Upper Palaeozoic fusulinid assemblages, Wandel Sea Basin, North Greenland

Inger Nilsson

Eight fusulinid assemblages are recognized in the Mallemuk Mountain Group of North Greenland. They are of late Moscovian (Wedekindellina assemblage), late Kasimovian (Rauserites ex. gr. simplex assemblage), early-middle Gzhelian (Rauserites ex. gro rossicus assemblage), late Gzhelian - ?early Asselian (Schellwienia arctica assem­ blage), early Asselian (Sphaeroschwagerina aff. S. vulgaris assemblage), middle-late Asselian (Schwagerina ex. gro nathorsti assemblage), latest Asselian - earliest Sak­ marian (Schwagerina aff. S. moelleri - S. ex. gro exuberata assemblage) and late Sakmarian (Schwagerina plicatissima assemblage) ages. These assemblages show close similarities to faunas described elsewhere in the present Arctic region, i.e. Arctic , Southwest Barents shelf, Svalbard and Arctic Canada.

I. N., IKV Petroleum Research, N-7034 Trondheim, Norway. Present address: Saga Petroleum a.s., Torvet 7, Postboks 1/34, N-940I Harstad, Norway.

Biostratigraphical information from most Upper Palae­ drup Basin of Arctic Canada and eastwards to the Timan­ ozoic deposits of the Wandel Sea Basin in North Green­ Pechora Basin of Arctic Russia. Sediments of the Malle­ land is limited (Fig. l). The zonation of Stemmerik & muk Mountain Group are exposed in Peary Land in Håkansson (1989) is based mainly on biostratigraphic central North Greenland and in Holm Land, Amdrup work of Dunbar et al. (1962) and Petryk (1977), with Land and Prinsesse Ingeborg Halvø in eastern North some additional fusulinid datings by J. E. Whittaker (in Greenland (Fig. 2). They comprise more than 1100 m of Stemmerik & Håkansson, 1989). Additional stratigra­ shelf carbonates and siliciclastics with subordinate eva­ phicai information has been provided by Nilsson et al. porites (Stemmerik & Håkansson, 1989; Fig. 2). Deposi­ (1991) based on a few fusulinid bearing samples from tion probably occurred in small, isolated fault-blocks Peary Land, Prinsesse Ingeborg Halvø and Amdrup Land separated from the stable Greenland craton by major fault (Fig. 2). Five fusulinid faunas of late Moscovian, Gzhe­ zones during the Moscovian and on a more widespread lian, middle-late Asselian, late Asselian - ?early Sak­ shelf during late Carboniferous - early Perrnian times marian and late Sakmarian ages were reported. (Håkansson & Stemmerik, 1984; Stemmerik & Håkans• No documentation of fusulinid faunas has been pub­ son, 1991; Stemmerik & Worsley, 1989). lished from this region, apart from one paper dealing with The Mallemuk Mountain Group comprises three for­ fusulinids from Holm Land and Amdrup Land (Ross & mations: the Kap Jungersen Formation, the Foldedal For­ Dunbar, 1962). This paper documents the fusulinid fau­ mation and the Kim Fjelde Formation. Early Moscovian nas presented by Nilsson et al. (1991) and discusses their shelf deposits ofthe Kap Jungersen Formation are present biostratigraphical relevance to the adjacent areas of Spits­ in the southern Holm Land and southern Amdrup Land bergen, Bjørnøya and Barents Sea (Finnmark Platform) blocks (Fig. 2). The base of this formation is, however, (Fig. 1). In addition, it includes re-examination of the diachronous as the formation onlaps an irregular mid­ fusulinid material described by Ross & Dunbar (1962) Carboniferous relief. Late Moscovian to Gzhelian shelf from Holm Land and Amdrup Land (the Pseudoschwa­ deposits of the Kap Jungersen and Foldedal Formations gerina zone of Dunbar et al., 1962) and Petryk's (1977) were far more widespread covering Holm Land, southern material from eastern Peary Land. Amdrup Land, most of Peary Land and possibly also Prinsesse Ingeborg Halvø (Stemmerik & Håkansson, Geological framework 1991). During the late Carboniferous the mixed silic­ iclastic and carbonate deposits were succeeded by rather During the Late Palaeozoic North Greenland, together uniform deposition of shallow water carbonates of the with the Barents Shelf region, formed part of a sedi­ Kim Fjelde Formation (Fig. 2). A continuous carbonate mentary basin which connected westwards to the Sver- platform was gradually developed along the entire 1ength

Rapp. Grønlands geol. Unders. 161, 45-71 (1994) © GGU, Capenhagen, 1994 46

Fig. l. Locality map in 110lth polar projection silOwing Norlh Greenland (Wandel Sea Basin). Svalbard (including Bjørnøya). W and SE Barellls Sea (Finnmark Platform) and Timan-Pechora 8asin af North Russia. af tile \Vandel Sca Basin (Stcmrnerik & Håkansson, zel1oel/o Iibrol'ilC!Ji (Dutkevieh). Bea/eina paradistenta 1989). Shallov,:ing condilions took placc during tile Early (Safonova) and Fuset/inella cf. F backi MolJer (Nilsson d Permian mainl)' in AmJrup Land while the derositiona! al., 1991: Fig. 3). This fauna closeJy resembles the fauna basin apparently became gradually cleeper during Ille ol' the up per !v1oscovian Wedeki/ldel/ina zone af Dunbar same time in Peary L.and <:Ind Prinsesse Ingeborg lIalvø el al. (1962) from Holm Land and Amdrup Land, and (Stclllmerik & Håkansson, J991). tllus suggests an age ulder than previously proposcd for the lower pan ol' the Kim Fjelde Formation in Ihis area Fusulinid assemblages (cL Stemmerik & Håkansson, 1989). Onc sample (GGU 221337) eollccted in northern AIll­ FusuJinid bearing samples from severaJ scctions ol' dru]) Land contai ns poorly preserved specimcns or the North Greenland have bcen invesligated and eighl loeal genus F/lsl/iil/cl/a (Nilsson et al., 1991; Fig. 3). Tilis assemblages have becn rccognized (Fig. 3). Tlle faunas indic;,llCS aMiddie Carbonircrous. possibie late Moseo­ have been compared with faunas in stratoLype areas of (Ile vlun uge for lllese sediments which previousty were be­ Russian Platform and Urals and lO faunas elsewhere in tieved to bc of Enrly Permian age (cf. Stemmerik & Ille Arctic region (Fig. 4). Håkansson. 1989).

Wedekinde!!ina asselllblage (Iate Moscovian) RaL/ser/les ex. gro simplex asselllblage (Iate Kasilllovian) Sample GGU 221386 from the Kim Fjelde Fonllatiol1 in soulhern Amdrup Land (Fig. 2) comprises Wedekindel­ Fusutinids or Late Carboniferous age ('Triticitcs' spp. lilla duJkell;chi R,IUScf-Chcrnousovll & BeJyLle .... , Taj!- and Pseu{/(4il5ldineJ/a spp.) have preyjously been re- 47 pOrLeJ from eastern Pearl' Land (Petryk, 1977; Stcmll1C­ simplex (Sehcllwien), and the Pseodn.lil."iulincllu spp. be­ rik & Håknnsson. ]989). Re-cxamination ol" Pctryk's col­ 10ngs to the PselldoIlIsll1i1lel1a usvae gruup (Fig. 3). leetions from the Foldedal Formation shmvs thilt the PselldofilslIlinella usvae (Duktcvich) is long-ranging, 'Triticites' fauna in the ]ower p



z z w, z< ", ~ii :5 [;i >< "<-" MIDNATF'JELD • .?" FORMATION ----?- (Pcary Land only) z z z< ~~ ~ii n .,<. wo Ww Wz Øo • <7 KIM FJELDE ------?--- FORMA lION

GGU 22086 z ~ ~------E'!9------1 ~

GGU 196343 O. GI 72168 '0 " /O GI 72371 ~~ FOLDEDAL ~~ -'-'-d GI 12370 I ? I FORMATION ~~ "'------1 ~


Fig. 2. Lithoslratigraphic cor're1alioll af marine Upper Palaeozoic .\ediments in No]"lh Greenlano wirh position of the fusulinid bearing samples. Solid Jines indicatc lilhostraligraphic units: dotted line suggested biostr

assemblages age 1lO"'" Schw. p1lca1isg.lma---."s~"}"~~a~":~

_,o RaUS8,ites sarly· mlddle _'o_.. ex. gr. rossicus Gzhelian -,~ Ol n,.. "'''.m ;o 1~10 _,el Rauserites lals '" eX,gr. simplex Kasimovian -_,o_'" """111 ~'JM oou Wedekindellina lals Moscovian 00tJ:>:l"'"

Fig. :1. COlllposite-distribution chart af fusulinid species from Nonh Greenland.. = loose blod.

in tne Russian Platform (Rosovskaya. J 958) and lhe lIpper Gzhclian beds (Rauser-Chernollsova et (Il.. 1979). Urals (Davydov in Chuvashov et af., 1986) while only Ql/{lsifllslllina? sp. and RlIgosQ.(us//!iI/({ art". l? diplica Lhis species is common in upper Kasimuvian beds af Rosovskaya occur in thc same leveIs as RauscrilCS ex. gr. Spitsbergen (in the Ral/seriles qllClsial'cticlfs zone ol' Nils­ I"Ussicl/s (Schellwien) (Fig.3). Duc to Jack af Iypical up~ son & Davydov, 1993). per CJ7.helian fusulinic1s Ihe asselllblage is suggested as In the Peary Lmd seclion lhe Rauserires ex. gI'. .rimp/ex bcing ol' carly-mide/le Gzhelian age. asselllblage is overlain by the Rauseriles ex. gr. rossicl/s Sample GGU 196343 from [he upper part of the Folde­ assemblage, indicating early-middle Ozhelian age (see dal Formation in eastern Pcary Land contains Ral/saites discussion belo\v). No distinct lower Gzhelian fauna oc­ rossicl/.s (Schcllwien). Rugosojusl/lina? sp., QuasUilsu­ curs in the Rauseriles ex. gr. simplex assemblage and the lina elegal/w (Schlykova). Q. pselldoe!ol1g{/f{/ MikJllkho­ age af this assc111blage is lhcreforc suggested to be no Maclay and Triliciles sp. A (Fig. 3). This fauna corrc­ youngcr lhan Jale KJsimovian. spands we)] 10 /he beds \".,ith the Rauseriles e,x. gr. ross/­ Cl/S assemblagc. The R{lIIserites ex. gr. rossic//s assemblage is also Rauseriles ex. gro /'Oss/cus assemblage recognized in the FoldcJal Formation ol' Prinsesse In­ (early-middle Gzhelian) geborg Halvø (samples GI 72168, GI 72370, GI 72371) The 'Trilicires' fauna slnltigraphically higher in the (Figs J, 3). l'he fauna is poor, hUl it COnlains Ral/serires easlem Peary Land scction (samples /78, 179. 181, 181 spp. and Pseudoji/sulinella usvae (Dulkevich; Fig. 3). ol' Pctryk. 1(77) is more advanced than Ralf5erires ex. gr. The prescJll'c of lhis fllsulinid asscmblage represcnts the simplex (Schellwien). The invesligated specimcns show firs[ evidence of Upper Carbonil'erous sedi ments in KfOl1­ 19~ elose affinily to Ruuseri/eS ex. gr. rossicIIs (Schelhvien). prins Christian Land (Nilsson ct al.. I). RatfSerites roSSiCl/S (Schellwien) is an index species in lower Gzhelian strata of thc Russian Platform and the Urals, bUlIhe species group may aJsa range into middJc- 49


Age FusuJinid zones Fusulinid zones SIrat Fusulinid zones Strat. Fusulinid zones Strat. Fusullnld assembl. Strat.

.le Ul Schwagerina E Schwagerina .5 IL Schwagerina jenkinsi l:i conC8vatus jenkinsi i ? ,f ? ------~ 1ii c Schwagerina Bau/tonia 'al Schwagerina urdalensis IO ------; plicatissima 'j .. Schwagerina uralle• ------E E Eoparafusulina c C ... '"m paralinearis O al Eoparafusulina No data :z: :z. "l Schwagerina moelleri No data t; '§ paralinearis E ~ ----?- -- GI l5 a. SJ SChw. aff. moellef1.Schw IO. Sph. sphaerica- Schwagerlna ::il SChw. whartoni- E ex..gr.•xuberata GI Schw. firma sphaerica Sph. moe//eri IL Sph. sphaerica gigas .., ]l ~ C f---'~~--- Gi IO Gi c 1: Schwagerina ~ Z. anderssoni- GI Sph. moe//eri- Schwagerina :E' .s Schw. princeps- ex.gr. nathorsti Schw. fecunds princeps Schw. nathorst/ a. o; E a. Sph. mosl/eri .~ ! ------52 ~ :::J et D. sok.-Seh.•retlca Sph. vu/garis-Sph. .,. SphaeroschwaH. ZIgareIla andersson; ! Sphaeroschw. vulgarIs GI fusiformis s. vulgaris-S. fuslfarmls vulgaris - -- <.'1. ------:::J Da/x/ns bosbytauens;s~ Zlgørella paraanderssonl. e S. robusta SChwagerina robusta Sch. aralies Cl c Sche//wienia aretica GI C O; IO Daixina sokensis Daixina sokensis --!- Schellwienia .., 1i IO J: 1- spA- C. N Rugosofusulins praevla Ci Ul Cl Jigu/ites ligu/ensis J/guI/tes I/gu/ensis E Rsuserltes ex.gr. j IO. Notzoned ross/cus Rs. rossicus-Rs. IO e Rauserltes rosslcus SJ c ~ GI sfuckenbergi C ::il IO Rugosofusullna C j 1; J: prisca- c o Rauserites quaslarcticus- RBuserltes C. Pseudofusullnella usvae Rauserites ex.gr. o .c c Ra.acutus quasiarcllcus 'il c. simplex .. IO -- i al f------(.) 'S; ~ l:1 o Montiparus Montiparus .., ~ E montiparus montiparus IO IO. 'iii . __.- U No data IO .... o; ~ .., O. obsoletus-Pr. Protriticities SJ GI pseudomontiparus pseudomontiparus ::il .., - ~ ------:> Fus. cylindrica- ~ Fusu1lna - & GI O Fusulinella eopulchra c. l!! u WedeJdnde//ina _. '6 IO l:1 ~ Wedekindellina O Wedekinde//ina :5! FusuJlnella co/aine- "- ::il ::il Fusul/ne//a a. ...: FusuJina kamensis ~

Standard scheme Nilsson Thiswork Nilsson & Oavydov 1993 Simonsen written comm. 1988 1993

Fig. 4. Biostratigraphical correlation of fusulinid zones in the present Arctic region.

Schellwienia arctica assemblage (late a more primitive species called Rauserites quasiarcticus Gzhelian - ?earliest Asselian) (Solovieva) (e.g. Davydov et al., 1990). Species of the genus Rugosofusulina are usually long­ Schellwienia arctica (Staff & Wedekind), Schubertella ranging, occurring in Upper Carboniferous - Lower Per­ transitoria Staff & Wedekind and Rugosofusulina sp. are mian strata. Schubertella transitoria Staff & Wedekind is present in the lower part of the 'Pseudoschwagerina' also present throughout Upper Carboniferous - lower­ zone of Dunbar et al. (1962) in northem Holm Land most Permian strata. No distinct Asselian fauna occurs in (sample El31 1/2) while Sphaeroschwagerina aff. S. the lower part of the 'Pseudoschwagerina' zone of Dun­ vulgaris (Scherbovich) is recognized only in the upper bar et al. (1962) previously regarded as being of Early part of the zone (see below). Schellwienia arctica Permian age. The Schellwienia arctica assemblage is (Schellwien) occurs in upper Gzhelian - lower Asselian therefore suggested to be of late Gzhelian - ?earliest beds in Spitsbergen (Nilsson, 1993). This species was Asselian age. previously assigned as an index species for the upper Schellwienia arctica (Staff & Wedekind) is also recog­ Kasimovian Stage in the Russian Platform and the Urals nized in the lower part of the 'Pseudoschwagerina' zone (e.g. Rauser-Chemousova et al., 1979). The upper Kasi­ of Dunbar et al. (1962) in southem Amdrup Land (sam­ movian specimens of 'Triticites' (i.e. Schellwienia) arcti­ ple F2-X), and this part of the section corresponds to the cus have, however, been restudied, and these specimens Schellwienia arctica assemblage of southem Holm Land. do not belong to Schellwienia arctica (Schellwien), but to 50

Prinsesse Ingeborg Age South Holm Land South Amdrup Land North Amdrup Land East Peary Land Halvø


c: c.. Schwagerina ~ .~ ::) __ ~ _,,-li~~t~s~i,!,~ ____ 111 '" Sakmarian c: c: Q) o "C a. o o C} S.aff.moeiieri:s. ex.g;. " >. Ol exuberata u. ~ '"E E w o - o Schw.ex.gr. nathorsti E Asselian ~ c: Sphaff.lIUlgaris u.. Sph.aff. wlgaris u.. :::J o ______SchelIw. aralieB "CID :2 1---- Ul ------1--- :::J -Q) e Gzhelian .::se Rauseritesex.gr. Æ Rauseritesex.gr. Æ ~ u.. rossicus 1ij c: ~ :O~:i~~S o I ------_.--- ~ -e E E Ol .._ __ ~~·~)91',s!1J!P!~"_ __ () '" lo:: lo:: caQ) Kasimovian ..J o ::i I. Moscovian Wedekindellina Wedekindeiiina

Fig. 5. Fusulinid assemblages and correlation between the investigated localities in North Greenland.

Sphaeroschwagerina aff. S. vulgaris (Staff & Wedekind) and is probably no older than early assemblage (early Asselian) Asselian age. The strata bearing this species is therefore suggested to correspond to the Sphaeroschwagerina aff. Sample E-l38 in the upper part of 'Pseudoschwa­ S. vulgaris assemblage of southem Holm Land. gerina' zone of Dunbar et al. (1962) in southem Holm Part of the collections that Ross & Dunbar (1962) Land includes: Sphaeroschwagerina aff. S. vulgaris described are from loose blocks. Although these samples (Scherbovich), Scheilwienia arctica (Staff & Wedekind), have little stratigraphical significance, the recorded fau­ Zigareila anderssoni (Schellwien) and Schuberteila tran­ nas give important taxonomic information. One sample sitoria Staff & Wedekind. Scheilwienia ex. gro arctica (214b) from Amdrup Land (near Sophus MUller Næs) (Staff & Wedekind) occurs slightly higher in the section contains Sphaeroschwagerina sp. and Schwagerina ex. (sample E-l39). gro gracilis (Sjomina). The former species indicates an Sphaeroschwagerina vulgaris (Scherbovich) is an in­ Asselian age while the latter species occurs in upper dex species for the lower Asselian strata of the Russian Gzhelian or lower Asselian strata in the Urals and Rus­ Platform and Urals (e.g. Rauser-Chemousova & Scher­ sian Platform (Davydov in Chuvashov et al., 1986; Davy­ bovich, 1958; Davydov et al., 1990). Schellwienia arc­ dov et al., 1990). The fauna tentatively belongs to the tica (Staff & Wedekind) occurs in upper Gzhelian and Sphaeroschwagerina aff. S. vulgaris assemblage. lower Asselian strata of Spitsbergen (Nilsson, 1993). In Russia this species is most common in upper Gzhelian Schwagerina ex. gr. nathorsti assemblage strata. Zigareila anderssoni (Schellwien) occurs in the (middle-late Asselian) uppermost Gzhelian to the middle Asselian in the Urals (Zolotova et al., 1977) while this species characterizes Sample GI 72144 from Prinsesse Ingeborg Halvø (Kim lower Asselian beds in Spitsbergen (Nilsson & Davydov, Fjelde Formation) contains: Schwagerina ex. gr. nathor­ 1993, Nilsson 1993). Based on the occurrence of Sphae­ sti (Staff & Wedekind), Schwagerina pseudokaragasen­ roschwagerina aff. S. vulgaris (Scherbovich) and Ziga­ sis Petocz and Pseudofusulinella sp. B (Fig. 3). In east­ reila anderssoni (Schellwien) the age of the assemblage central Alaska Schwagerina pseudokaragasensis Petocz is assigned to the early Asselian. is identified in beds regarded as being of late Asselian ­ In southem Amdrup Land Schellwienia arctica (Staff middle Sakmarian age (Petocz, 1970). Schwagerina nath­ & Wedekind) occurs in the lower part of the 'Pseudosch­ orsti (Staff & Wedekind) was first described from the wagerina' zone (sample F2-X in Dunbar et al., 1962) Kapp Duner Formation of Bjømøya (Staff & Wedekind, while Schellwienia amdrupensis (Ross & Dunbar) occurs 1910), and later studies show that this species is common stratigraphically higher in the section (sample F2-115). in middle-upper Asselian beds in Bjømøya (Simonsen, Schellwienia amdrupensis (Ross & Dunbar) is a more 1988; Nakrem et al., 1992). advanced form af the genus Scheilwienia than S. arctica The Schwagerina ex. gr. nathorsti assemblage is sug- 51 gested to be of middle-late Asselian age. It is overlain by Schwagerina plicatissima assemblage (late an assemblage suggested to be oflatest Asselian - earliest Sakrnarian) Sakmarian age (see discussion below). Schwagerina plicatissima (Rauser-Chernousova) and Schwagerina sp. B occur in the uppermost part of the Schwagerina aft. S. moelleri - Schwagerina Kim Fjelde Formation at the Prinsesse Ingeborg Halvø ex. gr. exuberata assemblage (latest section (GI 72151; Fig. 2). Schwagerina plicatissima Asselian - earliest Sakrnarian) (Rauser-Chernousova) is common in upper Sakmarian strata (Schwagerina urdalensis zone) in the Urals and In the upper part of the Kim Fjelde Formation at the Timan-Pechora Basin (e.g. Konovalova, 1991). The age Prinsesse Ingeborg Halvø section (GI 72148; Fig. 2) the of the assemblage is therefore regarded to be late Sak­ following species occur: Schwagerina aff. S. moelleri marian. (Schellwien), Eoparajusulina? aff. E. domesticus (Groz­ A 100se block from Amdrup Land contains specimens dilova & Lebedeva) and Schubertella transitoria Staff & of Eoparajusulina cf. E. paralinearis (Thorsteinsson) Wedekind. Two overlying fusulinid-bearing samples (GI (Ross & Dunbar, 1962). This species is common in beds 72150, GGU 220366; Fig. 2) indude Sphaeroschwa­ of early Sakmarian age in Spitsbergen (Cutbill & Challi­ gerina sp., Schwagerina ex. gr. exuberata (Shamov), S. nor, 1965; Nilsson & Davydov, 1993) and in Sakmarian ex. gr. sphaerica (Belyaev), S. sp. A, Eoparajusulina? strata of Arctic Canada (Thorsteinsson, 1960) and south­ aff. E. domesticus (Grozdilova & Lebedeva), Rugosochu­ western Barents Shelf (Nilsson, 1993). Eoparajusulina senella sp. A and Pseudojusulinella sp. cf. E. paralinearis (Thorsteinsson) may correspond to the In the Timan-Pechora Basin Schwagerina moelleri upper Sakmarian Schwagerina plicatissima assemblage (Schellwien) and Eoparajusulina? domesticus (Grozdi­ or slightly older. lova & Lebedeva) occur in beds of early Sakmarian age (Grozdilova & Lebedeva, 1961). Schubertella transitoria (Staff & Wedekind) is long-ranging, occurring in Upper Correlation Carboniferous as well as in Lower Perrnian strata. Sphae­ Upper Moscovian strata of Holm Land (Foldedal For­ roschwagerina species are common throughout the Asse­ mation) and Amdrup Land (Foldedal and Kim Fjelde lian in the Urals and Russian Platform but this genus Formations) are characterized by the Wedekindellina as­ ranges into the Sakmarian in the Timan-Pechora Basin semblage zone which is correlated to the two upper Mos­ (Konovalova, 1991) and Central Asia (Leven & Scher­ covian fusulinid zones of the stratotype area of the Rus­ bovich, 1978). Schwagerina ex. gr. exuberata (Shamov) sian Platform (Rauser-Chernousova et al., 1951; Fig. 4). occurs in the middle and upper Asselian and S. ex. gr. The upper Moscovian Wedekindellina assemblage zone is sphaerica (Belyaev) in upper Asselian beds in the Urals also reported from the Kapitol and Cadellfjellet Members and Timan-Pechora Basin (e.g. Mikhailova, 1974; Kono­ of Spitsbergen (Cutbill & Challinor, 1965; Nilsson, 1988, valova, 1991). 1993). Upper Moscovian beds of the Kapp Kåre and The recorded assemblage from the Prinsesse Ingeborg Kapp Hanna Formations ofBjørnøya are characterized by Halvø section comprises a fauna which shows similarities three fusulinid assemblages, respectively Fusulinella, to both upper Asselian and lower Sakmarian strata in Wedekindellina and Fusulina (Simonsen, written commu­ Russia. The Schwagerina aff. S. moelleri - Schwagerina nicationI988), and these assemblages contain species ex. gr. exuberata assemblage is tentatively suggested to which also occur in upper Moscovian beds of the Wandel be of latest Asselian - earliest Sakmarian age. Sea Basin. Recently, upper Moscovian strata of the Sver­ Sphaeroschwagerina sphaerica gigas (Rauser-Cher­ drup Basin (Arctic Canada) were divided into Wedekin­ nousova) and Schwagerina ex. gr. sphaerica (Belyaev) dellina lata - W. uralica longa and Fusulinella eopulchra are recognized in a loose block from Amdrup Land (sam­ zones, respectively (Rui Lin et al., 1991). The Wedekin­ ple 178a). A loose block from Henrik Kroyer Holme dellina assemblage of the Wandel Sea Basin contains (sample 191) contains Sphaeroschwagerina sphaerica gi­ similar species as in the two upper Moscovian assem­ gas (Rauser-Chernousova) and Rugosochusenella ex. gr. blages of the Sverdrup Basin. paragregaria (Rauser-Chernousova). These faunas show Lower and middle Kasimovian fusulinids have so far dose similarities to the Schwagerina aff. S. moelleri ­ not been recognized in North Greenland. The Rauserites Schwagerina ex. gr. exuberata assemblage of Prinsesse ex. gr. simplex assemblage in the Foldedal Formation is Ingeborg Halvø, and may correspond to that assemblage. suggested to be of late Kasimovian age. The assemblage shows similarities to the fauna in the upper Kasimovian Rauserites quasiarcticus zone in the Kapitol and Cadell- 52 fjellet Members in Spitsbergen (Nilsson & Davy­ well to the Sphaeroschwagerina aff. S. vulgaris assem­ dov,1993; Nilsson, 1993). Upper Kasimovian fusulinids blage of North Greenland. have not been reported from the succession of Bjømøya, Middle to upper Asselian strata of the Kim Fjelde and the fauna of the upper Kasimovian - lower Gzhelian Formation are characterized by the Schwagerina ex. gro Pseudofusulinella - Rugosojusulina ex. gro prisca as­ nathorsti assemblage. The recorded assemblage is poor semblage of Finnmark Platform (Nilsson, 1993) shows compared to middle and upper Asselian faunas of Spits­ no dose similarities to the Rauserites ex. gro simplex bergen, Bjømøya and the Finnmark Platform. The as­ assemblage of North Greenland. semblage is over1ain by the Schwagerina aff. S. moelleri Lower to middle Gzhelian beds of North Greenland - Schwagerina ex. gro exuberata assemblage, suggested (Foldedal Formation) are characterized by the Rauserites to be of late Asselian - early Sakmarian age. The fauna ex. gro rossicus assemblage. The Rauserites ex. gro rossi­ shows similarities to the upper Asselian Schwagerina cus assemblage indudes few species compared to the sphaerica zone and lower Sakmarian Eoparafusulina pa­ lower-upper Gzhelian fusulinid assemblages of Spits­ ralinearis zone of Spitsbergen, and to the upper Asselian bergen. The recorded assemblage corresponds to the Rau­ Sphaeroschwagerina sphaerica gigas zone of Finnmark serites rossicus and Jigulites jigulensis assemblages of Platform and Schwagerina whartoni - Sphaeroschwa­ respectively early and middle Gzhelian ages in Spits­ gerina moelleri zone of Bjømøya. bergen (Fig. 4). Gzhelian fusulinid assemblages are not The youngest fusulinid assemblage recorded in the reported from Bjømøya, and fusulinids belonging to the succession of North Greenland (Kim Fjelde Formation) is Schellwienia sp. A- Rugosofusulina praevia assemblage of late Sakmarian age (Schwagerina plicatissima assem­ of the Finnmark Platform indicate only a middle-late blage). In Spitsbergen the youngest fusulinid assemblage Gzhelian age. belongs to the lower Sakmarian Eoparajusulina parali­ The Schellwienia arctica assemblage of North Green­ nearis zone (Nilsson & Davydov, 1993; Nilsson, 1993). land (Kim Fjelde Formation) is suggested to be of late No distinct Sakmarian fusulinid fauna has been reported Gzhelian - ?earliest Asselian age in comparison with from BjørnØya. The Eoparajusulina paralinearis ­ faunas of Spitsbergen. Schellwienia arctica (Schellwien) Schwagerina uralica zone of Finnmark Platform is of occurs in the upper Gzhelian Daixina sokensis and general Sakmarian age (Nilsson, 1993). Except for the Schwagerina robusta zones as well as in the lower Asse­ specimens of Eoparafusulina cf. E. paralinearis (Thor­ lian Zigareila anderssoni zone of the Tyrrellfjellet Mem­ steinsson) in a loose block from Amdrup Land, there are ber of Spitsbergen (Nilsson & Davydov, 1993; Nilsson, no dose similarities between the Sakmarian fauna of the 1993). The species is also common in uppermost Gzhe­ Finnmark Platform and the Sakmarian fusulinids from lian - ?lowermost Asselian ZigareIla paraanderssoni ­ North Greenland. However, both faunas indude species Schellwienia arctica zone of the Finnmark Platform which are common in the Sakmarian strata ofthe Urals or (Nilsson, 1993). In Bjømøya this species is, however, Timan-Pechora Basin (see e.g. Grozdilova & Lebedeva, present only in lower Asselian beds (Daixina sokensis ­ 1961; Konovalova, 1991). Schellwienia arctica zone) of the Kapp Duner Formation (Simonsen, written communication 1988; Nakrem et al., Summary and conciusions 1992). The Schellwienia arctica assemblage of North Green­ Eight fusulinid assemblages are recorded in the Malle­ land is overlain by the Sphaeroschwagerina aff. S. vulga­ muk Mountain Group, giving a more precise dating of ris assemblage which is no older than early Asselian due this succession than previously reported. to the occurrence of Sphaeroschwagerina atf. S. vulgaris The recorded fusulinid assembages show dose simi­ (Scherbovich). In Bjømøya the base of the Asselian is larities to faunas reported elsewhere in the present Arctic marked by the appearance of the Sphaeroschwagerina areas; Le. North Russia, Southwest Barents sea (Finn­ fusiformis - S. vulgaris assemblage, and this zone is mark Platform), Spitsbergen and Bjømøya (Fig. 4). overlain by the Daixina sokensis - Schellwienia arctica The base of the Kim Fjelde Formation in Amdrup Land zone (Simonsen, written communication 1988; Nakrem has been dated as late Moscovian (Wedekindellina as­ et al., 1992). The Sphaeroschwagerina atf. S. vulgaris semblage) and places the transition from mixed carbonate assemblage of North Greenland is correlated to these two and silicic1astic deposition to monotonous carbonate plat­ lower Asselian assemblages of Bjømøya, and to the form sedimentation earlier in time than previously sup­ lower Asselian Zigareila anderssoni assemblage ofSpits­ posed (see Håkansson & Stemmerik, 1989). bergen (Nilsson & Davydov, 1993; Nilsson, 1993; Fig. Petryk's (1977) collections from Peary Land (Foldedal 4). On the Finnmark Platform the Sphaeroschwagerina Formation) contain two different fusulinid assemblages; atf. S. vulgaris assemblage of Nilsson (1993) correlates the lower Rauserites ex. gro simplex assemblage is of late 53 Kasimovian age and the upper Rauserites ex. gr. rossicus Genus Schubertella Staff & Wedekind, assemblage is suggested to be of early-middle Gzhelian 1910 age (Fig. 5). Schubertella transitoria Staff & Wedekind, The first evidence of Upper Carboniferous sediments 1910 of the Foldedal Formation is found in Prinsesse Ingeborg Plate 5, Figs 12, 13 Halvø (Rauserites ex. gr. rossicus assemblage). Assem­ blages of middle-Iate Asselian (Schwagerina ex. gr. 1910 Schubertella transitoria Staff & Wedekind, p. 121, pI. 4, figs 7, 8. nathorsti), late Asselian - earliest Sakmarian (Schwage­ rina aff. S. moelleri - Schwagerina ex. gro exuberata) and Stratigraphical distribution. Lower Permian in Russia late Sakmarian (Schwagerina plicatissima) ages have (e.g. Suleimanov, 1949), Middle Carboniferous (upper been recognized stratigraphically higher in the succession Moscovian) to Lower Permian (Asse1ian) strata in Spits­ (Fig. 5). These assemblages give a more precise dating of bergen (Nilsson, 1988), Lower Permian (Asselian) strata the upper part of the Kim Fjelde Formation than in other on Bjømøya (Simonsen, written communication 1988) parts of North Greenland. and eastem North Greenland (Dunbar et al., 1962; Ross Re-examination of the 'Pseudoschwagerina' zone of & Dunbar, 1962). Dunbar et al. (1962) from samples collected in the lower part of the Kim Fjelde Formation in Holm Land and Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg Amdrup Land gives a slightly older age for the lower part Halvø, Kim Fjelde Formation, GI 72148 and GGU of this assemblage than was previously supposed. The 220366, Schwagerina aff. S. moelleri - S. ex. gr. exuber­ 'Pseudoschwagerina' zone is in the present study divided ata assemblage. into a Schellwiena arctica assemblage of late Gzhelian ­ ?earliest Asselian age and a Sphaeroschwagerina aff. S. Material. One axial section, two tangential sections and vulgaris assemblage of early Asselian age (Fig. 5). five randomly oriented sections.

Genus Sphaeroschwagerina Miklukho­ Taxonomic remarks Maclay, 1959 Sphaeroschwagerina sphaerica gigas (Rauser-Chernousova & Scherbovich, 1949) Genus Ozawainella Thompson, 1935 Plate 5, Fig 7 Ozawainella aff. O. mosquensis Rauser­ 1949 Schwagerina sphaerica var. gigas Rauser-Chernousova Chernousova, 1951 & Scherbovich, p. 101-102, pI. 10, figs 2, 3. Plate l, Figs 5, 6,9 1962 Pseudoschwagerina pavlovi (Rauser-Chernousova) Ross & Dunbar (part), pI. 7, figs 10, 11. Stratigraphical distribution. Ozawainella mosquensis Rauser-Chemousova is reported in upper lower Mosco­ Stratigraphical distribution. Middle and upper Asselian vian (Kashirskian) and upper Moscovian strata in the strata of the Urals (Rauser-Chemousova & Scherbovich, Russian Platform (Rauser-Chemousova et al., 1951) and 1949) and Bjømøya (Simonsen, written communication Timan-Pechora Basin (Grozdilova & Lebedeva, 1961). 1988), upper Asselian on Finnmark Platform (Nilsson, The species occurs in upper Moscovian (Kapitol Mem­ 1993). ber) of Spitsbergen (Nilsson, 1988). Occurrence in North Greenland. Amdrup Land, Kim Occurrence in North Greenland. Amdrup Land, Kim Fjelde Formation, sample 178a (loose block) and Henrik Fjelde Formation, GGU 221386, Wedekindellina assem­ Kroyer Holme, sample 191 (loose block) from Dunbar et blage. al. (1962).

Material. Three tangential sections and five randomly Material. One axial oriented section and some randomly oriented sections. oriented sections. 54 Sphaeroschwagerina ex. gro sphaerica The recorded specimens show dose sirni1arities to (Scherbovich, 1949) forms of the genus Sphaeroschwagerina. Plate 4, Fig. 11, Plate 5, Fig. 11 Stratigraphical distribution. Sphaeroschwagerina is pre­ Remarks. Ross & Dunbar (1962) described this species as sent in the Lower Permian (Asselian to Sakrnarian) (e.g. Pseudoschwagerina pavlovi (Rauser-Chemousova), but Loeblich & Tappan, 1988). the figured specimens in figs 5, 8 and 9 in their plate 7 are more dosely related to Sphaeroschwagerina ex. gr. Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg sphaerica (Scherbovich, 1949). Halvø, Kim Fjelde Formation, GGU 220366, GI 72150, Schwagerina aff. S. moelleri - S. ex. gr. exuberata as­ Stratigraphical distribution. Sphaeroschwagerina semb1age. sphaerica (Scherbovich) is an index species for the upper Asselian in the stratotype area of the Urals, aIthough this Material. Ten random1y oriented sections. species group also occurs in rniddle Asselian strata (Rauser-Chernousova & Scherbovich, 1949). Genus Fusulinella von Maller, 1877 Occurrence in North Greenland. Amdrup Land, Kim Fusulinella ex. gro bocki Mij[[er, 1877 Fjelde Formation, sample 2l4b (loDse block) from Ross Plate l, Fig. 4 & Dunbar (1962), and Henrik Kroyer Holme, sample 191 (loDse block) from Dunbar et al. (1962). Stratigraphical distribution. Fusulinella bocki Moller oc­ curs in upper Moscovian strata on the Russian Platform Material. One axial oriented section and some oblique (Rauser-Chemousova et al., 1951), Timan (Lebedeva, oriented sections. 1966), Spain (van Ginkel, 1965), Bjørnøya (Simonsen, written communication 1988) and Spitsbergen (Nilsson, 1988). Sphaeroschwagerina aff. S. vulgaris (Scherbovich, 1949) Occurrence in North Greenland. Amdrup Land, Kim Plate 3, Fig. 10 Fjelde Formation, GGU 221386, Wedekindellina assem­ b1age. Stratigraphical distribution. Lower Asselian beds of the Urals (Rauser-Chemousova & Scherbovich, 1949), Ti­ Material. One random1y oriented section. man-Pechora Basin (Konovalova, 1991), Bjømøya (Si­ monsen, written communication 1988; Nakrem et al., 1992) and Finnmark Platform (Ni1sson, 1993).

Occurrence in North Greenland. Southem Holm Land, Plate 1 Kim Fjelde Formation, sample E 138 from Ross & Dun­ bar (1962). Figs 1,3. Wedekindellina dutkevichi Rauser-Chernousova & Be­ Iyaev; l, 3, GGU 221386, x 20. Material. One slightly oblique oriented section and some Figs 2,7. Beedeina paradistenta (Safanova); 2, 7, GGU 221386, randomly oriented sections. x 20. Fig. 4. Fusulinella ex. gr. bocki Maller; 4, GGU 221386, x 20. Figs 5,6,9. Ozawainella aff. mosquensis Rauser-Chernousova; Sphaeroschwagerina sp. 5, 6, 9, GGU 221386, x 40. Figs 8,11. Taitzehoella librovitchi (Dutkevich); 8, 11, GGU Plate 5, Figs 5, 8, 10, 14 221386, x 20.3. Remarks. The investigated shelIs are rather compressed Figs 10,12,15,18. Rauserites aff. R. simplex (Schellwien); 10, and damaged in the outer volutions, but the specimens 12, 15, 18, sample 182 of Petryk (1977), x IO. Figs 13,14,16,17. Rauserites aff. R. irregularis (Schellwien & have a tightly coiled juvinarium of four volutions. Prolo­ Staff); 13, sample 172 ofPetryk (1977); 14, 16, sample 182 of culus is minute. Small chomata are present on the inner Petryk (1977); 17, sample 171 of Petryk (1977), x 10. four volutions. The spirotheca is thin in the juvinarium, Fig. 19. Pseudofusulinella sp. A; 19, sample 181 of Petryk thickening rapid1y in the succeeding volutions. Because (1977), x 10. of the damaged tests it is impossible to determine the Figs 20-22. Pseudofusulinella usvae (Dutkevich); 20, 21, sam­ pattem of the septal-fluting. ple 187 of Petryk (1977), x IO; 22, the same x 20. 55 Plate 1



14 56 Genus Pseudofusulinella Thompson, 1951 tions is 7. Pseudofusulinella sp. B is different from Pseu­ Pseudofusulinella usvae (Dutkevich, 1932) dofusulinella ex. gI. usvae in having a shorter and more inflated fusiform shape. Pseudofusulinella sp. B is shor­ Plate l, Figs 20-22; Plate 2, Fig. 12 ter and more globose than Pseudofusulinella sp. A. 1932 Fusulinella usvae Dutkevich, p. 15-16, no illustration. 1934 Fusulinella usvae Dutkevich, p. 53-57 Russian, p. 88-80 English, pI. 6, figs l-Il. Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Carboniferous ­ Lower Permian (Asselian-Sakmarian) strata (eg. Loe­ Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Carboniferous and blich & Tappan, 1988). Lower Permian (Asselian-Sakmarian) strata in Russia (e.g. Rauser-Chemousova et al., 1979) and Spitsbergen Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg (Nilsson, 1993). Halvø, Kim Fjelde Formation, GI 72150, Schwagerina aff. S. moelleri - S. ex. gI. exuberata assemblage. Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg Halvø, Foldedal Formation, GI 72168, Rauserites ex. gI. Material. Three randomly oriented sections. rossicus assemblage.

Material. Two tangential oriented sections and some ran­ domly oriented sections. Pseudofusulinella sp. C Plate 4, Fig. 6 Pseudofusulinella sp. A Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Carboniferous to Plate 1 , Fig. 19 Lower Permian (Asselian-Sakmarian) strata (eg. Loe­ blich & Tappan, 1988). Remarks. A specimen of 6 volutions reaches a length of 4.2 mm and a diameter of 1.0 mm. It is different from the Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg Pseudofusulinella usvae group in having more inten­ Halvø, Kim Fjelde Formation, GI 72144, Schwagerina sively fluted septa at the pole regions, more massive ex. gr. nathorsti assemblage. chomata and a more elongated test. Material. ane tangential oriented section. Stratigraphical distribution. Pseudofusulinella species is usually lang ranging, occurring in Upper Carboniferous as well as in Lower Permian (Asselian-Sakmarian) strata (e.g. Loeblich & Tappan, 1988). Plate 2

Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg All figures x 10, except noted Figs 1-3. Rugosofusulina aff. R. eliptica Rosovskaya; 1, 2, 3, Halvø, Kim Fjelde Formation, GI 72144, Schwagerina sample 183 of Petryk (1977). ex. gI. nathorsti assemblage. Figs 4-10. Rauserites ex. gr. rossicus (Schellwien); 4, sample 181 of Petryk (1977); 6, sample 178 10 of Petryk (1977); Material. ane slightly tangential oriented section. 5,7-10, GGU-196343. Figs 11,14. Rauserites sp.; 11, 14, GI 72168. Fig. 12. Pseudofusulinella aff. usvae (Dutkevich); 12, GI 72168, Pseudofusulinella sp. B x 20. Plate 5, Fig. 9 Fig. 13. Triticites sp. A; 13, GGU 196343. Fig. 15. Quasifusulina pseudoelongata Miklukho-Maclay; 15, Remarks. Only randomly oriented specimens were exam­ GGU 196343. ined. The shape of the test seems to be inflated fusiform Figs 16-17. Quasifusulina eleganta Schlykova; 16, 17, GGU with bluntly to sharply pointed poles. Number of volu- 196343. 57


8 58 Genus Taitzehoella Sheng, 1951 Occurrence in North Greenland. Peary Land, Foldedal Taitzehoella librovitchi (Duktevich, 1934) Formation, GGU 196343, Rauserites ex. gr. rossicus as­ semblage. Plate l, Figs 8, 11

1934 Fusulinella librovitchi Dutkevich, p. 43, 81, pI. 5, figs Material. Three axial oriented sections and two tangential 1-5. 1958 Taitzehoella librovitchi (Dutkevich) Sheng, p. 84, no oriented sections. illustration.

Stratigraphical distribution. This species was orginally Quasifusulina pseudoelongata Miklukho­ described from the Moscovian stage of the Urals (Dut­ Mac1ay, 1949 kevich, 1934). The species has earlier been reported in Plate 2, Fig. 15 upper Moscovian strata from Holm Land ofeastem North 1949 Quasifusulina longissima var. pseudoelongata Greenland (Dunbar et al., 1962; Ross & Dunbar, 1962). Miklukho-Maclay, p. 62-63, pI. 1, figs 3, 4. 1958 Quasifusulina pseudoelongata (Miklukho-Maclay) Occurrence in North Greenland. Amdrup Land, Kim Rosovskaya, p. 78, pI. 1, fig. 4. Fjelde Formation, GGU 221386, Wedekindellina assem­ blage. Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Carboniferous (Kasi­ movian) in Russia (Rosovskaya, 1958; Grozdilova, Material. Three slightly tangential oriented sections. 1966), Upper Carboniferous and Lower Permian in Car­ nic Alps (Kabler, 1973).

Genus Beedeina Galloway, 1933 Occurrence in North Greenland. Peary Land, Foldedal Beedeina paradistenta (Safonova, 1951) Formation, GGU 196343, Rauserites ex. gr. rossicus as­ Plate 1, Figs 2, 7 semblage. 1951 Fusulina paradistenta Safonova in Rauser­ Chernousova et al., p. 291, pI. 48, figs 3, 4. Material. One axial oriented section.

Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Moscovian in the Russian Platform (Rauser-Chemousova et al., 1951), 'Lower Marine Group' (i.e. lower Mallemuk Mountain Group) in eastem North Greenland (Dunbar et al., 1962; Ross & Dunbar, 1962).

Occurrence in North Greenland. Amdrup Land, Kim Fjelde Formation, GGU 221386, Wedekindellina assem­ blage. Plate 3 Material. Two axial oriented sections, two slightly tan­ gential oriented sections and several randOInly oriented All figures x IO. sections. Figs 1--4. Rugosofusulina aff. R. praevia Shlykova; 1--4, sample E13l 1/2 of Ross & Dunbar (1962). Fig. 5. Jigulites aff. J. eliseevi Mikhailova; 5, sample EI3l 1/2 Genus Quasifusulina Chen, 1934 of Ross & Dunbar (1962). Quasifusulina eleganta Schlykova, 1948 Figs 6-9,11. Schellwienia arctica (Schellwien); 6, 7, sample E13l 1/2 of Dunbar et al. (1962); 8,9, 11, sample E138 of Plate 2 , Figs 16, 17 Dunbar et al. (1962). 1948 Quasifusulina longissima var. eleganta Schlykova, p. Fig. IO. Sphaeroschwagerina aff. S. vulgaris (Scherbovich); 10, 131-132, pI. 6, figs 3-6. sample EI38 of Dunbar et al. (1962). 1958 Quasijusulinqa eleganta (Schlykova) Rosovskaya, p. Figs 12,15,17. Schellwienia amdrupensis (Ross & Dunbar); 12, 77, pI. 1, figs 2, 3. 15, sample E139 of Dunbar et al. (1962); 17, sample F2-115 (holotype) of Ross & Dunbar (1962). Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Carboniferous in Figs 13,14,16. Rugosofusulina arianica Leven & Scherbovich; Russia (Rosovskaya, 1958; Grozdilova, 1966), Upper 13, 14, 16, sample EI38 of Dunbar et al. (1962). Carboniferous - Lower Permian in Camic Alps (Kabler, Fig. 18. Zigarella anderssoni (Staff & Wedekind); 18, sample 1973). EI38 of Dunbar et al. (1962). 59 Plate 3 60 Genus Wedekindellina Dunbar & Henbest, Occurrence in North Greenland. Southem Holm Land, 1933 Kim Fjelde Formation, sample E-131 l/2 of Ross & Wedekindellina dutkevichi Rauser­ Dunbar (1962), Schellwienia arctica zone. Chernousova & Belyaev, 1936 Material: ane axial oriented section. Plate l, Figs l, 3 1936 Wedekindellina dutkevichi Rauser-Chernousova & Belyaev, p.183, 185, no illustration. Genus Rauserites Rosovskaya, 1949 Rauserites af!. R. irregularis (Schellwien & Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Moscovian in the Staf!, 1912) Russian Platform (Rauser-Chemousova et al., 1951), Ti­ Plate 1, Figs 13, 14, 16, 17 man (Lebedeva, 1966), 'Lower Marine Group' (i.e.lower Mallemuk Mountain Group) in eastem North Greenland Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Kasimovian in the (Dunbar et al., 1962; Ross & Dunbar, 1962), Cadellfjellet Urals (Rosovskaya, 1958). and Kapitol Members of the Nordenskioldbreen Forma­ tion in Spitsbergen (Cutbill & Challinor, 1965; Cutbill, Occurrence in North Greenland. Peary Land, Foldedal 1968; Nilsson, 1988) and upper part of Kapp Kåre For­ Formation, samples 171, 172 and 182 of Petryk (1977), mation on Bjømøya (Simonsen, written communication Rauserites ex. gr. simplex assemblage. 1988). Material. Two oblique oriented and three tangential ori­ Occurrence in North Greenland. Amdrup Land, Kim ented sections. Fjelde Formation, GGU 221386, Wedekindellina assem­ blage. Rauserites ex. gro rossicus (Schellwien, 1908) Material. ane axial oriented section and several ran­ Plate 2, Figs 4-10 domly oriented sections. Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Carboniferous (Gzhe­ lian) strata in Russia (e.g. Rosovskaya, 1958; Rauser­ Chemousova et al., 1979); lower Gzhelian in Spitsbergen Genus Triticites Girty, 1904 (Nilsson, 1993). Triticites sp. A Plate 2 , Fig. 13 Occurrence in North Greenland. Peary Land, Foldedal Formation, GGU 196343, Rauserites ex. gr. rossicus as­ Remarks. Specimen of 6.5 volutions reaching a length of semblage. 3.8 mm and a diameter of 1.4 mm; form ratio of 2.7. Outside diameter of proloculus measures 100 microns.

Occurrence in North Greenland. Peary Land, Foldedal Formation, GGU 196343, Rauserites ex. gr. rossicus as­ Plate 4 semblage. All figures x 10, except noted Figs 1-3. Schwagerina pseudokaragasensis Petocz; 1, 2, 3, Material. ane axial oriented section and two oblique GI-72l44. oriented sections. Figs 4,5,7. Schwagerina ex. gr. nathorsti (Staff & Wedekind); 4, 5,7, GI-72l44. Fig. 6. Pseudojusulinella sp. C; 6, GI-72l44, x 20. Fig. 8. Schwagerina aff. S. moelleri (Schellwien); 8, GI-72l48. Figs 9,10,13. Schwagerina aff. S. gracilis (Sjomina); 9, 10, 13, Genus Jigulites Rosovskaya, 1950 sample 2l4b of Dunbar et al. (1962). Jigulites aff. J. eliseevi (Mikhailova, 1974) Fig. 11. Sphaeroschwagerina ex. gr. sphaerica (Scherbovich); Plate 3, Fig. 5 11, sample 2l4b of Dunbar et al. (1962). Figs 12,16. Schwagerina sp. A; 12, 16, GGU-220366. Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Gzhelian (Daixina Fig. 14. Schwagerina sphaerica (Belyaev); 14, GI-72l50. sokensis zone) to lower Asselian (Sphaeroschwagerina Figs 15,17,18. Schwagerina ex. gr. princeps (Ehrenberg, sensu fusiformis - S. vulgaris zone) in the Urals (Mikhailova, Dunbar & Skinner); 15, 17, sample 178 of Dunbar et al. 1974) and upper Gzhelian in Spitsbergen (Nilsson, 1993). (1962); 18, GGU-220366. 61 Plate 4 62 Material. Six axial oriented sections, two slightly tangen­ al., 1986), upper Gzhelian - lower Asselian in the Tyr­ tial oriented sections and several randomly oriented sec­ rellfjellet Member of Spitsbergen (Nilsson, 1993) and tions. Finnmark Platform (Nilsson, 1993), lower Asselian in the Kapp Duner Formation of Bjørnøya (Simonsen, written Rauserites aff. R. simplex (Schellwien, communication 1988). 1908) Occurrence in North Greenland. Holm Land and Am­ Plate I, Figs IO, 12, 15, 18 drup Land, Kim Fjelde Formation, samples E 131 112, E Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Kasimovian and 138 ,E 139 and F2-X of Ross & Dunbar (1962), Schell­ lower Gzhelian in the Russian Platform (Rauser-Cher­ wienia arctica assemblage. nousova, 1938; Rosovskaya, 1958; Mikhailova, 1974) and the Urals (Davydov, 1986), upper Kasimovian (Ca­ Material. Three axial oriented sections and some oblique dellfjellet and Kapitol Members) in Spitsbergen (Nilsson, oriented sections. 1993).

Occurrence in North Greenland. Peary Land, Foldedal Schellwienia amdrupensis (Ross & Dunbar, Formation, samples 171, 182 and 175 of Petryk (1977), Rauserites ex. gr. simplex assemblage. 1962) Plate 3, Pigs 12, 15, 17 Material. Two axial oriented sections and some oblique 1962 Pseudojusulina (Daixina) amdrupensis Ross & oriented sections. Dunbar, p. 39,40, pI. 6, figs 14-16.

Stratigraphical distribution. Lower Permian in eastern Rauserites Sp. North Greenland (Dunbar et al., 1962), Asselian in the Plate 2, Figs II, 14 Kapp Duner Formation of Bjørnøya (Simonsen, written Remarks. The recorded species show affinities to prim­ communication 1988). itive Rauserites species which are common in upper Ka­ simovian to lower Gzhelian strata in the Russian Platform Occurrence in North Greenland. Amdrup Land, Kim (see e.g. Rosovksaya, 1950, 1958). Fjelde Formation, sample F2-1l5 of Ross & Dunbar (1962), Sphaeroschwagerina aff. S. vulgaris assemblage. Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg Halvø, Foldedal Formation, GI 72168), Rauserites ex. gr. Material. Three axial oriented sections. simplex assemblage.

Material. Three tangential oriented sections and some randomly oriented sections. Plate 5 All figures x IO, except noted Genus Schellwienia Staff & Wedekind, Figs 1--4. Schwagerina ex. gr. exuberata (Shamov); 1--4, GI-72150. 1910 Figs 5,8,10,14. Sphaeroschwagerina sp.; 5,8,14, GGU-220366; Schellwienia arctica (Schellwien, 1908) IO, GI-72150. Plate 3, Figs 6-9, Il Fig. 6. Eoparajusulina? aff. E. domesticus (Grozdilova & Lebe­ deva); 6, GGU-220366. 1908 Fusulina arctica Schellwien, p. 173, pI. 16, figs 3-9. 1960 Triticites arcticus (Schellwien) Forbes, p. 216, pI. 32, Fig. 7. Sphaeroschwagerina sphaerica gigas (Rauser-Cherno­ figs 10-17. bova & Scherbovich); 7, sample 191 of Dunbar et al. (1962). 1962 Pseudojusulina (Rugosojusulina) arctica (Schellwien) Fig. 9. Pseudojusulinella sp. B; 9, GI-72150, x 20. Ross & Dunbar (part), p. 41, pI. 6, figs I, 2, 5-7. Fig. Il. Sphaeroschwagerina ex. gr. sphaerica (Scherbovich); Il, sample 191 of Dunbar et al. (1962). Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Gzhelian in the Urals, Figs 12,13. Schubertella transitoria Staff & Wedekind; 12, Central Asia, Donets basin (Davydov in Chuvashov et GGU-220366; 13, GI-72148, both x 40. 63

Plate 5

10 64 Genus Schwagerina von Maller, 1877 Material. One axial oriented section and two randomly Schwagerina ex. gr. exuberata (Shamov, oriented sections. 1958) Plate 5, Figs 1--4 Schwagerina ex. gr. nathorsti (Staff & Stratigraphical distribution. Lower Permian (middle-up­ Wedekind, 1910) per Asselian) in Russia (Shamov, 1958; Sjomina, 1961) Plate 4, Figs 4, 5, 7 and Spitsbergen (Nilsson, 1993). Remarks. The subrhomboidal shell with distinct pseu­ dochomata shows similarities to the types of Schwage­ Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg rina nathorsti (Staff & Wedekind) from Bjømøya, but the HalvØ, Kim Fjelde Formation, GI 72150, Schwagerina investigated specimens are different from the type speci­ aff. S. moelleri - S. ex. gr. exuberata assemblage. mens in having a shorter shell and more inflated test. Material. One axial oriented section, one oblique ori­ Stratigraphical distribution. Schwagerina nathorsti ented section and four tangential oriented sections. (Staff & Wedekind) is present in middle-upper Asselian strata on Bjømøya (Simonsen, written communication Schwagerina aff. S. gracilis (Sjomina, 1988, Nakrem et al., 1992) and Spitsbergen (Nilsson, 1971) 1988, 1993). Plate 4, Figs 9, 10, 13 Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg Remarks. Ross & Dunbar (1962) identified these speci­ Halvø, Kim Fjelde Formation, GI 72144, Schwagerina mens as Schwagerina krotowi (Schellwien). However, ex. gr. nathorsti assemblage. part of their figured specimens (figs 10-13 in pI. 6) are more closely related to Schwagerina gracilis group of Material. Two slightly oblique oriented section and two Sjomina (1971). randomly oriented sections.

Stratigraphical distribution. Lower Asselian in the Rus­ sian Platform and Urals (Kireeva et al., 1971; Chuvashov Schwagerina plicatissima (Rauser­ et al., 1986), upper Gzhelian in South Ural (Davydov et Chernousova, 1940) al., 1990), upper Gzhelian - lower Asselian in Finnmark Plate 6, Figs 7-10 Platform and Spitsbergen (Nilsson, 1993). 1940 Pseudojusulina plicatissima Rauser-Chernousova, p. 87, pI. 4, figs 5, 6, pI. 5, figs 1-3. Occurrence in North Greenland. Amdrup Land, Kim Fjelde Formation, sample 214b (loose block) of Ross & Stratigraphical distribution. Lower Permian (upper Sak­ Dunbar (1962). marian) in the Timan-Pechora Basin (Grozdilova & Le­ bedeva, 1961; Konovalova, 1991). Material. Three axial oriented sections and one tangential oriented section.

Schwagerina aff. S. moelleri (Schellwien, Plate 6 1908) All figures x IO Plate 4, Fig. 8 Figs 1-3. Rugosochusenella sp. A; l, 2, 3, GGD 220366. Stratigraphical distribution. Schwagerina moelleri Fig. 4. Rugosochusenella ex. gr. paragregaria (Rauser-Cher­ (Schellwien) is an index species for the lower Sakmarian nousova); 4, loose block-sample of Dunbar et al. (1962). strata in the Timan-Pechora Basin of Russia (Grozdilova Fig. 5. Rugosochusenella gregariejormis (Rauser-Chernousova & Scherbovich); 5, loose block-sample of Dunbar et al. & Lebedeva, 1961; Konovalova, 1991). (1962). Fig. 6. Eoparajusulina cf. E. paralinearis (Thorsteinsson); 6, Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg loose b1ock-sample of Dunbar et al. (1962). Halvø, Kim Fjelde Formation, GI 72148, Schwagerina Figs 7-10. Schwagerina plicatissima (Rauser-Chernousova); 7, aff. S. moelleri - S. ex. gr. exuberata assemblage. 8,9, IO, GI 72151. Fig. Il. Schwagerina sp. B; Il, GI 72151. 65 Plate 6


9 66 Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg the investigated specimens are more closely related to Halvø, Kim Fjelde Formation, GI 72151, Schwagerina Schwagerina sphaerica (Belyaev, 1937). plicatissima assemblage. Stratigraphical distribution. Dpper Asselian in the Drals Material. Two slightly oblique oriented sections, one (Belyaev & Rauser-Chemousova, 1938; Shamov, 1958; saggital oriented section and several tangential and ran­ Mikhailova, 1974), Timan-Pechora Basin (Grozdilova & domly oriented sections. Lebedeva, 1961, Konovalova, 1991) and Spitsbergen (Nilsson & Davydov, 1993; Nilsson, 1993).

Schwagerina ex. gr. princeps (Ehrenberg, Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg sensu Dunbar & Skinner, 1936) Halvø, Kim Fjelde Formation, GI 72150, GGD 220366, Plate 4, Figs IS, 17, 18 Schwagerina aff. S. moelleri - S. ex. gro exuberata as­ semblage. Stratigraphical distribution. Middle-upper Asselian in Spitsbergen (Nilsson, 1993). Material. One axial oriented section, one slightly oblique oriented section and several randomly oriented sections. Occurrence in North Greenland. Amdrup Land, Kim Fjelde Formation, sample 178 (loose block) of Dunbar et al. (1962) and Prinsesse Ingeborg Halvø, Kim Fjelde Schwagerina Sp. A Formation, GGD 220366, Schwagerina aff. S. moelleri ­ Plate 4, Figs 12, 16 S. ex. gr. exuberata assemblage. Remarks. Specimen of 6.5 volutions reach length of 5.9 Material. Two axial and one oblique oriented sections. mm and diameter of 4.6 mm, giving form ratio of 1.3. Proloculus is large, outside diameter 300 microns.

Schwagerina pseudokaragasensis Petocz, The large proloclulus, the coiling of the volutions and the 1970 shape of the test indicate some similarities to Schwage­ Plate 4, Figs 1-3 rina globosa (Schellwien & Dyhrenfurth), but the septal fluting is less regular and the size of shell is much 1970 Schwagerina pseudokaragasensis Petocz, p. 43-46, pI. I, figs 19-26. smaller. The recorded specimens of Schwagerina sp. A were incorrectly assigned as Schwagerina globosa Stratigraphical distribution. Lower Permian (upper Asse­ (Schel1wien & Dyhrenfurth) by Nilsson et al. (1991). lian - middle Sakmarian) in east-central Alaska Range (Petocz, 1970). Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg Halvø, Kim Fjelde Formation, GGD 220366, Schwage­ Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg rina aff. S. moelleri - S. ex. gro exuberata assemblage. Halvø, Kim Fjelde Formation, GI 72144, Schwagerina ex. gro nathorsti assemblage. Material. One axial oriented section and two tangential oriented sections. Material. One slightly oblique oriented section, two tan­ gential oriented sections and some randomly oriented sections. Schwagerina Sp. B Plate 6, Fig. II

Remarks. Specimen of 6.5 volutions has a length of 7.1 Schwagerina sphaerica (Belyaev, 1938) mm and a diameter of 4.1 mm, which gives a form ratio Plate 4, Fig. 14 of 1.7. The outside diameter of the proloculus measures 1938 Pseudofusulina uralica var. sphaerica Belyaev in 360 microns. The examined specimen shows some simi­ Belyav & Rauser- Chetnousova, p. 185-187, pl. 2, larities to the Schwagerina uralica group ofRauscr-Cher­ figs 5-7. 1961 Pseudofusulina sphaerica sphaerica (Belyaev) nousova. Grozdilova & Lebedeva, p. 200-201, pI. 7, figs 5--6. Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg Remarks. In Nilsson et al. (1991) the recorded specimens Halvø, Kim Fjelde Formation, GI 72151, Schwagerina were assigned to Schwagerina ex. gro princeps. However, plicatissima assemblage. 67 Material. One axial oriented section and two randomly Material. One slightly oblique section and one randOlnly oriented sections. oriented section.

Genus Rugosofusulina Rauser-Chemousova, Genus Zigarella Davydov, 1982 1937 Zigarella anderssoni (Schellwien, 1908; Rugosofusulina arianica Leven & non Rauser- Chemousova et al., 1936) Scherbovich, 1978 Plate 3, Fig. 18 Plate 3, Pigs 13, 14, 16 1908 Pseudofusulina anderssoni Schellwien, p. 192, 193, no illustrations. 1978 Rugosofusulina arianica Leven & Scherbovich, p. 94, 1910 Schellwienia anderssoni (Schellwien) Staff & 95, pI. 4, figs 8, 9. Wedekind, p. ll9, 120, pI. 3, figs 1-5. Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Gzhelian in the Do­ Stratigraphical distribution. Lower Asselian in Spitsber­ nets Basin (Chuvashov et al., 1986); lower Asselian in gen (Nilsson & Davydov, 1993; Nilsson, 1993); middle Darvas (Leven & Scherbovich, 1978). Asselian in Bjømøya (Simonsen, written communication 1988; Nakrem et al., 1991). Occurrence in North Greenland. Southem Holm Land, Kim Fjelde Formation, sample E 138 of Dunbar et al. Occurrence in North Greenland. Southem Holm Land, (1962), Sphaeroschwagerina aff. S. vulgaris assemblage. Kim Fjelde Formation, sample E 138 of Ross & Dunbar (1962). Material. Three axial oriented sections.

Material. One axial oriented section and two randomly Rugosofusulina att. R. eliptica Rosovskaya, oriented sections. 1958 Plate 2, Figs 1-3 Genus Eoparafusulina Stratigraphical distribution. Gzhelian in the Urals (Ro­ Eoparafusulina cf. E. paralinearis sovskaya, 1958). (Thorsteinsson, 1960) Plate 6, Fig. 6 Occurrence in North Greenland. Eastem Peary Land, Foldedal Formation, sample 183 ofPetryk (1977), Rause­ Stratigraphical distribution. Wolfcampian in the Sver­ rites ex. gr. rossicus assemblage. drop Basin (Thorsteinsson, 1960), lower Sakrnarian in Spitsbergen (Cutbill & Challinor, 1965; Nilsson & Davy­ Material. Five oblique oriented sections. dov, 1993; Nilsson, 1993).

Occurrence in North Greenland. Amdrup Land, loose Rugosofusulina att. R. praevia Shlykova, block. 1948 Plate 3, Figs 1--4 Material. One axial oriented section. Remarks. These specimens were assigned to 'Pseudofu­ sulina (Rugosofusulina) arctica' (Schellwien) by Ross & Eoparafusulina? att. E.? domesticus Dunbar (1962, p. 41-43, pI. 6, figs 3, 5). However, (Grozdilova & Lebedeva, 1961) Schellwienia arctica (Schellwien) has no real rugosity in wall-structure, and specimens showing rugosity should Plate 5, Fig. 6 not be inc1uded in that species. Stratigraphical distribution. Lower Sakmarian in the Ti­ man-Pechora Basin (Grozdilova & Lebedeva, 1961; Ko­ Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Carboniferous (1ower novalova, 1991). Gzhelian) in the Urals (Rosovskaya, 1958); Gzhelian in the Finnmark Platform (Nilsson, 1993). Occurrence in North Greenland. Prinsesse Ingeborg HalvØ, Kim Fjelde Formation, GGU 220366, Schwage­ Occurrence in North Greenland. Southem Holm Land, rina aff. S. moelleri - S. ex. gr. exuberata assemblage. Kim Fjelde Formation, sample E 131 1/2 of Ross & Dunbar (1962), Schellwienia arctica assemblage. 68 Materia!. Three axial oriented and one oblique oriented Materia!. One slightly oblique oriented section and five sections. tangential oriented sections.

Acknowledgements. The participants of the Fusulinid study project Genus Rugosochusenella Skinner & Wilde, at IKU Petroleum Reasearch: AJS Norske Shell, Amoco Norway Oil 1965 Company, Esso Norge a.s., Mobil Exploration Norway Ine., are Rugosochusenella ex. gr. paragregaria gratefully acknowledged. The Geological Survey of Greenland, and (Rauser- Chernousova, 1940) especially Lars Stemmerik, are thanked for providing sample mate­ rial and for co-operation during this study. Vladimir I. Davydov (St. Plate 6, Fig. 4 Petersburg) has given comments to the taxonomic and biostra­ Remarks. This specimen was included in Pseudofusulina tigraphic conclusions, and Stefan Piasecki (GGU, Copenhagen) (Rugosofusulina) sp. A of Ross & Dunbar (1962, pI. 7, commented on an early version of the manuscript. fig. 4).

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