An Information-Theoretic Approach to Normal Forms for Relational and XML Data Marcelo Arenas Leonid Libkin University of Toronto University of Toronto
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Several papers [13, 28, 18] attempted a more formal eval- uation of normal forms, by relating it to the elimination Normalization as a way of producing good database de- of update anomalies. Another criterion is the existence signs is a well-understood topic. However, the same prob- of algorithms that produce good designs: for example, we lem of distinguishing well-designed databases from poorly know that every database scheme can be losslessly decom- designed ones arises in other data models, in particular, posed into one in BCNF, but some constraints may be lost XML. While in the relational world the criteria for be- along the way. ing well-designed are usually very intuitive and clear to state, they become more obscure when one moves to more The previous work was specific for the relational model. complex data models. As new data formats such as XML are becoming critically important, classical database theory problems have to be Our goal is to provide a set of tools for testing when a revisited in the new context [26, 24]. However, there is condition on a database design, specified by a normal as yet no consensus on how to address the problem of form, corresponds to a good design. We use techniques well-designed data in the XML setting [10, 3]. of information theory, and define a measure of informa- tion content of elements in a database with respect to a set It is problematic to evaluate XML normal forms based of constraints.