Fuel Tankering
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Fuel Tankering - Flygprestanda AB LTH School of Engineering at Campus Helsingborg Department of Computer Engineering Bachelor thesis: Martin Lindgren Jonathan Brynhagen Copyright Martin Lindgren, Jonathan Brynhagen LTH School of Engineering Lund University Box 882 SE-251 08 Helsingborg Sweden LTH Ingenjörshögskolan vid Campus Helsingborg Lunds universitet Box 882 251 08 Helsingborg Printed in Sweden Media-Tryck Biblioteksdirektionen Lunds universitet Lund 2012 2 Abstract One of the biggest expenses for airline companies is the fuel for the aircrafts; preceded only by labor costs it is important for an airline to optimize its use of fuel[1]. One option to save money on fuel is by doing something called Fuel Tankering. Essentially, fuel tankering is a way to lower the fuel cost by refueling at departures where the fuel price is lower than at the destination of the aircraft. It is difficult for a pilot to predict whether or not he can make a profit by tankering and if he can, how much extra fuel he should take onboard to gain the biggest profit possible. To be able to calculate whether it is possible to make some profit on fuel tankering there is a lot of variables that needs to be taken into account, such as fuel tankering amount, flight distances, velocities, winds, altitude, local fuel prices, payload and more. All these variables are available in Flygprestandas flight planning system FOCS so our task was to integrate a fuel tankering solution into FOCS that retrieves accurate fuel consumption data with different amount of extra fuel loaded and uses this to present a tankering table in the tripkit for the pilot to see how much fuel the pilot should tanker to gain the most profit (if there is any profit). The solution is integrated and fully working but certain enhancements can still be made. There are still some variables that are missing that will slightly affect the profit results, such as CO2 emission tax and different currencies. When these variables are added at a later stage our design allows these to be integrated without much difficulty. Keywords: Tankering, flight planning, calculations, tripkit, profit Sammanfattning En av de största utgifterna för flygbolagen är bränslet för flygplanen; kostnaden föregås endast av arbetskostnader och därför är det viktigt för flygbolagen att minska utgifterna för bränsle[1]. Ett alternativ för att spara pengar på bränsle är att använda sig utav något som heter fuel tankering. Fuel tankering är en metod för att minska bränslekostnaderna genom att tanka på extra bränsle vid avgångens flygplats där bränslekostnaden är lägre än vid flygplanets destination. Det är svårt för piloten att förutse om han kan spara pengar genom att fylla på extra bränsle eller inte, och om det går att spara pengar, hur mycket ska piloten då tanka på för att spara så mycket pengar som möjligt. För att kunna beräkna eventuell vinst finns det många variabler som måste tas i beaktning, såsom mängden extra bränsle, ruttlängd, hastighet, vindar, höjd, bränslepriser, flygplanets vikt, m.m. Alla dessa variabler finns noggrant uträknat i Flygprestandas flygplaneringssystem FOCS. Vår uppgift var att integrera en fuel tankering lösning i FOCS som hämtar dessa data och därefter gör ett antal beräkningar så att vi kan presentera en lista i tripkiten för piloten som gör att han kan se hur mycket han ska tanka på extra för att spara så mycket pengar som möjligt (om där är någon vinst). Denna lösning är integrerad och fungerar felfritt men där finns ett par förbättringar som kan göras. Där finns ett par variabler som saknas som kan komma att påverka resultatet något, såsom koldioxidskatt och valutakonvertering. När dessa väl läggs in så tillåter vår design det till att implementeras utan några stora svårigheter. Nyckelord: Tankering, flygplanering, beräkningar, tripkit, vinst 4 Foreword We would like to thank Flygprestanda for giving us the opportunity to do our thesis work for them. During our time there we have had help from Vadim Feldman and Lars Andersson together with the developers at Flygprestanda which we are very thankful for and without your assistance this thesis would not have been possible. We would also like to thank our examiner Mats Lilja for helping us with writing the thesis. List of contents 1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................... 1 1.1.1 Flygprestanda AB ................................................................. 1 1.1.2 FOCS ................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem Description ................................................................. 2 1.3 Technical background .............................................................. 3 1.3.1 FOCS ................................................................................... 3 1.3.2 Database .............................................................................. 3 1.3.3 Java and Eclipse .................................................................. 3 1.3.4 Subversion (SVN) ................................................................. 3 1.3.5 Apache Maven ..................................................................... 3 1.4 Goals .......................................................................................... 3 2 Project Model ................................................................................... 4 2.1 Time Plan ................................................................................... 4 2.1.1 Preparation and Investigation ............................................... 4 2.1.2 Programming & Testing ........................................................ 5 2.1.3 Thesis .................................................................................. 5 2.2 Project Model ............................................................................ 5 3 Investigation .................................................................................... 7 3.1 Current Fuel Tankering Solutions ........................................... 7 3.2 Real-world usage of Fuel Tankering ........................................ 7 3.3 Risks with fuel tankering .......................................................... 7 3.3.1 Cold soaked wings ............................................................... 7 3.4 Calculations .............................................................................. 8 3.4.1 Initial pre-study ..................................................................... 8 3.5 What data is required ............................................................. 11 3.5.1 Terminal Charges ............................................................... 11 3.5.2 Overflight Fees ................................................................... 11 3.5.3 Future Planned Routes ....................................................... 11 3.5.4 Weather .............................................................................. 11 3.5.5 Route ................................................................................. 12 4 Implementation .............................................................................. 13 4.1 Prototype 1 .............................................................................. 13 4.1.1 Proposed solution ............................................................... 13 4.1.2 Implementation ................................................................... 13 4.1.3 Problems ............................................................................ 14 4.1.4 Result ................................................................................. 15 4.2 Prototype 2 .............................................................................. 16 4.2.1 Proposed solution ............................................................... 16 4.2.2 Bug fixing & Optimization ................................................... 16 6 4.2.3 Enhancements ................................................................... 18 4.2.4 Problems ............................................................................ 20 4.2.5 Result ................................................................................. 22 4.3 Prototype 3 .............................................................................. 22 4.3.1 Proposed solution .............................................................. 22 4.3.2 Bug fixing ........................................................................... 23 4.3.3 Enhancements ................................................................... 24 4.3.4 Result ................................................................................. 24 5 Conclusion .................................................................................... 25 6 Further enhancements ................................................................. 26 6.1 Currency conversion .............................................................. 26 6.2 CO2 emission tax ................................................................... 26 6.3 Three or more flight legs ........................................................ 27 6.4 Mask fuel-prices in tripkit....................................................... 27 6.5 Optimization ............................................................................ 27 7 Terminology .................................................................................. 29 8 References ....................................................................................