28 November 1990
7946 ?'Grgitatinei Aaennblgy Wednesday, 28 November 1990 THE SPEAKER (Mr Michael Bamnett) took the Chair at 10.00 am, and read prayers. PETITION - MIT LESUEUR NATIONAL PARK PROPOSAL Coal Mining or Power Stations Opposition DR ALEXANDER (Perth) [10.03 am]: I have a petition expressed in the following terms - To: The Honourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We, the undersigned. request that the Parliament, in recognition of the immense biological diversity and irnpontance of the Mt Lesueur area - (1) create a National Park with boundaries as recommended by the Environmental Protection Authority, (2) no coal mining or power stations be pennitted within the boundaries or adjacent to the Mt Lesueur National Park. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will give this matter earnest consideration and your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. The petition bears 150 signatures and I certify thai it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of the House. [See petition No 192.1 PETITION - KALAMUNDA AND DISTRICTS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Administration Transfer Objection MR THOMPSON (Darling Range) [10.05 am]: I have a petition in the following terms - To: The Honourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We, the undersigned object to the suggestion that the administration of the Kalamunda & Districts Community Hospital be transferred to a new authority and request that our Hospital continues to be managed by a Board elected by the Kalainunda community.
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