Test Valley Access Plan Supplementary Planning Document

September 2015 Contents Page

1. Introduction 1 2. Background 4 3. Accessibility in 7 4. Improving Accessibility in Test Valley 15

5. Test Valley Access Plan - Issues and Measures 17 6. Next Steps, Monitoring and Review 18 Appendix 1 TVAP List of Potential Highway and Transport Schemes 19

The original document was adopted by the Council in 2010; it was reviewed and adopted in July 2012 and now again in 2014, this ensures that it remains up to date, reflecting the needs of each Parish.

This review has taken into consideration completed schemes and new proposals, changes to transport policy, changes to the local transport network and the progress of the Test Valley District Transport Statement produced by HCC.

Section 180 (5) (d) Planning Act (2008) removed the compulsory requirement for a Sustainability Appraisal for a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). It is not considered that this SPD would have a significant social, environmental or economic effect, therefore this document had not been subject to assessment under the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive 2001/42/EC.

If you would like to comment on this document please email planningpolicy@ testvalley.gov.uk or by post at Planning Policy Team, Test Valley Borough Council, Beech Hurst, Rd, Andover, SP10 3AJ.

If you require further information please contact the Council’s Transport Planner on 01264 368985. Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

1.4 The TVAP has been jointly prepared by both 1 Introduction the Borough and County Council and is updated regularly to ensure that it meets the Purpose of the Test Valley needs of each parish and is consistent with the Access Plan District Transport Statement.

1.1 The Test Valley Access Plan (TVAP) sets out 1.5 This document reviews the current transport a strategy for identifying existing levels of situation and identifies issues relating to accessibility and highlights the barriers and access within the Borough. It goes on to obstacles to access and movement within highlight the broad scope of those proposals the Borough. It acts as a mechanism for which could address the issues identified. allocating and directing the funding currently secured through Section 106 Agreements with 1.6 TVAP is complimented by the Test Valley developers and via barred routes fines funds District Transport Statement, produced by and any other sources of available funding. the County Council in consultation with the It will refer to the emerging Community Borough Council. The Test Valley District Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule Statement covers all aspects of transport when it is adopted by the Council. network and infrastructure up to the period 2031, and conforms with policies in the revised 1.2 The Test Valley Access Plan objectives are to: Local Plan. The statement sets out transport objectives and delivery priorities for the • Identify an agreed list of future transport Borough and complements the three adopted schemes, for which funding can be sought Access Plans (Andover Access Plan, from a variety of sources; Access Plan and the Test Valley Access • Improve personal safety, for all road users; Plan). The statement does not replace the • Improve access and reduce severance; three access plans; it compliments them and • Developing and encouraging greater use supports them, by providing:- of more sustainable means of transport; • Encourage the development of routes for • A local transport policy framework for the cyclists and pedestrians; Borough; • Encourage healthier and more active • The prioritisation of transport investment; lifestyles; and • Transport and land use planning decisions • Ensure that improved access routes do associated with new development not compromise the natural or historic proposals; including the application of environment. the Transport Contributions Policy (TCP) in the interim period until the Community 1.3 The TVAP will look at access to all modes Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging of transport and whether journeys to key Schedule is adopted; and with destinations1 are possible. The TVAP will look • Infrastructure planning in support of the at improving access to and within all the 52 Revised Local Plan and the preparation of parishes in the Borough (everywhere outside a CIL Charging Schedule. Romsey and Andover) indicated on Figure 1. 1.7 The transport statement seeks to help deliver ‘safe, efficient and reliable ways to get 1 Key destinations include, primary school, secondary school, food retail, doctors surgery. around, helping to promote a prospering and

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sustainable area’, In particular, the priorities and proposals outlined. Test Valley’s Transport Statement look to:

• Promote economic growth by maintaining a safe and efficient highway network, reducing casualties and tackling congestion on the transport network; • Improve access to jobs, facilities and services by all types of transport; • Facilitate and enable new development to come forward; • Reduce carbon emissions and minimise the impacts of transport on the environment.

1.8 The Transport Statement links to current economic priorities and the work being undertaken by the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP’s). Test Valley comes within the remit of two LEP’s:

1.9 The Enterprise M3 LEP covers an area of West and North and West Surrey and encompasses a population of about 1.6 million people. The Solent LEP includes the cities of Southampton and Portsmouth, as well as the main catchment areas for these cities in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and covers a population of over 1.3 million people.

1.10 Under their business-led boards, both LEPs are bringing together the private, public and community/voluntary sectors to drive forward economic growth. As part of ‑this, they will prioritise key strategic infrastructure investment priorities, including those for transport, up to 2020.

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Figure 1: Parishes covered by TVAP

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Community Strategy and the Countryside 2 Background Access Plans (Test & Itchen, and New Forest & South West Hampshire) the Local 2.1 The role of the TVAP is to contribute towards Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) and the Test Valley ensuring safe and sustainable communities District Transport Statement. The TVAP also through the provision of improved access reflects local concerns and aspirations that to facilities and the reduction of barriers have emerged at the local level particularly to movement. It offers opportunities for through Test Valley Partnership’s Community increasing the use of sustainable modes of Plan and Test Valley’s Corporate Plan. The transport, improving safety and reducing car- objectives of the TVAP described above draw based journeys. The TVAP will draw together together the key themes that are developed in relevant information on existing access and these strategies. travel choices. 2.5 The TVAP acts as a connection between 2.2 The Access Plan acknowledges the importance high level strategies and the development of and reliance of the car, especially for the rural local transport schemes; this ensures that the communities who have fewer travel choices. concerns and aspirations of the community However, improving accessibility and safety are reflected in decisions made regarding and enabling communities to make local the allocation and commitment of financial journeys by foot and bicycle and having the resources. availability of community transport is important and desirable for those living in the rural areas The Test Valley Access Plan of the Borough. and the Local Development 2.3 The TVAP is about improving transport and Framework movement within and beyond the Borough. It acts as a guide for the way developer 2.6 The Local Development Framework (LDF) is a contributions are obtained and spent by the set of documents that guides spatial and land Borough and County Council. A list of potential use planning over the long term for Test Valley. schemes has been drawn together from a In order to improve accessibility the TVAP number of sources including parish plans, needs to integrate planning for land use and school travel plans, the Test Valley Cycle transport. The TVAP forms part of the LDF as Strategy and Network SPD (2009), Hampshire a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Area Workshops priorities and other County and was adopted by the Council in 2012. Council schemes. 2.7 The mechanism for securing the funding for Relationship of the Town the implementation of the TVAP is secured from Section 106 contributions associated with Access Plan to Other Policies new development and via barred routes fines. and Plans 2.8 Along with many Local Authorities across 2.4 The TVAP is shaped and influenced by a the country, the Council is investigating number of other key strategies at a county the possibility of introducing a Community level including the County Council’s Corporate Infrastructure Levy (CIL). The CIL Regulations Strategy, Hampshire Strategic Partnership’s 2010 (as amended) enable local authorities to

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raise funding for new infrastructure by levying a 2.11 A small part of Test Valley, south of the charge on new development within their area. A36, lies within the New Forest National CIL will be an important tool for the Council for Park Authority (NFNP)3 and within the area funding and delivering critical infrastructure, covered by the New Forest & South West including transport schemes associated with Hampshire Countryside Access Plan (2008- future development in the Borough. The 13). Any transport contributions resulting Council has consulted on its Draft Charging from development within this area would be Schedule the proposed rates of CIL across collected by the NFNP Authority and passed Test Valley and a draft ‘Regulation 123 List’ to the Highway Authority for measures within has been produced. The Test Valley Borough the locality. Council Community Infrastructure Levy Hearing took place on Wednesday 27th May Transport and Accessibility 2015. The Inspector’s report is awaited and the Council proposes to adopt a CIL Charging 2.12 The rural nature and relative wealth of Schedule in 2016. most of the Borough is reflected in the high car ownership rates. The percentage of The Profile of Test Valley households in 2001 without a car was 14.5%, this has declined to 13.5% as of the 2011 2.9 Test Valley comprises areas of different Census; more households have access to a character, with the southern part generally car or van. The 2011 Census shows that 15.3 being more developed with larger settlements million people (57.5%) travelled to work by and better access to key facilities and services driving a car or van. A further 1.4 million people outside the Borough. The northern part of the (5.1%) commuted to work as passengers in Borough is dominated by Andover, the only cars or vans, giving a vehicle occupancy rate significantly sized town. A large rural area of 1.09 persons. contains many small villages, most of which have limited facilities, transport and access. 2.13 Some 2.8 million people (10.7%) walked to Stockbridge provides a service role for many work, while 1.9 million people (7.3%) commuted of these smaller villages in the central part of to work by bus or coach. A further 1.4 million the Borough. people (5.4%) stated in the 2011 Census that they worked mostly at or from home. Commuting 2.10 The total population of the Borough is 113,507 by train accounted for 1.4 million people (5.2%), (2010); with 60% living in urban settlements. while 1.0 million people (3.9%) commuted by Approximately 73,000 live in the northern part light rail. While 760,000 (2.9%) cycled to work, of the Borough and the remaining 40,000 in 214,000 people (0.8%) commuted to work by Southern Test Valley. The population of Test motorcycle, moped or scooter. Valley is forecast to increase by 4.8% between 2010 and 2017.2 The smaller urban areas of 2.14 Finally, taxis and minicabs were used by , Valley Park, Chilworth and 138,000 people (0.5%) and 171,000 people and have a combined 3 NFNPA key documents, population of 20,778. The remaining 40% is - New Forest Management Plan (2010 -2015) (currently in the spread across a large number of small villages process of being updated to cover the period 2015 -2020) - Recreational Management Strategy (2010) and hamlets in the rural part of the Borough. - Core Strategy and Development Management Plan Policies DPD (adopted 2010) 2 Demographic Fact & Figures for Test Valley, March 2001, HCC - Development Standards SPD (September 2012)

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(0.6%) commuted by other methods (such as Services and Facilities in Test by ferry). Valley

2.15 This high ownership rate is reflected in the 2.18 Many of the villages in Test Valley are reliant high use of cars for travelling to work and low upon Andover and Romsey for services number of residents using public transport to and facilities. Andover and Romsey offer a commute. The average distance commuted significant range of services and facilities to work in and Wales increased including, health facilities, retail opportunities, from 13.4 km in 2001 to 15.0 km in 2011. places of worship, employment, cinema/ Accessibility to services in the rural areas is theatre, library, leisure facilities, and a bus quite poor with households located further and rail station. Andover also has higher away from key facilities than both the rural education facilities. The smaller urban areas county and regional averages. of North Baddesley, Valley Park, Chilworth and Nursling and Rownhams have primary schools 2.16 Public transport provision is limited and and local health facilities and employment infrequent in the rural areas and there is opportunities. It is also noted that residents in reliance upon demand responsive services the Borough look to the neighbouring larger and community transport to fill in the gaps. settlements such as Southampton, Eastleigh, A series of budgetary cuts to subsidised bus Winchester, Basingstoke and Salisbury for a services has affected the ability of many elderly greater choice in services and facilities and for and less abled in community becoming more tertiary services (higher education, specialist reliant upon community transport and friends health care, non food retail and leisure). and family. 2.19 The only other significant settlement in terms 2.17 Community Transport is provided by Test of having a range of facilities is Stockbridge, Valley Community Services (TVCS), which which provides a service role for many includes provision of Dial-a-Ride services. outlying smaller villages in the central part of The existence of such transport enables the Borough. It has a primary and secondary many elderly residents to maintain their school, doctor’s surgery, food retail facilities independence, access services and to have and public transport links to nearby Andover, social contact with others. There are also Winchester and Salisbury. a number of well organised voluntary car schemes providing for medical and specialised 2.20 As there is a strong reliance upon the car for one to one journeys for the elderly and less many journeys, it is important that car parking mobile members of the community. Such in the main settlements (Romsey, Andover schemes are invaluable, providing access for and Stockbridge) remains conveniently many to doctor’s surgeries, dentists and the located and reasonably priced so that those nearby hospitals. TVCS also run and promote travelling in from outlying villages to access a shopmobility scheme in Andover. key facilities, services and leisure activities are not prevented from doing so.

2.21 A small number of villages within the rural areas of the Borough have a limited amount of facilities e.g. , Broughton and , which can meet most of their daily needs.

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3 Accessibility in Computer Modelling 3.4 Accession was the first software package to Test Valley fully address all aspects of travel time and cost mapping using digital road networks, public transport timetable data and flexible, 3.1 Accessibility describes the ease with which a on-demand transport. It was based on person can access or use services and activities geographical information systems (GIS) and such as jobs, education, leisure facilities and quantified accessibility levels. This software shops. Accessibility is determined by a number has now been superseded by TRACC of factors that range from the location of, and (Transport and Access) a new multi-modal the means of transport available to reach transport accessibility tool. It is designed them, to individual factors such as a person’s to quickly generate travel time or distance physical mobility and fitness, and their ability using a multitude of public transport and road to pay for transportation. This Access Plan modes to give accurate journey times from examines accessibility in Test Valley in order many origins to many destinations in one to identify and address barriers to access calculation. The software covers a full range thereby promoting good accessibility for all to of transport modes such as walking, cycling, a range of services and destinations. driving and public transport. TRACC will help to ascertain problems with the network 3.2 Improvements to accessibility are particularly such as gaps in the network, or could help important to the young, elderly, less mobile look into the effectiveness of a new public and those without access to a car. Improving transport route. access and permeability to key facilities can provide choice in travel behaviour which 3.5 The computer map based outputs can will in turn promote and support sustainable highlight areas where households may find travel and enhance and maintain vibrant, it difficult to access services and facilities healthy communities and prosperous places and help to identify locations where transport to live and work. Improvements to access will improvements or infrastructure may be needed help support and retain economic prosperity. to improve access to those key facilities and Improved access also benefits tourism and services. The tool does have limitations. It does key attractions in the area. Not only do visitors not consider qualitative data nor allow for local add to the local economy, but those visiting knowledge about an area to be considered, benefit from improved access and travel nor the costs associated with travel. choices, particularly to destinations in rural areas such as Abbey, Danebury Hill Qualitative Assessment and . 3.6 It is important to combine the use of Accession Assessing Accessibility with local knowledge, perceptions and geography which can highlight the range of 3.3 In order to improve accessibility in Test Valley difficulties and barriers that individuals may it is necessary to examine the ease with which face reaching their destination by all modes people can reach destinations throughout the available to them. This has been gathered Borough. Several different approaches have through informal consultation with the different been used to assess this. departments responsible within the County

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and Borough Councils for issues affecting which intersects with the A34 linking Andover accessibility. to the Midlands and the North. The A343 links Andover to Newbury and Salisbury, and the Consultation A3093 forms part of the Andover Ring Road.

3.7 Consultation has been undertaken at regular 3.12 Routes to outlying villages are good, with rural intervals, focusing on the views of the 52 lanes delivering a network of routes Borough parishes covered by the plan, Elected Members wide. Andover and Romsey are linked north- and Statutory Consultees were all sought. south via the A3057. The list of schemes for each parish have updated accordingly, adding new schemes Bus where applicable, updating on the progress of existing schemes, including a comment on 3.13 Test Valley has a network of bus services which schemes have been completed. which are focussed in Romsey and Andover and from the towns out to nearby villages. 3.8 Each review also provides an opportunity There are however, 19 of the 56 parishes to ensure that the plan supports the District in Test Valley who have no bus service and Transport Statement and other changes to a further 9 have a service running only once national and local policies and changing needs or twice a week. Cross country links exist to and expectations of each parish. nearby settlements such as Southampton, Winchester and Salisbury. These cross Roads and Traffic country services provide a link from the rural villages to the larger settlements and are vital 3.9 The Borough is well served by both the for those without access to a car. The core primary and strategic road network. The road (mostly commercial) bus network in Test Valley network compromises of three levels within is a modest one, largely within the two main the Borough: settlements these routes are complemented by secondary (mostly financially supported) • The Strategic Road Network (SRN) - M27, local and rural services. There are many M271, M3, A36, A34, A303 villages that are reliant upon financial support • The local main road network – A3057, for the provision of a bus service. A343, A3093, A342 • All other roads. 3.14 Hampshire County Council has undertaken two significant reviews of the bus services in 3.10 In the south of the Borough, the M27 recent years (2001 and 2014) as its has been provides a corridor across the county, faced with the challenging task of maintaining linking the principal cities of Portsmouth and essential services with much less money due Southampton and onwards towards the New to reduced funding from central government Forest, with the M271 providing a link north through the rural bus subsidy grant. The towards Romsey. The M27 connects to the impact of the cuts saw a reduction in the bus M3 which links the Borough with Winchester subsidy budget of £1.1 million in 2011/12, and onwards to London. increasing to £2.2 million in 2012/13. The effect was an average 45% cut in the subsidy 3.11 To the north of the Borough the A303 is a to operators of some commercial services cross country route to the West Country, across Hampshire. Bus services across the

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county were affected and users consulted via service no longer operates in the area and can special passenger transport forums and over be known as either a Taxishare or Carshare. 5,000 questionnaires distributed by post, on- These services are pre-bookable and therefore line and by hand at bus stations, libraries and costs are reduced significantly if there are no town centres. passengers on a particularly journey.

3.15 The bus subsidy had an impact on rural Test 3.19 There are currently two car share services Valley, the main changes affected the following operating in rural Test Valley, one covering routes:- , , , King’s Somborne and Houghton and the other in • Andover- reduced service. Chilworth. The Stockbridge taxishare scheme , and Thruxton reduced replaced the C54 Cango Bus Service through to four daily journeys Stockbridge, King’s Somborne and Houghton • X24/25/26 Andover-Winchester: now to Romsey. There is also a taxi share service service 79 to Stockbridge and change covering linked to areas in the to 68 for Winchester. now east of Andover town. However, following served by Cango C4 the review of non-commercial bus services • 68/X68/78/X78 Andover-Stockbridge- county-wide, it is expected that there be more Winchester: simplified routes; Stockbridge- taxi-shares operating in Test Valley. Salisbury route withdrawn • 77/87 Andover-Salisbury/Stockbridge: Cango and Community withdrawn • 79 Andover-Stockbridge: change to Transport route, Longstock off route now served by Cango C4. 3.20 The ‘Cango’ bus service, serving villages around Andover, is a demand responsive 3.16 An a additional county-wide review in to service which has a fixed origin and destination financial support given to non-commercial and a roam zone. The flexibility of the Cango bus services took place in May 2014 and service allows it to respond to local demand as sought though consultation to identify further it is generated. The following Cango Services budgetary savings of between £1.25 - £1.5 currently serve Test Valley:- C1 –Kimpton- million. Bus services to rural areas were most -Penton Mewsey, C3 – Hurstbourne affected. Although, most villages retain a bus Tarrant –St Mary Bourne-, C4 service, the frequency and number of buses - Andover to Barton Stacey, C5 – Andover, serving the rural villages of Test Valley has , The Chutes, C5a - Andover, been reduced and is likely to result in many Redenham, The Chutes, C6 - Andover to elderly and vulnerable in the community or , and the C8 - Longparish, St without access to a car, becoming isolated. Marybourne, Enham to Andover.

Taxishare/Carshare 3.21 There are also a number of community transport services that provide important links 3.18 A Taxishare, or a carshare is similar to a for those without access to a car, or those bus service only a ‘taxi’ or shared car picks who have mobility problems, from outlying passengers up instead of a bus. These villages to Andover and Romsey and other services are often put in place when a bus essential destinations. These include Dial-a-

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Ride, community car services (e.g. Andover rising. The station connects Eastleigh and Neighbour Care & Romsey Good Neighbours), Romsey on an hourly basis. This line also community transport (e.g. Broughton & connects with Southampton (and onwards Mottisfont Bus, 3 Rivers Partnership) and to Portsmouth and Brighton) and Salisbury Test Valley Community Services. Community (and on to Bristol and Cardiff). There is also a transport remains important, especially as station at Redbridge, within Southampton the public transport services have been reduced communities of Nursling and Rownhams are and frequencies affected. 2 miles to the north.

Rail Freight 3.22 Grateley rail station, in the north-west of the 3.25 The movement of freight around Test Valley Borough, is served by 1 train per hour in each is managed in the main through lorry routeing direction. It is popular with those locally and and a signing strategy which directs lorries to further afield. In 2009 a new car park was strategic routes and appropriate access points. opened providing in excess of 100 additional Access to both town centres is via the A3057, spaces. Further works are proposed to which runs north south through the Borough. enhance pedestrian access to the rail station The recent development at the former Andover through the provision of additional footways Airfield site to the west of Andover has seen and a link to the nearby bus stop. The line need to implement a number of ‘barred routes’ serves Andover and onwards to London for vehicles serving the new site. Any vehicles Waterloo in the east and Salisbury and onto recorded using the ‘barred routes’ are subject Exeter in the west. To reduce the severance to a financial penalty, the fines have enabled caused by the railway, opportunities to cross the implementation of various highway/access the main Exeter to London line will be sought schemes in parishes affected by the violations. where safe and appropriate. 3.26 The town of Stockbridge lies roughly half way 3.23 In the south of the Borough there is one between Andover and Romsey, straddling the rail station outside Romsey, Mottisfont & A30. Andover has four access points onto the , located 3 miles north-west of the A303 which is immediately south of the town edge of Romsey. Mottisfont and Dunbridge and Romsey has direct access to the A27 and has an hourly service in one direction to links with the M27, via the M271. Romsey, Southampton and Portsmouth and in the other to Salisbury and on towards South 3.27 The issue of freight travelling through villages Wales. Footway improvements have also has been highlighted previously by several been recently completed in the vicinity of the parishes. Particularly, those along the A36 rail station which makes access to the station ( and West Wellow) and those along safer and easier. the A3057 (, King’s Somborne and Timsbury). Communities are concerned 3.24 There is also a station at Dean, on the Test about heavy goods vehicles (HGV’s) and Valley / borders and Chandler’s traffic speeds in rural areas, particularly in Ford just over the boundary in Eastleigh. villages where residents want to reduce traffic The Chandler’s Ford rail station was re- dominance and so enhance quality of life. opened in 2003 with a single platform. It has proved very popular with passenger numbers

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Walking document ensuring it reflects the needs and demands of cyclists. A number of routes have 3.30 The main built up areas in Test Valley have a been implemented, especially in conjunction reasonable network of footways, however, in with new development in the Borough, which many rural areas, there is a lack of footways has sought to ensure that links have been resulting in many pedestrians having to walk established between the new development in the carriageway. This, coupled with a lack and existing destinations. A key link was of street lighting, makes walking impractical delivered in 2012; the Stockbridge link, which and potentially unsafe and less attractive for links the two sections of the Test Way enabling some, especially at night. The access plan has cyclists and walkers to negotiate the junction a number of schemes identified which seek of the A30 and the A3057 with safety and ease. to enhance pedestrian access through the The link has proved popular and was the result provision of footways, build-outs, road lining of partnership working between the Borough and signing. and County Council and the national cycling charity, Sustrans. 3.31 The Countryside Access Plans covering the Test & Itchen 2008-2013 and the New Forest 3.34 The Cycle Strategy continues to promote & South-West Hampshire 2008-2013 identify cycling within the Borough as a mode of an extensive network of rights of way in Test transport through the provision of a number Valley for cyclists and walkers. The Test Way of key routes. The proposed network is runs north to south, with the Monarch Way and extensive, consisting of both utility and leisure Clarendon Way traversing the Borough. The routes between settlements. Cyclists have New Forest & South West Hampshire Access access to a number of promoted routes in the Plan also promotes rights of way connecting Borough through the Test Valley Tour4, the Southern Test Valley to the New Forest across County Council and Sustrans. NCN5 246 links the A36. Kintbury in to Southampton and covers the length Test Valley, some 35 miles. 3.32 The Countryside Access Plans have identified This is an important cycle route as it links the the lack of connectivity and maintenance Borough with other national routes allowing a of existing routes as two of the main issues good network of access for both cyclists and affecting access within the countryside. New walkers. Route 246 joins with NCN 24 (which routes have been requested locally to avoid links Eastleigh with Salisbury) at Mottisfont, crossing busy roads and to improve off road and NCN 23 at North Baddesley (linking links between villages. Work is being currently Southampton to Winchester) and finally with undertaken by HCC to update the countryside Route 236 at Redbridge which allows access access plan taking it forward to cover the the New Forest National Park. period 2015-2021. 3.35 Some of the routes are purpose built for cyclists, Cycling some are shared paths with pedestrians and 4 Gorrick have been organising the hugely popular off road Challenges (formerly known as Test Valley Tour) leisure cycle 3.33 In 2009, the Test Valley Cycle Strategy was rides since 2005. Rides offer a choice of distances and are reviewed by the Council, and was adopted open to riders of all ages and abilities using quiet lanes, tracks and bridleways of the stunning Hampshire countryside. as a Supplementary Planning Document. A 5 *(NCN) National Cycle Network, part of the Sustrans cycle review of the Test Valley Cycle Strategy was network covering the country to support and promotes cycling as a sustainable, healthy mode of travel. undertaken in October 2014 updating the

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other routes are on-road. There are a number • Promoting an understanding of passenger of strategic routes linking the key settlements, transport services in the area; most however, aim to provide links from • Providing a forum for discussing passenger residential areas to key destinations, such as transport areas of interest and concern; schools and places of employment. • Disseminating information on passenger transport developments at a national, 3.36 The implementation of the routes has been county, district and parish level; governed by the availability of funding with • Identifying local unmet transport needs sections being implemented as and when and, where possible, contribute to the this has become available. The Cycle development of solutions for these; Strategy indicates those routes implemented • Sharing good practice; and those waiting funding. The strategy also • Involving groups in passenger transport seeks to improve the safety of cycling for initiatives e.g. passenger transport reviews; existing and potential cyclists and to increase • Providing valuable feedback on proposed the use of cycling as a leisure activity. To new passenger initiatives; and assist with both of these, the Council has • Encouraging a closer working relationship established a Bicycle User Group (BUG). between transport providers and The group aims to promote cycling, share organisations with an interest in passenger news and seek views from cyclists within the transport services in the local area. Borough. The group meets twice a year and was established in 2004. 3.39 The forum meets an average of twice a year to discuss topical transport issues and 3.37 The Strategy also has two other key objectives, disseminate information at a local level. to improve the safety of cycling for existing Representatives from local transport providers, and potential cyclists and to increase the use parish councils and user groups are invited to of cycling as a leisure activity. County-wide, attend. The group has proved popular and has cycling accounts for 3%6 of all work journeys good representation from the community of this figure is very slightly lower in Test Valley at Test Valley. 2.9%. Cycling as a leisure pursuit is however on the increase. Cycle use rose from 49 miles Smarter Choices per person in 2011 to 53 miles in 2012, whilst most of this appears to be down to longer 3.40 Smarter travel choices encompass a range of cycle journeys, it does represent greater measures that seek to give better information cycle usage. This increase in usage has been and opportunities helping people to choose supported by traffic counts published in the to reduce their car use while enhancing National Travel Survey. the attractiveness of alternatives. Such measures include travel planning (school, Test Valley Passenger workplace, residential), information provision, personalised journey planning, awareness Transport Forum campaigns, car clubs, car sharing and flexible working. The Department for Transport (DfT) 3.38 In 2006, the Test Valley Transport Forum was estimates that the potential benefit from such set up, with the principle aims of:- measures is significant and that they compare favourably in terms of cost benefit to other 6 CTC Cycling commuting per District 2011

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capital schemes7. They can therefore help to networking forum meets quarterly in Andover. reduce car traffic and encourage more active travel, thereby supporting the objectives of 3.43 Although Hampshire County Council is leading this plan. on the delivery of the project, it is working with a range of project partners and specialists, 3.41 Both the County and Borough Council including the Borough Council, cycling charity currently promote and encourage the use the CTC, Sustrans, local bus and rail operators of healthier and more sustainable modes and community groups. of travel. The aim is to promote a change in travel patterns and behaviour by securing 3.44 A further successful bid to Department for well designed developments underpinned Transport saw Hampshire gain funding for by robust and effective travel plans. A travel 2016/2017 to support the Hampshire rural plan seeks to encourage the delivery of a economy through supporting and making package of measures aimed at widening travel public and community transport, walking choice, supporting all modes and reducing and cycling, viable and attractive for those unnecessary car use by encouraging the within rural communities. A total of £2 million use of other modes. There are a number of is available. residential or commercial sites within Test Valley which have a travel plan and the majority Trends of schools currently have an approved level 3 school travel plan. 3.44 There are three key trends that are likely to contribute to future challenges to transport 3.42 The ‘My Journey’ campaign was set up provision, increasing long term traffic numbers; by Hampshire County Council using population is increasing and ageing and funding acquired through the Hampshire climate change. Sustainable Transport Towns Project via Central Government investment in the Local • In 2013, overall motor vehicle traffic in Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF). Funding Great Britain was 303.7 billion vehicle has been made available to encourage those miles, a slight increase (0.4%) on 2012. living and working in the six towns, one of which Vehicle miles travelled by cars and taxis is Andover to consider the full range of travel were broadly similar when comparing 2013 choices available to them for local journeys. to 2012. LGV traffic reached a new peak An important part of this is the’ My Journey’ in 2013, of 42.6 billion vehicle miles, a 3.2 is the website and branding of ‘My Journey’ per cent increase on 2012 levels. HGVs, which is replicated across Hampshire (www. and buses and coaches also showed myjourneyhampshire.com). The web site increases (0.9% and 2.9%, respectively). offers journey planning information, project news, details of events and resources to • Since the 1950s the long term trend in road download. It also supports the publication of a traffic has been one of growth. However, new cycle/walking maps and leaflets ‘Walking over the last 20 years there has been a and Cycling in Andover’ and the setting up of decline in the rate of traffic growth. Motor Travel Plan Networks to help employers to vehicle traffic grew by 50 per cent during support more sustainable commuting habits. A the 1980s, by 14 per cent during the 7 Cains et al, 2004. Smarter Choices – Changing the Way We 1990s and by six per cent between 2000 Travel. and 2009. Motor vehicle traffic peaked at

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314.1 billion vehicle miles in 2007 after aged 45 and over.8 Changes to the age profile which it fell for three consecutive years; of the population will have implications on the the first consecutive annual falls since patterns and purposes of people’s trips and traffic records began. Since 2010 traffic new facilities and approaches will be required levels have been broadly stable, and in to maintain and improve the accessibility of 2013 traffic is similar to levels seen in key services such as healthcare and retailing. 2003. (DfT, Annual Road Traffic Estimates: Many people become unable or unwilling to Great Britain 2013). drive or suffer other mobility impairments as they age; ensuring appropriate walking, public • Bus and coach traffic saw an increase of and community transport facilities are available 2.9 per cent between 2012 and 2013, to will therefore become increasingly important. 2.8 billion vehicle miles. However, bus and coach traffic has decreased by 15.4 per 3.47 Climate change is likely to lead to a number cent decrease since 2003 and 16.5 per of changes to weather patterns with potential cent decrease since its peak in 2007 (3.4 effects for transport planning and accessibility. billion vehicle miles). Motorcycle traffic New developments and transport schemes has decreased 22.0 per cent between need to be designed to account for higher 2003 (3.5 billion vehicle miles) and 2013, temperatures as well as episodes of high travelling 2.7 billion vehicle miles. rainfall and flood risk.

3.45 The long term trend of growth in traffic has mainly been a result of growth in car ownership. Growth in people’s incomes, especially those on lower incomes, makes car ownership more affordable. There may be a saturation point in car ownership in the future. However, there currently appears to still be some scope for further growth in ownership in some sections of the population, particularly for those households where the choice of not owning a car is as a result of constrained income. According to the National Travel Survey 2012, there are around a quarter of households without access to a car, down from 30 per cent in 1995/97, and a larger proportion of lower income households without access to a car.

3.46 The age profile of the population is likely to change broadly in line with projected trends for Hampshire. An increase of around 50% in the number people aged 65 or over is expected between 2001 and 2026. Most growth however, is forecast in the population 8 Demographics Facts & Figures for Test Valley, March 2011 HCC.

14 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

• Hampshire County Councils Local 4 Improving Transport Plan 2011-2031 seeks a vision of a “safe, efficient and reliable ways to Accessibility in get around a prospering and sustainable Hampshire”. Test Valley The Challenge

4.1 Current trends and the development planned for Test Valley could lead to substantial increases in traffic in the coming years. It is therefore important to ensure that there are sufficient mitigation measures identified to ensure that any growth in traffic is managed and controlled in a way that ensures that sustainable modes are not compromised and that all road users are able to travel safely to their chosen destination.

4.2 The Test Valley Access Plan needs to identify ways to improve access within the Borough and to key destinations and facilities. Table 1 identifies those barriers to good access. It is recognised that the car plays a vital role for many in providing convenient access to services and destinations, especially those in rural areas.

4.3 This approach supports a range of policy objectives of both Councils, especially:

• The Borough Council will, through its Community Plan aim to ensure “sustainable, efficient and integrated transport network, which is based on the real needs and choices of local people and visitors” this could be achieved by the Councils Revised Local Plan (2011 – 2029). The Revised Local Plan continues to promote alternative modes of transport through specific requirements of its proposed allocations and seeking them from planning applications, where justified, via Policy T1 ‘Managing Movements’.

15 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, Septembet 2015

Table 1: Barriers to Good Access

Lack of A variety of facilities are required to assist and facilitate access, such as dropped appropriate kerbs for those with mobility difficulties or children’s buggies, or a direct bus service facilities from origin to destination or a surfaced path for those walking to work/school.

These will vary from large scale barriers such as a main road, dual carriageway, Physical barriers railway or river; to small scale ones such as steps or uneven surfaces for those with buggies, cycles or mobility difficulties.

The perceived risks associated with walking and cycling can deter people from Road using these modes. High levels of traffic and high traffic speeds and a lack of safe Safety facilities, e.g. cycle lanes and pedestrian crossings, often lead to concerns and prevent people from making a journey or encourage the use of the car.

Fears over personal security are shaped by factors such as lighting and the overlooking of paths by buildings and the wider community, levels of crime and Security perceived threats. Concerns over personal security can act as a deterrent for using certain routes, travelling at night for public transport, walking and cycling. This can encourage people to use cars or deter them from undertaking particular journeys.

Information The availability of information about alternative modes is key when deciding how to and travel. Signage, the availability of public transport timetables, real time information awareness and route planning offer choice and confidence when making a journey.

Cost Cost is often a barrier to the use of motorised forms of transport, including the car.

16 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

5 Test Valley Access Plan - Issues and Measures 5.1 A schedule of potential highway and transport schemes has been drawn together from a number of sources including parish plans, school travel plans, the Test Valley Cycle Strategy (2009) and County schemes (see Appendix 1). Formal consultation has been undertaken with Parish Councils and Elected Members to identify any further schemes or amendments required. These have been included within Appendix 1. The list of schemes is not exhaustive and does not preclude other measures that may be required to enable development e.g. investment in public transport infrastructure such as bus stops and bus shelters. Funding for the implementation of those schemes can be sought from developer contributions and or other available funding sources. In order to seek developer contributions, the Council refers to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012 for guidance directing the funding currently secured through the development control process (Section 106 legal agreements) and any other sources. It will refer to the emerging Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule when it is adopted in 2016.

17 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, Septembet 2015

6.4 There may be the opportunity to direct other 6 Next Steps, sources of funding towards the access plan as the pooling of funds may enable the delivery Monitoring and of schemes. This may include LTP funds, capital funds from TVBC or HCC or other key stakeholders investing in the town such the Review Department for Transport, Public Transport operators and Sustrans. How this Document will be How implementation of this Used TVAP will be Monitored and 6.1 The document will be used by Development Reviewed Control and Highway Officers from both Councils to determine the allocation of funds 6.5 The TVAP will be monitored jointly on an sought from developers via the development annual basis and reviewed every two years. control process. It will later, refer to the The progress of the Plan and those schemes Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging implemented will be reported to Members. Schedule. The document will also be used Outstanding issues will be reviewed and new by developers in assessing the anticipated priorities added as necessary and taking level of financial contribution sought by the account of:- authorities when mitigating development and what those funds will provide. • Revisions to Policy context at a local level; • New information on transport/access Responsibility for the issues in the Borough; • The impact of new development; Implementation of TVAP • Changes to the transport network; and Action Plan Measures • The Test Valley District Transport Statement. 6.2 The TVAP is a jointly prepared document adopted by Borough Council. The responsibility for its implementation will be shared by both councils.

Likely and Possible Sources of Funding for Schemes

6.3 The Plan is currently mainly reliant upon developer contributions obtained through the Transport Contributions Policy and later the CIL Charging Schedule. The Plan will serve as a key document in the negotiation between developers, the Highway Authority and Planning Authority.

18 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015 Appendix 1 Test Valley Access Plan (TVAP) list of Potential Highway and Transport Schemes

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Improve access safety of Fullerton Road and Improvements at junction Partial funding identified, TVBC Abbotts Ann vehicles and pedestrians at Duck Street junction to improve safety and additional funding being sought. 0143 AA01 St Johns Cross. with A343. accessibility. Source: HCC/Parish Council

Initial feasibility undertaken; Lack of access between Salisbury Road from difficulties in implementing Balksbury Hill and Andover Investigate the provision TVBC Abbotts Ann the Garden Centre to footway/cycleway identified owing Garden Centre. Currently, of a footway/cycleway 0144 AA02 underpass with the to presence of trees and land pedestrians walk in the road along Salisbury Road. A303 ownership. A gravel path maybe Source: Parish residents to considered.

Traffic Calming Scheme delivered Look at improving safety TVBC Abbotts Ann Duck Street (formally by TVBC in 2012/13. Traffic and access adjacent to Traffic calming scheme. 0145 AA03 Red Rice Road). Management Scheme to be School. Source: TVBC investigated 2015/16.

19 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Look at the feasibly of traffic calming in specific locations. HGV restriction in Monxton, Abbotts Ann, Grateley and area. Introduction of a TRO to restrict TVBC scheme in the Consider traffic calming TVBC Abbotts Ann vehicles over weight and or 2015/2016 traffic management measures in the village. Little Ann Road. xxxx AA04 width entering the area except Programme. Linked to above Source: Parish Council for access to properties within scheme. the area. Provision signs on site. Other minor measures such as bollards to reduce damage caused by HGV’s. Provide safe routes for pedestrians and cyclists TVBC between Ampfield and Ampfield to Two phases completed, more AM02 Provision of cycle route. 0147 Romsey. Source: Test Romsey to follow. Valley Cycle Strategy 2009. Baddesley Road Ampfield TVBC Improve footways. from St James Widen footways to improve safety Some work has been AM03 0148 Source: HCC Park eastwards to and accessibility. completed. Flexford Close.

Safety of pedestrians Along the A3090 Railings considered, however Ampfield TVBC adjacent to A3090. between the they would reduce the width of AM04 No funding yet identified. 0149 Source: Ampfield school and the the footway to the minimum, other Primary School. village hall. options to be explored.

20 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Provide safe routes for pedestrians and cyclists Ampfield TVBC between Ampfield and Ampfield to Two phases completed, more AM02 Provision of cycle route. 0147 Romsey. Source: Test Romsey to follow. Valley Cycle Strategy 2009. Baddesley Road Ampfield Improve footways. TVBC from St James Widen footways to improve safety Some work has been AM03 Source: HCC 0148 Park eastwards to and accessibility. completed. Flexford Close. Safety of pedestrians Along the A3090 Railings considered, however Ampfield TVBC adjacent to A3090. between the they would reduce the width of AM04 No funding yet identified. 0149 Source: Ampfield Primary school and the the footway to the minimum, other School. village hall. options to be explored. Look at improving access Ampfield for pedestrians/cyclists Along the A3090 TVBC Look at implementing shared foot/ AM05 between from Ampfield to the Borough No funding yet identified. xxxx cycleway. to the Borough boundary boundary. Source: TVBC Look at traffic calming to reduce speeds and Feasibility of traffic calming TVBC Ampfield improve safety through On A3090. measures along sections of No funding yet identified. xxxx AM06 village. A3090 to be carried out. Source: Parish Council

21 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Developer funding potentially Provision of a new footway to Provision and/or available. TVBC Amport C17, in the vicinity improve safety and accessibility. enhancement to 0150 AMP01 of the school. Virtual footway proposed adjacent footways. Source: HCC. Some minor works funding to the school. available. Provision of an off-road Off-road cycle route alongside cycle route and cycle the A342 to improve safety and Prefeasibility – some Appleshaw crossing opportunities accessibility. Phase I to, connect TVBC A342 Andover to developers funding available APP01 to improve safety and the off-road route from Weyhill 0151 Ludgershall to implement the first phase of accessibility. Fair to the junction of Biddesden the scheme. Source: TVBC BUG Lane and associated cycle Group. crossing to Fyfield.

Provision of a new Specifically, Appleshaw TVBC footway to provide additional footway Installation of footway adjacent to APP02 No funding yet identified. 0152 access to bus services. either side of the the A342. Phase II Source: Parish Council A342

Ashley No schemes currently Parish identified

22 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Phase 1 constructed. The Removed Provision of footway within parish Along Romsey Road remainder to be delivered Provide footway from District to improve safety and accessibility to connect village following land acquisition or AW01 Statement for pedestrians. Source: HCC. hall and school. alternative scheme, HCC investigating. Concern regarding traffic speeds, No scheme proposed. look at traffic calming within parish Monitoring of traffic TVBC Awbridge TVBC has undertaken traffic to reduce traffic speeds and Romsey Road speeds with radar or 0153 AW02 speed monitoring. improve safety. Source: Parish other speed measuring Council. devices taking place.

Barton Provision of safer crossing Provision of safer Scheme being designed by TVBC Stacey opportunities to improve safety and Village centre. informal crossing points TVBC. 0161 BS02 accessibility Source: Parish Plan. within the village centre.

Barton Bullington Lane Provision of footway Scheme being designed by TVBC Improve safety and accessibility of Stacey between Kings Elms along to improve safety TVBC. 0162 pedestrians. Source: Parish Plan. BS 03 and Roberts Road and accessibility.

Provision of a passing Several informal passing bay along C17 to ensure TVBC Bossington Improve highway safety Source: places exist. Funding to C17 adequate opportunity 0154 BO 01 HCC Area Team. formalise this has not been for vehicles to safely identified. negotiate each other.

23 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Improve safety and Improved crossing points for TVBC Some developer funding accessibility of pedestrians in Braishfield Road pedestrians and traffic calming 0155 BRA 01 available. the village. Source: HCC. proposed. Common Hill Road Improve safety at the road TVBC Braishfield at junction with junction Re-alignment of the road. No funding yet identified. 0156 BRA 02 Braishfield Road by Source: Parish Council. school. Lack of pedestrian access from Provide footway to link to entrance To be provided as part TVBC Braishfield the town to Sir Harold Hillier Braishfield Road/ to Sir Harold Hillier Gardens and of the development at xxxx BRA 03 Gardens and footway link to Jermyns Lane to link to new development at Abbotswood. Developer’s Braishfield Abbotswood with Braishfield. contributions.

Safety of pedestrians and Upper High Street Investigate opportunities along TVBC Broughton cyclists in the village. Source: (near the Old the bend for improvement for No funding yet identified. 0157 BRO 01 SRtS. Baptist Chapel). pedestrians. Lack of footway and crossing Crossing facilities delivered. facilities outside the School, Footway along School Lane TVBC Broughton School Lane, Investigate opportunities to extend look at improving safety and in the School Travel Plan. 0158 BRO 03 Broughton the footway along School Lane. accessibility. Source: HCC No funding yet identified to SRtS & Parish Council deliver it.

24 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Highways Agency to investigate Consider action to deter A303 onto the U54 concerns regarding heavy vehicles Bullington Inappropriate parking and heavy vehicles parking TVBC at Bullington and parking on the A303 deceleration lane. BUL 01 access by HGV. Source: on the slip from using the 0163 C55 as an access HCC have confirmed parking in the Parish Council (east) and Barton Stacey road to A30. A30 lay-by is not considered to be a (west). significant problem. Investigate improvement and operations of Bullington A34/A30 on slip Any potential scheme TVBC Bullington Junction the back-up of Advice is being sought from the road A303 West at requires the input of 0164 BUL 02 traffic, particularly at peak Highway Agency and HCC. Bullington Cross. Highway Agency. times can be dangerous. Source: Parish Council

Need to address traffic Feasibility scheme TVBC Charlton calming and pedestrian Charlton Lane and underway looking a traffic Some funding identified. xxxx CH 01 movements in Charlton Lane calming and pedestrian Source: Parish Council crossing opportunities.

Need for a footway from Investigate the option TVBC Charlton the village to the cemetery/ extending the footway Charlton Road No funding yet identified. xxxx CH 02 sports centre. to the cemetery/sports Source: Parish Council centre.

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District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Concern regarding the safety due Coley Lane with Improve visibility splays at TVBC Chilbolton to a lack of visibility at the A3057 A3057.near The junction by possibly realigning Some funding identified. 0165 CB 01 junction with the bridge over the Mayfly PH the approach roads. Source: Parish Council Provide additional parking and facilities for cyclists and walkers to Consider additional cycle TVBC Chilbolton Adjacent to A3057 avoid use of bridge carrying A3057 to parking in Coley Lane and/ or Some funding identified. xxxx CB 02 south of Coley Lane. access Test Way/PH. alternative access to PH Source: Parish Council

Length of Test Improve access for cyclists to the Investigate option of improved No funding yet TVBC Chilbolton Way within parish Test Way. cycling access identified. xxxx CB 03 particularly Mayfly Source: Parish Council Bridge

Investigate junction TVBC Chilbolton Junction improvements. Winchester Street/ No funding yet improvements to improve xxxx CB 04 Source: Parish Council Martins Lane. identified. access and safety.

Provide up to 8 vehicle passing TVBC Chilbolton No funding yet places. Martins Lane. No scheme yet considered. xxxx CB 06 identified. Source: Parish Council

TVBC Chilbolton Introduce 20 mph limit in village. HCC including this in Village wide. 20 mph scheme for village xxxx CB 07 Source: Parish Council rural pilot scheme.

26 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Length of Test Improve access for cyclists to the No funding yet TVBC Chilbolton Way within parish Investigate option of improved Test Way. identified. xxxx CB 03 particularly Mayfly cycling access Source: Parish Council Bridge Investigate junction TVBC Chilbolton Junction improvements. Winchester Street/ improvements to improve No funding yet xxxx CB 04 Source: Parish Council Martins Lane. access and safety. identified.

Provide up to 8 vehicle passing TVBC Chilbolton No scheme yet considered. No funding yet places. Martins Lane. xxxx CB 06 identified. Source: Parish Council TVBC Chilbolton Introduce 20 mph limit in village. HCC including this in Village wide. 20 mph scheme for village xxxx CB 07 Source: Parish Council rural pilot scheme. Progression of cycle route to link Continuation of route. Also, TVBC Chilworth Chilworth, and North Baddesley. Chilworth to North Some limited funding look at the priority/conflict 0170 CW 01 Source: Test Valley Cycle Strategy Baddesley. identified. across vehicular accesses 2009. Birch Road across Provision of on-road cycle routes. TVBC Chilworth A27, Pinelands Road No funding yet Source: Test Valley Cycle Strategy No scheme yet considered. 0171 CW 02 – Hadrian Way to identified. 2009 Chilworth Ring. Provision of off-road cycle route. TVBC Chilworth Along Old Roman No funding yet Source: Test Valley Cycle Strategy No scheme yet considered. 0172 CW 03 Road. identified. 2009.

27 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Along Manor Road Provision of off-road cycle route. and Chilworth Drove TVBC Chilworth No funding yet Source: Test Valley Cycle Strategy then onwards to No scheme yet considered. 0173 CW 04 identified. 2009. the boundary with Southampton

Provision of on-road cycle route. From Castle Lane to No scheme yet considered but TVBC Chilworth No funding yet Source: Test Valley Cycle Strategy Chilworth Road along provision likely to include traffic 0174 CW 05 identified. 2009. Misselbrook Lane management measures.

Sustrans have prepared Off road route being TVBC Along Winchester an initial feasibility Chilworth Provision of Cycleway. Source Test considered linking with 0175 Road from Chilworth report. CW 06 Valley Cycle Strategy 2009. Eastleigh and Southampton to Chandler’s Ford Some funding towards boundaries. scheme.

To join the CROW12 TVBC East Dean Provision of a missing footpath link. No funding yet land in East Dean to No scheme yet considered. 0180 ED 01 Source: Parish Council identified. Top Green.

From Newman’s Cottages to the TVBC East Dean Improve footpaths through the No funding yet railway crossing to No scheme yet considered. 0181 ED 02 village. Source: Parish Council identified. improve pedestrian safety.

TVBC East Dean Improve footpaths through the Specifically along No funding yet No scheme yet considered. 0182 ED 03 village. Source: Parish Council East Dean Road. identified.

28 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference

Consider reducing East TVBC Reduction of vehicle speeds in the speed limit to 30mph No funding yet Tytherley No scheme yet considered. 0183 village. Source: Parish Council. from existing 40mph identified. ET 01 through village.

East Coach Road and Submission for TVBC Improve footpaths through the Tytherley Cedars View to the No scheme yet considered. HCC Minor Works xxxx village. Source: Parish Council ET 02 children’s play area Programme 2016/17.

Upgrade footways to include Footpath 717 (The Enham provision for cycles, including TVBC Cinder Path) from Developer contributions Alamein removal of the gate/s. To improve No scheme yet considered. 0176 Anton Lane to available. EA 01 access to the countryside. Woodhouse Lane Source: TVBC

Enham Improved railing for pedestrian No scheme yet considered, TVBC Newbury Road up to No funding yet Alamein safety. widths of footway 0178 the Doctors Surgery. identified. EA 03 Source: Parish Council requirechecking.

The route to the farm Some works access via Anton Lane to be By-way 755 from undertaken, improving Enham Improved pedestrian access to the resurfaced. Remainder of TVBC Ickneild Way towards access to farm. Alamein Countryside. route to be unaffected with 0179 Enham village, linking Remainder upon EA 04 Source: Parish Council the exception of junction with footpath 717. adoption of playing with Ickneild Way. Including fields at measures to address ponding.

29 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Feasibility undertaken, A343 near Knights preferred option identified to Enham Enham School, Developer funding and TVBC Improved pedestrian access. enhance pedestrian access Alamein linking Roman Way some HCC funding xxxx Source: Parish Council and reduce congestion in EA 07 with King Arthurs available the vicinity of the schools Way. accesses.

Along A343 as a Enham Consideration of appropriate and/or TVBC result of development Developer contributions Alamein necessary traffic calming measures. No scheme yet considered. xxxx of East Anton. available. EA 08 Source: TVBC

Look at implementing improved Enham Funding secured, works TVBC community transport links facilitating Enham Alamein to the Creation of the Enham Way Alamein to be implemented xxxx the movement of people with town centre, route, suitable for all. EA 10 during 2015. mobility impairment. Source: TVBC

Improvements to facilitate cycle usage, including small scale NCN 246 through TVBC infrastructure improvements e.g. No funding yet Faccombe No scheme yet considered. 0184 FA 01 widening paths and or gates to allow identified. safe passage of cyclists. Source: Sustrans

Improve the safety and accessibility Weyhill Fair Part of proposed off-road TVBC Fyfield No funding yet for pedestrians and cyclists. roundabout towards cycle route from Andover to 0185 FY 01 identified. Source: TV BUGS Group. Ludgershall. Ludgershall.

30 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Footway provision to improve Goodworth pedestrian safety TVBC Along eastern end of Barrow Clatford and access No scheme yet considered. No funding yet identified. 0187 Hill to The Crescent. GC 02 within the village. Source: Local residents Across Cholderton Road and Provision of a footway and footpath Feasibility undertaken, works Footway provision along Station Road (C43) link to north platform of Railway TVBC Grateley to implemented 2015/2016 within the village. between Cholderton Road Station to improve safety and 0189 GR 01 subject to landowners Source: HCC and pedestrian access to accessibility to the railway station consent. Railway Station. and bus stop. Junction improvements. This scheme is part of Over TVBC Grateley Wallop Road and Old Source: Parish Priority change. Wallop whole village traffic 0190 GR 02 Stockbridge Road (B3084)4 Council and management scheme. TVBC Consider revising HCC to consider HGV restrictions TVBC speed limits on vehicle width and weight and Scheme in TVBC 2015/2016 Grateley xxxx through the Village wide. other minor measures such as Traffic Management GR 03 village Source: bollards to reduce damage caused Programme. Parish Council by HGV’s. Consider lining measures on the Improve the safety Specifically, crossing the approach to the bridge and possible TVBC Grateley of pedestrians Linked to TVBC 0189/GR 01 B3084 either side of the realigning the kerb lines and/or 0191 GR 04 Source: Parish above. bridge. provision of a pedestrian refuge Council. island.

31 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Footway provision to link two North of Mayfield House, TVBC Houghton sections of the south to the road junction at No scheme yet considered. Some funding identified. 0192 HO 01 Clarendon Way South End Cottages. footpath. Source: HCC

Improve Filed Consider the inclusion of Field Path Field path runs between A site visit will be made to TVBC Houghton Path in Houghton. as it does provide an alternative to the Houghton Farm and the determine the extent and xxxx HO 03 Source: Parish pedestrians walking on carriageway Church. feasibility of work. Council through the village.

Improvements to facilitate cycle usage, including small scale infrastructure Hurstbourne TVBC improvements NCN246 through No scheme yet considered. No funding yet identified. 0196 e.g. widening Tarrant. HT 03 paths and or gates to allow safe passage of cyclists. Source: Sustrans

32 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference

Improve the safety Kimpton TVBC and accessibility for Weyhill Fair roundabout towards No scheme yet No funding yet 0198 pedestrians and cyclists. Ludgershall. considered. identified. KI 01 Source: TV BUGS Group

Improve accessibility for King Provision of a new TVBC pedestrians. From Spencer’s Farm to New Farm No funding yet Somborne footway to improve safety 0199 Source: HCC Area Team/ on Winchester Road. identified. KS 01 and accessibility. Parish Council

King Improve accessibility for From Cemetery to Sunnyside View Provision of a new Funding secured TVBC Somborne pedestrians. (former Carlton Civil Engineering footway to improve safety through S106 linked to 0201 KS 03 Source: TVBC office) on the A3057 and accessibility. development. King Improve accessibility for Provision of a new TVBC From the School to Eldon Road and HCC progressing the Somborne pedestrians. footway to improve safety 0202 the Village Hall scheme. KS 04 Source: TVBC and accessibility. An uncontrolled pedestrian crossing Investigate the possibility King Improve accessibility for Acquisition of land is TVBBC outside the School and at the end of a crossing point to Somborne pedestrians. likely to be required. No 0203 of Froghole Lane (note limited land improve safety and KS 05 Source:TVBC funding yet identified. available) accessibility. King Improve accessibility for TVBC No funding yet Somborne cyclists. Test Way via Lane Provision of cycle route. 0204 identified. KS 06 Source: TVBC Speed and volume of King traffic a concern for the Parish Council looking at TVBC Somborne accessibility and safety for Furzedown Road. introducing regular speed Posts to be ordered. xxxx KS 07 pedestrians. monitoring. Source: Local residents 33 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Status/ Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Funding Reference Reference Concern regarding the safety due to a lack of visibility Coley Lane with Improve visibility splays TVBC Leckford Some funding at the A3057 junction with the bridge over the River Test A3057.near The at junction by re-aligning 0206 LE 01 identified. Source: Parish Council Mayfly PH of approach roads.

Linkenholt No schemes currently identified. LI 01

Little TVBC to Safety issue regarding parked vehicles and junction. Strawberry Consider white lines to Somborne consider Local Member Lane. mark junction. LS 01 implementing. Phase 1 Romsey Road - section between the of footway school and TVBC Improve accessibility for pedestrians. Provide footway improve from the church and then 0206 LO 01 Source: Parish Council safety and accessibility. school to the along East Dean railway bridge Road towards has been Lockerley Green completed. Proposed crossing TVBC Lockerley Improve accessibility for pedestrians. No funding yet Romsey Road improvement to improve 0207 LO 02 Source: SRtS identified. safety and accessibility.

Scheme to provide TVBC Lockerley No funding yet Provide parking opportunities. Source: SRtS. On The Green. alternative and 0208 LO 03 identified. appropriate car parking

TVBC Lockerley Improve accessibility for pedestrians. Access into Investigate improved No funding yet xxxx LO 04 Source: Parish Council Jubilee Field. pedestrian access. identified

34 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Status/ Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Funding Reference Reference In TVBC East Dean Road TVBC Lockerley Change the priority. design Junction improvements. Source: Parish Council junction with xxxx LO 05 programme for Romsey Road. 2015/2016

Longstock No schemes currently TVBC LS 01 identified.

Creation of a vehicle passing place on TBVC Longparish No funding yet Road Safety. Southside Hill. Southside hill to allow xxxx LP 01 identified. vehicles to pass one another. Improve and define highway adjacent to B3048 by appropriate use of kerbing, Adjacent to TVBC Longparish Possible safety issues outside village hall. surfacing, planting and No funding yet village Hall xxxx LP 03 Source: Parish Council drainage to create safe identified. B3048. access and a safe area which can be used for vehicles needing to stop off the road. Melchet Submission Church Lane Implementation of a Park & for HCC TVBC Consider measures to ease traffic congestion. Source: between formal passing place Plaitford Minor Works 0215 Parish Council. Comptons Drive to allow traffic to safety Programme and the Ford. pass. MPR 01 2016/17

35 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Status/ Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Funding Reference Reference Partly constructed; remainder to Improve safety and accessibility of cyclists and Provision of an off-road TVBC and Timsbury to be delivered pedestrians. cycle route 0216 Timsbury Romsey Town. when funding Source: TVBC Cycle Strategy 2014. MT 01 and land becomes available. Phase 1 –lining and Phase 1 – timber posts. implemented. TVBC Monxton Look at delivering improved parking for Village Hall. Adjacent to Phase 2 metalling of Phase 2 xxxx MON 03 Source: Parish Council Village Hall. part of the highway – funding verge. secured. Works funded, TVBC Monxton Consider changes to speed limit and traffic calming Andover and Installation ‘Gateway’s detailed design xxxx MON 04 within the village Grateley roads. on approach to village. and location to be agreed. Phase 1 completed, B3084 from the railway station railway station Provision of a new to public TVBC Mottisfont Improve accessibility for pedestrians. Source: HCC & to Hatt Lane and footway to improve footpath. No 0213 MOT 01 Parish Council continuing to the safety and accessibility. funding yet Village Hall. identified for phase 2, to village hall.

36 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Improvements to bus stop infrastructure To Along the route of the New poles, hardstandings, TVBC improve access to 77/87 through Nether/ information and shelter for No funding yet identified. 0232 NW 01 vehicles. Source: HCC Middle Wallop. passengers required. Passenger Transport.

Consideration of alternation of traffic Investigate the reduction of Consider revising speed calming measures being considered TVBC Nether Wallop Station Road and the speed of through traffic limits through the village. by HCC. Parish Council advised 0233 NW 02 Salisbury Lane. using by providing traffic Source: Parish Council by HCC. Traffic calming of A343/ calming/ management. Station Road constructed 2015. The County Council is upgrading the traffic signals and the road surfacing at the junction in 2-15 Investigate improvements to reduce traffic queue lengths to Baddesley Crossroads North Consider measures to and increase the capacity of the TVBC Baddesley and possible removal of Baddesley ease traffic congestion. junction. 0217 Crossroads. the island in Nutburn Road NB 01 Source: TVBC to reduce congestion. The scheme also involves improvements to the ped/cycle crossing facilities and will future proof the junction for cycle improvements in the coming years. Improvements to bus Provision of bus stop infrastructure along infrastructure North the route of the Bluestar TVBC improvements for the Baddesley North Baddesley. 4 to improve access to No funding yet identified. 0218 benefits of passengers. NB 02 vehicles, information Source: HCC Passenger (including Real Time) and Transport shelter for passengers. 37 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Improve safety and North Provision of an off-road cycle way to improve safety TVBC accessibility of cyclists. Firgrove Road to the No funding yet Baddesley and accessibility. 0219 Source: TVBC Cycle Science Park. identified. NB 03 Source: TVBC Cycle Strategy 2009. Strategy 2009 Improve safety and Improve cycle lanes as they are regularly obstructed North accessibility of cyclists. TVBC by parked vehicles. This could be provided by a No funding yet Baddesley Source: TVBC Cycle Rownhams Lane. 0220 shared use cycleway/footway with a combination of identified. NB 04 Strategy 2009 carriageway and or verge reduction. Source: SRtS Improve safety and North Sylvan Drive TVBC accessibility of cyclists. No funding yet Baddesley linking Hoe Lane to Provision of on-road cycle route. 0221 Source: TVBC Cycle identified. NB 05 Rownhams Lane. Strategy 2009 Improve safety and A3057 to Rownhams North Provision of on-road cycle route from and possible TVBC accessibility of cyclists. Lane and/or to No funding yet Baddesley widening of footways to create off-road routes to 0222 Source: TVBC Cycle reduce traffic speeds identified. NB 06 improve safety and accessibility. Strategy 2009 in Hoe Lane.

Nursling & Improve accessibility TVBC No funding yet Rownhams for pedestrians Source: Nursling Street. Improvements to footway. 0223 identified. NR 01 SRtS Team.

Provision of bus infrastructure Some funding Nursling & TVBC improvements for the Along the route used Provision of additional bus infrastructure (including secured. Initial Rownhams 0224 benefits of passengers. by BlueStar4. shelters, raised kerbs and hardstandings) investigation NR 02 Source: HCC Passenger underway. Transport 38 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Provision of bus infrastructure Some funding Nursling & Along the Provision of additional bus TVBC improvements for the benefits of secured. Initial Rownhams route used by infrastructure (including shelters, 0224 passengers. Source: HCC Passenger investigation NR 02 BlueStar4. raised kerbs and hardstandings) Transport underway. TVBC have Nursling & undertaken initial TVBC Consider changes to speed limit and Proposed traffic calming in Rownhams Hillyfields. feasibility. Need to 0225 traffic calming within Hillyfields. Hillyfields area. Source: TVBC NR 03 reappraise whole area in a new study. Nursling & Improve safety and accessibility of TVBC Romsey to No funding yet Rownhams cyclists. Provision of cycle route. 0226 Redbridge identified. NR 04 Source: TVBC Cycle Strategy 2009 Nursling Street, Nursling & Improve safety and accessibility of Horns Drove TVBC Provision of on-road cycle route. No funding yet Rownhams cyclists. and Routs Way 0227 identified. NR 05 Source: TVBC Cycle Strategy 2009 to Rownhams Lane. Nursling & Improve safety and accessibility of Balmoral Way TVBC Provision of on-road cycle route. No funding yet Rownhams cyclists. and Bakers 0229 identified. NR 07 Source: TVBC Cycle Strategy 2009 Drove. Station Road Nursling & TVBC Improve accessibility for pedestrians. between Dairy No funding yet Rownhams Provision of a footway. 0230 Source: Parish Council. Lane and identified. NR 09 Church Lane. Nursling & Junction improvements to manage Bakers Drove/ TVBC Junction improvements Some funding Rownhams traffic congestion. Source: Parish Redbridge 0231 identified. NR 10 Council Lane junction.

39 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Station Road Reclassification and Salisbury of B3084/C250 Lane. implemented. Also, at cross Remaining Consideration of appropriate and/ Investigate reduction of traffic road A343 with stage junction TVBC or necessary traffic calming and speed by providing traffic Salisbury Rd. improvements at both 0234 OW 1 management measures. calming/management. Installation ends of Salisbury Source: Parish Council pedestrian Lane and traffic refuges and calming/management bell mouth along Station Rd and narrowing Salisbury Lane.

Investigate change of priority Consideration of appropriate to encourage use of Old TVBC Over Wallop works and/or traffic management Old Stockbridge Stockbridge Road for through See above. 0235 OW 2 measures. Road. traffic at Grateley end and Source: Parish Council improvement at A343 end.

Consideration of appropriate and/or TVBC Over Wallop Possible closure of Salisbury necessary traffic calming measures. Salisbury Lane. See above. 0236 OW 3 Road to reduce ‘rat running.’ Source: Parish Council

Proposed off-road cycle route. Improve safety and accessibility of Weyhill Fair TVBC This will improve the safety and Some funding cyclists. roundabout to 0237 PG 01 accessibility for pedestrians and available. Source: TV BUGS Group Ludgershall. cyclists.

40 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Proposed off-road cycle route. Improve safety and accessibility of Weyhill Fair TVBC Penton Grafton This will improve the safety and Some funding cyclists. roundabout to 0237 PG 01 accessibility for pedestrians and available. Source: TV BUGS Group Ludgershall. cyclists. Consideration of appropriate and/ Extension to speed limit HCC progressing TVBC Penton Grafton or necessary traffic calming/ Along Foxcotte proposed, after traffic calming amendment to speed 0238 PG 02 management measures. Lane. trail was unsuccessful. limit. Source: Parish Council Weyhill Fair Improve the safety and accessibility TVBC Penton Mewsey roundabout Some developer for pedestrians and cyclists. Source: Proposed off-road cycle route. 0239 PM 01 towards funding identified. TV BUGS Group Ludgershall. Traffic calming scheme TVBC Penton Mewsey Investigate traffic calming within the C33 Weyhill to implemented and unsuccessful. Some funding 0240 PM 02 village. Source: Parish Council Charlton Road. Speed reduction scheme now available. beginning investigated by HCC. HGV restriction proposed in In TVBC traffic the area to restriction, width TVBC Quarley Consider traffic calming measures management Parish wide and weight of HGV vehicles. xxxx QU 01 in the village. Source: Parish Council programme for Also, minor measures to reduce 2015/16 vehicle damage, e.g. bollards

Note: please also see the Romsey Town Access Plan (2015) for schemes

41 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Highwood Lane Enhance foo links westwards around the bend towards Halterworth Land and First phase complete TVBC Romsey Extra Improve safety and accessibility for opposite Stroud continue route southwards down 2013. Prefeasibility 0241 RE 01 pedestrians. Source: Parish Council. School to link the length og Highwood Lane to on next phase. with Botley junction of Botley Road. Road. Improve accessibility to the bus Improve the safety and accessibility TVBC Romsey Extra stops by introducing a pedestrian Developer funding for pedestrians and bus passengers. 0243 RE 03 refuge on Winchester Road. available. Source: Parish Council Source: Parish Council. Straight Mile (A3090) phase 2 Crampmoor Provision of both on & off road Phases 1 & Improve the safety and accessibility Lane and TVBC Romsey Extra cycle route forming part of 2 complete. for cyclists. Source: TVBC Cycle Phase3 from 0244 RE 04 Romsey – Ampfield cycleway. Prefeasibility of phase Strategy 2014. eastern end 3. of Straight Mile towards Ampfield. Adjacent to Romsey Canal Improve the safety and accessibility between TVBC Romsey Extra Provision of off road cycle route. Some developer for cyclists. Source: TVBC Cycle Romsey & 0245 RE 05 funding available. Strategy 2014. Timsbury and on-road through Belbins.

42 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference

Romsey Improve the safety and accessibility TVBC Some developer Extra for cyclists. Source: TVBC Cycle Romsey to Wellow . Provision of off road cycle route. 0246 funding available. RE 06 Strategy 2014.

Adjacent to Romsey Romsey Improve the safety and accessibility Canal between TVBC Provision of off road cycle route. Some developer Extra for cyclists. Source: TVBC Cycle Romsey & Timsbury 0245 funding available. RE 05 Strategy 2014. and on-road through Belbins. Romsey Improve the safety and accessibility TVBC Some developer Extra for cyclists. Source: TVBC Cycle Romsey to Wellow . Provision of off road cycle route. 0246 funding available. RE 06 Strategy 2014.

Romsey Improve the safety and accessibility TVBC Romsey to Provision of Cycleway. Some developer Extra for cyclists. Source: TVBC Cycle 0247 Redbridge funding available. RE 07 Strategy 2014. Development of access routes in Romsey Improve the safety and accessibility conjunction with Romsey’s waterways TVBC Within Romsey and No funding yet Extra for all adjacent to the waterways of and Wetlands enhancement strategy 0248 its surroundings. identified. RE 08 Romsey. Source: TVBC 2013. Linking with the cycle route adjacent to the Canal (see above)

43 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Provide footway to link lack of pedestrian access to entrance to Sir Harold Romsey To be provided as part of the TVBC from the town to Sir Harold Braishfield Road/ Hillier Gardens and to Extra development at Abbotswood. xxxx Hillier Gardens and footway Jermyns Lane link to new development RE 09 Developer’s contributions. link to Braishfield. at Abbotswood with Braishfield.

Sherfield Improve the safety and A27 and accessibility Improve footway and TVBC Due to be constructed in phases. English accessibility for pedestrians. from Melchett View provide pedestrian island 0250 First phase constructed. SE 01 Source: Parish Council. to Village Hall.

Provide improved bus Improvements to hard standing/ Improve the safety and Sherfield infrastructure including new poles/ shelters and TVBC accessibility for pedestrians English A27 kerbs, shelters and information are proposed in HCC 0251 and bus passengers. Source: SE 02 hardstanding. Source: HCC minor works programme for Parish Council Passenger Transport. 2016/2017

A scheme will commence in summer 2015providing a new right turn lane on the A338 for traffic travelling south ad wanting to turn A338 Salisbury Shipton Highway safety right into Watery Lane (just south TVBC Road/Watery Lane Junction improvements to Bellinger improvements. Source: of existing tank crossing) There will 0249 and A338 Salisbury improve highway safety. SB 01 Parish Council also be two new short sections of Road/High Street. footway on both sides of the A338 with a pedestrian refuge island in the centre of the carriageway to link tow footpaths.

44 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Improve the safety and accessibility to Ridges Investigate a scheme to TVBC Smannell for pedestrians and cyclists Copse/Little London Some developer funding upgrade/create a through 0252 SM 01 within the village. Source: TVBC and from Little London available. cycle route. Councillor. into Smannell Footway along Some developer funding Improve the safety and accessibility Look at appropriate TVBC Smannell Road and/or available and some initial SM 02 for pedestrians. Source Parish improvements to facilitate 0253 improvements to public feasibility was undertaken Council access. footways. in 2014/2015.. Improve the safety and accessibility TVBC School/PH The Oak Improvements to permissive Some developer funding SM 03 for pedestrians. Source Parish 0254 direct to Woodhouse paths. available. Council Improve the safety and accessibility Improve gates and surfacing TVBC Footpaths 714, 717 and Some developer funding SM 04 for pedestrians. Source Parish and improved access. 0255 756 available. Council Improve the safety and accessibility Look at introducing a TVBC Some developer funding SM 05 for pedestrians. Source Parish Smannell Road. gateway entrance sign at 0256 available. Council the north end of the Parish. Improve ‘kissing gate’ Improve the safety and accessibility Entrances to local entrances to local footpaths Some developer funding SM 06 for pedestrians. Source Parish footpaths. enabling for access for all. available. Council

Improve highway Safety and Investigate the provision of TVBC Some developer funding SM 07 reduce traffic speeds. Source: Near School. light coloured surfacing and 0257 available. Parish Council speed signs on the road.

45 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Consideration of appropriate and/or Improve highway necessary TVBC Safety and reduce traffic calming SM 08 A343 Some developer funding available. xxxx traffic speeds. Source: measures along TVBC as a result of development of East Anton Improvements to Improve the safety Stockbridge Bus and accessibility for Interchange as there TVBC Stockbridge pedestrians and bus Stockbridge is now a waiting time Maintenance needs to be agreed with Parish Council. 0258 ST 01 passengers. Town Centre. between services- Source: HCC 68, 77, 79 and 90 Passenger Transport services. Proposal to install 30+ car parking spaces in a layby Improve highway Investigate provision off A30 between roundabouts to commence in summer safety through traffic of traffic calming TVBC Stockbridge 2015. Scheme includes realignment of the carriageway calming and provision High Street and car parking to 0259 ST 02 into the eastern verge and construction of a lay-by of additional car improve safety and adjacent to cycle route. In addition, a footway will connect parking. Source: HCC accessibility. the pedestrian refuge and parking area with the school. . No schemes currently identified. No schemes Thruxton currently identified.

46 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference

Upper No schemes Clatford currently identified.

Footway along Templars Way has been installed Need to improve Provision of between School Lane and Raglan Close. A Traffic TVBC Valley Park safety for cyclists. cycle route along Regulation Order is required to allow cyclists to use Templars Way 0265 VP 01 Source: Test Valley Templars Way. the route from Raglan Close to Montgomery Way. Cycle Strategy 09 Coordination with Eastleigh Borough Council is also required. Vernham No schemes Dean currently identified. Romsey and Wellow along Improve the safety the A3090, Provision of a and accessibility TVBC Wellow PC Ryedown cycle route to for cyclists. Source: No funding yet identified. 0269 WE 01 Lane improve safety and TVBC Cycle Strategy Whinwhistle accessibility. 09 Road & Romsey Road Improve the safety and accessibility for Improvements To include bus stop, TVBC Wellow PC pedestrians and bus to bus route hardstanding; and No funding yet identified. 0270 WE 02 passengers. Source: X7, shelter. HCC Passenger Transport.

47 Test Valley Access Plan SPD, September 2015

District Parish & Statement TVAP TVAP Issue Location Scheme Proposal Status/Funding Reference Reference Improve safety and accessibility and Provision for safe crossing opportunities TVBC Wellow PC pedestrian and for pedestrians A36 No funding yet identified. 0271 WE 03 cyclists crossings Source: New Forest opportunities. National Park Authority Improve the safety TVBC Wellow PC and accessibility for Provision of a Romsey Road No funding yet identified. 0272 WE 04 pedestrians.Source: footway. Parish Council & No schemes currently identified. PC To facilitate cycle usage along the route, including land Improve the safety Make purchase, small TVBC Wherwell PC and accessibility for improvements scale infrastructure No funding yet identified. 0274 WH 01 cyclists. Source: to NCN 246 improvements e.g. Source: Sustrans widening paths and or gates to allow safe passage of cyclists.

* The Borough Statement references relate to all transport schemes within Test Valley and will not necessarily run in numerical order, particularly since those schemes that have been completed are then removed from the table.

** Not all of the schemes are listed and referenced on Hampshire County Council’s Borough statement on their website. Some are not included because they are being implemented by developers and others because they are yet to be given a reference or updated on the web. Where this is the case it is shown as TVBCXXXX in the table. 48 Planning Policy and Transport Service Council Offices Beech Hurst Weyhill Road, Andover Hampshire SP10 3AJ

Email: [email protected] www.testvalley.gov.uk