Jackson, Duarte to Discuss Leftists Cease-Fire Offer PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) — the Rev
I Fort Monm nth gets a new rommander tomorrow, B1 MARLBORO ENGI WN Too much Smith Maiden voyage MAI . C Expo hurler tames ^K-v< Discovery shuttle poised Mete In 5-3 victory. tor first space flight. Today's Porvcast: Shower, then clearing Pa9f*2 Page A? ^iimnj^l^ WAaVMfcgoW M AO 4 A) er VOL. 106 NO. 302 YOUR HOMETOWN NEW9PAPER . SINCE 1878 MONDAY, JUNE 25. 1984 *••• 25 CENTS Jackson, Duarte to discuss leftists cease-fire offer PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) — The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson is heading for El Salvador and a meeting with President Jose Napoleon Duarte to relay a cease- fire overture from leftist guer- rillas. The Democratic presidential WAITING FOR THE TROOPS - Sharon candidate was stopping in San Bernard of Cornwall, N.Y., above photo, roasts Salvador for the Duarte meeting a chicken at yesterday's Battle of Monmouth re- before pushing on with the next leg enactment while waiting tor the hungry soldiers of Us five-day trip to Latin Ameri- to return from the battle. At left, an unidentified ca, a visit to Cuba and a meeting British soldier watches the action on the field. tomorrow with President Fidel Castro. Jackson met several times yes- terday with four representatives of two Salvadoran guerrilla groups, the Farabundo Marti National Battle of Monmouth Liberation Front (FMLN) and the Democratic Revolutionary Front (FDR). Neither Jackson nor rebel spokesman Ruben Zamora would give specifics of the message for sights, sounds relived Duarte. "The group has expressed over- BY TERRY MOORE The partly cloudy weather held pated in the event, sponsored by whelming willingness to engage in through the entire re-enactment of the Company of Associated Militia a process of negotiations and MANALAPAN - Loud shot* the battle, which was one of 300 of Monmouth County (CAMMC), dialogue and commitment to a JACKSON SUMMIT — The Rev.
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