Sharing our Stories This page will mirror the front cover design © SIFRE, contributoRS and Postprint, 2014 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data All rightS reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, oR transmitted, in any form oR by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording oR otherwise,wihout the prioR written permission of the Publishers. Printed in England by POSTPRINT Snetterton Business Park, Snetterton, Norfolk NR16 2JZ II Compiled and edited by Cynthia and David Capey foR Suffolk inter-Faith Resource The Inter-Faith Centre The West Building University Campus Suffolk Waterfront Building Neptune Quay Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 1QJ Email: offi
[email protected] Website: Suffolk Inter-Faith Resource is a Charitable Company Company Number: 2992865 Registered Charity: 1042612 Registered in England and Wales © SIFRE 2014 III “The Walking Madonna” A sculpture by Elizabeth Frink. It is positioned outside Salisbury Cathedral. MaRy, aS an oldeR woman, iS Shown StRiding puRpoSe-fully away fRom the cathedRal. It iS a thought-pRovoking Symbol aS it challengeS uS to Set out fRom our comfort zones and embark on journeyS with an open heart and mind, not knowing whom we might meet along the way. IV Contents Preface ...................................................................................................................................... 1 The importance of inter-faith encounters ......................................................... 3 Suffolk 2014: A Faith