Book of Abstracts
Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS XIII International Conference on Physics of Non-Ideal Plasmas September 13 | 18, 2009, Chernogolovka, Russia Book of Abstracts Chernogolovka 2009 The book consists of the abstracts of oral and poster contributions to the XIII International Conference on Physics of Non-Ideal Plasmas (September 13 | 18, 2009, Chernogolovka, Russia). The Conference continues a tradi- tional series of meetings devoted to new theoretical and experimental results on the physics of dense non-ideal plasmas: Martzlow-Garwitz, 1980; Wus- trow, 1982; Biesenthal, 1984; Greifswald, 1986; Wustrow, 1988; Gosen, 1991; Markgrafenheide, 1993; Binz, 1995; Rostock, 1998; Greifswald, 2000; Valen- cia, 2003; Darmstadt, 2006. The following questions are covered: statistical physics and mathematical modeling (including simulation) of strongly cou- pled Coulomb systems, equilibrium properties and equation of state of dense plasmas, kinetics, transport and optical properties of dense Coulomb systems, dense hydrogen, laser and heavy-ion-produced plasmas, dense astrophysical plasmas, phase transitions in plasmas and fluids, dusty plasmas. The conference is held under financial support of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant No. 09 { 02 { 06154Γ), and Dynasty Foundation. Contents 1 Statistical physics and mathematical modeling of strongly cou- pled Coulomb systems 16 1.1 Mathematical simulation of kinetic processes in the non-ideal nuclear-excited dust plasma of the noble gases Budnik A.P., Deputatova L.V., Fortov V.E., Kosarev V.A., Rykov V.A., Vladimirov V.I., JIHT RAS . 16 1.2 Diagnosics of dense plasmas via transport and optical proper- ties Reinholz H., Raitza T., R¨opke G., Wierling A., Winkel M., U.
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