PUBLIC 14-024904-01 SPOM 19 Holyrood voting and leader approval topline 03.06.14

Scottish Public Opinion Monitor Wave 19 Holyrood voting intention and leader approval ratings topline FINAL

Technical details: • This presents the topline results from Scotland • Results are based on a survey of 1,003 respondents (adults aged 16+ although only those aged 18years+ were asked about their voting intention.) conducted by telephone. Fieldwork dates: 26th May – 1st June 2014 • Data are weight by: age, sex and working status using census data; tenure using SHS data; and public-private sector employment using Quarterly Public Sector Employment series data • Where results do not sum to 100%, this may be due to computer rounding, multiple responses, or the exclusion of “don’t know” categories • Results are based on all respondents (1,003) unless otherwise stated.

Voting Intention

In elections for the you have two votes. Your first vote is for a member to represent the constituency. If there were elections to the Scottish Parliament tomorrow, how would you use your first vote?

Which party are you most inclined to support? .

All giving Feb 14 Feb-June a voting Certain Certain % point intention to vote to vote change Base: All (Aged 18+) 879 680 629 % % % Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 15 14 17 -3 32 30 29 +1 Scottish Liberal Democrat 6 5 9 -4 (SNP) 38 39 38 +1 Scottish Green Party 4 5 2 +3 UK Independence Party (UKIP) 4 4 3 +1 Others 1 2 2 -

And, how likely would you be to vote in an immediate Scottish Parliamentary election, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 means you would be absolutely certain to vote and 1 that you would be absolutely certain NOT to vote? Base: All (Aged 18+) June 14 % 10 (Absolutely certain to vote) 71 9 6 8 7 7 3 6 3 5 5 4 1 3 1 2 * 1 (Absolutely certain not to vote) 3 Don’t know 1 Refused - PUBLIC 14-024904-01 SPOM 19 Holyrood voting and leader approval topline 03.06.14

Satisfaction with party leaders

And, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way is doing his job as First Minister of Scotland? Feb-June % point June 14 Feb 14 change Base: All 1003 1001 % % Satisfied 49 45 +4 Dissatisfied 44 47 -3 Don’t know 7 7 - Net satisfaction 5 -2 +7

Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way Johann Lamont is doing her job as leader of the Scottish Labour Party? Feb-June % point June 14 Feb 14 change Base: All 1003 1001 % % Satisfied 38 40 -2 Dissatisfied 39 34 +5 Don’t know 23 26 -3 Net satisfaction -1 6 -7

Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way is doing her job as leader of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party? Feb-June % point June 14 Feb 14 change Base: All 1003 1001 % % Satisfied 32 34 -2 Dissatisfied 37 36 +1 Don’t know 31 31 - Net satisfaction -5 -2 -3

Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way is doing his job as leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats? Feb-June % point June 14 Feb 14 change Base: All 1003 1001 % % Satisfied 20 22 -2 Dissatisfied 40 34 +6 Don’t know 40 43 -3 Net satisfaction -20 -12 -8

PUBLIC 14-024904-01 SPOM 19 Holyrood voting and leader approval topline 03.06.14

Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way Patrick Harvie is doing his job as leader of the Scottish Green Party? Feb-June % point June 14 Feb 14 change Base: All 1003 1001 % % Satisfied 35 30 +5 Dissatisfied 20 21 -1 Don’t know 45 50 -5 Net satisfaction 15 9 +6

Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way is doing his job as Prime Minister? Feb-June % point June 14 Feb 14 change Base: All 1003 1001 % % Satisfied 30 31 -1 Dissatisfied 66 64 +2 Don’t know 5 5 - Net satisfaction -36 -33 -3

Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way is doing her job as Deputy First Minister? Feb-June % point June 14 Feb 14 change Base: All 1003 1001 % % Satisfied 51 48 +3 Dissatisfied 38 39 -1 Don’t know 11 13 -2 Net satisfaction 13 9 +4

Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way is doing his job as leader of the Better Together campaign? Feb-June % point June 14 Feb 14 change Base: All 1003 1001 % % Satisfied 34 38 -4 Dissatisfied 50 42 +8 Don’t know 16 20 -4 Net satisfaction -16 -3 -13