October 2011 HSA Newsletter
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Ripples Volume 26, Number 3 Haiku Society of America Newsletter October 2011 From the President erate momentum within our organiza- support to tion. More and more people are offering contribute to help out. Our secretary, Angela Terry, to the haiku Dear Members: routinely sends me names of people and larger who have noted on their membership literary have really appreciated the chance to forms that they’d like to volunteer. I’ve communi- serve the HSA for a second year, and I enjoyed the chance to correspond with ties, and I I am especially thankful to the executive those members and to work with them am abso- committee officers and regional coordi- to find the best ways for them to con- lutely cer- nators for their dedication and hard tribute. In some cases, we’ve added tain that the work on behalf of the HSA and English- their names to a growing list as we de- work of HSA President Ce Rosenow language haiku. I’m also very grateful to velop more volunteer opportunities for volunteers at the Dodge Poetry Festival the many HSA members who have vol- in Newark, New Jersey on the future. In other cases, there have helps those unteered to lead workshops; to serve on October 8, 2010 been clear affiliations between the inter- communi- Photo by Charlie Larsson our education, history, and publicity ests of the volunteers and particular ties better committees; and to participate on HSA HSA needs. The HSA is a stronger, more understand, panels at conferences and meetings vibrant organization because of the gen- and make use of, what we have to offer. around the country. Many thanks, as erosity of all of these members. I would like us to continue this focus well, to an’ya and Peter B., Melissa Al- Second, as the HSA gains more visi- on the HSA as an important resource as len, and Gene Myers who have taken on bility through volunteer efforts includ- we move into 2012. Based on your par- the editorships of the HSA members ing contests, national meetings, publica- ticipation and support in 2011, just anthology, the HSA Bulletin, and the tions, and workshops, more people are imagine what we can do next! ‚.haiku‛ column respectively. I have joining the HSA. The increase in mem- addressed the importance of volunteers bership during a time of economic un- Best wishes, before, but I want to mention it again certainty further emphasizes to me that because volunteer efforts have had two people are recognizing the HSA as a Ce Rosenow important outcomes this past year. valuable resource. We have so much [email protected] First, these efforts have helped to gen- In this issue... The HSA Bulletin—page 2 Regional news—pages 9–20 Treasurer’s report—page 2 Contest results—page 21 New editor for ‚.haiku‛ column—page 3 Contest deadlines and rules—pages 22–24 A note from the secretary—page 3 Upcoming events—page 25 Honorary curator of haiku archives—page 5 Publication announcements—page 26 In memoriam—pages 7–8 Your HSA officers and coordinators—page 27 Interview with Rita Gray—page 6 How to submit your news to Ripples—page 28 Herman Van Rompuy attends haiku event—page 7 HSA News In Your Inbox: the HSA Bulletin Members may have noticed some new The Bulletin isn’t intended to replace the e-mail showing up in their inboxes this in-depth coverage of Ripples, but to summer: The Haiku Society of America make sure members get information in a Bulletin. (If you haven’t noticed the Bul- timely manner about the activities and letin in your e-mail yet, you may want to resources of the society. We’re hoping make sure that the society has a correct this will encourage more to take advan- and up-to-date e-mail address for you, tage of what the HSA has to offer! Feel or check to make sure it isn’t being sent free, as well, to forward the Bulletin to to your spam folder.) non-members who might be interested The Bulletin is a brief newsletter that in our events or in becoming members. HSA Bulletin Editor Melissa Allen allows the HSA to share news and re- The Bulletin has so far been mailed minders of upcoming events quickly approximately monthly, but may arrive Past Bulletins have been archived and and relatively frequently. Examples of more or less frequently depending on can be easily accessed by going to the information included in the Bulletin so how much news we have to share. We HSA homepage and looking for the far include reminders of contest dead- hope you find this a valuable new bene- prominent link to the Bulletin archive. lines, details about upcoming quarterly fit to your HSA membership. Feel free to meetings, information about Frogpond share feedback and suggestions about —Melissa Allen, HSA Bulletin Editor and Ripples deadlines and mailings, the Bulletin by e-mail to news about updates to the HSA website, [email protected]. and links to photos of past HSA events. Treasurer’s Report Haiku Society of America January 1 – July 31, 2011 established 1968 by Harold G. Henderson and Leroy Kanterman P.O. Box 31, Nassau, NY 12123 Beginning Bank Balance 50,679 President Ce Rosenow Dues / Contributions 23,838 First Vice President Michael Dylan Welch Second Vice President John Stevenson Members Anthology Sales 61 Secretary Angela Terry Contest Fees 198 Treasurer Paul Miller Frogpond Sales 307 Electronic Media Randy Brooks Officer Income 24,404 Questions about membership and dues should be addressed to: Frogpond Expenses (4,857) Angela Terry (2,709) HSA Secretary Ripples Expenses 18036 49th Pl. NE Administrative Expenses (602) Lake Forest Park, WA 98155 [email protected] Members Anthology Expenses 0 Contest Awards / Expenses (850) Questions about subscriptions, submissions, editorial correspondence, and other matters Website Expenses (487) regarding Frogpond should be addressed to: Meeting/Travel Expenses (1,320) George Swede Miscellaneous (515) Editor, Frogpond Box 279, Station P Toronto, ON M5S 2S8 Expense (11,340) Canada [email protected] Ending Cash Balance 63,743 News and notices of events for publication in Ripples: Haiku Society of America Newsletter can Respectfully, be submitted to: Susan Antolin [email protected] Paul Miller Page 2 Ripples: Haiku Society of America Newsletter HSA News Gene Myers Becomes Editor Secretary’s Report of the HSA’s ―.haiku‖ Column t’s hard to believe that it is September already, and by the time that you are he new editor of our ‚.haiku‛ col- I reading this issue of Ripples it will be umn, Gene Myers, is an accom- T time to start thinking about renewing plished editor and writer in a variety of your HSA membership for 2012. Since genres including haiku. He is a contrib- the HSA operates on a calendar year uting editor to nowculture.com. He also basis, regardless of when you renewed writes the weekly newspaper column, or joined, you need to renew again each ‚The Joy of Life,‛ which has a circula- year as of January 1. tion of more than two million people, The executive committee voted earlier and he is also an award-winning enter- this year to increase dues for 2012, and tainment journalist with dozens of arti- the new dues figures are shown as fol- cles published in a wide array of news- lows: $35 for regular members in the papers. His poetry has appeared in United States, $37 for members in Can- many literary journals, and HSA mem- ada and Mexico, and $47 for interna- bers will recognize his name from past ―.haiku‖ Column Editor Gene Myers tional members. Student and senior issues of Frogpond as well as other hai- memberships will remain at $30. When kai publications including Paper Wasp, the membership application forms for Prune Juice, and Shamrock Haiku Journal. work, work that I've looked up to and 2012 come out, they will reflect this new Gene is also interested in the intersec- loved.‛ dues structure. tions between haiku and technology. Gene’s own experiences with haiku While we know that these are difficult He notes that technology can help con- and technology inform his plans for the economic times for everyone, the in- nect haiku poets who live in different ‚.haiku‛ column: ‚I am hoping the col- creased costs of printing and mailing areas: ‚The Internet has opened up so umn that I will be writing for the HSA Frogpond and Ripples made this decision many possibilities to me. I've met won- will open doors like these to others. I necessary. However, membership in the derful people while sitting at my lap- see the column as a place to share and Haiku Society of America includes top. I've had late night haiku throw- discuss tools available to writers (like many benefits, in addition to receiving downs with haiku poets across the how to use Twitter, Facebook and Frogpond and Ripples, including being globe.‛ Putting poets in touch with one Scribd for building community, self- able to enter the society’s annual haiku, another is not the only benefit poets publishing and marketing). I also like senryu and haibun contests at half the receive from the Internet. Gene explains that the column will have some wiggle entry fee charged to non-members, the that social media can impact how we room in its subject matter allowing for opportunity to have your work pub- develop as poets. For instance, he says, interviews, blog spotlights and the oc- lished in our annual member anthology, ‚I have more than 1,000 fellow haiku casional multimedia presentation.‛ inclusion in our Membership Directory, lovers on my haiku Facebook page who Keep an eye on the HSA website for and receipt of our new HSA Bulletin have helped me to analyze, interpret exciting new ‚.haiku‛ columns by Gene which is e-mailed periodically to mem- and even write poems.