
•,VD; U Library it I,.-.v,;n. Oonu rage Eight THE BUANFOllU KEVIEW, BKANFOEU, CONN., FEBRUARY 20, 1011 ter, a contract was made with theij^y ^1^^ Chamber to do their week- Gloria Jean Helps Edit "Trufi Comics' John Hancock Company and we re- j shopping on Friday this week, Thirty Year's cclved $lll,03'from that source this' NORTH BRANFGRD Continued from page one year. It .sccm.s as though there must ne­ —Mr§. Harry A. Smith, chairman THE HOME TOWN PAPER cessarily have been many delays be- THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A Services in the local churches on coujilcs from West Haven wore ot Tore a perfect coordination of doc- Personals Sunday will be: IBue.sl.'s ol the North Branford group NEW HAVEN STORES BRANFORD—NORTH BRANFORD VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TOWN i.or, clergyman and nurse could be on Monday evening. STONY CREEK—PINE ORCHARD Mass at 0:15 o'clock at St. Augu.?- brought about. TO CLOSE SATURDAY PORTRAYING AS IT DOES tlnc's R. C. ChTirch, Rev. William SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK Anthony Daniels, "Bradley Street, LOCAI, HAPPENINGS IN Brewer, pastor, Mrs. Edward Daly, The driver of a Salvation Army The .services of the nurse wore to In order that their employees may GRANNIS CORNER—MORRIS oruanlal and choir director. Mem­ which skidded from the high- be paid for on an hourly basis for enjoy the same holiday privileges as leaves tor military service Fcbru- COVE — EAST HAVEN Won Jiranforti EeijietD FAMIMAR LANGUAGE bers ol the Confraternity of the Way'and then overturned on Mon­ short calls. For ordinary calls of office workers, principal retail stores ary 24. AND EAST HAVEN NEWS Rosary and, of the Holy Name day received painful back injuries less than 10 hours duration, the In Nov/ Haven will close all day and was removed to Grace Hospital charge was 30 cents per hour. Be­ Society arc reailested to receive Holy Saturday in observance ot Washing­ VOL. Xin—NO. 45 Branford, Connecticut, Tluirsday, Eebniary 13, 1841 Communion In a body at this Mas.?. for X-Rays. His two helpers who tween a P. M. and 6 A. M., the ton's Birthday. Levi Bartholomew, Montowese St. Price Five Cents • U: mlntcau Nuns from Now Haven were riding with him escaped with charge was 50 cents per hour. Con­ Despite the holiday falling this is a patient in Grace Hospital where win Instruct children of St. Augus­ Injuries and wore treated at the tinuous .service was rendered for year on their best business day ot his condition today is reported tine's Church directly after Mass scene of tho accident by Dr. Car- $3.no per day. It was the duty ot the tho week, merchants are planning slightly improved. Matrons-Patrons and lil^h school •boys and girls will plnella of Branford and then sent to physician to see that a conveyance to close their establishments In line General Registrar Passes Rotary Records Representative dl.^o remain for their study club. their homes. was provided for the nurse to and with the Washington Birthday clos­ Nine Additional Trainees Miss Betty Winkle plans to leave from the case. Even in those early ing policy recommended by the Rc- Will Be Guests Is Told Beach, At about tho same tlmo were two about the first of, March' for Fort For Attendance tloly Hiicharist will ho celebrated day.s, our founders wrote Into those ]_tall Division of the Now Haven less serious accidents, although one In.structlons a law which has al Lauderdale, Fla. " C, • Following Short Illness n\, D;3l) o'clock at Zlon Episcopal Chamber of Commerce and observed Of Eastern Star woman was badly shaken up and Gets No Road Called For February 27th Cluirch, Ilcv PranclB'J. Smith, Rco- wuy.s been strictly adhered to: |i;rBeneraT troughouT to dty" f"or Are Announced two cars which were Involved unable Mr. and Mrs. Gecifgc Myron ot tcr. Mrs. Paul R. Hawkins, organist !"""'=!^',;"'^^ '!'l?™'.°fi°"°l,^lt i the past several years. A check made Georgia Chapter, No. 40, O.E. S. to travelon. Two other cars which ics of silence concerning patients Guildford entertained for the week- by Rep. B. C. Carpenter nnd choir director. Sundoy School by the Division this week of prln In St Raphael's Hospital will welcome visiting matrons and Rev. Frederick I^ Murray, rector side-swiped woro only slightly (reprinted by request) shall be strictly observed by the clpal stores in the downtown area end Mr. Zlgmdhd ' Waranouskl, patrons Mo;iday evening February of Trinity Church; spoke Monday Induction Examinations will follow. dented and continued on their way nurse." The Instructions also stated revealed that department stores. President and manager of the Rlv- n in the Masonic rooms. Among noon at tho weekly nioellng of the Marks along Route 80 early Monday that; "Every courtesy should be There has been so much guessing Moining worship will bo os 11 ' chain stores and specialty shops ervlew House, Ipswich, Mass. the grand officers expected are Mrs. Rotary Club In the ConErcgatlonal evening-showed where at least four extended to the nurse, as to a and misinformation about the pro­ o'clock at the North Branford Con- I will not be. open for business on j -~—^ ... Terrence Brannigan Served Democratic Party As Regis­ Evelyn J. Lounabury, worthy grand Ch\nch parlors. He used as his sub­ car^ had left tho highway, but were gentlewoman, tor the sake of her posed changes and Improvements Twelve Men Left Hero This Morning In Third Call ErcKatlonal Church, Rev. Q. Dillard trar For 21 Years—Funeral Arrangements Incom­ matron and Mrs. Carrie A. Mac­ ject "Am I My Brothers Keeper?." able to gain the roadway again and work." Also, "the committee would ' Saturday. ' I Mrs. Alfred Harhmer was one ot at Short Beach that I went to the Lcsslcy, pastor, Mrs. Douglas B. Leod, grand chaplain; both of Oiu' Social Rcsponsibllles" There For Men — Relatives And Friends See Them Off continue on their way. not require the nurse to attend I Now Haveners and people from the hostesses last evening at the plete—Taken To Hospital Yesterday. office of the State Highway Depart­ llolablrd, choir 'director, Miss Ethel Branford. were 42 attending. For Camp Devons. cases where the decenles and pro­ surrounding towns who make this Radclille Club ot New Haven ro- ment at Hartford and got what In­ Miiynard, organist. Gloria Jenn, movie star, looking over advance proofs of "True Comics,' clty thqlr shopping center arc urged ception. Officers ot Georgia Chapter mak- The following is the attendance The Rod and Gun Club with land prieties of common usage were not After but a few days illness Ter­ formation I could and here it Is. Buiulay School wjU bo at 10 o'clock new maQazIno for children of which she I& a Junior Advisory Editor. iugarrangements are; Mrs Oma records of the Branford Rotary Club The draft board has drawn the. owners and Invited guests will en­ observed." rence John Brannigan, 54 of 35 Ardelle L Mason ., . _ . „, I The present plan of tho State High- In the ohupel, Mrs. S. Hall, superin­ Conceived by editors of "Parents* Magnzlnc" New York, "True Comics" G. Schmld, Ralph H. Nellson, Mrs. tor six months ending Dcccnber 31,' following men who reported at tho joy a game supper on Saturday has been lauded by educators as an Ideal substitution for the lurid, fan­ Mr. Tompkins reported that the Russell Street passed away this way Department Is to rebuild the Miss May Whalen tendent. Abbie P. Carver, Norman V. Lamb, 1940. Town Hall this morning at 7 A. .M. evening at Rest Land Farms. An en tastic "comic" maonzIncB now read widely by boys and gtrls. first week the nurse had made 8 morning in the Hospital of St. Passes Shortly „„ , , , , , . , bridge, making it wide and modern, Mrs. Edna M. Wlckstrom, Mrs. Car­ 100% since club was_organlzcd:i^^,^,^ sidewalks on each side. And to be sent to Hartford for induc­ tertalnlng program has boon ar -; ; —-; ; ;: r—• I calls, 5 being with patients. The Raphael where he was taken yes- Will Be Buried A ipcclal meeting of the Voung ter after a short illness. rie A. Lounsbury, Mrs. Hazel Swan- Gurdon Bradley. _ Frank _^ Kinney,-,^ ^,,^ East Haven side they will tion examinations.; People's Society will be held on rangbd with several celebrated' ports, and election of officers Tuesday and Thursdays from 0 to i ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ 2D calls'were made. After Husband feider, Mrs. Alma V. Nelson, Mrs. 4 with an instructor appointed by, 33 i^^,„g ^^^^ p^^l^^t^ ^^^ , ^^^l. Bom in' Branford the son ot Ter­ Clarence Lake, Emll Nygard, Sidney ,j^^^ ^^.^^ of the rocks and Leonord John Zdanowicz,, John Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock In guests Invited. Alice B. Wilson, Mrs. Pearl W. Nell- Osborn, Walter Palmer, Lewis Friday At Two Ukless Boamon, Frederick DoWltt "Rogolot the Jester" is the name'Mrs. Leila Prann. Workers may rence John and Catherine Minne- Mrs. Everett W. Mason (Ardelle straighten the raad. The Short the chapel. Miss Ethel Maynard ness calls. Twelve hours had been 50 Used Cars son, Miss Edith Grann, Mrs, Mar­ Warner. ( V \ Clemens, Frodorlok George Lend- of an operetta which will be presen- come and go as they please as there han he lived here all his life. In Louise Stone) died Sunday morn­ Beach Road on tlTe Branford side president, will be chalwnan of the Ernest TrumpoUd and George spent In tho schools. Four dollars lon G. Close, Mrs. Hlldur Maddern, 100% since joining club; John Mlss May A. Whalen pa.ssod away I roth, Nicholas Frank DoCaprlo tod in tho town hall on the evenings is no enrollment, or registration for former years he followed the lock­ ing at 9:30 in her home, 119 In­ Is not a state road at all, and the meeting and others will assist in the Llnsley were elected to serve on the was collected. Mrs. Rossalle Pinkham, Mrs. Karin Bralnerd, Meyer LeShinc. Valdermar In her home, 107 Mnple Street, yes-, Domlnick Anthony Grava, Thco- ot March 5 and 0 for the benefit ot this work. smith trade but more recently was dian Neck Avenue followed that ot state has no responsibility for it, dlsoucsion of "Vocations". cleaning committee tor tho month The Minutes of the December Z. Hamre, Mrs. Abbie V. Damberg, Hammer, Bert Barker.,' Charles terday afternoon shortly after 2:00 dore Henry Flaggo, Fred J. Stanlo, the Zlon Parish Church. This • Any men or women Interested In coremaking at the Nutmeg Cruxl- her husband by three - weeks. Mr. and no Intention of rebuilding It, at the recent business meeting ot meetjng recorded that the Finance Winterized & Reconditioned Mrs. Esther Enquist, Harold F. Bedlent, Frank iBlgelow, Rev. I following an illness ot about a year. I Robert Sohuman Hartman, tfurold the North Branford VoUmtoer Fire operetta is tho work of Eldrlge taking a course In First Aid are ble Steel Co. Mason was struck by a truck a unless the legislature should make The three' cent supper which was Committee had been steadily at Tounsey, Mrs. Pearl W. Nellson. Kenneth Anthony, Rev Fred I She was born in ^?ew York City and Henry Brewer, Thomas Louis Vau- Department.. Jones and Vivian Y, Laramore,'asked to call Mrs. James Walworth He was a member ot El Dorado short distance from his home Jan. it a state road. Even the bridge is recently served by the Young work and that "a sura larger than Murray. had been a resident of this townjacore, Clarence Prank Barker and tor information. Council, K. ot C. and one time was, 18, his death occurring in his home not a part of the State Highway . People's Society was most success­ music and Lyrics and of Earl W. must ot us could have anticipated" at Sacrifice Prices Other lOO'/r) records: Fred Blicker Grand Knight. A charter member a couple of hours after the accf System, though considered to be in tor about 40 years. Miss Whalen John Michael Boraduco. ful financially and socially. Over MrsI Ernest Llnsley of Twin Lake Colter. • Miss Ruth Coo, Russell had been collected. Also, that Miss \v Nick, Sharp, Murray Upson, Julius, ot the M. P. Rice Hose Co., he was dent. At that time Mrs. Mason was the. trunk lino system. For that was active In tho First Baptist One of tho abovo named was not twenty dollars was added to the Rond was tho hostess at the lun­ Mower, Harry Clarke and Roland Brltt had won her way by show­ Bee" Contestants Zdanowic'z,. Ch'ariesi Gaylord, Harry always interested in its activities. recovering from an illness. She was reason the state people decided to church. For a number ot years sho required to go because another treasury. cheon ot the Ladles Sewing Society Blrdsall and outstanding support­ ing herself competent and cheerful Johnson, Robert Pottlt, Raymond Lenten Services He was also a member ot St. Mary's a daughter ot Mory W. Stone and replace the bridge and tho west ap­ was president ot the Missionary volunteered on Friday. on Wednesday noon. A business ing ca.st will assure a fine pretor- and had secured the confidence ot Ready To Spell Pinkham, Jos Buza. society; for several years in charge manco. . , Continued from 9aft ona the physicians and people. Her Holy Name Society. Abbie Cheney. proaches so that if busses wore fi­ Because one or more of these men Rev. a. Dillard Lessley attended seslon and work period followed the 00%:Earle Barker, LqUls Bassett, of the Junior church; a member may not bo inducted at the Induc­ Much Interest has been shown in February 23—Stony, Creek—the first monthly report showed 123 Serving the Democratic party Surviving her are five sons, nally put on that road It would be the meothig of the MlnlstorlalAs- luncheon. Terms to Suit Plans are being completed for the Macy Battalln, Robert bate, Philip of tho Welfare League and the ed­ tion station, the following named the introduction ot two,bills Into Tho'Rov. Harold Jones ot Plymouth visits, 107 to patients and 10 busi- since a youth he became its gen­ George, Burton, Lewis, Forest and in a condition suitable for such use. ;i;=!ation of Now Haven-on Monday. old fashioned spelling bee to be held Gerlach, Howard Janscn, Mathew ucational 'committee. men may bo required as roplaco- 'legislature by Rep, George Augur | church. New Haven. , , , ness. There were 13 cases. Time eral Registrar about 21 years ago Alfred; three daughters, Mrs. Er­ Let It bo distinctly understood that Tho Board of Education met on in the auditorium ot the high Kelly, Manuel Kllgerman,^ William Surviving her aro four sisters, mohts: wiilch will do away with the»prellm- March 2—Baptist Church (on the • spg„j ,n schools, 22 hours. The and has served faithfully In that nest W. Whitcomb, Mrs. John Kells the Short Beach road from the I'lllcon couples attpnddd- the Mondoy evening in the Jerome school Monday evening under the Meffert, Sal PelrlUo, John Rogers. bridge east Is a Branford road. It Mrs. Phllo Llnsley of Branford amd Michael Barbash, Vlnoeht Joseph' Inary registratUn of those which to Green); Dr. John McLean ot the Treasurer reported that to date capacity. all of this place and Mrs. Frank iiiceting of the young married Harrison School. sponsorship of the Associated Bus­ 02%: Charles'Freeman, Hugle Is up to the Bi'ontord people to re­ Miss Charlotte Prltze, with whom Bcauton, Elmer Ernest Brockott, become electors In the town.'Upon First Baptist Church, New Haven. Usgg.os i,ad boon collected through OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 11 P. M. Baseball fans remember him as Turner of Conventry; 24 grandclill- couploa at the chapel on Monday iness of Branford. Mrs. S. A. PetriUo MacLeod.—88% .Dana Blanchard build that stretch of road or have sho made her homo;' Mrs. Wilson James Patrick Nichols, William tho presentation of proper; require­ a star on the diamond and mana­ dren; 13 great grandchildren; and -f; evening. Havlland Schuessler, presi­ initial plans tor the annual St, March 9—Baptist. Church, Rev.Uhe medium ot membership dues. chairman of the committee in John Murphy.—84%: Holmes Brac­ Powell ot Westvlllo and Mrs. Mil­ Henry Tucker, Jr,, Anlo Galdonzl i ments met, the persons would be ger ot the Branford Baseball Team a sister, Mrs. Sherman Eastman of introduced into the present legis­ dent, of the group presided and the Patrick's Tea given by tho Parish Frank M.Swafll?id„Calvary Baptist I carnival Day Tea and Check Room charge, has arranged for an atmos­ ken, William Hitchdck iOn Alaskan ton. Hall of New Haven. Tho fu­ and Albert George Lonart, admitted. The second would have bi­ In 1927. Springfleld, Mass. lature a bill making it a state high­ matter of by-laws was further dis­ QuUd pf tho Zlon Episcopal Church Church, New Haven. . , and Sunshine Club I'ea Room. It phere which will portray the old- cruise) Emll "Smilhflold. —80'%; neral services win bo held In tho ennial elections rather than annual He is survived by Mrs. Branni­ The funeral services were in the way. It thoy will do the latter, I Selectmen Gurdon Bradley, Earlo cussed. Following the business have been made and committees March IG-Trlnlty Church, Rev. „ns also reported that tho Now Ha- time spelling school. Harry Cooke (in hospital) William First Baptist church Friday after­ elections. Both bills aim to out tho gan; two daughters; Mrs. Edward funeral home ot Norman V. Lamb, shall bo glad to give It such sup­ Barker; chairman of tho board ot .'lession beautiful teohnl-color pic will be annoimced latter. C, Lawson Wlllard, Trinity Church, .^,g„ ^^^ cnss had sold Christmas Clarence Lake will lead in group Sangster. noon at 2. Rev] A. W. Jones, will expense ot the town, and cut tho Tobin and Mrs. George Ehlert; Montowese Street, Tuesday, after­ port In the legislature as I can. and friends and relatives were at luriia were shown by Nelson Cooke New Haven. Seals in Branford for the benefit PERRY SALES 8c SERVICE singing with Frank J. Coyle at the oftlclato and burial will be In Cen­ unnecessary'travel and time expen­ three sons, Walter, Francis, in the noon at 2. Rev. B. Kenneth An­ But the limit for the Introduction the Branford railroad station to sec !'• of Drantord taken on his recent The next regular meeting of the March 23-Trlnity Church, Rev. „( jj^e New Haven Association, ar- piano. Honor pupils of the high ter cemetery. diture ot the voters. U. s. Navy and Edward; a sister, thony, minister of the First Con­ ot new business is only two or them off. trlp.i ' to Florida and the West Parish Guild will be held on Tlues- Burke Rivers, Church ot Epiphany g^^g t^at any Improvement In East Haven school will act as ushers, and John 198 Main St. Phone 4-0186 Mrs. Peter Sullivan and a brother, gregational church oSicmted and three weeks away. Norman V. Lamb is In charge of After leaving I-Iarltord VUo young Cna'.l. The evening closed with re- day, Feb. 25 at the home of Mrs. New Haven. • 1 tubercular conditions was an ad- C. Carr of the high school faculty Address Change Jeremiah Brajinlgan, all of Bran­ the burial was In Center cemetery. arrangements. men entrained for Camp Devons. frcihments and a social hour. Paul R. Hawkins of Notch Hill A course in home hygiene and March 30-Flrst. Consregational„antago- to those who used the will be spelling master. ford. Bearers, all grandsons, were the Another group ot nine selectees Road. Mrs. Andrew White will aci; as care ot the sick will be given Thurs. Church, Rev. Charles R. Cooley.UfoHey ^ars and stores. But Bran- Two teams ot 20 to 25 members, Funeral arrangements are iri- same as those at the funeral ot Must Be ,Noted will leave, February 27. This la tho, chairman ot hostesses. ' evenings at 7:30 at the health cen- each will occupy the stage and will Libbie Kirkham tOUtvMi call, ' -VF; .'",'''.'".•.''-' ,^ The group has boon Invited to First Congrogatltoal Church, Mor- for^ ^as now doing her own sell- Mr. Mason; Robert and KenneHvl —'• ter under the direction ot Miss complete..but will, bo in charge ol |-"spDU*dowrt" until only one cort--) G.O.P. BnngsTwo meet witht tho West Haven group Wen. ll„g^ and thus far, 5500 stamps For solid carefree comfort this winter install a Kells. Donald and Everett Mason, By Locals BOBrd "\l The annual parish mooting was Annabel Bruce, "the William Clancy Fuiieral Homo: testant. remains. First and second Die^ln Florida r.n March 3. They will meet at the April 6—First Congregational ^ad been sold. It was hoped to Earl Mitchell and John Whitcomb. held on Tuesday evening at the Red Cross gauze work will bo prizes will be awarded, and also chapol and then travel to West church. Rev. Phillip G.Scott, Church I reach a total of 8000, as against Registratrants under the Selective Guest Speakers!Auxiliary Names r:!P Haven In a group. Two young Rectory with routine business, re-' done at the library, second floor. of the Redeemer, New. Haven. 3000 the previous year. In 1940, our BRANFORD OIL BURNER three prizes for-"one dollar words," Llbble Pardee Kirkham, 83 wife Association sold approximately Harvard Davis Masons Honor and four prizes for "flfty cent Training and Service Act who of George C. Kirkham, of 52 Klrk- Anyone Interested in the propo,sed m 116,000 Christmas Seals. words." A door prize will also be change their address arc required by ham Avenue, Eost Haven, a do new trade school In New Haven Is I Bridge Commitfee WHEN IN NEED OF In the January Executive Com­ given. law to notify tholr local board scendant ot one of the early fam Invited to hear Milton Bradley, of Fred Blicker promptly, Colonel Ernest L. AverlU WALL:PAPER V mittee meeting, it was voted to Buried Today llles of that town, died Sunday In Branford Point, speak Monday af­ The auxiliary of the Indian Neck continue Miss Brltt's services for Product of Oratorical Contest State Director of Solevlce for Con- Orlando, Fla., after a brief Illness. ternoon at a meeting of the Wo­ Fire Company will how a dessert or PAINT liOoally Made' Fifty friends of Past Master Fred­ bridge on March 14, at 1:30 In the throe months at $65.00 per month Harvard Lament Davis of 61 ncctlcut, warned today. Those who] A native of East Haven, Mrs. Kirk man's Republican Club at tho home erick P. Blicker met Friday night Rules Announced flrehouse. Mrs. Frederick O. Obol, / VISIT and to instruct Miss Britt to se­ Malleable Iron Church Street, died about midnight fail to do so becom'e liable lo,severo; ham's family held extensive prop- of Mrs. Charles Goldsmith, % Nationally In the Oasis for a testimonial din­ general chairman, appointed the UNITED WALL PAPER cure for herself a coat ot the ma­ Monday in Grace Hospital, New Ha­ penalties. Director AverlU pointed; erty there. Pardee Place was named The meeting will begin promptly Vittingi Co. Famoui ner given by Widow's Son Lodge, The second ai.aual high school out. following committee: terial usually worn by District Nur­ ven, following a short Illness. He in honor of tlie family. Mr. Kirk­ at 2;4S as'the program also in-| CO. A. P. & A. M. oratorical contest, sponsored by Director Avcrlll said ho has been ses, the cost ot the coat to be met was 67 years of age and was born ham IK in tho real estate and in­ eludes. a talk by Byron Hacker. Ticket. Mrs. Howard Hills; prizes, flie It^ ^• 93 Crown St., Now Haven Lewis Hamilton was toast'naster Concoran-Sundqulst Post, Ameri­ advised by National Headquarctrs, by the Association. in Ellsworth, Me., coming to this surance business In tho town. For executive director ot the Child-,i Mrs„ .. Fred ,,„.,HoWo and .Mrs . „C,. ,A . and Stanley T. Williams of ITorth- can Legion, will be lield In the local Selective Service System, Washing­ "We Save You Mouey" In 1012, an experimental con­ town about 12 years ago. many years Mr. and Mrs. Kirkham ren's Center. | Newton; refreshmOnls, Mrs. Rlch- lord, district deputy of the 4th Ma­ high school, at 8 P. M. Feb. 21. The ton. D. C, that Investigations by the •m ;. I tract tor tiiree months was made have spent the winters in Florida. Those requiring transportation ' J'"''' ?™'''"; ^''"•, P°"''= Lounsbury. Right around the corner in Branford is produced Kn oil bUmer Surviving him are his widow, sonic District was guest speaker. winner of this contest will compete Department of Justice ot many do. rff4Df m% WEEK! fi with the Metropolitan Lite Insur­ In addition to her husband, Mrs, recognized throughout the nation as being one ot the the genuine Gertrude Allen, three sons William Rev. William Nicolas ot East Ha- tor the championship of the Second, will kindly notify Mrs. Thomas ^™'""™'''i^";5«'''f'^^f.t'^''rv,'!"^ ance Company, whereby they were linquencles reported by local boards'Kirkham Is survived by one son, ilunlpi' .Reed, Mr.s. Clifford Collins; tables. outstanding quality oil burners produced In America. and Dana L., ot Hartford, and John' ven. Grand Chaplain also spoke. District about March 8 in East Ha­ Business Directory to use our nurse for their work at revealed that carelessness on the, LoRoy P. Kirkham ot this city, ' Mrs. Harold Mark, Mrs. William f of Cromwell; several grandchild­ Mr. Bllcker was presented with ven. The next contest will be tor Dunne and Mrs. Clayton B. Rider.' *QOK a rate of 40 cents per 'call. Our When you Anally decide upon oil heat do not fall to take tA- part ot registrants, rather than will-1- The body arrived here today. Tho We will give you ren, and one sister, Mrs. Charles a wrist-watch the state championship, which will ful Intent on their part, was often funeral is in the charge ot Camcr- three months experiment has last­ vantage of this fact. Cobb of South Portland, Me., Mr. Other out ot town guests were; be followed by a regional contest, 1 responsible for these violations of jjn and Roes' with internment In 12 Inch sink and tub cnmblnatisna ed and grown through the years Davis was a member ot the First Parent-Teachers Tbeie dealers will be glad to give you complete detfdli on wbkt . Arthur Cost of West Haven, former then the final national contest for the law. He cited the foliowhig pro- jhe East Lawn Cemetery, "Country Pastor" at FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR !N TRADE ON A BIG... $3!l.!l.'i cuniplcte. Toilet outnts until In 1940 our revenue from that the grand prize of a $4,000 scholar-(i a Branford Installation will do, and what It will cost. Congregational church ot this place assistant custodian ot the Masonic visions of the Selective Serviccci services will bo held Friday af- "Father and Sons" complctp $12.9.'!. itath tubs $14.50. company amounted to $980.54. La- Pawson Tribe, I. O. R. M., and Mt. work; Frank Miller, master; Carl 'ship, donated by Eddie Cantor. Present Benefit Regulations: ternoon at 2:30. \ Wnll Ua.sins $.'•.45. Conn. Plumblne New Haven East Haven HoUls Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of HoU-] Miller, past master and Mr. Kuss, The state champion will receive "It shall be the duty ot each re­ Pilgrim Brotherhood will hold Iti''- Rehearsals are being hold for the ' iiMil Ilcatluj; Materials Co., 1730 New Haven Coal Co. Eust Haven Coal Co. Iston, Mass. senior warden, all ot Connecticut a- • one-yeaone-year tuition at Emerson gistrant to keep his local board ad­ annual "Father and Sons'' night on - The funeral services were held in Rock Lodge, New Haven. College in Boston, plus $25 in cash. East Haven Man Tuttle School PTA farce, "Her „.,„„,,„„ „„„„•„„ „„,,(. State SI, New Davcn, Conn., MERCHANTS EXPRESS vised at all times of the address Branford — R. C. Enquist the Grlswold colonial home this af­ 'The second and third-place con­ where mall. will reach him. The Married Monday Step Husband", m the East Haven i^T,^^?!.''!!'"'"!.""-'. IMionu B-0U28. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE High School auditorium February A large attendance is. expected as-^ MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS COMPANY ternoon. Rev. B. Kenneth Anthony, State Guard Names testants for the state and national mailing of any order, notice, or a prominent speaker. Rov. George 1941 MOVING - STORAGE minister of the First Congregation­ contests will also receive prizes. blank from by the local board to a Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lamb, Main 19. The cast Includes Mrs. Carl Ros Branford, Conn. al church officiated. The burial was Ahem for Captain Street, Southlngton, announce the enquist Les.U3 B. Redfleld. Mr. ^r., .^^ ^^O^ii^X^^^X ^.o.n business ;:; thai Ford leads the Agent for The rules, as in the previous con­ registrant at the address last repor­ HERE'S OUR SENSATIONAL OFFERI in C?nter cemetery. test, are as follows; each contest­ marriage Monday morning in What car have you now? We'll field in better basic features! Announcement was made yester­ ted by him to the local board shall !! I'YI'K.WRITERS — AU, MAKES National Delivery Assn., Inc. ant must deliver a prepared ora­ constitute notice to him of the con­ Southlngton ot their daughter Anna ttivc you $100 over book value WHEN YOU CONSIDER the steady day at the headquarters ot the Mary, to Mr. Frank Kemptor ot " SPECIAL" New, Ilcbiillts, Rentals, Portables. ans Orchard St.. New Haven tion ot 10 to 12 minutes duration, tents ot the communication, ^^Rosenqulst,and Mrs.j^^ ^"^^^.^ ^-—^ for it, if it's a popular make, in depreciation and mounting re­ Younjf Republicans State Guard at Hartford ot the ap­ East Haven. saltibic condition. We'll match pairs on your present car—when Supplies Phone 8-2812 pointment ot John J. Ahem as followed by a four to six-minute whether he actually receives it or His this deal witli any ofthc so-called \ Announce Meeting extemporaneous address on a cer­ not." Rev. William H. Kennedy per­ Mary Marshall, an incurable ro-'P^=JP"= ^"l^ his" preachr„g: i! you consider all the big-car Ford 524 Main St. East Haven captain of the Branford State mantlst tb create an impression on ^urnotalks, r punctuateare d by'his wit and "wild tradijrs" as long as our roominess and ride and style Cnnvoulent Terms tain part of the U. S. Constitution. "If a registrant or a person re­ formed the ceremony, Miss Cath­ I Guard company which will go into a visiting aunt cooks up a situa­ most rofrcshihg. His used Car stocks permit. oiTcred by Tord alone at low Phone 4-0372 The following students have reg­ quired to present himself for and erine Lamb was her sister's maid IlliLIANCE TYl'EWRl'TEU CO. The february county meeting dtj active service when the 43d .dlvls- tion where her own husband be­ irecently completed book. "Forty; price—you'll decide on I'ordl istered to compete; Carolyn Glance,j submit to registration falls to per- ot honor and Frank Qulnan ot If THIS IS NOT ONLY THE GREATEST Coupe The New Haven County 'X'oung Re- jon troops leave the state. John comes her butler and a total strang­ Years A Country Minister" has al­ 0. B. GUY, Mgri Joan Rosenthal, James Mellor, Ar­ form any' du°ty'proscribed' by The.New Haven was best majri. OFf ER in pur history, but wc also TOP All THAT with tbl.s unprece­ publican League will be held at the coolac was named first lieutenant er her husband for an evening. ready been widely acclaimed. It is hclievc there's not another low- dented offer and you'll get the thur VanHaatten, and Charles selective service law. or directions' Upon their return from a trip to Telephone 7-2738 Colonial House In Hamden with'and Maurice Smith, second lleu- That's what happens In the play a real opportunity to hear, Rev. price car to match the 1941 big 1941 Ford 'v-8 for your $795 III!) Crown Street,.; New Haven Woodbridge as the host club. The' tenant. Baldwin. given pursuant thereto, within the Flof'^a Mr. and Mrs. Kempter will Gilbert. rord itself for sheer big-car money! . . . Trade now while "Her Step-Husband." date Is Friday, February 21st, and; required time, he shall be liable to."ve In North Haven. The evening promises to be,a money's worthi And we are pre- we're trading high . . ; better lOCAL TAXES, If Economy Tuttle School P. T. A. will pre­ the tlmi 8:15 P. M. Dancing and 'Will Dance at Concert CARNEY FUNERAL KITES .fine and imprisonment under Sec-' . '. most entertaining oiip.'Try to be p.ircd to show you that wc mean drive over ;. .TODAIf. ANY, EXTRA I sent this farce at fl:16 promptly. LOST—Piss Book No. 8313. If social Viil follow, and "Cappy" The funeral ot Miss Margaret ' tion II ot the Selective Tralntag and First Aid Forming found return to,. Branford Sav­ Plumbing Baldwir\[wiU be guest speaker. AI classical dance music from the Carney ot New York city was held Service Act of 1940." | TWO NeW ClaSSOS The comm'u"nrt"y Ms"rnteres"tod I't^ Piff^.^Zy":! r.f.!"°^L''±,°'"ll'' self in this project because the ob- th,is evening aside—Tuesday even­ ings Bank. ' .,;';, 2-6,20.3-6 good tine Is promised by Ernie' masters will be the subject ot the Saturday morning from W. S. "In many of the cases of reported ing next, Feb. 18—at the Congre­ Clancy & Sons mortuary home with .....-.„. ... • , . -, 1. ..J ..,1 ject ot the presentation is to pro- & Heating Thompson, and a large attendance program for the scholarship con- delinquencies," the Director said,' The second class In First Aid Will :",. „unervlsed playgrounds at gational Parlors at 0:30. The "Com­ ' LOST—Pass Book No. 710. It recommeiided. . I cert to be given in March by the requiem high mass in St. Mary's "the registrants have merely been begin February 19 at 7:30 In the Tuttle School fortable Society" win serve. i found return t^ Branford Sav- •^^s^^m PresiderA Harold Hall of East'Musical Art Society. Local dancers church at 9:15. The Rev. Edward J.'careless in failing to comply with school with Mr. LaPointe as In-i \ ^1 lugs Bank. ';' •' ,2-0,20. 3-6 Supply Co. Haven has^asked that everyone try will be engaged to Interpret the Demenske was celebrant and James the requirement that they keep jtructor Any men or women Interes-1 ANNA ClIOBOCIAK WILL WED to be on tbe as the meeting will numbers which will Include wait- E. Cosgrovc vocal soloist. The their local boards advised at all ted are invited to enroll with short MOTHERS* CLASS MEETS Mr. and Mrs, Michael Chobociak start as sc&duled. ' j zes, the minuet and mazurkas. Expectant mothers and .other'°fPe"t Road announce the coming •WANTED—Monger's helper. Must Boilers ^- Radiators bearers were Vincent and James times where mail will reach them." Beach group. Re-roof Uowl Comi/ne Three members ot the county or- Callahan ot Stamford and Denis and Therefore, he urged all registrants on the same evening an ad-'women Interested are invited to at- "'^"lage of their daughter Anna to i be reliable, Branford 378-2 Gras Steam Radiators ganizatlonharaely, Arelyn Marigold I NAMED DELEGATE J. J. Collins of this place The burial in Connecticut who |have changed vanced class will start a ten hour]tend the Mothers' Classes meeting,Mr. Frederick Kowaleskl, son ot Mr. : WANTED—^!"Pl°y'"''"'' to do Bathroom Fixtures Walter Niirwash, and Andy An Mr. nuvo7F'nipkw'Hnt.phkls.i'was In St. Agnes'cemetery. j their addresses. Immediately to course of Instruction at the school. Thursday afternoons in the Health,""''Mrs. Kane Kowalski. ] housework* day or week. Willing All Kinds — at Low Cost Beauf If with Shelter drews ha^p been' honored by at-, GrovMrse. haOlives beer tn. nameJiecKieyd ,delegat wotcnKise tos 'notify their local boards of such prellpinary to an Instructors course.| center. I The marriage will take place . worker. Tel. Branford 699-5 tending tie National Young Be-' the D. A. R. Conference in Bridge- RED CROSS HELPED changes so that these reqlstrants Anyone may join of those who Today's subject is ''Bathing the'Saturday, February 15 at 10 o'clock Also Selected publican (pnvention at Des Moines, j port next month. She will repre- BY MORE WORKERS "^^^ ""^ ^<^ unnecessarUy penalized unished Mr. La Polntls course two Baby". I in St. Michaels Ukrainian Church, FOR SA!.E — Practically new Iowa, as delegates from the state sent Mary Clap Wooster Chapter. I for failing to perform duties requir-weeks ago. '_____ ; I Park Street. New Haven a reception j Broll-O-GriU, Reasonable. Tuck- USED PLUMBING organizatjn. The following are the canvassers,, ed by the Seleotlvy Training and Anyone Interested in either grpup iwillfollow at Ukrainian Hall. I er's Store, Short Beach. THE LEEPER CO. County dues from each club are HERE FROM CHINA for the Red Cross roll call in Stony, Service Act and the Regulations. ji^ay obtain information from Mrs. CHEFHAMRE WILL SERVE j , Sunday Miss Chobociak was guest and now due liid payable. Send chebks Mrs Arthur Rinden of Fooohow, Creek: Mrs. P. Sanzero, Mrs. How­ John McClees. One of Gustavo A, R. Hamre's old of honor at a party tor 300 guests. ard Kelsey, Robert Opie, Mrs. Mar- fashioned oyster stews will be served j, IFOR RENT—^'ouf, '™<"^ heated to Willlan Adams, 90 Church St. China will .speak at a parish tea to­ OLDSMOBILE MOVES apartment, nf!n,rMhool, furnished HEATING SUPPLIES TelephoHe Office 6-8829 — Res. 4-0726M Branford! ' morrow afternoon from 3:30 to! tin Northam, Mrs. Eric Erlcsoh and A motion picture "The Thief of at the Trinity Men's Club supper at| The last training lesson on re- WILSON AUTO SALES CO.. Inc. or unfurnlshed.Munny, screened, Telephone 8-4647 549 Elm Street New Haven, Conn. ^' 5:30 in the Manse Mrs. Adam Bombollshl. The Boston J. Russell Averllland H. E. Bald­ Bagdad" will be shown at the Bran-18;30 tonight. The speaker will be llglous education' will be held Mon.^ porch. Woterfroit with private Dr (AVALLARO ENLISTS Anyone interested is welcome. The Post Road from: the.Uonn. Light St win announce that their Oldsmoblle ford Theatre tonight and Friday Carroll Means on "Romance of Old night. This series wivs attended Branrord 91 Water St., New Havou West Main Street PHONE 968 bathing. Tel. ii<}h ^ ,Dr. Ra^ih Cavallaro. Main Street tea is being given especially for,Power plant to the Oasis will be agency Is now located at 35 West night under the sponsorship of the, Valentines," illustrated by pictures regularly by abput 60 people and.'f^ leaves Koruary 24th to take up his those who have joined the parish jeovered by Mrs Adolph Mlschler, Main St. the former Sliney Garage, Women's Republican' Club. Mrs. and samples. Games will be played was considered a highly successf.ul,-' ' • S • diitiesal Fort Blandlng, Florida. during the past year. .Jr. Inspection is invited) Roy C. Enquist is chairman. latter the meeting. I union enterprise. _ ,'.'?'i

.,>,.^.--..-. ,-.•• •:•%

\f>'A tJ^'JV^ : s-..-f.*ei-t^..

Page Two THE BKANFOHD KEVIKW, BRANFOIID, OONN., FEBRUARY 13, 1041 THk EliANKOkD REVlilW, BRANIfOllD, COJIN!, PEBRUARY liS, 1041 PftM Tlirci? THE LIGHTNING STRIKES moted by advocates of goverii- Weekly Legislature Highlights PRACTICAL HEALTH HINTS meiil ownership of induhlry in till' WASHINGTON Book On Whitney '40 Cphsutinptibn Yoii"Wear"Tlic Rooms In Ypuir Home Established 11)28 country. SNAPSHOTS Tuesday evcmng Connccticufs Hartford, and the Kent Senator ""Rliere To Get Your Vilamins All In' The Just As You Do Your Dresses Fubllslica Every Tliursdn; At Tlio.sc iiromotcrH of state social­ Brings tnventoi^ Of Wat^r Higher ism in llic United Slates silnpl.V BY JAMES PRESTON Oonoral Assembly continued a cus­ promptly declared that the Gover­ -by CLAUA DUDLEY- Uranford, Conn, assume tliat imlilie ownership of tom started in 1937, when members nor's view was hicorrcct. Mr. Peet -By Dr. James A, Tobcy- Back to. Life Than Previously li'atcti Amhorit^ en HomeDcttrtsticit by ot the Senate and the House, to­ said that the income ot Connecti­ Day's Work Wo women liavo becoming lo many people, siro right business, iiatterncd after the dic­ American Industry, in It's day-to- FULL quota of vitamins is "Calories, protein, carbohy­ ny E C. and N. H. CAKPENTEU m\ich In common, up your fllreel. THK ItRANFOKD RBVIEW. INC. day defense production. Is mak­ gether with others who have been cut's farmers was about 47 millions , necessary in your daily diet, drates or vitamins arc not pur- Tliere is something in rending the but I Huspdct our Bo proud ot your hair. Do every­ tatorship, is going to cure all A Defense work Is crcallni! a lavgo Htrongcst bond Ilea 37 ICosc Street ing poor prophets out of all the members ot the Assembly in previ­ in 1938, that it increased to 52 . because these food factors are re­ chascd under tliose names in food life story of men and women who thing posalblo to bring out Un shortcomings or failures in pri- quired for growth and good demand for water, Q, Y. Gftillard, In tlio Intcroal wo beniity. Keep awny from "old lady" v/rltcrs who have contended that ous sessions, gathered at the Bond millions in 1939, and that Incom­ stores," says a recent Lssue ot have made their mark in this hnvo in our honloB;' pastels—thoy mnlco you tndc.Hcro'a valc enterprise. They advance no healtli, tor California's Weekly Health Bul­ president ot the New Haven Water Sa 11y may bo 11 room aullcd to you. Your rug ycuwill never make a satin purse Hotel In Hartford for their annual plete figures indicate a further in­ stamina and letin, "but meat, potatoes, bread, world which is stimulating to tho TIIU LEGISLATUUE Company, reported to tho stock­ fllglity and Pnlrl- might bo lewd green, with rtrap-. MliVFJt IiIiSIIINB Fiiiillslier arguments to prove to the people out ot a 50W'.5 car." legislative reunion. Present .were crease to over 53 millions in 1940. vital resis­ milk, vegetables and fruit, which mind and a bulwark to one's faith Today I write.,of .the constant ef­ holders at their annual mooting on cla a bit grim, but orloB nnd upholatqry fabrics ot rod. llial socializing private iiidustry far as modern • researches Governor A. Hurley and former He likewise said that the value of tance, and tor make up a balanced diet are pur­ in tlie ultimate or conslstant good fort that. Is .ma;de,, to got a more fioolnlly llioy can usually lalli W.illa might bo pnlo turnuolso and AMCR T. I'ETERSON ndtlor prevention ot Pcbruai'y 10. Industrial consumption homotf. • the amnllor chnfra covered with a, will correct evils of wliich they know, James Iloweil in 1059, was Governor Raymtond E. Baldwin, as the milk produced in Connecticut ^ chasable." This bulletin also de­ in the plan ot our universe. When equal reprcscnlatloh In the legisla­ of water increased In tho New Haven In my nrtlclon—tliia is tlio nrdt— Btrlpo of turquolao nnd ruby rod. malnutrition. cries tho general use ot vitamin We read a biography ot a man such ture for the large! cities and towns. I'm goloFT to tulle about iho homo, Against such colors, your ollvory complain, and which, at llicir tho first to put the phrase into well as past and present heads ot has shown a steady increa.so, and All of the area last year while domestic use hnir will look benulltul. pills. as Ell Whitney who was posesscd The presnitnietliod is as follows; untl HUffgoat a fow thlnKct, or mnybo Tolfliilinnc Rr.inriird lOD worst, lire not to be comiinred with writing. Now, 350 years later, Wash State departments and a number of that the number ot farms in tho known vita­ Hero, then, is how to get all tell oft. liaas nlonit an Idea now and then If you nro blonde, you will look Inglpn hears dally of new industrial guests prominent in the Republican State jumped from 17,000 in 1930 to mins can bo necessary vitamins in your daily ot a guiding light, a strong urge the old original towns have two re­ which niny help yon malio your best nmong deep tones, soft tonca the evils Hint follow in the wake obtained eas­ to do constructive things, we can­ presentatives, others one, until the Mr. Galliard's report described the homo moi'o nltraotlvci nnd dusty pnetols. WIno, doop rod, Rtilisorlplinn Knlc: accomplishment.? tor defense which and Democrallc Parties. diet. For vitamin A. consume pas­ llavo you ovor'lhoiight Iblit you mnlborry, soft roao nnd dusty pink of a iwlioy wliicli gives govcni- 32,000 in 1940. ily and inex- teurised or certiOcd milk, bread latter reach a, population, of 5,000 extonslved program ot new con­ $2.00 a Yrnr, I'nynlilc In Advance make tran.sformation of a sow's ear not help but be strcnglitened in our struction, additions, and replace "wonv" I ho iiiomo In your homo nn nro nulto nattering to you. But re- AdvcrllMhiK; llalcti. On Appllcalliin iiieiit and bnrcancriilic officialism into silk look like child's play. pensivoly and butler, yellow vegetables, and own lives. Eli Whitney was a farm­ and then they also get two repre­ nuroly na you think of tho color to mombcr that you will dim Ihnt lus­ Considerable Interest attached it­ Senator William J. Shea, ot the up- from common eggs. nicnts which was carried out during Ro Willi your Imlr, oyos and altln? ter you have It you Imvo too brll- ail opportunity to destroy any lino The handicaps in many Instances Dr. JamcB A. Toboy foods. Unless For tho vitamin B group, cat er's son and sprang from solid New sentatives. The slate is divided into Well—do tlm »nmo thlnfj when you llnht rods mound you. Midnight self this week to a proposal that-a'per House, scored another hit with England stuff. A born mechanic 35 senatorial districts, and each dis­ 1940. Higher taxes resulted in an in­ choose ruga, clrnpcrlca nnrt fui-nl- blues, old bhloa, soft blues nnd light > Mcnihor Ot of ]irivatc endeavor at public o.x- are tremendous—but since the gov­ prescribed by a doctor for a spe whole wheat and rye broad, white crease In total operating expense turc, Thn colors you ohodso tor twelve-lano superhighway be built'labor in this week's legislative clal reason, it is not necessary to who was urged to study law and to trict elects one senator. That is blura nro nil good tor.you. 13ut New En^Innd I'res.t As&nrlatlon jiciise. ernment is setting the policy and bread having added vitamin B„ despite a gain. In revenue and a drop your roonw do ns much for,your harsh oloclrlo bluo Is not gobd for needs weapons and machines for de- across the Stale from east to west,!session when he announced that he purchase the more costly vitamin lean meats, nuts, and properly give up his dirty shop work, Whit­ supposed to be on tho basis of own ninicnrnnco na tho best frock you, Choose soft, muted tones. which would for the most part pass: was promoting before the Senate pills, elixirs, and medicines. cooked vegetables. ney tried to forget his natural bent population, Ihougli ns the. state Is in, regular operating costs, the re­ you have. Brunotloa fltmid out In .lovoly It is a laonslroiis thing that is ten.se industry is producing them. tnalilon nR.ilnat vivid colora. You through virgin territory not now jabor committee a bill which would According to Dr. W. H. Sebrdl, You can get your vitamin C and studied at Yale College where slow to change the districtjs, llicrc port showed. non'l bo one of Ihoao women who jpntcrcd a.i second clasa mntler taking iilace in our eoiiiilry un­ To the layman, this production nutrition export ot the U. S. Pub­ from citrus fruits, green leafy "Tho revenue from water sales Imtc.i to 000 tho aim BO down. will epnrUlo in a room (lllod with might seem a simple job. But tads under development and would par- compel vendors to prove to the State lic Health Service, the best way vegetables, and potatoes. he met the widow Green who pro­ is now a considcrablo difference In That'll when you really anlno. Your alrong reds, goy plaids, declalvo oolobor 111, 11)211, al, tlio Post Office der the guise of government own­ the population of the several sena­ increasod $ao,727 over 193U," the re­ homo Is 11 minor rollootlnuyou and yollowa, amy hionolonQ.s nro to bo at Bi an ford. Conn, under Act ot 'tailed rHiately^ln'wJbrngtm; :hm;|anel at the lower end the present that.gdods f"^^!^^^^^'^ to correct deflciencies in the diet Vitamin D Is obtainable from vided him with an opportunity to by cnrorul plnnnlnR. you can bring iivoldod. You can llvo woll with ership of tile power imlustry. Tlie that it is far from simple. Here is Merrltt Parkway. • |were manufactured under con dlt- is by proper food and not, as he tho vitamin D milks, egg yolk, cod go to Georgia as a school master, torial districts. port disclosed. "Regular operating out all ot your most aHmollVei lier- most any color but tho flnost nro March X 1007. expenses decreased $1'1,'177, taxes lionnl points—nnd romombcr—nil the vlbinnt ahadoa or tho clonr worst of Iho picture is not tlio loss The highway has been under con-1ions comparable to wage,and labor says, "through tlic use of vitamin liver oil, and irradiated cereals. and oi course, it was there that ho But the sore spot la the fact that one especially interesting illustra­ pills or tablets, or wliat-havc- Tliese foods, as well as others, increased $57,904, making tho total colors nro nt your command hiil pnlo tones. of the power conipanies to. .tlieir tion; ' sideration for about a year and conditions, nl Connecticut. Senator invented the cotton gin. The young many small towns have two repro eorlnhi Bhndln'irs will bo bettor than Are you a red-head? You're lucky Thursday', FoTjruary 13, 1041 came to attention over the week-!shea said it has come to his atten- you". furnish all needed vitamins, but man who had been brought up to oRoratlng expenses $43,487 more others. nnd ploano—forgot nil tboso Inbooa present private owners, altholigh When drafting men for military sentatlvcs in tlib legislature, and the ihnt hnvo been hnntlcd down Willi end„ when, it was revealed that tion that the .present law has com- As pointed out in tho December tlicy must bo cooked properly to believe that his native ability as a than 1B39. The total tax bill for the TjeVe atnrt wllli Iho poopto with tliiil form of aggression by gov­ serylce was under consideration, Issue of New Hampshire Health prevent any losses of these nu­ largest cities and towns have only year amounted to $442,030 as com­ brown Imlr. Thoy do nood «olor, rognrd to- red-lieadcd pooplo. Gomo carlyhearingsintheHouseotRep-pelledpurcha.se in some,cases ot News, many ot tho shotgun vita­ trients. Cook foods quickly in a mechanic was a weakness invented two. This makes tho cities and large liacltBi'ounda ot wnrm niodhim of your most oxoltlngbftokgrounda WITH A SJilLK ernment iigiiinst its citizens is bad some government officials favored pared \Vlth $$384,072 In 1030. Not in­ loncs, or olonr crisp pastels, Wiilla nro those, very colora you are not resentatives are to be sought on a articles manufactured by child la- min preparations on tho market minimuni ot water, without tho one ot the world's most important towns strong in the senate but caii- nilRlitba a froah, palo groenprofor- supposed to uao. Tho Bocrot Is tho enough—the real terrorizing lis- S'S^iSl^JIn^SlJ^^rt^l^lbm authorizing the State Develop-|bor in the South,:against which he do not contain some ot the vita­ use of soda, and .•serve them as pieces ot machinery. come for tho year amounted to ably, with drnnorios of rose, chairs Bhndo you ohooso. Prohnbly pri­ CnliBrosa liiis (alfon ionj,' slppst paralively weak in the House, and $580,030, or $4.21 a share, as com­ mary rcd.llUo bright yellow or Irish I)eet of the sitiiatioii is tbc fact which shells and bombs. But now.^ent Commission to prepare plans^does not desire to have Connecticut mins most often needed, such ns soon as possible after cDokinE. they are constantly trying to bring 111 grcon, ninplo and Qhartrou8tt,,A to^^^al'll iiiiHwerinjr AViiisInn Cliiiv- MILLIONAIRE-ALA GOVERMENT vitamin B,. There is likewise no Wlien storing foods, keep thcni.nt The book, "Whittling Boy, The pared with $534,522 or $3.82 a .share clear Inn ruiT would form nn cxool- hi not bcconio you. But that public officials within our these fuses are being produced. And 1 for "• twomile-wide development labor compete. government checkup at present low temperatures in a good ice­ about a change .that will give llie lont hnala Cor Ihla llntloi'lnu com­ doop ruby rod glows In contrast to ediliy iippcal, "Qivfl ua llie tools Story ot Eli Wliilncy" was written in 1939. bination, Soft bluo lu a, owoll bnolc- your skin nnd mnUes your hnIr own governmonl have n!read.v Aiulrow I'lianemi'ii, a Fiunish-borii crnuborry farmer of Carver, men~who regularly work on women's :v/hich would include the highway. on the potency ot these pills. box. by Roger Burlingame. Aside from its cities a much larger representation ground nnd HO nro roQo-rods, dtiaty fnlily gleam. Doop grcon—In fact, 1111(1 wo will llnisli the .ioli," The bill was introduced by Repre­ MY COUNTRY in the Honse. "Tho Company's Scries 'B' 4^! per pmlia, cool water frreon '• nnd tur- nil UQcp ahados na well na Iho lu- adopted flic ruthless teehnir|iio of Mass., wlio W'orks tor llic governmciit, was "millionaire for a day" minute modern wrist, watclies are concern Willi a great man,- New Ha­ sentative William L Hadden ot This all has a somewhat plausible cent Bands were called in October quoloo. rienso don't forgot timt minoua" pantolB- •tormo tho netting Congress is tloiiig nil excellent the dictators. a short lime iigo. lie is under the Department of AgrjcuHure, sand­ too clumsy for fuse making. They prepared omelettes, flsli, meat, ven people will find it most Inter­ and replaced with 3'.'i per, cent ro.vrod Is moro becoming to you you noodId.. , , job in itH liaiullint' oT lliiH mca- Watchm'akors just didn't have thejOrange. the Republican House My Country, the best in the world. esting because ot its local color. It sound, for wc all believe in justice rj;."":',"""'; ""rJ n" '"" T" than arc-enghio rod and llint Inurol Ono thing about hoing n. red­ ing bogs as part ot its soil coiisorvalion jjrograni, and the check he My Country, always everlasting, potatoes and the famous fried ar­ Ri-con lo mora oxprosslvo than Irlah head! you'll novor bo commoniilaco. Buro. IlnViler RoiiiB liiul boon ox- The sacred name of govcriimeul equlred skill. So the fuse producers [leader. The Connecticut highway as American Dishes was In New Haven that Whitney de­ and fair play. But here are a fewi!,°'?!;„"r''='^mediate non-rpourrlny '"''^g la.^H savin°-\ g"" of• groon. DIsllnctlvo pnslola liro nl- You con "wear" a room ilmt's all received tlio oilier week read this way, believe it or not: "Pay cxnetly proposed would be part ot a super­ My Country, ot joyful boys and girls. tichokes with tho oil. things to bo said on the , other side v/nyii good for you. puatela without danger of looklii,-; peotcd where the iRolii(ioi)istM is being used as the screen behind turned to women wlm are needlC' At first olivo oil was missed veloped what must have been just $24,600, which enables the Com­ too fiiasy or frilly. Or you car. do a, !|ii;0()6,0lri.25." workers doing embroidery, crochet­ highway leading from ,Boston to With beauty and freedom abiding. the foundation for -our Ariierlcan No part ot our government has ever, It you nro tho "allvery.Brny" typo, turn-about nnd go in for a nehomo w'oi'q able aiitl Klralogicnlly plac­ which to altaek private enterprise Liked In Italy keenly,,but Italians .are admittlnR been or ever can be a pure demo­ pany to, restore to tho , surplus ac­ you will 'disoovor thhl colors you It was a clerical error, of course, and the individual incident ing,' and other tine handwork. The Washington, D. C, which would cost system of mass production. The count the sum ot $21,808," - , ., Juat couldn't llvo with before, nro ot rich, coppery tones, jcwol groon, ed ill llie Seiialc. in' this'country under the guise of a total ot 250 million dollars, to be My Country, I'll love thee torcveri now that they have developed a cracy. Our forotatlicrs deliberately now qulto livable. Althouph deep and mustard yollow. WHS highly niausing. Bui thonghful Ainorieaus, after they've had result is perteot fuses. Next tiine you have spaghetti and taste tor butler. chapters dealing with Wliltuey in The Company Is prepared to tnite tone,i act you off ndmlrubly, you Be you blonde orbrunullo,brown- protecting tlie people, wlicii as a paid for by the federal Eovcrnment My Country, forever you'll be. New Haven and Hamden arc splen­ rejected that idea. Had thoy not Tho'isolatloniHlH -who lalU about a good laugh al llio |)icture of Mr. Paunemon prcsoiiliiig a perfectly Another thing the It,allan people care ot any , incrensod draft, ,Mr. will nnd yourflOlt looldnff Juat na hnli'cd or Titian, choose colors that matter of fuel, every move made as a defense mea.sure. The highway My Cpuntry, may you neyer, sever. meat balls think ot. the poor Ital­ did pictures ot what lite was like done so, |t Is likely they could ohnimlng In n bncliKrcnnU of ohnrp nt your typo nnd then neo how you a'"not,^otlilted peace" with Nazi- It sounds surprising to change miss Is that rich meat sauCe for Galllard nointcd out., ",Tho largo loda, luinlnoun Wuou, or bright will standout In your own homo to put goveriiinent into business good govenimont check running to seven figures to the stiirlled would pass through seven states, With your love and liberty. ians who no longer may enjoy their in tho late 1700's. There is not a never have agreed on a constitu- dliin are at leiisl rcl'rcshiiif;. Tlioy embroiderers into fuse makers. But tlieir spaghetti and Inacaroni disli- grocns. Thoao ".olnohlng coloru," un­ ooUlng. Bye. Soo you next wocic. clerk at bis local bank, will be ihelined to consider the matter a little entering Connecticut at Wood­ favorite dish. dull word In tho book which is and destroy private enterprise, is other, similar transfers arc just as 03. Since beet can be had only throe T.tio. n., , to mak,.i...e thii s unite, d comiliy.^'^THV'''"'"?'''','.,_.. _,iand the constructio! n"'-r'\,"''"T'.°" of tho lutov-' liclp one recall the dii.Vs wlieii, ns more deeply. Back of llio siinple aeoidcnt involved is soinethhig for surprising. stock, running straight to New My: Country, you stand so proudly, Because ot war restrictions oii a child, ho ii.sod to go to the nieii- uiidermiiiiug and revoking the Haven and paralleling the Merrltt MyCountry, always, a Democracy, times a week, and port: and chick­ v/ritten in a lively and tasclnatlnE j ,„„„ , iiLtlc states wore nfraldnri'^"""'^'^""'' ""^''''-''' sy^i'''^"' providM in pipe extensions and new connec-'ls provided by cooperation ivllh the very liberlies we should defend. more serious. It is this: For example. War Department pt food, Italian liou.sowlte.s have gone en tour times, tlisrc have boon oth­ stylo. Mr. Burlingame recreates ] ^^^ j^^.^;' ^,__|.°_, ^°^^, ^,^°"'',™,°V|an adenunto niaigln of safety" ho tlohs, reflccllng. activity ,:n housing laboratories ot tho State Depart- ngerio mid aslc to lie allowed to Parkway to the. New York .State My Country, with all ypur beauty. In for American dishes in a big and .. the iarge^ As big government has steadily grown bigger^in many cases, fleers originally planned for an er changes. The Italians now are these pioneers in manufacturing | "'='^'•'^'!. "'''''''•', 'explained.'"rhe company Is co'ope!'- developments carried pn'in the city niont of Health and tho City of Now } > Iiot Iho bit; yellow cat witli the Tlie,greatest diiiiger this coun­ army ot only 400,000 men. But now lino. Mr. Hadden's bill calls for an Please, never, an Autpcracy. way. . • respect for tho! as a necessity of llio limes—the leinptaliou to iiolitical-iainded iii- bxpendlture of twenty thousands learning to like poultry, and the very nearly as they must have lived, «^''"smal^l '^"states^ ^'=""'. Th'e compromlso was; aling with other Connecticut Water and adjoining towns.';The tetal Haven,", the report concluded. ulce lilack Kli'ipcs. Or wlicn ho en- try faces loday is not froui tho thoy arc planning tor 4,000,000. , A United Press correspondent In livers and kidney.s" of lambs and men ot vision and hard work, men Companies and with the ,State amount ot pipe laid Inorpased from divltliiuls lb become careless with'the taxpayers' money has grown dollars for the necessary survey and My Country, a place pt refuge,. to make all states equal in thej jpycd Iho limericlc: aggrcs.sor wilhoiil, but from llio Consequently, they need more" of Eomo, Eleanor Packard, says a real goals in tlieir sauces. who lived in our own town and Water Companies and with , the 54,000 linear fpet to op,OdO linear foot Grond Soalo everything to arm, feed, clotlie, and plans. The developed area would in­ My Country, for others always, American revolution has hit Italian senate and havethcpopulallon.rp.-i aggressor within. In the unine of right nlphg.wiih it. Politicos in recciif'years have been far loo in­ BeforQ the war, bacon was prac­ made its foundations. Eli Whitney State Water Works Defense Coin- the number ot extension's increased The lellow had Just got back Thc'rcwiia ii youiiji; lady oC Niger care for these 4,000,000 men. clude provisions for a number ot air I love thee, oh wpndertul .^morica. cooking. And she should know. Be­ presented In the house. It was re­ clined to slirug their .sliouldors and say: "Why shouldn't wo spend tically unknown in Italy. Now it lies burled in the Grove St. Ceme­ mittee In; defense measures.,to In- from 182 to 233." ; \ , from Hollywood.'He had boon daz­ AVlio wont for a ride on a tiger. democrac.V,'wc liiivo powerful iu- fields, factory sites and residential Land , where the Plymouth Rock sides being a newspaper woman in cognized that each stale had ani tho dough for this pet project! After all, what's another couple of Mosquito netting is important, has become so popular, and it Is tery but this book bring him to lite sure adequate protection for ; the i Improvements outlined in the rcr (luences at work' within our na­ development. • lays. , , , the very ^op rank, Eleanor Packard individuality that was not to bo ,„„ , ., , , , ., .-„..•. zled by the dlsplayof glamour and They relurncd from the ridu with many training camps, being lo­ used so mucli, tliat the authorities again tor a fSw hours. tion using tile dcrcnse emergency million?" •Junior L Bonptf can cook with tho best of them. greatness In .tho movie colony. With the lady inside, cated near water, to keep soldiers have had to ration it. swallowed iro in tho whole, sol'^"ff^', , ,, ; ,, 'POft 1" eluded the bui_ldj-iis or n now "Everything Is done on a tremen­ to destroy demoeriicy at homo. As a result, the sum of oiio million dollars—which it would take Senator Prank Peet of'T'ient, a Madison, Conn. She says that liousewltes in Italy Anct a smile on the face oi:' llio from getting -malaria .and,, other Miss Adelnia Grenlor spoke on Nevada with a nomilitinn im-xUnv' ^'^"^ total'water consumption in high pressure pumplnB .station in dous Bealo," ho related lo friends.'" ?;i diseases, possibly even yellow tever. former Master of the. State Grange, , Age 13 8th grade are turning to such American items ligei'. fhcy pick out a big industry the average citizen beUvceii five and ton centuries to earn—is con­ "North American Handicrafts" this "thspmtnr.;ie ncit rnnirvi..!y o^NeTHav^e^ nnfi nMmuvnT-ri'''"•'''^''''"''"''^'' irIwol^«« ^'^ given as" ,averag 10,031e mlliio dallyn draf gal-.Pait coiiiinr Haveg fronm t oth erelleY Pro'spe«tne8ei-volrr". , the supply I attended nt.thc movlo producer's sidered no more wortliy of close ullcnlion than an old hound dog. But existing: mosquito . netting v;as quick,to re.ply to,an assertion as corn meal mush, oatmeal, and Dopcslcr3 ' j afternoon at a meeting'of the. Halt senators in Congress, and New York! for the spi'iirhcad of Ibeir attack, by Governor Hurley last Friday to >.ont ess anu NOW YoiKy, 2,^ ^j million gallons. "There .was. and, to.,Bl,Ve hlBher'.preesuro and! home-one ovenlng; and, instead of Carelessness witli the peoplo's nioney in non-clofcnsc matters is par- makers couldn't supply the neces­ Ruined Day baked beans on their menus. Professor: "This class is so dumb Hour Reading Club meeting in the witli its many millions has, only two. on Iho theory Ihat it liaB few sary quantities. the effect that agriculture in Con- Bridget: "Pat, mv nian, I'm go­ Take corn meal musli, lor in­ that it you stood arpund In a cir­ That Rnmo tLoi".» i/?nr^inr mifin;"° '''^'^'^ in the summcr draft Colli-.nioro aderiuate sorvlcp.;,: , , - I usual flnger, bowls at tho end of .liouliirly;BorioVis.nt tiHi^^ Trinity House. the state EOvSc&liWre^ FOREIGN PROPAGANDA i'rlonds' It' is Iho" pvincVplb'"^t: E>o how some, of the leading pro necticut.is a dying industry! Gover- ing to die, and I,>ant you to prom­ stance; It-pinch hits for ra.tioned cle, the Federal Qoverninent would government ownership tbey arc Xriiiy" unci Navy'',cV"iiiiief(|plno Plan-'strong maii_llke you bo begging?" juunber of sourcea to the Post Of llic public should be fearful of ples. One factory, which made The eyes seem to searcii you out and mother in your carriage at the fu­ a tomato or meat sauce witii grated ond wedding annivesary on Febru­ lures taken by Mr. Johnson on his creased from 341 million cubic feet tations has been daniflgdd. , |' Beggar; "It's tho only profession ilcc Department. Tt seems tliat the The future rights and liberlies ol neral." cheese over it. ary n. recent southern trio. bottom, Is a republic, and not a- machines tor tobacco plants, now is you seem to hear "Four, score and pure democracy. That is, it Is a to 300 million cubic foot, a gain of ID, "Tho o.uaiity of the wjatcr conformS'-I know In-whicli n gontieman can United Sillies is subsidizing tlie every citizen, every IKIUIC owner, THE PRESENT LESSON producing DieEci, engine parts; dyes seven." and " ot the people by the Pat: "Well, Bridget, I promise. Just about the most radical change inilllon cubic feel. |to tho highest-standards of public address,a,beautiful woman without and tools are being produced in a people, and for the people," just as since it is your last wish; but, I tell is the use ot butter instead of olive This afternoon in Trinity Parish Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kaclnskl gbveriiment that Is , made by the There was a continued Increase water supplies and a coiripleto check an introduction." distribution of propaganda wliioh every fanner and every business c'nosen representatives of the towns in Komo iiislauccs eoliios from man arc al stake, liemcmber that , Ijook at American industry moving todiiy to turn out defense button plant; a maker ot laundry he would have said them, slowly, j you, it will spoil the day tor me." oil for trying. For centuries Italian House a committee from all of Brushy Plain will celebrate thelr liousewltes, except in the norther- churches will meet to make plans Ihlrteonth wedding anniversary on and districts. "ZOOKS LTKE W^E'ZL H/IVE TO STICK I'd ONE HOur'eos. unfriendly to our domo^ tlic aggressor tccbiii(|iip mid tlio etmipmont and to make itself, as the President douninded, tho world's machines is turning out machines solemmly, measuring each syllable. I suspect it will be a long time be­ which will bore and rifle gun barrels Then you turn to go. Thouglit- Not AppUcalile most provinces, have used olive oil. tor the World Day ot Prayer. Friday, February 14th. cratio form of government. results that follow its success are grout "arsemil of democracy." • fore the many small towns ot Con­ OP Tim THREE X.OWEST PRICED CARS Tlie willingness of these manu­ tuily you look out upon the shining , "Lppk here," said the irate hotel •wr •j'^— '^- as damaging to'Iho individual re­ .' iDHlly'incroasiiig in momentum, it is becoming like a miglily river necticut will consent • to turn the Each wcelc for example, tliero facturers to do even more is making buildings of the nation's capital. Not guest, "ddn't,ypu know thai; roller whole stale government over to the gardless of the cloak under wliicli at .llopiUide, nftering a stirring example ot what free men can do aiipcars in our mail, a propagand­ a definite impression in Washing­ one of them Impresses you like this towels have been prohibited by Vi /* cities, as v/ould be tne result if these ist organ, "li'iiots in neviow." Tills it is disguised. by, wqrking togollier when tbey really set' tliem.solvcs to the task. ton." One man who processes fish oil one, because-"in this building, as in law in this state for three years?" -r"* A'/ ri> reformers sometime have their own goes as Ihird-cliifis mailer at one There-arc still eddies and .slow eiirrenls in the river—sure—but as says his four fishing steamers were the hearts ot the American people,] "Yeah," replied the small hotel way. The present situation Irritates available tor use as mine sweepers th memory of Abraham Lincoln is' keeper, "but that towel was put up time goes on, they toii will become part ol; the ulnin streiini. some, but is a source of great satis­ cent a piece. Thousands of .sueli if the government needs tliem; a' enshrined forever." . ' before the law was, passed." copies arc mailed by llio Clormnii liulu'.slry is picking up speed every nioinent. In Ihe lust twelve faction to many others. chemical company owner offers to <' • E. C. C. Jjibrary of Iiiformalioii every From Our Readers moiilhs is produced a total of nearly 0,000 Army and Navy planes go out ot that business and let his woolc. lUKLsont at least 400 heavy bombers alone to liolp flcrciid Great plant be used for something else if ..y. THE VVOilST SINNKIl, Britain. Tho biggest number of llicso caine in iho jiasi throe months, the government wishes; a creamery by Mat '.V The Tost Office Departmoni, Editor Branford Review: plant owner suggests that his facili It is a bit startling to find a icaaon wliile it .shows a prollt on first This is "aloha" from California. which meana a rate of production that will produce many, many on forgiveness and gratitude open­ ties might be converted into chemi­ // class mail shows ii net loss on The winter has boon mild, tempera­ more pianos this year. cal production. WOti^ES^'S FASHidNS ing with Christ's condemnation of tures in this part ot the 71)0-mlle- jwpmm these who cause other people , to bulk lots of printed uirciilarH. state not often falling to 32°, and Tli.c same is triie of all olher types of military materials. Lately AND DEMOCRACy. stumblOi It were better for lliemi ho More ironic still is the smaller maximum figures liavo been in the there have eoiuo reports that American all-wheel drive motor While all thc?e things are^bcing says, if a millstone were hanged scale mailing of prop«},'anda in seventica and eighties. Wc picked inude ill Indiaiiapplis were used in the successful British campaign done by Industry, Washington Is about their neck and tliey were cast sweet peas during tho liolidays. Tlio against Sidi liarraui and Bardia and Toburk in far-nway Africa. watching closely what is done tb in­ 3!lNCE THE EAIU-V COLONIAL into the midst of the sea. But then Axis cnunlri'ca for delivery here. dustry. Strikes, pt course, contimac Ironieaily enough, under Iho in- orange crop is tine navels bringing Hcilorts like theso will soon be commoiiplaee; and all around us, TIMES WHEN SUMPTUARy foilov/s the Injunction: "Take heed a dollar a bo>( more than the Florida to liainpcr production in important 'UW5 LIMITI.NG GOOD to yourselves; if thy brother sin, re­ lernatinnal postal arriingemenis moiimvliilc, will bo a vastly increased mniibor of articles for Ameri­ fields. And labor unionists in many oranges. It is raining (o-day. Winter CLOTHES TO THE VEP-V. YOU KNOV/ Vi/HAT YOU GET! pent, forgive him, And if he sin the country of origin pockets tlic ca's own (Ii reel defense. cases are slowing down rather than is our rainy season. Tho rarichcrs, WEALTHV; V/E!i£ LA'JSHEP I 1 1 gidaire carries a Facta Label ^LV^ agaln,st thee seven times in the'day, postttgis, AViiilo the country ot tlio therefore, giow their grain in win- , 'J'here i,s a lesson in this tremendous and speedy achievement of speeding up production. Here is an iny liic iiilui Illation you wont about construc­ and seven times turn again unto authenticated report ot sucii a case: PU.r OF, EKISTEMCE, ., tion, capacity, features nnd performance. You a'ddresscc makes free delivery in tor. By harvest time all precipitation industry. It shows llial when induslry is given' a reusonably free Itnow exactly what you get before you byyl thee, saying, I repent; thou,">halt, One defense manufacturer em­ THE,U.S. H.'NS SCORNED rolurii for reoiproual_ ravor.s is over. hand and the govoriimcuial conlidence to answer problems—however forgive him," As individuals we The robins, winter tourists,.have: ployed a new worker who was am­ CLASS LABELS. thould strive for the forgiving ^Y'c woiicior if gUHiilities ot ooiliplo.^c tlieir nature—it can really do the ,iob superlatively well, bitions and energetic. The first week boon ealing our ripe olives oft the spirit, but one wonders if there can propaganda for deniporaoy, mail­ trees, and tho camphor-tree berries this'is a nioralo loo liiiely apparent to be applied to the depression this man turned out 1.100 ot a pai- Sensational Low Price be forgiveness for those, whose com­ ed in the United States would be across the avenue. Human toaris'ts, years whleb this nation endured during the past decade, of course. tlcular article. A union loader asked mercial greed, tills :our papers and But governiiient and the olher groups in oiir ecmiomy would be wise him: "Are you trying to show up Only magazines- ,as v/eil the radio, with delivered scrupulously to Axis nd- next to the oil business, arc the best the rest of us? You'd better cut source of the state's income. and Ainorica-miiulcd if tbey continued to remember it when the mo.st alluring,inducements intended di'cssies. In this instance wo wo'n- down that production rate.'.' So the to pcpularlKc many deba-slng ;and dcr ju.sthow reciprocal the serv­ Signs ot spring are hero, Tljo proacut emergency is ended. , next week, the' new man's produc­ acacia trees, and tlie flowering character-destroying, things, there­ ice is. It would probably put the tion dropped to 000—it was eithei by making a."devastat|ng total cam­ poach and quince and almond are tunato that I ever came to Bran-| that or lose his job. recipient in danger. in full bloom, while wc see snow on ford. As cliairman.of tiio'Board ^^"s not built. paign of Ihduclng the multitudes to The problem does not lend il- the mountains. Slow-down is just as bad as actual Easy Terms" sin." It has been truthfully said,, ot Charities I'have been trying for| I am not a politician-just a tax— striking. That's why Congress is get­ "There are plenty of candidates for hdf to ca.sy solution. Fruit and nut groves lino the long scvoral_mpntlis_-to got a_llst of t]ie payor fighting for good government. roads and wo do not have tho bills oliiinied by the Byxbeo Co ting interested in the matter. More than 30 Features— the doubtful of receiving the con­ My bookkeeping was not of the demnation of Jesu.!; aimed at those charming vistas at every turn as iiBtilii.st tlie board so I could oheck iate.yarlety but it lield water and Here Are A Few who make it easy for others to sin." ;lJ,.SO AVAlt-MiU: WITH DANGER PROM WITHIN you do in Branford. But the winds up but have been unabled to do so. protected Branford taxpayers. AND SEE HOW MVCn O many pt;oplc still think Olds are tempered to tlie lamb shorn of Bi(t your paper brought results in • Double-easy Quickube Traya We may well search our own hearts is priced beyond Iheir means. HYDRA.-MATIC DRIVE! * I have made myself disliked by TWO-BY-FOUR and lives to make .sure that we ale MORE YOU GET: S three days. • Double-width Dessert Tray If yow're one — here's a tip. Take Goodby, clutch podall his fleece, and to tho old man shorn standing against what I did not y]MONG OTHER. THIN'SS, AfMD WITHOUT THIISKING lOO-HOnSEPOWKIt 0-CYLIN- The inconsialcneics of human not ourselves deserving of that Con­ a look ot the big, luxurioua Olds And goar-shifllnB.tool All of his youth. To any friends who I received a letter from the Byx­ call tothe best interest ot Branford by Gilbert Stinger ABOUT IT, Vi'E (^ECOGMIZE THB. RIGHT OF eVERY • Large Sliding Hydrator DEIl ECONO.MASTKH ENGINE nature stagger logical reasoning. favor, or tolerate my memory, I send beo Co, that they would report to me demnation. We all have influence. Special before you pay your money you do 1B steer, btcp on it, but when money by the thousands WOMAN AMD GlIiL TO LOCK Had B5ST, " n9;miftipmm& • Frozen Storage Compartment N.H.C. 110-INCH WIIEBLBASIS . UIC- Btopt You got Improved For oxamiilc, there arc those in greetings, and best wishes; my at once. disappears and when we spend CF.K, KOOMIEII I'ISIIKU BODY for o de luxe model lowest-priced performanco end «ub« the United States who blast the Valentine to you. I answeiew that, since I had re­ thousands on up to date bookkeep­ LINCOLN There's a world of value in the ^ "J • Super-powered Meter-Miser NEW INTEKIOR.LUXURY car. You'll find but little differ­ stantUl anvlngs on gas. The most impressive building in ence in price, but a tremendous NO CLVTCn t'otailtarian powers as destroyers Abbott Chandler Page signed, the report would not mean ing to And out, I prefer more s,im- Frigldaire R-6 . .. a 6 cu. ft. 1941 % \ • 2 5 other Frigldaire advantages /I COIL-SPItJNC UHVTHMIC TO PRE8B America is the Lincoln Memorial in difference in cars. You'll find you of demoorao.v—Avliich is Hie truth. a thing to mo and I did not want ple bookkeeping. (Iw CENTRAL EUROPEI model v^ith Quicliube Trays foronly EASY TERMS HIDE • FAMOUS OLDS QUAL­ Washington, D. C. ITY TIIHOUCIIOUTI can easily afford to own an Oldsl •^Optional at Extra Coit'^ In tho next breath, lliey promote I want to compliment your paper to see their man. What I would like to know is ONLY THE^I^S^ILEA Just Arrived as a power for good tor Branford. About a year ago in a town meet­ You cannot see that marble struc­ SEE US OR YOUR ELECTRICAL DEALER policies in our own nation that where is the Short Beach wall? FEW DRESS; Wet-L. ••£0 . * *i*i*.,^*i^rt A few months ago your paper called ing I sppkc abput the Short Beach Where is the money? , ture, walk un its wide steps, and are as totalitarian in their utii- wall. stand in the presence of the great attention to tho Linsley House. It is JOHN C. BARNES Mr. and Mrs, Julius Gumkowskl iiiatfl effect as'tho program ot any now torn down and that entire cor That money had been appropri­ statue of Abraham Lincoln without knowing this is the most impressive CONNEGTJCUT^SJIJGHT 6c POWEI^ of^ South Montowese Street an­ diptatpr. * >. ner Is being cleaned up much to ated nounce the birth of a daughter, the joy and appreciation of all 1 found the town was paying $305 Ersats building in America. /I'.he policies of. the aggressor Mary Judith, In New Haven Hos­ people in Branford that love tho a year to have red lanterns hung Now a ^couple varieties ot seaweed Every man takes off his' hat in pital, January 31st. nalions'in destroying tlio rijjhts town and want to see its good mane every night, that a good fat bill'are urged as a substitute for spin^ this building. Nobody talks out loud ©.L OVER. AMERICA GOOD,STyL(SH CU3THES, 221 Montowese Street Phone 744 Branford, Conn. ii and liberties of individuals, are kept, for oil was being paid. I could not'ach. It seems uijcalled tor. We have in this building. Nobody says very SMART APPEARANCE AND SOOD GROdiyilNG much in this bviilding. A series of pre-Iienten card par­ BRANFORD AUTO SALES Inc. 110 moi'e deadly in't lielr elfcet Fifty three year. s o,^f my, .shoi't findlite out wliere the ppproprlatedllong felt that spinach was its own A/IS SYMBOLS OF OUK i)£MOCRACy. • •• \- MO^!|.TH%Nl^WlttlO^JVFWGI^^ pUllfj^NI> SOLD ties sponsored by'the Social Work­ llian nro thd'.pollbiuV being pro­ have been spentlioro'aiid I fell tor-1 money had gone or why tlio wall'ersali;. [.j You look al the face ot the statue, 35 WEST MAIN.STajJET, ,, TELEPHONE 1010 BRANFORD, OONN. ai»*WMaAaMMvwBP8agaawiKp^^ ers, \viU.bc£ln February lU. ftttmft^tmiM

ai(»«*»afflBBe'i.^^ij«;;i-4v 'fp^--'..-:,.r^.-rf;'.;ji^ii;,,,^-it:%:^^^^^^ •.•^>i'fcvv^V-'ft'^ii^V''-i'i^* ^ "^/t^ n <^-- a^-^Jt^v^ r»-s^«T*t»'-^'' ''^^^if^^-fj* '.,....->- ,i, ;.:„.* »'vv=« i->-i-s-i<-;>--««.-^»*'«.'s«<'«-*>'-'*'•'**''*''^•' lu'- * » •' » S'\' » \ '


THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, OONN., FEBRUARY 13^1041^ CounUy" at a monllily meDting of OUR DEMOCRACY by Mat the Gcrrish School P. T. A, ot East MMileag e Hints POPULAR DELUSIONS ... by MacConaehie Haven. By J. F. \Vinchc»ter- NO TITLE QF NOBILITY'¥^, A SiiBCmlsor 0/ MolSr jVcMcIi! Rculp- FiiKHXriONAL THE POCKETBOOK Camp Blanding Mrs. Herman Brown ot WllminE- mcnl, Cotonlnl fis» Morkelcrl EAST HAVEN SHALL BE GRANTED (J ton, Del. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Offers Chance Burdette Hart. ERE are some rocenlly dlsclonotJ 0/ KMOWLEDCE TJ??PS BY THE UNITED STATES H (iKuroa which givo ttio molorlBt This Week^s Featurel Arthur T. Connor has been grant-1 a new InBlght Into tho parts ot his - ccMSriruTion or THS i/mrEPSrArss. Mrs. Harry Tucker returned Fri­ c»r which may tioed roplncomonl. cd permission to practice bcrorc the Service Medal For Training They arc tho result ol a survey SAVE day trom a month's stay in Miami, federal bar and la one of 11 attor­ mntlo by the Fla. U. S. Census nil- ON neys from Connecticut granted this Given Pastor The attractive opportunities of­ Zji|l''M rWjK*' ronu mid aro fered by service in the 102d Infantry ^^W "W ''"""' °" Mar- permission. H. Roland Van Sands Is recov­ Our /ainoiii tfrttfnc cijimt or Iir((rr in Connecticut National Guard were OELUSIOM:THATSNAKESoiimt. Just think Oeorgc Chadcayno has received tor of the Old Stone church who Is A OHINESE FOOD this week at the U. S. Marine Hos­ ONE OF TtlE FllWr PUSncS OeVEUJPED THl? IS IMPOKlBLEBEeAOSE-THE 1(I3!I sales. of the savings >'ott can make I))* pttf now on a leave ot absence, has re­ Nov; HAS MOBir -nWM IS,000 USES, Novcy, regimental commander, in REAL eHINESe NEVER BW IT pital, Statcn Island, L. I. word of the death of his brother COHCUVEP By INVEMTORS PROTecTEO ay SHAKE IS.A BAeKBONEDREPnrlLe This Bunrey cfui.iins.I'int Niiclonnl Tens - • Ihiy turned from a few days' stay hi •THB IJ.?. PATENT SVStEM outlining the plan of training tor ,, ,....SS PRlXt\VmH6RSUBM»TTTt> Fred, aged 76, of Alameda, Calif. rovoaloil thnl In several |)ncI- EGGS And your girl goes out Chauffers, cooks, mechanics, Field Training is about 35 miles and other noted places, are within Ah'l> so THIS COUNTR.y HAS ALWAVS RECOGNIZED by tiie Girl Scouts. nioblle to run year In and year out Ho: "And now you are first at ed.' March 20 has been set for the With other guys. barbers, and otlier specialized southwest of Jacksonville, Pla., and ed week-end furloughs and, at times , AND R.ECOGNIZES TODAY THE NOBILITY OF without replnchiB parts. Wo uhouUI date of the East Haven Police Ball. last." really bo thankful that tho hard Mirabel Pure Jellies trades are fully represented in the is within driving distance of many special furloughs. Enlisted men will WO/i/< AND CHAMCTER AN0 COUflAGE. Arnold and Leona Peterson spent MBO to which wo put our cars dooa IVORY CRAPE. QUINCE, n 10or«jie_ Pish: "What did one tonsil say tables of organization ot tlic 102d, historic points ot . interest. The be permitted to bring their own Lincoln's birthday with their cous­ not result In tho noed of more APPLE ,'25c Miss Marjoric Burgess attended When you buy furniture adver­ CRABAmEorMINT J. \hn XOC Wliat did the Ice cream say to to the other tonsil?" which on Feb. 24th will be ancient city of St. Augustine, foun­ cars tocamp. There will be plenty of ins Merritt and Nancy Taylor of fioquent replacement ot many ot Its FLAKES OR SNOW CURRANr OR the winter carnival at Dartmouth tised in the Branford Review you wearing parts. --'•' BLACK RASPBERRY r°M5c GRAPE pwt'f^^'iSc the refrigerator? Tush; "This must be Caplstrano; authorized to maintain full peace­ ded by Ponce de Leon in his parking space with the camp, which West Haven. College as the giiest of Hed Van buy both comfort and refinement. laroc "Shut the door; I'm freezing." here comes another swallow." time strength, a much larger roster search for the fabulous Fountain covers 119,000 acres. pkgs NO RUII Rcnnssclaor Miller at the Qamma 2 41c WiLBERT FLOOR WAX -rSSc Mrs. Leyland Merritt is in Fla. Delta House. ' ' SHORT BEACH NOXON POLISH 16c for a few weeks. Corner Column li The Young Republican Cliib will PENN-RAD MOTOR OIL ^Si 99c ST. ELIZABETH'S PARISH Special preparations are being CAMAY meet Tuesday, February'25th. KIRKMAN'S BORAX SOAP 7 <>.r. 25c Fr. William O'Brien made tor a Pounder's Day Program By Hose lldcn Bclilcr SOAP Sunday S.chool at 10.45 a. m. KIRKMAN'S ^XL\^:t^^L 2 PKO. 39C One case of lobar pneumonia and for the parent-teacher association What Nots Confessions—4.00 p. m. Satiu'day meeting in the scliool at 8 o'clock GRANDMA'S MOLASSES »can 17c three of scarlet foVer were reported BY QITA ROUND • 'News around the Four Corners Is preceding first Sunday Monday evening. The public is in­ scarce this week and because we 2 ^'" lie mil here this week. Dates Chocolate BAKINC cakOKeC 9I: • Sunday Mass at 10 A- M. vited. think that certain things siiould be 10 oz . the biggest and most The E. E. Alexanders have moved talked over every so often we, like STUFFEB j;S25c Spaghetti COSKID 4> car.C"?'s 25C Mrs. Helen Caillgnan Is In charge 2Q OC A o of a gift card party to bo held Feb­ Short Beach Brownies will hold to 40 Elm Street Did you think Lewis Carroll's Walrus would like to OXYDOL Beans FINAST.BAKED 2 ifc; UNION CHAPEL X cans JiJC a Valentine party this afternoon you had heard the last ot the tax speak ot many things: small o Sliced Beets ruary 27 in the Republican Rooms ^m^ pkg OC Friend's Beans by Navajo Council, Degree of Poca­ Sunday, February 16. 11 A. M.i n the school- shortage story? New Haven Rail-1 tor Instance: FANCY 3\°°.'29e 2'cU 25 c B & M "'^KEB BEANS hontas. Sermon by tlie pastor. Rev E. C. road has a fine new publication of the Fairmount Association large 2"c'.'nt 25 c Mrs. T. C. Bracken was removed "Quiz" whlcli asks and answers 400 pkg 18c Dainty Jell D-»...^ BROWN Topic; Building God'j House. Meetings to which the only price 2J?n°,'25c ^.'vi Representative Ernest C. Oarpen- comolete Anthem by tlie • Choir. to the hospital Sunday. questions on railroads and rail­ ot admission is,a.,prevailing faith or PUDDING 3 P<0UHU 2 I" ,23c. nominated a delegate for the state You can always cross in safety, 4. bars |3C other Otsserls" Funeral services were conducted conference in Bridgeport, March 20 Mrs. D. W. Owens will take part damaged by the heavy rains. State • , : . . ^.. „ Tuesday alternoon from the Nor­ in a round-table discussion this crew on the job Five acres of ."vo" know just what _th_eymeaii.^ and 21 representing Eve Lear Chap­ Perhaps we should all go back to man V, Lamb funeral homo for Ed­ The Fathers o£ Ourdust y floor space will be converted HEINZ PRODUCTS ter, D. A. R- school tor a day or two. ward J. Keith, liusband of Elta into blooming beds and borders tor of our very own Fort Wooster CHIPSO Boacli. He passed away Saturday the New England Spring Flower Park which, even In cold weather, BABY FOODS^'"'-''3''an''s^20c afternoon In New Haven Hospital Show Flakes or Granules is a wonderful place for solitude otliowlng a year's lllndss. Ho was Music Battle Poll indicates that C A\B mC EXCEPT CONSOMME *» 1 lb *% C .« iviusic naiti/ic roll iiiuiuut-i;;* ttitit, i-- — • large O'Tr 9VUIr9 or CHOWDER A am J!>;o ! w....„BGarageo o„,.p - I'"oi'"'"e have torun for the trol speaker Saturday at a meeting of po.site Lake Salton-stall nears com-1 ley cars, buttoning last minute the Rhode Island Elementary plotion Annex Athletic Club . buttons, straightening hat, and see- ing If the seams ot their hose are School Principal Association which putting up Coionlal-ilke front. straight. . will meet at Hotel Biltmdre, Provi­ Leonard John Zdanowlcz, guest at. ROUW of the fact that the choir ot the dence, R. I. ' Old Town Tavern party as sendoft Bnai Jacob Synagogue will be feat­ by draft board When was the ured at the morning servics at the FOBNAL-PROTO Talmadge bridge last opened? Some Saint Andrews Methodist Church Trisomena Proto, daugliter of Mr. say 10 years ago. Others say before TOP or BOTTOM this Sunday, and, as one speaking and Mrs. Pasqualo Proto of 03 Hem­ World War I Ready for Calla­ from experience the choir is some­ ingway Avenue was married to han testimonial dinner Terry Vint Nulicmul Mruli arc thing not worth missing. Stanley Fornal, Jr., son of Mr. and Brannigan served his party thru consiilcnlly hislicr in <(uali- and ot the fact that any items ty . sold al the lowest (irlccsl Mi's. Stanley Farnal of WilkesBarro, iViLh o\iohtan "1 oiper/u" Six Four-Door Sedan, $921* (tuhite sidetviill tires extra) many an election. lb Pa., Monday morning in St. Vincent that should be In this column de Paul's Church in Taylor Avenue, should be phoned to 4-0061 or sent SIRLOIN Miss Pehnlo Proto, sister of the Addition of neW MeftOpollfofff TotpeJo Sedan increases De Luxe Series to 6 Models with prices as low as ^"^828 to 178 Hillside Ave., Now Haven. And ot Course STEAKS Noted for Flavor bride, attended her. as maid of honor.. Michael Fornal served as Granite Bay 'of sailing ships best man. After the ceremony, a re­ WITH THE INTRODUCTION of its In addition to the new Metropoli­ atsssesmeaissmeosestigiassimsacsma And sealing wax. PORK LOINS ception was held in the home of the glamorous new Metropolitan "Tor­ tan, Pontiac's De Luxe series now And Cabbages and King." FI-NA-ST FRESH . LEAN bride's parents. The couple will pedo" Sedan, Pontiac rounds out includes the 4-door 6-window —Rose Helen Behler Mr. and Mrs. Carl Greenvali and SHOULDERS 46 lb average live at 117 Asylum St., New Haven. the most complete line of low- Sedan; the Sedan Coupe; the 2-door daughter, Catherine will pass the priced cars in its entire history— Sedan; the Business Coupe and the remainder ot the winter in East There was a grocer named March. SMOKED six big, handsome De Luxe models very smart Convertible Sedan Coupe. Haven. One day a commercial traveler came SHOULDERS 5-7 lb average with bodies by Fisher, every one All six of these lowest-priced into his shop and said: FANCY MILK FED available with cither a six-cylinder Pontiacs offer exceptional riding Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayward March, on the first ot April the 3-3)K lb average Dc Luxe 'Torpedo" FOWL BRANFORD or an eight-cylinder engine. comfort, handling ease and long, SIX ConveriUilc Scjan "Affairs of the heart" in the "good old days" entertained the Good Fellowship price of tea is going up." De Luxe " trouble-free service. All of them are Coupe. S1023* (».'hiie Also ^sS[^'Si^'^i:^;ft!;j;,SSi!!*sffit;;;:^^!.^5f"'"' The new Metropolitan Sedan ' sidewaU tires extra) were just as exciting as those of today, buC Dramatic Club Monday evening. I'm sorry to hear that," replied FRESH BAKED LAUNDRY takes its place among the motor car exceptionally economical to own there was less time for thena. March. MIDDLE RIBS style hits of all time. Patterned after and drive. The Granite Bay A. A. held a A few days later a wholesale sales- j WHITE LONG LOAF PLAT WORK a higher-priced and sensationally Plan to see the Metropolitan The old hand-power washing machine, for ex­ card party recently at Julie's din man came in and said: j LUXURY LOAF successful Pontiac model, it com­ Sedan—as well as the other Pontiac ample, required fout hours of "boy power. ing room. Table prize's were award­ "March, on the first of April the ed to Miss Muriel Fenn, Miss Elsa price of sugar is going up." WET WASH bines unusual rear-compartment "Torpedoes"—which are offered Wlien "boy power" was off (skating, coasung or llb4oz |K Fish Specials spaciousness with the privacy pos­ Lind, Mrs. Donald Hayward, Mrs "I'm sorry to hear that," said in a wide range of prices. And mumps), "mother power" took us place. loaves III SOFT DRY sible only in smart, modern 4-door, remember that ij you can ajjord any Lauren Paradise, Mrs, Lewis Burk- March. STEAK COD 4-window design. netv car you can ajjord a Pontiac. hardt, Mrs. Arthur "Hallden, Louis Later on the landlord cane In and Z Today 21/4 cents' worth of electricity doe; the Pacileo, Charles Pacileo, Walter said: MACKEREL Dc Luxe "Torpedo" Six Two-Door Sedan, $87-( -Ar (white sidcwall tirej extra) De Luxe "Torpedo"' Six Four-Door Sedan. 3921 ^ (white sidewall tires extra) drudgery part of the four-hour washing. "Mother Lynch; door prizes, Edward Fenn, March, on the first ot April I powc^r and "boy power" are saved for hapwer Gene Fenn, Lauren Paradise, must put the rent up." FINISHED WORK Charles Pacileo and Mrs. Arthur "I'm sorry to hear that," said FOR THE DE LUXB occupations. •TORPEDO" SIX Hallden. March. Then he put up his sign In BACHELOR SERVICE BUSINESS COUPE the window: THE FIRST OP APRIL ONLY $25 MORE FOR AN The "good new days" ate electrical days. WILL BE THE END OF MARCH. \ EIGHT IN ANY MODEL Rep. Ernest C. Carpenter spoke ^Delivered at Pontiac, Micliigan. Stale tax, optional last night at the New Haven Ex­ equipment and accessories—extra. Prices subject lo change Club on the subject ot Among those vacationing In cliange witliout notice, I Charleston, So.-.C, are Mr. and Mrs, Tel. 572 2 — 572-3 Wf riNjE CAK WITH 7W LSW PRICS "What American Citizenship Means APPLES f*'^™^ COOKINQ 6 "< 23c SEE US OR YOUR ELECTRICAL DEALER to You Today.'! •I Vernal. W. Bates of Pawson Paris, CENTRAL GARAGE * nni ec MCINTOSH 5 ">' 25c • B, W. Kelson, Prop. APPLES FANCY NATIVE 64 MAIN STREET PHONE 968 BRANFORD. CONN. 7'»' 25e ^SSSSSSSSSb GRAPEFRUIT Large SIzs ;«S?. SUHKIST Is tgM©MS

.-/.^,^.^//^ a;

THE BUANFOR0 REVIEW; BRANFORD, OONN., FEBRUARY 13, 1041 Paee Seven Page SLK . , THE BRANPORD REVIEW,; BRANF;'OJB,D, OONN., FEBRUARY 13, 1641 'wmmmMm&mBm^^^MimRemind s Owners Show Staff Busy rail gAlCULATED FOR THE WEEK OF ggigj^Qfl/S.^'y D?o„! Boxing- fEBRUAnVn ...6.51 FEBRUARY 17,..5.38 Car Licenses On 173Gardens ,|5 FtORUAnr 18 ...6.SO ORUARY 18... 5.3') iioLLYwaon Rossir |- i m K FEBRUARY 19 ...6.W »RUARY ra ...S.'tO Fay Holden, who mothers the Hockey FEBRUARY JO...6. intermitioniilly fiiuious Mimnis slinw "lii\ Vie I'lirce" spec- about, ,^0, h,c wedded again. Miss Ansonia next Tuesday night to meet established his mark ot thirteen •TTHERE IS NO IMDCX OF CHARACTER SO SURE AS THE VOICE .'"-TANCREP With the score standing A-S&,with alldwing the Boston school a mca- lies although Kubock's seven rice One ^ls\ddrfelidant updri his .cbiitl'- passed boautitully tb set up maiiy an feature display which, complete Hepburn, is the girl who demands- the Pontiac Chiefs of that town on consecutive points. liu'iilar stage extrava^niii/.ii with ii cnsl iil' 7(1 iiiteniiilioniil slars Incliul- seven mlhulies to go,, gdljich \^hlw, yro 24' coiiilterb for their night's throws and fbiir double docltbrs dencb tiia't he'cari dp'ahytiilng that easy baskets tor Mohtellus, Hynovich B Snapshot Contest with waterfalls and gorgeous trees, perfection In a husband and has to injected MtigaVcro .and Jaskilka dt the Ansonia High School playing iiig 50 sluiiiiiiit' .sliowtfh'ls ol! all iiiiiioiis; l!l during BceiicH iiml .10(1 lenivvtdiai.lt can't, be h(id.'She Vi'ork. nearly malohed the sharp shooting any other mail on tile floor can do. and company. It was no one in­ Should Branford lose tlie contest will fill the stage of Grand Hall, A at forwar'd'; Vctbillo (il'c^pter; and wliinhig dub.'.DeirilRpo hit the hoop Aiid'he generally does it. On the dividual's victory but rather it was surface. oilier seiiNalioiis Katliored from all ('onu'r.s of HUM world open a soliil played tlio role tor tittylwo solid Jtih'iiny Yuflldvlcz, Bob Donnelly and Stratford win against East Ha­ Open To Youths glamorous rose garden, such a Cuddy akd tfish^ n|, gUard. Tills for rilrie rifa'rfers whilp his able run- other hrind tlid q'thbr lias'the Ilhest a well deserved win on thd basis of Starting for Ansonia will be Kelly planting as every amateur gardener week's ciigntfeineut on stage ol' tlio Stale Tliealrtf, llarltord slnrtini; laugh.woelcs on Broadway. Stewart arid'Anglo Virlnls were the top and Nalawajk at the forward berths ven at the latter's town then the Is seen, as a keyhole magazine ya- group wrffc resliolislblo foF'tli&.vlfe,-., nhig mate liad five baskets and two head' arid coolest, de'nicanor under superior leamplay.over a wild shoot­ It was announced today by Carl­ has always dreamed of seeing, is also Fobrnaiw VI. and Larry Pair at center. Pawchyk league would go into a tie but it pprtpr, isent to cover, the wciidlng; tory. Nofonly did thcj; s^eccssrujly mdii in the scoring cdlumii for the chdiity'tPSses for a, total of twelve. fire that we have ever known in ing team ot North Paradors. The ton E. Buttrick, Education Director being readied. And so arc the other and Lynch* will start in the guard the Mahermen take Stratford then W^ wlio also falls In love with the EII'1' hold the Maine tearfi; b'ii't IH&'y wore' tJcbi'ifis while Jim Cuddy turned hi EAST HAVEN oui; Ibnfe association wlthspprls. Andrewsriien prcvipusly held a will of the Connecticut Humane Society, 171 displays planned Bros, contract and a featured role In spots. the Brantorditcs will be virtually What is undoubtedly the most im­ Presenting on the same program' able to Increase the .Connpctlcut nneVoridoz'dn pdliits in a substitute Rowley It ...... 0 0 0 To make; it li, Uiilc cldlirer "Bob" over the Kncchlmch in Stratford that for the second consecutive year Chairman of the commllteo In "Miss 'WheolwrlBht Discovers Coach Mink Swlrsky will start assured of the title. portant entertainment news ot tlio another feature "The Saint In Palm , total so that the final'vldtbi'y' was DeFllibpb. U: 3 3 9 Donnelly'was tbiced to niaite hlm7 when' the Brantorditcs were \yilh- the Society is conducting a snapshot charge for the society is Professor America," The latter picture, nowln ro'l'e. I Ward and Resjan in the up court Already Brantord has enougli decade Is the announcement that Springs", Another In the series ot achieved by the piiofe of 53-40. This McCarleri'rl' 0 0, self a player. To be sure he was en­ out the service oi "Stan" Petela and contest for the puruose ot instilling Ray M. ,Koon, director of the Wait- production, has a cast headed by , Yu.?id'Vl(:V;, ga'i'nered' 13 ,fdr. the n Lou Desi is. slated tor the pivot wins to qualify for a seeded berth The Marcus Show Is coming to Iho the "Saint" , featuring George was truly, a squad ,vIc'tory and the 8j,riekland 0 0 3 3 dowed with a ecrlalri porcdhtagc.or Bill Owens. SUSANJTHAYER in the youth ot the State a greater ham Field Station. E. I. Farringlon, Jeffrey Lynn, Prlscllla Lane, Ronald flight while Donnelly and Vcrlnis berth. Swll^sky and Lukawsky will in the class B championship tour­ Sanders and Wendy Barrle, starling five, coitiposed'of IJoririfclly Mlildr c 1 1 3 ability but he had to practlcb.with Only'"Andy" Oiiotrey appeared to appreciation of all living creatures, secretary ot the society, is secretary stage of the State Theatre, Hartford Reagan and May Robson, each lilt tUd hootJ'fo'i' 12. play the major part of the clash at ney but they will have to meet four I .And last but not least the latest and Verlnls, forwards; Ypieylczl Walker' Ig .1 1 3 diligence to achieve his present bo at ease on the big Armory court L The contest, which carries prizes Other committee members include: for extended cnBagement ot one guards. Panaronl, Barba and Olson more teams before they call it quits UNCLE SAM GOES TO WOKK must make clothes for these men new sliots ottho day. center; \'^lnzler and Ccpu6iH; guards DcFabro'lg ...... 0 0 0 basketball greatness. The other team and the speed Which the Stratford totaling $50.00, is oben to all stu- Samuel J. Goddard, carnation solid week starling Today (Wed., Wayne Morris, Arthur Kdnnedy are slated for reserve duty tor the in the Housatonic circuit. Ordinarily Uncle Sam's all dressed and shoes and blankets gave credit to the reserves for win Crlsafl rg 5 2 12 In the New England Conference will captain showed In getting around dents in the .lunlor and senior high specialist ot Framingham; Dr. Lincoln's Bldthday.) and William T. Orr will play the Don't, forgot that this will bp your Devils. Ambrovlch and Macknls will Over East Haven way they are up. He wears a higli hat and a long last wcdlc to sea "The Philadelphia ning the game. CouVit:il> Cfeh^ ShellTlc rg 0 , 0 0 admit readily that he is a brilliant the fast little guard accbuiited tor Yes man, he's going to be busy schools of Connecticut and to Elmer D. Merrill, director of the Unquestionably the most stupend­ three brothers about whom the plot be subbing for the home club. looking for their team to pull an tailed coat. His boots ai3 pretty ele­ Story", at the Loow Poll College Wednesday night's cpntest wltli Totals' ..,..,..|.'....v 10 10 30 ball player. nine points in the rout. these next few months. His cap and students in the seventh an eighth Arnold Arboretum and head of the ous stage extravaganza, ever before ot "Mother's Boys" revolves, It Is an. The Chiefs beat the Branford five upset and wipe off the Stratford gant and shiny and there's an air of Northeastern sliould provide CoH- LYMAN HALL On the other hand John Yusievlca "Tony" Hynovich wltli 11 points overalls will be ills regular costume. grades of an elementary scliool. Department of Botany, Harvard presented at the State Theatre, nounoed by Warner Bros. Tlie pic­ theatre, .,..,;. i AH^ Fe^fur^'By last year by a 02 to 59 count after titular aspirations as far as the success about him. He's ready to go v. , SEE YOU IN .THE,MOVIES ncctlcut its fourth win Jn the Cdii- Condon'If 3- 0 fi was from thd lime lie was a High head tlie Brantord attack- tightly And that's the way you'll see him on Snapshots acceptable for the eon- University; Selh L. Kclsey, land­ Hartford, the A, B, Marcus produc­ ture Is .based on the draft. . a spirited last minute rally. Housatonic loop is concerned. The anywhere and meet anybody. Your Movie Guyed forenco ahd .should set tlio stage fp^ DcNuz?,o rt 0 1 1 sdliool sophomore, always a smart followed by Petela with nine points. test Mr. Buttrick said, are limited to scape architect and nurseryman ot tion, "La Vie Paree," is a colossal, Since "Mother's Boys'" is schodulocl Thd Blue Devils will play the New Mahermen have won four straight more than 15,000 outdoor billboards Rhode Island's' visit on the 22na. €lbse (Contests Hack'u'rl 0 1 1 and cool ball handler. Lipkvicli and Montellus with seven But today he's laid that tall hat pictures which tell a story. Subject East Boxford; Thomas Mline, gard­ unrivaled stage spectacle with a tor an Immediate start, "Parachute Britain Boys Club at New Britain since their loss to Branford and this month and next. He's pulling However, two other oppon,plits,my^t Hollenan c 2 0 4 He was without doubt Ihe finest counters apiece closely followed aside and he's pulled a v/orker's cap may be either pets, wild anlinal life, ener Ostervlile,'' Cape Cod; and sensational cast of 70 people IncUid Jumpers," In which Morris Is also Feb. 24. are counting heavily on their new his cap on in this big picture and be met In the, meantime In;th,e' "Tlie.Bfiio .Devils,'ricarijr'mot their kubeck Ig 4 7 15 piayirid.ker ever to play, on any the pacesetters. over his grlssied hair! He's taken off or birds. An entrant may submit as Arno H Nehrling of Necdham, ex- Ing, enticing boaul-les from the 4 slated to play Ihe loadi will bo post­ raindeer offense to whip tlie An- University" of M&ryland,' a' team' to' 'w'ateribb'at' tlib; doinmuriity House Mlcheiifeklrg ,...... 0 2 2 Stanford High team. It lakes a heap his good coat too. and he's wearing, looking thoughtfully out of stern many snapshots as desired but it is hlbltion manager. corners of the globe, poned ^ until. lhq-/soleotivo service Following a comparitlyely close drewsmen. Insofar as they are play­ Pequot Theatre be played for the first' time irii last Sunday atternpon when they Totals ..;...... 1) U 29 ot watching before you realize the first period , the , Hornets really question ot which man I3 the belter appropriately enough, oyeralls. For' blue eyes under,bristling brows. iiecessary that the contestant must Twenty-One breath-taking scenes film Is completed;..: . Connecticut lilstory, ,,at,. .C,Qllege barpiy,.edged put' nil arbusdc( He'd boys worth on the court or diamond shot an open question. Tlio big sur­ ing on their own court, a court overalls are a good, old American This is the way the National As­ • "Mother's Boys" Is, an original stepped.out and,built up a score ot haven taken them slnee June 1, After an illness ot three months, of the most gigantic proportions are Pri., Hat.—li'd). 1-V-l.") Park, Maryland and Mass.'pt'ate,to Spx flyd. which b'atlled the blue or any bther field ot Atiiletic en­ prise of the victory was Ihe tremen­ where every shot must be a virtual costume. He's in his shirt sleeves scroon.play.by Fred Nlblo Jr. It will 25 to 14 at the half when Hynov|ch sociation of Manufacturers, whose 1040. The contest will close March Michael Joseph Torello,, son of Mr, In.the stage show. $1000,000 was be playecl at Amhcrit on tKe\lt)th.' JeVsied but^t toot^i. and nalj_ until, deavor, but he has • it. Ask Rliodo dous lift given the team with Mon­ swlsher it now appears that they with his collar turned in. Because be directed by Ben. Slolotf. and Montellus found the basket tor members are largely actually re­ 15, 1941. and Mrs. Anthony Torello has re­ actually Invested for over' 000 cos­ "FOUR MOTHERS" tlio final' gtm was fi'i'e'd.' 'The' final Hockey Club Island or any othdr team in the cori- tellus' surprising play. The big blond will win. Co-Captains Donnelly an(i Yii- many points abetted by excellent lie's going to work! - . sponsible for buildinB our defense Further iiTformatlon may be ob- turned home from the. Hospital of tumes, stage', abtttngs and lighting score .Tyas 51 to'50. .. . netted 12 points and took the pres­ Starting for Derby at the Ar­ livitli Lane Sisters, Joffroy Lynn slevlcz contlnudd~, thpir sbqr^ng terpnce. passing from the liands, dl Stan The biggest job he's ever under­ needs, visualize Uncle Sam at the talned by writing to the Society's. St. Rapliael. ..,....,..-—» . . oIIpctsi.NolhiiVE'hlte it has ever'be-!4TS has been signed to a term contract to see plenty of octlon West Haven hcic UCOfiNS T/IKt Petela ot Branford and Paul of the impression that it would be too expensive. But by Warner Bros, His first assign­ "FtinklGN 7lh Grades JUNIOR HIGH with John Garfield, Brenda MUtoid coi'nted-evenly to leave the Makers of when we found the rate on the inside front cover ment will be in "Highway 9D." CORRESPONDENT" SWIMI^INQ'' The UnlvLiBity ot Connccticul W L Pet of the telephone book, I was amazed to discover Marshall, Marjorie Rambeau, Coac^' John,S(inlre3 wyi lake his won Ihrh Ilr.'.t game of a NC\Y Eng- D with Joel MoOrea HUSKIES TRIM MAINE 7-1 1000 gl-.oithand, Typewriting, Book­ how wrong I was, and to learn how much we could As a reward for the work In "The varsitypjSwlmiinlng -tea^iri, to Ncw„ l.nid Road trip la^t weekend when 7-2 and Bill Lundigan - ALSO - 280 keeping, Accounting, Business Fine Cusfom tailored Suits save by calling in the evening after seven. Now Strawberry Blonde," Luclie Fair­ York C^fjf oh Friday tb meet New Ihey downed the University ot New 7-3 143 Administration, Dictaphone, Bob and I share the thrill and the small cost of "GLAMOUR FOR SALE" ^phmiy Ifvislsvlcii foui.teen pojnls banks has been given a new Warner York U);ii|Vqr;^Jr,j^and on Satunjay^ Hampshlic five Jn a sevcic fashion Comptometer, Day arid Evening 1098 Chapel Street Tel. 8-5421 New Haven, Conn. regular calls to Chicago. How I look forward to with Anita Louise led ,t;jp Conpqotlcut,, V's tooling they wiu,,swlm Brooklyn College at last Friday night 78 to 47. Bi an fold's Sessions. Co-ediioatlonal. Enter these visits over the telephone! And it's worth FREE to the Ladies our TRU column la.st Saturday night as the 5lh and Olh GRADPS Brooklyj). Though unsuccessful in scoring twins led the assault with at any time. something, Just to know that I am keeping my BLU Enamelware Set the tWQ^ dual meets to date, Coach Huskies downed a stiong Maine Jphnny Yuslevica and hitting the , . _ W L Pet family closer together in these times when family Sun., Mnn., Tucs., l.^'eb. 1()-17-18 Squlres"^hop(ffl ^to hava the team team on the lattei's court by a 53 hoop for nine baskets and one foul J; '' "^^W" 0 0 1000 ,eTONE COLLEGE -'^V>>.>T^V ties mean more than ever." "U: to 40 co.ui;it tp,,entl i\veU^their ^two 7 1 875 AUco Faye, Betty Grable in break Ipjo the •victory column In while Dob Donnelly was scoring p""""^ ^'°°'^ 129 Temple St.. New Haven THe World's Wcws Seen Thrbiinh -Wouldn't you enjoy completing your family these t()y^ fiontcsls, The team lias day Nov/ EnGla\irt ponfcienqe jaunt eight double deckers and seven Harbor Stiet 7 1 875 0 circle, too? Long distance telephone rates are lower, "TIN PAN ALLEY" been sti;ejigthened by the return of The out siaudinsLtcativjm.of the louLi out ot eight Uies , jMLss O'Bi'ien 3 3 •375 THE C11.RISTIAN SQUNGE MONITOR thanks to several reductions in recent years. And - ALSO - Bob Shapiro of UnlotjvlUo, to thq gifme was Connecticut's strong un­ 'I'lie Conn Staleis hit an caily I ,,Mis, s Lehucit 2 4 331 . ' , •• . ,Trull,flli-^^Con=Ir.uct;vc—.Ui!t,i,iF«I-:F.-CB. from Sciwationat- points during the "family hours" in the evening Wayne Morris, 'Virginia Dale his favorite events: diving and the Ynslevlcz prominently, The game scored within the first twenty five ism — Eiljimialj Arc 1 iincly nnj Instruclivo onil Itj D.iily after seven, or any time Sunday, The Southern New l-caliitcs, lo-tthcr ivilh ihc. Weekly N'^iaajino Scciion, Make / /'/ Wed., ThurB.—Fell. l'J-'20 free style relay. was typical ot ihp recent Hualcio seconds but the lead was shoi;tll\ed Fluoresceiit Lighting the Monilor an IJc=l Newspaper for the Home, England Telephone Company. Eompfl, that thoy got, a^i early lead when the NewHampshhe lads tiled HOUSATONIC LEAGUE Specialist. "DR. KILDARE TRAc4;, .,.„, ,, - on the strqngth of t)as}(;el^ by Don­ the battle In a similar length of,Branford The Cliriiiiiin Science Publisiiing Society GOES HOME" 1 900 SAVE AFTER SEVEN »/A* "-'•*•-"• '^wfeTifff <*'*•,' Cpac^i Ivan Fuquu .will take his nelly, Verlnls and . XyBlevicz and lime. From that point on Donnelly One. Norway Street. Boston, Masip.clmrcltj with Lew Ayres, Laraine Day Stialford 8 2 .800 Industrial & Coittmercial' 'b^-i varsltyj^track team to.Aniherst fot t^Ueft.iPPastqd with their substitutes ni)d,Yuslevlcz took persona,! .com­ ^ I'/ice S12.00 Yenrly, or.Sl.OO a Monili. and all day Sunday - ALSO - . Deiby , ,, 8 4 iaiurday IKUC,, including .Vbs.nime Section, ?2.60 a Year ' an Indjop meet with Mass State on to gain the, decision. Verlnls was mand of the scoring slluaUoii and 007 East Haven .6 5 FIXTURES and LAMPS '"""""'^''"•y Offer, 6 Issuci 25 Cents. " On cittl tor whicli iht diy slallon- "HULLABALOO" Friday^n!gnt^ The toum hnj,a good seoopd^n.tljB scorlnft qolyinijiijWHh thc,esJ-p Assumed.vtJm propojllons .5*5, Seymour 5 Na,uc-. to-ilalion rate is more tlian 3Jc. with Prank Morgan chance, qf v^qtory in tlieir meet with 10„pq.li\ts; .fii^d.^the ysuplly depen­ i9tfl,;^ew minutes at the ^tate pf the • *j AH BkANFokb/COKN. , ; Wallingtord . G • Add: the Bay,,Stiites, which is the first dable Donnelly collected 8 tor his ^oooi^d|hnlt wlign.the Wildcats put .400 rcs3—: . ; Mlltoid 10 of the seasoh. , evening's work, on a splilted rally. 1 107 Bfd. 1312 New Haven 8-4178 SAMPLE copy ON REQUEST Shelton •I 0 .100 fVVWWi

-'*, * < • * * t i «, t ' ...>,,^ '{\:i ^•••f»rffctft"Tl ^

ILLUSTRATED 1000 FACTS PafTC Eight THE BRANPORDREVIEW, BEANFOED, CONN., FEBRUARY 13, lO-ll HISTORICAL RRANFORD REVIEWS PICTURES Jackie McLean, nine the 7th. EDITION JL3 and EAST IlAVliN NEWS T T Ronald McOee, 10 the 7th. ARTICLES EYE OPENERS-b^- Bob Crosby Happy Birthday Alberta Kane, 13 the I'lth. Joan Bradley, eight the 14th. Ml and Mr.s. William B. Ritchie 10,000 COPIES BRANFORD, CONN., TIIUKSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, Iflll Services in the local churches on formance. Linoleum which Is badly ^^ Bedford Mass announce the en- At the Ballon home, Alps Road SWORN CIRCULATION "Gall Ann Lehr celebrated her Sunday will be; worn, will be acceptable but there „a„e,ncnt of their daughter, Elsie they celebrate the brlthday of Ab- Mass at 0:15 o'clock at St. Augus­ must be surfaces 0x12 or lOxO with- ^j j^^,,, Haven, to Mr. Ervlng A. fourth birthday, l?-=bruary^lO,^at^» ^^^-^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ „^^^,^ B^„„^ tine's R. C. Church, Rev. William out holes, persons having such ma- jjg^^,^^ ^f g^gt Haven. party given by Mrs. . Howard Is three. Brewer, pa.stor, Mrs. Edward Daly, tcrlal may get In touch with Earl Saunders, at the home of her ^'^ the same time grandfather, Charles J. Lehr, Short organist and choir director. Mem­ W. Colter. I Clarence W. Crook, Townsend Ave Valentine messages of love and bers or the Confraternity of the The rehearsals are progressing ^^^ ^^^^ elected president of the Beach, where she Is recuperating cheer are our wishes for Mrs. John Rosary and of the Holy Name since her return from New Haven NT-CITIZEN ARMY DEFENDED NEW HAVEN IN 79 nicely and the .advance sale of j^^^ jjaven Real Estate Board, Borzlilo, 276 Main St., vyhose birth­ Society arc requested to receive Holy tickets Is most promising. Stars In Hospital." , day Is February 14. "fe. "^ ''^ ^^^ ^^ '^^ '^^fe 'S^ "^ "^ "1^ "^ '^^ "i^ ^^ '^fe=^ "^fe. ^^^ \8SSB. \!te^ \SSfe. Communion In a body at this Mass. the operetta will iVi'eludc Ml.?s Ruth! Joseph Jennings of North Bran- Dominican Nuns from New,Haven Coe, Hu.s.sell Mower,- Hatry Clarke,' ford Is Included In the new quota Valentine-birthday messages of will Instruct children of St. Augus­ Roland Blrdsall, Paul Behler, Carl REDCOATS TOOK of selectees. good cheer to Mrs. Elizabeth Small, tine's Church directly after Mass|Jacobs3n, William Wallace, Lewis 43 Sidney Street, East Haven. She and high school boys and girls will Miller, James McDonough as soloists Riverside News Mr, and Mrs. Mark O. Whitney \ will be 74. A native of Canada she also remain tor their study club. and a splendid supporting cast. of Southlngton were guests Saturday j Is the aunt of Mrs. Maurice Sara- Early Life of Area Was Stabilized CITY BY STORM the SAME NAlbRAU The opcrettaLs laid in the time of ^f "^7 'a,Kl MrsrAi"nold J. Peter- sohn with whom she makes her A l(inj> .succession ot events iind edicts distasteful to the PRINCIPLE THAT MAKES Holy Eucharist will be celebrated Louis XIV and the scenery and home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wilson have COFFEE RISE IN youR at 0:30 o'clock at Zlon Episcopal costumes Will be aiithentlc. The per-, ' moved to Fair Haven. . ' Colonists led to llic American Revolution. Georgo III be­ PERCOLATOR, WA5 Church, Rev Francis J. Smith, Rec­ formance will be very colorful and| j,^^, ^^^^3^ Anderson, Coe Ave., Inspired to wLsh Barbara Van lieved Ihat the pcoi)le on the American continent should be Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Howard are by Farmers, Pioneer Industrialists APPLIED tor, Mrs. Paul R. Hawkins, organist a variety of music is bound to ^^^^ .^^^^^ ,g recovering from an Sands a hapny birthday on February glnd of tlic pi'otoclion England iifTordod and should pay their among those on the sick list. By TWO and choir director. Sunday Schtiol light waltzes and serenades, Chii- appendix operation. 25. slinre of empire tiiNcs—witli represenlnlion! 4 GMEDISH' W-HEM will follow. drcn under twelve will be admitted 1 TUE CAMEL'S AGRICULTURE WAS VITAL One of the leaders in tlio iiiovcinent against the appalling at half price at the door. The per- ^^ ^^^^ j^^.^ y^ L. RUS,SC11 are Ail groat people are born in Beb. Policeman (Peering into parked *THE ENEMY IS IN THE RIVER' 6KIN CRACKS OR TEARS, HIS Edition Spans taxes levied by the King'.s agents was Benedict Arnold, tragic coixeae Morning worship will bo a.s 11 formance will be given two n'Bhts,! ^,3^, ^ Petersburg, Fla. If that is so scan the following list, car): "Young man, are you going ARAB MASTER AAAKES and fiery llguro of tho war. As S-niDEHTS o'clock at the North Branford Con­ IVIarch 5 and 0, and will be given; ' all of Stony Creek: to kiss that girl?" ' TO SETTLERS; FOREMOST REPWRS WITH LEATOER. 3 Centuries cnnmiandcr of the Qovornor's TO gregational Church, Rev. G. DlUard for the benefit of the Zlon Episcopal ^j. ^^^ j^^g Umi\5 Glnsburg of Marion Johnson, eight, the 10th. Young Man: "No," Guard Arnold was active in nil PATCHES. SEWN OM WITH; INVENT Lessley, pastor, Mrs. Douglas B Church. (jgg pifsi, /ive^ "^nsX Haven an- Nelson Tryon, the 25th. Policeman: "Here,"then,*hold this INVENTORS^ORKED HERE Ith'h hi histnrlrni hlghllKhls, anti-Tory demonstrations In Now THE NEEDLE AMD THREAD,' (MA Holabird, choir director. Miss Ethel ~" nouncc the recent marriage of their New Haven Contily Is also an Iliiven. Charles Hoyt, the 25th. flash light." iniht.strinl niul agricultural cen- AUTOMATIC Skin 16 imenslble ttpain!) Maynard, organist. Rev. G. Dlllard LeE.sley attended daughter, Bella, to Morris Kiai>per- In 17G0 lio cauglit an informer Combining lo aid the progress and devolopmenl of tlie tiM' conilihiing yesteryear unci and iind him publicly whipped. No SAS REFRIGERATOR/ Sunday School will be at 10 o'clock the Seventh Study Conference of sack of this place. early years of New Haven County, farming and industry both liulay h) n wcU-prcservcd set- patriot was over .more ardent llian Ono census taker tn Loa Angeles college students, Baltiar von Platen In the chapel, Mrs. S. Hall, suporln Jersey, Now York, and Now England thig. ,, Iho affable, yet determined, Bene­ was lilt over the head \rlth • milk and Carl O. Muntors, working on lendent. Congregational ministers of New had crude, humble beginnings, but each played an indis­ In publishhig Ifl.OflO copies of dict Arnold. bottle, but onotlier, Albion B. NeU their theses, applied the simple hold in the First Congregotional the lUslorlcnl MllUm ot (he After ho had sold out to tlio theory of the colTco percolator to pensable part in building a foundation that has withstood son, wag much mora fortunot* the Church of Springfield last week. Itranford Review a ii d Cast Drillah and ills nnnio became a Invent on automatic refrigerator A three cent supper will be served College Notes the test of time. llnvon News, the publishers have .synonym foi' traitor ho was burned following day. A rich woman In­ endeavored to present a cross sisted that ho accept as a gift, ber with no moving parts. Just as heat by the Young People's Society at Agricultural development in the region added to its In elligy' by residents ot Now lifts the liquid In the coffee perco­ the chapel on Friday night at six Earl W. Colter, president of the section of historical, comnierrlal, Haven, October 15, 1780. "old" car—a 193t Umoustnt. importance every time a new family moved here. Each professloiinl niul political aspects lator, a smoll gas flame circulates a o'clock. Miss Eleartor Holabird Is be­ State Young Mens" Council was a 75 Used Cars linnu'dlnloly after Lexington and At the recent pop concert held harmless refrigerant, thus produc­ in word and picture. M ing assisted by Miss Carol Boyce; fraternal delegate'to the 13th an­ annually at Bates College, one of pioneer tilled his own soil, raised his cattle and pigs and Concciid showed tile world that the It was In 1022 that two Swedish ing constant cold. Facts niul llhislratlons range Colonists would fight llio Britisli William Hunt, Edward Linsley and nual Young Mens Convention at the featured soloists was Genevieve maintained a self-sustaining unit right around his own log from (he enrlio,sl years of (he icKulars New Unven County Im­ Vincent Griswold. Greenfield, Mass. Delegates were Stephenson, a recent graduate of cabin. ciiunty t» the prcsen( day with mediately decided to give its neigji- present from Massaohutts Winterized & Reconditioned our nindcrn business anil pro­ Iim-s to the nortli ovoiy aid pos­ afd East Haven High. Miss Stephenson'^' But corn liad to bo ground and feeds prepared. This gave fessional iirngrani lienelKIng this New Books At Rhode Island. Mr. Colter was a selection was "Carry Me Back To sible. LnyalisLs wore nsltcd to leave Miss Frances Bolton of New Haven rise to the grist mill. Some individual, whoso name is lost vHsl region. town. Sixty cannon were "bor- was the guest speaker at the meet­ guest of the two states and was a I old Vlrginny." Miss Stephenson has i-owed' from tho King's wareliouse at Sacrifice Prices to history, opened a blacksmith shop. Extra coins in the ing of the North Branford P. T. A. banquet speaker. appeared on many of the musical lo protect tile city. By Jean Altermatt Local Library hold in the Center School on Men ^— I programs'at BateJI. bfides being pockets of early residents induced a genial fellow to open .fames Hlllhouso Invited men to )oin tlio cause in a successful ro- "Get a Horse" - Bellamy Partridge day night. Mrs McCabe of West Mrs. Alden J Hill, membership' active, in other exira-currlcular an inn. ^ STAGE, RAIL, AIR cniiling attempt July 10, 1778, to At the Church of Christ Sunday Lot Him Dio"-E. II. Clements Haven was also a guest. Mrs Roliin drive chairman of the North Bron-jattalro. Rambling settlements look on an appearance of civic fill the depleted and inadoqualo Mls.s Audrey Rogers will sing "Peace Whitney presided at the business I ford of the North Branford Red ranks of tlie Continental Army. "Route 28"-Ward Greene ' "An pride. Farming and industry had given rise to varied types IS TRAVEL SPAN I Leave With You"—Dlohmouth. session. A candle lighting ceremony | Cross attended the' recent annual Michael Zvonkovlc and Robert Bounty was offered every man wiui Amerlcan"-Slr Corwln Root, "Ro­ Terms to Suit of business. The groundwork had beep laid: an enterprising cnllKlod. Tiic oflortory will bo "Sowers" by was very much enjoyed and thcjnieetlng and tea tor the New Huven Bauersfleld are on the Dean's list Development of transportation chester's Wlfe"-D, E. Stevenson, people assumed the initiative to develop their opportunities. His words of warning * conccin- BHinea, evening closed with a social hour chapter and its branches. tor the flrst semester of thr aca­ facilities and the general improve­ ing the danger of the British clos­ 'The Canada Doctor"-01ay i?erry and refreshments. demic .vear at the Junior College no ment of mediums of travel con­ ing all ports and plundering sea- and John L. E. Pell, "Invitation to tributed inuneasurably to the build­ Mrs. Nelson Tryon nnd Bffa are Mrs. R, Earie Beers recently enter­ ot Commerce. FARMING INDUSTRY const towns was brouglit to the Llve"-Looyd C. Douglas, "Mighty Totoket Grange celebrated the ing of this area. Often, in travel doorsteps of Now Haven July 5, visiting Mrs, Olalre Mayhow. tained at luncheon-and bridge for OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 11 P. M. methods, one finds the story of a CHURCH FREEDOM Mountaln"-Archle BInns, "John Feduary holidays at Its meeting held Ranging from huge quantities of The work of internationally fa­ Mr. and Mrs.Honry Edwards of the benefit of the BkntOrd Visiting George Fryberg and Carl Berg- wheal to an attempt to encourage mous inventors and leaders of in­ region and New Haven and its en­ Crown's Cousln"^Jame Hutchens, In the North Branford Town Hall on virons arc no exception to thiu con­ Revolution— . Wickford, R. I. were weekend guests Nurse Association, feuests included qulst were weekend guests ot Rev. tho development of the silk in­ dustrial activity has caused the and Mrs. A. T. Bergqul J;. dustry, tho early days of New Ha­ world to focus its attention on tliis dition. NEW HAVEN IDEAL (Continued on Page 15, Col. V) of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Edwards He and Hls"-Roglnald Carter, "The Tuesday evening. A feature of the Mrs. Frank SMheJ"'^Mrs; G. D. ven and its environs span tlie area. Animals took Uie paths ot least and family, , Great Clrcle"-Oarleton Reals. evening's fun was a box social held Lessley, Mrs. Douglas B. Holabird, gamut of agricultural activity. We have within tho confines of resistence througli forests, across "Fire On The Andes"-Carleton after business session. Mrs. Leslie Mrs. Paul Boyce, Mrs. John Marsh, A patriotle program in obser­ Until the early years of this cen­ the region many of the ffti'omost streams and over hlUa. The Indian SINCE FOUNDING Miliorcl Fir8l followed his well-choaen course. Fmieral services for Raymond H. Mrs. Charle's Leonard, Mrs. Alden J. vance of Lincolns and Washingtons tury farming was carried on with­ industrial plants of several fields Beals, "The Strange Lives of Ono Brlndley, Mrs. Arthur Maynard, and PERRY SALES & SERVICE in the present limits of New Haven. and world fame has been brought When the white man arrived he Hill of Westbrook wore held In'the Man"-Ely Culbertson, "Winter hi | Frank Haslett were on committee. Hill and Mrs. Beers. birthdays will be given in Library found tho game ond native trails City's Church Rcpubhe Settled .1639 Hail, February 19 by Mason Rogers The city's industrialization and its to metropolitan New Haven as a Congregational Church Sunday af­ Arbla"-Froya Stark, "I Saw France .assuming a,more metropolitan as­ result of their activity andv pro­ Baubles And Promises Bought City well traveled "highways of the Corps. 198 Main St. Phone 4-0186 East Haven pect T;aused"thos[i-devoted-to agri­ ducts.-— •'^- •— - • forest" ajid he, too^; ijscd them to Noble Expeiinient Intrepid , men and women settled ternoon a 2:30 o'clock with the Rev. FaU"-Rno Do Chambrun, "Zealots Several young people from North Mrs. Alden J. Hill legislative In Milford wlillo the wild surround­ A, A. Lancaster pfllolatlng. Burial culture to move to suburban dis­ Probably tlie first industry in,the, make "Ills "wn'y * LHroiigh" the wilder­ Of lis Day of Zlon"-Hotlman Blrnoy, '"Hiey Branford iilan to attend the Valen­ chairman ot the Northtord-North tricts where they hold forth as county was a grist mill. .Established Site Prom Trusting Indian Chiefs ness. V'V;' .•''.• ing counti'y presented a none-too- was In Cypress Ceraotory. Raymond Sailed And Sailed"- Francos tine dance which will be held In the Branford League.of Women Voters Mrs. Anna Erickson will enter­ modern representatives of the en­ about 1640, it ground Indian corn, Horseback riding, was not n pleasant boclcground /or their pros- deavor of early settlers. The process of buying the area planned cxorclso as it Js today,. Tiic RELIGTON VITAL poclivo lldmos. who was born April IB, 1020, In Margaret Fox, "Sold to the Ladles"- Now Haven Y. M. 0. A. on Saturday attended the'study,, group meeting tain the Narpos Society at her home chiefly, later widened its activities on which New Haven was built was the present city of New Haven I the wiiite men. Now Haven, loaves his mother, Mrs. Dorothy A. Bennett, "Harvard & on March 6. Rich and poor alike came lo and became an indispensable ele^ wore willing to agree to almost Twelve coat.s of English truck­ best way to got around the Colony Tlio lavages wore still an uncer­ night. at the Hotel''Tatt'/.recently when not detailed or complicated in the was aslrjdp the saddle, TO DEVELOPMENT tain quantity and neigliborlng sot- Margaret Sodorstrom; hl.'j father, For solid carefree comfort this winter Install a New Haven while merchants who ment in the" area as its services anything if it meant that they could ing cloth, and a dozen each of Cambridge A Sketch Book"-Jttck legislative bill were; studied. This had formerly lived in England grew. least. The early settlers, under Rev. continue to live their lives with­ porcngor;:, hatchets, hoes, a n d Captain John Munson was the lIcmcntH wore many miles away, Raymond HIU of Stony Creek; one Frost, "The Compleete Flying TheClvlc Association will sponsor group will meet for a period ot WHAT IS SUCCESS? talked of making it a great com­ Hide and loatlier firms sprang up John Davenport and Theophilus out turmoil. Only 47 able-bodied ! spoons, 24 knives and lour cases first man (o fake steps toward the No single clement had a greater nflordlnif no aid or pi-oteclion in tlie brother, Georgo; and two half sls- Manual"-Lleut. Col. Harold E. mercial colony. Their ideas lay as cattle raising became more pre­ Eaton, drew up n combination bill braves were In the once numerous development of a Irnnsportntion hold than religion on tho people event of nil Indian altiicic since they a public old fashioned dance In the several weeks. BRANFORD OIL BURNER of sale and agreements, road it lo of French knives were given for of Now Haven's early years. wore only as strong as tho marks­ ler.s, Johanna and Alberta. The boy Hartney, "Wdshlngton and the many years ahead along tlie path valent, resulting in exporting of village of the Quinnipiacks at tho the land. "system". Ih 1717 tho captain was town hall on Saturday night. He has achieved success, who has of time, however. There was work large quantities of raw and finished the Indians, gave the Red Men granted, by tho General Court, tlic In a combination Meeting House manship of their few men. accidentally shot himself while RevolutloiV'-Bernhard Knollenberg time of settlement in New Haven The lolnl value of tho Items and Church, built in KMO, they lived well, laughed often, and loved to be done, a citizenry lo bo main- some inconsequential trinkets, and and they wore not considered a parted with by the English prob­ right lo operate "a waggon, lo pass The year 1031) found Mllfo..! a fihoolinE at a target with'a rifle. "'The Sermon on the Mounf'-Martln that was that. and transport passengers and freight spent Diroe hours every Sabbath liavon Jor tliose seeking poiiional, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leonardo ot much; who has gained the hespect danger to even the most timid of ably wouldn't buy six inches of Dlbellus, "The American Historical WHEN IN NEED OF Industry— Momaugutn, tho chief, nodded his between Hartford and Now Haven." morning listening to prayers and religious or pollloal freedom, for ilj, Twin Lakes Road have returned of Intelligent men and the love ot Farming- (Continued on Page 12, Col. 4) gi'ound in the city today. Tlic ancient village of tho Quinni­ sermons, origin was similar to that of otiior Scene"-CarUon House, "My Lite in a WALLPAPER assent as the white men read him The English explained that no La.st night at the parent-teaohor from a visit with their fioushis, Mr. little children; who has filled his Product of (Continued on Page 4, CoL 5) piacks was destined lo enjoy a reg­ A drum was beaten to call (be communities In tlie county. Man-Mado Jungle"-Bollo J. Bcn- or PAINT Locally Made and his council the terms, which Indians from outside tribes were to coilcBO whist a birthday cake was and Mrs. Leland Smith ot New York. niche and accompllslied his task, told tlie Indians of llie Rreat ad­ ular monthly service between it good pconlo lo the church and Years brought a great appiecla- chley, "Disaster Flghters"-Fairtax be taken Into the.Qulnnipiack vil­ and Hartford for tho Court provided tion of its ngriuuilurai piogrcss cut and served as an observance of They were guests at the Ice whether by an improved poppy, a Malleable Iron Gartland Directing vantages of living near the new­ lage, nor were the Indians lo har­ once insicfo they heard tho pastor Downey, "The Vanishing Virginian" Nationally Noah Webster Known comers, of the protection tiiat would that Munson must keep a schedule make a prayer lasting 15 minutes, while its strides as a Summer re­ Founders' Day, Carnival at Rockefeller Center while UNITED WALL PAPER perfect poem, or a rescued soul; bor an enemy of thi^ English but to run on the flrst Monday of awcrw Rebecca Yancey Williams, "Flower I>moui Noted Welfare Work be afforded, adding that the In­ were to turn over to the white followed by psalm reading and a sort have made it one Of the best- First prize winners were Mr. and away. who has never lacked appreciation rittin^rs Os. As Man Of Several month and return the same week known communities on llio Sound. Arrangement In Color"-Rockwoll CO. dians would be allowed to hunt men all unfriendly persons who unless particularly inclcmont long sermon. Mrs. Ray Barnes, John Bralnerd, ot earth's beauty, or failed to ex­ Appointed by the Mayor in 1932 and fish in places designated by Today, It stands as a oiedit to and Grayson, "The Great Clrol'e"- 93 Crown St., New Haven Literary Attainpents might come to the Red Man's com­ weather prevailed. Ho was not ob­ The rough furnishlnBH of the edi­ tho Initiative and perspicoolly ot Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burn and Mr. Several homos have been afflicted press it; who has always looked for as superintendent of Charities for tlie settlers, but Crapping was munity. ligated lo run his "waggon" din-- fice were not conducive to comfort Carleton Beals, "The Wlilte CUfts"- City of New Haven, Hugh J. Gart­ those who settled here when the and Mrs. Clayton Johnson. by sickness although the attendance "We Save You Money"; the best in others and given the To tho English speaking world taboo. If the Quinnipiacks got into Ing December,' January, February Colony was a atrugglltig uiicei- AUce Duer Miller, "101 Ideals For land has achieved' notable work in Nine tables played. at schools has Improved. Mrs. C. A. best he had; whose life was an in­ "Websjer" and "dictionary" are Any harm that befell cattle at trouble with other tribes they must Chuich— lalnty trying to please a distant Successful Interlors"-Mary Fanton the welfare field. Shortly after the hands of a local tribesman "manage their own affayres ... Harrison Is ill at her home on spiration and whose memory a Right around the corner In Branford Is produced an oil bumsr synonymous but much accomplish­ taking ofl'ice he established an in­ Travel— (Continued on Page 14, Col. \) monarcli. .. . ' ' Roberts. recognized throughout the nation as being one of the the genuine ment of the lexicographer belonged surance adjustment bureau, the first would be taken out of the hide without expecting help from the Miss Martha Takores of West Church Street. benediction. to work oilier than the compiling of the Indian, tho covenant con­ Etfgiish." No Indian was lo loaf in (Continued on Page 10, Col. 4) End Avenue enjoyed the week end outstanding quality oil burners produced In America. of its kind in the counliy, and Business Directory of tho famous two volumes of which has saved the city $252,591.84 tinued. X the vicinity of an Englishman's words and definitions. home. In New York City. Rev. Francis J. Smilii who has Rev. George B. Gilbert ot Middle- When you finally decide upon oil heat do not fall to take ad­ in industrial insurance policies that Reduced in numbers by war and TAX COLLECTOR ROSHA TOOK OFFICE Several persons from this .place been ill at the Rectory is now Im­ Born in West Hartford, October had lapsed but still contained size­ disease, the tribe of Quinnipiacks At tile end of the meeting the Proven Efficiency town will be guest speakers Febru­ vantage of this fact. Indians picked up the baubles the Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 Mrs. attended the Now Haven Symphony proving and able to be about again. 16, 1758, Noah Webster was a de­ able equity. Food stamp plan was who occupied the region around Orchestra concert Monday night 42 inoli sink and tub comblnatlsns ary 18 at the Pilgrim Brotherhood scendant of John Webster, Con­ inaugurated in 1940. Mr. Gartland generous English had given tliem By Judge McNerney John Soaborg of Btannard Avenue Charles Loeber was confined to Ills Theie dealers will be glad to give you complete detalU on what in exchange for a valuable . tract IN 1902; HIS JOB DONE MASTERLY In Woolsoy Hall. Hugo Kortschak, $29.95 oaraplclc. Toilet outnts meeting. Dinner will be served In necticut Governor. is also superintendent of Springside will bo hostess to , the Baptist homo by illness. a Branford Installation will do, and what It will cost. In 1783, 41 years before he pub­ Home and Springside Farm. His Brockett's Compass of land and removed forever from Judge John E, MeNerney, of violin and Harry Berman, viola complete $12.95. Bath tubs $14.50. tho church parlors at 6:30. the region they once roamed so Positions in olficlaldom require various personal characteristics and Chin-:h Missionary Society. Mrs lished his dictionary, Webster department is supervising a large Town Court of Ifamdon, was ap' aliilitics, but in tho lole of tax collector a man is called upon to be Hobart Pago will be the leader. were featured. Wall Unsins $5.45. Conn. Plumbing New Haven East Haven brought out "Grammatical Institute sewing project, -where lOG women Basis Of City Plan freely, believing that tho new­ pointed to the bench ,in July 1939 mi Mrs. George Gednoy of Great HIU of the English Language." He be­ QUINNIPIACK comers had done them a favor. by Governor Baldwin and has many things, including a diplomat, bookkeeper and indefatigable worker. entertained the Zlon Parish Guild qnd Healing Materials Co., 1730 East Haven Coal Co. from the Relief rolls-find gainful, All of tiiese personal requirements and mniiy more have comprised MERCHANTS EXPRESS New Haven Coal Co. came a well-known lawyer, the self-sustaining employment. In Sep­ With a faithful compass and ex­ fully justified the wisdom of hla the program of public service institiited ni 1002 by Clifton D. Rosha, of on Tuesday and a picnic dinner was Slate St, New Ilaven, Conn., Branford — R. C. Enquist owner and editor of two publica­ tember' 1937 Camp Grolon was tensive imagination. New Haven choice by exercising an Integrllablo Belhany, who has held to tho traditions and high standards of his enjoyed at noon. Mrs. Howard rbono 6-0028. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE tions, and was a firm supporter of opened near New London and was laid out by John Brocketl and ouLslanding coverage over all olTice in the long ensuing period. FINANCIAL SECURITY FOR LIFE Garden presided at the business Washington's administration. about 135 single, unattached men about 1640. His plan made the STATE SENATOR BALDWIN SERVES dutioB. He formerly served an MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS COMPANY Green the place for patriotic and clerk for four years in the Court Regularly, every two years, Mr. Rosha Is re-elected to the colicctor- session. MOVING - STORAGE Several other works on the Eng­ are located there now. sliip lie has held faithfully and well since two years after the turn of IS PRIZE IN NEW CONTEST Agent for Branford, Conn, lish language were v/ritten by Web­ Mr. Gartland was alderman-at- sporting events, which were later where he now occupies the bench, the century. His knowledge o£ tlie work to bo accompIished.,is hnprossivo, ster, who died at New Haven, large in 1916 and 1917. Happily augmented by the religious side of PUBLIC LOYALLY, EFFICIENTLY President- of the Fifth District while his quiet and efficient manner of handling his dutiesla bne'reiison On next Monday evening at eight TrPEWRITEKS — ALL MAKES National Delivery Assn., Inc. where he had worked diligently on married, he has four grown chil­ the town's life when ehurehos were Hepublican Club, he Is also a mem­ for tho high esteem in which he and his ofliclal capacity are held in much of tlie revision of his diction­ dren and resides at New Haven. erected. Devoted to tlie interests of his 1935, and 1939 for the two-year ber of the Conhecticut State Bar Botliany. ,.;; , ' o'clock the young married couples 295 Orchard St.. New Haven of the community are Invited to at­ New, Rcbuilts, Rentals, Portables, ary, May 28, 1843. He is a member of K. of C. The Green hud a bare appear­ many constituents and also serving terms successively. Formerly first and Nev/ Haven County Bar As­ In a 30-year span Mr, Rosha served an ii GVJnd Juror, held tlic Phone 8-2812 ance, James Hillhouse thought, and in the manner that benefits the selectman of Woodbridge fur seven sociations. His ofTIce is at 195 minor judicial post of justice of tho peace, gave muph ot his time to tend a meeting at the chapel when SuppDca in 1787 elm saplings were planted. people as a whole, Stale Senatoi* Church Street, New Haven, while 524 Main St. East Haven years, he is a member of the Wood- the school board and was valued as a vote rogistrpr. . ' a name for the newly orgonlzed club Convenient Terms Clarence F. Baldwin, Race ^rook bridge Boai'd of l^inance and also he resides at IS Orrlngton, Hamdcn. Born in Woodbridge, Mr, Rosha has .spent many impressive years in will be selected and by-laws adop­ Phone 4-0372 HAY AND WATERWAYS Road, Woodbridge, is known and its chairman. Ho has been serving Possessing a keen knowledge of I3etliuny. A retired business man, lie owns a 100-acre farm, tho dairy ted. Couples married ten years or honored for his outstanding work on that Board since 1935. From legal matters and upiiolding the products of which arc sold entirely to tho Brock-Hall Dairy, New Haven RELIANGt: TYPEWRITER CO. 'The Great Shippe' on behalf of the common good. September 1939 to November 1940 highest standard In every Instance, less are Invited to consider member­ C. B. GUY, Mgr. ATTRACTED PIONEERS He took office on January 8, 1941 he was assistant to the chairman Judge MeNerney is devoted to his ship In this club. Returned A Phantom for tlie two-year term, following of the Republican State .Central (.rusted duties and esteemed for his Telephone 7-2738 the election by popular vgte. Committee, A native of the Town excellent service. His present term YALE'S EARLY YEARS Early residents of New Haven At a recent meeting Haviland 100 Crown Street, New Uaven Long prominent in public, this of Woodbridge, he holds member­ expires in July 1941. Throughout were commerce-minded and de- valued State senator has a career ship in various organizations of tho area he has many valued Schuessler was elected president; Economy .•^ired to build a world trade for of exceptional merit that is high­ high calibre—including the F. and friends and admirers. •BESET BY TROUBLE' Cllttoid Harrison, vice-president; tiiey ha'd a great abundance of lighted by his ever loyal and lead­ A, M.,; the Grange; and the Edge- «.OST—Piiss Book No. 8313. If grain, hides and timber needed ing services lo the people. v/ood Club, Civic and welfare mat­ General Court met in 1048 to Mrs. Carl Smith, Secretary; and by many nations. Leslie Bean, treasurer. Mrs. Burton found return to Bfantord Sav­ Plumbing He was a member of the State ters always receive his kindly con­ City Sherifl Guida formulate plans for a collcgp in Now Haven Merchants As­ House of Representatives in lOSH, sideration and friendly support. S. Hall and Leslie Brlndley were ings Bank. ,, 2-0,20. 3-6 sociation purchased a sturdy Also Master Barber "His Majesty's Colony of Connecti­ elected to serve on the Executive & Heating vessel from a Rhode Island ship "T" cut" but not until 1702 did tlie In ndilltlon lo tlio ginnd prize, committee. Rev. and Mrs. G. DUiard LOST—Pass Book- No. 710. It builder and with it decided to city SherifT Fred Gulda, of New college open with .Jacob Heminway launch the Colony's commercial Haven, has held office for 10 years thcio will bo fl\o woclvly pi lies ot Lessley were also elected to serve as found return to Branford Sav­ H. W. ANTZ, EAST HAVEN TREASURER, as its first (and only) student. $500 00 oioh and fitly of $10 00 aspirations on a large scale. and compiled an enviable record In honorary members. Members of ings Bank. , 2-6,20. 3-0 Supply Co. Loaded with cargo equivalent furthering the law enforcement The original location ot Yale Col­ O more money worrios for tho each, Tho wlnnor'ot tho grand prlzo other committees will be elected on I n r I J sclllcrs, to $25,000, The Great Shippe standards. He was elected on merit lege was at Killingsworth, willi rest ot your life! Soiuida llko BEGAN OFFICIAL CAREER IN 1927 N will ho ohoBon from among the win­ Monday night Mrs. Burton S, Hall paddiinj; along sailed out of thp, harbor on a and has been re-elected consistent­ llio parsonage of Rev. Abraliam a dream, doesn't It? Yet that is ners ot tho weekly $B00.O0 prliea. WANTED—Mother's helper..Must Boilers — Radiators has been ap. pointed to serve as liic waltr courses bleak January day and with it Through 14 years of service to the public as an official and 27 years ly for each succeeding two-year i'ierson tlie pioneer college build­ exactly the security being otforod of Pseu Haven, sailed the financial stability of term. His present term expires on Dotnila ot tho oontosts, by which be reliable. Branford 378-2 i Gas Steam Radiators Re-roof Uoy^l Comhhe as a technician at Yale School of Medicine, Henry W. Ant;; has won a ing. na grand-prize iii n now sorios of historian. found tliL Indians a people. degree of public approval that is a testimonial to his integrity and December 31, 1941. Formerly a wcfkly contests open to rosldontB participants are asked to coniploto peaceful and will­ Selectman for four years, from 1922 til 1707 the "collegiate sclioole" in 25 words or less tho aentonoo, \/y/^NTED—Employment to do Bathroom Fixtures The ship was never seen again. sincerity of purpose. ot tho United States and Canada, The new heating system has been ing to trade Tlic With its crew of 70 and valu­ As treasurer of East Haven I«r. Antz has given his every attention to 1925 inclusive, he Is well and had tutors and students in several "I llko Ivory Soap hocauBO . . ." housework, day or week. Willing All Kinds — at Low Cost Quinnipiaclcs sold widely known , for his ability in over 18 years ot age. Installed In the Congregational Beautij with Shelter able cargo it was swallowed up and efTort to providing an pflicial endeavor ' that leaves nothing to towns and not until 171G, .when $100.00 a month for lite la tho and to submit tho sontence, accom­ worker. Tel. Branford 699-5 tlicir lands rcad- by the sea. be desired. HLS original two-year term gained him public approval of handling public responsibilities, Jeremiah Dummer gave 1,000 vol­ prize which win bo awarded to tho panied by wrappers (or' tncBimllea) Church and services were again held Also Selected •l> Six months later New Haven which any official would have been proud. Mr, Gulda hails from Naples. He umes to tlie institutFpn, was a col­ gniml winiior of tho Bix contests from a largo and a modium cako ot In the church on Sunday. For FOR SALE — Practically new Strong of Will .Hid .iim .md determined to live their religious, residents, strolling along the Re-elected last year, he has an opportunity to outdo his past com­ Ectlled in New Haven 43 years ago lege building was taken at New ,v whoao ; oloains dutos are weekly Ivory soap, may bo obtained from several weeks they have been held Broii-O-Grill, Reasonable. Tuck­ USED PLUMBING political and personal lives as they saw fit, tlie men who comprised water's edge, saw an apparition mendable record in the present terms and those that are apparently and is proud of his adopted town. Haven. tlio sluidy band under John Davenport and Tiieopiiilus Eaton decided appear on the horizon. Its 'sails to come. '« J His active membership la honored from February iBt to March 8th. grooors and otiier donlera. ' In the chapel. er's Store, Short Beach. ne^ired East India Merchant Eiihu THE LEEPER CO. Quinnipiac (Place of the Long Water) would malte an ideal settle­ set, it was The Great Shippe, From 1927 to 1931 Mr. Antz served as clerk ot the Board of Public In the B.P.CE,; I.O.R.M.; and Yale gave freely to tlic coliego tliat Tho lireloiig prize will bo guaran- Dy offering this unusual oppor­ and ment site. . , , . , .. r Master Barbers Association. An ex­ toed by one of tho atrongoat Insur- all agreed. IM^VO^ P^^ '" '^';"'^ '^° Selectmen appointed him. For three years, was "beset by tiouble," 'financial, tunity to win security and freedom A call has come from the sponsors FOR RENT-fo"r...'Oon> heated Seven men from the Hector were left at the present location of The most hopeful realized it pert tonsoriaI artist, he has his own and otherwise, and was honored' nnco "compunicB In Uie United HEATING SUPPLIES Telephone Office 6-8829 — Res. 4-0725M New Haven while the rest of the expedition of refugees from European was only a phantom and the until 1933, he was etairman of the Town Committee and added furthei^ barber shop at 992 Slate Street, by the trustees giving It his name.- States. It tho winner profors, ho or from proBBlng money worries, tUo of the operetta, "Rogolet the Jester" apartment, near school, furnished not aponaors ot tho contest bollovo that intolerance went on to Boston to recruit new rnembers for the Colony. people agreed it was a bad omen. to his unpressive record by serving as Court cleric from 1933 until 1935. New Haven, where the full roster One ot the most lamous students Rho may chooso the altornatlvB flrat for linoleum which has outlived Its or unfurnished. Sunny, screened Telephone 8-4617 Hay was growing in great quantities and the water courses offered of satiitary service on personal they are meeting tho public demand 549 Elm Street New Haven, Conn. They felt certain that the ves­ Valued as a technician in Yale School of Medicine, Mr. Antz has of Yale was Nathan Halo, the prlzo of ^20,000 cash in a lump sum usefulness. In the home. This will be porch. Waterfront Jwlth private! an inviting aspect to the voyage-weary settlers that bright .Jun'" e- sel had been lost. grcomlng needs is provided prop­ NATHAN HALE for prizes ot lasting valuo. 91 Water St., New Haven patriot who gave his all to his I instead. us«d for stage properties for the pre . bathing. Tel. 840-if_ I morning in 1037. 'imost'fhTcf'decaS!' ""-' P™^«-'- "-ro-anatomy department for erly. Ills slaluc is on Yale campus. country. He has been identified witli the G. O. P. for many years. 10

„iix«tfit s-jT,LV--r^.'r-.a'--.'.'^.2cr.i'A»i»s«.-~'-. tA-M:4' 4 M. * i~^---i-t! ^ -V.^-* X-* .v,.x" aj^«gritw.ai«I.'ni nnd builil cxncdng demands for rood build­ with the proper personal supervision CONSTABLE CASTIGLIONI WINS quence in its field through tlie un­ And speaking of customers, City liany's new building; lienting work oui' highways (lio Unilod Slalo.s Catering to a largo jind exclusive is supplied on tho wholesale basis, always being exercised by Mr. Fuel Cotnpany hps hundreds of so treasurer, has been connected to nid in furthering the p/Iecllvc ipodc by hand on order for cus­ ing th.'it would moot (lie need of Irndo from tho city nnd surround­ usual roster of activity it offers, with the firm since 1028. He up- at llie Divinity School ot Yale Uni­ progrnm. Benjnmin Lcdpwilz, whose tomers. Goiivenient credit terms ore oiyes a debt of gralilude. Ihe pi'oseiit and slnnd up under while tho coal and coke are retailed Mead. Gateway City Fuel Company, 1025 Dixwell householders and others in its lists versity. It has also liandlcd plumb­ experience spans U years in this B further tho elTectivenesa den, the ponipany has a repord of Taking a just place as a factor In the general stability and progress of All kinds of repair worjc on any type of shoes feature, with the of the service hi this territory. exercises o comprehensive super­ evidence of, a real personalized in­ "Acousticon" hearing aids are in­ pars in all makes and models. ngo. Territory covers New Haven, tions and other important helpful vision over tho roster in the man­ proven- reliability and satisfaction. (he region, tlie firm employs 50 persons under gnlnful and Ideal working quality leathers, heels and Hndings utilized. Each task is given the considerolions are rendered court­ Formerly the firm had quaUcrs si It ofiTtjfs the "Eagle Asphalt Vault," terest in those served. dividually constructed instruments Proprietor D. Efland has 25 years JUst Haven and H«m<)en. ner that merits outspoken apprecia­ conditions. Its entire nspects are in accord' with the above-average thorough attention. to.meet the precise requirements of of experience in the automobile In meeting the exact demands ot eously. East Haven la served. 104 Elm Slreol. which Is construciod with asphalt policies of Uic field. This firm s^lls the "Matrix" corrective shoes, which are from the tion. In the middle nnd concrete on both At the Accoustieon Institute of each wearer. Proper fitting for business. Ho established his own his clienlcle, Mr. WiiUe considers Hifving about 28 years of experi­ As resident manager for th« firm This company is a contract monufneturqr of ladies' nnd children's Heywood Boot and Shoe Company. New Haven, 056 Chapel street, comfort and convenience is firm three years ago. His friendly courteous satisfscllDn w the gvld- ence in his field of activity. Mr. (lere, Hogcr P. Tyler Is rendering sides and la nir-tlght, waterproof silk and broadcloth pajamas nnd undcrgamionls. It docs quality work It also features its own "Purpora Posture'.'.iStjHe, a very good shoe and sweat-proof. New Haven, there is available an stressed, with the instrument be­ and personal Interest in the satis­ ing standard. He I3 re»dy and will­ Steiner la ^ble torply "POI a vast on excellent coverage over his re- Rposevelt Not First to meet tho sBoclflc rcqulromcn(a In dcljill. that finds a wide demand. ].';:.. up-to-date and thorough program ing easy to wear without attract­ faction of ^ach and every client Is ing to undertake any tasl^ fn thp practical bacltgroupij of kiewlcdgc pponfilbilllles. lU hm b»en ^ffl/l- OlJicials of, the .company nrc: Behind tho major program of endeavor' is the 20 years o( experience Review—Associated Features Syndicate Photrf Joseph Purpora, with 2? years of experience.'-iri the field, is the of careful assistance. This branch Franklin D. Roosevelt Is not lh« Frank E. Wornqr, president and ing notice. a factor in winning an increasing­ line, large or umall. Bsllmatea ate and skill. He eolycs the intricate oted with the organization for U) only tnon ever to have been nQipI- possessed by Jerry Condldo, tlio popular proprietor, who directs the daily Nrnv Ilnvcn has jusi VIXUSQ (O be pioud of (he beautiful Walter Ciunp Gateway, at Vnle proprietor of the business. He has nine employes. was established 10 years ago and is ly large share of trade. Detailed cheerfully provided. Advice and problems properly and promptly years and has a total cxperlsncff treasurer; James Bennett, vice activity on tho modern standards. His friendly supervision has won Established 22 years ago, the enterprise is knowii and patronized affiliated with the Acpustlcon aate^ three times for the presi­ president; Mrs. Freda Warner^ wife Bowl, which, with the Held also bearing the name of the "Father of American Football," How Cold Is Cold? endeavors are entrusted to a staff suggestions are also given upon re­ His own business was established pf 13 years in this field. Friendly, and held the loyalty ot the workers. Full co-operpflon Is ntTorded to the by those who appreciate the genuine values aiid' service that satisfies. Manufacturing firm at 'jamacia, pf 15 employes, all of whoin are quest, for llic aim is to keep the approximately 10 years ago, with courteous, consiclcrote and com- dency by the Democratic party, WIU of Frank E., secretary. Directors area on Its worthy welfare nnd civlo nfiairs. remintis thousands of devotees of the sport that the lessons he taught have been given the Each customer receives real courteous assistance in the friendly, helpful Long Island, which was founded A temperature below the nprmsl, pctc'nl in his performonco of the Ham Jennings Bryon wo? nominsicd include:' Soth Taylor; George Recs; the normal being bsscd on the sen­ carefully trained and qualified. best possible elementa in the fore­ an Increaaing clientele being gained Occupying a position of dominance and prominence now, the enter­ pernumence of stone. Born in 1859, Walter Camp became a great player, competent cpach pnd careful manner. ' ' in 1892., Wreck work is a specialty In the ground throughout the entire pro­ over since then. Quality and scrv* duties. Mr. Tyler uphold; the tr»ii- in an, IDOO, and 1008, and Graver and • Frederick Camcrlin. There are prise hns ninrkea a notable success In .compiiratiYely rapid time by Mr. Purpora is president of the firm and promotes its entire pro­ sations of the human body, answers llons and prpgrom of the firm Cleveland was nominated In 18S4^ three' 'ompldyos. and unsurpassed advisor of youth. H. M. Burn, connected with the service phases of the roster at this gram of service. Only quality ma­ Iw §(e parainoMpt /actors in the adherence to principles and policies that coinmnnd prnLso. gram on the up-to-date standards in the full efficiency. firm for 15 months, is the manager the questions of "how cojd is cold?'' reliable agency. terials and eupplies are used. success pnjoycd. thoroughly- M88, and 1802,

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K|j^„4r...f^ f^^*».f.*t.»*f-^*'f^ t 4-1." ,-..,^ Thuistlny, Fcbnuuy 13, inil I'iigc Five Thursday, I'Y-ljriiary i:i, 1!)11 uh'ANi'oui) ui;\ii:\v Page r^oiir BKANFOIIU llEVIEW HART GUIDES HEARING AIDS, INC., Depend On Dalil Now PARK STREET GARAGE IS MODERN Ideal Shirt Plant BURIAL CASE GO. PIONEERED IN MODERN AID TO FUNERAL DIRECTORS To Beautify Homes GORDON PIONEER CAR LOT RECEIVER OF FRUIT AND PRODUCE HERE Has 300 Employes SELLS FAMOUS AUDIOPHONE UNIT Considering no job too large or UNDER BALZER'S CAPABLE GUIDE too small to be handled right for Orange Boaidy Arts Serpliillips Serves Wholesale Service Gainful employment for 300 peo- Furniture's Beauty the best results and satisfaction. Farm Life Long Vital To Dislricl Maihics Head Serving one of IIIL'greatest needs of mankind, Western Electric Frederick C. Dahl. of 31 Estelle Attract Patronage SCRANTON FIRM SERVES CLIENTS Plumbing, Heating On Finest Values. Many moloristi solccl Ihe Pnrk |)le from this region under modern Restorcil By Smith orthotcchnic audioplionos have gained widespread jicccptance as the Road. East Haven, offers a full ros­ Slroot Garage, nl 134 Pink Street, Armored Car Safety and excellent working conditions is Of Orange outstanding hearing old of thc age. ter of work in exterior and inter­ Devoted lo Ihe requirements of NoW'Hnven, ns the proper place to provided at the Ideal Shirt Manu­ Dealer tor thc Pijdilft of Western Electric laboratories, perfected ior painting, interior decorating ond IN INVESTMENT BANKING PROGRAM Full service on plumbing and State-Wide Daily.-'; r linvc their car maintenance work Assures Protection Hefiniahlng, restoring, chair con­ the elienlele, the Orange Beauty heating job.*!, including new work, facturing Compony, 447 Chapel Coneern after many years' ••(if>«Jlj)erinientatioii, is Hearing Aids, Inc., of 59 pnpcrhanging. He recently received clone. Odoring a full roster of niccli- ing nnd nil furniture repair work College Street, New Haven. the contract for ser\-icc on five Salon is a modern and sanitary repairing and ialtallatton of oil Delivery Handled.,;,: antcol repairs on nil makes of cars, Street, Now Haven. receive the skillful accomplishment center at 154 Orange Street, New Investment bankers olTorini? a burnei-s. Is rendered expertly by Mandling coilecllons for various «*.^ -*fi-' Throughout New Haven, New London, Fairfield and Middlesex .homes on Estelle Road. Estimates major and model program tluit this establishment also accepts body stores and also for all the banks Contract manufacturer of men's under the experienced methods of The early years of this cenlury are furnislied gladly on any project Haven. It was established two years Krevit Chemicals Joseph ' Serphilllps, 58 Qilbeft Tilt! Gcofge Gofdon- Fi'Uit jobs.. It has a storage capacity for found many innovations and devel­ Counties the firm has its distribution region and has created on added meets with widespread acceptance in New Haven, Connecticut Ar­ sport and dress shirts, tho firm pro­ Frederick W. Smith, Ives Street, dcirnnd for its product through the capable management of Montgomery in this line and there is no obliga­ ago and has allained a wide popu­ Street, West Haven. ThorouRhty 54 cars. Towing service is on the Mount Carmel. He has been active opments that have since become and satisfaction. Charles W. Scran- Demanded As Best equipped and qualified to handle and Produce Company,.16 Hill mored Car Service, 157 Church duces a cruality output that finds U Hart and his capable assistance to meet tlic specific requirements o"f tion Incurred. Helpful advice and larity. Miss Helen Inorio Is pro­ ton and Company, 209 Clun-ch 24-hour basis. Street, New Haven, provides the In this lino of work for 35 years. important factors in various fields suggestions ore made as desired. any size or kind of Job In hl.i Street, New Haven, receives immediate approval. Its clientele re­ of endeavor. One of the most out­ the individual. prietress and has seven years of Street, Now Haven, enjoys tiie con­ Although the garage was oslnb- safe, convenient and cITIciont me­ His business was established nt tho experience in Uie pi-ofession. She fidence of a large clientele. Branch chosen field of endcBVor, he has liShfed about 18 years ago, it has ceives the rightful service and sat­ present location five years ago. 1 ^»5*'^? standing of these was the innova­ Each audiophonc is assembled individually, thus assuring the last Equipped by 35 yeoi-s of exper­ All Connecticut ns well as Spring­ Ihc ouLitandlng background of 35 direct carlols from nil parts of thods. All employes are bonded ience, Mr. Dnhl is ready and will­ was graduolcd from the Irene olTlccs are nialntaihcd in Wntei-bury field, Massachusetts, and Northern marked a new peak of successful Especial attention Is .given to the tion of thc modern concrete vaults Word in complete satisfaction for the person who is lo have opened years' experience 111 tho work. His the United Slates and- also and protected. Tliero are usually isfaction, ing to achieve the finest work in Academy of Beauty Culture in Now nnd Now London. New York Slate comprise thc ter­ operation under the present pro­ about 10 workers on the staff. Tills needs on antique furniture, with "t that have found such extensive fa­ lo hmi a new and more pleasant world, a world of friendly voices ond own business was established about prietorship. C. Howard Bnlzer took Tills company was catabllshed 20 vor with funeral directors. music, famall m size, neat appearing and possessing natural tonal quality, his scope of endeavor. He hos con­ Haven. There are five elTicicnt op­ This pmiMitiiMit firin was /otindcd ritorial scope of H. ICrevit and handles some imported delica­ firm was founded four years ago. the restoring and reflnlshlng work ducted his own business 25 years. Company, Inc., 11 Albert Street, 20 years ngo. An nppicclntlvo oyer tho business two years ago years ago In New Haven. It has stressed. Each and every task is Every now activity is destined to Uie Western Electric orthotcchnic audiophone sold by Hearing Aids, erators on tho staff under her per­ in 1892 by C/inr/cs \\\ Sn-an(on. clientele values Uio excellence of cies. It features a coiripleto Its proprietor is C. L. Smith, whose Inc., has greatly Increased power and is easily operated in any position. Three workers are employed under New Haven. Maiuifacturor of laun­ and has cftoclod important Im­ personal experience In this line of occupied the present quarters there performed in tho expert manner for have a leader. In 1908 Burial Case sonal supervision. u»lio had a 6rJ(Jlnnt cnrccr ns an Ihc nstilslnncc provided. Local nnd provements to advance Uio entire his personal supervision. He is a iiiucstmeiif (jftii/cor. Uis dcnth oc­ dry, dry cleaning and Industrial lino ot fine fruit and produce ondenvor covers Id yoors. He hos for 10 years and continued to fur­ the reliable satisfaction. Estimates Company was established nnd soon Mr. Hart has been identified with thc field for eight years and is leading contractor and in demand Permanent wavhig Is thc special­ ehcniicals, the firm distributes its out-of-town Jobs are given Uio program in tho interest of the cus- held a definite position of recogni­ curred in 1918. guided Uic enterprise here to a ther tho splendid record. Philip ore glodiv supplied. K\ always ready and willing to demonstrate to a prospective client tlie for his remarkable services. Quality ty, with the work available at any qviality output strictly on a whole­ same careful attention. EsUmnles in season, with the 'stt'lfctly , tomeb. He has 11 years of. exper­ tion and approval second to none marvels of this latest and greatest aid to hearing. Pit'.s'ciK jHirtncr.t i« tlic i)Hsinoj?.t are supplied. ience in the field and knows the pinnacle of deserved and sustained Planeta Is proprietor and possesses Mr. Smith lias his office and re­ is his watchword on each job. time. No nppointjuents are neces­ sale basis. wholesale plan of service being merit as an asset In the area. sides in one of the old Ives' homes, in tho industry. sary. Service is quick, clever nnd arc; John McKcow; WilUnm D, In mcellnR Ihe exacting demands modem demands. His customers re­ 25 years of cxporleiice in llie field. Wilbort concrete burial vaults Scranton, son of. thc founder; Paul Officials are: H, Krevit, president; maintained, M o d e r n \yare- ceive real satisfaction under a Monies are transported In tho which was eslnbllshed more than complete to keep the best elements and his son.s Allen Krovit, vice pre- for all plumbliiR and honting work, light way via the use of the ar­ Ho has good will in tills area for 150 years ago. It Is an area land­ are manufactured by the concern W. RcdficUi; Wilbur G. Uoyc; and IliLs well-known specinllsl utilizes liouso nnd railroad siding,add frlohdly and fine plan' of dependable 1 of satisfaction uppermost. Every .lident; nnd Irving lirovit, secre­ service. There are four employes, mored ear service. There is no his faithful and cflflclcnl operation mark of historic Importance and and are sold lo funeral directors Bertram U. linilcif> tary. This lirm wns established 15 Ihc most modern methods nnd best throughout New Havon nnd Fair­ Eastern Oil Refining Firm Known courlesy is accorded to coeli custo­ of malerlals. He Is porsonnlly nc- to the convenience of thc-'fn- need to jeopardize tlie lives of un­ of this largo enterprise as an asset always of interest to sightseers in mer at this pleasant nnd wcU-pol- Members of tho Now York Slock years ago and has tnahitained a Socony gnsollnea and oils; Ken­ trained employes, when the guall- this section of the county. t field counties. Ullimato consumers Exchnngo; hivestmenl Bankers As- livo In Oio dally roster, cnirylng cilities. There are IGlrucIts of proven importance. ronized beauty solon, where the lat­ splendid program of enterprise to dall and Quaker State oils; Dun- flod and experienced start of this have placed their stamps of ap- .socinlion; and associate 'member of gain a leading pn.'iilion in its field. each contract through to Its proper lop tires and tuljes;' Gould batteries ( State Wide For Quality Products est equipment and methods are uti­ nnd cars in use for delivery firm is available lo handle such supplying the famous and superior thc New York Curb, the Hnn iip- Orders are given the inompt al- compleiion. ai'p'iiandlod. Lubricating, car wash­ duties. Si and entirely satisfactory In every lized in a roster of reliable skills. holils the full rules and regulations nnd allied purposes. ^All,, of ing, and battery recharging aids are Quality of products and quality of tontloii and filled to meet the exact VIEW STYLISH WOMEN'S WEAR LINE way. services are present in an excellent lire Slate of Connecticut. Three reach its present peak of success. that govern Its scope of service. Its requireinenls. All maiiiifncturing Maxlmiitn Debt cxpcrl also. Tills garage la open on In 1928 F. L. Mathies joined die trucks are utilized, with free de­ clientele is extensive nnd oxchisivo. Since 1075, thc Nebraska constItU' Connecticut is included iWlho the continuous 24-hour plan. combination of genuine values to Oflicials are: H. D. Stoddard. and wholcsaliiiK procedures are Authentic Antiques firm and as its president and treas­ win a large trade for llio Eastern livery a fealure. Orders are filled Jr., president; his brotlier, William Highost-clmractor transactions un­ conducted in the modern and ctTi- tlon has forbidden a stale debt In daily delivery scope, with no urer has aided its progress mn-< Oil Refining Company, Inc., 17 in the reliable and prompt manner der the strictest ethics of thc invest- elent mnnnar. excess ot SIOO.OOO. Armstrong Dealings AT ALBRAM'S, WHERE VALUES LEAD Stoddard, secretary-treasurer; and mciU hanking field aro conducted. o.xtrn charge being mhdfi'ifor Marble, Tile Needs teriaily. His service measures and Whitney Avenue, Now Havon. This to meet the exacting specifications Clarence E. Jensen, sales manager. The scene (above) is illustrative of the hundreds of individually owned farms found standards of endeavor are a credit firm has a very niodorn refinery at in detail. There are 10 employes. Bulwarked by its cnviablo rocoi"d deliveries. This firm supplies Met By Connecticut • The "Stepping Stone" Is known stylish values ./ihi women's wear Those who seek and appreciate to his personal interest in supplying Eslablished in December 193G, the throughout tho southern portion of the county. Their operators are counterparts of the Wallingford, Connecticut. Under approved policies of the anil trndition.f, tlie firm continues outstnnding quality values. lo lovers of antiques from coast are displayed In the best merchan­ the exceptional quality offers at the the best, while tho co-operation enterprise hiis experienced a con­ to mark an estimable progress im- to coast and coters lo a largo, ex­ It refines molor and gear nils,, up-to-date type, the firm continues GUS REGNIER SELLS AND INSTALLS Designer and Installer of artistic dise selections ^at popular prices right prices tliat are in tunc with early settlers who found it profitable to till the soil before building for permanency a com­ of Mrs. Mathies, who is secretary clyefly used for auloniotlve, tioclor sistent and commendable growth to to win an increasing demand for its der the direction of the present History of the bii.shiess I'hyoals colored bathrooms as well as hand­ clusive clientele. Many celebrated the times, find that tho women's of the corporation formed in 1914, partners. personages are Included In the cx- under a completely ] courteous pro­ mercial colony. • and marine engine purposes. Trade quality products. Strong and pro­ these IntercstinB inid notable facta! ling all modern requirements In the wear selection shown nt this shop has been a major aid. name in "Eastern Oils." In con­ gressive metliods of efficient aspect lonslve patronage which has trans­ gram of service at Albram's, Inc., Is of Immediate interest. COMMERCIAL REFT^IGERATION UNITS Gordon Brolhors, originally cs'tnb- . field of service, tho , Connecticut About 10 workers are employed' junction with the great National bulwark the complete schedule of llshed 48 years ago in New Briloh, Marble and Tile Compa'ny, 24 Bond acted business with this antique 137 Temple Street, Now Haven. Service Is nltentlvc nnd unhur­ at the Orange location on the Bos­ Ocean View Cheery dealer. Latest fashic/ns in coats, dresses, By 1647 tho colonists were ex­ Fruit was dovolopcd and grown Defense Program, the firm is pul- endeavor maintained by Uie enter­ In llils modcri\ world nt improved fncllllies and better ways of doing Connecticut, were the fir.'it car'lot Slrept, New Haven, is a recognized ried, allowing each customer ample Farming— in largo quantities, but suffered ton Post Road. During the Sum­ Ihig nut an aviation high film prise. Its posilion of leadership in Six Corner Bakei*y leader In meeting fastidious re­ Ustabllshod In 1920 as a dealer and everything In tho women's time to choose the desired coa't, porting large quantities of Indian Convalescent Home an everyday job Ihc new unite of commercial electrical refrigeration find receivers in the Stale. That (Inn (Continued from Page 1, Col, 1) corn, peas, flax and other home­ considerably from blight and dis mer months Mr. Matliics adds to strength molor oil. That prniluci this line is now assured and upheld favor with meat morkcLs, packing houses, dairies, ice plnnta and oUier quests with the outstanding achieve­ in authentic antiques, Mrs. Marie wear lino are available. Inspection dress or other gorment. Albert his personnel college students who Cash-Carry Retail opened a branoh in Hnitford hi grown products. Rye, wheat and ease. is sold under Ihe liadc name of Condueled in the ideal man­ thoroughly. firms. , 1910 nnd in 1917 built ii modem ments; All kinds of now work and Gouln Armstrong la tho proprietor of the slock is invited, without any Abra;ns has 20 years of experi­ tained. Farming was thc answer aro paying for their educations by "Avinlion i\Iolor Oils." repair jobs In the marble and tile of the business and has location obligation to purchase being in­ oats reached immense proportions, President. Stiles of Yale .College ner as a havi>n of rest, care and One of thc leading llghl-i in the sale and installation of new nnd refrigerated iilant Iheio to hold n ence In tho field and supervises the and to tho soil nil turned for a their own labors. Territory served lakes in tho en- Cnlering to the cash-and-carry line,, are handled expertly. Free now at IS!) Olive Street, Now curred. This up-to-date and Ideal roster. Both Mr. and Mrs. Abrams with 15,000 bushels of wheat boinfi had made'an exhaustive study of comfort. Ocean View Convales­ used equipment is Gus A. Rcgnicr liefrigcrnling Engineering Company, capacity of 50 carload'). !D«vld livoliliood—evon the would-be shipped out of the colony in 1774. tho silk worm. He planned, with While his interest h'es chiefly in cent Home, 239 Bench Street. retail trade, llic Six Corner Bak­ 187',i Olive Street, New Havon, whose service record has gnined for Ihe estiriiatcs are cheerfully accorded Haven. She was formerly iit 227 store was established four years conduct the business, with a staff supply tho famous and superior Gordon died In 1930, with Ujo.bltsl- Tills enterprise has a histoi'y of ago. It now enjoys a splendid pa­ merchant princes. Form life and community spirit the aid of 80 ministers of Connecti­ West Haven, has the approval BARNUM MACHINE WORKS GAINING ery, 394 Washington Avenue, New enterprise wide favor and extensive acceptance. ne.ss being continued by Abraham Elm Street, West Haven, at the of 10 well-traliicd, efTiclont em­ Wilbort concrete burial vaults to' Excelsior Thorough Haven, oilers money-saving values progressive success. It was eslab- "Stepping Stone" and still operates tronage from tho entire surround­ ployees aiding in the dctnllod duties In tracts ranging from 10 to 1,000 were given added impetus as early cut, to grow mulberry tr6es upon of authorities. It was established TwcnI'yToight years practical training luid * cxiierienco are behind nnd George Qoidon. New Ilnvcn itshed IG years ago hero under the ing area. acres, the early settlers were given as 1644 when "two market fnyrs which silk worms thrive. Tlie ex-, his clients, Mr. Mathies' alliance three years ago at the present on delicious quality ilenia. Full Gus A. l?egnier, prcsidcnl and treasurer of tho company nnd n mnn under that trade name—which was assigned. with tho industry ns a whole is of , Boilei- Works Scope lino of bread and pastries features. branch wns opened In ]9.')S as Ooi- riahlo of Ottavio Kamadol. Present derived from a 175-year-old mill lands on which to build their for cattell and other goodos" were poriment seemed destined to suc­ modern quarters. IN NEW LOCATION; FIRM ASSET dedicated lo Uic best princiiilcs of servico nnd satisfaction for those don Brothers Fruit, and Pvpduce flrhi' name was adopted In 1037. decided upon by the colony fathers. cess, dospilG many adverse circum­ considerable extent since he is Aged, chronic and convales­ Particular allenUon is given to Uie who rely on him. stone brought from Glbraltor. It homos. Each received a portion of president of the National Concrete Coniiiany. In Nijvember 19.19 • the upland, meadow and nockland. The country fair had come to stay! stances, when, in 1837, a blight Full equipped to meet llie re­ cent patients are accepted. Their Although the Barnum Machine crealinj! of hoautifully-dccorntcd Carbondiilc tind York refritloralton lines are fcnlurcd by Uie concern, Officials arc! Ottavio Ramadcl, Was used as ballast In a sailing ship Burial Vault Association. Tliis quirements properly in its scope of cakes for any special occasion, such business was i dissolved, Abiaham who has 40 years of experience in and later as the stepping stone in welfare and interests are served Works, hic, has been established utmost accuracy assured. Each and but it is always ready and willing lo install any ninke. Seven years ngo CHARLIE'S TEXACO SPECIALIZES group has been directly responsible servico, Excelsior Boiler Works, Ii3 as birthdays, anniversarie.s, wed­ Mr. Degnicr cslahlished his present business nnd linmcdlntoly instituted Gordon Uion nequlrod the Ilnil- thti'Work, president; and his sons; front of the antique house. The properly, with the friendly and for 24 years in New Haven, it has every undertaking is given tho ford place; whllo Gcoigc Gpitloji for thc present status of tho vault, South Front Street, New Havon, home-like atmosphere being ap­ enjoyed the advantages of ila now thorough coverage in all details. dings nnd other social galiicriiigs. sales and soryico principles that have continued to gain for tho firm FilHo Hamndei, vice president and house was formerly owned by while its interchanging of ideas and has the modern rosier of endeavor took over tho Now Haven and Now preciated. and larger quarters there at 20O Officials of Uiis prominent and This store is open from 7 a.m. until now and added laiircls in this all-ini]iorlanl work. treasurer; and John Ramadei, sec- Captain Ward, a famous mariner. IN "MARFAK" LUBRICATION WORK methods has aided the success of in full force. Boilermakers, welders, 9 p.m. Briton establishments. Ho ^founded rotary. All ore devoted to providing Mrs. Armstrong has 21 years' ex- Ideal PhysiO'Therapy Department and also aclive in sleel plate con­ Mrs. Dorathea Currie, R. N., Woostor Street since August 1!)40 valued firm are: Mclichor K. llalb- the field as a whole. is proprietor. She has experience to further the program excellently. Although tho bakery was cslnb- the present firm Ihen. Main office tlic< best possible service scope. pei'loncc as a dealer in genuine Genuine valijos of proven worth struction, this firm produces thc ing, president and treasurer; his Is In Now Havon. Now Billon antiques and is outstanding in llie established a year and a half ago needs in tanks, slacks, flues and al­ hi the field since 192'l and is Keeping well abreast of tho in­ son, Henry G. Hnlbing, secretary; li.slled 48 ycais ago, it hn.^ gained BASSERMAN ELECIKICAL SKILL arc provided in the modern way at known for her excellent capa- creasing demands, the firm handles and Charles T. Stepp, who has 35 its greatest pinnacle uf succos.s in branch is nt 120 Conimciclal Sticet. field. Charlie's Texaco Service Station, at 1150 Ocean Avenue, West Haven. Aids CommunityHospitalProgram killed Uio trees and tho worms lied items. Installation and servic­ Partridge Pleasing Open from 7 n. m. to 10 p. m. died. From that time tho region ing jobs are given tlio exporl cov­ bililies and standards. Tiiero are a schedule of activity that finds an years of experience in the field, the modern era under the pi-oprie- A.™iAa^S INCREASING DEMAND in tho Winter and until 12 midnight There is a splendid up-lo-date adhered to correctly-adapted farm­ erage also. Territory lakes in Con­ five courteous, capable employes outstanding approval. general manager. Efficiency is para­ tor.sliip of Ludwig Jenlzen, who I. M. Gordon, son of Geoige, is Custom-Tailor Need site which is 114 by 280 foot. All allowing for as many as 40 patients on the well-trained staff under mount ill every phase of Uie busi­ look charge of the business J8 year in the Summer on a seven-day department of physio-therapy con­ modern and essential facilities are Clironic and convalescent cases are ing metliods and prospered. necticut and part of New York. Maintenance work, machine re­ now in active charge of the com­ her own supervision. Patients re­ pairs, machine designing, and al­ ness. There are 15 employes on the ago and lias furthered il.i cIToctive House-wiring, commercial fix­ pany and ndvanclnfi its pi,ogiam MINER, READ AND TULLOCK KNOWN week basis, the place has tho ducted by trained technicians at maintained to promote tho program tlic specialty. Onicials of the firm, which was ceive the allcntive care. Accom­ Catering to prominent business patronoge of discriminating motor­ lied needs aro met cxperlly. Es­ competent staff under this excel­ operation. Mr. .lentzcn has a total Goin Is Competent tures, wiring installations, and rc- on the upito-dalo merlLi Tlieio ate and professional men tliroughout tho Community Hospital, corner of on thc highest humanitarian stand­ Patients may have their own established in 191C, are: Beverly modations allow for nine patients pecial emphasis' is placed on the lent direction. Advice and sugges­ experience of 39 years as a quality the'greater Now Haven area as a ists from near and afar. Free road Division nnd Mansfield Streets, ards. private physieinns in attendance, if F. Throckmorton, president; Arthur here. tions to benefit tho clients are ac­ Milner Hotel Mgr. pair.s on all appliances comprise tho 22 persons employed In New Haven service to regular customers is a Peckham's Station roboring of steam engines and ro- baker. Ifc employs five persons at nnd 10 persona employed at thc custom-tailoring representntivo, Ed­ AS FOREMOST WHOLESALE GROCER Now Haven. Established here but Male and female patients are ac­ preferred. Every cfi'ort is made to W. Hansen, with 30 years of exper­ boring of steam cylinders, with the corded courteously on iiKitlors re­ his cleanly and modernized estab­ leading offers In tbe electrical con­ ward L. Partridge Is qualified tlior- ioaturo. a year ago, tho hospital occupies a cepted, with the accommodations provide tho best care and comfort Has Socony Values ience, vice president and treasurer; quested. Kiich guest receives fully cour­ tracting lino by F. K. Bnssorman, branch. All phases of the bu^rnesi Headquarters in this section for lishment. ore conducted on the efficient iind ouglily In .moosurlng, styling and Retail grocers, restaurants, clubs, under cheerful, cleanly and home­ G. T. Rockwell, secretary. There aie teous attenliun and siitlsfuction at BriTdlcy Avenue, Woodbrldge. Hia cess command tho full approval. the famous line of "Texaco" petro­ tile Milner Hotel, ZVi Meadow ideal methods to set the lcadcrshit> fitting of line suits to please the hotels, institutions, schools, steam­ like surroundings that lend to tho 20 employes. Incorporulod in 1923 18 years of experience Is a factor Individual taste. He - has boon in Present ofTlcials are: Frederick leum products in n 100 per cent quick regaining of health. Socony products are stocked in a to further its progress, Ihe cnlor- GILBERT'S BAKERY AJ3VAJVCING Street, New Ihiven. Cleanliness, standards. ers and many others arc served In capacity, this station stresses the 100 per cent capacity at Peckham's comfort and eonipleto f^erviec are in the proper accomplishment of I .j- ~ ~ I "^ V business for 16 years and repre­ tho reliable way by Minor, Road Fennor, president; Edgar Tullock, SEVEN GABLES INN FOOD SUPERB; Dr. Clarence R. Rungeo is tho prise is among the foremost and sents the P. H; Davis custom lailori vice president; Ralph Tullock, sec­ reliable bumpor-lo-bumper cover- proprietor of tho hospital. He has Service Station, 119 Orange Avenue, finest in its line here. UNDER SORENSEN, BOSCH GUIDE stro.ssed. Tliis popular haven wns the accepted tasks. During the three Keslaurailt AnU l5ai' and Tullock, Inc., wholesale groc­ ago on Tcxaco's "Marfak" lubrica­ Ing, firm of Cincinnati,.,Ohio. That retory; nnd Charles Bradstroot, equipped it v/ith the outstanding West Haven, Lubrication jobs are established on August 17, Wi\). 11 years in which he has conducted his firni'lias b^on a member of the ery house, 91 State Street, New tion jobs, n feature in tho roster of eflicicnt is affiliated with the famous Milner Equipment At Yolei) Haven. There are 17 trucks in use treasurer. All are experienced and ENJOY VERY FINE FAMILY TRADE features and advantages in its field Broad, rolls, pics, jjastries, cook­ own'lirm, Mr. Basscrman has estab­ Rice Ijcadors of tho World for eight Charles J. Collias, known popu­ of service. His devoted and thor­ aid provided for tho benefit of mo­ clinin of hotels. Rates are very years. An insurance policy la issued to span ihe Slate of Connecticut competent, They extend every ies and other templing items aro reasonable. lished a reliable reputation for sat- possible helpful assistance nnd co­ larly as "Charlie" lo his many ough supervision prevails at all torists at this equipped center. Wincss Is Managing Bunting's Express Now and robulU restauiant, 'fttir •with each garment, covering any in constant coverage over Uio de­ friends and customers, has eight available in the fresh supply at There are 123 well-Iurnlshcd isfncllon. All work Is under direct nnd aoda fountain eciulpmcnt'com- livery -ncods. operation to tho cllonlolo and also Dining headquarters for the worthy of the trust imposed and times, with a well-lrained, capable Open from 7 a. m. to 11 p. m. Gilbert's Bakery, Inc., Commerce possible dlssalisfocllon -with '• the years of experience in serving mo­ whole family, and catering only to assist in continuing tho inn along 'Made-Rite' Branch Fast, Safe, Sure rooms. Restaurant, barber shop, ersonal aUcntlon and supervision, prisu tho offerings ..by Yolen Sale? History of the enterprise disclpses to this area. and courteous staff of six persons seven days a week, the station is and Brond Streets, Now Haven. gaimont within n six-month period: torists ond is tha genial proprietor. tho better. cl»s3 of trade from the tho time-tested policies of proven assisting in the detailed duties as­ patronized by thoso who appreciate b(ir-rooin nnd cignr stand aro nniong P'here is one regular, employe, with «nd Service Company, whloh > re-* that the "business wns founded 87 "Sunrise" brand of groceries Is He is ossistbd by - one employe ' in Both wholesale and retail services thc ndditionai facilities nvallnblc. extra local workers engaged as Job contly moved to J(s Iniger nnd bet­ I'A Mr. Partridge is located at 50 entire " area, ' tlie famous Seven merit. signed. the best of dependnblo service and Manufacturer of bleaches, wax, are handled. This firm also has re­ Headquarters of Bunting's Ex­ years ago and has boon active'un- featured by' this pi'ominont wJioIe- tho courteous, quick nnd competent Gables Inn is an ever-popular mec- It was here that Frankie Carlo quality ofi^erings. ammonia, pine oil, starch, disin­ Miimiger J. Golri lias been con­ needs require. > ' ; tor ^qunrtors nt 107 Gcoigo Slrbel, Ccntei Street, New Haven. He was d^r its present firm nanie since An asset of unquestionable worth tail stores as follows: throe in the press are iocaled at Seymour, with sale hou.so. Known quality items attention to the trade. Axito acces­ ca on Bridgeport Avenue, Milford. wrote his now famed son^ "Sunrise in .this area, the now hospital is fectants, furniture cream and a nected . with the Milner chain for Available at any time tor emer­ New Haven, Former site of the fotnieily nt 107 Whniley Avenue. 1910. Conslstoiit progress and suc- of exceptional appeal lo tlic buying This enterprise was established center of tho city; one in Bridge­ an equipped cslablfslimenl also op- foui- years. He bus been active In gency servico, estimates nnd other business was at 50 (Seorgo Sticct. All /abiies are tried and tested sories ore stocked. Cleanly and It wns. established 20 years ago by Serenade" and he left the staff of; now known for miles around as a five years ago. Its proprietor, Rich­ varied line of household chemicals, port; and one in Hamden. eraled at 29 George Strecl, New public are distributed under a pro­ equipped in tho up-to-date fashion the now late Joseph Casillo, whoso tile inn to join Horace Hcidt's "Pot reliable and pi'oper institution for Made-Rilo Bleach Company has its the field for seven years In all. important nld.-i, Mr. Basacrmnn licl|» This onteiprlse was cstaljliihcd< In prior to use. There is always a wide ard Peekham, has 10 years of ex­ All ijruducts are made from thc f^avcn. Member of Ihe P. U. C, Uie Prior lo coining hero as nitmagcr plan Installation work and sees 1912 and Is known for Its outstand­ selection of latest style materials gram of total service efficiency. to moot, tho high standards re­ basic ideals of service and satis­ of Gold" orchestra. the care of chronic and convales­ perience in catering to tho motoring plant in Hartford, where the main finn handles general express and Plumbing, Healing Each order is given the proper quired by the Texas Company, faction on quality standards still officers aro also located and the best and pui-est ingredients under a year ngo, be served for three every contract througli from start ing scope" of endoavor in Uie store and patterns on hand. Full-course sloak, shore nnd cent cases. public and knows the correct me­ topnolch sanitai-y methods and sur­ freight service under modern me­ years In princiiial cities. His work lo finish. His expert endeavors fixtures field. By New England Co. handling. Through its time-tested maker of "Texaco" products, at all prevail under competent managerial boneless chicken dinners feature. Inspection of the facilities is thods by which to please his many firm has been established 11 years. thods. Swift, safe and reliable elfi- plan of endeavor and modern blatlons which handle its lino, this endeavors by members of his fam­ roundings. Wedding, birthday and has met with a thoi'ough approval. command approval, while the cour- All phases of the .sales .ind^.-jiTV- An excellent Sunday dinner menu cordially invited. customers. Throe courteous em­ New Haven branch of this prom­ other parly cakes are baked direct­ eiendes prevail throughout the ros­ There are 18 employes on the well- tciy shown likewise wins tlic praise Tile Work Superior methods, the firm continues to liold place invites the regular patronage ily. provides especial treats. Those who seek solace, health ployes assist in the prompt atten­ inent enterprise was opened five ter, lliero are two trucks in use to Ico aro handled in tho nioclctn way, Domestic and commercial install- dominance as a proven leader in ly to order. trained stair under his direction. i of the elienlele. with tlie particular renuircnienL« of of those who seek and appreciate This inn is now owned and op­ Main dining room seats 650; while rebuilding ond allied care at this tion, to the detailed duties. Batter­ years ago, being located at 114 cover a radius of 50 miles. tfncler New England allonb, repairs and remodeling jobs thc wiiolosnlo grocery field. the best In car up-keep aids. ies, fuses and various other auto Lawrence Street. There aro also L. L. Gilljcrt founded the bakery New Cleaning Plant Stevens—Fitch Co. each undertaking being covcicd erated by tlie founder's, widow, Mrs. grill room scats 650 also and was hospital are given the friendly, This business was established in thoroughly, latest and best,,type are handled with an equal compe­ recently rodocoratod. There is a personalized and complete atten­ accessories aro cvailublo at the sta­ branches in operation Ihrougliout 50 years ago. The enterprise has I. 3S- Joseph Casillo; their son, Leonard boon under the ownership of E. 1S17. A. W. Bunting lias 24 years By Dutch Sanitized Electrical Service of equipment is fcatuied. ' New and repair jobs are given tence by tho New England Plumb­ Casillo, wl)0 is thc manager; and 10 to 12 piece band on duty every tion as desired. tion. Connecticut. This firm handles of experience in thc field and Ills thc' same skillful coverage by tho night.' household appliances such as elec­ Sorcnson and A. Bosdi for six years son, Charles Bunting, who is also SHORE LINE EXPRESS ADVANTAGE Louis Yolon. propnic'loj of" tho ing Company, 31 Daggett Street, their daughter, Jayne. AH are well now and continued lo gain. There firm, Is in charge of the 'dolly Now England Tile Company, 257 New Hovcn. All needs on modern ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK SKILLS tric irons nnd other devices; wax well qualified, is a partner with Eslaijlished one year iitio, DuUAt The Stevens-Fitch Company Is a are GO peisons employed, with Sanitized Cleaners uM Dyers has 27-ycar-old enterprise that has kept schedule and has two employes. Greene Street, Now Haven. Known plumbing and heating systems arc applicators, and soaps. It sells re­ seven trucks in use. him in 'the firm. Courtesy and sat­ DIRECT AND INTERMEDIATE AIDS for the exceptional service on tile Prattonia Pleasant RUDNICK WHOLESALES ALL NEEDS tail houso-lo-houso as well as to isfaction to every client are con­ marked a majoi- progress since pace witli Ihe modern demands in All equipment sold by this firm stressed, with water mains ond sow­ BY PEPE FIRM; ALL CUSTOM MADE Full Hauling Scope Present owners have added im­ sidered paramount in providing a opening its own modern and fully- the electrical contracting line and Is guaranteed. Service Jobs m'c'tix- projects, the firm has in full forccy commercial accounts. perlly accomplished. a roster of dependable efficiency ers also included in tlic roster. Ter­ On General Freight Popular Restaurant Pete Wincss, manager for one portant new features and advan­ superior program of service in this equipped plant on Decemlier I, holds the regular trade ol a large Member of the I. C. C, |he P. U. to meet the modern requirements. ritory takes in Hamden as .well as Architccturpl woodwork strictly to order is the ollcring by A, Pope year now at New Haven, has boon tages to further tho program ideal­ lino of activity. Estimates on loads IMQ. Location of tho firm is at 121 clientele Uiroughout all of Con­ C. and Eastern Miilor Freight, with Motorists Acclaim IN DRY GOODS; LEADING BRANDS ly in the modern manner. Trade No. task is too dlflicult or too New Havon. Prompt response is and Company Inc., 15,5 Adeline Street, Now Haven. Window frames, Member of thc 'P. U. C. and Delicious Sunday dinners, served with the firm for five years. He to be carried are clieerfully sup­ Union Avenue, opposite the rail­ necticut. Location ot tho business all cargo insured while in transit, Hourwitz Increase^*/'"' small. Estimates avii supplied cheer­ given lo every call. Emergency jobs continues to increase. plied upon request. road station, New Haven. All work is at nA Meadow Street, New Ha­ East Haven Garage sash, cabinets, doors, screens nnd similar essentials are custom made in I. C. C, Kling Brothers. 1373 Dix- from 12 noon until 7:30 p.m., are a Leading wholesale house of its does an excellent job in his terri­ the Shore Lines Express, 151 East fully'Ih prompt response, to calls. are a specialty. Estimates and allied the export stylo to meet the specifications precisely. treat for tho wliole family at tho best in dry goods. Hours aro from tory and directs a staff of seven is guaranteed and insured com­ ven. Retail Food Ofi^ers well Avenue, Hamden, handles kind in this region, Rudnick and pletely. Street, New Haven, upliolda thc full Full meclianical repairs on any During 10 years of successful and desires ore available. Formerly located in Derby, Connecticut, from 1911 until two years popular Prattonia Coffee House, Sons, Inc., 537 Congress Avenue, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. well-trained workers. There are general freight hauling on both Commereial and industrial clee- rules and regulations that apply lo make of car or truck aro handled )rogressivo service, the enterprise Tills enterprise was established 20 ngo when tlio Now Haven establishment was opened, tlio enterprise has 118 Howe Street, New Haven. Haven, handles only the better OfTlcials of the firm are; Paul five trucks utilized. Retail service is (!ic big feature, H. A. Hourwitz Com|)any''i"Poat with free pick-up and delivery aids trical work receives special em­ its scope of activity. Servico ex­ under the pergonal supervision of fms held recognition in the region years ago and has a proven record a progressive history of achievement and service that inspires confidence Inter-State and Intra-Stato bases. Luncheons and dinners are 'also quality merchandise. It offers a full Rudnick, with 28 years of exper- NEW HAVEN'S FAMED STORY DAIRY Proprietoj* Jack Biondl at the East Head Market ia a reliable and pop­ for^'lts outstanding advantages In of success and satisfaction. Its pro­ in its entire program. Every load is insured while in available daily in the same quality line of dry goods and is tho solo dis­ ionco in this lino, president and available. Tliere aro money-saving phasis in the roster, but the firm tends from New -Haven to Pawca- ular center nt 31)9 Orange Avenue, treasurer. Mrs. Paul Rudnick, his advantages stressed in the three- al.so h.-indlcs house-wiring jobs. Haven Garage, nstl Main Street, the tile work line. prietor is Nick GiannottI, whose ex­ There Is a vast experience ond skill behind the modern roster of transit. Only experienced, capable, stylo at this attractive and loading tributor for "Fruit of Loom" sheets; Do Watch Repairing tuck, passing through Norwicli, Es­ East Haven. Each task is expert and West Ifaven. It solh ficsh 'and •Dominick Cnrlone, proprietor, perience, kn6wledge and skill In reliable elTicioncles. restaurant, -which was established direct jobber for "Nashua Mill" wife, is socrolary. There are nine IS CREDIT TO FOUNDER AND OWNER hour quick cash-and-carry plan. Power plaiit installation is anotlicr smoked meats of purest quality^ on trustworthy and careful drivers are regular employes. Additional work­ Delivered stx-hour service at reg­ feature. New and repair work come sex, Deep Kiyer and Ivoryton at the results must solisfy thoroughly. possesses a personal record of 15 llio plumbing nnd heating line en­ Ofiilcinis are: A. V. Pepe, president and treasurer; Mrs. A. Pope, 15 years ago. The house is fur­ blankets and many other well- At Marsh's Jewelry Estlniatcs are supplied. both retail and wholes.ilc bases. , year^l experience in tliis field. Ho able, an adequate program of ex­ vice president; and Anthony Pope, a nephew, secretary. All are con- employed. known brands of general merchan­ ers are engaged from the local area ular price is likewise expert. under the program. This enterprise least twice dqily. Recently this establiHhment maikcd nished in a very interesting man­ as needed. Sales and service on new Chev- supervises all work and has tho pert service. Every task is per­ seiciitious and competent in promoting tho business along llie well-known Tlirec brothers, Lawrence, Wal­ ner. Antique furniture, old bri?- dise. Keeping quality and variety of­ New;^/^;;d|f-vC^,l'-^h5:'%i^'i'el!L^'Xj^^^^^ Walter Sarember and Friedrich is fully equipped to handle any type Direct a7id: hilcrmadiatc uxprcHs a notable progrc5.s by openlHj& a Pradel are partners in the busi­ rolet.s nnd guaranteed used cars of assistance of three skillful employes formed properly nnd In tho man­ traditions and cITective methods to further its oxecllont record. Helpful ter and Harry Kling, operate tlio a-brac, fine linenwnro and dinner- This business was established five Every order, regardless of thc ferings in the foreground to please And she will be quoting the firm's motto to Uie letter. But it is or size of job in its .scope. Armature scrvlcuH arc provided, 'Vhure are various makes are additional fea­ grocery and fresh fi-uit and 'veRo- ner that meets with the rightful op- and loyal service in tlie capable capacity by the stall of 15 employes business. Tlieir enterprise was more than a slogan or motto; it is a great truth ness. Wholesale dyeing work' has rewinding, repairing of elcclrical tablo' department to catei specific­ in^ keeping tlio entire detailed en- ware arc featured. Patrons dine years ago and has gained a remark­ size, receives ^tho prompt handling a fastidious and largo patronage, jour modum trucka in use. IHifh- tures In the ouUilanding roster. This dpjiv.bvs on tlie correct basis for proval. Materials and methods used also deserves tribute. establislied 20 years ago and is able progress by exhibiting a tlior- and proper completion for satisfac­ Marsh's Jewelry Store, 2G0 Elm «„ Jf"'/,'r^ ''""i" "'"blishcd such extensive customer satisfaction and been handled for 17 years and thc appliances, and other skills arc of­ ally to the retail patrons. Coinploto, are of the best in this field. known widely for its reliable and amid an atmosphere of quiet, re­ recent retail cleaning program fea­ vmy mfcly sUmdardw are considered garage was esUdjlIshcd 22 years modern and sanitary equii^mcOt Is rightful results. In tlie woodworking field, tho olTers by tills firm are considered served refinement that adds de­ ough program of above-average tion. Quality of the ofilerings and Street, New Haven, is a well- so gamed Uie good will of'such a large number of persons as Uic dairy fered. Free estimates and engineer­ ago. Mr. Biondi jhus n personal ox- as outstanding and attract wide demand. ediciont program. With a staff of calibre. Incorporated three years quality of tho service prevail in an known dependable center. It v/as located m New t-favon at 192 Baily Street tured has attracted popular patron­ ing advice arc given courteously. 03 iviporlant and carefully obnurved maintained. Only finest items are 18 employes and a fleet of 12 mod- cidedly to tlio enjoyment ,of the . Oldest firm of its kind in New Haven, the firm began its career age in notable proportions. Gar­ perlen(Jc spanning 33 years in Ihe offered in a full sclecthm Free de­ offerings. ago to further its growth, the enter­ splendid combination of genuine established 40 years ago, Joseph Eric W. Dohna, president and yel the daliverlan fire made in the automotive field and is known for ernly-equippod trucks, tliis firm is prise continues to hold sway as a values to promote Uie needs and Monnerat, present proprietor, has ments and fineries arc given care­ treasurer, has a S-l-year record with liveries are made, ffouis of serv­ AMERICAN BOTTLING SANITARY f;e"ia!rj^"„hT'i','" ''*=• '"!' '']'-"!''"^ P""'^iP''^^ ""^ standards of ful protection, with beautiful work swifl, provijit aitd reliable way for his. friendly, efrectivo ond efliclenl Motorists Visiting Oil Heating System conducted under, thc highest Miss C. Estella Pratt is tho strictly wholesale center for the interests of tho extensive elienlele. been in charge of the 'business for the company. There are 10 em­ work. He Is always on hand to ad­ ice aro from 7:30 a.m. lo 0:3P,pm. standards of tho transportation field charming and competent proprie­ rt dn,^f f-,f^°7 ^°?" "if"'' " " " P°='"™ °f indispensability. achieved. satiHfaction. There are five employes at tins METHODS ASSURE TOP QUALITY Cole's Service Now Is Lind's Feature 10 yeai*s and advanced its com­ fh„ hif, t ' °l *•'•" '"""''"' ^"y 2=* '"='• ''™"Blit to an end one of ployes. vise and suggest as desired. Five and enjoys the trade of a large tress. She employs 10 well-trained plete program fo meet the modern Established aljout 10 years ago, capable employes assist in various ideal market. clientele. Shippers praise the con­ the best-known business careers of New Haven County. Identified with the entcrpri.se hua undergone a Pfarry A. Hourwitz, with 30 ;^eais and courteous people to handle do- desires. His 42 years of experience his father for 25 years Wilbur A, Story was prepared to assZc the fu phases of the daily endeavors. Modern facilities of exceptional sistent and complete schedule of tailed service phases dfi^lcicntly. A complete improvenieni and ad­ of expeVlenco, is tho pioprlctor of Keeping the sanitary nnd su­ wherever tho best of beverages is Products of known superiority NEW HAVEN BRANCH WHOLESALING in tho jewelry field forms an in­ of irtrSckr' ' " ' ""-• ^"'''^ "' ^^ employees and a fieet Tydol—Veodol products ore perior , methods in full elTcct to appeal add to the many advantages are featured in a complete pro­ service at their* command. There is graduate of Pratt Institute, she is a valuable backgrou/id. There is one MAC LEMAN BAKING PROGRAM SPANS vancement undei- the present man­ the firm. . His company was ostab- featured in the area. Flavor, taste at Cole's Service Station, G Foun­ a terminal also at 415 West 35tli agement. Emil Plaut bocamo pro. handled, with lubricants a spo- handle a comprehensive program gram of sales and service by Lind's leader in tho restaurant business man employed. Hours in which the Homogenized, irradiated and regular milk, buttermilk, chocolate elalty. Auto accessories ot all de­ lisbcd IS years ago. It hai> ictail nnd purity arc just right to give tain Street, New Haven. Tliore is Inc., 110 Crown Street, Now Haven. Street, New York City. in this section. store is open are from 8 a.m. until milk, cream, eggs and similar dairy products are featured The fi™ priotor of thc firm five years ago service also at its "Grand Cut Rate under llie modern elTiciencics, PRODUCTS OF FAMED CREAMERIES has Its own modern, .sanitary pasleuriEing plant, while its cows are HALF-CENTURYIN NEW HAVEN AREA scriptions ore slocked. Including American Bottling Company, 19 that wholesome, healthful advan­ a three-car lubrltory to handle Uio Among tho leading offers are: 6 p.m. and cflccted the proper changes Market," 11118 Grand Avenue, v/hero bumper-to-bumper coverage over physically examined and tuberculin tested regularly. and modernization in the program Goodyear nnd Armstrong tires; there are three employes on duty. Olive'Streot, New Havon, achieves tage desired. Every order . is "Florence" ranges and heaters; Among the famous and finest enterprises of its kind in the country, Expert repairing of watches, all Deico, Hartford and Armstrong bat­ a delicious quality output. It la the lubricating and greasing jobs. "Torrid Heal" power burners; "Tho STANDAltD UPHOLSTERY GAINED In scope and quality Mac Leman Baking Company, Inc., leads its to further the successful function­ handled promptly. Five gas pumps assure quick aid the Land O'Lake Creameries, Inc., with main ofi'ices at Minneapolis, types of clocks, and also jewelry ing. He has 10 years of experience teries. the (bottler of "Orange Whistle"; Conservador" new 1941 Philco elec- Minnesota, holds a merited prominence. Tliis firm was founded 21 years. features the roster. Watches and Held. These are not Uio only claims to fame of tlic foremost independent Real Values Always "An)erican Club Drink ; ginger ale without delay. trie refrigerator; and "Philco" LAIVE SERVES CLIENTS IN FULL ontciprise, for Uie firm la al.so the oldest of its kind in the city. iri this line of work. There are live )CurIng Beasts Into I'ltralls BY OCCUPYING NEW QUARTERS It opened a New Haven branch nine years ago to furUier the suc­ accessories are sold. Settings are trustworthy and competent cm andttother soft drinks. Only the Bettor and larger than the pre­ radios. Installation and mainten­ cessful service in this territory. Sales' are made to the loading retailers made strictly to order. Satisfaction A half-century ago, with favorable auspices attending, Uie bakery At IlorowUz Bros, According to an article in Natural vious location, the present site of began giving New Haven something now, better and different in ployes on tho stafT, with personal »lblc llcst Seller • best and purest ingredients are ance jobs receive Uie expert cov­ and jobbers, witli the pure, delicious and demanded "Land O'Lake" dairy is the courteous policy to each and INVESTMENT SECURITIES FIELD The Bible hna outsold "Mein contained in every product. History, tha elephant-hunting tech­ the station has been occupied for erage in all details. 'This firm On February 1, 1941 thc Stiindard baked foods. supervision always exercised. Liq­ beautiful slip covers is a specialty, products being featured in the 100 per cent capacity. Butter, eggs, every customer at this leading uor license is maintained. KampI" by 200,000 coplep, In Ger- Featuring a full line of leady- .This business was established in nique of early man consisted of en-, tlireo years ond been a factor in tlio specializes in donicsUc oil heating Upholstery Company occupied its as well as custom-made furniture cheeses and frozen poultry are offered. jewelry store. Enlarging on Ihe principles of yesteryear, William Mac r.,eman brought winning of an increasing trade. Full inveslment securities service, his business along Uie highroad of success and .soon found his fondest mony. madc and custom-made di aperies, 1928. Its proprietor, Charles San- tlclng a herd of Uic huge beasts into systems. now, larger and present location at sets. Estimates are provided wiUi- James J. MacCarUiy, connected witli the firm for nine years, is Rightful and regular service un­ curtains, slip covers and Vertelian tartle, has 32 years of experience lorgo piUalls, and tlicn leisurely kill­ Former location was at corner of out charge or obligation. including "over the counter" buy­ Graebner, Builder, dreams surpassed as thc shop grew and prospered. Derby Avenue and Boulevard Ready to servo any place called 459 to 461 Greenwich Avenue, New. the manager at New Havon and does an excellent job. He took charge ing ond selling, is the specialty of Incorporated, the firm has Mr. Mac Lcman as Its president, wliilo der expert methods assures the blinds, Horowitz Brothers, Inc.,'700 , in, the, beverage bottling field and ing Uicm with boulders suspended In upon, the enterprise is operated Haven, to furtlier the effective Harry Galer, proprietor, has 22 of tills branch throe years ago and has increased the volume of business Crampton's Policy George C. Lane, 70 College Street, clientele of the outstanding udvan Cliapel Street, New Haven, eaters is abreast of thc latest practices and Street, Ciemence Cole, tho compe­ years of experience in tlie up-, notably. There are 16 local employes under his personal supervision. 35 Years In Field Mrs. Mac Lcman is secretary and treasurer. Their .sons, Everett, who a strong leatlier strap and let down tent proprietor, established Jiis bu.si' und(r the outstanding policies and service to the exclusive and in­ New Haven. Mainly interested ir serves as vice president and Leslie, general manager and assistant lages. Samuel Yaffe Noted to an exclusive and huge clientele trends. He promotes the entire en­ on tho elephant's heod by Uio unit­ elTiclently. F, J. Llnd nnd H. W. holstering and allied field. He su­ Territory served includes Now Haven, Waterbury and Bridgeport. This Upheld Faithfully in the pleasing mannci. Latest noss in 1931. He specializes in wash creasing clientele. Former location the welfare of its clients,,the Lane HosidcnUal and commercial build secretary, are as devoted as their parent.'! to tho ideals of providing terprise on tlie ideal standards. ed efforts of several men, much In Lind are partners in Uie business, pervises every task and is assisted is strictly a wholesale establishment. Tliree trucks are used to assure firm offers conservative recommen­ Pianist And Teacher styles and values in thc bolcetion ing and polishing of cars as well was at 80 Kimborly Avenue. This by two competent employes. the immediate and reliable delivery of the orders, with the proper satis­ Founded in 188.^, John M. Cramp- ing work receives the complete New Haven with better baked goods. of items offered are stressed. This Soft drinks from this leading tlio way navvies of today drive piles as the regular roster of service which was established 30 years ago dations and upholds the highest Twenty workers and seven trucks are kept busy preparing and dK- and has an impressive record of business was established 10 years Known for quality and satisfac­ faction always prevailing under the time-tested efficiencies of the ton pompany. Inc., C71 Chapel standards of the field. Contacts are coverage in the expert style under Anderson Skillful Advanced technique of instruc­ firm also handles leady-to-wcor plant are in public preference 'by means of rams. station work. The Five employes, firm's program. Street, New Haven, is noteworthy tributing the famous Harvest Brand bread, rolls, pics, cakes and pastries. progressive success in the interests age. tion, the company is marking n maintained hi principal cities. Uie program maintained by Bruno tion and every personal attention coats, dresses and suits foi women nil courteous and capable, assist in notable progressive success in its as one of the oldest firms in tlie Wedding and birthday cakes are prepared on order. A retail store is Hardwood Floors and misses. It is known for its tlic tasks. Goodrich and U. S. tires of real saUsfaction to a, large clien­ Everything in furniture repairing This business was founded origin­ C. Graebner, 277 ICnelland Road, also operated at the plant, 936 Grand Avenue. ^^ prevail at Samuel Yaffe's Piano tele. There arc about 15 employes ideal modern now quarters. In­ window shade field here. It now Studio, 75 Whitney Avenue, New quality stock. . "I'V! and a full line of auto accessories comes under thc roster of expert features the full modern roster, ally in 1933 as Ellis and Lane. Pre­ New Haven. Installation of new Hardwood floor work of every on the stair. craftsmanship offered. Making -of spection is cordially invited. Haven, Present excellent quarters In business for 25 years," tliV en­ MICHAELS FOR FINEST JEWELRY; are handled. making all kinds of window shades sent tiUe was adopted in 1934. Mr. store fronts is a specialty. Altera­ description is achieved in the ANY BUILDING AND CONTRACTING Lane has approximately 25 years skillful stylo by Carl O. Ander­ have been occupied for one and a terprise has been a constant ad­ and Venetian blinds to order. Finest GENERAL WELDING FIRM ROSTER half years. Samuel Yoffc, proprie­ vantage to wise and' discriminating quality values are stressed, with of experience in the investment se­ tions, repairs and remodeling jobs son, 108 ClilTord Strcel, Hum- curities line. He was formerly as­ are also achieved. This builder will den. No job la too large or too tor, has 15 years of teaching ex­ shoppers of the area, J. C. Hoio- FOUNDER'S SON FURTHERS FAME the work being guaranteed. Specif­ ADVANCED BY RORER'S METHODS perience in this field in New Haven wltz, treasurer of the firm and ac­ IN CIVITELLO'S PLAN OF SKILL ications are met precisely. This sociated with Baker and Young, of convert homes into modern apart' small to be served correctly. KIMBERLY KENNELS A HOBBY DEVELOPED BY A. J. WYMAN Boston. Work is accepted anywhere in and is well known for his excep­ tive in the business for 25-ycais, • '•Well known now in this urea tor its outstanding sei'vico in the firm does a large retail business ments. He offers helpful advice and In providing an up-to-date roster Electric and acetylene jobs are the St-ite of Connecticut. Esti­ tional methods. He studied at the directs the eflicieitt detailed pro­ i I jewelry field, Michaels, Inc, has a history of progressive enterprise that able, including store fronts. An at­ throughout New Haven and vicin­ Arthur O. Samuelson, active in suggestions to his clients and aims gladly, with helpful advice and sug­ fnstitute of Musical Art of the^ cedures. There aro 40 local pcfsons business at that time. But expan­ all. ( of building and contracting work ity. It also handles some wholesale the field since 1926, is the compe­ achieved with an equal skill by gestions also included. mates are suppllt^ cheerfully inspires confidence and approval as representative of the finest available It all came about in a rather odd tractive store front was completed to present a superior roster in all without any obligation being in­ famed Juilllard Foundation, New employed under the modem work­ anywhere. Tills firm first opened for business in 1917 on Cliurch Street, Pet Oivmers manner. Animals were a hobb>; of sion soon became tho watchword Modern, sanitary facilities for that is adequate to meet the most last Spring for the Maroney Ice trade. Kiini tent manager here. George B. South- the General Welding Company, 80 Hcginnld I^rer has owned the ill difficult tasks required, Rocco A. phases. His experience in the field curred. York .City, for two years and had ing conditions. Service is courteous Now Haven. It moved to Chapel Street in 1923. Present larger nnd Arthur J. Wymaii, founder of Kim­ and it has never ceased in tlio in­ boarding ns many as 200 animals Cream Parlor in Hamden. The now late John .Mi Grampton worth is one of the leading sales­ State Street, New Haven, Portable 17-year-old business since Augu-st a scholarship* and always satisfactory. ."ii belter quarters at 920 Chapel Street, New Haven, were occupied in 1932 borly Kennels in 1938, for many tervening period. ai'e found here. Pet owners as far Civitello and Company, 80 Shepard Equipped in the right fashion to was the founder of tiie business and men. All identified with the Lane spans 35 "ears of progressive en' 1040 and advanced the entire pro­ Full roster includes laying, Rely On distant as Iowa, Ohio and Vermont Street New Haven, maintains cor­ organization are well versed and outfits are available for handling sanding, refinlshing and waxing He tenches classical piano play­ to keep abreast of the cver-inct-casing trade. years before he estnblished his own Today Kimborly Kennels is one handle any size of job, large or had a brilliant career in this line. deavor,/With his own business hav­ gram to keep apace of- thc increas­ ing, stressing individual lessona by business. of the* largest and best equipped entrust tlieir mute friends to the rect adherence to the highest stan­ His lamented death occurred five efficient in the handling of service work right on location. An import­ ing trade enjoyed. He has been of hardwood Iloors, Each job i.s Edward VI » Profllgy Irving Michaels played Uic proniincnl role in building the business small, the firm is willing to accept ing been established in 1921. appointment only, Mr. Yaffe I" ''II upwards and Uien, in 1934, turned the proprietorship over to his son, Aids When tiio depression still had the enterprises of its kind. The staff of Kimberly establishment for care dards of tlio field. New work, re­ jobs anywhere. Free estimates and years ago. E. E. CowIes;lnow presi­ for an exclusive and extensive clien­ ant job recently accomplished was active in welding work for two under direct personal attention, Edward VI, the only child ol Hen­ and keeping. pairs, remodeling and other mod­ tele. At present Mr. Graebner • i: years and knowa the up-to-date de­ with two employes assisting as plpyca with the New Haven Sym­ ry VIII by Jano Seymour, was only Howard I. Michaels. The laitcr is eonUiiuing Uie firm under Uio estab­ U. S. A. in check, Mr. Wyman four men, including a veterinarian, adWce are accorded courteously up­ dent, has been associated with the the work on the Merritt Parkway phony Orchestra In 1930, He played Tiie wise man of ages ago who is ns interested in the welfare of More tlian 2,500 pots have been ernization jobs are handled with building a new laundry for Lar^ mands. One employe assists in thc assigned. Mr. Anderson has 24 nine years old when ho succeeded lished traditions and policies, while adding important up-to-date improve­ Ihouglit it would be appropriate to on request. firm since" 1885 and continues its Bi-idge. years of experience, in this line. Tschaikousky Piano Concerto. At ments. He features everyUiing in flic jewelry line. Products of Uieso said, "There is nothing now under show tlio folks around New Havon the clients as management. retailed to customers in the area, an equal efficiency. Rocco A. Civitello, proprietor, has successful operation under the mer's Laundry to replace the plant regular roster of service. his father as king of England and destroyed by fire. He has many This firm welds boilers, cylinders, He established his own business various times he gives recitals In famed silversmiths are handled: Corluim; Gocle; Rodgers; Luiit; Bowlen; tho sun" !iad never seen Kimborly that ho was one who would not be Saturday and Sunday afternoons while wholesale and retail selling This firm is accomplishing the experience in the field since 1914, well-known excellent policies. Mrs. Dlilizing Waste Space 20 years ago and !s a leading New Haven, In addition he has supreme head of the church.. At Reed and Barton; International; Stiet; andn. Wallace. Expert repair molested by the jinx of economic find a veterinary clinic in pragrcss are both offered by Mr. Wyman. John M. Crampton, widow of the other notable jobs to his credit in motor blocks, machinery frames, Kennels, a revelation to t!ie most alteration work on St. Ann's Church He founded his own business in Book cases, set in tho wall beside both residential and commercial metal tanks, and niso does spot jobs. Burled Poems IA Grave floor contractor in this area. His played with Hartford i and Bridge­ the age of 13 he had rood Aristotle's work is a specialty. stress. at Kimberly Kennels, with clinic During ihe Summer months a in Hamden. It is building three new 1926. Tliere are four regular em­ founder, is the honored vice presi­ Dante Rossctti, noted poet, buried "Ethics" In the original qiid was casual observer ond a fount of con­ a fireplace, with closed cupboards building worlt. His skills are first Each and every ta.sk is given the methods accomplish thc desired port Symphony Orchestras; and Howard I. Michaels has seven yeare of experience as jeweler and At 267 Kimborly Avenue the rates prevailing. Tliis special serv­ geneml beautifying service for dogs houses on Barraclaugh Avenue in ployes, with exU-a local workers be­ dent; Miss Anna Boily serves as a manuscript of liis pocntB In the and distinctive results. with the orchestras ot the Rogoi* translating Cicero's "De PhHos- stant surprises lo lovers of domestic Kennels opened with ample fneili- ice for tlie pet-owners of the area is in force, witli an experienced ^ sec rotary-treasurer. There are four imder them, make otherwise waste class, yet rates are always right to careful, export coverage for satis­ directs a slaH of 20 competent employes. Quality, courtesy and satis­ Hamden. ing hired as needed and an adequate please the clientele. faction. Estimates are supplied firave at a younj; woman. Sherman and Paramount Theatres. ophia" Into Greek. n<'tVi]\ faction ore paramount principles. aninialh. tic*? In take care of the amount of is highly praised and approved by groomcr to 'pretty up' the pets. Full construction service is avail' staff serving on every job. employes. space botli useful and good to see.

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,,,.., J Thursday, February 13,1941 BRANFORD REVIEW Thursday, Fcbruqr>: 13,1941 BRANFORD REVIEW Page Six Page Seven Knifjhl, Selectman, Angle's Auto Skill Barnes' Son Guides Really—Insurance Chief Fanell Aids SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE J. R. BOOTH HEW HMEH GftS LIGHT COMPANY INVALUABLE SINCE 1854 Repairs Cars Right Tool Firm Onward iFamed Voos Cutlery Firm In Area IVER HOUSE IS FAVORED RETREAT - East Haven Safety Honored In Orange Under Judge Warner Keeping cars in roadworthy con­ Originally elected l.'i years ago lloinc Of Coiinlv G<)v<;rniiienl Pipe cutters for the plumbing and Matters of importance in the real chief of Police H. J. Fnncll, 37 BEGAN CAREER AS CITY ATTORNEY Ga§ Rate Cut dition tor sate driving is the aim steam-fitting industry are made by Has World- Wide Business Volume FOR CONVALESCENTS AND THE AGED Klfkmnn Avenue, East Haven, is ns a selectman and constantly re­ 05,000 Homes at Augie's Aulo Repair, 439 Main estate and ins\n-anco field are given elected ever since as a tribute lo Street, East Haven. General roster the famous Barnes Tool Company, Manufacturer of table cutlery, the thorough handling under tho popularly known in this section for In the closing years of the last In 1920 JUIIRC niicilh began Ills Many Times Porter Street, New Hnven, also Gainful employment under excel­ With every pnro. every consic^erq-, his devoted nttcnlion to duty and his excellent record ot taithtui and In Clientele of auto repairing is handled ex­ which has occupied its prespnt quar­ carving knives, stainless \ kitchen All Greeting Cards lion included in its scncdule, Ivor, century (here wos graduated from work In Common Pleas Court and tools, carvers and pocket cutlery handles shipments to nil parts of lent working conditions is provided major and modern progv"'" of Klla- dependable tuinilmont of the trusted Yale University Law School an efficient service, William A. Knight In the 'era when. slrceLs and pertly. Lubricating and wlishing of ters for 22 years at 152 Brewery the world during normal conditions for the capable staff of 70 loyal House, Inc., is one of Iho most, filled Ihe office so admlriilily that cars also receive the thoroiigh cov­ which are sold in the leading hard­ Worth G. Wai-nor, Inc.. 2352 Whit­ At Elliott-Lel^iiian rcspofislbilltica in the ellicicnt, hon­ ambitious young man whose years Ills name liecamc a household word In 05,000 homes b founH con- homes were lit by gas Now Haven Street, New Haven. Prior to the of business. employes. Products of this cutlery wittoly apprpclnted nnd higltly j est monner. He \ias originally np- is volucd In Orange. His present ndoncp in tlio uncrrinii service of erage for satisfaction. This' place ware nnd department stores ney Avenue, Hamdon. . Established vnUied hpiiies fpr inynlida nn(| con-(' as an attorney, city DfTlciai and tor wise decisions and exacting Gis Light Company filled a posi­ present war situation, the firm did throughout the United States, the Originally established in New manxifacturing company nto con­ polntcd as n patrolman in 1922 by member of the bench were to make term expires.In October 1944, N'.'v/ Hiivon On;; Light Company, tion ot great consequence. Tlic stocks Mobile gasolines and oils in sidered ns first clnss nnd genuine '10 yenrs ago, the firm has a record One of the Inrgcst dciilcr.s in vnlesccnts In the New Hnven nren.,. judgincnl ot many Intricate and a world-wide business. It now does famous Voos Company, IGl to 165 Haven in 1898 by tho now late quality greeting cnrds tor nil pccn- the Board of Selectmen. When the history while gaining the acclaim Mr, Kidghl was born in New v/hich wn will finil h recognized phy^' gan in 1911 when ho began his term does not expire until 1943. Ho was one ot the organizers ot New Haven Gas Light Company own business two years ago and bridge F. Barnes, who died in 1897. founded occurred in 1930, after a I. D. I..Ghmnn n(id L. D. Ijchninn citizens and their propertlM re career In officlnldom as City At- the Volunteer Fire Department, est dreams of its founders, In 1851 holds a place ot indispensablhty brtllinnt cnreer. He was esteemed underwriting. Auto Insuvanco is a Icinn nml(iiiK wecltlv visits to tlip colvo the utmost covorago to fur­ A native of New Haven, he re­ the present name wns taken and has- ottracled n wide trade by ot­ He was succeeded as, proprietor of feature. Among tho Hrms repre­ purelinsod this biishiess 12 yenrs Iiniiie. ^ tornoy,_ , sides In his home city with his wife which was established 15 years here. . , by all who knew him. His son Wal­ ngo nnd Ittivo gulclet? 11 onward lo ther the law enforcement standards In the pre-war era ho added through periods of war and peace, tering quality, courtesy and com­ the firin by his son, George F. ter Voos, is now president of U\o sented are: Hnrlfoi"d Fire InsviVance Tills (irogrnin will nii((meii( Itic excelldlilly. and daughter. ago, and has been its firo chief panic and plenty it has held to the The widespread use of gas, even plete service to ail who call. Three Barnes, who has carried tlio busi­ an even grentor success in the mud- further to his work when, of tor ever since. Member ot the Repub­ in outlying communities, has placed company and continuing its notable Company; New Hampshire Firo In­ 0111 orn. The enibrprl^e |ind been regiilftr ro.slcr wlilcli incliidcs loom, Chief ITnnell is a member ot the .fudge Boodi Is a member ot Yale original standards of faithful serv­ employes assist in tlio duties. Each ness onward under the same note­ surance Company; Now Ltmdon lienrtl nnd iiuraiiig for (.liioiilc In- two years In his original post, wos Gradimtos Club; American Bar As- lican Party and active In welfare, the New Haven enterprise in a task is given tho careful attention rccoixl along modern merits. An­ eslnblislicd (or 50 yenrs previous. State 'Police Association ond Con­ elevated to tho City Court bench ice and devotion lo the beat intor- position of dominance, the typo of worthy standards. There aro nine other son, Frederick W. Voos, is the County Mutunl Firo ln.s\»rnnco vnllil.s, coiivnicsccnis nnd the ngqd., necticut Chiefs of Police Associa­ Boclation; New Haven Country civic and other prominent orgon- cstH of the public. nnd fulfilled right. persons now employed. Cnretiil iiiicl cdurlcous service 'to One must go ijack ovei 43 ycais where ho served from 1913 to 1917. Club; Now Haven Hislorical Society Izalions, ho Is known and esteemed dominance that the public \yishe.s secretary nnd treasurer, likewise Company; Homo Insurance Com­ ouch cusipmcr l.i llie regular policy tion. Prior to joining the force, ho In New Haven, North Haven, pany ot Now York. to discover the origin of tlili ox- , and the F. and A. M. for a career of unsual merit. would be assumed by all firm.s of Naturally tho products are of the being honored for his able endea­ ll\n,, t, strcs.ses- rellnhl-- o- -.---jmccfficlo y in • was a butcher and special con- East Haven, West Haven, Hamdon, tho importance ot this one. Tlirough best quality and in demand as re­ vors. Other valued ofTlcors are; ceptinnni enterprise dedicnled tp stablcfor 2.1 years. Woodbridge, Milford and Branford Ellsworth G. Wnrncr, licensed the interest ot sntisfnetion; Tlicro helping nn npprocintive humnnlty... Goldman's Coverage the years the company has made Wholesale Liquors presentative of the outstanding Mrs. G. G. Fritz, vice president; and realty broker and also a jtistioe of nre from three Ip six employes on tho company ifi an invaluable osset many voluntary reductions in rates. George S. Hawley, assistant secre­ Known originnlly ns Mis Kale to the thousands of persons. who values available in this specialized the peace, is popularly esteemed. the stuff. Prdpcv siiperv|sion Is exer­ Mclsnne's InvriUda Home, It soon Beazley Successful Realty, Insurance MILFORD OPTICAL FIRM SERVING No pressure wos brought to boar Distributing Firm line. tary-treasurer. cised over tile entire pi'ogrniii. bcnoflt directly from its production nor was there a public clamor for He is proprietor of the firm. nttnlnod n place of lecognltlon rtt Realty, Insurance Real estate and insurance needs of gas. lower cost of gas. Having at heart, Entering the field on Novem­ tho turn of the ccnluiy. aro given tho tlioroUKh coverage IN ULTRA-MODERN, EXPERT WAY With hoadciuartors at 80 Crown the interests ot a people it lias ber 24. 1037 as an equipped Ntistri Experienced Jnminry 1 .found II incorpointed Kritcrlng tho field in 19.12 The under the experienced roster of Al­ Street, Now Haven, the invaluable solved tor generations New Haven wliolesalor of all alcoholic bev­ with Mrs. Knte Melbnnc ns jirosl- William T. Beadcy Company, 242 bert GoWinan, and Sons, Inc., 42 utility organization has created a Gis Light Company believed they erages, Crown Distributors, Inc.,. 100 MORE WORKERS IN NEW M. B. PLANT SPEED U. S. DEFENSE OUTPUT Plumbing, Heating dent; her dnughtei. Mis Helen Orange,Street, Now Haven, has ac­ Church Street, Now Ilavon, Court­ demand for its product throuyli the sliould .share in its progressive 193 West Street, New Hnvon, has Melsnne Kolley, 1? N, ns vice uniformity of its activity and faith­ quired , a large clientele through eous, porsonallzod, complete and ef­ strides .ind the reductions were built up a business of estimable Tlirough 2'1 yonra of prncllenl ex- tiresldent, nnd the foundet's soni ficient service to each and every Ihilll In 1815 ful adherence to sound business and deserved proportions. Im­ Ivor Coleman In tho executoiy cap-' successful handling of real estate fur I»r. lllsjiop, made as a gesture to tell its cus­ CHRISTOPHER LEARJNED SKILLS Airplane Builders poi'ieiieo In li|s chosen fioUl, Jnmes and Insurance needs, This lirnV client is the regular policy and up­ principles to snlisfy its customers. tomers that the firm appreciated ported and domestic brands of KEIXEYWOOD FlllIVl DEMANDED Nnslri, 121 Wnler Street, New Hn­ ncitles of genernl ninnaget, socie-' specializes In real cslato develop­ hold in all • dolJills to assure Ino one nt New Ihi- To keep tho service at top pace liquors arc handled in a com­ Rely On Finn's Inry nnd treasurer. vciis' llrst phys­ their patronage. ven, is nblo to offer 'i aplpmlid ros­ ments ' and at present is the sell­ utmost of satisfaction. This busi­ Now Hnvon Gas Light Company Directing New Haven Gas Light plete supply. Canned beer is a AS TILE SETIER FROM FATHER FOK QUALl FY BUILDING J0I5S ter of plunibing iiiid lionting work. ing agent for Soltonslall Manor and ness was ostabllshcd 40 years ago. icians, tile liulld- requires the service of 3-13 workers, specialty. Production liigs which Is the Company aro: He specinlize.1 in WM"il''ai liUernlions Smith Handles Best '" Ten Acres, which are recent ond Its record Is ample testimony to each of whom has been imbued This firm offers free delivery Tho now late Joshun Clu-lstopher nnd improvcmenla lo uluniblng nnd attractive dovelopmonla. liDme of Miltord with ihe spirit of public co-opera­ II. R. Sterrett, president; Clar­ on tho Administration Infirmary B\iiU]inn of homes nnd industriid the excellence ot tho aehlovomonts. ence I3lake.slee, chairman of the service anywhere in Connecti­ was one of the first tile setters in Protective Devices structural euKincLM'ini;, henUtig .sy.stcuis. ' I?csidonllnl jobs In Floor Coverings Licensed ns n real oslato broker, Optical Comliany, tion for which the concern is justly cut and has two trucks on bond nnd School Building at the Under- plants Is tho iiarliculni' work of the fcnture, with sonie comiiiorclnl work Full roster of real estate service Inc., was a man­ board; E. J. Rutledgo, v^ce presi­ Connecticut. Ho ostablishod his own clifT Sanitarium in Meriden; the l'\nnided ip in35. the linn has Includes the sales and rentals of tho firm does the entire. program famous. I dent; T. R. Sucher, treasurer; Miss to assure the immediate cover- Guard Welfare Ot Kellcy-Wond Company, .11) Contor m(\>"ltod n constant and coniinend- nlso linndled. "Qulpt Gle\v" "" Flom' coveririga of known qiinlily of sei-vico In that field. In addition sion-landmark (in The greatest testimonial to tho ago. Morris E. Wolfe, treasurer business in 1905 and had a note­ school and audiloriuna building at burners nnd Siniidnrd liiakea of homes'. ' Mortgage loans arc a spe­ I'iliii Street many C G. Wuestefeld, assistant secretary llie Long Lane Farms, Middletown; Personnel Street, New Haven. Thjs firm worlts abie progress under tlic experienced are linndled by Cnilcloti G. Smith cialty. General insurance prolection it handles all forms of Insurance manner in which the firm has di­ ind assistant treasurer, and Albert and general manager, has eight worthy career in the field. His l(im- ancj competent Kuldnnce. Tlicve are boilers for llpt-^vnlcr nnd slonni Cnmpnuy, ,'i7 Crown Sticot, Now protection, Ineluding llfo policies. years ago. The rected its work to benefit several years of experience in tlio line and EJast Haven High School; nnd ill close conjunction with the archi­ licnllng systems lire sire.saod. llils li provided through tho Phoenix s a 111 e nrchllecl Nalie, assistant secretary. enlcd death occurred in 1917. New Britain Trade School. He did 25 persons employed,,,with the pro­ Hnven. Ainong the vnluea aie in- Mutual and tlie Conneclieut Gen­ Fire, nulomnbilp and.various olhor communities Is found In the de­ and keeps the detailed program 111 Uie gigantic program ot tect nnd the owner. Distinctive re­ per and ciirpXul' supervision aUvaya expert Is a sub-coiilrnct(ir for Drn- eliided: Arniatrufig linoleums; Dig- . eral. types are .stressed. w !i II P 1 a 1111 e d gree of public approval it has moving on model nnd modern His .son, Louis Chrlslophe'r, had the marble and rubber tile work sults nre achieved in the tliovoHKh y.en Lumber Conninny nnd tho New North Church and been affiliated with him in the work on the Morris Plan Bank, Now Hn­ national defense each unit exerci.Kcd. No job in tWs scope of elow Snnford cnrpels, and ainiilni ' William T. Dcazley la proprietor Oiriclals are: Edward Goldman, gained through the years. Miss Kenyon Serves efficiencies. There aro 18 em­ manner. undonvor Is too dlltleitlt for the Hnven Petroleum Conitiijny, Inc. esscntinls. Venctinn blinds by. llie lladlcy llninc, One of Ihe most imposing liuiiirnigs in (he state, the New Haven ployes on the staff. Orders nre from the start and is now proprie­ ven. His roster covers all file, ter- of the business and employs 20 president; his brother, Abridiam razzo, marble, and rubber tile work. must be nn elTicient, conipo- Edwnrd F. Kollcy, proprietor of company to handle. Its record ns a He cslnbllalied. |ils bustiieas in KIrsch nre nddttlonal fenluieg Tlilii Goldtnan, a law school student, vice llelliany, designed County Colirlliiilise (alinvc) has seen some of llie greatest names ot As Taxes Collector filled 'as specified and promptly. tor of the business at 133 Stiles general contractor Is Impressive ami persons. Clientele receives the care­ tills structure. Conneclieut history pass lliroligh lis pmlais. I!eaiilitiill}* deslBiicd and Street, New Haven. An expert in Having a lifetime's experience, he tont, fully equipped element the business, hn.s 22 yenrs of ex- 1027 in Now Hnyen, whore lie lins firm wns founded In ,luly 1030 nnd ful, friendly, personalized and Ihor- president and secretary; and their St. George Serving is in demand as outstanding in this eriencc in the Held, He entered oopllnues to attract an Increjisinn gained n ronutnlion for rtilinhlq effi­ hns gnlned tlie fnvoi of n Inrgq conslrucled, it is an hiipiessive edifice siirriiunding the official affairs Carrying on the family tradition tile and marble contracting work, that contributes lo the security clientele. Kach Job is Klvcn Xhc oughly-elTiclont service in every father, Albert Goldman, founder of of this icgioii. he has handled considerable jobs line. On'ice, showroom and shop at Slis line of activity fnlUnvlnu Ids ciency. An wm'k Is glvcit mipcr nl- clientele 111 the nren. ,, . phase of the entire program. Satis­ tho business and its treasurer. North Haven Duties ns collector ot Taxes in Hamdon, for the Stale, including Uie work 133 Stiles Street, New Haven. planned for the nation by our grpduntion from CnrncRio Institute rii^hlftd attention, with best of ma­ Icnllnn nnd supcvvlsion. Now Hn­ Ijnylng of floor coveiings ia done faction is reliable hero. Tlu'eo persons are employed. Miss E. Mae Kenyon is upholding Yale Neckwear Firm terials being usv'u as desired. Iiicorpornlcd In I03S, the Milford the lounge and sales room. Health­ of Tcehnolo(;y, whei-e he studied von is tiio clilof Icrrilory. Estlmntes expertly In privnto homes, In&tltu- First elected to office in 1037 as the rightful and efficient methods leaders. * nre glndly furplahed upon request. t|aii3, ipc|i|strin| plnii|s nnd nlso in Optical Company, Inc., 32 Elm ful, seicntifio air- conditioning RAPID RISE OF JUDGE STURGES lo promote the complete program Makes Four-In-Hand throughout the establishment adds iroasurer ot Now Haven and right- Commanding a place of con- prqpcrtleH Ihnt nre mnnngcd by icnl , Street, New Haven, is opcrnled on tuly re-elected since on his record along the valued standard^. Three Hie Uiitra-modei'n basis to liieet tlie to the comfort. Inspection ot the Co-operating with the National WILSON MANAGEMENT HAS GUIDED eatnte coiicerns. Touitoiy lo which-;,' PAST EXPERIENCE OF JUDGE TROTTA facilities is cordially welcomed at of proven elTlciency, Livingston G. CREDIT TO HIS HIGH SINCERITY full-time clerks and one part-time .sequence in the life of the re­ STYLE AND QUALITY ARE COMBINED Products Of rioldcn Hie. sprvleo Is offeied includes n , most precise demnnds ot its large St. George has a popular approval clerk assist in tho various^^ tasks Defense program by manufacturing rndlu:} of 25 riilles. Pionipt lesponse and exclusive clientele. As dispens­ any time and every courtesy Is assigned. Proper supervision is ex­ tics tor tho Government, Yale gion aiid doing its bit by pro­ Firpi Widely KuQwn ing opticians ot oxceptionni skill, shown. that is truly deserved. Ho will be With an estimable record of serv­ Neckwear Company, 70 Congress BOND ROOFING CO. TO SUCCESS is Hlveii lo calls. ASSET TO HIS WORK IN CITY COURT a candidate for re-election in Octo­ ice to his credit Judge Clifford B. ercised always. ducing engine parts and IN ALL FENN-FEINSTEIN CLOTHING Cai'leton G. Smith, head ot tlio those who handle the detailed serv­ Glasses nre made to conform with Dr. Taylor Serves Avenue, Nev/ Haven, is a •well Eslnbllahed in 1!133 nnd Incovpor- ice at tills ostablishmont render Ihe individual features ot the client. ber 1041. Sturges has won tho acclaim of an Miss Kenyon has public esteem known leader in its specialized mountings for airplane plants, business, hns 10 yenis of experience Mr. St. George is connected with As Health Officer for lier excellent record. She "was Important to a host of householders and business people In the nled in. 1038 lo furtlicr Ha offee- In this field nnd dliecl.'t nil phnsca Recognizing the Importance of his further to his wealth of knowledue every care and competence to fill Perfect fitting Is a specialty. Expert appreciative East Haven public and field. This firm makes the tour-ln- area, Bond Roofing Company, 909 State Street, New Haven, has cs- M. B. Manufacturing , Com­ Impressive in the .scope of its service and known for the qunlity nnd l|ve operntion In the finest style. wnric and holding to the fii-m pi-in- tho occullsts' prescriptions for glass­ metliods prevail in each phase of the F. E. Spencer Company, paints officialdom, for he hos given his originally placed in office to fill the iiand ties and also produces some completeness of its line, Pcnn-Felnstein, 204 York Street, New Unvpn, is of the schedule, ile hns foui om- of legal aspects ot leslslntian and and wallpaper firm. He is president unexpired terms ot 10 montlis, suc­ tiiblished itself as a commanding member of its field. pany, lOGO State Street, Now A, F. Iloldcn Coiupnny, Inc., 200 ployea. Son'io jobs ni c" let out on ciplos' of the bench as soon as lie became'even better qualKled to es properly. Repairing and grind­ tho intricate and reliable work. Notable in this region tor his best in the interests of the com­ bow tics. It handles shipments of Service is a keynote of success with the enterprise, which operates ^ei-ving n second generntion of New Hnvon men. Winchester Avenue, Now I-Inven, was appnlnled Ijy Govci'nor Bald­ ing ot lenses arc additional aids Notable also is the fact that the of tlie Bepublican Club ot North worlc as Health officer. Dr. Sterling munity as town court judge. ceeding her brother, Ihe later Wai­ the quality output throughout tlie For 20 yenrs its clothes nnd hnbcrdnshery, footwear ninl linis hnvo aiib-eontrnct to independent con- eventually assume tho robes ot Haven and a member ot the F. and ter T. Kenyon, as collector ot on a slate-wide scope, utilizing the best principles (md policies, nugmenled Haven, fills an important need. holds n plnce of proven imiiorlnnee Ivnelors. win, .luiy 1, l».'ll), .Tudgo Fred Trol- judgeship. available. There Is a completely building in which this firm is lo­ P. Taylor, Broodway and Post Road, In 1929 he was appointed clerk United States. Some export busi­ by superior roofing materials. been nccepted ns the stnndnrd of the field. This long nnd Iminesslvo na niclnllurgy enKlqcors. Tlila Uri^i ta has become a prominent figure A. M. Always among the first to Nortli Haven, hos a record which Taxes. He had been elected first ness is also transacted. Its 185 workers are engaged roster of eiidcnvor hns ennblcd the firm to rencli n place o( high esteem From ,ruly 1, 1037 Judge Trottn' equipped shop. cated is one ot the oldest land­ ot Probate Court by Judge John in 1905 and hold office constantly Edward Wilson assumed the reins of management at Bond Roofing niiikcs n phoiiilcnl Hint |a used fpr in the orricial life of the area. marks on Elm Street. Officials are: respond to worthy calls of welfare is ample testimony to his devoted L. .Gilson. The same year found Originally founded 10 years ago under interested, sinc6re inan- nnd popular ncccptnncc Ihiougli the competence nnd initiative of those ferrous nnd notl-fcrroua work. It filled a two-year tenure as assist­ Fitting room is outllttcd • for and civic orgoni'zations, he pro­ since then until his lamented death Company with the thought in ipind of putting at the disposal of his who linve made it a model of cnpnble, efficient management. As city Judge he has kept his ant prosecuting attorney following privncy, having comfortable booths. Harry Morseburg, president; and and dependable efilciencies. He was him elected to his present bench in Now Haven, tho enterprise has clients the wealth of practical training and experience he hqs had agemcnt nnd each v/orkpf docs his nlso builds furnaces. ConimercinI motes tho common good as a civic- first appointed as Health officer of in November 1932. His brilliant Nino years ngo the present store on York Street wns occupied by program alert lo meet the slrtng- his appointment ' to Ihe post by Antique panelling is a feature In Steven Cain, vice president. on the Republican ticket, with re- career set a notable oxomplo. occupied its larger and better quar­ in the field. d.nily job protected by modern safe­ depnrUiient is mnlulniiied for hcnt- cnl demands of all cases lirouglil minded citizen. North Haven in 1022 by County elections following in regular suc­ ters for the last six years and fur­ Fenn-Feinstoin for the first time. ini! trcnting jobs. Plnnniiig, to en­ members ot tho judiciary. His abil­ His service as treasurer ot North Miss Kenyon has been re-elected After 24 years in roofing he Is well-fitled to give advice and aid ty devices and aided by new nnd licfore him, while his endro rosier ity In this role proved his com­ Health Officer J. F. Baker. His cession each polling day thereafter thered the program properly to in planning any type of roofing installation service or repair program. -Through its Now Haven locntion nnd New York hondqunrlors nt ter the clenning field by produc­ is dcdlcalcrt to prolccllng the best Hnven is rendered in tlie integrit- continuous re-appointment was with the exceptions -of 1037 and consistently to the post and well keep pace with the increasing de­ improved elements that aro ap­ 510 Fifth Avenue the firm hns built n nntlonni roputnlloii nnd serves n ing u new chcniicnl thnt will bo petence In handling duties of oven WEST HAVEN SPOT IS FAVORED able manner to benefit tho tax­ conferred in that manner until 1938, justified the confidence shown. She Tho concern has supplemented its roofing roster witli an additional nation-wide trnde. Interests of (he people as n whole, greater consequence and the record 1930. mands enjoyed. complement of endeavor that is finding wide favor. Asbestos side walls proved by all. used in restniirniila for dl8h>V!ialilng Previous oxpericnee has stood payers. Same high standards are when the commissioner of Public will be a pandidate for re-election David Surasky, proprietor, has 13 Recently, the firm -yvas granted Custom tailoring of fino clothes far men tops the service schedule of nntl other purposoa, the flrin Ijioinl- ho established led directly to his FOR ITALIAN-AMERICAN FOOD displayed in his business duties at Healtli commenced to appoint the Graduate of New York Univer­ agi)in in October 1041. arc installed by experts while rpck wool insulation is provided to protect ens ita scope consistently. Producta Judge ~^rotla in good stead. ulfietion to the bench, years ot experience as a neckwear homes to the utmpst. , ' permission to build 9 nffff (liid Fcnn-Ft!inslcin, while select hnberdnshci-y, hninlsome, form-fitting shoes He -was graduated from Boston the Spencer firm, 294 State Street. Health officers. sity in 1923, Judge Sturges wos ad­ manufacturer, He employs 27 work­ larger plant to better s'orvp tho and modern nnd conservntlvo styles of lints (ire fqtind In stock! mo tiPW soli^ tlivouglioul llie Uiiitpd mitted to the bar the year follow­ ers under up-to-date and commen­ To accomplish this extensive range of activity the firm requires the Sixty courteous, linincd eniployci nrq engnged under tlio nmnngorini Stnles. Sonio export bualnoss la nl­ UnivcrBity In 1927 and admllled to First place in Connecticut to fea­ Dr. Taylor was then appointed by ing. His practice ot law brought Bereaved Benefited services of a skilled personnel of 25 workers. needs of airplane mnnyfnclurers the bar in 1928, Superb Beauty Work ture the individual loaves ns Kalian Dr. Stanley Osborne, the commis­ dable conditions. Neckties for m*en that require the output of the M. guidance of John Ii., William H., nnd Lawrence'E. Feiiislein, partner.i so served. Jerry's Exclusive him into close contact with tho aro the specialty of this popular B. concern. Quickly, the firm sot in Ute concern. As stalulo revision commissioner sandwiches, West Haven Restaur­ Kaysey's Competent , sioner in 1033. He has been re courts and a judgeship rewarded By Taylor's Method Officlnis nre: A. F. Holdcn, pre­ In Hartford during 1931 ho added To Peggy's Patrons ant and Grille, 240 Thomas Street, appointed since and ha.s a vast ap­ company. lo work to erect the new struc­ sident; F. C. Holmgren, vice presi­ Hair Styling Arts Restaurant Service his Interest and sincerity in his Herrick And Cowell ture nnd with its opening about 'West Haven, is also populnrly proval for his services.' His present cliosen profession. An all-inclusive and valued serv­ See Foto Supplier dent; A. n. Tnylnr, trcnsurer; Dr. Those who pntronl'ie Peggy's known for a complete variety of term expires in 1041. ice for the benefit of bereaved Has 75-Year Record 100 more persons' benefit by being Fowler Is Capable Ruth's Gorsetiercs Hnlg Snlnklnn, secrelnry nnd rc- Goodman Well Known Beauty Shop, O'l Bradley Avenue, fine foods. It otters both tull-courso Aids to the enhancement, of. Kaysey's Restaurant. 02 College Dr. Taylor is a member of the F. Judges Sturges is a member of familicr. is provided by Selh_ ,N. For Complete Line on the M. B. payroll. Fit Garments Right aenl'cli director. Tliore nre 20 em­ East Haven,lrocelvo every courtesy (iiid a la cai'le menus. milady and miss are created un­ Street, New Haven, Is' a favorite and A. M. He is also active in Second Company, Givernor's Foot Taylor, Inc., funeral diroctinR lirm, Herrick and Cowell, 39 Artizan George H. Mettler, president; R, Painter, Decorator ployes. Jewehy Oficrings and satisfaction as well as tho dis­ der tlie superior methods at Jer­ center for regular meals, lunches, support of various civic and wel­ Guards; Union League, and Delta 3G5 Main street, West Haven. This Street,' New Haven," mplces machin­ N^ jMcttlor, treasurer, and Damien tinctive ei'cations In tho modern Italian and, American foods are ry's Exclusive Hair Styling, 51 dinners, and tile best in beer. Wines fare organizations. Chi. Marking rapid yet deserved pro­ Fngon, secretary, nre the directing IdonI is tho word whicii best de­ served In tho appollzini! style un­ and liquors. It has taeilltlos lo ac­ endeavor was established in 1920 ery for paper box manufacturing standard brands of quality mer- arts that enhance the Individual College Street, New Haven., and is now thoroufihly modern in purposes. Founded 75 years ago at gress to attain a position of popu­ heads of M. B. Manufacturing Com­ Interior nnd exterior painting jobs scribes Ihe offers nnd service nt chandiso are handled by Max personality Ideally. Present location der first-class sanitary conditions. Everything in the modern beauty commodate 200 patrons at a time. larity and success since its estab­ pany. Their executory abilities nnd in the nrtislic nmnnor for the finest Ruth's Lingerie nnd Bnby Slioji, OB Pizza, spnghetli and the Italian This place was establislied 10 years its facilities and functioning. lis this location, the enterprise is one Conoro-fs Avenue, New Hnven. Est- CHASE AND CO. PmEER M MODERN Goodman, Inc., 239 Soulh Orange of llio enterprise has been occupied culture oris is included in the president and treasurer, Seth N. of the famous and finest in the lishment 15 months ago, Folo Sup­ knowledge of the work to be nc results nre the offerings by Charles Slrcetr; New Haven. Silverware, seven years. Previously for four sandwiches aro among die spccinl- roster. Distinctive, Individualized ago, but Is strictly on the modern SEYMOUR, EARLE AND NICHOLS FIRM area. Us reputation for quality out­ plier of Connecticut, 885 Grand complished hiivp resulted in tho F. Fowler, of 200 East Grand Ave­ .•iblishod six yenrs ngo, the place lios. Hull's beer and ale; and basis now and provides both booth Taylor, was graduated in 190G from hn.s become n fnvorite center foi' jewelry,' hollow-wnre, electric table years a downtown shop was con­ liair styling and ijermanent wav­ the Renaurd Training School for put is well known. Avenue, New Haven, is now a cen­ success of the three-year old firm. nue, New Hnvon. Pnperhonging nnd MEN'S FURNISHINGS HEW IN '93 appliances, diamonds, Shacfor and ducted. Mrs. Margaret Bove. pro­ P.O.N. ale arc on draught. This ing teatui'Q. All work is guaran­ ond table services. The restaurant ter of unusual interest. Here is fea­ Its proRross and dcvelopmcnl re­ decornting nre nlso included in his all items in its line. place has 12 booths and 12 tables. is on the ground fioor; -while pri- Embalming. His. wife, Mrs. Harriot Noteworthy also is the 70-year Girdles, corsets and brnssieres Parker pen and pencil sots, leather prietor, has experience In tho Held teed. DEAN OF PATENT ATTORNEYS HERE S. Taylor, is secretary of the firm. record of experience possessed by tured a full line of photographic flect their interest in giving New modern rosier of skillful service. whore n note of dtslinclimi hn-i since 1025 ond was graduated from It aeeommodales as many as 100 vnte dining room on the second supplies, including: cameras, films, Haven an able defense-production He accepts work nnywhere Ihnt the fcnture, with Prpprlelor Hulli Sur- Kiellcd dcnili ni Illll.l found Ills son, novoltios, and a variety of other Those who patronize this clean­ floor is available tor banquets, wed­ There are two employes. Walter E. Petrie, who is proprietor nsky and her employees being pro- nlwnys doniinnted .slock nntl .service items arc offered. Tills Ilrm does the Now Haven School ot Huir- patrons comfortably. Hours ore of the firm. He took charge pf the flash bplbs, plioto floods, sanitized unit, while the employment angle need nrisea nnd the desire is for an npprecinlivo pllenlcle Is cerlnin Kliner II. C.'linse, sli'piiinf iiilc) (IK^ from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Private ly and complete center attest to ding receptions and other social The inventive genius of America tors by handling the multitudinous History of the firm reveals that paper, hypo-developers, and a var­ fossionnl cqr.sellores. Tliey do ox- watcli nnd jewelry repairing under dresslng and Madame Marion's In tho genuine satisfaction rocoived. events. Tlint room will sent 75 per­ the entire career contains progres­ business 10 years ago and has con­ has always been considered by the the expert .nids. • Contrnct work is lo he found, Tlilg circuni.stnnce IK pesilhm fif ffeneinl ni.uinfier, pre- New York. Sho employs one opeia- parties and other festive gatherings always reaches a new peak dui-ing duties of tho legal side, Seymour, iety of pther important values. concern, much to tho sntisfnetion done for Ijonins nnd Nctllelon Com- pert fitting nnd then nlso handle the pnied IhrnuKli inlejcl nnd evpe''- expert''methods. Jerry Annstasio is the proprie­ sons comfortably at a festive altair. a war, according to statistics. Cur­ sive services of advantage to this tinued to advance its success along servicing of nil corsels for nboul pnrllculnrly noted nl Clinso nnd The later Max Goodman estab­ tor to assist In tho work. There are are invited. Established In 1027, the Earle and Nichols, 157 Church the established traditions and poli­ Home movie supplies nre a special­ of the homes of the region. pnny, the Inrgesl renl estate firm Compnuy, SB Collei(e Street, New ence lo cnrry on llie Idenis anil ' enterprise Is a favorite with many, tor and has 11 years of exper­ Ilyman ("Knysey") Kurilch is the rently, more patents are being op- Street, New Haven, has attained o region. Careful, conscientious and ty- one yenr. In Hie Bnby Depnrlmcnt, principles of lili. fnlluT. lished the business In 1014 and was tour booths at the shop. ience n.s a beautician He is on proprietor. He was formerly with plied for and greater activity is at commendable efficiencies aro ever cies, while effecting modern me­ Tnipressslve chnracteristics in the in the SUito. the .shop carries n complele soloe- Hnven, where the befit in gentle­ prominent for his- successful, sin­ Featured aids include Frederic, people now. "John Giibcr^ls" for seven years. place of highest esteem among thods to promote the efficiency. Photo .finishing and commercial business and industrial phnses of men's ijnnnent.s Is nlwny.s to be Uniler Ihe supci vision of Mr.. duty to oversee tlio entire aids largo among inventors than an any those interested in the progress in efi"ect. Friendly, sympathetic and photography aro also under the Equipped by 23 yenrs of exper­ tion of infants' weiu-. Dress, coals, cere iiorvico in this field. His la- Du-Art nnd Hcaterlcss permanent Achilles Croluin, permittee, su-i and has the assistance ot three His courteous attentive and expert super!) coverage over the funeral There are six employes under his the firm have brought it lo its ience in lii.s chosen work, Mr. Fow­ snowauits nnd everytliing for Iho found. Chn.se eiijht piMMins .rie employed waving; all beauty culture special­ time since the legions of'Europe provided the world by their in­ direct supervision. Tliis fii-m is val­ expert roster of reliable service. nnd their Inleiest in piovidlnij the ' jilentod demise occurred, on May porvisos the program. His wife is competent operators In perform­ methods of service command appre­ marched to battle a quarter-cen­ directing program inspires a last­ present recognition ns one of tlio ler is able lo solve tho, more inlri- bnby. nnd tiny lots nre handled. Cii.stoni-lniioi'cd .sulls (lint hnvc ties. Work is available by appoint- ciation. Tliere are 20 employes on ventiveness. ued by a large, prominent clientele James F. Antonio, whose exper­ city's most riipidly-expnuding en­ dii^nilled nnd thouf^hlful set vice for 27, 1030. Since then, Mrs, Loali the proprietor. Tliere arc two em­ ing tho expert work. Sanitary tury ago. ing confidence and satisfaction and is also an asset of unquestion­ cnle problems that occur during the This shop is.open from.O n. m. found npprovnl Ninee IHiilt nre Goodman, his widow, has been in mont chiefly to conserve the time ployes. Service is courteous, quick standords are uphold. the regular staff. Tho firm ot patent ottornoys ience in this field covers 12 years, terprises. daily routine. He'hn.s conducted his which the stoic hni, lon)( been , •Protecting the interests of inven- began its career at a critical period among those served by this firm. able advantage lo the area. Its to a p. m. daily and until 10:30 p. n)iicli ill cviileifce nl Clinse nnd known helps buiifj to Ihe picsent charjLiO- of the business and eon ot tho customer. Methods are ex­ and elliclent to pleaso every patron. is the proprietor and personally in It is evident that a place ,of even own: business for 1.5 years nnd Is ni. on Saturdays. Its •proprietor hns Cninpnny, wlille Encliiili eqnis, tinned the firm oh the same ex­ pert and sanitary. of United States history—1861! entire record shows a constant pro­ charge. He is assisted by a capable grofUer consequence .nwaiLs VI. B. Uenerntlon the idenis of this rine > Men fired by inventive genius were gress and achievement. known for his principles of sntisfne­ 10 yenrs of experience'." There nre litlhurdnshery nnd otiler ileniN for cellent principles. She.has 10 years Coiriuro dcsignhig nnd hair- Good Things To Eat employee. Manufacturing Company in yenrs tion. From six to 10 persons ore five persons employed under this 11)0 innn are fentlired. efltnbllBhniont. , , ^ of experience in this endeavor. For Styling methods, provided in the rite at that time and this solicitor to come. Mr. Chnse nnd his iihs'icintea niev employed. Personal supervision is uxcellenl supervision.' Sntisfnetion Ilerneo F. Chiise, one of llic clly'n Iho convenience ot the customers, shop, were also learned by Mrs. ot patents filled an important need At Royal Food Shop. exercised on each job. in the courteous way is sirossed. nlwnys willing to w '"• ijeyond credit nrrangomonLH are available Bovo at M. Albert's do Paris School BENZOLINE IS FAVORED BY CAR OWHERS OF eONNECTICOT in their lives. ECONOMY PUBLIC MARICET LINE liesl-linuwii huiilncfis ipeiii Inuneheil the usunl linutntions to plensc n on purchases. Hours ot service are of New York The years have built a world­ Full-course meals, Blue Plates, Jefferson 75 Years |l|e Ilrm on il.s cnreer nnd hi.s re- customer. , 0:1.1 o.ni. to 0:30 p.m. dally nnd wide clientele for Seymour, Earle sandwiches, draught and bottled IS QUALITY AT RIGHT PRICES As Decorating Finn CARLOW COMPLETE PLAN EXCELS until 8 p.m. Saturday. "lladioear" Is Boon Meet Machine Work Statner Mead and Nichols, which has been at its beers, and popular brands of soft present location tor two years fol­ drinks aro among tlie diversified Patsy Bell Popular lowing an original tenancy in the Interior and exterior painting, IN CUSTOM TAILORING SERVICE Boni Experiqnccd Aids Deaf To' Hear Demands At Rausch Of Approved ofTeis at the Royal Food Shop, Inc., Equipped in the up-to-date fash­ decorating and paperlianging work Cutler Building of a half-century llGG'/i Dixwell Avenue, flamden. ion as a cleanly and complete cen­ Gold Medal Gaining On Store Fixtures Landscape Gardenty:. Gelinas Is Manager — A and 25 years in Second National- of a completely superior type is General machine rebuilding Refining €o. Home-made pies and pastries fea­ ter for food shoppers, the Economy Full custom tailorinfi service un­ John Hancock Here Radloear Company of New Bank Building. As Cleaners, Dyers ofi'erod by W. T. Jefferson ond Son, der export methods by L. Cnrlow, Palsy 'Dell Is a landscape gni'- Haven, at 805 Chnpel Street, New and repairing work by Carl ture also. This establishment is Public Market, qt 308 Main Street, G7 Alwnter Street, Now Hnven. Carter's Lin^ Tops I'osHCSsinK n lifetime's exper­ Directing the firm are G. D. Sey­ open from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. next Inc., 1082 Chapel Street, New Hn­ ience in the mnnufncturiny of dener of 20 yeain' prnctical and Haven, devotes its program lo aid­ Rausch and Sons, 80 York Street, Building n reputation of state­ East Haven, is open from 7:30 a, m. Gold Medal Cleaners nnd Dyers, Estimates are supplied gladly with­ Among the famous nnd finest New Haven, meets the precise wide consequence is a feat of major mour; F. C. Earle, and M. P. Nich­ morning. It has catered to the pub­ to 6:30 p. m. regularly and until ven, meets the fnstidious demnnds Typcwrilers' Field store fixtures of nil kinds, E. progressive expeiionce. He is" firms ot its field, John Hancock ing the deat lo hear. It was es-- ols. John E. Earle, father ot the 213 Ferry Street, New Haven, pre­ out obligation. No job is too largo Inblished more than a year ago and needs in tile prompt and de­ consequence at any time, but when lic for 14 years and is wel! known 9 p. m. on Fridays and Saturdays. or loo .small, with the hnndling ot of a larjie nnd exclusive clientele. Bani, 800 ConKress Avcriuc, New qualified to himdic eveiything In Mutuiil Life Insurance Company is present partner, founded the en­ as a cleanly, pleasant and reliable sents an up-to-date and ideal ros­ Reliably known for providing a Iluven, also Is known ns n spec­ is the representative in this terri­ pendable way. Established hero this is accomplished during years ot terprise. In 1889 it became Earle II" slacks a full and fine line of ter of reliable .woi'k that is strictly tho work for privnte homes being Evening clothcH, sport clothes, suits, the scope of Inndscapc gardening valued by a legion of satisfied in 1927, the firm is known depression it becomes an outstand­ j center for quality treats. groceries, fresh meals, delicatessen coats, and women's suits are In­ complete coverage over the desires ialist in wood work. He estab­ policyholders. It has maintained a tory for the Radloear Company, and Seymour and _15 years ago the on the quality standards. All clean­ featured. There are up lo eight lished his own business six years and does expeit work. Quality ma- ' which is located it Pittsburgh, Pn, throughout the area tor its pro­ ing testimonial to business ability Accommodations seat 40 persons items, butter and eggs, fruits and ing, dyeing, pressing, tailoring, re­ skilled mechanics employed. cluded in the oilers. All of the in typewriters and supplies, H. I,,. district office in New Haven since gram of expert activity in this and quality ot product. present firm style" was taken. comfortably amid the congenial nnd Carter has conducted his business nKo. Ready to serve ' nny\vliere terials are piiichascd for the speci­ 1880, witli the prejicnt location hero This office lias 'coverage over Now vegetables. Everything for the fam­ pairing, altering and furrier services This remarkable nnd valued busi­ Hems are made strictly to measure that need exlsls, he eslimntes Haven, Fairfield and Hartford essential lino ot service. Many This circumstance is a dominant I inviting surroundings that stress ily table is featured in the quality are. included. Remodeling of gar­ ness wns established 75 years ago on order and the work is guaran­ for the last two years at the lai'gcr, fic purposes fiom the iciiding nurs­ being at 70 College Street. I utmost cleanliness. Service phases better nnd more convenient quar­ cheerfully and imlckly on iiny eries nnd replanled lo suit tl^e.', Counties. important jobs are being handled element in the career of Connecticut selections. ments is a feature to achieve the by T. G. W. Jefferson, grondfather- teed. Pfcrfect fitlint? "s stressed as job In the line, llis ofTico is t)t Complete life insurance service no'w. I are handled promptly in courteous latest fashions. Fur storage facUi of the presonl owner, Clifford T. ters at 213 Oi-ange Street, New wishes of the individual customer. is tlie ottering, with programs pro­ R. C. Hulbert, with three years Refining Company which f/as PAGE, STEELE AND FLAGG CO. FINDS This popular market offers the part of the satisfaction. Any' style the above nddress. Warehouse Carl-Rausch, whose experience founded 10 years ago when most I efficiency. ties are available. Jefferson. It is one of the oldest Haven. Having served since 190!), Estimates nie always available ^ vided lo meet the individual case of experience in the, work, is di­ spans 20 years in this typo ot Fraitk Segal, with 34 years of right merchandise at the right Of pattern desired is provided. the enterprise is widely favored as and factory are at ."iSS Colupibus recting the local program and do- of America was shaking its head prices. Us proprietor, J. Baltimore, Free pick-up and delivery aids firms of its kind in the field and, Avoniie. withbitt any charge or obiignlion.,.,. requirements and needs thorough­ endeavor, is assisted by his sons, and wondering it the doldrums ot I experience in tho field, is the pro- now conducted by the third gen­ This business was established a headquarters for the best values ly. George 0. Gelinas became dis­ serves tribute tor his splendid et- Oscar and Otto Rausch, in pro­ INDUSTOAL SUPPLIES IN DEMAND Iprietor and has three employes. His has 25 years of experience as a food spans New Haven and vicinity. All more than 20 years ago, L. Carlow in its line. AH makes of portables All phases o( tho extensive In business on his own behalf fielencies and sincero eo-operat on. financial distress would be with us merchant and is devoted to pleasing work is guaranteed and the gar­ eration of the same family. Mr, trict manager here for tho compoiiy moting the roster ot the firm a- indefinitely. I patrons receive the ideal values in JeffersonV father preceded him as hps a total experience of 33 years ijre handled as well as new, used schedule are Riven personal and since 1921, Mr. Bell has location at two years ago on May 1st and has Ho has the assistance of a capable, long the modern standards to Building state-wide recognition as the many customers. He is assisted ments are insured while entrusted in the field and directs the daily proper supervision by ^v. Bpni, 87 Colony Stioet, Haniden He em­ As a voter.'in ot 25 years in the I tho friendly manner that appeals. by six courteous employes in hand­ lo the firm. owner, with tho present name of and rebuilt typewriters and typo- carried tlie success ot this hrancli well-trulned employe. keep fully abreast of the increos- Notable Highlights a result of its program ot service program on the modern policies. He writer supplies. In addition the who hos a staff of nine employes ploys \hvQC persons regulaily and business, Edward Shiner, treasurer ling the orders. Established 18 years This enterprise was established the business having been adopted is a.ssisted by two .skillful and cour­ onward notably. He succeeded The hearing instrument ha.s nn ing demands. Evei-y job is given and superior products. Page, Steele ago, the market is vvell known 20 years ago. Reliable standards of new "Allen," "L. C. Smith" and to assist on detailed duties as- often has ns mnny as IB workers on Saunders W. Hart, who was district tho careful and thorough cover­ and manager, has given his every In Career Of Barry I Bottle Soft Drinks five years, ago. Its proprietor, Louis teous employes. pigned. Quality ond service are his utaff- during the busy season. exclusive feature — an appreciated apd Flagg Company, 30 Prout for its leading supply of food items Gallo, has 12 years of experience in satisfactioh and service prevail "Corona" adding machines ore fea­ manager for 40 years prior. This battery ceonomizor. There is every age in each detail. There are six attention and effort to maintaining *• Tailors to the well-dressed, the tured. Expert repair work is given the guiding stundnrds. Satisfac­ His exceptional skills and sincerity the highest stondards ot endeavor Street, *is one ot the best-known Properly At Kenes at economy prices. Delivery service the work and is known for his skill­ now, as nlwnys in the past. tion nnturally results. office serves New Haven, West advanced scientific merit included employes on the staff. As City engineer of New Haven, is available. Many shoppers patron­ ful methods. Topnotch sanitary as­ firm enjoys n reputation for quality on all makes of office machines in of service command utmost praise Haven, Westville to Woodmont and tor the benefit of an appreciative members ot its endeavor in New and corifidoncc, while llio beautiful in the vacuum tube instrumerit. clientele of auto owners and others W. Vincent Barry Is rendering his Operated undqr lopnotch sanitaiy ize the place daily and benefit by pects are in thorough evidence, with and service. Careful and thorough this field. Branford. John McGowan and Each instrument is fitted individ­ complete roster ot duty in the de­ Haven. the satisfaction received. odorless methods utilized. work in each detail keeps the en­ Valued by his many clients, Mr. landscape gardening woik attrncts Adam BombollskI are tlie Branford throughout the entire state. Iconditions in the up-to-date manner tire efficiencies intact. Stylish crea­ Carter has in force the distinctive Immediately ns the, ideal. ually io tho person who will wear pendable and efficient manner. This During its 20-year career the Tto achieve its superior quality line Ash Removal Offer Defense Need Aided agents. Tliere aro 70 employes, in- it. Pete's Auto Stores Scott Solves Needs Benzoline, the popular gasolhie tions that win immediate prai.so and modern methods that promote the eluding 53 ogents, seven assistant that has found such esteem among is a Civil Service Commission job, business has been engaged in sell­ pt beverages, Kenes Bottling Works, By Joseph Gibson approval result. business idoaliy. By Fire Arms ]VIqk«jr managers and the office stolT. Have Best For Less Plumbing, Heating tliose who appreciate quality, is sold with the oppointment being con­ ing industrial supplies and hard­ Inc., 270 Putnam Street, New Ha- by the company's own service sta­ f'on, is an enterprise of leadership WELDING IN EVERY BRANCH WINS Printing To Please Free estimates and advice or tions in Connecticut and in other ferred by Mayor Murphy on Janu­ ware to plants and manufacturers ptanding in its field. This firm bot- As removal service in the care­ lilstabllshed in New Hnven I'l NO BUILDING TASK TOO DIFFICULT Pete's Auto Stores, at 20 Temple throughout Conneetieut. ful, thorough and competent way Connecticut Bakery Street and 83 Broadway, New plumbing and heating problems are stations whose customers demand ary 20, 1037. |les soft drinks in all flavors, selt- GROVE STREET GARAGE AHRACTS years ago, the Hjgh Standard lylanr By Merchants Press provided without any obligation by that the pumps carry the famous Mr. Barry is acting director of fcer and other beverages. Two trucks F. AND W SERVICE WIDE TRADE throughout New Haven and vicini ufacturinf; Company now has tho Features Doughnuts Haven, are popular centers that Firms in need ot quality products pre used to handle the prompt, /reg­ ty is a major part of the progroni hold public patronage in the large Patrick F. ^cott, 19 Grand Avenue, brand. Public Works ond has held that in the wide line offered by the aijvantage of those two modernly Letterheads, foldeis, broadsides, FOR LUNDSTROM TO FINISH ON TIME ular delivery of orders throughout Enjoying the increased advan­ by Joseph Gibson, 95 Webster posters, displays, catalogues, sales ond increasing proportions. An New Haven. Through 34 years of Motor oils and lubricants are also responsibUity since May 1938. He company have found the output 18 years* experience in the work. Street, Nov/ Haven. Hauling of MOTORISTS FROM NEAR AND AFAR equipped plants In the city; one at Service to hotels, restaurants and additional store will be opened by prepared and sold by Connecticut Pew Haven and vicinity. All pro­ tages of its present larger and bet­ books and evciythmg cisq within also house-to-house deliveries nre It it Is within tlie realm of building and contracting E. W.,Lundstrom progressive endeavor in the field, was formerly Bridge engineer for meeting their most stringent de­ ducts aro made from tlie purest and There are four skilled employes on sand and gravel also receives the 01 Footo Street, where Bipal| fire tho firm in Derby sometime in Heflning Company to supplement its ter quarters for two months now at the staff. correct accomplishment. In busi­ the'scppc of service embraced arc handled by Connecticut Doughnut is able to accomplish Uie job, for this veteran of 35 y-^afs "' '^«,'^"?' lie Is amply qualified to meet the six years and assistant City engi­ mands. The program of develop­ Bnest ingredients at this model bot- Motorists from near nnd afar to better motoring are available arms nre mode; nnd the other at achieved in the quality style at" March. most difficult requirements in his gosoline dispensing roster. Twenty- Respose is made to calls any ness for seven years on his own Company, bakers, 3800 Whitney field has gained a we!(lth ot prncticol knowledge that aids him to do Founded in 1034 the enterprise is five trucks ore operated. neer for about 12 years. ment ot industrial requirements in­ ]ling plant. Olive and Wooster Streets. New visit the Grove Street Garage, 23 There is n small line of auto ac­ loo Wnler Front Street; where ma­ the Merchants Pioss, 010 dratid" Avenue, Mt. Carmol. This firm many unusual ant) distinctive tasks. , chosen scope ot work. His roster J Originally the business was est- where within a surrounding radius behalf, Mr. Gibson has established Grove Street, New Haven, where Avenue, New Haven. Estimates a"rp' , under direction ot Peter Frattini, Householders rely on its fuel oils He helped to plan and approve stituted by Page, Steele and Flagg Haven, the F. and W. Welding of 100 miles. Courtesy, satisfaction a reliable reputation for satisfaC' cessories in stock. chine guns are manufactured. Natr bakes, delicious doughnuts, cakes, Contracts let to Mr. Lundstrom aro planned carefully and woik includes all modern plumbing and gblished here 40 years ago as Shan- their exact desires are met in- the urnlly the firm Is accomplishing glaqly f^iven without any obligation ' who has 23 years of experience in which keep thousands ot homes and the building of the Ferry Street Company at the time ot Its found­ Service has furthered its eflicjenf and superior service prevail ii lion and service. He has a total Mr. Carlone is the typo of garage pies, pastries and allied items. Only proceeds nocording to-pre-arrnngcd schedule, assuring maximum satis- this field and knows tlie modern lieating services, with oil burners business . places tenable in the &om Bottling Works. Herman B. experience of 10 years in this field. courteous and efficient fashion. executive who gives the close per­ a great deal of work for Uio ynlted being incurred Helpful advice and the proper, pure ingredients nre tactlqn to oven tiie most astute client. His location is 288 Fairview Bridge and two new sewage dis­ ing hos Ijeen largely instrumental ^enes, present owner, purchased program to keep pace with the en­ every instance. This place la open from 8 a.m. until suggestions nic also accoidcd as de- , merchandising methods. He stocks and air-conditioning being ppecial- Winter months. larged trade gained. F. and W. Welding School is con­ Three employes assist in the var­ sonal attention and supervision to States Government on behalf of the sired. utilized. Metliods arc strictly sani­ Avenue, Hamdon. , ;.,,,, T j > u „i „ a complete line ot auto accessories. lies. "Territory onconipasses a ra­ posal plants. in its present standing. business 17 years ago and ious tasks assigned under his per. G p;m. It has modern equipment ail details of his business. Ho is tary from start to finish. With office and plant at 105 Water dopted the present title of the ducted by the firm to train tho.se and is popular with those who National Defense Prograrn. There Skilled lobar Is employed exclusively by Mr. Lundstrom who also Columbia bicycles, Cleveland bi­ dius of. 50 miles. Each call is ac­ Street, West Haven, the business There are 20 employes in the To keep its output up to demand Everything in the welding line who seek a real career in the weld­ sonal direction. There are two constantly on the alert for the latest Wllliain lannitti, proprictoi ot tho ' There are eight trucks In use cycles, radios, tires and various the firm requires a personnel of ». He is on daily duty to over- is included under the modern and trucks in use. seek and "appreciate the thorough and best offerings in the field. Two arc 400 wofkers employed linger business, was graduated from the • - to keep the deliveries reliable. makes it a point pt. service to utilize only the best materials in every corded a prompt, courteous re­ has reoched afar to win and hold Engineering Department and 800 35, each ot whom is as Interested Ihe program and has the as- expert roster. Portable equipment ing line. With the stress on the satisfaction on car needs. Every the topnotch conditions and poli­ Boardnian Trade School anfl hns His personnel is protected by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. other needs. Storage batteries and sponse. Emergency needs are met the continued approval and favor employes ip the Public Works De­ Great National Defense Program- Sanitary and health standards, as skillful eniployes assist on various Every order, largo or small, is seot covei'S for ears ore among the as the management in keeping the ^tance of three employes' dn de- is maintained so that jobs may be phase of the roster is devoted to tasks assigned. cies. 17 yeafs of practical experience bs- '' Homo and commercial buildhiB, remodeling -and renovating are as desired. ot on oppreciotive trode, while its partment. Approximately $3,000,000 jiled phases, - ' ""Kf" ~ now, there are new opportunities well as the cleanly appearance of providing the proper assistance. hind him in this field of endeavor. given the same careful coverage. specialties. „ , , roster up to schedule. handled directly on location to meet opening up everywhere for quali­ Those who patronize this popular ' 0/Iiclals arc: George Willis, pre­ Officials ot the company ore: featured, while converting homes into apartments, installing now store Having conducted his own busi­ business relations with die com­ worth of equipment and property Behind the manageriol aspect o£ emergency needs. New Haven and vicinity, gain not­ sident; C, G. SweblliUB,' vice presi­ He is known and cs ecmcd for hi i fronts and general repair service are added elements that have made "Everybody knows Pete Is the munity have been mutually bene- is taken care of by this coverage. fied welders. Details concerning tlie ably via the ash removpl work Michael Carlone, proprietor, has garage jfttest to its modern aspects Hudson- Weigold, president; John slogan ot the firm. There ore 10 ness tor the last 20 years, Mr. Scott the business and dedicated to the „ Doccnt Russell E. Williams and Harold 12 years of experience in the field and advantages. dent and general manager;. J. K. friendly and crfectivc elTiciepci^s'" Mr. Lundstrom and his location at 288 Falr\dow Avenue, Haniden, well ficiol. Mr. Barry was graduated from Yale school course are available at the rendered by this specialist. (D^vsley, vice president; F. T. Brad­ that please the clientele, Established ' Richard, • ti'sasurer; and Miss L. employes on tlic staff. Service is has compiled a record for satis- in 1908. He is past grand knight of interests of,.all who call upon it IA docent 1& a term applied Jo one O. Funk are partners in the busi­ firm. and has been in business at the Sinclair, secretary. Tliere aro 22 foction and sci-viee that well in­ Mr. Shuier keeps obresst ot the are Fred H. Page, president; George |:ensed to teach in a university but present location for five years. He ley, treasurer; F. S. O'Reiley, con­ In 1933, the firm has attracted and' ' Otien, persons have In mind the home tliey would like to own prompt, attentive, courteous and progress made in the industry and K. of C; vice president of Con­ ness, which wos established two held a wide patronage as a I'psiilt. , employes. This firm was established careful to assure satisfaction in a dicates his expert work. He em E. Steele, treasurer, and Nelson W. fit classed as a professor. It also years ago. Their former location Large Vocabulary features Tydol line of petroleum troller; and liordon Swebilius, as- 10 years ago at its present location but cannot visualize it completely. Causing the rough plon to materiolize ploys six skilled men on the aver- installs progressive service meos- necticut Society of Civil Engineers: Flagg, secretary, all veterans ot the Cooked Rice on Market People who stutter often have a Fei-furaed uutfcr' slsUnt treasurer. Production and all of the excellent work rendered so'' full measure. Money-saving prices and a full member ot American jfers to a tutoi and Is' used in was at 151 Brewery Street, New products in the 100 per cent cap­ consistently. Two employes assist" in ' and has won a wide popularity and is part ot -Mr. Lundstrom's regular endeavor. ures whenever he deems it advis- field in which they are acUve Rice already cooked arid ready to larger vocabulary than those with* acity. Expert lubrication work, tire Perfumed butter can be bought in other prpcedurcs are conducted on attract the public to these quality age and adds otlicr local help as oble. I Society ot Civil Engineers. Ime museums to apply to an of- Haven. Each of these welding first class cfficicncips. ywiiu'ub u'uties assigned. '. .~ , patronage by ofteripg choicest qunh Ho is alwoys interested in working in conjunction with home owners needed.. leaders. wial u-ho guides or lectures. specialists has a personal record of serve is now on the market. out an impediment in their speech, repairs, and other important aids Paris. ity baked goods. to give them tjie dwelling of their dreams. stores.

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J- VagK Eigitt HRANFORI) KKVUnV Tliuisday, February 13,1MI Page Nine 3l*d Generation Has Botsford Advancing Thursday, February i:i, Iflll BRANKOlU) REA'U'IW Blakcslee Firm Now PLACE, OPERATE CANDY VENDING MACHINES IN STATE New Haven Concern Minor Is Prominent Electric Contracts Gilmore Upholstery Behind the outstanding modern Established since 1018, New Fulfilled By Cozzi Work Fully Handled schedule mnintnlncd by C. W. Water Conditioning Pack Shops, Inc., Eli Douville became proprietor of Fairbanks* Favored Haven Awning and Drapery Com­ As City Treasurer ARMSTRONG RUBBER GO. PRODUCTION MEETS NATIONAL-SCOPE DEMAND Blekeslcc nnd Sunn, Inc., contract- Famous For Fine (he business in If*36 and added im­ pany. Inc.,. has marked a now peak Ing-flnn, ,^8 Waverly Street, New Equipment At Ilatcii portant up-to-date features and Cleaners And Dyers of progre.ssive success under the In 1D37 Edward S. Minor was Induslrlnl power wiring nnd In- Complete is tlie word that best advantages in the roster to further proprietorship-direction of Paul W. elected on the Democratic ticket ()40 Breadwinners Tire And Tube Line stnllntlons; commcrcinl fixttlrcs, describes llie rosier of expert Hovcn, Is a vast history of note­ Quality Candies Federal Packing Co. wiring and installations nre the es­ crnttsmanslUp al the Gllmorc Up­ worthy operation, This enterprise Lociited on Pease Road next to the ofTeclive success. He has 14 Beautiful work that meets with Botsford, who has owned and op­ for a Iwo-year Icnn as City treas­ Employed In Made For Autos the Hill Crest Nursery at Wood- years of experience in this line of erated the business since 1930. urer of New Hnven. Ho look office Wholesales Quality pecial offers In the roster of eleo- holstering Shop, 1)74 Bridgeport was founded In 1844. It is now Installer and operator of activity and promotes the best prin­ the immediate approval and praise trlcnl contrnctlng work by Alphon- Avenue, Mllford. Custom-mndo under the direction of tlie third bridge, George M. Hatch Company is tho result of the" careful and Many; important modern features on January 1, 1938 and ciTectcd an Production And Trucks soils water-softening equipment of candy vending machines in fac­ ciples. There are five employes, and advantages have been added outstanding program of eflicicncy Wholesale service to hotels, rest­ so CozzI, 185 Fnlincld Avenue, Now furniture and draperies to order Bencratlon. Its fame Is being fur­ with one truck utilized. thorough service rendered by Fair­ Haven. feature in tlie oUcrlngs. Estimates proven reliability. Tills firm was tories, schools, theatres, the banks Cleaners and Dyers, 195 to the piogram under the guidance and economy that won wide ap­ aurants, institutions, schoools and With the progress and de­ I'\nind on cars nnd trucks every­ thered constontly along the estab­ established In 1031.^11 supplies the Candy vending machines placed of Mr. Botsford, who is ever alort proval. As a result he was riglil- where, tlie name Arnisli-ong has House wiring I.s nlso handled by nro provided promptly and court­ lished traditions, pollcias nnd up- Dixwell Avenue, New Haven. Mod­ other centers is provided properly proper tanks with 'mineral to re­ Y.M.C.A. and similar centers by the firm arc of tho latest model em and utmost sanitary metliods for the finest offerings. He moved fully honored by re-election lo the by the Federal Packing ^ompany, velopment in manufacturing stood for 2ii ycnrs as one of tho this expert, who hns conducted his eously. Work accepted is given the ' to-date methods. and receive popular patronage in careful completion for satisfaction move Iron, hard water, dirty water, throughout the State, the Pack are utilized in the entirely, witli the business to its present larger, olTicc in 1939 and continues to ad­ Inc., 14!) State Street, Now Haven, pneumatic tires a few firms in vital elements in the production of own business here for nboul six " OfTicIals now are; Clarence acid water and chlorine. All kinds the various centers. Pure and. ,garments and fineries being pro­ better quarters two months ago at vance the excellent program in the on food items of finest quality in tiros nnd lubes. yenrs nnd gnined a splendid trndo. via the artistic and excellent melli- Morris Cove Proud wliolesome candies are stocked in oda ulUUed, Cnll-nnd-dellvopy Blnkcslcc, president; M. Grant of tanks are in slock. State dis- Shops of Connecticut, Inc., 541 tected always. 52 Crown Street, New Haven. In­ interest of tlie citizens. a complete line of values. Among this indispensable field came lo Superior miilcrlnla nre employed He possesses 18 yenrs of experience Qlakeslcc, vice president; William Of Winciicll's Aid Iribulorshlp is held, with the firm fresh. supply. AH of the machines Esposito Popular teresting is the historic fact tliat the offerings are included: fresh In the field. Tlicrc nro two reg- service Is avnllBble. Winchester Avenue, Now Ha­ arc kept in the proper condition Full roster of cleaning and dye­ He served formerly on the Board tlie fore. Among tliose holding o^Uuilvely nnd the most modem T. Gilbert, Vice president; Rny J. having dealers throughout Connec­ members of the Botsford family of Finance for six, years and is and smoked meats; "Federal Qual­ molliods arc utlllJcd lo make every ulnr employes, wlUi nddltionnl lo­ This popular upholstering shop ticut. ven, handles only the best for honest use. Convenient and. ing service is offered. Alterations, Flower Shop Offer sway as a dominant asset to cal workers .being cngnged ns Rolaeluth, vice president; Harold L. lie.sponsiblo for ri splendid purl repairs and pressing are included. were the first settlors in Mllford, known for his exceptional compe­ ity" frosted foods; "Blrdscye" unit Uic best nvnilablo in It.s clnss. caters lo n largo and exclusive trade Blakcslee,. treasurer; Albert D. of the development of Morris Personally Ui cliarge-of the pro­ economical, these machines arc in Connecticut, locating tliero in 1620. frosted foods; dairy products; fi-ults; needed, Estlntntes are supplied on In New Haven, Bridgeport, Mllford quality merchandise. It has 250 demand. Through its excellent Tills firm soils suits that are mndc tence in handling public monies. the millions of automobile and VnUied ns it is in Ihe nnlionnl Blnkeslee, secretary; Lyman L. Cove, wliei-e ho has been cslnb- gram and maintaining the model Fresh-cut flowers, potted Manufacturer of all _kind.s of His career in public life is com­ vegetables; and seafoods. nny job in tlils scope served. Re­ nnd surrounding nren. R. I. Oil- ellicicncles In all phases, George machines now serving in the policy of sharing part of the rev­ to order. plants and the complete needs truck owners requiring the Induslrlnl picture, Armstrong Htib- pairing of electrical nppUnncca Is more Is tho proprietor ot the bual- Bnw, assistant secretary and Ircns- ll.slicd 111 bualnc.is as a builder awnings, draperies, Venetian blinds, mendable, as is his ^recoi-d in Officials of the company are: ber Company plnys nn Indispcna- for 2,'i /years, Newton J. Win- M. Hatch is tho proprietor of this State. Pari of the revenue enue with the mutual aid and ath-, Expert tailoring is the policy that for weddings, funerals and other Samuet Zimmerman, who has 39 done, if tlie appliances are brought iicsa, which was established, nine Burcr, Tliero' are 200 employes. letlc associations whore operated, assures the rightful coverage over special occasions are supplied in nnd singe curtains, the firm nlso private business. In conjunction best is Annstrong Rubber nljle part in Iho business nnd homo Heavy construction work, such as chell, of 1).') Parker Place, there, progressive company. He has two does solarium and terrace work. with his brotlier, Frank G. Minor, years' experience, pi*csldcnt and to tlio shop. years ngo hero. Ho wns formerly has an esteem earned by his local employes. from the machines goes to the the firm boosts tho general well all accepted responsibilities. Wil­ the quality style by Esposito Company, Inc., which is one life of the Now Haven nielropoll- locnted nl 7 River Street. His ex­ building roads, bridges, and dams, being and good sportsmanship tac­ Flower Shop, G50 Grand Avenue, There aro usually about 13 persons he established the Minor Lumber treasurer; W. D. Pcacocke, secre­ taii men. In the plant nro employed Territory on eleclrlcnl contracting notable record. Ho built practi­ Health and sanitary standards aro various mutual aid and athletic liam H. Banks is proprietor and employed, during ihe busy season, and Mason Supply Company in tary. 'There are 30 employes. Work­ of West Haven's most famous service lakes In n radius of 50 perience In this line of activity Is the specialty only. Heavy found­ cally half of tile numlicr of aided cirectlvely by the corrocl tics. and has 12 years of experience. Es- New Haven. Deliveries nre made 650 workers under' Ideal conditions spans 16 yenrs In all. Two em­ ations and the handling of large associations where operated. throughout tho county by truck. with a regular stafif of three work­ 1911. Located at 451 Grand Avenue, ing conditions are ideal. nnd directed by a innnnRcmenl Ihnt miles. Full equipment is main­ homes located In Morris Cove. water-soflcnlng equipment. This Mr. Douville accords tlio full tablislied 10 years ago, tho firm is ers now on duty. New Haven, that fii-m employs'12 This firm was established 28 years industrial showplaccs. tained lo handle the work proper­ ployes assist on various tasks un- excavations; grading of railroad facts coui'tcou.sly to all interested among the leaders in its line here. Retail trade is served. This busi­ is devotedly Interested in their (ler his own supervision. Speclailxlng in the building of firm has the offerings to meet prac­ This firm was founded 15 years ness was established 15 ycai-s perstins, has throe delivery trucks ngo in New Haven. It has oc­ A quarter-century ago, at welfnro and well-bolnR. ly nnd promptly as desired. beds nnd sidings also fbaturo. new homes, Mr. Wincholl also tically all needs. Advice and sug­ parties and welcomes inquiries con- Its increasing trade is a tribute to cupied the present quarters there ngo in Connecticut and has marked tho excellent standards of service ago and has proven its merits as and 'ofTei-s a full Ihie of lumljcr, Newark, N. J., the. Armstrong Jnnies H. Wnlsh, , prcsidcnl;, does gener.'il jobl)itig of all kinds. gestions arc cheerfully accorded coming placement of tho candy- an area asset. masonry and builders' supplies that for 25 years. Hcaltli and sanitation Roofing, storm windows and upon request. a 'consistent progress under honest vending machines in additional lo­ shown .so constantly. firm had its inception, start­ Arthur Barclay, vice president, and policies of operation. Generations Praise include everything needed lo erect standards are upheld in "every de­ other important needs nre in­ cations. Particular attention is always a property from cellar to roof. tail. ing from a humble beginning Frederick Bachlin, spcrolnry and ALL'NEEDS OF NEEDLE INDUSTRY Famed Stiles Brick cluded in Ills olTcrs. Quality given to providing tho appro­ Kleiner Tailoring treasurer, Huldc Iho nffnlrs of craftsmanship is the standard Gillmorc Has 1941 priate flowers and plants for the and reaching extensive propor­ Armstrong Uubbor Company. ' Finn Under Andrews always. He lias JW years of ex­ Ilolcombe Drug Firm various holiday sea.sons througli- tions as inotordom became an im- Merclianl tailors of exceptional MET BY De BRO FIRM SALES AID perience in the field and is val­ Dodges, Plyinouths CARLSON HOSPITAL IS APPROVED out tho year. AH offerings aro in ix>rtanl part of the national plo- shipments arc made throughout ued by 0 laiigo and prominent Has Equipped Store keeping with tho spirit of the merit, I. Kleiner nnd Son, 1113 NEHLETON HEADS FUNERAL HOME turo. Experimentation and testing Ma.wachusetls, nliodc Island, Con­ clientele. Expert is the word for Snlea and service on Dodge nnd specific holiday. Chapel Street, New Haven, caters Myers Is Managing Everylhlng In Ihe needle industry comes under the major and necticut and Now York to keep u- his consistent achievements in Plynionlh cars are the major FOR CONVALESCENTS AND THE AGED An up-to-date proscription de­ Joseph A. Esposito is pi'o- to a large and exclusive trade in brought longer wear from Arm­ Miltord Lumber Co. modern program by the De Bro Sewing Machine and Supply Compnny, brcast of tlie large and Increasing building of homes and allied phases of the proKnirn at GiHinore partment is but one of the many prictor nnd personally in chnrge. the ideal manner. This noted busi­ AS WELL AS PLUMBING COMPANY strong tiros and tubes. Many in­ CO.') Grand Avenue, New Hnven. There are 4000 types of sowing machines orders at llio I. L. Stiles and Son work. Motor Company, Inc., 170 Whnlloy oxeollont features at the Ilolcombe He utilizes ofTeclive efticioncios. ness was founded in 1852 and has a handled. Pressing nnd cutting machines nre nddlliomil specialties. Sales Brick Company, Railroad Avenue, • J""'""""!! tl"! best priiieiplcs of service at the lime of ILs founding Drug Company, Inc., 259 Main There nre two local persons em­ vast history of successful service novations in the industry today arc Established in 1004 nnd holding arc made lo industries nnd to homes. Free delivery of orders is nvallnblc Avenue, Now Jlavcn. Tliis agoncy in New Haven 20 years ago, Carlson Ilospltal, 87 Eiisl Pearl Street, has Fully equipped in the modern manner to neeomniodiito as many as a record of mcrllablc activity in North Hovcn. was established in 1918, but has found widespread acceptance and high favor. Street, East Haven. Full line of ployed. behind its splendid modern pro­ three funerals at one time. Nettleton Funeral Home, 107 Broad Street, directly duo to llio pioneering ef­ anywhere In New Eiigliuid. drugs, sundries, patent medicines, gram. Among its mnny c.ustomors tlic field of service, tlio Mllford Present enterprise wns estnblished 12 ycnrs ngo. Jack and Willlnni Manufacturer of all kinds of handled its present lino of ears 1 °<""!-;"'<-''l '" ^ying !"•• aged persons, convalescents and those witli Milford, provides bereaved families with a thorough and efficient program forts of the firm in some special Lumber Company is well known building bricks, face brick, sewer sickroom supplies, cosmetics, and aro included those from the fifth devoted to the precise needs. Doitcli, brothers and partners in Ihe business, aro currying on their for tho last seven years only. It Is chronic illnesses, Carlson Hospital is a monument to the endeavor and personal needs of all kinds is car­ generation of the original patron­ department or phase of tire manu­ for lt!i complete Block of qunllty nrtd underground bricks, Uio firm tho only Dodgo dealer in New fnllliful ac ivity of Mrs. Ida Carlson, who has a Uiorough knowledge Through tho all-inclusive and excellent aids, the firm nflords to family tradition. Members of the Dellch fninily hnve been ncjivo in ried. There is a qualified registered age. All work is first class and facture. olTerlnRs. Location is on Hallroad this type of endeavor for yenrs and years. Actually the business is is known for Iho outstanding qual­ Tiaven. ' " m which she has given so many years. pharmacist on duty at all times. those soi-vcd a lasting feeling of confidence and satisfaction that the Avenue, nt the depot, Mllford. ity of its products. Spccincations are New lO'll model offeHnfjH include guarnntced. final respects were properly and carefully administered in all details; In 1922 the present West Haven handed down from gonorntlon lo gencrntlon. lliore is n vast background There are accommodations for 11 patients at tlie institution, while Delivery service is provided. This Under present mnnngoment for met exactly. Two plants aro now Dodjie cars and IruclcH; 'Plymouth n trained personnel of six is engaged to attend to every need of store has a cleanly soda fountain Custom-made suits for men and This tends to relieve greatly the sadness associated with such an location at 475 Elm Street, was of praclicnl experience, knowledge nnd aklll thus possessed. maintained in North Hnven and cars and trucks. In addition Uiore lliose conlined there. women arc styled to meet tho ^latest • occasion. taken by tho firm. It is augmented nine years. Hie firm hns gained a Lnlcsl nnd best types ot mnchlncs In this field nre featured always, to serve delicious refreshments, new pinnncle of success In the l|iere' arc also three plants in Mas- Is a choice line of used cars of In pleasant, helpful surroundings the patients find a home-like sandwiches and light lunches. fashions and individual desires. Pri­ Established five years ago, being formerly known as the George M. by another plant at Natchez, Miss., with Ihe correct service accorded in tho courteous way lo promote frloiidly sncliusctls. This Arm was established various ninlces and inodcls. atino.spliore to brlghlen Ihcir days. Brock Hall ice cream is sold. ces aro in tune with the times. Full Gunn homo, the endeavor is now under the proprietorship-direction whore high standards of manufac­ current era and cantlnucs lo bo a satlhfactlon. Hoiii-s nro from 8 n. m. to 7 p. in. six days a week at Ihe 1 i in 1853 at North Haven. Its record Servi(;t! department is equipped Mrs. Carlson is always interested in improving her facilities nnd roster of merchant laiUiring service of David L. Nettleton and continues to gain in appreciation as a fore­ ture are also stressed. foremost factor In this line. Ray­ eslnbllshincnt. Six employes assist the piirtncrs In the various detailed of service and success Is vast. to handle any job,, with a complete scope of endeavor nnd has utilized the most modern and progressive Alfred F.' Holcombe, president of is liandled. There are more than most center of its circumstance. Today the famous Armstrong line mond Myers deserves just tribute phases of Ihe extensive schedule. Modern and complete clllcionclcs body shop also .maintained. Gen­ measures to benoru those left in her care. i"ot,iessive the firm, wns gradunted from Con­ 300 styles and patterns from whlcli Mr. Nettleton was graduated from Renaurd School of Embalming, features Hcntmnstcr, Streamlined, for his excellent wnrk and court­ aro in elTect dally. D. B. Andrews is the valued pre­ necticut College of Pharmacy in sident, guiding the current sche­ eral repairs, Ijody, fonder nnd Prohably tlic best Icsllmonial to the management and service of to select the appropriate materials. New York. He is alert to the latest and best methods of the profession, Air Coaster and Standard tires of eous molliods of serving the cus­ 1931. He is in personal charge of Delivery of orders is free of cliargo. Mr. Nettleton also opei-atcs tho Theron Ford Company, plumbing superb quality and backed by the tomers ns the valued, ninnager ot dule of endeavor along the efTlclcnt palntinji woi'Ic, are among tho export Carlson Hosp tnl i.s found in the universal acclaim of relatives and friends the program here and has six em­ and cfTecllve modern methods in ald.s. Estimates are given. ofpallenLs gained by the Institution. Isnnc L. Kleiner hns 75 yenrs' firm, 107 River Street, where ho employs six skilled workers and has a experience and integrity of one of this prominent lumber comiJany, ployes. This firm was established America's foremost rubber enter­ There is n full simply of lumber ANN ALLEN STORE'S SELECTIONS strict conformance to the tlmo- It; D. Gillmoro is proprietor nnd in 1932 and upholds the best stand­ experience. His brother and part­ fully-equipped shop to serve the town and surrounding territory on teRtcd princiolcs and policies. He employs 52 poojile at his outstand­ ards of the pharmaceutical profes­ ner, Nathan I. Kleiner, is also well needs in that line. prise. slock nilllwork, and masonry ma­ has advanced Us entire merits ad­ ing and popular nulo agency. sion. qualified. terials. Quality, of course, Is mirably. HUNT'S GARAGE HANDLES WORK stressed in encli nnd every oller- OF WOMEN'S WEAR WIN SHOPPERS .See Byrnes' Garage ing. Orders aro filled promptly and ON ALL CARS; WELL EQUIPPED as siioclfied. Local, delivery serv­ Woodbridge Leading 20-MILE RADIUS IS WHOLESALED Milady and miss acclaim the oul­ lint consideration thai diaws shop­ BEAUTIFUL HOMES IN PROJECTS For Any Car Repair ice is provided lis required. standlng and complete selection of Olfcring tho full mechanical re­ Jerry McComb Jobs pers to this store. Those who would HEAVY TRANSPORTATION CONTRACTS Nurseries In Area latest-style values shown nt Ann bo well-dressed arc legular pa­ pair work on any make of cur. Tiiose who . entrust their oar CANDIES, TOBACCO BY COZZOLINO Allen, inc., 2(1 Whitney Avenue, Hunt's Garnge, AVAi Howe Street, Beautify The Home trons of the Ann Allen cstabllsh- Beautiful creations are available Krall Coal Serves DEVELOPED BY LOHNE, BUILDERS maintenance arid up-keep problems Sales And Service Now Haven. Dresses, suits, coals, nieiit. SPECIALTY OF JOHN REINZO FIRM from the Woodbridge Nurseries nnd Now Haven, includes brake service, to the dependable rc-^tejr of first- wheel alignment^ and other spec­ With Quality Line Paporhanging, painting nnd plas­ utilizing the tried and proved prompt delivery without cost to the lints, costume jewelry, hosiery,, Floral Company, fi5 Amity Uoad, tering jobs of any type or size Considerable development nnd class service as Byrnes' Garage, measures of business endeavor that On "Stokol" Stoker hnndhags and all accessories are New Haven, which grows its own ialties in its modern roster. Under $6300 price range will bo tiie total Bridgeport Avenue, Milford, are customers who buy, in wholesale Serve Beer Hauling Unique in its service scope and wide range of endeavors, the heavy the experienced proprietorship of are handled in tho expert capacity building work is being handled by project. It is starting a development aro in such high favor with dis­ quantities, the many brandK of available. hauling enterprise conducted by John Rcinzo has attained a place of quality ofters. Potted plants and Tho Berner Lohno Company, Inc., certain to receive the thorough criminating customers, A. D. Coz- Hales and service on Iho "Slokol" fresh-cut flowers for all occasions Herbert I. Hunt, who has been ac­ Free delivery on orders prompt­ by Jerry McComb, 84, French Ave­ in Orange, Connecticut, where 19 cigars, cigarettes, tobaccos, smokers' Every courtesy is shown to each For Ballantine's unusual approval and recognition In a vast region. tive in the field for 22 years, the ly, regardless of the existing wea­ nue, East Haven. In business for Rose Brook Road, Woodbridge. satisfaction via the expcil work zolino, Inc., 2'12() George Street, New stokers feiiturc nt the Modern cuslojiier and sntisfaction is guar­ are featured. Tiiero arc 35 acres de­ homos in the approximate $7500 rendered. This modern and equip­ Haven, has rounded out an im­ supplies and candies. ...Located at 2.1 White Street, Now Haven, llie lielnzo concern serves voted to raising finest evergreens garage continues to gain in tiie ther conditions, is offered in a 20- 26 years, lie has tho adequate ex­ Fully equipped lo undertake any price class are planned in the pro­ The 20-milo radius covered by Equipment Corporation, 300 Whnl- anteed.' There Is an export lltllng a clientele in Connecticut, Mas.snehusctts and Uhodo Island and Now favor and pntromige of discrimin­ mile rndius by Krall Coal Com- perience, knowledge and skill to job in the entiro building field, in­ ped establishment offers a complete, pressive service schedule for tho ley Avenue, Now HnVen. Made by Orlgliially 'ostnbllshod in Now and shrubs. ject known as *'Birchwood." Own coverage over repair jobs on all the firm finds scores of clients who department. Haven 21 years ngo as a hauler of York, featuring the dismantling and lran.sporting of heavy, cumbersome ating motorists. There arc two skil­ pnny, 157 Bridge Street, Now Haven. meet the most exacting require­ cluding both new work and re­ property management is handled benefit of those who appreciate ihe placed their confidence in the Coz­ the Schwilzcr- Company , This popular enterprise wns es­ machinery of all kinds. Landscape gardening work is a led employes assisting on detailed Hnndling tho well-known "D. L. ments and demands. There is a modeling; the firm serves chiefly makes and models of oars. It has best. of Indiannpolls, Indinna, the "Sto­ general freight, McFarland and major part of the program nnd and W." anthracite coal, tliis firm chiefly. a splendid lubritory for the hand­ zolino enterprise years ago and tnblished 13 yenrs ngo nnd Is uu' Slnmple Trucking Conipany, nl -IBB I. tjargo manufacturing firms know the eompany as one of IJie best tasks assigned. Tires of any brand full lino of books which have a tliroughout New Haven nnd sur­ The tobacco and candy company have found it an exacting and sat­ kol" stokers are'considered as su­ equipped and most eflinient of il.s kind and through the experience of rendered in the export, modern nnd desired nre supplied on order, witli also soils Koppers coke and Cities rounding vicinity. Established in 1913 and incoipor- ling of the lubrication needs. Pop­ wholesales its various products perior In construction nnd Ideal In dor the'personal supervision ot Mrs. Derby Avenue,, there, solved a new- scientillc manner. Estnblished 20 complete description of the various atcd in 193G, the company is a isfaction-dispensing firm. Ann Allen, proprietor, who hns 35 found opportunity U> Bpcclall/.c in Mr. Rcinzo many difricullies arc overcome and unusual problems solved. tho host mnkes of batteries also Service range nnd fuel oils. All arc color schemes and also an entire It is now developing the "Wopa- ular prices are in full effect. Court­ throughout the entire region and use. The nuinufacluror of those ycnrs ngo, the enterprise has a his­ available. top quality vnlues, yet available at loader in its line. Berner Lohno, esy is tho watchword. All auto, Fifteen workers help keep the ycnrs of experience hi the fashion i\^„ irniispbrting of boor oxcluslve.lv Freight hauling supplements the macliinory transportation work. tory of success and sntisfnction that set of sample books from which to waug Estate" in Woodbridge, whore president, lias boon active in this has established itself as one of standards of endeavor higli. oulstandlng stokers also produces Held. Her loynl, elTlciont nnd valued following the repeal of Piohlbltlon Capablo, courlcnus, experienced men are employed oxelusivcly by attractive prices. choose tho desired wallpapers. accessories aro carried. the comanding influences of its ac­ Super chargers Inns nnd blowers. in.spires every confidence. Samuel This well-equipped garngo was a highly restricted community is field since 1917; Martin Lohne, Btail of 27 well-trained oniplnyoos i|, i()j)3, II comnioncod activity then Mr. Rcinzo. Thoy must measure up'to the highest standards of tlio Held Maluvasi, who lias boon active in Plaving experionqo in the field Everything in interior and exterior underway. There arc 16 completed secretary, has experience dating Founded in 1932, the garage now tivity. All of greater'Now Hnven is in­ nlso deserves ample tribute for llio 1 jjy hauling beer for Ballantine's and carry out his orders to the letter. established in 1925. It lias become since 1009, William Krall is tho decorating is covered in tho boolcs serves many motorists from the, Eighteen years ago Anthony D. cluded in tho territory served by this work for 20 years, and his son, an important factor in service to homes and a total of about GO back to 1906. On tho average, there Sperry Street Auto Cornelius Scranlon Buslincll, sponsor ot Ericsson's 'Moni- excellcnl cndenvors displayed. 1 Brewery, Nowaik, New .lorsey, and A member, of the I. C. C, Mr. Relnzo coiulucLs his Intor-stnte busi­ Ernest Malavnsi, witli n 13-year re­ many motorists of this area, witli valued secretary-treasurer of the available. homes is planned in nil. These are 20 employes. entire area. William J. Byrnes, Cozzolino, president, established tho tho Modern Equlnnionl Corporation, entering lo Iho bolter clnss ofIstlll does beer hauling work only ness uccording to the stringent dietales of tlie olTlcial body and' has a cord, aro _ partners In tho business firm. He keeps detailed eHiciency Those who co 11 upon Mr, Mc- modern and boautifully-appoinled veteran of 25 years' experience in firm and through his capable and Service Work Leads lor', won not only Iho recognition of Nov/ Ha.vcn, where Ihc which was catabliBhed two ycnrs people, the store is a veritable mcc-I for Bnllantiny's. DeUvoiics me tho progressive policy of operation paramount. There are 15 trustwor­ the automotive field, is tlie proprie­ progressive managerial principles keen interest in upholding the principles and dlclales of tlio group now. Their policies and principles attracting mi increasing tindo. Comb receive the friendly, per­ homes are in the $10,000 to $15,000 monument (lop) was erected lo his inemury, but gained re­ ago uiid hns bultl ui) a nolnblo cu for, dlscrlniinnthiR Bhopncrs,, Itlmndo'Irom'Uio bvowerjr to Ihc dos- With so many attributes it is not surjiiLsIng the firm stands in command appreciation and accep­ thy and capable employes. Fjvo sonalized allcntion and thoroughly price range. Tliey contain the. New Management Now tor and in charge personally. Ho has succeeded in giving it tlie place Brake, axle nnd knee action volume "of,i(jood .subatuntinl liusl- has Uic lliicsl rissbrlmbnlof quiillly Ignatbd^pplnts;, In Connccllcut and such high esteem. tance as ideal. Staff of employes Mr. Hunt aims to handle each trucks are maintained. satisfactory service. He is on duty latest features, ndvantnges and has one employe. 'Amoco gasoline of dominance it holds. Mrs. A. D. alignment jobs, shljnmy corrections, nown as one of Iho few men of Ills time to possess the fore­ ness. Geoige E. (3ook Is llio com­ merchandise at prices llinl arc I Rhode Island. There arc SO niodorii job carefully and jiroperly in the is stockcdi vwilh three gas pumps motor tune-ups, and allied special­ includes 11 elTiclent workers. One This cnni company was estab­ to supervise all jobs and has five comforts for enjoyable living. At The Monte Carlo Cozzolino is secretary and U-eas- sight to promote the building of a new typo of iron-clad, ship petent snlcs 'mnnnger. There are surprisingly iilti'acUvo. Strictly a j trucks in sorvjcc. truck is u.sod lor (lower deliveries manner tlint stresses total satisfac­ lished in 1928. It has won n wide employes. Work'is-nccepted any­ This firm is nlso finishing the assuring quick service witliout urer. ties arc included in the roster at four employes. Stokers nro offerod retail center, this enterprise Is a This firm employs 100 poisons and nnd four trucks are nvnilablo for tion. He is courteous In his atten­ and largo trade by Iionest dealings needless waiting. Five trucks arc used to a.ssuro the Sperry Street Auto Service, 36 in 1862 when Uie Confederule's 'Morrimuc' was playing liavoe in a ooniplelo lino for Industrial, tion and known for his expert ser­ where that the demand for top "Kclsoy Heights Park" development That over-popular and delicious headquarters for womcns' apparel Is nn aasol of exceptlonnl worlli. DUNCAN WAS FIRST TO INSTALT" landscape jobs. on fuels of superior boating capa­ quality is uppermost. Rates are in in West Haven, where npproxi- Sperry Street, New Haven. An coinmoreinl nnd domestic iiurposcs. and all allied Itcnw. Joseph G. McFni land, presldeni ami vices. city. frankfurters and sauerkraut soi-ved equipped service car is operated. with the wooden vessels of tlie Union. Old drawing shows tune with the times. mntely 29 homes in the $4900 to at the Monte Carlo Restaurant, 19 These arc genuine values and of Free delivery service anywhorc*! general managei, has 21) venjs of Response will be made to cnijs any­ Monitor' in successful cngiigcinent against the 'Mcrriinac'. proven reliability. Temple Street, New Haven, is a real NUSTONE PRODUCTS FIRM LEADER where to repaii- a car. Tliis busi­ In the country Is niiDther Import- I experience In Iho tl uckiiig business. ONE PIPE HEATING SYSTEM HERE treat tliat cannot bo topped any­ ness was established six years ago. where. Home cooking is the policy. Its proprietor, Joseph Jcsudowlch, Pkineer in the one-pipe lieating Each order is filled to please the oil burners and all-year-round hot NEW HAVEN CASKET COMPANY ADMIRABLE IN POLICIES AND OUTPUT DOES SEWER CLEANING EXPERTLY has 15 years of experience as an CHILDREN'S HOME MAJOR ASSI7r .system, liaviiig made the finst in­ patron. tiulomotive export and is in full, Douglas MacDaid Store Outfits stallation of that typo in Connec­ water. Air-conditioning and Sum­ Chris Bungcely became proprie­ charge of the program personally. 10 COUNI Y; MHS. WOLI^E, SUT1\ mer cooling systems aro also stre.ss- tor of the restaurant on January 1, Tliorimgh, expert and prompt He employs four workers. ticut, George T. Duncan is well and etl. Territory cover.s Now Haven Acivanced Methods lorprise has a history of progressive widely known for his unusual skills De LUCIA PKOMINEN r, VALUED CROSBY MANAGES Al^EA BRANCH 1941 and has added important ad­ cleaning work on all typos of Men In Style; Has Area Acclaim and viciiilly in, this work, 'nicre Used Exclusively vantages to advance the entire at­ scwer.s and septic tanks is achieved success. Its record is being ad­ Reliable workmanship and Ihor- Through 15 ycais of cxpeilcnce and sincere services. He established are four regular, i-ellable and tractions. He is starting to servo by the Nustono Products Corpora­ vanced constantly under tho excel­ oufih satisfaction command an in­ Bu(;kley Local lyigr. as a social woikei. Mis. E.slhcr his.own business in 1913, but has skilled employes on tile stall All FUNERAL I^IRM; S lEAMSHiP AID HEDGE AND MAITHEIS COMPANY creasing demand for the offers of Well-dressed men appreciate the unusual nnd excellent s;clcclioii 1 In Production breakfast, lunches and dinners. His tion of Connecticut, 220 Boulevard, lent official direction. Full 24-hour ot clothing and furnishings shown at the popular store of Dmlgliis Norlhrop Wolfe acquired .in lii- been active in tills line of work work is given tho desired personal place is open from C a, m. seven Now Haven. New installations of the firm. Howard Johnson's vnluable background of knowledge, t'\nioi-al directing service ;nul plan of service is available as re­ Cars are in .safe, usable and cor­ MacDaid Company, Inc., 1048 Chapel Street, New Haven. There is the 'TWAS NOT since lOOG to compile a merited supervision by Mr. Duncan, who is Shipments arc made through­ Establislicd for the past four days a week. This restaurant was private sewer systems are made. quired. experience and ability hi the wel­ record. After February 1, 1041, known for his principles of satis­ slcnin.shii) iiiiOicy aids iii-e Iha dnal I/,/o Brolhcis Esso established in 1925, but has found rect condition after the excellent famous "Rogers Peel" brand of clothing available in a complcto line Foods and refroshniellls of finest fare Held. She torinerly seived ns Huntington's Scope years at 70 Orange Avenue, West On the stall' of Uiis prominent repair work rendered at this es­ as well as everything in men's furnishings. This adequate and inter­ PLEASAIVT clients of Mr. Duncan may contact faction. scope (if endeavor handled so com- out all of tlie New ^pngland Haven, Hedge and Mattheis Com­ a new acclaim and increasing trade firm are a number of licensed sani­ Oilicials of the firm are: Herman (Iiiiility are served under sanitary an Investigator tor Widows' Aid him at his new nnd better quarters Estimates and similar helpful aids Station Wins Trade In Furniture Field pany lias furthered its progrnni of under the oresent managemonl. Mr. tablishment. Each task is com-, esting stock of genuine values enables each customer to hav.e an ample and superior melhods al Howard Division of State Welfare Depart- pclently by Frank • De Lueia and State.s and Eastern Now York tary engineers, who aro qualified Stock, president; his brother, Frank plotcd carefully. opportunity to choose the desired styles tn suit the iiarticular taste at 1260 Townsond Avenue, Now are gladly accorded. Complete service on construction equipment Bungeely has 12 years of exper­ and trained to meet thp most in­ Stock, secretary; and Meron Mogil, .lohnson's Restaurant, Boston ,Posl mcnl in Ilartfoid and Is now the equipment Is maintained for hand­ Sons, Inc., .528 Chapel Street, New Meeting motorists' desires and by tho New Haven Casket Custom-built furniture for the to meet the . increasing demands. ience in the field. He employs six and preference. , , , , , , ,i . Road, Mllford. Established five, competent supeilntendcnt of Iho Haven. His former location was at Haven. There nre facilities to lake demands with a completely efficient tricate problems of Ulis calibre. treasurer. All are known and es­ Established in 1933, the enterprise has captured nnd hold the palroiw the rear of 1100 Townsend Avenue. ling the various jobs in tlio correct Company, Inc., 84 Olive Street, college students is a specialty at Former location was in New Haven. persons. Courtesy and quick ser­ Manufacturing of concrete laun­ years ngo at the present conven­ New Hayon County Teinixiiary and elTIclent way. No task is too cure of as many as six funerals at rosier, Izzo 13rollicrs Service Sta­ Huntington's Furniture Shop, 87 Main offices are in Boston. vice in the efficient style aro high­ teemed for their abilities and high age ot discriminating shoppers. Stores are also operaled in Princeton ient location, tho rostaurtint has Home, Orange Avenue, West Haven. tion is a popular center at U25 dry trays, underground garbage re­ Full service is featured, Inchtd- dlftlciilt or too small. Every phase n time. Fully miidern nnd cllicient New Haven, to keep well Broadway, New Haven. Reproduc­ Manager of the West Haven lights in his model, sanitary opera­ ceivers, and similar products is standards. Thoy extend the whole­ and Lawrcncevillc, New Jersey. „ ., . i , ,, , patronage from jnany miles around The Intlcr position she has lichi ing new work, repairs, and the In- of the roster is termed (irst class in State Street, New Hnven. It is open tions are cleverly made of Colonial branch since its inception, Harold tion of tho restaurant. hearted co-operation to area civic Officials of the company jire: Douglas MacDaid, president; I'. J. and also caters to a large translonV since October 1, ]03G, having been oovornKe is givfn to the total re­ on tho full 24-hoin- plan daily.' Esso abreast of tho constant and in­ handled in the skillful manner. slalhitlon of heating equipment for plumbing and lieating services. pieces. Rosloring of 'antiques, up­ J. Crosby assists the clients to at­ Shipments are made throughout all and welfare matters, for tileir firm Deminc, vice president and manager at New Haven; G. A. MoWillrains, Irade, appointed by Board of Managoinenl sponsibilities. brand of gasolines, oils and lubri- creasing demands. Manufac­ holstering and repairing of furni­ tain the proper and thorough ad­ Sealing capacity accommodalcK nt the Couhly Conimlssloneis ot eanLs is featured 100 per cent, with of the United States. is a recognized leader in the gonaral treasurer. , . . .',„«(. . • Frnnk De Lucia, proprietor of the turer of motal and cloth cover­ ture of all types also features in vantages. He has been connected ISstablislied here in 1887, tlie en- stability of this region. Mr. Dcmme has 2.') years of experience in the Ifeld and inomotes 2I1S persons comfortably, with two New Haven for an indefinite teini. firm, entered the: banking! business Atlas tires, batteries and auto ac­ the roster of reliable work. This witii the company for 11 years. All Repairs Served attnictive dining rooms available. Under lior guidnncc the IIoino has cessories also on hand. Delivery of ing caskets, the firm holds a There arc four employes under his Employes and management serve the daily schedule of dependable nnd courteous .service along the modern KELLER'S SHOWS LATEST STYLES in 180i) and became idonlilled with shop handles a choice selection of At Libby's Garage loyally in a harmonious plan of methods that stress full efficiency and satisfaction. Lunches, dinners and sandwlclies reached ,u now peak ot elliclcncy the steamship service Held in the Esso range oil is a .special offer. merited prestige as a leader used furniture. personal supervision. highlight the menus. An ample and sullifabtloii. 'X'herc ate 30 em­ This station docs expert lubrication Eiiteiprise Leading pleasant working relationship to Latesl fashions and styles aro displayed anud an aUnosphcie of same year. He wns (,'rndualcd in in its field. Situated around its present lo­ Distinctive as tho only firm of General auto repair work is a keep tho interests of the clientele renncmcnt and appeal. •' . . . • ,i fcleclioii Is provided. There Is a ployes. ' • IN LADIES APPAREL SELECTIONS 1!)05 from Eckels ColloHc of Em­ work and also minor repair jobs. cation for 20 years, tho enterprise Blue Piint Company modern soda fountain to dispense Accoinniodaliuns allow for 200 Founded five yenrs ngo by An­ its kind in West Haven, this com­ major offer at Libby's Garage, 1098 uppermost in the entire schedule Those who patronize this quality center are certain-to receive the balming and then became active as 'nils enterprise had its inception is well and favorably known for pany buys, rents and -sells all kinds Chapel Street, New Haven. Each of notable endeavor. rightful values, for the c-iircful and correct handling of the entire delicious retrcshmeiits. children fram ages uf six (o 18 7*' Latest styles and fashions in n funeral director. His sons assist thony and Louis Izzo, brothers, tho 21 years ago in Now Haven. Pres­ providing real values at attractive of contractors' machinery and tools, job is given the careful and expert Considered to' have tho largest Joseph V. Buckley became man­ years, with 169 clilldieii bcuig Joseph Keller has 30 years of station is a tribute to their excel­ prices. John L. Huntington, pro­ It is known for honest dealings. program is devoted expressly to Ihc needs, intercstK and advantages ager of this restaurnnt 16 months there now. Own giammar school, dresses, coats and sportswear aro experience in the lleld and Is tl) in the work. They are: ' Oscar De lent policies nnd aims, Anthony ent location, larger and better, completion for express satisfaction. supply of engineers and architects' of the customers. displayed at Keller's Ladles Ap­ Lucia, who attended Now England has been occupied for tho last 10 prietor of the shop, has 35 years Mr. Crosby welcomes inquiries Lubricating, washing and storage drawing materials and equipment ago and has advanced Its coniplolc supervised by Stale Board ot Edu­ competent proprietor. He has been Izzo has 15 years of experience in of experience in tho furniture field concerning the offerings and ex­ aspcds, program and popularity by cation, la nialntalned. High school parel, 783 Chapel -Street, New established in businesf{ for 10 years EmbalminK School, at Boston; Jer­ this line; while his brotlior and years to further tho elticient en­ of cars are other important aids in New Haven County, the Enter­ NEW HAVEN EMBROIDERY COMPANY Axelrotl Is Capable William Greenhouse Haven. Honest values, courteous, ry De Lucia and Vincent De Lueia. deavors. . Quality is the guiding and gives the friendly, personalized tends the courteous attention to all stressed. Storage space allows for prise Blue Print Company, 187 his excellent endeavors. He has students attend West Haven High. and Is known to' the public for his partner,. Louis Izzo, holds a 10-ycar attention lo tho customers. His interested parties. He has aided in­ iiu i( nl The supcrlntondenl of Schools of service, proper fitting of the gar­ high-chnractcr policies. Prior to There aro also four employes. standards in the manufacturing and the accommodation of 35 cars.pro­ Church Street, New Haven, catei*s Tailor And Furrier Plumbing, Heating been with the Howard Johnson ments, and guaranteed satisfaction record. Thoy employ two men. distributing program, witli the ful­ reputation for satisfaction com­ valuably in advancing the prestige perly. Esso line of petroleum pro­ to a large and widely-distributed cMini|il<^ h firm for tour years. His total ex­ West Haven is also superintoiidoiil opening his own shop, ho was eon Sicaniship ugoncy roster also in­ .Choice used cars of nil makes mands a large and increasing trade. of the company in this territory by EXCELS UNDER GOLIA'S METHODS of the Home school. New [ilay- are among tlie many reasons why nected with A. L. Brans and Com. cludes insurance and foreign money fillment of orders handled properly ducts, Goodyear and U. S. tires, and clientele. TJiis firm was founded As a custom tailor and furrier Through 30 years of progressive ahovc, wns perience spans nine years In this a large patronage selects this store are handled in an adequate selec­ in tho prompt manner. Honest dealings in tho dependable his oxeollont work in the modern various other auto accessories arc about 20 years ago. Its proprietor, and reliahlc service on plumbing spot lo spend even a single iilnlil. lino. Willi .50 cmploycsin the Win­ ground is an , asbct. All forms of pany of 813 Chapel Street, New orders in nny part of Uio world. tion of money-saving vnlues. way are stressed thoroughly. roster mauilained. Catering to both the manufactur­ of 45 years' experience, I. Axclrod, alhlellcs uro sponsored. Junior anrl • as the ideal center for needs of tills Haven. Behind tho excellent sclredulo of handled. Irving Michel, has. 26 years of ex­ Holding a wide and deserved 76 Grand Avenue, New Haven, \;a- and lieatlii(j requiremenLs, William Ill till! early days ealing merchandise on dis­ certain tliat each customer obtains president and secretary; George, fers the entire requirements in blue satisfy. years now. play. upholding tho traditions nnd Kuhn, assistant treasurer. • Brockway Motor Company, Inc., of 25 years' experience as an auto­ service scope extends' includes Every task is given the careful tlio desired values. for the olTerings and services'are urally, satisfaction is the result of motive specialist, is the proprietor prints and photo-stat service. Free Connecticut and New York areas. Mr. Axclrod makes suits, coats, Balled Fciiiiuls In Sauce stnndnrds of tho M. B. Foster Elec­ decidedly first class. Known for its superior olTerings has maintained a direct factory delivery of order is available. coverage to meet the precise re­ •full dress apparel, women's .suits, Every type of plumbing nad heat­ Care of tho eyes is one of the Salted peanuts blend well with tric Company as manager of its and friendly plan of thorouRh serv­ such compelont endeavors. and has three employes under his Active for 20 years in this field quirements. Clients receive the ing job comes under the extensive Auto Repairs Right branch since 1928 at 336 Cohmi- personal supervision. Customers receive careful and coats and furs. Ho handles a full most important considerations con­ chocolate or butterscotch sauce used Now Ilavon brancli nt 2-10 George ice that stresses total satisfaction at hus Avenue, New Haven, to keep courteous a.ssislance always under of skillful service, Doininick Golia prompt, courteous co-operation at roster *of furrier service, including GiecnhDU.se roster.of skillful serv- all times, the firm has a history of is well qualified as the proprietor all times.. tributing lo general good health, By Speedway Garage lo top led creams. Serve thi^ lanca VIEW VERGASON FLORIST OFFERS Street, Eugene McGillcn promotes Krctcr, Reitl Mg'r., the. best sales and service coverage the ideal policies maintained. new creations,,, repairing and re­ ice. Air-conditioning is a , feature, lidl or cold, ' the cIToctive roster of the enter­ progressive success that is ample intact for its customers in this ter­ New Haven. Foremost of the company. Ho established the modeling. with oil burner Installations also business and social success. When indication to the above-average business at the present address six the important eye work is entruslcd Willing to respond lo calls tor prise in this territory along the ITotelnian 25 Years ritory. Featured, of course, are tho Wyatt Wholesaling Harvesting by Combines Any style or pattern desired receiving special emphasis. Emer­ outsianding methods. He has won principles and policies embraced. Pickled Products American, Standard years ago. Gainful and valued em­ gency calls aro answered swiftly lo a qualified and accredited op­ auto repair work anywhere that AS BEAUTIFUL AND OUTSTANDING Brockway trucks in sizes ranging ployment for 25 local workers is tn 1938, nearl> 50 per cent o£ the provided, with quality always the the job justifies, John Di Biaso Trailer Camp wide praise for liis efficjoncy and Possessing 25 years of ox|/cricnce Caskets made by tills company from one-half ton to tlio largest Coal And Oil Needs watchword. Perfect fitting is a at any time. Estimates, advice and tometrist, then the proper methods friendly courtesies. are designed nnd constructed on Deliveries of tho quality products Lines Stocked Here provided under the proper condi­ wneat acreage in the United States conducts tho Speedway Garage In f'/ as a hotclman, Henry Krctcr knows truck desired. specially. Allcralions and repairs suggestions are always available. ot professional service are certain the modern manner at 8 Admiral Truly Distinctive Fresh-cut flowers, potted plants, regularly, with other help cngagcii New Haven branch was ostab- how to please the public in the up-to-date methods, yet retain tho from Uie New Haven Pickling Active as a modern and import­ tions. was harvested by combines. This leading service-giver is knowiv perennials and annuals, nre among All of New Haven County is the One ot Ihe famous and finest C'on- on clothing aro included in the of­ to bo cllected to provide the de­ Avenue, West Haven. He has , 17 as required. Uslied 12 years ago. Home oITices thorough manner and has a Iiosl of dignified simplicity that is exactly Company aro handled throughout ant entei-prise in its field of serv­ fers. Orto employe assists in tlic for his courtesy and efficiency. Ho Uicalcd on Boston Post Ho,id one tlie featured quality olTerlngs by His own grecnliousos are operated nre located .at Boston, Massach­ desired. They arc beautifully ap­ territory served from this direct tho city and vicinity and as far ice, Wyatt, Inc., 157 Church Street ' corns of its kind. American Radia­ pendable results. years of experience In the field and. B, M. 'Vcrgason, popular florist, 14 valued friends. From January 1937 factory branch. Latest models of tho tor and Standard Sanitary Corpor •work mider the particular personal does new work, repairs and re­ Is Ttnown for his experl work. An inllo East of Ihc center of Mil­ under the modern, scientific usetts. propriate to tlie circumstance for as Now Britain and Danbury. Lo­ New Haven, sells soft coal and supervision. Well-dressed people modeling on plumbing and healing Pine Street, East Haven. Particular to August 1037 he managed the which created so .expertly. trucks ore shown under attentive, cated at 199 Wallace Street, New alioii is a known leader in heating In this catcgoi-y the extensive ouinilcd tow truck and a service ford, • Ryder Trailer Camp and methods. SI=es of the greenhouses This iirni alters u complete elec­ Reid Hotel, 59 Artizan Street, New courteous methods. No obligation Bunker oil to coal dealers and in­ BOTWINIK CO. NATIONAL IN SCOPE praise the stylish creations. systems. ^^^^^ Trailer Sales ,Cotnpany Is an enter­ attention is given to creating beau­ are: 08 by 15 feet; 102 by 24 feet; Haven, the. enterprise is well known dustrial plants throughout Connec­ and plumbing supplies. It has an optometry practice handled by Dr, car arc mainlaincd. tiful floral arrangements for spec­ trical conlracting service. It si>ee- Hnven, one of tlie famous Milner is incurred when requesting full cquipiied distributing warehouse, Mildred B. Winslow, who has loca­ Full roster of auto repairing Is prise of major proportions and holds 57 by 24 feet; 50 by 22 feet. All ializcs in cnnuiiurciul nnd industrial facts ut this establishment concern­ for its superb selection of dill, sour ticut and Western Massachusetts a notable • reputation for 'eHlctcnl ial-occasion purposes, with wed­ clialn of hotels. From August 1937 and sweet pickles; pigs' feet; lamb's Strictly wholesale in its plan of undo r direct factory opera- SERVING INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES tion on Third Floor of L«omis handled, including body and fender' are fully equipped. contracts. Work is uLso achieved ing any need in new trucks or lion, at 17 South Front Street, New MONTOWESE COMPANY MAKER service in all phases of ita roster. ding, funeral and otlicr needs met Mr. Vcrgason is devoted to the to November 1937 lie managed the tongue; pickled eggs; mustard; operation, the firm stresses the best jobs. Estimates aro/ gladly pro properly. Fi-ee delivery of orders un the finer class homes. Milner Hotel in Hartford. truck maintenance. Haven, tu handle the wholesale Temple of Music Building al 839 vidcd. It was 'established five yeais ago beauty and art in flowers and al­ pretzels; popcorn; potato chips; quality olTers. Established on Jan­ A year before the turn of the century Botwinik Brothers, Inc., 67 and is now known far and wide. is handled Uiroughouf a 15-mile Among tho recent contracts nro Then from November 1937 to May Harry Cohen has been with the sour kraut and otlier delicacies. uary 1, 1936, this concern has won service to the clients throughout OF FAMED NORTH HAVEN BRICKS Chapel Street, New Haven, gives Speedway Garage was eslablish- lied florist values. Ho welcomes In­ ail of Connecticut. Water Street, New Haven, was established on principles of sales and An. up-lQidato and fully-equip­ radius. In addition Ibis florist will quiries concerning the complete of­ included work on: the main build­ 1938 Mr. Kreter was manager of company since 1929. He came to Sales are made to tlie leading a dominant, position by adherence ample testimony to tho merits 'of ed eight years ago. It Is equipped 1 ! telegraph flower orders anywhere. ing of tho Southern New England New Hayon in 1930 as manager and Full lino of American Radiator service that have held to their oginlnal sincerity of purpose through in the. thorough fashion for the ped trailer camp In a beautiful,' r ferings or any phase. His establish­ the Milner Hotel in Indianapolis, stores, taverns, grills, and restaur­ to the. highest-calibre policies in n the ensuing span of time. Maker of the famous "North Ha­ Those who head the pHicial per­ the program maintained and lul- Both wholesale and retail trades Telephone Company; Sillimaij Col- Indiana: from May 1038 to Nov­ has done an excellent job since to ants. Gallons and barrels aro fea­ program tlmt promote the thorough and Standard Sanitary heating ap­ fulfillment ot its extensive rosier. healthful location provides all pro. I •; ,uo teived m the finest possible ment is patronized by a discrlm- logo doiinatoiy at Yale Umvoisity; boost the entire program along the paratus and plumbing materials Hyinan and Harris Botwinik were the founders and their tried and ven brick" and selling to leading sonnel now arc: Mrs. S. T. Willis, Hlled. , . - , Three Bkllled employes assist Mr. per conveniences, including run­ Inntnig elicniele liom this entiie ember 1938 he managed tho Mil­ tured. satisfaction to its clientele. true methods of doing busmcss are still extant in the firm, which is Dr. Winslow was graduated from nitiimcr. now chnic and buildings at the ideal standards. *His loyal, devoted Proprietor and directing head of features. New Haven distributing dealers as well as direct to con­ president; William F. Knoll, treas­ Dl Biaso on tlic detailed tasks as- ning vt^ater and electricity. Wiere area. ner Hotel at I^ochestor, N. Y ; from OfIiciaJs,,of the firm aro: C W headed by three sons of Harris Botwinik. i urer and general manager. Mr. Northern Illinois College of Oph­ are accommodallons for, 20 fami­ Possessing Jl )cais of expel ieace New Haven Hospital. November 1038 lo June lOJO he and thorough work is valued high­ this popular enterprise is Leone Blanchard, president; G. K. Blanch' branch was established in 1320 and sumers, Monlowcse Brick Company, Blgncd. ' ., , ;, , ly, while his friendly direction in­ is known for its outstanding aid to More than 200 persons aro employed by the enterprise which has Knoll lias been with the company thalmology, She first practiced for Each job is given the careful lies at ono time. Some, of the in the field, Mr. Veigason cstob- Hi SIrlags In Flnno Theie nto SO employes seiving managed the Milner Hotel at Lan­ Pino, who keeps the proper effici­ ard, vice president and treasurer' Inc., Quinnlpiac Avenue, Monlo­ seven years In Danville, Kentucky spires the same efficiency in the ency intact throughout tho daily the clientele in this State. gained a national reputation for its superior machinery. Tliro'ughout the since 1912. He was vide president and complete coverage, for salU- families enjoy the advaritageb here lishcil his oun business seven jeais There arc about 222 stimgs In a via the New Haven office and all caster, Fa. A de>Uli m his family staff of five employes. and George J. Gray, secretary', llnitcd States industrial concerns rely on the products and service wcse, has an impressive record of and general manager a( the time of and has been located in New Haven 80 thoroughly that they romaln at ago and has acquired a icpiitalloii aie union members New woik nnd requited lu!» absence to settle the schedule. Modern, sanitary and ex­ nieir devoted endeavors Itecn ef­ Prompt and ellicient attention is facllon Is the standard that altracta grand piano. Twelve oj ihc lowest which has made the name Botwinik one ot the foremost in its line quality enterprise. This business Mr. Trowbridge's death. There arc since 1926. Her specialized rosier an Increasing trade to this center tlie camp the year 'round. Ralph f'lr lellahle salisfacliun in a plan tepau jobs aio given tlio same ox- est.ite He ictuincd as assistant Tliroughout Ihe full sales and cellent methods are utilized from ficiency intact in all phases of the given to all orders from plumbers includes examination of tho eyes, keys have one string each, 20 or so start to finish. Every order is and others relying on the local ot endeavor. was founded in 18i)8 by Elfrod B. 55 persons employed under gainful for auto maintenance needs. Ryder ils the genial nnd compBtont of couileous service (hat Is ad- port covetago Toiritory includes all man.njer of Hote! Milner. New Ha­ bei 25, 1040. The Reid Hotel has service scope, there is evidence of business Gainful employmont is Definite superiority of the business in the East is shared by Botwinik conditions in the modern way. Three the writing and filling of prescrip­ proprietor of the complete enter­ niliiible. He Is on the job daily and have two strings, and the rest have of Connecticut from hcie An in- ven, m August 1910 and was made M7 rooms, all with running water. a superior functioning that com- treated as important and carefully' provided for 30 workers under ex­ enterprise. Trowbridge, who played a promi­ three strings each. Brothers, Inc., witli few other enterprises. nent part in its early rise to suc­ trucks make deliveries promptly, tions for eye glasses; orthoptic prise. He features "National" trail­ has (he nsshilanco of local inrii cirn*img volume of work is moiitod, in.m.igei of ficid Hotel on Doceiu- There nro 15 employes on the jilnft. mnnda conlidonco nnd prniao. Nat­ completed. cellent conditions. Sales are given the Oiorough cov­ trcatmenii or the exorcise of the Pgrrols Live Long ' In addition to the line ot new products the firm also handles a wide cess and acceptance as a leader in with the territory including the en­ ers of various designs, keeping Uie erage. Tlie firm supplies tlitf whole- selection of used machinery to meet specific needs. tire Stale of Connecticut. All bricks eyo muscles—which place the eyes Parrots have been known to teach sales and service program on "tlie y.i\e distributors only. Foremost of­ Samuel Botwinik, president and treasurer Lewis Botwinik, vice presi­ iU field. His death occurred in 1930, by this firm conform to the exacting in correct balance; and the grind­ . the age ot 75 years. ideal iis{>ects also. ferings in this line are stressed al­ dent, and Meyer BotwijiU:, secretary, head Uie firm. alter a brillhuit career. speclfitjations. ing ot lenses for ghisses. ways.

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5 Thursday, February 13,1941 I r. PageTcA, BRANFORD REVIEW Thursday, February 13,1941 BRANFORD REVIEW Page Eleven Taft (Barry's) Aid -'7—"it' .... --,- T To pealtKy Aspects STYVERSEN BOOSTS WATKINS CO. By Boat! ADLEY EXPRESS SERVICE SPANS VAST AREA BOSTON TO PHILADELPHIA Now more than ever before nalldn-wWe attention is focussed on SCREW MACHINE PRODUCTS MADE the proper pliysical conditibnihg to 300 Vehicles 14 Tcriiiiiials withslana the strain and tension of Screw machine products and tlie!;e frying times. Aiding effective- camera film spools are made under Are Operated li^'in this respect, Taft Health In­ export modem methods with an ut­ Kay's Corset Shop Hamden Co-operative Plan Serves Serve Other ' stitute is a well-known center that most accuracy at the Watkins By Coiiipau;^' iias $.10,000 worth of equipment and Manufacturing Company, Inc.. 3n Service Excellent Cities moinlalns a complete' roster of Buckingham Avenue, Milford. There Invaluable Place In This Region physical conditioning. Majority of is a national market for these Experienced graduate corscticrcs Tod.iy's iruckinc fti-nls are in- Ovorniglit service lo all New •Posse.s-^ing n true spirit of co-op- the equipment was Imported and is items and nn increasing trade is handle the program of careful, cour­ valnnblo aids to bxisincss ond in­ estnbll.shed for lis growlh niul holds A. D. Hall, president; W. W. Ham, England points has boon one of the of the latest, nnest type. This in- now being enjoyed. Every co­ teous and complete service at Kay's dustry, dedicated to providing crnlion that has enabled It lo live the favor and esteem of the eitlire vice president, and M. E. Jones, major elements Idenlillcd with .tjlO slitule was established in 1920. It operation is offered (o the needs of Corset Shop.' 793 Chapol Street, economical and rapid transportatioiv up to its name, Hamden Co-Opcra- area. secrelal'y, vylille Us manager, Clini- forward Klride.4 of llie Adley fleet. is located at the Hotel Taft, New the great National" Defense Pro­ New Haven. Proper fitting of the live Poultry Auction, Inc., 2.111 At auction sales held every Tues­ Ics H. Pcarfiall, has been Id6nli- Botwcen Boston and Plilladeiphin gram. corsets' is assured, with guaranteed ot cvcrylhing Uie United Slates Iho firm operates lennlnals at Wor­ Haven. James A. Barry, with a Whitney Avenue, Hamden, has day llveslock, poultry nnd eggs are Hed with iho poultry bu'slhes.? since 25-ycar experience record in tlie While tlio business was estab­ satisfaction prevailing. Alterations needs and uses. Tlieir work hol^s sold, while the famous egg auc- cester, Springfield, and PIttslleldi are made as required *so that the gained the proportions and recogni­ 1920. Mass., Providence, R, I., Now l>pW field, is proprietor. Also known as lished in 1923, the outstanding such an indispensable place in tlie lioiis of the enterprise are lield on It is apparent that the success ot "Barry's Health Institute," the eii- record has been complied' since corsets" will meet the precise needs. tion of all Instllullon since its done, Hnrlt6rd,f New Hovdn "and lite ol the nation that it is im­ Fridays. the Hnmdpn uiilt hinges on the ex- Bridgeport, Conn., Albany: and New dcavor stresses reducing, rebuild­ Fred Styversen bopamo pfesident This popular corset sliop was est­ possible to conceive of Uio stoppage fonndliiR In 1933.' Tlie vast program of buying nnd ptrlpnce' and jiracl|cat 'hppllbalion ing and, particularly, physiotherapy. five years ago. He is also treasurer ablished 12 years ago. Its proprie­ Tile primary ihiiposo of the en­ •Vork City, N. Y., nnd. Ne\vark Brtd nnd stagnation that would occur selling that has enabled Hamden ot those .who'tlli'ebl II.' In them Ihe Trenton, N. ,1. Prescribed I, C.'.'C; Tliree-months course is featured. of the fii-m and personally super­ tor, J. H. KalsolT, is over on the terprise was to yain a largo mem­ Co-operallvc Poultry Auellons, Inc., .niembei.s have placed .their trust Acepmmbdations allow for 30 pa­ vises all activities. Up-to-date and alert for the latest and best metliods In American business ,\vere nil bership and operate oil a basis that licenses are hold in all states Irt One of the pioneers of railroad tran.sportation was John to pain and hold a place of such and 'confidence and the record which Iho firm opcralcs. ' ' . ' trons a day. Massaging, electric excellent improvemouls and changes by which to advance the program trucks removed from our highways, Would bear out the adage of Den- Indispensabillty reflects Ihe sincer­ crffaled by the organizalion bight cabinet!! and all other needs are have Iwon effected under his di­ of service in the interest of the ex­ jnmiii Franklin: "In uiilon there is ' The rapid rise to siictcss.enioycd Stevens whcse locomotive, vintage 1830, (above) was a clusive and extensive clientele en­ BOBCnT rULTON A foremost common carrier wWi ity of Its membcrahip and i the cf- years ago speaks for iheir integrity by the company brings furliilir . Captain John Miinson, of Now Haven, was given the available. rection lo boost the complete sched­ strertgth," fieiency of its management. and interest iii makliig tlie co- revelation of its day. When Alfred Bishop planned a line ule of operation to a now high joyed. He has 20 years of ox(»r- a list of clients tliat 1.^ the best ^Tpday, with Us'membersliip ot credit and recoBnltlon lo the' man­ right to "set up a waggon'' for passongei- and freight tran.s- Slogan is "Rather than burn ience in this field and is known for Guiding the affall's of Ihe organ- npprallve Uie best ot its field. agement'behind it. \'i standing. Loyal and competent as­ His .steamboat, the "Fulloii" gaye indication of the' success It has l.OQO,' the co-operative has goiHe far lintlon along progre.sslve channels A valued a.sset' to New Hiivon' has between New York and New Haven in 1844 he was the laugh­ energy,' we generate" it with fnar- sistance by the stafT of l.'i employes his high standards of quality. Three poi'tation In 1717, for use between the city and Bti.ston. The yelous results." employes assist in the tasks. All are New Haven its first sclietUiied con­ achieved . is Adiey Express . Com­ bi!jand the linillations orlRinally are: grown from a luimble beBlniiiiig, ing stock of both cities. He succeeded in his venture, how­ is a factor of value in furthering "Jersey Wngf^on" (nboyo) was in general u.sc then. tlio efficiencies. graduates of reliable corsetiore nection with New York. "Fulton's pany, Inc., y/idx main offices at 5 Webb Slocks Famous schools. Folly" proved to lie n success. James Street,' New Haven. ' ever, and gave the region the best transportation service it Highest Peaks Keeping the top quality attributes powns' Career Vast Patent Medicines uppermost at all times in the pro-< The firm is a connecting* link had ever known. By 1872 ^ the consolidation of railroad The Himalayas contain the high­ In Public Service CAREER OF BROCK VAST IN WORK Canal tr airic vied wii the stagecoach and railroad of' the early IHflO's. It oirerod est peaks in the world, the loftiest duction and distribution programs, between the extreme teinninftls of Nalioiially-adverlised brands ot facilities in the region became clTective with the formation the firm marches onward eonslantlv Boston and Pliiladelpliia, :yith alt pnlpiit medicines are stocked In a cheap tran.spoi' tation and ll novelty of traveling by water although its pace was pain- of which. Mount Everest, has an al­ and increases its roster to stay well WALLINGFORD AND COUNTY CHIEF Distinguished in public service titude of 29.141 feet. important cities In tl\e area also DEVOTED j;o PUBLIC'S INTEREST eomplcte selection of P. 'W. Wphb, fully slow. of the New Haven System. ahead.of the enlarged demands for arid in jirivale business endeavors, 20(1 Main Street, Enst Ilnvon teod- the output. served faithfully and well. the Honorable Stanley IT. Down.s is lilK niagazlnei), nowspapois, an^l al INTERESTS OF COMMISSIONER CLARK This year is the'fifteenth for the h member of Uie General Assem­ III olTlce since 1937 as Ihe valued Stale reprcsenlative from Ilaiiidcn full line ot Gibson gieetlng card^ company ajid its operations liav'e bly for llici Town of Bellmny. Ho and rendering a thiirough .service to his many constituents, llic Honnraiilc for all occasions are handled o.i wpll Travel— "Napeague" ,Oysters In the work of a county commissioner many things must be taken increased even beyond the fondest ^vns elected oil Ihe ' ndpubllcan C. Haymoiid Brock holds public eonndenee and apjiroval ill Iho in­ as the popular makes of cigars, Industry Tops di-eams' of its 'foilnders. When' the (Continued from Page i. Col. 0) MILHE MANAGEMENT AND EXPERIENCE WELI SUCCESS AIDS Are Wedmore's.Fanie into consideration. He must have a deep interest in his homo com­ ticket in 19'I0 for two-year (orni estimable measure. He was re-elected In li)30 and 19'll, wiilch'gives cigarcllcs, packaged candles, stn- munity and put the welfare of its citizenry above all other considerations, business was esti^biished D. J., M. nnd took office in 1941. ReRlsliar llonory 'and allied needs. Sodn Varied Roster and March. while a keen appreciation of the work to be accompllshod in each span L., and R. J. Adlcy believed tliat M Voles since 1930 nnd also Heallh ample tesllniony lo Ihe widespread recognition accorded lo his ex­ Stage coaches began operation in POWER INCREASE LATEST ASSET During his younger days Charles fountain features "Sagal-Lou" Ice "Ply-Rite" Serving of service of the body is also imperative." ' success would crown tlieir endea­ bllicer tor llie 1D34 to 1945 term, cellent work on behalf of the citizens. Each term Is fpr two years. cream and other tasty lefieshments, At WestHaven 1787, with three trips»b,elng made Auto Repairs Offer K. Wedmore sailed the seas and vor for tlicy immediately put forth lie' hos ample i'espansibllllles and to Boston-each week. It cost about 10 POPULAR BROADCASTING UNIT acquired a , vast background of Witli a long and practical experience in county life to his credit, Slate Reprcsonlallve Brock is n iifllve of Hamden and promiiicntly Mr. Webb originally cslablishcd In Roofing Roster Commissioner Richar,d Clarke has rppresenled WalUngford in a thorough every effort to Ijring complete sal-' shoulders the entire trusted duties known for his many Invaluable conlrlbullon^ (o' Iho itro.wUi of ihe his business 10 years ago. A' dl57 Every communily in New Haven eight cents a mile to travel in the At Allen's Garage knowledge concerning marine en­ isfactlon opd prompt sdrylce Jo the admirably on behalf ot Uio people. new-found luxury. (Compare this deavors which often stands him in and highly satisfactory manner since his election to Uie county official communily nnd Uie area as a whole. He Is an 'el?ctcd nep'ubllean and' nitmus fire elglit yoais later ler» County looks hack on il.s days of Ready and willing to handle im- group. Now aboul half way tliroiigh his original four-year term, Corti- clients who called upon them. Tlie ']?i;oni IDZO ' to 1931 he was em­House Cliainnaii of Finance for Uie State ot CAiinccllcut In Uie General niliiated; tho enterprise. Afier be­ mileage expense with today's rail, Genornl nuto repairs, car polish­ Providing endless hours of enjoyment for thousands of good stead. Fifty yoaVs ago he es­ Messrs. Adley are p'residciit, trciis- (iKrIcultunil accomplishment and the bus and air rates 1) v, porinnt jobs anywhere' in the Stale tablished his own business as nn*missione r Clarke has rounded out an impressive record. ployed' )n Uie Governor's Ofilco Assembly. His membership Is maintained on various bodies of excep­ ing out of business foi n year, tind ing, and welding work comprise listeners and known as one of the commanding elements in of Connecticut, the Ply-Rite Roof­ urer, and secretary, 'respectively. (wli6n John H. Trumbull was tional iniportnncc. Ho is a 32nd degree Miisonf vleo president of' New n half, Mr. Webb then le-eatauT' aid that farming provided, but Turnpike companies were formed the principnl program at Allen's oyster grower and throughout the In his home community of Wallingfo.rd Commissioner Clarke .served To keep Ihe vast service program Review—AsKociiilwl I'VuHnc'.s Syrulicnie PIiolo to build better roads. Tlie result modern broadcasting, Station WELI has become an institution ing Company, 84 West Easlon notable career enjoyed "ho has ad­as borough jvarden for t^vo terms and added further to the credit side Gbyernor) and served a.s the Gov­ llnveii Country Club; trustee ot WhltneyvUle 'Volunteer Fire Dopart- llshed ills siprc. BoUi Mr. and lilis. several have .taken plher paths In Giirnge, 22G Forest Road, West Street,, Haniden, has the essential in operation Adley Express Com­ ernor's messenger. nieiil; n member of Quinnlpiack Club','New'Haven Kiwimis Club, Blinrd Webb are acilvo In the pionipl at- late years to gain and hold dis­ Was a general improvement' over Haven. Portable * and slntlonary in this area since its founding in October, 1935. vanced that enterprise to a position of his official seryice ledger by his work as water commissioner. pany employs S.'iO worker? and op­ People demanded more comfort and better ."ichedulps in bid "King's Highways" but the dirt equipment to perform the accepted 'Third generation ot Uie Downs of New Haven Building and Loan, Board of NeWTIaVen Water'Conipahy, Ipnllon to customeis and n eleik welding equipment enable the cov­ Work' in the prompt, reliable way of proven success and service in He began his business career as a building contractor and-tlirough erates a fleet of 300 trucks: This Family lo operate Uie dairy and transpoi tntion after the Revolution and by 1787 tri-weokly tinction. construction still left much to ijc erage over jobs on location or at Operated by City Broadcasting this area. His location is at 34 Soutli a keen interest in the political liicture gradually became active in serv­ Board of Children's Community Center of Ha'mdcn'l Bo'oixl of directors Is cinplbyod. Having .10 years' total Among thosl! in this category is Corporalion, 221 Orange Street, for'full satisfaction. Each detail huge roster of activity requires poultry farm in Bethany, he has of New Ihiveii Coininunlly Chest. Secretary arid general manager' of oxperlenpe In his field, Mr. Webb stagccoacli schedules between New York imd Bo.slon brought desired. , the shop. This business was csr "Water Street, New Haven,, From ing the public as an official. careful and exacting management— West I-laveii,' which has 'rounded Canals and railroads became the Nq\v Hayen, the station is owned o£ every job is done expertly. Es­ carried that enterprise oinyard to Brock-Hall Dairy, 120'l .Wlilliicy Avenue, Hamden, ho 'is also a'business Is a recognhcd leader, ' tablishcd 30 years ago. Its proprie­ Heany Labs Serve timates are gladly supplied upon 30 to 25 workers are employed. Civic and welfare movements always have the whole-hearted sup­ a feature that has been prominent an even greater pinnacle of suc­ this more oiTicient .service to Now Haven and lt.s environs. out niany' impressive ' decades ' as talk of the day about 1825 andtor , John Allen, has the essential by Postmaster Patrick'J. Goocle. Growing oysters under scientific port of Commissioner Clarke, while he is active In tlie F. and A. M.; lender of promiiieiico. He was firsl assistant chief of Hamden Fire De- oho of iho industrial plotieers and Formerly chief announcer of request. in the progress of the enterprise cess Ulan ever before. His career IJiirlnioiit for four years and member of Hnriidon Board of FInaiicp Fare vf^s obput 8 cents a mile. people soon were investing their experience, knowledge and skills lo Ceramic Industry methods, Mr.. Wedmore gets tlio B. P. O. Elks, and Wallingford Club. through the years. is exemplary. Preisbaclf's First forembsl ''inah'ufiif tUririg cbmiiiuril- moiiey in these projects. A new perform the work in the reliable Bridgeport's WIQC, James T. Milne : poster of workmanship features set and plants them in the Napeague five years. ' • • , - tles 111 the region. ' era was dawning in transportation. and expert capacity. He is always resigned his capacity there after six Important research work for roofing; waterproofing, slate side- Bay, Long Island. They remain For Fine Picture? Ideated on. West River, West The county joined the rest of the on duty lo estimate on jobs or to yoai-s"io"take'up the'executive of­ -the ceramic industry is handled calling, asphalt and asbestos shing­ there for three years and are then Haven has gained oxlcnsivo recog- world in wakening to the' possibili­ accord an advice or suggestions fice of general "manager of WELI by Uie Heany Laboratories, Inc., ling, and Rock Wool installations dug up. Famous as "Napeague" Price and quality are unexcelled SCRAP RUBBER AND METALS LINE hltlon and leadership Jar its manU7 ties of improved travel inethods. desired concerning work of this at the time of its inception. 915 Whitney Avenue, Hamden. bn''insulation. oystei*s, those choice values are HOLD BIG 22nd ANNIVERSARY SALE AT LINCOLN FURNITURE STtIRE 'tiiSrk™ at' Drclsbneh's' Plctuio Sliop7*l«e', faoturing of s'tifes, plnhos and'other •The bed of Northampton Canal typp. • February 1 found WELI granted J, Allen Heany is director .of . This' company was eslablLshed shipped throughout the entire 0' Whitney Avqnuc, Now Haven In products. became a roadbed fbr a railroad, a power, increase Xor its facilities Research and has Uie advantage eiglit years ago and has a Succes.s- United States. They are preferred business jTor 20 years, l]ie pntcrpi^o HANDLED BY JACOB WEINER FIRM In the modern and complete, by Federal Comrnunications Com­ flil record. Us proprietor, Anthony Doso-IIurst Farm, on Johnson • Approximately 30,000 persons call giving rise to the • name "Canal manner that prevails at this garage, 'Of 35 years'of experience in this for their superior quality. Six Floors Hold lias niainlaiiiod Ulc picsonl laigor West Haven; their hbme community Line." mission enabling ii to operate on field. He is furthering the pro­ Antonucci, is a veteran of ].') Hoad at Woodbrldge, has ila'owii and better quarleis foi Iho mst dont, (lirtfuLs Iho tiiilly schedule'on the cuslomei-s receive tlie thorough 1,000 waits during the day and 500 years' practical experience -in Ihe Best In Home loday, i " . New Havon went on through' the assistance and satisfaction. Every gram thoroughly 16 keep abreast herd of 170 cows and own pa.sleur- eigh.,.„.,t. ,year„ s lo turtliei th„..e, Imprps...,,,.,,,^- All of Connecticut is llu; lorri- iho niDchn-n rnetlKuls in the utmo^ ' Willie it has reached a high tier years to. become a railroad center, ill night.' Programs of local interest of the latest requirements. It is jfield and supervises the entire pro­ Whitten's Complete izliig plnnl. Utmost modern and sive-record of progiesslvc success, loiy sciVcd by JuLob WulnGi-, Inc., L'fliciuncy. His sims, Millon nhd task is given the careful coverage are augmented by Mutual Broad­ gram. ' He employs four skilled Needs as' tlie' loader ,6f several fields of but its interest was. interrupted in in each detail. Tliose who rely expected Uiat the enterprise V{i\\ .sanilnry methods prevail from start Edvvin J. Droisbnch, propilelor, has 203 Forb(!fs AvcnUL', New Haven, n.i Mnr.shdii and Howard Woincr, are endeavor It-has never lost the touch the/new steamboat service between casting System periods to vary the. erhploy 50 persons in about three \Vorkers.' Haberdashery Offer lo llnls^i to hohleVo and protect Uip the outstanding advantage ot 41) II tleulci \n surnp inotul nnd \ub- also active in the business. There upon Uic roster under the direclion day and evening entertainment fea­ or four months. Gelcljraling its twenty-sec­ imrlly of Uio quality produotii; of friendliness nnd' nelghborllncss here and' New York, 'begun In- of John Allen are provided with years' porsonnl expniiencc hr {his bo; This JQrtn Imndlct. a full line nre two rcRulnr employes, with ad­ March, 1815, by the ship "Fulton" tures of WELI.' Everything ini the haberda.sliery Among the feriturcd'olTers rirb milk, field. He Is on duly always and of -sciop ;iU!talh, with iron n spec­ ditional locnl worlccrs entfogcd'as that made it a' Iiftvcii for home- tlie rightful service in every in­ Main offices of the firm are at line is available at Whitten's Inc., ond anniv.ersnry as a New Ha­ lookers ttiany years ago. which bore tl^e name Of its invo'n- • Froni 7 A.M. io 12.05 A.M. the Rochester, New York,' with the (Oriental Rugs Line cream, hu(terlnllk' iind ' chocolate listially has about two employes. ialty It W\,9 11} bids for GoVGvn- needed. stance. 35 CJiurch Street, 'Ne'w Haven, ven institution ot exceptional milk. ' ; ; His iiiotto Is "My success is mciia- mant wops* tor and builder. station is on! llie air, although it laboratories having been located where the well-known brands of This firm owns two trucks and Pbbiile'"(called the proposed New has. a. license granting if full time in Hamden for 18 years. ' ' '4t Hyder; Apt Work popularity and value, Lincoln Six trucks are utilized for Uio lived by yoiir satisfaction". Honifit fiad rfillnblc dealings com- also contracts' with truclcoi*s for Sylyester .Gflllpcts quality merchandise are displayed Haven-New York 'railroad link by mergers and development, came throughout. the 24 hours ,'of any Mr. Heany extends the com­ under . courteous methods. Ainong regular androlloblc dolivory sorv- iloiQ arc sold beauUful oiiglnol oil mi;»i^4 the flonftdcnce in t^ie soryicp service. "Bishop's Folly" but Alfrpd Bishop into being m 1872. day. ',':__ ', . ,. * plete co-operation to those en­ . Carrying a fine line of Oriental Furriiluro Gompany, 493 Slate Ige In Woodbridge, NorUi Haven, paintings; reproductions of famous puii^tani Ibtat^Usncd 40 ycnrs ago, Used tires arc.ofTerpd on both West Haven's Taxes rugs, rare imports of beauty and the pffors are "included: Lee water- wds''not" to "be n^Viclirh "Of name- Motorcars, buses and . airplanes Under Mr. lyiilhe's competent gaged in the ceramic industry bloc^ hats; Interwoven socks; a com­ Street, thpte,. comitiejiced its Hamden, \VOBt ' Haven nnij Pal piclurcsi aiid allied olijecla of nrt. i\\ti businf^ was inpuiporatcd about wholesnle nnd retail bases, wUh a tailing. He opened his one-track guidance tnd experience ofhliiiosO and aims lb meet the mosf'imri- 'distinctive quality, A. S. Hyder is six yijyU ago to further ita olTcc- choice line available from which Holding d splendid refcord as soon added to the impressive travel plete line ' of (Bantamai jackets; WOODMONT TIUNSPORTATION gigantic J,0-day special sale on Haven. Established '10 years ago, M^™"'"*! "f Plduies Is achieved line 'in 1846. The 'pi-esent New picture and gave the region every 20 years in Radio a personnel of cate research tasks with the"f6- a prominent dealer who has been Manhattan shirts and pajamas, and SCHIETINCEK HAS SOLE AGENCY Ihe ejUerprbe has morktfd a con-1 "'"'"""y. wlUi Uie fiames being tiVt opcn\Uon and expiind the roa-to select the value desired. PrglTipt collector'of Taxi's'for"the Town of Hnven Railroad System, complete^ facility the ago provides. 29 employes is engaged. Their du­ 'liable and rightful results. , •.• in' business for 38 years in New February 12th to commemo- sislent aiiil"coirtiiicWdiil)lc 'supce.i's ™''' "'">• ^° ''"''^ '" '"" '"fUe «> tcj ntlontion is Klven to each custo­ West Haven, Robert F. Sylvester Hayen. present location, 8 Trum­ sportswear for men. ' ' , CO. MEETS SHIPPERS' FULL NEEDS mer. ties are found in -all- phases and rat^e tlie eyent, IDraslically re­ under priigresSivo policies of op- H""""'""• Goldlcnt woik la a spc- Jaepb Y/clnor, iounder and preal- has • tlio esteerii of the public'. He departments 'of City -Broadcasting bull Street, West Haven, has been are from 9 a. m. HAIILEY-DAVIDSON CYCLES HERE cfntlon. Proprietor A. W. Sorpnson I '^(""y. 'Wall rpproduetlons aie nn- ]wns first appointed in 1932 to (111 !Corp'ornUon and provide the back­ Qcqypied since -1934. until 6:30 p. m. daily- and until Metal goods of all'kinds, machin­ duced prides and free gifts to ah urtexplred term and served for of experience, knowledge and skill. 10 p. m. Saturdays. Free delivery ana;hls 'slhlT'bf'20" local workers I """-''' imporlmit offeilnK WORLD-WIDE EXPERIENCE FACTOR ground and active work that make Rug washing is a specialty and, ery and furniture are hauled under Wolf Gustom-Built Sole narloy-Davld.'ion agency in dpscrvea (rue , tribute for' tlieir • riOaMy two years". Out of'blTicb for Fully equipped to meet any -need handled under expert sanitary of purchases is available. This store all custoiners are stressed. iJo .WELI a popular .'and esteemed sta­ was established seven years .ago the swift, safe and reliable methods Fi'ejddie Tomei Owns tho Now Haven area, ofTorlng the cpaseleffs cfriclencics in handling ideal iiroceduros. Nntuially, "Ihe AfRCUAfT INDUSTRY FAVORS WORK ,twb yc'drs, he was elected'in 1930, tion.' • ' in this -line of endeavor, Mr.. An­ methods.. Restoring the beauty and Furniture Praised carrying charges or interest re-elected in 1938 nnd re-cleeted and now enjoys an area-wide pat­ of efficient service by the Woodmont P(iic^s Restauranl latest models for pleasure and busi­ the major schedule of endeavor on | .superb products aio jjiefoned. IN BRUNNER'S PIPE ORGAN WORK New Haven and its environs have driulli provides estimates and ad­ lustre of older rugs is a featured charges are in eftect diu'ing again in lO'lO oii the Republican ^ork that makes llie rugs look like ronage. Transportation Company. Estab­ Custom-built furniture to order is ness desires, Schiclinger Mnlorcycle benefited in many ways from the vice without any charge or obliga­ Its proprietor, Sam ,Whitten, has OF AMERICAN TUBE BENDING FIRM ticket. •• • • ne>v again. lished 14 years, ago, the firm• has the specialty ot Morris Wolf, well- the sale. Convenient fcredil Formerly the popular chef 7or Agency, fl7Orang e Street, West Ha­ ' A resident of West Haven and As a tuner and repairer of pipe excQlleht work' of WELI since its tion. Now Haven'and vicinity com­ 23 years of experience as a quality suits. foiinding, with Mr. Milne and Mr. Mrs; A. S. Hyder is a native built up a wide reputation for sat­ Itnown antique dealer, 5G7 Slate terms may be arranged to suit IQ years at Argros Brothers on ven, handles sales and service pha­ Rising to new heights of imporlaiice in nallonal life and the subiect father of "three children, "Mr. Syl- organs, J. H. Bnninor, 199 Peck prise the regular te,rrltory. /Ml merchandiser and supervises the Street, New Haven.' In business for EVERYTHING IN FOOD SUPPLIES Avenue, West Ilaven, has an un­ Formerly with llie Hall Organ Goode acclaimed for their co-op­ Lebanise. She learned the rug full retail service program. Two isfaction* t.pcatlon of the business Boston Post Road, "Freddie" Toniei ses expertly. Original establishmont ot grei\te(it. Interest to tlic maii-on-lhe-slrcct is nallonnl defense. yciter is member of. Rotary Club Comiiany of West Haven for- 12 work is guaranteed, with ho job 'weaving trade in Lebanon, Syria, 27 years at Uio same location, he the personal budget. purchased Pete's I?e.slaurant one 'and has been a vestryman for 20 excelled repvitalion for ncuomplish- erative spirit in making" it a suc­ employes'assist in the prompt, at­ is on Woodmont Road, between Mil­ has won outstanding recognition for of Iho business occurred 35 years ' 'The\m^i(il !.eoinmandlng aspect of the program is the aircraft industry years^^ Mr. Brunner installed the cess. b^ing considered as too large or and-has been active in the art since tention to the customers. month' ago at 274 Main Street, Ea^l which Is. rjCcogijlied as iiidispensablu In the huge schedule to protect vcnrs at Christ Church, West hients in the" field of service. His ford Turnpike and Shore Road at his honest, dependable, conscien­ Presept location of the .business ago at 2;i02 Main Street, Bridge­ AT EDDIE'S MEAT AND GROCEP business has taken him all over first electric pipe organ in the too small. the age of seven years. Her wide Haven and has advanced tliat our-shores from the invader. j-Iaven.' Prior to entering. public British ,West Indies while affiliated experience- and unusual skills com­ Woodmont, Milford. tious and completely oflicient me­ under ils present name has been, three-yeni'-old enterprise to a now port, whore location is still main­ life,' he Was employed' five'years at the world. Active in this line of . This competent concrete _ .CQJI tliods • of service. His experience Modern and sanllary cqul|mienl PUijihiJ 'a part of great consequcnco in Iho speed-up program by endeavor since thq age of 17 years, with the Hail firm. ' All Concrete Jobs mand praise. She is proprietor of Mildred's Skillful totals 45 years in the field.'Sucess- occupied for four years and aided high standing. He features the best tained. Weat Haven branch was is .nialntained Ihroughoiil Eddie's uiilil 7 |i. Ml. duriiif! the wc^k, with fabricating, tubes for the aircraft industry, American Tube Beiidlht! Fidelity Mortgage and Inve.sthient tractor handles new work, repaii^, the busiiiess here and extends the Territory coyered . extends from in foods, liquors, wines, beers and- llie market reninlning op(iri until Jp Company; six years with the former he has a vast fund of practical In 1932 h'o installed the pipe or­ By Rpcco Andriulli ful and progressive, Mr. Wolf knows in furthering the program of serv­ opened about two years ago. Stuart Meat uiid Grocery Market, l.'iO.'i Company; Iiic, .'i Lawrence Street, New Haven, has rounded out an knowledge and experience behind gan in the Shrine of the Immacu­ remodeling and any other kind of full courteous attention 'to all i5eauty Arts Roster Boston to Philadelphia and to Buf­ his Ijusiness fully. ice to meet the enlarged demands mixed drinks. Throe courteous Schiutlnper Is the manager at West p. 111. (Ill Saturdays lo benefit' the impressive roster of endeavor since its founding In 1910. . Index •Visible (jompany; 27 years as •clients. .Only the best is considered falo, N. y. Connections are main­ employes assist ip the conipetenl pixwell Avenue, Hamden, lo assure week-end shoppers. ' " ' .(in accountant for Western Electric him now. No matter how difficult late Conception at Catholic Uni­ Driveways, sidewalks and general job in his field. He has conducted Repeat customers tor antique fur­ ot the increasing trade enjoyed. Haven and has'J 2 years of exper­ the proper protection of tho pure The dentand for Us work has grown constantly througji tlie years llie taslc, he is able to cfTect U\b versity, Washington, D. C. A year as" the rightful standard at tliis While all systems of permanent tained with other leading trans­ delailed services. Estnbllslicd three years ago and and today 275 workers are oinployed lo keep pace of producti-in In the ^dompanv. "Ho Is a native of Slon concrete contraqting services are his own business successfully for niture from various communities Discriminating shoppers from near ience in this line of activity, Heis quality food olforlngs. Cleanly and a success right from the start, tliia ihp.toii, Connectlctit. proper work for the precise re- ago he installed the pipe organ 20 years and is knovvn as reliable. • establishment. waving are available at Mildred's portation lines for cross-country testify to the p'rinciples ot satisfa'c- Open from n a.m. to 1 a.m., the highest bracket^.' at St. George Roman Catholic handled in the expert coverage Beauty Salon, 267 Main Street, East and far are vlsii/rig tlie store and place is one of the more popular aided by one. employe. I-Jis father Inviting, this place Is a favorite model market lias gained in popu­ over the precise requirements by Haven, the featured one is "Thermi- shipping. tlon exhibited. Trade is gained' reg­ is the proprietor ol the business. ccntbr'for those who spelc aiid ap­ larity and patronage ever .since;''! Church in Bridgeport. Rocco Andriulli, 20 .White Street, • Frank Bubenicck is the^ compe­ ularly from "New Haven and sUi:-taking advantage of the genuine spots of its kind now and nttraots que". Everything in the modern rounding towns. bargains on quality mercliandlse. a large, increasing patronage, Spic- Buying, selling and repairing pf preciate the variety arid economy lis proprietor.ls Edward DoPolma Mr. Brunner builds tlie pipe or­ New Haven. Having been active in beauty culture arts js offered under tent and coui-teous proprietor. He .voluos on fine food llbnIsMt stocks whoso experience spaiis 12 years djt MILFORD SAVINGS BANK HISTORY gans as well as handling installing, his chosqn.lipe of work for 20 years, GREATER NEW HAVEN AREA COVERED einploys only trustworthy and ex­ Mr. Wolf does estimating and re­ and-span surrouiidings add to the motorcycles feature the" pvogram, CAPPY'S BOWUNG ALLEYS HEADED expert, sanitary and appreciated •This enterprise i^as originally enjoyment of the quality foods and with bicycles also repaired. Motor­ all 'nationally-advertised brands of progressive' endeavor' in' trie' food repairing and tuning. He docs all he has gained a vast background perienced workers; There are four pairing. He handles a splendid line founded 22 years ago as the'New merchandlsliii' line. Patrons" ofllie the organ tuning and repairing re­ inethods. Creations are stylish and of values in antiques. Those who beverages. Breakfast, lunch and cycle accessories are slocked. groceries. Frcah, smoked and lunch­ achieved to enhance the individual rriodern and properly - outfitted York Furniture Company on'Wasli- dinner..menus contain ample selec- place ajipreolate "Eddie's" c'oiirt- PROVING TIME-TESTED POLICIES quirements for churches- through­ FOR FRIGIDAIRE BY HOWARD-ARNOLD trucks in use. Each task is,handled call upon him are..assured of every Harley-Davidson motorcycles are eon meal^ are featured also, Willi cpus and prompt alferitlon that'as- BY RECORD-HOLDING PIN EXPERT dential and commercial air con­ personality of the patron. Work is proper courteous attention, •with the ingto.n Avenue, New; Havpn.'. '•', tippJB [to'mcet all tastes and prefer­ beautiful in appearance and out­ diilry products, fruits, vegelobles out the entire Slate of Connecticut. vja appointment. ' ' ' ' • ' carefully for the best results. -Esti­ suros real satisfaction. He is' aided ram6us in his field and justly de­ ditioning. Territory includes all of Down through the years since mates are accorded gladly, with particular desires being met by the Customer-satisfaction lias always ences. Prompt and pleasing eervico standing in iiorformance. Pleasure and other perishables being avali- by two regular employes and "en­ One-time nmner-up In high Incorporated in 1872 and opened for business transactions in 1875, Connecticut,' Today the vast industry still Miss Mildred Westerman, 'prO' careful and Uiorough program ' in been the guiding policy. There are assures full satisfaction to every and business models are designed structing novices In the art of lay­ serving the leadership recognition the pioneering and experimental looks" to the famous General Mo­ shippers receiving the thorough co­ ajile in the fresh dally suppiy'l ' gages additional local heip 'as .scaring for du6k pins. Instructor Mliford Savings Bunk has served notably oli down through the ensuing and rating accorded. Mr, Brunner OfiTicials 'are: Hertiert C. Kelly, days of electrical refrigeration the prietress of the salon, was gradu-J effect. now six large floors of furniture customer at this restaurant. specifically, for tho purposes. needed. ' ' "': ' "' extraordinary.' aiid si ' bowling en­ ing the ball on the boards'just right years lo become an indispensable part of the stability' and financial president; Howard Lee, treasurer; tors product, for leadership. The ated from the famous Marinello operation. and house-furnishings. Elevator Hours ot service are from 8 a. m, so that the hardwoods at tiie end has conducted his' own business for name Frigidaire has stood out in regioii around New Haven finds the thusiast" from, the old school, I-Ial life of _this'region. It is located a.t 33 Broad Street, Milford. '" 10 years to win the confidence, and Samiuer Finer, secretaiy. There bold relief. School of Beauty Culture in New service, parking space, and' other (Cappy) Ca'ijplello' has made his of the alley will scatter 10 at n One of t!ie chief reasons for'the continuous nnd commendable suc­ are about ,30 employes.^ Working quality and standards of Frigidaire York in 1926. Prior to establishing helpful assistance for sliopping con­ with Uie outstanding advantages batteries iiiid. other auto accesspries time. • . ., praise and approval of a large, ex­ enhanced by the program of serv­ alleys a ' mos,( fambiis gatliering cess of tills' valued institution is the fact that the ofTicial guidance has clusive clientele. conditions, policies "and principles her own business on May' 1, 1934, ATLAS MOVING SERVICE CAREFUL veniently are available. LEETE AND LAURSEN WHOLESALES Six local and capable empioycsi are is available.' This is a,'quality cen'r place for- r^ien : and' women who Ben Kosky was a famous bowler always been entrusted to strong, honest and competent hands. are on tlio up-to-date and approved ice offered by,Howard-Arnold, Inc., she was connected with a leading oh ditty. ' ' ' >' ": tor of proven iniporltincc to mofdr- who appeared at the popular' al­ Fenwick's Features 31 .Orange Street, sole dealer. for Nationally-adverlised merchan­ enjoy the 'Jatpc. '.•Tliose.who direct" the bank today respect its ti^ne-lostod traditions basis. TIjis firm -was founded 10 beauty salon in New Haven. She dise is featured, such ns: Simmon's Meats and pro.yisions supplied by wis." '." '". ":."••' ":;•;< Two:hnd'4"Jiiilt years ago Cappy's loys. a^id policies., They promote its entire program along modern'ofTiciencies George-Howard Co. years ago arid ha^ made a con: Geraniums Just Now the refrigeration equipment lliat employs one competent operator to MEETS EVERY NEED THOROUGHLY mattresses; Karpen living-room MEAl PROVISIONS OF QUALITY the firm are among Uie finest values Bowling Alleys'.was', established at Bowling at Cappy's are individ­ in ndherencc to the wise, safe and sound conservative metliods of siste.nt progress. Its success well holds . a place 'of dominance in its assist in the work. Three com­ available' anywhere and comply field, suites;. Grand Hapids 'bedroom 195 Main'Street, New Haven, arid uals, teams and ' the East Shoi'e banking. Air Conditioning indicates the superior work. Operated on modern, scientific fortable and cleanly booths are suites; Gold Seal linoleum and in­ Nationally-known brands of with all pui'o food regulations In League, comprising Quilford A. C, Officials are: Harry M. Merwin, prominent also as first selectman Manufacturer of fire doors, the .In 1934 the business was founded maintained at this attractive and Fast, dependable, prompt and complete program of service on the captain in tho Forty-third Division full. ' ' Harrison And Qpuld '': Its program ;w'ii^ immcdintely dedi­ and superior methods of proven thorough work by the Atlas Mov­ laid linoieiim'; 'Alexander Smith's meats and provisions are offered at cated to the" interests of a sport- No. 1 and 2; Independent; Prospect of Town of Milford, who is president; Judge Robert C. Stoddard, of Installing and servicing of air- firm also makes fire door hardware; .and in',the ensuing period has added popular salon, where all work is up-to-date and outstanding basis living-room rugs; Zenllh radios; of the National Guard and expects Barber Shop; Cannn's; Silver Birch worth to> please a large clientele in ing Service, 311 West Spring Street, Leetc and Laurson, 20'J Slate Street, Tpp Hardware JField loving, ipyliil' 'frowd. the Town CoUrt, who is vice president; Herbert G. Fowler, secretary conditioning and ventilating systems "Kalamein" doora or metal covered this area, Fenwick's Greenhouse, Impressively to its original roster first class in every phase. for reliable salisfacfioii to the Apex washers; Leonard rpfrigera- *New Haven. Mainiy a center for to Jeavo soon for a year's training «m Dairy; Achie Chromium Co.; At-nnd treasurer; and Raymond G, Parmelee, assistant secretary-treasurer. are handled expertly by the doors which are covered with either by adding appropriate and pro­ West Haven, is available to meet clientele. in Florida. Ho responds loyally lo Cappy gnfie it his best from the Amity Road, Bethany, has a 10- practically any hauling need. This tors. ' wholesale service, this firm has at­ Perjry SeJIs Tydpl .Cotisldered as one of the m0s,t outset. He'put' intq it his pdi'sonal Innllc Diner; Champ's Diner, and' Their, work is devoted to the needs and intet'ests of those who rely Gieorge-Howard Company, 107 Water bronze, copper, aluminum or stain­ year record for quality satisfaction. gressive trade pi'inciples. Full adherence is given to thd David Gollinger, ciipable man­ the call of liis Country. Leiiahan's Grill. Cappy has two upon the bank and ILs services. General savings accounts feature in Street,* New Haven, This firm spe­ less steel. It is also a dealer in firm specializes in moving household tained a wide trade since its estab­ complete and ideal hardware, stools elfort and. cxporlence; His reputa­ There are three greenhouses on the Sales and .service of Frigidoires goods and appliances. It also hauls rules and regulations that apply td ager, directs a staff of 27 courteous,- lishment i'd years ago. Free delivery From 0 a.m. to 4 p.m., the whole­ At Pld Dutch" Mill In tills section, the cslablishmc'iit tion as a bowler' h.ad been estab­ teams in the Communily and State H roster that also includes mortgage, title nnd various other specialized cializes in industrial ventilating and overhead doors and rolling steel premises. of all kinds feature the work of the scope of activity. Safely opera­ elTicient ' employes,' ' Customer's sale market caters to its clientele Shore Line Xengues. aids. air yonditioning. It also does resi­ shutters pr doors. general freight. Territory' takes in of ordct's is handled throughout Die ot Harrison and Gould, Inc.",'30''to . lished years bp/ore. In 1029, when In the Winter season the business Howard-Arnold, Inc. the entire State of Connecticut. tions on the highways are stressed, transportation will be paid fi-orri State of Connecticut under a ro- regularly and provides the proper Enjoying a good regular business 38 Qroad plreet, MUford, efijdy's'? a , the woi'ld's record for duck pins is mostly wholesale and Geraniums with the trucks being driven by ex­ any point' on any conveyance. service that assures' utmost satis­ frorn re^ldo'nta of the surrounding A year after its founding the Established eight years ago and lial;ile pla.n. faction. . large patronage from' mUes aro.U'nd. was 'a score of 2U Hal Caplello feature. In the -Sulrimer season treasurer of Howard-Arnold, Inc., pert arid careful men. Goods and Courtesy car is also pperated. Pa!*k- neigii^or'lidpd and aisp catering to There is a full line of shelf hdij^j- came near equaling the record wiUi this firm specializes in bedding situated at the present address for freight are protected from point of ing charges at any garage or' lo^ - Members of the firm'are: Russell ntariy '^trahsieht' motorists' in the Arnold " H.' Thalberg, was elected the last six years, .the enterprise Quality ofTerings arc the standard ware* diuminumware, ena'nieiwdj^p, 205.' • ' ' ARNOLD COLLEGE INSTRUCTS IN PHYSICAL EDOOATION AND HYGIENE plants of all kinds, handling both jlisliiie.of the peace and his service pick-up to time of delivery. may be redeemed at the store. E. Lepte, with 20 years of experi- at this dependable firm, where tlie same r«]ia|ilc .\vay, the Old Dutch smail electrical kitchen appUaiicfs, He gets a real kick out of In- retail and wholesale trades in that has found a wide accepttince ond I ence; and Magnus G. Laiirsen, also MUl Is a popular Tydoi service as'a fnerhber of the minor judiciary demand. entire endeavors are devoted lo idols, , Penjamin Moprb and' 'Cpjnf respect. Full courtesy is stressed, fs' as; impressive as his record of amply qualified. Mr. Leete is a meeting (he most stringent demands station at 374 New Haven Avenue, paiiy's brapd of paints and,,iar-.' situation at largo in the world and instruction in gymnastics and phys­ name discarded in favor of New prestige during the years that at all times. '' "" dealersliip;'' He has been re-elected Stanley Kulenski, with 20 years CAR AM) TRUCK TIRES REBUILT Milford. It ,was cstablishpd 12 years nishps, painters' suppllps and cq'tiip]^ the possibility of r.ur young men ical education generally, with mod­ Haven Normal School of Gym­ liave followed. Alex Fenwick, proprietor, directs management in the Frigidaire of experience in the field, is the ago.' mdnt, sportln^i goodii," sp'drlswe.ar, Maisano's Agency Institntioii proprietor and employs eight trust­ l)eing called to military life in ern and approved nicasures and nastics. A developer of the institution and the daily and dependable schedule every t^yo'years since his original LIKE NEW. TO App tONGER UFE ALL PLUMBING, HEATING WORK William A, Perry became the garden tools, boat r supplies, VPJili'cq methods always in force. Through the- years until 1921 tlie one whose name is known to tlious' of progressive service in the rnah- success at the polls. worthy, competent workers. Five proprietor of Uiis' station in 1937 radios, gredling cards, aiid poyeitj' All Insurance Aid Marks 55tli greater numbers Is well within the Originally named Brooklyn Nor­ modern and properly-outfitted school continued under this name ands of instructors in hygiene and ner that assures the clierits'of!'the 'Judge Thalberg has 19 workers BY ANTHONY SPAGONE AND SON and has advanced its complete fap- gift .items. Ail are'quality'd'ffpr- realm of possibility. mal. School of Gj^mnasllcs after the and gained a recognition and, com­ physical education. Dr. Arnold, rightful values. He is well and trucks are used. Expert retreading, vulcanizing illtles and program excellently id Ings and the excellent selccUbn&'nSr Celebrating the fifly-fifth anni­ city in which it was established, the employed in various departments of Dry Cleaning Asset hisurancc sei'vlco in every phase Aniiiverisary mendation from inslructoi-s and passed away in 1929, favorably known as a leader in this his enterprise, each of whom is as Estimates on any hauling jobs are and general repairing of car and boost the enterprise to the present sure the'patrons of adequate pholcp is the dder by Frederick W. Mni- versary of its founding, Arnold inslitutign mov6d to Now Haven in supervisors of hygiene and pliysical Day and evening classes are held, line of endeavor here. Orders are. cheerfully provided upon request. truck tires of any size pr' mhke Fully equipped to handle , tlie high standing in public, favor. He td suit personal needs ' and' dcsfres. saiio's Agency, 277 Forbes Avenue, College for Hygiene and Physical 1801 to rontinuo its estimable career, interested as the management in Via Palace Laundry most difficult as well as the smallest education that left nothing to be with a faculty of 22 instructors, given prompt, careful coverage ^.s providing the best for the large ILst It is the constant aim to keep the are the exfllpptional service phases Home-Baked Goodies has the praise of his customers for Established in 1907, Uie chter- New Havon. Life, antp, marine, pro­ An awakened America recognizes Education has been one of tlio fore­ .Tlie title was changed to Anderson desired. employed. desired, ' , offered by the Tire Reliuildlng Cor­ jobs in Uie plumbing, heating and his courtesy and competence,' Four of clients. All work is achieved under one From Mrs. Murray's prlse has a fame earned by ita fine perty, and a variety of other cov­ today a greater need for physical most members of its endeavor dur­ Normal School of Gymnastics. The present name was then taken Dr. H.. Bruno Arnold, president; poration, 608 Orchard Street, New allied scope, Anthony Spagone and modern gas pumps are available record. Charles W. Harrison and erages that: comprise the eompjete ing tills entire span of time. It is Four years afterward tlie late Dr. roof at the Palace X*aundry Com­ Haven. Free pick-up and delivery Son, 61 Pardee Street, New Haven, education and general body- nnd the career of the Arnold College C. E. Schneider, secretary-treasurer, Sam's Style Shop tor quick atlehUoii. There is a Alfred E. Gould are partners in the needs in 'prdiier Ihsurarico protec­ located at 41 Dwight St. Herman Arnold became identified fpr. Hygiene and Physical Ed.uca- and Miss Martin Gilbert, registrar, Otto And Danielson Grand Buyers Boost pany, Inc., 49 to 5i Elm Street, extends throughout the Sbuih- enjoys a reputation for reliable Ail bakery goods and allied spe- cpmplpt9 lubritory. Best in tires. business. tion are provided via well-known s tr en g thoning with an emergency Its years have been dedicated lo witJi the institution' and ita former direct the college. Fair Hayen Pleases Moves On March 1st westem part of .Connecticut, with worltman^hip. This' .business was cialUcs of delicious, pure home­ reliable componles. Each case Is .tion has enjoyed ever-increasing West Haven, where the proper per- Dump Trucks; H^uls Money-Saying Items all the smaller town being served estiitilished aboiit 17 years ago and made quality arc provided in the given iijijivlduol treatment nnd the As Cleaners, Dyers spnalized supervision is exercised chiefiy. iias mariecd a consistent, progress ottec,tivc • jftlcl^ncy exercised to Employes and the management On March 1, 1941 Sam's Style modern and sanitary establishment co-operate admirnbly to boost the Dump- trucking and general haul­ Through its complete and money- Shop, Inc. will move to its larger lo assure the top quality and beau­ ' Both wholesale and retail de­ as a result of the strong and com­ acliievo the ideal in service. There ing for road contractors occupy the Call-and-delivery service in the saving plan of service to a large petent manogem6nt exorcised. of Mrs. Murray's Pastry Shop, 243 'TOCET PLAN" AHRACTS TRADE arc.obout'sc(Vcn leading insurance WATERBURY LOCK AND SPECIALTY complete schedule of dally endeavor Favor Fair Haven reliable, courteous way to keep sat­ and better new quarters at 18 tiful results. Offering a complete mands are met properly. All mod­ on the ideal modern merits. Proper special emphasis in the program clientele. Grand Buyers, 562 Grand Church Street. Gala opening sale laundering service that is far above ern • equipment is'jnaintaihed, irt- ' Proper supervision is rendered Ncwhall Street, New Haven, and cQinpanios represented by this agen­ Upholstery Siiop b-- Otto and Danielson, Inc., 350isfactio n intact from start to finish Avenue, New Haven, has attained thorouglily by Anthony Spagone, OIBO under the same excellent stan­ cy!--""' ' ' safety devices ' are maintained In attract a large and increasing trade will be held then, with name of the average, the firm also excels in cludihg 16 retreading''m6yIdsy;.ThIs TO NEW HAVEN HOUSEHOLD STORE PRODUCTS DEMANDED WORLD WIDE Putnam Avenue, Hamden. Ther^ a wide recognition for reliable, hon­ "Enson's" to be adopted for ihe proprietor and possessor of 36 years dards at an odditional shop, S45 Ijic plant, Vfiitli the healUi and ore, 10 modern ' trucks available, to the Fair Haven Cleaners and dry cleaning and rug cleaning. The is one of the largest pldhts of its Tlirough 20 years of experience snnitar.v ospects also closely safe­ \ Now in the fourth year of its not­ Dyers, 389 Grand Avenue, New Ha­ est and appreciated dealings since business. Present location is at 137 kind in the East .an^ operated of e;fperience in Uiis line. Hi3^son, Ferry Street, New Haven. Both Featuring a convenient "Budget as an inaurshco Specialist, Freder­ with the prompt and reliable serv-. Its establishment in 193G. This firm dry cleaning work.was added to Raymond Spagone, is an invaluable manner. This enterprise was foun­ Products of the Walcrbury Lock guarded. • . able service ,to a large 'ond ever- ven. H^ing a modern and well- Congress Avenue, New Haven. under excellent metHo^. places are under same owncrsliip Plan" whereby the customens may the policy. Stoie is open daily ick-"VV. Mhisaho, proprietor gf the ice stressed as part of the fuir'sat- equipped plant, this enterprise does buys, sells and exchanges used the program two-and-a-ha If years Assistant. Territory covered takes from 9 a.m. until (J p.ni. and 'On ogency, Ja able to ellect the per­ ded in 1920 by George Szirbik, His and Specialty Compaiiy are de­ Officials of the company are: J. increasing trade. Fair Haven Up­ isfaction accorded to the clienteje- Headquarters for men's clothing, Established in July'1637, the en­ in New Haven and vicinity princi­ and enjoy an cxcepUonal popularity pay oi^t of income according to in­ manded iniernationally ns superior. Edward Peterson, president and holstery Shop. 387 Blatchley Ave­ beautiful work in the quality style marine parts, outboard motors,' the shop carries the latest and best ago to meet increasing demands terprise is no;^ fcnp.wn widely 'for dividual ari'angemcnts, the New Fridays (ind Saturdays until 9 p.ln. tinent ^oUlUbn to proljlems allied son, Stepha'n Szivbik, has been as­ This enterprise was found^'Tiere and enjoys a splendid patronage in gasoline engines, tools for all trades, pally, ilstimatcs are gladly supplied, won by the reliable program of ser-' to,Ills fifla.'lje has conducted his Among the diversified line of items treasurer; A. P. Anderson, vice nue, New Haven, is winning an 22 years ago and is well known. ^ fashions in suits and coats. Free and has proven to be* a foremost its reliable program of sprvice on Haven Household Supply Company, Discriminating shoppers -who ap­ sociated with him in tlie' business made by this prominent firm are the surrounding neighborhood. machinery, motors, guns, and a va­ with helpful advice and suggesUohs vice Ihat satLsfies. Edwin M. Murray 128 Congress Aventte, New Haven, own :agehcif for Uifee years and is president in charge of manufactur­ even wider recognition for expert ried assortment ot general mer­ alterations are'made. ProfJer fitting- asset and advantage. adding longer Jlfp to used car of also rnade as desired. preciate quality and economy for 32 years. There are five em­ included padloclcs, steel and cloth ing; A. J. Swirsky, also vice presi­ offers. Full upholstering and repair­ Officials are: Joseph OttS,' pj'^si- ^ Established 13 years ago, the is always assured; Service is court­ truck tires. There are eohie used is. proprietor of the business. There maintains o completely - slocked values are visiting this storo''aiid highly c^t'c6i^ed. dcnt and treasurer; John Daniel­ b.usiri.^SS has a proven • record . of chandise. ployes. rolls, eyelets, cigar lighters, cigar­ dent; Miss H. M. Powers, secretary. ing aids are rendered. TliLs firm eous and attentive. Established 17 years ago, the tires' available for purchase aj the Roster stresses tho complete ser- are seven persons' employed. store. selecting the desired items~iri''n ette cases, vonity cases, and a host Their friendly and eiTective jpethods al^o makes drapes, slip covers ond son, secretary. Both have been ac­ success. Its owner, Joseph Wallace, Members of Uie parUiership are: firm- vipe in plumbing and heating, in­ There is a full line o/ ladies' ap­ convenient manner. Known as expert ~ on landscopp tive in the' work since the i^iffp- has lieen active personally for 28 William Orabona and'Joseph Labua. Samuel Enson, proprietor, has 30 company has a record of reliable cluding now woric, installations, Home-made' l^read and ijeautlful- of otlicr metal products ond spe­ are valued higUly. Loyal assistonce living-room suites to order. Artis­ years of experience in the men's O/ficlols are: S. M. pent, ^Ith ly-decorated wedding cakes "are es­ parel, witli ftygrything .excepting Established 17 years ago: the contracting, tree surgfiy and rock- cialties. ,• to area welfare and civic projects tion of the btisiness 22 y^ars jgo years in the cleaning and dyeing These men offer courteous satis­ service and .. satisfaction! ' JVJanager general repairs, remodeling of sys­ ' Aci^laiip Westville garden building, the firm liandles tic and excellent creations are Held. He is on daily duty to super­ clbthing field. He founded his busi­ 20 years of experience in the pecial olleringa. Only the finest and shoes and jnWynfjfy ijeing iiie|Uded business has been' ot its pjrps^nt Is accorded bv the lirm, Tills region and are valued for llieir'faithful faction in each and every trans­ L. Chaiken, who >has 16 years of tems, and oil burner needs. Expert purest ingredients arc utilized In In the plfcrBi All (lousehold special­ larger and bolter quarters for. two manv important jobs Estimates arc Originally established in 1927 at aeiiieved. Free pick-up and delivery efficiencies. There are'seven em­ vise all work arid has two employes action. They have brought their ness in 1D19. Three local persons tire bujsiness, president; Edward endeavors are exhibited in dotal! on ,. Nurseries As Fine Wntorbury—hence tlio film name, gams much from tjie constant pio- lb available anywheie in Connecti­ to assist in various details. Odor­ '/>' are employed now. experience and has been with this Schwart?mah; vice president; Ix>'ujs preparing all producla. ' ties arc handled, except furniture. years. gladly supplied upon lequcst. gram of Icadersliip activity ex­ ployes on the stall. business to a position of deserved every job accepted. Free dplivery Borvlpc is available T\j(o grccniiouses aie maintained, the enterprise moved to Mliford in cut. Road contractors who rely upon less, expert and up-to-date me- and sustained acceptance as a head­ Well-dressed 'men appreciate the; firm for seven years) deserves F. Voight, secretary;' arid George This business was established _ Reginald Sharp is proprietor and 1034. hibited at the plant. thpds are utilized in all phases of excellent, stylish valugs shpwn at tribute for promoting the many Smith, treasurer. three years ago, Ils success has In'a ldp-rail.B radius. ' '•>'" has 20 years of experience in" th'ef- Enjoying a reputation for icliable one being 75 by 15 feet' and Uie Possessing 15 years of experience and Louise, are employed under the dump trupking and general quarters for interesting values m Custpmpr-satlsfapUon lias tuilt values and satisfaction, Westville other being 30 By 12 feet. Peren­ There arc 200 persons from this the program. Satisfaction naturally many items. Helpful assistanep is Enson's, with the march of pro­ modern effici9ncies. There are 45 Mr. Voight i5 the Seiberlpig dis­ sess more than 20 years ot experi­ been impressive and patronage In­ Qhandlslng. He employs eight com­ in the work, AntKony Pan^o is the his super\'ision and assist in keeping hauling work by this firm receive prevails; for the exceptional ser­ ence in the tire field. They arc creases consistently as a tribute to this bitfiiness jto'Iis'prespnt pinnacle petent workers. His store is mod­ Nu'jiierles, 77 Enst Bamsdell Slipol, nials, annuals, evergreens, rock ureal area' employe^ at the plant riluliary Gland i qualified and competent proprietdr- the total roster efficient. Each and tlie exceptional advantages updqr a accorded to each customer and the gress being indicated by the open­ employes. Eight trucks cover prac­ tributor; v/hile M.V. Smith and Mr. Westville, eaters to an exclusive and plants, and a vailety of flowers aie under the best of working condi­ vice meets with a thorough ap­ ing of the fine, new quarters on Schwartzmah are Goodrich dis­ aided by a staff of 'l2 employes at the ideal, up-to-date merits ex of popularily and success. Court­ ern and n mccca for outstanding TI;e pituitary gland In the human of the shop HIS brothers, Michael every task is skillfully done in the progrom of service that meets' the proval. ' entire program of service is on the tically all of llie county. the plant. hibitod. eous attention to every patron is values.- ' ;i • iHit^n laigr clieJTtcle in the up-lo-(]ale giown at this leading <>!itabli3linient. tions nnd policies. body Is at the base of the skull anc] ^A^dtevy, and his sisters. Rose careful manner. complete requirements. approved basis. March 1st. tributors. Xll of the officials pos-

,:A-4'j^^.*- J..<.^.A.J.^^.A.A f.t A Jt.A ».A.fc h « (t * « f • rit-**'*li ^.A-."»=»'*^'"

Page Twelve. BRANFORD REVIEW Thuisday, Fcbniary i:{, HI'll Thursday, Fcbnuiiy lii, 1941 l?KANFOUU RKVIEW Piigc Tliirtccii "Amoco" Bulk Plant Conlan Is Cliairman MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTING, AUDITING • Guided By Ludcmann HOLMES MANAGES DISTRIBUTION DEPOT OF SCHAEFER BREWERY HERE BETHANY VALUES DOWNS FOR WORK T. A. D. JONES AND CO. SUPPLIES INDUSTRIAL FIRMS WITH FUEL NEEDS Of Town Assessors ', Fiill line or "Amoco" pclrolcuni AS SELECTMAN AND ROAD IMPROVER In Ills ouLslnndiiiR work as chair­ FEATURED IN MURPHY CO. ROSTER ^pi-pducts is linndlod nt tiio bulk Eagle Bleach Known Allington Attracts VAST COVERAGE PROVES ACCEPTANCE man of llie Board of Assessors of pinnt of Uio American Oil Coiiipnny, ACTIVITY CENTER City Values ELMS AND NEW HAVEN West Haven, Henry J. Conlan al­ Today's workaday world demands syslcni nnd uniformity in lis io to 2 Kiinbcrly Avenue, West For Pure Products Wit!) Foqds, Drinks OF SUPERIOR BRAND OF BEVERAGE Men retain official positions by his work as Supervisor of Ilonds. ways keeps uppermost Uio needs operations to keep pace of our daily endeavors in a direct line Witli Haven. OITers include Rnsolines, through various means. Some win Ill building and tnahilaininff new Program and interest.'! of tlio taxpayers. Ho our goal of work to be aecomplislicd. motor oils, Rrensos, and lubricants. i'-.slal)li.sbed 12 years ago nt its Enjoying the convenience and more adequate facilities of and hold office by tho influence or roads for Bethany he has accom­ has been an assessor of llio Town Few fields of activity arc as devoted to this principle as auditing Tlioro are .TO dirreront stations in An Amcricnn inonu of finest strenglli of their parties, some by since December 5, 1D29 and was present location, Eagle Bleach foods if! ofTored nt the Allinffton H.S now, larger and belter location for one year now at 665 plished a crcat deal in the eyes of niipolnted by Iho Board of Select­ and nccountinH while few firms in the work aro as Iliglily approved and this part of the county served by Water Company, 1080 Whalloy Ave­ oratorical masterpieces immediately (lie people. He has improved OIMIUI Of Firm favored ns Frank J. Murphy and Company, 432 Temple Street, Now the local plant. Orders are filled Heslnurnnt, 197 Oriinfio Avenue, Stale Slreel Street Extended, Fairfield, tho F. and M. Schaefer prior to election, and others, by men. Formerly in the i-cal oslnto, nue, New Haven, has built up a West Havon. ruU-coursc meals, a IS miles of the town's 50-miIe high­ developing nnd building business Haven. promptly and as spi^iPed. laige tinde througli Uie Bchleve- sincere, faithful application of their way total and constant work is ga- Since 1!)33 the company has been engaged in auditing nnd accounting Established in Now Haven in No­ la carte spcclnlltcs and a complete Brewing Con)pany of Connecticut, Inc. continues to carry the own abilities in the interests of a in tlic New Haven nroa, ho has nn mont of qunlity products, under a selection of appetizing dishes to ing on to make the remainder even Experience invaluable background of knowl­ work for an approciatlvo cllcnlolc. In lils tendency toward specialisa­ vember 1033, the enterprise has deiJondnblo plan of service, Tills distribution program onward in this territory to an even people. belter. tion Frank J. Murphy hns stressed municipal accounts In his roster Rained and held a wide reputation firm makes .blench, ammonia nnd suit all fastidious tastes and pref­ edge nnd experience which stands erences arc provided. Llquorsi greater peak of acclaim. In the last category is Ralph H. A Republican and native of liim in good stead. His cITlelcnt of service. • , . . for reliability and quality. William blueing. Its products are available Downs, Second Selectman of Beth­ Bethany, Mr. Downs represented Of Head Knowing the increased demand for nttenllon In this phase of liLs Ludcmann, branch manager who in quarts and gallons, with sales wines and mixed drinks are nvnll- This firm hns been distributing and inlcgritablo handling of his ablc in tho choice assortment, With any whose Impressive record covers his community In the state legis­ trusted iiublic duties has found n work, Mr. Murphy hns established himsolt as an invaluable asset to opeiied the local ofllec for the flnn, being handled to leading stores the quality products in Connecticut the gamut of officialdom from his lature from 1933 to 1940, with re- Asset wide esteem and approval. several municipniilios the olTlcials of which rocognizo In his program has been active in Oils line of busi­ throughout Western and Southern Shaefer*s and Bnllantlne's brands of for more than 30 years. It cs- Grotloli Qualified present ofTicc to tho state's law- ness since 1030. His methods of o(Ti- beer and Hull's alo on draught. Tliia elections coming along regularly a check-up In tho InlorcsIs of taxpayers and tlio business public. " • Connecticut, Only the best nnd tnblished n distribution depot in matcing body. • every two years. Wholesaler of outstanding values Mr. Conlan resides In West Graduated from Benlly School of AccovuitinB, Mr. Murphy bogiui cient and eflecllvo cjislribulion on purest Ingredients arc utilized in place la open from 6 a.m. until 1036 at Bridgeport and moved to Concrete Work Line Haven. He Is happily married and petroleum products command a making the products so that the I'n.m., catering to a large trade. . His home town hns always been He did not run again at the, last in coal and oil, the T. A. D. Jones has it chnnniiig daughter. His iiicm- nt once to devolo himself whole-liearlodly to his profession, wllh tho Charles Lunch Toi)s the present site one year ago. election, believinjj^ he could be of Company, Inc., has its office at 20ii result that he looks back on l.'i years of faithful endeavor and ahead thorough approval. Courtesy is one output will 1)0 superior. Private parties, banquets and From this distribution depot, the Free estimates and advice arc ac­ n forcmore interest of Mr. Dfiwns. bcrship is honored in West Havon of his cardinal principles. He fur­ In tlic decade he ha.s served it as n even greater service adding to his Church Street, New Haven, and to oven greater acconiiilishmonts In tlio future. For Tasty Treats As • proprietor of ,tlie company, otiicr festive groups nro welcomed firm delivers throughout Fnirfleld corded courteously on concrete con­ docks at tho New Haven Bridgeport ltr|>ublioan League and various thers iho demand for ''Amoco" pro­ tracting jobs by August Grottoli, 37 Selectman lie has rounded out a 10-yenr records as a Selectman nnd iitlier organizations, including sup- ducts in this territory. John Ln Porta directs the daily and served royally also. There arc and New Haven Counties and part proffram of endeavor that has bene­ devoting more time and attention In keepiny witli the method of planning to\vn.s in tho waterfronts. Retail yard is also Tempting steak sandwiches, schedule on the modern standards ample facilities to accommodate, as of Litchfield County. The pure and Morris Street, New Haven. Fully imrt of welfare nnd civic projects frankfurters and hnmburgers are equipped to handle any size or type fited it imnico-surablyt supplemented to road improvement. seventeentli century, a Green was set ofl in New Haven. operated in Bridgeport. of the area. and mctho/ls. He has been active in many os 90 porBons. Originally es- preferred beer is available in kegs, Establislicd in 1025 by T. A. D. BOLDTMANN KRALL STATION WINS tho favorite attractions nt Charles this work for 12 years and is known taijllshed in 1020 as a "light lunch"; cans, steinies and quart bottles. of job in the entire concrete con­ Laid out as a lialf-niile square, with town intersecting streets r..unch, 27 Church Street, New tracting line, this expert has 21 Jones, the business was incorpor­ for his excellent policies and pro- the enterprise enjoys such ftn In­ There are 42 persons employed at ated in 1927 to further its program Haven. Breakfasts, lunches and duets. There are four local em­ creasing demand, that it was made this depot, with n fleet of 12 trucks years of practical experience as a forming squares, tlic city's fathers reserved the central Children Sheltered dinners are served, reliable background for the proper GLENDOWER DRUG IS PROFESSIONAL eftectively and keep abreast of the REGULAR TRADE OF MANY PEOPLE ployes on tho staff. Sanitary and into a complete restaurant In 10^. operated from there. area for public activities. Churches were built there. Children increasing trade enjoyed. Cliarlcs Goraieb is the proprlelor health aspects are aided by use of Michael Pnppns is proprietor and Arthur R. Holmes, rtinnngor of the coverage over the accepted work. Get Care, New Hope of the business, with a 23-year, these products. He established his own business 18 played games, old folks rested in the comfort the Green pro­ Ollicials are: T. A. D. Jones, Keeping Uie eourteous eilioicnuy lias seven cmplbycs. distribution depot since August 1, years ago. Five workers are em­ president; R. L. Bowditch, vice in the foreground always In pin- above-avoraKc advanta|(e on car record of successful endeavor en­ 1938, has been affiliated with the AND BUSINESS MODEL UNDER ROWLEY vided. Every war has seen troops assemble there before \Stt>^' Tliero aro 330 children between up-keei) rcqulrcmeliLs, Ule Bold)- joyed. His brother, Maron Goraieb, ployed, with additional local help president; J. F. Baker, secretary- ages of six years and 18 years vido tho niolnring public wiUi an company since tlio repeal of pro­ engaged as needed. departure. It is still a center and symbol of New Haven's life. treasurer; and E. D. Winams, gen­ mann Krall Gasoline Service, 8 is the comjjetcnt and valued general hibition. His excellent work hero Combing the best in professional sheltered at Higlilnild Heights, 75 flemhiKway Avenue, East Hnven, manager. All of the. employes are Knowinj; the demands of llie pul)- eral manager. All are devoted to Higlilnnd Street, Now Haven. Only GREIST PLANT SHIPS VARIED LINE has attracted a merited commenda­ While New Haven and vicinity and business endeavor, Giendowcr lic, Mr. liowley has made his pre- promoting the best interests of the enjoys tho patronage of many reg­ trained for courteous eflicloncy. tion. Helpful nnd loyal co-opera­ comprise tho chief territory, the Drug, 1838 Whitney Avenue, Ham- eight per cent of tho guests aro Jobbing House Line ular cusloinors. This equipped sta­ scriplinn department a model of enterprise along tlio modern stand­ The lasting beauty of ehn trees impressed the English orpliansi the renininder being from Tliere are live stores operated: tion is accorded by him on behalf service is also extended through­ den, has served a wide surround­ service and efficiency. Only the ards and extend tlio wholehearted At "Ideal" Favored tion was established two years ago two In New Haven; one In West of the firm to worthwhile civic and out a surrounding radius of 50 ing territory in a thoroughly re­ THREE-STATE SCOPE UNDER YALE who settled New Haven and the elm imd the cily became "brokcn-up homes". Tlieir welfare, and has all modern features. TO CONSUMERS ALL OVER THE U. S. miles. Thorough, skillful' aiid de­ best phnrmnccuticals arc used in liolpful co-operation to area needs. happiness, cavo and conifort nro Ilaven; one In New Britain; and welfare affairs in this area. liable manner since its founding 13 compounding physicians' prescrip­ There arc 85 persons employed un­ synonymous. The first trees of this type were planted on . Us proprietor, Oscar Boldtmanii, one in Hartford. The other New The Sehueffer firm has its brew­ pendable workmanship that meets years ago. closely safeguarded. Children nro Catering to both wliolesale and has 1(1 years of oxporlonco In the One of the most vnluod elemcnis the detailed requirements is ren­ tions and utmost care is the watch­ der the appreciated conditions, with the Green a few years after the close of the Revolutionary War. accciited t h r o u g h child-placing retail trades on the quick, cotu't- Haven slore Is located at 490 State accepted ns Ilia standard of Us field ery at 430 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, In 1938 the business came under word at all times. IN MOTOR FREIGHT FORWARDING Held. Ho was formorly general sales Street. All places are cleanly and In the punoranui of Now Hnvoii's dered in every undertaking. 12 trucks in use. agencies throughout Connecticut ooua ca.sh-and-carry basis, llic IHo Is its industrial aspect, of which and hiiH filled an important place New York. Established in 1842, it the compolent management of Ed­ This firm sells to large industrial manager for Ihc Cllies Sorvlcq Oil modernly equipped. Large patron­ in the field during its long span is the oldest lager beei* brewer in Successful and known for his win R. Rowley and during llie en­ A spirit of neighborlincss pro- Motor freight' forwarding work mands for the service enjoyed. only. New Havon Community Chest Ideal Jobbing House nt "I'lD Slate Company; road man for the Amorl- age is enjoyed and served properly. Tho ••' Gricat Manufacturing Com­ vails in the store proper, which between Coniiecticul, Ncv;, York OITIcials are: William Girasuolo, concerns and dealers throughout supports those from New Haven; Street, Now Haven, given iiartlcular pany, 'I'lfi Bloke Street, Is nn in­ of production. the United States and also the policies of satisfaction, Mr. Grottoli suing period of time has rounded tho Slate. It features the quality can Oil Company and also for iho Young and older persons, alike, fourth largest brewery in the is in Remand as a concrete contrac­ out a roster of even more impres­ is stocked with a variety of home and Now Jersey is the pro;?ram of president; and Joseph Criscuolo, while tlie other placing agencies nttonlion to Uio needs of canvassers. Socony Oil Company. Ills practical • tegral part. Probably tho Hrenloat single fac­ and personal needs, sick room re­ items in coal and oil. Heavy in IMPRESSIVE 5-YEAR RECORD MADE pay for the niainlenanco of the rest. Here is displayed a full assortment prefer the good wholesome foods tor in the continued success and United States. Its products arc tor. sive proportions. Yale Motor Service, Inc., 56 Wesl- vice president. Each of these exe­ knowledge and progres.'ilvo endea­ at these quality mecca. Sisfy years of heneflling n large quirements, medicines, cosmetics, ficld Street, West Haven. cutives has 17 years of personal dustrial oil and Soutliern New Public school is available for boys of Items for household and ]icrson- vors command approval, while. Ihc clientele and (lie city are l}eliin(l the recognition of the firm la ita exe­ famous and finest. River coal of all kinds arc handled, nl use. Patent medicines, drug sun­ stationary and various other items. Holding an I. C. C. license, the experience beliind him in tho field BY UNITED STATES MARSHAL FITCH and girlk High school courses arc friendly ond fliio plan of service enterpriNO, while Its scope has aided cutive personnel. and knows the current trends, with tho firm being the first to in taken at Bassclt, Hill House nnd dries, all types of polishes, kitchen The fountain is a, meeting place firm operates in strict accordance troduco Soulhoni coal in this sec­ Invites tliQ constant (rude nt his Sid Ruslcin Directs New Ilaven lu attain n place of Directing its personnel and pro­ of Hamden and one of the ideal methods and requirements in this Commercial liigli schools. Own utensils and n variety of othoi' slatloii. From Ihveo Io live em­ naliomil Import UH n manufacturing duction schedule arc: Lufer Supply Items COMMISSIONER JUDD HAS GIVEN with tlie rules and regulations tliat tion. Handling Ihc niiuiy imd varied values arc avnltnble as well as spots to ^top for a 'quick and de­ govern this scope of ojideayor. It line. There are 10 trustworlliy and IMnrslnil Mich has possessed an In- gyninasluni Is tnalntnlncd at the ployes are engaged. Ilaflie's Specially Bicycle Centre Now center. Hcman Ely, president; W. C. capable workers on the staff. Shipments are also made in largo duties of his office 'in a thorough mile desire to serve Ui- the best of orphanage. Tills Institution was hardware, "McQundo'' paints, nnd In Hardware Field licious lunch. Fountain and booth lias seven modern trucks in use. qunntities by barge and rail nnd efHcient miinncr, Bernard Krall gasollno in both olhyl and Kngaged In inaiuifactiiring sew­ Griost, vice president nnd treasurer; YEARS TO MIDDLEBURY WELFARE service are available, while tlic Rendering an essential and ex­ his nhllity. Upon cnmpletiiif; his founded in 18,'iQ ns SI. Francis painters' supplies. Store Is open regular typos Is featured. Known Is "La Sagne" Dish Genial Sidney Huskin conducts ing machine attachments, porlahle, D. L. Bacon, vice president; James This enlcrprisc was established cellent service to benefit a large throughout a wide territory. Filch, United Slates Marshal at Hrst four-year term, whicli was Orphan Asylum. Present name was from 8 a.m. to 0:30 p.m. regularly Hardware, household utensils, justly famous Hood's ice cream is New Haven, hns established an es­ brands of quality oils aro stocked. the Bicycle Centre at 189 York dcslc-si/e electric lamps and melal E. Wheeler, secretary, and F. J, served. ' nine years ago. It moved to the clientele in Ihc appropriate man­ Building a business of such pro oriKinally cnnftrmed Febnutry 12, adopted in 1!)31. and until 9 p.ni. on Saturdays. Tills station sells SOO gallons per ' "La Sagnc", baked macaroni Ital- Street, New Havon, where he sells assemblies, Hia Grle.st Manufactur­ McCartiiy, assistant treasurer. toys, and small electrical appliances In perusing tho record of County larger and belter present quarters ner, the firm holds popular good­ portions has required application of timable record since his orighial I9:tt>, he was appointed aKuin. Tlie . ian style, is the specially at Rallio's are among the many interesting and .Commissioner Arthur S. Judd it is lican politics. He has two employes to assist appointment to the post during a The Rev. William J. Daly, supor- Having M years of experience In day. It has Uu'eo gas pumps. Hours both English and domestic types of ing Company ^ requires the services A spirit of co-oporatlon exists For nine years Commissioner two years ago to further the cf- will for its honest policies of op­ the best ideals nnd methods of jirescnt tenure exjiires fliny 15, ll(4:t. intendciit since 1028, had a ono- dealing with the public, Proprietor open arc from 7 a.m. to 0 p.m. Limch. Room, i|83 Chapel Street, cycles. He handles tho famous Ral­ (if as many as .'(0(1 workers hi its between men and management tliot important items stocked in a com­ apparent that his chief interest has him. Mr. Rowley was graduated fectivoness of the program and eration as an asset in this region service. Tho executive personnel recess of Congress, in December, plete line nt the Lufer Supply Com­ always been to servo the people of Judd was a Selectman of his home 1935. His father was a native of Ham­ yonr training coui'so nt New York File Colonpano knows Uie best 'Expert lubrlcaUon work Is a New'Havon. Featuring home cook­ eigh-Gazelle English models imd various deparfnienls. lias churaeterlzcd tho firm for Us community. His record of IG yehrs from Connecticut School of Pharm­ keep pace with tile increasing do- and in its scope of activity. of the firm has instituted o rosier School of Social Work. Ho hns ing only, this place has attracted a various popular makes of American pany, 240 Legion Avenue, New his native Middlcbury -in the most acy and is a member of tho New of endeavor that loaves nothing to Marsha! Fitcli, wlio iias offices in den, hut migrated to Ohio where moUiods by which to please his specialty. Armstrong llrcs, Kxide Tlie output, shipped nationally, is full three-score years of service. as a member of the Middlebury Mnrslud Fitcli was born. Later, tlio been n director of Catholic Social many customers. Two employes as­ ballorlea, and various oilier impor­ splendid trade since its establish- models. Full program includes sales, Hnven. Builders' hardwore nnd highly satisfactory manner. Haven and National Associations of be desired. the Fedornl Building, 141 Church Service Bureau, '178 Orange Street, • mont' In lO'fO. It io under the own­ rental and repair services. paints are also carried in the qual­ ' In his home town he is known Board of Assessors is • among his Retail Druggists. ' Street, has held to Uie traditions family came Ijack to Connecticut sist in Uio detailed duties. This tant auto accessories lu'e handled. impressive contributions to official­ Saunders' Skillful Visel Motors Shows Mr. Jones and his associates liavo and look up its conununity life Now Haven, ainco 1920. Tlioro nro business was established 12 years Including a line of Winter needs ership-direction of JVIrs. RatTIo Mr. Ruskin established his bu.'ii- ity .brands. as a member of officialdom who the interests of Uieir clients at and standards of the service to win 52 cinptpycs at the orplintiago. Cinimo, wlio Is assisted by mem­ Each order is given the proper has kept before him the needs of dom. For two years, beginning in Work Wins Approval all over again. ago and is well known now. for cars. ness In April 1937 and is now well LAMPSON LUMBER FIRM THOROUGH 1929, Commissioner Judd repre­ past ^accomplishments. Plymouth, De Soto heart, while the co-operative spirit tho esteem of liis superiors and bers of. tho family in operatini; tlie known in the area for his courteous coverage for the full satisfaction. the people and to them he has which exists between men and associates. Tlio work of a United Onc-linio member of Hamden enterprise. This business was established seven given his. every attention and ef­ sented Middlebury in the State Commissioner Judd is a member School Board, Marshal Fitch is a elTlclcncics. Ho made eonsidorablo Legislature.. of tho F. and A. M. and has been Saunders' Blacksniitli, Jobbing Plymouth and De Soto cars aro management has been not the least States mnrslial is little known to Lyon Prinlery Fame Cleanly and invlllng, the lunch friends in Branford tlmiugh his IN STOCK OF BUILDING MATERIAL months ago at its present location. fort. Middlebury points v/ith pride and Welding, 101 South Fiont the big attraction at Visel Motors, of tlic success elements that have the public, for it is carried on member of Uie Knights of St. Pat­ room;'hns the modern appeals. Only It lias gained and held an area- to tho recognition oUier areas and His present four-year term will identified with the Grange for 47 Street, New Haven, ofiTers tlie mod­ rick and is active in welfare nnd KOBE IS PREMIER DUPLEX MANAGER Summer business location at Palm­ years. Inc., 82 New Haven Avenue, Mil- made the business a model of ef­ without fanfare or publicity. Tribute To Quality tho rightful quality Items are served er's Grove, Indian Neck. Mr. Hus­ wide acceptance as a reliable head­ tlie county as a whole have given enable him to ' add further to his ern services in its line of activity. ford. Sales and service details are ficiency and service. From (he outset of his career civic programs. and the prompt satisfaction to every kin welcomes his Branford friends, Behind the modern sciiedule -of Observini! the cstiibiislicd tradi­ quarters for the needs in its scope its native son. Founded in February 1940, Iho en­ handled in Uic attentive, promptly quality enterprise exliibitcd by tho terprise is now celebrating its ini­ •Behind Uie modern and complete FOR VAST REGION IN CONNECTICUT customer is tho regular policy. ' inviting them to visit liim at tho tions and policies, while utilizing of service. His appointment by the legisla­ cfTicient and-courteous manner to While T. A. D. Jones and Com­ proKrnm at the Lyon Prhitory, 105 Tlipsp who patronize this popular Bicycle Centre when in New Ha­ Lnmjison Lumber Company, Hi7 modern methods to'further the ser­ James Lufer is the proprietor and ture to the county commissioner- tial year of successful endeavor. keep satisfaction uppermost in Water Street, Now Haven, is an in- MALKIN MOTOR FREIGHT COMPANY AU kinds of blacksmith work, ex­ pany, Inc., is appreciated greatly nivor Slroot, Milford, Is a history place are outspoken In their praise ven. He lias a llrst class lino of at­ vice scope, Mr. Rice and hisi asso­ hns 10 years of experience In this ship in October, 1939,. added an­ every phase. by those it serves and its system OLD HOMES, STORE FRONTS GAIN of notjible Kcrvlco that uommands Tho years of Uiia ecntui'y have the district was treated to u scrv- and-approval of the complete of- tractive new cvclcs on hand at the tercstlnK and impressive history of ciates have carried tlie firm onward type of endeavor in New Haven. other office to the list held by Mr. cept horseshoeing; electric and found a great trend toward the" progressive endeavor, finest pur­ acetylene welding; brazing and Established four years ago Iiere, is one after which the fuel in­ wide praise. This business was important goal of lightening house­ lee featuring even greater atlonlloii ferinijs. Service is pleasant, ertl- establishment. His methods of sat- to an even jtrealer pinnacle of pre­ Popularly known, he is a member Judd and a/Torded him an oppor­ the enterprise has attained a wide dustry has patterned, probably tho oriKlnaily estnbllsliod In 18D4. The to the demands of (he cunlomers. cicnt and quick. Everything is on isfaction are praised os . complete poseful functioning, 'nnd ndlierence stige and success. Otlier ofTiccrs MODERN IN MERITABLE COVERAGE some ornamental iron work com­ work, Uieroby providing the wives of American Legion Post No. 47; tunity to servo the county in tho prise the major roster. Estimates acceptance and approval. Raymond company's greatest worUi is direct­ MODERN BEAUTY VIA REMODELING now late Fred W. Lyon purchased Throughout the entire statu Mr. the sanitary ba.sis to protect the and ideal. For the best in bikes, see to the hlKhest-cniibre policies of are: E. Matthias, vice president;- S. Chapter No. 2 of Disabled War Vet­ same manner in which he had Visel, formerly of New Haven and Ule enterprise In 19115. He was well and mothers of America with well- operation. Kelscy McArthur, vice president arc supplied cheerfully. All work ly to New Haven, where its slabil- earned leisure hours. Kobe serves as district manager in purity, and quality of tho foods Sid Ruskin is a favorite expression erans; and Jewish War Veterans. served, more directly, the people of As common carriers handling is guaranteed and once the con­ Hafiidon, is the proprietor and iziition and thorough scope have Featuring the F.II.A. plan of rinanclng, llie Kcally Renioclcling known as a former editor and Horvlco and collections, while his properly. In the area now. Originally the business was foun­ and assistant trensurer; J. H. Allen, His principles of business conduct Middlebury in years gone by. He Hamden Is Approved general freight and perishable personally in charge. He has 25 made it an invaluable asset. publisher of the Grcenwieli "News" A foremoat factor in Uiis revolu­ secretary; ond W. T. Beach, assist­ tract is accepted, it is always com­ Company, 111 Water Street, New Hnven, oHors free estimates and advice tionary' step was the Premier Du­ sales area covers New Haven and ded in 1880 as the W. A. Beckly are modern ond valued. has always been active in Repub- goods in both inter-state and intra­ pleted for satisfaction. years of experience in the automo­ During "World War No. 1, Mr. on uny problems pertaining to the inodorni7.inR of liomcs nnd Btorc and county editor for Bridgeport its immcdinlc environs. Company. Frederick W. Rice, presi­ ant secretary. There are "IS em­ Building Tile Firm state hauling, Malkin Motor Freight bile field. There arc six local "TeloKram". His sons, RoKor F. nnd plex Division of Electric Vacuum ployes, with seven delivery trucks Jones was general manager of Uie fronts. Expert remodeling and ronuvaliiig work achiovos the doHlred Cleaner Company, wliosu Now One of the major clemonls idcnli- dent and treasurer of tlie present Company holds P. U. C and I. C. Proprietor of this well-equipped persons employed. Ames Ship Building Company of results on every job acce])tod and fulfilled. AuKUBtus Lyoii, now operate Uio firm, became afrillaled with tho en­ used. This firm has a complete line Concrete products, building tile, C. licenses. It operples in strict and prinlery. Tho former has 13 years Haven locaUon al IMl State Street llod with Uie success of pvomlef MARIANI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY of lumber, miilwork, glass, paints, eslahlisbment is Perry Saunders, Complete repairing and storage Seattle, Washington. This firm will create attractive rathskellars, basement bars, and terprise in 1800 as did tho now late and cement blocks are made under full observance of the rules and whoso experience in thi.s field of facilities are maintained. All auto playrooms in promises. All of Connecticut is included in tho territorial experience, is secrptary of Chamber has spread its sovvicc and influence Uj^Plox otiuipmont is the fact Uint Lewis A. Lampson, Upon the death builders . supplies, and everything PERRY'S PLEASES PUBLIC RIGHT hi this position Mr. Jones gave his of Comniorce, is nn agent for As- Uiroughout Connecticut. the company has \\s own financing expert methods to meet prqcise regulations that apply to its scope service spans 29 years of progres­ accessories are in stock. Modern best to the interests of the country scope to -which tho outstanding roster of worltmanship is olTered. of Mr. Lampson six years ago, Mr. and anything "required to build specifications at the Hamden Build­ of activity. Deliveries arc made in sive endeavor. Ho is on hand to Twenty-four years nuo Uic first program and HtroBsca nn easy pay­ HANDLES PROJECTS SKILLFULLY Ttice then became the chief exe­ nn-thing. ,It arranges low cost fin­ and ideai in its entire scope of oper­ at a lime when men of his«calibrc Among noted accomplishments recorded are: store fronts for Pat soclatodPi^sB hi Mlli5^,.mid «l^\v^;i^'ii^.^aZ,.:^,Z S ment plan for nil buyers rcqucBi- ancing as a convenience for reli­ AS CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH AGENCY ing Tile Company, Inc., 1883 Dix- the dependable, prompt, safe and advise and suggest, concerning the ation, the auto agency has a suc­ were needed. '~ ' •'' • McKeon'si-oli Stale Slroot; Paramount Grill, on Crown Street; Monterey, represents Uio Now York "Herald cutive. Mr. Lampson had acquired well Avenue, Hamden. Shipments swift manner under a modern pro­ various phases of the work re­ through UIO locnl division. Wficnjhi^ It. Projects of the major importance the business in lOQO. able clients. cess earned on many dependable He brought to his present firm Iho on Dixwoll Avenue; and the porcelain front foi' Uio Elm Cily Cruller Tribune". His broUier iias 15 yenrs of tlie output are handled to miy gram of complete efficiencies. quired. His expert methods com- merits. It ofTers known values to place on Slate Street. Many other similar Jobs have also been handled. of exporicncti in Uie printing field. K. J. Kobe look personal vhniKO Seventeon pcrnous two employed arc handled in (he skillful a n d Foundation Garment • New models of tho Cliryslcr and riiand approval. wealth of acquired experience as niaiiagcr heru four years ago tttider Kobe nianagcinent. successful capacity ijy tho Marlani Plymouth pars and commercial cars toriuin, with all modern equip­ point in Connecticut." This business This- firm has maintained an es­ the public. gained in Uie shipbuilding general Established three years ngo, Uio firm is enjoying a meiilod success. Their shop does Job,, commercial, Construction Company, 222 Forbes Created To Measure are on display at Perry's Sales and ment. Socony products are carrltd. was established in Hamden in 192E tablishment, in Connecticut for 12 managei''s capacity and in other Fred Fuhcy, sales manager, welcomes inquiries. Kobert Sullo, who has industrial, newspaper, and oUior Avenue, New Haven. Selectman Iline Has Industry— Service, 194 Main Street, East Ha­ Body, fender and paint jobs arc in­ and incorporated in 1929. years now, with the location being offices. a lifetime's experience in Uie work, is tho manager. Tliere arc about printing. It prints the "Wetonihls" Roster includos general contract­ While a streamlined figure Is of Famous Family Finn (Continued from Pago 1, Col. 2) ven. In addition this agency has a cluded in the roster. Towing is of­ Officials are: Ciro Paolella, presi­ at 392 Legion Avenue, New Havon. Tho greatest testimonial to the 32 persons employed. paper of Milford High School. There NOTEWORTHY LONG FLORIST FIRM ing; highway construction; heavy decided asset to any woman or choice selection of guaranteed used fered on Uie 24-hour plan. dent; and Carlton P. Gesner, sec­ Founded in 1916, the enterprise has JESSEN HOMES AND DEVELOPMENTS firm has come from the large in­ are tliroe employes. construction work; and industrial miss, tho assurance ofpcrfoct-ntllng leathers. Shoe manufacturing was car of various makes. retary-treasurer. There are 25 per­ its main" office at Cambridge, dustrial plants and gigantic firms Holding for 16 consbcutivo years an outgrowth of this field In 1047 sons employed. IjUiidlng jolis. Tills business waS' on loundntion garments niid allied Prospective purchasers are cor­ Sbc Books a Tear Massachusetts. Terminals are op­ who rely on its products and AT EAST HAVEN; 40-YEAR SPAN bstablished 15, years ago in Now accessories must be available to as a Selectman, Walter Samuel Hine when the first plant was founded dially invited to visit the show­ In its successful march of pro­ erated In Massachusetts and Rhode FIND HIGH FAVOR IN THIS AREA prompt attention to orders, BESSE-RICHEY STORE RENOWNED Full Elevator Work Now Haven nnd Derby Avenues at in New Haven. Tho average pwson reads six gress tlie enterprise has always Haven. It lias occupied its larger protect health Interests. rooms and will receive the care- books a year. He buys two, bor­ Islandialso. • and' bettor quarters for the last In this,respect tho custom-made intersection of Grassy Hill Road, Wlien the region began its divi­ fuj, courteous attention without been operated on the approved For more than a score of years Is Carlson Program Known as the largest and most recoj'd of faithful, finest and /iuc- rows two from a library and two principles and. policies of tlie high Eli B. Malkin, Connecticut man­ Arduet soon. oxelusivo florist in this section, the nine years. During the enth'o his- foundation garments, girdles, cor­ Orange, is honored for his devoted sion of labor program, taking from any obligation being incurred. Full ager and the assistant treasurer'of recognized as one of the foremost FOR CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS ce.ssful service. There arc .nine the home several duties and chores from friends. calibre. One of the most impressive pro­ Servicing, repairing and replacing J. A. Ixing Comjiany, \M Dodge • tory of the enterprise there has sets, brassieres, and maternity gar­ and dependable services. His pres­ facts concerning the unusual values tho company, promotes tlio program building contractors in Uiis section jnodernly-outfilted greenhouses, oc­ formerly done there, many of the are available nt Perry's, where a Products of this firm arc in wide of tlie state, Ludwig Jessen, 85 Col­ jects with which Uie Jessen firm of parts on any make or any typo Avenue, Kuai Ilaven, lias a lO-year cupying a 3.^)00-fonl area and with been shown a strict adherence to ments olTored by Mrs. K. E. Ben- ent term expires in October 1941. under his guidance here in the Famous brands of merchandise handled, hut (lie firm has il.s own the highest-character standards of ham, 597 Clinpol Street, New Haven, finer elements of industry came in­ well-trained staff of 12 employes Taxes Even in Death and increasing demand throughout outstanding co-operation with local let Street, Hamden, has specialized has been idenUfied is Higli Mea­ are stocked at the Besse-Richcy of elevator I'ccoivc tho quick and liO.UOO square feet under glass. Highlights from his, impressive to being, including silversmiths, is on duty to hnndle tlie entire the State of Connecticut, for the dows, on Ridge Road, Hamden, a expert lailors to achieve the proper correct coverage under the mod­ .service and tho achievement of ex­ are well worthy of first eonsidern- An undertaker recently declared area shippers. Other officials of in now construction work and has Store, clothiers, 778 Chapel Street, alterations so that perfect fitting Latest Hcionlific methods are ulil- tion and acceptance. career reveal that ho served in tlie clock makers and other skilled sales and service phases in the quality offerings are considered as many beautiful homes and superb restricted settlement where homes New Havon. Here is exhibited a ern roster mHintiilncd by the Carl­ Clinton's Foremost ized to achieve tho top quality of­ port work. fully efficient capacity. that there are 156 distinct and sep­ the firm • are: , Edward J. Malkin, may lie assured. There is no extra OHIeials of tho company arc; Mrs. Benliam does her own de­ Assembly nt Hartford livl935, . workers. ' values worthy of • acceptance by president and treasurer; Jack Mal­ developments to his credit. ranging from S12,000 to $15,000 arc complete line of cloUiing and son ' Elevator Service Company, ferings. arate taxes on a funeral. those who seek the best. being built. Fifteen magnificent charge for altering clothing. Three- Inc., 27 Lincoln Street, West Haven. For Finest Pianos Joseph Mariaiii, with 39- years of signing and makes the garments The names of Eli Whitney, Char­ Roy Perry has 15'years of ex­ kin, terminal manager in Boston, Homes of the "custom" type are haberdashery for men and boys. payment plan is n convenience All variclieK of flowers arc Mr. Hine was born on tlie fa­ les Goodyear, Thomas Sanford, Ell perience in the automobile field and featured hy Mr. Jessen who gives residences will be completed, ac­ Territory takes In all of Connec­ grown, with Ciirnalions being u experience in the lino; president directly to tho measurements of Uio Massachusetts, Among the many values are: whicli many purclm-ser.s of clothes Considered as the finest piano 'and treasurer; Ralph Holbrook, individual customer. She is an ex­ mous farm, which has been in the Whitney Blakc^ Chauncey Jerome is the popular proprietor. His me- the home seeker the type of dwell­ cording to Mr. Jessen's present Kuppenlieimer's suits; Arrow shirts ticut and part of New York Slate. specially. Polled plants arc also tliods command confidence and ap­ There aro 45 employes, with a plans in this model development. utill/u at this store, This business was established nine store in the State of ConnecUcut vice president; and Basilio Mariani; pert of 40 years' service in tlie Hine Family for more Uion 300 and others are linked with inven­ ing desired. The individual touch and underwear; Stetson hats; Inter­ raised In a caniplcle selection. Pnr- tive progress in New Haven. preciation, for they are decidedly FINEST SMALL FURNITURE ITEMS fleet of 22 modern trucks in use. of Uie owner is seen throughout Ihc Hour.s of service are from i) a. m. years ago and has won a largo, and well deserving of Uiat disUnc- (leiilar nllunllun is given (o creat­ brother of Joseph, secro^tnry. All field and has conducted her bus! years nnd is a landmark of prom­ At Whitney Ridge 20 homes in woven socks; and all other leading to G p. m. Friendly, courteous and Uvo recognilion enjoyed, Clinton's are qualified and competent, de­ ness for 12 years in Now Haven Variety of manufacture character­ first class. Since the establishment Only trustworthy, experienced, house, for the Jes.sen program calls the $7,500 brackets are being com­ makes of quality items in this field. widespread trade on merits shown. ing nr|lHlic nnd uxccllcnt ilcins for inence in this area. Ho has four izes New Haven and the communi­ of the business in 1938, there, has courteous and safe drivers handle capable as.sislance prevails. There OfTiclals of Ule company are: K. Music Store, 180 Crown Street, Now voting their dependable endeavors to win the praise of a fastidious for meeting the most strnigent de­ pleted by Mr. Jessen and his high­ Only ready-made clothing is are from 35 to 50 persons employed. Haven, lias complete modern and special nccaslon purposes, Including to the needs and Interests of the clientele. Present location of the sons and four grandsons, so it is ties around it. Products great and been gained a wide reputation for VIA UNITED UTILITIES'BRANCH the trucks of this reliable and well mands to the letter. ly-skilled personnel. The location Otto Carlson, whose experience wedding Und fiiiicrnl needs. reliable satisfaction. known motor freight- company. Do- Originally established at 784 totals 40 years In this line, presi­ ideal faclUtios. Present larger, bet­ clientele. Benliam business has been i evident that the farm will reirinin smnll, for personal, home and in­ Mr. Jessen built a. large and is Patlon and Hartley Streets. ter and excellent locaUon of Uie Both retail and wholesale plans dustrial use,, ore manufactured in Ofticiar A. A. A. station in East liveries are made at the time speci­ Chapel Street in 1887, Uic firm has dent and treasurer; John Mauro, Consultations arc accorded oupied 11 years, ' ill the Hine Family for generations. United Utilities has its main of­ beautiful homo in New Haven for About 15 employes are kept busy occupied its larger, belter store enter-^rlsc has been occupied ,since of Borvico aro handled pxpertly. ever-increasing quantities, while Haven, ^this place does expert mech­ vice president, is in charge of the fied and desired. Professor Schulman and will com­ by Mr. Jessen, who employs other vice pi-csidcnt; and H. Alfred Gua- Mombot'shib .Is maiiiialncd' in tho courteously nt the most convenient •Member of the National, Local anical repairs on all makes of cars fice in Boston and operates an program and extends the couVleous RUSSELL RETAIL STORE HISTORY since 1920. tavKon, secretary. There arc two November 1.940 to meet the Inc'rcns- time for tho client, Estimntcs, ad­ npd Slate Granges, Mr. iline the euurent national defense pro­ equipped local area branch at 219 plete a new home for Professor local help when the need arises. • ing demands. Tills business was Florists Tolegrnplr Delivery, for gram finds great numbers of plants and trucks. Motor tuno-ups are a assistance to all who visit the es­ Ofilcials aro: I. G. Richcy, Sr., regular employes, with additional natlon-wido covcmgc on wire or­ vice, suggestions and various other always dcepjy interested in agri­ specialty. There is a $1500 lubri- Water Street, New Haven, to keep tablishment 'in New Haven, He one of the founders, who is presl- local workers engaged as needed. founded 50 years iigo by A, B. Clin­ liclpful considerations are always Bridgeport Bronze cultural problems. He served on devoted to this newest and most abreast of the large and increasing Steinbach Clients SINCE 1878 AT SAME SITE HERE ton. His son. Stiles Clin.ton, has ders. IjOoal deliveries aro 'fully important industrial endeavor of stresses the admirable principles dent and treasurer; his sons: Lyman Expert and careful work in the been active in the work since 1015 served. ,'• available under the comprehensive three dlllerent State Highway demands in this territory. ' That and policies for which the firm Concrete Block Co. Dress Plant Serves G. Richey, vice president; and I. G. entire program achieves the desired program of this lending construc­ Marine Paint Famed Commissions for 12 years also. all. branch has been serving for ' five Get Expert Work Established on May 1, 1878 by Calvin Kusscll in Uie same store and became proprietor of Uie firm Founded 40 years ago by the late American Prominent , has always been known since its State-Wide Service N. Y. Manufacturers Richcy, Jr., who is In eliarge of and /iependable resulLs Uiat satisfy in 1028. J, A. Long; who built tho business tion compiiny. years and is situated in larger and founding nine years ago. whore'the enterprise of Russell Brothers, Inc. now stands at "118 State the men's furnishings department, the clientele. Handling a nntion-wldo business better quartere. Present location Leading Connecticut and other Street, corner of Court Street, New Haven, is the business history of one on a souiid foundation for perman­ Bank And Trust Co. Friendly and complete service is Handling shipments throughout Operating in New Haven for 30 Well-dressed men and boys wear Wurlitzer, Krakauer, and Kimball ency of•'; operation, tho' enterpri.sc "Ame" Output iJads of extensive proportions on lli was occupied in September 1940, available in the modern manner New England firms are included of this area's most prominent and popular retail firms. values purchased at this famous pianos feature. Leonard refrigera­ modern standards of dependable STYLISH LADIES'APPAREL LINE with the firm having been formerly among the clientele of A. D. all of Connecticut to keep, abreast years and at the present location During generations of excellent, dependable and progressive service cloUiing and furnishings stofe. Robin Hood has boon continued ideally by his satisfnction, . Bridgeport Bronze Every modern facility and serv­ that assures every customer of the of the large and increasing trade tors; Universal washers, electric widow and Iheir son, John Long. For Barber, Beauty ice _ function prevails "under in- at 134 Park Street. riglitful values. Steinbach and Sons, Gl Whitney there, 232 George Street, for the to the public, the enterprise has held sway as a leader in retailing "Robin HDod" was first produced stoves and vacuum cleaners; ZeniUi Marine Paint Company, Inc., 10 Quality values in small furniture Avenue, New Haven. Full roster enjoyed for the quality products, last 12 years, tho Connecticut Waist tho highest quality values,in butter, cheese, eggs, tea and coffee. on Juno 0, 1800. The original name radios; and other items arc handled. The foulider died W years ago. Laurelton Court, M|ilford, is an en SHOWN AT L. R. BROOKS APPEALS tegritablo efTlcicncies at -American Those whp seek the convenient of lithographing and printing the West Havon Concrete Block There arc 10 local people employed. Mnhufnctm-er of barber and Bonk ^ and Trust Company, 215 on the "easy-payment" plan are credit arrangements in purchasing Company does expert contract work Careful, friendly, courteous, thorough and complete service in oacli of the production was "Mold Mar­ There aro four employes to asnlst torpriso of wide lenown. It was featured. Each order is handled under modem skills features the Company, at C47 First Avenue, West for New York Manufacturers. and every transaction is the time-tested policy and always upheld in Ray's Service Tops in the courteous, compelent .service. beauty shop supplies, the Ame established" 40 years ago and in­ Grand Avenue,'New Haven. Among small furniture items are invited offers. Each and every detail of ian." Cosmetic Company, 157 Olive In the Indies' apparel field the .stylish and complete olTermgs for the featured phases are included: carefully for the express satisfac­ to -rely upon tho unusual selection Haven, has four trucks in use for There is an harmonious working detail. corporated ^ two years ago. Oldest women and misses at L. K. Brooks, Inc., 17G Temple Street, New Haven, tion. There are 80 persons em­ the accepted work receives the prompt delivery of tho orders. This relationship existing between the Deliveries are made throughout New Haven and vicinity. Each order With Suno(;o Offers Maye Undergarment Street, New Haven, handles ship­ manufacturer of bronze marine eliecking accounts; savings ac­ displayed by this firm. Quality and careful completion. ments throughout nil of Connecticut attract llic patronage of many fastidious shoppers from the entire counts; Christmas Clubs; safe de­ ployed at the New Haven branch. price are just right, with tlie entire firm makes concrete blocks and en)ployes and the management at is given prompt and correct liandling for the express satisfaction of Finn Has Goodwill paint, which is used only on tlio region. Tliere is an ample nnd up-to-date selection of genuine values Founded 50 years ago, tho eti- cinder units. Materials and meUiods tile customer. Sunoco A-to-Z lubrication jobs to keep pace with the large and bottoms of boats, llio firm produces posit boxes; and the entire program Seymour Kaplan, manager and offerings being up-to-date. this plant, with from 40 to 75 local are especial features In the modern DIRECT-TO-WEARER SALES OFFER increasing orders. AU products are displayed nt popular prices. of banking. This institution was tcrprise has a fame earned by its utilized are first class and up-to- persons benefiting by the gainful Tills store is cleanly and outfitted in the modern style. Its patronage a product of consistently high qual­ Among tlio lending appnrel items are included Uie ideal suits, worthy record of service and date. AU specifications are met continues to increase as Uic years roll by, for tlie public prefers quality program of expert work at Uay's Employing liOO people under up- packaged under the brand name of ity. established in 1914. Its present of­ satisfaction. jobs held. Samuel Schwartz is the Service Station, 670 Quinnlpiac 'Amp." These quality Ionics and dresses, sporlswenr and evening gowns. ficials are furthering the record strictly. and appreciates the outstanding offerings available. Prices are right and Avenue, New Havon. Handling the OF GILBERT CORSET FIRM LEADS to-date and approved working con­ OlTlclais oC the company are: liv­ Established six yenrs ngo, the firm has gained a position of proven Officials are: A, D. Steinbach, proprietor and has 36 years of ex­ the tradition of the firm as leader in its line is being furthered consUintly ditions Hint sot u leading standard beauty preparations are sold to tlie commendably and deserve the es­ HOTEL TALMADGE'S HOSPITALITY with a personal experience total­ John Fcrretti is the proprietor perience in this line. His policies popular Sunoco line of ga.solines, lending barber sliops and beauty ing H. Perkins, president; Charles popularity in this area. Its president, L. R. Brooks, is n veteran of 25 teem accorded. under the present management. Many prominent families have patronized oils and lubricants, this station lias in the field of activity, Mayo A. Perkins, vice president; Mrs. years' experience in this line of mercliandising. He stresses the courteous ing. 58 years in tlie field, presi­ and his son, Rocco Ferrolli, is gen­ and methods command approval as this famous store for years. There are UliO well-trained, qual­ staff of 18 employes in New Haven. Undergarment Compiiny, Inc., 20 parlors. OfTieers are: F.- B. Nichols, presi­ eral manager. I3oth aro experi­ two gas pumps for quick service. ified, courteous and efllelcnl rep­ Alice P. Beach, secretary and treas­ ciislomor-satisfactlon plan. There are eight well-trained and competent REIGNS SUPREME FOR 80 YEARS dent and secretary; B, A. Stein­ up-to-date and efficient. Founded In 1808 at Now Hnven, Wooslcr Street, Now Haven, holds Oi'iginally the business was es- urer; Robert P. Perkins, assistant employees on the stall. dent; G. Clifford Foote and G. bach, his son, vice president and enced, competent and courteous. Raymond Steeves, with eight resentatives handling llic direcl-to- good will in this area as an enter­ Inblislied 15 years ago as tlie En­ Emanuelson, both vice presidents; treasurer. Tliere are 125 local TTiey have capable assistance from This plant produces ladles' sport con.sumor Hales and sei*vice the firm has occupied its preacnl soerolary—treasurer; and Raymond Handling own tailoring rosier, Uie firm does alterations and allied dresses as well as the silk, cotton FULL PHOTOGKAPHIC, OPTICAL years of experience In the field and prise of exceptional iniporlanco. It terprise Lubornlories. Present title H. Perkins, general manager. These requisites expertly. Proper fitting of the purchnsed apparel is assured H. W. O'Brien, treasurer; William Hospitality is always superb at area employes serving under the five local employes. Established 21 formerly having been connected llirouglioul the United Slates for hK'atiun tliere for 12 years. was established 17 years ago i)i Now was adopted 18 months ago. Trelonr, assistant treasurer; W. Al­ Three Hour Service finest working standards - and years ago, the company is a rec­ and wool styles. Each contract is with the Gilbert Dalton Service the Gilhert Coreot Company,, 01 folks know tlieir'business and up- by the careful methods exercised. the Hotel Talmadge, that very pop­ carried through to its propdr com- Women who seek a healthful, Haven and has inainluinod a pro- Frank Aniendola, with a life­ liold the tradition of the firm in Free deliveries are made anywhere in Connecticut. Tliis shop is len Wntkins, secretary; Charles ular and valued center on Short conditions. ognized leader in its lino of serv­ SUPPLIES AT MOINGILLO'S NOW Station, is the proprietor of the Court Slreel, New Havon. Proper stylish ond stroninlined figure are grosslvo record of success ns a con­ time's experience in the field. Is Van Dine, assistant secretary. Laundry Cash-Carry pleUoOr wiUi the rigid inspection business here. He est^iblished his fitting is* assured by Ihc careful full by their cflective efficiencies open from 9:30 n."m. to 5:30 p. m. regularly and until 0 p. m. on Beach Road at East Haven. Estab­ ice and operated in the manner that standards assuring tho uniform high invited to obtain the completo de­ tract manufacturer of cotton xmder- president and treasurer of the coni- Saturdays. Each patron is accorded the prompt nttenllon in the plcnsnnt Every transaction Is handled court­ lished 80 years ago by members maintains a steady march of pro­ Mongillo's, 193 Church Street, | own place five years ago and has and accurate methods stressed. tails concerning the foundation gnr- garmonls for ladies. IJany. He directs the entire schcd^ in a march of constant progress. eously in the expert coverage over Operated on the money-saving quality of the output. All work is won the trade of many discrimin­ and thorough ninniicr that ihspirics confidence nnd appreciation. of the Talmadge Family, the hotel gress to please the widespread rendered right. New Havon, handles a complete i Thomsen's Repairs This (irm makes the Inlcsl fas­ menls made by this company. There Employes and the management ule on the modern and mbritable the requirements.. "cash-and-carry" plan so that tlv Norniandie Delights clientele in full selection of photographic supplies ating motorists by his courteous, hions in corsets, girdles, hrassiors, is a roprcBentatlvo ready and will­ co-ordinate their cllorts and en­ ellicicncies. Tlirec employes aid in is a landmark that has grown in customers may have the advantage ofTicicnt and reliable plan of ser­ prestige and favor during its gen­ With Food, Service and optical needs. It fills prescrip­ For Cars Or Trucks and abdominal bollJi. All garments ing to provide tlio pleasant and deavors for tlio mutual interest of the various detailed duties assigned. of the quality work for less cost, tions carefully for occulists. During I vice. There are two employes. AU are custom built to ilie exact meas­ thorough servico that satisfies in nil concerned and enjoy harmon­ All pioducts are made from the Stiles Spa Popular erations of distinctive sei"vice. Three. Hour service Laundry, Inc., auto and road accessories arc hand­ urements of each client. CLOTHING WORKERS LOCAL GAINS Olympla Baking Co. PRISCULO BOOKBINDERY HISTORY 17 years of faithful and finest serv­ In business for 25 years as a re­ led. each communlly. Made-to-measure ious working relationships. Theo­ purest and linest ingredients us Under Sherman Now Present owner, WiUiam Tahnadgc, 56 College Street, New Haven; has Delectable steak and chicken din­ ice in this dual field of activity, liable aid to many motorists and Thomas Gilbert Bowers, proprie­ garments of qunlity design and con­ dore Sehnllor, treasurer of the firm, quality values. Selections Choice is the foxtrth generation o/ the fam­ the latest equipment to handle its ners highlight ^10 menus at the the enterprise has attained and located at the present larger and tor of the company, has 50 years of ily to operate the hotel. His son, ^roster reliably. Normandie^ Restaurant, 1995 Whit­ Mr. Steeves akso conducts an Ice struction lend to comfort and good has 25 years of experience and is Under the proprletorshib • of BY ALDO CURSrS DEVOTED WORK held the approval of a large, dis­ better quarters for tho last five business and gives the same compe­ experience In IhLs field and directs health. valued for his consistent cITiciencics. Charles Talmadge, is manager. Same As tlie work is of a superior ney Avenue, North Haven. Serving SINCE 1835 ATTESTS TO MERITS Charles C. Sherman since JTay 1, Bread, rolls, doughnuts, crullers, ca:cclic«t and opprcciatcd standards criminating clientele. years, Thomsen's Garage, 157 Brew­ tent attention to his customers in the major schedule along the mod­ Danish pastry and other delicious, quality, the firm enjoys many custo only the best of foods, this place ery Street, New Haven, is a head­ that respect. ' ern efTicipncics. He is aided by a W'lO, Stiles Spa, 3 Stiles Street, Local No. 125 of Amalgamated arc ill force todky as Jiavc always presents well-varied selections on Bookbinders for generations, the firm of Francesco Prisculo, 20 Academy Louis Mongillo, whose experience New Haven, has gnilned a new peak eelleiil work in lliis area, Aldo wholesome treats are prepared from prevailed in the past. mors from near and afar. Estab­ spans 27 years of progressive and quarters for Uio complete motor re­ Clothing Workers of Amcricii was Cm-si has been serving as manager purest and finest ingredients at the lished two years ago, this modern its breakfast, luncheon and dinner Avenue, New Havon, has a history o progress and success "'at spans pair needs on all makes of cars and of popularity. Young nnd older chartered in April 1933 and has menus. There are comfortable efiicient service in this line, is the people, alike, enjoy the refined at­ of Local No. 125 since its inception Olympla Baking Company, Inc., 517 Tliere are 22 cleanly, comfortable ond sanitary enterprise has marked more than a century of superior activity. This remarkable ontorprlse proprietor of the firm and person­ trucks. Tow truck is maintained REMOVAL OF SUPEKFLUOUS HAUt gained in prestige and progrnm to in 1933. He lias been a member Congress Avenue, New Haven, Ut­ and modernly furnished rooms, each a consistent progress to reach its seating accommodations for 100 was eslabHsl^cd in 1835 by Francesco Prisculo, who was Uio great, groat, and prompt response will be given mosphere and quality olTorlngs. Mr. take a place of proven importance patrons. Cleanly and inviting sur­ ally in charge of the daily roster. blierman has, installed elleetive fea­ of the union since 1914. His wide most sanitary nioUiods and sur­ witli running water. Guests receive present pinnacle of success and ereat orandfather of the present owners. Ho has seven employes. to calls anywhere to assist stranded tures and advantages to furtlier the' in this region. Its offices are at knowledge of labor problems and roundings arc factors in protecting every courtesy and friendly service popularity. roundings add to the enjoyment of "^ Handed down in Uio Prisculo family from generation to generation motorists. BY ELECTROLYSIS IS PAINLESS 207 Orange Street, ^,New Haven. to assure the greatest enjoyment of tho values. Photographic and optical supplies success of tlio 20-ycar-old estnb- sincere desire to effect the proper the high" quality of'tlie products.- John W. Brenton and Bessie Spout the Intororise has gained greatly under each succeeding gmde and for every purpose are carried in All work is dependable and must llslimcnt. Ho has five years of ex­ There arc now 300O anembers, who There is a pleasant retail shop op­ their stay. avis|slently arc workers in the shirt making , coverage over the accepted respon­ the full quality desires. Competent satisfy. Estimates are supplied Electrolysis is the painless^ re­ studio. Latest typo of cleclrolysls perience in this field and employs sibilities command every confidence erated. 'In addition the firm eaters This famed hotel has a spacious standards and methods -ol service Buckingham ale on draught and; ;«'expand "h" roster and keep intact the repu aUon f- ou^tanding attention is given to each order, cheerfully. ChrisUn Thomsen is moval of superfluous hair in a oqijipment Is'maintained. three courteous peraons. • and ready-nitide clothing Industries to restaurants, hotels and similar command the approval of tlioso who in bottles; all choice liqqors, wines; service to a largo and exclusive clientele. This firm does work for throughout the entire State of in his entieavors. Upholding the banquet room, which will seat 450 with the rightful courtesy and sat- proprietor of the business and pos­ guaranteed modern method. The ap­ Miss Day had two years of ex­ Leading brands of beer lire stocked best prnctices nnd principles of tlic centers. Two trucks handle the persons comfortably and: is avail­ seek and appreciate the best. Beau­ and mixed drinks are offered. concerns throughout the entire United States, but draws it^ chief trade isfacUon shown. Headquarters for sesses years of practical experience paratus is comprised of 10 needles, tensive training in this work in on draught, in cans : and bottles, tCoriiieellcut. National president of field, he aids in cementing tlie em­ deliveries. able for hire for fefmed, festive tiful launderini; work is the result Beverages are served at the proper from the New England Stales. It caters to commercial and library needs tull restaurant oftei's feature, in­ the parent otganiaition is the noted the express needs in this score, the in the automotive repair field. He or multiple needles as they are New York. She is valued by her ployer and employe relationships Having 30 years of experience as occasions. V,^ of the painstaking and expert en­ temperatures. n the bookbTndh.g line and also does gold letter stamping on bpokbind- firm has a trade from the entire gives the direct personal attention known. Treatment is given in stric­ clientele for the courteous, profes­ cluding "diecseburgei-s" and other Sidney Hillmaii. Affiliation is moiii- on a .firmer fonndntioti than ever deavors exhibited in the complete ng? Quality S ever tho watchword and upheld in full. Origmally all sandwiches. Steaks, platters and reg­ taine

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Thursday, February 13,1941 Pngo Fourtcicn BRANFORD REVIEW Tluiisdiiy, Febiiunv i:!, 1!)11 BUANKOKl) KK.VIKW Page Fifteen Reliaitco For Needs LARGEST FORD DEALER IN STATE IS NEW HAVEN MOTOR SALES' FAME THE OPTICAL COMPANY DIRECTED In Office Machines BY GRISWOLD, 18 YMRS IN FIELD Gregson First Eollanco tyipe\*riter Company, SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND RELIES ON FRANK N. MG CLURE WHOLESALING VIEW PHYSICIANS AND m« InOy.jwflS' asloMIohed In I91Q and Biff Storage Space MANAGERIAL EXPERIENCE ASSET In East Ilavcn is Ibented at' 100 Crown Street, New TOWNSFOLK LISTENED TO SUCCESS OF ENTERPRISE Willi Iho dawn of Ihc twcnticlli further to its standing in tho 17 HOSPITAL AS INVALUABLE HAVEN Hnvpn, with n brnhch also oper­ At Lawler's Garage century a new appreciation of eye years he has been its directing Historians arc generally agreed Introduced Famous best in ail kinds of fresh, nnd of Scotch nnccstry, Mr. Mc­ ernl homo and business life of this Mr. ^tcClure is in cliarge of the ated: in Dnnbury, Connecticut. All care came into being, for the pro­ head. »> that Tliomas Grcgson was the first Clure possessed tho pcr.spicncily locality. firm's main office at Providence. Lalosl models in Ford cars, Ford trucks and Ford com­ canned and packaged goods malccs of lypcwrilero, ehcck- Conveniently located at 2 GO fession of optometry had become Graduate of Massachusetts In-' fiettlcr of ICast Haven. His petition Brands To Local nnd ability of tlio clans that ha\-c Wholesalo distribution is main­ Throughout Southern Now Eng­ Known ns n reliable haven for vate iihysicions, if preferred. wrilcrs, dupllontlng mnclilnea and CIrown Street, New Haven, the gar- mercial cars are the exclusive features at New Haven Motor the means of providing ilie public stitutc of Optometry and Lcland-'. (or land in the present confines of aro sold throughout the nation made so many famous Scots out­ tained exclusively liy tho firm, land Frank N. McClnrc, Inc., is tho ill or convnlescent where every Dr. be Feo was graduated from Customers care Is olTcred nnd full considL-ra- adding machines are handled. New, ijgo of John F. Lawler, Inc., offers with tho laboratory's discoveries Standford University on the West '• ihc community was made in Iftll. standing in the grocery business. which has Joscjili* Newton McClure knowtt for its extensive operations the University of Maryland nnd Sales, Inc., 1311 Chapel Street, New Haven. Inspection of to benefit an appreciative tlnn given to each patient, Phys- used; roljuilt and the portable p.-irkinf4 service for theatre goers and' enhanced this circumstance by Coast, Dr. Griswald has devoted" John Grcgson had the pionoerinjr His ncumen bi-ought him n suc­ ns its president and Frnnk N. Mc- in distributing in wliolosnle quanti­ from Hahncmnnn College nnd Hos­ Kplrit in his blood and soon moved icinn.s nnd Surgeons llospitnl, Irtc, models are avnilablc. Sales arc of- .-ind nlhors who have need of such these genuine values is cordially invited, witliout any obliga­ extensive experimentation through 18 years to his profession and \ Sevenly-fivG years ago the public. cessful cnrecr nnd wns the basis dure as tivasurcr. ties all kinds of selecled foods fea­ pital in Philndolphin, Pa. Ho took its own facilities. his family into the district to gel 198 Shorninii Avenue, Now Haven, fected any place colled upon, with fiilv.intagc. Storage capacity allows through his long experience and - of tho present firm of Frank N. Ho hns boon identified with the turing the best-known brand.s, Tlio post-grnduate work at the Poly­ tion to purchase being incurred when viewing the ofTerings inore "elbow room*' and to pursue food distribution and retailing Pioneer in tliat early era McClure, Inc.. 200 Ellsworth Ave­ ontorpriso was tlio first to Introduce hns to its credit one of the most Uip'proper courtesy and satlsfae- for the accommodation of 22a cars One of the pioneers in the new interest in the work has attained '• food business for ."iG years nnd is clinic Hospitnl in Now York. Prom­ with ease. Each car is given care­ hero. his fanning ^ in more open spaces. nue, New Hnvcn, one of the out­ Oceansprny cranberry s n u c o, Impressive .scopes of profosstonnt inent as n physician for 20 yenr.s, tlon always shown. Ifcnd in New Haven was Tho Op­ a place of esteem among those who " busines.scs were far ci'ics front was Joseph Newton McClure, known thmughout Iho region as ful protection and handled as If tical Company, located at 59 Col­ At that time men were of the standing food brokci-s in the region one of tho foremost veterans of Friend'.** Brick Ovon-Bnkcd IBcnns service to bo foimd in the region, ho conducts the program nt this Claronco B. Quy docs a splendid • This agency has been operated in New Haven for 22 years. call on him for fitting and finishing personally owned hero. lege Street, nnd recognized as an opinion thnt .a few families in a our present system where the ! born in Polham, New Hampsliire and nn invnlunblo nsset 1o the gcn- this indispensable lino of activity. and Sall-E Sen cliun i^howder here. hospital under tho outstanding ef­ job ns manager for the firm in Now of eyeglasses. ICslnblishcd nine years ago by HnVcn, extending the helpful and Ciir washing, simonizlng and lu- It is now reaching a new pinnacle of outstanding functioning institution in the region. surrounding territory covering 25 or Dr. Charles P. Do Feo, the hospital ficiencies. Highest humnnilnrian. tiric.-iiing jobs are featured in the Dr. Griswold is known for his,| 30 miles cramped them ami to this services nfe rendered in fnithful thorough assistance to the clientele. under the present direction. Its extensive clientele has always is outdtted in tho complete mod­ He'- has nldiid in building the ro.'ilcr of expert work, This place found its • advLsory and practical precise and exacting attention to ."J rule Grcgson was no exception. Milano's Groceries ern and sanitary manner. It has nnd offcetivc coverage over the ro- volume of good business upwards operates on the 24-hour dally plan E. S. Roth joined the Arm on service range devoted to its in­ suiting correct lenses to the eye, His originni pctUionfnr land total- BRADY BUILDING PROJECTS BOON INTRA-STATE TRANSFER REACHES ns bods. Any type of ca.so is nc- quironionls. Cnro nnd comfort of in'this region and deserves tribute of service. It has a licensed "Hertz Juno 17, 1040 nnd is the president terests and through the conscien­ while assuring the most astute hig about 133 acres was recognized Imported, Domestic eoptod, excepting those concerned the pntienla nro stressed thoroughly. for .hla eftioienetes.' Ever willing Dri-Ur-Self" system, with only late and general mnnag(fr. He has the Green Is Prominent tious and well-applied efforts of client of the style glasses best,, nnd approved. wllh mental or contagious disenscs. Tills hospitnl Is a valuable asset and. ready ia meet tlic most precise model cars being used and all are ndvnntage of 25 years experlenco in Dr" Joseph Gr^wSfd Tt has added .ui^t^d to his or her facial contour. Othci'S followed his cNamplc nnd TO AREA DEVELOPMENT AND GAIN Established 14 years ago tho HIGH TIER FROM HUMBLE START Tiiore nre 30 resident physicinns to con\munlty life nnd an indis­ insured. As Pattern Builder families .stwn added to the popula­ Milnno Importing Company, Inc., pensable factor in time of emer­ dcmilndis "Everything to build—Anything to thods of proven superiority. He has hns wide recognition as a tea­ nnd ropulalion that gives nmpic now conaiderea ofl among the fore-' moving on the outstanding modern 35 years of experience in this lino. Since the establishment of the City; and for Wheaton Brass Goods has advanced, it to the prevailing ; cher of piano. Ho specializes in tho nddillonnl offerings. Quality \H cfTIciency. ... sell", the firm features the complete in Connecticut. Many other prom­ high standing enjoyed. He installed ; testimony to tho hlgh-chnrnclcr the conslnnt consldorallon. , , . most in Us field, selection of essential items in its There are eight local persons" em­ business in 1932, there has been training his piano pupils to play Of Best Elastic Goods Production pulicIcH of fialisfnctlon shown. Tills notable company manufac­ gained nnd held a wide reputation inent products are also handled. and maintained the effective up-to- ; the popular music of tho day. Willinni S. Jnclcson, with 44 years Prolprietoc ."Ifonty" Soufrino has field. ployed and aiding loyally in the During 10 yonrs of service at Us tures folding boxes of all kinds and detailed tasks required to promote for reliability, C. L. Hall, prop­ Daniel Kaufman, with eight years date facilities and procedures. | Children and adults arc enrolled Many elements enter into the suc­ of experlenco in the hardwnre 2.5 years of experience as a wreck- Lunibor, paints, hardware and all ngemcnt in producing the best | ducts are made In addition lo the prosont location, where tho buainess business, nnd hispnrlncr, Gordon rebuilding specialist. His work ro- the business properly in nil of its rietor and possessor of 15^ years' of experience, Is president of the under his tutorial plan. Lessons One of the most attiactive sliULluies of Us kmd is the cess nnd progressive strides of n building materials ai'e handled. experience in this lino, is in per­ firm. Anthony Jarvie is secretary are given by appointment only, avnilnblo noods for the ovenlunl slnndiu'd corset and susijcndors wns eslnbliahed, the firm hna proven IT. Marvin, who has n 19-year rec­ storCR' wrecked or . daiiiaged cars important phases. An increasing Tryon Boosts Plan buiidmg above. Center of Hamden s community and Ihc pnde community, but the vnluo of an im­ Furniture Featured Sales nnd delivery scope takes In trade is enjoyed, for the full stock sonal charge and assisted by five nnd has 20 years of experience. with individual instruction pressive mnnufacturing concern is consumer. linos" , whil' " e 'Glamou'"' s Girl" ' hair its wnrtli nnd value as an asset ord of Horvico in thlB line, operate to the beautiful now coridition Milford, Devon, Bridgeport and sur­ Two lumdred and fifty employes wavers and curlerH aro also In in the cnliro nron. Trndo Is nt. the business on the firat-cUiHs mod- ni>ain. Thore arc uaiially about five of real values ia worthy of first loca- l employes. - . , His roste. r of snle. , s There are 14 persons employed. At Sales stressed. of the officials and general public, it is a structure modern probably the grentosL single fnclor At Greeriberg Store rounding territory. No matter what Prompt nnd efficient coverage 6vcr in slabilizatioii. nre engaged in the various depart eluded in the,, production sclicdule tractcd from miles nround, with the Uni methods, 'llielr customera get skilled workers .aiding- In the task? t)ie size of the order, large or small, consldorution when needs of tiiis | and service on farm equipment at Mr. Johnson established his in detail and built directly in keeping with the Hamden ments of tlic ulnnt. They work un of tho cnterpiiso.,.. . proper courloouH attention always yo,Hii„e values nL money-snving assigned. ' , ' , ; 1 tracts outstanding approval. every phnso of the schedule keeps Manager P. Tryon extends every own endeavor at New Haven in In the category of iirms thnt linvc •Interesting values in now furni­ the some careful and efTlcient ntten- nature aro desired. tho rtlinble satisfaction uppermost der llie best conditions, One of' tho'roasonB for the suc­ stressed In every Irunsactlon. prices under a model plan of re- fion is yiven. This firm caters to a courteous aBsistanco and satisfac­ 1915 as a teacher of piano. He program of keeping the town young and allractivd. benefited customers, personnel nnd ture, clcotrlcnl appliances, Zenith throughout the organiiation; A. J. Donahue Corpnrnlion's 'Mir cess of tho th-ni nnd nccepfnnco of Thcrcis n comploto lino of Jiard- I liable efficiency. retail ti-ade. tion to the public at the Chevrolet^ has guided many pupils to the community is the A. J, Donnhuc ford' lino hns found extensive favor. and Emerson radios, Gibson refrig­ Success of the business has been Corporation, of Factory'Lane, Mil­ its producLs oVer u period of so Established since 1020, the entor- Sales, 377 Campbell Avenue, West successful mastery of the art Gnrlors, oar muffs nntl similar pi'o- Grocers Wholesale erators, and other household ac- won entirely niong the approved and is always willing to accept Monkeys Shed No .Tears ford, which has rounded out nearly mnny years i.s the fact that n com­ priso is well and favorably known AMAZING VALUES NOW DISPLAYED Haven. He has 14 years of experi­ petent oxccutlvo |)er.sonncl hns nl­ cessoriea aro shown under court­ policies and methods in this field. ence in the automobile Held and has new pupils. Evoiy courtesy is Monkeys do not shed tears when IlaiiiflciiIScgaii n score of years in manufacturing Ouilet Firm Serves eous methods at • Greenberg Bro­ as a relioble . headquarters for nil wnys been in tho jnnnngerlnl chair. HAMDEN mmm WORK RELIABLE P\ CAPTAIN KIDD aided in making this firm one of shown, with the complete facts Uicy grieve. Some scientists say it large 'and varied line of elastic Binardo's Equipped thers, 897 Grand Avenue, New AT FAIRCHILD'S TRAILER MART the leaders in its line here. Since concerning the lessons being is because they do not huve deep Career 1786 goods. A, J. Domiljue, president, has Now in the fourth'year of its suc- Haven. .Customer-satisfaction is tlie ; given upon request. conslantly strivcd to produce tho III the era of colonization in the establishment of the business ia emotions. Quality materials are employed Crane Rental OHer cnp^fx^l service, Grocers- 'Wliblesale continuous keynote of tho exlon- Oertel Contracting Leeper Firm Oldest exclusively and the export work­ best, while giving his personnel nnd IN COMPLETE QUALITY SERVICE Oullot, Inc.; 9; 'Vernon: Street, New Lending trailer mart in tliis America piracy was rife upon tlic 1935, tho interest and patronage of _ Eju'ly history nnd writings of sivo success enjoyed by this ,woll makes to suit practically any fas­ seven seas. Even well-armccl mer­ the motoring public have been en- * manship for whicli the corsets, sus­ A. G. Binnrdo's New Haven Crnne tho community nt largo every con- Haven, is miirklng' o cohsisterit For Homes To Build area, the establishment of Alfred Hamden show that its years of sett­ sidcrnllon. His work is being fur­ known and reliable firm. Estab­ tidious requirement. Price range Roofer In The City chantman were not above being joyed in increasing proportions.. penders nnd other items of the firm Service Company, Slate Street near !l'hero nre no troublesome, tirov progress olong the valued policies H. Fnirchild, 36.^ Bridgeport Ave­ ling and the heghniing of its life are so well known is due to tho thered by A. J. Donahue, Jn, vice methods, Il.s o/fers Includu flat lished hi 1910, tlio enterprise has takes in all classes. Spring nnd bearded and plundered by the bold, Thai is a tribute to the excellent" as n desiraltle place in which to Dixwoll Avenue, North Haven, ex- some, Irorncndou.s wnshdny hui'dons of.reliable operation. -Free delivcr- Uie patronage of many discriminat­ Qualified nnd equipped to erect nue, Devon, features, such popular Summer days aro just ahead, why New work and repair jobs are SCLOGSTON-HASKELL PLANT NEARS skilled personnel employed at the president of the corporation. work, finisliod work, soft dry and a house complete from cellar to bad sen rovci-s of many nations; program and policies, ' live arc identified closely with lends its ofl'crings Ihrougliout a for Iho wise liousewivoH and others iosnro made tliroughout all of Mew ing shoppers from miles around. makes of automobile nnd camp not plan to get the most of motor­ given the careful coverage in all do- plant. in the office of .secretary is J. who turn Iho problems over to the dnnip wasl). There aru seven trucks Haven County and Bridgeport, with roof in tlio reliable coverage over trailers as "Schult", "Plymouth", American shores became a hnven New 1941 Chevrolels are fea­ New Haven, of which it was origin­ surrounding radius of 25 intlus. A In regular use to handle call-and- Partners In. the business are: ing by use of an up-to-date trailer tails by the Leeper Company, 549 The famous "Milford" line is made new crnne of tlio Iniest model wns Blrncy Tutlle, while Mva. N. S. Mil­ Hamden Laundry Company, 206 two trucks in; use. . . the requirements, Richard W, Oer­ and "Zimmer",' It hns a fine line for pirates and Uie ships Roing to tured, with those low-priced and ally a part. Connected with the dellvery coverage througiiout the George Greonborg and his mother, with every convenience? Elm Street, New Haven, in handling 10 YEARS OF BOX MANUFACTURING by workers who like their jobs and purchased one -yenr ago nnd is ler is ti'cnsur'cr. Morse Street, Hamden. tel, Sackett Point Road, Nortli of latest model trailers on display and from our shores added ap­ stylish values winning first place metropolis by Itighway and bonds Counly. Plant Is equipped In the Thi.'i firm crirrioa a full and qual­ Mrs. Minnie Greenberg. 'Yoars of a complete roster of roofing, sheet who arc ns interested as the man- nvnilablo for rental. It is opcrnled Co-opcnilion bL*tweon woi-Icei's Providing n complete family serv­ Hnven, Is able to handle tlie most in the attractive showrooms. All of preciably to tiheir booty. In Long again in the class embraced. Full of friendship, Hamden was one of up-to-date and ideal stylo through­ ity,,lino of groceries, cpnned goods, exporiunce^in catering to tho pub­ metal and .air-conditioning work. the most desiral)le spots in tlic re­ by A. G. Binnrdo, proprietor of tho nnd manngenicnt has nlway.s been ice, this •linn does Iioautiful work fastidious demands in the finest Uio trallei-s contain complete mod­ Island Sound there sailed, prob­ sales and service phases at this ' Enhancing many products and O. Haskell, secretary and treasurer, out. dried fruils and vegetables.. "Rose lic with the best Items in furni­ Dorer's Has Latest •Territory served' includes a 25-mile gion. business, whose service Is nlso in­ nppnroiit at tho Donahue plant. inider modern, odorless, sanitary manner, He has 21 years of ox- ern conveniences nnd are beauti­ ably on several occasions, tlie most agency are conducted under, mod­ providing the type of sturdy car­ direct the work of tho enterprise Garden" is the ilrm's; Own brand ture and household equipment iiave radius. Tills business was estab­ cluded in the crane rental plan. His Eslabllslied in 1020, the laundry porionco In this work ond has con­ fully styled for enjoyable living famous of them all, Captain William ern and expert metliods. There are rier and display medium long in and employ ns many as 60 persons Tlic spirit of independence that name. All other, leading brands are aided- in forming the outstanding Records; Furniture lished 21 years ago. B. G. Leeper experience in this field covers pro­ hns gninod nnd held nn area-wide ducted his own enterprise -for one comfort while on tlie road. Kidd. eight employes. in tho several departments. cnused tlic Colonics fo seek freedom also handled. Strictly • \yholesale, modern^ program that prevails at is proprietor. Ho has 64 years of demand the paper boxes manufac­ gressive endeavors since 1909, while ncceplnnce nsn leader hi iLs line. year now to win the approval of Used cars are handled in a com­ Boxes for packing can^iesv from Grent Britain must have been the enterprise supplies the leading the store. Stock is adequate and It was fivo~and-n-lialf years ago As of February 5, lOW Dorer's experience in the field and his firm Before his hanginf; in London in tured by Clogston-Haskell Coni- his own business was established 12 It ia an "Approved Laundry" and a splendid trndo. plete selection at money saving jewelry, perfume and acetates are felt through every community, for KRAMER'S FURRIER WORK EXCELS centers witli the deshcd find de­ of top nuality, yet prices aro In wlien Alfred H. Fnirchild estab­ Furniture Compnny, Inc., 60 Con­ is the oldest concern of its kind in 1701 he was the terror of .ships •pany, 102 Hill Street, New Haven, years agj. entitled to the seal of tlie American manded food products. Ready nnd willing to undertake gress Avenue, New Haven, rnarked sailing from New ITaven nnd other prices. Inspect the oifers at this made by Clogston-Haskell Com­ three yenr.tion in East Haven, West Hnven, ers and is licensed to serve In largo and disci-imiiiating patronage from finest material.'i. Ucpairs, • re­ area or olher places rot|uircd. choice properties ore shown to in- Davenport and Tlieophilus Eaton to Among tliose whom Richard F. tires, tubes and other car acces­ Church Street. Still requiring more dising establishments everywhere. willing to give advice and moke Minor Compnny, Inc., 958 Gnmd Nnrlh Hnven, Hiunden nnd Wood- New Haven and West Haven. Ho fo Daniels Market, 93 Bradford modeling and nlteralifftis nro also E'rapk E, Hill, proprietor, is nn lorestoa parties. Now Haven were firm believers in Austin, proprietor, has provjdcd sories also on hand. There are four Best Guides in Fog ample and better quarters, the res­ Toledo Scales, 21« Slate SIrecl, suggestions to fjctter aid his cus­ Avonuo, New Huvcn, Is furlhorlny lu-ittfre. EslnbUshc

"r^j -«' t^-* -i ^ j^ ^\-^f? ' : r * f ? ^l.', t r.i^ .'.'*, t * .•*.*-'.*.* t.i..t.t_i ^ t. w.*.* >-»*••? ^ > *y*^ \ t.Ar'**^.****-*'*-^^*'** •"+-***?**•'* ^ f»-f' Thursday, February 13,1941 Page Sixteen BliANFORD REVIEW Thursday, Fobruarv 1."). 1041 HltANFOKO REVIE\V Page Seventeen WOODBRIDGENAME "Arlistic" Attains Bethany Built McLaren Valued As General Agent Beauty Salon Trade Early School GOVERIKIEfiT COITRACTS FILLED BY ATLANTIC CO. PLANT Completely equipped lo provide In 2 Counties For Monarch Life HONORS PIONEER the best in the modem beauty cul­ Once part of Mllford. BcHiany DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN WARS was a pioneer seKlemenI of New 30 Per Cent it prow from a local iilant lo one ture arts and holding the patronage enj^agcd in national distribution of Tlih century wns not yot Ivvo Mr. McLaren hns Imbued In bis came Into being. In IflHI the com­ More (ban .10 years before the of many fastidious women from the Haven Ceiiniy and Us lostnO- •« , yfcflrs old when Mnsoiiic Muliinl In- an integral part nf the lite of tills Of Jobs Are s.M-ows, bufihiTiRs and similar pro­ ECONOMY ICE COMPANY SUPPLIES BUrnncD Company wnn calnllHsllcd. cnpnblo and interested stad of 12 panies merged and the present firm Colonics sought (<> break (Ics wKIi enlire area, Arllsllc Beauty Salon ducts. agents and other employes the spir­ Bt"le was taken. FOUND COUNTY'S MEN READY Mother liltigland (he Woodbrldgc is a model center at 72 Center A film basis nnd sound Idcnls soon it of service to the public—an Ideal Impressive in its scoiw of endeav­ Street, New Hav^n. It was estab­ "^'n's'lieople were nf religious (rend For U. S, Today tho firm employs 27 per­ mndc the compnny grciUly iippic- nrtn was a thriving communKy. A sons under Ihe guidance of Alfred COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTING PLAN of the company since Its earliest or. Monarch Life Insurance Com­ lished 11 years ago. Its proprietor, and (licir principles ami policies In every section of the counlry ctotcd, Through successive chnngos days. pany has gained an enviable repu­ part nf Mllford, Ils pioneering fami­ diHorcd Iiul little from (he ideals of E. Crowlhcr, president, and Howard find Impiovcmonls U hns cmci'«o(l Anthony Ruggerrio, has 15 years of there is a general ro-a\vakenins to P. Cook, secretary, treasurer and The experience of Mr. McLaren tation for Us successful program, lies had given their best to make experience in the profession and Ealon and Davenport at New lla- Under the personal direction of ing the roniplele coverngo over the today as Monnrch Life Insurance the needs of the monienl. Defense sales manager. Proprietor John Feiinelly, who has Company, wltli main olTlces In In the activity spans Iho Inst 1*1 aimed always at the best interests i( a model area. was foi-merly at 111 Church Street. is the national topic and Uncle Sam effective pivgram in force, of Its clientele. New Haven. He was graduated ^"A.S a part of Mllford, Bethany Mr. Crowther has been associated 12 years of oxperienco in this lino TSpringBold, Mnss., nnd its New Ha­ years. In 1742 a parish was sc( up under has rolled up his sleeves to Hot with the field for ,35 years. He suc­ Estnblislicd 12 years ago, the firm ven and Fnirfleld CounUcs division In 1022 Masonic Mutual Company Mr. Mcljiren and his aides arc In­ from the Wilfred Academy of New followed (he general growth and ready for trouble in case tho other of endenvor, the Economy Ice Com­ has gained consistently ns a re­ became Monnrch Accident Insur­ terested in giving advice and mak­ (he ordained Ilcnjamhi Wnndbrldgc. York City and at one time was progress of its parent coninumlly fellow asks for it. ceeded in the presidency the Inle pany, 8 Do Witt Street, New Ha­sult of the excellent methods nnd located nt 153 Court Street, New through (lie early years of coloni­ James E. Cooper who died Inst year. Haven. ance Company. Four years later ing suggesllons lo present or pros­ lie was well liked liy (he people employed at tile Edward Malley Tho task will be accomplished ven, cnrrics out n major schedule policies shown. Monarch Life Insurance Company pective policy holders. Beauty Shop. zation here. From across the sen Mr. Cook is also a veteran of this ot service in Iho reliable and vight- Regular, dependable, prompt nnd '^'Directing tlio nrtalrs of this brunch and Ills cflorls In nnifc (hem under and New England came most of through the complete co-opciation division ot industrial activity nnd tul manner. Is ilohn D. McLaren who, as general (lit bonds of religion were emlncnt- Recently featured is a remarkable the population ot the present-day of firms equipped lo meet current has boon identified witli the work proper service keeps the best elo- demands. This firm is tho sole distributor ments ot renl salistactlon intact, agent, has given his every ntten- 1\ successful. permanent wave called "Neucool,' IG years. town. , ,_f . With nearly one-third of ils work tor the New Haven Aronn Ice with the clionlcle ot .the company Uon nnd Interest lo the welfare of which does not require the use of In l?.^ money wns set aside (o Tile Atlantic personnel is of the those who rely on the (Inn for life, FUN, RECREATION, HEALTH FOR ALL When Wimdhrldge became a scp- a machine or electricity. All phases coming under Iho classincation of permanent type. Several of its work­ Manutaoturing Company and hns receiving tho desired advantages .iratc community Its name continued build a school house nt Bethany government contract, Atlantic Man- 13 trucks in vise, to supply tho daily. lienUh nnd nccldent insurance poli­ of beauty service are also handled and the Tliree R's gave an educa­ ers have been engaged at the plant cies. as Its dcslgnadon nnd the cflnrts of expertly. Tliere are six cleanly and ufaclurinR Company, 90 New Hnvon since iminedialely after the last war. crystal-clear, purest quuHty ice lo Soiling the host grade of ice to AT EAST HAVEN COMMUNITY ALLEYS tional iiackground to the rcluc(an( Avenue, Milford, is dbing its share restaurants, stores, holds and other commercial enterprise, the com­ ' • One of the rdmnrkahio clihraclcr- tins liionecr religious leader prob­ comforlnble booths. Two skillful ynunBcr Rcnera(ion. Others have impressive records it r.KNr.KAl, Mill.l.l.I.AN Isllcs connected with the compnny's operators assist in the cicver crea­ nnd is willing to handle maxinnmi their years with Uio compnny are commercial centers, pany occupies a position of e.wcn- ably account for much of the prc- Itetliany wns incorpniatcd in 18:12. requirements in screw machine pro­ Mr, Fennelly nnd his slnfl of 20 tinl Importnncc in thLs lorritory and One of the lll^l toinmaiuhMs of plan of service la the fact that the Wlion Iho Spnninli Armncln sniled The game wns probably 2,000 tions cxbilailed at this salon. not as many. health and nceidcnl Insurance It of­ up the EnpHsh Chnnnol to fttttick ••enl slanding of (he (own. ducts whenever the call comes. The spirit of co-opcralion thnt locnl employes dev-oto their ellorls has n good will won by ils. record tniops fintn Niw Maxell .uid lis nl- years old Ihcn. With few varlnllons and individual abililios to provid­ of sftrVici*, fers Is of the nnn-cnncolablo type. Iho Brilifih fleet hi IfiSB Sir Frnncis tills ancient, iienltbful pastime Is Furniture Moving Down through tho year.? since the exists in tho harmonious Atlantic vimltH wns the cnpahle, kludly IMr- Statistics show that nil but about Drnko was notinccl of Iho i;nomy'H days when World War No. 1 wasManufacturin g Compnny plant is a Clcllnn who was deposed anil hiter one of the most popular of our era the. only news in which America five percent of health nnd accident approach "wliilc lio plnyod nl bowls ns shown by the men and women Via Mack's Express lestimonial to the interest of the replnccil nl llic head of IJiiimi insurance is cancelable by the com­ on the Vin«Ho Green" an old his­ MISS FOWLER ELECTED TOWN CLERK; was viUlly interested Atlantic Man­ management in providing the em­ who make the most of Iheir recrea­ ufacturing Company has been pro­ HARTMAN'S INSURANCE AGENCY soliliory. pany Issuing It, tory book tolls U.S. tional hours at lilast Haven Com­ Operated by the founder's son on ployes with ffood working condi­ tho same excellent principles and minent in its endeavor. tions and the desire ot the person­ munity Alleys, 2M Main Street, MANY CIVIC INTERESTS HER CHOICE Since the concern was laimchcd FURTHERED BY F()UNDER'S SON East Haven.' policies lliat iiavc always prevailed nel to .show its approcialion by do­ since Oie inception of the business °" its career the years have seen ing a better job. Salt Meadow SAND, GRAVEL, ALLIED MATERIALS In February, 1!),18, the palace of I'Ki.SIDHNT MADI.SON I'ltlLSIDKNT JMcKlNI.EY Interested in the lilstory and present life of Milford, Miss Clarissa in 1927. Mack's Express, 56 West Car Service Superb Snlisfiod-polftyholders in tho bowling was opened Willi tiic high­ M. Fowler, Town Clerk and Registrar, lias proven her added capabilities River • Street, Milfol'd, does Inter­ major number commend the offlci- FaiHcd NoB*tli est quality equipment nnd superb In llio_ Wwv of I8I2 iMadlson called for men lo attumpl lo slem (he and Interest by her work in the dual ofTlcc. state hauling, furniture moving and At Whalley-Norton oncy and tlme-tosled principles of BY ESTATE OF STILLMAN H. RICE service. llde Iff lirillsii itivastnn. One hundred flanulen and an equal nnmher of For tho last six years MLss Fowler has been in her present storage. ELM CITY PATTERN WORKS GAINS prompt service by Hartman's In­ Fred Dlelil, Sr., established tlie North Ifavcn men rcspandiMl hy Iliriiwirtg up hrea.stworks a( I-'nrt Hale. Haven Oddity capacity; while she spent the previous decade In the role of assistant This promineni enterprise wns Auto up-keep ond niainlonnnce surance Agency, 32 Edward Street, business and has been identified MeKinlej's vehlnlecr call at llie nulhreak of (he Spanish War received to tho Town Clerk and Registrar. established by the now late William East Hnvon. All forms ot reliable 'Washed sand, gravel, cinders, reliability and satisfaction. It ca­ with the field for 20 years. wide response here. jobs nre hnndled in the rolinble Fornieily n part of Wnlliiittfonl loam and till for concrete nnd mas­ Her knowledge of the olTice and its multitudinous activities has J. McDonald, who gave It an early DESERVED RECOGNITION IN AREA fnshion nt Whalley-Norton Service insurance protection are offered, ters lo a large and prominent clien­ Four nnd a half years ago his start on the success road and was excepting life uiiderwriUng. nnd known ns one of the enrly scl- onry work are offered by the Estate tele In the scope of •activity served. son, Fred W. DIeiil, Jr., founded been enhanced by her personal interest in Iiandling Its affairs m a Station, 391 Whnlley Avenue, New tlcmenfs Oui( FTVOW front ii luunlilo On the (idd lit Gclly.sbiiri!, whole llio wnt wns won for tho Noilh, iiinnv mon fiom ot Sllllman H. Rice, Snckett Point tliorough and .satisfactory manner. esteemed by all who know him, strong ond competent direction Haven, Lubricating;, motor and Lending firms represented in­ hcf<;innii)f7 fo n plncc of (Icltnifc con- Stillman 11. nice, Jr, ha.i been YMCA Billiard Parlor, but came to Death, lamentedly, cut short his line and knows the modern de­ clude; Aetna Insurance Company Now Hiivon County (lofeiKlcd Ihe Union and tiddud lo (lie record for which thl.s aren has "'Koad, North Haven, All of the active for l.") years in tills line and Ills father's bowling libndquarters Elected on tho Republican ticket, Miss Fowler will continue in exercised in the Ihorough and re­ mands. He employs seven local tune-up work feature in a roster seqiienco, North Haven lietonKs lo * materials are approved by the Con- office for tho current term until 1942, when it is quite evident that brilliant career. Alberta H. Mc­ liable mnnncr to promote the pro- of complete coverage. This station of Hartford; Insurance Company of the cnrly ycnrs of llic Colnny when long been Unown in times of nntional danger. Al tlio outbreak of the Civil War a call for is the valued superlnlcudont. There ns manager nt the time the 14 al­ Donald is the administratrix. John workers. is open seven days n week from North America; Indemnity In.sur- uecllcut State Highway Department are six employes, on the average, leys wore opened. public acclaim will demand her return to the post again. grnm properly in all details is re­ every nmn*s fninily was a self-siis- troop.s wns is.siiod b,v Abrnhnin Lincoln (inset) which met wilh hearty response hero. Bo\t|ilics and meet the precise specincalions. A member of one of the oldest families in the region. Miss Fowler McDonald, son of the founder, is Care and complete efficiency pre- 7 a, m, to 11 p, m. It has Sinclair nnce Compnny of North Americn; tnininff unit. with additional local workers be­ New leagues are invited ' to the in charge of the daily business sponsible tor the increasing success vnil on each and every task un­ petroleum products In a 100 per Orient Insurance Company; and were offered nnd largo contlngoiils gathered at the Green on various dates prepared to filjit Tills Arm has supplied proper ma­ ing engaged as needed. popular spot where men and wo­ hns an extensive knowledge ot Mllford and its environs past • and The years have foniicl each snc- terials for various Imporlant Stale present. schedule and has 10 years of ex­ enjoyed by the Elm CUy Pattern der the dependable rosier ot work cent capacity. Reliance Insurance Compnny, ceedinfT genonilion ti prttpressivc for tho permanent unity of llio nation, then loss than 100 years old. Conimemoratlnj!',(Jic Each order, regardless of the men are taught lo become proficient perience in tliLs lino. maintnined at this concern. Close This ngoncy wns founded 20 years projects. Main olTlce of tlid busi­ size, Is given the Irnmcdiale and on Iho hardwoods. Among those Through the years from the time die community was first settled Works, 130 Whalley Avenue, Now As. proprietor of the popular ;;i-oiip (lointr Ua pnrt (a nid (lie for- ness is located at 102 Lombard tho Fowler family has been an Integral part of its progress. ^ Swift, safe, certain, satisfactory co-operalion with the clientele is ngo by the now late Frank C, Hnrt- wnrti strhles of the (own. .spot where the Confederates had reached deep into Fedei'al territory, Lincoln dedicated •the careful , attention. Free deliveries who make the East Haven Com­ and superior service provides Uic Haven. > another important factor in nchiev- station, Joseph Heller provides his mnn, Sr., who built up its enrly Street, Now Haven. Field oiflco la are available anywhere in New munity Alloys their place of bowl­ Miss Fowler Is a member ot the Business and Professional Women s Established in 1930 in New Ha­ many customers wiUi the courteous A parish was fonncd at Norlh cemetery at Gettysburg (above) in 1863. Tho graves of many from lliis section nro tti.bc In North Haven. Club; Mllford Historical Society and Republican Women's Ijeague. proper advantages tlial tire clients ing tho rightful results that meet success and wns esteemed by all. Ilnvcn in 171fi. Here, n^nin, iho Ini- Haven and vicinity. Quality Is the ing are tlie East Shore Fijemen's desire. Every care and competence ven, the firm hns been located in with a full sntistaction. assistance nnd full satisfnction. Ho His son nnd namesake, Frank C. seen on the grounds, while we have nil known veterans who served and survived! the vicious Established 3.5 years ago, the en­ standard In the complete offerings and Merchants Leagues. Civic activities ot the town always command her attention and its present belter nnd larger quar­ employs tour local workers. Prompt jmrlnnco of i'elif;inn is scon \n (he terprise lias a proven rec'ord of is stressed in handling tile goods. Serving its purpose ideally to win Hartman, Jr. had been associated lives of n punplc who lied oppres­ onslaughts of the men under Loo. .'' and pi'ogrnni ot service by this The W.I.C.C. Girls League, na­ whole-hearted support. ters for six years now. the appreciation of tho clients, tliis and« careful attention to each and every phase of the work is a factor with him in the work and became sion nnd soiiglit freedom nf rcli* well-known, enterprise. tional cllamps, have appeared there. Featuring metal patterns for job- firm is an asset to the community Iho proprietor after the founder's tflons views in a new coinilry. ing and manufacturing, the enter­ in winning a large regular trade United Has Leading and area. It has a record of proven Inmcnted dcnlh. Snme excellent North Haven cnrly attracted sett- Known Radio Offers prise is operated by I,ouis Bl)rk- merit tlmt is being advanced con- tor the station. Modem equipment GIVE FULL 24-HOUR CARE DAILY and methods are utilized. Visit methods nre in full olTect, Every lei-s hy (he vas( snl( meadow on Appliances, Fuels Win Super Success hardt, who has 30 years of practicnl sislontly by the current methods ot courteous competence is shown In cither side of the Qninniplack. HOSPITAL OF ST. RAPHAEL RANKS nnd progressive experience in this offectivo aspect. this cleanly and commendablo center for the requirements on hnndling the extensive program of It was incnrpornted as n (own in United Electrical and Fuel Cor­ Sales, service and installation on TO PATIENTS AT SYPHER'S HOME i everything in the automobile line. insurnnce covernge. poration, 10 Gilbert Street, West all leading makes of nationally- nsc. Haven, continues to mark a splendid HIGH IN EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE advertised radios arc handled in progress with each year of suc­ the reliable and efficient fashion Continuous care on the 24-hour commodations for 15 patients at a ROCHE CLINICAL LAB HAS PROGRAM cessful service. This enterprise was A haven of mercy and boon to under the modern program of the day and night plan consistently is time. Gabe's Tire Shop NEFF DIRECTS NEW HAVEN OFFICE iirst-established 10 years ago as tlic N. II. Radio Service thousands of sick who have pn,ssecl Super Auto Radio Service, 37 DIx-accorded -to tho patients at Syp- Patients come here from all of United Fuel Company. It was in­ Ihrough liji portals since 1007, Hos­ wcll Avenue, New Haven. Estab­ her's Rest and Convalescent Home, New Haven County and also from MEETING FULL ANALYTICAL DEMAND Stocks New, Used corporated two years ago under tiio ' Repairs All Models pital of St. naphaol, 1M2 Chapel North Street at the Milford-Orange the neighboring States. Mrs. Jenn- present Ann name nnd niso hccnmo lished seven years aog, the enter­ KOPPERS TAR AiND CHEMICAL DIV. V . -: Street, New Haven, is n credit to prise has maintained its present Town Line, Milford. There are two nette Syphor is the proprietor and The work of the medical techni­ i^ a franchise dealer on electrical ap- trained nurses pn duty. deserves rightful credit for mak­ analytical and loclmical sides of tho Thorough offerings in the mod­ Enjoyihfi tho ndvanlngos of the the executive management and larger quarters for the last four cian has assumed now and added em way are shown at Gabo's Tire plianc&s, including Hot Point kit­ now and laraor quurlers nt UO Dix- faithful adherence to the Good nccof^iiizcd by local medical and ing the establishment superior in medical field and has given many In an age of by-products the work of Tnr nnd Chemical Division of chens and. refrigerators; General years and continued to advance the importance in lale years, for it is years to study and persona! re­ Shop, 559 Grand Avenue, New Ha­ Koppcrs Coke Compnny of Pittsburgh stands out prominently, with ils woU Avenue, Now Hnvon, N. H, Samni-itan ideal tlint lias guided it enlire rosier lo keep well abreast hospital aiitliorities as un excellent its scope of service. Every care in the laboratory that tho medical ven, Handling a complete sotoctlon Electric cpmmerelnl refrigerators cstnhlishmenl in ils circumstance, and comfort to each patient under search to keep his standards high. location ot 251 East Sti-cot, New Haven, n plant of eflicioncy and direct nnd air conditioning. Those products Rndio Electric Company, is furthor- Ihrough tjie years. of the increasing demands. world keeps checking the health of Established two years ago, theo t new and used tire,?, this estab­ service for the many needs of its customers. hig its roster to keep well abreast All cases except contagious .and this home-like and cheerful center friendly, attentive and efficient the nation. may be purchased via time pny- Through 13 years ot experience methods commands a thorough ap­ clinical laboratory is equipped and lishment caters to a large trade Spanning the stale ot Connecticut, the Division makes n full lino monts. of tho increasing domnnds gninod. iiionliil diseases are accepted. Tliere In the radio field, Frank Klotz- for lienllh needs is highly valued This circumstance is particularly from the entire area. It has tires This business \yns orlKinnlly estab­ in the area. It was founded 12 proval and praise. Inspection of the prepared to meet the most stringent of road tars, rooting and waterproofing products, Tho road tars arc arc 2115 beds In the inslitntion and berger. proprietor of this firm, is prominent in tho service record of demands of those who coll upon it, for automobiles and trucks. delivered nnd applied to settle dust nnd add to the durability and np- Ail needs in coal, fuel oil, range lished fivo years ngo nt 106 Dlx-llie Inst word in care and coinforl years ago and has the proper mod­ home is welcomed at any lime, for oil, coke and ice are .supplied In able to meet the most intricate the immaculate and up-to-date ad­ Roche Clinical Laboratory, 107-1 Mr. Roche was graduated from Lafayette, and Firestone tires nrc pearance of any road, well Avenue. lis enlarged trade Is provided for all. tasks with a careful and correct ernized facilities and functions in Whitney Avenue, Hamdon, which featured, with Exide batteries also quality values. Six trucits make de­ nccossitnlod ,ihc removal to the full effect. Utmost sanitary pre­ vantages are maintained. Korthwoslern Institute of Medical Tho Insting service scope of Iho onlerprise began in 1928 at ils liveries. The quiet dignity ot the hn.spital snlisfaction. He is on tho job daily holds the esteem of an extensive Technology in 1930 and through the on hand. Recharging of batteries la present location. present more ndequnlo' location six Is enhanced hy IIic equally quiet lo supervise the schedule of ac­ cautions, of coui-sc, lire exercised clientele of physicians' who rely on years has kept constantly abreast a specially. Tills shop is open from Officials are; Evio L. Glovanolly, months ngo.- rigidly. Cool tnr oils and chemicals nro also distributed by tho New Hnven president; Eugene Frank Glovanel- cITIciency for widch It is noted. tivity. Two skillful employes as­ its findings. of developments in his field. His 8 a. m, until 9 p. m,, thus allow­ plant- which has rounded' oul a complete nnd Impre.'isive roster tor .ly,,yice president and director; nnd All kinds of radio repnir jobs System ^hns .Iioen improved and en­ sist on tasks assigned. Customers This is a splendid rest home for Bronx Bakery Items Personal attention is given by present laboratory is a direct re­ ing all who desire the advantages tho benefit ot those who rely on its endeavor, uoiiicnT r. i.m; :t.oren T. Glovanelly, .secrolary-troa- are handled expertly. Genuine hanced (lirougli the :M years nf lis This region .saw little action in tlto Wur of 1812, but its receive the rightful values and convalescents, chronic and aged Preferred As Best Francis J. Roche in unine analysis sult of his sincerity of purpose and of its service to have the oppor­ D, A. Neff, solos managor, joined the company in 1930. Four His grny-clnd U-gioii.s slacked ^lip suror. Three persons are employed. parts nnd luboS nro sold... Both service span In make it one ot tlic courteous attention. patients. It has comfortable ac- and other work of this type. Mr. desire to provide the best at all tunity to patronize the place, years altei^ his Impressive record found him rewarded with Ills present iiKniiisl men whose fnlhers, like wWoleaalo nnd retail bases of serv­ tiireninsi institullons nf its kind. troops were nonelliele.ss elegantly attired in keeping with Roche is deeply interested in the limes. Gabriel Gargnno, with more than llielrs, hail (lefuiiilcd the Union, liul Quality products are offered at executory capacity and through tho ensuing period lie hns added ice arc provided properly. "Cen­ The Sisters of Charity of Con­ the military dress standards of the Hay. 10 years of experience in this line impressively to his original roster to render n service of ovoii groator the Iriuiiiphaitt record of fnmutis First Tabloid in Onlarlc. tral'' radios nro stocked nnd fen-vent Station, N. J., operate the the Bronx Bakery, operated by of activity, is tho cnpable proprie­ consequence. regiiiienls nnd companies troli\'TJj»iy The Lindsay Post of Lindsay, tured, but Iho firm will supply-any Hospital of SI. Haphaol and have Mezebish Brothers, 92 Oak Sti-eet, tor and oxtonds full courtesy to Haven County was deslitied to re- MILFORD POST OFFICE RECEIPTS New Haven. There is 25 years of Mr. Neff hns o personnel of ten competent workers employed under Ont., has appeared In tabloid form, •other inakevtlint n customer do- given tlieir every atlcntion and ef­ MILFORD HONORS MERWIN'S WORK; nil customers. He established his his personal direction at the West Haven olfico nnd plant. niniii iiiisiillied hy defeat. alres. There nre five -public-ad­ fort to forwarding its strides of experience Vjchind the modern and tire shop- fivo years ago and has the first dally newspaper In Ontario complete program. This business to adopv this style, made familiar dress sys(oms. available for lilre, progress and aiding ail who call AT ALL-TIME HIGH UNDER CLARK made it a reliable and popular upon It. was established in 1922 at 89 Oak FIRST SELECTMAN FOR 20 YEARS center ot its kind. some years past, first by the Eng­ Ira C. Dnvey, proprietor, gives Street. Own and present quarters lish Dally Mirror and Daily Sketch, direct • pprsonnl supervision to the Tho personnel of 300 is engaged Holding to the principals and POLO'S ICE CREAM AND SHERBET entire program, and hns one em­under tho competent direction of employes engaged under his super­ were built 12 years ago. and subsequently by some New ideals of Federal office, while pro­ vision and has imbued them with Best, in bread, rolls, pastries and As first selectman of the Town and close co-operation with their Public's Approval ploye. . Jobs nrc ncccplod nnywhoro Most Itcverend Maurice F. Aubffp, viding the people of Milford and its York publications. within n lOQ-mile radius. D. D., president: Monsignor Dug- the spirit of service and satisfaction cakes is baked here. Sales are of Milford for 20 years, Harry Miles needs and interests. surrounding area with an exacting dispensing thai leave nothing to be chiefly retail. Equipment utilized in Merwin has a record of public IVIr. Merwin hns been president For Senator Malkan FLAVORS TOPS AS REFRESHMENTS gan, of Hartford, vice president, and thorough personal supervision Sister Rose Alexis, superintendent desired, the bakery is up-to-date and sani­ service that amply testiflGs to his of the Milford Savings Ilnnk for of the movement of the mail, Post­ Last year found a new all-time tary. Particular attention is given integrity, efficiency and efTcctive four years and exercises the same As senior state senator from the Young and older porHons alike nnd treasurer, and Sister Prlcilla, master George S. Clark has won Ninth District to the State Senate on the promi.soH odd.s lo tho ad­ STATE RADIO BEGAN ITS CAREER secretary. high , being established in receipts to preparing party cakes,^for wed­ handling of the trusted respon­ vntucd principles and policies of, enjoy (he wholesome, nutritious vantages in tiie Interest of tho pub­ the esteem and public commendation for the Milford post office, while dings, birthdays and otiier special rightful service on behalf of those of Connecticut, the Honorable Sam­ and delicious treats produced and of those who depend on tho effi­ sibilities. Naturally, he is hold in uel H. Malkan, of 380 Oak Street, lic. Tasty sandwiches nro prepared $90,000 worth of bonus bonds were occasions. Phone orders receive the who rely upon the institution. He provided by tho Polo's Ice Cream to order, with a complete variety ciency of his office. sold. But this year may eclipse this same prompt attention as tliose high popular esteem, for his do- has promoted ils complete program New Haven, holds public confidence :::: WHEN INDUSTRY WAS IN INFANCY voted and dependable coverage Company, Inc., 990 State Street, Hstod on liiG menus. Ice cream, A native of Milford, he knows its record for more 'than $20,000 in given in person. on modern mclhod.s in adherence and approvnl tor his devoted and As tho War Between the .Slato.s raged tho .soi-vice rccord.s Lynch Machine Firm bonds have been sold thus far. over the duties. dependable record of distinctive New Haven. Purity ond quality of sherbets and other allied refresh­ people and places well. He was ap­ Only the purest and finest in­ to the wise, safe and sound bank­ the output are protected' carefully ment .specialties are Included. ....wRemombor tho expressions "cat- lecllng head nf Stale liadin Cum- pointed acting postmaster in Nov­ Postmaster Clark is a member of gredients go into tho products of This is tho only public oflice ing ideals. service. He wns first elected on of tho Governor's Foot Guard (Company IC, Sixth Regiment), -whlsker" and "crystal sot?" Yes, Aided Defense Plan ember, 1935, and was raised to the the Rotary Club, Wheel Club, In­ this popular bakery, for the high which Mr. Merwin has over held. the Democratic ticket for a two- by use of the best ingredients, ox- OfTicials of tho firm arc: Paul liaiiy, 187 Wasliingliin SIrcel, New Known and honored throughout pert manufacturing methods nnd Pnvlopoulos, president and trooG- National Blue aiid the City Guard (Now Hnvou Light Guard) from tho early and oxperimcnlal Haven, Is one of tlic.foremnsl meni- full post in January, 1936. dian River Grange and F. and A. M. standards of quality are stressed He has given of his best efforts the entire area as a leader in civic year term in 1934 and took office •flays of radio wo recall the words Having already rendered some thoroughly. Each order is filled in 1935, His merltablo work won sanitary aspects. urer, who has oxperienco since 1918 added impressively to previou.s war olforl.s. The men who liers ot his Held. Operating eight rural and two Civic and welfare activities in and abilities consistently to serve and financial circles, Mr. Merwin in this lino; his brother, -Stanley that became household terms over­ Important work for tiic U. S. Gov­ city routes. Postmaster Clark has 33 ' Milford always hold his interest. courteously. tlie n.oeds in the faithful,and finest has a host of friends and is over re-elections in 1936, 1938 and 1940. night. He establisbed his enterprise at ernment in aid to the National Thinking citizens acclaim the man­ Ice cream and sherboLs are fea­ PaviopDulos, vice president; and his formed Ihe.so and other iiTipro.s.sive units woro the sons and 20D Washington Avenue and re­ manner. Citizens of the, Town of alert lo boosting the prestige of, tured. All fresh fruit flavors in _^,;AVhen radio was in. its "inrnncy, Defense Program, tho Lynch Ma­ Milford have leceivod innumerable ner in which he boosts their needs wife, -Mrs, Paul Pavlhpoulo«, sec- grandson.s of olhers who had ri.seti to the occa.sion to ostabli.nh moved lo his present commodious chine Company, 131 Chestnut his community as well as of the season are available. There are retary^ Four persona are employed 20 years ago, Carminu 'Aincnto dc- Ualbrlgan, Irchmd benefits through his splendid work district in general. and interesljs. or defend the union. The artist'.s conception of a Confederate cldcil that' in its course lay his quarters- to better serve those who Street, New Haven, is a factor of always at least 12 tempting flavors steadily and additional help is call upon him. Bnibrigan, Irelalid, is noted for Its FAMED BRANDS OF FINE LIQUORS State Senntor Mnlkan served nine hired as the .season's needs demand. ; future. Today, Mr. Amcnio, ns dl- consequence In its field. stocking manufacture. It is a sear months in tho Navy as a second offered. Up-to-date ond excellent charge (above) is a counterpart of the scene of battle on many Radios bearing the leading na­ Specializing In automatic screw From 7 a.m. to 4 a.m. next morning also of linen, cotton nnd calico. class seaman during World War No. equipment is maintained. occasions for men who formed the great military organizations GHNHIIAI> IMIiADi; tionally advertised names nre fea­ machine work, the firm also makes WHOLESALE AT AUSTIN-NICHOLS HADDEN DEVOTED TO LAW, OFFICIAL 1, and is a member of tho Ameri­ Fountain nnd luncheonette serv­ ore the hour.y in which the estab­ His careful [iliinning nnd cnptiblu Haitiden Radio Skill tured In a stock which also in­ wood screw machinery. Its pio- can Legion Post No, 47, and the ice at tlie attractive, cleanly store lishment is open daily. of New Haven County. Governor Buckingham reviewed the dlrcclliiu al Gettysburg turned al­ cludes popular washing machines, ducts nre considered as siiporiot. Residouls of this aiea thought ihe Wai with Mexico in most curtain detent lo victory ..for Jewish War Veterans, He is also First Regiment just before departure May 9, 1861. This unit Has USA Guarantee i'ofrlgcrators, irons and other house­ Careful and accurate coverage over 1848, was loo far from home to bother theni. But some local Wholesaler of a complete and and has a history of notewortliy DUTIES BENEFITING TWO REGIONS a member of: F, and A, M,' (he Union. He relied on the ciipa- hold appliances and labor-saving the entire detailed requirements of quality line of alcoholic beverages, success. B.P,0,E,; and B'nai Brlth, His was followed soon afterward by tho Second Regiment, with hililies ot Conneclictil men whose devices. each nnd every job assure the enUstees were with Scott -when he entered Mexico City. Austin-Nichols and Company, Inc., fathers .had not tailed Wnsliiiiglon Radio Servicemen of Araerlea, Free deliveries are made any­ career includes former services in WIDE RANGE OF ANALYTICAL WORK Colonel Alfred H. Terry in command. Inc. is an organization comprised His radio repair department is clientele of the first class results. Woa-ks Grace 19 Prout Street, New Haven, has where in Connecticut. Sole United Combining ofi"icial activity and law practice in his daily endeavor the New Haven Tnx Ortice for five- in the Itcvolulion. ot cffieicnt, dependable and quali­ eflieicnt nnd tliorough in all its Satisfaction Is Ibe policy always, a reputation for upholding the States distributorship is maintained for tho benefit of the public and an appreciative list of clients, William and-a-half years and prior to Uion fied experts in all parts ot tho ooun- work. This phase of Uic business This enterprise was estnbllshed highest standards of its field. It by the firm for Heineken's Holland L. Hadden has won acclaim through his conscientious efforts. activity in tiie realty and insurance IN REGAN CLINICAL LAB ROSTER U'y. Service work of its qualified hn,s been an important factor In three years ago at present location. Yale CSaileB-y has been operated in New Haven beer; Grant's Scotch; Johnson's Graduated from Syracuse University in 1914, Mr. Hadden com­ field. Green'.s Attractive members Is guaranteed by tlie R. S. piaeinji tho enterprise among the Ils officials are: Matthew Lyncll, for 28 years, with the proper legal wines; Paddy's 10-year-old Irish pleted his studies at Fordham Law School, from which he was grad­ SHAPIRO SERVES FULL DEMANDS A., witli a written bond. select members of lt.s endcnvnr. restrictions observed during the uated in 3917, tho same year he was admitted to the bar. The laboratory of today, fitted, to laboratory has estnbliiihed a rec­ Luncheonette Place president; his son, William Lynch, whiskey, and Casnnove French serve, Is an invaluable aid to the In this area R. J. Smith is among Tlu'oughout New Haven and ils secretary; nnd R. S. Crosby, treas­ Prohibition period, cordials. A .senior member of llie law firm of Campner, Pouzzner and Bl&ck on Black ord ot impressive proportions nnd those who nre entitled to tho badge envlrpns Mr. Amento has created urer. There ai'o 15 persons em­ G. n. AVhitfichl, with the com­ There is a complete slock of all Hadden, of New Haven, he assumed his first major public office in It doesn't seem possible that medical profession. Men skilled in deserves the credit thnt it hns, won Situated conveniently on (ho IN PAINTING; DECORATING LINE of acceptance nnd approval of the a demand for his work and servos ployed under tho up-to-date nnd pany since 1933, has been New domestic brands of liquors. Every 1923 when he became prosecuting attorney for a four-year term. much could be done to change black, the technical side of the profession in the minds of physicians through­ Boston Post Rood at Orange, From 1939 lo 3941 he again lield this office. analyze and make out reports lo out the region. R. S. A. He is tho proprietor ot an appreciative list of customers approved working standards at this Haven manager for five yeans nnd order is filled right in the prompt yet the designers are getting some Green's Luncheonette caters to a Utilizing arlistic nnd up-to-date Hamdon Radio Service, • 23 Tliird faithfully nnd well. equipped machine company. won wide approval for his efficiency and reliable way. Mr. Whitfield Elected in 1938 on the Republican ticket to General Assembly entirely dlderent ellects by using physicians, saving much time for Backed by an experience In lab­ decorating jobs are carried through Street, Hamden, and does expert from Orange, Mr. Hadden immediately, assumed the reins of his new oratory and technical work as an large residential and transient trade methods of proven superiority in to the finest complollon in dircct'od- in prpmoting the program of whole­ and the loyal staff of employes one black material to trim another. the medical world and, in liirn, as­ tho palnthiB and decorating line, work on radio sets ot all makes and sale service here. There are 40 continue to boost tho volume of post in an exacting manner, demonstrating his interest in providing You will be seeing black velvet or aid to physicians that spans 32 years in the quality style. This place herencc to the terms of the icon- models. suring patients the best of time-, Harry C. tlegnn is fully qualified Arnold W. Shapiro, 090 Washington tract accepted. Guarantaed-5uti.


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TJiursday, February 13,1941 I Fngu Eighteen IJRANFORU KEVIIOVV FILLING UNEXPIRED TERM BROUGHT REGION WAS QUICK TO JOIN FIGHT ON KINGS TYRANNY NUMEROUS DISTINCTIONS STRESS MINES RE-ELECTION TO SELECTMEN New Haven County was VALUE OF MacDONALD'S RECORD among the first to take i.ssue lUt HOME TOWN PAPEIt tWilii yours of experience to provide liiTii witli tiie Icnowicdi^o nccea- In reviewing the careers of tliose who distinguished themselves in THE HOME tismPAmn |i;,A' with the measures of George public service in this great region, the record of Judge Herbert S. of ; snry to nppiy the best to hi.s ofTiciiii capncity, County Cuitinii.s.siunei- MacDonald stands out conspicuously among the foremost. BRANFORD^NORTII BRANFORD VITAI, rORCE IN EVERY TOWA \ jAmcs V, Ilinea lins Ijocomc one of tlic Ijest-lttiown (ifiures in tlio iifo III a decade before the battles K-' , uf tlic county, He was first olecled In 1936 as justice of the peace of Nortli Haven. STONY CREEK—PINE ORCHARD POKTUAYING AS IT DOES HU nppoinlniont to liin present olTicc in .Iinie, lOll'J, lo (ill llio un- of Concord and Lexington in In July 1939 the Selectmen of North Haven appointed him as Trial SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK justice and he holds the distinction of being the only Trial justice in LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN I expired term of Mattliew Dnty sliowed nn interest on the piirt of the April, 1775, marked the break North Haven. His present term bxplres In January 1943. GRANNIS CORNER—!\IORRIS Legislature of puttinf^ into the post a man whose nssocintlon in tlic COVE —EAST HAVEN FAMILIAR LANGUAGE ofliclnl arena fitted him ndmirnbly for the |ob, in relations between the Colo­ Chairman of tho Zoning Commission, ho aided in drawing up Wi)t Pranlnti iUtJieiti \ \ • Born in New Haven, Cotrimis-sjoner Hines spent eigiit yonrs ns a nies and the home government. the Zoning law. AND EAST (HAVEN NEWS member of the Board of Finance of East Hiiven, halt of the time beinR Judge Hincks, of U. S. District Court, appointed him to the U. S. f devoted to the elinirmnnshlp. Agents of the King threat­ Concilllation Commission of New Haven County in 1934 and has con­ 1*;^. ferred his re-nppointment to that body each year since tlion. VOL. Xin—NO. 47 Branford, Conneeticut, "njiuridfty, Pebiunry 27, 1941 Ensl Haven has nlwoys Itnown liim ns one devoted to tlie intorcsls ened to close all ports as they Graduated in 1929 from Yale University and In 1932 from Harvard Price Flva OM^ of the community nnd has placed In him tlie greiiteHt degree of had done in Boston and New Law School, Judge MacDonald was admitted to the Bar in 1933. .He is confidence. connected with the law firm of Parmelee and Tliompson, having been In his two-ycnr tenure ns clinlrmnn of the Byilding Committee for Haven's residents foresaw eco­ afTIliated there since 193G. Secretary and a director of the Charles E. Eftst Hnvon high schools, Commissioner Hinca met every rcciulremcnl nomic ruin if British ships Burton in.surance company, he is also chairman of the Mayflower of Ills oflleo nnd completed lib worit In n manner liint won lilm Iilgli Society; vice Jirosldcnt and treasurer of Yale Alumni Association of Police Issue Fifty Fii?-enien favor with his assoclntes on the board, educators nnd the public, prevented sea trade. Corcoran-Sunquist Post Board Appoints ! 1 Down through his ycnr.s of poiltlcni activity the Demociatic pnrly New Haven County and a director of that group; treasurer of the Hearing On Bridge Findi , ,, hns vnliicd liLi nITiliation, Commissioner Hincs Is « member of tlic When the Stamp Act was Young Men's Republican Club of North Haven. '*» , B. P, O, Ellts nnd K. of C, repealed in 1766 New Haven Speed Warning Served ipinner George Mischler The rending of the Dcclnration of Independence to the people of Philadelphia definitely and surrounding communities cele­ Crown's overbearing taxation. rived. Sponsors Branford Day nnnoiinccd Ihe ofliclal .slandinf! of Continental Congress July 4, 1776. In New Haven County brated the event in no uncertain The Liberty Bell called the people Tlie Governor's Foot Guard soon The Branford police are conduct­ Property Owners Asking^i^^ McGralh Commended manner, but this served only to responded to the call for troops. At (^ijcering Al, a .special meeting of the Board 32-Ycnrs* Service logetlicr in Philadelphia lo listen ing an educational campaign de­ domonslrntion.s ,asnin.st taxation and other royal mea.sures Iiad been going on for more than malte the iicopic attempt the re­ to tlie reading of the Declaration Men from this area also joined -^«N' of Education hold In the high JM City Tax Collector 10 years before the Declaration appeared. calling of oilier laws and edicts of of Independence, but its notes other units, many of them serving signed to recall to the minds of By Judge lannucci the King. pealed over the Colonies. None under the amiable and compelent To Visit Camp Edwards The annual baSi school Friday evening. Ocorgo N. friend of Washington, General Philip motorists the fad that tho speed For Higher Clearatici^: First elected In 1931 on tlie May 23, 1774, found a town meet­ celebrated the document's adoption Mlschlor. .son ot Mr. nnd Mr.s. Adolph Dcmocrntic ticitet ns Now Hnven Distinguished in service to the more than New Haven and nearby Schuyler against General Howe, limit through the town of Branford Rice Hose Co. wnSj City; collector of taxes for n Iwo- public nfi n justice of tlm ponce ing hcing lield in New Haven at the King's foremost officer. night in the fire hou^iifi'-ljl^est Wtalllj^icfflsehler ot Rogers Street, was ap- wiiicli a paper wa-s drawn up and communities when the word ar­ is 25 miles an hour. Police arc stop­ yCar term, Bornord J, McGrntii has for 32 yenrn, Joseph Iiuinucci, 007 Announce Prize Winners In Local Contest For American streot. About 60 flrcmcii 'aiid^theiriPWptc4 as.tt .teacher of English In handled the duties in such nn out- Clmpol Slreot, New Haven, la sent to Bor>ton telling tile olTicials ping all motorists who are exceeding War Department Discovers People Hope For NewStrufi/'-• stnndihg nnd valued mnnner that ever loynl, cfTlclcnt nnd thorough of tlie city lo llio nortli tliat the Legion Oratorical Contest Held Tuesday In High this limit between tho rotary signs Invited guests sal down to a full- the hltvjt |thQol;ifpr the remainder ^ ho hns successfully won re-oiection in his covornKo "Vcr till trusted sympathy of thts district was witli course turkey dinner which was pre of the scitj;g(»i(j;fear.|Mc^will lako the ture Over Farm River But Are Not Satisfied Wl*h '''= to oirico in 1033, 1035, 1937 nnd rosponslbllitlcM. Ho wns first elec­ them in their figlit against the MANY OFFICIAL DUTIES TAKE TIME School. Students Compete In District Elimination. at the eastern and western Units of 1113!), Ho has n etnll of 13 employes ted to odicc in 1008 for n two- the town. A warning is Issued for pared by Chef Louis Locarno nndjplace'otfJ&i[rt)d;]BroWor, recently Clearance Provided By State Highway Deparbfient'. «! under ills supervision and promotes year term and iuis merited re­ served by members of the commit-•Ei'nntcdft,'jeRvJ)«;6'f-'BbacncobecauKe tlio'full proRrnm of the depnrlmcnt OF JOHN J. RYAN, OF WOODBRIDGE with defense activities, various the offense, and if results are not election tn KUcceodiiiK two yonrw ' f! reelstratlons and projects the Cor- tee. The tables were decorated with, of his InSUptlon UMl Durlnji Ills lengthy spnn of .successful, but a desire to serve the At the time when the speed reg­ and turned the gathering over lo,Cross College and hastatiten.itikju- served aA. nidormnn nnd during! his time in this ofTlcc Judge Innnuccl greatest number of persons in tho since his work in this office hns inportance. For Christmas ::Has Steady Job pllcntion of the State Hlgh«j^'4«^', '" twa tcriii.s in tiiut capacity gained hns performed many nmrrintto been directed along channels of ulation was made early In the fall Cornolius T. Driscoll, who acted as ate courses In education atmveJj^to n wide recognilion for' his reliable best manner is without a doubt the They will sponsor a Branford pnrlmcnt for permission to Ifniitt^'' ceremonies. Criminal nnd civil most outstanding. improvement and progress, much lo motorists were asked to co-operate toaslmaster. Those called on for re-,Teacher's College, New Brltlttri,.aj(d tuiflllmciit of.trusted public dullcs. cases come under his jurlsdlclion. tlio satisfaction of the public nnd 5 Visiting Day at Camp Ed- Party Fund new, and wider bridge over the lai^'.!,,'. He wns iii tlie insurnnce business Possessed by John J. Ryan, third wards^almouth, Mass. the trip, Many have failed lo do so, and It Is marks First Selectman Gurdon at the Yale School of Educnllbn,^ Oh 92d Birthday Fair-and-square standards that other mcnibci's of officialdom. Bradley, FiJ,e Commissioner Thomas Haven river between East Haven and'^ niid connected witli the Kerrigan are valued hlj^hly mark IIIH en- Selectman of Woodbridgo, the qual­ to be made by chartered bus is found that the offenders are usu­ Insurance Agency for l.") years. ity has served to place him in a Mr. Ryan is a member of the At a meeting of the parishioners E. Matthews, Postmaster Joseph H, Branford. '• ' ,' tiro career as outstandini,'. He is Sewer District Committee, as are open to the public, and is planned ally local people. LesW^ij i. NIchoKs ot 1 lit Main His ineiniierslilp is honored in K. popular with nil and active in posilion of recognition among tlic of St. Mary's church held Sunday Driscoll, former Fire Commissioner i Chairman Colonel Clark, ttftii^' of C; K. of 'St. P.; D.P.OJ:.; and people of his community. his associates In the Select group, to give anyone from Branford the street, nsif^lstant .secretary nnd as­ support of civic, welfare and while the Woodbridgo Fire Depart­ night plans were made for the an­ Joseph Schonck, lionorary members Roll Call Ends tor Colonel Q.8. Bragdon ot the Witt mi li.O.0.M. Welfare and civic matters other important orffanl/.atlons. Native of Now Haven Count;- and opportunity to visit with the sistant,, treaV«uvei; of the Malleable receive his helpful supjiorl. I identified with the life of tiie region ment and Grange also value his soldiers and to see how they live. nual St. Patrick's night supper to John )?. Callahnm', Thomas Corcoran Dcpartmcnl In Providence Rd.iWftH^it'^^il^'J for many years, Mr. Ryan was ap­ membership. be given for the benefit ot tho Lenten Services Charles Gelre arid Simon Peterson. Here This Week Iron Fittings" i/Jp,,'-.^celebrated his ducted the hearing and brgU|h|Jf-*!«t!^a pointed to his present posilion in Woodbridgo and • its people moan . I The fare, including dinner prepared 92nd birthday; Ft'fibruary 17. He hns by the Branford Battery, will be at Christmas tree fund March 17. The During the evenhlg a slient moment forth the following sontlmenU^ '.it'",'^;> 1937 to fill the unexpired term of a great deal lo Mr. Ryan and his was observed In honor of members completod^hlfl 78 jh qpniecullve year WHITE HOLDS FARM POST CAPABLY; Selectman Junglass. interest and * aid in every trend actual cost of $3.50 per person. Any following committee is in charge Will Be Union At noon today $425. had been Senator Roy CEnqulst Wotf'ftB^i'*-!^'?''' Each year, since ho completed his toward civic betterment has helped one wishing to make up a party to Mrs. John R. Waters, Miss Mary A. who died since the last annual ban­ collected In the Red Cross Roll call. at the fnc'tpry, j.purjng the after­ ging the approval of the plui\kiy'''JKS^'' v; original tenure. Selectman Ryan iias make the community a better place quet. ' ; noon a recoptlo»;j».,'Wft» held'-in his cause it is "a real necessity," pnik*" ,W drive in private cars may have din­ Sliney, Mrs. Frank J. Kinney, Miss The central theme for Lenten The drive closes this week so hurry, been »e-elccled to tho official body. In which to live. Williams, Mrs. J. J. Collins, Miss Accordlan selections were given by Ileal nnd reasonable". He Mid ilfii* ' ' SPRINGSIDE SUPPLIES CITY HOME Review—AFS Photo ner with the group by making ar­ Union Services in the pranford hurry, hurry I honor al the 6filt.8«», thg.comiiany LIBKUTY BKLL rangements with the commitee. Hanna Higglns, Mrs Edward F. Miss Hope Johnson of New Haven A tew organizations have sent presenting him witt>).ji.,beautiful trap rock company had 4Q4p Provlnj,' his ability in the dual churches will be "This Astounding and feats ot magic v^ore performed of trap rock piled on,the proj Last year 5,000 bushels ofpolatnusl Its notes called togetlicr all Ihe DAVIDSON DEVOTED TO DUTIES: The bus will leave from the Bran­ Tobln Miss Catherine Meaney, Mrs. Gospel" the agelessness and the donations and if others care to, any basket ot mixed floWjrs>r Thtre wis M role of fai'in export and manager, Colonics. by Harry Tomlin, also of New on which they paid no taxe«,^Ii Frank I. White, supcrlntondont of wore raised there In addition lo the C. V. McDermott, Mi's. P. H. Dunn universality ot the appeal of the amount will bo gratefully received. also a birthday cake witi),'A;9 candifg other products. ford Armpry at 6:30 A. M. sharp, Haven. A Op-mlnute motion plture 'fcvenl they found It ot enough Sprihgsido Fni-m, -lilO Winlergrooa JUSTICE OF PEACE SINCE 1917 SunSay April 6th and arrive back in Mrs. John Hart, Mrs. Joseph gospel message. The schedule of The following begin a course to­ a gesture of his activity.'I^i'-ijiig the Avenue, Now Hnvon, hns rounded Mr, White, nenring the quarler- Mooney Mrs. Terrance Brannlgan, show was put on by Raymond night at the Y. W. C. A. in water to\uove, there arc, loads'lei out 211^ years of Taithful and ap-' centiu'y milestone as directing head Branford .about mignight. churches, topics and preachers is Williams of West Haven, giving the late afternoon and evcntngH'"Mr, of the farm, holds his position un­ As justice of the peace of the • Applications for this trip should Mrs. Mary McGrall, Mrs. Frank R. safety and life saving sponsored by Intat'th'^ properly. _ ''•, proved 'service. Town of Bethany since 1917, Tyler follows: high-lights Off sporta for 1040. Nichols kept open house witlvnefci'ly ,,;"l,et; nothing stand'in ,the. der Civil Service nrrnngenienls, his Orange Town Roads be made before March 30th to one Williams Mrs. Margaret Bohn, Mrs. Feb. 23—Church of Christ In Stony the Branford Branch; Carol Bradley TJie farm supplies the City Home term being of Indefinite length. D. Davidson deserves public esteem Joseph Kllmas, Miss Katheflne The Committee in charge of the Leona Barker, Polly Dunbar, Hazel 100 calling. He was the recipient 61' wrot^Hep. Ernest C. Carpenc, >vitli • a wide variety of needs. It Probably Iho best testimonial to and recognition for his impressive of the following members of the Cieek, WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH affair includes Capt. Thomas Su­ has 1,200 pigs, 40 cows, hundreds of Improved By Hine and successive record of valued committee: O'Neil, Miss Helen Chiudini, Miss Langdale, Elizabeth Masscy and over 200 cards nnd telegrams. risiftst Haven, but .stoled ho preffi his work Is found in the apjiroval IN HIM, the Rev. Harold G. Jones dac, chairman; Albert Salvln, Jo­ I thevsttucture bo hlghei.- ' "- chickens nnd grows iiugc quanti­ placed upon it by members of of­ Keview—Associ.iled Features Syntlicale Photo service. He lias been elected and. -' Robert H. Richardson South Mon- Elizabeth Daly, Miss Rose Donadio, of Plymouth Church, New Haven. Ruth McCoy. A question was was asked a few Appointed by the Selectmen re-ele&lcd consistently, with each seph Resjan, Ft'ank Prahovic, John ..^'Am!,her knowllon who- ties of vegetables, ficialdom nnd those who are di­ In .Jocltoy Hollow, near Morrislown, New Jersey, the Connecticut Brigades built rude tovVese St., Maurice N. Smith Pine Miss Alice Begley, Miss Nora Mar. 2—The Baptist Church, THE By clipper, ship and state Depart­ years ago by Mr. Nichols whether or Mucii of the output Is consumed rectly familiar ivith the mnnner in of Orange for the past 15 years term being of two years' duration. Bnnko,,! Frank •troto,. Edward DIs- "liablu^Jbie,properly on the huts ill 1770 and sopglil in tliom shelter from one ot the coldest Winters. The reconstructed An ardent Democrat since 1896, he Orchard; Leon Pond Stony Creek, Ahearn, Miss Elizabeth Matthews, GOSPEL FOR FAMILIES, "Jesus ment courier have come Ihousunds not the job was going to bo steady at, the Home, wliero the produce, whicli Springsido hns been con­ to lake care of the Town roada coU and.LouisiLocarno. of the letters and newspaper ollp- at the foundry. Mr. Nichols now ford-, 'njiiV'e:;,. «Ot*?*d, remori milk, eggs, poultry nnd meat are ducted under his able direction. hut (above), is an example of the smoke-filled bunkhouses used by many men from New tliere, W.Arnold Hine lias main­ Ls known for his devoted endeavors Ernest Albertlne East Main Street, Mrs. Charles Sobolewski, Mrs. Ed­ was also bidden to the marri­ %\' on behalf of the common good and Charles Lehr Short Beach. ward Garrity, Mrs. Michael Petela, from Great Britain expressing finds that the job will be as steady conlohdlnjvttiefe wo^ used, wliilo tlie remainder, often an His six workers keep progressive Haven Comity who,.formed part of the Conneeticut Brigades. The (lag-rnarkcd grave of tained a consistent program of age", The Rev. Dr. John H. Mc­ ranted'^rbpewyvili appreciable amount, is sold on the polieioH in force nnd co-n!)erated never allows any partisanship to James Mellon an?! Joan Rosen­ Mrs. P. Aniskevich, Mrs. M. Del- Lean ot the First Baptist Church, thanks tor the aid sent by the as he wishes. He will bo found at market. Ciiptain Adam Bettih (loft, inset) is near the place where he was killed by his own Pcnn- maintenance and improvement hinder his brilliant work on behalf sure crafts c6uT« whole-henrtedly' with Mr. White In of the cause of right and justice. thal Were TVlnijep? of ftrst and sec­ grego, Mrs. J. J. Ahem, Rev. Ed­ New Haven. American, Red Cross. his desk every moi-ning at 8 and re Tiiu surplus of Springsklc Farm make the farm an enterprise of .sylvaniu troops'who occupied the huts in the Winter of 1780. Mutineers also threatened work tliat deserves the full com­ Last Rites Held This bUUelln is devoted to a few mains vmtil 4:30 o'clock. Ho believes bridge. \t:' is always in demand. wiiieli llie entire area is proud. mendation. He utilizes the mod­ His location is at Litchfield Turn­ ond prizes respectively in the sec­ mund A. Cotter, Rev, Edward J. Mpr. 9—The Baptist Church, THE Eugene D.'ii 8U General Aftthbny Wayne whose picture appears in the inset at right. ff pike and Carrington Road, Bethany. ond a n n u a 1 oratorical • contest Demenske, Joseph, A. Donatio, GOSPEL FOR MEN OF AFFAIRS, .ot the letters and enwspaper clip­ In putting Irt a tuildny's wnrk nnd ern methods to keep the Town Judge Davidson was first select­ For M pings telling the ,'itory of the dla Is always asking for more Street agrees tii<||| roads of Grange in tlie right sponsbr(*d by the American Legion Fjank,^Ji.BUnpei,,,..Qe&^BfcN,.^Stisclii; : ;.'! will makg vgs fishers of men," iss Dunn I,-' man for three years; a selectman "MS^t—~t^^K! •.. Vi4ii>B*iijlSK)!!'"tloi\ o^ndusc In Britain ot..tbel necessary but hope* condition for safe and constant for eight years; tax collector for "'SfFa"'c!ffiU'(fctea"6y'"Corcoran"Surfd- ler,, Andrew P. Owens, .'Frajik'j. '"The'ReV>Dr;-TMk*T»ir'SwafHeia1' or and wider than HITCHCOCK IS OFFICIAL AND DAIRY three years; and on the School. qulst Posi) In the atiditorium of the Cbyl'e; James E Cos'grpve,, Charles ot trie Calvary Baptist Church, The 'funeral'-'of/.Mtss, Elizabeth'articles pioducod bylhe slory"of llie use regardless of the weatlior Jahe Dunn.of 32 Cedar street was distribution and use in Britain of H. Dohnn cnllod w conditions. Board for a total of 25 years as high school Tuesday night. The Sobolewski Stephen Bbmbollskl, New Haven. leitor, lo the liulTidano'i .. OKNKItAL SCHUYLER well as its secretary at one time. Mar. 16 — Trinity Church, THE held Saturday, morning from Iho the articles produced by women Animals Impede HEAD BENEFITING WOODBRIDGE AREA Mr. Hine is a member of tho awards were of $10 and $5 respec­ Frank W. Daley, Edward 'AT DriS' the point that it new brld-*" His comniand included inan.v He is a native of Bethany and has tively. GOSPEL FOR STRAYS, "I came residence of- her brother, Patrick volunteers in American Red Cross tioops from New Haven and nearby Volunteer Firemens Association; a large dairy farm. Spanning 87 coll, William S. Clancy, Jolm Bom- H. Dunn of East Main street, at 11 be considerably raised. I ,^ f Business und ollleial activities liavc; been combined .successfully by cuniinuitities, the American Legion; and the acres, tiie farm Is operated under The other two contestants, Ban­ bollskl. Prank R. Williams, P. H, not to call the righteous," the Chapters throughout liio nation. Journey South Chester C. Illtchcock, of Rimmon Uoad, Woodbridge, whose interest with a high mass of requiem In Tho children's letters are especi­ Mr, Ferrari, well faml'la'r' W(tl»'^ Connecticut State Grange. Ho modern and scientific methods. croft Gate and Arthur Van Heaf-" Dunn, Thomas Purcell, Richard Rev. C. Lawson Wlllard of Trinity the river said he Would accept .wtiiil in both departments of Ms personal endeavor have served io make bim supports worthy civic and wel­ There are 12 cows maintained. Milk Church, New Haven. St. Mary's church. Rcv.Edward J. ally appealing. Hundreds of thou­ Willys E Beach, on a .southern an invnlunble asset in his home town. fare organizations of his com­ ten, won commendation for the O'Brien, Thomas Matthews, John ever decision seemed best for,the supply is sold to' a leading Wood- excellent orations which they de­ Mar. 23 — Trinity ' Church, THE Demenske was celebrant, The Rev. sands ot children have been evacua­ trip, writes that the Ravine Gardens Mr. Hitchcock assumed the duties of Second Soleclman at Wood- munity and the area. His loyal bridge dairyman. F. Zvonkovic, Rollln G Kinney, John Edmiind A. Cottef was In the sancr ted to.the country-side and billet- general Interest but said .space WM bridge nnd, after n year became First Selectman, a position lo which and valued endeavors have won Judge Davidson represented livered. Ahern, Jerry J. Collins, Fi-ank J GOSPEL FOR SAINTS, "One Palalka, Fla. "Is the most wonder­ lie lias,been re-elected each succeeding year, tuary; Bearers were C. :V. McDer­ ted with • strangers, often th6 needed for mooring above tl^e for him a host of friends. Bethany in the Grand Assembly . James Mcllor will compete Kinney, John B. Sliney, Timothy J thing thou laekest," the Rev. ful spot I have ever been In." bridge. He also recalled thp hurri­ For six ycnru his work as a member of the School Board made mi Through tho devoted attention for two terms, each of two years' Burke Rivers of the Church of mott, Patrick H. Dunn; John J. I foster mothers write thanking tho Mr. Beach is traveling by auto­ impression on the people of Woodbridgo. During three years of this to duly, he is known as reliable against winners in other schools of McCarthy, Anthony Giordano, cane high waters. His son, Edward : duration. Ho held the office dur­ hte second district, in the East the Epiphany, New Haven. Ahern and John J.. Ahem 2d, all Red Gross for"clothes given "to my mobile and everything was "Jake" period he was clinirman of the group. and efficient in ills trusted work. ing 1915 and 1916 and was re­ Frank Lipkvich and Edward B of this place, John B. Dunn of East mile evacuee'. Many letters have was called upon to tell of the plea-\./ 111 3 An ex-o!Ticio member of the Bonrd of Finance and Zoning Com­ elected to the 1931-1932 sessions. Haven High School, March 6. Lonergan. until he and his companions ncnrcd sure craft situation. Mrs. Clarence \, . mission, Mr. Hllclicock also serves os Tree Wnrden and sees that (he Mar. 30—Congregatlorial Church, Haven and Thomas F. McDermott come from fathers also. Often the central Georgia. Now Willys is a The. topic throughout the series A meeting of the committee was letters contain quite touching de­ Munger said the present bridge al- \ beautiful trees of Woodbridgo arc well taken care of at all times. will be "The Meaning and Preser­ THE GOSPEL FOR TIIE POWER­ of Elmhurst, N. Y. Burial was in St. peaceful, patient, animal loving Through this work ho hns added further lo Ills standing In Wood­ held Wednesday night after services Mary's cemetery. , • tails on the family life, as though lowed but an inch clearance for \. bridgo and has gained added appreciation of Uie people. vation of Americanism." FUL, "A centurion came unto being but when he takes a pleasure their boat. LEYERZAPF, PROBATION OFFICER, for the distribution of tickets. Mrs. the writers were addressing their trip he expects to sit back and n- His dniry fnrm sells its output of about 150 qunrls of milk a day The winner of the national con­ him," the Rev. Charles R. Cooley Sterling Tompkins, president of lo Now Haven Dniry Company, Mr. Hitchcock Is nn ardent member of John R .Waters and-Edward B. Lon of the First Congregational kinsfolk In letters beglnning"Doar Joy lite. Not so in Qeorgia. For he test will be awarded the $4,000 Ed­ LOCAL MAN GREETS American Red Cross", or often the Trap Rock Corporation ot 230 this field of activity and has 22 cows on his well-known farm. die Cantor scholarship, and the ergan are chairmen of the supper Church, Merlden. ,. writes that many times they stopped He.Is a memiier of the Grange and active in the F. and A. M. HAS SERVED COUNTY SINCE 1906 and other committees are 'enter­ FAMILY FROM SKY "Dear Friends Across the Sea". Park Avenue, New York, was tho runner-up will receive a $1,000 Apr. 6 — Congregational Church, lo drive cows and pigs from tlie most strenuous objector. His cor­ In a noteworthy record of public service tliat dates back to 1906, tainment, Mrs. J, J. Collbis Frank road in order to travel. Louis Leyerzapf has contributed immeasurably to the well being and scholarship. Other awards will al­ THE GOSPEL FOR THE HEAVY- poration owns 79 acres where once Bissell Collector so be made. J. Coyle and Joseph Mooney; spea LADEN, "Be of good. cheer, I Harding Avenue residents were He says that weather, as they operated a quarry for • excavating Davidson Is Siipt. advancement of this great region. A native of New Haven and deeply'^ thrilled Tuesda/ when the U. S. Perfect Attendance interested in the prestige and stability of tlie 6hlire area, he was ap­ The Branford contestants were kers, Frank J. Kinney. have overcome the world," The ncared Florida grow warmer but and crushing trap rock.. He said Of Grace Hospital Of Taxes, Milford pointed Probation officer of New Haven County in 1906 and has held Rev. Philip G. Scott ot the Navy dirigible T C 13 passed over "nothing to brag about." ' the stone was of excellent quality that position ever since then. trained by Mrs. Robert Langdale of town and Chief Engineer Leonard List Is Announced Taxpayers of the Town of Milford the high school'faculty. Church ot the Redeemer, New Mr. Beach who has been with the and work might some day be re­ His program has been augmented consistently to meet the in­ Lohtonen waved to his mother, Mrs. One hundred tnirty-four pupils Accepting all kinds of cases receive the thorough co-operaliuTi creasing and up-to-date needs. Years of practical expecience in welfare It is expected that a large crowd Haven. Malleable Iron Fittings Company sumed. except those concerned with und courteous service under the e.^-* J'' Miss Betty Weiner Nestor Lehtonen. of tho Branford schools have a rec­ since 1891 was presented with a mental or contagious diseases, collenl program of Integritable as­ work serve as an eflcetive background for the proper coverage over from Brariford will attend the dls- He explained thaf/ the corpora­ GKNKKAL HOWK the current tasks. From 1906 to 1924, when he resigned, Mr. Leyerzapf rtict qontest to render moral sup­ Mrs. Lehtonen said she was un­ ord of perfect attendance from traveling bag at a party given at Grace Hospital, 1418 Chapel pect mainlalned by William G. Bis­ ConquLun^ the \ uikccs pi(>\cd also was Probation ofi'icer of the City Court of New Haven. SCHOOLS CLOSE aware that her son was expected sept. 1939 to Feb., 1941. tion's 180 barges and trucks would Street, New Haven, is operated sell, who is devoted to his job nnd Troop.s from New Haven witli Washington at Valley Forge (iMi dllVicuU for the King's cele port to their contestant. Married Saturday tho office before he left for a require more clearance than the under the modern humanitarian environs were Member of the F. and A. M.; 'National Probation Association; and Branford schools will be clased all but she was familiar with the di­ Thoy were divided by schools, as has been in oITIce. livc-and-n-luilf Inated olTicer. His Kcdcoals oppuscd Connecticut Probation Association, he is active in loyal support of various month's vacation "In the 40 years now specifications provide. He en­ standards. This 50-year-old In- years ns colleclor of luxes Uiere. (above) whore Iho Army spent a ol sulVerint; in 177(i-77. Cttnncctii'ul troops many limes, next week. rigibles number and that he could follows: stiluUon is valued as a commun­ other organizations that boost the civic and general welfare. Saturday at 5 in the K. of P. that Mr. Beach has been with the tered a strenuous protest against He was elected on the Republican New Haven County is justly proud of Louis Leyerzapf and his con­ Club, Whalley Avenue, New Haven, be easily distinguished. Today she High and Junior High 78 company he has been a faithful ity asset. It hns 270 beds. Care ticket. His present term expirea in HENEIETTA HUBBARD DYNAMITE EXPLODES received a letter from him from depriving tho company of the free and comfort of tlie patients in October 1941.. scientious, consecutive and commendable record of outstanding endeavor Miss Betty Weiner daughter, of Mrs. Laurel Street 17 worker and is well liked by every­ use ot its property. the , finest possible manner are as its Probation officer. A friend to all in need, he performs his duties SERVICES SATURDAY Ralph Capello, 15 of Laurel Hill Lakehurst, N. J. stating that he was one." That's what co-workers say Mr. iBIssoU stresses ediclency nnd lionestly and thoroughly for the best interests of the common good. J. Weiner of Stony Creek was mar­ Harrison Avenue , , 5 always streiised. economy in his department. De­ ried to Mr. George Katlan, son ot Road was rushed to the Hospital delighted to see his family wave Indian Neck 1 of Willys E. Beach. Continued on pane sQVen Sidney G. Duvidsbn was ap­ tailed pracedures are handled with Following a period of HI health. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Katlan of ot St Raphael last night after a to him from their yard. Harbor Street 11 pointed suporintcndonl of this accuracy and speed. E\'ei'y phase Miss Henrietta Hubbard passed New York. dynamite cap exploded in his hand. Chief Engineer Lehtonen has Short Beach hospital in loa-l and has done of the rosier is conducted on right­ away this morning at her home, an excellent, reliable job since ful methods. DIEHER'S MARKET HAD ITS ORIGIN Mrs. Abe Gorsain of Npw Britain He was attended by Dr. Charles been 14 years In the navy and was | Stony Creek MISS YATES LEADS MILITARY FUNERAL assuming Hhc duties! He has 30 Formerly treasurer of the Milford corner Bradley Avenue and Monto- as matron of honor, wore a gown of W. Gaylord. on a routine cruise. I Canoe Brook 7 FOR HOWARD GATES years of experience in the field. Trust Company nnd possessing ndo- ASBOYSINBLUEMARCHEDTOWAR wese Street. navy blue. MUSICAL PROGRAM From 1022 lo 1034 ho wns sup­ qunte experience In safegunrdlng She was born about 80 years ago, erintendent of Buttcrworth Hos­ public funds, Mr. Bissell docs his Dressed in peach chiffon and car­ Loafing through the pages of the the daughter ot Henry and Emma The February meeting ot the Members ot the former Branford pital, Grand Rapids, Michigan. work in tho mnnner that merits a cupied by the present firm was at rying roses Miss Betty Frank ot Town Seeks Approval Of River Span full esteem. A resident of Milford, counly's business history one is im- • Hubbard and was a descendant of Musical Art Society was held Tues­ Battery E, 103d, Regiment, partici­ There are 250 employes at ))resscd to find the name of Dieltor's Grove and OraHge Streets 35 years Hartford was maid of honor. Grace Hospital, in addition lo he is a member of Uic local Rotary ago. one of the instigators of the First day night in the home ot Mrs. Ruth pated Tuesday afternoon in a mili­ Club nnd also tho Zepthn Lodge of Market as a connecting link be­ Leo Katlan was his brother's best Trap Rook Quarry Was Operated opdned from time to time to allow tary funeral for Howard Gates of the large staff of nurses. tween eras and generations in the Baptist Church to which she gave Bridge Has Not Been Opened For Linsley Oliver. Loretta Yates was Clinton. Mr. Dietter removed to his new man and ushers were; Loius Wein­ Three Or Pour Years—Draw of scows loaded with stone to pass leader. Guilford who served with the local area's growth for the last 80 years. cstablislimont three years ago. It generously of her time. She was one er, Sam Weiner, Abe Gorsain, Mor­ 30 Years—Would Coat Unrea­ Carrying on tlie traditions of his is regarded by the grocery busi­ of its oldest if not the oldest mem­ Bridge Opened From Time To through. Howevei- between 1908- sonable Amounts To Put Oban- Frank Coyle, suponvlsor of music unit on the Mexican border and resumed tho duties on January 1, predecessors is Frederick W. Diet- ness, householders, and the public ris Ruthberg of New London, Mor­ 1909 operations at this plant ceased in the World War. West Haven Honors ber of the church. ris Sher of Perth Amboy, N. J. Time To Allow Scows to Pass. nel In Condition. in Branford Schools addercsscd the 1940, He hns continued to carry tor who directs the present-day PS the model market of the region. and gradually the machinery was meeting on the subject on instru­ The bearers were Joseph H. Dris­ representative of this famous line New equipment ch'araclerizlcs the, She was a charter member of the and Sol Greenberg of New York. Lum For Services the program onward indeally. removed, and for about 30 years no ments in the courses being conduct­ coll, Robert H. Dudley, Francis V. at 1672 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, enterprise, which requires tlie serv­ Woman's Relief Corps. Among her When the couple left for an un­ From lUlG to 192(j he served as Rumblings of Civil war were Statement of the Town of Bran- ed in the high school. Reynolds, George Hi Baislcy, John clerk of Uie Board of Selectmen ices of 13 help,'' including four surviors .is a sister, Mrs. Frank announced trip Mrs. Kathan wore , . , , , .^ work of any kind has been at-1 ^' '" '''so claimed that there is a In lU2(i Franklin A. Lum was heard on the national Imriiton when butchers cutting only prime and Gerald of Miami. ford in favor of the approval of tempted at this quarry, and the way that this stone could be moved The program: Coolac, and Charles Lay. Taps was 3 nnd Board of Finance. Ho resides John Dicller, great luicic of the. beige and brown ' trimmed with nppoinled lo fill an unexpired term in West HavCn and has many top choice meats. Injured in a iall while still a child f, "^f.h^ut^H hi 7,f r ^^''r°"'y th'ne remaining is a pile of by truck if by and possibility it Scherzo in B Minor—Andrea sotindod by Raymond Alderman,' a present owner, launched the ori­ Everything for tlie table is found j4inx. They will live in New York as Town clerk nnd registrar of friends In* the entire ix'gion, Mem ginal foot! market under this name she was unable to undertake stren­ as submitted by the Connecticut crushed stone of perhaps 4000 to should be sold. ^ Painc, I member of the Branford High West Haven. He handled the duties bor of Republicnn Parly and other in slock, while four delivery trucks City. on its career at Greene und llamil- cover a lO-mlle radius. uous activities and became a quiet State Highway Department. jsooo tons, and no attemot hns been| It Is located-a distante of only Die Lotosblum e—Schumann,!School Band and ot the Sons of the thoroughly and efllciently to win orgnnlzntlons, he is known for his (on. Streets. Mrs. Weiner and Mrs. Katlan both •% sterling characteristics nnd devoted lovable lady, fond of handwork and To the United States Engmeerlng ^ade in all this time to remove it. l-l/W miles from the State High-' Wledmung - Schumann, Clara Legion. election lo office in 1927. Serving Otto Dietter, father of Frederick wore gowns of sheer black. service to the public. Civic, wel­ The reconstructed Jockey Hollow Hospital hut soldiers dead in the Winter of 1779 gives rise to the W. Dietter, continued the succes­ trar in January 1930 for the Ivvo- needlework which she did with -Th!' Tou,„ ^f c„fo„i ,.c„„„f I ^^ ^'^"^ ^'^^'' '^^°^'^ "''^ '"•"ee way (Boston Post Road) and the Crawford—ace. Elizabeth Baldwin, in that capacity until 1933, when fare' and various agencies receive year term and lias served since. dexterity. fnuvl=t«^h.?-t^. „^;?,« f/r fT.^M ^'^^ ""^y '"^°" ^^'^ ^y pleasure road In from the State Highway Isl Tales from Vienna Woods-J. he was retired from oITIce, Mr. his kindly support in time of great­ of the Continental Ai'my was always filled with opinion that its methods left much to be desired. sion with a loading market of its BUNDLES FOR BRITAIN day at Worcester and Chestnut In October 1931 he became the col­ Funeral services will be conduct­ LECTURE OPEN TO PUBLIC fully asks that the plans tor build- boats, and they require no draw, passable for trucks, and could be'Strauss, Isabelle MacLeod. Lum won re-election in 1939 and est need. smoke to **kill of! S\\{:i germs", but its record of Streels, while the first market oc- lector of Taxes for file Town also and that office is likewise for a ed Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock ing a new bridge over Farm R ver and as a matter of fact, the draw used at very little expense. I In the Promptu, Op. 90-Franz Interested nersohs hnr„ ,.,MI Iwo-ycar term. He has public con­ by Rev. A. W. Jones at the Norman ast submitted by the Connecticut has not been opened except when' It is therefore claimed by the Schubert, ° " ' ""• gatSundlos tor BrUaln for Zn fidence and praise as evidenced by V. Lamb Funeral Home. •There will be no meeting of the ^flZt^T '"''' """^ ""^"^'^ '°' "''' ^° y"""' ^°^" °' ^"'""'"' 'hat: , I Ausfschwung - Schumann, Bar- ment abroad WOODBRIDGE WELL SERVED DAILY the fact tliat both of those offices executive board of the Branford STORAGE, PACKING, CRATING AND MOVING DONE RIGHT BY EXPERTS are elective and he has held them Garden club this week. The month­ ~u \ ,- ,, w „. . »"u no ooat In all that time has ' (D No reasonable or substantial bara Nordmeyer. i if called Bon Npisnn ot th» !>,.„„ constantly since first assuming flie QUOTA DEMANDS 48 MEN 19M lOorZ thi f„,v'"''r.ln "l^^""'^"'* the draw to open, peed or demand has been or canl Hedge Ros^- Schubert, Hurdy- ford Laundfy wU oS^ct ervf^^^^^^^^ BY NEWTON H. STREET, OFFICIAL duties. ^ The fifth draft-quota will be re ly meeting of the club will be held Long years of experience is the eflcetive measure of safely Private storage rooms are main­ 'Xi Olive Street. New Haven, the son, A. S, Cohen, is secretary of qubred to report March 12 th. Bran March 7 in Library Hall. An il- ha1904-190d a dra5 anw dwa ths eliecaus only e reasoat nthat;no it | wm anadditiod cannon tht eb e channeplaced l inI s con-lwationnot be shown^o. Ther abes drat wevidenc bridge ithan thit aCaco's Jourdy. Man-SchubertElizabeth Baldwi, Helen n RrlL ,aclothingt the Communit. BundToys Houswm e where they tained at the establishment. House- Durham Storage Company has a A native of New Haven City in behind ihe modern and complete program of Cohen and Cohen nnd Powell, Inc. andi has this county, Mr. Street was with the* ford has been ordered to send 48 lustraled lecture on "Branford | time a company had acquired an' ditlon. without the expenditure of; draw is not necessary, is that In the Symphonic Espagnole— Edouard^wlll bo looked over before delivery hokl goods are given every proper fireproof furniture warehouse, tliree years' experience. Another Fulfilling the multitudinous re­ Street does a conscientious and Powell, Inc., 33 Olive Street, New Haven. Equipped with sponsibilities in the duties as clerk, Twentieth Engineers, A.E.F. in men | Garden and Christmas Doorway" j old quarry and were actually en- large sums of tnoney, to allow the use of this stream for the past Lalo, Rosalie Plnkhani—ace Nellie to Bundles tor Britain headquarters care, witli tho packing of fine china whicli features individual sealed son, Sidney Cohen, who has seven complete job dally to keep the en­ France for 17 months or more dur­ thirty years no draw has been used rooms and vaults for vnlunbles. Mov­ years' experience, is manager of the registrar and collector of taxes for This fifth Induction period, will be given'; by John H. Birch.! gaged in getting out stone or trap I passage ot bpats or scows to move Osborn. in New Haven, every facility and inethod to handle packing, shipping and and other fragile articles being tire program under his guidance ing the first World War. He is a stretching from March 10 to March;The hostesses';are Mrs. Birch and rock. This quarry was actually op- this stone. Thei costs of such work or wasjiiecessary. Impromptu, Op. 84 — Schubert^ Any clothing, so long as It Is in storage in the rightful manner, the firm also offers local and done by experts also. ing, parking, crating, shipping ami Durham Storage Company. Staff of the town of Woodbridgo, Newton H. moving on the rightful basis. He is member of the American Legion; The Cohen nnd Powell firm \s\x\ rug shampooing nrc among the employes includes 40 persons. efficient and integritable, of cou|;se. F. and A. M.; Grange; Fire Com­ 27 calls upon the state to provide .Miss Madolin Zacher. The public ijjerated tor some three or four years would be tar in .excess of any possi' (2) The stream is not navlgatable Impromptu, Op. 142 — Schubert, clean wearable condition wlir be long-distance moving jobs-under the same superior standard.s. i\s(ablishe

k-**^*.*-***.^^ •. V*..ViW N.*^ ^.V •