REFPERSYS high-level goals and design ideas* Basile STARYNKEVITCH† Abhishek CHAKRAVARTI‡ Nimesh NEEMA§ October 2019 - May 2021 Abstract REFPERSYS is a REFlexive and orthogonally PERsistent SYStem (as a GPLv3+ licensed free software1) running on Linux; it is a hobby2 but serious research project for many years, mostly aimed to experiment open science ideas close to Artificial General Intelligence3 dreams, and we don’t expect use- ful or interesting results before several years of hard work. audience : LINUX free software developers4 and computer scientists interested in an experimental open science approach to reflexive systems, orthogonal persistence, symbolic artificial intelligence, knowledge engines, etc.... Nota Bene: this report contains many hyperlinks to relevant sources so its PDF should rather be read on a computer screen, e.g. with evince. Since it describes a circular design (with many cycles [Hofstadter:1979:GEB]), we recommend to read it twice (skipping footnotes and references on the first read). This entire document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. *This document has git commit fb17387fbbb7e200, was Lua-LATEX generated on 2021-May-17 18:55 MEST, see and its doc/design-ideas subdirectory. Its draft is downloadable, as a PDF file, from ... †See and contact
[email protected], 92340 Bourg La Reine (near Paris), France. ‡
[email protected], FL 3C, 62B PGH Shah Road, Kolkata 700032, India.