
I ^ —-? WOODBRIDGE—Let u s and their death-dealing hem. and that America's 'Night of UgM' will be bigger ., iU. There is no Cause from dusk to midnight? in - u* to huddle in our c«ll- more signitant n«ya in natioas where news era ,, the windows of our Mayor August F. Greiner today officially proclaim- ai las covered in blackness *'I believe this symbolic action, making this night still be circulated—than any black-out has been." , I,lot out a target for ak •aiders. ed, in response to a request bj Bemarr Macfadden, v brighter than any we have ever, experienced, would In urging the respetue of the people of this com-, 1 publisher, Christmas Eve a8 a "Night of Light." Mr. We have been blessed times over for our dramatically contrast America's freedom to the dark- Macfadden sent Mr. Greiner the,following telegram: munity to this plea, we send our own sincere wish for ness which enshrouds not only Europe's cities but her a very Merry Christmas to all.

GET THt 4HMHHMHHI »¥»*?¥¥• LOW - DOWN ON LOCAL HAPPININCS IN THE THE LARGEST SUBURBAN [ CROW* WEST NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY } Br |H. NAVIGATOR PAGE 14, TODAY'S ISSUE COMPLETELY COVERING i WOOOBRIDGE, SEWAREN, AVENEL, PORT READING. COLONIA »M !SE1 !M . \ XXL—No. 42 SnbepenirenI'Ai-ry |.'iiiiiiiy t - leaber _Wiiu(lliflclKc, N. W()(M)HK11J(;K, N. J., THUK.SDA V, IIKI l-.Mlii.l; PHICE FIVE CENTS ARD ASKS % Clicks TQ Celebrate Christmas FestivalCLOSE VOTE^ hSpedalDaytimeAndMidnight Services Sunday FIGHT W(] iBKIIXJE-^pecial rIyrq nin Raison Warns In Urging Caution Minister, Earl Hannum Devan- el; Tbe Apostolic Benediction Exhorts Public To Use Extreme Care Lest Fes muki » l,«en plarmed in the vsr- ny. ON GARBAGE ious hurehes throughout ,th<> Poatlude, "Grand Chorus," Then Morning worship, 11 a. m. tivities Be Saddened By Catastrophe In Home Tow > for Sunday morning. (lore Du Bois, Prelude, "Bell Rondo", O. Mor> Hun ifh-rnoon *nd for mid- Vespers, 4:30 P. M.; Prelude, WOODBRIDGE- Fire Chief Eldon Raiaon today andi; Carol, "O! Uav» Your TO JOHNSON nigh victsfi in the Catholic and "The March or the Magi", Theo- •.irjred everyone to do his or her part to prevent the fires BIDS LOOMS Sheep", C. Hawlhurst; Doxolory, Churches. Midnight mas- dore Duboi*; Carols, by Choir and ,tes It Will Grant Bourgeois; Invocation, followed by and accidental which often uttend holiday celebrations. *»' held in St. James' Congregation; "Silent Night", Lord's Prayer; PtalUr, Rtspon- Beverage Dealers' Figh As an aid to a safe and happy Christmas, Chief Ruison Chur Voodbriclge, St. Andrew's Kranx Gruber; "God Rest You Lanfan Say* He Will fn- Increase To Keep eive Reading, "The Magnlfcat", outlined several precautions: ,* Chui Avenel; St. Cecelia's Merry Gentlemen", Old English iel. 62; The Creed; The Gloria, Against Permit Trans- "Be careful with candles," he said. "Ordinary can- Chut Wjn; Our Lady of Mt. "O Little Town of Bfcthlehem,' •titute Court Action Gridiron Coach Greatorex. riyma, 116 "O Come Can Ihurrh, Wnoclbridge; Our Reilner; Anthem, "Chriititnl dles have their place on the Uj>le All Ye faithful", AdeaU Fidelei; fer Unavailing 4*dyf face Church, Fords and Awaka", J. H. Maunder) Th« Gun On Way To Repair and mantel decorative scheme; but On Bailey Ruling The Holy Scripture, Luke 2: 8-20; White Church Choir; Solo, "Jesa )i»copal Ohurch, Wood- they should never be allowed in )E TO NEGOTIATE Anthem, 'The First Christmas" Bambino", Pietro Yon, Hm Grace Accidently Moots Owner Joseph Barnby; The Christmas Mod; Offertory, "The Enchanted COMPANY IS ASSAILED windowi where curtsima and |*rnm to be held at the OFFER IS UNACCEPTED Prayer, The Pastor; Offertory, Bells," & Harberier; Anthem, WOODBtHXW —Arthur drapes can ignite or near wreaths ibyterian rhurch Sunday ail Mentor Here (M Christmas Paatorale in G", A. Cor- "Ha. k What Ut*n Theae Holy Swectman, 29, of S26 Durham or other Christmas fWenirr, In elli; Sermon, "The Visit of the Avenue, Metttchen, accidentally Voices," E. Warren, Choir and Counsel Claims Granting "When wiring the tree for light- and Ohoir Director, MAK'", from Saint Matthew; Quartete; Soprano, Miss Claire shot himself in the right arm Dumping Ground Held Un- $2,800 Salary To ing effects, lisa only equipment ip IStophcnH. Hymn, "Joy to the World", Hand- (Continued on Page ? Of License 'Unfair' To i To Aibury Park with a !sa calibre rifle while good ronriition^ dlwflrdjng htfthtif, Mtiffictory; Almaai Present Taverns getting Into his car which was frayed and worn wiring. Exposed parked in front of the Lorraine wires present a real hasard. Only Other Bidder ID B RIDGE — After • Gifor Every Needy Child k AimFOOTBALL TOUGHER Gas Station on New Brunswick discussion Monday night WODBRIDGE—By a close vote 'See that eUrtrlc lights ateyhot Avenue, fords. WOODBRIDGE — Nicholas A. s of the Board of Educa- of 4 to 3, the Gibialter Corpora- in contact with greenery *n)pih| present garbage collector, te ructed Ahilrew Aeroe THAN RING-DUDAS tion, trading as Howard Johnson Sweetman tolj) Captain John ughtful Local Organizations bustible decorative mater, whose contract expires at the end "f the athletic conmlt- Reataurant, here, was given a Egan and Detective Sergeant can be started just by of the year, announced this week uet with Couch Nicholas liquor license Monday night over George Ballnt tht he was taking RoiGreinw. "Use asbestos wool or fireproof ffeihnu 111 he served, Dudaa, fresh frohi "ah Imprel ' Flag SUif To Gd Exami- cotton, meUl tinsel, $i*m decora- speeinWions" which listed among nut state the emoqnt d \m SQUAD OPENS JoJm If. Tiernay, counsel for other things a written approval of This ion thi> Ladk's' Aux victory ovei' Ed Pat bomtekey, nation By Expert Bt- tioat, nuts, colored pine cones and Uj»in a compromise, irU 1 the Ifquor dealers, assailed the dumping grounds by tho health . spoke to the gridiroh warriors an' fruit for decorations rather than i thut Mr. Aarot will offer Iliary » Flynn Asao oti H d there forc CH effleer.' Almnsi'a bid win H« fol- DRIVE FOR FUNDS the subjeet "Fifhlmr and jf»per, untreated CTttcn tnd cel- elation live a party to 100 Clrcumstance8 lows: ball." He. told his listener* that ' WOODBRIDGB—jExptfrWOODBRIDGB—jE t opinion luloid ornaments. A large floor tcoach has Intimated that he needy [children under tigh Carding the caseWe. % "fighting was much easier and not from thh e StatSt e l"or*etrl y 0ep*rt- vase of flowers er greens provided District 1. 13.800; district 2, rather remain In Wood- years .oi Campaign For Support Of "First," Mr. Eiu-h child will re as tough as football. In boxing, '. Tierney said, "A mont or the U. S. Department of a way to store water for emer- |»,800; district I, $TM; district 4, if the Beard of 1 < M M ou ht b gency use In putting out fires. $1,200; district f, |1,000; district a garni , candy Ambulance To Include you Had one man to watch, while in I?I* " ? * • * V «n individu- Agriculture will be sought by the feasible to jits 1 fl(led Then t, 11,300; district T, tl.ftDO, To- lithn rofri-shmcnts foutball you had to kegb your ey*HT i V .__!**-,- .«>eu-. men thenicy dutlUgg Board of Education before it defi- "Electric toys should not have rutae. HP said that he Dance In February tal for one year, $11,5la Demarest at the piano lor consideration; ' Children Atjarty Today For C| WPA Help Mrs. Joseph Klein : 10,00 Uin of the team, was awarded the that time he received 30 day« in Balint for stealing an automobile »<> solos worn contributed During the evening an appli- most valuable player trophy for tho county wo*khouse for. driving from Bradley Beach, owned by WOODBRIDtaE — St. James' ffri of Mrs. Nathan Duff's Mrs. William T. Ames, Se- ,. cation for a junk license ww^re- woo — Thieu bids blocking and tackling The pres- a car while under the.influence of John F. Dean, of 108 Second Ave- Parochial P. T. A. will hold its an- . waren ( ' 6.00 celved from Benjamin Storck- were the Towtishii entation was made by Principal liquor. Bishop still has to face nue, that place. nual Christmas;party for the chil-i Herman Quinn 1 5.00 hein, of 36 West 19th Street, Lin- I'ucknr, "Moonlight Bon- committ jr iii^bt from (Continued on Page 6) a charge of larceny. - ' Ncirthnrdt has A record and was dren of St. James' School thU lli-i'ihoven; Msrjorie Max- bus com[ the hanspol'ta- Men's Brotherhood of First arre.sted here before. den. The application was also morning at ten o'clock in the .school l.'ji'sty of the Deep," Ham- tinn of vvoikers to the Presbyterian Church 5,00 referred to the committee as' a auditorium, whole. •ylin Vi>(tel, 'Fox and Goosa' project uitke ['ink. The Mrs. Edwin Rudolph and Mrs. Total to date .$75.00 : liit hard Hrause, "La Gol- bids rece S flillllVVs: Woman's Club Milk Fund Group Carteret Man Gets 30 Days Robert W. Allen, State Admin- Henry Neder, are co-chairmen and ." 'Sefradell. Ru.sem K'I1. MetiK'hen, istrator of WPA, in a letter to they are being assisted by a com- 1 For Driving Minus License i 'Mans W«B impursonated $12.'JO V bus. Grossman Attested Again; the committee, requtwted that a mittee as follows: 1 -V <:»iity, Thi' members Quietly Aids The Undernourished Hufliciont appropriation1 be Instert- Mrs. John Eagle, Mrs. Joseph ' Public WOODBRIDGE—James V*rgo, '•'I Mis. Dunne and the W hart on Man Complainant Grace, Mrs. Thoman Peenry, Mrs. •Transpor .per day WOODBRIDGK — Out- of the 27, of IK Burlington Street, Car- ed in the 1040 budget to take i"- with special (tifts. Re- duo to her charitable work in the Charles Kenny, Mrs. Owen S. Dun- per bun. WOODBRIDG&—Leo Grossman, most noteworthy fhrnity units in teret, was sentenced to tha county care of sponsor's requirements of pnis wort! nerved by Mm. <\ Red Cross, The late Mrs. Joseph igan, Mrs. I*on E. McElroy, Mrs. Terzulll 31, of 20 Minna Avenue, Avenel, the ToW'fhip, which recuives little workhouse'for 80 daya for driving WPA projects during tho coming. S- Mayo, chairman and Mrs. , Culonitt, Klein then took over the reins and yearvan* , ' John Etinhorh, Mrs. Joseph Romond ^11.H5 pw day; one-time Justice of the Peace, was or no publicity und without any at her death the chairmanship went a car after his license was revoked. and Mrs. Joseph Eak. ,'17 t4.4fi \n*' day. urrmted this wqek;«i a charco of ffanfHi- u much _---good, to her vice chairman, Mrs. Chop- . Vargo was arrbsted a few weeks Thr \ he' held January 26, Iht* money but never made £he de- Christmas dance Friday night. <'«' nuditorluml George WOOI)| rjioJIa Bus buji whose inoonies are' totally In- clu* conduct a otrdparty and give Christmas Vacation Today raised. ' 1 A jolly, rotund 'SanU Glaus" livery. adequate. Others on the committee a will play for tho Service was a ran ted to the "White Gift to the King" WOODBRIDGE — Township arrived In Uifr middle of the party are Mrs. A, L. Huber, Mrs. Morris A total of 18,682.67 has been Kuth is genersl ct II IHIS route In memory of the late Mrs. C. A. Hchuol* will close today for the and diaflbiifted gifts U> the guests. Khjln, Mm. W. Z. Barrett,* Mrf raised throughout the county Last I (lotdiila by WELCOME BACltl De BussyVThe Philallelphin Quartz The coijjmiUee wag as follows: William Bruwof and Mrs. Frank Christmas holidays and will ro- year, 113,270 was rstsed in Mid- tho Town Ltfe ill ii WOODBRIDGB—O. J. Morgen- Company in, Avenel donates tflft Donald Weatcott end Charles Ben- Rankin. opun on Tvesduy, Junuaty 2,* dlesex Cpunty 'by the concerted 11 R'S CLUB AWARD diiy nin lon, Township Treasurer, warf back each year without solicitation, Sev- it WHS announced thin we*k by efforts of Sesl Sale workers. son, faculty advisor*;-Ora Allen, it his de*k yesterday for the first The fund was first started 20 eral other factories made smaller DlllUDGE— The special The b Victor C. NicklaB, Hupervising It is, estjtiiated that reaching Hatvfiy Cteekmur, RutMEly, ©ay- 1 ime in several weeks. years ago by Mrs. JCmtst H. Boyn- donations the past year. Delations ''Id Decembemb r 2 0 byy the from R b Inmnii Ave- principal of Townnhip schools. the cdunty fluoU of $18/000 will mond Gerity, Doris Hcnrf, Wilbur Mr. Morgenson underwent an ton,.who nowreildos rnRcd Bank. may be sent to. Mrs. Thomas J. \ Hub of Woddbridge w Hue t<) fi Clark Town- All the schools will present be n«o«ssary in ortfer to ]C«nt}nue Hiirtnon, .Loui»c Kutchw, Jamel ppration and wa*.ieriouily ill for. Mrs. Huber then took ever the Uahy, 10 Harrtll Avenue Wood- lr Alhouje, Newark abii>a. Tl of Hint twr- Christinas program» at tbe as-, tlm present * ' Livingood, GertmdQ NieA work" but, was fatted to n>.Liii '•*• * *~~~ [rltory ne.i |,H«rvif('. id me tl i ^" ct: TWO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 19S9 MOVIES OF CHURCH Maintains Enviable Record In Colonia 49 H. S. STUDENTS Trials Of Early Christians Are Traced /„ GROUPS ARESHOWN GET HONOR GRADt^S I Introduced Right Ri Avenel prMbyiMiaa CM AVENEL — Mo«t Revi'fi"1(l ai Principal Announce* High- , i Peter J. Hart, E. Kiley, Bishop of t*^ iu Krelation Shown Films of New Brunswkk,|wh8 Ranking Scholars For Trenton diocese, in aif in>p>r.w»»ve V. Kil, most interesting On Sunday t 1.1 anJ iliA llD-lV 1 \F CL) 111"" by lhh Ilklr.;, 2nd Marking Period cei'£ii.on,Vi Plttilftfl (Fi* newij ^ fta hik text the wolv of 1 \\l \KI. Moving: pktutts nf \\i >()i>llltNH!K Forty - nine pleted St. Andrew * ROIHMB Cath- John "This daty eWralh it of thll' OH 11 at St iln ln>i I'Iisbyti'tian Oiuroh. iIs i ,-lriits tic listeil un the honor olic Church on Avenel Street . to this town. This I now ahll S, •, .. School robin* with primary .11 fur the second marking period 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning th House of God," .^h.i 11« ^iijiris' cWfi9iLs in prfljrrt's.;;. The chureh, which »eata approx- i.t Wmidbridge High School, ac- Recall) Early T tw ilw J,., 1.• .v choir marchlnf into imately '160, wss crowded to c»p»- lllU e compared th«4aya| th« riundi. ihf Uante and iiiiitukK to an announcement mad* mony and Chriltiang, who , f il,r ladies' Aid 8ocl»ty today by Arthur C. Ferry, princi- trho rcjoiwMi in tlie fuMilaawt °' ,KI J worship In ih« eirly 1*f « .i,MHi^,l>y « representative nf I»HI <>f the school. The honor stu- their twenty-year dream. t( ,« morning in the eataefbs so l'i, I'VIMIHH National Board .li uts me aa follows: After the bleiaing of the grour>d« St. Mi-M'.un nL the church * the chureh the first h«h m*™* h»t the people did not knl t»ey Svniors: fiileen Biennan,, > r/\-\ ii'i « lame arid intaretUd au- were worshiping—with t| pres- of I:JI ncc. Kicfel, Betty M*Arn, Jean ctp worship and 'eile * the O'Br'i,. In Hubert I. UacBrldt, pattnr » former euftU at rill, Laura ^uinn, Brnee RanUn, f«*U *n birthday! of »int«. Miss A < tin i)u.nh, explained tHnt t>n> church, nf which St. Andre*'* nni ll.Un Kmalley, Vivian Stetin. He asked the people for iBghes, Mi!( nl>i» (hat wsre financially un- hi••!"!•«• Fred Spencer, Marie • deacon and Rev. Prancjr ••• "v, i been Jasccrated in P"1 »nd and John J. «I>U' to take care of themselves. I.Hisen, Bernict Couplarrd, Grace Lyons wa. lubdescon. Kev..IiK»"i- V other foreitrn rountriei, urged rauik. , • The w>nic« opened with Con- 11 aw i ylko, Cbarlas Jiraa, John Mas> M E. Carney, present «!ur>|e oi 'Mi iHiiik, David PockltmbM, Gloria the tontrregation to r il* iU i:!i CHtional singing of Christmas St. James' Church, »erved ai/ir>*': IN.iter, Ann Sehwcmer, Roy Slmm, "give ttianks for th« »Btiful mr.ilx ^flowed by prater lad of ter of ceremonies. - JElasn- AMinftwu of (Jod and '« of e» friloiy. Dr, MacBrtd* announced B«v. Chwlas. A. MtCtiiiatin, Clear, Jean Daub, rfarT? 'alses u meeting of the sesaieii tonight pastor, of St. Jamea1 Chuj/di,' an. Gloria Hall, Anton R»- Th offertory w»l taf «P by Uls iit tlif niHiiM and invited all intei- npunced the urtiees of tti« *••• ( 0 11 • 1 persons te attend. James Mrkusi, Abraham enrol hinflat arid Ttonsdiet'oi! Iiothmann, Helen Schmidt, Guy Van Syckle. rtii-fil tflp FVeiHmen: Norma Ashntera, Elizabeth Jane BrodnkaKvAlma Countermatit' Emily From, Emily In Colonia An Pkrckutd Gecsey, Iaasalle Kltmtnt, Mar|av I SAY IT WITHFLOWERS ret UvA, Wl*»» lluciarellt, Marie Wi.oDBRlDGE—Two cash s«le* COLONIA John Knapp Pellegrino, IMwan Potter, Stanley iAL FLOWEKS OF THE ,vni- made as folkwsi ffn • typitiip, filing, momeographing,Wykea. Ut 29 A io-Bloak 177 to Wil- By Part-Time Jobs Financed By Hie N. Y. A.switch-board operation and stock CflSTMAS SEASON liam K. nmi Adelin* Snarka for room control; booViiHihc and ISOO. 53 Hiffb School Students Are Aided Here simple book repairing in the li- Ut 21A In Black 477 to John D. brary; assisting in the various sci- P AHT FOR REPORTERS nmi Howard'W, Soule, Jr., for work daring the U«t fiscal year by ence laboratories aa4 •!•{» »uch $1.00. Group Paid Sun Of $1563 part-time job* with the National at preparing and handling of sup- Mock Tried UHiiWgidOt Raport Showi; 1,128 Youth Administration, Bernard S. pliaB and tools; ppepajdng proper- Atom* Frolic; Gift, HM In Middlesex state youth administrator, ties and costumes for dramatic de- Dr. Rotart ShstuHz announced today. partments; the mounting and Art buttibutid The statistics juat compiUd by classifying of photographs and KURGRON onnpMUtt WOODBR1DGE—A total of S3 mOCMHtIDGEt~A vety sue- Hdward I* Connolly, special as- other art materials fqt visual aids; WOT AIUTOfTS young psoplo, residents of this tesafttl <3sTistrasi party was ton- Cemetery Perth sistant to the administrator in preparing and caring for materials community were assisted in con- dnetstl tr th« WMtosex Ootnty charge of student aid, sW* that and supplies in the home economies Prea* Club Pdx nighg t at Lonely tinuin* or completing their school these youth earned a total of f 1,- departments and lnnch rooms. 5M.76. Twenty-eight boys arid Acres in Fords. Over sixty mem- ... 1.00 twenty-five girls were aided by N. Other types of work done for bers and friend* attended. Y, A. at U» Woodbridge High the school include the construction During the evening a mock trial School. and repair of furniture and equip- was held with Chief of Police ALL TYPES tRISTMAS ment; landscaping and general im- LARWEE111SIC SHOP In tbe 16 school systems through- George B. Keating as Judge; Judge provements of grounds; traffic su- out Middlesex Gounty a total of Alfred Urffer, of Ran tan Town- 60 WASHINGTON?AVE. CARTERET, N. J. pervision in and around school C99 boys and 429 girls were (riven a, u prosecutor and Judge Ar- PLANTS AND FLOWERS buildings; playground supervision woik for which they received $68,- thur Brown aa'attorney of the de- and general asaistenea in aUdttie Tha athoali included one ftMe, Hayer Roasnblum, of Car- programs; th« making of unltersitjr, one Junior college, teret, tr«ai»rer of the dub, acted FRCEDU/VEftV Phone 4m\ and other kinds of research; and tight hltjh schools, two vocational as the pjiaoner »t tile bar. astirtaac* in music and hsahh pro* schools and three parochUl^hools. grams. Artkur W. Larson, of Fordi, tn the scheols 341!.hoys and 233 ssrv*4- as Santa Clams and distrib- girls received assisting while 353 The NYA has vested in the insti- uted, UM gifts from a gaily-lighted young men and I96v8»uii£ women tutions themselvts tile respoiMibU< jphristnaa free. Games were play- aided in the colleges. The ty for the *•!•»&•[ *f students, ed and refresRments were seized, 1128 youths employed in Middle- he determination el fottcy and the with "Buck" Llnd at the 180 Smith St. D. Perth Ambov in County were dfatrihnted as M- aiiQuUfitrati«j) of fhe B^dmt aid ncludeiLthi evening's feB- ows: Six boysi and eight girls in program within their owiii sdoola. 12 YEARS IN CARTERET AND FCfhland Parit; 20 males and 21 Each student whan applrinf for females in Soyth Amboy; six boys aid must produce natiftfactwy evi- 11 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL TEACHING and 10 {iris in Mstochen; 456 dence to indicate that' without it young men and 211 young women te could not either enter or con* NO FREE LESSONS in New Brunjwick, ITS boys and tir.ue in school. He must; be a All Biw aa4 Woodwind InatrumeoU Taught by 152 girls in Perth Amboy; three citizen, of good character, main* OF girls in Dayton; two males and lain a good scholastic .standing and d Rinf» — BirUitloim St»M Riaci — Signtt Phillies The communication ,stat«d that Rinf • — Bal^fa, Grata, £(- — B«loTa, Eljia, Harvester* fin, Wallimm aitd Hamilton 1 Gmea aod Hamilton Wriit the old stalion was an "eyes6r» to 3 II WatcKci — Military S«U - and mhabitated by tramps which White Owls WriM Watchct — EMIMM Men's Shading 1.00 to 3.00 Dirtier Sell, 3 lo 20 Pircr> Roiiton and Evan* (^ifarette makes it a menace and Insanitary. Bo*25U9 GGAREHES •— CompwU — Cif*r*tle 1 l.ifntrr attd CMM - L«ktr<»- Aveiu'l is growing and with the Seti _ P.g. A Shaw Cain — Combination Lifht- litp- l.ifhtrr —• Remington- many improvement! going on, a Mcnncnt er, Ci|»r«ltr »nd Vanity Rahd and Sunbeam Shave- ilmwback to portress, such u this El ProductQ 1 to 3 Ib. C»ie — Bracelet!—Coitum* Mattar Stureri ~ Wallets stiit i(m has proven to be, Is any Dutch Maatera 1.00 to 3.00 and K«r Cat« - Swank r Jawelry — Ratarirt Prirl thing but in ^ttfilllK' Wltil mis ad> Hoyallsls N«cklac«* — Rinf and Pend- Collar and Ti. S*ta — 1 Parker and Watermaa Pen* vHiiring age of heautincetlonaltmf ant S«t» — Watrrmon and the houndary lines of th« railrtadi P«rk*r Ptm and I'mtiU. and P«*cil« »s thpy KO through the towns ajid 69c Ib. mi' think that Avand should h* al tkis time and. atept- KREIELSHEIMER'Sl ho taken to have this old structure ri1 moved." MITTUCH STORES "THE JEWELRY GIFT STORE" B On ttVsvMgtHtionmad e bf Mayor 127 SMITH ST. OPEN EVENINGS PERTH AMBOY AugustVrtTfiSer the opnununU 61 ROOSEVELT AVE. TlASHINGTON cation was referred to ^p conmit- tee as i) wbole for action. f , ^pENDENT-tBADEK THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1939

IDING IN TOKYO St. John's Episcopal Qmrdi In Sewarai TURKEYS AWARDED Scripture Readings Accompany Tableaux home f wtek are fiitfituinini' at a Chriit- ww Kathlw-n Kotunkw, Mt. St. Mary's; rriai party in their h< f"P RR* SewareS n HistorHi Chy Chbb M. Adaim, Etttgerit Uoirgt dud«: Mr. HIKI Mrs Harper A. Urban, Jr., and Leroy SimonatD, •toaiw, Mr. and Mis A MxK«*, Tht .seronrt tttbluau depicted a BUMI Tack* Will Cajteret Rector Official VilUnova, all of We«t Avenue and Mr. aad Mrs* HOK. l.ufbourow, Prim Distributed Excellent Xmas Entertain- iri'Midt' scriM' with iionnit' Mi- Bridagroon In N*Ty Raymond Muiler, East Av«»u«, all of Sewarwi; Mr. and Mr*. T. Melton, C ( IHIII, Marydel Srlover and Axel The bridegroom, who is yoe- merit I* Prepared By Admiral Balkrd Naval Academy, Mr. aad At Weekly Party Held Urban, Jr., hanging up their stit, Conn. Coast Guard-men Mn. Emit Kaot ru. Th« Chrhitmag Saint wfifl en- Mrw Harold Oavid, uf Hiirrett aad the U. S. Caatt Guard, wan in uni- By St. Jaatt' Pariih Mr. and M<». K. i.inlli J). McCain, i)Hu:llT(JE"-Mr.. Martha tered the flrt-ne later wax portrxy> —Mr*. F. Z. Advms, Mrs. Lil- ''•"•N At a ceremony form and was attended b? Frank uf Avenel. formerly of High WOOt>BRII)(JK Several tur- SKWAKEN—A program, feut- by Mm. (tt'urgu Mullfii. Aflvr lian Morrit>, uf West Avenue and me, announce* the h'ed ut St. John's Eoiact^l Parsons, of Sewaren. eys were pivst-flted as prizes at ririi; ( hri-liiias tvideaux, was pru- the presentaliuii gift* w^re «•*- Mrs. Alfred 8du>nlt, uf Cliff 11.1.- (load, attended the i Li inl nm^ pru- fclll,'nt "f her daughter Irene, Chu|h with Rev. Oryille N. David- Mrs. Clifford Jaeger, church or- regular game social held Monday ntiil by Mm. Kmil K»HB, chair- All laapwlaal Feal gram in Radio Vity Musii' Hull 7,uVW P. Melson, of «nes. ' Carteret, officiating, Miss ganist, Rang "I Love You Truly," ght at St. James' auditorium un- nan uf International Relation* ut Mn. Kau* Thankad Ninety per cent of human Ills ait Tuesday. Later thi-y vifited jjuintx Lorraine Sullivan, daufh- and played the wedding muaic. Af- er tiie auspice* uf 9t. Jame*' nieetinif of the Sewaren Hii.- Tha tableaux were beautifully «uthorilatively italed tc> cum* feosft ter, the ceremony a lundww* and Ckatek, TA« twhey wtntwrt w*r» ory riirb h«td Wednesday after- of interest in the locality. tht feet f WalliW a graduate of| the | *• «nd Mnr. tfwf arranged ami ptesented anil the , .school and of WUBon r«eptk>« wai held at tht hone of fU OOn ut the home of Mrs. George Robert 8tr«et, this club wiahea to express it* appreci- nere one ye r be Mr and Mm. Martin Hahten. «ii Margaret Kennedy, South Am Jrban on West A venue. ation to Mrs. Kauu for a movinit MUiiht * ' the bride of ..linjC Hartford Ssminary . P. CharlM Stratt. boy; Mrs. Fargo, Carteret; Mm. TJie first tableau showing the portrayal of the Pence and (loud ,„. wan sent to Japan aa a fit SUJileton/ 8. t,, son Mr. and Mn. PeterMn wilt make Hunt, Jean Conrt. town) Kalvan Shepherds in adoration before Will to Men that underlies nil the j ,,f the Preibyterian nd Mrs. Peter Petanan. of their homa is fttapltton, rairie, Sewaren; Rita Basodin, the Holy- Child" was given to the festivities of the holy season Lillian Tarrfcft, town; Mrs, Bohr, •|(,l for the paat seven Mont. Sunday at li:30 ccompaniment of the Btpry fead Marker Rhode* played viulm 1 ITS XMAS IN Bitter SteMt, town; Mrt'. J. H«l- u hl,< been living in Tok>6 roth the goape] of St. Luke by selections accompanied by his i ',,, f in a mission Ugh |biide, who was rival, \n ngahtad, Raaw«y; Mel ffloffre, Mrs. William Watson and a beau- mother, Mrs. (leoiye Rhodes lie in( t (g ;,, Japanese girl*. her uncle, Martin Mifn Street, townj Mr*. Oollck, ful lullaby Dung hy Mr*. Olive fr»«hmtnt> wVrc scrveii hj' t i;. .>• Wif—Walle (turning, how- froh)m ydsquallin* sewg th* Ham * *)Wll h d "Jid Av*t»BeA , town; attit v / 'an Idecstine, Those taking part lioatessefi, Mrs. William C. Kikn ",1.,-irt, s graduate «ora1ng? minary department* tae* fiomolka, Soath Amboy. Other Mra. James Grany, Mm. Snimii se gown Huaband — fin* Tha hero ii 'tre,: Mrs. Alex Urban, Mrs. Wil- i niversity, haaahwstud- had attn underskirt and was rite* were as follows: am C. Ecker, Mr». B. L Prew Lavson, MIR. David Oberlih, Mis styled! juit proposing to the girl, Special, Mr*. M. Connolly, H van! Univeralty, th« Uni- princesa lines. Her vail nd,Mrs. Mark D. McClain. A. F. Sofleld anil Mrs. D. V. Hush. , Wif*-WdT, tell her to aay no. (rove Street, town; special, Mrt. ;, London and Yale Unl- whichfll Into a long train waa >. Mukla, Carteret; conspjatfon, i,, i« he was granted tht to a coronet of ori A . She Carried a w! Swtat Mrs. Sllafcoaki, IfalrHe^ Btfeol, f Doctor of PhlJtJaoJjl Sewaren Notes prayeihok. Mn. Youngbride (at p town; special, jMn. Grogan, Iaa- , ,„ Japan in 1938 «l B in; lix-way lamp, Hrs. U. Hal- By Mra. Blanche Balfour Misi lelen Elisabeth Wrlfht, want a ton of coal sent up/ ,, ,,f the 9outhei>h Math- atead, Clinton Sare«t, town; drop- the m of honor, wore a (own Dealer—Yw'm. WhatW n,,,-li ami at preient he i* ttr leaf table, Mrs, Mochap, Lyman —Miss Nellie-Q'Hagan, of Broud Adams, Mrs. William C.-Ecker, of hei tly blue taffeta with Mri: Youngbride (at „. principal of an»£ngli»h Avenue, town; bridge lamp, Bofc Street, ia recevering from her r»- Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Ru«h, Mr. and TOY match coronet and slipper* and didn'id'tt kkno w coal cam* In »l«*» I ,', Onuka, Japan. ' Uavii, Fultpn itreet, Rahway; apa- eent operation at St. Michael'* Mm. Michael Quinn, Rtrbert Ran- carrlw n old-fashioned bouauet wear a No. 3 ilioe and a'No. 8 ,,,,Ming will Uke place in lal, Julia Stpoi, town and Rata hoapltal. kln, George Luffblrry, 0. A. Gir- „ ,« the spring. of pinl >ieg. glove. Croven»ki, Fordaj bridge set, Mr*. -Mrs. Kelley R, Chadwiek and oud, Mr*. Jeanett* RMdorph, Mi»s Kochi, Main §treet, town; radio, Elsie Nemetti, Mr. and Mn. Mark CENTER Ifr*. Walter A. McKean were Mrs . BagnamowjU, Hopelawn; West* at a tea given recently by D. McClain and Ralph Canard. BAKERY'S WSPLAY deik, Mrs. H. Van Arsdale, »laln- in. Allan Rowley, Spottwood. —Sewaren girl* who took part A Day At Theht&ery fteld; special, Mrs. N. Danphy, —Mi«s Mora Balfour, of State in the musical program given at Rahway; vug, Mrs. John Botco, Teacher*' College, Trenton is at the recent PAE meeting in tho f Oi Tots In Siwartn Sthool novel And Varied DRAWS King George Road, Ford*; easy chair, Mre. C. R. Titu*. Rahway; i«r*ome on W>st Avenue, for home of Mra. Kftirad Stern, were Undtr Mr*. StoAcr'i faction ChHatmas vacation. Miss Ann MuUer, Who played the Bcbren'i Wbdow Dteori bicycle, Michael Smanko, Ridge- —Stwareh who at- flute; Mins Mary Clarke, wtio IKWAREN—I* »• 9 momingr. The tion Hti dale Avenue, town. . ttflffal tKe recent f«blk«n Vic- pivftti string ha** and MIBB Dortf Don't Fail to See His Long List of >I-M are arriTitijt for tmnery |ol. • Some come In Alpine ViHife tory dinner, Included: Mn. F. Z. Henry whtkplacid th* cello. [other*- walk with their mothei jTwo who live very I,,,me by themselves. A* aoon. •he child arrives he WOODBRIDGB — One of th* Home Prom College L to pull off mittensm, , wiQwaufQ t Id sweatere.. Theae most colorful window display* in , 10% Diicount Silt Woodbridge i* that of Bateau'* CHRISTMAS GIFTS | A upon hU own lM»ok, which |kientiftes by a apt- • .. Bakery Bhop on School Strtet Many Local Folks Back Oir Books, Toyi, Games and Mottoi •lure above It. The centerpiece i* an Alpmtf Vil- FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE 5 forrtk infarmal fro«|M Th» teal plays Frere Jacques, lage featuring an lee-pond, a rut- To Spend Boqk* and Educational Tojra |C UP FAMILY I [" the" varto» actltttha,- Bev- London Age and other favor- tic bridge, ikta-jumpera and a Wtih Pirtfiti 39 en teat thtmaahrta at a to*. Dl join the group. Th* model house with a mlniatttr* begin jwting «nd eut, taaohtf It out jlngte belli, a U Cl*u» on Uit roof. The whott 4>ilrtini "WOODBniDGft-Heveral col. 2.50 inm, alourine.a eymbal, and M«ne ia tprihgfed with artifieia l«ge student* art home to spend fM f« the 1 at i tr fd the children keep snow which fleams in the window. the Christmas recena with their Adah * Book* . • . . . gnc up Othen «ak* l|t- nttingting. t time instrument*. The scene itself ha* a color schame parents in the Township, Among f of long atrip d Now* IBme for tomato Juice. of green, while the surroundingi them are: r, Watttttn and Other Book*, 3 for O AQ BLAKE'S (A fold* a ftoMto'lf g Tha cMw»it at the imall U- in the rest of the window are pre Dorothy Hunt, daughter of cuti out a cruda Chrlit- 100 MAIN STREET WOODBMDtil-:, N. J. •tidfc it thcmwlve* from dominately a glistening Christmas Mr. and Mis. John V. Hunt, who Coriwr Lending Library Thli littt* pili. When the last red. is attending the Washington Sec- l««jt Skop in th* Bank Blag. IN ORDER TO SERVE WOOD- M Wd via*a her pp dwp la |ed they carry the Among the articles featured are retarial College in Washington, 30? Start St. Perth Anbojp BRIDGE SHOPPERS WF. Ii A VI. ^ deep iattafaction. Open tftMligs Xmai Cardi hen and two chil- lifalilw fruits and vegetable* made D. C; John KuzmWkvof Aveliel, LEASED THE STORE FORMERLY M ld you, like |»'frt dren ar* led to wa*h and dry of almond paste by an artist The and Steve Racz, both students at Uw glaa**I the meantime small vegetable! include carrot*, vadiap- the University of Michigan; OCCUPIED BY JACK'S RADIO S bandln* hat a abjaii of etnrar COKB been let up ind •r, tomatoes, potatoes and lipaTO Ge~6fge Urban, a student at Vil- SHOP. * er, tb ehildrte down for a II- gras. The fruit* are orang**, ap- lanova and Edward Sancilt, vho huiy mtaute releriod. Then each plet, atrawberrys, pearB and won a music scholarship to the tmmmmmmmmmmmi ' tree. child gats traps and put* them grape*. • Blue Ridge University from itmlher tahla t«o eBlldrtn on, with flonal help on top ' Attractively displayed are fruit, Woodbridge High SohooL button* cake* wrapped- in celaphane and Alto, Edward P. elaj.{ 1 runt (t?t thte ittrWtt wady all kinds of Christmas cookies in of Chief of Police and Mrs, Ar* Varied George E. Keating and Bernard Our Most Heart Felt OPEN NIGHTS mcr,1 one. OuUide cellophane stocking*. thi- playyard one Keating, son of Mr. and Mn. Greetings To You maki: a J>Bfth*# «kt(" Child 'diaUly tu Uw Miniature Christmas trees; cand- James irJetlns, of Alow Pttea, ies in silver holders and in tiny the •wing. Anl find* a broom and both student* at Dickinson Col- MERRY CHRISTMAS AND UNTIL 9 logs complete the display. of clay and p««ln» ao»a •tarts sweV e with us thii i* ready.* ' coming- year. f other room a child ha* The abcuja typical day in of Woodbridge; Gail Molitor, Nan Georgian Court, Lafcewood. B ut the nurseiiool which Mr*. cy Claire Wood, • Connie Brunn » r Culture ut the big ^foflkl and U Academy, Inc. Special Purchase Valerie Cbnard and Jean Stecher, i hoata. Stechet eon In her home at Gtntvim tm* To Wed Prin. Eleanor J. Bowari 600 JVent Sewaren. She all of Sewaren. They are. all jibout y Hobart Bldg. Hob»i-«ISt. !• model^nglMhool after the the same age. The youngest will C. H. ¥mf Parents Sty . come down," ahe explains. Perth Amboy Tel. P, A. 4-1220 Preschool Lubriegi of the State be three next month and the oldeat Th.y WMII WQODBItttfeit-Mj-. and Mm. University

"Jimson baa. gone out of busl. ness and he 1* BOW living1 quietlj on what he can collect from hi; creditors." ' "Resting1 on his owners, so speak." •'

Ttit^btne 4-0075 Christmas Thos. F. Burke Made to Sell — Ftneral Directors r- BIG NEW for $4.93 # GENERAL ELECTRIC 38« STATE STREET Yes . f . they are wash- PERTH AMBOY, N. J. REFRIGERATOR able! Boft ana cufidly, # they're the sensation Joseph V. Costello, Mgr. Big 6.1 Cu. Ft.—j housecoat of the year I All These Features # 1 SEALED IN-STHL THRIFT UNIT "Tktw la at rtbilHut*- r«r BnrlM SerrlM* 2 WLSTELL CABINET 3 STAINLESS STEEL SUPEH-FREEZE! WHITE v 4 FOUR ICE TRAYS ii«' 5 MATCHED SET OF MSHE*. more needed, Hipft w«k«M (THE candle burn* low. The yea 6 VEGETABLE PAN JLUC ..th. W«Mtandtoy6*durChnat- V is ahrio»t over — yet the fl greetinf a, *md «t frks Mm tiitts 7 FRUFT BASKET 8 MmNMATM WTBnm U8RT of Christmas spirit ha* nevtr burned.eii the j,ope that next year'* yule- brightly, orJiUumined the worldj will be even jollier t»ian thi*. KJNDLING . FIREPLACE •WOOD* FAMOUS 3 yrs. to pay. JOHN A. DZUSKO READING COAL KOPPER'S COKE For A Prtdlct! Ftrton WKh A Sentlnwital SMl COMPLETE HOMRNISHINGS MASON MATERIALS FUEL OIL No payment until March 1940 Hall Avenue & Catherin<| Perth Amboy fk*e» WoodbrMg* ItTM WARR COAL * H. & H. RAD. IIE\\()U)S SUPPLY CO. Tel. Rahway 7-1 At PERTH AMBOY 1482 MAIN ST. f>A<,l. f Of'R THURSDAY, DECEMBKH 21, 1939

—j_ AlUatuwn, 4. J.*,*..--*. A DANCING CO.1,1) H, S fU^ IV, in *|ipri< i CAMPAIGN «t W40 [ The Iwil b«Jf I* »n»> irf'thf muni Mi »•.'! Mi* Williiiin M'nn- T for H fn» Hujri. t.ht trf ll«v»"l' II. H..I, Ihi .^IIIHIHV "' Waitman Says Tactic* Of MI mill VI i• i* < Ji.iii't, Mi ami Mi« Uwtjt*j , nf t»p in i f thf UriiMM Hull, A v* Imp , furtu'rly iif WiMirthililn< mm "f the if ih<' M«IMI New Deal In Ohio Por- Amm Til • Mi II.I/ mill Ml Hhil Mm. Unntu I'liiui.. nl MuhMbtry. ll< will tends Character In lining". t»»"fi' Ihi Muhitnv HUflU r*(tini,I') lulled, Jartuniy '•' ..r M( wii* M»« •» M hnrtor, (if •< Tlif ilmtn'of IH84, WiHiillirlilifi> ifl'li Wllfi'l Illtfh Hih'Xil will IDMt •Inin/iny 4 .,,|.| lii Hie rl'lief niluaiion n 1 MIIM MHIII.II flli'i t(Vlllill|iV, III at the h'lmi nf William (ii Minium, IK- takfii itit-wny i-iiU-in.»i : lf|L'>' :M i . •' , ' ' •'• II, Uiuliv "t Hit1 M#ri'l!l 1'nimor will l» mail* for K CIMM "' «i is In come, then Wf an' in II.,i,., |.,, • .„, llrli-.ll, WlrhlHill, I • union,' ;- - \."« v; '•• Ni |,Milling Mil' OllMlllH" MITM Wllll ,, M-ry ilnty 1U80 PrefiiJi-nlial PMM'hU, Mi niirt Wm Alftm f,r nil, I'M , fwtnvtly of th<« itfn. For k M« liky ttr :tnl^u :• • ''•;>• i tin i IM nrl(l|c, nf (Jli'1'H MlBiil, wat ih*> icuwl of Uti. Mimim! Nnv Hi•uliTH intend to try to blas-i uf My§tl« Avinut, Mofnluy 11,, n wuy out of their troubles IJ.V i.illi'l I Illllrll Will Hi fiiml re ! ' -I'.mi I M»re«>M. No vrili, <;. I iK lul;,. ', "' '( • 'V,.g !!!• 'I till imnh1 Hal -i,,. nun): Hiiyonu opiiuningr them 1) A , ht hi IUt annual (in I»I iimu ^'w. ^,,.1 ••! -Hi• M,,,|.., ; I hi' I llUIiiL.. ... W;,tliii.iii, publicity itipwtnr ior Helen I;,,,,., |, ''it Tin .liiiilni1 the |{i-|iulilii'«H N»tion*l Commit- uman'i ('lull Will u't'lock Mrs, Aliim Hcriiiii itml A'tllil lll'.ilni,,; Imlil II* HMHMHI ('biMitiai il«nvt, lee. Mil, John I' i'» i After witnitwinic the Kniifw veil A " S|l">. II,-:,-, WII Ur**ii mm. AiliiiimtUruUtm wh«el into action .. I i.1.. The Httlma«uitdl Llterury mul 1 , Ml«1ti»y limli- mid hli 01" Ulllty Kiliiiiiiinl. I In. ,ii". i nuclei'!••(, , !•I'.i:• i-r, . inn HiIIK- ili-iillil.-iilhi iinn Ilie Towelowerr oof .mr .ii Ihn Hie Ohie unio orelief reiier- Htuatim- muii"i tin"' '"' Hurlety htlil lt» CIIIUIMIHI. * "Itlllll.i |! , *HI I*IMy for llip I-II mlii 11 nfc I.H|IM;I i ley nt Him Hi-enr Im "Tlie Km I of l'lili-n)! in the nioHt un- ' that instance the truth wus <)is- till* hiiliiv Arit'Viinuti ji •'•ii. KMII, H;,,,-,. i)r. anil Mri, (J. Hi Hutliiun* DM 11 i'lull will hiiltHj| tmllHl rule nf lii-> HIHTII enreer IIH II I'IIICHK Rlinp Kir ; |j „,,., , Utven Hln'nt. Mr*. I). II. Km*1 «"• KnifllAll Km I I>,Y in In riliinre HIMI linn HIIIIK HIHI lie ean't lieiU th (•»•«[) j thrown li.V a New Peui <'iilnnet of In KIIKIIMIII. Vij'ini Hnvilln jjiodnceil tin- Iklm, whicli wins directed by fleer ind'frrtWpnt HwwwvMUti'Ck Vnn titt'utcn mill Miw K»th< <*Htt. Incr Kuflwi (rf tr»n(i>n Miss Alui.-ain v ' "r| i MI w|inIUI»I- nip en II viiliinr har MIII In-liw HIIII Ann linthei funl, \o,l-isa fea Donald \Vii -i,it v>"' rt»u«htvi. Mr, and Mrp. Juhn M. Workers AUiancu, to inject uiillur 1 M HIIIIIIHI riirlnlimu- nnd MTI, Kmirml Stoin, of Myi tlo niary dapartntuiith will havu their lun'il i"l>- in Mi!,-i i.'«yn May • <•» ..I HIM Klril I'ltKltytfi'lini n r I'mupK't fltrvvt, for the dbjeord into what wiw oiiirinnlly a Av«nu«. Chil»tm«i neicincH in tin after- et'i< I'micmif Co-Kd.laki'H ad Uimh Hyntlny whiml will hv Mil i» Imlldayn. > IOCHI Ohio problem. - Tbo -HuiirUy School of the vantiiKe of the* atuili- routine*. FREE f.tMf^U^Bf\lie\ty Chief, Charles Michelson, "Walk for health* uy« the !Secretary of the Interior (Donald starlet. Busy >«r>-tinA'turii sh,« ! Pi|i'k) IckeB undtn-tonk to-splash TO OUR ,.Alkl rtnds little time fof *-a-4ountry '"' d gver Governor John W. Brick- Tnur*. Eve., |)l( 2| r. Icke\ whp set'ins to relish the jiiuiiiR, bat the "walli' machine ST. LIFER'S THURS,, IK. OPEN EVERY rolt- of mud-itliniier and nxe-man nt the pym d(M« jut* well. Ann the New Pfflers, commenced tries to spend at leJ5 minutes ^Chicken WaK<1,, , EVENING yellinir "ittarvation." Offering nn u day walking It Bne of the - I'!... facts to aubstanUute his bellicose Pick .For.n u , best all-around g*M exeiclBea TIlitP.M. Donald Duck lekeg dl'- ""«• I •«• Ah.*" 'rlnred Cleveland 'had an actual in the category of starvation crUis." He characterized Governoi |X)NE THIRb"oi"'^^. .Rrickcr as "inhuman" anil as RIT ' "heartless." He charged th« Ohio Sun. - Mon. . | „,., . S«HIT- G^ljjlo!,,),, MJ Kxerutive "deliberately chose to risk starvation, rather than spoil DAIE his own selfUh plan for a budjjei I ium bnlancihg record in his own State, lUUfl preparatory to running f"'1 tl'1' ONKl Ji Presidency." IVK:» IO No Truth In Icket Stalement Ciiiitm«»o«ii \fl/ The truth at the matter* is that wen us Donald Duck Iekes spoke, dillicul^ies that existed R.gul.1 Sutvii. *»'•• Sbow |^ n repard to relief in Cleveland All Se»lo - A '30 • 30C. alirHiiy hid been adjusted to the ^ Mjrisfaolion of the Ohio Stato and Cleveland municipal authorities lines originally proposed uy Bricktfr. The further that "an actual starvation did iJOat in. Cltive-

iust M he otice 1ESLII DURB1N \n hrlieve that sixty controlled the I'nited INTEHlflZO .Stiti curl' Ickes can see— to see (we don't think a? y'.upid *5 he acts) more X -men under the'bed than any- in American public life, riv BM Ult<- our word foi Randolph Scot i )'i. ir-ni I oiti that of Governor Bricker. ;h<- repon* of non-par- »ivd uwiep^udenl : v,-T> who sought to test the tht> Ickie*' charpei". S«v- i.ewspapennen have reported find a Vtarvstion MENAYEaR ;T, Clpvelai»i.*" Leading citi- In To (he Sinn : f :h»t city J«n> ^th« charge. For J.i'vc- .nrl lilur*. L 3 r • ac eMnme«t»tor on nation*! d % & rip to NOW-^Big 3 for 1 .ho. ij.r,a. lit l«n th» trvtk. He

I, I V I ' < \.\)t-i.b driven pvjople on iht, I i x •'( K* :.- "1 w si vi V mul . Sin'', . I"" rr. <,

Vash- Mi.HH1' r;-r iMTinwioV* Oiiv but » thi -.•rt-H of trnik, fc*u»plj t* NUT

is •wj ':' V ' '/.' *Ji $*mt *i (iW M*st CtithrwttJ WMIHU art to W farad E THEATRE M W ! SBUJHC BELOW HATMHAWF AD • iMomtow fOOD CAVALCADE" in Technicolor ALICE FAYE - DON AMKCHI — plus —

: IT, Cleveland •then- it »• O'Brien in "FIGHTING GRINGO'

said te th* «rati»rj, it. Nile—Xmaa Dinner » iwt t«lia« i^ic trulh." f)NE.DAY ONLY ~~~~ BIG ACTS 5 All WOOl SLACKS OF VAUDEVILLE .=.(• muia Jor Mi. Ick« nientf. nujiported wtd abfxtecl --- plus — Br. iUinwvriL. IV tmtt )MUND LOWE • WENDY BAHHII i: SCES HP;TO52 KEajiM M guawt Bin it iluKntte* wiun * n "THE WITNESS VANISHES" .

V-ili nm mnp u CHARD ARLEN - ANDY DEVINK SPORT am i»tin duvti their twig KOI "mil a "LEGION OF M>ST FLYERS' ft.' ., - plus — THE DIONNE QUINTUPLE™ Burhwik., wiawd u5 hur in "FIVE TIMES ticultun. v.». nftep ynrteNul by XMAS DAY CONTINUOUS ANE WITHERS - LEO wit*uim,T«rtJtw» in it n "CHICKEN WAGON FAMILY Mr DICK FORAN - ANITA LOUISI in "HERO FOR A DAY" f— plus — tin «ciwrt. "bn; 1 unr'1 mind -u»n- 15 fc .'Hit vmi< J't, ^nrftiiif miHcww,tl THE DIONNE QUINTUPLE'!- * i %\ •TJ^intoM^r! And in "FIVE; TIMES FIVE ' VUk-A MERRY CHRW^S TO f J>. mmm •WSIw.Wi ^

... •:-s.-,..;..ii'j •:*^.-:,.^: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1939 3 MARX BROTHERS A Baby Comes To The 'Thin Man Series •JACK HOLT IS STAR [AKE IT A MERRY XMAS! GO TO THE CipS IN CRESCENT FILM For The Kiddies With And What They See And Playt A Doable Role In Dodjhere It Hiluriouly 'Fugitive At Uric JUNIOR ARCH Shown On Screen Opening MaiKaret Ourhont, the ststel) An iiiptmuu* plot ronntrr PRESERVER SHOES I•. .ki11tr ai-tn-ss who has been the . Biiuh <*•• ii.i~. the film .iirt« ihi i•.f.) • i.'..in; of Marx Bros, persecutions l-iai'ki'l)- t• Ji sbe*>r breath tnkinn fr»imfi»9 fvery Eve*hjf ': al! hut three of their pictures. iimfini'iii forms tn.' ba»i> f«• i PROPERLY Fill ED AT iMuimljIy in the role of a digni- ill' thnliinit nrtion in ColumliiiT- CARLOS KAUAI tn-ii dowager, once again proves Kutritiv( At Lai»•*•" which optn^ herself a glutton for punishment HIHIUII Itluli EauaMt THE BOSTON SHOE STORE Vinight at the Crescent Theativ •ilk - The tu»vi I dii.ur.d I in "Marx Bros, at the Cireut," Jack Hnlt IK starred in a dual i oh- LEIA ••!" runif Sunday at the Ditmaa in this tttlf. portraying a law lilni'tll in tloth |>«(t» HOMO! II I >U.«IIMJ»U M ri en. iti which hi- i» i*ftl tn tugiiiTc ulndinir civil engineer and his • VM r. MIMKWII TB10 At Large' wKith optm tonight In the new comedy, Miss Du- ' iloulilc," a desperate gangster. * • H4I.I! I 4H m"lit, in the rols of Mrs. Dukes- at the Crrxrnl lht. lu'lievei herself to have Perth Ambey ••' li.it *W1ltt itaihed » new high In endurance, ihr fiiKiiH'ei is railroaded into pri- 275 CUH1ON AVE.. NEWARK f"i she permits herself to be shot \ sun liy a trio of bandits, led l>y A D i<n, thf climax to learn* that she Is also I him deaU with Holt's effort* for ' •*• chased by a gqrilla, Is kissed by a vindication ar.d revenue. After giraffe, i» pushed down a flight » daring escape from the prison \ Make this the Merriest Christmas \ <>f stairs and, is swung" from a farm, he finally raan*fe«Tb gti on Above, Myrna I oy and William P«w*\l'ut ilui.n witli a new the trail of the malefactors by The cannon out of which Mies member of the usual i*tt in the "lhtn Man irnei 'Another virtue of the vwey rese which caused^his. dtOculty And Dumont It bjirled was bat orte of Thin Man", booked at the Majtttic n laid l>y irvicwrri to outdo Ever With Haumanns Flowers just when it seems that h« is ready { thousands of unusual props re- all itt predeceteort in britk humor to even the score with the outlaw, quired for "Mary .Bros, at the Ctr- (us arrest on another charge al- Neyer hat our assort men t of Plants and l'us." These ranged in SUM from most nullifies his efforts. a eijrar butt for Grettcho Marx to Flower* been lovelier The sterling qualities of Holt a, three-ting circus in which to Powell, Teamed Again Flute mike wonderful li*iaf Bift*. We kare ilia eingU «t us an actor and txtitement-pro- house th« merry Marm, Kenny i up in r»la»t IUik«tt with femt tkst kaep wall all wi»»««y vider were n«Ttr more evidwrt , Poi»*ltUii C^clajMadi, Or»B|* tr««* la fruit, Jeruial« Baker, Florence Sice, fire Arden, At Majestic In 'Another Thin Man' than in the smaahlitf climax in CWa, Pepper Plants, Tr«a Scotak Heather aad ananf Nst Pendleton and the hundreds which*he leads tfcf G-men in lo- ' l«g>aaet« Cardeae aad QI»M Terftrlvmi is variout iis«». T>f circus performers and! erfcut Even the furniture h, Sweet **as, Cat Polaivttiw, Laval? Sarar* Furnishings and decorations Large" with »ost convincing per- of reel Eiphorhia., Gltdialnt aa4 kaaay athart. Tai$ Of Early V. match the mood cf a murder fei formance* of .both nis characteri- ComtgM for the Holiday* GotiTo The Circus zations. He captures the audl- Claire, Travw and ^aV Wart, j^te^ k off ^^ the "ThiTnn ..Man" onceV sympathy for th« engineer CUfeWnUi, all |» C*ntarpj*«a« of Evergreea, pin« (oaat, kerrle* and etatlaa !liy the same man,. that ii tnodernly •quipped legheny Uptising," a-f«».tor« at- perts - that the dramatic values stake a pretty dliplty. tcoul4 be enhanced If the furni- with the lateit scientific da- traction coming to the Btriknd The- MISTLETOE HOLLY EVERGREENS atre tonight. The flint is based on ture were made to "act up" to the vicn to properly fit ahoei. KARLOFFEXECUTIONER Wrealbs (or the front doer and CaaMt^y ke*» freen all wlats*. Neil Swanson's beat-seller, "The thcue, Grave Cavar* on wire fraaas thai kaap thap In %a«d •hapa aj^ Junior Arch Preserver* cost First Rebel," and deals with • stir- The, stpryi in which William IN TOWER OF LONDON wfavtar. LITI»» Chriitnai Traas alsatad la tubi. Utt then far ring chapter'in American, history. ChHitmau aid plant ouUide afterwardt. no mor« than ordinary ihoei. Pow#J> and Myrns Lp-J again co- line an at least remains un- The colorful story laM U) tjw m •Ur A» tiiA "Thin MiiCl Mrx «tarts Iwrrined hy the shuddery shadows ' " flewart ••»! b$ t«1e|rapa aaywher* it Cradl* To College—From Smallest To Largest 1760's depicts in dramatic fashion with the slaying of «n elderly Kew Boris Karloff has brought to the the revolt of Pennsyhrsnia' colo- Bay With ConBdeace York financier on his Long Island screen during his 20 years in pic- nists against British soldiery over SHOES ARE FITTED BY X-RAY HERE estate.- The tycoon's home might tures. protection given unscrupulous have been anything from modern- Groucho Marx, shown above, it That bard-shelled holdout is ALWAYS A UCTLE MORE FOR YOUR MONEY" traders Belling gunis and ammuni- istic to prim colonial, but after Call BAUMANN'S teamed with hit two Brotheri, Karloff himself. tion to Intiigm. These «ventt are studying the script, Cedrie Gib- Harpo and Chico, in the lide- Boris Is,' however, reported to RAHWAY 7-0711, 0712, 0713 said to have forecast the Battle bons, Jletro-Goldwyn-Mayer ate •plittinf comedy on the film have succumbed to the teeth-chat- of Lexinfrton more than several director, felt that in-this picture 900 ST. GEORGE AVE. RAHWAY. N. J. fara at the Ditto**. Of all the tering potentialities of hie latest OSTON SHOE CO. years later when Minute Hen, he had an excellent chance to make Eetabliaked lt5S Mara Brotheri' conudiei re- role, that of. "Mwd," the exacu- called from their plows, grabbed the murder surroundings conform We Will be open CY«nin|t all Chrittmai week. lened in recent yaars, thli ana 4lQner, In Unitersal's "Tower ** $2 SMITH SHEET PERTH AMBOY up muzzle loaders and precipitated to the grim nature of the crime geta the. blue-riUbdn. : . the Revolution qf 1776. itself. HERFS WHAT READER PERTH AMBOY ARE fflTWG FOR MS REAOES MAJESTIC CRESCENT STRBULI ITMAI On Bute 8tie<;t at the Five Corners TWO DAYS ONLY — STARTING SATURDAY Cantfnuou. 2 to 11 P. M. 4 DAYS STARTING WITH THRU SUNDAY 3 DAYS • STARTING WITH PREVUE FRIDAY NITE PREVUEFRLJIE PREVUE TONITE Anirrnn't firtt rab«l PREVUE TIME TABLE .Mid hii wild cat blonde TiOZ "InteirneKo" " UN PARALLELED... in the in Itucklkin! 8:1» "Full Confeuion"

annals of human ferocity!!' i0i4* "Fall Confession" A M«w VnMnal Howe ' "10 starring Basil RATHBONE

7 DAYS STARTING WITH PKEVUF. TIMK TABLK LAST TIMES TODAY "Drumi Alon^ th.; Mohawk" 5:17 — 8:38 "Drums Along the PREVUE SUNDAY_NITE "Tower of London" Mohawk" Starnni 7:01 — 10:22 Claire Trevor - John Wayne "THE GREEN HORNET" with George Sander. • Brian Doaletr icONitsr Wilfrid Lawton - Robert Barrat -John CHAPTER 4 COMEOV MtTI STAR!? CHRISTMAS DAY F. Hamilton - Moroni Ol»«a • Eddia Quillan MONDAY and TUESDAY PREVUE SUNDAY NITE THRILL GIANT OF THE YEARl

THEY'RE AT IT 3 DAYS STARTING WITH PREVUE TUES. NITE The most haart-warminf drama iln«a "B OJI' Town" I With "Trie Worn- en'i" tiny ttar and a HIT wltfc (rand cast! KENNY BAKER Alao — FLORENCE RICE Don't BAD LITTLE Nit KNDLETON Miai "THE MASKED PHANTOM" ANGEL hi 1 Vl I 11.1 , ClT WEDS. IWUPLCR REYNOLDS TOPAY LA5T TIMES \\ * Gin KIBBLE • Leslie Howard Jane With«ra Ingrid Bergman Leo Carrillo in Game Social--Eveiy Mon. Nile. Free "Chicken . CJiina to Ladies Weds. "INTERMfiZO" WagBD BANK NITE THURS. Fantilr" .MIDNITE SHOW MIDNITE SHOW NEW YEAR'S EVE NEW YEAR'S EVE AT ALL THESE THEATRES AT ALL THESE THEATRES E SEE , DECEMBER 21, 1930

A NOVEL DESIGN The Wn In Avenel Newt 'Christ Of The Andes' Is Subject (Continued from Pa^e 1) • rope B, Mr. R a PtrUt •» ATOMI, H. J. For the first time in history, so I'feiry. He wa» also elected cap- p,,,,, tain uf the 19SU squad. far as we. know, a great war is un- The Woman's Club of Avtnel Street, was taken to St. Ellin Of Talk At Aventl Club Meeting been ,JV(J| held its Chiistmas party Wednes- beta's hospital Wednesday. She George "Spike" Wasilek, All- der way with both rides holding tin, day mifht in the schftolhouse. Plans is suffering from pneumonia. Pope Leo XUI issued many < Stat* ha«k, received the Gruup HI diminish ii 1. . A VKNKL—"Christ of the An back and watching happening* •u^- le* to visit the Home for the Afted in Central Jersey championship tro- ay llUili —Mrs. FVit* Fehr, of Avenel j ics ' H messag? of pesee, bases' cyclicals, aming Ihem was one, on other fronte. Port Heading were completed. Street, and Mrs. Adam Roettmirei, phy in behalf of the team. The «»n in his wu n ihV book hy Charles E. Bab- tinted November 1, 1900, known as It is no exaggeration to ssythat Mem tiers will meet at the home of KemMn AvOnue, attended u the Tarneui. which eaili for the huge trophy, given by the N. J. S. th,- I; of the president, Mrs. Frederick oik, was iftvfn liv Mrs. H. J. 1. A, A., was turned over to the RfiiM'J htvssion of Wntoiiw siejarf birthday party given in honor ot I consecration 01 the entire workT lirausc, on Smith Street, Sunday lukni H.t hi-t p*rt in the fourth squad by Mr. Ferry. the spetlight to leave the Wtttamj Mn. WilHam Wyld, uf Katiwa.v, to Christ the Redeemer. Part of ifu i ii'iini ut three o'clock. in Linden, Monday. .f.itfiHiu uf the imaginary tonr of A turkey dinner was prepared front and tha* tfce great defensive it ifwli as follows: V-'tierabk A delicious chicken supper —Mr. and Mrs. Wr Jandn by Miss Msmle,Fe«ton. Barney latin America sponsored by the strDggle of the Finns threaten* Uf v was served to 2S members and brethren think it the chief part »ry I,,|1( and eon, have imtnl -f**un Dunigan and Tern Gerity assisted ..... ^ International Relation* and Lit- become the outstanding eveat of that w, friends of the Ladies' Democratic Park Avenue to Metuchen. of your duty to engrave in the in the serving, More than 100 a \\ ^ ^ thaW ,A£ W rthaw auABUA I'.aWA. tM id-army ,. (luh uf I he Thud W«d at Ml*. latuie departments of the Wom- p*w»4s of turkey went to make up aui)ii HnlluiJ! ' tea room un Cliff road, —Mr. and Mrs. Willard Jen in's (luh of Avenel held Mendav rrciriB oj jrvur jnvprv tifr *• Of course i| the banquet. The struggle that gatftnderway I.., ninga, of Avenel Street, are pa it thv home of Mrs. Frederick knowledge, and we might almost the H,.,i ,...' Sewaitu. "ii Tuesday night. EaUrUitt«i«it Given when Germanyi "well-trained army rents of a daughter, Maril.wi Hrnus*1 Mrs. Raker discussed in say, the image of Jeius Christ tlve Mis Walter Parker, Mrs. following the dinaflr, entertain followed carefully J*id plans to ad- ,,, Grace, born in the Kahway Ho* letail the itntue in the heart* of Remember the werda He spoke: ; Fredeiu-k Becklejr and Mrs. H. ment was provided by member* minister a kno«k.«» Wow to fe- if/e that the |l: J M.-iki-i s^ivt-d ice cretin and piUI last Saturday. he Andes. Her complete paper "And I, if I be lifted up from the ••'-',,n of the football squad. Johnny knd HM pr^f«l WMJag ;Wnla«d was „ oltiei ipfit-shmenU to tli* jneitt- ^—"Memuds oT jjtc Ladies Aux- end as follow*: earth, will draw all men unto me." ; . 'hat the 1!, iliary of the Charles Flynn Asso- (John X1I:32). "Dynimite" "Dutay . ,.affl his ,prii0 nfHQ6 WiiBf™ www ht-is ,if the Junior choir at a "Rhythm WrMkers," conctsting of m^H the Km, Cru 1st •IIB.H party held at the Pres- ciation are playing Santa Claus THE CHMST OP THE During the same year, Moneif- in the bawk. Tha ttmt law not ••••s did nnt Walt Holub, Hymie PlaVin and l.ytcnan church on Woodbridge to 100 children at the Black Cat nor Marcoltno del Csrnnel Bena been overwhelmed "•» * »ri#f eaiti- jl*viet s By Mra. H. J. Bator Wsrr*r\ Aquiia. furnished the'mu- Avenue, TueiuUy night. Inn till* afternoon. ventt, Bishop of th« Diocese of and after at«nal waste' *ttl «ak In the heart of the Andea, on fie. "Pootball Highlight* of 1939," le a mn,, Mimt Marie Large, 0/ George —Mrs. Edward Grode, of Park San Juan, proposed In a psstorif righting the expert* think they own "•'••iH, he boundary line between the two a movie short, wae shown in the to csnqiior Fin!;, Avenue, has returned to her home letter the erection somewhere fai stay with the Russian lear for •WioUS IOHH ,,|• ,, •outheimost Republics of Amer the mountainous regions of bis attditoriuin. after spending several days in] some months. ftti will entail .'•' '"at) ia, stands the statue known as Among those present were SUN-CLEER Jamaica, L I., where the attended : see of a statue that would net VflUJsn fuu»* The r.hriat »f th. An*W',-tlw of tfcr -• Hmtkm KtkfUA eWW*» \ib» funeral of hac toother w-law. tor C. Kickla*, Arthur C. Ferry, B«iksn area, wli, '•' ='>rtK» -The 'At* el Republican Club i>tlu hand raised us though pro- world to the Savious but alfto bring Of course, the Rasaian army it n Lincoln Tamboer, Irving FUphiiel. k»y snd other 1, haJd a vtr» tnjoyahle Christmas iniincing a benediction upon all home to men's minds that thet, not th* German army In eftirieney, memben of the board of educa- 1 on Sale . *. party at Klitb Kalita. on Tuesday he Western Hemisphere. f\»r having been dedicated to the i«rt- fighting qualities n In leaderaMp. tion, the coaching staff, members evening. Mrs, John Gardner •vei thiityoi.e years tJiat figure ice of the Master, should adjust Thin fact haa been recalled by the l af the "A" and "B" teams, sml *erv«d as ebaifwn. ia.i been a cherished Bymbol Of their political differetlceB and ar- f si tore of the Red army to pierce American pence and brotherhood rive at that mutual understand- -managers. the heart of Finland, Before tke So far as I-ft*. mil March 13, the anniversary-nf invMton there existad, outside of Me MatteV What. ing whish is the very essence of earned the !1 GOWN* ts dedication, is annually cele- Russia, a suspicion thit tile Rm- Kin "Mother, there's a Wind man at an enduring pesee. •oHdined "PpOKIIl A KB iiatcd by the dwindling number the door." The statue is a gigantic, figure Close Votf «ian army, wfUi* its jaaH and a factor in «,„ if devoted contributors to the or- PAJAMAS "Tell him we don't need any." of Christ 10 feet high,/** rigtit (Contiuutd hem Pagt \) planes, was a freat Ajpttlnf ms- 'optnien may b. fund for casting the statu*. hand raised, the le that he WSJ 'somewhat puiiled ihine. Ii may so dewlop but tht |t«eslv« no statue in the Western cToit which extends fetrf abwe about tht d^usty eorporation." flmt few wetk|' fighting In fhv | arnrtes but it tmrnmrnm ere, »r even in the world, $1.95 the head. The flgu which turn "The coiporation," he pointed land puts the burden of pro*f open heavily., A« \U,. tan caused greater comment, been the west stands, d th l f Ruuia. of O>»cho«lnyak.:, OTHW ityi.K* Wilb You All I leseribed more at length, or given s KftBiti out, "is l«gal under the Isws 01 hsmlsphan S feet For yoari Oormsny has b«n tP lo>e all favnr ., andwelfl- Ilia fttate of New Jersey snd in • 'ilri irv to more erroneous statements, Mem* io doe« thi • I ami :.- . Me* ! sea green ing 14 tons, whose larfact, the aecordsnee with the ABC act. fearful of an atfisck from Red Rur> han this impressive moaument. l»nd put RuKxi., •-Ml « I Jin. «««•• Hernnnl NYuii.au, i.-- vumi hy Vir cmithwnts) an let in bVons*. The "At far as eonaiderstion i« con- »m. In the event of a conflict,in Jlher statues to the. 3«vioUt have herntipher* rtsts in. Merry Christmas. Ifiuia Brute. I lie l.oji:? is drapsd fer everything w* the We»t thft.HitJer reglipe was cM afifi )e«n srected, one en the highest 28-foet reinforced cone 1from a Kiitheled shoulder lint' if the objections is afraid of a Russian advance in the damnation of !; point in the outskirts of lie de And A Through the center of the^hele East. To avoid warfare en both Ins; unannimiiy sleeves end ju-t below the elbow Janeiro and »noth«r on the rtroun- a seMih motive. The objectors ara Sandier monument is a stell support fronts the Nazi leaders forgot their Invasion of <-HM, Silver nnr of free competition and I am easwd the Christ of the Aad«e, rvsult, Germany alienated Spain, ward peace hn-1,., hobble skirt and the two-foot and ever-interesting toptt •..._ *~\\^ , placed on the monument, sition Jrom ill angles. The. Town- and recommends the transfer. I ship Tttori therefore' vote aye". clpeJs in the ami) Itamieg to purmir r withboth flrmu. ,i A Merry Christmas forces HIIUW ;I.'I. like the cxp., I. .1 ' was W be a pail .: On th« wai <;..,. and arrd mines contin n.

toll of allioil an.I .,.. . ' u stn bat thejossis n» !'..:.•>• no I,»or anil A Happy New Year XMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER seriously thrcutni 'M.. |.iuiit]r| •4) leu . . . aU« !tf Iv Great Britain :tr, I !Ki:.:,.., 44 .. . NOW IS THE T1ME*TO PLACE YOURpRDER FOR YOUR The steady pi. S1.0B YULET1DE GREETING XMAS TURKEY. OUR SELECTION OF TURKEYS AND HOLI- -,-. ! DAY DELICACIES ARE ALWAYS OF THE »E&T. blockade ajraiiis; i;,-> ,,.,!! -Ill We Extend To Our Friends commerce is tn-l • I !,: .,,vi exploits, like Ilia' ' p •.- Hr.'nn A Full Line of MEAT SPECIALS GROCERY SPECIALS And Patrons reschirif; (iiMiii.'ii :<,••]:. Ml BARB1ZON Fancy Northwestern Qftp HKWAY DINER SranuUted decisive fnr.T . i i. war, I A Merry Xmas And A L Turkey. Ib. Zt/ Sugar ..'...... 5 lbs, 25* far has boon 11 •:: |».W(I| 392 AMBOY AYE. WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Happy New Year Rotitinf Chicken! rtlj Great Britain, v , I kn (W Diamond Brand ' -, thd SUN-CLEER Swift. Premium Iki a^DC G*rman cnnnnrii Walnuti Ib, 112 SMITH ST. Woodbridge Nat'l Bank 23c born of the ttuil.i S Ib. average lor told the I!, i PERTH AMBOY Woodbridge, N. J. 1 Ib. Ckn Le(i of Gen nine mevny "muKt rxp ,il -I '!" Open Evening! Criico , l»c Spring Lamb : Ib. 23c this fact nil H.. I <, ;,,., . sit Rath*. Black Hawk Cranberry i Allies Is bii:i.l L Sauce 2 cam II-]. i:,'-,nU Tenderiied Haoli Ib. 25c (1 ! 23c not "export," •• " "' Freth Jeriey Sheffield Evap. how long can >•>• ' '•'•" Pork Loin, Ib. 17c Milk 4 tall cam 25c Ratk't Black' Hawk Q(f^ Royal Scarlett SCREAM I-'ATAL J Slic.d Bacon 2 1 Ib. a£ JC Coffee 1 Ib can PitUvill*, Wi- ^ ii 25c if Loin Zetmornioi !'• " ' " pkfi vac. packed the enactment <•• ••• '^ murder mysieij ]•'•>• ''"' "'I year-old brother !! •i"-'1'. S. S.THRIFT FOOD MARKET near the rtiw. '" M>~"' lir 80 MAIN STREET of a heart uttn. «li.*' TO SPREAD ivery W(XH>BRIDGE T«l. 8 08U cians said was i-i i'ii "» cry.


inirinawboii.'d.-i-""''"1"- TOILETRIES RANK HIGH THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON. IN MOST DECORATIVE GIFT RE- Bobby Psrker, .',. .•HI.-M'.I it I CEPTICALS HANDSOMELY PACKED. to show to hi. tii.-l-iv h« er, M, huntin? en\^-^- ."u LUCIEN LELONG - D'ORSAY MERRY CHRISTMAS Perfumes and Colognes ged minus dou or ^"f Buiy V*y> INDISCRET BELL DE JOUR ' «My wife tabu*,-1rv . l:i F IMPROMPTU LE DAND* up her Inind wii-^- " ] TKOPHCfi tb* summer." CAREFREE ' "And you?" ft, Suggestions "Oh, I'm busy t'--';„,. MOLOKD Try A Mug Of Our 1 For Your WHISPER CONTESSE pjther what Bhe'll -i"" 1 CflYPRE trends It." Christmas Table OPENING NIGHT Imported Canadian DUO 1 ••, Deep Riw' . ' '|lir .,,,,|yH FRUIT STOLLENS MON IMAGE. GAJltJENLA Mince meat or pumpkin ilte causeil >"• '''' ( pie with deli- FANCY QUr* CAKES Priced at $U5 to $6.50 Black Horse Ale •h- with whidi Hi."- •'••^ flaky crust, VPI l! 1 TUHN-OVERS a hole in •.'"•. ! ;i;, lliiili»'

Give Fruit Crakes as Giflst Xmas CnrAev On Draught X All Kindt FrVit-nn.d Pi.i Whitnuiii's • Page ft Also fancy Xmas Cookies C<*f'» — Williams S, I'll- (;<"' ,',':! >••«»! Wide Varietr Uyer Caket in a very wide assortment. Mermen '-, Nancy Lane Wen* wh CREAM PUFFS ,...lf«l W FRUIT CAKES ( v i::l MANY OTHER ITEMS 30c t

Ni-i'l" rtt-nch, ariai.ijemen-t by Hond entertained «n Monday Uaut, resjuJi'-i*1- psalm*; "Gloria Colonia News [Bt H super patty ln ^ Township Qmrches Iseltn Personalities fain". sinj)iiii> lfdron. <'ountry Club. Her quests RICH SIMPLICITY By Kathleen Fletcher trtm Carol, "(>luiia in KXKISIS Daa" and Mr*. Ladd of Pkir.^u, By Loretu Qr«f «n Tti.ui, Arthur Uvi, A< f m by B. Was June COB«, Miss Betty Hull, Women's New Deal Club held its -Mr. and Mrs, C. O'NVill and w«r«: Mis. HausetuM, Un. f>t«, Mra. JJ«Jtr. Hynt% of Colonia presiding. The table wag bel)Jt|. -r-Mlas Lortttu Orogan, by Il*nry Vun Uyki-, I'd.-ttudt ti» dinner guaita on Thursday of -A ^ of the St. Cecelia's "Hark, ih\ Ht-ral-l Ai>it«ls Sing," fly (jwwated with a Christina* Hoiiiaiiui. lu.^«^ti Hbyfj wtiic** ha» CIIM> ln'in pittniifd h\ ^!ilMley Smith Pierce of Red Bjuk. fitan.-il with mutiun pictures. llb«th. her Christmas, greens with Santa Claus —The litjlin residents who ai ~,Kev. A«i<>l|>h H. UfliuiibfIK, uf wll,l will »s —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hynes fl^shmfllt» were served. Al St. i| hist- iltig* drawn by five tiny 1 ^Wnior Chiialinas part> I he Punt I hunh K| lMti% Vrm ',l ' holiday weak-end Among the i&thniUxi who at-tendfd t !t Yuletide pi*,, of BerUay Aveiyw wore gu.teta of Hiirh School Knday liyterimi The usaal ftvemnir MI-. At St. John's Episcopal churcjt Janet Cox, of ctr Btlcvrt, Mr. and Mrs. H. lcr of Hofltan Boulevard. Bftujon, who has returned to lit! Arthur Dutx, Howatd Ellin. H.uly lent Night. Holy Night. ' Church, Woodbridge, will ooitdvet .,• Control Dtee»M in home in Bronxville. M...,iut.y. Mr ami Mrs. ul the First Congregational Churoli I'dloitia 8 Sharp, Mrs. Mut«r, Mr Customer—4 want to buy a dia» —Mis* Alice Manse of Chain -» conducted by the Republican (Mult Sundiy Tngrniug. Tiki COBipktt , from 2 'til B P. M.gency operation Monday. 1 -nily Mrs. Ketkwa, Mr. and HiUs Road has recovered from a Woman's Unit, waa held M"»'t(iy i>ii>KiK>nt Ktu. livuii arranged 4Jt —%. and Mrs. Lylfe B. R««b at •vi'- ll Hileic and Mr. and Mm. 1 aarara attack of tonsilitis. afternoon at the home of Mu IIfollows: Salatman—Yes, sir. Allow IM •ervad. A Dover Road ara entertaining th«ir —Miss Gertrude MonAdrews, 1' N'CIISITI. Pri«se, of Oak Tree Road, i.ift- <;« was made for theson Burr, a student at Swanaa Mis W'infU'liI Hauschild, uf to show you our combination sets 4- tient last weak. ' —Mrs. Henry Lavin and Mis. Joseph McAndrews with other membws of their evening Bridge These Colors Club visited New York Thursday. -r£olonia resident* who at- ttnded tie Woodbridge Republi- Have Sputa! L BUEGS * SOWS can Victory dinner on Thursday night Were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur OUR dry cleaning re ti IMITH Say well and daughter Betty; Mr. moves that grimy gray; ONN lyuatm wm OMNTMAI and Mrs. Joseph Tayla*t Mr. nmhr Mrs. Philip Deft BllyWr, Mr, anfl look which, *ia¥ a Mrs. Otto Brockman, Mis.. and per»pir«tion give. W A T C H E Mrs. Floyd Manse. ' AT DARING —Mi^. Georjri Hagedorn of . . . Pfion* Cover Road entertained on Sun- Wood- day at dinner, Mrs. Kenneth Van bridge Bramer, Mrs. Mary Corson and NEW LOW PRICES LIQUOR STORE MJss Louise Terry. 8-1735 for 1ST. GEORGE AVE. N»«t Dew to AailraseJk's —The Ladies' Auxiliary to the our pick-up HIGH GRADE WINES, UQUOM, BEEH8 Colonia American Legion Post No. and deliv- 50c A WEEK 248 held its annual ChristmaA ery aprvio SPECIALS UP TQ 1940 party and turkey supper at tke todayf home ef Mrs. Arthur Nelson bf KIVC » ItKNRUS for WliKlNS FAMILY Chain-o-Hill.1 Road. At the close mvv Hm iv down now, and of dinner, cards were played and ut- of these fine shock-proof winners were Mrs. Edward Case, 1.39 Mts. fedward Schubertf, and Mrs. iool ladies' or gent's BEN- Philip Den Bleyker. Awards, ln UUS W HI SI WATCHES, each one Golden Wedding jjlfr -Miscellan«9us Club went to a superlative watch value. Mra. G. Ausrm.^Mrs, Johh Kah- Repairing - RemodalUg B-E-N-R:U-S nok, Mrs. S. ,M. Glcason and Mrs. Tailors - Dreiimakers Trie Watch Hull Iimei Air.un Take it along with you to delight Blended Whiskey Joseph McAtidrews. —Mrs.'Montgomery Kimball of its wearer Christmaa Morning—- Pints now. $125 E^ver Road, has returned to her STATE THEATRE BLDQ PAY US NEXT YEAR in conven- home from the Muhlenberg Hos- WOODBRIDGE, N. J. ient weekly payment!. SCHENLEY RED LABEL pit«l.in Plain fie let with her infant daughter born there laBt week. JII 1-2 Gal.

• 1 pricai on Winei-Gin-Cordi»U HURRY! CORDON BLEU CHAMPAGNE HURRY! SPECIAL CASE PRICE, $8,4-00 NANCY'S LieHEONEHE (orted 1928 Vintage Large Bottle «\ QQ UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT HURRY! ZAQHARAIS RAPP, Prop. BENRUS ( BENRUS IBANK WIJ1E ;RUSADER RYE BLEND IN FOR "Btlmoitl" '" Gal. ld In 50 •lifornift 1 rt iKHuntJi Ailiuit / YOUR GIFT • Sherry - Mu»c»t«l V jtwel Benrui movvmvnl Noluml ytllow gold filled 50c A WEEK, in tmail curved cait \n Ihe «ngraved cata with gvar-\ YOUR GIFT

HEADQUARTERS BENRUS yf How oold H11 r t J < Iff (t)Oil fl titmt SPFCIAL FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY movement. 5i(k (of J BUTTERR'I 35*

FRESH KILLED MARYLAND '•r H.OH I DA ANGES .... TURKEYS Wolpr thin Woltrlhin natural doz BATWG OUT FOR CHRISTMAS toil In the c %«llow gold litUd and Culor of runyd cult. I7jlwtl Ib r«jj bom*]r, Chriitraat atmotphere, you and your family can Smaller tht»rt o dime, nolurol Y FRESH KILLED Jlhotlof ool •enrmJi I RI-SH STRING low gold filled w.th } ttnrul w gold/ i vw«ndcrful Chriilmai dinner without fun, bother—tnd \movcnifnl. CAPONS diumondt. 1/ i* ANS 97c with a UriMT mortment of food things tkan you couM p«uibly J 75t~A WEEK 'itpii^M^i prapar* at home! Let our Home Style Rooking iol*« your prob- y VISIT OUR MEN'S CLOTHING DEPT. IN OUR PERTH AMBOY STORE less. Dinner lerred from 12>O»-t» 9i00 P. M. FANCY FRESH KILLED Our Hot Lunchai Are Tht Talk Of The Town. Vinl Our Luncheonatte And Ba CobTlnted. EE5E ib. BEftKL£T • GOBELIN Abbotta DeLuxe LARCB WAWCY and SCHRAFFTS Ice Crratn % choice of J Chocolhtes 39c Ib. up 8 Xm*amiv«4tv'moulds. J 1 to 5 lbs. Handsomely Place you/ orders now « Ajrang.«

1ROTH ANNOUNCED AVFNEI. Mi *to?Hrt K H IN THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT 'Mtrdi Of Dines' Provides The Ammunition • iii -.heir daufrhttr '.i Jalljfcf T. SU-ViFiS, iii For Onslaught On Infantile Paralysis EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT, 8 30 AKP tt.i- ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL AUDITORIUM hj t«etf 25 GAMES • VALUABLE PRIZES. JACK it* raaaat la* idM this'ywr taat vt HINGTON - War ... _ ihtw sa«at many months in per- DOOR PRIZE " ADM1SS|O; tr, IKV.MM* f«e j f«*intf*tfc* dttails and in prepar- y ]« th* Nation's CasiUl. jme , card which we ar« sure will U.n ..r.d dollar* instead af avV «*rt afl reaairttaenu. t,.irab* will be th* "KtMgMftaff Geoff: Allen's

ii-i. tptenlM wort test y«ar, not only Abou, Gifu'Fo;t; It »kr to ike fiats*—M anab- ia miaiat faads, aat ia fa graat af aaJitiaf the 'March ,of NOW Atitat. D.IW, D«U ui.nl th« hinder has hMaMa- >H0WAB0UT Co.chr,, HiCbun, Tail* SM*, DIMM' coatributMM wkidi cam* to tlw foaoaeat far the campaign, Play Yard*, Toyt •! •»•»? The bjfttJ* strategy a'ci.cHptioii. T«k« a4»aat*f« I ba«* apaoiBtcd kin Chairman of ! YOURSELH of our low pricri. Sasil «V- whtn Keiia Koran Naiis—I the Marek of Di«« CoferaittM, potit will boM aar article u- < liatrnuin of Uw Coa>witto» far especially in caarf« of iU birthday .. ,. , . til Mntei •n» (-Iteration of the Pnafdaaf's card plan. ou Kiirhdny, prc>wnt«d to Commit- 405 State St a .,;...- C>• C'll.N a.- Chairman of the "Hank af f»r UM NatimsJ Committee Dimes" CommiU«« for UM PigBt WasMagtoa apd a campteU audit • f you Infantiia Paraiyiu CunpaigB. in* syatam aas aaan created which Cornmiscioner Allan, in M our h«|t belief, is absolutely air tiffet ag^s^st errors. ing the Certificate o|J^m_ ' "'"Ted lie mould mdrk wji every -Wi kelwrt" thai when

Thairman and every eaywU March of Dime* start* on its way FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE wo 8.2 S4 arnri city chairman to assist than in Jsnoary it wiH reach, oa Janu- in »e<-urinK the greatest remit* in sry10th, our President's fifty- Xmas Gift* to all our patrons today and tr the drive for funds. Uriaday, a total fsr ei Because you At the same time Chairman If or- jceadh* tkt* af last year. Kan unt a letter to all Stata Caalr-; Ti^ae birthday cards with the it can have the men throughout the country tell- j lokeM »f Diates will eonstituu LA GRACE BEAUTY i! Ti»cy, haMiiir returned inK them of the importanea <* the j America's tipreamiwi of loyal sup- (Cfcri.t.n.tB beat for h.Htion in lilahu mi "North- "March of Dimas" eampaiflt ta.port to ta« President in His long from 97 MAIN STREET Smart Service and Save .connection with the Calabrattta of jttnigxla to make nationwide tire west IV-^Ke," enjoys ttiilinfr in lithe President's pirthday an4 urg-!fl^tafainat Infantile Paralysis on his t-' ing them to mobilise osiQieiu of. every front" men, women and children behinai Coasjoissioner Alien has been Gift. , A. COSTLY DELAY , .ar,a i (hnnnm, Ti.-c" hat f especiallpyy foi her I ^"e eltaefar id«*un«L with tfaa lafao- Of s.,lt tut-n ostrich feather, it i& dotted in Members of the Nbtfftal H.ad ril* Paralysis campabjnw. Two Trtnton. Fla.—Weeks before !:•:!>> «;tr. tjirtejte UnUnyy bell* bell,* jintflinjintfling gS St tth the errown' rrowni i pe»kpe»k. .Gay qusrters staff present vMl Chair- years ago he was Director of Na-thi* town of 1,100 persons order- iss Turner i* the emtadiment f th hlid ii ! festive, Miss Turner i* the emtadiment of the holiday ipirit. man Morgan at the CeamWoner't tional Orgnftisatfon. Ustyearae ed a supply of fire hose as a start office whan final plans for m cam- was a mtpber of the Exeentire on some sort .'«f fire-fighting FUEL AND FURNACE 01 want tt pay paign were discussed tnaMed Co. Comalttw f«V the Celebration o£ equipment. It wss delayed, Or. Christmas Candkfight Service Is Presented Jonel D. Wslksr Wsu, AaslsUnt the President's Birthday and wANovember 30, a fire broke out and National Chairiftart, and Toalan e Ce-Chsirman with Commis- litorally "burned up" the town, HIGHEST QUALITY FOR EVERY Wrirley, Director of Pablielty. sioner MeMo C. Hasen for the I leaving only s bank on th« town's MAKE OP IURNIR By School Children In Sewareo Program Highly IwiwbJ III 'M District; ** Columbia. main business block. Chairman Morgan pointed out « First ChriftaU Jliam H»b*n; character dolh, Don- that last year the birthday greet- f ld Prompt and Courteous $ervic« AlW iMd In PIA'PIAl' !ald *»& Arthur a ing cards to the PresMwt, n. which McCarthy, Thomas Der- dines wwe Inserted, struck a very ____TBI_* Event ing; rabbits, Carol Frederieksep spontaneous ipark In hundreds of one 8EWAfeEN — The children of iand H«rr1«t Roth, thousands of persons. Ha de- flifptup the Seventh irradc of Sewsre;i j Clowns: Joseph Palnn, Michael clared : iPREMUR (Mt A GASOLINE SUPPLY "Despite the late date that m»nv •choo! entertained st a candlelight! Bfirainy, Gene Weekley, Joseph INEW 1RUN3WIOC AVE, RAHWAY, N. service sponsored hy the Patent-1 Lochli, John Lochli; sailor dolls, of these cards were distributed", Tesc.h(-r»' assotiatinn Tuiwiay af-[Andrew Simonsen, Orray Fraser, m.OOO, containing $212,000 were Rak 7-1263 — Night Phoii Rah. 1 -042-4 R Rattan Watch k jternoon A pliy, ''Tbe DC>II'K First | William Moeller,' Eu«ene Vereb, sent to the White House, or an was presented-by the;Robert Kopcho, §ert Pslo, Louis average of over f 1.00 per csrd. Jewelry Repair Ca. following cast: Sasiso, Richard Takac*, Rodd RRi- "Under the plan of distribution of the funds B0 per cent of the 198 Smith St Caroline, a crippled girl, Marie »on. . Kovac*; Minty, a colored mammy, Scotch dolls, Alice Mae O'Con- March of Dimes contributions were Perth. Ambay Catherine (lark; daneinfr doll. nor, Virginia WhiteheBd, Virginia EMBARRASSED HUNTERS Evelyn Cheriss; SanU Claus, Rymsha, Mary Reichardy, Wiscawet, Me.—Left by hua- ZUCKERS French dolls: Carol Giround, band and a companion near their Grace Makai, Edith Schmidt, Peg ESTABLISHED 1900 automobile BO SB to be "out of dan- •FOR HIM — SMITH and MAPLE STREET; fry Tqmbs, Joan Glrdner,'Albert ger" while they went deer hunt- ; Krogh. lilrtl... in* l.tiilitc PERTH AMBOY, N J. ing, Mrs. Robert Lesvitt proudly •r ^tijt, Mf(iO»r> fM-*: I, And So Is A ] Rubber dolls: Janies Burns, showed the returning empty- Si'fs. I?!;!«-V:i, <:'>;•'" 'HMIIIIU'MI fiirki'i James Dunn, Wilbur Kro^h, Ar- Sw.ink IllJ'kh 11).I Ti'- H"l'li-r riil.- handed hunters a 175-pound buck .ii k 4 J !''•* Sfl.-., J1 i • i T r- J i Sti^atlh. Thousand thur Nielsen; Japanese dolls, Rite which lihe hart begged on the spot jAnrirmh, Ohrtstine NHsen, Ch»r- FOR HER — um! IIIHK- HirltiKl'Mie Ili -t HelH: rifrarrtU tions at the Applegate. Christmas Parker JVn Bel«: ,.Molh>r Goose Children: Little The largest candy assortment in Boy Blue, Ales Urban; Little Miss the city at the very lowest price AB4 HMS^TMU of Otkcr Ctftt Too Nuntrou* to Mention Christmas Muffet/Aileen Castle; Uttle Jack •Mfornla IIKSKIUK now on display at the Boston Con- nil\M)\ «HI*KKI I Homer,"Robert Prairie; Little Bo fectionery, 192 Smith Street Store Peep, Margaret Rowi; Jack and Thousands of pounds of high At Unbelievable Savings Jill, John Kortak and Rose Ann grade assorted Milk ^Chocolates I WIRTH'S Richards. and thousands of pounds of Milk $O00 $0 2 Chocolate' selected assorted Nuts | RELIABLE JEWELRY SHOP L 4.5 Lqi First Auto Production and • Fruits filus thousands of t pounds of pure sugar assorted 1190 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY Mass production of automobiles The Brandy of > I CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES began in U>« United States, in 1900, hard and filled candies, at the very Black Horse a year wfien,sales totaled ortly 4.191 lowest prices.—Adv. i llritrrvr Nrralgal Courvoiiier 1 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF RYE WHISKEY COGNAC JOIN OUR 79c ,", $1.50 Star I THE FAMILY AMT CUT 0 We haw arranged for your shopping conven- ITALIAN FOOD STORE NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY FIRST OVER THF K\H ^ uruc the latest of everything in Xmas Gifts 244 SMITH ST. PHONE P. A. 4-1361 Hunter Scotch int. jm which means you don't have to go elsewhere Perth Amboy. N. J. All Ml 1 r»r» OJd M I'r*'! cjjji for Holiday Need. Ve know you will be more $1.05 $2,05 §f than satisfied with our display ajid you will be CHRISTMAS SPECIALS TROUBLES CORRECTED GOWNS STETSON CASTERS ALL VARIETIES 2 25c SLIPPERS I ' SLIPPERS - . RAHWAY VIOLETTA FANCY PECORINO BRAKE SERVICE DANCING 1 S. J. GASSOWAY, Prop. THE FASTEST GROWING DEPT.' STORE OIL ROMANO CHEESE S Yn. with Blue Gootc, Newark IN CARTERET 17 E.Milton A»e. RAHWAY Musk By KEN 1 Formerly Albiueri Cirife Our Motto: Always a Satisfied Customer and $].O0 gal. 52c Ib. Hia Continental OrcliH- -' Highest Quality for the Lowest Price.; ' ,lt TORRONE 69c package TRY OUR Come and Have the Tim< of ."'"'

HOME MADE AMALFI and" ITALIAN SAUSAGE TOMATO PASTE 1 FUEL OIL , PULL COURSE TURKEfplNNER I5.OO IVr Co"!' '' FRANK'S VARIETY 2 lbs, 45c 6 for 23c With the finait RING OUT THE OLD - BlNG IN Trffe NKW AT LA PERLA John J. Bitting Nofante's DeLuxe Tavern 5-10«25/ TO $1.00 STORE PROSCIUTTI, whole ..... lb. 35c 33 MA(N ST. 169-171 MAIN STREET |{AI 77-79 ROOSEVELT AVE. CARTERET GENOA SALAMI, whole lb. 37c Cull y/a. 8-0012 f!,i-NT LEADER [THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1939 PAGE 4ico W AiJi P 'prnbent-ieater Alcohol and pneumonia bugs run hand- Christmas Air Raid m-hand through the human body during ..i »*e (1IW) the winter, said an editorial in The South- JtMirnal ern Medical Association Journal, which ad- By Harold G. Hoffman vise, imbibers of alcohol to ease up, on ,i,|[»lied Every Frtday_by the I Khs 1 <)N 1 rmt m praise t»f the real Santa Claus, the manjriw lublishinalish ; Company WooJJridl* JJ. J during the pneumonia season. "illyy,, PnaiUBta; ; KaxmlMu l Lot - ( hi i>tTiiu> |Mjpible. He ia the lad who drive* thu battle for hours to get bark on the toad. Even if that O thein normal work of destroying disease **' M H» WW ll M.att. gents. It also causes interference with the m iu il<>t'»n't befall him, 111*Void* up la the eon- tuwtr of a truck. noi»ai functioning of the "throat valve" Ami wading through unshovtled mow with hit wj^ch controls the opening to the stomadi full <>f bundles it no holiday »port for him. It . .viih la on» uf tbe .. — ... un hurii work. , n of iournftllim. it wax written by Kinn- d lungs, ii and was Brit printed on Seplegihn- 21. • • • ",'-,. New Tftrir «twn. fclvery year on Hie iluy ^tmuB II appears an Th* Hun'n leu'llug In the words of Dr..M. Y. Dabney, edi No mutter what happens to.him or hia truck, , ,» wlili grateful aiknuwleilsment tu «.-. io kvrp on going until all of hit lead is de ',' M n print II.) tor of The Journal, "alcofool thus aids both the passage of the organism* into the luntfs < «ft» rlr,» tall M* the ttfth, it there a arrive. • ' And when he dalims the 'goods, ii« jeta just • glimp«« of winn VIRGINIA O'HANLOff, It Happem Every Year ueopU In » warm house all decorated for Christmas—just a fflimpt* ' llSW.it Ninety-Fifth Str**t. About this time of the year, the news before he turn's back into the cold to finish up his route so he can g«t (WKU home to his own kids and his own Chrktnu*. little friends are wrong. papers begin carrying stories telling of thi have been effected by the .skepticism * * ' * explosion of heating plants, hot-wate But it Is time that Is the real burden of the delivery man. (k rain- i-pfical age. They do not believe ex- ut« lost is » minute' late. A traffic jam at an. intersection, a red light , y see. They think that nothing can heaters and other devices used to hea All Republicans In New Jersey Seem To Be Talking that seems to forgot It ihould turn gr«en, a car ahead that crawl* and ,h ia not comprehensible by their -homes during the cold weather. m»kei'h[rit;crawl when he needs all the speed he nan g«t—all theae combine to mske his job tougbtr in this season of gladsome Yule tide. minds. All minds, Virginia, whether A casual reading of-the newspapers o Aboulikrmony But No-One Does Anything About It You can't blame him if ha w»»» In a hurry. He IB in » hurry. men's or children's, are little. In I don't rrtcan that he te in the kind of hurry that tnenng takinir the United States also reveals a number o horrendous word to /New Jersey's quota is being nego- chancea with speed or .traffic. He can't do that. The weight of the i at universe of ours, man is a mere na^ius who me practicinx slnul- tiated ia record time fur the dis- accidents caused by the careless use evidence in an accident is always againat th« man who drive-* a truek« : n ant, in hU intellect, an fomparfd lime thJ~piimni7 arrives there may d»rg to throw whenevtr they hear tance. Two luncheons nnd about kerosene or gasoline in Parting firts. It 1 Passenger car drivws often glv« him th« worst of it—not consciouill 11' boundless world about him, as IJI unly two or three factions after It between now mid next Novem- SO guest* have accounted for molt ber, This calls for high-speed perhapn, but th«y do It i-d by the intelligence capable of would seem that every individual should ihr (lubcniaLiirial nomination and of the score. At the end of the shuddering, say, at the rate of not «The funny part of H. all b that it Isn't hia desire UK be in a hurry. «''>upup - other f»ctiomi after iit the whole truth and knowledge. know, by this time, that it is dangerous to lea sthan one shudder a minute. last ik'nli-wte $00,000 had been It is the desire of the customers. Did you ever call up the store because Virginia, there is a Santa Claua. states delegation to the ni- ted. Only |25,00O to go. Par Wou thought a delivery wa» late? Well, when you ride the delivery use kerosene or gasoline in connection with im| converru0n. Mr. Barbour it -is as certainly as love and generous- stains to h*v« been about $600 • Jdcpartme'nt oji the 'phone, they ha|p to paw your impatience along * stoves and grates where fires have burned i»tert to contribute hu weight th* truck driver, He Is the last man in the line and he g«U all the purty soljdijnty. He has««en plate. ' That left Mr. Farlty'i iIt-votion exist, and you know that Jackson Day dinner, at ?100'a kick*.. out. Too often under the ashes, a burning uring the counties, beaming up- • •«-,.-• i ;ibound and give to your- life its hitfh- ember causes a iudden flare of flames copy, looking lik* » Monday blue uty and joy. Alas! how "dreary plate. Comiiwrcial Sant* CUvu , |d i.c the world if there were no Santa which sears thCindividual pouring oil on rict neutrality, that's the wna- Hifh ProUctioniiti But this commercial Santa Claus plug* right on through his tMN)*.; r's -iloirnn in more directions than To The Editor, blei, driving, stopping, leaping off and running up to houses and tofe; !•. would be RS dreary as if there the hot eoa IC No Dcwey delvgates, no Van- f'rtnsidorately, the luncheon lUtj Woodbridge Indepcndent-Lewler: floor apartments, running back, hopping up in the Mat again and dry- •iihi'tK dcU'Kati's. Uninstructed wore withheld frum public (fate, i Virginias, There would be no Of cc^sc, it is too much to expect that On behalf uf th« taxpayers of ing on to the next stop. ' • ' J •ktiiitcs are what Mr. Barmour committee reasoned that at KeaBbey HeiuhU, I am ulijt-rtintr ike faith then, no poetry, no ro- thin article will prevent all of our readers IVH N'i'w Jiy nuedn. Mr. Po- leant the diners were entitled to He delivers a lot of happiness to others, no matter what happens to the excessive tax rate for sar- protection from tho Friends of Fin- to him. H» isn't the conventions! Sant*. -'He "hu no red coat and H lie to make tolerable this existence. from taking chances jvlth fire. It is just evoy thinks sofjtoo. bage collection. land, mining promoters and the has whiskers, they are not long enough to be romantic—just brktlw |filn»uld have no enjoyment, except in possible, however, that it may emphasize All that's n«cried to carry an un is.ructi'd ticket is for Mr. HolT- In 1939, Keasbey Hetehts, Uis- luti'.st edifcuon of Public Enemies that mean he is working so hard ho hasn't time to shave. and night. The eternal light with the danger to some more cautious individ- tiii to ilrup his Dewey sTate and triet No. a, was the highttat with ft No*, f^rfifr, nrehwfefe. The i childhood fill* the world would be r. Vundi'i'bilt to acquiesce. That rate of 66 cents pur'hundred dol- 000 worth of pressure having been After he has finished his last run the night before Chrfetmas, V ual and thus lead to a practice of greater lifted, the donors were temporarily riii iity takt- sonu' acquieBcing and lars assessed valuation. The next has to drive back to the garage, put his truck away and then find hi* care in connection with their heating prob- highest rate was Avenel 'Park with pluccfl In the decompression cham- l ! Mieve in Santa Clftiw? You might riLsents primary pimle No. 7. way home, dead tired, to his own Christmas. ' .,.;: ;s lems. .'ill Mr. Vandtrbtlt string along 20 cents, and the two lowest bcr, as the drive -for the $3.0t)0,- Truck drivers don't make a lot of nwirey and ma^Be the Christ- OOU Republican fund for 1940 will II not believe in iairieM. You might It Is also important to have yqur heat- Mr. Rivrbour, Barren's Mr. Woodhridge and Sewaren with a mas «f his own kids lacks many of Ihe ftfta things he has deJiv*»d t» i ur papa to hire men to watch in all 'iiir.eruy arid |iossibly Mr. Edgo, rate of 4 cents each. nut bi> opened until after Christ- others and wishes vainly he could provide for hta own. And thjre 10 » ing plant thoroughly overhauled and con- inas. I imneys on Chrigtrnas to catch Santa ho likes his delegations unin- In 1939, we had an appropria- shadow over hi» holiday—the shadow of being so dog-tired that ify tafcas stantly inspected in order to avoid the dan- ntftcd HII«I nut too resistant? tion of |600.00 and if Woodbridtfe Of-cour.se there arc a few pri- everything he has to enter into the joy of hit children with tafl enthu- l>ut even if they did not see Santa hing he has to enter Into e jy ger of an explosion. This is especially ur- »ill Mr, Vatulvrbilt rAn his own had paid on the same baais, as wu mary caTHpalJB ftiwln to he pro- siasm ""the• y expec••••—•—**-«t from' nlm-'-irnl'tfnt .ti e wiirt-Wi« to - show. - coming down what would that air of at-lur'tjc delugates pledged did, they would h»ve paid 929,000, moted, too! One of MK Hendrlck- u " Nobody sees Santa Claus but that gent whenever, there is the possibility that > Mr. Dcwt'y- Running an oppo- instead of the $2,010 that thi-y , on'.-i backers, for instance, has ad- So be grateful to the silent, busy Banta Claus that brings to you water pipes hilve frozen or that] for sorn^ itinn candidate to Mr. Hoffman paid." ; vised hin> not to lay a cornerstone home the raw material of your Merry Christmas and hope that hi* -mil there-is'nO Santa Clau«, The most >r the GulHTiiata^l nornination, until $200,000 is in Some' reason, the water supply iri trre boiler 18 In 1940, then- is &nly one bid, Christmas is merry, too. 'Dungs in the worfd are' those that scm-cfly sifpport the Hoff- which will be acted upon, Friday, ftnil(;iwuttrs think he ought to net- (hildren nor me'n can see. DJid you below requirements. A little caution may iiii slate of Dewcy delegates, And December 22nd. Th.is now bid ia tle for f76,000, But the $200,(H)0 fairies dancing"on" the"law[n?'0£ s»ve ^veranives. he dots not try for'Dewey delc- higher for all of the seven tax fad i »n strongly udvises against iles, Ck'un Grovernment inodel, districts. ;nt-rate campaiffs. Experience 1 lictates that rates are not all that This Week Years Ago j not, buj that's no "proof that they ,'_"" ~~, . „ id o]iposi's Mr. Hoffman's slate; Assuming that the assessed val- have been, cut in undernourished hal will thu othti.s of Mr. Dewey's uation of properties is the same .as there, Nobody can jconceive or Muni Says Films Are Tripe Too frequently it's iztin think or do? It's ;OflO for the past year, then Hie same in- COMMITTEE SLATES actor of the atage Ten Y«»rt Ago ERA PROBE TONIGHT aM-the wonders that are unseen Pau| jy[Umt famous i' book and Mr. VaiyleMrilt, and justice in tax rate will exist for-| the candidate. LIONS QIVE DONATION in the world. After being neglected Ipr und screen, says that motion picture films seems that this is one time the the next 3,years, because the new- Tha; market writers apparently FOP CHRISTMAS CHEEJl months, the differenceR- between "ii tear apart the baby's rattle mid see Jtics'inn'and Answer column can bid is for 3 years. The reason why hay? pot learned as yet of Mr. There was u kindly note in [he arc, to a considerable extent, "tripe." the members of the Township Com- mikes the noise inside, but there is a r- of help,' t it is .safe to assume that tlu- as- Hague>ift4ll promotion plans. On roar of the Woodbridgo Lions Mon- « * * mittee and the Emergency Relief Mr. Muni says that high-class pictures sesaea valuation will not 'vary t».u basU of. jMast performances it day night at their wflklcly nteetrng <>\tting the unseen world which not Administration will be threshed ought to.be subsidized just like a symphony What Neutrality? mUch, is because experience in the may be mid With reasonable accu- in the Craftsmen's Club'.upd when racy that Mr. Hague will run no out at a meeting at the fKtiuntrest man, not even the united Mrj Barbour's preprimary oper- put hah. showri it to not vat,y it died qut $50 had been ^voted orchestra. The return on them is insuffi- $500 luncheons. He prefers to Municipal Building tonight, 1 "f all th* strongest men that ever limiH have 'brouicht all the tiar- much. for Christmas., cheer for needy cient. The criticism of Mir. Muni.may be privo candidates a run for the conference is the result of a ( inny that acenmparaes a dfrect hit TW 1940 rate , for Kt-asbuy homes in Woodbridge. The maii- »uld tear«p«rt; Only faith, fancy, money—when he can get that kind request for a parley by P, N. <39" v entirely justified and we are inclined to iy un eight-i The Clean Hetrhta, District No. !),' the rate ner of distributing the good things f l«ve, romance can push aside that of candidates.—William R. Clark ronimo, executive county dirtctQtr hink that it 18. Nevertheless, the motion sped" his niutrel- will be 65 cents. The next highest was put in the hands of ii commit- his appearances at in The Newark Evening. Newi, ' of ERA. ' i • ;md view and picture the supernal picture i\ essentially a program of trto rate'will be'Avcnel Park with 35 tee of. wRich Peter Peterson is "id glory beyond. I» it all real? an tunctions and his praise cents, and the two lowest wJU bu chairman, . Three Years Ago" entertainment. Produced of pictures must Hoffman come under the Woodbridge with 71 cents «nd Virginia, in all this world there is offer the public what the public is willing •ad of trading yith. the ene.my,. Sewaren with 7 cents. Other Editors SayTO HONOR POUNDER OF APPROACHES HOLIDAY WITH; SEWAREN HISTORY CLUB NO CONtAGIOUS DISEASES |i"L' else real and abiding. .' , • , to support. In time, as the public taste The senator's call for an unjn- In 1040, I!i4t arid 1942, we will Santa- Claua! Thank God!~He tructed delegation, which shall have .nn'appropriation* of $700.00 The Sewaren History Club will .,Health Inspector Harold f. < improves, there will be a demarid for high- Delude Mi, Barhour,.has provoked , Island* fok- War Debts? place the solid bronr.e tablet-on Bailey could have been permitted "I he lives forever. ^ thousand •nd, tf Woodbrid^e should pay. on class films and they will be produced. alk' of reprisals. . the same JMU(» as wi' are supposed Opinions voiced in the , Gallup the tree in Sevyaren Park, planted *-blt-'Ot-a-afnir-k today as he revel- now, Virginia, nay ten-timed How would Mr. Barbour like the poll on the acceptance of West In- ih honor of'the club founder and ed that, the Townohlir aiiprouches Of course, in making these'remarks, to pay; they would pay ?32;000rtin- from now, he will continue >pen primary'kept open? Would stead of the $3,800 that they, dian islands BB payment for old honorary president; Mrs. W. H. Chrlntmas with a-fine chance of 'do*nft intend to endorse suggestive and Tojnbx, on Friday afternoon, De- completing three months of un- triad the heart of childhood. we Mr. Baib.oui he so eager to run an supposed to pay. war debts, owed the l|nited Staten salacious films which are sometimes seen ninstructed delegation if, say,'|h« In other words, a property by England and Franco, are based cember 27. broken community health. No* Heftn Governments decided to\ upon the proposal that we negoti- sineo the .end of September; when upon the screen. Most of these pictures worth $1,000 in Keasbey SEWAREN SCHOOL ADDITION Mr. Johnson of New BrunBwick\or will pay $f>.50 for garbage and a ate for such a settlement—not up- a case of scarlet fever was investi- TO OPEN VERY SOON Hot And Cold Overhead , would produce very little profit without Mr. Kean of the 12th Con property in on . tho -silly- • sufftreatton- that we gated, - has a case of contagious the advertising that they get from over fional District for the Sea $1,000 will pay 75 efcnts pet- your seize the Wanda by force. . .. Supervising Principal John II. disease been reported here. . Plan's <.ffort» to learn more about-Um Love reported at. the mecti-ny M ( rH ls nnmination? Tliu.i the- Clean COT- 'or (farbaRf. t France couid no inoru legally * ' '* interesting and nothing is more zealous reformers. They should be barred the Board of Education Monday FUNERAL RITES TODAY k t-rnments. To strengthen their an Keaabey Heights consists of H barlejr away Gaudelope oj; ,,M!arti- by effective supervision, through a regu- night that the new edition to tho FOR TIMOTHY SULLIVAN ^'le than the wilHntaiess of flcwnt- yet hypthetic-al ticket they point square blocks, or "127thouse.i. So nique than she could sell'us Paris. Seowaren School will be .open lot Funeral »«rvlcust were held, this '•iiandon erroneous beliefs once, they latory boardf>hose actions would not pro- out that the Senatorial aspirant it can be readily seen that these Even, if she. could, we have In our l||V use in January. It will be used for morning for Timothy J. Sullivan, inced that'new facts have been cnuld be bracketed with a slate of houses are close together. In fact, own national consciousness sorne duce advert that is worth money, to the first to the seventh grades. victim of a hunting accident.in. i-i'ed. Dewuy" ffeleKates and their ow* t takes only one hour per week Ui loyalty to.this ideal of the self- the owners of the film. Wafetqwii, from his late honfe on. candidate for the Gubernatorial collect the garbajrc in KeiWljuyldctefmination of peoples. 'And if Five Yeari "Ago 4G7 Amboy Avenue and from Si. ''" .vcars, balloon observations haveSed nomination. From this you can thu basic laws of the countries il|s| Heights. James' Church. x to believe that the stratosphere is see that the possibilities for even It seems that the only way thu whose flags tbeso islands now fly TOWN AGAIN PUNS Krdter outbursts of harmony Jn [''''I. l»ut recent experiments by Dr. Fred Complimenting The Finns difference in rate is attempted to permitted them to "sell" their clti- TO END OLD FTCHT HUHCH' IY COP ENDS future are unlimited, and calcu- '"I'ple, of Harvard University, seem to be justified, is in the distance that tens, Hfld if our national conscience Negotiations will probably he- IN SIX-MONTHS TERM ;|( The people of Finland ought to appre latedj*to inspire and ohoer Repub- gin after the first of the year bi- P' " that this theory is altogether. our section is located from the pvrmittud us tp "foreclose," there Almost whol^YDut not entire* ciate the compliments that are" pajd them licans who believe Mr. Willkie dumping grounds. would still remain to be considered tween the Township, Andrew when he said that life, perhaps, Kevf-s and the estate of Churlus ybecause a ytuttntrooper stopped , by Russian writers, one of whom referred In comparing Woodhriilgc witli thu effect on our going "good Numbers to settle a long- contro- hia Ur on a hunch, a Philadelphia says thatliig experiments wotiW"beni» in 1940. Keasbey Heights, the dump id lo- neighbor" policy.of such an im- : to tm?m as "perftdioua, sbjewd, treacherou° 1 versy arising over the widening negro wa.8 on the second day of tliat^t an altitude of twenty miles, * * * cated in Woodbridge and 4 ruilea perial act. • r , of Grove Avenue. Court prto«e«d- at months workhouse sentanw and vicious." • . No Dining Operations " from Keasbey Heights.'Thu .most While "some "settlement" of the 'ttvrattire rises .from about fifty-five ings growing out of the disagree- today. The trooper, J. R. Perhnps this'item would be In gasoline that Can be us'ed is 2 Kni- debU will probably some ultimate- ^ bolow zero until at thirty-eight The nation, or people, who can earn ment cost the Township nearly stopped the necro, Lyoy T more familiar surroundings on the extra in Keasbey HeifrhU for ly, we liavu vastly more important on ihe stiper-hifthway for intel •'•'fiches one hundred degrees centi- such epithets from the communist rulers of flnatmiul puges^ Anyhow, it may $.1,000 last week and it ia the in- R.8anl0,B . ,. mattorn that need to bo command- raaion., tncludjbd tfun th^. roi be set down an a sljcn of prosperity tention of the oommvfctce and Its ^'hioh is the boiling point of water. Russia, deserve special commendation from fill? 'our attentlon.-^Dei Molnoi, •frist/'Thn senrch produced !| and Rood business—if they all t S counsel, Leon E. McElioy, to [j' l larther out in space,ithe scientist re- th« civilized peoples of the world. , Dted, as ii» WoodbrulKe. Iowa, R«fiit«r. revolver, a peat .38 calbre German l(1 it. The reference is to the nO- If Keasbey HeightH would pay straighten out the test'of the tan- ! " temperature drops again and at We do not know how long it will last gle an aot< aa possible. morlei, * , j ?•-.;? limit name the political gentlemen for garbage collection in 1940, as Wit,, "i'lf's is ninety degrees below zero. are plnyl'ig for dampaign funds. Motorists' Christmas Gift t but the truth of the matter is that the Finn- Woodbridge will pay, thoy will "BARGAIN DAY" DRIVE A Fnnd.tr C«ttar* _ , ' " increases again until at seveivty- jAt thin pohvtJt might be noted Hare's something to think about : havj to pay only $82.00 for the say, old chap," Raid ihe ""' higher the temperature is about are making a good defense. Whether th fthat Mr, Piimeroy, the national between now and Christmas. Stop- CONTINUES NEXT WEEK v actual collection, and $18.01)'more ping nil traffic accidents fcver thu Next week should toll the talc dfm—'it ways awfully 'i • rld(rt! ocnt of you t* Rend us that ehttk " "n temperature. or brave soldiers of Finland have surprisec Republican squad for 1^40. Hia or in other words, $100 intiteud of active participation is generally way in wMch to express Christmas Township's "bargain day" for tax- of $60, but there seems to t« • i.-, i wl the Russian Bear in his march, is a quea the $700'lhat thfly are bid for, KoodwIH. payer!. Sinco word wijnt Out that mintake^tho bank has 't»- 'iit this info.rmatipn.is worth at proriuotivu«j>f quiet satisfaction 1 !l| In 1039 wevp«M $50O.'OV tno vast corislderaUonifTn tM-fnru! of tornwl it 'N« Funds. "••'*- tion. Taking advantage of short elefenaivr d H h happy We might think*'of this as giving f "' »y be a matter of apecutiwioif, find tthh e Kc He haB a happy much and In futuioyuars^- wu "You really mustn't-take tka , 1 a Christmas present of nafo traos- interest abatemunts would be nl- ' ii" take it for grtfnted that aci- lines, the Finns have certainly slowed u- habit of tuiininc up when he and 1 be paying $600.00-too much, if PDitntiofi to % other dHyir. Sort lowed for nil wTio / Brita bver the too serlottsV- repliyd th? giviM use it mi a bdrffs to aicbrtainndw the progress of- the Sovfet Army. wAr cheftti are lieedtd mo9t._ , the present bid is approved. / 'eountfer' fti cilsli tnelr property "It wus an Indication of the nor of wish t»ih[ other a Mart-y I'A utvHtUy, when all facta are avail Just how long "the Finns can malnta}: At the moment Republican man Joseph Lebeniikl, Chriitmns" through tho way wi> levies, numerfus Te(\ue|tA for addi- of-present I should liko to h 'i«ht begin to understand some- their resistance, We do not know, but th Highland Aye., . Calif., Cillsen- tional Information imvuV'nn made eir resistance, We do n , $06,000 to help clear the Kea.b(9rH|i(,lrt.,^ of Towimhtp officials, of thing, yoi/i " " the, universe, of which the ople of thh e UniteUitdd Stated wish them wel c»mp»ign dc^eiU-dfl^elt beinf A > f.Ai.FTEN THWtffDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1939 Inaccuracies Cost Barrons Second Court Defeat In R, Irish Americans To Meet Home From Wars 3RD PERIOD SPURT HAMILTON Q|i) GREINERS Paterson la Socctr Sunday STATE m DEBUT kKARNY—The Irish-Amwnan COPPED BY CASEYS WINS FOR GRE1NER CONQUERS Gl COAST TO VICTORY A.v-.uon soccer ttwm will inert 11K t'alt-isuM buottrs hi Scuts' Fu-lil here Sunday aftti nxm inOVER MORRISTOWN SPORTS ECHOES: TOSSERS, 36 TO 22IN FINAL QUAR1 IN SENIOR LEAGUE i i i By ELMIB "STEVE" VECSEY- a yanie that promises \< shuw Get Oil To Slow Start Bc- Former Smother Bajrviewi, plenty of fire. Wallop Invader. 41 to 26 On the Upswing Playing with the Irish combine lore Conquering Lutber- 51 io 18 While Utter Ai Elliot And Leiiler will be Edwin Borkowski, center A fella, even in half-way doM and with one eye I ao Combine Cellar I. Ce Smath'Owli, 33 to 25 half, Harold Strong, inside right; Lead Onslaught shiit—like your corraafMwwient—can sea a thug or Meets Dola'n, outside right and III Confer, Alfred Burroughs, right fullback. 5TH WIN THW SEASOH two onca in e> graat while .... And, what I have in TRAIL HJTAT HALF CATHOLICSWI*, 17-U 4 4 mind is that basfcsttJball Menu to ba coming back in ina- WOODBRIDGB—Gettrns" off to WOODBRlTlGE—The Wood- GETS 3 DE 1 - With Gerity portMics) bar* . ,. . Fw tke first tiamh years. Wood- „ slow start, the Mayor Greiner bridge. Knights of Columbus court , I.I I...ffji-r jjomgon a aeeying ran- Assucifttion court brigade mo»ed i ,,.•!. tin' (Wys smotherel the KEGLERS combine is red hot. Opening its bridge baa a fsjw really good const «ombtMt op* iiitu hit;h near in the second half caapaig" in tht State Caaey mixed in wit), ;, , itm-vicw*, 41 to 18, in a senior ti> win out over a stubborn Luth- L«afu«, the locaj baakeUer*, belt- ' hi4-tl,all league contest. The eran A. C. team from Perth Am.. ed a MorrUUwii £ of C team, 41 With the a«Mon still in its infaney.thft KjiighU of Col. f imti tallied 21 points, whfle the ORGANIZE LEAGUE •fld straight ,lefan«a' KAOOI hare ttgKragHtiun is already going plac«»—unlwki th«* Monday nitfht. in as many ,u,(.,, ., The Mayor Greiner JtssecittU If mm Bowitri b Ford* boys fold up in mid-season .... To date, the Cawya have ea. The iit,,,t . i, nif iwo complete teams, easily by Cfct* DHot and Frits Trailinc 14 to 11, af A* chalked Up five wins and one loss ... All of the victories (haiuitd tht Giitl,,, 1 ' , nnsiiMHl the Owla, SI to lfi.ttaa. TtTakftotbCM- , 'the CtweU 857 boys had tht Greiners opaaa* up •». tke an th«.lkrt.,fi ,-„,... ii'KU. v. iih 1,/j _points^ wai hlfb tMtt On Thtriday i oonquerirur the in- are of major importance. ^ tavUjia thaJaai ay Tewaehip Hiir), ,•• j ' M HI d- in the game. ot registered nine "Hia otfcar nigbt thabal)-p4a*ers Bernie seven points. JOHDB—A four-team league KWS was 2Q.ir> Tin Caiholic Club-Avenel skhnr has been formed by women bowl- pn* while Lefflet aecountad f«r M7 made their debut in the Naw Janar Knifkta ot T. Barcellona* and Grents star- eighi In addition, everj union** y Star center on the DickiB' , i i> was a thriller from start to An* ers at the Fords Recreation alleys red for the winners with ten and h er on the local ta»fB coitflbuM Columbus Laafua .... Tha otficiaJ bow Msultad in a* ton Colli'tte basketball team, i j,, with the Catholic boys ftftaliy this week. Hatch games will be nine points respectively. O. Lor, newly formi-d (,,,, at h*i one point. Walah iaa tog*. aaajr triumph over a fast Morristewn K. of C. toam . . hopie for the holidays, is keep- inursing »n the long aad of a IT rolled tvety Thursday, while paao- flu j, with k count of ttrtt was lopJerses y Ccmft-r.. for tba loaan wi* twelve points. ing in trim playing with the 11 „uir. lirodnick's eight points tlce sessions will \/e held each .. To iron that unU*Wualis|ic aforts ar« not tha da- for the losers. , shoTtd the Ban Th« victory over Morriatewn Woodhridge Knights of Col- \\.<. tops for the melee. Tussday. Managtr Jaoi*t KtsKnc it sition in Confini,, mi tike fifth stralglit far Wood- sire to win ball gama, avery^>larar an tha loca) dwb umbus passers. He will be seen ' Avenel (14) seeking fames with heavy Junior ft .did not i.a. Mrs. Clara Arnold is president bridge in as many sUrU tkia sea- contributed na or more points toward the winning to- in action here Saturday night clubs. Managers InUrsatiMi are Dsjaer* \ow i, , 0. P. P.of the league, Mrs. Frank Dun- son. when the Caseys meet the tal.... If nothing else, it shows team work... • And, asked to writs to Keating-at II for when the t, • .1, knrmts, f 3 0 > CatheUe Cltife (17) wak. Newark Club Hat Brilliant Gadek, f • ••- 8 0 4 Things And SMt ket from uniltm.,- j F. Totals 16 « 36 : c. p. Dunham's—Clara Arnold, cap- Kruom,,«^..._ _ 0, i I Record This Staton; court and mi.l» - • Mm tin, f " 1 3 fl Congfatulaiioni to Stevf "Duke" Pochek . . . Pochflk a tain; Addie Hirner, Marge Dun- L«tk.«rw K, C. (It) ad the score wif kr ••!• ' I- McLaughlin, f - 0 0 0 wan awarded ihe trophy for being the moat valuable play- Game Sttrti At 9 ham and LilHur^Wundy. i Total! , 15,11 41 OPT Hsjailton, huv,,-,., Fitzpatrick, c 0 0 0 Iferristewa (%%) «r on the 1989 WHS football eleven .... The present* Helen's Salon—Mary Arnold, WODttRIDGE— A fast Newark Krilla. I ¥«. 1 ft 1 yo)|U| slid ttiMtfi lini' J five • Hiiislnick, g 4 01 G. F 11 captain; Marge The is, Rose Podol- Uon was made at the victory dinner Wednesday night.... Slovak Club will invade this place Darabos, f % I 4 lead which »i> \), DeJoy, g „ 0 0 0 Windgartin, f • 1 1 sk! and Connie,, Theia. Saturday night to tackle the G. Lorflng, c 4 t .14 da. • J. McLaughlin, g 2 0 4 Cuttar, f 1 » ^ he "Duke" was also elected cMputin of this year's squad. Woodhridge Knights of Columbus Salon—Louise Gard«l- C, Lorfing, g 0 0 0 • Lou Lu«k, WHD.I 4 McQnire, I 1 • % la, captain; Mildred Ncary, Louise Then to top the whole thing off, Stove waa elected basketeers at St. James' school. Kaylo. g ft 0 4 7 3 17 Wek*. f ! e 2 13 flash, paced the L • »ith| Toft, Margaret Bartha and Mary to enter the Mythical Hall of Fame of Woodbridge IJigh The Slovaks come here with a Losyk, g 1 A | Score by periods: Yorlw, e 1 /I 1 a Ouiffreda. brilliant record and promise to Hercs, g .k 0 0 0 , Avoncl Dems - 1 li 7 3—14 Dugan, c , 10 2; School, the door of which is opened, to outstanding^ ath- •hots for s tutu! nf m, take the locals into camp. Game Anderson, rant. ILnn. • Catholic Club -.346 4—17 Urbe in Rut. Barret, g 2 0 4 letes only. time is 9 o'clock. Totals 10 2 22 tgsn, starrail fi>> '>•.• ^ ! ,, ,] "DiMufei city life in CnlonUl Halliman, g 0 a 0 lU r Vinelahd High School, always on b* in faotkall, Tuesday nlpht, the CwieyH suf- a count of sevt-n Grein.r's (33) times," lan a line'in the examina- Doyle, g ,' 0 0 Q| fered their first defeat of the sea- swtiPeabody High School of Peabody, Mass.. are 4ick- ; ' G. r. p.tion papers of the seventh grade BOII by dripping a toueh contest The Barruiis uii! ••mailI • Gyenes, f 2 1 i history class. Orte boy wrote: Totals ll 4 2Q •riag to inciuda Woodkridsft on their rMMcttve, 1H0 to the St. Stephen's Club of Perth during theholiilay vui 4 Caseys 9 9 ll 18—41 January S, huwiv, \w, Keating, f 2' 1 ,TB"There were not many cities and gridiron schedules .... Athletic Director Stava War- Amboy in a Greater Perth Amboy loop ' J. Barcelona, f. I 0 2 what there, were were out in the Morristown 6 2 10 8—28 Basketball League game. The fin- travels to C«it»irt t lock would do well to sign up Vlneland at once .... • Karnas, f _ 0 0 0 country." Official—Cacdola, al sooty showed Woadbridge on heavy schedule t<> f'i,.n WukovetH, c 2 0 Waodjsridg*, as present, belongs in tha "big time," the shortend of a 31 to 23 count. h Bnsktthil In the preliminary tilt T» Holzheimer, c .: -0 0 So, let's book "big time" teams U's, ajao say be- Woodbridge featured two new night, the Woodbi-.id^.- JH - T, Rnrcellona, g 2 2 performers in its lineup. Buddy HeaTjr Senior nosed out the Humi'Nr ;n liaf Uiat all intersectional fame would five this town , Krumm, g ...... 3 0 Camplitll, Brawn University court W. L. J'Merwin, g ,., 1 ,% of ours the type ot publicity U needf^-and the boys ace and captain, and Bernie Keat- Fraternity Club a 0 W»odbrlJ,r US) »; Pochulc, g ..•:»«•...,..., -»ftj 0 A-Field and A-Streatb tne incentivekto play real ball in ordar to put across ing, Dickinson College center. Catholic Club 3 Q Both Campbell and Keating are Greiners _ I 1 intersections;! matches .... I don't advocate the Pesv Greachek, f 13 7 33 local boys. They will appear with Avenel Dems 1 2 WaaUek, f jbodjr conteit, but 1 do suggeat a southern school the Caseys Saturday night.. Owl» -:.. •;: 0 18 Owli W« by Gitlis. f Pithing Tournament Ends Cuey* (23) ?'. G. F. P , fmnd Btr«,k Indications are that Nick Prisco may remain at Wood- Bayviews 0 3 tgan, c .....'. *_ Sankes, f 2 0 4 The 16th Annual Fishing Tourn- oa,)i aecaaul, Alpflome G F T Light Sealers KcLeod, g ", Szurko, f 3 0 6 ridge as head coach of football and baaeball . . . He's ament conducted by the Effinger M44 Gerity f 1 0 2 W." L Dilbay, x T.'Fiphinger, c 6 1 13 willing to stay for & reasonable increase in salary ... If: Sporting Goods Company of Bound, BluefialjTrW^vi^ Frank Bar- Almasi f „' 0 0 0 Cttojfi* - ~.. 2 0 Lu«k, g J'SBbo, g 10 2 Brook, In conjunction with the more, Bound Bjjkokj (4 lbs. 1 or,) • he doean't get it, he goes to Asbury Park;.... Woodbridg«: Krurey, f 0 P. P. A. 1 0, ; Petro, g 0 0 0 National Contest sponsored by the no second, anttjfi • . had lost two good men when Heinie Benkert and Frank Campbell, f 1 Farmers 1 0 ToUti . National Sportsman and Hunting •FI«ke>^M(«i H Mich*.l Qua,- Leffler, c 1 Klrkleski pulled stakesJjere due to low salaries .... LetV Deacons 1 1 Ht>ilton (20) - 12 1 25 Fishing Magazine publishers, ta. New. RWH** (10 HH, 14 Elliott, c .' 1 Shell on .f.. :. 0 8 Score by periods! came to a close recently. ) d |(|VW Vh hold on to Nick .... He has produced during the past five Keating^ 1 2 ;'T.reiners ,. g 11; 10 S-,-33 Zullo's Ass'n : 0 % MaWeh, f The tournament drew ever 9outh 9«>s|4 aVeok (T Ik*. 1* ears .... Now it's the school board's turn to "produce."' Gadefc, g 1 0 •Owls 6 8 4 12—25 lntermaeUaie Carson, f 3,000 entrants, th« largest tine* «*)• ••:•/•., •• ' : Handerhan, g : 1 0 Individual stars in the various WPA recreation has* • Crjwo, f the, inception ^ of the contest in Striped Baaj-rWM by Carl Ha*J Levi, g _ 0 0 F. C. Jayrees 8 0 Catty* (91). ketbail leagues in the township during rh« weak wtrei Stelner, f lflJS, The winners collected sell, Highland Park (3tt lbs. 8 oi.)! Tyrol!, g l . 0 Terrors 2'0 G. F. Ft ftMQ la priiet and automatlcallr no second entry. HEAVY SENIOR—Catholic Oub, Brodniak; Avenel B. Gerity, g 1 0 •n, c •. Alrnasi, f St George's .."...!....„ „ 1 1 8 0 eligible for $J,0OO in Turns—MfOa.h^MarWii Paatak "Gndek, f Dems, J/Karnas; Fraternity Club, F. Gerity; Qajr> 8«war«n ...'..1 :, 11 4 0 in. the national contest. Bound Brotfi (IS (b«.)< MHU»M) Totals 9 6 S8 ,; Leffler, c „ ,...., 6 OH views, Jaeger; Greiners, Krumn and T: Barcellooa, Red Ghosts ...:..:^.:.JL t 1 frlxes ((warded Included rods, Rraak BAf»)«r«i Middleaet C72 Si. Stephen's (31) Tyroll, g 8 ,0 Cyclones .....;; ...-, f 1 reels, lines, jackets, tackle boxes, Ifc*)., and Owls, Fiskinger. OPT •'•Gerity, g .'..; 10 1 21 Boys' Club _.. » 1 T. Blgos t 4 2 10 Totals/ lures of every kind, boots tend WOODBRIDGE LIGHT SENIOBV-Shell, Fitzgerald 8wtfties 0 1 With The Dogs Cibrowiskj, f 2 by perM-: other paraphernalia useful to tho 1 B Jsmlere 28 1 Sherman's Dim, & white and and Celtics, A. Vahaly. WOODBRIDGE INTEDMEDIATR Sleciki, f .....;. o outdoor man. 0 0 W. L Bayvlew* black English setkr owned by Dr. Bigos, e „ 0 The prise winnerti . —Field Ciub Jayvees, Byrnes; Boys' Club, Smith; Sewar-. 0. 0 Comets i 4 I 0 G. F. P, SheAnan Ames, of Easton, Pa., Buckwici, c 0 : '•Yiilm, i>-f'«*:' BMOJH Trout^-Won by Robert en, Commerton; Swifties, Cheslak; Terrors, Daub, and St. 0 0 Bluebirds 1 0 V FroiWcks, f 1 0 2 won the fourth of the series oi Wickley.g, l •ffaup, LebaaWn, N. J. (2 lb.. 0 2 8i James' 1 0 land, . _'(}. Gerity, f ,..„....'.'. 8 e o members' shooting dog stakes, George's, Jardot. WOODBRIDGE JUNIOR—Comets, M. Starz, g ,.!..„; i S oi.)) setond, Charlss MatthfW* 1 3 t Sullivan, f ..'. , 1 0 2. held by the Jockey Hollow Field Anarka ...„ 0 1 VAHALY and NAGY, and Rangers, Breen. Dabcyski, g.r ;. Q j.W. Leffler, i 0 Jr., pemerville, N. J. 1 lb. 8 Trial Club Ias4 Saturday. Dan had 3 3 Indians ,..' „.;» 1 0 ( M. Bigos, g ...!.., _. . 1 CM™ Tender VHolzheimer, c „ 0 '0 t one find. B« handled his bird well FORDS SENIOR—Teals, Hanson an/d J. Hander- t Rangers '.: „ 0 2 <• Cassidy, f 1 0 Bro>m Trout—Wcjn by Charles and retrieved faultiest. Second For* SsMlets. Father J Sporting Club, McCloskey; Dukes, Dudik; Hill Totals , j;Jaeger, g „ 4 0 Krovath, New Brunswick^ (6 lbs. 1was Nancy's Tap, an almost all- . 9 13 31 W. L. hai-l 'ialili1 E|Uie«, Hladik; Alarues, Harkey and Petrie; Skeeters, Caseys ot.); second, Hugh Wykoff, Mend- white English setter, owned and 3 3—23 ri Casey, g .. «1 0 J Greyhounds ...: 2 0 H)UTi«t Street, thi- |'U'». ham (5 lbs.). Kpvacs; Greyhounds, S. Cipo; Bombers, Jegiinski; St. Stephen's 6 11—31 I Saakea, g 1 'ft • S handled by Ifcy Whitehead, ot Alarues '...... _ It ored st a..»urpn.<*1 i1*/')' i RalaWw Troul — Won by Newrk, >L J, Qonu|nche Joe's Peg, Hill Billies, Hladik, and Sporting Club, B, Matusi;. Dukes „..,. | 0 his children -Sunday nil Miehael Revis, Manville (2 lbs. a white and liver pointer bitch, HillbiHke 1 .1 9 0 18 e FORDS INTERMEDIATE-Jitterbugs, Buleca and j^tjl his tlOth birthday. i Score by periods: S e*>)l *o ntry for second by D. Ro«, of Hamburg, N. J., took BOWLING CONGRESS Teals . „• 1 1 r G. Hedges; Owls, Smith;'Arrows, Demko, and Rinky Hft-GalWnrn-vr^iP] "'Cseyt 17 4 14,tt—51 place. third place. Sporting Club 0 I ' Bayvicws 0 8 6 4—18 Small Month Bass — Won by The ovroen of the Jogs elifi- Dinks, Peteraak. FORDS JUNIOR—Wild Cats, Jago, RULES ANNOUNCED Bombers „„„.„.„*.... 0 2 Rafnsmvu «-" «'|™| Louis Moynlhan, Bound Brook {3 ble for the wim»«ri' stake to be and Tigers, Larson and Nielson. Skeeters «..a.J » ' I ^ Mrs. .•I..rl« lbs. 8 oz.); second, Harry Frank , heU Jai,, 8, *• Fritchics Farm, laUraa«aiaW • ni Far Hills, (3 lbs. 5 o*.). ' altp knp«p», at. the Suat«4 Game WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT-LEADER—Sporta. Entries For Competition W. L hn REUNIONTSIATER Lane Month Bass—Won by Farm mm* CUntnn, in aAUtlon Staff Wishes a real old-faahioned MERRY CHRISTMAS January 14 Mutt Be Jitterbugs „...,..„..,.„ t 0 Basil iui'1 •'" , tf tht ajba«» .three, are Jaaiea Richard K. Smith, Milltown...(» o all. Owls _.. 1 I lbs. 6 oc); second, Louli For- Bushaill. 014 Bridge, Ch*rl.» Filed December 23 BY 5 WHHIASSES Arrows ..._ M._ 1 1 rand, Eut Bound Brook (8 lbs.). Clark«, MMlisont L R. Ourbo- CHlCAdO—Anticipating a ro- Rinky Dinks ...... _...... t:.f 0 « r n Calico Bass—Won by Ray Stay row, MiUinflOD; J«m*i Reed, cnnl breaking participation, of- Charles en, M " '39 Graduates To Have ker, South Bound Brook (1 lb. 13 Maplewood; Dr. B, D. Drifters, Township Bowling Results fkials of the nation-wide 160,000 W. 1* oi.); second, Howard Ames, New Brunswick; Perry Moore, Party Tonight; Othen PEANUT LEAGUE Sznrko Rod Crown Handicap Bowling Wildcats Bound Brook (1 lb, 4 oz). Mprri»towi>[ D. R. Copper, Short 142 140 126 Mayers Goyette ~ 164 i:iy naSweepstakes today issued a warn- Tigers ...... 0 I {town. Also Set Fete Date* Pickerel — Won by Stephen Hills i A. R. Stujrvej»nt, AUmu- L. Curran 159 ing that league entries and half- Blasiuk, New Brunswick (3 lbs. chy. \V(H>I)BR1!)OE—Five gradu Malkus 187 139 716 688 ~m season league standing scores for 8 oa.)t second, Trooper Sehlind- iitcd classes of Woodbridge High Answer To A Nimrods S. Meiey 172 179 103 the world's biggest tenpin classic er, Ptemini-ton (9 lbs. 8 «.). must be sent to the Chicago head- W. a S, BASKITBAU SCHEDULE Schoiil will hold reunions during L. Naffy 191 160 "77Fauble _.P 19B Sun Fish — Won by Frpd Me quarters before midnight, Decem- the coming holiday season. To- Nagy 167, Malls 144 Phail, South Bound Brook (14 oi); Mrs. Marcellus Hartley Dodge, ber 23, J939. - night tho class of '89, wita Bud J. Mayer 140 12Pocsa4 i ..:!.. second, Fred McPhail (9 at.). prominent New Jersey dog fancier 148 128 12 Sprinffteld, ?8; Wtfodbridg«. '20. Drummond, an chairman, wilt hold Batta •: 160 196 28Kocst l The half-sesson scores of par- Perch—Won bf Harry Frank, and philanthropist, has started a, -. M5 177 18^ J. Kovaas : , lgi ticipating five-man A. B. C, teams, lgr HjlfluItOl . ,u party in the high schooL Far Hills (1 lb. 7 o*v)l letond, V. ntw hobby — pheasant rawing— 164, ' ' »9T 814" 964W. 8k«y .. 183 208 20it 1was explained, will be used as The Class of '35 will sponsor 1W C. MnMener, South Sound Brook With the hope of giving hunten j January ..A«H K, oiC. the basis of computing the handj- "Nreunion on December 29 in- the 1 lb. 4 e«.). 1 plentiful supply oif game in a-few 5 C«rter«t ? form of a suppei* dance at the ; Oei«ity .«. 154' 141 168 82i. 869 8J caps the teams will carry into Sucker—Won by Josepn Kbdiek, jraan. 9 Open. V,.K!u« Hills. Plantation, Sleanqr i, Garity 167 168 166 Oeerge.'! iprise play rolling, whi«h wilf start Manville (2 lbs. 5 ot.); second, One humbwd aerm, OM fifth of L. Gerhy 181 138 16ituirOa7 k January 14 and continue for SOT- 12 IUd' .Merrill, W. Dunham and Lillian Mri. DodfVt proiwrtf at tiowt- •-• .»I"1M 14 oaeph ' Maiurkiewkx, Bound M. Palko ..: 178 166_ lsS en weeks ending the week of 16 ttw. .... ^Bodner comprise the committee. tain Lake*, hare been turrountU Slsko m- 114 1« Brook, '(1 lb. 4 oi.). , Blind 100 100 100 March 2, 1940, The teams will get 19 Dunelton ...,t.«-i -•: ..Ho ; Members of the Class of '3fl •d by *n eiaibfart fane*. Four Soos 188 177 16 Carp — Won by John Keleo, «. handicap oi 76 percent of the Av I 'will meet after Christmiis at the- hmulrid adutt birds have, com- Vgl ...... 187 lfift 1« 28. P. A- St. Hiry's ...f ..«•» M»n»ill« (18 lbs. 3 OI-)I sfxew) 764 712 78a difference between their average Eogur Smith Hotel in New B,rmis. plete frowfei* ip the fialdi and .». IJMf 181 17SJ 36 South Wvof .«...-r •••" ..Ho Sidney plhfn, So^tt*rvil|e (U and a s»rat.,.. -~y» tin will play for the dancing. enlf whan M*»f>' Jane* Groy 883 Ifti 8«4 Catfish—Won by Claude I/sjri- Kasprak 191 11017SS sweepstakes secretary. Fabruary V • Arh'ne J under up and John mn Mendham. (2 Ibi 9 a*); sex- N»pd> hi. "f«ed|n> wbiitle" 148. 'Omenhlser hnvo charge of ar- UACUH Indications are that more than 2 Op«n. »nd, Mickey Kolvek, Bound Brook each afternoon. A. Holiheimer .... 148 117!' jiou "for s supper daneo >0,000 A. ,B. G. pinmen *m roll 8 Lpiif ranch ••"'•• i' i--- •" w w^fwa *4ua#^i v |2 lbs. 6 ot.). Gray s«id the, pheasant popula- W. (Vllsra ...u.. 1,49 17« Holt ..tomorrow night at the Roger Smith i" a shars of the 160,000 sween- Eel—Wort by William Ho«g. tion should double every year. tyrs. {. HaJahe!mer'..j 140_ it* isa l\ot Hotel to be held under the1 aus- .rise pot, Red* Crown dnM- » w Bound Brook (4lbs.)i sef- Dodge plans to fence the entire 3- 176. 16$ •j.pices of tho Class of '87i acreage eventually for the bird cials state. The previous record en- ond, Joseph Salra, Botind Brook W 784 706 L. j ..,-. 2M »12 try for the sweepstakes was 232 jloX '* On December 29, the das* of 3 Ibi. 8 oc), ' preserve Part of tho pheasant pop-* V BluarW W. Homer* 16 0p«, ^._... W- 101 6 P tin b !''BB will hold its reunion In the WegWMi — Won ,by Krfvrard ulatipn will be released, Annually, s*rjr ,.„ »,.,«» 188 160 20 Lon high school. Eleanor Knrsar is in for north Jersey hunten, i !ha ^ * .™"r«. .**<£ Duryea, Zarephat (6 lbs, 7 Q».); , r ,., W 141 2» B of nt second entry. . ' (Continued on Page 11)

r"ta^#E^ NTLEADER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1939 PAGE ELEVEN A-TieU And A-Stteuii Bowling Results STREET IMPROVEMENTS 1 Continued from Sr»ort Page {C T"VM, V U1 163 7*1 Hi,,, the G and M. —L. Nat,, 177— the state how to raise pheasants at Mat It. Htau. committte Monday rnvrtn i>> ,i,,wil in the Wdfe. The surprise of the Kaaon oame a-reasonable figure, •erpaUlK ..: 180 t70 &. Charles Bruwne, askfd th<- \i«\ HoHo TaUon Shofhj ,.. ci itainly want to take wh« Land's Service Station pi . 156 218 body to (five Coftsidriation n OUtaniinit Puc«i 161 IM ',,.,,-iin this year. If you •junmeri. gave Husky Hollo'* Flih«r .A 191 117 116 in iU bud^ft for the coming v Aa Albino dt«r wai ik*t Moa- BandiM 1»6 174 Houaaman .. 176 116 to rapairint; of mural Avt ,',' .,(,re(i that they »re •Wooters the grand elam for all J. Usko by William Vt« D«a H*a- 116 Ml 201 180 101 ttrMti. . ,,u wouldn't think . It certainly was a »urprigirteete to «l of J. Ragula ./.... 180 1«8 Frtnkfort Hiller 160 LSI Thf petition read in part as l.r this *Mk'i match everybodyyy, , and kind of cut* doWn JL Flatus 1T4 m 178 hmt work of the Par- H«ky. boysboys'' percent™ | £1 /{" SwtMt HIHUUUIIKIIrlS ptaffe n _ ty. 180 887 811 ies and dipped them the league's top honors. The gmw We desire to have MUIUM) Thi* deer wa* firat seen In the I 875 828 8tl ,. a row and topped the were evenly fought and were not Load*t Sorvrta AvallUt, Willow Str«et and Kiik'ui vicinity la.t Friday »nd was brown ' af (0) ton boulevard improved n> tln-y , rhr timt bernf. "Zip" Wttiad untU the Uat fram«. The M, Kiaaob ., -Ml 14A. Hi For Every Man On spotted on fhe hrad quavers. A 147 an all main roads.. . Be it fuithir ,lu. c»pt. of the G'« tailor* manager took a couple of Bem&h 188 pur« albino has also bwn ieen in 194 156 Gewk .,. m, 14T ,,,1 this wek Witt that aapiriw (1) before he went to bed, Fsrbw ... .; ISO 186 171 181 auggjaated to your hunoralilc mm the tame locality, ,, 148 146 nMhat once in a while), I heat. Jaeobs 114 1W 1*1 mtttcf that some definite plan i>« |n W. Jtuainak 120 1TB 148 arranftd to adequately curt* fur Your Shopping List ,,|! score the match. —L. Nacy, 177— ' l**t ytar, Rt<«ata4 Jtatti Choralekt '. 189 ill L. N«r. »77— Ta» Fer^li R« boatltof a Coutiai «( CakitiUa iWt a pur* Q, Buainak 177 166 Hi Homattaad, Blanehard, M Im, •P..-Wt»" Heatta UM tka4 witl Uk* en all coatri albino ifl tht Col«vilU tMtloa, 974 Mftft (MM Harriet, CoHdin^ton tinrl Hin-t..i,i While on the subject of albinos, 704 845 72* „„,. Ov.r kit »«ad in that lira r.pnt«Btttrr.l of any Avenues as the above-nniitiuuiil it might be of interest to norae of Avaatl A. A, (3) RoerMtfon Bowli^, cthUr, Tb,, ltf«ati aie continK the SOCKS" TtTtfa 1 iatagitratod tbair ,... Utt you to know that there #re a doz- 216 190 1T1 Urgo, unwarrantad ,1k.. . on Siurko l«g 117 170 !MI,I i M!K- HM'i HIK and h>lc {efl-wMfe Iwt a* tht .Hsnlts»a Hi IB, H* Of |MUliw fOr UrW. Wles, n.i\| in !••• I'lain tiliick III mi'i Kaminsky ...... ;. 178' "111" 1 f jtown hatchery. These fish were 178 148 1W andd other aautomobilu e repair i el Iznt' Hsti or rayon. Al«> irlW to Blind 1S6 126. Hl»WU»J R.« A.our. b, 137 first brought in from Pennsylvania 203 178 153 yearp>" uunl hllxtlll I'S. tlie win Goyette .' tti 198 piat, uU aftor fttaiinf at that to be used in u breeding «'xperi- 178- 198 Tbe petition was refent' Allen "A" CQc ,, tht •nlj am «• |*l a 10JO (••• rh«7 bad in tb. optn- ment, but art; now kept for exhi- DiRento ,. 168 186 ,,'e (or f fc the committee," as a wholv fm i*t gama, I think thty will roi- bition purposes only'. Some ire 877 87,0 sWeration. Pure Silk CQc not » ly go aUcei. Parlik p.tfd tht more than 20' Inches in length and 802 macU Bil|" J C Fardt Rat. with hi% 641 tarlai in weigh more than four poahds. BiU'i Dlatr WOQDBR1D&E REC LEAGUE ,),,„,, SimonMn Yafct ml taatarUnce 25" 35 tka laateJi. Tka raturn match tW, Podolsk! ..... lU falfcV. T»ta« (I) Wife (turning from s<| t lo f»t in la* C m Ctnuint will bt pUyad at tb* Fordt al- |j. Hanten 170 I*r.kie ; 180 211 Rat^aatitn A. Colombettl .. 1 BO 107 183 Mrs. YounfWWe (at phone)—I i MX games-to their nem< Wallets Caatar, Pordt, N, J. W?tkly Envelope J. Kovaes 162 139 148 878 . «M 88* want t ton of"nal tent up, please. Jeffs can thank NaU PINSEAL— —L. Naty. *T7- "Should wives be paid wages," Wlango 11} Rta41ng O«Ut (1) D«aler-Y*t'm. What size? for th* five games they In the Paanut Letfrue B AM|TY BRAND a. k« a mttKazine writer, ^ "Why J. Hoh61, Jr. . .:..W 139 Mrs. ¥wnB*rtde (at phorHil i uive fcuSty Tavern held on to first place when :T7 »s $1 .00 to $0.50 certainly," says n married man of 120 LaRusso 170 157 didn't knoweval cam* in sices. I he did they took over the Nut Club for itll tOO, our acquaintance. "What do you R. Anderson ... 177 181 ftflroy 161 in wear a.NO, t iho« and a No. 6 two fam«s. At the rate Mayer's 111 a couple of think I fund my wife out to woi k A. Anderson 222 169 160 Brodniak 164 160 flove. .'•••';•• team is going; Geo-t lads will have -L. N»|y. ^TT-r for?" Sfcnonsen 187 . 168 thai doublt-kaaiVr to do tome real ahootlng to hold 930 815 780 Malar. (3) MEN'S PAJAMAS on to first place. The Mayer five Fltnatl • Broadcloth, Satin TrianMl $1.00 • $| 98 ,K „( the G. Meters, |at« The AvencI A. A.'» took threo Morrlt Deuticn 8B9 .840 80ft Demareit .' 168 200 145 mat* anotbar dean sweep of their II. Hansen .. 207 160 15(1 KUIJ 150 169 189 rntttin a findf nail i»* from the HoUBe of Finn this -week, G. Mttort A. A. (T) |onori for tka niffct, eH*> match last week and the £asey A. Kaub ...... 125 168 16(1 Nahftis ...... 146 150 211 »nd Perna was not keeping score, Alena .,„-.-., 1*4 156 128- 221 and a 20). to IM plnnert were tbe victims. in fact he was even rolling, so there Beringjjr 162 184 128 B.Bernatetii' 17fi 107 189 118 146 —L. Ntfr> JIT*— A. Gloff 191 188 1ST N. Bemiteln 201 174 181 INITIALED |d b»i f»r Ik* algal, 'Ms* maybe something in that inspira- Ruski 158 184 130 "Waaf" PotteU't Hilltop J. Jago 210 169 tion stuff that he's been talking Ruski 167 205 174 ,,n" Jo« RMkal of tk« Tarara ala-buitari finally nnii about. Maybe if "Skank" Finn no 841 918 894 Kovach 161 189 the tkrafia-a-row Column. But would go down and inspire his 804 789 742 n tdar ikwIaVt tkraw tut thtir G. M. Amuitnmnt Co. (i Kerchiefs which Ii n«t kttlM ike boys a little they might win a few 769 802 201 A. fiatna 158 1BH 179 -L.-Nai7.177— ckatli toe m«ch at tha Blut Bar (fames now and then. WOODBRIDGE CIVIC LEAGUE Jeffar»on Molori (2) 'D. Habich 226 178 167 ; Pure Iiinh linqi in either n ' ommcrcial limgi B«rt Mllf had four men> (They , —L, Nagy! 277— Coppola Cltantra (1) 168 171 221 !p. Jpst :.. 191 17H 157 * hand-rolled, rmdod homer witn i <:hut«», with Louie H\- aHdn't Mtntion that whan lome- HOOKS—Joe Grimaldi, taved B. Coppola 181 21B 191 Kusy 109 188 »M atkad than how thejr rntil« m M. Kendra '. 141 ; script .initial or a hemHtitchcd <,ni|f out a 667 aerial, a few haircuU this weak—there Mesar 179 244 139 NahasH 118 194 208 V. Yuslnk 142 206 linen,with a block Utter. Ilex Soviet Sta. took tfw »»t), Thtrt nttit htrt beta a wai no 200't on hit ttam , . . Scutti 158 221' 166 1). 167 173 148, : A. W 192 155 172 .'i> buiuto for the workn, firl aroand, became Art Holm- That hunting trip mutt hive E. Simonsen 158 17n 189 N. Bernstein 200 210 191 i of three 1 .-I tlif m»elv«B right up In-- htimtr popped a 117. Old man caught up to Spirky" Deter in Genovese 190 17S 147 909 827 905 for c for$ so • irt'lcd 'fTrst ptacrpoBttion, J«k* Hfcltfnaa v«nt in to re. that itiond tj*ni« . , , Maiar hit 822 942 852 Paramount Barber Shop (O) 3 50 3 l Musky" Hallo'? ehagrfn. Un« Art, but I think old age ii' a nice 244 for the Cleaneri thii 861 1030 812 (Second Match) , t>ochek .-. ::.... 141 1711 i ami Pibako done plenty cra*pin| ap on kin at ht only week . . . The Paanut leafue Craftimtn (2) . Central Motor. A- A. (0> 5oinc with borders. Bartoa 124 ISO l',.vlik in taking over the kh-» 14«. took the limelight thii weak with O. Schwcnier 216 191 173 Alena 151 128 Bemjas 155 1&0 —L. Nair, J77— L. Nagy't 277 thii week—not 173 209 200 G, Ruski -146 ...... 158 190 134 "Apple*." Altnaii's tu«m wan too a' bad score on tny alloy« . . . F. Schwenxer 192 171 l'JO Angar 151 16JS 166 W ZilaW'ii 144 105 ier> SUSPENDERS rf" Hobol, hot at the. CrafUmen'ii chutes and Snakeball took the Mri. out to Levi 210 192 213 J. Ruski 154 PIONF.£ft DRAND i.OO irt. Nemes ....'... 192 17fi »ut ti Mi melted Jule's tee House Eskimos listen to the organ at the Can- Lorch 216 212 190 P. Habich 169 133 afur hit 173 look Mttrr for three, and Julc'a didn't feel tain thii week—maybe there it Kavach ., 211 171 19S 783 71)8 840 li,,-f Al AnderM* of tk« very good about it either. Alnmsi's a Santa Cltu>. 996 960 i 838 751 8ST, •quid get a Ml tl UlM* boys banged out three 900 pimes i. which tofpmi all Moral while Jule'j ladn were way off Robes 4h. match. H« aaadad it forirr, getting 8»1 for their big- much at Ja|* «M rlfhl M gast tame. Beacon ... .$O.9S to |.,l with tkat ^10 iq Ik* —L. Nagr. Ill— PUBUX DRUG STORE Wool Flannel $^.95 up • Bill'i Diner Mally wtnt • Wltk^ Coppola, Mttar ind smcetfou rk on P»«HV. UAM tad ScMttl knockini off tomt nice Silk Robe. . $^95 the odd gam* >ft«r • to«fh 200 fame, tht Claanen manag- Invites you to try life . ' |l<- "Franc*?" GoyctU of t4 to take ttu anidctli gam* from, Had a new LEATHER BELTS '<• looksd |oo4 with "tiat tht Craftu>«a'« by 61 iti(ki. PUin and Initialed 193 «nd 196 f«W "SUn»- All tko pinntrt on tht CrafU- Bvckltt , rto loak>d kiad «r lick mta'» team hit tht. wopd for FACE-IITE SHAVER 50* ircond ftni. wtfh that •corm which they don't ha»e to ;Hopc he don't fclamt it on bs atkamtd of. Run Lorch top- MEYER'S KID GLOVES all. piqg hit fit with a 216. Suedes!.._ I'ijitpx . (Japoskinsl Woi'il linud Capvskinsl fjlnvca for dressy wear or KIOVKS for inactical Wurnith: and Goat Skin

91.00 to $O 95

— AT — Fur Lined Gloves $1.${S DRESS SHIRTS Custom type shirts with pleated IGEL'S FAMILY LIQUOR STORE sli'ovi'8, shirred back and ocean pearl liutluiiH. Woven madras and broad- 82 MAIN ST., WOODBRIDGE With casual clothes you'll like this snap brim with "Rili" Shirts $1.65 its welt edge and ribbon band. "True-val" Shirts $|.35 SPECIAL SPECIAL Doyle & Cunneen Spec. "Arrow" Shirts $0.00 Plaid Sport Shirts , ' MR. MEOWS Millbrooke Hats .95 .../. $J15-$J.65 RYE • BOURBON - pRANDY - CORDIALS U*e Stetson Gift Certificates NECKWEAR $5.00 and $7.50 Values Wembley" Tie. ) $1.00 'Beau Brummel" Tiei ) * WINE WINE BUILT-IN FACE UGHf 'Cheney!' . ) $1 ,30 Pure Silk ) *Cnitlad Wrinkleproof SPOTLIGHTS Wool, Wool A Silk rj-rj-cc i Taylor - Renault • Roma Pure Silk 3333 Vineland - Evergreen EVERY WHISKER! Mufflem, Silk and Wool ... /$1.00 and $1.95 "YOU NEED DlrtLCT LIGHT UN YOUR BEARD FOR CLEAN ELECTRI- CAL SHAVING—ONLY GEM-LECTR1C HAS THE BUILT-IN FACE- WOOL SWEATERS t Button Coati * Flruilird Knit LIGHT THAT SPOTLIGHTS EVERY WHISKER ____ • Zipper Coati * I'Uin Colon • Fin* Pullov«-ri * Hrriingbonei WHISKEYS t Contracting • PUid», CKecfci Club Four ; A VIBRATOR" Fronti lt WtUon . Try the ne^ GEM-lectric Face Light Shaver—mirage of ( f- Vernon Schenley't engineering wiratdry-the only electric shaver with all these features: 1.95 2.95 « 4,95 Paul J i t BUILT-IN fAci UOHT -You sec where you - • J-WAY, ALI-IIARD NIAD-. Gets 'eflfl going All purchaiei packed in Gift Boxot, shave-shave what you see. ' and coming-*tough beards or t the various departmentp s for the Nothing has happened so far ill ters of large cities are urgently A •enative Voorheis, of California, Amtriran Activities, should not do what the Government do. year are usually released late in Brake U» th» fa«*r the waifme being waited'in Eu- needed to relieve serious traffic »0»Jl asserted that the it-port wag the issu a report condemning organ- without involving our neutrality, the calendar year. Accordingly, "What broke tip tha rope tu indicate that the United izations without at lekst, giving congestions. The most serious ob- went opinion of the research aide, that to aid Finland. In accordance wo have a nummary of what wa,< party?" States will become involved. Not the officials of the organization a stacle to suth improvement is the „„„ it was placed in the Committee's with this, the Export-Import {lank itccomplished in th« kut fiscal ye*t 'An old-fashioned girl i9P**r«l only the sentiment of the people of hearing. Naturelly, Uje report of difficulty in acquiring the neces- , ami ih, record at a sub-committee meeting and the Reconstruction Finance l.y the Public Roads Administra- in a nightgown." this country but practically every attended only by Chairman Dies a congressional cvssmittoe gets f'orpnrHtion hns isUblished a tion. It accounted for the ire- sary rU ILL SHOW V* n__J V fsj -—i A L«w«K II r—J ^^** is, counti7lateTT«comei1frvo1? I, and surrender of democracy ill be temporary for the period the war.

It might at -well he safd that the eajdential campaign'of 1940 t« ready underway, rigardltst of hat the Partial do about the ite of the convention!. Hopeful ^publican aspirant" are taking ad intage of opportunities to ad- «ss the people in various see- ms1 of the country. The Demo- ata are waiting for the Preii- ^aas •nt to make known hit inten- ds. The issues are already be- g formed. They incTfitfe: farm lief, the reciprocal treaty pro- am, the budgetary deficit, and e attitude of the Admlniiitration ward business, Governmental renciea, such as the TV A, will be id^er heavy fire.

On the Republican-tide, Thomas . Dewey has undertaken th« eX> >sition of his political position in aeries of speeches, Benator Taft also active dn the, platform, anator Vanderberg, while mak- er few speechei, gets into the mtliirht by attacking what he insiders the weak spot* of the resent Administration. Even Mr oover, on the West Cast, con- nuei to occupy the limelight and ier« are these who believe: that s will make an effort to secure 10 nomination. Alfred H. tan- T an, nominee in iPff,'ha« taken LOOKIT Of OC ttO^ inuelfout of the running but he i potting in some good work for tie benefit of his Party. i/J.'.'M

On th« Damoor'atic aide, the opeful candidates are somewhat tymfed bv the President's silence- , teports that Mr. Roosevelt will c -tain™ himself in January m- onrafe #ie aspirations of other andiratea, but no word comes rom the White House. There Wi ^ continues to be A campaign tot a -,. third term, the latest advdtat'e be- ' t ing Ambassador Joseph P, Ken- • nedy, whose ppsition comes as A ill I surprise to other candidates. Y'ee- ',, President Garner's campaign is .. growing and Paul V. McNutt is ; striving1 hard to win the 'hjelr- 5 apparent'.' position.

7 Readers should understand that vat thiai stage" of the presidential • campaign, most of the stuff that ; they read is Imaginative. Reports as to how the delegates to the Con- ventions stand, are entirely specu- lative. Hints of combinations be- • tween various factions are pj-ema- . turc because the lssueB are not yet --.clearly defined and the lines of bat- '„ tie remain indefinite. fo?iderablc interest is attach- ed to the opinion of the Supreme Court upholding the right of the State of Texas to extend its tax- iner power beyond its bordew and other states where no similar tax U in-force may be exDMted to foU low the Texas example. The Texas law requires a corporation to pay • a fax upon its total capital in the ratio that gross receipts from ita business in Texas bear* to thi> / 6wo HKrHf? iVe KNOCKED * company's revenue from all me AWOD soon AS i forr PAPER ) flHe », V^ -frit tiocK o^ere^— ' '^ sources. The levy h called a -l^a^- franchise tax, a payment for'the J privilege of carrying on business in Texas. The case arose when the Ford Motor Company Pflld un- SI1 der protest a lax of $7,529, which • it contended was more than seven ^3 times what it should pay. mi The opinion, written by Justice ^2 I' ' Rood, says there is no question . but that the State has the power * tn make a charge against domes- I . tic or foreign corporations for thf opportunity to transact intrastatc If buityess. This the Court uphold? nnd Rays that when the chatee \* 1Jo£y based upon the proportion of the 1 cnpttal employed, calculated by tin' nercentan of sale* which ar* within the State, no provision of thn Federal Constitution ( Vti" ""''3- lated. Every now and then snreod throughout the Ptjitos of an impending peacee In Europe. So far, nona of them seems to have any basis of fact. Slate Department officials do not believe that there has bwn any- thi^g to them cjccepfc a d«lre in GeT«*n quarters to spread abroad ht Ocnrany might Join in i RU K nhnnnd under- In 3 from Europe Td »pd that II*- ffti opt

LEGAL NOTICES N. I m ,(>!• M'W JKHBKV (1) lit HUM ore mlnlmuii) bids shall be re- (HURCHKOTES SURPRISE PROGRAM . •!. nii'1 MI'H Frank etved THE TREND OFTHINGS --•€ 11 ii. mid ilip rmpec- tlpun scieptance of il,e minimum itt Churtk ef Chii.l, ScicntUt, , ,, i.•-• 1 t-i-a. th'vi»ce» and. »}, HMMitflU* or BUG- H. S. Student. Carefully " ,,Mhii title or Interest, in at'cordftBi-a with t*rma uf •»(« .,n 1 To n ItraiKh of Tht Uolber Church, The in order "f the Court hit - i • * »"lp will dellyftt a Of EUCfl^GM- . \,.» l«im-.i. made nn Kuat Church of Christ, SiisnUst, In Retrain From Rtvealinf i i i ,- dat e hereof, In a B. J. DUSIOAM, A Boston, Mtwta. Sunday lervwe, 11 , M i'nw tishlp uf Wood- Tein A.. H. SwHlay School, tfJiSO A. M lam Ptuty Details r .ni, j[,,i 1 ciirtinrntfon of Dated Derembtr 18!h, 1»»». FOOD AMD m9NK-f!• I lie BUI oi »»'<> plumed for Loth the niurning ni ,,,, ,:i nr l>«rore the 30th "Christian Seicnca" is the sub- .,,,,-.. nt-xt, or ihe aald filil •fternoan amnToblits at the hlgjb Jef.p T9: WM* Dock*) l|t/H lect of tha LMwm-Sermon in til i.iki-n «» I'onfeweU agahmt •wwrdftd: Bwik 1IM Pag* 1 •chuol Uxlay. :hurch»s of Christ, SfienutUl, on ;,l Mill IK filed to atiaolutely NWtlDg) Of PI EtlC IALE Thi «nly information to datrk 0 WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: unday, P«<«»b«r 24, an fni'erlova you from all r that a short Chrinmns play, writ- MKII( of redemption of, (,i % «-»TuUir- meeting of the Town- Ttti Gold-it Ttxl k: "Break I.,.'premises described In Jfilp Cemmlttee of the Township of ten by three Juniors, Miss Barbara Bh rllt forth Into joy, >ing tofcthtr, ye ii tHx sale dattd April CHAHr.ES K. SRAMAN, JR ? - Woodbrlnp- held Monday bemmhei Brlegs, MiM Jeanne Hornsbjr »nd ulr ...nun Lots 10 and 11 In !«h. 19H», I wan dlrei:ted to aiU-erllKf wast* lacts of JurosaUm: for the 5 8«iioUo'r. lliia MHllcent Harrison, with t ' Lots IS to -tS, and J? the furt thai ,,n Tuesday c nninu hath ou.-7fr.1Wl his peo])l«, he „ M 411.1-K; and Lets 5 and 'unuaiy 2nd, 1940, Uu Tuwuylili> aid of one uf th* Uarhert, M ComniHtfp wiLI meet 4t 8 P }& hath redoonW Jtruwlem." lk|- 4HS-H on the Official Tax un. M«iry«r, W Map of the Towli- (H8TV'1II' Hie f'nmmittee Chamber* i«h 52:0). MemiulHl Miinlilnal Building, Wood The cult uonnistit entirely f "' , I!I« aliuve named, are hrldge, New ,ler«ey, and eipone anil Among the ciation* which tam- ••11 al uuhllc sole and to the highest iors and Roy Slfttm, IA V ,,,inn U becausa you have riae the Letaon-Ssmon b tht fol- urn to hav« a lien or liens, Mddei ni-<-iiri1lng to term* of sale un Grace Hawrylko, Fred Brims nie with the Tuwnsliip Clark opeii tn mng from the WWe: yH«ftri •Kh(. titl«, Interest, Jam*n ftvn<>«, k»v« \rmi\\nr 'nipfMiy iiii.l lu l,e puUjI.ly rm>> my son, and receive my saying*; II uf Complaint, nrlor tiv"*ile. l,,,ts 24 and S5 In Block Tb* i\ee Club, under the dir*e- M6 C Wuudhildge Township Astens thVyetn of thy life ahall b« vpmlier 21, '1*89. tiun of Miss Anna ('.. Frazer, raugic rciia-ene Blankenborn .t »»Trtior; -n«nt Map nany. T«ka fut bold of Inrtruc- • itiir For and of Cauniiel Ho teacher, will sing ('hri^lrmm carols. " ** 0™«n»teln, and Tak# further notice that tl.« ion; let her not go: keep her; for with Complainant any uf their h«lrit de lownFhln (;(!mmltt«e has, by re«ulu Hbwever, the m&in part of the pro- M Commerce Htreet «^t«r. a^lliV •Ion and pursuant to law, fixed « h« ii thy Ufa." (Proverb*. 4:10, gram ha* not btntn «nuumuuui Uii Newark, N, J, tUle or lntt.re»t minimum prlo« at whlen m|d Jni« i. •i a*.»» • -»• • --^ 'fW 1JII.Ik. nUil htmH.taajftbw wltli ia Intenileil as a surprise fur most of Couri "II other detail! pertinent, se.lii mini Tht L«aaon-8«rmon also includes f .hamtrmtry ooff N«.w .letm-v,, ina.lH of the student body. on th. d»y or the dttto hereof 1* a mum price belnf M00UD nlut <"-> hi following parwafra from the JHUae wherein t|, Tow „ ,' "f prenarlnar d«*d and advertising ,, i. w Wilbur and Mrs. Jacob 8 this aale. Bold lorn In said bliwV If ?hri«lan Science textbook, "Sci- dettlnyx the false evidence that , lilt wife, the unknown -old on lerrnn. will require a down .,»,•(•» nnd nernenal r«p- yuynunt of HO.00 th« ha'ancA ' ence and Health with Key U> thr though! and point* to ompiMnant, *,,n yo,, «nd ^hrl A tKijUICWrrOR v, ,» uf Jacob W. Wilbur, flnrchs,, ,,rl(., to he Mid tr equal Scrlptlirts" bv Mary B«kcr Eddy: fui-railmj |ifiwt.rn, stfch as in- MID of their heir*, d»- re the uiftndanti, you are renuli •nonthlv Installments of $lt.nr) ni,., *••. utor«, ailrtlnls'raturs, <1 It. apyear um| Hiinwer the lit 1 of '"teri>»t nnd nth«r term* provided "Our raiterial human thcii^ffii, in , (lini-om-, «in anil deuth, su- ,,, ,tB»igii> or tui'cesaors In 'or In contract of sale. Icitltuta of S. Tht true un- •pfnur or cnntrafy t». the'one l«|irit" (p. 27fi. t ' m, uf tin Order of Hi* Court Take further notice that at salrl it , i . ui New Jerny, mad* on *ale. or any date to which- It run* be •• ih.. iliii hereof, In a adjourned the Towmhln Committee .h>ii-iil lli« Townstiip of cliur and fornlo»e you from • I renervfa (h* right In Itt discretion "'"'•V, -wtorUM or redemption ?rr! to rei»w iinr one nr »n Mils and t<> it,.. II municipal enrpora- J>«n sala lota in said bkrak to «ii iii. und you ami others are . the Towmhlri win dollyer a i>w- . ihe premlKas daacrlbed In efendanu becauat you have «alB »iwl aal« deed for M>M nromltea - uf lai aalM dated K«bru. made BISCUIT BAt^R. ' January II, IMS. Jknu- B, .1. mrwa«w. UCitCHK) M IHt UHCHANOIU MART i;Hud .lunn.l, 1»J7, oovcr- ^3 T«waahlp Clerk. i«7, 845, Slit anil Hi In Dated Deeunber l»»h, 1MB. l.ota ««, «, 71. 74 to T«, to hi idMrtlMd December fflml »nH in Rlontr 151. Lota Bant HUKSM BlMkMhort), D««jmter »th. 1N», In the Independ ppectf ai m»d« known at these ga- in unit til, («3 In Block •-il'r for Cootftlftlnant, eat-Leader, * CHRISTMAS . 'IH uiiiltl In Mock tlt-O, State Delegatkm To L 0. P. Convendon thering* Mtmi to have mat with i:u. IM, HI and H4 in 1 1 1 «eridge. ^^.i-rrSO * * "I would lik« to say that the i.r Middles*! and Btate nf QV puni.in TO WHOM IT MAY CON meeting!, In my judgment, have Candy Makers HI the, above named *r« . .. Pfr»ons concerned mav take At a regular meeting or 1 been a real contribution to the • iniimils. )i*csu»r you hav* noi|< e, that Ihe Subscriber; sdmlnfi. •hip Cemmlttea of the To The largett candy assortment in the city at the very niiro to hava » lien or Mans, Woodarldie held Monday Dai;embcr U. S. Senator Indicate! He denberg, however, does not alter cause of Party harmony through- al trator tie,, of AnnU HHRcdorn r|e- ml,' title, Interest, *"t. *j •a«e.d. Intends to ojthlt.lt his final IM m I *u directed to advertise Will Seek Place As my conviction that the delegation out the State, bringing together a.t lowest price now on display mt the Boston Con- jpoount to ih* OfMwna' Court for that on Tu*»daj' evening should be un instructed, and I have they aid in each instance repre- *r, 1»»», for nMtlement and allow• lngg, WoodbrldiroWodbrldiro. NeNeww RED BANK—Sfmator W. 192 SMITH ST. , PERTH AMB0Y, N. J. Jeraar. aad wpoae and sellll at publibl c to uy also that my view* are con-State. These meetings have (teen nnfe: tnt name being Brut audited I'l'ii Barbouj- today expressed the -r 37th, 1*3*. ' •tNUU bv the Surma-ate, •ale and to th» hisheat bidder accord- curred in by the Republican Na- in the nature of informal get-to- » it lUa. 1UI. ing to term* of ulc r,n file with the belief that the New Jerseyl dele- TMaeht. ot Oterki aa«W n tto liwpettloIMtl n and tional Committeeman from New gethers, with the County Chairmen Ausjust V. flrelntr, t h nblll gation of the Republican National PURE SUGAR PURE SUGAR MM I.MV of \KW JBHIRV tn h« nubllcly read prior tn sale. Loli Jersey, Mr. Pomeroy, vice-chair- in each instance passing upon those I2N/BM AdmlnUtrator, tH and IH In Block 535 D. Wocdbrldgt Convention should be uninsftucted n. ,ir Rtid Mr. llloar. her Hvi.r A Armstrong, Hi Towiuala Asaasament Map. man of the Republican National whq were to be invited and With Attl Hard CandiM RIBBON CANDY Cuuns«lors,At Uw, and indicated that he would him. 1 l.iHfiih Durlca andAnofla Take further notice thst the Committee. regard, only to creating Party har- li.nl. u. lila wift, AllolPh nshway, N. J., Pfwtors. Tqwnshlp Committee haa, by resoiu self become a candidate for dele- > . in.) Mtirln Koahothe, 111" t|on and piquant to law. fixed i 'With renpect ot my own pouible mony and good will. Leader* of • 11 v r'niiii anil Mm. Frank '. U lt>l^,»,Z»;l-S,ll, uup price at which sad lots In g&U-at-large. candidacy an a delagate-at-largfe, all the major group*—former Gov- 9c! MM wife, Antonio Hocrlnl, 17«k aald block will b« sold together with "I feel very strongly that the HOTIf R All other detail* pertinenj, said mini I feel1 fhat a» the senior offlee- ernor Hoffman, Senator Clee, •Mr Take notice Hint application has mum prlca being (S0O.0O plus <<«(» . No\y Jersey delegation to the Re- > - »l(i-, ialao known «» hold-irigr member of the Republican Albright,' Senator HendrickJon PACKED IN BOXES PACKED IN BOXES \i n.in,i iiml hH.1.||nn 1)1 >en mad* lo the Tuwn«l,lo Cum ml t- preparlne/TOTO-and Bdvertlslnir this publican NaUwnil . Convention I l«S of the Town«hlp of Woodhrldare saJ«. Said Ms la said block..If sold Party of N#y: Jqifeey I Bhould be Mm. Ean« BJ Conklin, Mrs, Pear .iii.ilinn. 1I|H wife, Mrs. to transfer to .lulls PftiekRi) Hahn should be uninstMBWdfHeithWfor • • y.d.ui. wife* of vuirtR'o on t«rm«. will r»qufr«- 4 down pny- Brldogum, and Mr*. Then Hobs- tut premlsa* Jocated at »H Ht tnent of *3i)lm the hul»nr<> nf tmr- a candidate' for'delegate.at-larjre il"iwr owner) , Jacob Oaorge Avenue, Woodbrldge."N. J., nor against anj»one particularcan- worth—-have been iclufled in the I Mn. Jacob Sreen, hl» chai* price to be paid In equal and, as a matter of fact, T have FREE tlv« plenary rclrill i unHiimpliun II- monthly Installments of 115 00 n didte," Senator Barbour said. "My FREE • i ii.Dne 11, Wrnon. de* c*n»e #C-flO lieretofor*" Issued to heard of no opposition to thin get-togethers, as well as many ' • t!•<• Uist WMI lUidTes- Interest and other terms provided viewpoint should not be interpr*t- 1 IB. BOX ASSORTED HARD Mary Hnjecki for the iiremlnew lo- for In contract af nale. thought in any quarter of the othe* fwogWHwMeadctB in the va- • :i. hunt It. Vernon, de- osilwl Mt 114 HI. Oeorae Avenue. td as favoring any one individual, i-.l Mr Vi-mctn.,|yiHBBlnl _Tik* further JuUlca that at laid State. The fit1'1, that j»y' name rious counties. It was not physi CANDIES WITH THE PUR. n«. 11 Verrwn. Central Ml*, or any date to which It mav be nor is it a naive way of being Objection*, If anv, xhould be made adjourned, the Township Committee would appear twice on the ballot, cnlly possible, unfortunately, for CHASE OF BOX Hank and ^Trujit Com- Immediately In writing to I) I hun- against the candidacy of anyone. i,. • »»or- to Ifnlon Tru»t r*s*rves the right In Us discretion in my opinion, presents no obstacle me to meet in «acb county with LB liran, Tfiw-tmhlp Clerk of the Town- tn reWt any on* or all bids and tn I simply feel that the interests of CHOCOLATES " i.r N»w York, Kxatut'ir Vl alt of these fine Republican work 59 - ~ of Woni'Md*-". N. J, to me at all any more than was tho i i~i win km) fwtimtnl of Mil iaJd lOU In sa|d block to such the Republican Party in New Jer- AND UP (Signed) hinder t* It mar select, due regard case in previous Presidential years era whp have contributed so much i: Vernon. deoeaavd, JUI.U FAZKKAS IIA1IN, being given to t«rms and manner or sey would te Better served if to • •' , Vi.rnnn Hnd Mr. Vernon, »!J Hi Qeorge Ave, Daymen*! In case one or more mini- when toy tiama twice appeared on in teh p«»t to the splendid victories • '.r i:ilrab»th Vernon, deltjrates went to the Convention of the ?arty, and although an ef- II 01 Jl mum bids shall h« received. the ballot. \ rrnon and Mm, Thornsn i. u ii-u, *'"**' '' , , Upon acceptance of the minimum without prior commitment of any or Family Use •••••'•" IJIK wif«i lvi»ra v. fort wa'« made to hold the attend For Family Use hid, or bid above minimum, by tin-kind .with respect to peraonaliti««; Attitude. WleUly Known : i Mi In mm her h"*bMid, COINTV riM'RT OK Township Comklttee and the pay- ance down to a limited number, Milk Ck«wUt« 'inflcr Ihe Ust Will «I»d COMMON I'l.KAW • ment thereof hy the purchaser ac- "It has been frequently men- "During4he entire-month of De- Trlr HwNt dark awr*t i of Hli hard It. Vernon, everr element in each instance wat *d AauHi^ent ! cording Ib the manner of purcha.se c Milk 1 nnd tin- retpectlve un- tioned in the public press that 1 cember 1 have spent the greater . Fruit ai Null 1 In th* Matter of an Ap- | tn accordance with term* of sale on reprwentsd. I hope to have th* 1'lrii. ilevlitis and perOilcatls- n or Wallrr Cla> I file, tha Township will deliver a bar- favored the nomination of Senator part of my time in meeting: the and milk chocolate. •• I'resenlatlve* of Marv Ul- opportunity, however, in the weekjt dek UvJ for leave to an- | gain and sal* deed for said premises. VandetibeTg of Michigan, ray col- County Chairmen and the recog- 5-lb. Box $1.69 i •-f I'h 1 Mirlca arid 8«o(la •ura the name of Walter I B. J. DUHIQAn) to come to meet with great* 5-lb BOX $2.59 S LB. BOX 'if,,,, hi* wlre, Ailolph {4 k Ul«h I Township Clerk, league, in the United States Sen- nized Republican leaders of all nil groups in eac hof the counties an,d ' -nd Murla Kotbnthr. htav Walter rindek ),evl. having, nn Dated December 10th, 1M» ate, and a very old friend whom 1 the various counties throughout 3-lb Box $1.15 '"k I'lHna Antonio B»c- thla tlth day nf December, 18SV, To be advertised December ttnd am to- engage in further inform*! 3-lb Box $1.59 V'.'.uiio Dadrirno and Pas-applied, to thl* Court by petition, December 29th, IMS, In th* Independ held in the highest esteem, My the State, and my position in thin good-will get-togrther-8, 2-lb Box 75c i .i i'.«lit|no.' hli wl.(«i (ftlfO eeltlrif forth the groundi of the ap-ent-Leader. ' , personal regard for Senator Van- connection as well as. in other re- • - I'mldlnu Antonio and plication tor an order to naiume an- 2-lb. Box $1.10 $1-19 ii i'I Jrirls Pa/u)i)«)lni, hli other name, to. wit, Wutter Clad«k 1 "I. Oreen.- Catherine ft. Uehlgh, which application In verified rMter To: W197 Docket ltl/ttt KKKK I in. IIOX t in. BOX KKhr; 1 111. mix : Jihtth Vornon. Thomns by the affidavit of mild applicant an- Bwordwl: Bwk 1131 A** Ui 1IAIII) < ANDV n*Ill> CANDY IIA Kl) TAMIY 1 nexed to «|ild petition: unil it ap- ' ' ii nd Ijiur* V, Dlmm, NOTICK OF PUMP «ALH WITH IT WITH IT WITH IT i • > i IT any of their heirs, pearing by iald petition and HfTV- 11 ilavlt that »ald Walter riadek I.evl TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: WHAT TO GIVE HER? ' ••*t>i.•• j. lltU or Internet; lirldge In the County of Mlihlltmcx, and that he in more than twenty- Wcodbrldge, Held Monday Deo8nibn '• ' "f nn Orilar of th« Court one yeln of ujre; und If anjiPHrln* 18th. IMS. I was directed to advertl^ •' • "f New J«rs«v. mad* on further to the Court that notice of tbe fact tha.1 on Tueriay wartnK, ' 'he riRt« hereof, la » •lich applft'Htlnn linn been published Januuv Jnd. l"ft '"i Town«""i ' "In th« Township at at l«aat oniT In each week ror four Committee will iwW at «T>. M. Off" Xmas Special •-•••. a miinlclpni corporation w*eka auiTfHufvely In the Inilcpendr In the Committee Chamber*. Memnrlii] "' of Sew Jersey l» conj- ent-iv«4dPi. u newspaper of mild Municipal Building. WnodbHdw. New ••• you und ottwrs am county; ami the Court being: muln- Jersey, and «PQ»e and »ll at public ' "i". v,mi nre required to ned by aaid pi>(ltiejrt-%o verifjad that sale and to the hlnhtst bidden'sctford- ' . on .,r l.etor* the' 2nd the propuawl ihange, and Hint there TcwMhlP Clerk opep to Inspection and Combination iimry next, or the "»Mla no reaiofialile objectlun that the to be public!v rmuli Drior to aale, Lot« •; '"• luken 'at c«nfe«*fld' petitioner should immune the name 8-16 Incl in Bl^* B?" C: MfcW* Inrl.. of Walter Cladek Lehtirh: S°o( p In.BkKk 5S»T>. Woodbridgi- 5-lb. Boxes the Best ever offered in the city. • II 1" filed to absolutely Township Awewmert M»p. j I'TBOIOM you from all It It, nn thin IRth day of )>ecem- 1-lb. Box Milk Choc. Maraschino Cherries. 11 niltv of redemption of, b*r, lMt, ORDBRSD that Walter Tako further nonce that th* fladea, Levl he and-he i» hereby au- Townshlq Commltte* has, by resolu- 1-lb. Box Choc. a»»t. fruits, nuts and creams. 'i; i. premises deiimbeit- In tion aiid pursuant to law. nxed a '; "I tax Hrttii dated Ooto- thofiied tu aaaunte the inline ut Walter Clailek, Lehlgh from 11 ml minimum prir* «t whleh n»M lots h 1-lb Box the finest Dark Sweet ajst. chocolates, ' ' -lentemher T, »»!, Oc- •mid hlock will be »old together w|lli ': . l»nu%rv li, 1»»«, Oc- after tbe lMh day of .Ininmrv neKI, ! and that within ten iluyn from thin all other details nertln»nt. «aM. mini- 1-lb. Box Pure sugar a*«t. filled candies. , ' ' "in June 1. 1937. rov- date the auld petitioner do cnuxe » mum nHce heln^ ll,«60.(M plus «»ts nf , '; ""i7 to !0«» In Block copy of thlx order to ln> publlahed preparing deed anit mlvertlMna- th - 1-lb. Box Pure sugar aist. Hard candies. ,,/ '""' 1107 In Block 1(4, n th* Independent I.eiKlcr. u pub-wle field lo»« In Suld block, If sold ' HIS In Block 9E4, lic neWHpu|MT printed In xulil coun- on term*. "HI require, a do.wn pay- ' '•;.'." 70, 7J to 76 In Block ty Of MlddUiex. and that within •'" "'"I H« In Block 935, 1 1 twenty ilay» rrom thin dntp lie shiill 'I ; -"-1 In Block 147, Lots file and record the petition, iifllilavlt, mnr.Tl.lv in'tiyl'menti. of IBO.nn «'•- ALL 5 LB. BOXES HERE ;„,••' '^7, 1G«» flhd ^519 In order and uffldavlt 01 puhlli'iitloii interest nod tathfr terms provided ' i utH U07, IIQt snr) Ml with; th* County Clerk of Middle- for In contract of nale, ... .. ELSEWHERE $1.61 ,. ,",-•}• '-"I 1 In Block 767, net County anil 111111 iwi'iity days Tnke further notice 1hnr nt mild from tills dale a rxrllll.il r<«|>>' there- 99 ll ,,,,e ,,r »ny «»»' •» whloh It mnv te ,.'• " »« 'inrt Lot l la Block of b« filed with the Hirri'tnrV of ndloiirne.l. the Tnwrmh n Commit p.. '" \«»<'i>»ment Map of the Htate of New Jcmey, an nnllntr to reserve, the rl«M In Itn • Iscretlni, "i woodbrldfe, In the the provUlonv of tlie Mtututu In aucli m reiect »ny OD« or a,ll bids and t" Xmas Special Xmas Special caae made and nrovlilnl ,,A1I «Rld lfi»» In wM MOJ'I I" •""•' Special ',"•' Hie n'hov« numed are AI'ISIAN l.YnN, Judere, -hidiler n« it tnav|el*e.t. niie reirnri' 5 Ib. Box AamirUd "••I'"/'"'"" hwaiiw. you hav« On motion of Ixon E Mi'Elrny, Atty. helnr Klven to teritlK «id manner of lli|(li Crailr AMHiirteil „ " '" '"ive Hen or liens, Rule entered K.TIMIIIMT lfjtli, IU3B. na''men<. In cn«« on* nr more mini- Filled »nd Htrd ' h<> tllle. lntereat, estate. n Mill. rll.,,-(,l»t,'.. >lll > I. U 12-22. mum hld» shall h* repnlved. ' 49c box ' " > liri-mlne* dciorltied tlpon sccentanca nf the mlnlmnm 1 1b, no» l;| Refer To: W-100 llncket 1 IB/79 hid nr hid nhnve inlnlmiim. bv tho L Milk < li..f»il»1« V ' l '"i(,.,i|i,>rni Hollcltrir for KeeordMii Book UU P«re 4«4 Townnhtn Cnmmttt** niri the pay- Srlwtcd A«(uirtMl ii'"I, wlili ment ttwrenf by tb» piirclinner ac- FrulU mil JfOTICK OF P*BI.»(i HAliH 1 .•,;'"-••• «tr,,t TO WHOM,IT MAT CONCERN: KordlnK to tile manner of niircham 85c At s refrular meeting of the Town- In accnn'Hnce with t»rm« ot sale on Krrr I-Mi. Ilurd '.' ' l"t"'1' 1, 19.19 nlilp Coninaltlee of the Township of „„, the Tnwushln will deliver a har. 34c 3 1b. Box - 6k Woodbrldg* held Monday. Deoember 18th, lfm I was dlreitsd tn adver- tise the hft that on Tuesday Clerk. May We Help? I: "venlnr, Jpnuarv 2nd. 1M0, th« Tt.f-1 Deremher loth. 1"W. Special For Your Xin<» Tree ' ' ];V JBR8HT-1 TntrniOllv Committee will meet lit T he afi"A£U*a* Dhrerihe1" "2nn i\^' IIII: PHHTH AMhoy I1 P M (EHT» In the Comm,l'tce DrtemheV 39tn, 1939, In th- Indipend- INSTITUTION, a cor- ~ r« Memorial Munlt-lpal Pure Sugar Candy Cant* "' •y-H .li'inpv. (Jomplaln- ,.,..„•, Wooilhrlilnre, rfew Jersey, ' ,"'-N H I'UNIOAN anil Packed 12 in Box : 15c 11 and exnnae Hnd veil at public nnle •• / I'I'NIOAN, hln wife and to the h|ghe«t Mailer »r"r*'W| ; • ' 1 <'i.r «Hte of ra«lrt- •o terms of siile on nle itltli to'? As the big day( draws nearer, this gift 5c, 10c, 15c and 23c C*B&y Q«|^i «i Double the Siz« ""•"•!' iljitcil Novetnber Tnwnnhln Clerk onen to Innpectlun of Other Year*. Ste tkitti kl *ur Window Display. ''"• iihovi. Htiitpil v^rlt. •ind In fi« pulill.lv read prim- *') questiori becomts more' and more * . ,' ""' ilellvcred, I wltl nle, Lnrs 13 nnd 14 In Block SH. Woml- BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1 ' 'H imlilli VflidllB in irldar Township Aaaewmfflt Man. [,}}. TIN.; TiirnD iMy Talf* further notice that the impoctant. SPECIAL—S LB. BOX A Tpwnslilii Committee hn». by rwnf>lu- '*• I'.. HMO Kl two w 1 ' i"'1 'rime In tha nfter- tlnn rind piirsusnl '<» l» n"" ' " ASST, MILK CHOCOLATES... $1.25 1 . ,c|i

1 "m" '''••• 24, ih-ft, wi>odi>od- 192 Smith St. «nt Miiji. Perth Amboy ,',' ",' « P"lnt In iHh .,'';•. " 'A«.F. POTmTEEN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1939

tJustly attached to the world's. 1 should say that 30 per cent of Fin LATEST PORTRAIT^* INA CLAIRE m.-li uude is foreign. Sugar,, and wuiil/»re tht two commodities of* MAKE SCHINDEL'S MI.II/I t-oncern for which Finland YOUR XMAS GIFT .;. •: 11, j - upon imports. The Finns HEADQUARI1HS SURE! • vU lumber and pulp in return for wool, fertiliser, *•* mate- By The Navigator mitihinery, and other infre- ToyUnd Lodf*, Itlit.-, of a living standard which North Pole, - much hig)>«f than the ROMMH. SCHINDEL'S December 22, 1939. filns limit is rhnlcH, thai thm will nave to pull in tluir mif than a few notches.. Crow i N»l, % Independent-Leader, Trade Meant Woodbridf*, N J. II..w mil Finland keep up It.* Schindel's Is A "Natural" My Dear Narifator: ilr? Normatty there are four Thanks lo the efficiency of 11 in..-, io world market*: 1, th« |"»stal department, I '«- i i nuKh tho Danish Sound and out For Dad, Son and Brother fiiviil ynur letter in time \t> i v wiiy of the Kattegat; 8, through taki- acivmitaue of y0U|1 »'«- ili ice-free Arctic; 3, acroas to I WE PLEASE THEM BECAUSE HERE WE YEAR GUARANTY vrisiiiuis. Thanks a lot for n kholm and by rail to Gothen-j HAVE EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. WORTH liuit;; 4, by rail around the (iutf HCIMIIUK them to me. You or^of"Nar-' ANtM>AY-OUT WEAR THAT 5CH|N:. Uitsti'il in what f intend to DELS MERCHANDISE GIVES . . . dive them! f <>£)!• outlet* are as yet in uso, AND THE SELECTIONS COMPLETELY To Miti Alidi Van Slyk», several are Impeded to Fin- PLEASE EVERY SHOPPER BUYING bigger and bailer Eafllib m-.li porduce. German mining of MEN'S GIFTS! clatiei io that the will hare i In .sound has impelled Finland to plenty of material for bar All- IIM" smaller boats for shipment as Hi Newt .taff ... To Officer tni an Gothenburg, where goods Ned Lanrtttea, a fife.o4ttflar« are MWrferreft te"8w*elfsh ocean- to lad year't—a ease of Ki'injf vessels. The Russian block- Wheaties ... To Ed Saltier ade of the Finnish coast is IOUIM wiihet for manjr'more yean | and fury, signifying very little. at head of the Eienpt Firs- jlheie's H minefield, partly Swed- me* . . . To "Windy" Lakit, a ish, partly Finnish, stretching clear chance to meet the 20th "eae atiosi the Bothnian Golf and it and only." jets as » kind, of I disagree with you, Navi- Ilia i. litiif ;ii l lit I y ywood is hjck in against the Russians. Consequent- 1 gator, on a few of your selec- her old hnunb |'lu> 111). if the featured roles in "Ninotchka," ly the Finns can still ply between tion . . . There is no such starring IIM tehir Bothnian port* and Stock-, thinir HS H diet for Sergeant holm with no more imptteHnwnt McDunnell nnd Officer Caule than the risk of encountering aj solitary Russian submarine that is • : .. However I think it miifht Finland Vastly Prefers Complete Annihilation he a good idea to And Allan supposed to be lurking ih north gome new wtfy of carrying Bosnian water*. , "steeii fountain pens and pen- To Domination By Soviets, Writer Asserts No words at mine ean give any 61 cilx . . . An for Joe, I'm afraid ideaM.the firm roaoktioiLaf the; J I'm stumped. Would Rather, To A lbei!?™»*.i«»^™^*'.h2!^rugged Finns. Although. I wouldn't'1 And there's no tanta in try- I Rye and wheat are the JMnnish go bail for any Government, the Jr iaf to get Owe* Punifan't old Go Down Fighting Thin staples arti Finland has sufficient people of Finland ate a breed of'|| hat, either . . . Hit wife hat Sobmit To Rouia of both e«$ah to last till next natural fighters, fieree patriots,' (tied it for yean and if she September. who despise the Rjnslan* asd who couldn't tucceed, how can IT What the Russian Invasion Farm Problems are unafraid of and Heed to hard- ship and privation. I left them I ./'. . Do yon know whom you meant to Finland may be dimly At the Mine time, towing mutt ( braced for a united effort Ut pre- ' forgot entirely, Navigator?— glimpsed on the outside, but inside be done again next spring.. And serve their exemplary Democracy Aleiander Hamilton and I the country conviction runs deep Finland may then find itself suffer- against the onslaught of their an-' shall Iry to »l»t him m»r» (»s- and strong that civilization as weing from:.Brat, a ihortage of ler» client enemy. ! prorementt for th« First Aid " rwnrSt rides with the ttfizer, which must be imported; MEN'S ALL WOOL Squad, for hit heart ii in that white-clad skier* pi Finland's de- and second, from a diversion of outfit . . . "Alfy" Browa, «t fense forces, says- The Christian field workers to the battlefield. A — Plaus nuntiui thla paper to Sdlence Monitor. MUFFLERS the firehouia, deserves a more potential handicap is the hu- admttotn.— great deal of consideration The Finns almost to a man would man withdrawal from national pro- i Itlvr him n ft>r. HWr • braii- and 1 am going to tea to It rather fro down fighting, •than sub- duction. For all Finland is up in I tlfnl »rrai IB HI- that he gett it. mit to the doubtful benefits of arms to repel the Muscovite. A HEADLIGHTS | nwrom Dinar) and the loudly proclaimed Communist I rnlurfnl |« to vocal admiration of this sturdy verberation of the Russian steam- l»llh M. aaa lull lidprn.. Al» rnlirnix mm ml..it n wit and humor eentiaae, for northern people. But more than roller without tht slightest (linen- SYSTEM nxiaa "I lira" Iiullmi run I « Dan Hoiilil IIMIKI I'Ul- there are too few people who All ulari). innish character explains the ing- kekft f»r lam.Mi can make you laugh and for- BRAKE SERVICE INC. •ntfit rar alfl ul miracle of what is going on. The Prices remained steady, thoviph get your troublet ... To Ser- Rrtlrr Urn •< S.V nn.l « meaning of this undeclared war a come of them—chiefly for necessi- MEN'S HOODED geant Frank Miller, a new car the real explanation. ties—had already - been fixed by New Brunswick Are, .... And ditto to Joe Farkat. 257 VERY PRACTICAL For Finland, the imnvetliate arid Government ediet. And tho cur- (at Elm St.) Tu Fred Mawbey, tho music GIFT most .urgent, meaning is national rency stayed as unmoved as a PULLOVERS to the vwiiddini? march from Perth Amboy, N. J. independence. 'Submission again to block of Finnish granite. LnhenKW" . • To Archie Rice, P. A. 4-32S9 . Open 8:00 to 6:00 ! Nweateni, Recced any kind' of foreign domination, Still the Finnish economy if ;»« |»aWe, I tnui MEN'S HOSE some more of his good Branches: Newark and Jersey City i niulT poekrla. He«4 least of all Russian:, is not written I In keep Tour tan - Scotch jokes . . .To Anne n Finland's book. \ warm. SMone eea- Hornsliy, a chance to get Yet the timing of this stand, and \ kluatlna rolura. All 3Pr,. -fl even with Mike Trainer . . . (he. fact that it is the first chal- rllrn HIH •'< *^s«, • • To Ben Jensen-i—more Fords lenge to Soviet Russia's expanding ••r Hiimrf III'NI * m M E ALL WOOL PLAID ZIPPER | II nmLi. Illlll \^ ^^ Fire Company dinners. influence, lifts Finland's action in- to historical greatness. Finland And to It goes, Navigator. overnight hat become the tallying I'je lot to get buty, for in a JACKETS Joint for all world forces support couple of dayt the strains of ing; the right of small nations it ' Worth a,VIM. Fall >O QJ. PURE LINEN A INIT1 "Holy Night" and "Adeste J talon »l|ipr frniil, 'J lenUi^r IrtM Capaikin anfi P><[vx my way—Anyway I can with 'rant. Haw long can Finland hold ih |ili'. Ideal cockles. They're xpuru ur.nurk. NI*I-N' :IU In 111. Uhlinfd * n H """ you and all the people of the ut in military supplies, trade, and lined il»1.-». M'l""" Township of Woodbridge the in Christmas de- and cla.f nlt'd"'s' Merriett Chrittmas ever. Outside help Is pouring in from signs and you SELECT SUEDE ZIPPER Browa, hUV or nalu- With my bett wishes, I am, taly, Britain, the United States, can hang them ral. All .)!•» Sincerely, fourth element of strength is on the tree with PLAID Santa Clam. :hus added to David-like Finland's bright ribbon! JACKETS nternal defenses. Rditw's Note: The Navi- Made with the a ftrmiliir n u r il r On the economic front, Finland 2 Iniilier, Uorinlj gator wishes to take this op- purest ingredi- J MHIMI. h-Htlirr ri»l> .94 in naif-sufficing in dairy products, Worth portunity of wishing the ents, they're 'q Inr Hliil riilin. /,1||* meats, and other basic foodstuffs y IM*r iMtrkrl. h'nll You'll mal" > readers of thi« column u very good for the ^ Inli'ii mlpiirr frunl. VII except for a minor percentage of nlxx. W I.rill really a Mer Merry Christmas. 9 H.l>:>. \II IIIIIII Kill. wheat, children, too! rr Xma> you pr-n'" Fortunntely for Finland, this him wilh t" Long Diitance No. 9010 ALL the fresh fruit pie, mince pie, pumpkin lookioi mack Albert 1). Lasker'a pet story of pie, and other favorites in twelve inch pie tin to 46. thu week Is about the oolored maid size for your holi- in tht home of a friend who an- The Season's day party dinner.. swered an imperative ring of the Greetings The moit deliciounf telephone. pie made is your*\ "Yes'm," her mistress lii'urd her To All for the ordering! OPEN EVENINGS nay. And a second time; Try each kind this "Yaa'm." Then she added: week. UNTIL CHRISTMAS "It aho is," and hung up. JOHN J. BITTING The telephone rang again Imme- i •blue coal' I his is the f ru$t diately and the girl made irlen- Fuel Oil -ticalljr th 'What kind of n conversation of! It's packed H..V- *ns that, Lucy?" situ asked. full cf nuts, fruits \ "What did they waptT" and spices which No. 9045 . _' "Well, they asked if thta was the make for delicious ^ '.Blank holme and I said yes'm, and WINDOW SHADES eating. Have more 1 *'|hen they a»k«d if Mr*. Blajik was than one for your 49c •t (ufl, l«olk«r Up. 'pome and I told 'em yaa," the g\r\ Manufactured and in* H,,d IKIW, „!,, int,wered. "Than they said, 'Long (tailed lo fit your win- party guestt—give I'm 6 I. II. distance from Wtmhlngton,' and 1 dowi ni reasonable prices this Fruit Cake for •aid 'it sho' wnf)','J Christmas!

j 1>Jew York Wall Pap«r A Common Delution and Paint Co., Inc. Disappointed 'Candidate--Ami I 358 Stale Street BEHRENS wara 1 heard tlw void' of PERTH AHlBOY ailing me. Phone 4-1722 387 School St. Tel. w9. 8-i96S Woodbridge I must have been youf- OPEN ALL, DAY SUNDAY—CLOSED XMAS DAY

('•••• • ' :