Surely there can be no more worthy recipients of the Royal Order of the Polar Star than Tom and Annette Lantos. As steadfast advocates of peace, tolerance and international cooperation, as firm friends and allies of the United Nations, Tom and Annette have set an example that is sorely needed in today's world. The four of us are also blessed in sharing a special connection through Raoul Wallenberg's efforts in Hungary during the Second World War. In the 60 years that have followed since, there could have been no more committed or principled champions of Raoul Wallenberg's vision than these two individuals. Tom and Annette, congratulations and warmest wishes to you both on an honour that is richly deserved.

arid Nane Annan

EOSG / CENTRAL Anastasiya Delenda To: Edward Mortimer/NY/UNO@UNHQ no™™^ n< oc mu cc: Wagaye Assebe/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Elisabeth 02/06/2004 01:35 PM Weidmann/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Ruxandra Ferascu/NY/UNO@UNHQ Subject: Congratulatory message for event in Washington, D.C. on 13 June


Mrs. Annette Lantos had called to invite the SG and Mrs. Annan to an event organized by Amb. Jan Eliasson (Swedish Arnb. to Washington) in Washington, D.C. on 13 June. At this event both Congressman Lantos and his wife would be awarded the Commanders of the Royal Order of the Polar Star. The Ambassador's office will send some background information (I called them again today to remind them).

The SG & Mrs. Annan would like to send a congratulatory message (5-10 lines) to be read by Amb. Eliasson.

Thank you,

Tasa 0-6/02/04 WED 14:27 FAX 202 4672688 EMBASSY OF


Office of the Ambassador Gunilla Stone, Social Secretary Ph: 202-467-2652 Fax: 202-467-2699 e-mail: [email protected]


Fax: -#/2 -

Re. :

Please see attached invitation.


Chancery: Residence of the Ambassador: 1501 M Street, NW 3900 Nebraska Ave., NW Washington, DC 20005 Washington, DC 20016 Tel.: 202.467.2600 Tel.: 202.966.9297 36/02/04 WED 14:27 FAX 202 4672688 EMBASSY OF SWEDEN 0002

Lffegizfah'ons concerning

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concerning s£ Qrcfers o uaf Order of f£ r ' LKoual (Jroer of tne J olar c3/

His Majesty the King of Sweden is the Grand Master of these Orders.

Decisions on the conferment of distinctions are made by the Grand Master, on the recommendation of the Government.

The person on whom a distinction has been conferred obtains a diploma of the Order signed by the Grand Master and carrying the seal of the Royal Order.

The seal of the Order shows the crowned Lesser State Arms surrounded by the of the Order of the Seraphim. The inscription reads: Sigillum Ordinis Equestris Seraphinorum.

The fee for admittance to the Order and for the diploma of the Order is paid from Swedish public funds. The costs of designing arm of the Royal Order of the Seraphim are met by the Royal Order.

According to the statutes governing the Royal Swedish Orders of Chivalry, all decorations are to be returned if the holder is promoted to a superior rank of the Royal Order of the Polar Star, or on the death of the holder. In countries abroad, the insignia may be returned to the Swedish Embassy or Swedish Consulate.

^J 06/02/04 WED 14:28 FAX 202 4672688 EMBASSY OF SWEDEN

The Royal Order of the Polar Star may be conferred on members of the Swedish Royal Family and on foreign nationals in recognition of personal services to Sweden or for the promotion of Swedish interests. Stateless persons residing out- side Sweden are equated with foreign nationals.

The Order of the Polar Star has the following dignities: Commander Commander First Class Commander Officer or Member31 First Class Officer or Member

A Polar Star has also been instituted. The Collar of the Order of the Polar Star is composed of eleven pairs of blue-enamelled, back-to-back "F"sa rimmed with gold, crowned by a golden royal crown and inter-linked with twelve white Polar Stars.

The Commander's Badge, whose observe and reverse are similar, consists of a white set in gold with open golden crowns in the angles between the arms of the cross. In the centre is a blue medallion on which is portrayed a white Polar Star with the legend NESCIT OCCASUM ("It never sets")- The Badge is surmounted by a gold royal crown, by which it is attached to the Collar or to a medium-blue moire ribbon with gold edges.

The difference between the Badge of the Order for Officers or Members First Class and the Badge for Commanders is mat the former is smaller. The Badge of the Order for Officers or Members is similar to the Badge for Officers or Members First Class, but it is in silver, not gilded.

The Star worn by a Commander Grand Cross is of silver and consists of a Maltese Cross with a Polar Star in the centre. The Grand Cross Star has pencils of rays in the angles of the arms of the cross. The Star worn by a Commander First Class is similar to that worn by a Commander Grand Cross but the angles between the arms of the cross are not filled in.

" Member = ladies and clergymen » The letter "F" refers to King Fredrik I, who instituted the Order in 1748. 06/02/04 WED I4:z« FAA zuz taizaaa ur anruic.ii

Anyone appointed as Commander First Class who has not previously been Commander is awarded the Star, but not the Commander's badge.1'

The Polar Star Medal, which is surmounted by a royal crown, is of gilded silver.

In the upper row from left to right may be seen the Badge of the Order, Dame Commander, The Badge of the Order on ribbon, Commander Grand Cross and the Badge of the Order, Commander.

The illustration shows the insignia of the Royal Order of the Polar Star.

In the centre row are shown the Star of the Order, Commander Grand Cross and the Star of the Order, Commander.

In the bottom row are the Badge of the Order, Officers and Members First Class (gilded) and the Badge of the Order, Officer (silver).

11 In certain cases a Commander First Class may be awarded both the Commander's Badge and the Commander's Star.

#£tt ( 06/02/04 WED 14:29 FAX 202 46726SS JKJflBASBX UJK

The Gold Medal of the Royal Order of the Polar Star does not need to be returned if the holder is granted a decoration within the same order or in the event of death.

The illustration below shows the obverse and reverse of the Polar Star Medal.

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A Knight (Member) of the Order of the Seraphim and a Commander Grand Cross of the Order of the Polar Star wear the Badge of the Order on a collar, when so ordained, otherwise on a broad ribbon over the shoulder from right to left.

A Member in the Spiritual Estate of the Order of the Seraphim and a Commander Grand Cross in the Spiritual Estate of the Order of the Polar Star wear the Badge of the Order on a ribbon round the neck.

A lady Member of the Order of the Seraphim and Dame Commander Grand Cross of the Polar Star wear the Badge in a narrow ribbon over the shoulder from right to left. The star is worn on the left side of the dress.

Collar of tJie Royal Order Grand Cross, men's civili- Grand Cross, military of the Seraphim an formal dress full-dress uniform 06/02/04 WED 14:30 FAX 202 4672688 EMBASSY OK 5WEUKN Igl OOO

Commanders First Class and Commanders wear the Badge of the Order in a rib- bon around the neck, ladies on the left shoulder. The Star is worn on the left side of the coat or dress.

Dame Grand Cross Commanders First Class with both the Badge and the Star

/0 Officers and Members wear the Badge on the left side of the coat, ladies wearing it suspended from a bow. A-holder of the Polar Star Medal wears the Medal in a similar way.

Commander Dame Commander

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