Beeston by Tram

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Beeston by Tram Autumn/Winter 2015 Beeston by Tram your guide to shops & businesses along the Beeston tram line Welcome to Beeston by Tram This is your guide to visiting the vibrant mix of independent and ROUTE MAP national retailers in Beeston. Nottingham’s new tram network now makes it even easier to get around the local area with four main tram stops across the centre of Beeston. Trams run every 7-10 minutes throughout the day, 7 days a week and connect Hucknall and Bulwell through the city centre to Beeston and on to Toton Lane. If you are visiting Beeston by car it’s so easy to use Toton Lane P&R site where you’ll find nearly 1400 free parking spaces. It’s then just 10 minutes by tram into Beeston. The best tram ticket to use is MANGO. This smartcard is purchased and topped up at any tram stop ticket machine and each trip with the Beeston short hop zone (Toton Lane to University Boulevard) is just £1! Or if you are paying cash buy a £4 day ticket for unlimited tram travel across the full network. We sell a property every 25 minutes! *25 minutes has been calculated using the total number of sales agreed in 2014 divided by a 312 day year (52 weeks x 6 working days per week) and a 9 hour trading day (our office opening hours). Contact us today for a free, up-to-date valuation. 156 High Road, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 2LN T: 0115 9222 222 E: [email protected] BID Tram Booklet Advert.qxp_Layout 1 20/08/2015 11:22 Page 1 More Shops… More Events… More Places to Eat & Drink... More reasons to visit Beeston! LetsGoToBeeston @LetsGoToBeeston l, Shop loca choose Beeston BID Tram Booklet Advert.qxp_Layout 1 20/08/2015 11:22 Page 1 More Shops… More Events… More Places to Eat & Drink... More reasons to visit Beeston! LetsGoToBeeston @LetsGoToBeeston l, Shop loca choose Beeston TICKETS FROM JUST £1 WITH A MANGO CARD Buy and top up at tram stops! NEW LINES NOW OPEN Our event partners... The Home of Arts and Crafts Get inspired with exclusive 40 CANVASES Ts&Cs apply offers Ask in store Discounts Find everything you need and more... • Art & Craft Materials • Bespoke Framing Service • Workshops & Classes • Handmade Gifts & Cards • Loyalty Card Scheme • 10% discount for students and armed services personnel* Artworks 86-88 Chilwell Road, Beeston, NG9 1ES Follow us: T. 0115 922 3743 *on production of a valid student card or armed services ID This is High Road - HAMPDEN TREET S H CROM D T EV CentralNOR CollegeONSH GR WELL T OV TREE IR E ROAD S E AGE A R VENU Towards S VICA TY E RI Nottingham NG S Beeston T E Station R Bus Station E ET L E NU E A M E E VE TR L V T A S A A E AL V E NORTH COT IMPERIAL I E L AM N H N T BR TO AR U S E MPER E A IR I C C W OURT N E RIVE D ROA STRE A TH 64 R D 64 E NO PAR C T ET D O E A R T G K L T O RANG L S E Cator Lane IN R N E AV Recreation R G O RE War Allotments k O T T T L E l O S L Ground a AD N W Memorial E E w S N s T W n R L i E I m G E H ROV T C 5 ADSTONE L E G 4 AVEN AD 6 Playground 4 6 D N A E Towards U E T D D H O CEDAR RO S A A Toton Lane E V L L E L E W C T O L B OF T A R E N E E E L L V A L O N IS R E G Chilwell Road D E N N A E WILM KL AV NU A O E L O R Works B VE K E AVENUE RI O U T E Y OT I D O N R L R Central College E E R S B O LA V V E N A O L E Nottingham - H T W O C N R L A E G Beeston Centre L F E L R G L Y A D O W D A IM Y A E L R O D N E A R R B N R G A T O COL ROVE E B E D O IN A K B O L O R EGE AVENUE R R A O IN A RO High Road - G D R A EO D Central College G Chilwell W O College House O D Junior School L A N D 005 A6 G Hetley Pearson R Chilwell Memorial T O ES Recreation V Institute W E E D Ground U OA N VE D R E E A A E RIN S V MA H O V N A R A O U A E L E R S D L S U G A O Q D P N R Y- I B Chilwell Memorial N V TH E 4 O AVE Institute Tennis Club T GE 6 E GEOR 64 M L T R A WI E A A D TCHE H O W TH C E L NOO LL A K Allotments HI N GH RD E N E Supermarket E R C L G A HE RK T E’ S L ANE N GARDENS LISO AL Chilwell Manor Golf Course E U N E Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2015. Produced by PCGraphics (UK) Limited V R A The representation of a road, track or path is no evidence of a right of way. U SKIN Get off here for for Central College, and local independent businesses along Chilwell High Road. YOUR NEXT STOP CONNECTING YOU TO GREAT COURSES, CAREERS AND A STUDENT LIFESTYLE CENTRALNOTTINGHAM.AC.UK • Cleaning Services • Dry Cleaning & Laundry Services • Garment Alterations • Ironing Services 34 High Road Chilwell Nottingham NG9 4AE 0115 854 8473 Quality Gifts by Talented Crafters Craft workshops available Tuesday-Saturday 9.30am-5.00pm Early Bird Wednesday 8.30am- 4.30pm 178 High Road, Chilwell, NG9 5BB HERITAGE OPEN DAYS Thursday 10th - Sunday 13th September Come by Tram to explore the Heritage of Beeston and beyond – from the Museum of Archaeology, Restoration Ramble at Highfields Park, Model Railway etc at Pearson Centre, Beeston, to Inham Nook Allotments, Chilwell. Full details in HOD booklets available at Nottingham Information Office and outlets in Beeston. Our latest publication will be delivered to 25,000 homes in the following areas: Beeston Central, Rylands, Chilwell, Toton and Bramcote. NottsLocalNews @NottsLocalNews Our latest publication will be@NottsLocalNews delivered to 25,000 homes in the following areas: For over a decade we have It’s so easy to advertise supported Beeston local businesses Central, with The Rylands Local News, we with great value advertising offer our clients: inChilwell, our monthly newspapers. Toton and• Choice Bramcote. of eight The balanced split of advertisment sizes advertising alongside local • Great rates from news and community £55 per month features, ensures you will • Free full colour advert get a great return from your design service marketing investment. • Discounts for multiple Now we are launching our areas and long term fantastic new Beeston bookings edition with 25,000 copies • Editorial opportunities every month.Advertising rates start to frompromote just your £25 That’s more coverage than For more details or to localbook business your advert any other local magazine • Website and social across the NG9 0115 981 media 9200 advertising or email [email protected]• Leaflet design, print and distribution service Advertising rates start from just £55 For more details or to book your advert call us on: 0115 981 9200 or send us an email at: [email protected] This is Chilwell Road P A R F W N K O O R Town Hall A S O R O V T T E E L H A N R L NORTH D C U A D E T RTH STREET ROM EV O O N Supermarket NO NS W T ELL R H O TREE IRE R E A HAMP OA L D M AV D RAGE S B A E C NU 5 6 D I S 0 V A m TY 0 Towards E V E in R N E s I 6 s NG GR T N w Nottingham E U a S Beeston E l T O RE k R Bus Station VE ST E Station E E LA V T A AL E IMPER I L IRETON HA T S R A IMPER COUR C IAL RO W E N E Beeston T Town Centre DRIV S H AD TR EE 64 HA C 4 NORT PA T D 6 L O ET A L RE A AM R L T K L S O GRANGE AV I R N R RO G N War D T TO L O L E AD N W Memorial E E S N T NE STREET W R O L E I E H GROVE T C T ADST O T L C A G 4 S V 6 E A 4 ROAD D VENUE 6 Towards N A E AR D T D Toton Lane D H O CE S A A E V L L E L E W C T O L B F A RO T N E E E L E A L V N L O E IS R G Chilwell Road E E E N W AV NU A L IL VENU E Works A K M E O U E O Y OT N I R Central College E L B R S O LA V N A LE E Nottingham - H T W O C N L A E G Beeston Centre L F E L L Y A D D A Dovecote Lane IME Y T O R L R R Recreation A R E G N A T V CO R E B E D O Ground OVE IN A R LLEGE ROAD O B O R R O A R A A V High Road - IN D E G NU Central College R EO E G C A Chilwell R T College House W R I Junior School G H T 05 60 W D A A Hetley Pearson A O ST Y R Chilwell Memorial WE Recreation E SS D Ground A Institute U OA P N E - R E E AV Y E RIN A S V MA W B V N Y A O 4 U A E E R N 6 D 4 U G 6 O Q RTO A N A S Chilwell Memorial N E THE TW O WH AVE CR Institute Tennis Club T GEORGE L R A I TCHE H TH C E NO L OK L Supermarket Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2015.
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