IAML Electronic Newsletter No. 15, November 2004 In this out-of-band issue, you’ll find the Fontes branch reports from the IAML-IASA 2004 I wanted to let you all know that, with congress of Oslo. The papers which were effect from January 2005, I shall be work- presented are available online (at least for ing in the music library of the University those speakers who provided them) thanks of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and my to the wonderful organizers. wife, Christina Bashford (whom some of you have met) will be working in the IAML news music school there. I certainly hope to con- tinue to take an active part in IAML, al- Audio-visual commission though, as some of you will also know, I It might seem a long way off now but the shall be ceasing to be Fontes editor with conference approaches us even effect from the Warsaw conference (which now and with it come the elections for of- I hope to attend). So hopefully you won’t ficers of Subject Commissions Branches, have seen the last of me yet. – John Wag- etc. This is my last year as A-V Commis- staff sion Chair having completed two enjoyable three-year terms. Events, publications The current Vice Chair and Secretary Publications have each completed a single term. If you work with or have an interest in music Au- Debussy first edition More than 120 dio-Visual materials and are not already years after its composition by a young and heavily involved with IASA, I ask you to besotted Claude Debussy, Les Papillons, a consider standing for election as one of the song for voice and piano set to a poem by three officers for the Audio-Visual Com- Théophile Gautier, is available to musi- mission. Please contact me directly. – cians and the public at large for the very Antony Gordon first time, in a handsomely designed port- folio first edition published by The New Cataloguing commission York Public Library. Publishing informa- I will not be standing for a second term tion: as Chair of the Commission at the elections Title: Claude Debussy Les Papillons in Warsaw, so, I am looking for librarians Publisher: The New York Public Library active in the cataloguing field who would Price: $65.00 USD be interested in assuming this interesting Size: 27 x 35 cm, 26 pp. position. ISBN: 0-87104-453-6 David Sommerfield is interested in con- tinuing as Vice-Chair, so support would be Journal of Music and Meaning The forthcoming from that position. Jaako JMM is an on-line peer-reviewed journal Tuohiniemi may not wish to continue as for multidisciplinary research on music and Secretary, so, I am looking for at least two meaning. The editorial profile of JMM eager volunteers. This is a great opportu- accommodates an inclusive plurality of nity to be active in IAML, and should be methods and disciplines and welcomes an especially interesting time, in view of contributions from a variety of fields, such the exciting initiatives that are underway in as: philosophy, mathematics, physics, mu- the cataloguing field, namely FRBR and sicology, medicine, acoustics, neurology, the VIAF. Now could be your big chance!! theology, literary studies, philosophy of science, music pedagogy, computer sci- – Alison Hall

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IAML Electronic Newletter N° 15 November 2004 ence, semiotics, sociology, linguistics, re- LTM). It contains some of the material ligious studies, anthropology, psychology, found on the more recent record reviewed biology, education studies, music therapy, above, but they also differ: this CD, more culture studies, etc. JMM aims to bridge general in its approach to this movement, the gap between various studies in mean- includes also recordings of Apollinaire, ing and signification and areas of research Cocteau, Duchamp and Wyndham Lewis, in music. JMM especially encourages any while Musica Futurista includes pieces by multidisciplinary research on meaning that Alfredo Casella (one of Italy’s most impor- is able to challenge conceptions of music, tant composers in the early 20th cent., or research that explores the notion of Francesco Pratella, Silvio Mix, Maltek & meaning by the study of musical phenom- Signorelli. Surrealism Reviewed is a sequel ena. Its web site also provides links to mu- to the Futurism & Dada Reviewed record, sic research periodicals. and is also issued by LTM. New recordings Conferences, symposia Musica Futurista: Iannis Xenakis Symposium, Athens, The Art of Noises 18-20th May 2005. Iannis Xenakis is one French surrealism and of the most original creators of the 20th German dada have been century. Musical works such as Metasta- credited for their influ- seis, Conret PH, Terretektorh, Psappha or ence on everything Horos opened a totally new sound uni- from musique concrète verse. His thinking, both musical as well as to New Wave. Italian futurism, on the theoretical, about the art of sounds and its other hand, has been given short shrift due relationship to the world, overturned all to lost tapes and abandoned musical scores. previous convictions. His relationship to Perhaps this disappointing state of affairs the sciences and technology defined new will be remedied with Musica Futurista, a artistic concepts and practices. His inter- lengthy compilation that catalogues the disciplinary artistic practice made him one movement's musical innovations from the of the foremost pioneers in multimedia art. '20s and '30s. The most valuable docu- It is why his work opens up a golden path ments are the pieces by Luigi and Antonio for the arts of today and tomorrow. Russolo, former painters who invented This symposium, organized by the Mu- intonarumori, mammoth noise intoners sic department of the University of Athens (using stretched diaphragms, cranks, and in collaboration with the University of springs) that infuse even the most conven- Montpellier 3 and with support from the tional sonatas with the burgeoning me- Greek Ministry of Culture, intends to at- chanical density of infernal factories and tract researchers from all countries in order diesel engines. It's hilarious and strangely to share their experiences and knowledge, poignant, sending fragile piano pieces hur- their methods and thoughts, and to promote tling through caverns that emit surging Xenakis' work among young musicians wind and movement. Adding to this pan- and musicologists, teachers as well as to demonium is poet Filippo Tommaso Mari- the public at large. Proposals of papers netti's radio collage, “Cinque Sintesi Ra- should include an abstract of 300 words diofoniche,” which rushes through field and a short CV. They should be sent before recordings, soccer matches, folk jams, February 10, 2005 to Anastasia Georgaki alarm clocks and carnie barking. It's a clear and to Makis Solomos. Anyone whose precedent for Cage, Stockhausen, and proposal is accepted hereby agrees to sub- “Revolution 9.” – Alex Linhardt, Cornell mit his written paper before April 20, Daily Sun [By permission, with thanks] 2005. An earlier record – Futurism and Dada The 36th Annual conference of the Reviewed 1912-1959 – was released by Corporation of professional librarians of Sub Rosa in 1989 (and more recently by Quebec will take place May 18 to 20, 2005 2 IAML Electronic Newletter N° 15 November 2004 in St-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada. The topic is Fostering Loyalty and Attractive- ness: Strategies and Purposefulness. You are invited to submit proposals by Decem- ber 13, 2004, by consulting the online Call for Papers. The The theremin, named for Russian inven- tor Leon Theremin (Lev Termen, 1896- 1993, pictured here), is one of the very first electro-acoustical monophonic musical instruments which is still in use and being manufactured. Invented ca. 1918, it uses One of several books is Theremin: Ether electric circuits to produce audible tones. Music and Espionage by Albert Glinsky, a Besides looking like no other instrument, biography of the adventurous life of Lev the theremin is unique in that it is played Theremin. without being touched. Two antennas pro- Many web sites provide extensive in- trude from the theremin – one controlling formation on the instrument, such as pitch, and the other controlling volume. As Theremin Info, Theremin Vox, Theremin a hand approaches the vertical antenna, the World. pitch gets higher. Approaching the hori- zontal antenna makes the volume softer. Music business Because there is no physical contact with ® the instrument, playing the theremin re- Apple launches EU iTunes quires precise skill and perfect pitch. Ini- Apple launched a European version of tially designed to replace whole orchestras, its iTunes Music Store in several countries it has been used either as a transcription (not including Ireland). It features over instrument (most aptly to substitute for a 700,000 songs from all four major music violin or even voice) or to produce eerie or companies and more than 100 independent spooky effects in movies and band music. record labels, in addition to tracks from a Composers have written pieces for the wide variety of leading worldwide artists. theremin: Percy Grainger (including a piece for six ), Bohuslav Mar- The music industry and P2P tinů, Edgar Varèse (Ecuatorial), Charles Warner Music, Sony BMG Music Enter- Ives (Symphony n° 4), and more recently tainment and Vivendi Universal's Univer- Kasper Toeplitz… sal Music Group have signed up to allow The two outstanding performers of this their music to be used by the Peer Impact instrument are Clara Rockmore (1911- peer-to-peer (P2P) service, which allows 1998) and Lydia Kavina, grand-niece of legal music file sharing. The company is Lev Theremin, who, besides performing conducting a beta test of its product and (her web site provides dates of her con- expects to release it to the public in the certs) and recording, teaches the instru- first quarter of 2005. ment at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Moscow. Awards, grants Several recordings from these (and other) musicians are available: The art of Awards in France the Theremin (with Clara Rockmore and SACEM (French music rights manage- her sister, pianist ), ment organization) awarded its Grand Music from the Ether: original works for Prize for symphonic music to composer theremin (Lydia Kavina) and others. Edith Canat de Chizy.  The Académie Charles Cros awarded its 57th Grand Prize 3 IAML Electronic Newletter N° 15 November 2004 to conductor Georges Prêtre for his emi- Igor Stravinsky and Darius Milhaud on the nent service to French music, and to Bel- podium. At the International Contemporary gian composer Henri Pousseur, for his life- Music Festival, La Fenice saw the world time achievement. premieres of The Rake's Progress by Stra- vinsky (1951), The Turn of the Screw by Other news of interest Benjamin Britten (1954), and The Fiery Angel by Sergei Prokofiev (1955), to name Manuscript of Rachmaninov’s only a few. 2nd symphony found While the score of this work had been IAML reports published in 1908, the manuscript was no- These are summaries of the reports. Full versions where to be found. That is, until a few will be available on the IAML web site. The weeks ago, in a cellar in French Switzer- icon leads to the full paper. land. Sotheby’s of London, which are go- Archives and documentation ing to auction it on December 7, have es- timated its value as £300,000-£500,000, in centres branch spite of its missing its title page, the first This branch jointly sponsored one session on four, and most of the last, pages of the mu- “Gifts and deposits” with the Research Libraries Branch. Dominique Hausfater (Médiathèque Hec- sic. – The Telegraph tor Berlioz in Paris) highlighted the factors to take in consideration when receiving gift collections: La Fenice reborn from its ashes physical condition, size and processing time, rights Italy's historic opera house, Teatro La and usability. In case a library won’t accept a gift, Fenice, Venice, has reopened with a gala she suggested referring the donor to another institu- performance of Giuseppe Verdi's opera tion. Joachim Jaenecke (Staatsbibliothek zu “La Traviata.” The theater, which was de- Berlin) mentioned additional ways to “use” un- wanted gifts, e.g., as exchange material with other stroyed in 1996 by fire, has been recon- libraries. He spoke about the different types of gifts structed to its 18th century design, with (individual items, collections, archival collections, every detail reproduced and a state-of-the- deposits) and stressed the need for clear agree- art sprinkler system and underwater reser- ments. Emilia Rassina (Tchaikovsky Conservatory voir installed. The Orchestra del Teatro La of Moscow) described the core of the archival col- th lections – donations from such composers as Ka- Fenice inaugurated the 48 International balevsky and Shostakovich – as well as their own Contemporary Music Festival directed by student composers’ manuscripts. Jon Baguës Giorgio Battistelli with an evening concert (Eresbil basque archives of music in Spain) detailed conducted by Bernhard Kontarsky, and their policies governing the acceptance and han- comprising works by Arvo Pärt, Olga dling of gifts. John Shepard (until the Congress, at the Music Division of the New York Public Library Neuwirth and Luigi Nono. for the Performing Arts) spoke of the policy and The Teatro La Fenice has always been a procedures, including tools to assist in evaluating part of the International Contemporary potential gifts. The discussion with the audience Music Festival, since 1930. The opera touched such issues of historical perspective of the house became the venue par excellence for value of gifts, their research vs. market value, etc. the Festival's events, with such people as Two sessions are planned for the Warsaw con- ference: one concentrating on Polish archives and primary resources, and the other one on the chal- lenges of technological migrations for music ar- chives. Judy Tsou Audio-visual commission The A-V Commission participated in three ses- sions at the Oslo conference, each with a joint Chair from IASA. The first session was co-chaired with Ilse Assmann of SABC and was entitled Focus on Africa. Unfortunately only Professor Chris Walton (University of Pretoria) of the three programmed

4 IAML Electronic Newletter N° 15 November 2004 speakers was able to attend. He described a variety the Soviet period in 1990s, until the launch in 2004 of projects for documenting African music. of an online database covering published sound recordings and printed music. Egle Elena Marce- On Tuesday, with Richard Green as co-chair a niene (National Library of , ) pre- session was held with the title New solutions for sented the music bibliography of Lithuania as an presentation, storage and preservation in which integrated part of the retrospective national bibliog- Kevin Bradley (National Library of Australia) raphy of this country which goes back to the 17th described MusicAustralia's approach to linking century, with is now computerized according to sheet and recorded music on the web. Michel IFLA standards and available within the Lithuanian Merten (Belgium) outlined the features of a com- Integrated Library Information System (LIBIS). mercial shared mass digital library for small- and medium-scale libraries and archives run by Sound The second session was held jointly with the Re- Arts Group. The third paper expanded on an initial search Libraries Branch. Øyvind Norheim de- presentation in Tallinn in 2003: VisualAudio was scribed the situation of music research collections – described as a new preservation strategy for fragile taken in a broad definition – which can be found in disc recordings by means of photography. This was various institutions throughout Norway, from the introduced by Pio Pellizzari and Stefano National Music Collection in the National Library, Cavaglieri (Fonoteca Nazionale Svizzera, Lugano), through public, university, museum, and radio li- with technical details provided by Professor Ottar braries. Siren Steen and Kari Rortveit (Bergen Johnsen (École des Ingénieurs, Fribourg-Suisse). Public Library) described the Grieg Collection at their library, which includes private archives and The third session held on Thursday was co- published documents. A complete catalog is avail- chaired by Pio Pellizzari (Fonoteca Nazionale able online and provides digital versions of the Svizzera, Lugano). The first paper by Jacqueline autographs. Niels Krabbe (Royal Library, Copen- von Arb (Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound, hagen) spoke of The reception of three Danish Stavanger) described the genesis of the archive classics: Gade, Hartmann and Nielsen, and the from the collections of self-exiled singer and com- scholarly edition of their works based on two con- poser Arne Dørumsgaard who in a canny way had cepts (that of kairos – the “right moment”, and persuaded the city of Stavanger to set up a sound reception constants) and then discussed critical archive based around his collection. The second editions of music. paper was given by Eugene Platonov (Moscow Conservatoire Audio Labs), in which he described The Research Library Branch session was on The the scope and extent of the audio collections of the old East and West forging the links. Geoff Moscow Conservatoire and its programme to issue Thomason (Royal Northern College of Music, some of the many rare items on CD. The third Manchester) informed on the relations between paper: Music Information Retrieval, or how to Edvard Grieg and Manchester and its documenta- search for (and maybe find) music and do away tion in the Brodsky Archive in Manchester and the with incipits was given by Michael Fingerhut Grieg-Collection in the Public Library of Bergen. (Médiathèque de l’IRCAM, Paris). In his paper Thomas Aigner (Wiener Stadt- und Landesbib- Michael gave us a comprehensive overview of the liothek, Vienna) presented a paper concerning Res- territory that has come to be known as MIR (Music titution and purchase of the Strauß-Meyszner Col- Information Retrieval). lection in Vienna and its tribulations, from confis- cation by the Nazis in 1938, through limited restitu- Bibliography commission and tion after the war, to full restitution by the City of research libraries branch Vienna who then bought it back. Joachim Jae- The first session of the Bibliography Commis- necke (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin) dealt with Ger- sion was on National approaches to bibliography. man Holdings in Libraries and Archives in Eastern Øyvind Norhein (National Library of Norway, Europa after 1945. He gave a comprehensive over- Oslo) gave an overview of Edvard Grieg bibliogra- view of the music-related holdings of the former phies from his lifetime to the present. The catalog Prussian State Library and other German libraries, on which Dan Fog is working should provide com- which were transported to Eastern regions of the prehensive and reliable information. Valerija Shul- Reich during World War II, and considered lost gina (National Library of Ukraine, Kiev) informed after 1945. Some were traced, some restituted. – on the music national bibliography of Ukraine, Thomas Leibnitz which was established as early as 1564, and cur- rently contains music-related items published in the Outreach committee Ukraine and abroad, including previously unknown In its meeting, the committee first discussed do- material and access to audio files. Katre nations: how to select proper and relevant material; Riisalu (National Library of Estonia, Tallinn) pre- how to inform on its availability; how to convince sented an overview of the development of Estonian libraries to donate; practical issues (costs, time); music bibliographies from its inception in 1918 money vs. material… during the first Republic until 1940, and then after 5 IAML Electronic Newletter N° 15 November 2004

Insofar as assistance to conference attendance, library system, established in the early 1990s, and the committee discussed availability of funds and the Variations2 research and development project additional sources, and how to estimate the costs of with new research and pedagogical goals. Kurt attending a future conference. Deggeller (president of IASA and director of the The next conference will include a programmed Swiss Memoriav in Bern) spoke about An interna- session with short presentations from countries with tional concept for training in audio-visual archives. outreach activities. – Ruth Hellen He outlined the aims of the Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) in Public libraries branch establishing a strategic framework for professional The session of this branch, on Music in Public training across the heritage, information, media and Libraries of Scandinavia, had three speakers. Siren arts sectors, and improved funding through better Steen (Bergen Public Library) made a presentation coordination. – Wolfgang Krueger about Music Libraries in Norway. She talked about the work of the Norwegian Music Library Associa- Unimarc sub-commission tion and the present situation in Norway. Liv The sub-commission elected its new officers: Sæteren (head of the Deichmanske Bibliotek, Laurence Decobert as chair, and Tiziana Morsanuto Oslo) presented the plans for the new library build- as secretary. ing in Oslo, and discussed paradigms in its design: It then examined the structure of the authority list typology (based on user behaviour rather than col- of musical forms attached to the newly approved lection organization), visual communication (land- Unimarc field 128, Form of Musical Work and Key scape, atmosphere…) and .organization (integrated or Mode. The main results of the work done by the services and flexibility of the space). Ann Italian Working Group was also presented more Kunish (project head at the Deichmanske Biblio- extensively in other sessions of the IAML-IASA tek) demonstrated the Låtlån service of virtual cir- Congress: Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi, The devel- culation of digital music (in which users can “bor- opment of online co-operative thesauri (Catalogu- row” an online recording), the first service of its ing Commission), Cristian Bacchi, Classification of kind in Norway, and well on the way of becoming Forms, Genres and Styles in online music platforms of a permanent national service. - Kirsten Husted (IAML IT Committee). The final list includes terms related to musical form as well as to musical gen- RILM res, omitting variant terms. RILM has had a productive year, marked, as The sub-committee performed a comparative ever, by both successes and challenges. Most analysis of the Italian and French proposals on committees are stable, and some new efforts are Unimarc field 145, Medium of Performance, fol- underway that will result in coverage of historically lowing objections of the French to the Italian pro- weak areas, including Africa the Middle East, and posal. It came to an agreement on a few basic China. The new web-based database system (iBis, points and provisionally approved the proposal, so which stands for Internet Bibliographic Indexing that the Permanent Unimarc Committee could take System) is up and running, and while some devel- it into account in its meeting which took place in opment is still underway, the old system has been the wake of the IAML-IASA congress. – Tiziana officially retired and all editorial work at the Inter- Morsanuto national Center is being done in iBis. As well, some national committees have begun to use iBis for their IAML national reports (ct’d) RILM work, and we hope that most will eventually use the new system exclusively. The RILM Retro- Slovakia à spective Series, dormant for many years, has been Meetings A plenary session of the group took revived with the publication of Volume 4, Speaking th of Music: Music Conferences, 1835-1966. RILM place on the occasion of its 10 anniversary, on anticipates an exciting year to come, in which we November 23, 2003. Commissions The music will print at least two new volumes, we will host library commission organized a seminar in October our first international conference (Music’s Intellec- 2003, on printed music and audio-visual docu- tual History: Founders, Followers, and Fads at the ments. ‹ The cataloguing commission was created CUNY Graduate Center from 16 to 19 March at the initiative of the National Bibliographic Insti- 2005), and coverage and efficiency are set to im- tute at the Slovak National Library. It focuses on prove. – Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie the application of international standards to library work in Slovakia. ‹ The activity of RISM has been Service & training commission detailed in the Knižnica magazine. ‹ The RILM activity has been taking place at the Library of At the meeting of the commission, Mary Ústav hudobnej vedy SAV Bratislava since 1966. Wallace Davidson (University of Indiana, Bloom- ‹ RiDIM is in the process of being constituted. ington) spoke about Creating, maintaining and Publication An article about the activity evaluation improving digital music library services at Indiana of the group, previously published in Knižnica, will University, by describing the Variations digital appear in Fontes. 6