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Photo by Karen Nelson Ralph Woodring watches Christy Scofic display her baitnet casting skills learned that morning at the Sanibel Fishing Pier while fellow sixth graders from the Sanibel School, Stephanie Shapario, Beth Adams and Anna Gould watch. See story and photos on page 2.

Carl Sefiwairtx* Koi series Islander Sounder, i» «a «3dhlblt at BIG ARTS Ginny BroMrn, witl1 w#r1ks ^ mm North dies. See page %%« See obituary oil page 6 I 2 • Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • Islander Sanibel sixth graders go fishin9 Story and photos by Karen Nelson Staff Writer Sanibel School sixth graders in Cheryl Darbyshire's class went fishin' last week as part of a Responsible Fishing Seminar. Groups fished on Wednesday and Friday mornings and Mayor Nola Theiss welcomed the students on Wednesday, fol- lowed by members of the Wildlife Committee speak- ing about their love of fishing and the need to fish responsibly. The students then split into three groups: one fished from the pier; one fished from the beach and the third practiced cast net throwing. Then the groups rotated so that all students had a hand at all three. Net casting was the most enthusiastically received, understandably since results were immediate. Ralph Woodring and Robin Ramming of the Bait Box set up a "target box" on the beach and worked with the kids Clockwise from on the intricacies of a clean throw. Beach fishing lop: guidance was provided by Walt Dickinson and Les Copal "Indy" Boyle: willing students baited their own hooks — Pati shows occasionally chasing the jumping shiners on the beach Julia Cacioppo — and learned how to cast and handle the reel. There how to fish. was one good nibble on the beach on Wednesday, but no fish were brought in on either day. On the pier, Les Boyle, Vern guidance was provided by Vern Frankwich, Randon Frankwich, Eddy (on Wednesday) and Indy Pati. Pati also pointed Walt Dickinson out the PVC tubing on the pier for disposal of waste, and "Indy" Pati explaining its importance. discuss respon- *- sihh CROW provided a jar of monofilament, which with the sixth both Randon Eddy and Les Boyle explained had been 1 graders. removed from birds brought to the clinic. They explained what to do if a bird lakes your hook: don'I Joel Alilehell just cut the line and leave the inonul'iliuncnt hanging his hook from the bird: bring the bird in as close as yon can before cutting the line. Miss Darbyshire said Ihul she has been "working Walt Dickinson shows SUITU; with Vern to educate kids about what the Wildlife ft\©' points Committee ib doing on the island." As purl of that pro- about equip gram, the fishing rules pamphlet was distributed lo the meul \\ iili whole, school this year. At the outing's conclusion, Tyler Mendez. gifts from Banana Boat were distributed and students will also receive a certificate of completion for the Responsible Fishing Seminar.



LO"K fOr "H'-lly . -'Ill) f : LEE Will' al1 .i\t!'n .f.ll sh • tiIC-' ;,kv Al'l 1 IKICA COUNTY l>,i:--|-TS' il ..-• Ik- I , CHANDE uuid 67'fll Sal LblllliH 62,73Sun ACRE.S WEEKEND TIDES CAPE 64 81 Sat Gef yowr Forecast first on Fox. I'INL 57,74 Sun C Iv - Il !. ". I i.-. INLAND CORAL 67/St S«t 86.79 Sat I FORT C£ 63.72 Sun ,, 60172 Sun STATE FORF.CAST-SATUnDAYj Bn_ i-_. MYERS CAP1IVA 6600 Sift CEH " ISLAND 60.72 Sun IMMOKALLE ! •• 6C79 fe_Ml 67.B0 Sat 63/82 Silt 58 78 61,72 Sun 58,73 Sun 57 no Fo~l." 88 VO SANIfILL UUN1TA SPRINGS SZ7O • AHIIM-Vi -TOUT MYERS 68/B1 Sat SO/70 ' Mlllll .1 _ I (rlllf 60' 61/72) 70,87 i. ;>• AM Pi 63-74 60/7B COLLIER •/... 60,82 1*U' J 6a"7S Hf9H P< ' ilfexico COUNTY 45'6S NAPLES *'-». .".I 40/60 BOATING FORECAST r 67/82 Sat '/ ii '» 60/78 ^ PUlILd -T.Ut U II I* ,V. I WNW 15-20 Knots 10-41 p.m. 423 p.m. 10:55 p.m. 4:48 p.m. _ .i> 4-6 Feet 43/BB MAItCO ISLAI •Hm St. James City 11:45 am 5:09 a.m. 12:35 a.m. 5:48 a.m. 63/70 '•Alllil'iAY I «iv A Inl.n.l CIloppV 66/82 Sat M t » I" •••'.•' • IJNS[ r 5:23 p.m 63/78 11:12 p.m. 4:58 p.m. 11:26 p.m. 64/74 Sun 57/80 j." r-pji Islander » Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • 3 COLUMNISTS

MY DocToR SAYS Fishing & Shelling Capt, Mike Fuery 1 SHOULD BE EATING — page 11 Dave A MORE BALANCED DIET. Horton The Metastatic life Lisa Pierot — page 5

Commentary Lee Nancy Sunfcuaanio Horton --• pugo lfi

Up PERISCOPE Word Watching Vince Faroanc o matter who you are or what liar relaxed atmosphere If any of this piques your interest, you your interests, the economy mat- of dining at "The might be interested in a conference com- •••• page 21 Nters. It certainly matters to a great Cow," the more elegant ing up on November 20th at Schein Hall many bankers, financial wizards and real experience of the at BIG ARTS. estate brokers as well as us j'lxl-pkiin- Thistle ! iKlge. 01 the 1'ou r 'uys from neat a«vl mostly far folks who might be generally lviyslilk-i! 'liL'i'i'l'ul wv-t mill ol thf in1 by it. .' unilii 1 v u i!!, mulct Having belabored the obvious just a stand that it still are all pruiiy well educated in this field L depends on a healthy — Ph.D.s and what-not -•• • and they live bit, let's move on to the point: retired or KliNM Dateline Hollywood not, full-time or part-time resident, what- SKVKKANf'IO economy. in it every day. Some are real estate ever, the economy here is something that Editor So where are we experts, one specializes in tourism and Little Joe Micale concerns us all, either directly or indi- headed? Those of us another in investments — all in all, a rectly. not living all alone somewhere high in a pretty good mix and certainly worth lis- — page 24 It's the economy that has a direct tree are well aware that it has been tough tening to. They'll even answer questions. bearing on the traffic on Periwinkle. times all over for the past year or so. You I learned the hard way several years While it may be a real irritant when can blame Al Quaida or Enron, it doesn't ago that there are a lot of other people you're trying to get to the lighthouse or much matter — the result is the same. out there who-' know a lot more about the four-way stop in the afternoon, it is Now the markets have turned up a bit. investments and how our economy nonetheless a credible measure of the Even my 401k has gotten back a sleeve works or doesn't work than I do. It only state of our economy. If all those cars and a couple of'buttons from last year's makes sense to hear what they have to Center Stage stayed away we'd all regret it — most shirt — hey, maybe even a pocket, too. say. Marsha Wctg?ier sooner, some later. Is it real or just a comforting tempo- If you're curious about this and might The year-round population cannot rary illusion? Will any of it make any dif- want to participate, call the Chamber of — page 19 support the economy without help from ference to life here on the barrier islands Commerce at 472-1080 or the Islander at outside, so, whether you want the pecu- of Southwest Florida? Good question. 472-5185.

I lit LUNA CAPE.. Refreshment center Smoothies SEAFOOD • SPORTS • SPIRITS Protein Shakes A Lifestyle Enhancement Center Coffee Drinks FEATURED GAMES OF THE WEEK Expanded CAROIO CENTER Authorized and Oklahoma State vs Kansas WEIGHT ROOM Dealer of Polar Ohio State vs Illinois Spinning C!a?>s«s, iJ»;e|» Clashes,, Aerobk.i;, Heartrato IBttrtv Shapim) •::*»»iiors Classes Monitors North.. Carolina vs Florida State Plus: '•'•• .. :•.• Wfciutils !"ii '..: ill -1 ::- I PLUS ALL LOCAL BROADCASTS 395-2639 YOGA FREE TO MEMBERS Cornoi of Sanibcl-Captiva Rd. and Rabbit Rd. Wed., 11:15 am 703 Tarpon Bay Road • Sanibel • 395-CRAB Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • Islander

The deadline for items to be included on Open Mic gears up these pages is Friday afternoon at 4:30 p.m HAPPENINGS Island writers welcome resident, enigh- boring and visiting writers and readers to participate in the monthly Open Mic at The Bean, 2240 Periwinkle, on Friday, Nov. 22, from 6 to 8 p.m. Open Mic's are informal, enjoyaable and entertaining occasions. Readers sign in and everyone in r\ the audience is encouraged to participate. You may read your own or other writers' poetry and prose. Everyone who attends is given an opportunity to read, and anything goes, but selections should be limited to five min- utes or under. The informality of these readings makes them attractive to both beginning and seasoned writers and audi- ences who love the spoken word. For more information, call Joe Pacheco at 472-12S0.

Sanibel-Captiva Optimists are ready to serve islanders breakfast at FSBPA meets next week Deb dllcuson presents an Islands Night cheek for $1,500 to Hope their fell Pancake Breakfast this Sunday, Nov. 17, from 8a.m. to 12:30 The Florida Shore & Beach Preser- p.m. at the Sanibel Community Center. Chow down! $6 per person over Hospice president and CEO the age of six; Sanibel Youth Soccer perticipants in uniform — $3. vation Association will have its fall meet- Samira K. Beekwith. Islands Donations support island youth activities with 50 percent of this ing on Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 3 p.m. at the Night, sponsored by Sanibel and event's proceeds going to fight childhood cancer. Sanibel Community House. All members Captiva businesses and individu- and interested parties are urged to attend. als, is a night of fun where islanders enjoy a Miracle baseball Flu shots available Yu-Gi-Oh Alert! game and other activities at the The Visiting Nurses Association of There will be a sanctioned Yu-Gi-Oh Island Seniors Holiday Bazaar Lee County Sports Complex. Southwest Florida is giving flu shots to tournament at the Sanibel Library from 10 Do your gift shopping at the Island anyone over the age of 18 today at Bailey's a.m. to noon every Saturday, Registration Seniors Bazaar & Bake Sale on Saturday, Treasures table and much more. from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Persons over the age sheets are available at the library or at Nov. 23, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Civic Delicious baked goods will be for sale of 65 and/or those who may have chronic Needful Things in Tahitian Gardens. Center on the corner of Palm Ridge and as well as hot dogs, sodas, and coffee. medical onditions or are immunocoinpro- Remember, you need the special tour- Library Way (the old library). There will Tables are available for $15 for members mised should consider getting their shot. nament packs to play. They have all the be something for everyone — crafts, col- and $20 for rton-members. For more Flu shots are $15; pneumonia shots, $22. additional special cards and are available lectibles, plants, caiamondin marmalade, information, please call Pat at 472-8078. Medicare, cash and checks are accepted. at Needful Things. shell decorations, ornaments, dolls, jewel- ry, liuropean soaps, a Super Trash 'if Happenings, see page 5


._ ; NOW ACCEPTING •• '. Quality Used Furniture & Accessories The Islcv.-: •< Community Call For An Appointment 283-7241 Newspaper since 1961 Connie's DON'T MISS I'.U Mi.-, .if." S.MMIV.I.M. Phone: (23'M-i;1 Sis-, • Fax 472-1372 Connection THE BOAT!,

i 1'iH ukM/t-. i n- 1 V i'II.IL1" Hu.titri J J A Resale Gallery Locution. iiiiik1 Center It la&et, 37 "7ime& /4n*u*td 7* See tt /Oil A PUN PLACE T* SHOP! Posl;d hifornialion: Hand-Painted Furniture • Lots of Used Furniture The Sanibel (.'api.\.i7M'r»>i/<-i (IWViXI idOi is puMi.stvd ovi-ry Frid:i\ .md i* ilislnlv,iu-.i LIIIIHIL'II UI' Sanibel and Needful Things • Wantful Things • Estate Sales Service Cuptivu Island• I<> tlu* HKVA-C'oip. f'.O. H"\ M\ Saiubi-I. !•'[.. Unique Art from Local Artists Third f "l;i^ p'1'.laj.v1 is j>.sui ;u llu Sanib. I 1'nM Olt'uv. A Modest Amount of Antiques -*• •*• l\isi>n.L-U'r: Si'iiil .idilii's-, i h.ui"i-' i>. Siiuibd ( apn\.i IJmi.lrr I'U lli-> Always Buying & Consigning

. M ••.. •. II UNUSUAL GIFTS... to say the leastl

.Error fy Gift CertifiedVs Available In the vvctii (•! aii error \vr arc ivspofisihk' itnii' • •' f|»e ficsl 10% OFF TEtS AD!! ; incorrect insertion of mt ad if, in our opiui'it? l ••;• >. a Kiss of value, We dn iiiit .-ifistnw: iHiy fcs[]i>i»:,il)i!i'' ' OP/A UYS beyond tiw crisl en' the .u! itseli'. Wo ;i;-is;;! responfiihil>iv ('<>!'i;'r»iii'f>y pail ','iiii'n .;. , •!. .Vv'e Sundays i - 6 PM are uui JCM;-'1.'. i!iiv i'J>" ii".v i.Tctlii ist ivjii.i . . day.1; f-mii |)iilit iiii'i'. d.(•:•.• ~~28 41 3394 Si- v Road ••?< Island Islander • Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • 5 Happenings, from

"The Thrill of Viceroys and the Agony I'd started. I limped around outside pour- at the Visitor Center. This is an opportuni- of da-feet." ing bags of topsoil and using the tiller to Children's Book Week ty to meet people from all over the world mix it all up. I dug holes and planted The Sanibel Public Library and new and assist them in enjoying all the islands ever let it be said that I don't finish flowers and spread mulch. On my way to Youth Services Librarian, Barbara have to offer. what I start. This week. I waited get the hose, I stubbed my toe and almost Dunkle, will be celebrating Children's Anyone interested in volunteering Nand waited lor the cold went into orbit. Then I discov- Book Week from Nov. 18-24 with several should call Ava at 472-1080, Ext. 201. front that was supposed to pass ered that the hose wasn't long exciting programs. through. I had big plans to put in enough, so I attached it to one of Lollipop the Clown will be the special Care Givers Support my biggest butterfly garden yet in those coiled hoses, but when I guest for Family Story Night on the front yard close to the road. I pulled it free from under many Thursday, Nov. 21. Lollipop is new to the FISH (Friends in Service Here) thought, based on weather reports, bags of grass, it snapped back area and is excited about meeting and Volunteers provide respite for those who that the cool weather would be and hit me with the sprayer entertaining everyone with an evening of care for an elderly, ill, or incapacitated here on Thursday; so Wednesday guess where? stories, songs and just plain fun. family member or friend at home. There is I bought all the butterfly plants So now I have a broken toe, On Monday, Nov. 18, and Tuesday, also a support group for care-givers that from Home Depot and a new on a foot that has been battered Nov. 19, (here will be special Craft meets monthly. The next meeting will be Lisa Pierot tiller/cultivator with six cylinders, almost beyond purpose, and I'm Times. Monday's i;s at 3:45 pin for chil- on Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 10 a.m. at the two handles and some assembly required. actually out there in the driveway holding dren in grades K and up. Tuesday's Craft home of Ruth Humann, 1515 Bunting Right off the bat, I got really dirty. The the hose in one very dirty hand and crying Time is lor children ages 3-5 and will take Lane. For additional information, call tiller was great but I still had to separate and rubbing my eyes with the other. place at 10 a.m. Ruth at 472-9035 or Topper Schrarn at the grass from the soil. I don't bend very Still, I persevered. Sunday morning I Regular Story Times will also be held 454-8372. well anymore so I actually sat on the was up and outside where I put a small during Children's Book Week. As a get-together for those who may be lonely or seeking companionship, FISH ground and scooted around the perimeter border fence around the new garden. I • Small Wonders for children ages birth- also hosts a Friendly Faces Luncheon on my behind. Anyone who saw me work- could barely walk. My house was a disas- 2 years is at 2 p.m. on Mondays. ing out there in the yard in my most ter. We needed food, having lived on monthly on the second Tuesday of the raggedy shirt and pants, covered in dirt Halloween candy for two days now. There • Story Time on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. month. If you are new to the island or just from head to toe, must have seriously was not a single chance that anything was is geared for children ages 3-5. visiting, it is a nice way to meet people. considered calling someone. This was going to get done because I was too tired All programs are free and open to the Transportation is available for those who Friday and it was still hot so I would work and too crippled to care about anything public and will be held in the children's may require it. The next luncheon will be for 20 minutes or so and then come in the except watering the garden and then sit- area of the library. No registration is held on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at noon. Please house to cool off. 1 tracked dirt every- ting back to admire my work. Which I did required. For more information, call the call Charlene Timothy at 472-8552 for where. and that's when I saw all the viceroys fly- Library at 472-2483. reservations and/or transportation. By Friday night, when the cool front ing around the yard. • It never ceases to amaze me how the Volunteers wanted Upcoming Fundraiser butterflies find me so quickly. Where do It never ceases to amaze me they come from? How do they know? The Sanibel & Capliva Islands Koreshan .State Historic Site is hosting how the butterflies find me so Watching them is a totally blissful experi- Chamber of Commerce is looking for a fundraiser to benefit the park's historic quickly. Where do they come ence. Knowing that I provided a place energetic volunteers of all ages with Happenings, see page 5 where they can find food and water and a knowledge of the islands to greret guesls from? How do they know? place to rest j'Jves me a n\il MMIM1 nl pm pose in my otherwise out-olconlrol exis- tence. 2003 finally did arrive, I had the ground ready And so I spent the rest of that beautiful to mix with topsail. I took a really long cool day watching the butterflies and the MEMBERSHIPS shower, opened up the house and fell into bees and an occasional blue jay. and I did bed exhausted. Sometime in the middle of admire my work even as I nursed that bro- Tennis A Now Being the night, I got up and, on my way to the ken toe and all my other body parts that Round >H| Offered... bathroom, forgot I had left the vacuum were screaming for attention. Join now cleaner out and ran into it with my left Emily and 1 ordered pizza for dinner Robins (and previously broken) foot with all the and later we took the dog out in the yard and receive the force of an oncoming train. and I watched her play. It occurred to me Mon.-Wed.-Fri remainder of 2002 The next morning, on what should that life has really changed so much for us have been the most perfect of days lor in the last seven years. I used to think I 10am FREE planting with the air cool and crisp and knew what happiness was, but I wasn't the butterflies already showing interest, I very happy. Now I find it in the most was nursing a broken toe and a very sore unexpected places and I'm pretty sure it /x body. doesn't get any better than* this. Golf- Greens fees as Ion as $30, including cart / \ / /\/ V V '< Not to be deterred, I emerged from the Until next week— For tee time reservations call 472-2626 house medicated and eager to finish what Tennis - Hal! Machine Rental Available Daily Round Robins, lOam AshwOrth, g Weekly and monthly prc-paid Nike & Adidas packages available C».H 472-9099

"An Island Tradition" THANKSGIVING DINNER Restaurant opens at 1:00 pm TRAINS! TRAINS! TRAINS! Reservations now NEW THOMAS ITEMS - /THOMAS"! being accepted • Kites • Russian Nesting Dolls Serving Lunch & Dinner • Corolle • Lamaze • Puzzles • Caterpillar Reservations 472-4394 7 Days A Week • Playmobil • Groovy Girls GREAT SELECTION OF TOYS FOR ALL AGES 2075 PERIWINKLE WAY (Located in Periwinkle Place) 472-4800 1100 Par View Drive in Beachview Estates Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • Islander OBITUARIES Landscaping for energy,water Virginia Nason Brown She was a member of St. Raphael's conservation and wildlife Ginni Brown of Fort Myers Beach Episcopal Church, but confined to home died on Saturday, Nov. 9, 2002. Born in by illness for the last several years. On Monday, Nov. 18, ECOSanibel held at the Sanibel Public Library, is as New York City, she lived on Fort Myers Much loved and sorely missed, Ginni will continue its new series Healthy follows: Beach lor over 40 years. is survived by her daughter, Elizabeth Earth! Healthy Island! Healthy You! Dec. 16—"Making Room for More: Her father was the late Harry Nason, Sadler; her son-in-law, Kenny Sadler; her with a presentation on sustainable land- Growth Management" with Wayne managing editor of the New York Post, grandson, Billy Ignatti, Jr.; her sister, scaping using native plants. Daltry, director Lee County Smart and her mother was the locally known Betzi Abram; her niece, Lucy Sloan; and The program, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Growth Initiative. and loved Vivian Hinternhoff. her step-son, Curtis Brown. at Big Arts on Dun lop Road, will Jan. 20—"How Healthy Is Our Ginni was A memorial service will be held at St. demonstrate the many benefits of native Watershed?" with S. Gregory Tolley, founder and Raphael's on Williams Drive on Fort plants including low maintenance, PhD., associate professor of Marine editor of the Myers Beach on Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 7 reduced or no irrigation (saving money Science, Florida Gulf Coast University; Islander and, p.m. Father Palmer will officiate. as well as water), and the providing of and Susannah Lindberg, campaign for many food sources and shelter for wildlife. director, Wildlife Advocacy Project. years, the ecli- Jack Phillip Reed The presenter will be John Sibley, pres- Feb. 17—"Where Does Your Tap tor and co Sanibel resident Jack Reed, founder of ident of the Coccoloba Chapter of the Water Come From?" Water Conser- ;** v 'JW*- " 1 Cleveland-based Arhaus Furniture, died Florida Native Plant Society and owner vation and IWA. w , " *" IK owner of The mm quietly Nov. 10, 2002 at home in Bay of the All-Native Garden Center & Plant Mar. 17—"Switches Thai Save "** B c a c h Village, Ohio after a prolonged illness. Nursery in Fort Myers. The evening's Energy: Conservation and LCEC." Bulletin as He was 75. agenda will begin with the ECOSanibel April 21- "A Healthier Food well. She was business meeting from 6:30-7:15 p.m. Supply: Organics, non-CJMOs and also the Born in Clarksburg, W.Va. in 1926, Reed moved to Sandusky, Ohio in 1937 followed by Sibley's presentation. The More" author of a audience will have the opportunty to M ay 19—" B /.//././... S wat! popular cook- where he attended S(. $•* ask questions and to participate in a raf- Mosquito Control on Sanibel." ing column. fle for specimen native plants. ECOSanibel (Earth Charter of "She was Mary's • Elementary and Sibley came to Fort Myers in 1979 Sanibel) is a non-profit, non-partisan, my mentor and started a lawn maintenance busi- educational organization dedicated to when I started here back in 1968," said High Schools. He graduated ness. Al'ier \isiling the Sanibel-Captiva promoting and upholding (hose princi- Observer/ Bulletin Account Executive r ( IMISCI'Vatidii Foundation and reading ples of the Earth Charter appropriate for Chris Pallou. "I was in college, and Ginni from Notre Dame in 194U. Rich.nd Workman's book, (lmwiii}> the sanctuary island of Sanibel, through lot me work during my breaks. When I S'litivr, he dedicated his career to native discussion, publications, programs, graduated in M;i\. she said. "Well. >HK \flrr -.iTviiK' in 1 (III1 :\.l\ \. Ill' plant',. In I')S7, lie switched from lawn advocacy and public events. The Earth can't Marl tcachin; ., 'lil Seplt'iuliri Stm mamicuaikv lo a "No Fawn" landscap- Charter is a multi-national declaration mighl a.-, well work hciv for llic suiniin-r." UOllu'd ,i\ UtV piVMdrnl i'l ing sei\ ice and, three years ago, lie pur- of fundamental principles Tor building a ! never left. 1 chased (In piopei(\ (hat became the .All jnsl. sustainable, ;u>d pi arrful global "She taught me the business. She iViiiTal HUT 1 \ali\c (iaulfii Center. Riveullv, Sible\ society in the ' I ,sl CCIIIIWA. \-X'(>Sanibel Uiuglit me to love llu' Imsiness. Anil slie I'handi-.iiiL lot seiwd ,is naliw plant expert fora scries also seeks lo forge links \v

Chipper fervice Real Estate Loans lopping Financing Arranged For • Priinary • Second Home * Investors m Pruning • First & Second Mortgages, Jumbos lhaping • FNMA 60 MINUTE APPROVALS Bucket • Construction/Permanent, Lot Loans Seasoned Tvuik • Zero Points & Multiple Buydowns Available firewood Hazardous • Poor Credit, Prior Bankruptcy Yree Power Programs are Subject to Change Joe Zammit Removals frump CAC MORTGAGE INC. Tree Surgeon Grinding Licensed Mortgage Brokerage Business Specializing in Saving Trees! Charles A. Chegut • John Friedlund • Amy McCluskey Same-Day Emergency Service Licensed Mortgage Brokers 239/472-3110 695 Tarpon Bay Road Ste. 11 Licensed & Insured FAX 239/472-8159 NO APPLICATION PEE Sanibel, Fl 33957 Office 119/461-flli • Cell »9/4fO-llff • l.ix »9/469-fSi1 Islander • Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • 7 Persuasion. This was Austen's last com- Professor of Humanities at Princeton Happenings, from page 4 pleted novel and her most optimistic and University and the author of over 27 nov- romantic. How does Anne Elliot adapt to els. She writes a full-out family saga of restoration efforts this Saturday, Nov. 16, 7:30 p.m. at the Sanibel Community life after rejecting a marriage proposal upstate New York, with history, family from 6 to 10 p.m. Park staff will be acting Center. Chamber of Commerce Executive from a penniless suitor and taking care of secrets, love and healing. Profoundly as waiters, waitresses and hosts at Director Steve Greenstein will deliver the a difficult family'/ cathartic, this book plumbs the darkness Romanza Restaurant in Bonita Springs Thanskgiving message. Virginia Woolf claimed (he hook had of the human spirit to hit upon a source of (Next to the Regal 12 Movie Theatre on This ecumenical, interfuith program is "a peculiar beauty." Margaret Drabble light at its core. "People will be reading US 41). All tips made that night by park held annually the evening before notes its "autumnal glow" and sees it as a (this) a century from now, the way we staff will go directly to the Koreshan Unity Thanksgiving with members of local con- heroic story of "perseverance and read Dickens and Henry James." Alliance, Inc., a non-profit local organiza- gregations invited to participate. There are patience and delayed romance." Interest Dr. Herrenkohl, former Professor of tion that assists the park. In addition to always favors for each family and take- in this 19th century English authoress has Psychology at Temple University, is also a hosting this event, Peri and Vincenzo, the home activities for each child. The pro- seen a huge resergence since such con- psychotherapist with over 25 years of owners of Romanza Restaurant, will gram ends with cider and cookies. temporary films as Emma and Sense and experience, a writer specializing in the donate 5 percent of all proceeds for that Costumed Pilgrim ushers will hand out Sensibility. psychology of women, and a national and night to the Park. programs and help children who want to The workshops continue on Jan. 14 international lecturer. This is her fourth Come in for dinner and let the park staff try writing with a quill pen. Visitors to the with The Peppered Moth which is by successful season hosting the literary take care of you! Reservations for this spe- isalnds are always welcome. Drabble, one of England's foremost workshops at BIG ARTS. cial evening may be made by calling (239) Help is needed with setting up chairs women writers. She is also (he The Creative Women in Fact and 949-6776. For additional information, and providing home-made cookies. Any- Distinguished Editor of the Oxford Fiction workshops are from 10:15-12:15 contact the park office at (239) 992-0311. one who can help should call the program Companion to English Literature. The on the second Tuesdays in November, coordinator, Jean Wood, at 472-0673. heroine's dreams of escape from a dreary December, January, March and April. For Yorkshire town are thwarted by the infra- additional information call BIG ARTS at Sewing Guild to meet structure of English society. What power 395-0900. The next meeting of the Southwest Genealogy Society meets do we really have to reinvent ourselves? Florida Chapter of the American Sewing The Lee County Genealogy Society's Are we bound to destiny beyond our will? Guild is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 23, November meeting takes place on Critics have said this novel is absorbing... Marriage prep course offered at the Lee County Extension Service in Thursday, Nov. 21, and will include a pre- "for it's sheer storytelling ability and On Nov. 19 and 20 from 6:30-9 p.m. Terry Park on Palm Beach Boulevard sentation on protection of keepsakes and ....powers of imaginative conjecture." the Family & Consumer Sciences division (Highway 80). Darlene Sewell will pre- records by Ken Sonnet and Phyllis Ziller On March II, The Stone Diaries by of Lee County Extension Service is offer- sent a trunk show of her original embell- entitled "Preservation, Protection and Carol Shields will be the featured work. ing a marriage preparation course at the ished fashions and discuss the techniques Posterity." Guests are welcome. For more Shields won the Pulitzer Prize in 1995 for Extension Service on Palm Beach she used to create each one. The meeting information, call or e-mail Carol at 549- this story of Daisy Stone Goodwill's Boulevard. The cost of the course is $15. will start at 12:30 p.m. and end at 3. 9625 or [email protected]. struggle to find her place in the world, Before You Tie the Knot is an educa- The American Sewing Guild is a from her birth in Manitoba in 1905 to her tional program designed to help couples national non-profit organization dedicated imagined death irv Indiana. This tale of understand that it takes both partners to the advancement of home sewing. Women's book discussions at one woman's life is "a universal study of working together to make a marriage suc- Membership is open to all who would like what makes women tick." cessful. It offers guidance in making the to learn more about this activity. Chapter BIG ARTS . The season will conclude on April 8 choices and descisions that will help make meetings are held the fourth Saturday of BIG ARTS is hosting another season of with We Were the Mulvaneyx by Joyce each month. Dues are $35 per year, and literary discussion on Creative Women in Carol Oales. Oates is a Distinguished Happenings, see page 5 include the chapter newsletter and special Fact and Fiction. The workshops, created diM.'cuiins from local merchants. Soi fur- and led by l-i. l.owaiue \ n-i irnkuM. L

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CASUAL IHl•. IH MNIHON OF SOPHISntAllON. PFRHUION (ail F FRONT ( oimiMudiii}', hteaihi.ikinj' i usioiu huill I'y OWIHT. views ol (hi1 (itill nl U11V4BA,.! olluvs ^ Mexico Ihisslinvuasi1 dni Miisiei suiti' with liomr olleis watin southern % piK.iti'di'ck.ind cxpoMite i%! sunset views, hti'alvl.i'il kiuhi'ii, tiioitop iiiiin.i! ulali h iiii'oined i sundt'i V VVIKIII limning :'jiiHful• I;MI ii* liii'pl.ui' ISI si u't'iit'd ,iu.. louilioii lin.ilion pool l!i'.UUlhllH !n ,1 [ I< >I1' I'm i d lijM'il l luinishi'd On Viniht'l':. il •"hs H.I, L. I mJ JM B vi'ty hi".l stud Ii nl huich II Mai A ! on ll.iilt-y m <"ull laiiu- I'rcsc at Judy Janie .ic-f/'i in 472 -Hll.$y>0,000 Redding ton Frese

SI»II'.NIH)R1N Illl \oi n uni \ KWDIS (1IIKISH t.Ul !• I'RONTSTHNNURl Kil-.unili!in\,\.!li l MI AS ,is new inthisiop Hour III condo Cioijyous «,m. •.•» w-. bh , plantntinn shuliers, licautilully tiunt'ihed i >ir,'i i ii'H av..i,i.\ini in 'ii . .• iin.i.i.u., .ii\ tottt|»le<. $H2'3,OO(). (. all John en His.ilu-ili Smilli ,u 4i'i I'll I >H I tonkin's "uit.-;:i kiidit'ii, elrvauir. I'lthuloici VAl Ut' in this .».,0(HI st| Ii c ondu nun .'BIi/.'UA plus den, 2 ••.replace. $1,875,000. $5,4»)O,000. (all ltirgc sioiage unil.s, coveted patKuij; >Sj poti he. lle.uiulul dull ol Call Andy Gelbers, at (ii-orgc Kolilbiennei at Mexico views, elose lo hshmf, pier .SJ Saiiibcl i ij'litliuii'ie I'aikhke 472-1511. 472-1154. t'lounds, pool, ictinis, onlj I"i owners $795,000 (F). (all Mary I ou ItaiU-y at 472 Ii 11.

TOR THE PRIVILEGED VIEW!! ( otnp.ue yout wish list to ilus superbly-miuuiained. 2BD/2BA, Kelly dteens Vet.uida Oecoiaun touches throughout, mirrored wet bar, Peij;o flooi in kitchen, I'lautalion Shutters, private lake front wtih sprt lacuLu goll loiusc- view (all Miugic DsiviMMi's 24-hr, hotline, (800) 527-8314, Cock2011. $164,400.

PRIVACY PLUS r Comfortable Captiva living in this 3BD/2. > BA lownhouse with JONATHAN HARBOUR NEAR BEACH DUPLEX private master suite upstairs. This gulf to bay community offers tircat Jonathan Harbour lot. 140' of water frontage & direct access. great privacy with beach & boating only steps away. Heated This beauliful gated community offers clubhouse, pool and tennis. An Newly redone duplex across street from beach. New pool, furnishings go ideal place to build your dream house. with the unit. Double car detached garage.' Good rentals, swimming pool, lots of dockage & excellent weekly rentals. $699,000. Call Judy Recldington at 472-1511. $649,000. Call Glen Simmons at 472-1511. $995,000. Call Tom Wiley M 472-4121. SUNSET CAPTIVA IURE3BD/2BAwAot't INTERNET unit. Sited on one of the largest lots in Sunset Captiva. Cathedral ceiling, fireplace, .wonderful floor plan, I separate laundry room Toll Free (800) 233-8829 | with lots of floor sundeck, first floor Main Office (239) 472-1511 screened porch...a fabulous unit. Causeway Office (239) 472-4121 $893,000. Call Captiva Office (239) 472-5154 Mary Lou Bailey at PO BOX 57 • SANIBEL, FL 33957 472-15LL A'ResortQuest Company islander * Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 » 9

' '!< ' " id' (I mien n, cuiors and l"< I liiV<|\ '.liillili s i M i' >u JLi i.)() I'M ! >< uvi i>' t iM' ii il» '• iw 'uu1. blood il wouKl iv ,i • km 'i' i . M.iki s « n.t.M ,i> , Ui unone on news day. No seheit- i!u' Island who IUVHS •( 'men Koi.inans). ! ie uled speaker. M he bell -.uppoilsoui fiu-iuui veai scliotaiships, and rang, the meeting has done a gieat deal to taise the money that begun as usual: Roger's kinds them, lie is sell-appointed job" boss thoughtful prayer. when we build oi set up anything. Pledge of Allegiance, Dick's island involvement doesn't stop "My Country 'tis of with the club. Although he seems to disdain Thee," and then Dick cultural happenings "The Old School Mueneh, It's been that House.... is that the pink one'.' Never been way for 29 years --••• at there" - Mueneh is arguably one of its most least the Mueneh part. involved volunteers. And, anyone can tell And, it's the best rea- you, il" Dick is involved, Dick is son to hold a meeting. It's what 1 advise INVOLVED. Dick cares, and he's able, and other clubs, not so robust as ours, to observe he isn't reticent about speaking up. But, like and then try to duplicate. That's impossible, so many others here who would broadcast of course, but it makes for fun. that they possess all the same qualities, Dick Mueneh introduces visitors and guests, is also willing to work. He puts in the "And from Columbus, Ohio, it's ... it's... thought, labor and hours required for suc- Can't you people write in that state? How cess". am i supposed to read this...? Where's Dick serves on the Chamber of Bill?" Commerce Board. He is Mr. Little League And Birthdays. '-Well, well, well. It's lit- on the island "The Coinmish." The ball- HAVE IT ALL tle Timnry Barnes's birthday. How would park refreshment stand, which he organized Fi.ri.-J fv-ir.yi hiiicr yo.i ^-^.i:... ;;:=(•••> Uic- Uit • • i 1. 1 you like it sung, Timiny .'"... "No, no. no. and often works, was named McMuench's D.::io .i:-j.if: M:<- •••l.>-!-. U'-.n\' . :[•• :pi. •: :i-i <:- \,\vi for a leason: Dick is passionate about any- Birthdays are five bucks. Cough il up." He iivl-.. collects happy dollars, sad dollars, anxious ihing that will benefit Island kids. dollars, or grateful dollar* from anyone He set the pattern for Kiwanis. We have Saks Fifth Avenue; Island F'ursuit no choice ami, for Kiwanians, there is no announcing an event, victory, loss, anniver- Bed Bath & Beyond Janeon's Whitownrks sary, grandchild, child, wedding, graduation, escape. Dick founded our club. And (hen ( Bell Townr 20 Cinnma Barry (iordou's coinings and goings... any- racked up 2 > years of perfect attendance. Kay West Boutique; thing. Kiwanis breakfasts every Wednesday at SPECIALTY SHOPS M;iyoi:i Juwolors the Island Mouse. The next Blood drive will Talk out of turn and you're fined. Your ( Ar.i 11 n MI-IIP Norm.ill 1.:. :.11 •• •".•• phone rings, you're fined. Tell a joke, you Iv Dee. 11. ('all Tom I'hlei al tf6-63<>0 to 1 1 learn more about the Kiwanis inarchim.' Ann kiyloi put in a buck (sometime , two if it's loo lom Anna's W|:>IOCI.;.\M 'I loo bail). lil'".-. .1 Im.llil n.i'Vllll11 .ill.I • .i'- •' Mi: vn. -i i'i- \ :ubU<- .11>| i OIlllllMllC u iilick. illll p.l\ li .mil p!i ;'..u.;m;;. u. ; iirUll lit t3UU> VV\jlri;> ture, your wife's picture or your opinion nlicit items lor the auction at the spaghetti Brookstone Sunglass Hut appears in the paper. And ii doesn't stop with dinner in February. And, don't forget, the Cheshire Cat Toys Swim N' Sport meetings. He's ubiquitous (wonder how Kiwanis Foundation is a 501 (c) 3, so large Chico's Talbots many Kiwanians have to look this one up). gifts like boats and ears are welcome. Call Clockworks The Molo Hole Dick i:. a major mover in most Kiwanis Bill Tratini at 472-17o I. Start gearing up for Draper's & Damon's The Piano Gallery projects. He organized the Kiwanis Santa the Talent Show in March... EchoSurf Thomas Kinkade Gallery Run and has ram-rodded it for 2K years. He Everything we earn goes back into the. Eyt-jlopinn Oplicinl Touch Spa & Salon coupled the run with "Friends Who Cure" community. Has for 29 years. Gap Trjdfsr Rick's gifts, and now Kiwanis Santas deliver holi- G;i|) Kids Victoria's S«crtit Vitamin World College of Engineering. Wfillrihy I rading Co. MOAA meeting A command pilot with over 4,500 flying Willmms-Sonoma hours and combat experience in Southeast San-Cap Military Officers of America RESTAURANTS season opens Monday, Nov 18, with Major Asia and Bosnia, Major General Platt is HOLIDAY FUN General Richard A. Platt (ANG) discussing responsible for management and coordina- Visis Fvc]l rower Shops, (or Bacchus & Co. the "Role of the Air National Guard in the tion of over 64,300 Air Guard members shopping, dining and special Big Olaf Cionmery Defense of America." throughout the US, the District of Colombia From 1-ttday Ristrn 41 Blankhawk Coffet; Cafo The Sanibel-Captiva Chapter of the and Puerto Rico. ANG assets represent Fesi concerts to an Ans and D'Amico & Sons Military Officers Association of America almost 50 percent of the USAF Air Combat Crafts weekend, the smson (MOAA) will hold its first dinner meeting Command (ACC) aircraft. Johnny Rockets of the 2002-2003 season at the Dunes Golf He will speak on "The role of the Air Manatoe Max & Country Club on Monday, Nov. 18, with National Guard in Defense of America.," Taste of New York cocktails at 1800 and dinner promptly at with emphasis on the increased post 9/11 T.G.I. Friday's Combat Commitments which the ANG has 1900. HOTELS Chapter President Chuck York, Major, been directed to assume, and their effects on ANG personnel, their families and the Holiday Inn Select USMCR (Ret) will discuss the rapid growth Call 2Tt9/48i9-]22L as go to Homewood Suites of the Chapter's membership, and the new nation. name of the Association, which is effective All members, their friends and families, fo't schedules ami itUornuiiJon. '• immediately. visiting MOAA members, and invited Major General Richard A. Platt. An guests are cordially invited to attend. National (maul, who serves as the Assisuu1 Reservations and meal selection for this not- to the Conmiandei. Air Combat Command to-be-missed presentation must be made by i AC'(';. .uid Diieclor of Air (liun' calling Social Chairman Bob Laswell, LTC, US A,! Ret) at 472-5804, no later than today. mce1. el the Unite-! Stalls is die ;•(•• . BELLTOWKR SHOPS Nov. 15. ',,l.\ll I1! .11 IIM-. Mulll."l!l ll illllUi ! .Hi . li • i •• J'i.Us, .' ho -.1.1'- ii houu1 iis Souihwe.M I'Uii' ' For additional information contact Chuck York at 395-2478 or Chapter

A Challenge Class boat, with lh< 1 lJl>7. Just 36 hours into the race, (bur teams it was a pod ol" black and white killer wore forced to withdraw chic io food poi- whales. A big whale wcui under the boat ' si in ill!.!.. while the others circled and ---• suddenly — The winning team. New ZeaJanders Kiwi a whale charged straight at the boat, diving under it at the very last minute. Then they all Charlie Nbvs-t ('lialli'tii>c, made it to Port St. Charles, Sam Deacon boat named *Y(w/ Barbados in just 41 days, beating the previ- disappeared. At Sea World, Street was told Dcacoii. The Street and Gould made the Atlantic ous record by 30 days. Street and Gould that the whales thought the boat was a whale second was the crossing as part of the I')')/ Atlantic made the crossing in 65 days; 24 boats com- and wanted to play; the charge was prompt- recent opening of Sam's House in Bristol, Challenge Row, organized by Sir Chay pleted the race. ed by anger at being ignored. UK, a place where children recovering from Blyth. The 2.V4" Atlantic Rowing Meals consisted of boil-in-the-bag food, Sharks followed some of the fleet all the bone marrow transplants can stay with their Challenge Class Boat, designed by Phil primarily Lancashire hot pot and chicken way across. For one seven-day stretch, a i'artfilies. Morrison and Peter Rowsell, was provided casserole, "You got pretty sick of shark trailed the Sam Deacon — no bathing 'The tale of both journeys was told at to all competitors as a "routed" plywood kit Lancashire Hot Pot," noted Street. Suffering in the sea for a week. Big dorados followed 'Tween Waters Inn on Captiva recently by and Mark Edwards of Richmond Bridge from seasickness at the start, the fresh fruit under the boat all the way from Tenerife. London policeman Charlie Street, who was built the Sam Deacon. they were given by their children was all When they arrived at Barbados, the fisher- visiting with his wife and Sam's parents, Street (who was 45 at the time) and they "could manage to eat for the first three man came out and caught them all and bar- Erie and Laraine Deacon. Sam Deacon, who Gould (then 41 and also a London police- days." becued them. "I couldn't eat any; it felt like was diagnosed with leukemia in 1991 at the man) took three months off work for the The sky at night was brilliant: "The I would be eating a friend," said Street. age of seven, was Street's godchild. race. Planning began more than two years Milky Way and stars, you could sec all the However, the Hying fish that landed nightly Street and partner* Roger Gould raced to before the event and Street and Gould's stars. You could even see the satellites." One on the boat were a "quite tasty" diet supple- raise money for the Children With intensive six-day-a-week training program night, a whale came up about ten feet from ment. Attracted at night by the lights, they Leukemia Trust (CWLT), initially formed to included two hours straight on a rowing the boat with her baby. "She just came up could be heard hitting the boat; there would find a bone marrow donor for Sam. In machine every Monday and sprint-rowing out of the water and then dove. It was mag- be about 20 in the boat each morning. August 1993, Sam received a bone marrow the rest of the week supplemented by nificent, the wildlife was incredible." They encountered one bad El Nino storm transplantbut complications! ensued and he 1 running, weight training and swimmim. .. Dolphins came by every morning. One about 1,000 miles off the coast of Africa. passed away later that ys^ ^0>m&c, his :: : 'I hilly IM.H peiMin [cmis departed from moniiiu>, they assumed that approaching • parents' decided'to co!i^j^^^|^^^^. •; v : Los tiiganles. I'eiu nle mi . iinula\. ( K i 1.'. I iris wi-ri- dolphins... until they renliAMl ihal Sam, see page 24 L. jr- INVESTMENT1 WORKSHOP

AFTER THE GOLD RUSH . . . INVESTING IN THE POST-BOOM ERA Investment strategies in today's volatile market

Featuring guest speaker Chris Long from the New York asset management firm, Manning and Napier

THE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 BIG ARTS - PHILLIPS GALLERY S ANIBEL& CAPTIVA 9:30 A.M. TO Ii:OO A.M. TRUST COMPANY RSVP by Monday, November 18 The. Sanibel Captiva Trust Company offers world-class investment management and trust services to individuals, families, businesses, 239-472-8300 foundations and other non-profit organizations.

THERE Is No CHARGE FOR THIS EYINT Islander • Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • 11 FISHING &. SHELLING $87,000 awarded to 28 agencies Twenty-eight non-profit agencies ser- • $5,000 to Gabriel House, Inc. of South on shelling for a short time, but the shell ving the children, the hungry, arts, ani- Fort Myers to replace carpeting in this What are the Odds? went back to the concealed spot (and rode all mals and education have been awarded home which serves exceptional children. wonder if we could do a. study to find out: the way back to Captiva there, too). $87,000 in Founder's Society grants by She joked about all the times her family the Southwest Florida Community • $3,000 to the Lee County Alliance for how much people have paid over the the Arts for an after-school program. Iyears to participate in this hobby we call had visited and looked for this one shell. I Foundation. The Founder's Society is the shelling? When you could have was trying to add up the cost. .. .Let's see — community support group for the• $3,534 to Animal Refuge Center, Inc. gone out west to ski, you came at least 39 years at an average of Southwest Florida Community Found- of North Fort Myers for an animal to the islands instead... with the perhaps $1,000 a visit consider- ation, which must receive contributions respect education program in schools. hope of finding something ing what it cost then and what it from the general public in order to main- • $2,000 to Kids Conspiracy for trans- unusual on the beaches. When is now. Let's round it off to tain its public foundation status. portation and presentation of theatrical you really needed a new car, the $40,000. One hundred percent of membership programs to economically disadvan- old one got new tires and deliv- I told her that now she had to gifts, which range from $150 to $10,000 taged children and families. ered you to Sanibel's beaches a find another hobby. She had hit annually, are returned to the community day or two later. the lop and what's to find after in Founder's Society grants. • $2,500 to Southwest Florida Water- I hat'.' I felt the same way when I Among the projects receiving grants shed Council for an education program So it was this week that I had to foster awareness of water issues. to smile and give up completely finally found one after 17 were: trying to estimate how much it straight years as a guide! Now, • $4,000 to Gulf Coast Symphony The Southwest Florida Community cost Jane Fenton this week to what are the odds of this? Orchestra for its Magic Carpet Family Foundation is a 27-year-old public foun- find her junonia. Her family Capt. As we were pulling back into Concert series. dation serving Lee, Hendry, Charlotte, came here a few years before my slip at 'Tween Waters, a Glades and Collier Counties. The • $3,000 to Bailey-Matthews Shell the Sanibel Causeway. We call Mike Fuery woman called out to me. She Foundation manages more than 230 Museum for transportation of students that "BC." The bridge went up came rushing over to the boat funds given to it by individuals, trusts or to the facility for education programs. in 1963. They came over on the ferry the first and asked if we had found anything special bequests, and distributes grants accord- couple of visits. Even as a little girl there was that morning, like a junonia. • $5,000 to Brightest Horizens in Harlem ing to the wishes of the donors. competition in her family to find that one Mrs. Fenton, then on the dock, went Heights to help with expansion of their The next grant cycle will be the special shell. But, as many of them as there elbow deep down the front of her suit and program to serve more children. Winter Grant Cycle with a deadline date were and as haul as they looked, even in produced the shell. "Pardon me for where I of Feb. 5, 2003. Grants of up to $25,000 • $3,000 to Calusa Nature Center & are awarded in this cycle. Further infor- those legandary "before the causeway" days, keep it," she said, presenting the shell proud- Planetarium for a new water filtration not one showed up. ly. The other woman was impressed. mation about the Foundation is available system for an alligator pond. at 274-5900. We were combing over the beaches on "My family would like to go to Cabbage Cayo Costa Island recently. Her husband, Key, Barnacle Phil's, then shell and find one Steve, got out of the boat, picked up one of those," the woman said to me. Jane Health & shell, presented it to her and said he had his Fenton and I looked at each other and CREWS SEPTIC SERVICE smiled. Thirty nine years or $40,000. Which Harmony limit. He's a beach-walker, bird-watcher 24 Hr. Emergency Service kind of guy. So she wandered on down the is it going to be? A Peaceful Place for shore for a couple of hours. So, you never know. Sometimes, the ones who deserve it find it. And then I will hear of Yoga & Massage Septic Tanks • Grease Traps I should have known by that erasable Lift Station Pumping smile as they came hack to the boat that she first-time visitors who find one. Well, maybe Rreathc d tlu-y ilfsi-i vo il Urn. I'oi tluiu.- who lui' >• Sanitael-Captiva: h,ul i uiiiL' upon something "Didn't Most Homes $155-$195 you heai1 me scream'.'" she asked. She was never found a junonia... see ya next year! wearing a one-piece swiinsuit and, with (239) 433-5995 much fanfare, reached way down the front. Have a question or comment? You can 15951 McGregor Blvd. reach Capt. Mike Fuery at 466-3649 or by <•- Ft. Myers, VL 33908 BUS. 731-5868 Voice Pager: 335-8920 Out came a beautiful junonia. "It's the only \'M:» •.'(•'« place I think is safe," she explained. We went mail at [email protected].

Celebrating th WE'LL BEAT ANY our 10 COMPETITIVE QUOTE Advertise In the Anniversary "TO YOUR HEALTH" YOUWWINDOWS! —"»• • - •'"" •"•'•' ' L ""•"' Pages Coming Soon In PLANTATION SHUTTERS The Islander Newspaper & ARCH TOPS mo* r - 8*95 SQ. FT. window fashions Your Advertisement Will Custom Made to Any Size Includes Installation. LUMINETTE Accompany Articles On Privacy Sheers* Good Health 8 Nutrition CUSTOM w All the light oi classic sheers Written By Local Experts In DRAPERY ililliAII the privacy of soft draperies Expert Decorating AMERICAN Their Fields. HARDWOOD NOW ON Services OR VINYL 3O YEARS NOBODY DOES SHUTTERS BETTER...NOBODY! EXPERIENCE , CML OR WSfTOUR DESIGN CENTERS CALL YOUR ISLANDER ADVERTISING MON.-FRI. 9AM-6PM FREE SAT. 9AM-3PM REPRESENTATIVE TODAY IN-HOME eSWHB epfless 12001 5. Cleveland Fort Myers CALLTOLL FREE 936-4191 1-877-44DECOR Bonita Springs 498-2140 Cape Coral 574-4188 4724185 (1-877-443-3267) Naples 261-4101Sarasota 552-0175 12 • Week of November 15-21, 2002 • Islander

Happenings, from page 4 a marriage a happy, lasting one., and it Simply pull your car up to their tent, give fulfills the requirments of the Marriage them your vehicle registration and they Wicked Wax Preparation & Preservation Act that will do the rest. While this is being done, Take to the wild! Making candles is easier than you you and your family can take a few min- became effective Jan. 1, 1999. A $32.50 Born to be WILD! — Six Mile think. Wax, wicks and everything need- discount on the marriage license is given to utes and visit the information tables for ed to create a special candle with natur- free crime prevention literature. Cypress Slough Preserve's annual day of couples who have completed approved pre- discovery — takes place on Saturday, al objects inside will be provided in this marital classes, and the required waiting Bring out the kids and get them finger- Nov. 23, from noon to 4 p.m. at the pre- special course on Saturday, Nov. 16, period for the license is waived. Pie-regis- printed for free. This takes just a fewmoment s serve on Six Mile Cypress/Ben Pratt from 10 a.m. to noon. tration is required — call Pamela at 461- and once it is done you get a card with their Parkway. Recommended for ages 8 and up. The 7523. fingerprints on it to take home. You can also cost is $15 for non-members, $10 for record their vital statistics on the card — Did you ever wonder how animals and plants are able to live in the wild? members. Please pre-register by calling should anything ever happen to them, you 275-3435. Theft Prevention event would have this card on hand for authorities. Find out on this day of fun and discov- The Lee County Sheriff's Office is host- This would also be a great time to learn ery! Live animals like baby panthers, an Special astronomy event ing an auto theft prevention rally on more about the Sheriff's Office's various pro- owl, a baby alligator, turtles and more, Join the bleary-eyed but enthusiastic Saturday, Nov. 16, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. grams and talk to members of the various animal and plant displays, and a hands- Calusa Nature Center planetarium staff, at the Bell Tower Shops on the corner of units — K-9, Helicopter, VOICE, Crime- on area will delight all ages. rain or shine, in the wee hours of Daniels Parkway and U.S. 41 in the stoppers, Explorers, Deputy Sheriff's There is a $5 per vehicle program fee. Tuesday morning, Nov. 19, to experi- Jacobson's parking lot. Association, Safety Bug, DARE Vet, Bomb For information, call 432-2004 ence a once-in-a-lifetime event of the The Grand Theft Auto Unit will be there Squad, Crime Scene, Traffic, Marine Patrol, Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve is most spectacular meteor shower in a providing free VIN (Vehicle Identification Dive Team and Crime Prevention. located at Pen/.unee Boulevard beside century. Meteor showers arc notoriously Number) etching for all who attend. Six Mile Cypress Parkway, between unreliable, but there will be a telescope Colonial and Daniels Parkway. set up to allow fellow enthusiasts to Born to be WILD! is sponsored by the view Saturn and other less ephemeral Friends of the Slough, the preserve's objects while they wait. volunteer naturalists and Lee County Early predictions from NASA state s Parks & Recreation. that the best viewing time will be Our Economy between 5 and 6 a.m. After the meteor shower a sunrise breakfast will be What Lies CROW program offered served. Pre-registration and pre-pay- • CAPTIVA The Clinic for Rehabilitation of ment are required. The fee is $10 per Ahead?" Wildlife has announced resumption of person for this onee-in-a-lifetime event. its Sunday educational program starting ONOMIC will be presented on Wednesday, Fossil Fair at Nature Center Dec. I at 1 p.m. for the duration of the On Dec. 7, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., a Nov. 20 at Schein Hall at BIG season. Fossil Fair will be held at the Calusa MMIT Thcrre will be no program on ARTS from I - 4 p.m. In (lie wake Nature Center & Planetarium. The Fair Thanksgiving Day. Thursday, Nov. 28, is a joint production by the Nature of the past year's economic down- but UK- daily program will continue to he Center and the Paleontological Society turn, the Sanibel Ixomnnic Summit offered at I I a.m. Monday through of Lee County. Friday with the exception of Noted local author. Dr. Robin Brown, author of Florida's Fossils and lots iiiul the future of our economy. Rain, Thunder or lightning cancels pro- Florida's First People, will speak in the grams. Planetarium. Many fossil vendors and Experts in various aspects of our economy will present their analyses and Admission is $5 for adults. CROW educational exhibits will be set up, and ideas in 30-ininulc talks with question and answer sessions. The seminar members and children 12 and under are there will be plenty of activities for admitted free. No reservations are will explore local, national and international economic trends and how children like fossil identification, fossil accepted. digs, and games and crafts. Also, a book these miuht affect our economic outlook here in Southwest Florida. sale and refreshments will be available. At the Calusa Nature Center Admission to the Fossil Fair is free. The scheduled speakers arc: For more information, please contact Night Hike • Dr. Walter Klages the Nature Center's executive director, • John Tuccillo What did Native Americans do after Michael Simonik, at 275-3435 or Fossil leading area tourism analyst National Economist dark'? Learn about the tribes that lived Club President, David Cale, at 656- in Southwest Florida. After a hike on — Future Tourism Trends — Future Trends 6111. the Cypress Loop trail, take time to The Center is located at 3450 Ortiz in SW Florida learn about plants they might have used Avenue at the intersection of Colonial and play the games they might have and Six Mile Cypress in Fort Myers, • David Lereah • George Nobliski played. This first night hike takes place tonight at 7 p.m. the cost is $5 per per- one minute from 1-75, Exit 136. Senior Vice President NY Investment firm son for non-members, free for members. Admission to the Calusa Nature Center and Chief Economist of Manning & Napier National Association of Realtors — Stock Market Trends — Real Estate Trends f 14K Gold $19 per gram EA HORSE CHARMS -BRACELETS Tickets are $20 in advance, $30 alter November 13, and are available at HELL SHOP with this coupon the Sanibel-Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce, Island Financial Services, the Sanibel-Captiva Association of Realtors and the Islander Sweats, Hand Painted Benches, Hot Sauces, Gifts, Sterling Silver, 1.4kt newspaper offices — the conference's sponsors. Gold, Corals, Shirts, Shells, Elvis Spices Other major sponsors of the event are Henderson-Franklin attorneys, NAUTICAL BRASS - Oswalde-Trippe & Company and Sanibel-Captiva Community Bank. CLOCKS, PORT HOLES, BELLS, ANCHORS

Additional sponsorship opportunities are available for interested businesses. 139-472-0707 Toll Free# 866-47X-O7O7 Call Dave Owens at 472-1439x203. 362 Periwinkle way Lighthouse End Sanibel island, Fl VISIT OUR WEBSITE 1',1,'iiiU' 'i ' W.'t k "f fJi 'V '!, „ 'i J( •" " t and Planetarium is $7 1'or adults and $4 ins.? of some of the species that use for children (ages 3-12). This new one- island beaches for nesting, resting and • •"•!• I-- price admission includes the museum, feeding. The beaches along our barrier trails, and all planetarium shows sched- islands serve as vital habitat for snowy uled that day. Group rates are available plovers, least terns, loggerhead and lor 15-or-more people. Family member- green sea turtles, and migratory shore- ships are available which entitle mem- birds such as red knots, dunlins and bers to free admission for a year and dovvitchers. The Beach Nesters and 1 ", ! many oilier special prices on programs Resters program will explore the com- , • J i as well as discounts in the gift store. plex lives of these animals, their nest- New volunteers are always welcome. ing, resting, and feeding habits, and what we can do to help them overcome the obstacles they face in their quest for Nesters & Resters survival. The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation SC'CF is offering the program in part- Foundation will be offering a Beach nership with the Sanibei Inn located at Nesters and Resters education program the end of Lindgren Boulevard on Hast at 9 a ni every Wednesday at the Gulf. The walk begins at the Beach Hut Sanibei Inn beginning Nov. 20, 2002. near the pool. Program participants V Conservation Foundation docents will should park in the Portofino's lot or. if it ••||5S- y conduct this interpretive program to is full. Inn parking lot. Due (o a limited promote the importance of our beaches number ot spaces, program participants and shoreline, not only to us but also to are encouraged to bike or walk to the a variety of other inhabitants. program. For additional information, The program will help participants calf SCX'F's Nature Center at 472-232'J. enrich their knowlcdue and understand-

•-,., I At 'Ding1 Darling Refuge • Adventure Sen Kayak Wildlife Wildlife Drive Tours vv ith Brian 1 louston 'I II Open 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. daily, 5161 except Fridays At S.C.C.R $5/car;-$l/person walking or biking • Guided Trail Walks Visitor Center l Tuesdav. Wednesday, liidav.') a,in Open ) a.m.-4 p.m. daily. • S)iiip'!U4i '•'.• l.\ i'.tiliic .'\it\i-Utkli>' i lui'iM I )aily, 4 p.m. from South Seas Tarpon Bay Recreation, Inc. $20 adult, $10 ages 3 12 • Tram tours of the refuge 10:30 a.m., Reservations required 172-5100 2 and 6 p.m. $ 10/$5 Call 472-8900 for information & reservations • Shoreline Discovery Walks Thursdays, 9 a.m. • Sunset Paddles Monday, Wednesday & • Beach Nesters & Resters Friday, 6 p.m. Wednesdays, 9 a.m., Sanibei Inn • Beach Walk at the Perry Tract • Butterfly House tours Tuesday & Thursday, 10:30 a.m., $5 Tuesdays, 10 a.m. • Paddle with a Naturalist Wednesday, • Weeds and Seeds 9 a.m. Mondays, 8 a.m. Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife Meet in Foundation parking lot Educational Program Is he crazy? Hardly, After years always easy to change banks. But at Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. $5 Call 472-2329 for reservations. Office of working around the rules a certain point in your life you've hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday- of consolidated Institutions, he got to re-evaluate your needs and Individual guided tours Friday. Gift shop, 8:30-4. wanted the responsiveness of a invest in yourself. • Canoe Adventures Unless Indicated otherwise, most pro- private banker. with Bird Westall ~ 472-5218 grams are free with admission or Northern Trust offers truly request only a modest donation. Northern Trust has won the personalized financial services hearts of generations of successful including exceptional, asset manage- Americans by offering legendary ment, estate planning, commercial service and performance. And services, mortgages — even loans WELLS • PUMPS because we've been nurturing rela- for a new yacht. For a rewarding tionships for more than 100 years, p e rs o n al i /.e d re 1 at.i o n sh i p, c al I SPRINKLER SYSTEMS we can understand why it isn't Dick Kiley at 489-0100. WATER CONDITIONING INSTALLATION & SERVICE Youngquist Brothers, Inc. Northern Trust 15465 Pine Ridge Road I) ADK BliO WAHt) Pit /,M BE A< 77 MA H TIN iNOl A N RJ V ft.(I Ft. Myers, Fl 33908 Co I, I. i K H L H!'' S A H A S < > TA MA N A T K V PIN If IL A S H11, L SBO H O If (in (239) 489-4444/Fax 489-3877 ul Northern Trust of |lflk>iri<:la Corporntion and Northern Tcitsit Corporatkni, Chicago. Mi'iulHM11''!.)1C l-'mml Utilising Ijt'inlei" t&t 14 • Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • Islander 'Ding' Darling Manager addresses Chamber box lunch Dunes 18-Hole Women's Golf The Chamber of Commerce Box safety reasons. The paving has led to On November 8, 2002 the format for the Dunes 18-hole women's golf event Lunch speaker on Nov. 12 was Rob Jess, 'it- higher traffic speeds — there have even refuge manager of the J. N. "Ding" been bicycles sandwiched between two was an ABCD Best Two Ball foursome. Darling National Wildlife Refuge for the cars. The refuge officers will be ticketing This was also the opening luncheon past 11 months. Noting that the National people going the wrong way in the future; chaired by President Marcia Cohen. Wildlife Refuge system is celebrating its however, Indigo Trail, also newly centennial on March 14, 2003, Jess rehabbed, is more bicycle-friendly and 1st Place Team (with a score of 111) recapped its history, pointing out that provides an optional, shorter return to the Noel Barbee Jodi Cothran there are now 540 refuges protecting 94 Education Center. Ginny Fleming Margaret Morgan million acres with 98 percent of those Jess has been working with Billy lands open to the public. Kirkland on forming a committee to get 2nd Place Team (with a score of 113) Last year, the Refuge visitor count was people to visit the islands in the summer. Joan Smith Mary Ann Parmalee 857,000 and within the next three to four "We want people, but we need to temper Helen Craig Claire Bowie years, Jess expects to see that figure rise it. During season, we're at capacity." to one million annually. In response, he Anyone interested in being involved 3rd Place Team (with a score of 114) has increased staff and is also shifting the should contact Kirkland. Bonnie Byrne Pat Sawin focus of the Refuge from public use to Peggy George Shcrric Calvano biology. The biologists have been "playing witli Rob Jess, refuge manager at Marathoner thanks community 4th Place Team (with a score of 115) the water levels" in the Refuge impound- "Ding" Darling. Annie Hotwanger spoke briefly about Becky Ciriello Tanya Hochsehikl ments to find the best level: when they are help take care of the fish. "We need to gel her recent run in the Beijing Marathon. Sanclie Sultar Virginia Taub just right, birds appear in great numbers. to the deeper root of the problem; why are She thanked Twecn "Migratory birds are a high priority," he the grasses dying?" Through the Disney- Waters Inn, the Chip Ins said, and one of the primary reasons for funded Jiminy Crickel program, "Ding" Chamber, Billy's Joan Eschert Lil Gailius the creating of the refuge in 1945. With Darling and Sanibel School sixth graders Rentals and Bailey's Nancy McConnclI Katie Reynolds migratory bird populations declining pre- are working on a project to sample sea- for their support. Mary Ann Parmalee Toni Warren cipitously, "we're focusing on them... grasses in Tarpon Bay using a boat pro- Her goal is to run on "We've tried going with the tidal flow vided by Ralph Woodring and with the all seven continents and leaving the gates open," he added, but assistance of the Sanihel-Captiva Conser- in a fund-raising that has nol proven to be the best solution. vation Foundation's Marine Lab Director effort for the Sloan- Tourney to benefit •"WeYe Irving lo pack in the birds Steve Burtoiic. Kctlcriiu', Cancer because lliis is an incredibly rich area." With Ilic new permeable hard surface Center in Mew York. Sanibel School said Jess. "The birds can gel fed and ivsl on Wild I ili1 Drive and glass alongside of There were K.000 1 The 17th Annual Jacaranda Golf cd, and have more ofa chance lo increase it, Ihr aivas hordiTiiu.' the road arc no ruuncis on tin dial longing run and she Tournament to benefit the Sanibel School and survive." longer coaled with I lie line while sand llial Fund will be held at the Dunes Golf & When asked about fish funning, he would run oil into (In: estuary in j'.real fouml the experi- ence very inlercsl- Country Club on Sunday. Dec. I. The responded that it's a "great idea, hut it's a "clouds'" durin.u heav> rains. Ilmu-UT. tournament, a four-person scramble, will symptom of other problems. We need to Jess said I if has received sunn: IICSMIIVC ing. However, .she came away feeling tee off at 1 p.m. and be followed by a take care of the grasses and the macroin- feedback on ihc new road's one-way rule "how blessed we are to live in a country cocktail reception and dinner at the fc| |y freedom of speecp h and o'l" Jacaranda Restaurant immediately fol- the press and wherh e we (.an act and thinhik lowing. like individuals." She heads off to ; The entry fee is $100 per person and Antarctica next I ebruary. includes golf, cart, on-course beverage, cocktail reception and dinner. 'I'D sign up, Raffle of Quilt to benefit contact Kim at the- Jac at 472-1771. Tournament applications arc available at Habitat for Humanity the Dunes, The Jacaranda and the Sanihcl Steakhouse in Fort Myers. Proceeds from the tournament and raffle will be donated to the Sanibel School Fund.


Coffee Shop &* Deli Featuring Everything From Lattes & Smoothies to Groaning, A quilt, which will be raffled, on Hearty Sandwiches to Vegetarian Plates to Nov. 23 to benefit Habitat for Seafood with Flair! Humanity, was on display at the Chamber Box Lunch. Chamber member Janie Pritchard was a WflNTTOIfiTttTillN OA HOT MUBIi fOft-MHHUf contributor. Let Us Custom-Cater Your Party (Any Size) don't bring - Now For the Holidays - 'em back alive! Picnic Box Lunches Available For the Not Just Ikkis! Beach or Pool Side... Ceramics by Rassa & Jousas Saldaitis Fish... $150 Matsumoto Gallery £ J v Ins In The Village Center Located on Andy Rosso Lane, Across From Key Lime Bistro. 2340 Periwinkle Way K. '*'*%&£ • ^jW Turn Left at the Only 4-Way Stop on Captiva. 472-2941 Islander • Week of November 15-21, 2002 • 15

There is still space in the program to ment and loyalty to their community. AfterHours on Monday place business names as sponsors of the Francis Bailey to be honored Bailey served in the Army and was a Beachview Golf & Tennis Club on Par event, as well as an opportunity to help On Saturday, Nov. 23, the Children's teacher before joining his lather at their View Drive will be hosting the November sponsor the three Periwinkle trolleys. Call Home Society of Florida will honor Francis family business in 1948. Fie has raised five Chamber of Commerce AfterHours at 5:30 Ava for this, too. P. Bailey, Jr. as its Child children, four of whom were adopted. p.m. on Monday, Nov. 18. The Chamber of Commerce is trying to Advocate of the Year Me lives each day committed to his fam- Chamber AfterHours are held monthly make Luminary Night a true community 2(X)2. From 10 a.m. to 2 ily's legacy of making a difference. on the third Monday at 5:30 p.m. The event this year. It will only be successful if p.m.. City oi Fort Myers However, Francis goes far beyond civic Chamber Ambassador committee raffles everyone takes part. Mayor Jim Humphrey minded, "I can't name anything Francis has door prizes donated by local businesses. will host a beachside not been a part of at one time or another. In Members, prospective members and guests cookoul filled with fun. fact, anything" that came up on Sanibel or in are invited. There is a $5 charge tor guests. food, entertainment and the community, he always got involved," For more information on the gathering, The third annual island Expo, a venue children's activities at Sam said. Whether it was Sambel's first donating prizes or co-isostinsi an lor island businesses lu showcase products Casa Ybel Resort. The volunteer lire department, first city council AfierHours, please call Ava a! 472-1 OHO, and services, will he iifld Sunday, Nov. 24. award presentation will lake place at noon. or first chamber of commerce, Francis fixt. 201. from 10:30 a.m. to 3:3t) p.m. at ilie Sanibel Sponsored by Henderson/Franklin ct r*v :: • / • .:•.-.••• Location! s '1719 Periwinkle Way I on : 1 dcastle Road • Sanibel Island', (Beside Sanibel Chiropractic) I 2nd Set of Prints Free! 16 • Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • Islander with Thanksgiving was to settle on the date the traditional pumpkin pie. warm mince- Thanksgiving is.time to talk turkey again of celebration. In 1789 President George meat pie, ice cream or sherbet served from noon until 9 p.m at a cost of $2.75 for a and had nothing to do with the gobbler. She Washington declared the last Thursday in by Nancy Santeusanio November as Thanksgiving. Later in I92<) complete dinner and $2 for a child's por- Special to The Islander adds, "When someone struts and shows ol I, President Franklin Roosevelt declared tion. Bailey's General Store sold "Wilson that's called the 'turkey walk.'" Certified Grade A" turkeys at 41 cents a However, on Thanksgiving Day the turkey Thanksgiving to be the fourth Thursday in race Whitehead, one of Sanibel's November. (His reason was to promote pound for 10 pounds and up and 49 cents a beloved humorists points out that is an unrivaled gastronomic delight. In pound for 6-8 pound turkeys. Most families 1621, those courageous Pilgrims who cele- Christmas shopping!) Finally, in 1941 Gthe male of the species is called a Congress set the official date as the fourth prepared dinner at home and invited others brated that first Thanksgiving in Plymouth gobbler and that's where we get the term Thursday in November where it haswho didn't have relatives. Many islanders gobbledygook. A "turkey" means a misfit with wild turkeys at their three-day feast often had as many as 30 dinner guests. This had no idea they were setting the precedent remained for over 60 years with no and if a Broadway production is a failure, changes. was the kind ol hospitality for which the the play is called a "turkey" although it was for this traditional American holiday. islands are noted. probably the fault of the turkeys in the play One of the biggest hurdles in connection From 1927 until the end of 1963 the islands' Thanksgiving guests arrived from Up at the American Legion in the early the mainland via daylight ferry with service '60s Hap Payne started barbecuing a pig for on the half hour. Speed limit restrictions Thanksgiving. Since lie delivered the morn- were well monitored by the road conditions ing papers on the islands, people like Steve and the amount of dust kicked up by the Reynolds and Hill Covington would sit up wheels. all night burning down oak for coals in the r-WHY PAY MORE? With the added convenience of the morning. Payne had two pits going so Causeway as the access road to that the pig could be splil for bar- Sanibel and Captiva. becuing. He said, "On Thanksgiving on the islands hanksgiving Day the Legion was even more appealing is open to everyone," he POSTURE-FIRM MATYRY.SSES and the Island Inn anil Casa said. "No cost. I put the pig Ybel in Sanibel and "I ween on... you bring something $ Waters on Captiva were else." His speciality was a TWIN 59 three of the "in" places to I .ouisiana hot sauce mixed $ stay and invite guests for with thref or four gallons of Thanksgiving dinner. Even cider vinegar which he paint- M FULL 79 with the elegant presentations ed on with a johnny mop to of food at these grand fetes, the mler the fat. Unfortunately, QUEEN *99 youngsters complained that it was one \car, when he had roasted a too long to sit when they wanted to be on 600-pound, pig, very few people showed $149 the beach, and the teenagers dreamed about up. racing in their cars on the beaches. In the '60s horseshoe tournaments were Milena Fskew. with her extensive a big attraction. Even though it was usually knowledge ol Sanibel history and shelling, warm on Thanksgiving and the bugs were points out thai llieie ma\ not lia\c been a aliocious, hoivslioes were one of the best LLUll shell museum in the '(ids, but avid shelters sources ol cnleitaiiunent. 1'ioin a Kids'per- shells, built their own collections spective one of tin.1 fun things was an old- put them in boxes from Bailey's fashioned turkey shoot pul on by thi: AU6 '. .eueral Stole loi displa\ a( Ihe hl.iud Inn li.uleys Thi-\ .el up t,n>vi>. and the kid; 1 Pieces ••.I TliankM»iviii!: Unv and dnriii the II-.II! i 111! "Mil !,i\j' ""'V; a I'll llC ("lIll.Dll . I II I'M ' 'Ml- [• h. *| ii " I- in a row! 1 Is. li i "•.:«, ;. ' : i: ,, ,n ,i IOU •II, . ,i !ul. ! 11'.' CHERRY <»r OAK i'| ili I'ff) ', i, u,.j'. ,h.i! |II!•/.. ,; .i,i!,i!.'i(i .I * SLEIGH BED • HEADBOARD • FOOTBOARD Ike. Main! lh.-ii S.iiiiln-I v\;i. Ion pupti ! <>ti\ \i-ai . ,1'n h'. in" on ih.'-.i- islands lac to pmvidr j'ood slk Iliir. Till', U-.T, lui vv;!1- ,i •.tiii"-'le. Wiih unp.iMd i"ads, very * DRESSER • MIRROR -DOOR CHEST • RAILS opinion although .lit- had wiitlcu ihe book in htllc bu-.U!,-,', and liillc lo do, the 190S, 55 years befoie the bridge was built. Thauks!.'i\iii« lea.! was a wonderful lime DISCOUNT BED OUTLET In 1963 John and Bella Conliuos, own- lor people to get together and be grateful ers ol Sauibel's popular Coconut drove, they had made it through another year. 15600 San Carlos Blvd. • Ft. Myers featured a Thanksgiving Day Menu from That's pretty much the same appeal the Corner of McGregor & San Carlos (Next to Big Lots) appetizer, entree of roast Tom Turkey with three-day Thanksgiving feast had for the sage dressing, giblet gravy, homemade Pilgrims in 1621 when they celebrated and cranberry relish with a choice of potato and bequeathed this rich Ail-American tradition 415-9255 vegetable, homemade rolls, beverage and to us.

Dine Docksidc and Enjoy Mouthwatering Delights From the Sea— H Doesn't Get Any Fresher!

.».•.•. •••"•.%•>:.-.- ^ vori:u Dote csi I uni'h" Kuriiicr-up e Saloon IVst Awards. 2002 In addition To Our Pa$tTen "Taste of the Islands" awards Serving I uiicli We Have Jusl Won- 11 VI -\> 1 Dinnci BEST SALAD &THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD ••«»?• Sanihol Mniina Taste of the Islands- 20021 ()'. i v ^,l( Come See Why! Sanibol, M... •!-•_ U'jl Islander • Week of November 15-21, 2002 • 17

December/January issue of National asking the for community's help in doing Humanitarian award honors islanders Wildlife. so. They would like to find out about Neal's photos of a gopher tortoise, additions, deletions or other corrections to lives exemplify the organization's princi- wood stork, ibis, an angulate periwinkle the information they've included about ples of humanitarianism, impartiality, and and a junonia also appear in Sanibel & island businesses and attractions -— or, volunteerism. The evening's events begin Captiva: A guide to the Islands, the local heaven, forbid, if they left anyone out! with an honoree reception at 6 p.m. for travel guide written by Neal and his wife, Call them at 472-7784 or foxth e informa- which County Commission Chairman Julie. tion to 472-5416, Bob Janes will serve as Master of The authors are revising the book prior Ceremonies. Special music will be per- to publishing a second edition and are formed by Reiko Niiya, concertmistress of the Southwest Florida Symphony. Reservations are required and may be obtained by contacting Kirk Woodbury at f O ¥HE BEACH 278-3401."Tickets are $125 per person. Black tie attire is preferred. The American Red Cross is dedicated to helping make families and communi- ties safer at home and around the world. It provides training in life-saving skills, mobilizes relief to victims of disasters, and transmits messages to members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families. All American Red Cross disaster assistance is free, made possible by voluntary dona- tions of time and money. Ci VII O Rl ACH FRONT COMMUNM Y For additional information about the LARGE ESTATE SIZE LOTS American Red Cross, the Humanitarian Three Bedroom 2 Hath lixtra l:our Uedroom ^ lialh Award dinner, making donations, or vol- unteering, contact Kirk Woodbury, 278- Large Caged Pool. Shows Cugcd Pool w/waieilall 3401. like a model. BuilL 2002 NF.W

The 9th Annual Clara Barton «'». :.- - J! tllt- , Humanitarian Award Evening of Honor dinner is tomorrow night, Saturday, Nov. Neal's photos makes finals SUCCESS BASED OH 16, at the Hyatt Regency Resort & Spa- Photographs taken by Sanibel resident SERVICE AND INTEGRITY SAniBr.1. AMI) CAIT1VA IM.AMDS Linda Gornick Coconut Point in Bonita Springs. Marvin Mike Neal have made it to the final round SALES • and Helene Gralnick, Chieo's FAS, Inc. of judging in the 2002 National Wildlife RENTALS (239) 395-1985 founders, are this year's lumorees. Photo Contest, sponsored by the National 1-800-459-1985 The annual event, named after the Wildlife Federation. Thousands of photos ISL ND American Red Cross's founder, Clara from around the country are entered each Barton, recognizes individuals whose year with the winners announced in the • * * * t"



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-* ' Victor Legarreta » Air -5 named artistic director An old-fashioned NY tribute at the Off Broadway Palm Victor Legarreta was recently named f you love Brooklyn, have ever rooted artistic director of the Off Broadway for the baseball (cam once known as the Palm. Local theatre-goers have enjoyed IBrooklyn Dodgers, are keen about the his performances for years — Godfather movies, or are a fan of HBO's hit Yesterdays (another show he wrote, TV Show The Sopranos — you'll get a bang directed and starred in), The Wizard of out of Fuhgedaboutit!, currently playing at Oz, The Civil War; Funny Money, Sti- the Off Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre. Booml, HolHolHo! The Christmas This 1940s, Brooklyn-style original Show, You Make Me Feel So Young, and musical revue was written, staged, directed Those Were The Days, to name just a by Victor Legarreta who also happens to be few... in addition to more than 30 pro- one of the five talented performers in the ductions at the Old Schoolhouse show. New York-born Legarreta pays tribute Theatre. He has performed nationally, to some of his favorite things about the city internationally and on cruise ships. — The Godfather and other classic gangster Originally from Islip, N.Y., movies, the famous "Who's On First?" base- Legarreta now resides full time in Fort ball sketch -- and highlights songs made Myers with his wife, Kelly, an actress famous by other New Jersey. Brooklyn and and artist. "I'm thrilled to be a part of New York -born greats Sinatra, Dean The Broadway Palm team," he said. Martin and Louis Pinna, (all whom played "We've got a great season in 2002- Brooklyn's famed Paramount Tbcaler). 2003. Following Fuhgedaboutit! is The cast of live at the Off limadvvay The Fantasticks, and then Dancin' in Palm uses their considerable charm and the Streets. We truly have something super vocal abilily to turn this ride across the for everybody." Brooklyn Bridge into a ba-da-bing, ba-da- The Fantasticks, playing Jan. 23 boom blast Victor Legarreta heads a oast of five — Sean William, Honey Larsen, through March 9, has the unique dis- from the past. Kathryn Stefanic and Mitchell Zlowker in the Off Broadway Palm's pro- tinction of being the longest-running The musical duction of Fuhgedaboutitl musical in the world. The timeless numbers are romance includes songs like "Try to This is Legarreta's second original musi- more or less Writer, choreographer, director and per- Remember," "They were You," and cal revue and, 'though there could be some book-ended by former Legarreta's big impressive voice "Soon It's Gonna Rain." tightening and some better choices in the the thinnest of always manages to thrill, and his Sinatra The Off Broadway Palm Theatre is a vocal selections, he is on the right track, plot lines tribute "One For My Baby" brought down 'Mkseat black-box theatre adjacent to grabbing audience's attention and keeping the house. Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre's main i n v o 1 v i n g them delightfully entertained. f r g ti a r d i a n II' l 'ulifi<'d(ihi>iitit. is any inkling of the lobby. No scat is further than 25 t'cet Sean William (Mike) plays the young kind of shows we can expect ID sec in Ibe angels, street- 1 from the stage, creating an intimate man with stars in his eyes most effectively comiu!. season, then I'd ;-,av we are in lor a 1 siuaii guv, ;nic! .il IM.I .j'!ii-|i- .-njiAei . b\ .iiulieiuv . am' 1 i i -. ii-mliliui: .i\ "\l\ v\a\ w In- II IK lilL.ll -'.d link, i'l liili .:11kI :V.lik . wiili the dolls 11 icy pciJoi'jiiu.'i alike. / f.. believes he's been fatally shot is a ring-a- Legarreta and his lali.-nled fioop. 1 hang with. This Tickets for luli'^nliihouiit! ami Tin ding (linger. And "Nice and liasy."" a soft- Fnh,i;enttfitJis on (lie hoards of" The is Ilk-, big. bad Fuiintstickx are on sale now ami rimj'.c shoe number, proves thai William can move Off Broadway Palm until Dec. 22. Phone Marsha Wagner city scene, but from $20 lo $33. wiih or without the with style and ease. of the cast mem- 27X-4422 for lickcls 'cause, as they say in one where a buffel. Call 27S-4422, stop by the box bers gels his or her moment to shine •- Brooklyn. "This one ya godilah see tahday: gun shot rings out and knocks off a teddy office al 13S0 Colonial Boulevard in including. Mitchell Zlokower at the piano, don'tclia wail till lomnioiah!" And when ya bear and a balloon, a place when" a mysteri- Forl Myers, or order online at: doing a number hilled as "Milch in the call, don'lcha fuhgc-l to lell "cm Mah-sha ous package gels lost (ben found, a city, I ,ounge" and singing "As Time Goes By." sent ya! where love happens in the oddest places — Money I .arson struts her stuff with her take pi//a parlors, playgrounds, piano bars and on Rosemary Clooney's version "Mambo street corners. Ilaliauo" ami "Nevertheless," which she The kooky plot allows for characteriza- tunefully warbles in Act One. tions of music legends Sinatra. Priiua. VACATION RENTALS Kathryu Stcfauie hits the mark as (he Martin and Rosemary Clooney and the t * Furnished 2 and 3 bedroom Gulf-front properties. songs they made famous, plus a hilarious female love interest, not only by being cute Available weekly /monthly parody of funnymen Bud Abbol Sanibel (239) 4722005 (239) 5900015 BeautyJrom the-Sea, Specialty Spa 20 • Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • Islander New digs for Arts for ACT

TWeen Wmters Imn Thursday, November 28, 2002 11:30 am - 8 prn

Kick off the holiday season at 'Tween Waters Inn with "new" Executive Chef, Tom O'Brien. L-R: Colleen Henderson, education coordinator; Claudia Goode, director of operations; and Jennifer Benton, executive director. Story & photos by Amy Fleming for this year." Benton noted that Smith's Staff writer granddaughter, Stacy Gavin, originally * Bountiful seafood display featuring smoked albacore, halibut came up with the idea, and suggested & salmon, fresh shrimp, clams & oysters Downtown Fort Myers has a new Smith offer the space to them. addition to its growing arts scene, with Proceeds from gallery sales go to • Fresh salads that include — Crimini mushroom & tomato the relocation of the Arts for ACT support Abuse Counseling & Treatment, vinaigrette. Florida tiilo^y of rock shrimp, calamari and bay Gallery and Studio. Formerly located in an organization that works to end scallops the Royal Palm Square shopping center, domestic abuse. Arts for ACT held their the gallery celebrated its gala opening I4lh annual auction last August, with Friday night in their new space on First guest celebrity Lily Toinlin serving as Street, nexl to the Florida Repertory auctioneer. H&ttd Carved; oven basicd Turkey with Theatre. "It's a little bit smaller," Benton "mushroom" Taret. pan tfrjletfravy SfiT""" "We're trying to raise more money added, "bul it's a much better location. and fresh orange cranberry relish loi ilic oii-aui/alion." said Diiivlni ol They're doing a lot of new things down- Operations .lennil'er IJcuiuii. " Oiu rein town, and there will bemore traffic here • Smoked Prime Rib roast. had liecome \er\ lut'li where vw weie. loi an iiiI j'alleiy tlian we had at Royal • Baked Virginia cured ham and then Hill Smith |ol Hill Smith Palm Squaii1." Appliances. lnc.| olfeied this space lice • Whole Roasted Florida Grouper I he new space leatuies weathered

Traditional sicl? dishes a*: Parsley buttered fingcrlinj> potatoes, Brussels sprouts. tfwkaulujar UJato... butternut sc[uash and parsnip vegetable medley. Sweet potato pie with sundried fruit & pecans

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Adults Children (3-10) "lax and gratuity not included 1 1 J8'>,'J graiuky is added to panic ;, of £> or more Our beautiful "Jaguar Special Edition" King Air GOA Prop Jet is ideal for Reservations arc required please Business or Pleasure 1 ..4721-5161 Exf.# 421 Long Range Sabrdjner Jet also available EXECUTIVE AIM.1NK 561-753-4984 Captiva Island www.executi veairllrijcxom Islander • Week of November 15-21, 2002 21

" Our rent had become

very high where we were, • •• , and then Bill Smith [of Bill Smith Appliances, Inc.] offered this space free for this year."

brick walls and hardwood floors throughout most of the gallery, with a unique mosaic floor towards the back. Artwork ranges from representational to abstract, in a variety of two-dimen- sional and three-dimensional media. "There's a lot of great artwork." said Benlon "Everyone should stop by and see it." The Arts for ACT Gallery and Studio can now be found at 2265 First Street in Fort Myers. Gallery hours are l(> a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, plus some evening hours to coincide with performances at "Neptune's Lantern" by Becky The Lee County Fiddle Support Group provided lots of toe-tapping jigs the Florida Repertory Theatre. Babb and Terrence Flannery. and reels for the opening.

echism, not catacombs. One can find Answers and Comments catechumens, today, who are children, WORD WATCHING 1. Most likely displeased. Fulsome , in a Sunday school. carries the meaning "offensively flatter- 3. Factitious. The term factitious means Word Trivia for Word Lovers Sherlock Holmes, ing or insincere." The word, however, "produced artificially rather than by a How well can you answer the trivia or Bambi? still retains its original meaning of natural process." It also carries the questions that follow? If you understand 6. Where are you "abundant" or "copious." How did flat- meaning "lacking authenticity or gen- the underlined words appearing in each likely to find a tery and insincerity creep into the mean- uineness, a sham."-If something is ficti- statement you should have no problem gamin ? In city ing of this word? Perhaps, it's just tious , it is imaginary or a creation of at all. Answers appear at the end with streets or in ahuman nature to disbelieve an excessive fiction. amount of praise. comments as well. Good luck and keep gourmet shop'? 4. Neither is correct. The correct term is your dictionary close by! 7. A canard is the 2. False. Catechumens are people who "rust." To rusticate means to go or live n I If the president receives fulsome I 'i riu 11 w ui ii I m are bein iii'.trurU'tl ui the ytniieiok"! '>l i'laise Irom Congress und the media 111 U''d a1; ,,1 (iiun;. a lalse teport, t OSU fRt'VlV.W dint Nl'XY I INt'S .I. So whal's (he final veidiel (if or ii'iinjj an improper or tasteless leim? crop rings that have been reported in the I1RAWIN(,S I'Ott i t i\1l>t IMI-'NiAliY ( S Olllt'S o- StlOCSl media? Are they factitious or fictitious 8. Who is concerned about punctilios'' creations? A Spanish chef, or a columnisi who writes about etiquette? 4. A bicycle left outdoors in Florida weather for a year will most likely rus- '). What person makes you think ol the ticate or justify? Which word is correct, word sang-froid? A maniacal killer on or is neither correct? the rampage, or one who defuses bombs? 5. The term deerstalker is most com- monly associated in literature with 10. Who or what makes tintinnabula- which of the following: The Stories of tions? REPUBLIC

Qwik SHii> 1 i i i 1 i r^-..:.. ,m, :^™:,:•„•.••:...„,••M,.,, ; a. :jr; .••••.. Smiibdl Center-pun \ 1713 Periwinkle Way FedEx ' Cards Authorized ShipCsnter Now Featuring Our NEW Lines: across from Jerry's 1 Office Services (239)472-0288 Focus • Nina Wong • Furniture Shipping (Fii\)472-0809 • Fruit Shipping \_ I Other Popular Selections: Sierid Olsen Sport • Usjndo SEAMSTRESS So olue • CMC • Onex Shoes Expert Alterations by Mary 2075 Periwinkle Way Periwinkle Place #50 r_ Sanibel Island [H| Pick-up & Delveries 239-466-1192 (homdH 472-8444 BBBfc§^!3f Raffer*y iacofano 239-229-6655 (iS 22 • Week of November 15-21, 2002 • Islander Shell Point concert series Cooper and Lamb at BIG ARTS Shell Point Retirement Community will and trio combining all. The Cleveland Duo launch a new classical concert series in con- consists of Carolyn Gadiel Warner (pianist talents have taken him to stints with the junction with the Southwest Florida and violinist) and Stephen Warner (violinist), movies and orr worldwide tours with the Symphony starting Monday, Nov. 25. both from The Cleveland Orchestra. Joined ja/z. festival circuit. "Arts and culture have always been a part by classical saxophonist James Umble, the John Lamb's musical training includes of the quality lifestyle here at Shell Point," trio has given acclaimed performances drums, tuba and piano. Lamb played tuba said Dawn Boren, resort services director for throughout the country and on National in the U.S. Air Force Band and later* the retirement community. "By adding the Public Radio. tmiiut worldwide with major symphonies 2003 Shell Point Classical Concert Series, we Summer Nights, featuring the Southwest such as the Pittsburgh Symphony, she are able to expand the musical offerings for Florida Symphony Chamber Orchestra with Boston Pops, The New York our residents and the local community by pre- guesl soloist, Audrey Babcock, will take place Philharmonic and the Toronto-London senting several classical performances by top on Monday, April 7. At this soft, gentle night Symphony. While with I he Benny professional musicians, including two in part- of music, you'll be swept up by the beauty of Goodman Orchestra, he appeared on TV nership with the Southwest Florida Babcock's mezzo-soprano rendition of and also performed in musical produc- Symphony." Berlioz's "Nnit d'etc." (he heavenly strains of tions involving Mel Tonne. Pete Brady arid many other' jazz greats. The Nov. 25 conceit — Basically Bach — Mozart's Symphony No. 25 in G Minor and will feature the Southwest Florida Symphony Veraeinias Overture No. 6 in B-flat Major. Terry Myers, tenor saxophone, is well Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Chorus. The concerts will begin at 7 p.m. in the known as the leader bf a 17-piecc big Feel the brilliance of Bach and sons! The pro- auditorium of The Village Church, 15100 band, which appears in various places in gram features the works of three of Johann's Shell Point Boulevard on The Island at Shell Florida as well as other venues nation- 20 children, as well as his own Magnificat. Point. The cost per concert is $25 per person wide. He has played in many of the great The conductors are Paul Nadler and Joseph or $80 for the series of four. Tickets are avail- big bands such as Tommy Dorsey, Buddy Caulkins. able by mail only and payable by checks Morrow, and Ray Anthony. Vic Manecchia is called a drummer's Friday, Feb. 28 will find Solaris perform- made out to Shell Point. Please mail check Buster Cooper ing in the Village Church auditorium. and concert selection to Concert Series, drummer. From the time he started play- Combining flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon and 15000 Shell Point Boulevard-Suite 1.10, Fort The Buster Cooper and John Lamb ing professionally in 1959, he toured with French horn, the result is a remarkable mix of Myers 33908. No credit card orders will be Quintet, veterans of world-wide jazz fes- the big bands of Bob and Ron Eberly, sounds from Solaris, ensemble-in-residence accepted. All tickets are general admission, tival tours as well as movies and TV, will Larry Elgart, and Jimmy Dorsey. Like his at the University of Akron. From ars nova to with no refunds or exchanges. Ticket orders open the Great Performers Jazz Series at compatriots, Bill Mabilot, piano, has per- avant garde, this woodwind quintet will blow will be confirmed by post card and tickets BIG ARTS on Wednesday, Nov. 20, at 8 formed with many of the great bands and you away! may be picked up after 6:15 p.m. at the box p.m. in Schein Hall. orchestras. The Cleveland Duo with James Umble is office (in the church) the night of the perfor- Cooper is a world-renowned trombon- Tickets are available for $25 at BIG featured on Thursday, March 20. With origi- mance. ist who has played with such greats as ARTS, 900 Dunlop Road. Box Office nal and transcribed masterworks for violin For more information about the concert Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, Woody hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday. and piano, duo violin, saxophone and piano, series, call 454-2282. Herman and Benny Carter. His trombone 395-0900.

painting interests full time. lie has become and excitement, of color mid texture, the „*.*, ^,;: North & Schwartz at BIG ARTS established as a well-known painter of tropical swirling movement and the reilection of light The realism and impressionism in the assignment as an artist correspondent for (he landscape themes and develo[K\l his Real on the broken water surface." works of two of the area's most respected pro- U.S. Army in World War II, after which he Florida Oranges still life series. North has Schwartz, is a nationally recognized painter fessional fine artists, William North and Carl received a BFA from Pratt. He also studied at received numerous awards and his oils are in and print-maker with a biography that lists Schwartz, are being highlighted in the the Ait Students' League in New York and the hundreds of collections in the U.S. and abroad. many major placements in permanent college November Phillips Gallery exhibit at BIG Lyme Academy of Fine Arts in Connecticut. Carl Schwartz is a realist, whose works and corporate collections throughout the U.S. ARTS. Following dual careers in art and business, in show the influence of both abstract expres- He has numerous awards from juried and William North's background includes an 1990 North settled in Florida to continue his sionism and cubism. Of central importance invitational exhibits across America. are the effects of light and shadow. His images Schwartz taught at the Chicago's North Shore are inspired by his large walled garden featur- Art League for 30 years before moving to ing multiple Koi ponds, a waterfall, wooden Florida. HOLIDAY DEADLINES bridges and pathways. In his Lush Garden A reception will be held tomorrow, Nov. Collection, he captures the glorious textures, 16, from 5:30 to7:3 0 p.m. immediately pre- hues and lustiness of this garden at its peak of ceding pianist Robert Piano's opening concert perfection. "In this Koi Series, I wanted to for the Great Performers Series in Schein paint the fish the way I see them, the drama Hall. Thur. Nov. 28"d Sanibel Shopper's Guide Nov. 28"" issue Proof Ad Dealine: Thur. Nov. 21, 5pm 'Offer Unto God Final Ad Deadline: Fri. Nov. 22, 5pm Classified Dead: Fri. Nov. 22, 5pm Thanksgiving..." Island Reporter Nov. 28- Issue Proof Deadline: Thur. Nov. 21, Noon Final Ad Deadline: Fri. Nov. 22, Noon CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Classified DeadlinesFri. Nov. 22, 4pm THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE Islander Nov. 29" issue Thursday, November 28, 2002 @ 10:30 a.m. Proof Deadline: Fri. Nov. 22, Noon ALL ARE WELCOME Final Ad Deadline: Mon. Nov. 25, Noon Classified deadline: Mon. Nov. 25, Noon First Church of Christ, Scientist 2950 W. Gulf Drive • Sanibel, FL For Info: 472-8684 Child care will be provided. Islander • Week of November 15-21, 2002 <• 23 The following letter, although written to council- ity Association would have no more debt, and still have is... Sure, IF the City takes the ball and runs with it. And, members, was given to the Islander for publication. ample parking for their community events. it could all be done quickly, IF they (they being the city), 3. Historic Sanibel would have another superb attrac- the schoolhouse board and we, the citizens, want it done. Ladies and Gentlemen: tion. I have discussed this with some of our city leaders and Sometimes events almost cry for action. Here's a sug- 4. The citizenry would be happy, getting either anoth- have had a good response. Hey, this is just a thought. genstion that, with some good will and a little negotiation, er good recreation facility or park. What do you readers think'? Doesn't it make sense? can be developed here and now to everyone's great 5. More Sanibellians could enjoy Schoolhouse Theatre If you agree it should be looked at, call, write and/or e- advantage. The City of Sanibel and the Old Schoolhousc presentations in a larger venue. mail your elected city councilors and The Island Reporter board have the opportunity to create a seven-win situa- 6. Safety along Periwinkle would be enhanced and/or The Islander with your comments. tion. Yes, seven wins ... if they want to, and it should be because the bicycle path could be relocated away from the Let's see what can happen when people of good will, rather easy. road. get the ball rolling on a good idea. Let's GO Sanibel. Several people think that the City could use another 7. An empty, but useful building would have life and stellar attraction in Historic Sanibel, and that the Old — Ted Tyson be a community asset again. Sanibel Schoolhouse Theatre could use a larger venue for their Now, the question is, can this be done? The answer outstandi ng performances. Therefore, if the City of Sanibel bought the Old IMPORTANT NOTICE OF Schoolhouse property and Just hanging moved the building to Historic Sanibel, and the Old around... Schoolhouse board pur- chased the Wood Theatre •with the proceeds, these are AUCTION some of the underfill tilings that would happen — all at a DEEP WATER CANAL FRONT HOME real bargain-basement price. 221 IBIS ST., FORT MYERS BEACH 1. A recreation facility Plus Items from 3 other Estates could be built on the Old Schoolhouse site. Most household items will be sold regardless of value 2. The Sanibel Commun- Suburban Choc) a I Lithograph SAT. NOV. 16 • 1:00 PM "Bella" I SOLAR & POOL! SUN. NOV17 • 1:00 PM Furniture PREVIEW 1 HOUR PRIOR TO AUCTIONS Moveables Inch 1 HEAT PUMP SALE! * Fine Furniture Inc. * Orientalia Your #1 Source Outstanding Bed House sells Sunday @ 2:00 pm * Fine bronze For Room Sets collection incl. Hot Tubs * Fine Oriental Rugs life size pes Spas include numerous * Chugal signed & lithograph Persian pieces * C'otleetables Pool Heating! * Vast Art Collection * Some untiqur pici tj Family Run For £ * French Furniture Family Fun!



Open Mon. - Sat. 16731 McGregor Blvd. #117 Fort Myers (239) 437-7482 SAT. NOV. TG*.7AMTOif AM Book Boaters IN THE CAPE CORAL DAILY BREEZE PARKING LOT Your 2510 Del Prado Blvd • Cape Coral Florida All proceeds will be donated to the Children's Keys ANY NON*EDIBLE Hospital of SW Florida Vacation Beware DONATIONS WOULD BE They will be collected In the Cape Com! Daily Breeze Front Office Call 574:1110 Ext. 197 with any Inquiries 24 •»> Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • Islander

, from page 10 im i touts beloic it hit, 30dragonflies in all different colors landm mi the bout, rested for a while and then flew off. were all related to the hair business, because he fui.l • in. WiitH h< stoim hit, lightning could be seen striking in Spotlight on John Gentri to me that day for a haircut through a referral Iron. •••>.• •••' e\ei} uaection (about seven miles away), and for12-1 3 alt was a case of love at first sight, pure and simple. my favorite clients and Johnny's fellow actor, Vic hoiii. f lieet and Gould hunkered down in the boat's seven- Well, it was certainly pure. Simple needs a bit of an Morrow. I remember surprising John, and especially loot cabin. E\ui with drogues in the water to maintain their explanation, which is oftentimes the case, huh? See, in myself, by admitting to him that cutting hair was origi- position, the entire fleet was pushed back 15 miles in one this era of super-awareness of the politically correct, and nally only intended to provide a financial stepping-stone day and they battled high waves for another three. the often uncertainty of exactly what that is, I'm building through college. 1 went on to relate that my high school They rowed 24 hours a day, two hours on, two hours off. up to relating that I'm describing the moment I first met English teacher and college English prof had both strong- Stereos were a welcome distraction. "You try to keep your John Marc Gentri. ly urged me to become a professional writer. I also men- mind occupied. We had chats and conversations — and That first meeting we had a marvelous, highly person- tioned that the Dean of Men at my college confirmed rows and fights... in the end, it gets to yoti mentally. You al and deeply intimate conversation. The subjects we dis- through special testing that my interest in the literary and would dream you were rowing and wake up thinking you'd cussed, especially the frankness, were preceded by a bond entertainment worlds was balanced by more than the already done it," only to realize that you hadn't even start- of friendship that occurred unobserved, seemingly mysti- appropriate aptitudes, whereas my attraction to the con- ed. cally or perhaps on another level of existence that is not servative business world with subjects like accounting Their hands were heavily callused and their skin covered explainable by my five common human senses any better and economics was notably lacking in spite of a belter with salt sores. At the end, they were rowing in the nude than as written here. That initial meeting than adequate intellect. I capped my comments because of the irritation of clothing on skin. Both men have was one of a very few times I've ever by stating that I indeed intended to write profes- families and "the big pressure was the length of time, with experienced when two men are intro- sionally. no contact, with my family." For communications, the Sum duced, exchange some seemingly insignif- When Johnny asked if I'd ever attempted to Deacon carried only a two-way radio. "We crossed paths icant words, and a friendship almost write for movies or TV, 1 replied that I had no with an American couple with children in a sailboat. They instantly evolves, bringing into being a idea how lo implement Step One. He piqued giit hold of the American forces who contacted the British relationship that is best described as my curiosity when lie promised to gel back to I'oRVs s\ho contacted Ihe Coast Guard. .It took a network of Brotherhood. That was the case of Johnny me on thai. media !o finally phone our wives and say thai we were okay and me, pure and simple. Capeesh? A few days later he invited me lo his home ami had been lasi seen in the middle of the ocean." In that first conversation f learned that for a writing session. That was when 1 met WIII-II asked aboul ihe sense of accomplishment he inusl Johnny earned his BS degree in Joanie and the kids for the first time. As is not li.'cl. .'-'ii'ivl admitted that as lime has gone by, he is more Communications at New York's Fordham often the case, my love for Joanie was also a\iarc •>; it bin during ihe race, he was only thinking aboul University and completed his graduate instant and as though she were rny sister. Even Sam. / !('y,0()<) foi (he CWLT, which just oversaw the Pepperdine, thai picturesque haven over- Little Joe pleasant, non-threatening way. A true enigma at opt'iuiii' of Sam's House. looking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu. He Miciile the time. "It opened on October (he Nth," said Street. "Ii's now up even taught there, but only a short while. Johnny and I settlecl into his writing nook and running as a house where kids and their families can go During his Hollywood career - the only a small desk in a corner of the dining room. He after ihoy" ve had hone marrow transplants so they can reha- career he ever wanted - he, from time to time, wore the said he was working on an assignment to write 20 ques- bilitate in OIK1 hnusi'. It siiwi parents coming up from long hat of producer, director, actor, stand-up comic, entertain- tions and answers for Hollywood St/uarcs. diilaucc-' lo siv then kids anil s.i\ei them money n-, well, er and, certainly not least, writer. As is common in "You mean all those answers arc written, that they're ks up anil running, and we went to the opening.'jusl over- Hollywood, he often wore more than one hat at a time. not the spontaneous offerings of the celebritiesV" I asked, saw the opening »f Sam's House. T also lcnrncd that John was the fatrfer of five (5!) kids totally surprised. '"It opened on October the 8th." said Street. "It's now up (at the time there was 10 year old Maria; John -u : Pina - •"(•Aoivthing on TV is written. No exceptions." he slat and running as a house where kids and their families can go 8; Lisa - 6; and not quite a baby anymore, Christopher - ed. "Sponsors don't like surprises." after they've had bone marrow transplants so they can reha- 5) and that their mother, Catherine, was no longer alive. Johnny sat down at the typewriter and with his two bilitate in one house. It saves parents coming up from long Before too many sad feelings could settle in, Johnny said index fingers, he staccato-blurted out "Fade in:" in the distances to see their kids and saves then* money as well. he had recently married a lovely lady named Joanie. upper left-hand corner of a blank piece of paper. I was It's up and running, and we went to the opening." (They would have 2 children together, Joseph and David. soon to learn that he always typed like a blur... with just I learned sometime later that Joanie was, just a few years those two fingers. before, runner-up to Miss Montana.) Since this story is "Okay. Gimme a good question for the show," he said Paid Advertisement many years old, I can say that my initial feelings are with fingers poised above the keyboard. Like magic, I absolutely confirmed as our friendship/kinship has gave him a good question. We both laughed. And like LET'S TALK proved to be a wonderful example of eternal love. magic, he spoke and rat-a-tat-tatted the answer on the Continuing to focus on our initial conversation, paper. We laughed some more. REAL ESTATE Johnny related that he was not committed to any particu- "Okay. Your turn for a good question," I said. He lar aspect of the entertainment field, though he did say spoke and rat-a-tat-tatted the question on paper. We that he got his biggest thrills from his writing and then laughed again. As I spoke the answer, he did the rat thing Presented by acting out his own material. He also said that his greatest Gentri, see page 29 Margie Davison concern was to "provide appropriately" for his family. Seems like the old feast 'n' famine routine had intruded too much into the life of the Gentri household. ELIMINATING WHAT "BUGS" YOU He inquired about my dreams and goals, thinking they A couple has been looking at your home, and they are showing all the signs of Being serious buyers. They love the house—they are already mentally arranging their furniture in your home and talking about which lender they plan to use. Then the wife freezes at the sight of a small, brown object moving in the kitchen sink! Most Realtors can recount at least one story about an insect squelching a sale. If you have even a minor "bug problem", you should handle it before putting your home on the market. Call your local "bug busters" and have the hemse professionally exterminated. Whether you have roaches, ants, fleas or spiders, their absence will make your home sell more quickly. It is virtually impossible for your agent to create the necessary mood to get buyers excited Available in about a property that has an insect problem. Even if you HUT! Sgl. and with the are the type who hates killing any living creature, it is a totally amazing ... Dbl. widths good idea to make an exception when your house is on the market. AFTER Specializing in Sunibel and Captiva real estate since 1991, CUSTOM FABRICATED Margie is currently serving a second term as President of the Sanibel TO FIT ANY DOORWAY & Captiva Association of Realtors, She was named Realtor Qf The Spring loaced screen retracts Year in 2000 and is a continuous award winner with Piiscilla Murphy into cumtorn 2" aluminum houslnn Realty, Inc. Call Margie at PMR, 472-1511, or e-mail her at [email protected] (239) 573-8400 or 1-888-824-1200 Solution for crossword on page 29 Islander • Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • 25 because "fruit lends an injection of color, Sccrest & Emery, LLP. organic shape, and is an effective refer- The Philharmonic Galleries are located ence to nature. My use of fruit is also a at 5833 Pelican Bay Boulevard in Naples bow to the tradition of still life painting in and are open one hour before all perfor- with a leeeption hom 6 to 8 p m. Gulf Coast art history. mances at the Philharmonic Center for the Art shows open Village is the 2002 Grand Sponsor of "I was influenced by Vermeer, but it Arts for patrons with performance tickets. Brushstrokes from the Soul. was Hopper who inspired me to paint," Naples Museum of Art tickets provide • The first art exhibit of the season at the Please RSVP for the reception to 437- Forstman says. access to the Galleries during non-perfor- Captiva Civic Center opens with a rcccp- 3007 by today, Nov. 15. Eckert Fine Art—Naples, Inc. features mance times. Tickets are $6 for adults and tionfrom noon to 1:30 p.m. this Sunday, museum quality modern, contemporary $3 for students. Nov. 17. Entitled New Faces, the show • The Southwest Florida Craft Guild has has announced the opening of its first exhibit of and traditional art. Located at 390 12th includes work by Linda Holloway, Judy L. Avenue South on the corner of 12th and • The Seaweed Gallery features the work Kotula, Vanessa Lombardo and J. Mclntosh 4th Street South in Old Naples, it is open of local artists at two locations — on Markle. Viewing days are Wednesday & from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Sanibel next to Katie Gardenia's restau- Thursday mornings from 10 to noon Saturday in season, 10 to 5, Tuesday rant and on Captiva next to the Key Lime through Wednesday, Dec. 11. through Saturday in the off-season. Please Bistro. Marty Stokes' original Japanese Holloway, a former resident of Captiva call (239) 261-1100 to RSVP for theGyotaku fish impressions arc applied to and now living on Sanibel, is a student of reception. bark paper, mango and rice papers. Mel Lois Ferguson. She was a real estate asso- Meo continues her colorful paintings on ciate/broker from 1980 to 1999 and • Paintings by Milton Avery, Will Barnet, canvas of fanciful characters and local served as a Captiva Fire Control District Hans Hofmann and Franz Kline, among scenes, captured in colorful frames. Also Commissioner — President from '87 to others, will be featured in A Coiniiumitv of featured arc Myra Roberts' paintings, '99. She also served on the Captiva Civic Artists; The Collection of the inspired by picturesque Caribbean charac- Association board from 11997 to 1999. Provincetown Art Association & Museum ters and antique beach pails. Whimsical Kotula, a native of Minnesota, studied at the Philharmonic Galleries from furniture painted by Teri Causey also dec- art in high school and college but did not .Sunday, Dec. 15 through Sunday, Feb. 2. orates the galleries. Sissi Janku's beautiful pursue it until her move to Captiva in The Provinceluwn art colony, which oil paintings of tropical beach scenes and 1991 brought her back to active studying attracted many artists to the remote fish- her shutter paintings are a special feature, and painting. After traveling to many parts ing village at the tip of Cape Cod, played too, as arc Joyce Curvin's birds, Joan of the world with her husband, she now Still Life with Blue Pitcher an important role in the evolution of 20th Klutch's watcrcoiors and Randon Eddy's lives in Bonita Springs. by Eric Forstmann. century American art. This collection, beach scenes. Hours at the Sanibel loca- Lombardo moved to Captiva from begun in 1915, represents the best of the tion are Monday through Saturday from League City, Texas. Her grandfather, the 2002-2003 season. New Directions, is in area's artists and many of the century's 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday and Saturday Edward H. Oiling was a long-time resi- the lobby gallery of theCultural Park major art movements. dent and she had visited since the age of Theater, 528 Cultural Park Blvd. Cape The exhibit is underwritten hv llarler. Arts, see page 2(5 two. Owner of the Confused Chameleon, Coral. The exhibit encompasses works by she currently lives on Sanibel with her local fine craft artists and includes clay, husband, Carmen, and 19-month-old glass, mixed media and other accepted fine daughter, Marina. Lombardo works in craft art. It is a juried exhibit judged by Travel Plans Too Much to Handle Alone? Betsy Frank, a retired art teacher who has many media ranging from papier mache\ won many awards for her own work. The And Now Your Plane Has Landed, polymer clay and wood to acrylics, col- gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. but Your Car Rental Has Left You Stranded, ored oil pencils and painting on glass. She with llie InkTiii'l You're l.mply I landed, also teaches 4th Grade at The Sanibel • On Nov. 17, an exhibit of works by Fric School. ['orslmauii 'lining I 'iwil X Realist Don'l lakrYoui I oi ( ii.i Markle, a twin, comes from a family of Paintings -- opens at Lickert Fine Art- five artistic sisters. Starting out with a Naples with a reception from 5 to 7 p.m. Serving the Islands Since 1989 major in animal husbandry with a minor Forstmann attended Hie Museum of Fine in art at the University of Missouri, she Arts School in Boston. His artwork is about soon switched majors to commercial art. persistence, practice, and improvement with Travel Globally,.. jPtmS* Hook Locally After college she worked as a free lance each completed work, in some way support- artist for a local newspaper, then as an air- ing the work which follows. Forstmann is brush artist. In 1997 she and her twin sis- fascinated by the effects of light and its ter were accepted into an elite group of 14 description of time, shadow, weather, sea- artists called the St. Barnabas Art Group, son, size, shape, distance, atmosphere and working exclusively in oils. She and her color. VfeYf husband, Tom, have been visiting Captiva He paints common objects such as 2402 Palm Ridge Rd. • 472-1923 • [email protected] since the late '80s and became property leaves, sticks, shirts, fruit, landscape and owners in 1999. clouds, which often challenge him to learn or experience something new. "Com- SANIBEL FRANCHISE, #1 WORLDWIDE! • The Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer's Resource monly known things placed in the context Center's sixth annual show of artwork creat- of an arranged still life give the most 695 TARPON BAY ROAD, #15 ed by Alzheimer's patients opens at Robb & mundane objects importance." He uses Stucky in Fort Myers on Tuesday, Nov. 19, fruit often in his still life paintings Sanibel, Florida 33957 I ft M\ 239-472-6551 complimentary Cindy M.ll.l.l Jeatiie in-home consultation. Donations Needed Malszycki Gagii-'ii lulk) Tinch St. Vincent de Paul Great interiors begin here. Super Thrift Store 11799 South Cleveland Master planning to prioritize your projects 941/274-0660 Products for every room Free Furniture Pickup Complete delivery & installation We Accept Any Types Of Vehicles, Boats, Trailers, Etc. Tax Deductible INTERIORS We Meed Your Help by Decorating Den91 Help Us... Help Others! www. 26 • Week of November 15-21, 2002 • Islander travel writings. Individuals wishing to tools of empowerment to young women , from page 25 join a writers' group are invited to attend. who are transitioning from foster care to Arts Island Writers consist of four groups of independent living. from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m; on Captiva, the For more information about Tella- persons that meet weekly reading, dis- The event will be held at a riverfront gallery is open Monday through Saturday bration 2002! call 472-1781 or 543-4872. cussing, and critiquing their writings. estate home located at 1240 Coconut from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Sundays The Tamiami Tale Tellers November Many are published writers. Others write Drive in Fort Myers. Tickets are $20 and until 6. For more information, call 472- meeting falls during National Storytelling for their own pleasure. Island Writers give include valet parking, hors d' oeuvres, 2585. week on Thursday, Nov. 21. Story vari- public readings twice a year at BIG wine, and live entertainment by Kat Epple ants will be the theme. ARTS. The next program is scheduled for & Friends. VIP tickets are also available According to TTT spokesperson Bert Thursday, Dec. 5. for $75 each and include the standard National Storytelling Week MacCarry of Sanibel, members of the ticket amenities — plus reserved seating A resolution proclaiming the obser- Southwest Florida storytelling group will and a VIP gift bag. vance of National Storytelling Week, Nov. present "versions of well-known folktales Koreshan Theatre Festival Tickets may be purchased at any Key 17-23, has been issuued by the Lee from different cultures around the world. The Koreshan State Historic Site will Private Bank location, Big Brothers/Big County Board of Commissioners. "This occurence," MacCarry said, "has present its first Koreshan Theater Festival Sisters office, Judi L. Woods Insurance Co., Tellabration 2002!, a national and been explained by two different theories: on Saturday, Nov. 23. A series of one-act or Bab's Bead Warehouse. Tickets also may international storytelling event, will be one, monogenesis, in which a story travels plays will be staged on the Koreshan be purchased by calling Big Brothers/Big observed locally on Saturday night, Nov. from one country to another and is adapt- Unity Settlement grounds at the Koreshan Sisters of Southwest Florida at 278-0003. 23, under the sponsorship of the Tamiami ed in various ways; the other, polygenesis, State Historic Site. The schedule of plays Tale Tellers, a Southwest Florida story- which suggests similar folktales just will include comedy, drama and interpre- telling guild. The Tellabration location is at spring alive from the universal conscious- tation, all of which are geared for the Wonder of the World to open the Unitarian-Universalist Church, 13441 ness in different parts of the world." whole family. The first show will begin at Theatre Conspiracy is at it again, with Shire Lane in Fort Myers. There will be TTT storyswap sessions are held every 1 p.m. and with the final play ending at 9 the sponsorship of Bill Smith Appliances & two performances — 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. third Thursday of each month at the Grand p.m. Prices for this event are: $7.50 for Home Electronics, bringing the audiences The Board of Commissioners' resolu- Court and are free and open to the public adults, $3 for students aged 7-18; children of Southwest Florida another wonderful tion commends the observance of with both listeners and tellers welcomed. 6 and under arefree. Tickets can be pur- comedy. David Lindsay-Abaire's hilarious- National Storytelling Week "to all of the chased on the day of the event at the ranger ly zany play Wonder of the World will be citizens" of the community. station. Lawn seating and refreshments presented at the Foulds Theatre from Nov. A special commendation was given to Writers meet Nov. 20 will be available. Come and enjoy the fun! 21 until Dec. 8. Tickets are $16, $7 for stu- the Tamiami Tale Tellers which "for more Writers are invited to a combined Koreshan State Historic Site is located dents. than 15 years has been promoting, pre- meeting and program of the Island Writers on the corner of U.S. 41 and Corkscrew Wonder of the World is a hilarious tale serving and perpetuating storytelling in on Wednesday, Nov. 20, at 6:30 p.m. at Road in Estero. For questions or further centered around Cass, a woman fed up with our community" with sponsorship of the Sanibel Public Library. instructions, please contact the park office her marriage and her life. She compiles a monthly meetings on the third Thursday At 7, Julie and Mike Neal, authors of at (239) 992-0311. Florida State Parks are list of things she wants to accomplish and of each month. The organization also Sanibel & Captiva: A Guide to the Islands, in various stages of accessibility and are heads off to see the natural wonder of sponsors storytelling workshops "for will speak about writing this new travel working to improve access to services and Niagara Falls. Along the way she picks up teachers, librarians, parents, grandparents guide for our islands and their experience facilities. Should you need assistance to a side kick, is tailed by bumbling private and all those persons who sec the value of of writing as a team. After questions and enable your full participation, please con- eyes mid meets a cavalcade of wacky peo- storytelling in their daily lives and in their discussion, members of Island Writers tact the park office before the program. ple. All these adventures and many more cultural and work activities." will read short selections of their own relay a riotously funny story sure to leave the audience gasping for breath between Show to benefit Big belly laughs. 'COUPON • COUPON • COUPON • COUPON • COUPON • Brother/Sisters This show is also a technical wonder. A massive sel designed by David Utz and con- Key Private Bank and McDonald structed by Tom Doragh and Bill Taylor con- g& Investments will be presenting a Fine Arts veys complex settings. From The Maid of , OVER 100,000 IN STOCK Holiday Market: An Art Show & Sale fea- the Mist to dueling helicopters, the audience SOFAS •RECLINERS -DINING CHAIR turing outstanding local female artists on will surely get an eyeful. Friday, Nov. 22,"from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Evening performances are held Thursday, •SLIP COVERS -WICKER CANE All proceeds from the event will bene- Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. Tickets for the NEW FOAM CUSHIONS fit Making It On Purpose, a program of benefit are $14. The Foulds is located at Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Southwest 10091 McGregor Boulevard at the Alliance of FALL SALE Florida. Making It On Purpose is a nation- the Arts. For more information or to order FREE IN-STOCK FABRIC al pilot project providing support and tickets, please call 936-3239. with labor purchase.

_ Over 100,000 yards to choose from. I, O p cape Coral Fort Myers O NOW OPEN Sr 275-9280 Visit our showroom at: 275-1901 C (~\ -In-stock fabric only 38 Mildred Drive • FOlt Myers "Excluding taxes & fees 35 FOR SEASON £j Excluding prior sales (ACTOSS fOTOl the EdlSOII Mall) Expires 11/30/02 W • NOdflOO • NOdnOD • NOdflOD • NOdflOD • NOdflODT firt Gallery The Hirdic Girdic Done Fast... Done Right • Computer Rental • Setup/Upgrade 2490 Library Way • Spare Parts/Used Systems • Networks Sanibel Island • While You Wait/Drop Off • Internet/E-Mail Help MON-SAT 395.3G47 - Cell 4G4.1057 iiam-5pm [email protected] LEA\/E ONLY J* TAKE ONLY FOOTPRINTS^ MEMORIES Islander • Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • 27 On Veteran's Day , from page 21 in the country and is related to the word "rustic." cially in trying circumstances." This term is not to be Rustil'y is a non-existent word, unlisted in any of my confused with the expressions "in cold-blood" or dictionaries. One can make a case, however, for using "cold-blooded," which signify lacking feeling or emo- "msiil'y". by pointing, out thai the common suffix "il'y" tion. *. when added to a noun mean.-, "to cause to become or make." Therefore, ils possible that '"rustii'y," can mean 10. Bells. Only bells make lintinnaimlalions. C;m you ""is) cause lo he nisi.'* Wha! do you think'/ hear (he sounds of hells ringing as you pronounr • this wort I'.' The l.aliii word lintimiabuluni is a snial- iin- ,>. I'lie Niork'N <>! SheritH.'k Holmes. A deerstalker is a kiiiii.' bell. Hdgar Allen Poe will be lorevei ;'SM>< ..ileii liuhl -lit) in; cap will) \ i M it's in Hie Iron! and back ;m ! willi ihis vv'ui'tl, which he used so cllectivelv arui 'mi- \'i ilh carfiap>, usually taisnl and lied on the lop of ill,,- scall v, us his poem I lie Rih'cn'.' because the •.-. DP.I crown, uritimallv worn bv hunters. Il also goes by tit - thrum has two meanings which are related but H>>) ilu.- name of rore-and-al'ier. The deerstalker was Sherlock same: to play a stringed instrument, idly or nu iioiu- Holmes' las'orite head >.;e;ir ;is he stalked on! the dues fiously, or to speak, repeat or recite in a uionohiiiou.s to solve his cases. Sidie or voice; lo, The vvoid is tlerivei' ;nini Old I'fencli, "eassci'." incai>irii'. lo dismiss or ani; <.\. o. fa cits ',iuci\ A Luuniii. a word borrowed from (lie I'l'ench, is a street urchin, a homeless boy who roair.s Questions or comments? Contact me at my iiiaii the streets. address: vinfariKc'uoI.eom. 7. A false report. A canard is an unfounded, false, or deliberately misleading story. Cynical observers of the political scene are likely to accuse elecled officials of committing canards. Mow did a French duck acquire this meaning? It seems to be based on the old French phrase "vendre un canard a moitie," an idiomatic expression meaning to sell half a duck, or to swindle." K. A columnist who writes about etiquette. Punctilios Photon by Michael PLitella are fine points of etiquette, or precise observances of Above: Ret. Msijor USMCR Chuck York holds formality. The word is related to "punctilious," a more a photograph of his father Carl, who at the familiar term to most readers and writers, and carrying age of 15 went to serve in World War I, as he the meaning "strictly attentive to minute details of addresses the crowd at the annual Veterans form in action or conduct." .State department affairs Day ceremony in front of Sanibel City Hall. involving international dignitaries pay close attention to punctilios. Below: Sanibel School third grader Samantha Qoodttousek&tfing fCorida Blaze leads the crowd in the Pledge of 9. One who defuses bombs. The word sang-froid liter- Alligence during the annual Veterans Day cer- ally means cold blood in French. In English, it has emony in front of Sanibel City Hall. acquired the sense " coolness and composure, espe- • COMMERCIAL : offices, banks, schools • RESIDENTIAL : homes, condos, apartments • VACATION RENTALS • RESTAURANTS, CLUBS • AFTER CONSTRUCTION ll'il/i I VATJI/I/ I/I'H iti// ftU'kIvtwr. tttii'l/'l'i! '•:/: FAMILY firt ivtta iitut tin fru^im's.- Ivltt'r. MEDICINE

PHIUP G. DAVIS, M.D. 454-6868 JOir, D S-IIAUHAIUI.DO Internal .lyiedlfiloe. I .iniiiy l'i v IHii'iii'i 1 Primary Care Physicians 1 Most Insurance Accepted p Urgent Care for All Ages 1 X-Rays and Lab Tests Lunch * Dinner 17274 San Carlos Blvd. FLU SHOTS $15 Tel. (239) 437-8664 INDIAN CREEK PLAZA 16970 San Carlos Blvd., #7 • Ft. Myers, FL 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. • 4:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Albertson's Plaza • Corner of Summerlin & San Carlos Closed Sunday Credit Cards Accepted 18 Different Schnitzel Soups • Pastas INTERNAL UEDICIHiPRIUARY CARE Sandwiches * Burgers MICHAEL LOWREY, M.D. Salads * Desserts ^m0r r W Homemade Apple Strudel jour authentic local balccru with just one ais WtW OFHCt IQtAIION Every Friday & Saturday S^uerbraten Indian Creek Plaza Every Monday (Near Summerlin & San Carlos) 20% Off All Dinner Entrees 17284 San Carlos Blvd. #105 Michael Lowrey, M.D. Good Food ~ Best Service Fort Myers Florida 33931 Internal Medicine Austrian Friends Welcome You 1615 hendry street downtown ft mtjers • Appointments Accepted/Walk-Ins Welcome i 1 COUPON ~ • Most Insurance Accepted 20% OFF DINNER ENTREE for 2 PEOPLE 454-9797 EXCEPT MONDAY "8 * Week of November 15 - 21, 2002 • Islander

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Island Cinema Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre Naples Dinner Theatre .Buckingham Coinhuinily Center Bailey's Shoppitig Center ~ 472-170J 1380 Colonial Boulevard ~ 278-4422 1025 Piper Boulevard ~ (239) 514-7827 Buckingham Road off Oran«e River Blvd. (941)626-5399 • Harm Potter & the Chamber of Secrets (PG) • Jekyll & Hyde • Evita • Santa Clause 2 (PC) Through Nov. 23rd Through Dec.. 15th. 8 p.m., $37.50-$45 • Basically Blueyrass Concert & Pick In • Die Another Day (PG 13) • Here !v Love Dec. 1st, $5 ' Opens Nov. 22nd Nov. 28th-Jan. 4th Philharmonic Center for the Arts Members of the Acoustic Music Society & Call for limes & prices and ask about the Dinner & Show. $21-$40 5833 Pelican Bay Boulevard kids under 12 admitted free Frequent Movie-goer Program Off Broadway Palm (800)597-1900 . Festival seating 9 Fuhnedaboutit! • Classical 1: Classical Genius SeminoleGulf Railway Dinner Train Old Schoolhousc Theater Through Dec. 22nd, $20-$33 Schubert, Beethoven & Brahms w/ 1908 Periwinkle -472-6862 Jon Nakamatsli performing the "Emperor" Colonial & Metro, Fort"Myers ~ 275-8487 • Tintypes Florida Repertory Theatre Nov. 15th & 16th, 8 p.m., $47/$ 19 • Playing for Keeps Through Nov. 30th @ The Arcade Wednesdays & Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. Bay Street between Jackson & Hendry • Cirque Eloize Sundays, 5:30 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 8 p.m. 332-4488 plus select matinees Nov. 19th, 8 p.m., $40/$22 5-course dinner + show, $49.98 • Rumors • Hollywood Hullabaloo Through Nov. 16th, 8 p.m., $22-$26- 5-course dinner + show Fridays, 6:30 p.m., $49.98 Saturdays, 6:30 p.m. $59.98

Island Hardware & Marine Supply 3187 Stringfellow Road, Pine Island 283-2998 • Music on Pine Island Various local & nationally known Renew commitment to recycling musicians play the blues under the stars for donations from the audience Festival seating, coolers OK Today, Nov. 15, is America Recycles standpoint and also supports our resources BBQ sandwiches available Day, a national effort to educate the country and environment." Saturdays. 6 p.m., call for dates about ihe L'rnnoiiik". social, and environ J hi:, pasl year was Ihe first year that all menial benefit:-, of recycling, and buying kinds of paper goods could be recycled in St. Pete Times Forum ~ Tampa g Ticket master/Spec's Music: 334-3309 rei.ycli.-d. S.uuhcl kecule-!! a lucal i iv County, including ol'lice paper, maga- zines, junk mail, cardboard, etc. With these • liruce Springsteen & the R Street Hand group whose mission is to piomuli* a cul Nov. 24lh •lire ill" "Rrdncp/Hruse/ RfcyrV mr -additional TfisterMff. communities in Lee Sauibel, has established a goal of helping County could potentially increase their Sanibel, through public education and out- recycling volumes by 25 percent. In light reach, to triple the amount of waste that is of this opportunity, it is disheartening to see recycled by encouraging all sectors of the Sanibel's minuscule 3 percent.. VISIT THE island (residents, visitors, and business- Sanibel residents and businesses es) to adopt recycling. are especially encouraged to In 2000, Sanibel was only increase cardboard and recycling 10 percent of its paper recycling this y waste (in terms of ton- year. If you've driven ISMM!) CIM.EI nage), compared to 30 or walked around percent in the whole your neighborhood of Lee County. on trash collection Unfortunately, day, I'm sure you Sanlbel's perfor- have seen that mance has declined more often than HOW SH0UJII1G even further in the not, cardboard is Starting fri., llov. 15th past two years — being placed in down to 9 percent in the garbage, HARRY POTTER & THE fiscal year 2001 and rather than put out dropping further to 8 on recycling day. CHAMBER OF SECRETS (re) in fiscal year 2002, If you need more 4iOO - 7:30 P.M. according to the latest information about how data from the Lee County to recycle on Sanibel, visit THE SANTA CLAUSE 2 (PG) Solid Waste Division. It is true Sanibel Recycles! Web page 4:30 - 7:00 - 9:15 EM This holiday season, that Sanibel's overall tonnage of at, or call Adopt-A-M anatee. recycled goods increased by a modest 3 472-1179. Starting Nov. 22nd percent in 2002, over 2001. However, Tip of the Week: Bond aka Die Another Day (pc-13) for someone you love Tickets Now On Sale and help protect an Sanibel's increase in total municipal solid The new phone directories have just arrived. As the note on the phone book endangered species. waste (i.e. trash) has increased by 16 per- cent over this same period! This means that cover says, "Make a difference today — ASK ABOUr OUR FREQUEN'r we're increasing our trash generation at Recycle your outdated directory." .\K)\il'tiOni n

23 Witch's treasure 15 It's outstanding 3 Cayman Islands, Speed" autho • movement creators and inattif other brands ... map notation? 16 Cosmetics for one 37 Equip with new 72 Like 109 Patriot Silas Priors do not fnoiudo tax 26 "Opus Majus" counter vessel 4 mater weapons schoolmarms 110 Aristide's land and are subject to change. author Roger 18 DDE's 5 Foreshadow 39 Panama 73 Lab burners 111 St. fire Sumnierlin & San Carlos 27 Sloppily, perhaps command 6 Acknowledge formation 75 City west of 112 Be successful (near Winn Dixie) 28 Capek play 19 Tough words applause 42 Spiral-shelled Tulsa 113 After-tax 29 Gadget's title: 21 Nintendo 7 Sounds of relief mollusk 78 Quick number Abbr. brother 8 Kama 45 "The Merry 82 Lacks 117" lie!" 31 fiaves' opposite 23 Uncivilized 9 Fare question Widow" 83 Make sure of, 120 Discoverers 32 Bankrupt carrier Greek 10 Santa syllables composer slangily cries of 2001 philosopher? 11 Gelatin garnish 47 Mass, summer 84 Off-center 122 Olive 33 Business with 26 Foe 12 Indiana's state hours 87 Uses a cell 124 It's struck in only bosses? 27 Hard to reach, flower 48 In flames 90 A David of the f elds 36 Lunatic group? irI a way 13 Coll. entrance 50 Prima ballerina U.S. Ryder Cup 125 Taiwanese 38 Rikki-tikki- 28 - art of NBA; criteria 51 Methods team dissident 40 Jazz gp. Abbr. 14 Dollop 53 Fly like an eagle 9 1 Most joyous Hsin-liang 41 LAX posting 42 Hound's trail Stumped? Call 43 Start of an Andy 1-900-226-4413. 99 cents a minute Custom Exhaust Capp toast 1 2 3 4 6 7 5 10 11 12 13 I^Hl4 16 16 17 18 44 Cutie Over 40 Years of Experience 46 Old Greek theater 19 •__ ^•2• 1 Domestic • Foreign • Trucks • RVs 49 Post-workout • sensations 23 24 1 •25 1 Fully Equipped "State-of-the-Art" 52 Doesn't own, 27 Diagnostic Equipment maybe I T| 28 __LJ 29 PI'M) _^H31 54 Calendar ponod •1 1 • All Repairs Fully Warranted 56 Author Feibei 3? 33 I _13•4 —|3HS 1 57 "And you, Miss, •i are no Indy!" 38 139 41 _P (239) 437-6669 ••40 •Ti' 1 1 : speaker • 1 • J 1 rS58<> Mdiivt(ur Blvd. • l t. Myers, HI. .WON 43 •45 I •47 48 50 'VI 58 Ad committee Mmi.Vn. KAM-SI'M • Sat. KAM-il'M 60 Screen romance9 63 "The Thin Man" 5i! 1 actress m •T 60 16•1 | IK? 1 10% OFF! 64 Certain driver 67 Lacking All Parts 68 Dockers' gp. 64 6S tie [ • WM SB 1 "I ^H 69 ""I" 69 Aluminum & Labor l«t! IJ. . I .' I'. • • •72 73 70 • product L•§•?.'J ! 17P5 70 Conductor

76 • • Toscanini I P 71 Succeed 1 •1 __ 74 John or Paul 81 P82 1 i •83 •84 1 ._, ^^^^_•H H1K 1 76 Needlefish •I 86 187 M •El90 q 1 ^^^^| A OVER 150,000 HOUSEHOLDS! Beach Bulletin Fort Myers Beach SUPER SELLER PACKAGE The area's visitor and Observer Sanibel Captiva entertainment A circulation of over 14,000 Your ad will appear in ALL of the Shopper's Guklu newspeipei delivered in the San Carlos Island and Breeze Newspapers in Lee & $ Reaching over 7 5500 evciy Fiidny Estero Island area every Charlotte Counties, with circulation every Ilu Wednesday in Pine Island, Cape Coral, Ft. >& u Myers, N. Ft. Myers, Lehigh, 50°° Sanibel, Captiva, Ft. Myers Beach, REACHES Boca Grande, Port Charlotte & OVER 250,000 HOUSEHOLDS! 1 $ u ipi ( [in I hi 'i.iiui'l v ['III-I .-•• Tlit* Pint 1'il.ind E~,iyU} Punta Gorda. * Business Ads start at 80.00 T I he I (*t> ('utility Bree/o I'. (IHivun cl to JH.HOO Gliupptir Pine Island's only Reachinc) hnuit honitis in Cnpt; (.AIMI Monu1 ilt'liveiucf evt'iy comniunity publication in the Cape lUn ovoiy Saturday niuming Wednesday with «J with a distribution of PHOTOS BRING RESULTS! Commumtytl, circulation of 105,000 over /,000 Get the advantage and reach your target customer fast with the addition of an eye $ 00 catching photol Only $13 additional PERrVEEK charge per week I 13 North Fort Myers The Lohlgh Acres Gasparllla Gazette CHECK US OUT ON THE WEB! Citizen Iteiicliiiu) over 4,000 Reach the world! Your ad will appear on the world wide luim: flelivcird to UtMCllllHJ / 000 home;, in Boca Charlotte O.GOO-i uvoiy web at www.flguide.coml every Wednesday Grande and Shopping Guide Wednesday Gaspariila Island Published every Wednesday in Port Charlotte & Punta PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD IS FAST & EASY! Gorda Contact us by phone or fax. Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:00pm PHONE: (239) 472-5185 • FAX: (239) 472-5302 • 695 Tarpon Bay Road #13 • Sanibel, FL 33957

PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL SCHOOLS/ FINANCIAL FINANCIAL SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE INSTRUCTION SERVICES SERVICES ADOPT" A loving family wishes to EXPRESS LONG DISTANCE - SERIOUSLY INJURED? Need a WELL DRILLING TRAINING in 4 Bad Credit, Bankruptcy, Creative Free Grants - Never Repay - cherish your baby with LOVE & Moving to New York, New Lawyer? All accident and negli- weeks. Great job opportunities, Purchase or Refinance. 100% Acceptance Guaranteed. Govern- financial SECURITY. Expenses England & all states in between. gence claims. Auto, Med., Mal- small classes, tuition financing. APPROVAL! Any type mortgage, ment and private sources. $500. - Paid. Elyse, 1-300-662-8287 Custorfter rated A +. Air ride practice, Wrongful Death, etc. A- State Approved. Toll free (866) with no upfront fees. Also, IN- $500,000. Education, Home A-A Attorney Referral Service. ADOPTION "* "SURROGACY ** trucks. Free estimates & friendly 983-3855. VESTOR "Hard Money" and Repairs, Home Purchase, Busi- service. Relocation Specialists (800) 733-LEGAL, (5342) 24 hrs. Commercial Mortgages. Call (813) Living Expenses Paid. Medical & statewide www.v.' ness. Live Operators 9am-9prn counseling assistance. Choose a (Lie. #MC 299938) 1-800-941- 684-8484 Monday - Saturday. 1-800-339- 3767 2817 Extension #354 Loving, Financially Secure family MONEY TO LOAN CAN'T GET A BANK ACCOUNT? for your child. Caring & confiden- MOVING Weekly trips to Ohio, ANNOUNCEMENTS We GUARANTEE you a second MORTGAGE PYMTS MADE! Have tial. (24 hours/ 7 days), Attorney Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Penn- ONE CALL REACHES 45 Lenders. chance at banking No Credit FREE LONG DISTANCE! Major carrier an unwanted house you need to Amy Hickman, (Lie. # 832340). sylvania, New Jersey, and all Purchase or Refinance. Cash Checks/ Turndowns/ Minimums sell now? In foreclosure? Bad Website: states between. Professional, now offers local service and the "Debit Card with ATM Cash opportunity for free long distance! Purchase or Refinance Cash out Tenants? Divorced? Estate Sale? 1-888-812-3678 licensed, insured. Before you rent or pay off debt Programs for all Withdrawal "$200 Overdraft Vacant? Ugly? I pay CASH and a truck or trailer call SAVE $$. 1 Privilege Call 1 -800-291 - 1844 AFFORDABLE LEGAL SERVICES (Click MYLinelnfo) credit, 24 hr. credit approval. We close fast! End the stress! (800) ""'* Divorce $1S0 Adaption $225 piece, houseful!. 1-800-248-2906 or call (877) 392-3548. Global ID: Can Help! First Federated Home CASH $$ $$ Immediate Cash for 397-1596 (Joe) Incorporation $125 Not do it your- PERSbNAL~TNjTrRV? NlEED A 8139906112 Mortgage 877-507-6682 structured settlements, annuities, R3RT5S5^5ISK CASHS. self kit! CALL 1-800-303-1170 LAWYER? All Accident & real estate, notes, private mort- Fast closings, 1st and 2nd$. Negligence Claims! -Auto/ Party Times are here! gage notes, accident cases, and Good/ Bad Credit. Self- i )i lie information Bike/ Bar "Mall «Condo/ Hotel Openings still available FINANCIAL insurance payouts. (800) 784- employed? No Income Verifi- Di ~inCL~TlC0i Also covers chiP •Animal Bites -Medical D.J. For Less. 7310 ______cation. Foreclosure, Bankrup- Malpractice 'Worker's Cornp Call Carol and book 'f$CAl5Fffir"immediate CasfTTor tcy all OK. Mortgage Corp. i n pioneity, one signature. •Wrongful Death •Nursing Network. Licensed Correspon- I lilit uy, missing spouse, etc. now!! A & B Mortgage. When the bank Structured Settlements, Annuities, Home Abuse A-A- A-Attorney (239) 707-4059 says no, we say yes! All types of Real Estate Notes, Private dent Lender. Call 888-999-8/44 I1 ntp'-tfil & excludes Gov't. Referral Service 1-80(3-733-5342 Mortgaqe Notes, Accident Cases, I E»UO 522-8000 Exl. 21 credit accepted. Same day app- M 6 RtG AG^r~R __^24_HRS/_7 DAYS • roval! Call (888) 650-6867: and insurance Payouts. Call JGW PURCASE. No money down. 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Failure- Proof. Lowest (800) 462-2000 ext. 401. B. 5560. Tuition. Guarantees! FREE BRO- Divorced WWW.ALANARCIERI.COM CHURE 1-800-869-3997 ext. 10 I Call Today to Place Your Want Ads -- 472-5185 - Today!!! | Islander • Week of November 15-21, 2002 • 31

FINANCIAL BUSINESS GENERAL GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SKILLS & TRADES SERVICES OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Need Extra Cash! Up to $500! SOUTHERN FREIGHT INC. -HIR- Simple and Easy. Never Leave CITY OF SANIBEL CITY OF SANIBEL ING DRIVERS 'SINGLES/ Home! Funds Deposited Ready for Season! EDITOR FOR TEAMS to run GEORGIA/ CALI- Checking Account Next Day. Successful EMPLOYMENT FORNIA and Regional runs. Loans by County Bank of Women's Resort-wear EMPLOYMENT COMMUNITY CHICAGO/ FLORIDA, out of Rehoboth Beach, DE Member & OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES ATLANTA. -Great benefits, Great FDIC/EOL 1-800-710-3400 Beach Accessories NEWSPAPER home time. -CDL Class A w/ HAZ- Business: November 7, 2002 November 7, 2002 MAT «2 yrs. Experience or 1 year Located in The Breeze Corp. with Driving School. 1-800-241- Overwhelmed with debt? Interested Flamingo Island in becoming an independent busi- THE CITY OF SANIBEL, THE CITY OF SANIBEL, has an immediate 6679 X5811 Flea Market FLORIDA, AN ENVIRONMEN- FLORIDA, AN ENVIRONMEN- opening for a full-time ness owner? Need help refinanc- Health Forces Sale! TALLY SENSITIVE SANCTU- editor for our SUNNY SIDE UP ing your vehicle? everyone de- TALLY SENSITIVE SANCTU- DOWN? CFI is now Hiring Call: ARY BARRIER ISLAND ARY BARRIER ISLAND community newspaper serves a second chance to finan- (239) 498-7520 Company KEEP ON TRUCKING! cial freedom. We can help with COMMUNITY, IS ACCEPTING COMMUNITY, IS ACCEPTING on Pine Island. APPLICATIONS FOR THE Strong writing, CFI "Owner Operators 'Singles immediate response! Give us a APPLICATIONS FOR THE 'Teams "Loads with miles avail- call toll free @ 1-866-201-6921 for FOLLOWING FOLLOWING editing and Ultimate Soft Sell- Established POSITIONS. organizational skills able immediately! Ask about our free financial advice Account Base! $40K + first year POSITIONS. spouse- training program. Call potential in commission selling & UTILITIES required as is Personal Loans "** "" All credit wel- a good understanding (800) CFI-DRIV." come. 800-536-6514 promotion delivering books to businesses. MAINTENANCE BUILDING INSPECTOR Protected territory & inventory pro- of community journalism. code ADCN vided. Must be hard working, ener- MECHANIC Send resume and RECEIVING PAYMENTS? We buy getic! Requires: Cold-calling, Van SALARY RANGE: clips to: Executive Editor COLLECTIBLES^ mortgages, trust deeds, annuities, or SUV, computer, storage. Full SALARY RANGE: $33,900 TO $49,700 Valarie Marring, lotteries, structured settlements, time only. Please call: (800) 966- $27,996 to $40,996 Cape Coral Daily Breeze, ""WWII - Military Collectibles'*' business notes nationwide. High- 8301 ext.2698 or Fax Resume to1 Performs the inspection of P.O. Box 151306, Biqqest in Florida. Shirley Street est prices paid! Brandonn Funding (888) 625-6812 E-mail: kal- Performs a wide range of skilled plumbing, electrical, mechan- Cape Coral, Antique Mall. 5510 Shirley SI, 1-800-468-4676 [email protected]. Part work in the maintenance and ical and other related inspec- FL 33915-1306. Naples, Florida. Visit all the time "Homo Party" book sales also repair of City wastewater tions for building construction. Fax: (239) 574-5693; History. Buy/Se'll/Tracle - (941) Residential/Commercial Mortgages treatment, collection and The successful candidate will up to $10 million. Bad Credit, No available. E-mail 592-9882- Mon-Sat - 10AM-5PM reuse facilities. The ideal can- havo a Bachelor's Degree in [email protected] _____ Credit, Bankruptcy. All applica- didate will have a HSD or Construction or a similar field tions accepted. fvtortpages closed SITUATIONS GED and vocational or related experience; and in 48/hrs. Competitive' rates. 1- training/certification with four (4) years of experience in For SW/FL an international expansion. 877-545-2181 xl03. Se Habla WANTED major coursework in electrical, the field of construction; FL SUPPLIES Espanol. Experienced business owner, mar- your fate. There is no mechanical and/or plumbing driver's license and cerlifica- keting/sales, consulting, or HARDWOOD FLOORING from .99 STOP FORECLOSURE! BeliimTon escape from Kate Your Helpmate supplemented with two (2) tion as a Building Inspector in career/oriented w/strong' people cents Sq. Ft. Hardwood Your Mortgage? Don't File from Chautauquu, N.Y. to Sanibel/ years responsible related Ilia Stale of Florida, one and skills. Call (239) 275-1822 AM or Flooring for Less! Exotics, Oak, Bankruptcy! "We Can Help Save Captiva. 10% senior discount. experience or an equivalent two family dwelling, or the (239) 543-2744 PM to arrange Bamboo Prefinished/ Your Home. Guaranteed Service Call (£39) 774-HR.P (4357). combination of experience, ability to acquire a provisional phone interview. Unfinished, Husky Coat 50 y«iar (800) 915-9704 Ext. 77. LOOKiNtJfFGTl education and training; and a certification within 90 days of prcfini'ili plus alot more! We www. employment. Candidates will PART-TIME Class D FL " C.D.I deliver anywhere, 4 Florida u'smoiti/agiM , ibtiint t) com Candidates will be screened be screened for interview pur- Locations, 1-877-Mill-Direct HOUSE CLEANING poses based on experience up~io WFf OWTttTirTTi T>7>p7)~ Will clean your house for interview purposes based The (645-5347) itr>d in Yom (licking At count1 on experience in maintaining and training in construction, for a reasonable rate. conslruction inspection and CAPE CORAL ___ . Fa t Appioval ' I nan" pioviilotl I am a real estate licensed and repairing wastewater by County Hank of Muhoboth equipment, experience in Slate ol Florida Certifications. professional. CLOSING DATE: November DAILY BREEZE Baric h 1)1 Mfiinht'i fl)l(,/t electrical, welding and plumb- is accepting resumes Flexible clays/hours. ing and skill in use of power 20, 2002. Mail or fax cover MACHINERY Oppnitunity I i ndoi (.all Adv in< ( Please call for a full-time news Fliwnro now 1 H00 MSI HIM tools. Weekend work letter and appllcationre- (239)267-1989 sume with salary history to reporter position. Good Automotive analyzer tune-up kit. required. Job Number opportunity for recent Complete with gauges, cables, VISA/MC fuWfAlTl I I 11 ApfiTnv il Reference: UMM the address below. Job no ' tM tally dupo it I unit up ID Number Reference: Bl graduate or reporters technical manual,"$49. K75-52OI $1?Q00 Had (unlit no it (lit ok ''""""GENERAT who have proven their Bankruptcy ok .'4 hum minim HELP WANTED mottle on a competitive UOn 1-800 BS9 411.1 I xt V PART-TIME Interested candidates my weekly. Sand resume and CHRISTMAS AftM ctionl Ptotji tm p irt timt obtain .in application for clip's to: Executive Kclitoi opt mini fm ft ti In i oi fo « hi i POLICE AIDE employment on the City web- V //1 i ill or at City Hall Plt\i<-,i> Mil) ami al yatir lin<|ui Up:;. Uluwn $11.00 Hourly inn .jjjpllualKitr, to. I' O lltiK 1!>KIOI>, (HI) It I 11/8 'orioimij -i wide v.uuly ol Cupr Cor ill. gKi:,rwrrrat n r -RHsnTinnij mrponsible law unfoieemonl FL 33915-1306. much rnoro aotlvitirtt, Including traffic con- City of Sanibel Pax: (239) S74-S693; www. earn $800 in a day? Your own for J00V/ t'OO I Co t il lot) ATTN: Job Number. local candy route. 30 Machines $13 1 iPB Id/hi f ull b< nofit / trol, e'carting vehicles, park- e-mail Sfnokymounlmnmaitelplncisi. and Candy. All for $9,995. Call Pil 11 unint)/ No I xp Not ing enfoicemont and emer- Manager of CQrti (800) 998-VEND. AIN# BO AIM ptmi) c ill i d ly (flud) V>\\ gency management functions. Administrative Services 2000033 l1 HSD or equivalent required 800 Dunlop Road COMPUTERS & iiiliii! " and must have a valid FL dri- Sanibel, FL 339S7 ALL CASH CAND? ROUTE Bo Biiiy HonTi iTicTTTiiiy RonTiT -OR- SALES You Earn $800. in a Day? Your ver's license. Job Number SOFTWARE Suvicc hi poiition' available Reference: PA FAX: 239-472-3065 HELP WANTED Own Local Candy Route. Bookkuoiiot (

HOME FURNISHING MEDICAL & MISCELLANEOUS SPORTS & IMPORTS BOAT TRAILERS GENERAL REAL A absolute buy, brand new Queen HEALTH WOLFF TANNING BEDS. 2000 VW Beetle, torbo. Fully PWC trailers, tilt unit, 8" wheels, ESTATE pillow top mattress set in plastic, AFFORDABLE "CONVENIENT. loaded, 9,600 miles, white fixed unit 12" wheels. Both made Must sell $135, (239) 340-1475 Viagra - LOWEST PRICE REFILLS Tan At Home. Payments From and black, garage-kept, like by Rocket International, 1 7/8" GUARANTEED $3.60 per dose. $25/ month. FREE Color Catalog. new. Bought in 2001 as a ball, can carry 3seat boats. ANNUAL & A brand new King double pillowtop Not Mexican or Canadian. All mattress se1 in plastic, sacrifice Call Today (800) 842-1305 left over, factory warranted. Excellent condition. $400. each VACATION RENTALS Other Prescriptions Filled! 1-866- $16,000. (239) 267-0260. (239) 822-7150 $200. (941) 229-7175 887-7283. Prescription Buyers Madza Protege 1995, 38,000 miles, VERY NEAR BEACH A brand new queen pillow top mat- Group HOUSE FOR RENT tress set. Sacrifice, $140. Call SPORTING GOODS fair condition, P.S., P.B., air, DOCK SPACE Viagra Miracle! 100% Natural, No AM/FM cassette stero, $3,500. Three Bedrooms, Two Baths 334-4953 ; Side Effects, 30 Minute Results. FREE: TAKE IT AWAY! Basketball (239) 549-0282 or (313)205-5625 RENTAL/SALES Plus Den Bedroom set, seven pieces. Brand Phenomena! Sensation, Hoop System. NBA "Advantage". Great Location now, still in boxes. Value $2800. Incredible Lasting Longevity, #1 Excellent Condition. 463-7289 5,000 and 3,000 pound Boat Lifts. SHELL BASKET AREA Sacrifice $1000 (239) 340-0374. Achievement, Satisfaction Available for annual lease on Gun, knife, civil war, military show. SPORT UTILITY Quiet and Private Carpet Installer wilh many remnants Guaranteed! 1-800-315-5836 Captiva. Call (239) 209-0488 for AVAILABLE: November 23 & 24, Araba Shrine information. & first quality rolls, great deal 3 Temple, 2010 Hanson Corner VEHICLES Annual: $2100/mo. rooms installed w/pad $379. (360 MISCELLANEOUS Route 41. Concealed weapon Fort Myers Beach boat slip rental. Season: 2002-2003 sq.ft.). Buy today, install tomor- courses 9-5 Saturday, 9-9:30 $5. per foot, up to 50Ft. Easy Gulf Call for Rate row! Laminate floors, 20 colors to FREE CASH! $10,000 or more pos- ISUZU RODEO LS access, no live-aboards. First choose from $1.49 sq.ft. Sunday. Buy, sell, appraisals. $6 sible in 58 days or less. Never admission (239) 463-2840. • 2001 Light Marina 17953 San Carlos ALSO: Call for Information: Hardwood floors $3.29 sq.ft. (941) Repayl New programs! Free Blvd. FMB Call (239) 994-5646 997-6595. AUTOMATIC, 4-DOOR, Information 1- 800-964-8416 POWER WINDOWS, SHELL HARBOR Custom wall unit w/inatching bar AUCTIONS & POWER LOCKS, ACREAGE Spacious offers glass cabinets, wine stor- If you think crime doesn't affect you SEAT, 6 CD CHANGER, Canal Front age, modular shelving & lighting BAZAARS LUGGAGE RACK, Alva, 21-1/2 cleared, fenced acres. Executive Home system, pull-out swivel TV cabf- let us give you the facts! FACT Floridians Against Crime AUCTION: NOV. 21, Metro Atlanta. DRIVER NON-SMOKER. Oaks, pines, cabbage trees. net. Sell wilh 27" TV $1200, 14,310 MILES Improvements include 8000/sq.ft. GULF FRONT $1,000. Without (239) 826-9929 Taskforce, P.O. Box 9235, Glen- 1,951 + /- acres prime develop- wood, FL 32722 (386) 801-4740 ment land. Fronts I-20 and 278. VERY CLEAN. house pad, 30x80 barn pad, round LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS Dinette set, 42" round glasstqp, Fax (386) 740-8330 Parcels or entirety, many $20,500. pen pad, clear water lake with Lucite pedestal, with arm chairs New Vacation Home in MODEL HOMES NEEDED for absolute. JP King Auction Co., (239) 458-0699 sloped sides, base rock for drive- unique design on caslers, new Tommy Todd, (800) 662-5464. // way. Appraised 2/01 @ $13686 LITTLE HARBOR Scotch Guard fabric, color basic, Lifetime Roofing System. Call ABACO, BAHAMAS to See if you qualify 1-800-937- NR002O03 per acre. $12,5Q0./acre o.b.o. Will $499. (239) 454-4760 sell 10-3/4 acres if desired. (239) Waterfront Diningroom set, Whitecraft natural 6635 Ext, 208 TRUCKS & VANS Two Bedrooms, Two Baths AUCTION: NOV 26tFT Ocala, 690-0135 wood!! 48incli round table, with NEED A NEW LOCAL PHONE GMC Sierra 2500 Series 1999 with Two Complete 4cushioned wicker chairs, $900. SERVICE AGAIN? Local/ Long ' Florida. 46 + /- acres development Living Areas in property on I-75 an SR 200 at exit heavy towing package. Excellent OBO Sleeper sofa, loveseat, Distance Combined Service condition. $18,000. 352-281-5590 LOTS FOR SALE One-Two Story House Broyhill, beige/brown. $950. All Provided By Highly Rated Excel //350. JP King Auction Co., Inc. With 360 Degree top quality, in excellent condition. Communications. Go To Website AB00O1199. J. Scott King AU- Cape Coral, off water, oversized lot. Water Views (239)931-7609 WWW. PI AZTELSER V. COM 0000358. (800) 558-5464 MOTORCYCLES & NW 21 at Street, been surveyed. AVAILABLE BY THE WEEK: Pick Your Package & Signup for $6,200. O.B.O. (239) 772-5539. $1400/wk Rattan living room Great Local/ Long Distance Rates DOMESTIC AUTO MOPEDS Cape Coral Sailboat access, Yacht Plus FriendsrFree Nationwide. For set, S pieces, like Club area. Triple lot, 12O'x132'. I'll be happy to provide brand new, sofa. Details & Business Opportunity Donate your vehicle directly to HARLEY DAVIDSON pictures and information love seat, coffee Call (954) 430-7203 or Email the original, nationally 1984 SPORTSTER, Call (651) 494-9299 about any of these table, end table, [email protected] acclaimed Charity Cars. 1-800- 5,500 ORIGINAL WATERFRONT opportunities. floor lamp, table Painted cat on a rock, 9 lbs. $22, CHARITY! 100% charity - not a MILES. lamp, $600. Call 731-9447 used car dealer/ fundraiser. 1- GOOD CONDITION PROPERTY MARSHA CLIFFORD (239) 540-1645. 800-CHARITY (1-800-242-7489) $4,800. Broker-Salesman PHONE DISCONNECTED? GET www.800charitycars.ORG CALL Quick Gulf Access- No Bridges!! RE/MAX of the Islands RECONNECTED FAST! Save T986 Mercury Sable. 68,700 original (239)573-1288 $249,000. 3/2 heated pool. (239)472-2311 Wicker palio indoor/outdoor $30. Call before disconnection. Tropical Corner Lot, Open Floor furniture. Four chairs, table, Priced from $29.99 monthly. No miles. One Owner, White exterior 80ftLp8-2311 with grey leather interior. All Plan. chaise lounge. $400 OBO, Deposit, Guaranteed Approval, Call today! Owner/Agent Lee (239) 472-2902 Must sell this week. Call Free local calls! 727-723-TONE power", AM/FM cassette radio. email: rmirsha® Well maintained. Complete ser- POWER BOATS County Properties, Kay Damiano (239) 395-6709. (8663), Pinellas; or 1-888-950- (239) 540-4195 TONE (8663) American Dial vice records. $3,500. Sanibel. Window Treatment Scarfs. (239) 395-0977. ______and when you're ready to Iridescent material. (2)- tur- Tone, No Surprises, GREAT power boatB FOlKE IMPOUNDS! $0 Down! Buy or Sell - quoise, (2)- lavender. 6Q"W x SERVICE! call me for the finest 216"L. Bought thru OCPenney cat- PHONE DISCONNECTED? OR Trucks, Cars, SUV's from $600. PROPERTY Real Estate Services alog, Bfarw new.Patd [email protected]/ea, ABOUT TO be dtasonMtatf? Gat g W180pa4>B777 Et will' sacrifice $45.00/ea. o.b.o. reconnected fast! No Deposit! No New S.W. Florida Vacation Condos, Cape Coral (239) 283-8701 /Ly- Refusals! 100% approved. Lowest weekly, monthly, seasonal. nn sg monthly rates! Call now & receive POLICE IMPOUNDS! $0 Down! Spacious 2/bedroom (dan option- CONDOS FOR SALE $10. off 2nd month's bill. (Lie. # Trucks, Cars, SUV's from $500. al). Golf views, gigantic pool, fit- Ft.Myers/Sanibel 35105.0001) 1-888-893-3663 For listings, 1-800-941-8777, Ext. ness center, spa, tennis, grills. MEDICAL & C1616 Golf packages-backyard 18-hole WATERFRONT POOL CLEANER AUTOMATIC- qolf course. Rates or brochure •2-Bed/2-bath, fully furnished, newly HEALTH Tiger Shark Robot $799.99. Also RECREATION (239) 542-3191 renovated, noM fo Sanibel Harbor Sun, Baqua Spa, Baquacil, Resort & Spa I 'uol, tenhis, Jacuzzi, ALL ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIRS Chemicals. Spa accessories VEHICLES NEW!!! "No Cost to You if ______covered parklnri marina on premis- and chemicals, Covermate, es, great investment1 Call (239) 849- Eligible" Wheelchairs & 2000 HR Endeavor 38', 330 diesel, 1 Cover Up, Spa Umbrellas. Wellcraft Flybrldge, 8869or242-0? )/ Powerchairs (Scooter Style) 30K miles, washer/dryer, central 1985, Medicare Accepted - Florida vac, convection microwave, auto twin 454 Mercrulsers, OWNER Statewide Quality Service "We POOL HEATERS - ECO-ENERGY awning, auto satellite, slides, central air/heat, MANUFACTURED Treat You Right" Call anytime 7 INC. (World's Most Efficient) many upgrades, n/s, beautiful, sleeps six. Cape Coral- Freshwater pool home days. 1-B0O-B35-31S5 Custom to 1 million BTU's - $105,000, (well below NADA). New bottom paint, on 200' river. Large 3br/3ba, den, HOMES $1795 up. 10/yr. Warranty. Air ALL Electric Wheelchairs. New- Sanibel: 395-3493 zinks. 3-car. 3- oversized lots, 2-addi- Conditioners, Central, Whole- Like new, must sell. tional lots available, 41' pool, Repos, Repos, Repos! Over 150 to Wheelchairs & Powerchairs sale/ Changeouts. Commercial choose from. Some set up on land (Scooter Style) "No cost To You If Serious inquiries only, 70x22 lanai, dock. $289,000. & Residential. Deliver/ Ship/ $20,000. (239)282-4331,671-1890 or free delivery. Call for info. 1- Eligible". Medicare Accepted. Install anywhere/ anytime. J 800-622-2832 Florida Statewide Quality Service- SPORTS & IMPORTS (239) 707-5034 ______Archie Gay, (FL Cert. Lie. #CIWC Sanibel 16 slant! I nadise. Huge 2/2, "We treat you right". Call anytime 056968). 800-474-7120 7 days. (800)835-3155 1400 Sq R >5 h Community, PObI HEATERS"' - Factory Direct OWNER Beach Acrw' t159,900 w/ Low ALL NEW ELECTRIC WHEEL- Prices!!! Solar - Heat Pumps - Gas PORSCHE Lot Rent Affnntable Mfg. Homes, CHAIRS AND POWER-CHAIRS & Pool Products. Installations or '73 911^ 2.4 liter Lehigh Acres Pool Home, only MattNewbuiq (941)340-1956. (scooter type) at "No cost to you if RARE 4-speed Auto Complete Do-it-Yourself Kits. $ Wanted $ 7years old!! 3Bedroorn, 2Bath, eligible." Prompt Service. Home Super Fall Sale Discounts. Trans. 2Car garage. Alternative genera- Delivered. Medicare Accepted. Full Wide Body with Dead or Alive License #CWC 029795 - Since Boats, Motors, Trailers tor power system, extra parking, MOBILI HOMES Call 7 days, 9am-9pm 1-800- 1986 Free quotes 1-800-333-9276 Slant-Nose, many extra's, $159,900. Call for 869-0075 Fenders & Huge Rear (941) 332-7004 or ext. 1113M. (941)823-2640 details!! (239) 368-6407 FOR »ALE CORAL CALCIUM $21.95. Free Wing. Emergency foic owner to sell 2 4 brand new SO's shipping with free pH test kit as Professional Therapeutic Foster bedroom/2 I i homes in Jam- featured by Robert Barefoot. Tires on " GENERAL REAL aica Bay Con I I ark. Furnished. ~ Parents Needed! Open your heart Custom Chrome Wheels. Marine grade and fossilized coral, and home to emotionally and ESTATE Ready foi or i incy. No repairs calcium available. Call to order Engine & Transmission CANOES & needed Nov /C Cash offers physically abused children. completely gone 561-686-8012 Toil Free 866-516- Compensation ranges from No Credit OKI $0 DOWN HOMES! Gov't only. (239) A ffl 6540 ' through. PADDLECRAFTS Repos! 1-800-501-1777 Ext. 1604 $14,000 to $45,000 a year. Call Red Base/Clear paint Family Park low i ront 2bed/ 1bath7 DIABETES? *"* Pain Free Foster America, Inc. 1-800-808- with NO RErTfTFcTDown! No Credit OKI screen toom i N i oof, floors and Testing! Freestyle Strips & dia- 9282. Black interior. Gov't Homes! 1-800-501-1777 carpet $10 6n Owner financing betic supplies at Little or No Wild looking car! 10' RIB DINGHY. Ext 1619 available (2'1 i W5 2229 days or WON'T SINK, Cost to you. Medicare, SLOT MACHINES direct from If you see it, you'll Townhouse-2 BedroomTjpgradeS (239) 543 891 venings. Multiplan, GHi, Tricare, etc. Free buy it! NEEDS COSMETIC just 2 miles from Sanibel Bridge. Casinos. For home use only. Why WORK. Delivery. Pharmacy Distributor go to the Casinos when you can Serious buyers only Pool, fantastic location, newer Services 1-800-440-2417 please. $200 BUYS PATCH tile and carpet, unit in qoocl COMM RCIAL play at home! Great gift idea. MATERIAL AND THE NI=W ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIRS $385./each Call (239) 458-3117 $15,000 Firm. condition. Great price $82,900. PROPER IY/RENT at "NO COST" to you if eligible. Call 772-3002 or BOAT. o see or for brochure call Mary We come to you. Scooter type Spas, huge savings. Factory direct. 332-0334 YOU CAN'T BEAT Tatarian, owner-agent, Tatarian Ft. Myeis - Offici pace with private w/ Basket. Pride, Tuff care, Starting at $1,775. Call (941) 571- IT FOR 200 BUCKS! Real Estate, 931-2497. First time restroom & m< ludes warehouse Jazzy, Electric Hospital Beds, 5806 .549-1115 EVES. homebuyers welcome! area. Located in Benchmark cor- Medicare Accepted & Private TANNING BEDS Affordable poration Park, $750/month plus Ins. TLC MEDICAL SUPPLIES, Convenient Wolff Tanning Beds HONDA ACCORD FORECLOSED HOMES $0 or garbage fee. Call (239) 693-8933 INC. 1-888-601-0641 Low Monthly Investments Home EX WAGON 1991, Low Down! HUD, VA, FHA. No SAVE UP TO 80% ON MEDICAL, Delivery FREE Color Catalog - AQUA, BOAT PARTS & Credit OK! For Listings, 1-800- REAL ESTATE DENTAL, VISION, PRESCRIP- Call Today 1-800-711-0158 ALL AROUND POWER, 501-1777 Ext. 1618 TIONS, ETC. $20 DOCTOR CO- SUNROOF, A/C, SUPPLIES DISTANT PAYS, NATIONWIDE PPO NET- Gov't & Bank Foreclosures! $0 Travel the World! Cheap. As a AUTO, 113K MILES. Windsor 351 marine conversion, Beautiful Lake Hartwell in NE WORKS, ALL PRE-EXISTING $4,800 O.B.O. . Osco 121 ratio, Paragon Trans. DOWN HOMES! HUD, VA, FHA CONDITIONS ACCEPTED. EN- Courier. For information on trips CALL $0 to Low Down! No Credit OK! Georgia. New brick 3 BR/3 BA TIRE FAMILY ONLY:$99.95 and membership, check out the $500., Call (239) 495-0892 after custom home with 2-slip covered (239) 574-5856 5:00pm For Listings, 800-501-1777 x dock on deep water. By owner. MONTHLY. (239) 565-8128, Web. 1601 ALLAN SCHIFFER $499,000. Call (770) 945-7813 Islander • Week of November 15-21, 2002 • 33

REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE VACATION ROOMS FOR RENT CONDOS FOR RENT CABINETRY DISTANT DISTANT RENTALS Room for rent. Shared kitchen & bath, phone, electric, cable tv Sanibel View BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA NC MOUNTAINS LOG HOME included. Close to beach WESTERN MOUNTAINS. Own RETREAT. 6 acs.l $99,900. Brand New! Preferred Kitchens cool NC Mountain homes, cabins, Gorgeous new 2800 sq. ft. log $125/wk. plus deposit (239) 437- 2-Br, 2Ba condos. N-E-W& R-E'F'A'C'E SANIBEL CONDO 4758, acreaqe, Cherokee Mountain home in beautiful alpine setting. Two Bedrooms - Two Baths. Enclosed garage, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Realty, Inc. 1285 W US 64 Perfect getaway place. Additional pool, fitness center, Countertops Murphy, NC 28906. Call for free acreage parcels avail. w/ Gulf, Sanibel River, and Clubhouse. Laminate - Oak • brochure. (800) 841-5368 panoramic mtn. views. Conve- Golf Views. APARTMENTS & Gated Community. Maple • Cherry nient to Asheville, NC, Won't last Pool - Beach - Bikes Best Kept Secret in North Carolina. AVAILABLE: DUPLEXES FOR 2 miles to Custom Design Free brochure on mountain, call now! (800) 455-1981 ext. 313 causeway! Commercial & creek, lake and farm properties. FEBRUARY: $6,000 RENT North CentrTTTIfTiicPTTountry I ind MARCH $6,000 $1450/month Residential Call or write Mountain Country Sale' 1 tci ^ at it ()WIIH fin im r Hussey Realty Best Prices & Always Realty, 157 Hwy. 64 West, mq TAbV UH U II Y ( mi Anni BOTH MONT HE. $ 11 >00 Duplex Sanibel (239) 463-3178 Quality Work Hayesville, NC 28904. Call 800- I'owt II j lie i i) i ltf [fuimp on Nu Smoking t BR/1BA FREE ESTIMATES 230-8898 Ctioup Int i I t tk IK k I hump No Pots 1 unfurnished, on II Pioli i i IAIII i IS" I H (?!<)) 4 HI '>342 776 Donax. 941-332-5509 1UH l'i' <>> til VOU IN YOUR 23 Yoai'. «)/ htil it I t tlli 00) f in' SANIHF t OWN HOME WATERFRONT LOT! Fron Bunt mhwind'i Dnvo MENT8, CLOSE TO SCHOOLS, REPUTABLf" fxp< i < Dock* Larcje, boautifully wooded I'll') i Kit in t \ (v i I i BUS STOPS & SHOPPING. F.C.WI. iii former contun u ] iaiii walk to h> u (i (239) 461 -0409 cul-de- sac hornesite on cl^op ' III \l In II W i it I lutifully itiitii In r! WATER, SEWER AMD TRASH foi water. Excellent tinancing. luillt lt| I n II | U < \l il il ill Lie. Corr. Lender '!» '.letpt, .1) w/il PAID. CENTRAL AIR AND HEAT. ResidGiitiiil/Uonuiii it i i 'limited time offer. Call now 1- It uniqu I IIIII I ll t [to ll Monthly icntal POOL AND LAUNDRY ON SITE. •Renovations •Kitcht n 800-258-6532 x82 III til" till I) Ii unit until 941-275-4587. •Bathrooms, r« ' OVUI (I III ll lip (It (I pi/ til •Licensed •Intiiui J IKI w til itIU ti ul I in nt i\ a (800)cH6 bllJ Pine Lakes Country Club, 1990 - Enjoy CooT"RC**"f\/!3"urTteTnsTTPfilax* i — 2/2/2 1500 s.f. On "Lake on Golf REASONABLl Free Brochure on Acreage, thon inif t m, ill In ni / '(i < ill ESTIMATED Cabins & Investments. Gall jliul II Rt ill\ it t ( 100) t I id Course" Two homes - From Annual rental at ,?G50 Sanibol Blvd. $895. month. Pool, tennis, club- PROMPT call back Cherokee Mountain Realty, Inc. "TlivinfAT I (II M I I hi mo I 549-0089 office 1285 West US Hwy 64, Murphy, < fit (livt v iv In fni' i II oi t tit' SOUTH SEAS RESORT Sanibel, Florida. Small 3 Ba/3 Ba house, more. (941) 656-5440 or 2 y , k No t (Miuni IMI ' i lo iiui home, 8/10's mile to Tarpon Bay 565-2486. 357-8493 cell NC 28906 18008415861-800-841-5868 RTFn5{Rnr"T""TiS acres on tHe tin,tin iti.i titovKli il Int info I Duert unit fiont luxiuy hum. t> Road. Beach ac:cess. No pets. 880 q<}/ tihtiM I htot and foui bedrooms $1200 per month rant, $800 secu- Ochlocknee River. One mile river Sanibel 3 Br/2 Ba frontage. House on stilts. Loaded www tinu hau it) lit 1 torn Ont> two h nil tniiil (239) 822-3704 or Owner financing, from $1,995 deposit required. $875 par month [email protected] down. North Florida/ Madison tio ii ii ttiiu piopi ity p i tun ' plus utilities. Call for information, Reed's area Exutllent hitjh & diy, wood wiioill uul join II il t'.'jl) 0l)(l flalph I I n p M( ilty ( omnany 931-2497, Lawn Care, eel land in nitiat location, w/ good H(lt) Mil till 1 SOUTH-SEAS-RESORT S. Ft. Myers Town & River. roads.i 1 800 3S2 5?f)3, Remodeled 4Bdr/3Ba on canal L.L.C. www I800H AlAND.oom with lift. (239) 454-2/08 or 691- GULF-FRONT 3 BR/3 BA duplex with loft "A cut above the resit Florida Woodland Uioup IIK In the Dunes. Shared pool 1088 licensed Real E* tate Broker PRIVATE Relax and enjoy LUXURY HOME and tennis court. your home. GOLF COTJRSE floTvTrr" FOR SALF Completely remod- Let us maintain Ridgo Mountain' " MOBILE HOMES 1 POOL-SPA eled.$1350/month reduced. your yard. Gorgeous new UO i| f SCENIC ACREAGE FOR RENT Lawn Cutting. 2 bath homi-' IKMI (mi n> 3 BR/2.S BA with office. Shrubbery Mainton/ inn WE-FK I? maintenance. MulchiiK) am* soaped Call MWIH toll fi auiui,.ll. !it),l!"1 HI,u tatn av/.UIIJIC llo 334-3?S3ext ; H3 t-sn R(J n AND I OR SPECIAL HAILS $1350/month l Lnndr.capinf). pet'. l in i il>i V ( | Y\) 1)4i1 :'(i[« i Powtiiv/ntihiiKj tlxl' QOTF (^cVt'jRfjrTU )Mt i I I OF ACII ( ! UH (•i HI i AC ( OWNt II 1 1 v 3 Blt/2 BA liiknfrant Vllll Mil "limn i 1.. M i \i nt Wfi' and I .(inn. fildrji Mountain . ' UIJIl ' / I i ' "!.t ( lliituil lawn Froo Eathnutd. bath hoitif> nit,it < m u «i t "•,4 000 ' ASH Call; (!>/•») :'/V UBii'i Fax: (574) 2/3-r>q/a Recently updated. cart' Uuift, .» (VbOHctf|,irt, N Call Today: Fronh on 18th holi ol n > Short walk to beach. I'l. Mytir.'- (M4II Mil-&8aa Great mountain vu v i I n W(MII tl I IhH IO k-mall" ciosscult""aol.ram mi': i !i IOI $160u/montli includes 945-4805 upgiades mntirulmi i I i lawn m««int*;t'. scaped Call ownci lull n I I • FT MYERS BEACH ' N I IVL'tlir, 8CS6 334 <*2bJ x^fid SOUTHWiNDS DRIVE Call Dustyn at REWIAX of OI Sanitel HOMES PLUMBING GfSt.F coOMFlioni m hint N I PI- ( OHAL the Islands. 472-5050 Ridge Mountain !" nou BESIDE CASA YBEL RESORT Dream home on south, quiet end Gorqoous now,, Oil alt II i I ' (; n 'n,d wii2 30 Second walk to Beach. island Fort Myers Beach. bath home near (n< . nvilii ' Two-bedrooms/lwo-baths. Furnished - Captiva: Three 3bdr/2ba, Jacuzzi spa, 50ft lanal, AAA Bedroom, Three Balli Home, witti PLUMBING SERV- Front-, on 18th holt <>i MOII i mit « % Beautifully furnished. porch, views gulf, backbay, lakes, 1 Great mountain vmw U mv A l'li .1 M Fully equipped. Heated Swimming Pool and golf, shopping, furniture optional SEWERS HOOK-t upgiadot^, motif ulnu >l\ I mi! Charming beach home. Shared Boat Dock. Will Listen t« $355,000 obo (941) 765-9411. WATER HEATKri scaped Call owni t toll hi t I Near shops. Reasonable Offers. REPAIRED & REPLA f P 866-334-32r3x:'H() I'V OWNtR Availability: (239)472-6170 SEWER & DRAIN CLf . GUI? r-POfjr UNIT January thru April LEHIGH ACRES LEAKY PIPES Ak£ BArT5ATR|?4 Oiiti 1«< <>v (239) 565-6486 Gumbo Limbo. Spacious HOUSE REPIPIN" ered boat slip' (n>nlly IO|>JIMK| 3 coti« PCI tiv ' weeks remodeled 3 Br/2 Ba, HOMES 24/HR SERVICE AVAI' lake view parcfl w/ni( n mi/ of |nw in Jaii>uiry .IIIK; unit STATE CERTIFIi i • rolling meadow > ft tii >> Abut uppoi l"vi i ' Br/2 Ba. ground level with As Rock Solid, 2-1/2y«3, 8yr. struc- national forest on )'> 000 ,n n SPECTACULAR enclosed heated pool, tural warranty. Prime area, large CFC041710 Will soil < ( nately. four car garage. Pool JEFF MCWHORl' i recreational laNts in foiin KIVMII San:t i t.f: .-ii Club i LOW RATES corner lot, 3-bdrm/2-bath. roads, watei, '.owr mom and lawn care included. Beautifully landscaped, Irrigation 472-0377 Call ii in tjcroniti' i mi • ipsott Lighthouse side in Sanibel, 2 Brl view, Wooded innunfuin par- Uppoi unit I t t Casa 1.5 Ba. Light, bright home. Large Ytxil ttt i n ml I it quet CHRISTMAS and PINE ISLAND CLEANIN<' cels. Starting «> '...4 900 deck in back. Horseshoe Drive" Community covt rpd dnrkt>. flub Sli dim i I Buy HIGH SEASON WEEKS AVAILABLE Call Sarah at (239) 4S2-8O40 or HOMES underground utiliuct., private all tht*>t> il . onfi Mickey at 472-1578. entrance, clubhoui e & pool (410) Ai >»4 Owl's CONFIRM RESERVATION Call Lake D<>v< loper<> I'aitnei |jnie island homes Pressure Clean*, ship for land Ii-.t & biochuio, I- BY END-NOVEMBER 877-S0S-1B71,tMt UU VM . DIREOTLY-WITH-OWNER Rivcrt. < i ' i >n „ . Visit our Web Si >' CSUb - $500 DOWH f)vn«'i"titw . cing, 1 & 5 a< ft twit , m North I'M ,S CM (574) 2/?-0H8'J .It !!.•.> , , r.u; (S74) 2/rS '.<>7.s Quality workmaii Florida, 30 mm* noun >i Removes Gainesville n M . tiw mi < • I in.ill riosiiic ult"'iii)i cum River, Call fi i t;>..U i it tl< ii' Ba molcl/miltlev 1-000-545-36 11 , ?! ii (}• ki S, Home, roof, pi Lie. Real E'rt 'i> i'n h i f.nll ! driveway, pool < SFASO boat, dock, MTDnTfTTERfK i I I i i K or store frot' • HOMI w/ftt. im ii. ii I In mi in "The wise choi He .lililul ni t II i t fvi< t Short ••. Golf Course i Mike hoini' E.IM I ,i I i i I ' HI rivals , ( if imk-,ciip<.'ci f-loridii I (239) 770-31-: ' ll t II, C«ill f.'H'l ,t in home on ! Lie. & Inaun T , I 1" • • >.'l\,'i' I-J( 'iiwdy near * .J lil.i / !1 . I'M | Un 'I',? I'lfi iIONI; ;•; i ;•• bathroom, liv- my/' . • iju kilcheii/bir>.!:: ;all 472-r (; • .•"?K--ihop, largi' >•!!. Magnificent Today": .(•it. (339) 283- L ,3-10,000 lace You 34 • Week of November 15-21, 2002 • Islander

Serving the Build Your Business Residents of SERVICE PROFESSIONAL For Advertising Information Sanibel and Captiva DIRECTORY Call 472-5185


THE ISLAND'S LONGEST :.!"! i Olli!• -:--iii. '.-'I1. 'V (iF(3f ikijh'i1 ESTABLISHED CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS San-Cap Window Cleaning SCREEN REPAIR 472-44OO > windows, screens . residential • service contracts available • commercial Custom • free estimates • storefronts Screen Doors " ^HANDYMAN SERVICE! "A beautiful way to greet your guest" VICE Featuring Suntech Doors HANDYMAN SERVICE (239)699-6279 "Over 50 styles to choose from" Home or Yard Repairs Swimming Pool Cleaning & Maintenance Honesty • Dependability Weekly Cleanings • Storm Cleanups • Quality with every Job November Special SCREEN REPAIR 454-1294 Deep-End 1 Month FREE with 6 mo. contract Specialising in Liconso # 01-08762; Specializing in Rental Properties He-screening & New Enclosures Pool Service We ONLY Serve Sanibel & Captiva

941-489-0342 ^ •- , Insurance Claim Specialist Free Estimates • Licensed E Lewis L. Phillips, III, Tree and Landscape Service A NameYou Can Trust Sanibel Creative

Work Cell Tile Co. 910-1875 p. a tm w Home SANIBEL, a. 33957 Free Estimates 446-0761 Serving Your Installation Needs Licensed and Insured "I Love Trees and Trees Love Met" , ^Cleaning]^» J i I '" 'i' WNS & LANDSCAPING PERSONAL TRAINER Commercial • Residertti^il ADVERTISE YOUR Hot & Cold-Water Systems Showcase JANE RANIhKl Licensed & Insured BUSINESS HERE! AI-'A (i'ltijicd Aquatic Pfssatutt & Landscaping Services 'trainer Frank & Melony Jackson FREE Estimates Off#: 239-395-2684 239-395-3574' Hm#: 239-395-2839 Too Big or Too Small! Cell#: 239-565-1922 Rick: (239) 410-1666 1037 S. Yachtsman Dr. Private, ln-H<>me Session.*- with Sanibel, FL. 33957 Flexibility, Mike: (239) 850-9164 Licensed & Insured Cardiovascular <&' Resistance Training Fax: (239) 466-5766 472-5185 Private Homes • Commercial • Condomimniums Let your pool work for you! You Owe It lo Yourself io Sec llu- Most |-\\i Live on the GULF SIDE of Town! Y.u hi t\ < oiinii v ( 'lult in S\V I loiuj.

<>i iiii (11.11111 \nioi 1 iiu r» M Iw I )i 11 lii]m 1. 111 in ilu- Smiilii \\\\ 111 I nii.-il Si Hi-. (.;ilt I I.HIIIIIII- \M In >\ ( niiii(i\ ( lull Ir.nun" ill* iim-i il\ ii.uiiii II|I|MII(IIIII lies MM .IIIIIIIM IIU n-ililik1 llii.'inl it s iili liulin-;

• PH) >li|i ili-cp H.IU 1 in.ii 111.1 vvilli .1 limiiLil in 11 ulic-i ill Jips I01 pint IMSI •S|).l. llllK-Si i*\ ICIIIIIS I'LIIII'I • V\ .ii.-iiiiiiii (.ILIMHIIISI- • 1 i 1)I 11;•„

With .1 piili'ti liu.iiioii III'.II I'ldiiil.i I11lrr11.11111u.1l Airpmi. ilininj;, IIKMUT .iiul S.iniln-l .mil I ,i|ui\,i 10 ilu- «I-SI ur \.ipli-s (11 IIK> MIIIIII, WIN OMV ii in \finisc-ll iii %isii .SIIIIIIIAM.-,! I IH'II u.iii-rfniiu (.Diniiiiiiuiv lod.iy

M\KII»OSA l\Vil .IIIll llllv.'!- Ill-llllllllll lO.ll.ll llOI-ICS \\\\\\ |-,llll .11111 l.lkl i I rcim I Iii.- h.'^

c.o RON A no His IVMI- .111(1 (IIIC.C-IK-I1I lllMIIKIIItlv ippoinlcil vill.ii wnh golf .mil Lil.i- \iiws. limn [In- low SiOOs.

I-^S to Daniels Pkwy., west to Met irc^or nlvtl. I clt 2 miles to (rulf Jliirhour. V A C H T &r C 0 U N '.I' R ¥ C 1.11 8 W( 1 Really, Int.. Homes from the $280s to over $2 million. IS000 MtClrego'r Ituulevarct hori Micri, I-1. .43908 (800) 216-9317 • (239) 433-4525

II ..I I .1 •! ".-I. .il • ..-I- 36 - Week of November 15-21, 2002 • Islander


IffliU lU'lllfoJM ( VIIWslMn-fctkinir. |S|.\1( A)MIIHi K NMIUIIANMI

: (

Thefe fbryou ' ever| stgj^ ofr the way.

P.O. Box 550 11970 Captive Drive . Floiirla33&Ji4 Call 239-472-7800 Toll Free 866-472-7800 h .• . . • . ; l.l.ltl -,| 7»-!llll!.| On me SIM-III! -J- .. I-IIIII L^.ii "*-.ll I PlMltOI '•HI Ri-nllor H< ill..i