License Agreement

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License Agreement TAGARNO MOVE, FHD PRESTIGE/TREND/UNO License Agreement Version 2021.08.19 Table of Contents Table of Contents License Agreement ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Open Source & 3rd-party Licenses, MOVE ............................................................................................................ 4 Open Source & 3rd-party Licenses, PRESTIGE/TREND/UNO ................................................................................. 4 atk ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 base-files ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 base-passwd ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 BSP (Board Support Package) ............................................................................................................................ 5 busybox.............................................................................................................................................................. 5 bzip2 .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Cairo ................................................................................................................................................................... 7 DejaVu ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 eglibc.................................................................................................................................................................. 8 expat .................................................................................................................................................................. 8 gcc ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 gcc-runtime........................................................................................................................................................ 9 gdk-pixbuf .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 glib-2.0 ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 gmp .................................................................................................................................................................. 10 gtk+ .................................................................................................................................................................. 11 init-ifupdown ................................................................................................................................................... 12 initscripts ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 kmod ................................................................................................................................................................ 12 libexif ............................................................................................................................................................... 12 libdxfrw ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 liberation-fonts ................................................................................................................................................ 12 libffi .................................................................................................................................................................. 12 libgcc ................................................................................................................................................................ 13 libmpc .............................................................................................................................................................. 13 libx11 ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 libxau ............................................................................................................................................................... 14 libxcb ................................................................................................................................................................ 14 libxcomposite .................................................................................................................................................. 15 libxcursor ......................................................................................................................................................... 16 libxdamage ...................................................................................................................................................... 16 libxdmcp .......................................................................................................................................................... 17 libxext .............................................................................................................................................................. 18 TAGARNO License Agreement i Table of Contents libxfixes ............................................................................................................................................................ 21 libxft ................................................................................................................................................................. 22 libxml2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 22 libxrandr .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 libxrender ........................................................................................................................................................ 24 Linux-3.16 kernel ............................................................................................................................................. 25 linux-libc-headers ............................................................................................................................................ 25 mpfr ................................................................................................................................................................. 25 mssong ............................................................................................................................................................. 26 Noto Sans ......................................................................................................................................................... 26 ncurses ............................................................................................................................................................. 27 netbase ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 OpenCV ............................................................................................................................................................ 28 OpenSSH .......................................................................................................................................................... 29 OpenSSL ........................................................................................................................................................... 32 opkg ................................................................................................................................................................. 33 pango ............................................................................................................................................................... 33 popt ................................................................................................................................................................. 33 python ............................................................................................................................................................. 33 Qt ..................................................................................................................................................................... 34 readline ...........................................................................................................................................................
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