

democratic congress would afford the people grandeur and wealth ot talent those that sur- ¬ will bo n definite Reparation of ' jxchango WAR ON THE LORDS BEGUN ' OPPOSE ITt- relief nnd that a reinforced and approved rounded the press board tonight. value of the rupee and the ma. 'price of- OF democratic majority elected to the Fifty- THE WESTER :? CONTINGENT. uncoined stiver. The rupee I 'Inues a IDEPITY BRETON congress to fourth would testify next fall the western fol- ¬ unit In Indian currency, but Increase congress. "Wo The contingent. Included the work of this will rest the lowing : K , G , Cooper , Denver Republican ; In volume of that currency j depend case on that prediction , " paid Mr. Reed. "If upon Brilliant Assemblage of Editors in Annual T. M. Patterson , Rocky , Mountain News , Campaign to End or Mend Has Been Fairly the will of the governnj , nnd not you democratic majority ¬ ncreaso in the Whisky Tax Meets a Protest have an Increased ! , ¬ upon the choice of mer- , Denver A. Bunker Kansas City Jour- , the banketid Paris Police Proclaim Ho is fall you will bo vindicated. " Convention Started at Last * ' that ErniH next nal ; Addlson Weeks , Kaunas City Times ; chants. . Good judges liavo pre ( il n rlso- Little Looked For , Mr. Walker of Massachusetts , who followed A , J. Alkens , Milwaukee Evening Wis- ¬ In exchange and fiipao paper.tt " Henry , a Proncu-Spaniard. Mr. Stone , declared world's business was the consin ; Horace Ruble , Milwaukee Sen- ¬ done upon basis of world's standard , the the ORGANIZATION NATIONAL IN ITS SCOPE tinel ; 13. W. Coleman , Mllwaukcee Her- ¬ ENGLISH LIBERALS EXPRESS THEMSELVES The value of gold and silver , so far as Its W. C. U. HAS GONE BEFORE THE SENATE ald ; H. II , Cotcman , Milwaukee Herald ; HAS BEEN IN T. value ns International exchange -wan con- ¬ Mold u In PARIS SINCE JANUARY 18 It. A. Coleman , Mllwaukco Herald ; W. J. Two of Them Try to 1'p Trilln cerned , must always bo measured by Its Murphy .Minneapolis ; L. Swift , the Ilcurt of Chlriigo. bullion value In gold. Silver coinage forced flimrnnty I'niid to Curry on the right Tribune IVrrs Drelurr Tlu-y Will Not Itccpdo from Minneapolis Journal ; W , E. Haskcll , Min- ¬ CHICAGO , Feb. 1 1. Two colored high- ¬ Remonstrance Presented to that Angust by the democratic party had cost people Agiilnnt Competitors lucre-lined to Their 1'oMltlon on tlin Kmnloyvra Liabil- ¬ the neapolis ; E. Rosewatcr , Omaha Bee ; His Father Wna a Member of Oommum of the country $10,000,000 a year to Indirect Journal waymen made n desperate attempt to rob the 8018,001) lliiniiict| I.lift Kvrnlng H. W. Scott , Portland ( Ore. ) Oregonlan ; F.- . ity Hilt nnd tlio Common * Will Slnnil Body Through Fryo of Maine. , , proceeded the passengers In the 1:30: train on the Fort taxation Mr Walker then under D. M- and Sentenced to Death , Membership nnd Attendance * . White. St. Loulu Post-Dispatch ; D. . J'lrmVhero They Arc. n running fire of questions to argue that It Wayne road , soon after It loft the union .HoiiRcr , Globe-Democrat , St. Louis ; Charles was better to Issue bonds than to pass such depot tonight. was about W. Knapp , St. Ijiuls Republic ; John Just as the train TAKEN UP a bill ns the pending measure. He read an OLD ENID AND NEW ENID Schrocs , Anzelger dcs Wolscns ; William K- . to cross the brldgo at Sixteenth street , CALLS VAILLANT'S' Alleged quotation from Mr. Btand's speech CHICAGO , Feb. 14. The annual meeting PORTSMOUTH , Feb. 14. The National EFFORT CHILDISH .Kcntnor.. St. Louis Westllche Post ; J. A- . where the engineer Is required to run slowly , to demonstrate , us he Bald , that the result of of the was held at the , Paul Pioneer ; Liberal federation continued Its meetings the limitation of silver coinage would bo the .Wheelock St. Press Frederick two colored men entered ono of the day Auditorium recital hall In this city today. Drlscoll , St. Paul Press ; George Thompson , today with a largo attendance , which In- ¬ Oklahoma Towns and the Hock Island Eoad debasement of silver and the depreciation of coaches. A passenger who was In a seat near Explosion Only The occasion was notable In this , that It St. Paul Dispatch , and Frank P. MacLon- cluded a number of members of Parliament.- . Pnrt of a Scheme Arranged the sliver dollar , Mr. Bland attempted to of , nan , Topeka Journal. the door was struck by ono the men Given Some Consideration deny quotation , served to call together for the first tlmo In State At this morning's meeting the delegates Before the correctness of the but following Associated press officers n violent blow on the head , while Leaving London.- . Mr. Walker refused to yield. Ho went on to American history the representa- ¬ The passed a resolution advocating reforms In were present : Melville E. Stone , Charles the other began to go through his pockets.- . call attention to Mr. Johnson's statement of nearly every leading newspaper In legislation , Including ono-man-onc-voto tives S. Dlehl , A. C. Thomas , John P. Daughan , the ALLEN TALKS ON CORPORATIONS yesterday that the legal tender paper or gold A dozen passengers witnessed the assault ON THE SENATOR the United States In the national assembly.- . Wilson- . proposition , the holding of elections on the TRAIL OF HIS ACCOMPLICES was being refused at tlio treasury for silver Nat C. Wright and John P. nnd went to the assistance ot the man. The At the preceding meeting of the Associated .It was n rather entertaining spectacle to same day , the payment of members of Par- ¬ certificates. The moment silver certificates two colored desperadoes flourished their re- ¬ no longer were Interchangeable with gold or press In October , 1803 , the decision was see the men whoso business It had been to liament and the abolition of all rating In -Mattel- doing * of others get down volvers and fired several shots Into the top AimrohUtlr ( Action of the lioclc Inland the gold obligations , ho said , the latter would go- reached to inako the organization national In record the qualifications.- . Mmilfritii Scattered nu do- themselves to the task of stowing away of the car. Two of passengers then drew M- to n premium of 52.1 cents.- . , ¬ the StnclH of Algiers ! reading 1'iirnlslicn Him u Text for Its scope , obliterating sectional lines. As a edibles and having their own doings spread Mr W. S. Robson , Q. C. , moved a resolu- Contain ThrrntH In- Mr. . Sweet of Idaho followed with nn argu- ¬ consequence their weapons nnd fired nt the highwaymen . - of the accession of the leading delectatlqn , of public. The tion to the effect that the habitual disregard AiKUHslimte .Jeremiad Concerning Jtull- ment In support of the bill and made a out for the the and It Is believed that one of them wax the President of tlio- papers of the cast , which had formerly been were arranged in the form of a square of the will manifested by I.obhylitH. strong appeal for free silver. Mr. Bowers of tables national the Itopiilillc. . rosul , n piece extend- ¬ wounded. As soon as the passengers began bill.- . allied with New Associated press- at one end and with center House of Lords was an ubuuo also supported the the York Intolerable and negroes Mr. . ing down the middle. Opposite the eastern to make use of their revolvers the Urosscaus ot d'cnnsylvanla argued er tlio United press , and which have severed assuring the ministry of the enthusiastic of this center piece was the head sprang off the They had not been against the bill. "This bill , " ho said , "la ¬ terminus train. , , The time their relations with them to join the Asso- , support of the liberals for whatever measures PARIS Feb. II. The police nnnotinco WASHINGTON Fob. H. entire the financial honor of the country being put of the table , so far aa It had any head and apprehended at n late hour. The passenger thli Hcnato today was consumed In the ciated press , the session today became en- point was ensconced were adopted to secure to the Commons para- ¬ afternoon that It seems to bo definitely es- ¬ of the up at auction to enable It to pay Its debts. " at this Mr.'llllam Injured was an . scope- , Chicago Ocean , . Indlanala- tablished discussion of the house bill compelling the Mr. Rawllns , the delegate from Utah , tirely national In Its . Penn Nixon of the Inter mount authority.- that tlio Hotel Terminus bomb presiding ofllcor ot entertainment. Rock Island railway to stop Its trains nt the supported the bill with a general argument In .NHWEPAPKRS REPRnSENTHD. the the Mr. . E. J. C. Morton , M. P. , In support of n.TAi.iin A itovT : SVC.AH throwur'8 namo. Is nnillo Ilonry , and Hint hit Then followed the passing of the loving Tin xrnr.nui.K ¬ favor of free coinage. Without concluding following repre- ¬ resolution , asked use was In was born at Barcelona , Spain , on new towns of Enid nnd Round Pond in In- The were cup. cup had been passed the what there September his speech , Mr. Rawllns yielded for a motion After the One Cent n Pound Will I'roliulily Id; Phiccd- , 1872 dian Territory. The measure is especially sented : The Chronicle , Den- ¬ Mnnager Stone proposed the House of Commons while the House of 26 of French parents. Tlio police add that the committee rise.- . around , General on Sugnr. ver Republican , Denver Times , Denver Rocky Elverson of the Phila- ¬ Lords was allowed to exist. The speaker that they hate been aware of his proscnca- championed by Senator Berry of Aikansas Mr. . Flthlan at juncture rose to a per- ¬ the health of James this : WASHINGTON , Feb. 14. Senators Vest , and Is proving n subject of great attention , sonal explanation In connection with a Mountain News , Washington Evening Star, delphia Inquirer In those words , then described the House of Lords as n in Paris slnco January 18 , anil that ho hurt (Ark. ) , , Ransom and Cockrcll ¬ ELVERSON.- . Jones Gorman In ns some democratic senators see In the pro- ¬ statement made by Mr. Hunter earlier In Chicago Dally News , Chicago Evening Jour- IN EULOGY OF JAMES fraudulent company. Ho Raid that the peers lived London for a few weeks previous to day. of political position were In conference today In the committee of posed exercise of congressional power the The 'questionat Issue was how nal , Chicago Stoats Zcltung , Chicago Frcl- "Mr. . President There Is one friend used their for their own his coming to this city, Judge Hunter had voted on the proposition press , one who Is very near pecuniary Interest and expressed the opin- ¬ the senate committee on appropriations. They usurpation of rights. No action was reached Presse , Chicago Record , Chicago Dally Trib- ¬ the Associated Tlio Identity of tlio bomb thrower Is now to place agricultural Implements on the free and to nil , who Is lying sick at the ion that It was the duty of the people to called in other democratic senators for con ¬ une , Chicago Herald , Chicago Ocean , dear proved. Ills name Is Rmllo Henry , and ha- on the bill , but a vote will probably bs taken list and to Increase duty on diamonds.- . Inter tonight. He would have end this fraudulent proceeding. What the ¬ the Auditorium hotel sultations. Those senators called In were ex- Is L Mr. . Chicago Evening Post , Evansvlllo Dally people , , n brother of Fortune Henry, who Is now tomorrow. Flthlan said ho was present on the day been hero had It been possible. I ask this wanted Mr. Morton continued was ceedingly uncommunicative concerning the The whisky tax nnd the position of the when the vote upon the proposition to In- ¬ Journal , Indianapolis Journal , Indianapolis company to join mo In ono round to the llrst a quarrel with and then the destruc- ¬ undergoing a tor.n of Imprisonment at- ¬ proceedings , It Is known they had crease the duty on diamonds was , , mana- tion of great enemy. but that Temperance union on taken and News , Indianapolis Sentinel , Terre Haute health of Jlmmle Elverson the bravo their Clnlrvaux for Inciting to murder. Tholr Woman's Christian he had a keen personal Interest In knowing Inquirer. (. ) The resolution was finally adopted unani- ¬ under consideration tlio democratic policy , , Cap- ¬ ger of the Philadelphia father was a. member of , question was brought up by Senator Fryo Gazette Terre Haute Express Topeka , ¬ tlio Commune and the how Mr. Hunter had voted. Ho had noticed You nil know what n loyal , bravo heart our mously as were other resolutions embody- with reference to the tariff bill nnd that the , , - was sentenced to being this morning. The senator stated that ho that ho voted against the Increased duty on ital Topeka State Journal Loulsvtlla Even- alQIctcd friend bears' In his bosom. It Is ing the Newcastle program.- . sugar schedule engaged the greatest share of death for absent ¬ ¬ In from court had observed In the Associated press dis- the rising vote. The members whoso hon- Ing Post , Louisville Commercial , Loulsvlll- hardly necessary , knovMng him as you do , A reporter the Associated press has had their attention. Their efforts wore the when his trial was called. Ha Wo- ¬ an , of harmonizing the patches recently n statement that the esty and truthfulness ho did not question had oCourierJournal , Baltimore American , Bal- ¬ that I should say anything In commendation Interview with the earl of Dudley the direction democratic had ncd the country and afterwards dletl- Temperance union had signed which were ' possesses , mover of the contractlng-out amendment to party , and whllo no decision was man's Christian certain statements read timore Evening News , Baltimore Sun , Bos- ¬ of the superb quality 'which he In Spain. Henry remarked today that ha petitioned congress for an Increase of the tax by Mr. Hunter early In the day to the effect I from mentioning on In- ¬ the employers' liability bill In the House of- reached , It Is believed by those well ton Traveler , Springfield Union , Detroit but cannot retrain was alone responsible for the explosion lit on whisky. On examination it had been that ho had voted for the Increased duty.- . cident which occurred lately In his experi- ¬ Lords. . The earl of Dudley said that he did Informed that the conference Is likely to Evening News , Detroit , Detroit of In placing of duty of 1 cent a the cafa , adding Valllailt was a child to found that such petitions had really been Ho believed they .wore mistaken.- . Free Press ence , which Illustrates the steadfastness not think that the House Lords was likely result the a to sugar. A largo delegation from put presented to the house committee on ways "As there is a God In heaven , " said ho , Tribune , Minneapolis Journal , Minneapolis with which he clings to his friends. When recede from Its position after yesterday pound on nails In his bomb In order to blow- evening's vote. Workers Tariff association of and means. These purported to be fllgned by "and as I stand a living , breathing man , ho Tribune , St. Paul Dispatch , St. Paul Globe , the throat came to me one night that ho the Textile up the bourgcolse. Henry also said thern In I " Other conservative peers were Interviewed Philadelphia , under the guidance ot Repre- ¬ officers of the union remote western voted as state he voted. St. Paul Pioneer , city Jour- ¬ would bo cut off from a certain New York was better material than to bo Press Kansas by Associated press , visited the capital today that hail. towns. Letters had been sent to those towns He was willing to accede that perhaps Mr. paper It ho dared 'tp jjo to the Associated the representative and sentative Ilnrmer and ho was hiirprlsed his bomb did nal , Kansas City Times , St. Louis American , they declared their Intention to oppose Mr. S.- . and made an unsuccessful effort to secure a that and it had b.ecn found that no persons lived Hunter had voted under a misapprehension.- . press , the following mdrning ho printed at had- . P. . ef- ¬ not have more effect than It ¬ St. Louis Anzelger das Westens , St. Louis : Cobb's compromise amendment to the hearing before the senate committee on- In the locality bearing the names signed to At the conclusion of Mr. Flthian's state- the head of his editorial 'This paper Is a .It Is reported that the prefect of police him : , ' fect that any existing agreement between . They pleaded not only for nn In- - the petitions.- . ment the house , at 5:30 , ndjpurned. Westllcho Post St. Louis Globe-Democrat , member of the Associated press. " finance. received advices from the police of " workmen nild their employers should bo ex- ¬ creasft of duties but for n change from an ad- London "I have the pleasure now. said ho , "of St. Louis Post-Dispatch , Omaha Bee , Con- ¬ This evidence of loyalty to the association that the explosion caused by Henry was only . cluded from the operation of the bill for valorem to a specific duty , asserting that on presenting a remonstrance from the National CONTROL TJIKIU OWN SKKVICU- cord , Brooklyn , Com- ¬ was received with hearty, cheers. The toast Monitor Eagle Buffalo years. peers Inter- ¬ account possible part of a schema which he and certain ot C. T. U. , many expressions three The conservative of the fraud made by the W. against a tax on whisky. This , was drunk standing and his companions had leaving ) : mercial Buffalo Evening News , Buffalo they arranged before Is signed by of V.- . .r stniislcrs In the Ten Lurgail Cities to were exchanged viewed also asserted that Intended to former system It was but little If any better remonstrance officers the lie of sympathy for the sufferer London. It was the Intention , according to C. . ¬ ( Evening Express , New York World , New ' oppose Mr. Cobb's amendment even If the than free trade. T. U. In forty-four stales and three ter- illen Kxtrndcd I'owcrrf. among the gentlemen 'present. About the London advices , to commit as many out- ¬ ¬ government chose to drop bill on the , nnd these do not , ¬ York Evening Post , Now York Staats- souffo was discus- the that ritories excellent women WASHINGTON Feb. II. Postmaster Gen- tlmo the omelette under account. : AND rages as possible. The prisoner, according bollovo the United ought to en- ¬ Heltung , Now York Commercial Advertiser , , Imperial quartette appeared nnd 'Ti cni.it. that States eral BIsscll's plan to place the postal servlco- - sion the The liberal organs point out the to the police , undoubtedly cnino from London In manu- ¬ Rochester Post-Express , Syracuse Herald , compapy "Tho Bo'sun , " that ter Into copartnership cither the of ten entertained the with In company with three other anarchists and " the largest cities of the country under Cleveland , Cleveland Dealer , smallncss of yesterday's majority Is entirely Urgent Appeal from AVoMrrn Kiin iis for n facture or sale of Intoxicating liquors. Leader Plain and In response to an encore favored the the London police assert they have Informa- ¬ the management postmast- ¬ , ¬ ¬ due to the chance absence ot a number of Supply of 1iiel. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts presented practical of their Cincinnati Volksblaat Cincinnati Commer- banqueters with "The., Darkles In the Corn tion which leads them to bcllcvo Henry ¬ Irish members and several English liberals , ¬ and a resolution , which was adopted , calling on ers will bo a radical innovation In the sys- ¬ cial Gazette , Cincinnati Times-Star, Cincin- field. " TOPEKA , Feb. 14. A story of real desti- who were addressing meetings called to pro- ¬ his accomplices , previous to leaving England , the secretary of the treasury for the record tem of Is nati Enquirer , Columbus , O. , State Journal , During the progress ''of the banquet the tution came to Topeka direct from the west- ¬ the department If It adopted. The test against the action ot the House of- had planned , among other outrages outlined , In the case ot the Investigation' In Bos- ¬ Columbus Evening Dispatch , Dayton , O. , proceedings were enlivened by classic music the house committee on postofflccs will devote Lords. . ern part of the state. It was In the nature to cause a terrible explosion In the Purls ton custom house.- . Journal , Sundusky Register , Toledo Blade , by Tomaise Mandolin orches- ¬ to rendered the The liberals declare that Mr. Cobb'o of a petition of thirty-nine citizens of Lane opera IIOUBO , which was to Include , In addi- ¬ Itself the consideration of the matter Toledo Commercial , Portland Oregonlan , Oil tra. . When the bouutjtul feast had been TO STOP TRAINS AT STATIONS. gov- ¬ tion to, the explosion of bombs , , City , amendment Is the utmost limit of the county , living In and around small town several* the forthwith holding a special meeting next Derrick Philadelphia North American , fully disposed of , president Nixon rapped _ the I ¬ cutting oft of the gaa supply. The house bill to compel the Rock Island Philadelphia , - ernment concession and ! the bill Is sacri- Monday , at which the postmaster general Bulletin Philadelphia German for order, 'and announced that the Intel- of Hcaley , on the Missouri Pacific railroad , was In road to stop Its Enid ¬ ficed the responsibility will rest with thu It Mated this afternoon the lobbies trains at and Hound Democrat , Philadelphia Inquirer , Philadel- lectual end of the Banquet had arrived. asking for aid. Accompanying petition Pond , In Oklahoma , came up as unfin- ¬ will bo Invited to appear and explain the House of Lords- . the of the Chamber of the Deputies that the the phia Press , Plttsburg Chronicle-Telegraph , at- ¬ Frederick Drlscoll ot fh ? Pioneer Press was the following statement , signed by Wil- , ished business , and Senator ot Illi- ¬ proposed change. . police who have been on the trail of Henry's Palmer Plttsburg Commercial Gazette , Plttsburg St. . presented a resolution which was .RIDICULES CHAMBERLAIN'S IDEA- - This scheme will Involve no Increased ex- ¬ Paul liam J. Hyde , H. N. Brown and John Han- fellow conspirators , are now close upon them , nois took the floor In favor of the bill. Ho Despatch , Plttsburg Post , Memphis Appeal- adopted.- . .At Wil * - , Is simply designed unanimously an enormous-meeting tonight Sir jiey , all of Healoyiru. , , very argued that the people of these towns were penditures but to secure , , andi that their 'arrest within A short Avalanche Nashville American Dallas News , . WORTHILY BESTOWED.- . Ham Harcourt , chancellor of the exchequer , 10 It- nn administration of the postofllces without COMPLIMENTS. "February At this writing there Is a tlmo will bo Announced. suffering a wrong and Injustice , and that Galveston News , San Antonio Express , Seat- ¬ ridiculed Mr.. Joseph Idea of a the friction and red taps Incidental to the He said : "Nearly CJft year ago-after the Chamberlain's terrible stormy raging In this part of the The Poll to Journal publishes a dispatch belnfnrtthln'tlm power of congress'to afford tle Post-Intelligencer , Milwaukee Evening national party that would sink all minor , present fystem. In which the department Associated press held meeting on county , and wo pray you to furnish us some from Algiers today saying copies of relief this bill should bo passed without Wisconsin. Milwaukee Sentinel , Milwaukee Itsannual In only common that an oversees of- , during the days when differences and had view the coal Immediately , lest wo suffer for want of- delay. thoi expenditures and details Herald , Wheeling Dally , - the 1st of March dark anarchistic manifesto were found scattered Intelligencer Wheel- ¬ interest of the country. lie said that such , ofllco management. we did not know whrtti.the future was to de- fuel. . Our people are out of coal and money in the streets. The manifesto Is dated Lon- ¬ The bill was opposed by Senator Carey ot Ing Register.- . a party would end , and as nil such parties According to the explanations made by As ¬ velop , board of'directors ot this associ- ¬ and have not cow chips enough to burn three don , and Is headed : "Carnot , the Murderer. " Wyoming and Senator Martin of Kansas. A distinguished nartv of newsnaner the , In ¬ " previously formed had ended Us projector days. " ¬ ¬ pro- a general manager, and about The manifesto contains to Senator Martin in opposing the bill de- sistant rostmasier uenerai Jones it is editors and proprietors arrived In ation elected being member. In regard to threats assassin- was posed to deduct from the estimates for the his Instruction was to taico n inp 10- its last the The communications were not received by ate the president of the French republic ) clared It a violation ot democratic Chicago , today on Pennslyvanla"road. . first or , mucn- ¬ the House Lords no declared witn , delayed doctrines ; that tlio legislatureof Oklahoma postal service the amounts which the de- The party came Europe. . The executive committee , not long the commissioners until today being and Is signed by a group of anarchists.- . from the cast In a special emphasis' that the bishops have been the ¬ partment probably devo.to to ten before , had been to New York and felt by the blizzard. In similar emergencies be- In consequence of demonstra- ¬ had ample power to deal with the subject the car to attend the annual meeting of the that most and most aggressive an- the anarchist congress leading cities and have congress make a- the cut of the lash when wo were ordered to militant the fore the roads have kindly donated coal for tion at Ivry cemetery , where remains of- and should not Interfere. Ho woe Associated press held in Chicago today , The tagonists of popular rights. TumuHoiis the ; separata appropriation ot a certain sum pay over $4,009 , 1,000 miles from our treas- ¬ the sufferers , and It Is probable that they Valllunt arc burled , the prefect of police not a friend of the railroads In fact , they following gentlemen are among thosewho cheers gave evidence of sympathy with this has for each one. This money would bo at the , an hour and a holt or have the will do so In this case. Action must be taken a dozen police olllccra had always opposed him when ho was a arrived : urers within declaration. Lord Salisbury had thrown stationed permanently office , command of the several postmasters to draw dlfcpatches cut off from all of the papers of Immediately , for four days have now been at the cemetery mentioned In order to pre- ¬ candidate for but ho did not bellovo- From Philadelphia Clayton McMIchael , down the gauge of , and they would In upon nnd utilize as they saw fit , giving to west and south. Wo then made a high battle that pas&ed slnco the communication was written- . vent any violating the tenets of his faith because a the North American ; Robert J. Cook , the the not from fight. The audience hero further demonstrations. them the same power held by the managers resolve as soon us It was In our power shrink the ' The radical organs today , discussing the railroad would thereby bo compelled to do-a Press , and James Elverson , Jr. , the Inquirer. that rose In a body .cheering frantically nnd waving . of private business concerns. we never allow'tho' papers of the west , .JtOlIJtmt T11K HTMIl! CO.tCll.- contemplated action of the government for thing which the territorial legislature has From Now York J. S. Seymour , the Even- - would and He went on : "Wo The postmasters themselves are enthusi- ¬ any part of country to be hats handkerchiefs. protection of citizens against the full power to compel It to perform. Ing Post ; F. S. Gunnlson , the Brooklyn south or other the have to face probably the and most the anarchistic astically In favor of the plan and the heads power of ono man In regard. rashcst MuEkcil Men Armed with Secure outrage , express ALLEN FAVORS THE BILL. Eaglo. under the that reckless leader that ever headed the tory the fear that the Chamber of the olllccs at Chicago and other cities ex- ¬ ( Applause and criesof "Hear , hear. ") Viilimhlo Mull PurkiiKCi. of Deputies will bo Induced to vote laws Senator Allen followed Martin.- . From Baltimore General Felix Agnus , the party. So extreme have been his councils Senator pect to address the committee. It Is urged , , of United , Mo , , 14. which opposed to the liberty ot tha- American ; Frank A. Richardson , the Sun , ' 'Tho vice president -then the PIERCE CITY Feb. Two masked are Ho favored the bill. It Is proper the people ¬ that even his own followers have shrunk that these cities are entitled to special con- , Europe people. . and A. Bechoeffer , the Herald. press Immediately went to after men held up and robbed the mall stage this of the country should know the agents of sideration because they yield one-third of the I have from his violence. Wo know what we have From Washington Frank B. Noyes , serving us with this treatment that morning , a postofllco , : that corporation are Invading capltol , , the I to deal with. Misery acquaints a man with at Brlcovllle four and sicics TIII the revenue from the service the Now York , , like n great many other Evening Star ; W. C. McBrlde , Cincinnati recorded but ( ) _ They trying to Influence legislation. They are office at once , sjrango bedfellows. Laughter. will a half miles south of hero. They covered turning Into the treasury of the Enquirer.- . astute men , ho did' not proceed directly In In lob- ¬ , wo , Mr. Chamber ¬ Agnlnxt Aimrchlatti by ( ho- the committee rooms. the nenato government $1,000,000 more than Its expenses.- . to do business which ho Intended to do shelter understand under the driver , Sam Allen , with two Winchesters KnglamlVnrnrd ¬ In addition to the gentlemen whoso names the ( bies and In the conato galleries. Is cost- H Is predicted In ob- ¬ ¬ lain's gaberdine. 'Birds of a feather flock 1'itll Mull It the committee that over Ho took a pleas- " ho are given above , S. S. Carvalho of the New when ho went there. dlss- - and demanded that turn over the mall- ing the railroad more money to light this jections would bo on con- ¬ together. Mr. Chamberlain dares us to LONDON , Feb. 13. The Pall Mall made the lloor of , ure trip to Nice. We sent our manager Gazette York World Horace Whlto of the New .olvo. . Wo do not doctrine of the bags and a largo sum ot money which ho bill than It would to establish depots and gress by the representatives of smaller cities London.1' wont , made . take the says an- ¬ York Evening Post , E. Chasbrook of the direct to Ho'f and ho was from Rocky to deposit this afternoon that a villainous stations In all the' towns. which did not, receive the same favor. Two agreement with constitution from a politician who bcsp.Utern bringing Comfort New York Commercial , E. II. the contract or Herbert ¬ archist sheet , printed In French , of ¬ Advertiser the Lords with vituperation ono day and be In n bank for the merchants at that place. labeing Senator Peffer Kansas thought congress members. Representatives Loud of San Fran- B. on behalf of English com- ¬ Butler of the Buffalo News and others from Renter the They made Allen cut straps. They e- - freely circulated. The leaflet announces Bhould exercise the power of compelling the cisco and Coldwoll of Cincinnati , suggested slavers them with his adulation another. the that Now York and Now England arrived by pany , the French News company and the packages to depots ,, The work In the House of Lords during the curcd two valuable mall registered to - railroad establish these as It that a lump sum for the ten cities should bo other roads. German 'News company. As Herbert cB. Its authors threaten destroy the bour- bo terri- ¬ , fortnight had marvcloiisly opened and then threw the mull and bass In the would nearly u year before the appropriated the division to be made by the party was to kept his word and executed the con- ¬ last geolse unless their demands are conceded , bo In The driven the Auditorium Renter the eyes of the public. Give coach and told the driver to i eve on nnd torial legislature would session. Ho postmaster general. They feared that In a general , manager nnd estab- ¬ implore to jus- ¬ hotel nnd Immediately repaired to recital tract with our " ¬ not , not do and their comrades execute believed , however , the bill should bo- general New York would secure them .rope enough , the speaker ex- look back which ho did until lie skirmish the hall In the Auditorium building , whore the lished the keystone ot our Independent news upon ages amended. . lion's by ot largo claimed "Let us have a few more reached this pluco and reported the holdup. tice their enemies of all and ot share force Its number of meeting was held. About 123 representa- ¬ service before Mr. Laflln arrived in London ¬ bo Officer Guthrlo Immediately went In pursuit both soxcs. Another leaflet alms Senator Call favored It and made n long representatives , an apprehension that Rep- ( ) greet- ¬ such fortnights. Lot it burnt Into the against tives of the Associated press papers were In- applause I therefore that with n posse , but no trace of the robbers has speech denouncing railway corporations In- resentative Dunphy assured them was need ¬ minds of the country that the lords have society in England. It Is printed In Kngllsh attendance. . Tonight a banquet will be given ings bo sent , thai the president be directed been found. The scene of tho' robbery Is a general. . Pending the discussion ot the bill , less. Mr. Dunphy has a bill before congress 100 become champions of all abuses and enemies and urges the desirability of setting lire to at the Grand Pacific hotel. to send the greetings ot members of , mountainous country very popu- ¬ 4:20: , , Black- ¬ to secure plan Is of all reforms. To judge from the tone of- bare thinly In so mo- ¬ the senate at on motion of Mr the and Its particular Associated press In banquet hall as- ¬ London a hundred places as to GREATEST IN THE WORLD. the bo sup- ¬ lated. . burn , went Into executive session. At 5:03: champion. , Salisbury's amendments It might nopolize the attention ot the police wjjllo the President William Penn Nixon called the sembled , to Herbert B Renter In London , posed wo were living six back the senate adjourned.- . The postmaster general favors It because It with our compliments. " ( Applause. ) that centuries Hunting for thu ( Jn'lty Oniclalx. anarchists loot the city. will relieve 'department of trouble- ¬ meeting to order and In a short address and listening to the words of Front do Boout Is the much Mr. Drlscoll had concluded his re- ¬ DETROIT , Feb. 14. Prosecuting The Gazette adds that there no reason : congratulated the members upon great After to some Saxon us Attorney IN TIII some work without putting additional burden the ¬ addressed churl. Let hand why the same atrocities as were perpetrated progress made In carrying out purpose marks , General Felix Agnus of the Balti- up bill bill for them to maul Fraser was busy today examining County on the postmasters. No question was made the more American arose and said : after and. , by foreign anarchists at Chicago should not I to make association scope , nnd- mangle. the cup Is full and tlmo- Clerk May and several persons having Animated Discussion of ho Sflgnloragv 1II1I- of the benefits ot the plan , those committee- - the widen its "Mr. Chairman It seems to mo that the When the other occur hero so long as the British tolerate men it was today the greatest news organization Is ripe the verdict of the people will de- ¬ - In Committee of the Whole. who offered criticisms backing them on number is too small , 100. I am satisfied direct or Indirect connection with the count- anarchists , who , dally and nightly , aru ground to- In the world , termine once for all If what Lord Russel WASHINGTON , Feb. 14. All efforts to- the that the" same benefits are not that wo have at least 1,000 members of Ing or custody of votes In the state salaries preaching wholesale murder.- . bo to , Mr. Victor F. Lawson , of calls whisper ot fashion Is to prevail over extended all offices one member calling chairman the the Associated press ( applause ) and I the amendment. Some of the officials Kccmed Bgreo upon a, tlmo for closing the delmto on , report of the people. " it "class legislation. " executive committee submitted a second the motion If somebody will second the will surprised and annoyed at being Interviewed s TIII : CHANOI ;. the Bland bill have so far failed , and da- detailing the negotiations Loud and long were given at the at length which my amendment. " ( Laughter. ) ' cheers about II , but the Investigation proceeds with op- ¬ : . had proceeded with the United press look- - finish of the speech. < bate proceeding without limit. The M'J.AL'IUN'S VOTi The motion was put by the president commendable regularity. George BuHsey , cx-- John lErdiuoiul AdiUim tlio HrltlNh Ing protection of ) , ponents of the mcasuro have decided they to a of the Interests the and unanimously carried. The Imperl.il sergcantatarmu of the senate , chairman of infill to DlhNolii lit Once Speculation newspapers of country by n pcaccablo , will Insist upon a quorum of the advocates Whether It Will Ho Tor or the quartet then entertained the company with ror.it'Y the Detroit footing committee nnd now a DUBLIN , Fel ) . II. At a mooting of the Against I'echhum.- . adjustment of the contract between the two "Never Take th ( Horseshoe from the Door" clerk In the auditor soncral'd olllro , arrived Irish National league Mr. John Redmond ot the measure being present at every stage , rejection of all pro- ¬ Discussed In Hie Much .lllqiicl'H WASHINGTON. . Feb. II. Senator elect Mc-- organizations the fair and "Alabama , " which were received with Did to Dr. from Lansing with a deputy Micrlff this , BO mo- ¬ pre- ¬ Bald the only cause for delaying the release of the procedure hereafter that n posals by the United press and the ¬ morning and Is being IndiiHtrluiiHly Inter- ¬ Laurln of Mississippi Is expected to arrive to- ¬ great applause. The following cable mes- ) ot struggle has been of the money known as Parts was tion to close debate wll require a quorum cipitation the that sages were sent tonight from the banquet BERLIN , Feb. 11. In , the fjntprhaus viewed privately by Pionecutor FniHt r and the fund morrow , and It Is expected ho will take his , ' ab- - going on for the past live months and : , others. It Is believed Clark'H the technical point raised by the Me- - In favor of It. As there are members . hall today Herr Aramlt , dlbcusslng the best that slury seat and bo sworn In In tlmo to participate which was practically brought to a close at 11. has tended to Implicate thu guilty sent It will require two days at to- CHICAGO , Feb. Herbert B. Renter , Improving the , other Curthyltes to cmbnrrasH Mr. Dillon.- . least In the executive session tomorrow. voto- this tlmo , as was fully evidenced from the means of silver situation ones and the developments Ills London : Ono hundred and ono members of that will result Mr. . Itcdmond mild the government now "secure the attendance to bring the vote on- will be for or fact of the presence hero of representatives press complained that German silver coins were In justice being done hero ami materially either against tlio nomination the Associated from the banquet table , a bill. Tomorrow It Is Mr , Inten- ¬ ot all the dally papers of the country- - CO In up em- ¬ had a great opportunity which It might Illand's of Mr. Pcckham. Ho professes to know just send greetings to Herbert B. Icutcr( , their cents below their nominal value and assist tracing those in the state's wna , tion to move to , A series of amendments to the by-lawj government ploy nt Lansing who schemed to defeat the have again to dissolve Parliament close debate and as this how ho expects to vote , faithful ally and friend. urged the to remedy this as but the opponents presented and after discussion adopted. will the people- . and curry thu country. In his opinion motion will develop the lack ot n quorum , WILLIAM PENN , NIXON. President. ' of the ot confirmation are very- hopeful ot securing provided for an Increase In the soon as possible. right tiling to do was to the ho will then offer a resolution to bring In Those number CHICAGO , Feb. 14 : Joseph Pulitzer. Beau- reject Lords' directors.- . Herr Molnlcke , representing the ministry .TiicnliiijnS ( < , to employe ! H' absent members. A quorum falling to ap- ¬ his assistance. of the board of lieu , Alps ; One hundred and ono members iiimlilliiK' amendments thu liability and , . of , replied , saying could not , , prorogue , pear , If necossar ) a special order will bo Those who know him best say his vote A committee with Mr. Charles I' Taft of of the Associated re.is from the banquet finance Prussia CITY OF MEXICO , Feb. 14 The annual parish councils bills Parliament Cincinnati as chairman , wan appointed and Imperial call another session and pass n now regis- ¬ brought In to bring the measure to n final will In all probability bo controlled by the table send ireeUne3.; change her coinage cs It was an gambling carnival , which has been running who leading oppo- ¬ submitted a list of llvo directors to hovote.l tration bill. Then , the bill pasted vote. Democrats are the WILLIAM PENN NIXON , President. matter. for ten days In the suburbs of Tacubaya , showing that will bc made as to Mr. Pcck- - , government still Insist the bill can bo beaten , but upon to fill vacancies nnd expired terms. further discussion , Dr. Ml'iuol , the Lords or not the should sition SEVERAL OTHERS SPOKE. After han called forth an unusual amount of- Mr , Tracoy , floor leader of the opposition ham'ii conalfctelicy ax a democrat. The The gentlemen recommended were elected minister ot finance , snld Piussla gladjy re- ¬ appeal to the country on the Lords' mutll.i- - : Following the feast speeches by Fred- . . on democratic Bide , frankly confesses friends of Judgo. PccKham assert that Sen- ¬ unanimously. The board now consists of caino sponded to the wish of the Imperial govern- ¬ criticism. This year many robberies by tlon of Kngllsh bills. If thl was done .M- the ; , crick Drlecoll , St. Puul Pioneer Press ¬ he believes the bill will pass It It reaches n ator Gejorgo's change to Pecklum's support Victor F. Lawson Chicago Record and Dally Fells ment to Institute an Inquiry into the condi- the sharpers have occurred , and among the r.Itcdmond believed tlio liberals would sweep M.- Agnus , ] ! ; s. S. , will have a strong Influence with Mr. Me-- News ; 8. S. Carvalho , Now York World ; . Baltimore Amtjc.iin Carvalho tion of the silver and the best means of Innocents fleeced have been n number of the country and btlll have Mr. Gladstone uj- vote.At ¬ Now York , wlio responded to a gen- - the opening of the session nf the house Laurln , Ordinarily so imieh Importance II. . Do Young , San Francisco Chronicle ; Clay- World , Improving It ; but ho denied that all the American tourists , several of whom are louder. . ¬ , ¬ M. McMIchael , Philadelphia Ameri- eral toast lncludlin thu whole Associated this morning the resignation of Representa- would not bu attached to the vote of any ono ton North members of the commission held the bamo losers In coiibiderahlo amounts. The : : press ; , * CHOP . SUMV. , ; St. Paul Horace White New York Evening , oI.MINT is tive Hrawtey of South Carolina , who has senator but the leaders nn both sides of the can Colonel Frederick Drlscoll. views , and concluded by denouncing the gambling resorts have run day and night ; U , Post ; Richardson , Baltimore Ameri- ¬ been appointed United States district judge , Peckham contest are so uncertain as to the Pioneer Prcf s F. Noyes , Washington Frank growing tendency to discuss Imperial mat- - and the number of games la so great that , Agriculture In .Mrtlro by Ilio Un- - so It ; . Knapp , St. Louis Republic ; can whose contribution of $15,000 to the ot place ten- ¬ was read and placed on lllo. The resigna- result nnd anxious about that they are Star Charles ters In state diets. the streets the have also been ct- . ; guarantee fund was annnounced for Ktulilo NlUrr Mirl tion took effect today.- . straining every effort to hold what they have E. H. Perdue , Clcavoland Leader A. J. Barr, now the Emperor William , who was present al- anted all through the day and Into the night ; 13. , first time , amid great applause ; P- . Feb. 11. In the re- ¬ Messrs. . Qulpg nnd Strauss , the newly and gain all that may bo possible. Senator Plttfcburg Past James Scrlpps Detroit Victor Caprlvl's parliamentary dinner , dwelt upon with all sorts of swindling devices. A .Cm' OF MEXICO. , News ; , H. , .Liwson , Chicago Record nnd News ; Henry In Con- - elected members from New York , wore Pugh chairman of the judiciary committee , Tribune and F Butler Buffalo the necessity of provldlr- Germany with a movement ls on foot to do away with the view of trade conditions Mexico HI News.- . Wutterson , Louisville , Courier Journal ; Clay- ¬ worn In. said late this afternoon that ho believed the of canals , and thereby dispensing open gambling features of the carnival and amlstu Mexlcano guys that the Instability ( * * I . , ¬ network ¬ tnn Inrl v n nut m urnnl.i I.K #. . Mr. . E. a ¬ ton McMlchaql , Philadelphia North Amer- Mr , Bland then moved to go Into commit- ft lmtlio Melville Stone submitted satisfac- with the sliding scale tarltto of the railroads.- . provldo for some more Innocent form ot of Bllvnr has well nigh paralyzed ¬ ican ; McElwuy , Brooklyn , the market tee of the whole for the further consldera- - four to eight. Other opponents ot the con- ¬ tory statement of the finances of the organ- St. Clalr Eagle amusement for the people- . nnd M. E. Stone , general .malinger ot the As- ¬ .o the regular Hpuculatlvo movement In agri- ¬ . tlon of the seigniorage bill. Pending the firmation profess to bo equally hopeful , but ization , although It was deemed unnecessary ATTACKKI ) TIMHJCICIAM'A- . ! , motion Mr. Bland tried to reach tin agree- ¬ they did not abate their vigilance. for the purpose of the contest. sociated jiresa. National lliilldlng ANHOCIIOII| | cultural products. The movement of cropj- Then the company rose , and joined In Ring- - , Is very alow , keeps up with the demand. ment with the opponents of tlio bill to close INCREASING TUG GUARANTY FUND.- . .Ccncrnl Opium u Hrcncli but I'ullH lo- BOSTON , Feb. 14 Today's session ot the but : Ing "Auld Lang Syne,1' nnd the first banquet The sale of coffee uud other products being general debate this afternoon at f o'clock , WANTS A KIIAIti OP TUIIU.- . A number of gentlemen who were not. Cnpturo the C'lly. National Builders association was well at- ¬ order.-. of the Associated press came to a close. It made to United States buyers generally ruin hut Mr. Reed called for the regular present former mooting , when $320- , - . , at the was n half hour after midnight and with the SAN SALVADOR , Feb. 14. A battle took tended. Hon. Carrel D. Wright United high In price on account of tlio present ex- ¬ Mr. . Stone of Kentucky tuok the tloor-. JWumlaiuu * Presented to Comprl Cnrllslo to 000 was subscribed to carry on light , the coming of the now day the company filed place at Tegucigalpa yesterday between the States commissioner of the Department of change , although the general cost ot living ."That there was u deficiency In the levenueii- Oho Kicker Some ItoiuU. fol- ¬ asked to bo Included In the list and the ¬ re- ¬ ot government bo out of the hall , with brotherly congratula- commanded by General Ortiz nnd Labor , addressed the convention on the linH gone up In proportion with exchange . the and that them would n WASHINGTON , Feb. 11. Carroll J , Rlckor- lowing subscriptions were made , bringing forces deficiency , " , tions upon the success of the movement lations of employer and workman. Sellers are In very good spirits by figures larger he said "no one would ( guaranty fund to a ot $515,000 : those ot , Vasqucz. General Ortiz succeeded - of Chicago this .ttcrnoon presented an the total celebrated by the banquet- . President Harris of the Philadelphia ex- realized , Coffee sells for fill to $31 per 10U- deny. The first ecctlon ot this bill proposed The Washington $20,000 ; Philadelphia In defenses amended petition to Judge Bradley of Star In opening a breach the of the change and others made addresses. The pounds. . Cotton , 10.50 n quintal , to coin a surplus asset ot the government to the , ; and Inqulter $10,000 Philadelphia North .Henderson' * . Stilt city. number of wounded on both Bides following was adapted : part ot deflrlonry. " Ho urged court tor a mandamus to compal Sec- ¬ .limner to tlio The resolution sugar from 1.70 tu 2.12 per arrob.i at th'j meet a thli district American , $3,000 ; Philadelphia Press , $10- , - ¬ In DENVER , Feb. | Henderson of Is largo , although the number is not yet Resolved , That when each delegation re- customs house. that there was no vlrtun thu claim set up retary Carlisle to allot him a portion of the 003 ; Cincinnati Enquirer , $10,000 ; Baltimore U.rDavd sclgnlorago was an- ¬ definitely known. There were over iten- turns to their respective cities that the that the bullion pledged to In his petition filed today Mr. American , $10,000 ; Cincinnati Commercial the Chicago Opera housi yesterday filed ln- 3000000. killed. . During the battla'thero was a form of arbitration bo advocated at their the redemption of the outstanding treasury , ; In brought hand , pe- ¬ Gazette $10,000 Louisville Courier-Journal , swer the suit against him by the among dif- ¬ LONDON Fob. dlnpaleli to tha ¬ Kicker says that since filing the original to hand fight between the regiments ot In- ¬ exchanges , and especially the 11.A 'notes , us both Secretary Foster and Secre- $10,000 ; , 20.000 ; Baltimore company. Tabor Amusement Ho states . , , with a vloiv ot organization Times from P.irln kuy.u that at a meeting ot tary Carlisle had held that thosp bonds were tition ho has learned hU bid was lower than ; fantry. General Orltz claims the victory ferent trades News. $10,000 New York Evening Post , there Is no American pxtravaganzu com- ¬ In branches.- . redeemable In gold or silver , Thu sale those of many whoso bids were accepted , whllo from other sources It Is claimed the of the employers the the directors of the Suez canal yesterday cither and $10,000 ; Brooklyn Eagle , 10.000 ; Buffalo pany , as alleged In the complaint , name not htronjthoned and did not the city is still In possession of Vasrmoz , :) of do Lojxepa family re- - ot houils hud ho Insists that the discretion on the uc- - News , $5,000Topoka$ ; Journal$10,000Syracuso-; simply being assumed by Ho Lynch , the member the him. Denies Ciindldiilo for JndKii ¬ strengthen the treasury. It simply Increased coptanco or nonacreptanco bo a rcaeon- - Herald. . 2.500 ; Omaha Bco , $12,000 , UiircnurlT'u , quoatcd that the board arri pt the resigna- must Balll- that his advance agent , Dales , over told him nnYol of Re-ply TRINIDAD , Colo. , Full. tlio- I ho obligations of the government and made , H. Halt tion ot Count Ferdinand diLessops , Tim r.blo one exorcised upon legal and sufficient moro Sun , 15000. Tabor was competent , , to meet Its obli- ¬ the orchestra denies LONDON I'cb. 14. The Financial Tlmos ot engaged In- It hardei for 'ho treasury grounds , and cannot bo exorcised to the ex- ¬ Following the meeting ot the day the gen- ¬ ablobudlod men thlx city are directors decided to comply with the wishes that ho had any previous know lodge of the says : The reply of Sir William Harcourt- gations tent ot not ( -von accepting offers made by him tlemen were tendered a banquet tonight at trouble between Tabor company and a hunt for Charles Moore , a laborer, who Is of the family , and then punned resolution * Toward the close nf his remarks Mr. Stone the the to Mr. Goschen In the House of Commons Count In khouM because his financial standing , as stated to the Grand Pacific. Covers were laid for union musclans and alleges the amount of- accused of repeated criminal amjaultH upon that Ferdinand future became involved In a cnntroversy with Mr- . of honorary , and the Treasury department , gave no ground to i.bout 200. A more brilliant gathering of bis damage became of the removal ot his with regard to the minimum rate on India Annie Daugherty , an 8-year-old orphan. have the tltlo chairman that .Jlecd and Mr. Dower * of California over party at next meeting bu believe that he would be able to complete his men has not convened hero since the noted stage ¬ ot The story of his alleged brutality came out- the shareholders their of- effects from the Tabor to the Broad- council bills had the Immediate effect renponelulllty for the present condition subscription. ¬ asked to provide for furntly , M Uulck * Judge Bradley took the peti- assemblages which met during the World's way was 2.600 , and for this and other making the bills sent at their best and pro- - last night , Should ho bq caught , U U likely the At laat Mr. Stone declared that thli < * > president ot the bouiO, tion under advisement. md none oi thcsa could ecllnu) I" a aska lor JS.flOO. duclAX a satisfactory, allottacot , Tho. result ha will bo lynched * Jtctcd s