ETHICS MATTER CARNEGIE COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT 2011 Hemera Technologies / Thinkstock Hemera Technologies TABLE OF CONTENTS

1 President’s Message

2 Carnegie Council Programs

10 Ethics & International Affairs Journal

12 Carnegie Ethics Studio

14 September Sustainability Month and Looking Toward Our Centennial

15 A Special Thank You to Our Supporters

16 Calendar of Events

20 Contributors

24 Financial Summary

25 Officers, Trustees, and Staff


Dear Friends,

Few years in recent memory have been as momentous as 2011. Like the rest of the world, Carnegie Council was both transfixed and inspired by the acts of bravery, selflessness, and self-empowerment that took the world by storm. In our coverage of the Arab Spring, we went beyond the headlines to grapple with the underlying moral issues that lay at the heart of these groundbreaking events. As always, with our material on this and other topics, we strove to ensure that JOEL H. ROSENTHAL you had the information you needed to make informed opinions about the current state of ethics and international affairs.

And what a year it was! Highlights from the September 2010–June 2011 program year include thoughtful analysis on the Arab Spring, such as a first- hand account from former Carnegie Council trustee Lisa Anderson, president of the American University of Cairo; Ethics & International Affairs roundtables on Libya and Afghanistan; a series of conference papers focusing on Russia, NATO, and arms control; materials on climate change and sustainability; interviews on ethics in business; and much more.

We are heartened to find that there is a growing global audience for such materials. Through our websites and, our presence on iTunes, iTunes U, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, we are now reaching more people than ever before. And the good news keeps coming! We receive frequent, positive feedback through our social media platforms and websites; from the viewers who tune into our weekly television programs on public TV station MHz and CUNY TV; and also via our long list of online partners, which now includes the PBS/ NPR website Forum Network, and the As we approach Carnegie Council’s global debating platform Intelligence Squared. Centennial in 2014, we have been This year was remarkable in another respect as well: In 2011, we laying the groundwork for an celebrated the 25th anniversary of our peer-reviewed journal, Ethics & International Affairs. We are honored to say that this journal is now ambitious multi-year project entitled, being published by Cambridge University Press. In Search of a Global Ethic. With successes such as these, we have more reason than ever to look towards the future with hope and optimism. As we approach Carnegie Council’s Centennial in 2014, we have been laying the groundwork for an ambitious multi-year project entitled, In Search of a Global Ethic. Like our great founder, Andrew Carnegie, we believe that everyone’s fate is intertwined. Unless we work towards mutual understanding of our shared aspirations and moral duties, the world will be the weaker for it. That is why the time has come for a new understanding of ethics—a global ethic—that will shape how we think and teach about ethics in international affairs for years to come. We hope you will join us in undertaking this momentous effort.

Thank you for your support.

Joel H. Rosenthal President, Carnegie Council


Under the American democracy and its system economics, describes in his book The leadership of of checks and balances, something Next Convergence: The Future of director Joanne that China sorely lacks. Economic Growth in a Multispeed Myers, the World. In the next twenty years, he Council’s Public In previous Public Affairs talks, pointed out, 75 to 80 percent of the Affairs Program international relations world's population will have the same maintained its scholar Joseph Nye standard of living as today's advanced impressive track record of hosting introduced his countries, putting extraordinary some of the world’s most groundbreaking concepts pressure on natural resources and the distinguished names in international of “soft power” and environment. relations—many of them repeat “smart power.” This year visitors. What follows are just a few he discussed his new Lord Mark Malloch Brown, British of the highlights from this year’s book, The Future of Power, which minister of state for Africa, Asia, and nearly fifty events, featuring thought examines not only how the nature of the United Nations from 2007 to leaders, states-people, historians, and power is changing in the twenty-first 2009, called for more international regional experts who addressed century, but also how those changes collaboration at all levels. National everything from long-term trends to will affect America’s role in the politicians are losing control to breaking news. For full videos, world. Like Fukuyama, he too impersonal global forces, he said, and audios, podcasts, and transcripts of all declared that China was not about to therefore we must make global this year’s Public Affairs lectures and overtake the any time institutions more effective. Q&A exchanges, along with many soon. It cannot equal the United States Meanwhile, he was encouraged to see speakers from previous years, go to in soft power and smart power, said that activists, nonprofits, and even the Nye, until there are real changes in private sector are increasingly China’s political system. working together on issues ranging THE FORCES OF HISTORY from human rights to climate change. However, Ian Morris, Willard What are the long-term shifts that Professor of Classics and History at For the third year running, the Public shape our world? In his Stanford, does see a profound, long- Affairs Program began third Public Affairs term shift from West to East in power the new year with a appearance, political and wealth over the course of the forecast from scientist Francis twenty-first century. But, he asked, will geopolitical strategist Fukuyama started at the this be such a bad thing? A hundred George Friedman. This very beginning of time years ago, the British worried about time he focused on what and presented The their loss of power in just the same way, he saw as the challenge Origins of Political and yet today Europeans have better, of the next decade: Order: From Prehuman Times to the longer lives than they did a century ago. America’s role in the world. To be French Revolution, the first volume of Dr. Morris cautioned that the twenty- effective, he declared, America must what will be a major two-volume first century could unfold in a number face up to the fact that it’s an work. The three components needed of ways, some of which are simply empire—one that, he said for a durable political order, he unimaginable to us right now. By the provocatively, is “highly disorganized, explained, were a strong and capable time Eastern social development catches completely unfocused, and quite state, the rule of law, and up with that of the West, he concluded, destabilizing in the world because it accountability. it may no longer matter very much really doesn’t know what it’s doing.” Fukuyama concluded with some which of the two is more powerful. thoughts on China and the United THE States. Which system is going to be Certainly, the developing more sustainable? Since China is countries are catching up In December 2010, Rami Khouri, of authoritarian and centralized, it can with the West, a process the American University of Beirut, act quickly, while at present, the U.S. that Michael Spence, gave a stirring speech about his fears is frequently deadlocked. Nevertheless, one of the recipients of of an impending confrontation said Fukuyama, he is betting on the 2001 Nobel Prize in between Middle Eastern nations over

2 CARNEGIE COUNCIL the 2005 assassination of former caution. Morozov, originally from firm, kicked off with radio/television prime minister of Lebanon, Rafik Belarus, is a contributing editor to commentator and author Charles Hariri. And one of the year’s most Foreign Policy and runs the Osgood, who discussed the moving events was a talk by Dr. magazine’s Net Effect blog. He noted importance of civility in the media. He Izzeldin Abuelaish. Born and raised that the Internet and social media can was followed by Common Good in a Palestinian refugee camp, Dr. also entrench dictators, threaten founder Philip K. Howard, who Abuelaish has devoted his life to dissidents, and make it harder—not argued that an excess of government medicine and to reconciliation easier—to promote democracy. regulations and lawsuits has corroded between Israelis and Palestinians, America’s institutions of authority, even though his three daughters and a With its toxic mix of militants, nuclear along with ’ sense of ethics niece were killed by Israeli shelling. weapons, and chronic domestic unrest, and civility. Next came a discussion Pakistan’s problems have between two distinguished former implications for the entire politicians, Democrat John Brademas, world. The Public Affairs president emeritus of program is fortunate to have University, and Republican Mickey hosted acclaimed Pakistani Edwards, visiting lecturer in public and journalist Ahmed Rashid international affairs at Princeton many times over the years, and University’s Woodrow Wilson School. in March 2011 he gave a Both agreed on concrete proposals for chilling account of the current improving U.S. politics, including situation in his homeland. campaign finance reform and abolishing gerrymandering. Financial guru Henry Lieutenant General Roméo Kaufman spoke eloquently about Dallaire has given several integrity on Wall Street, asking: What is memorable speeches at the the underlying source of the current Council, most notably about financial turmoil? “It stems mainly from FLAGS OF ALL OVER TAHRIR SQUARE. RAMY RAOOF WWW.FLICKR.COM his experiences in Rwanda behavioral and ethical shortcomings, during the 1994 genocide. He came from regulatory failures, and from In March 2011, Carnegie Council was back in May 2011 to deplore the use historical amnesia,” he declared. The privileged to hear a first-hand, expert of child soldiers, which he described last speaker was businessman and analysis of the unfolding of the Arab as “a weapons system that is effective, politician Steve Forbes, who asserted Spring from president of the American cheap, and complete.” “How do we that “Economic uncertainty is a source University of Cairo and former counter that?” he asked. “How do we of incivility.” In a wide-ranging and Carnegie Council trustee Lisa make the use of children a liability?” erudite address, he touched on education, Anderson. While noting that all the politics, history, and free markets. upheavals had one thing in common— The Honorable Louise Arbour served aging autocrats who had not lived up as chief prosecutor for the ADDITIONAL HIGHLIGHTS to their responsibilities—she warned International Criminal Tribunals for that we need to understand that the the former Yugoslavia and for Other highlights from this year patterns are quite different country to Rwanda. Drawing on the watershed included journalist Timothy Garton country. Also discussing this part of judgment on the legality of Kosovo’s Ash on the European Union; historian the world, in June, Colin Kahl, unilateral declaration of independence, Robert Dallek on the world leaders deputy assistant secretary of defense she examined the pursuit of self- of the post-World War II years; author for the Middle East, delivered a candid, determination across a range of Peter Godwin on Zimbabwe; British off-the-record talk to a capacity situations, focusing particular attention philosopher A. C. Grayling on his audience entitled “The Arab Spring: on the January 2011 referendum in compendium, The Good Book, a secular Implications for U.S. Defense Policy.” South Sudan, which was due to take Bible that draws from both Western place soon after her talk. and Eastern traditions; and critic BEYOND THE HEADLINES Simon Schama on American politics. CIVILITY IN AMERICA SERIES Many give a lot of credit to Facebook The Public Affairs Program gratefully and Twitter for the rapid spread of the This special lecture series, in acknowledges support from its Arab Spring. But amid the euphoria, conjunction with The Dilenschneider subscribers and from Carnegie Evgeny Morozov sounded a note of Group, a strategic communications Council supporters.


Since 2008, the the Council to the Education for a note from Professor Lieven on what U.S. Global Employment Foundation (EFE), an this meant for U.S.-Pakistan relations. Engagement NGO that creates employment The interviews and the note are program (USGE), opportunities for youth in the Middle available on our website. For all founded by its East and . After contributions from Professor Lieven, current director, identifying critical skill gaps in the go to David C. local economy, EFE develops and Speedie, has manages training programs that people/data/anatol_lieven.html served as a ensure job placement through nonpartisan platform for international partnerships with local universities Media in Contemporary Russia affairs experts to define constructive and employers. What is the current situation of U.S. engagement in the twenty-first journalism in Russia today, given that century. Through public lectures, In June 2011, David Speedie invited 70 percent of media is still owned by panel discussions, workshops, back Mr. Bruder, founder and CEO of the state? In March 2011, ten senior interviews, and policy papers, USGE EFE, for an interview to discuss the figures from major Russian print, strives to achieve three primary goals: turbulent six months since his broadcast, and Internet media outlets raise public awareness on the previous visit. EFE was about to start gave a briefing to the USGE audience. importance of constructive U.S. programs in , the birthplace of In addition to representatives from global engagement; conduct the Arab Spring, reported Bruder, and government agencies, the group also substantive research on U.S. foreign although Egypt had suffered included Mr. Azer Mursaliev, editor- policy; and promote ethics-based economically as a result of the in-chief of Russia’s first private policies by U.S. foreign policy-makers. government overthrow, he was publishing house, Kommersant, optimistic about its long-term future. established two decades ago, and Ms. HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS YEAR’S One of the consequences of the Arab Nargiz Asadova, a well-known EVENTS AND INTERVIEWS Spring was that universities in journalist from Echo of Moscow, Egypt—and, he hoped, across the Russia’s first independent radio Middle East region—were finally beginning to station, launched in 1990. The In October 2010, Shibley Telhami, realize that they had to move away presentations and subsequent question Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and from rote learning and teach critical and answer session were remarkably Development at the University of thinking and skills relevant to the 21st frank, as the speakers discussed how Maryland, College Park, gave an century job market. far Russian media has come, but also impassioned and rather pessimistic how much further it has to go. address entitled “Can Obama Please Pakistan Both Arabs and Israelis? What the Polls and History Tell Us.” Despite Anatol Lieven is chair of Obama's rhetoric, declared Telhami, International Relations and Terrorism the majority of Arabs and Israelis no Studies at King's College London, and longer believe peace is possible. Both author of Pakistan: A Hard Country. the Arab and the Israeli leadership In a September 2010 in-depth need to put public opinion aside and interview with David Speedie, he get to work on building an agreement, discussed Pakistan's surprising degree he said, although he was not of stability; the recent floods; the role optimistic that this would happen. of the army and ISI (Pakistan’s intelligence agency); the drug trade; Long before the events of the Arab and Pakistan's relationship with the Spring, it was clear that the large United States, Afghanistan, and other number of unemployed youth across countries, including India, China, and the Middle East was a major problem. Russia. The conversation was Indeed, it was one of the factors that continued in a second interview on sparked the protests of 2011. In Pakistan in April 2011. Osama bin December 2010, Ron Bruder and Laden was killed on May 2, 2011, and RUSSIAN PAVILION MEDIA SHOWER AT VENICE BIENNALE. Jasmine Nahhas di Florio introduced on May 3, Carnegie Council received CARL GUDERIAN WWW.FLICKR.COM

4 CARNEGIE COUNCIL “THE END OF THE COLD WAR” Carnegie Ethics Studio is building The topics covered include the Treaty PROJECT on Mr. Speedie’s original interview of Conventional Forces in Europe material, using it as a base for an (CFE), with papers from three In late 2010 and early 2011, David hour-long special that will tell the perspectives—American, British, and Speedie launched a series of inside story of the Soviet Union’s Russian. Respectively, the authors interviews in Moscow with Russian dissolution and the U.S. role therein. were Carnegie Council Senior Fellow parliamentary “reformers” and aides The special, which will include both Col. Jeffrey D. McCausland (Ret.); to Boris Yeltsin who took part in the public and private footage and images Professor Paul Schulte of University momentous events leading to the from those tumultuous years, will be of London’s School of Oriental and collapse of the Soviet Union. Back in shown on MHz public television, as African Studies; and Sergey Rogov, the United States, he talked with part of the Council’s weekly Global director of the Institute of U.S. and Americans who also played a Ethics Forum series. USGE gratefully Canadian Studies of the Russian role—two U.S. diplomats and one acknowledges support for this project Academy of Sciences. There were private citizen. In Moscow, the from the Alfred and Jane Ross also two papers on cooperation and interviewees were: Gennady Foundation and Donald M. Kendall. competition in the Arctic region, one Burbulis, a close associate of Boris from Russian Pavel Baev, who is Yeltsin and one of the most influential currently a research professor at the Russian political figures in the late Peace Research Institute, Oslo, and 1980s and early 1990s; Alexandr another from Canadian Michael Urmanov, Yeltsin’s campaign Byers of the University of British manager; Gavriil Popov, mayor of Columbia. In addition, Andrew Moscow from 1990 to 1992; Evgeny Kuchins of the Center for Strategic Savostyanov, former head of the and International Studies contributed a Moscow KGB; Arkady Murashev, paper examining the differences and former Moscow police chief and a similarities between the Soviet and the leading light of the Inter-Regional U.S./NATO experience in Group of the USSR Congress of Afghanistan; Stephen J. Blank of the People’s Deputies (the first Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. democratically elected Soviet Army War College wrote on arms Parliament); and Mikhail Reznikov, INTERNATIONAL USGE CONFERENCE control and proliferation challenges to ILLUSTRATION: DENNIS DOYLE campaign manager for Murashev and the Reset Policy; and Alexandra I. field representative for the Krieble Toma, of the Connect U.S. Fund, Institute, an American conservative INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: wrote on the ethics of the Nuclear organization. The Americans were “U.S. GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT: Security Summit Process. The Jack F. Matlock, former U.S. REPORT OF TWO YEARS OF Carnegie Council website also ambassador to the USSR from 1987- ACTIVITIES” features keynote speeches by Angela 1991; Thomas E. Graham, now of Stent, of Georgetown University, and Kissinger Associates, Inc., who was From June 1 to June 3, 2011, USGE former U.S. Ambassador to the USSR head of the political/internal unit of convened a high-level international Jack F. Matlock, along with wrap-up the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, from conference at the Pocantico Center of speeches from Thomas E. Graham 1987 to 1990; and John Exnicios, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. of Kissinger Associates, Inc., and former vice president of the Krieble Organized by Carnegie Council in Nikolas K. Gvosdev of the U.S. Institute. Exnicios and his colleagues cooperation with the U.S. Army War Naval War College. played a leading role in training College, the conference served to Russian dissidents throughout the review and report on two years of The U.S. Global Engagement program final years of the Soviet Union. program activity, and to generate new gratefully aknowledges support from ideas and resources among an Alfred and Jane Ross Foundation, Along with an outpouring of interest international group of leading scholars Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Donald M. in the interviews, the Council has and practitioners from North America, Kendall, Rockefeller Family & received requests from educators in Russia, and Europe. Many of the Associates, Booz & Company, and the United States and Eastern Europe papers and keynote speeches are Enzo Viscusi. to further disseminate the project’s available online, at: findings. Encouraged by this response, the Council’s in-house picks/0029.html.


Updated each Broad has been the global leader in week, Policy sales of non-electric chillers since 1996, Innovations now boasting more than 25,000 online magazine installations around the world. As Mr. (PI), edited by Zhang explained, just when he had Evan O’Neil, earned more money than he could ever provides a lively spend in a lifetime, he also realized that mix of articles, videos, briefings, and excessive energy consumption had policy papers on how ethical caused global warming, threatening the innovations are shaping our global survival of all our children. Thereafter, society. In addition to commissioning he had “only one motive: to save energy original material, PI also publishes and reduce greenhouse emissions.” resources from a core network of OIL PIPELINES IN CANADA. LOOZRBOY WWW.FLICKR.COM hundreds of global partners, including The series also features China’s leading such news outlets as Project O’Neil also discusses the industry’s landscape architect, Yu Kongjian, who Syndicate, Global Post, and CSRwire, devastating effects on the is creating energy efficient and spiritually the corporate social responsibility environment; its economics (including enriching designs to reconnect China’s newswire. The network also a counter-argument to the rapid urbanization to the land. In encompasses a wide range of conventional wisdom that oil addition to running his company, organizations, such as the Business & consumption must inevitably keep Turenscape, Mr. Yu is also dean of the Human Rights Resource Centre; increasing); and the tangled politics of Graduate School of Landscape Ashoka, which fosters social this so-called “ethical oil.” In a Architecture at Peking University. His entrepreneurship; and the Tufts follow-up article, O’Neil focused on company and the university form a University Global Development and the proposed pipeline extension, virtuous circle of theory and practice: Environment Institute. which, he contends, far from many students work for Turenscape benefiting Americans, would actually after they graduate, and the firm in turn The following is a small sample of the result in higher gas prices, negligible has donated millions of renminbi to many original articles and interviews energy security, risks to the support the school’s research. that PI commissioned this year. environment, and increased global A DIRTY STORY: OIL FROM THE warming. The decision on the INTERVIEWS pipeline, first scheduled for 2010, has ALBERTA TAR SANDS been postponed until 2013. In October 2010, O’Neil interviewed One of the most contentious Jeb Brugmann, a business and environmental issues in North “MORE LIKE THIS: PROFILES OF development expert, whose company, America at present is the proposed CLEAN ENERGY LEADERS IN the Next Practice, serves major Keystone XL extension, an additional CHINA” corporations, local governments, and pipeline that TransCanada wants to non-profit organizations worldwide. build between the tar sands of No one can deny that China has a Brugmann’s book, Welcome to the northern Alberta and refineries on the worsening pollution crisis, yet the last Revolution, combines detailed street- U.S. Gulf Coast. In a fascinating first- few years have also seen dramatic level research with analysis of the city person account, PI editor O’Neil changes in the country’s green policies system on a global scale to explain the delves into the complex, along with many innovations, says forces that are shaping our urban future. controversial, and highly energy- John Haffner, a China-based In April 2011, as part of the Just Business intense tar sands extraction process, businessman engaged in clean energy series (see page 12), O’Neil talked which currently consumes large projects in Asia. In this interview series, with Alexis Madrigal, a senior editor quantities of natural gas. To make the Haffner talks to clean energy pioneers at The Atlantic magazine, whose book, situation even more volatile, O’Neil in China, including multi-millionaire Powering the Dream: The History and tells us that Canada is now Zhang Yue, founder and CEO of Promise of Green Technology, recounts considering using nuclear power Broad, which specializes in non-electric how the evolution of green technologies rather than natural gas, despite the air conditioning, air purifiers, energy have been entangled with culture, dangers. efficiency, and sustainable buildings. ethics, and government policy.


Workshops that green buildings can bring. Is it possible to grow a company to $1 for Ethics in Continuing the sustainability theme, billion in revenue in Russia without Business in November the Council was giving a single bribe? Alcoa’s former (WEB) is the privileged to host Secretary of the vice president Bill O’Rourke is living Carnegie Navy Ray Mabus. Mr. Mabus proof that it can be done. In an event Council explained how he is working to chart entitled Confronting Corruption and ISTOCKPHOTO / THINKSTOCK ISTOCKPHOTO program a new course for the Navy and Marine Ethics in Emerging Markets, specifically designed for the corporate Corps, which will dramatically reduce O’Rourke and Carnegie Council sphere. These workshops provide an the Navy’s consumption of fossil fuels program officer Julia Taylor interdisciplinary forum for business by 2020. Kennedy used his experiences in leaders, policymakers, nonprofit Russia as the basis of a series of case representatives, and academics to In January 2011, the program held the studies. They began with concrete explore the ethical dilemmas third annual “Top Risks and Ethical examples of challenging confronting the business community. Decisions” panel, inspired by Eurasia circumstances and decisions that he By providing examples of best Group’s yearly list of the top ten and Alcoa faced and asked the group practices, the program helps address global risks. This year’s panel what their response would be. the often thorny ethical problems that consisted of economist Daniel O’Rourke then explained how he had corporations and organizations face. Altman, political scientist/risk expert handled these problems, and he and Ian Bremmer, and economic and the group went on to discuss how Military leaders have identified climate political analyst Zachary Karabell. these examples could be applicable to change as a threat to global stability, Their concerns included the vacuum in other situations. and therefore to U.S. security. Thus, to international politics or, put another mark the Council’s second annual way, a multi-polar world; the September Sustainability Month (see dramatic shift in world powers and page 14), the first WEB event of the the resultant demand on food program year was a panel of supplies and natural resources; representatives from the Navy, the and—perhaps most presciently— Marines, and the Army Corps of the fact that Europe was breaking Engineers, organized in cooperation up and following different tracks, with the Truman Security Project. and the difficulties of maintaining Appearing under the title Leading by the euro under these circumstances. Example, these officers illustrated how the U.S. military is at the forefront of In May, for the fourth year running, efforts to develop and implement WEB, together with the Council’s renewable, clean energy sources. U.S. Global Engagement program (see page 4), organized a panel CONFRONTING CORRUPTION AND ETHICS IN EMERGING MARKETS WITH Sustainability Month also featured a entitled Rise of the Rest. Optimistic BILL O’ROURKE OF ALCOA WEB panel on various aspects of and bleak by turns, the speakers creating sustainable societies: Booz & analyzed the dilemmas facing both the This workshop was the first of a new, Company’s Sartaz Ahmed, who rising and the reigning powers—from more interactive and hands-on format, works with clients in the energy and protests across the Middle East, to the in which a small group of private- infrastructure sectors, discussed disaster in Japan, to rising food and oil sector participants work through real building sustainable cities; Larry prices across the world. Panelists were and hypothetical cases to identify Burns (formerly of GM) talked about Nikolas K. Gvosdev, of the U.S. Naval principals and develop leadership and clean vehicles and a future where cars, War College; Devin Stewart, creator workplace strategies. equipped with sophisticated GPS and former Carnegie Council director systems, drive themselves and never of WEB (now of Japan Society), who Workshops for Ethics in Business crash; and architect Joan Krevlin remains a Carnegie Council senior gratefully acknowledges support from talked about the LEED (Leadership in fellow; and Dov Waxman, professor of Booz & Company and HP. Energy Environmental Design) international relations and Middle East ranking system and the energy savings politics at Baruch College.


ETHICS MATTER SERIES general public. The initial conversations Darfur Genocide, gave us an are kept quite short, leaving ample time analysis of what this might bring. Launched in January 2011, the Ethics for additional discussion prompted by “Many ask, ‘Will the newly Matter Series began as a one-on-one questions from the audience. Hosted by independent South Sudan become a interview program, selecting some of the Carnegie Council Program Officer failed state?’” he wrote. “But the world’s most influential thinkers for in- Julia Taylor Kennedy, the first real question is, ‘Can North Sudan depth discussions of their life’s work and speaker was microfinance pioneer remain a viable state without the ideas. The inaugural interview was a Susan Davis, founder and current South?’” Peace is far from guaranteed conversation between Carnegie Council president and CEO of the U.S. arm of and both states face staggering Senior Fellow William Vocke and Chris BRAC, an international development challenges, he concluded. Brown, professor of international relations organization founded in Bangladesh in and vice-chair of the academic board at 1972. Microfinance started as a ■ Dov Waxman a professor of the London School of Economics and movement for social justice and international relations and Middle Political Science (LSE). Professor Brown women's equality, said Davis, and is East politics at Baruch College, traced the roots of his current thinking, now a large-scale industry, serving commented on President Obama’s and discussed his views on Marxism, over 150 million of the world’s poorest eagerly awaited May 19 speech on humanitarian intervention, and more. households. the Arab Spring. Waxman noted that although the speech pledged In March, Vocke sat down with Joseph CARNEGIE ETHICS ONLINE U.S. support, ultimately it will be Nye, who Foreign Policy magazine Obama’s actions, not his words, named as one of the top global thinkers This monthly online column, edited that will determine whether the of 2011. Professor Nye explained his by communications director U.S. will be seen as truly major concepts, such as his now famous Madeleine Lynn, is yet another piece supporting the Arab Spring—and so theory of “soft power,” and shared his of the Council’s multidimensional far the actual record has been thoughts on the information revolution. communications, information, and decidedly mixed. Actions rather outreach programs—in this case, than words will also decide what designed to highlight issues in short happens in the Israeli-Palestinian articles of 1,000–3,000 words. Among conflict, he warned. the highly eclectic subjects: ■ Indicted for war crimes, genocide, and ■ Patricia Lynne Duffy, an instructor crimes against humanity in 1995, in the UN Language and former Bosnian Serb general Ratko Communications Programme, Mladic was finally brought to The contributed a first-hand account of a Hague in late May 2011. But has this development success story in the prompted genuine self-reflection for Ugandan village of Kitengesa, where Serbians? In a thought-provoking a “mini-grant” to fund a community article, Marlene Spoerri, Ph.D. DR. FRANCIS FUKUYAMA AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT JOEL H. ROSENTHAL library led to more small grants for candidate at the University of self-sustaining, inter-related Amsterdam, and Carnegie Council In May, Carnegie Council President Joel projects—a factory, vegetable beds, grant writer and researcher Mladen Rosenthal talked with distinguished and a chair rental business—all Joksić argued that it has not. “To the political scientist Francis Fukuyama. In initiated by villagers themselves or contrary, when it comes to the crimes a wide-ranging conversation, they by people who had lived there and committed in their name, most Serbs discussed the trajectory of Fukuyama’s who thus understood the needs of remain skeptical, ill-informed, and work and ideas from his seminal book, their neighbors. even disinterested. Where they support The End of History, to his most recent Serbia’s cooperation with the tribunal, volume, The Origins of Political Order. ■ On February 1, 2011, immediately they do so for material—rather than after the January referendum in ethical—concerns. Indeed, the desire In June, to share the opportunity to talk favor of independence for South to see justice done and past wrongs with thinkers and practitioners of this Sudan, Sudan expert Dr. Eric righted plays remarkably little role caliber, the format was changed to that Reeves, author of A Long Day’s in Serbs’ desire to deal with the of a town hall-style meeting open to the Dying: Critical Moments in the past.”


One of the most Next up was an event* organized by record discussion. The primary goal of rewarding ways CNL Steering Committee member this engagement was to define the key that Carnegie Robin van Puyenbroeck, executive elements required for strong military Council reaches director at the Global Partnerships leadership, and then to figure out how out to younger Forum. His guest speaker was Gillian those elements could work in other people is through Sorensen, senior advisor at the United professional environments, such as the the Carnegie New Nations Foundation, who previously financial sector, nongovernmental Leaders (CNL) held a series of high-level positions at organizations, or public service. The program, a membership program for the UN. Among the questions report of this trip is available on the young professionals. Through a series of explored were: What are the Council website, along with PDFs of on- and off-the record programming, challenges and limitations of working the Army’s powerpoint presentation. social events, and a dedicated Facebook through the UN system? How can we site, CNL members explore and debate effectively engage our enemies? How According to Carnegie Council trustee how to apply ethical principles—not can we transform agreements into David P. Hunt, “Trust, accountability, only to international affairs but also to action? Can we protect U.S. national and high moral standards are essential issues in their own private and interests while promoting the global in the workplace, both in the private professional lives. Members are good? “The UN is imperfect but sector and in government. And in the encouraged to take an active role in indispensable,” concluded Sorensen. intelligence field these have particular running the program: the group has a “Our challenge is to build upon its significance, underlying virtually all steering committee, and members strengths and address its weaknesses activities.” Mr. Hunt should know: he propose many of the speakers. This year, in the most constructive way.” had a distinguished thirty-two-year CNL chose to focus on leadership career as a senior officer in the CIA, development and how to apply ethical In principle, businesses, NGOs, and including tours in Saigon, Mogadishu, leadership principles across a variety of governments realize that they can Oslo, and Paris. In an off-the-record fields. expand their impact by collaborating. discussion in March, Hunt described In practice, however, the leadership for CNL members the overseas skills needed to successfully navigate In September 1970, Milton Friedman operational environment, the between all three types of organizations published an article entitled “The Social importance of trust in human source are rarely developed and even more Responsibility of Business is to Increase operations, and the need, always, for rarely defined. In November, honorary Its Profits.” So the 2010 fall season skepticism in a profession rife with Carnegie Council trustee Zarinés kicked off with an event entitled: Forty fabricators. Negrón, director of strategic Years after Friedman: What is the operations at the New York City What were the accomplishments and Proper Role of Business in Society?* Department of Small Business failures of the U.S. grassroots Today, this question is urgent in ways Services, organized an off-the record movements that responded to the that Friedman could never have imagined. discussion to identify and address humanitarian crisis in Darfur, and how Business has grown in scale and scope, these skills gaps. The speakers on this do these lessons apply to grassroots lifting billions of people out of poverty; occasion were Caleb McClennen, movements in general? In May, CNL but, as we well know, it has also caused director of marine conservation at the member Rachel Davis, an Australian harm to people and the planet. Bronx Zoo, and David Salpeter, vice attorney who spent five years as a senior president, Citi export and agency legal advisor to special representative of The event organizers were CNL member finance, at Citigroup Corporate and the UN secretary-general for business Christine Bader (formerly of BP and Investment Bank. and human rights, organized and led a currently UN special representative of discussion to examine these issues. The the secretary-general for business and In February, CNL members went on a guest speaker was Rebecca Hamilton, a human rights,) and CNL Steering field trip to Fort Hamilton in special correspondent on Sudan with Committee chair Jeff Hittner, an , one of the oldest U.S. The Washington Post, and author of experienced social entrepreneur and Army bases in the United States. Fighting for Darfur: Public Action and corporate innovator. Together, they led Following a tour of the base, the the Struggle to Stop Genocide. the group in an interactive discussion group met with military officers for an about corporate social responsibility and overview of the Army’s resources and *Part of September Sustainability sustainability. organization, followed by an off-the- Month. See page 14.


acknowledged as the standards FOCUS ON RTOP AND LIBYA against which international policies and actors are judged, not only in The adoption of the responsibility to specialized academic writing but protect doctrine (RtoP) by the UN also in public discussion. The General Assembly in 2005 has been worldwide proliferation of one of the most significant recent academic programs, centers, and developments in international publications with an explicit focus relations, and EIA has published on ethics is partially a result of a extensively on the evolution of this broad trend in which EIA was a new norm over the last several years. pioneer.” In the 2010 Winter issue, Edward C. Luck, special advisor to the UN Our anniversary year also coincided secretary-general on RtoP, responded with the start of a new partnership to an earlier article on the topic by with Cambridge University Press, editorial board member Alex Bellamy the leading publisher in the area of evaluating the successes and international relations. The Press’s shortcomings of the principle five broadly recognized expertise, its years after its endorsement. Luck excellence in production, and its ended on an optimistic note, global distribution will be important suggesting that “For all of RtoP’s HAPPY 25TH ANNIVERSARY! elements in the journal’s continuing faults and frailties, time may well be success and development. on its side.” Also writing on RtoP in 2011 was a landmark year for the Winter issue, Jennifer Welsh, of Carnegie Council’s journal, Ethics & Oxford University, was more International Affairs, which reserved, arguing that “the requisite celebrated its 25th anniversary. In his intellectual, financial, and diplomatic introduction to the anniversary investments to realize [RtoP’s] meaty volume, the Council’s president and agenda are not forthcoming” and that EIA editor-in-chief, Joel Rosenthal, In addition, the upward trend in EIA “the discussion of RtoP has revealed recalled the origins of the journal and usage and dissemination continues at lingering controversy.” reiterated its long-standing objective a brisk rate, with more than 90,000 to “feature the best minds in the field, recorded downloads in 2010. Our The journal revisited this foster a multiplicity of views, contributors and readers hail from all groundbreaking topic in 2011 in a engender vigorous debate, and all the parts of the world, while our articles special roundtable on Libya and while remain true to the Council’s are featured in hundreds of syllabi, RtoP, organized by James Pattison, nonpartisan, nonideological tradition.” reaching tens of thousands of students which was published online over the worldwide. summer before appearing in print in As we reflect on our history, we the Fall issue. What are the celebrate not simply the longevity of Many EIA articles are also freely implications of the Libyan our publication but its vitality and accessible on the Carnegie Council intervention for the responsibility to continuing relevance. Where we were website, where they remain among the protect principle? How should we once a single voice, today we are part Council’s most popular resources. judge the intervention in Libya of a burgeoning research field. As Contributions that elicited most reader morally and politically? What is the Rosenthal noted: interest over the last year include likelihood of future action under Sridhar Venkatapuram’s “Global RtoP? Several eminent scholars, “Perhaps the biggest testament to Justice and the Social Determinants of including Simon Chesterman and the journal’s contribution is the fact Health” (Summer 2010), Thomas Thomas Weiss, tackled these crucial that the question ‘What does ethics Pogge’s “World Poverty and Human questions. have to do with international Rights” (Spring 2005), and Chris affairs?’ no longer sounds quixotic. Brown’s review essay “On Amartya The principles of pluralism, rights, Sen and ‘The Idea of Justice’” (Fall and fairness are increasingly 2010).

10 CARNEGIE COUNCIL Security Council” (Spring 2011). ethical implications of sea-level rise; Concluding that the UN Security and Steve Vanderheiden proposed a Council does not possess exclusive framework for assigning mitigation legitimacy when it comes to and adaptation duties to states. humanitarian intervention decisions, Clearly, this is a topic that will be the authors argued that it is with us for a long while, and EIA will permissible to look for alternative continue to provide some of the best institutional arrangements, and voices and ideas on this issue in the suggested a precommitment regime as years ahead. a more effective tool for protecting

RECONNAISSANCE MISSION IN AFGHANISTAN. WWW.FLICKR.COM fragile democracies. As they stated: EIA INTERVIEWS U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY STAFF SGT. MICHAEL L. CASTEEL “Under a precommitment regime for Under the auspices of the Carnegie AFGHANISTAN SYMPOSIUM democracy protection, a set of democratic states could enter into a Ethics Studio, EIA audio and video interviews, conducted by the journal’s The ethics of the U.S. involvement in contract by which a democratic editor, John Tessitore, complement Afghanistan took center stage in a government would authorize our print resources by offering authors special roundtable published in the intervention in its own territory in an alternative venue to present and 2011 Summer issue. The debate response to violence that the expand on their arguments. This past kicked off with a lead article by government was unable to control, year, Tessitore talked with philosopher Richard W. Miller of Cornell either due to incapacity or to having and frequent contributor Mathias University, who argued that the been dislodged from power by force.” Risse, who discussed his concept of United States has “a moral common ownership of the earth—the duty…actively to pursue negotiations equal claim of each person to the with the Taliban,” and then went on to planet and its resources—and what make a provocative case for this means for worldwide immigration conceding the Pashtun region to the policies and for climate change Taliban and rapidly reducing the U.S. refugees. presence in the country as a whole. Five experts responded, all of whom Tessitore also interviewed contributor took issue, to a smaller or greater and editorial board member Leif extent, with Professor Miller’s Wenar on the resource curse and premises and recommendations. clean trade policies—referring to the Fernando R. Tesón, for example, fact that the rich resources of many went head-to-head with Miller’s thesis developing nations often fail to with a robust response entitled advance the welfare of the population- “Enabling Monsters: A Reply to at-large (for example, conflict Professor Miller.” Tesón asserted from SPREADING SMOKE. ALVEE WWW.FLICKR.COM diamonds), and that wealthy importing the outset that “the United States countries have a responsibility to would be perpetrating a major CLIMATE CHANGE avoid supporting such corrupt injustice if it enabled the Taliban to practices. “Our own policies in rule over any part of the territory and Climate change is surely one of the importing states, including ones we over any person.” paramount global challenges of our take entirely for granted, help to drive time, and its complex nature generates the resource curse overseas,” argued NEW APPROACHES TO a wide range of approaches among Wenar. He proposed a Clean Trade INTERVENTION philosophers and policymakers. EIA Policy, consisting of three parts: has long looked at the many control over domestic corporations EIA is proud to give voice to bold dimensions of this topic, and over the and transparency in the contracts with new proposals for policy reform. One last year our contributors addressed foreign governments; a structure of such new vision for more effective several aspects of the problem from a incentives to encourage greater public international intervention was put variety of perspectives. Robyn accountability in exporting states; and forward by Allen Buchanan and Eckersley wrote about the fairness of the suspension of trade with “the most Robert Keohane in their co-authored border measures relating to “carbon extreme authoritarian regimes and article, “Precommitment Regimes for leakage;” Sujatha Byravan and failed states.” Intervention: Supplementing the Sudhir Chella Rajan examined the


Under the site on iTunes U. A division of Global Ethics Forum Television leadership of iTunes, iTunes U distributes materials These half-hour television programs executive from colleges and universities and are edited versions of some of the producer also offers a “Beyond Campus” Council’s most fascinating events, and Deborah section, featuring museums, libraries, are currently airing every Sunday on Carroll and broadcasting stations, and educational MHz Worldview Channel—a program officer institutions such as the Carnegie Washington, D.C.-based public Julia Taylor Kennedy, the Carnegie Council. The Council’s iTunes U site television network that reaches over Ethics Studio continues to expand and features collections of the best of its 40 million households nationwide. improve. Today the Council’s in- resources on international affairs, and They are also showing on CUNY TV house multimedia production facility is regularly added to and updated. in New York City. creates and distributes hundreds of Topics include Climate Change, products every year, reaching millions Nuclear Proliferation, and Spotlight Just Business Audio Interview Series of viewers and listeners. The Studio is on the Arab Spring. Find the site at This new series was launched in constantly upgrading its facilities and or click February 2010 by Studio program honing its products. This year, for through to it from our website. officer Julia Taylor Kennedy, who example, thanks to a generous grant twice a month interviews thought from the Dillon Fund, the Studio was iTunes U is also home to a new and leaders from a wide spectrum of the able to construct a new soundproof highly innovative Studio project: an business world—from large audio recording studio, which has online, chapter-by-chapter glossary international corporations, to start- greatly upgraded our broadcast for the 2012 edition of the best-selling ups, to the financial and nonprofit quality. international relations textbook, World sectors. A common thread running Politics: Trend and Transformation, through most of these conversations is STUDIO PRODUCTS by Carnegie Council trustee Charles how business can be a force for good. W. Kegley, Jr. and Shannon L. Blanton. For example, Swan Paik of Nike Online Event Recordings and Foundation discussed the Webcasts The glossary, which is referenced in Foundation’s support for the Girl With the exception of occasional off- the textbook itself, consists of short Effect, a nonprofit foundation that the-record talks, the Studio produces videos of Carnegie Council speakers works to creates more opportunities full audio, video highlights, and illustrating commonly used terms, such for the 600 million adolescent girls transcripts of every Carnegie Council as Nobel Prize-winning economist living in poverty in the developing event—and all of these are available Joseph Stiglitz on “remittances.” world. “Women and girls are a online at Go to powerful accelerator for change,” said You can also watch our events live at Paik. “By allowing girls to fall

Podcasts, RSS Feeds, and iTunes U Available anytime, anywhere, and always free of charge, audio and video podcasts via iTunes and RSS feed are one of the most popular ways for our global audience to access Carnegie Council material. In 2010, Council podcasts received an average of over 50,000 downloads a month, and the audios regularly rank among iTunes’ Top Ten most downloaded government and nonprofit audio podcasts. Building on this demand, in February 2010, the Studio launched a CARNEGIE COUNCIL’S ITUNES U WEBSITE

12 CARNEGIE COUNCIL through irreversible trap doors in Visitor Center in New York City are devoted to examining the ethical adolescence, the world is missing out received a platinum LEED certificate dimensions of current issues and on the tremendous potential that they (Leadership in Energy and events. The goal of each segment is to have to offer.” Environmental Design, an present all sides of an issue, asking internationally recognized green viewers (with special attention to Author and eco-entrepreneur Roo building certification system); and students) to weigh the information and Rogers introduced some of his latest Yale Professor Alex Felson, a make up their own minds. Among the ventures, such as an alternative town- landscape architect and urban thorny topics examined this year were car service that uses hybrid vehicles. ecologist, whose projects include the WikiLeaks, Sudan, and the Arab Spring. His recent book, What’s Mine is New York City Reforestation Plan and Yours, is about collaborative the East River Marsh. Ian Yolles* is One of the most popular of our consumption—that is, the process of chief marketing officer at an offerings on YouTube in 2010 was a bartering, trading, and sharing on a innovative company called Global Ethics Corner on aircraft massive scale, on sites such as eBay RecycleBank, which already has over carriers and anti-ship missiles. It and Craigslist, for example. two million members. With a rewards asked: “Have aircraft carriers lost system similar to a frequent flyer their place as core naval assets for Other speakers have focused on program, members get points for projecting force? For instance, would damages resulting from a lack of “everyday green actions,” such as you risk U.S. carriers in a conflict integrity. Krishen Mehta of Global recycling household items, and can across the Taiwan Strait?” Global Financial Integrity (GFI) talked redeem them for discounts and Ethics Corner is featured on the about capital flight and the harm it merchandise in stores. “You can think Carnegie Council’s website and on causes, explaining that, in total, of it, in a sense, as a form of our principal YouTube channel. For developing countries lose close to behavioral economics, a carrot-versus- the convenience of educators, there is $1 trillion every year, of which 65 stick approach,” said Yolles. also a YouTube channel solely percent is related to commercial tax dedicated to Global Ethics Corner: evasion. To end the program year, Other memorable interviews include journalist Diana B. Henriques a talk with Susan Aryeetey, who carnegienetwork. discussed convicted financier Bernie has spent the last eight years Madoff, the subject of her book, working in Ghana for the YouTube Clips Wizard of Lies. In her years of International Federation of Women Educators tell us that the Studio’s covering white collar crime, she said, Lawyers [FIDA], which provides two-to-four minute clips from Council she had found that there was not a women in need with legal aid; and events are excellent teaching tools to huge gulf between these criminals and another with Colette Lespinasse, illustrate specific points or to spark the rest of us. “It actually is really executive director of the Haitian debate in the classroom. Find them on quite easy to slip over that line,” she NGO Groupe d’Appui aux Rapatries the Council’s YouTube page: remarked. “You lie to yourself that et aux Refugies [Group of Support you’re going to make it up, you’re to Returnees and Refugees]. In council. The most viewed include going to put the money back… and addition to explaining her work with historian Niall Ferguson on the then you’re on that slippery slope.” Haitian migrants on the Haitian- supposed decline of the United States; Dominican border, Lespinasse economist Paul Krugman on the Advocates for Ethics in discussed the 2010 earthquake and global financial crisis; and journalist Business Audio Interview subsequent cholera outbreak. Ahmed Rashid on terrorist Series, June 2009–February sanctuaries in Pakistan. 2010 Ethics & International Affairs Advocates for Ethics in Business Audio and Video Interviews Carnegie Ethics Studio productions series, also hosted by Julia Taylor The Studio also produces occasional are made possible in part by generous Kennedy, was the forerunner of Just interviews with contributors to the funding from Carnegie Corporation of Business, described above. journal, hosted by EIA editor John New York, the Dillon Fund, the Highlights included a number of Tessitore. Please see page 10. Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and speakers who are working in their Education, and by individual different ways toward a more Global Ethics Corner donations from Carnegie Council sustainable world. Local examples Created and written by Senior supporters. were architect Joan Krevlin*, Fellow William Vocke, these *Part of September Sustainability whose Queens Botanical Garden popular weekly two-minute videos Month. See page 14.


Advocates for Ethics in Business LOOKING TOWARDS OUR contributed interviews with three CENTENNIAL sustainability innovators: Ian Yolles, chief marketing officer at In celebration of our RecycleBank; Christoph Centennial in 2014, Lueneburger, leader of the Carnegie Council sustainability practice and the U.S. will invite the private equity practice at Egon world’s leading

Zehnder International, a human thinkers and ANDREW CARNEGIE capital advisory firm; and prize- educational winning “green” architect Joan institutions to clarify the rights and Krevlin. And Global Ethics responsibilities of what we call a

A SUSTAINABLE WORLD. ILLUSTRATION: DENNIS DOYLE Corners—the Council’s weekly two- “Global Ethic for the 21st Century.” minute videos on ethical questions— SECOND ANNUAL SEPTEMBER addressed the topics of deep-water This multi-year project, extending SUSTAINABILITY MONTH drilling and fossil fuels; whether there from 2012 to 2014, is comprised of should be a global ethic for protecting interconnected components: programs Once again Carnegie Council began its endangered species; the problem of with global thought leaders; student new program year in September with declining fish stocks; and the and local community activities; and an Sustainability Month, coming together sustainability of cities. educational digital platform. across departments to focus on this all- important and complex issue. The result Global Ethics Network was a wide range of activities and resources, including events, articles, As part of our mission to serve as a Advocates for Ethics in Business audio global voice for ethics, Carnegie interviews, Global Ethics Corner videos, Council is developing a Global Ethics and an international student/teacher Network. This hands-on educational essay contest. platform will connect educational institutions from around the world, Sustainability programming consisted enabling them to create innovative STUDENT/TEACHER INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION “MAKING A pedagogical tools, original university- of two Workshops for Ethics in DIFFERENCE”. LOLLY KNIT WWW.FLICKR.COM Business and two Carnegie New level curricula, and lasting cross- Leader (CNL) events (see pages 7 and border partnerships. 9). In addition, the Fall issue of Ethics This year’s essay contest question & International Affairs featured was: How would you improve your Through in-person faculty meetings Sujatha Byravan, of Chennai’s school so that it prepares future and web-based collaboration, this Institute for Financial Management leaders to protect the planet? There initiative will provide a platform for and Research, who wrote about the were five winners, one each from students and educators to engage in ethical implications of sea level rise Canada, Nigeria, and Trinidad & intercultural dialogue and educational due to climate change; social Tobago, and two from the United programming. With the support of the entrepreneur and CNL Chairperson States. Find links to all the resources Carnegie Ethics Studio, the Global Jeff Hittner contributed September’s produced by this initiative, including Ethics Network will reach beyond the Carnegie Ethics Online column, the winning essay entries, at: university setting and redefine the arguing that sustainability can be an place of ethics in regional and engine for business growth; and in resources/picks/0023.html international relations. Policy Innovations online magazine, Christina Madden of Thanks to generous funding from GovernanceMetrics International Hewlett-Packard and Booz & reported on the worldwide push to Company, this year’s September drill for shale gas, using the Sustainability Month launched a full controversial process known as year of sustainability programming, “fracking.” from September 2010 to June 2011.


THANK YOU! ■ New Partners: Since September providing our educational resources 2010, an hour of Carnegie Council free of charge, and helps sustain the Every year, Carnegie Council reaches programming has been broadcast record of excellence our audience has out to members and viewers like you. every week on MHz Worldview come to expect. In return for our thoughtful exchanges Channel, a Washington, D.C.- with global opinion makers and based public television network Join Our Friends Committee unique ethics-based international that reaches over 40 million Carnegie Council’s Friends affairs coverage, we ask that you lend households nationwide. A recent Committee is an exclusive group of your support to the Council in partnership with iTunes U advisors and investors. It plays a whatever way you can. As always, we expanded the Council’s reach yet critical role in raising the visibility of are humbled both by your generosity further, bringing us access to the Council’s work and deepening our and your commitment to the work that millions of students around the impact. we do. Thank you. world. Finally, as of January 2011, our renowned journal, Ethics & Become a Corporate Member Thanks to the generosity of our International Affairs, is published Built around Workshops for Ethics in supporters, the Council’s 2010-2011 by Cambridge University Press, the Business, Carnegie Council’s program year was a resounding world’s foremost publishing house. Corporate Membership offers the success. Through a combination of corporate community a one-of-a-kind ■ Larger Audience: This year, innovative outreach strategies and forum to gain new perspectives on the Carnegie Council events frequently prominent speakers, we developed intersection between ethics, business, ranked among iTunes’ top ten most and shared new insights into topics and international affairs. Our downloaded government and ranging from breaking news stories Corporate Members gain exclusive nonprofit audio podcasts. The like the Arab Spring and the death of access to a diverse array of global Council’s website received an Osama bin Laden, to discussions on affairs and educational corporate average of 80,000 unique visitors how to promote ethics in business. programs. They also network with each month, and our Journal With your help, we developed first- business leaders and policymakers, articles were downloaded some class educational materials and were discuss regional trends with the 90,000 times. able to distribute these free of charge Council’s pool of distinguished to students and educators around the experts, and enjoy global brand HOW TO SUPPORT THE COUNCIL world. This year, we not only built exposure via the Carnegie Ethics upon past achievements, but we Studio. moved in new and exciting directions. To maintain the standards of We could not have done this without excellence our global audience has Support Our Studio you. come to expect, we rely on the generosity and support of viewers and Each year, Carnegie Ethics Studio Among other achievements, your listeners like you. It is thanks to your creates and distributes hundreds of donations contributed to our: commitment to our mission and multimedia products. Thanks to these confidence in our work that we have products, the Council has become a ■ Free Virtual Library: All lectures, succeeded in mounting the call for truly global voice for ethics, reaching debates, and workshops organized ethics for close to a hundred years. millions of viewers and listeners in by the Council this program year Going forward, your support remains every part of the world. Studio were added to our growing “virtual critical to the work that we do. supporters receive prominent library” of video and audio files, Below are some of the ways you can acknowledgement on all of the podcasts, and transcripts. Thanks to lend your support to the Council in Studio’s multimedia educational your support, we were able to make the 2012 season. products. these products available free of charge to viewers and listeners Donate to Our Fund Drives For more information on how you can across the globe. Over the years, Contributions to our Spring and Fall get involved, please contact: Eva this library has become an fund drives provide the Council with Becker, vice president for finance and invaluable educational resource for unrestricted support for our work and administration, at (212) 838-4120 or teachers and students alike. general operating costs. Fund drive [email protected]. support allows us to continue

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 15 CALENDAR EVENTS 2010–2011 Hemera / Thinkstock

“It’s not always might that makes right. Sometimes people do things that surprise us because of an ethical concern. People who burn themselves in protest against authoritarian unjust government, as we just saw recently in Tunisia, have an enormous impact in terms of a moral position.

Ethics is tremendously important. That’s why the work of Carnegie Council is so important, to get us to think carefully and rigorously about how we can introduce ethics into this... We can’t always live as though it was a perfect world in which we could live ethically. We sometimes have to make hard choices. But it doesn’t excuse us from thinking about ethics. We ought to know what we’re doing if we make such choices.” —Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Harvard University, Carnegie Council Ethics Matter Interview, February 2011

JULY 2010 9/20/10 9/30/10 The Tenth Parallel: Dispatches from The Frugal Superpower: the Fault Line between Christianity America’s Global Leadership in a 7/13/10 and Islam Cash-Strapped Era Taiwan: Building Partnerships for Eliza Griswold Michael Mandelbaum Asia-Pacific Economic Integration PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM U.S. GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM Johnny C. Chiang GLOBAL ETHICS FORUM PRESENTATION 9/22/10 Self-Determination and Conflict Resolution: From Kosovo to Sudan OCTOBER 2010 SEPTEMBER 2010 Louise Arbour PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM 10/05/10 Sustainable Societies 9/08/10 9/22/10 Sartaz Ahmed, Larry Burns, Joan Facing the Crises of Our Time: Leading by Example Krevlin, Thomas Stewart The United Nations and the United Colonel Bob “Brutus” Charette, Jr. WORKSHOPS FOR ETHICS IN BUSINESS States in the 21st Century (USMC), Rear Admiral Philip Cullom Gillian Sorensen (USN), Brigadier General Peter A. 10/06/10 CARNEGIE NEW LEADERS PROGRAM “Duke” DeLuca (U.S. Army), Jonathan Can Obama Please Both Arabs and Powers Israelis? What the Polls and History WORKSHOPS FOR ETHICS IN BUSINESS Tell Us 9/13/10 Eco Innovations: Small Sparks, Big Shibley Telhami 9/24/10 U.S. GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM Impact Washington Rules: Shakeel Avadhany, Richard A. Cook, America’s Path to Permanent War Peter Hartwell, Niko Canner 10/07/10 WORKSHOPS FOR ETHICS IN BUSINESS Andrew J. Bacevich Welcome Reception FRIENDS COMMITTEE PROGRAM Joel H. Rosenthal HOSTED BY ROBERT G. JAMES CARNEGIE NEW LEADERS PROGRAM 9/13/10 40 Years After Friedman: What is the 9/29/10 Proper Role of Business in Society? Grand Strategies: Literature, Christine Bader, Jeffrey Hittner Statecraft, and World Order CARNEGIE NEW LEADERS PROGRAM Charles Hill PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM


10/14/10 NOVEMBER 2010 DECEMBER 2010 Facts are Subversive: Political Writing from a Decade 12/02/10 Without a Name 11/01/10 The Bed of Procrustes: Timothy Garton Ash Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and the PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Future of American Power Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms Robert D. Kaplan Nassim Nicholas Taleb PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM 10/15/10 One Nation Under Contract: The Outsourcing of American Power 11/03/10 12/06/10 and the Future of Foreign Policy Philanthrocapitalism: Philanthropy and Non-Profits: Allison Stanger How Giving Can Save the World A 21st Century Agenda PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Matthew Bishop Michael Göring, Joel H. Rosenthal FRIENDS COMMITTEE PROGRAM FRIENDS COMMITTEE PROGRAM IN HOSTED BY ROBERT L. DILENSCHNEIDER CONJUNCTION WITH THE AMERICAN FRIENDS 10/18/10 OF BUCERIUS What Technology Wants 11/04/10 Kevin Kelly 12/07/10 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Afghanistan Update: Report from Recent Visit Negotiating with Evil: Jeffrey D. McCausland When to Talk to Terrorists 10/20/10 FRIENDS COMMITTEE PROGRAM Mitchell B. Reiss The Lost Peace: PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM HOSTED BY DAVID P. HUNT Leadership in a Time of Horror and 11/09/10 Hope, 1945-1953 The U.S. Navy’s New Energy 12/08/10 Robert Dallek Revolution PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM AMEXICA: War Along the Borderline Ray Mabus Ed Vulliamy WORKSHOPS FOR ETHICS IN BUSINESS PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM 10/21/10 A Call for Judgment: 11/11/10 Sensible Finance for a Dynamic Atlantic: Great Sea Battles, Heroic 12/09/10 Economy Discoveries, Titanic Storms, and a Putting Middle East Youth to Work: Amar Bhidé Vast Ocean of a Million Stories Partnering with Business to Turn a PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Simon Winchester Youth Tsunami into an Asset PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Ronald Bruder, Jasmine Nahhas di Florio 10/28/10 U.S. GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM Why the West Rules—For Now: 11/18/10 HOSTED BY MITCHELL J. NELSON The Patterns of History, and What Foundations for Change: Businesses, They Reveal About the Future Governments and NGOs Scaling Ian Morris Impact Together 12/14/10 The Caucasus: An Introduction PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Caleb McClennan, Scott Kaufman, Thomas de Waal Zarinés Negrón PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM CARNEGIE NEW LEADERS PROGRAM

11/30/10 12/16/10 Hero: The Life and Legend of Beirut, Damascus, Tehran, and Tel Lawrence of Arabia Aviv: The Moment of Reckoning is Michael Korda Near PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Rami Khouri PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 17 CALENDAR EVENTS 2010–2011 Hemera / Thinkstock

JANUARY 2011 2/10/10 3/14/11 The Future of Power Behind the Headlines: Pakistan Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Ahmed Rashid 1/13/11 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of 2/16/11 the International Monetary System The End of Arrogance: America in the 3/22/11 One Nation Under Surveillance: Barry Eichengreen Global Competition of Ideas PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Steven Weber, Bruce W. Jentleson A New Social Contract to Defend PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Freedom Without Sacrificing Liberty Simon Chesterman 1/19/11 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Top Risks and Ethical Decisions 2011 2/23/11 The Unfinished Global Revolution: Daniel Altman, Ian Bremmer, 3/24/11 Zachary Karabell, Art Kleiner The Pursuit of a New International WORKSHOPS FOR ETHICS IN BUSINESS Politics Moral Foundation of Public Service Mark Malloch Brown David P. Hunt CARNEGIE NEW LEADERS PROGRAM 1/20/11 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM How Wars End: Why We Always Fight the Last Battle 2/26/11 3/25/11 Gideon Rose Leadership Lessons: The Military The Arab Uprisings: PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Brigadier General Peter A. “Duke” The View from Cairo HOSTED BY RICHARD A. EDLIN, ESQ. DeLuca (U.S. Army), Colonel Randy Lisa Anderson George (U.S. Army), Colonel Michael PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM 1/25/11 J. Gould (Commander, U.S. Army The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Garrison, Fort Hamilton), Commander 3/30/11 Internet Freedom Erin A. McAvoy (U.S. Navy) The World Ahead: Evgeny Morozov CARNEGIE NEW LEADERS PROGRAM Conflict or Cooperation? PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Richard K. Betts 2/23/10 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM The Science of Liberty: Democracy, 1/26/11 Reason, and the Laws of Nature The Next Decade: Where We’ve Timothy Ferris APRIL 2011 Been...and Where We’re Going PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM George Friedman 4/05/11 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM How to Run the World: Charting a MARCH 2011 Course to the Next Renaissance 1/27/11 Parag Khanna Transformative Leadership: 3/01/11 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM The Four Essential Skills for Creating Media in Contemporary Russia Change Within Your Organization Nargiz Asadova, Pavel Nikolaevich 4/08/11 Ellen McGrath Gusev, Mikhail Gusman, Mikhail The Good Book: A Humanist Bible CARNEGIE NEW LEADERS PROGRAM Kotov, Azer Mursaliev, Mikhail A.C. Grayling Ponomarev PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM U.S. GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM/ FEBRUARY 2011 FRIENDS COMMITTEE PROGRAM 4/13/11 Scribble, Scribble, Scribble: Writing 2/08/11 3/08/11 on Politics, Ice Cream, Churchill, and Osama bin Laden I Shall Not Hate: My Mother Michael Scheuer A Gaza Doctor’s Journey on the Simon Schama PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Road to Peace and Human Dignity PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Izzeldin Abuelaish PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM


4/20/11 5/12/11 6/09/11 Higher Education in the Middle East: Politics of Migration and Integration What is Happening to News: America’s Legacy Cem Özdemir The Information Explosion and the Joseph G. Jabbra CARNEGIE ETHICS STUDIO IN CONJUNCTION Crisis in Journalism PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM WITH THE AMERICAN FRIENDS OF BUCERIUS Jack Fuller HOSTED BY WHITE & CASE LLP PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM 4/21/11 Civility in the Media 5/16/11 6/15/11 Charles Osgood The Next Convergence: Confronting Corruption and Ethics in PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM/ CIVILITY IN The Future of Economic Growth in a Emerging Markets AMERICA SERIES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE Multispeed World William O’Rourke Jr. DILENSCHNEIDER GROUP Michael Spence WORKSHOPS FOR ETHICS IN BUSINESS PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM 4/26/11 6/16/11 The Fear: Robert Mugabe and the 5/19/11 In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Martyrdom of Zimbabwe Rise of the Rest IV: Works, and Shapes Our Lives Peter Godwin Critical Regions in Crisis Steven Levy PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Nikolas K. Gvosdev, David C. Speedie, PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Devin T. Stewart, Dov Waxman 4/26/11 WORKSHOPS FOR ETHICS IN BUSINESS 6/20/11 Egypt Update Civility in the Financial Sector Stephen Heintz 5/23/11 Henry Kaufman U.S. GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM/ Civility in Everyday Life PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM/ CIVILITY IN FRIENDS COMMITTEE PROGRAM Philip K. Howard AMERICA SERIES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM/ CIVILITY IN DILENSCHNEIDER GROUP 4/26/11 AMERICA SERIES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE Giving Voice to Values DILENSCHNEIDER GROUP 6/22/11 Mary C. Gentile Ethics Matter: CARNEGIE NEW LEADERS PROGRAM 5/25/11 A Conversation with Susan Davis They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die ETHICS MATTER SERIES Like Children: The Global Quest to MAY 2011 Eradicate the Use of Child Soldiers 6/23/11 Lt. Gen. Roméo A. Dallaire Civility in Corporate America 5/02/11 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Steve Forbes The Origins of Political Order: PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM/ CIVILITY IN From Prehuman Times to the French AMERICA SERIES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE Revolution JUNE 2011 DILENSCHNEIDER GROUP Francis Fukuyama PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM 6/01/11 6/30/11 WAR 5/05/11 The Arab Spring: Sebastian Junger Implications for U.S. Defense Policy Beyond Good Intentions: PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM The Promise and Peril of Citizen Colin Kahl PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM Engagement with Foreign Policy 6/07/11 Rebecca Hamilton Civility in Politics CARNEGIE NEW LEADERS PROGRAM John Brademas, Mickey Edwards PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM/ CIVILITY IN For audios, videos, transcripts, 5/09/11 AMERICA SERIES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE and podcasts, please visit Awakening Islam: Religious Dissent DILENSCHNEIDER GROUP in Contemporary our website at Stephane Lacroix PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM


MAJOR GIFTS BENEFACTORS Ian Bremmer Booz & Company (N.A.) Inc. Kathleen Cheek-Milby Carnegie Corporation of New York Jonathan E. Colby Phyllis D. Collins The Dilenschneider Group, Inc. Richard A. Edlin, Esq. Anthony L. Faillace Hewlett-Packard Company David P. Hunt Zachary Karabell Samuel and Anna Jacobs Foundation Donald M. Kendall Robert G. Shaw Robert and Ardis James Foundation FRIENDS COMMITTEE Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc. Robert L. Dilenschneider Michael Jaharis Alfred & Jane Ross Foundation Robert G. James Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in New York Donald M. Kendall Mitchell J. Nelson Uehiro Foundation on Ethics & Education Alfred Ross Ernest Rubenstein Enzo Viscusi

PATRONS Stephen D. Hibbard** Robert Raucci Tyler H. Beebe Warren Hoge* Daniel Rose* Mary L. Belknap* Richard Horowitz Joel & Patricia Rosenthal** Ronald & Jane Berenbeim* Patricia S. Huntington James H. Rowe** William L. Bernhard* Robert & Sally Huxley Sheryl & William Rubinstein* David Graham Black, Jr.* Charles M. Judd** Elisabeth Sifton** Norman H. Brown, Jr. Nancy E. Kirk F. Randall Smith* Craig Charney Patrick Kirk* Maurice & Marion Spanbock** Consulate General of Japan Michael Koenig & Lucinda Harrison I. Steans** Barbara Crossette** Marulli-Koenig* Sondra Stein Samuel A. Di Piazza, Jr. Michael D. Lappin Stephen J. Sweeny Edith Everett* Krishen Mehta Landon K. Thorne** Blaine & Diane Fogg* Charles Moed United States Merchant Marine Jonathan Gage** Alexander H. Platt** Academy Thomas E. Graham* Helen Moed Pomeroy Ann Unterberg James G. Hart* Bruno A. Quinson Caroline Urvater* Rita E. Hauser* Bill Raiford* William A. Verdone*


SUBSCRIBERS Peter V. Handal Quebec Government House Basak Araz Noah Hart, Jr. Lynda Richards Robert S. Ascheim Linda M. Hartley John Michael Richardson Mel Atlas* Christina Herman Maralyn Rittenour* Susan Bader* International Committee of the Red Cross James H. Robbins* Susan Ball* Donald Jonas* Marjorie Rosenthal* Sylvan M. Barnet* Alice Kosmin* Zita Rosenthal Kenneth & Meryl Blackman Lansing Lamont Barbara Rudder Newton R. Bowles Harry L. Langer Susan M. Rudin Sharon Bronte Rosemary LaPointe* Edward W. Russell III* Beth Callender* Arlette L. Laurent* Cheryl Rutenberg Thomas Cassilly* Howard H. Lentner Marian C. Sands Ann J. Charters Paul Lewis Marcia Schloss Arnold S. & Bryn Cohen* Roy Licklider* Philip M. Schlussel* Eileen S. Cohen* James B. Lynch Michael J. Schmerin, M.D. Betsy Cohn Humra Mahmood, M.D. Priam Sen Consulate General of Finland Corinne Marcus, Esq. Ruby T. Senie* Consulate General of Switzerland Richard Marker Barbara R. Seplow* Consulate General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Edward C. Marschner Edward W. Shufro* Northern Ireland Peter D.C. Mason Marlene Shufro* Margaret T. D’Albert Marlin R. Mattson, M.D.* Burton & Naomi Siegel Robert W. Dannhauser Maryalice Mazzara Donald M. & Juanita Simmons Hans Decker Reverend Robert McClean Donald Smith* Elsie Diamond Stephania L. McClennen Barbara Spector Donald Eugene Laurence & Karen Meltzer Carol Spomer Dinah Evan M. Saleem Muqaddam Myron Sponder H. Joseph Flatau, Jr. Christopher Murphy James B. Starkman* Stuart Gilbert David R. Musher, M.D.* Ruth P. Stevens Jeanne Giniger James M. Nash* Sheila Stone* Susan Gitelson* Gaylord Neely Lucy Ullman Gerald L. Goodwin Renee J. Nelson Richard R. Valcourt* Victor Grann, M.D.* Howard & Joan Oestreich H.E. Mr. William Vanden Heuvel* Arthur & Susan Greene* C. Matthew Olson Elisabeth Waltuch Clare R. Gregorian Roswell B. & Susan H. Perkins Allen I. & Lindley Kirksey Stephanie V. Grepo Ann S. Phillips Young* Lydia Hadjipateras *FALL/SPRING FUND DRIVE DONORS ** Trustee Gift


SUPPORTERS Jacob Griesmer* Jonathan Pool* Russell Hardin* Louis H. Pressman* J. Michael Adams Harry Harding, Jr. Chris Prottas Susan Addiss J. Bryan Hehir* Lila Prounis* Pierre Alcantara John Hirsch* Jehan Raheem* Giles Alston* Olavi Hirvonen* Gholam Hossein Razi* Lisa Anderson* Carl C. Hodge Natalie Z. Riccio* Wyndham Anderson* Sylvia Hordosch Joseph M. Rinaldi* Elia Yi Armstrong Jerry Hultin Jill Rosen* Stuart Auchincloss* Ryuichi Ida Edward Rosenthal Lt. Col. David M. Barnes Paulus Ingram Kevin Sam* Richard F. Barney* Dale Jenkins* Reverend Richardson W. Schell Carl Becker* Bruce C. Johnson* Ann O. Schodde* Kenneth Beebe* Dorothy V. Jones* H. Richard Schumacher, Esq.* Juan Carlos M. Beltramino* Patrick Kabanda Ben Schwartz* Andrew Q. Blane* Robert Kamm* Julius S. Scott, Jr.* Laura J. Bragg* Akira Kato Michael J. Shannon* E. Cabell Brand* Etsuko Kita Michael Sheridan* Ralph E. Buultjens Henry Krisch George Sherman* Jonathan Clarke* Imtiaz T. Ladak** Nancy Sherman* Richard Clemmer-Smith* Steven L. Lamy* John Charles Smith* William W. Clohesy* Michal Lewin-Epstein* Lisa Smith Christine Clooper* Robin W. Lovin Michael J. Smith** Nancy Walbridge Collins William Lubic, Esq.* David C. Speedie* Françoise & Gérard Conac* Murdo Maclean* Ernest H. Spillar* F. Hilary Conroy* Kevin P. McMullen, Esq. Jean M. Stern* Christine Catherine Cooper* Thomas McNaugher* Devin T. Stewart* Robin R. Cutler* Anne C. Miller* Franklin A. Thomas* Dan Ciocodeica Danescu* Dawn Miller* Cesar Urquizo* Helen R. de Keijzer* Nancy Morrison* Robert G. Vambery Jeanine A. DeLay James P. Muldoon, Jr.* Vernon E. Vig, Esq.* Ellen Djerassi* Padraig Murphy* James D. Watson Manuela Dobos* Holly Elizabeth Myers* Gene Weinstein* Thomas Donaldson** Robert J. Myers** Daniel F. Wilhelm* Charles J. Dunlap, Jr.* Rodney W. Nichols James Wilkes* Stuart Elfland* William R. Pace* Kenneth I. Winston* Georges Enderle George F. Paik* Morton E. Winston* Zane E. Finkelstein Maggie Paul Ursula A. Wolff* Loti Falk Gaffney* Richard Penney* John S. Zawacki* Segun Gbadegesin* Lois Perelson-Gross* Larry Zicklin* Rosalie Y. Goldberg* Nicholas Platt


STEERING Meredith Canniff Evan Michelson COMMITTEE Nathaniel Becker Chase Conor P. Moran Peter A. Christodoulou* Elizabeth R. Nugent Jeffrey Hittner Daniel Marks Cohen Ian Oldaker CNL Chairperson (January 2011 to December 2011) Makiko Daidoji Iván C. Rebolledo Zarinés Negrón Rachel A. Davis Nicholas Stuart Richards CNL Honorary Trustee Peter DeBartolo* James W. Robinson* (January 2011 to December 2011) Annik Foreman Peter A. Rose Joseph W. Amann* Tiffany Franke Dahlia Saibil Christine Bader* Arshbir Ghuman Yasin H. Samatar Masha S. Feiguinova Blair Glencorse Diana Santana Peter Kanning William A. Gouveia, Jr.* Massimo Scapini Sylvana Rochet-Belleri Emily Hackel Meghan Simkins Robin van Puyenbroeck Michael R. Hallinan* Joshua Smilovitz Justin Harlow Edward L. Smith II MEMBERS Julian Harper Fredrik S. Stanton Joshua Hurni Liana Sterling Deborah F. Abelon Elie Jacobs Samiur Rahman Talukder Sara Andrews Marc Jacquand Anna Triponel Michael Beaver Emily Krasnor Sarah Troup Derek Berlin Caroline Lampen Alberto Turlon Camilla B. Bosanquet Joanne Lekea Miro Vassilev James Breece* Eric Yi Li Stephanie-Eva Venturas* Farrah Brown Mads R. Loewe Sarah H. Brown Kathryn M. Martorana *FALL/SPRING FUND DRIVE DONORS ** Trustee Gift







Carnegie Council’s audited financial statement and operational report has been filed with the state of New York (#48749), and copies are available upon request. Write to New York State Department of State Charities, Registration Section, 162 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12231.


Grants for Programs ...... $ 909,350

Trustee and Individual Contributions ...... $ 313,223

Program and Membership Fees ...... $ 233,132

Investment Income ...... $ 898,515

SUBTOTAL ...... $ 2,354,220

Net assets released from board-designated restrictions ...... $ 1,538,875

TOTAL REVENUE AND SUPPORT ...... $ 3,893,095


Education ...... $ 665,145

Public Affairs Programs ...... $ 563,425

Internet and Studio ...... $ 876,243

Print Publications ...... $ 395,491


Management and General Support ...... $ 844,064

Fundraising and Development ...... $ 548,727

TOTAL EXPENSES ...... $ 3,893,095


OFFICERS STAFF Joanne J. Myers Director, Public Affairs Programs Jonathan E. Colby Stefanie Ambrosio Chairman Program Assistant, Global Policy Evan O’Neil Innovations, U.S. Global Engagement, Managing Editor, Policy Innovations Jonathan Gage and Carnegie New Leaders Online Magazine Vice Chairman Marina Oyuela Stephen D. Hibbard Eva Becker Assistant to the Vice President Treasurer Vice President for Finance and Administration Joel H. Rosenthal Ina Pira President Danielle Candy Visual Editor and Production Assistant, Carnegie Ethics Studio Robert G. Shaw Program Assistant, Development Secretary of the Corporation Deborah Carroll David W. Pratt Director, Information Technology and Associate Director, Development TRUSTEES Executive Producer, Carnegie Ethics Studio David Rodin Ian Bremmer Carnegie-Uehiro Senior Fellow Zach Dorfman Kathleen Cheek-Milby Assistant Editor, Joel H. Rosenthal Phyllis D. Collins Ethics & International Affairs President

Barbara Crossette Dennis Doyle Jocelyne M. Sargologo Receptionist Thomas Donaldson Website Manager and Graphic Designer Richard A. Edlin Melissa Semeniuk Martha Ellwanger Assistant to the President, Anthony L. Faillace House Manager, Merrill House Database Administrator David P. Hunt Margaret Evans Elena Shanbaum Zachary Karabell Receptionist Assistant, Communications Charles W. Kegley, Jr. Kei Hiruta Robert Smithline Alexander H. Platt Carnegie-Uehiro Fellow Video Editor, Carnegie Ethics Studio

James H. Rowe Terence Hurley David C. Speedie Elisabeth Sifton Audio Editor, Carnegie Ethics Studio Director, U.S. Global Engagement Program and Senior Fellow Michael J. Smith Mladen Joksić Grant Writer and Researcher Harrison I. Steans Devin T. Stewart Senior Fellow Gusta Johnson Program Assistant, Development Zornitsa Stoyanova-Yerburgh HONORARY Managing Editor, TRUSTEES Frank Leitaõ Ethics & International Affairs Associate, Internal Affairs Charles M. Judd Julia Taylor Kennedy Honorary Trustee Kate Lodvikov Program Officer, Carnegie Ethics Studio Administrative Assistant Robert J. Myers John Tessitore Honorary Trustee Madeleine Lynn Executive Editor, (Deceased, September 2011) Director, Communications Ethics & International Affairs Zarinés Negrón Carnegie New Leader Jeffrey D. McCausland William C. Vocke Jr. Honorary Trustee Senior Fellow Senior Fellow Maurice S. Spanbock, Esq. Honorary Trustee Eiji Uehiro International Honorary Trustee

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 25 CARNEGIE COUNCIL The Voice for Ethics in International Affairs


Founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1914, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs is an independent, non-profit, educational organization serving as a forum for the world’s leading thinkers, experts, and decision-makers. By broadcasting their findings to educators and students, journalists, activists, business leaders, and the attentive public worldwide, we fulfill our core educational mission of expanding the audience for the simple but powerful message that ethics matter, regardless of place, origin, or belief.

CARNEGIE COUNCIL • 170 EAST 64 STREET • NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10065 TEL: 212-838-4120 • FAX: 212-752-2432

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