Dan Moldea Spells out an Alliance of the U.S. Left and FBI Against Reagan
Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 8, Number 25, June 23, 1981 created by small business. You are all acquainted with I, the 20 percent prime rate. It is breaking the backs of small businessmen. I for one don't believe that [Federal Reserve Chairman] Volcker is correct." The caucus established subcommittees on taxation, capital forma tion, trade, regulatory reform, and-to appeal to royal ty owners-independent energy. Secondly, an Agricultural and Rural Development Forum was convened after the DNC meeting ad journed. The forum featured New Mexico Gov. Bruce King, a rancher, Rep. Glenn English of Oklahoma, and Dan out former House Agriculture Committee Chairman Tom Moldea spells Foley of Washington State. U.S. and FBI At this meeting, 100 farmers, some of whom admit the left ted voting for Reagan, constructively attacked Demo cratic incompetence. American Agriculture Movement Dan Moldea, best known as the author of the anti-Team leader Harvey Gardner of Oklahoma, addressing Rep. ster book The Hoffa Wars, has predicted "a major organ English, said, "It is all well and good to talk about ized crime scandal involving top Reagan administration gasohol ... but farmers can't make it because they can't figures," and called on the left to openly ally with the borrow money." In addition, participants discussed the Carter holdovers in the Justice Department against 1981 farm bill, predicting low prices and large surpluses. "organized crime" -linked administration officials, Teams Parity will be under 60 percent of the cost of production. ters, and congressmen. Bob Rauner, president of the Nebraska Wheatgrowers Moldea appeared at the Washington headquarters of Association, noted that parity prices contribute to a the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) on May 28 to address balanced budget by creating a tax base.
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