The and OpenGL II: and , Fragment Processing

Gordon Wetzstein Stanford University

EE 267 Lecture 3 Announcements

• Most likely: everyone on the wait list will get in. We may even have space for a few more students, so email us right away if you’re auditing and would like to take the class!

• questions for HW1? post on piazza and zoom office hours!

• WIM workshop 1: this Friday 2-3 pm, zoom à if you are a WIM student, you must attend!

• WIM HW1 going out this Friday Lecture Overview

• rasterization • the rendering equation, BRDFs • lighting: computer interaction between vertex/fragment and • Phong lighting • shading: how to assign (i.e. based on lighting) to each fragment • Flat, Gouraud, • vertex and fragment Review of Vertex/ Transforms

vertex/normal transforms Rasterization Rasterization

Purpose: 1. determine which fragments are inside the triangles 2. interpolate vertex attributes (e.g. color) to all fragments Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y • grid of 6x6 fragments 5





0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y • grid of 6x6 fragments 5 • 2D vertex positions after transformations (x1, y1) 4




(x2, y2) (x3, y3)

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y • grid of 6x6 fragments 5 • 2D vertex positions after transformations (x1, y1) 4 + edges = triangle




(x2, y2) (x3, y3)

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y • grid of 6x6 fragments 5 • 2D vertex positions after transformations A1 4 + edges = triangle

3 • each vertex has 1 or more attributes A, 2 such as R/G/B color, depth, … 1 • user can assign arbitrary attributes, e.g. A2 A3

0 surface normals 0 1 2 3 4 5 x Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y • scanline moving top to bottom 5

A1 4




A2 A3

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y • scanline moving top to bottom 5

A1 4




A2 A3

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y • scanline moving top to bottom 5 • determine which fragments are inside the A1 4 triangle




A2 A3

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y • scanline moving top to bottom 5 • determine which fragments are inside the A1 4 triangle A(l) A(r 3 ) • interpolate attribute along edges in y

2 (l) (l) (l) ⎛ y − y2 ⎞ ⎛ y1 − y ⎞ A = A1 + A2 1 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ y1 − y2 ⎠ ⎝ y1 − y2 ⎠ A2 A3

0 (r) (r) 0 1 2 3 4 5 x (r) ⎛ y − y3 ⎞ ⎛ y1 − y ⎞ A = ⎜ ⎟ A1 + ⎜ ⎟ A3 ⎝ y1 − y3 ⎠ ⎝ y1 − y3 ⎠ Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y • scanline moving top to bottom 5 • determine which fragments are inside the A1 4 triangle A(l) A A(r) 3 • interpolate attribute along edges in y • then interpolate along x 2

1 A2 A3 (l) (r) ⎛ x − x ⎞ (r) ⎛ x − x ⎞ (l) 0 A A A = ⎜ (r) (l) ⎟ + ⎜ (r) (l) ⎟ 0 1 2 3 4 5 x ⎝ x − x ⎠ ⎝ x − x ⎠ Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y repeat: 5 • interpolate attribute along edges in y A1 4 • then interpolate along x


A(l) A(r) 2


A2 A3

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y repeat: 5 • interpolate attribute along edges in y A1 4 • then interpolate along x


2 A(l) A(r) 1

A2 A3

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y


A1 4




A2 A3

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x Rasterization / Scanline Interpolation y output: set of fragments inside triangle(s) 5 with interpolated attributes for each of

4 these fragments




0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x Lighting & Shading (how to determine color and what attributes to interpolate) The Rendering Equation

• direct (local) illumination: source à surface à eye

• indirect (global) illumination: light source à surfaceà … à surface à eye

Kajija “The Rendering Equation”, SIGGRAPH 1986 The Rendering Equation

• direct (local) illumination: light source à surface à eye

• indirect (global) illumination: light source à surfaceà … à surface à eye

radiance towards viewer emitted radiance BRDF incident radiance from some direction

Kajija “The Rendering Equation”, SIGGRAPH 1986 The Rendering Equation

• direct (local) illumination: light source à surface à eye

• indirect (global) illumination: light source à surfaceà … à surface à eye

3D location

radiance towards viewer emitted radiance BRDF incident radiance from some direction

Kajija “The Rendering Equation”, SIGGRAPH 1986 The Rendering Equation

• direct (local) illumination: light source à surface à eye

• indirect (global) illumination: light source à surfaceà … à surface à eye

Direction towards viewer

radiance towards viewer emitted radiance BRDF incident radiance from some direction

Kajija “The Rendering Equation”, SIGGRAPH 1986 The Rendering Equation

• direct (local) illumination: light source à surface à eye

• indirect (global) illumination: light source à surfaceà … à surface à eye


radiance towards viewer emitted radiance BRDF incident radiance from some direction

Kajija “The Rendering Equation”, SIGGRAPH 1986 The Rendering Equation

• direct (local) illumination: light source à surface à eye

• indirect (global) illumination: light source à surfaceà … à surface à eye


radiance towards viewer emitted radiance BRDF incident radiance from some direction

Kajija “The Rendering Equation”, SIGGRAPH 1986 The Rendering Equation

• drop time, wavelength (RGB) & to make it simple

• direct (local) illumination: light source à surface à eye

• indirect (global) illumination: light source à surfaceà … à surface à eye

Kajija “The Rendering Equation”, SIGGRAPH 1986 The Rendering Equation

• drop time, wavelength (RGB), emission & global illumination to make it simple

• direct (local) illumination: num _lights light source à surface à eye L0 (x,ω 0 ) = ∑ fr (x,ω k ,ω o )Li (x,ω k )(ω k ⋅n) k=1

• indirect (global) illumination: light source à surfaceà … à surface à eye

Kajija “The Rendering Equation”, SIGGRAPH 1986 The Rendering Equation

• drop time, wavelength (RGB), emission & global illumination to make it simple

num _lights L0 (x,ω 0 ) = ∑ fr (x,ω k ,ω o )Li (x,ω k )(ω k ⋅n) k=1 Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)

many different BRDF models exist: analytic, data BRDF.en.html / driven (i.e. captured) GlobalIllumination /lecture/cg/ http://

Ngan et al. 2004 Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)

can approximate BRDF with a few simple BRDF.en.html / components GlobalIllumination /lecture/cg/ normal specular incident light component direction http://

diffuse component

surface Phong Lighting

• emissive part can be added if desired • calculate separately for each color channel: RGB Phong Lighting CG_BasicsTheory.html • simple model for direct lighting / opengl

• ambient, diffuse, and specular parts /programming/ ehchua /home/ • requires:

• material color mRGB (for each of

normalized vector pointing towards light source ambient, diffuse, specular) L https:// N normalized surface normal • light color lRGB (for each of ambient, normalized vector pointing towards viewer diffuse, specular) V R = 2 N L N − L ( i ) normalized reflection on surface normal Phong Lighting: Ambient

• independent of light/surface position, viewer, normal

• basically adds some background color

ambient ambient m{R,G,B} ⋅l{R,G,B} Phong Lighting: Diffuse CG_BasicsTheory.html • needs normal and light source direction / opengl

• adds intensity cos-falloff with incident angle /programming/ ehchua /home/ https:// mdiffuse ⋅l diffuse ⋅max(L i N,0) {R,G,B} {R,G,B}

dot product Phong Lighting: Specular CG_BasicsTheory.html • needs normal, light & viewer direction / opengl

• models reflections = specular highlights /programming/

• shininess – exponent, larger for smaller ehchua /home/ highlights (more mirror-like surfaces) https:// mspecular ⋅l specular ⋅max(R iV,0)shininess {R,G,B} {R,G,B} Phong Lighting: Attenuation CG_BasicsTheory.html • models the intensity falloff of light w.r.t. / opengl distance

• The greater the distance, the lower the /programming/

intensity d ehchua /home/ 1

2 https:// kc + kld + kqd

constant linear quadratic attenuation Phong Lighting: Putting it all Together

• this is a simple, but efficient lighting model • has been used by OpenGL for ~25 years • absolutely NOT sufficient to generate photo-realistic renderings (take a course for that)

num _lights 1 color = mambient ⋅l ambient + mdiffuse ⋅l diffuse ⋅max(L i N,0) + mspecular ⋅l specular ⋅max(R iV,0)shininess {R,G,B} {R,G,B} {R,G,B} ∑ k + k d + k d 2 ( {R,G,B} i,{R,G,B} i {R,G,B} i{R,G,B} i ) i=1 c l i q i

ambient attenuation diffuse specular Lighting Calculations

• all lighting calculations happen in camera/view space!

• transform vertices and normals into camera/view space • calculate lighting, i.e. per color (i.e., given material properties, light source color & position, vertex position, normal direction, viewer position) Lighting v Shading • lighting: interaction between light and surface (e.g. using Phong lighting model; think about this as “what formula is being used to calculate intensity/color”) • shading: how to compute color of each fragment (e.g. what attributes to interpolate and where to do the lighting calculation) 1. Flat shading 2. (per-vertex lighting) 3. Phong shading (per-fragment lighting) - different from Phong lighting

courtesy: Intergraph Computer Systems Flat Shading

• compute color only once per triangle (i.e. with Phong lighting) • pro: usually fast to compute; con: creates a flat, unrealistic appearance • we won’t use it Gouraud or Per-vertex Shading

• compute color once per vertex (i.e. with Phong lighting) • interpolate per-vertex to all fragments within the triangles! • pro: usually fast-ish to compute; con: flat, unrealistic specular highlights

surface approximation by triangles per-vertex normal

target surface Gouraud Shading or Per-vertex Lighting

• compute color once per vertex (i.e. with Phong lighting) • interpolate per-vertex colors to all fragments within the triangles! • pro: usually fast-ish to compute; con: flat, unrealistic specular highlights

per-vertex lighting Gouraud Shading or Per-vertex Lighting

• compute color once per vertex (i.e. with Phong lighting) • interpolate per-vertex colors to all fragments within the triangles! • pro: usually fast-ish to compute; con: flat, unrealistic specular highlights

interpolate colors

per-vertex lighting shaded surface Gouraud Shading or Per-vertex Lighting

• compute color once per vertex (i.e. with Phong lighting) • interpolate per-vertex colors to all fragments within the triangles! • pro: usually fast-ish to compute; con: flat, unrealistic specular highlights Gouraud_shadin /wiki/ https:// g Phong Shading or Per-fragment Lighting

• compute color once per fragment (i.e. with Phong lighting) • need to interpolate per-vertex normals to all fragments to do the lighting calculation! • pro: better appearance of specular highlights; con: usually slower to compute

interpolate normals

per-fragment lighting Shading

Flat Shading Gouraud Shading Phong Shading Back to the Per-vertex Lighting v Per-fragment Lighting

vertex fragment shader

• lighting calculations • lighting calculations done done for each vertex for each fragment Vertex and Fragment Shaders

• shaders are small programs that are executed in parallel on the GPU for each vertex (vertex shader) or each fragment (fragment shader)

• vertex shader (before rasterizer): • modelview projection transform of vertex & normal (see last lecture) • if per-vertex lighting: do lighting calculations here (otherwise omit)

• fragment shader (after rasterizer): • assign final color to each fragment • if per-fragment lighting: do all lighting calculations here (otherwise omit) Fragment Processing

• lighting and shading (per-fragment) – same calculations as per-vertex shading, but executed for each fragment • texture mapping these also happen, but don’t worry about them (we wont touch these): • fog calculations • alpha blending • hidden surface removal (using depth buffer) • scissor test, stencil test, dithering, bitmasking, … Depth Test

• oftentimes we have multiple triangles behind each other, the depth test determines which one to keep and which one to discard • if depth of fragment is smaller than current value in depth buffer à overwrite color and depth value using current fragment; otherwise discard fragment

color buffer depth buffer Texture Mapping

• texture = 2D image (e.g. RGBA) • we want to use it as a “sticker” on our 3D surfaces • mapping from vertex to position on texture (texture coordinates u,v)


v (sorry, this website seems to be discontinued) Texture Mapping

• texture = 2D image (e.g. RGBA) • we want to use it as a “sticker” on our 3D surfaces • mapping from vertex to position on texture (texture coordinates u,v)



Normalized Texture Coordinates Non-normalized Texture Coordinates Texture Mapping

• same texture, different texture coordinates

Texture Coordinates Rendered Triangle Texture Coordinates Rendered Triangle (sorry, this website seems to be discontinued) Texture Mapping

• texture mapping faces Bermano et al. 2013 Texture Mapping

• texture filtering: fragments don’t align with texture pixels (texels) à interpolate Next Lecture: Vertex & Fragment Shaders, GLSL

vertex shader fragment shader

• transforms & (per- • texturing vertex) lighting • (per-fragment) lighting Summary

• rasterization • the rendering equation, BRDFs • lighting: computer interaction between vertex/fragment and lights • Phong lighting • shading: how to assign color (i.e. based on lighting) to each fragment • Flat, Gouraud, Phong shading • vertex and fragment shaders • texture mapping Further Reading

• good overview of OpenGL (deprecated version) and graphics pipeline (missing a few things) :

• textbook: Shirley and Marschner “Fundamentals of Computer Graphics”, AK Peters, 2009

• definite reference: “OpenGL Programming Guide” aka “OpenGL Book”

• WebGL / three.js tutorials: