June 29, 1936, Minutes | UI Board of Trustees
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MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TBE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS June 29,1936 The June meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illi- nois was held at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, at 10 o’clock a.m. on Monday, June 29, 1936. When the Board convened, the following members were present: President Karraker, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Pope, Mr. Williams. President Willard was present ;also Mr. Janata, Professor Morey, Director Havens, and, during part of the day, Judge Johnson and Mr. David L. Krooth, of the legal staff of the Public Works Adminis- tration. A recess was taken until 11 o’clock a.m. 775 776 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 29 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, on Monday, June 29, 1936, during the recess in the meeting of the Eoard held on the same day. Mr. Orville M. Karraker, Chairman, and Mr. Edward E. Barrett, member of the Committee, were present ; also Mr. Harold Pogue, Mrs. Nellie V. Freeman, and Mr. Walter I+'. Williams, members of the Board, and President Willard, Mr. Janata. Professor Morey, and Director Havens. MAnERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT WILLARD The Executive Committee considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. APPROPRIATIONS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1936 (I) It is recommended that all appropriations from the General Reserve Fund and special funds made at this meeting (unless otherwise specifically noted to the contrary) be for the fiscal year beginning July I, 1936, since there are only two more days remaining in the present fiscal year. On recommendation of Mr. Barrett, this recommendation was approved. REAPPROPRIATION OF UNUSED BALANCES (2) A recommendation that the following estimated balances in certain funds, as of June 30, 1936, be reappropriated for the purposes indicated for the fiscal year beginning July I, 1936: USEXPENDED BALAXCESREAPPROPRIATED AS OF JULY I, 1936 Self-supporting funds: Accountancy Committee ....................................... $32 2jo Dairy Creamery. ... .................... Home Economics Caf a. ...................... Agricultural Extension Revolving. ................ Purnell Revolving. .............................. Military Bands ......................................... Military Clothing and Equipment. .............................. 3 830 Military Overcoats and Gloves. ................................. 5"' University Chorus.. ........................................... 3 Visual Aids Service (University Extension). ...................... -- 30 Total, self-supporting fads.............................. 858 3.58 Special appropriations for uncompleted activi Agricultural Industrial Research. ...... .................... 3 600 Agricultural Special Equipment. ....... ..................... I 400 Liberal Arts and Sciences Special Equipment. .................... Archaeological Explorations Report. .................... Business Office-General Deposit Installation. ........ Business Office Special Equipment.. ................. Business Office-Registration Booths. ........................... 750 Radiostation................................................. I ZOO' Coal Utilization.. ............................................. 360 on Conference. .................. ......... goo ................................ ......... 418 Illinois Foundation, .............................. I 000 Fire Truck ................................................... 975 Intercommunicating Telephone System. ......................... 4 376 'With understanding that the purpose for which originally appropriated is to be changed. 19361 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 777 Minor Agricultural Buildings. .................................. $4 209~ Minor Improvements .......................................... 20 Paving Gregory Drive. ................................ Power Plant Improvements. .......................... Sidewalks near University Forestry.. .................. Theatre Guild Improvements. ........................ ... 2 ooo2 Acoustical Treatment of Rooms. ................................ 3 850 Partitions in Library. ......................................... 5 650 Replace elevator in Physics Building. ................... 5 000 Union Building Improvements.. .. 368 Fencing of University Woods. .... 372 ................................. 3 100 Automobile.. .. ................................. 3 500 s...................... Grand Total. ................... On motion of Mr. Barrett, these balances were reappropriated as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Karraker, hlr. Barrett ; no, none; absent, Dr. Meyer. APPROPRIATION FOR RADIO STATION IMPROVEMENTS (3) A recommendation that the $20,000 reserved in the budget for the current hicnnium for the Radio Station be appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July I, 1936, for the erection of the new towers, a new transmitter building at the base of the towers, and for such other improvements as may be necessary in carrying out the program authorized by the Federal Communications Commis- sion I also recommend that the Physical Plant Department be authorized to prepare plans and specifications and secure bids on the towers, buildings, and equipment. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this appropriation was made as recom- mended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Barrett; no, none ; absent, Dr. Meyer. APPROPRIATION FOR RADIO STATION FOR PURCHASE OF RECORDS (4) At the meeting of the Board on May 27, 1936 (hlinutes, page 6j1), an appropriation of $~,mwas made from the General Reserve Fund for the purchase of a transcription or record service from the National Broadcasting Company for one year. The Director of the Radio Station reports that the Company’s practice is to rent the records but not to sell them outright. In case the University should not be allowed to keep the recorded programs, he requests authorization to use the appropriation for the purchase of other commercial records, blank records on which the Station will make its own recordings, and filing cabinets. I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Barrett, the action of May 27, appropriating $1,200 for record service was rescinded. On motion of Mr. Barrett, $1,200 or so much thereof as may be necessary, was appropriated from the General Reserve Fund for the Radio Station as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Rlr. Karraker, Mr. Barrett ;no, none ; absent, Dr. Meyer. APPROPRIATION FOR REMODELING THE ILLUMINATION LAB0RAT0 RY (5) A recommendation that an appropriation of $5,500 be made from the Gcn- era1 Reserve Fund to cover the cost of the necessary work proposed in remodel- ing the Illumination Laboratory of the Departmenf of Electrical Engineerlng. -_ On motion of Mr. Barrett, this approprlatlon was made, by the aAp ro nations made ,subject to release by President Willard, but balance not yet released 9, %im for expenditure. 778 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 29 following vote: Aye, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Barrett ;no, none ;absent, Dr, Meyer. AGREEMENT WITH LINDE AIR PRODUCTS COMPANY AND APPROPRIATION FOR RESULTING NECESSARY CHANGES IN WOODSHOP (6) The Linde Air Products Company of New York has offered to lend the Liniversity, without charge, gas welding equipment valued at $1,800. Since the Vniyersity’s facilities for instruction in welding are inadequate, the acceptance of this loan will make it possible to give instruction in gas welding with equip- ment constantly kept up to date and in good condition at no expense to the L’niversity. The use of this equipment will, however, require certain changes in the woodshop, the cost of which is estimated at $850. The Faculty Committee on Special Appropriations and Non-recurring Expenditures agrees with the Dean of the College of Engineering and the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering that the University should take advantage of this offer, and recommends that a special appropriation of $850, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be made from the General Reserve Fund for this purpose. I recommend authorization of an agreement with the Linde Air Products Company for the loan of this equipment, and an appropriation of $850 to corer the cost of the necessary changes in the woodshop and the installation. On motion of Mr. Barrett, the agreement was authorized and the appropriation was made as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Barrett; no, none; absent, Dr. Meyer. APPROPRIATION FOR PUBLISHING KASKASKIA VALLEY REPORT (7) A recommendation that an appropriation of $500 be made from the Grneral Reserve Fund for the mimeographing of 1,000 copies of the Kaskaskia Valley Report which has been made by members of the University staff, the staffs of the State Surveys, and the staffs of certain State departments for the Illinois State Planning Commission. On motion of hlr. Rarrett, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Barrett ;no, none ;absent, Dr. Meyer. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FUND (8) Since 1917, the University has been giving examinations four times a year, usually in Chicago, for candidates for admission to the State Bar Examinations. This practice was started at the request of the Board of Bar Examiners under an arrangement that the University should charge fees high enough to cover all expenses. Originally these examinations were in high school subjects only, but in 1926,again at the request of the Board of Bar Examiners, examinations in college subjects were added. The fees established by the