just a few days before the heala ulceration and cares t night" sows are due to farrow I add a hand nation, In mala weakaeaa. "Ah, you saw him drinking the ful of oil meal sow to their feed per Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, melody. each which relieves ten "No; when I saw him he was drink day, any frit. All correspondence atrictlr private and aacredly toward and causes fee ing In the bar." Courier-Journa- l. dency constipation confidential. Write without (ear and without to World'a Dispensary Med the pigs to arrive in good shape leal Association, R. V, Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Hla Honeyed Manner. cracKiings would answer tne same If yon want a book that tella all about woman's diseases, and how to car Tank Form. one-ce- nt "I notice Mr. Comeup has such a purpose. them at home, send 21 stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing of thousand-pag- e honeyed manner and way of talking in four eery, and he will tend you a frt$ oopy hit great illustrated pieces, but instead of being te lately." Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, edition, in paper coven OLD TANK FOR FEED TROUGH cut at the the cut is made cloth-bindin- g, because for of corners, In handsome 31 stamp. "Oh, that's running Just around the corner In each fice Is now the nee in his bonnet." case, Abandoned Kitchen Boiler Put to as shown in the Illustration. The Quack! Quack 1 Practical Use by Texas Farmer-Co- st best way to make it is to build It of Dr. Cubeb's wife to It Merely Nominal. the required size, then take a Gyer wanted saw raise ducks this summer, but he and cut down the sides a few wouldn't stand for it. The writer saw the two feed inches from each corner, as at a. Is lately Myer Why not? Policeman That fellow hunting ing devices herewith Illustrated on Make these cuts diagonal, so the form Gyer He objects to ducks became trouble, the farm of a Texas onion grower, and will pull apart easily. Then nail a of the personal remarks they make. Mr. Want-to-Kno- Why? board, b, securely over each cut, and Policeman He's for the allow the nail heads to looking project slight Rayo lamps and lanterns Dive Shipwreck Today. marriage license bureau. ly, so that they can easily be pulled most for the oil used. "Captain, Is there much danger?" with a hammer. light The light Is strong and steady. A Rayo never flickers. "Not a particle. A moving picture UNDEFEATED CHAMPION OF THE Materials and outfit will soon be and rescue us workmanship are the best. Rayo lamps and along NORTHWEST. Good Rack for Fodder. lanterns last. after they have taken a few films." While fodder when out of given Aih four dealer to thorn you hit li'ne of Rayo lamp and lantern, or wHf for T. A. Ireland, Rifle Shot of Colfax, doors should be fed in feed racks and iUxutrated booklet direct to any agency of Not to Mention Motors. Wash., Tells a Story. not on the ground, it is imperative Continental Oil "Sine- - I'm married I realize how Company Mr. Ireland Is the holder of four for the ground the racks (Incorporated) money is in circulation." Surrounding kept world record's and has to lose his to away in all and "Well, let's have chunk of wis yet slope directions," your first match he: trou often would be If dom." says "Kidney it better still tile : ble so affected vision as to inter drained. EM r. "There's the spring hat, the summer my the fall and the holi- fere with my shoot vacation, gown found that day Herald. ing I became so upon Investigating they Shed for shopping." Washington were two old abandoned kitchen Dry Sheep. nervous I could hard range Sheep should have a good dry shed End Your Ironing Troubles Couldn't Walt. ly hold a gun. There boilers, bought for twenty-fiv- e cents to and rest In the fall from an sleep during Tom Did her last husband die? was severe in each old scrap Iron pile, says of the and should be pain In year preferably by Using Jack No; he resigned. Boston my back and head writer the Homestead. Many shut in in such shed over to as have one night Transcript. and my kidneys were farmers of the old boilers sure their not out on the farm and In case do not against straying terribly disordered. you during rains, as they often do if they Leary. Doan'a Kidney Pills are not shut in. Defiance Starch Mrs. A. ow, Mrs. B., win you cured me after I had come and see our apiffry? doctored and taken Thin Mrs. B. (who has been putting it off Hog's Covering. The most serviceable starch on nearly every remedy it should be remembered that a all the afternoon) Well, Mrs. A., the without truth Is, I I'm rather afraid imaginable hog's coat of hair Is no heavy nor of the market today. Works you know, relief. I will equally of monkeys." Christian Intelligencer. give the kind to keep out extreme cold. Con well hot or cold and a further details of my sequently It feels the change in tem produces' case to en A Long Face. anyone perature most keenly. finish unequaled by any other The pessimist is never gay: closing stamp." have one they will be found in the "When Tour Is Lame, Remem starch. His face is long and grave. Bac,k scrap pile at any blacksmith's. The Kindness Is Best. He to have ber the Name DOAN'S." 50c, all stores. Is really ought to pay manner of using them so clearly Kindness is one of the and A for a shave. Foster-Milbur- n N. Y. cheapest One quarter Co., Buffalo, defined in the drawings that further best rations can feed to trial will prove its merits elaboration is you your unnecessary. Fig. stock. They relish it more than the and make On the Wrong Train. Incurable. shows how the old boiler was used for you a confirmed user. ne uid you ever on a train most succulent thing you can put be--1 get "You say you are your wife's third making a feed manger and Fig. 2 when it was moving? husband?" said one man to another fore them. He Yes shows how a second boiler was used flSee that you once. a talk. get She What was the sensation? during for making a hog trough. "No, I am her fourth husband." was "DEFIANCE" next He Ripping fcr the woman. Wo the reply man's Home Companion. Best time. 16 - ounce "Heavens, man!" said the first Selecting the Heifers. Big in ran ana winter as tne cows Wise Ma. speaker. "You are not a husband package for 10 cents at come fresh In milk will be just the "Ma, why don't you keep out of the you're a habit." all are time to select the most promising groters. . parlor? Things running smoothly heifer calf to raise for BOW." One of tha Accessories. the dairy. With good feeding, comfortable quar Manufactured "You ain't engaged yet, daughter. Quiet-Spoke- n Customer You by keep ters and care should do and your ma knows that a young man for the don't proper they everything piano, you? the winter and be Defiance who finds things running Bmoothly Is Salesman Yes, sir. We sir. finely through Starch Co. do, to to to bored and n ready turn another apt get quit." Quiet-Spoke- Customer Give me pasture OMAHA, NEBRASKA spring. Good News. an ax! Puck. "What did ma to you when are a but Jif say you in Males. Barley sprouts good feed, came in?" Inquired to his Doubtless. Nothing Runty not Johnny Is for very palatable. friend who had come to tea. "She left me for some motive or an- There little hope the farmer The coarse like who to and hog, th,e elephantine "She said she was very pleased to other." prefers buy runty males, steer, is a relic of the past. considers that breeders of pure-bre- d see me. "Probably another," Llppincott'a Coarseness Indicates low vitality, 0t "I'm glad," said Johnny In a relieved Magazine. stock are robbing their customers. If slow and tone. " she It will feeding qualities sluggish- 'Cos said this morning she he succeeds be in spite of his ness. tWi. you wouldn't come!" not hoped For over fifty year Ulieiiniiitixm, Neu- methods, because of them. It Is how fast a can iiikI surprising pig ralgia, oilier painful ailments have made to It Is HOMESEEKERS been cured Wizard Oil. It in be grow when properly EXCURSION by imilii)4 Get Blankets for Horses. RATES TO TEXAS AND NEW a good lionpi-- t reiiimly and you will not fed and cared for. MEXICO POINTS DUR- regret having a buttle ready for ue. Don't forget to purchase horse There Is now more hog cholera In ING 1911. blankets before cold weather begins. the country, If reports are to be relied On the first and third Tuesdays of In the deepest night of trouble and se them when horses are hitched upon, than ever before, each' month during the entire yea. sorrow, we have so much to be thank- outside in the cold and wet. The price Lack of exercise and too much car- ss The Colorado and Southern Rail- ful for that we need never cease our for a horse blanket may save the price bonaceous food will necessitate an it way, will sell round trip homeseekers' singing. Coleridge. of a horse. market for the young excursion tickets to a early porkers. great many A good boar to head the herd Is points in New Mexico and Texas at CHRISTMAS POST CARDS FREE Attention to Colfa Feet. used to a great disadvantage if the greatly reduced rates. Pinal limit Send so for five ol my eboto-e- at tump samples very A sows be not well selected. 25 days allowing liberal stop-ove- r Gold mtxXKd Chrlatmu and Mew Teat horse with four absolutely sound breeding For detailed Post Cards; beautiful oulort and ImelleM denlgni, gs Is worth in the market almost what Linseed oil Is a well-know- n purga- privileges. Information, Art Post Card Club, Til Jackaun lit.. Kansas o Colo-rad- Topeka. In rates, etc., call on your nearest o ever the owner chooses to ask for tive and flaxseed fed any consider- and Southern or able would be lax- agent address T. When one is sad or out of sorts' for him. This being the case, attention to quantity extremely E. Fisher, General Passenger Agent, ative. cause is no rem- the colt's feet and to the shoeing later ( Denver, Colo. any whatever, there The humane man la to infallible as to make Is well worth while. comfortable edy trying when his stock is comfortable, and f I I Dealer In all kinds of MEM. somebody else happy. J. W. Carney. fcvil li LltuAffr CHANDIKR. Mammoth eata-lo- g when are ill at ease he Is In the 2 Cor. A To 8ecure Good Resulta. they mailed free. Ilth Risks. Dearer. same condition. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Unless you are willing to time regulate give Flaxseed meal may be fed to all PERFECTION ou?heatcr A RELIABLE : PROMPT and invigorate etomach, liver and bowels. and attention to valuable stock, don't WAV? Sugar-coate- d, kinds of stock, but owing to Its tiny granules, easy to take be too anxious to auch. Re- large Smokeless Odorlesa Clean Convenient as candy. acquire content of oil, It must be used In very Copper, QoM eilrer refined member, however, that any animal The Perfection. SmoUeai Oil Heater warms u4ad llje.writ lor free seeks. limited amounts. , up a toon sought, mailing must have rational treatment to next to no (or use. CgDEN ASSAY CO 1734 Glensra St.. Denver, The man who tries to taper off In give In any kind of live stock wa bao, Always ready Can be carried results. giving cauly to any room when extra warmth ' needed. tin will soon be in over hla head good ter in the winter that causes them to A special automatic device makes it impotable to the Is A turn -- again. shiver, a loss. little shivering wick too high or too low. Safe in the hands ol child. Feeding Too Much Corn. a Perfection m mil prevents day's growth. The bum nine hour oa one tiling- - glowing Red Croat much will make from 10 IS " Bag Blue, better, goes Hogs to Charcoal, ashes and salt help to beat from the minuta k is lighted. Handsomely fimtfcadi farther thaa liquid blue. Get from of meat live of blue enamel I any pounds weight for each keep the hog's digestive system In Oram or plain steel, with akkel trimmiags. VwLniii bushel of corn write a) m imm cast as eaten, but because of good condition and should be kept AjmtfdiaW or lor dcriplm circa krtosaranacy f There are atlll plenty of green paa-tare- a thla too many farmers feed too much within the reach of the animals at all Continental Oil Coinpany, for all the Lord's aheep. corn. times. (Incorporated) MIRI A BAD START U03IITI0N. TALK OD CAPILLARITY CIST SOIL FOE 03V FARIX3 tUKES RATHER

Only Types Land Net Adaptec' Art Ne Doubt Boy Meant Well, but Hit In. Alkali, Heavy Gumbo er Light Siepo Itlal Efforts at Keeping Diary Moisture Steadily Transferred andy er Gravelly. Are Impressive. mind From One Particle to Another. (By II. r. PATTKIiaON. Montana Sta- Tbls Is my first dlry so dont tion.) the spellln. I wus'nt goln to right It During the past two yeara we have Ull a little while longer, only, this received a large number of inquiries Fains was and my ma sed, When urfaoe of toil la Left Undis- morning rainy as to the best tree of land for dry "William, why don't you begin your turbed Tube Come Close Togeth- of dlf Sloan's Liniment has a be-gi- n, farming. There are a number dlry, this will be a good day to er, Allowing Water to Paaa ferent types upon which farmers Dave soothing effect on the and It will keep you out of mis-cblf- ?" From One to Another. had rood success bv following dry neural I sed so I went up of nerves. It stops alright, farming principles. The only types and sciatica in stairs and got my big brother John's i soil that are not well to dry gia pains out Now capillarity Is a big word, and adapted stamp and began pulling are alkali heavy gum stantly. I It means something to a farming lands, the stamps so's could right. John pertaining bo or or a of hair. Now hair has very little to do lands, light sandy gravelly says his stamps are worth lot for the reason that do not Here's Proef I It cause with the soil and yet "capillarity of soils, they money but don't believe have a rood nhvslcil condition. The Mra.C. M. Dowkerol tohannetbvrg, when be to a football the the soil" Is a common term. Very Mich., write i " Sloao Liniment U wanted buy and alkali soils are so fine In th medicine In the world. It hat be sell em and fine tubes are called capillary, or hair clay but other day why didn't texture Is impossible relieved me of Neuralgia. Thoee paine I want II like that It almost have and 1 can get the money. Anyhow don't Miss I much tubes, and the word capillary of the all (on truly lay your ti(i))fiinr Antique have to on Is for the plants to make use liniment did atop them." him to catch me as I have started often applied wrongly because we V. BOGaT my mind; I wish I knew what to do moisture that these soils contain. The Mr.Andrew Uarof Street, In The first In a have no better word to express the Cumberland, ltd., writaai "I have righting It thing for relief. sandy soils are so ooen and porous wted Sloan'a Liniment lor Neuralgia Is the date so I will now right It meaning. For Instance, take two and I do U amuch." dlry Miss Caustlque Why not remove that will not hold any of the certainly praUe rery October 1911 When 1 began this I sheets of glass and place them In a they 26, .IOimh'I your 8witch? water and so not well to to you I bor- (Win pan of water, and the water will are adapted dlry I forgot tell that J land Of these two types halr-rlbbo- n to flow up between them far above the dry farming. rowed my sisters pink PHYSICIAN ADVISES of soil the and the sandy, hold leaves more, and, level In the pan, and If the Is heavy clay the glass Is more desirable. came home I CUTICURA REMEDIES not too It will run over the top, the former when big brother John long, in determin awful when he couldnt writes John Isaac In the Town and The subsoil is important heard him yell ing whether a land is well adapted for LimMEKT find his album so I ran upstairs to the Country Journal. This Is called capil- il methods or not The suo-so- behind trunk where he "Four years ago I had places break attraction. Place a of wool- dry farming is for rheu- attic a big a lary piece a nature as to the best remedy I now heard out on my wrist and on my shin which en In a of water and leave should be of such cant find me. Just my rag pan absorb and hold a amount of wa matism, backache, sore come In and Im so scared I would Itch and burn by spells, and one end of It over the side and the lame slater J VfccaJ them would not seem to ter. It Is In the subsoil that we find throat and sprains. not down stairs now and Im scratching water will run up the cloth and over darst go relief. When the moisture and unless this all dealers. afraid to anymore so I'll have give any the trouble first the rim of the pan. This, too, Is called reservoir, At right DuybjJ itcbed like soil Is of such a character as to noia to In the trunk and stay till he began, my wrist and shin capillary attraction, yet In neither Prtee 23e.J0e.and $1.00 creep Baking I would scratch those the moisture, we are going to have a goes. I'll contlnu my dlry J i poison. places case are their any hairs or hair like Sloan's book oa I could deal of trouble In to dry Newark (N. Star. Powder until they would, bleed before tubes. Now, In the soil we often great trying Hone, Cattle, J.) I any relief. Afterwards the places farm It. . Hop and Poul- I get speak of the loss of moisture by capil- try aent free. I is would scale over, and the flesh un- The best type of soli for dry land A Hunting Story. For this 1 larity or and of Addr f feverish. capillary attraction, Is a loam, a soil An old backwoodsman that Abra- the baking derneath would look red and capillary tubes which the wa- farming sandy clay 0 through that has the of absorbing and Dr. ham Lincoln often told of had very that Sometimes it would begin to itch until ter escapes, but there are no such power powder a amount of moisture aUriS.Sloaii over-hangin- g eyebrows, and "makes it would waken me from my sleep, tubes and no continuous be- holding large heavy, the passage and can be worked, wore with brass rims. and I would have to go through the that very easily M (a. T rWo.M. big spectacles baking better." tween the lower moisture In the soil be his g ordeal again. and upon which the dust mulch can One day he' came rushing into leavens thefood scratching and the surface. But there Is a con- aimed n It Our pronounced it easily maintained. It is very difficult cabin and seizing bis rifle, it f physician "dry stant flow of water through the a door evenly throughout; eczema." I used an ointment which to maintain a dust mulch upon carefully through a crack of the puffs It up to airy 1 soil, and this moisture Is being stood it the doctor gave me, but it did no good. heavy, stlp, clay soil, whereas upon at a great oak tree that near, lightness, nukes 1 steadily transformed from one par- MI Cutl-cur- a a loam this mulch can be main- and fired. delightfullyappetls 1 Then he advised me to try the ticle to another. Now when the sandy tained without a deal of work. "What Is It?" whispered his wife. log and wholesome, Remedies. As this trouble has surface of the soil Is left undisturbed great g g been our and is i'he slope of the land best adaptel "A wUdcat, Salry,".he said, el Remember, Calumet in family for years, these particles come very close to- considered I felt anxious for dry land agriculture varies with cltedly, "an' I missed him!" b moderate In price 5 hereditary, gether, and the closer He to- fired In to to off. I Cuti- they the different localities. Farmers, as a He hastily loaded and again, 0 highest quality. try head it got the gether the more easily the water cura Ointment and and rule, prefer the land that slopes gently and then again. 5 Ask your grocer lor Soap, Pills, passes from one to the other. So If said his seemed to be Just what I needed. towards the north or the northeast. ''Now, hold on, Joshua," 0 Calumet. Don't take I they the ground Is left It compacts, that wife. "Let me look at you. a substitute. "The disease was making great This, however, Is not the most, Impor- good Is, the soil come closer to- all laws-a-dals- Dofianco a on until I particles tant point, but one worthy of full con Starch Why, it's nothln' but headway my system got this a close con- I " 1 I gether; forms, very sideration when a farm. The 1 6 ounces to the other starche little bug on one o your eyebrows the Cuticura Remedies which have nection between the surface and the choosing package skin of north slope escapes the direct rays of 12 ounces same and Housekeeper, cleared my the great pest lower layers, and between these only price From the time the eczema healed four the sun to a degree, is a trifle later closely compacted particles there are "DEFIANCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITY Well years ago, until now, I have never felt starting In the spring, which Is fre Disposed. minute spaces through which the well-know- n In en- of and I am thankful to quently an advantage, and Is generally A expert cooking any its pest, water raises with comparative rapid- In a com- which not apt to suffer from hot winds and countered trouble suburban the Cuticura Soap and Ointment ity, this comes to the surface and Is In Strange Company. when she cured me. I use the drought. munity the other afternoon certainly always evaporated by the sun, so that It is The Visitor And what Is that gray to to the Mothers' Cuticura for and I prepared lecture Soap toilet, hope lost to the soil and we say the ground stone structure over there? club. Her was "How to Cook." other sufferers from skin diseases will VALUE OF THE HEIFER BEEF subject is dry. In speaking of this process The Courier Zat ees ze armory for She how much a man use the Cuticura and Ointment" began by telling Soap It Is often said that the moisture es- te soldiers. cooking, and then Irven Three Riv- appreciates good jjaUHEf (Signed) Hutchison, capes through capillary tubes, al- Meat Is Finer In Grain and Better, The Visitor Ah, yes. And that to various 1911. she proposed give recipes. ers, Mich., Mar. 16, Although though as you see, there are no tubes and There Is No Waste No Rea- long, low building that looks like a the first was one for cold Cuticura and Ointment are sold Among Soap at all, only a close connection be- son for Discrimination. train shed what is that? slaw. "To have this best," began the by and dealers Zat ees se d druggists everywhere, tween the minute soil particles, The Courier arsenal. lecturer, "take a good-hearte- cab- 32-pa- of Iowa I a sample of each, with book, which Is JuBt as bad, for it affords a Professor Kennedy the The Visitor see. And what Is the will be mailed on to In few bage and" free application continuous passage for the water to college, while England a years big factory with the Immense smoke- At this a young matron Inter- 17 Boston. at dis- point Cuticura," Dept K, come up to the surface and be lost ago, expressed great surprise stack? rupted. She was eager to get all the that butchers a higher Zat ees ze . To prevent the escape of this covering pay the Courier Information possible. "Tell me, Tenses. for beef than for steer moisture too rapidly, some people price heifer iron works where is made ze big gun she spoke up, "how Is one to Teacher Tommle, what. is the fu- beef of same and condition of please," apply what Is known as a mulch to the age an' ze shot an ze shell, know the disposition of a cabbage?" ture of "I give?" flesh. look- the soil, or to such as they wish The Visitor And that peculiar Times. Tommie "You take." Life. parts Wallace was also a Philadelphia to protect. This Is some kind of cov Henry says this ing structure across the river the to him the first time he went erlng, straw or other, which will surprise one with the rounded roof? Heathen Nations Invent Nothing. Smile on wash day. That's when you us abroad. He found that the butchers shade the ground and the The Courier Zat ees ze powder Thoburn who has been a Red Cross Rag Blue. Clothes whiter than prevent were to a on Bishop snow. All evaporation of the water the sun, willing give premium magazine. In India for 50 years, and grocers. by heifers over steers and we found that missionary This, of course, does not prevent the The Visitor And what Is this mag- knows India better than any other liv- evil- in one or two districts of England with won- The man who is envious of tens of thousands of little pumps nificent marble structure its ing American, says: "If you visit the butchers would only heifers if columns? doers will soon be one himself. which are at work on every buy derful dome and countless patent office at Washington, you will square could them. ze foot of the soil from the they get The Courier Oh, zat ees only see 600 on the plow. bringing reasons the butchers improvements moisture to the surface. To cheek The given by palace of peace! Cleveland Plain India has not Invented one Improve- of the flesh is Thompccn'o this loss and too much of are that the grain finer, Dealer. ment on the toothpick In 2,000 years. prevent the bone and therefore the water from we to the, smaller, The nations without Ood have' no In- inn escaping, resort cuts better than the steer of EyoUator what is called "cultivation." is heifer up Business Instinct Strong. ventive Tbey are almost uni- ireSefleeyeMMilliiii That same and furnishes a better faculty. we surface broken the age A tells as a joke on the savage, unenlightened na- keep the always for beef. "We remember photographer versally up; keep the top soli, so capacity himself that a woman, accompanied tions of the earth." IF IT'S YOUU EYES stirring when a at home," Mr. Wal- EYE connection between soil boy says by a little boy, come into his studio PETTIfS SALVE Is whit yea n::i that the the "when a beef was to be killed In Is broken and lace, the other day. "I want my pickcher Aplcultural. Sarsaparilla particles up pre- the fall of the year, mother always vented from continuous. This took," she said. "I Bee that you take Mother Yes, Johnny, the queen bee Eradicates scrofula and all being Insisted on killing a heifer, giving the forms what is called a dust pickchers for four dollars a dozen this Is boss. other humors, cures all their mulch, exact reasons stated by Professor PATENTSSSH or a dust covering, and if this Is kept week, so I come fer mine. And I Johnny How about the presiden- as the butchers at 47-19- makes the blood rich Kennedy given by want this Tittle boy took In the same bee? W. N. DENVER, NO. 11. effects, from compacting, It prevents the for- meat of the heifer tial U, Liverpool that the with me." "Yes, madam and abundant, strengthens all mation of continuous passages for was finer In and better and pickers the grain of course, we make an extra the water which Is kept In the soil, was less waste." but, the vital organs. Take it. there outside this special rate when until It flows past the trees and plants There Is no sense or charge Get it in usual liquid form or absolutely two are taken at once." "Oh," today whose roots take It up and use It for reason for the discrimination made pictures ehocolated tablets called 8araatabs. the "but I'll the boy building up their tissues and making heifer beef in the United Bays lady, keep idalio against PiMic Laid In my That's the way I do in the fruit and grain. It does not take long States. With cow beef It Is somewhat lap. for to to- street cars, and nobody, ever says the particles settle close different, for the reason that a cow Constipation so that fre- anything." gether again, they require that has produced a number of calves Acre quent stirring up. You will under will not dress as a per cent of Water Right $50.00 Vanishes Forever large A BRAIN WORKER. ANNUAL' per stand from this the philosophy of beef and the animal being older will IN TWELVK INSTALMENTS Prompt ReliefPermanent Cure or the of Must Have the Kind of Food That cultivation, frequent stirring not have the same tenderness nor line The Wood River Project began its annual run of water for irrigation on CARTER S LITTLE the soil, and why it is necessary. - Nourishes Brain. quality. March 29th, 1911. There has been no interruption in the service sinos LIVER PILLS never A half a cent a pound, however, "I am a man whose nervous the run began. There is no shortage of crop on this project this year. faiL Purely vegeta ' i DURUM OR MACARONI should be ample to cover this shrink- literary WHEAT Is a of my stock In ble act surety CARTERS age; whereas a heifer Is really enti- energy great part Some Thing You Can Find on Wood River Project out on immt m I and I have little pa- gently MJ ls1 M i is a I tled to a over the steer of trade, ordinarily Your choice of Acres of new land. The best water the liver. In Dry Northwest It Has Met With premium with breakfast foods and the 30,000 right any- 111 VER from a quarter to half a cent tience where. Markets for can raise. Good fruit land. Stop after Considerable Favor It Resists extravagant claims made of them. But everything you Sheep dinner distr- Drought Splendidly, cannot withhold and hogs to feed and feed for all of them every year. ess-cure LIVE 3T0CK NOTES. I my acknowledg- ment of the debt that I owe to Grate-Nut-s Good Dairy Country Is as improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. Durum wheat generally grown There Is a growing demand fot food. Market for one million of butter. Market for all the chickens a wheat. In the "I discovered the very pounds SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL HUUS. spring dry northwest bacon good bacon. long ago that and can raise. The best soil on earth. It has met with considerable favor. It bulklness of the diet was not eggs you potato Irrigation system must bear Uniformity in the ewes of a flock ordinary and tested two use. soil. Genuine Signature out-yield- s one a clear complete fully by years Ample water, splendid generally spring wheat and Is always desirable. calculated to give head, accurate think- WE NEED YOU resists drougth splendidly. The great- It pays and pays big to keep a ram the power of sustained, to est objection growing macaroni in excellent, vigorous condition. ing. I always felt heavy and sluggish wheat In this country has been the in mind as well as body after eating IDAHO IRRIGATION COMPANY, Limited Exercise will help to make that RICHFIELD, IDAHO lack of market, the millers at first streak of lean and streak of fat that Is the ordinary meal, which diverted the Vfrwm. . ..rW L W. I discriminating against It. Analyses desired blood from the brain to the digestive ncf ion. McCcumII, GeaettJ Durum has LIVE STOCK AND Indicate that wheat a high A long, large bead, as a rule, Indi apparatus. MISCELLANEOUS value for feeding purposes, being con- cates a hard, uneasy feeder and a "I tried foods easy of digestion, but richer In deficient In nutri- siderably protein than or great consumer. found them usually - break- . dlnary wheat, says- the Wallaces' All pure breeds of stock originated ment. I experimented with many W. L. DOUGLAS, 0 Farmer. It Is so hard, though, that It common stock of the fast foods and they, too, proved un- from the country 2.50 1 Electrotypes Grape-Nut- s. '3.C0 '3.50 &HC0SiaS must be ground before being fed. We in which they were developed. satisfactory, till I reached m have reason to that a was solved. WOMEN wmt W.L DoMbuttylUk, perfect suspect larger A hog needs all his time to make And then the problem It. . .CV-:- GREAT VARIETY amount of feeding nutrients can be "Grape-Nut- s agreed with me per- fitting .Mi? walking boots, bcauM they give IN pork and should not be expected to amaae SALE THE obtained from an acre of Durum wheat from msg wear, MW.UojglM Mniimn, FORj tAT spend any moments fighting lice. fectly the beginning, satisfying LOWEST PRICES BY season than from nutri- in a dry any other Nothing Is better to free the hogs my hunger and supplying the THE STANDARD OF QUALITY spring grain unless It be barley or In ment that so many other prepared WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION from worms than copperas the FOR OVER SO YEARO corn. In foods lack. I SM-5- for several days succession. W. Adam St, Chicago does not slop which Durum wheat stool quite It Is possible the pigs are squealing "I had not been using it very long The wotfaainship humadeW.L. as was the-- as much ordinary spring wheat, because they are hungry. Kind out before I found that I turning out Douglas shoes famous worid over is should sown lit- and consequently be a there Is no profit In starving porkers. an unusual quantity and quality ot maintained in vnxf pair. tle thicker. A bushel and a half to Distillers' dried grain Is the dried work. Continued use has demonstrate W. LDoogJat shoes arewaJTSintad to two bushels to the acre Is about ed to entire satisfaction that Dofianco Starch right residue from cereals obtained In the my hold their shape, ht and look better and Grape-Nut- s food contains manufacture of alcohol or distilled the elements than other makes for the 1 6 ounces to the package other starches needed brain and nervous wear longer price. Clean Milk Palls. liquors. by the sy . 12 ounces same tod of wri- KOTO only price When palls are left around with Generally speaking, it costs no more tern the hard working public Bat-ti- e TtllZJhlZr "CEFLUCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITY milk clinging to them the bacteria to raise and feed a pure bred animal ter." Name given by Postum Co., gaSnmtlmTwWs-AnCaariyrr- ea. Mich. -- If w.u h . grow and multiply at a tremendous than It does to raise and feed a scrub Creek, f "There's a reason," and it Is ex- I- animal. -. 1 111 - rate, T?.a 1 In order to have wooden utensils If the feed boxes are of wood and plained In the little boek, "The Road endure service better and kelp pure It seems necessary to feed a mash to to Wellvllle," in pkgs. r luatu 11 a waah them In cold water be- the It In a vw tk above tattmv A mw longer, horses, give galvanised i4ra trm tla to tlaaa. They ImnrSO)liW. I MVSIBJU WJr fore tbey are scalded. Iron bucket r etvaalai, tnta, M tall ! Smmm r4fc. for Couchr I COLDIt 3 teMtwt. AMtftenT,. 4 Wl T MIMKTAlll K. TH3 Af II"tf fifd a raiirhT came lu Daily. CIWIN3 town thii morning with a team hit m. MA0HIN8 "CsUrtJ M mc41 alitor Jul) ched to a anJ a number of 0. 41 raiMnur Wtit 7:4c r or GROCERIES FEED, t&t Jo sleigh t, tl Cm ti Bai No. 4a, Passenger East 6:0a a.m. QUALITY. U, fl A Hereford pcoplu were taken a ilw Ktxto n4n mi ( OotgtttM Daily ixctrr Sunday. tank l lift." tliigb ride, MEAL No. 91, Local Frt. West 4:00 t u. FLOUR, San Jon It snowed every day Local Frt. Eu?t 10.30 p.m. NOT JjUftscrtlM pic, $!.$ ptf yar. N. 02, OLD last hit nit ltd as fast as it O.R. - wtik, DENTON, Agent. Adwrttolag raus fur!skt4 oi Ap- UNDIR Farm Seeds. fell untill Tuesday niubt of this ANY and when we received a fall of OTHER week, THE CHURCHES. NAM melted I. too. E. dale, Editor and Publisher. 12 to t4 inches, it has vry M. E. CHURCH Meetings every little since and the weather Mill First and Third Sunday's of each WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. and more btv All Choicest, Best Cheapest, If there is a rjoss marked on unsettled, many predict month. Services morning and If you purcl9 the NEW HOME you wttl the BMCt an&wUl will know lore this is molted. have lift at the price yoa pay, ,tbis space you that your evening. not have an cndleM chain or repair subscription to this paper has ? Kur. J. W. Camppell, Pastor, at We rould be pleased to Tucumcari Irrigation receive your .renewal at once. Charted. iv-MS!ar-- iii. 1 .Otherwise Ihe paper will be dis- Company FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. continued. Achuiter d Saturday to s. prut San Jon, ... New Mexico. I 1J the Tucumcui Ii l igation Company 1 1 L J. P. Mastkrson, Pastor. in the end MM The new OFFICERS of Tucumcari. company Preachihg every second Sunday TERRITORIAL to buy. expects to acpuire water and water IX oclock a. M. n CONNECTION. at FEED AND WAGON YARD IN for irrigation and domestic 8 oclock m. If job want a iowlnr machine, write tbr rights Prayer service, p. ocroro V. J. Mills, Santa Fe, ; oar lateet catalogue you purecaee. (Governor purposes. The capital 'stock is All Christians invited N.M. especially Tin New Heme Machine Co., Oranp, Mas. placed at 750,000, divided into 150, to this service for Us Nathaa Taflu, Santa prayer the good Secretary shares worth, $5.00 per share. Always works for the Southwest. Fe, N. M. 000 of the community. Pots and Kettles. The corporation will begin busines Service at 2 oclock I saw a friend Love's Spirit Stirring. Attorney General Frank W. (slow time) Impatiently cleaning citi- After you have subscribed for of The name a bean I said to her: "Fill tnftt "Jedse." said the old colored Santa Fe, N. M. on a capital $60,000. on Saturday before the second rot tor then taki Clancy, with cold water; put In a teaspoonful zen, "how much ter a license git vour home pap r, the M. addresses and amount of stockt of Treasurer-- A. Otero, Santa Sunday. Everybody invited. ot baking soda; cover and set In the married?' "Want it for yourself:" El Paso Herald. Tbo Herald is Fe, N. M. each stock holder and director are oven. When it has boiled half an hour "Yes, suh; you see I glttln' mighty old , Sunday School each Sabbath at Then why do the best daily for you to read as l'ubtic Instruction as follows. M. B. Goldenberg, it will bo as easy to wash as a coffeo now." "That's evident. .Superintendent xo oclock A. M. Clean nsn and meat you wish to get married?" "Well, you get all the late Associated James Clark, Santa Fe. A. R. cup. roasting J. Tucumcari, 1,000. Carter, P. pnn in the samo way. Qood Houro Jertge, tcr tell do truth, somebody and the dis- N. M. J. Masterson, Supt. an' Press news special Tucumcari, x,ooo: T. A. Muirhead keeping. gimme a long coat, a linen collar W. B. Griffiths, Sec. a 'ooman covering New Mexico, of FuNU- Lands Chap-ma- u, a walkin' cane, en I knows patches .Commissioner C. C. ' l-- Tucumcari, what she kin make a llvln' ler Wes-- t and Arizona. The Robert 1. Krvinr, Santa Singing School meets every Sun- says Texas Tucumcari, 1,000; Joseph City Without Pawnbrokers. we. en I fceln des Mko.a honeymoon!" is N. M. afternoon Three oclock 13 a without IT raids wide circulation giving Isreal, Tucumcari, 3,000; Stanley day at at Quebec city pawnbrok- Atlanta Constitution! Game and Fish Warden James the Church. ers, tho last person In that business us the publicity we need to attract N. M. G. Lawson, Tucumcari, 1,000: having died about years ago. y. .Goble, Santa Fe, thirty new people and new capital to our San-- Herman Gerhart, Tucumcari, xouo Since that time, it is aald, no person Didn't Concern Him. Engineer-Char- les D. Miller, ' You can it in ' has for' a license. The John Wesley had a reputation for sfction. help its N. M. J. W. Horn, Tucumcari, 1,000; applied high iaFe, license Tee 1b held responsible to a con. cheerfulnes. In bis Journcl he writes: good work for the southwest by W. W. Moore, Tucumcari, THE LODGES slderabla extent for this unusual state "I iu Halifax to a civil, s Sixth District. preached a subscriber. District Court. of affairs. congregation. Three or four gen- becoming regular The A. H. T. A. meets each 2nd and tlemen mo in mind of tho hocrst .(Counties of Gudalupe, Otero, put Lincoln and Quay.) The San tth Wednesday evening. man at Londcn who was so gay and Jon Meeting. Beet Eroke Up Church Services. unconcerned whllo Doctor SherlocK R. Ala-inagpr- E. H. Wilkin, Tree. A occurrence broke the Judge Edward Wright, unique up was preaching concerning the Day of Week. H. B. 80c. Borvlce in tho Lutheran N. M. For Christmas Horn, German Judgment. One askd: 'Da you not Albuquerque Mc- church at Chicago the other Sunday. He cn- - Attorney-Ha- rry II. turn hear what tho doctor says?' I)itict M. It is desired that the public A swarm of honey bees invaded the swered, 'Yes, but I am not of his Tucumcari. N. x The W. O. W. meets each 1st and Journal elroy, with us the building and drovo out tho pastor and Morning Alamo-Rord- o, out and work during parish!"1 lerk Charles P. Downs, Srd Monday evenings. Visiting Hover congregation, and services bad to be N. M. entire week, begining next Sunday held on the lawn In front of tho igns Welcome. night mning through the entire church. Not Looking Too Far Ahead. IL B. Horn, C. C. "What Is your boy going to be U. 5. Local Land Officers. week. We know of no other way in 0. L. Owen, Clerk. when he grows up?" Register R. A. Prentice. which the time could be mnre ap. Live Tn the Present "I don't know. We've not got that V. It 13 common to overlook what is our FuU.Usocialcd Press Leased Jlrceiv'er N. GalleRos. propreatly or pleasantly spent by far yet. We're devoting all tlmo The M. W. A. meets each sec- here, by keeping the eye fixed on to 3 end means of him e waj-- bringing Wire in a christian than to ng-ac- man- Report Kvrry Day OFFICE comunity, something remote; in the eciiio through his colleso football QUAY COUNTY IS. ond and fourth Saturday evening safe'y tnc year- - in the study of "Gods Word", ner, prescut opportunities are neglect- period. After that we'll probably Jihariff- -J. F. Ward. of each month. ed, and attainable cood slighted by for Mm." the discussions, and sunt? service choose a career Clerk R. ?. Donohoo. Visitors welcome. uilnda busied in extensive ranges, oud Probate in the for Am Treasurer C. II. Chenault. as indicated prcRraum C. L. Owen, V. C. Intent upon future advantages. probate Judne i. l, Cutlip. the week. Geo. E. Sale. Clerk Assessor I. J. Briscoe. Let us see to it that the Devil of Schools C. S. Superintendent does not have full sway as is to Albuquerque, N. M. Cramer. . often the case, even in farcly good IEX1 -S- V. L. Traylor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Surveyor comunities. , Board of Commissioners. We hope that every IiiMe stud- CIIAS. C. REED, In ent and all of denomna-tion- , DeaIer A. repardless c, i First District W. Dodson. Notary-Publi- notice 'or i:i;licatio:; in Second District J. M. Hodges. who are interested knowing C4.'iWt. All Legal Blanks Properlv Exr cu'td Third District R. C. Slubbins. the Bible teaches, and will Depart nioiit. f lie L'. S. Oiiice in Sentinel Building General Merchandise Iiitrrlur, Precinct Officers. attend the Bible school throughout 'AND- - Land oillcc at Tuouiucail, X. M., I November .Geo. E. Sale, Justice of Peace. and take part in discussions. Criti- i lyll. S Not loe is Anderson, Constable. cism and will be invited Office 100 ISO hereby given th:t Fran Dudley questions, tel. resiience M. DRUG-- els , Kry, for the hcira oi J.;v at mtprvils. deeu.-ised- proper Call and ee us. Satisfaction Riiaranteed. Pry, of S.111 Jon. N.' Nf., who, A Snow Fall. Elder W. S. Sanders has assur on l'JO'i, mutlt lidniesteiul Heavy Dr. B. F. HERRING. January 29, ed us that this school will be con Groceres. entry No 7013, for WSWV and Arizona and Staple and Fancy Nearly all southern ducted in a way to mike it pleasant HERRING BUtLMNO SWiNWtf Sec. 21 and SEM NEl-4- , Mex- MEXICO fht northern part of Sonora, for all, even thoujrhtwe disagree TUCUMCARI, NEW See. 20, Twp. 10 X. Katige 34 E, N. from one ico, is coved with snow on points of doctoring. M. P. Meridian, lias tiled rwitlec to three inches which fell during of Intention to malco Final Flvo The discursions in connection DR. R. S of COULTER, Year Proof, to establish claim to the jhe earley hours Monday. with 5th, Sunday meeting proper, DENTIST Sentinel $1 Year. land above described, before E. E. Bisbee had three inches of snow will led per begin Thursday niuht by Office in New Bank Building, fler'tfeeokc. V. S. Commissioner at mornintr and was a for all Jan-nar- y. this everybody able men, rare treat pres Phone 64.. Endee, N. M., on the lltli day of snowballs. Thisafternon browing ant. Tucumcari, New Mnx. 1)11. weather is warm and the snow the Saturday will be turned over to ADVIL Claimant naimvs as witnesses: has nearly all melted. singers of the county, looking to a MIWD OF Mrs. Mlnnhi I). Townsond, .1. W, Atkins, more Bffc-ctu- organyation of J. a. Atkins and J. (i. E11U Toyah, Tex., Dec l8. Reeve Dr. J. Edwin Manney, all of San and classes thrnugh-ou- t the co- Jon. M. And Culberscfl county have been Physician & Surgeon, 22 :'( K. A. Trentick, unty, Preachinp, Singing and Sun- Kcguter visited by the heaviest snow in Office Sutton Building, Wait. St. day school, on Sunday. Welcome many years- - Snow fell at Toyah Phone 85, Res. Phone 171. JOB all. Rev. P. Masterron. WORK J. pastor. steadily for 16 hours, but it melted Tucumcari, New Mex. City Markets. .almost as fast as it fell, but the fernqerafure later dropped several and is ccveu-- DONE AT THIS OFFICE. Iiuticr sac degrees everything THE Dr. W. LEMING several inches thick. POPULAR Eggs 301? Magazine NO.' E THREAT. The fall is estimat d from eigl.s urrmvrrcM that makes pec'ulity, EVE, EAR, Chickens , .25c to 35c to ten inches at this point. Th Fact Glasses iitttd. Turkeys $r,oo to $1,25 insures plenty of iroLture in th more frlnatlng Office, first stairway ast f th Maize heads, per ton $12,50 t onnbi-r- Hotel. ground for earley and abunda; Fiction BUTCHER SHOP Kafiir Corn heads, per ton... 12,50 fprjns Rrass, and the ranchmei UCUMCAKt, Nfw Me. beans, per pound 5c the smile that "WMTTCN M YOU CAN lire wearing UNDERSTAND IT" FRESH MEATS AT ALL TIMES. Corrected weekly by Z. T. Mo come off. - A GREAT Contiauad Starr of the World's Daniels, and feed If ProTi which you begin at grocery store. may reading E Mthcso, N. M , Dec iS. Thi any lime, ana wnicii wul bold your interest BUG EN E HEDGECOKE forever, is ruaai&g 10 aks Chops, Roast?, , Sausage, S Hamhtrj;er section has ben visittd by a U. Mechanics S. Commissioned, Land Without Trees. consi Popular )ong storm, accompanied by 6th nr stvict Thorshaven, the capital city of ft dcrable snow. Old timers Are Magazineit ? Two millions of AND" Faroo. Islands, is Bald to be absolute- predict you reading your Filinur, Cent'- t . P " . RESTAURANT neighbors arc. and it la the favorite magazine ly trcolcrs. of brut The claim la made that the jrnmediate return the run of in Uiouand ot the American homes. It - NEU MEX. apwala to all cl.nsii old and youn men iNDEE, for Eonio reason, perhaps soil cond!-ttcr- good seasons thrat spoiled the early and women thoe who know and who troua want to know. absolutely refuse to grow homesteaders here by permitting ISO MCC lCM MONTH S09 PICTURES POOL HALL there. CM ARTICLES Or OENIRAL INTEREST t.o think that thep money grew The ''Shop Notea" Department (20 panes) For Sale. gives way to do thins how to make without of sod land. easy ' attention uaeiul article lor borne and shop, repairs, etc. & Fostering Talent. Store building 18x3 in' sn:all LESTER YOUNG "You refuse to son "Amateur Mechanic " (10 pages) telle how to allow your son to Sandcrscti, Tex., make Mission furniture, wirvl wsoutflta, boats, took of Grocfrie-- . in study ppulllng and said th and iiU tic a boy loves. Po'offirp grammar," had its first snowstorm of the sea- engincD, niagii:, things tencher. Mr. SI.SO Ha TEAR. BINCLt COPIES IS CENTS rmnccti tn. Go d lo i TMs "Absolutely," replied son not Aik your NwiMLr to ihuw rwi mm r SAN JON N.M. Oroneher. "I w ant him to try his hand Saturday very heavy, WRITE FOR TREE SAMPLE COPY TODAY rtv be t e and irop' tnut so'd.jit r' ft current I pro-Poi-o still sufficient for the literature, and don't youngsttrs POPULAR MECHANICS CO. will go cluvp. Inquire at this to spoils Jits dialect and slang.". in 310 W. WaahiBKIo St., CHICAGO p ir.du'jja soovbttttin each office. tte. ' " ,;' CrltmM artMnt t got Iv give I'm jrl-i- i u, n, . tomorrow night u4 ' ' V Ail, i lane Id bli own honsa. Ii' t,n tut girl-Roi- lta would h4t ine if he hain't cut into the game. I wotithr why 1 Luppoucd to ovcrlooK r 4 HAIJTrns a rhyme of 111 It up to new?" I "Ah, shucks, KM," raid Moslem, Christmaa "don't talk foollshnoss. You know yon Sfndmeajovixl scrSt? can't get within a mile of Msd hnnfi houso tomorrow nlgbt. I see old men Allen day before yesterday, and b laughter. ays Mad Is going to have Christmas Let it be pure and strong doings at bis housa. You remember r - how you shot up the festivities when Smd ofthe hearts brimmed over Mad was married, and about tb ith the the threats you mado? Don't you sup story of day pofo Mad Lano'll kind of keep his eye Ofthe echo ofchildish voices open for a certain Mr. Kid? You That will not die away.-- - plumb make me tired, Kid, with such remarks." the blare ofthe tasscled budle, "I'm going," repeated the Frio Kid, Of without heat, "to go to' Madison Lane'u 2Ji And the timeless clatter andBeat Christmas doings, and kill him. I Of ihe drum thrt throbs to muster ought to have done it a long time HE original cause ago." Squadrons ofscampering feet. of the trouble was "There's other ways of committing m fall about twenty suicide," advised Mexican. "Why don't ButOJet your voice fainter. In you go and surrender to the sheriff?' years growing. " Till, blent with a minor tone, At the ond of "I'll get him," said the Kid. Vbu sond with the that time It was Chriiitmas eve fell' as balmy as temperyour beauty worth it prll. Perhaps there was a bint of Ofthe pity Christ hath shown, Had you lived y frost Iness la the air, but It And for . sind the anywhere within like seltzer, perfumed faintly one verse voiceless; 50 miles of Sun- !th lite prairie blossoms and the Andyet, ere the songf be done, down ranch you grass. A verse for the ears that hear not, would have heard W:ioa ulght came the five or six d roor.s of tho ranch house were And a verse for the one. of it It pesbess-e- bright sightless a quantity of ly lit. In one room was a Christmas for For be time fbr black hair, .a tree, the Lanes had a boy of three, thoughit singing V jet pair of extremely and a dozen or moro guests were ex- A Christmas from tho nearer ranches. merry jglee. frank, deep brown pected Let a sweet voice Tho in buck-board- s low, or pathos eyea and a laugh guests had arrived on were .that rippled across and horseback, and Alius uuvuti uiv iitwwu;i the like making themselves comfortable inside JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. prairie The went the sound of a hidden brock. The nam" evening along pleasantly A HWMHBBMMtMBMIBMMijMBMHWf The and Ros- of It was Rosita McMullen; and i! guests enjoyed praised ita's excellent and afterward was the of old man McMul-le- supper, daughter the men scattered in about the of the Sundown sheep groups rooms or on the broad 1 UOvV At the Dinner. There came riding on red ro-- u "gallery," I and just Christmas a certain mlninter steeds to be more explicit, on a smoking chatting. or, The Christmas de- wes Invited . to a dinner at the flea-bitte- n tree, of course, big paint and a sorrel two horrid habit that our jolly old St. Nick house of one of the men la I lighted the youngsters, and above all leading wooers. Ono was Madiscn Lane an would scorn. He generally leaves In . when Santa Claui 'the town. At the dinner table he was the other was the Frio' Kid. But at .were they pleased himself in white beard and the stockings a bunch of switches la; placed opposlto fiooae. that time they did not call him tho magnificent case should be needed before IHu? The of houno was furs and to distribute they hi' GUjrtstmaH lady the placed Frio Kid, for ho had not earned t!: appeared began next call. . th m the wlnist r'a loft Seeing the honors of special nomenclature. His toys. ' "It's announced goose he remarked: name was Johnny Mc"oy. my papa," Billy and i simply Hahtuts I I six. "Shall sit so close to tho gooso?" It must not be supportd tliat the" Sampson, aged ! a an old friend ot Finding bis words a bit equivocal, two were the sum of the agrccab e Berkly, sheepman, ho turned round to the lady, and said, Rosita's ad.v.Irera. The broncUoa o. Lane, stopped Rosita as she was pass- HE Servian children have 'a In a Inoffensive tone: by blm on the gallery, troFt dozen cCcrs champnl their bits t ing strange custom. On Christ- Mrs. Bald "I sup-pon- o "Exeuee uie, my lady; I meant the the lotg Mtchlns rauU of thy tvt "Well, Lane," he, mas Eve .the father of tho roost one." by this Christmas you've gotten and u . Wonderful Man. down ranch. Many were tho Bheei famllj goes to the wood cuts Decern--Gin- s over being afraid of that fellow Mo ks hud the most wonder- ej-e- that were cast in those savanu; straight young oak, which be drags ful cmitrui of bis features of any muu A Convenient Myth, that did not belong to the flocks ot into the room where the family await I ever know. "Why do you still keep up that ab- Dan McMullen. But of all the cava him, saying as he does so: "Good even- PurrI understand ho was a mar- surd Santa C'aus myth?" aaked th Hers Madison Lane a id Johnny V ing and a merry Christmas !" vel. cynic. "I should have thought you Roy galloped far ah nd, wherefore Then the children shout back: "May Ucom He waa. Why, I'vo even would have laughed nt It." they axe to be chronicled. Ood grant both to thee and mayst thou Beta that man look ploaso'l when ho "Because," answered tho man with Madiscn Lane, a youag cattleman HE little folks ot all the have riches and honor." a "It Is cotiveulcnt to won tho With shower their father, tmw what his wife had bought him largo family, from the Nueces country, world do not keep Christmas this they for Christmas. have come one to blamo for proionta race. He and Rosita were married one as the children of this coun with corn and the tree it thrown on to vo- morn- that fall ploaso." Christmas day. Armed, hilarious, try do. In fact each land has its own the fire to burn until Christmas the cowmen when la with In Advance. ciferous, magnanimous, peculiar ways, and our being ing, it greeted pistol and aside their people, Mrs. Bkimllnt Oh, John! Mary, the sheepmen, laying drawn originally from almost every shots. the parlor maid, hr.s Just swallowed a hereditary hatred, joined forces to clime, have Introduced Into our cele- occasion. quarter! What ever r.hall we do? celebrate the bration of the day a bit of the Christ- But while feast was at Old Skinflint po? Well, I .suppose the wedding mas features brought from mother we'd batter hor keep It. She'd its liveliest there descended upon it countries. We have the Dutch Santa lt bitten HQ French children rarely have expected a Chrlatmai present, Johnny McRoy, by jealousy, Clau3, the German Christmas the like one tree, have a tree. Sometimes they anyhow! possessed. Et.gMsh plum pudding and carols and "I'll a Christmas hang up slippers to be filled, give you present," our own peculiarly lavish mak- he at the with his gift Instead of stockings, and there is Once Enough. )v!lcd, shrilly, door, ing. .45 In his hand. Even he had great chanting of "Noel, Noel," the "Chrlctmos (otnes hut cuee a year," then The and of far distant some as an offhand shot boys girls Christmas song. uald the chcury citizen. reputation countries are spending the day in such His bullet cut Like the Scandinavian children, lit- "No ure In Its coming twice a year," first a noat underblt different wnys that it may prove of In- in bar- tle French boys and girls never forget said the moroso person. "Must Rive Madison Lane's right ear. The terest to young and old to hear some- rel of his gun moved an inch. Tho the birds, but instead of placing a rntn a chance to save a little uwuey thing of the distinctive Christmas cus- heaves of on can next shot would have been the bride's, grain long poles, they before he spend It!" toms. eavea of had not Carson, a sheepman, pos- are hung along the the houses. Too Late. sessed a mind with triggers some- what well oiled and In Hijhwayman Halt! Your money or repair. Tho your life1 guns of the wedding party hod been in their nails in tho HE Christmas is not Victim It's no go, stranger. My bung, belts, upon English wall when eat at as a con unlike save we wife's In the name line of bun!. Georjro Ah. Lily, dear, this will be they table, ours, that do HE children of Belgium on cession to taste. But not at Christmas time, and she's Just tho Jttl.leat Chri3tu;as I've ever spent. good Carson, have their pretty cus Christmas Eve arc dressed with burled bis tom of in In hliitehed with inc. Nmv that we'ro enjraged I think only great promptness, "bringing the yule." al in gay colors and form a pro of roaBt venison and at Thank You!" In of the future.' plate frljoles "Oh, most every family England the boys cession, which marches through the his aim. The second about Two Kinds. bo Well, at this time of McRoy, spoiling T ' and girls gather tho burning led an orchestra and Uly you? tho whitn Roy, haven't you? Madison nH streets, by sing- i bullet, then, only shattered log on Christmas eve to sing carols b-- Tlwro art) friends and Christmas the j oar I think (My of the present. talked about it, you know." ing carolB. Each child holds aloft el pttals of a Spanish dagger flower sus- and tell Christmas legends. Often the tto friends. The latter t:kc all tha "Very nearly," said Rosita, a Chrlstchild In a manger or a cru- pended two feet above Rosita's head. children who live In the as- I naontB they cuti get and ruuent Christmas Thanks. "but I am still nervous somettmr country cifix. The spurned their chain at the In the you with beautiful boughs. When on tho table guests shall never that aw'i:' sist dragging of huge turkey's laid, and for their weapons. It forget I jumped when he came so near log. And good things may scan, was considered an act to killing foel improper cold-hearte- An English child would not it A MYSTERY. I'm thankful that I wasn't made "He's the most d viu... shoot the bride and groom at a wed- was Christmas if there was not a bit A tn the world," said Berkly. "Tho clt vegetarian. ding. In about six' seconds there were of mistletoe in the hall, under MERICAN mothers find one :tens all along the border ought to tan hanging twenty or so bullets due to be whU- -' which the are kissed cf Christmas Trouble and a out and hunt him down lire a unwary soundly. day merrymak- Turkey. in the direction of I.Ir. McRoy. wolf Little and eat the rich and ting , big blazing ing distracting enough for tur- ." "He has committed aviful cri Brown was boasting of the fine "I'll shoot, nert ye!!?-- bettor i i plum pudding, and all join in the sing- tbelr children, how would they like to ho had for Christmas. Raid Rosita, "but I don't n ; key bought Johnny; "and there'll bo a next time" ing ot Christmas carols and church-goin- live in Russia, where work is often bird I ever cost me think there Is a Rpot of good h. nu "Biggest saw; Ko backed rapidly out the doer. uspended for a fortnight, while all the even-fifty.- " wbero tn He was not a The cattlemen out him everybody. swept upon bnd that I know." ' people keep holiday. "That's nothing to tho turkey I had for ways Even calling vengeance. Rosita turned into tho h; the poorest peasant has a tree last Christmas," said his friend Jones. But tho sortlo failed in its ven- ha"p.y and it Is xt.-- harvest time for beggars, for cost me ?J50." tween the rooms. Santa Claus, In "It geance. McRoy was on his hem am' no one will refuse him anything. fling whiskers and furs, was just cn IIRISTMAS In Holland Is "One hundred nnd fifty dollars!" away, shcutlng back curses ami the In some of the country districts the positively shrieked Drown, in bis In- con- lag through. gala day of the year for the threats as he galloped Into the "I boys dress as animals, and led by oth- credulity. heard what you said through thf children. They have a pretty cealing chaparral. window, Mrs. he sn'J. "I wa er boys as keepers, march through the "Yds," said Jones, bitterly. was of Lnne," custom of ushering it in. Just at That night the birthright down in for streets beaded by a band of boys fuss- said him e Just going my poc!M on Christmas the men "Turkeys," Brown, looking the Frio Kid. He beca-n- the "bad midnight eve, ing dreadful music with harsh sound- In the "are to Christmas present for your husbn i t and bays dressed in costume, straight eye, generally man" ot that portion of the state. The fancy ing instruments. Thtee processions go be for a a But I've left ono for you, instead. , It's march the streets In pro- bought quarter pound. Say rejection of his suit by Miss McMul- through long from door to door, pound until are ' was a then It must in tho room to your right." cession, aloft a they yours quarter, len turned him to a dangerous man. holding brilliantly admitted, and all given food and Nobs there's one thing C30 "Oh, thank you, kiud Santa Clans," as drink, Dudley Pa, have weighed about pounds!" When officers went after him for the lighted star, they chant the "Gloria and two small of about Claua I never could un- said Rosita, brightly. in Excelsis." pieces money. Santa "It only weighed twenty pounds," shooting of Carson, he killed two of The little girls clad in All over Scandinavia a week Is Rosita went Into the room, while white stand given derstand. said Jones, sadly; "but I bought It them, and entered upon the life of an at the windows and bow to one Is son? Ctnta C'laus stepped into the cooler to merrymaking. Every goes to six air. Nobs What that, my allvo nnd tried to kill it myself. It outlaw. When he was. at last shot the star as It passes. o'clock church oa al- air of the yard. the dark Christmas Dudley Nobs Why docs Santa flew all over the house first and did one-arme- d and killed by a little Mex- She found no one in room morning, and in the evening every ways leave valuable presents to rich $150 worth of damage." the but ican who was nearly dead himself Madison. home in the land is illuminated. They folks and ones to poor people? " cheap from fright, the Frio Kid hed the have wonderful trees, around which Why don t he even things up? "Where is my present that Santa THE FIRST PRESENT8. deaths of 18 men on his head. Bald ho left tor me in here?" he ERHAPS the finest Christ grown people and children dance and Many tales are told along the bor- most sing. Tbe Scandinavian child is A Clean asked. mas of all, if not the very Sweep. der of his Impudent . courage and to the poor on Christmas and Caroline I've been in stores all The giving of Christ- "Haven't seen anything In the way lavish, is spent by the chil good the daring. But he was not one ot the takes food mas presents was ot a present," said her husband, laugh-I- dren of Germany. It combines the gifts tad to poor families. day. breed ot desperadoes who have sea- Pauline So soon after Chrlstmaar first Introduced by "unless he could have mtant me." Christ child which we Americans are Romans. sons ot generosity and even of soft- next Gabriel to and Santa Claua. and still shopping? tho early The day Redd, the prone forget Bulgarian Koleda. ness. They say he never had mercy foreman of a whole la full of Caroline Shopping! I guess not They exchanged guts the 0 ranch, drorpH The day cheer; (am In Bulgaria "Koleda," as Christians on tho object of his anger. Yet at T.oma to I'm all my freely, but in compli- Into the peft otfee at AUa. ines feast and go church; pres- Is called. Is marked with many quaint exchanging presents. this and every Christina? ttde it is in home is ance with a sumptu- - "Well, the Frio Kid's got his doso ents are simple, but every ceremonies. One Is called "Koledars well to give- each one if it can law they were credit, ef load at he remarked to tha a blazing tree hung with cakes, color- the name band or Cackling. ary be for whatever of last," given, to a boys, never allowed to done, speck good ed ctndles and gifts. It Is a ' Mrs. Oraracrcy She must have been give If postmaster. pretty mostly, who go about proclaiming that re- he may have possessed. the Frio nt march in to wbeu her husband xav anything vory elaborate. The "Ti so? How'd it barmen?" tight to se the children the season of fasting Is over, and her surprised hr which was Kid ever did a kindly act or felt a old as such an for Christ-md- u, ceiver of a presen Judged "One cf Sine'' Yxicnn ree their tree, singing they go, "O, aiding a reign of feasting and merri- expensive present' throb ot generosity in his heart it was ' ' too expensive had to offer it up lor "hccp d'd It of It! Tannen Baum" (0, Fir Tree), to tho ment. Kach Koleda numbers , , . once at such a time and season, and party auction, when It was knocked down Kid klihl by a fih'-e- herder' air of "Maryland, My Maryland." seven the Old old Mrs. Park $ot surprlaod, niy tfoar, this Is the way It Man, the Womaa. to the bidder, and the money happened: The Gr aser saw hltn riding ale la many German towns just as the Crumb Picker collects tn but tnispielpus. V highest Ono December In the Frio the (who by the national treasurer country past his camp about twelve c'c!oi:k bells lng to usher la Christmas, and while appropriated rode the Frio Kid and his Satellite presents money, tbe PU of the period. Consequently, although last dIkM, and was ti- t he t v,.ndc In house is quick-igMe- Man and Old Poor Man. and Mexican Frank. The o.skeei(, ery vry Womaa play tbe bol), the Romais continued to distribute up with a Winchester a:iJ 'ei The tue cilldren are up Four who Mrs. Caller You surely don't g'.ie Kid reined in his and in tad Singer, carol oat the In mustang, est It. .!:t - your husband a necktie every Christ- their presents great numbers, they have FminiMt rnrt fit and ea'ly, vn tie tiny babies, Christmas songs. Tbe autre of the his saddle, thoughtful and grim, with i had to confine their offerings to such the Kid was tli crsoJ all uj, .. .u. . to sis o'clock ciurOi. Often each Koledais m moat troteeqwa, and tbelr inas? dangerously narrowing eyes. ' Mrs. I do! Ana trlfioB as jars of dives, napkins, jel- Ansorn-Pkl- whiskers and a rpgu'ar chili" bears a candle to lLimlcate Uie proceaeloa Is by a erowSjy'V Atbomo Oh, yee, "I don't know what I been . joined bnge lied fishes, boxes of toothpicks, can-m- thinking Santy Cans .t f:om head to foot. ctnu-ih- . ,i et who take a C the poor dear never seems to knov About, Mex," he remarked In his usual townspeople, treat cbaks and sweetmeats. Think of tho Frio Kid playing Santy!" The Germaa Kvlsi KfU:s has one the auUc of vu (hat it la lh same ono! "to have all about' a , pgbt (a Jetton pilld drawl, forgot fCopyricht, WW, by F. l Nelon SAN JON SENTINEL ran aecicans rust IS KOT L00KIK3 FOR DEFEAT ty Cee. I. tale. I2cb!t c! Recent Remarks ef the President Can (MSI Net Se Said te Justify the THE AN JON. NEW MEXICO TO Is to PANAMA CANAL It TO UNITED Presumption. 07 Bcrrowini STATES INSTITUTION. A President Taft DmU saapt the whip for the circus Do Frowned On remark made by aviators, at Chicago concerning the election which STQM Pays neit year has evoked comment Idea Has Been Well Put President feel It to really too bad that the paper By JOEN L. GS5XUVG by Illustrates the rise of partisan Cca :zrCj Est Crcs: baseball news these Taft Supposed Difficulties Can ing. The president, referring to the ioal print any ex days. All Be Dene Away With. Republican defeat of last year, pressed the hope that It would not be HE habit of borrowing is something to be frowned upon, chiefly next but added that Pcrcna. Beware of cold storage Thanksglv- - Government control of the canal repeated year; because borrowers have memories. In cities If the "desire to make a A. M. tag turkey. Pick the feathers off rarely good large sone has proved so great a success people Mr. one the because there is little or Taft favors Its contin- change we shall loyally support the Ikerd, Box 31, yourself. escapes borrowing neighbor that President new uance after the has been government." W e t B u no acquaintanceship between families which arc no farther waterway In f The Kansas who wanu to for As the central other words, Mr. Taft recognized linRton, Iowa, Judge than the thickness of a wall or floor and but opened shipping. that the uncertainties of life extend abolish love at first sight should ad apart ceiling, property belongs to the United States write: to and took In ad ca- vertise his serum. in small communities there is a to the it Is not clear why Uncle Sam should things political, "I had temptation remedy vance If Is a re make two bites of the che'rry. The the stand that there tarrh of the shortcomings of one's household or wardrobe by the loan of verse he and his will take Football accidents are few this zone Is subsidiary to the canal, and supporters to rim eh and Borrowers have It like men Instead of like intes-tine- s year, much to the of our articles belonging to neighbors and relatives. the should be single. The spoiled small chagrin pro management children. fessional reformers. few the value of desire. success of the administration But this to the professional for a scruples concerning anything they may present Is block to assures us that the management will politician as a stumbling n u til b e r of There is that there are times when the tempo the heathen. The Will the chauffeurs have toe be and businesslike. stereotyped political yean. I went please competent rule Is that a within call of the rary use of articles saves trouble and discomfort. In the neighborhood1! In an address delivered In Minneap- party representative to a number aeroplanes easy must swear and thin Chinese where card are and borrows extra tables be olis Mr. Taft .outlined the policy that through thick of doctors and imperial family? parties frequent everybody that his a he considered desirable for the sone. party has got dead sure got no relief, cause it is understood that nobody cares to own more than one or two even knows Jollet has seen a But The United States will have an im- thing, though everyone and finally hoopsklrt returned and the bor that the claim of has no wait until a rush hour crowd in an at the most. But invariably articles are promptly portant naval station there, and as certainty one of my foundation. doctors tent elevated train encounters one. rowers stand "ready to take their turn at lending. That is simply an the zone is far away from any center It Is therefore not surprising that me to C h 1--c not like of supplies It will be well for the gov- arrangement where everybody shares alike, and a bit borrowing the Democratic organs should assert a and We presume that the heiress who ernment to assume this function and g o, I eggs and butter and sugar, postage stamps and small sums of money, and docks that Taft has confessed to coming de met the same married an acrobat will now proceed provide supplies, buildings, dry and and will be es- feat that Republican politicians fate. to twist him around her fingers. forgetting to repay them. other apparatus that In They for most station private should bewail that he has Fine-mind- content to rest under an sential the important said they women are rarely obligation "thrown up his hands." The fact that could do noth- The man who routed a in the world's trade. Mr. Taft then highwayman of favors even ask for but he has simply made an honest recog for with a box of bonbons will any description. They accept graciously, them, took up the Important matter of tolls ' ing me; probably nition of what every Intelligent man Mr. A. M. Ik.rd. s ai d I had not be asked to a testimonial. in some way or other each is repaid. To pay in kind is the preferred man and the proposition that American give knows namely, that at present sight cancer of the is not save in is that shipping should be favored. His opln ner, but that always possible, borrowing. It strange next year's outcome Is an uncertainty stomach and there was no al-- A New Tork man tied his wife to a ions on this subject will doubtless cure. I women will be so in the matter of car fare and to to Is of no weight beside the fact that the and she punctilious forget repay take the shape of recommendations moit. thought the sae, for my breath telephone pole other day he has transgressed the political dog- we meet cases of that kind frequently. .1 congress In the forthcoming message. was offensive and I could not eat any- didn't like it because It isn't the style. postage stamps ma of claiming everything. But that Quoting: thing without great misery, and I grad Two women will argue for more than two minutes over the payment "Then there Is the of tolls. such formerly independent papers as who that question ually grew worse. Tennyson Dickens, says of fare when be a little scheme We have that we will the Springfield Republican and New Boston ankles are too car it might easily adjusted by simple agreed charge York I concluded to girls' beefy, tolls to all and there Post should fall In with this par "Finally try Peruna, strikes as as an old which is some some women. Take a who are equal countries, and I found and being observing having vogue among pair arose the how far we tlsan superstition one to the extent relief a cure for that feller. question may of ' going to a matinee before boarding a car one will ask: "Odd or even?" favor our own vessels between coast saying that he has "confessed de dreadful disease, catarrh. I took five The answer settles the of for the and as we exclude vessels ot feat," the other of calling blm "a bottles of Peruna and two of Manalin, Devotees of whist question payment, coast, bridge indig from Job's comforter" exhibits a loss of and I now feel like a new man. There any other country that trade clear-mlndedne- nantly deny that It Is a gambling the loser pays for both. The expense of lunches and once to be The question is whether, if we remit supposed is nothing better than Peruna, and I game. What is it, then? A sure teas is shared because the for Inherent In their nowadays opportunity the tolls, we are in a sense discriml independence. keep a bottle of it in house all the thing? Washington Star. my payment does not always materialize. Of course, this nating against any other country that time." is women who in of has no right and no power to enter "A man Is middle at plan only used by are the habit Clark nine-tenth- s aged ninety," upon that trade. It may be that It Champ thinks o( avers Lord Strathcona. Think of all the In SOUNDED LIKE going about together, when payment by either one will be held that the rule can people of this country are favor IT. the Dr. Osier apply of Infants that wsnted to all of time would be to them as to If Is annexing Canada. Champ Is a chloroform! the manifestly unfair. j others; so, there to our back to chump. When money is limited, what is known nothing prevent voting spending the coastwise vessels the tolls which A southern rail-- is is a custom with Mr, Underwood on Schedule K. surgeon says that as "Dutch treat" common. It would be to pay. I road wrecks make or they required say The on tariff revision drug victims the as well as and finds favor with this because It seems to me of the ut- speech which Even a college boys girls wage Mr. injured. that is shade better most that we should make Underwood, the Democratic lead than killed. earners. It allows one to shoulder no more than importance er in the delivered In being per that a bene- house, this city canal means of affecting was sonal expenses in any kind of recreation. to able, strong and persuasive, bar ficially the great public Interest the New York, according to a trade pa the trade between the two coasts." ing hardly serious contention that the violated the per. Is oversupplied with safety The Is familiar with the president constitution president when he vetoed the wool bill for posit vaults. Not If the burglary re about time we de- difficulties the Isn't it that stopped supposed diplomatic that reasons him. ports are considered. are said to He in the of discrimina- given by of American labor that it lower way The was manding tion In favor of American speech strong and persua shipping, sive because It with schedule K Happy Is the man who laid his over- its standard of living to that of the foreign but he is convinced dealt Lower fully that this and the most and coat away where be could put bis laborer? bean and bread is a Is wise and he moderate intelligent If soup rye policy suggests that of the tariff bills at the hsnds on tt and where the moths the obstacles may be overcome in one passed special better diet than meat and white bread by session. But suppose Mr. Underwood were unable to find It Wage way If not in another. all means argue for bean soup and rye had attempted to cover the free list bill, the The hilarious gentleman In Texas Earner's but recommend them as foods for The New bread, Jersey Democratic com lanles bill and the other "threatened" who ate a mirror evidently labored mittee returned a $15 con- all classes and not simply for the working-ma- n campaign revisionist bills? Would his under the impression, that It was cast- Standard tribution. The millennium must be speech ing reflections on him. so that he can live more cheaply. have been In the least persuasive? near. If had reform where have congress limited Itself to the of Start the people got revision of K The Massachusetts who Living schedule the argument youth tried farthest from the food idea President Taft's Trip. for The Talker I tell you, no man has to get married on a license away simple executive approval of the' bill re bunting LOBA BELL After a somewhat stormy time at got a right to be sick nowadays! made a grievous mistake. He should By in the high priced clubs and hotels and the ducing the indefensible wool duties the banquet of the Pittsburg cham- would have been almost irresistible. The Joker You've evidently been have had a fighting license. millionaires' homes. That is where it is ber of commerce, In which he made some medicine adver Mr. Taft would have been justified In reading patent most needed. his position vigorously and unmistak an to his sensible tisements. , The Improvement of aviation will making exception There is no reason a should be forced to eat food ably understood that no amount of rule of acting on and scien undoubtedly be a boon to deer hunt- why workingman will enter- Impartial Wine Drinking. subterfuge protect Illicit tific information regarding duties. As ers. Think of the fun to be had In that is distasteful to him simply because it is while the more for- from Presi- France alone taxes In a cheap, prise the rigors of the law, things stood, Mr. Taft had no pays good shooting a guide on the wing! found really on more than a thousand mil- tunate members of society can live on the choicest the workers produco. dent Taft pleasant sequestering alternative. This, we is the year at think, lions of of wine and there Morgantown, the occasion being view of the nonpolitlcal, Industrial and gallons The theory that American women Why shouldn't the workingmen have carpets on their floors? Who are six to a while Al- the installation of the new president commercial - bottles gallon burn Is world. Chicago Record- up money strengthened by the is better entitled to them? Would any of us have carpets, or Axminstcr of the University of West Virginia. Hreald. geria, planted with vines In the days news that a New York damosel Is be- His return to of the phylloxera, no less or Persian rugs, either, or floors of any kind to lay them on, if these Washington marks the supples ing sued for a cigarette bill. close of the most remarkable tour he on the Sea. than two hundred millions. A ton-nea- u did not them? And as to their their rooms "Preparedness" workingmen produce filling has made since filling the presidential The naval review at New York was of 200 gallons Is a pretty large Dr. Eliot says a classical education with flimsy gimcracks it surely is bettef for them to satisfy their craving office. Indeed an Impressive demonstration vesHel; a thousand such would fill a a man to solve1 good-size- d and we have a mul- helps every problem of for beauty in this way than to stifle it entirely. Air. I art deck east Is no more of the readiness or to use the term Bhlp; life. For instance will it help blm to among friends than out west, for he now much in vogue the "prepared- tiply that by a thousand before we button a No. 15 collar on a No 16 Let us remember that society has not supplied the toiler with an edu- made friends wherever he went. As ness," of our navy for serious service. reach the production of this one French one-fift- h shirt? cation to appreciate Mona Lisas or cloisonne vases, or the to indulge president he has not sought to pla We have a great fleet of battleships, colony of all the purses wine consumed In France. such tastes. cate, but to instruct the sentiment of cruisers and auxiliaries which could Hobble skirts are worse than beer, the people, and he has successfully set go to sea on receipt or the order in a ays an Atlantic City preacher. Still. But it is surely a more hopeful sign that he wishes to beautify his forth the merits of the Sherman anti complete state of preparation for war. Explained. be law re- An old lady, the customer of an It might well to have affidavits home in some way than if he were satisfied with bare walls and bare floors. trust under the recent rulings of Such a complete condition is the from those who saw him make the the Supreme court, and has set forth sult of years of continuous training Irish farmer, was rather dissatisfied teats. What we need is not ways to lower the wage earner's standard of as well the merits of his administra- on the active service basis. We have with the watery appearance of her old-tim- e cream and she com living but ways to distribute more equitably the wealth he produces so tion in all the acts that he has spon- departed from the practice of morning's finally plained very to him. A woman has a to scold sored. The outcome of the tour of keeping a few ships In commission bitterly light her that he can develop and gratify higher tastes. "Be mum," said Pat. "You husband, to a the western states and little dip into and many ships In ordinary. In effect alsy, according Missouri see, the weather of late has been so If she didn't The producer of wealth is entitled to the best there is and it is time the south will be to place the Issues our present method is to keep many Judge have the right terrific hot that It has scorched all she would we found some to best from to of the coming campaign as respects ships, practically all of the higher benevolently assimilate It way keep that gcing the idlers.' the off the and 01 the Republican party upon a square classes, In commission, and only a few grass pasture land, have been compelled to feed basis. The Republican party, as such, In the pore The New York man who tost ordinary. bastes on water lilies!" Ideas. a is gainer by the tour of Mr. Taft, and All the great powers realize ' the breach of promise suit a di- As to against complaints regarding ungrateful the has become well assured value of peace-tim- e maneuvers, and vorcee would have stood a country better und disobedient of nu- men- chance bad children, the fault lies, it the actual facts relative to the every nation with a navy worth the Jury been composed of merous women. seems to me, neither with the policies of the president that tioning maintains practice fleets, not Many average par- have done much to enhance the of vessels, ents nor with the credit composed merely training A callous, superficial young of the nation at home and abroad. but of fighting ships made ready for "Teaser" . abroad news Spreading the ot a $50 Modern persons. It is not an individual trouble of Baltimore American. action Boston Evening Transcript fine for a reckless chauffeur should individual families, in the main, but rather For Jaded help to develop the bump of caution Social For Good Financial Health. The Canal Railroad on cranium of and a result of the Prospers. the the automobile present money mad, sensa- In favor of the effective The Pan American railroad owner. Arguments reports tion chasing general public spirit, with its organization of industry under large an increase of 15 per cent to 75 per Appetites Family are cent a month in last cynical and heartless lack of morality. corporations convincing, and it earnings year A New Jersey lawyer advertises for may be that ultimately some means over the corresponding periods' In a else but such of fam- stenographer "who will promise Changes Nothing tragedies will be devised to regulate big com- 1909, both passenger and freight traf- never to marry." It Is best lite can be always to Br A. WANGEMAN ily reasonably expected when as binations of industry so that the pub- fic having been heavier. Post obtain wifely assistance In the prep- Chicago in Chicago Ujo young folks are forced to lic, and not a few Individuals, will get A considerable amount of work haa aration of advertisements for the benefits, or at least some of them. been done In Improving the track and fight for without j jobs living wages, tempt But to accomplish this purpose It Is conditions generally to handle the ex- ed on all sides and out of touch with th necessary to put a stop to the process pected Increase In traffic. Particular Toasties of which In- has been to It is up to the authorities of Reno better thoughts of the times. Parents should realize that the young can- combining enriches a few attention paid bridges, dividuals ex- which are now In to establish a censorship of the mails. as older ones through the creation of mostly good shape with cream or not think of life the experienced do. be- It has lost a lady member of di- cessive capitalization. Moreover the all along the line. The roadAed Is fruit. Its must preserved vorce colony because she received a The young go through practically the same cycle of personal water will need to be squeezed out of ing raised In places where washouts letter Informing her that her husband experiences as the old did when they in turn were young and struck out existing combinations before they can have occurred and new red pine ties ' be beneficial to In all both Ready to serve had fallen heir to a million dollars. for themselves. the community from are being put along instantly an economic point of view. the a mother's in her maternal just open box and Young aa he is. the Chinese And, again, many heart, strong instincts, The the The Fruitless enjoy an extra good disk may soon have to begin looking tor has been broken because uot all mothers have the worldly wisdom to public and trusts are to be Quest.' congratulated that the Diogenes was searching for the hon other Job. change into "comrades" of their grown offspring. It is the natural course prosecutions against the United States Steel Cor-poratl-on est man. Convenient, crisp, that should themselves, but how hard that is ! one who A New York sneak thief stole a parents resign and other Industrial com- "Find acknowledges he delicious, wholesome. bines are In take a cold in the win bridegroom's best pair of trousers, and Those who look deeper into these things realize, furthermore, that being undertaken the ioesn't plunge light of reason. St. Paul Pioneer ter," we advised. as we go to press nobody has pro- we live in an age of deep social changes in all human relations, which, of meaner man Press. Herewith be took along his tub tor "The duce than that same of the life most Memory Lingers" thief. coarse, change the conditions family profoundly. This is, a test. Sold Grocers however, not the place to talk "economics" as the key of understanding. A Meaty Question, by "The doctor asked me If I War reports from China tell as There is no of Gilead" in economics for a mother whose ate much Needed It. '&m heart meat I that that the bodies ot the slain were piled sidestepped question." "I rise for Information," said a Madftt(h cries out in anguish for the children she has borne and brought in "You to tell the doctor about la great keeps A war correspondent up ought member of the legislative body." POSTUM CEREAL CO., Ltd., eaa do terrible execution with his years of never ceasing care and love; children who then turn away in your diet" "I am very glad to hear It," said a Pure rood rctorle MAw, was I I 1 he Just trying to find out "for no man wants BtlU Creek Mich. trusty typewriter. disdain ton often the young fools bystander, It how rich I am." more." Life. BBSSBBE5BBSS5BS5SSnB . am I V ' 1


O: ifim&uv BARBER ,

SYNOPSIS. present in the Tenderloin Police Sta- native land, slipped through the door- ters man had ordered. Uemorse place he wouldn't dream of doing any 'Then be called for an envelope, and tion; but, although It was in the de- way, crawled across the Intervening spurred him so effectively that all the thing underhand, even if be saw that when the messenger came, te handed The tery opens with a scream from tective's power to prevent their Im- space between the threshold and the hundred Impressions were ready when the other fellow was undoubtedly win- It to him with a bank note, with a few Dorothy March in Die opera box of Mn. Rawson an in low tone. The Mlssloner, a wealthy widow. It la mediate arraignment In the Night camera, whisked the Mllllcent note sent for them. Half hour ning out. IU always plays the game." words spoken a when Mrs. Missloner's necklace Court by a word to the precinct com- from the board, and as silently made afterward, as many detectives were "Well, maybe be does," said Brltz; messenger gone, Orlswold called for a break a, scattering the diamond all over brandy-and-sod- the floor. Curtis Orlawold and Bruxton mander, he could not long keep them his escape before Burlen had replaced comparing the halftone prints with "but, from what I've observed in my gulped It down In a Sands, society men in love with Mrs. Mis-lone- r, In cells. were entitled to a the cork In the bottle. By the time the signatures of all the Millicents In Journey through life, this 1 e game way that showed his state of nervous the Orlawold They gather up gems. Detective-Lieutena- was en- the of New York's more Is one Is without excitement still without steps on what Is supposed to be the cele- speedy examination before the magis- Brits registers that played any and, seeing brated Maharanee and crushes It A Hin- trate, and he was certain that unless veloped In the fog of the steam room, fashionable hotels. rules. I've known men who would take the doctor or the detective, hurried doo declares It was not the genuine. An that little note was In as fit as a fiddle after his par- a million If It were handed to them on out of the barroom. expert later pronounces all the stones their failure to report to the Swaml the possession Britz, substitutes for the original. One of the should alarm that gentleman sooner, of the Swaml and Prince Kananda, boiling, walked briskly to the marble a platter, yet who'd go pretty close to Brltz gripped the doctor's arm. diamonds is found In room missing the and of Holland House and a mix-u- p with Grand to of Elinor Holcomb, confidential compan- steps would be taken in the morning those worthies were studying It lobby the join- the Jury cut "Go after that boy!" he said. "Find ion of Mrs. Mlssloner. She Is arrested, to have the In so swiftly and so that ere ed Fitch In the bar. That hotel is not out a fellow who was after the same where he Is and me belief prisoner produced profitably out going, join at notwithstanding Mrs. Mlasloner's court be Brits took his cold the Light set, In her Innocence. Meantime, In an up- They were sura to arraign- plunge, the sage patronized by Bright girl." Headquarters. Make It quick, doc!" town mansion, two Hindoos, who are In ed in Jefferson Market at next and the son made a one reason being that it sturdily re- "You talk as If your experience in dis- day's Maharajah's Fitch hastened in pursuit of the America, to recover the Maharanee, all such line were all second-hand,- " cuss the arrest. Detective Brits takes afternoon session, If not earlier. Brits swifter, deeper dive toward the heart pels attempts at patronage. the heart messenger boy. Brltz walked with Half men undoubted fash-Io- n up the case. He asks the of felt that, once in their presence, the of the Mlssloner mystery. It was as a dozen of said Fitch, smiling. quick strides to the subway, where be Dr. Fitch, Elinor's nance. In running a of what learned from were in the cafe when Britz and "Never been in love In life and down the real criminal. Brits learns that Swaml, though he might be separated result they my boarded a local for Bleeker street Millicent's Swaml Fitch themselves over one end never to said Brltz. "But duplicates of Mrs. Mlasloner's diamonds from them by the length of the room, missive that the draped expect be," The pursuit of the dis- were made In Paris on the order of and went to of the and I have in head and ears be- physician's Holcomb. While Brits Is would find means to learn all they the Prince separately the bar, began absorbing long, eyes my who had carried the Elinor walking in- women trict messenger seized, bound and gagged by Hindoos. Hs knew, to the last microscopic detail. ballroom of Doris Missloner's most cold drinks in punctuation of their hind them. I also know what note from Grlswold ended at the Is Imprisoned In a deserted house, but was In talk. can do to common sense even He find fashionable friend. It also terested a man's d makes his escape. Brits discovers an In- must Mllllcent that night. Thirty-thir- Street station of the Sixth sane diamond expert whom he believes That done, he had little doubt he consequence of the Information glean- "We're getting warm, as the young- when they don't know they're doing All Oris-wo- ld avenue elevated railway. Fitch was employed by either Sands of ed from those feminine lines sters say," said Brltz, and he told The lady who gets the loot isn't to make counterfeits of the Mlsslon- would be close to the Mlssloner Jew- petulant it wanted to know was the destination that the Swami found Mrs. Missloner's him of all that had since a to the crime." er gems. Orlswold Intimates that Bands els, and probably to the person who happened always party of the note. Fitch, though an- ama- Is on the verge of failure. Two Hindoos so and that the their last meeting. "Your young lady "Well," responded Fitch, "I won't the home of Sands and are had taken them from their snug har- society interesting, teur, had acquired so much skill from burglarize tete--a have to in the Tombs much to captured by Brltz. On one of them he bor In Mrs. Missloner's library. Prince, before and after that won't stay undertake pit my experience association with the famous Head- finds a note by "Mllllcent" and ad- con I'm unless we have but there's of signed "I'll send for the copies, Burlen," tete, experienced keen curiosity longer, thinking, against yours; nothing man In efforts to free his dressed to "Curtis." a stroke of bad luck. I'm on that sort In this case. Sands loves quarters Britz said, as he slipped from the cerning the doings, characteristics, puzzled sweetheart that It required no and state of mind of Curtis Grlswold. one point, however, and that's what I Mrs. Mlssloner about as much as a XIX. stool and started to the door, "but prompting to look over the boy's CHAPTER The third result of Millicent's little wanted to see about. What do man can. He was fond of her before her don't let the original leave your hands you shoulder as he stopped to buy a letter and the Easterners' Joint visit you know about Bruxton Sands?" marriage, and most of us thought he'd Mllllcent. until I call for It myself." ticket. While fishing In his pocket The Mysterious to the Fifth Avenue ballroom, was "I know he's all right," Fitch re- win her then. I don't know why he streaked from Sands' The detective was so absorbed In for a grubby nickel, the messongor Brits apart- their dash in separate cabs to a bach- plied. "One of the best ever." didn't, but I do know that from the a little den of a his as he walked down flight momentarily held the envelope In such ment to dingy shop thoughts elor in a side street "Known him long?" day he learned of her husband's floor of a downtown after flight of the dark stairs that he apartment just a position that Fitch was able to read on the top off Central Park, where, shortly after "Several years. I was fortunate in death, he had been twice as attentive one of the sky- did not see a pair of eyes gleaming both name and address. The doctor business rookery their several arrivals, they were In the case of a brother of his, and that to her as before, and even in the days quarter-centur- y from one of lower halls. Those both on the of scrapers of a before. the when she was the star bud of Auntie hastily jotted margin was much more tedious to climb eyes were as black as the darkness a newspaper, and then he crossed to It ( Paran's his fondness for formed and the beauty show, the downtown and in 20 min- the live nignts or. stairs to me sixtn that their background, her was noticeable. I remem- station, ele- man would have been pretty utes knocked at the door of the de- Btory than to shoot in an express Headquarters ber one Patriarchs' Ball even more than on the alert particularly tective's room in Police vator to the summit of the Singer ordinarily when he dance on her Headquarters. if he had seen them In the grabbed every "This must be the woman," be Building. But Brits was too hot on glistening card and her to sit out most of remote recess. As the detective got heard Britz say to Rawson, as he en- the scent to pay much attention to his passed them." on toward the street, the eyes ad- tered after a Bharp "Come In!" fatigue. He ran up the stairs lightly, "But he knows Grlswold la, trying door vanced along the dusk of the hall) and "Helio, doc!" said Britz. "I guees flung open a crazy outer that to win her, too," said Britz, "and if he announcement of his com- In the faint glow of a lowered gas-je- t we've found her. These are the full creaked an has any reason to think the other fel- a of toward ! at the foot of one of the higher flights names of all the Millicents registered ing, and pushed bit paper low has a good chance he might be man modern and of stairs, there became visible behind in New York hotels, ard my man re- a young of physique tempted to put him down and out, was them a man who, in most respects, this is like ancient visage who working at a even If he had to go to such lengths ports signature exactly, be- was a of the two Orientals name attached to the note I found bench. The paper was the note counterpart as the Mlssloner diamonds, and the and with at that moment detained in the West taking in the Indian's clothes." ginning "Curtis dear," ending then throwing suspicion on Grls- Mil-ilce- nt Thirtieth Street Station. The owner the first name of the mysterious wold?" "What's the name?" asked Fitch. The anachronistic man of the eyes, while Britz walked down- "Mllllcent Delaroche," answered the young Brltz raised his glass and drank steel-"imme- d as and far more looked at it inquiringly through stairs, quickly quietly until the Ice detective. went up. slowly, meditatively, spectacles. chilled bis nose. Then he sat the "That's the lady," answered the a of Bur-- Britz turned his steps toward 300 same name Is on that "Rush hundred copies this, tumbler firmly down on the bar, faced physician. "The Brltz. "I'll send for them In Mulberry Street. In his own. office, Grlswold the messen- len," said Fitch, and said with an air of finality: envelope gave a couple of hours." after a glance Into Manning's room ger. She lives in the " "If that's tie case, Grlswold's the The detective seated himself on a that showed him it was empty, he call- "Hotel Renaissance," said Brltz de- man! He may have had assistance itool behind the bench, and for several ed Dr. Fitch on the telephone and I tell we're get- from but I doubt It. He's cisively. 'Doctor, you watched the made an appointment to meet him In Blodgett, warm. As kids 'We're minutes photo engraver too to trust his neck to a serv- ting the say, Mis mind was not behind two hours In the bar of the Holland foxy at his work. I he burning up!'" . - ant. As for All, thought might his however. - He was busy with House - - A In course eyes, have turned the trick, but he didn't conference followed, the the unfolded by the little "It's one of the quietest places in possibilities because If he he and all the rest of which Brltz, Fitch and Rawson of he had found In the Manhattan," said the detective, "and had, lcrap paper of that Calcutta bunch would be well elaborated a plan to ascertain whether Hindoo possession. The I want to talk to you very privately. Mllllcent Delaroche men- burglar's on their way toward their heathen the Jewels man never was in a hur- They are not likely to know me tioned in her note to Grlswold were Headquarters temples by this time. There is now ry to accept any clew at its face val- there." the Mlssloner diamonds, or only Mr. Curtis Oriswold to consider." original ue; nevertheless, he ..felt he had at Britz pushed a button, and when a the clubman had Fitch looked at him with a per- merely gems bought last something which, If not a direct Headquarters attendant appeared, , her. To was not air. for learn that fact link between his knowledge and his sent him for the Central Office man, plexed sounded. With weeks "What causes to him?" so easy as It would go far toward con- whom, next to himself, he trusted you suspect Brits could have suppositions, he asked. at his command, them. That the note was ad- most. In a roundabout necting on that gained the knowledge dressed to Curtis Orlswold he had "Send down to Burlen's place in an "I've had my eyes young he had no such time. There some Brltz said. way, but little doubt. It required small effort hour and' a half, Rawson," said Brltz man for time," were not even to there were two or three con- days spare; of reasoning to conclude that the East- to the other detective. "He'll have a "There things were not even hours to waste. Brits nected with arrest of Miss Hol- erners had gone to Sands' apartment hundred facsimiles of a letter signed the knew as well as If he saw It In black comb that didn't me a little bit soon after visiting Orlswold. But this Mllllcent. Have as many men as pos- please and white that the Orientals, both of the hotels. I I didn't like the satisfaction he show- time, Brltz had learned enough to sible get busy among high and low caste, were centering all who wrote ed when suspicion was directed to- convince him that the Brahmin scholar want to trace the woman their subtlety, skill and Ingenuity have to look ward her." was as eager to get possession of the that signature. They will upon the possession of Mrs. Misslon- a "Did he seem pleased?" inquired Mlssloner necklace as he was to get through every register for year past. er's jewels anyway, the Maharanee 1 Fitch. the Maharanee diamond, anyway, if It's got to be done thoroughly, and diamond and he sensed the Impor- "More than he seemed re- not all the other gems belonging to want It done quickly. Here, I'll give pleased tance of them before the lieved," answered the detective. anticipating the famous string. By a patient, you a list," and he hastily scribbled night was over. That realization was half-hundre- d and Carson did process, Brltz had pieced the names of a hostelries "Maybe Donnelly based on the that the patchwork some real after without assumption the tiniest details of the of a class such as he thought the fair work, all, contents of the Mllllcent note as together Was a Counterpart of the Two Orlen tals. It. If hadn't arrested yet Swaml's movements. He knew all Mllllcent might patronize. knowing they were unknown to the more Miss Grlswold have important about the scholar's presence In the "What time will I see you?" asked close consultation for an hour or more made me pretty solid with the whole Holcomb, mightn't of Hindoos. Brits knew the men shown his hand so the Opera House on the Rawson. ' with All, the supposedly devoted re- family. Bruxton has done me several easily." he had In Bruxton Sands' room Metropolitan ' "Have other evidence?" caught of the of the jew- "If I'm not back In three hours, I'll tainer of the rich Mrs. Mlssloner. good turns." you any could not word to the Swaml nor night disappearance asked the doctor. He to be get els, and he had made himself ac- call you up," said the detective. For the second note to Curtis Orls- "You think that square look of his appeared to Prince Kananda before the morn- a is not de- gratified by the trend of the detect- quainted with the system of espionage Then, having arrived at pause In wold that fell into the hands of the a front, then?" Inquired the ing. He had taken care to prevent sub- in- tective. ive's thoughts. maintained by the sage and his the pursuit of the jewels, he hastened Hindoos the one Prince Kananda that by rushing a note to the captain e "Several said Britz. "One ordinates ever since that time. That to a Turkish bath, where, being a lit- at the door of the Fifth Ave-ntj- "No," said the doctor, who talked things," of Tenderloin tercepted of our Wall Street men tells me half the precinct, requesting he was aware, covered every- tle weary from much metropolitan mansion in which the great bail more at his ease with the detective the instead of system, a dozen about Oriswold have that prisoners, being one connected, however distantly, and muscle-boun- d from loss was held was written on a letterhead than he would have dreamed of doing Inquiries taken to the court should be journeying been sent to the financial agencies night with the It was apparent to of sleep, he had baked, steam- that revealed to Nandy and the with any of his fashionable patients. held at least for the session mystery. hQself I had that end worked up, and morning Brltz that he was working against ed, chilled, kneaded, and pounded Into Swaml an address they very much de- "He's 'the goods.'" lately. in Jefferson Market His zeal led him I found out Grlswold had been bump- men who, while not trained detectives shape. sired to know. Had that address found "Well," rejoined the sleuth. "I'm to lose no time in off the Ori- ed a bear raid." heading In the Occidental sensewere fully as The great detective's Indulgence in its way to Detective-Lieutena- Brltz glad to hear you say so. I don't mind by entals, even with the burglars bottled to he made me a sus- "Hurt much?" persistent In their quest as himself. that luxury all unknowingly gave as soon, it would have saved him telling you little up for twelve hours or so. Had he I must "Pretty badly. He tried hard . to There was no question the Swaml had the other side an advantage In the much delay, and would have spared a picious this evening. say that guessed he himself had helped to con- for an honest man his was a sell a block of suburban real estate directed all the energies of the East- race for the Mlssloner Jewels that well large part of the city's detective force attitude vey the letter from the Hindoo cap- had follow- fatal to his success. Long of a laborious search little queer." soon after that." v erners which the detective might prove the necessity how- tives to their Brahmin master, he hot-ai- "These are only ed their vari- before Britz reached the r room Manhattan's hotel registers. "In what way?" things straws, been twice as interestedly, throughout through said the doctor. "Of course, would, have sealous, ous manifestations. Brltz was con- of the bath, the man with the glisten- Burlen was one of the most aston- "Well," said Britz, "he wouldn't let ever," doubtful could to have much more sub- though it is he have Brahmin who had him In the ished men in lower Manhattan nie see a bit of paper that might have we'll have vinced that he had the priest ing eyes passed young can worked more rapidly than he did after n stantial evidence before we do to thank for his own kidnaping; and hall of the tumble-dow- loft building when, turning from his row of bottles, helped me a whole lot in this matter; his talk with Fitch and Rawson In a moment I to won- anything." he was equally certain that the same was at the door of Burlen's workshop, he found the note entrusted to' him by and Just for began the seclusion of his own office. as- as "Well, for one thing," returned little band of brothers had searched straining the angle of his vision to fol- Britz had vanished. At first he der whether he was eager to have In of the Britz, "I to know in a few pursuance plan arranged homes of Bruxton Sands and Cur- low the photo-engrav- at work. Those sumed he had fastened it carelessly the Mlssloner mystery solved as he expect the hours where the diamonds are. in that conference, Rawson went to tis Grlswold. He was not given to at- glittering eyes forcused their gaze and that It had fallen to the floor. A pretended to be." just and from At bow they were taken out the Renaissance got the much to Intuition, re- through the keyhole on a piece of pa- quick hunt showed him he was wrong. "There's no pretense about Bruxton any rate, was taching weight of the if are not in New management all that known there as a and us- which Burlen had fastened with He extended his search to every part Sands," said Fitch very positively. city, they garding that faculty pale per York. I've a hundred men work concerning Mllllcent Delaroche. She ineffective feminine reflection of thumbtacks to a board, and which, in of the room, and it was not until he "He does want this thing strr'ghtened got ually the hotels to find out, and If you'll was Mrs. Delaroche, whether wife, masculine the of an arc lamp, confronted a had disturbed the dust of ages that out, and he wouldn't do anything in ing ' logic. glare come down to with me widow or divorcee the management told hi in he must be- camera with a powerful lens. Al- he realized the scrap of paper actually any way, If he could help It, to hinder Headquarters had In But something big in a little while you can see the re- could not tell. She been the stir himself even more vigorously than though the eyes followed Burlen as was gone. His sensations following you." hotel several she had one of - sult." months; he done to If he was to trace well as could abqut the room, that realization were not of the pleas- Britz then told the physician more had date, they The detective short in his the most suites In the big Mlssloner diamonds before the their owner was not so much Interest- antest. Brltz was one of his best cus- fully how stubborn Sands had been stopped the words as Curtis Grlswold entered the building, and she seemed to be boun- men from could ed in the artisan's as he was tomers, and he knew from the detec- In regard to the note the millionaire suave, subtle the East activity The clubman went to the tifully supplied with money. Her be- white of on earnestness the note was of ex- himself had taken from one of the bar. cigar find them and put them forever In the small sheet paper tive's gowns were gorgeous, and when she lines in It solaced him Hindoo burglars. counter, lighted a cigarette, and by v yond the reach of any Westerner. which he could discern traced ceptional important.. went out It was In an electric brough- In find on the "I'll admit it seemed said the impatlenl gesture with which he One thing was in his favor. Undoubt- a woman's hand. Patiently waited the only part to taking plate strange," am she In the hotel's garage. He was of race camera and Fitch. "But If go on the Lsnatched It from bis Hps and threw kept edly he had broken the Swaml's line owner of the eyes. a from the putting it you assump- Mrs. Delaroche had few visitors. cultivated a developing process that the. tion there Is anything wrong behind of communication by seizing the spies that had patience through through the flame to The most frequent was a man about Soon or late, undoubt- lens had done its work more faithfully It, you'll lose your point Sands Is as that he had applied the before they could report the finding of the centuries. was town who sent many roses and man Inside would from than he. He held in his hand a square as they make 'em." cork tip. His manner nervous, hog the Mllllcent note In Sands' apartment. edly, the go perfect and his hand boxes of bonbons to Madam's apart- bench beside that great white of the letter. That would "You don't think, then," asked the his face slightly drawn, He had a vague sense that the scrap the duplicate Did know , T A of but It was "it is his Infatua- trembled as he took another cigarette ment the management , of paper would be of Immediate value light to another part of the room. not satisfy Brltz, course, detective, possible It bis name was for man would have been if the tion for Mrs. Mlssloner would lead from the case and once more puffed htm? Oh, yes. l as a clue to the Brahmin that If he few yards would suffice the better than it to latere-- ; to to riv- at It. in his staccato fashion. He did any real importance the It, the scholar with the eyes, and even while Brits note had disappeared before the photo- him do anything queer his - ? had not Intercepted by not see Brits and as were gator, the manager dM not mlad tell- would close was to Rawson in Police graphing was complete. Burlen hast- als?" Fitch, they now have been upon the still talking other end of the bar. ing It v What was It? Why, It was remain- Burlen briskly covered ened to subject the little plate of cop- "Most assuredly not" replied Fitch. at the discovery of the diamonds. It Headquarters, me Orlswold Mr. Orlswold Curtis Orlswold, secre- or so feet to get a chem; to the acid bath, and as the minute "In the first place, he Is not Infatuat- Get a messenger!" ed for Britz himself to ascertain the those dozen per and as the man of the Iroquois Trust company, row of bottles In the rack points of the halftone came out with ed. Bruxton 8ands is genuinely in said to the bartender, tary Identity and whereabouts of Mllllcent leal in the a member of the 8tnyves-"- ' crank of a call box, the and leading I could end of the shop. The man gratifying distinctness, the young man love with Doris Mlssloner, and he Is pulled the before the Oriental prisoners at the. far his ant club. .. " he was little that he at least was able to the kind of man who knows the sort clubman took a card from pocket y,,' 4 communicate with their chief. Those outside, crouching until rejoiced ' , of facsimiles - of woman he wants. In the next and wrote a few lines hastily upon It (TO BB) CONTINUED.) lHsoners were safe enough for the higher than an uoreared cobra his produce the the Headquar-

1 ! C.jlitivo tf 2ifcf. WANIMU (linii IImsuci ri'. w a Pr'jparti Co-operat- f at J 'X In ive r vt ' luiw ro .VP rM icy i f oroitftsti y e:ntae-r- lt'.i ki IN'i A( l , I,, llir Ml u. tu wMetwaj una.' frt-u- Jon flanu .j ituii.fc.ili U. hi fi San Ifl. i . c 1 ,1 r s M i m 1 tue i i 'an LolN, out Hiii; thwq Mltin Murg; rt ont-(,uurt- I k in di.ri:o,,., lew rCM BAVt PftrtTNIJe, tv o raKt, to r.i.d liyir; n Ui ul . ci ip. & Go. wui. u rm nu It t env f l li Repair nunMjri my nifrrifand put j.m u, butUV .th; liotir:'; muelni. I factoring If iit ere tl'n nut prrfcoily aUt.hYl tr Ju uuit( In n Ui v rl ni'iu ui ( 10 fxtfi'd circul Successor to Hurt a Fuller to u nil r,t lUrc Tii flsurf Ffaip.k for '"rrlf hlnt l)irk at .,!! ur. i Jinr'wn) f rneiW"'. ! 11 1 I furniHli thii hUtirnt grid Morale It do t,ell ttio holo trial n i tin Js which . SIf tHMlhl t.nw'tt. tl.oi'iiidvf., but tot til malm el iim eioull it'uiirt t nai iraoniTniH.tafJion eeweiiv in jra mmaiPiwn iruli'.l til uuy :r,;h, for it looki ei If soft bullo aro , v p-- vf. Dniiauallv lurrcsfful in oirecti.r up ninpve the niiiuao;unr rnaranrm ywr dlfiemod than raws, UY tir-- a r.t a tiorn easily ,! r n &rad-pr- a ilcjrcic. from ... - - iv r puirtr ru?.- tvo blnud ison. Pitioiis Makers ofcombined ILancl V V v 'w",,nt"yoo'w,lv, wr rtnlij(fii,i and hnrn our uubrani of whercus, to ani gin- - ' ;m U tlio flow of gnu- - xj;i ii Mrub'e, Imt not es-- hMtitirnt tit' not t xc'te the it ' ItTf'1 T rwlmr ! lilt an.HeeeeMf wJIU(1rniii'niprhiuiKit"f " trie Julota not a single iiu!.m of tho 'in' V nil trfnt vr & Combined Tullt o res Biak T Wn aril f r 1- ill il til year. n hlBlimt (ruUn - fp;.n & ILevolers, miiht outer iwhtx. hiiti ii.ui. tr-i- ..uon- i.- v numach. Ken- York Pross. iwurcaa Mil our b.uviilasMarfnaiid .Addif-s-, w. ii ijVSAe,e.eB.ritull uoikriijurun nuuuutftl imr ih ili j. t'.'; f. with r Iffncpe, tBHANOKfOYCLBS. Wn da nnt reenlaflv band's bamf hl.wtM imt n.itnti hnvm I. F. k?, Good II' us HDitclier Prcssera also m ii'rin ''"Awin In trails liyuur I'liiiat-- retail awns, luesa vectar out brumous- ul uruua l wftswls, Imssetse) tNalat anil naalla, parti, rcpalrj as1 8operf!uoui. ke"tir MatTzino, 381 Fourt'i miu nuwncurA i rlr hw- - wn nt tbo of the heat wnre. ihuuuuuiujmiuiiimii It lop Ni w York Citv. .v. "Good gr- - Ave., for Tur- A fire enttlne d.irfhcd Agents New ! clous me!" cried a: old gentleman, Improved SAMPLE PAIR Ill 4 n'orplus hla brow. "What ever do JElevator. want a fire for en a day like bine Urater ' rrrtlarmtti trlctfthm Mm people ft ' END OF tlt.OOttr Mir. iai a u ii r nr this?" Punch. AT THE NEW SHOP IN THE NORTH -- ian r 4r II arf for a home will aim tfmftt pmlrftrfl.MUatli wUht4U.S, jtu looking SAN ALSO wiite to the' Vallry Land Corn-p- a: JON, MAIL. TMka, r toM will Hot a tk air ajajf. Not So Ctraljht. A huadrad thfHinirnl pa Ira sold last rear. mmmm think of v at San Jon. wad in an sizes. It Hewitt "What do you Tbtycanstait Horseshoeing; and wagonwork Cr "r."1 U jivoiy and easy Cruet?" .Tewett "He's so crooked you right. ridlnr rwy dnnbl and lined lnil.1 wiiu to a DONE BY MEN OF EXPERIENCE. a anaelal duality of rubber, which never ho- - Hut the only way for him get comaa a on ' A AM mm Dor on and nblch closes small n a rest la to sleep ou a eplral piinctnrea without allowina the air to escape. night's Wa hara bnndreds of kitten from satLs6cd customers fJotloe the thick rubbertree.4 tUireaee." slatlnrthatUioIr Urea ha veonly been pumped up onca "'A" and ounetura at lies "8' or twloa in a whole season. They we&h no more than and "0" also rim stria) H" The Paciifc Monthly. an or Unary tire, the puncture resistluff quaHU'S beiutr to prevent rim eutting. This tfiren by several of thin, specially prepared tire will outlaat any ether Where Foolt Are Plenty. Rates on Ihe Mag- layers make-SO- PT, ELASTIC and Special Leading fabric on the tread. The regular price of these tires "Mo3t EP.ys the Boarding, tlO.OO BASY RIOINO. people," azine of the is Her nair. but for advertising DiirnoseK we are "a9 soon as West. I INTERNATIONAL making a special factorrprloe to the rider of only $4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same house Philosopher, they day latter to received, we ship C. O. D. on approval. You do not pay a cent until yon are married and safely launched on have examined and found them ' rlctly as represented. Tli Pacific of W win alio aaaaii elsMWM of parent ( ttaarthr maklm tha price per pair) If yon and fULk CASH the stream of life, begin to rock tha Monthly Tortland, WITN OaiOaW and aneloaa tills adTarttsanMot, 1 ;0 nn no rlrk lu acodlnf ua aa urrlor an tba tirra himj lt Elade. nrtnraadatOMIaxpaaa If fur ao f raaaon iher am nc' aattnfectory ou axamiuatlon. U'aaro perfwtly rellubi boat." Tolet'o Oregon, is publishing a series of splen- I andaoaayaeBttaulaasaafaaalnabaflk. If yoa r. Mr a pair of thraa tlrra. ;ou will find that tbuy will rids La-- did indus- '. rua faatar. vcar battar. laatloaacrand look liner tbaa anr tlra tou arcr used or wn at anv nrlee. articles about the various Commerce 5 IU Of Wa fcaow that yoa ba ao wall plaaiiil that wbaa too want a blcjols you will five Ha your ordar. We waut Bank iwod 11 of riflo a trtal onV atpooa. bancs! nia iw over. Fcollsh. tries the West. The September Vd dostmwiuwbuy anr kuid at anr pries nnttlyon anid for a pair of HedijathorB rubOcuiw.rToor tirea on approval ana iriaiat tuaapeciai lairoauciory heiress is to marry a number fontairifd an article on suc-ci-ss above: or our wblcU all "That going nrtflasootad write for blTirs sod Buadry Catalogue daacrlbwand uotai malua aod r Of TUCUMCARI, NEW MEXICO. K ariaoe os NiwHeBnii aair ins uoai prices. struggling young man." "If she is a with Cherries. The (Jctobernum-be- write vestal DO NOT THINK of IViSnrbut ua Way. OFauYINOablcrcleoraptlr sure-enoug- ho m0m1 mWmtwm'IT VVePMff tlrM fmtai anyone until tou know ths new and wonderful otter we aro making, heiress what's strug- contained u beautifully illustrat- HfJi MPSthm m IWTU Writalt aeMTeQlDf RUn. gling for?" Houston Post. ed article on Success in Growing Vle solicit Your Business. Capital $50,000. jj J. L uEADGYCLE COUPAIIY, CHICAGO, ILL. Apples. Other articles shortly to be Still published are Success with Live Hope. 3 W. F. BUCHANAN, Pres. L. W. MORRIS, Vice Pres. k Little Eva was lamenting because Stock, Success In Growing Walnuts, her sister was not r boy. "Oh, Sux'&'''r.'itrr"r'V.dfler"Cr('ps. These 5 H. SANDERS, Cashier. K Viil Make Perfect. Friendly Conrdenees. taby t. Practice well," Khe Bald philosophically, "she aiticli s aro written by experts and Practice thyself even In the things "What did my tia say to you when of hi3 may lo a boy when she grows up."' aie not only but which thou despairest of accomplish- you carao in?" inquired Johnny authoritative, very corco to tea. "She said ing. For even the left hand, which friend who had interesting. to see me." "I'm Pa- Is Ineffectual for all other things for she was very pleased Get Pler.ty of Sleep. In addition to tho above, The a relieved tone. PU-mt- want of practice. holdB the bridle glad," said Johnny in ur Kleen is conducive to cific Monthly each month publishes she more vigorously than the right hand: '"Cos she said this morning hoped beauty. Even a garment locks worn a large number of clean, wholesome, wouldn't come." Storks. for It has been practiced, la this. you Stray when it loses Its nap. readable and strong independ- SLarcus Aurellua. The on Elk ent articles the questions of the Drug Store, The rJolsy Woman, Spanish Hen Holds Record. day. Described. notoriety-seekin- g wo- ATrtnM!tr Aptly Ono unhappy, The of the Spanish hen, weiph-lu- g Th nriro nf Tho Poclfiii An Italian woman was asked In In, of a will egs N. M. man, search "real mate," seven to the pound, are tho largest Isei iOa year. To introduce it to Tucumcari, court If she had musical instru- make more noise than 10,000 mis I any produced. new renders, it will be sent for six ments In her home. "No, signor," she tresses of happy homes who would net months for $."0 if this paper is men replied, "nothing but rackets." j severally exchange places with tbo "What?" Queried the lawyer. "Rack .queen or ins inaies. at. uouis Or the Troussrs. Campfete line of Drugs Sundrii s etsthe things they put in grapfco-- y A '.Lorn In tbo bush 1 wcrtA Uo Address: Pacific Monthly, Tort-lan- d, phones," ta the sofa cushion. juafco. Oregon, Mail Orders and Prescriptions Given Special Attention. Headquarters for Old Homstead Flour Christmas Goods BEST BY TEST. AT $2.85 PER CWT. Fresh corn Meal A Complete line of Toys i. 25 PER CWT. Dolls Books & etc. We have ties mt line of Mta&plejt fancy groceries, fruity &nutsa SANTA-Clau- s and our prices are guar- anteed to be as low as the Will be at this &toie in lowest. Person, on Saturday, UDecember S3 at fonr oelock. A Present t To all who buy clothing from udurlng thismonth (Childred are all invited of a discount of to meet lo per him. cent from regular price.

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