
Chapter 14 and : The of Running Water

Streams and Floods: The Geology of

Running Water

Updated by: Based on slides prepared by:

Rick Oches, Professor of Geology & Environmental Sciences Ronald L. Parker, Senior Geologist

Bentley University Fronterra Geosciences

Waltham, Massachusetts Denver, Colorado

Stream Flow

 Streams and —concentrated flows of water in channels.  A occurs when a exceeds capacity.  Flooding can claim lives and destroy property.  Stream flow is crucial for humans:  Drinking  Irrigation  Industrial use  Transportation  Recreation  Aesthetics  Energy

Fig. 14.1

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Stream Flow

 Stream runoff is an important geologic agent.  Flowing water: Erodes, transports, and deposits ions and . Sculpts landscapes. Transfers mass from continents to ocean basins.

Fig. 14.19b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water The Hydrologic Cycle  Stream flow is part of the hydrologic cycle.  Major parts of the hydrologic cycle:  Evaporation  Transpiration  Precipitation  Sublimation   Melting  Runoff

Geology at a Glance

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Forming Streams

 Stream flow begins as scattered runoff.

Fig. 14.2

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Forming Streams

 The configuration of and trunk streams defines a drainage network.  Geometry is influenced by topography, contrasts in rock types, jointing, and differences in chemical weathering and erodability.

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Drainage Networks

 Common drainage patterns  Dendritic—branching or tree-like  Common in regions of uniform material

Fig. 14.4

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Drainage Networks

 Common drainage patterns  Radial—draining in all directions away from a point  Found at the perimeter of a high region or feature (mesa, peak, or , etc.)

Fig. 14.4

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Drainage Networks

 Common drainage patterns  Parallel—several streams with parallel courses  Common in surface with uniform slope

Fig. 14.4

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Drainage Basins

 Land areas drain into a trunk stream or .  A watershed is the area of land that drains into a stream.  Ridges and peaks separate drainage basins.

Fig. 14.5a

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Drainage Divides

 Watersheds exist at multiple scales.  Large watersheds contain many smaller watersheds.  Continental divides separate drainages that flow to different water bodies (e.g., to Gulf of Mexico versus Atlantic Ocean).

Fig. 14.5b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Permanent vs. Ephemeral

 Permanent streams:  Ephemeral streams:  Water flows all year.  Dry up part of the year.  At or below water .  Above the water table.  Humid or temperate climes.  Dry climates. Sufficient rainfall. Low rainfall. Lower evaporation. High evaporation.

Fig. 14.6a, b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Describing flow in streams

 Flow may be slow and smooth or…  Turbulent, the twisting, swirling motion of a fluid. • Uneven velocity • Swirling and eddies  Turbulence caused by: • Irregularities in and bottom. • Objects in water. • Steep gradients.

Fig. 14.7b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water The Work of Running Water

and transport  The energy of flowing water is from mass and gravity.  Streams convert potential energy (PE) to kinetic energy (KE). KE (e.g., fast water flow) lifts and moves solids.  Erosion is greatest during a flood because KE is higher:  Erodes more  Transports more

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water How Do Streams Transport Sediment?

 Sediment load = material moved by running water load.  Three types of load:  —ions from chemical weathering  —fine particles (silt and ) in the water.  —larger particles roll, slide, and bounce along the bottom Bed load moves by .

Fig. 14.8c

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water

 Flowing water moves sediments  Slow water can only transport fine sediments and solutes  Fast-flowing water can move boulders and clasts  Competence: a measure of ability to move large clasts

Fig. 14.9a Sediment

 Decrease in water velocity affects sediment transport.  Competence reduced, sediment drops out.  Boulders, then gravels, then fill channel bottoms.  Sands form inside banks (point bars).  Silts and clays drape .

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Sediment Deposition

 Deposition in stream and river systems  Fluvial deposits are sediments transported by streams.  Alluvium—another commonly used term for stream sediments  Sediment accumulates in channel bars and point bars.  During a flood, sediment accumulates on the .

Fig. 14.9b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Stream Changes along Their Length

 The longitudinal profile describes changes in a stream channel’s elevation from its mouth to its headwaters.  In profile, the gradient describes a concave-up curve. = change in elevation per distance flowed.

Common units: (ft/mi) = feet of elevation change per mile of channel.

Fig. 14.10

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Longitudinal Changes

 The character of a stream changes along its length.  Near the headwaters (source) of the stream:  Gradient is steep.  is low.  Competence is high (sediments are coarse).  Channels are straight.

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Valleys and

 Variations in resistance to erosion may result in a stair- step profile along walls.  Strong rocks yield steep slopes and cliffs.  Weak rocks yield gentle slopes.

Fig. 14.11c

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Valleys and Canyons

 If rises, stream flow slows, and the become filled with more sediment.  If base level falls, stream flow quickens, and the incision of channels may leave stranded terraces.  Stream terraces mark former floodplains. Fig. 14.12a, b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water

 Rapids are caused by turbulent flow of water.  Rapids reflect steep gradient and/or high friction.  Flow over steps (edges of resistant layers)  Flow over large clasts  Narrowing of a channel  Increase in gradient

Fig. 14.13a

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water

 Gradient is so steep that water cascades or free falls.  Waterfalls scours a deep .  Basal erosion leads to collapse of overlying rocks.  Waterfalls are temporary base levels.

Virginia Falls, Nahanni National Park, NWT

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Waterfalls

 Niagara Falls  Erie drops 55 m at the falls, to reach Lake Ontario.  Dolostone cap resists erosion; underlying shale erodes.  Blocks of unsupported dolostone collapse and fall.  Niagara Falls erodes upriver toward Lake Erie.  Erosion since deglaciation has formed Niagara Gorge.

Fig. 14.14

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Alluvial Fans

 Alluvial fans build at canyon mouths.  Sediment drops out as water spreads out from mouth.  Coarsest material is dropped first, close to mouth.  Finer material is carried further, to distal edge of fan.  Sediment creates a conical, fan-shaped structure.  During strong flood, spreads across, smoothing fan surface.

Fig. 14.15a

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Braided Streams

 Trunk stream consists of many interfingering channels.  Sediment load is very high and channel is very shallow.  Abundant coarse sediment moves during floods.  Sediment is deposited, chokes channel in normal flow.  Weaving channels create ephemeral and gravel bars.

Fig. 14.15b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Meandering Streams

 Have sinuous, looping curves (). They form where:  the stream gradient is low.  the substrate is soft and easily eroded.  the stream exists within a broad floodplain.  Meanders evolve during times of flood.

Fig. 14.16a

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Meandering Streams

 The channel is modified during periods of flood.  Fast part of swings back and forth.  Momentum increases during flood, erodes outside bank. Curves migrate downstream with time. Fast water erodes the outside stream bank. Slower water deposits point bars on inner part of curve.

Fig. 14.16b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Meandering Streams

 Curves migrate downstream during flood events.  increases.  Floodwaters may overtop or cut an outside bank to create a shorter pathway downstream, cutting off neck.  is formed from cutoff meander.

Fig. 14.16b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Meandering Streams  Occupy only a small part of the floodplain.  Floodplains are often bounded by bluffs.  During floods, entire floodplain may be immersed.  Natural form ridges parallel to the channel.

Fig. 14.16c

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Deltas  A delta forms when a stream enters standing water.  Stream divides into a fan of .  Velocity slows; sediment drops out.  Delta morphology is a dynamic balance of sediment load, waves and storms, tides and slumping.  Bird’s-foot  Arc-like  Δ-shaped


Mississippi Congo

Fig. 14.17

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Deltas

 The is a sediment-dominated delta.  Lobes indicate long-lasting distributaries.  Active lobes grow in size and elevation.  In flood the river may break through a .  Flow jumps to a more direct path to the Gulf of Mexico.

Fig. 14.18

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Drainage Evolution  Stream piracy  One stream captures the flow of another.  A stream with vigorous and steeper gradient intercepts a stream with gentler gradient.  The captured stream flows into the new stream.

Fig. 14.20

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Drainage Evolution

 Superposed streams flow across deformed terrain despite geologic structure (such as folds).  Stream channel is initially in , uniform strata.  intercepts underlying, more durable rocks.  Stream may maintain its initial location.

Fig. 14.21

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Drainage Evolution

 Antecedent streams  may raise a region that has an entrenched stream.  If erosion keeps pace with uplift, the stream remains in its channel.  This is called antecedent drainage.  If the rate of uplift exceeds erosion by the stream, drainage changes.

Fig. 14.22

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Stream Rejuvenation

 Some antecedent streams have incised meanders.  Meanders initially develop on a gentle gradient.  Uplift raises the landscape (resetting the base level).  The meanders erode into the uplifted landscape.

Fig. 14.19b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Floods

 Floodwaters devastate property and ruin buildings.  Floods occur when flow exceeds channel capacity.  Water overflows the channel onto adjacent land.  Fast-moving water from channel flows onto floodplain, slows down and drops sediments, sometimes forming natural levees.

Fig. 14.23b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Raging Waters

 Flash floods are triggered by various conditions:  Torrential rains rapidly dumping large volumes of water Precipitation > infiltration = runoff.  Long period of continuous rain; ground is saturated  Rapid snowmelt across a large  Failure of or levee

Fig. 14.24b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Raging Waters

 Seasonal floods occur during a “wet season.”  Rainfall is heavy or snow begins to melt.  Tropical regions during season  Temperate regions when heavy winter snowpack melts  Cause floodplain floods or delta- floods.

Fig. 14.23c

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Raging Waters  Case history: Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, 1993  Excess rainfall and snowmelt across region  Summer floodwaters invaded huge areas. Covered 40,000 mi2 Flooding lasted 79 days 50 people died 55,000 homes destroyed  $12 billion in damage

Fig. 14.23a

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Raging Waters

 Flash floods—water rises rapidly with little warning.  Caused by intense rainfall or dam failures  Sometimes a rapidly moving wall of debris-laden water  May strike with little warning and be very destructive Johnstown, Pennsylvania, 1889 (dam failure).

Fig. 14.24a

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Raging Waters

 Case history: Big Thompson Canyon, Colorado, 1976  Torrential rains (7.5 inches in an hour)  High, fast water scoured rocks and soil  Houses, bridges, and roads vanished; a 275-ton rock moved.  144 people died.

Fig. 14.24b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Living with Floods

is expensive and ultimately futile.  Levees and flood walls prevent overflow to floodplains.  Artificial levees transmit flood problems downstream.  Levees may be overtopped or undermined.  1993,  2005, New Orleans

Fig. 14.25a, b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Evaluating Flood Hazard

 Flood risks are calculated as annual probabilities.  Recurrence interval is the average number of years between floods of a particular size.  A 100-year flood means 1% risk of such a flood in 1 year.

Fig. 14.26b

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Evaluating Flood Hazard

 Collect hydrologic data and make flood-hazard maps 1% annual probability (100-year floods) 0.2% annual probability (500-year floods)  Maintain flood-control structures

Calgary 2013

Since 1892, there have been two larger floods in Calgary Vanishing Rivers

 Over time, humans have been overusing/abusing rivers:  Pollution  Dam construction  Overuse of water  Urbanization &

The doesn’t reach the sea

Fig. 14.27 Photo by: Osvel Hinojosa-Huerta

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Useful Web Resources

 American Water Resources Association  http://www.awra.org/  FEMA On-Line Flood Maps  http://msc.fema.gov/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/FemaWelcomeView?storeId=10001&catalogId=10001&langId=-1  Hydrologic Research Center  http://www.hrc-lab.org/  National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center  http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/threats/  NOAA Flood Monitoring  http://www.noaawatch.gov/floods.php  NOAA National Weather Service Flood Safety Program  http://www.floodsafety.noaa.gov/  USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)  http://water.usgs.gov/nawqa/  USGS Real-Time Water Data for the Nation  http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/rt  USGS Information  http://water.usgs.gov/osw/  USGS Water Resources of the United States  http://water.usgs.gov/  USGS Water Watch  http://waterwatch.usgs.gov/new/?m=flood,map&r=us&w=real,map

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water Photo Credits

 Ronald L. Parker, slides 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31.

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water W. W. Norton & Company Independent and Employee-Owned

This concludes the Norton Media Library PowerPoint Slide Set for Chapter 14

Essentials of Geology 4th edition (2013) by Stephen Marshak

PowerPoint slides edited by Rick Oches Associate Professor of Geology, Bentley University, Waltham, Massachusetts

Essentials of Geology, 4th edition, by Stephen Marshak © 2013, W. W. Norton Chapter 14: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water