LINCOLNCONTINENTAL 24M0S. Downtown Makes Progressive Moves
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*V-+£WMJ#eW^;- ..»>,%;*.•.£> BIO — THURSDAY/SEPTEMBER 16, 1093 — UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED Critical thinking Reaches 'Moon1 High school football Regional Board releases changes Raegan Kotz, 11, stars kicks off. Previews oh and expansion of the High School in musical 'Paper Moon.' utomotive area clubs, Pages B2-5. Proficiency Test, Page 3. See review, Page B6. (10) AUTOMOTIVE AUTO DEALERS "'*'"* BMW reintroduces the spbrts coupe with the 850 •) SMYTHE VOLVO er and abundant torque with the Most BMW models are sedans, but and relates to two safety-related tensionlng is not necessary in the the basis of actual use of the vehicle, EXCLUSIVE smoothness and sound only a V-12 it is a long-standing BMW tradition to advances: 85OCi. not fixed mileage intervals. Of course,, can offer. It is available with a choice VOLVO DEALER also offer a flagship sports coupe that • rollover strength through a roll Furthermore, the seat-anchored the instrument grouping and center 326 Morris Avenue Summit of BMW's electronically-conlroll represents state-of-the-art in perfor- hoop consisting of the A- and C- shouldg^bdt wraps closely around console wrap around the driver for four-speed, three-mode automatic (908) 273-4200 mance and design. This tradition pillars and roof frame; and the body, helping keep the occupant direct sight lines to the instrumenta- VOL64 NOJft-THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1993-2* SPRINGRELD, NJ^ Horn* of Suaann* Austin TWO SECTIONS — 50 CENTS AUTHORIZED transmission or the world's only six- began with the BMW 327 of 1937, • seat-integrated'seatbelts, which more firmly in the seat and more ide- tion and easy reaches to the controls. FACTORY-SERVICE speed manual transmission teamed and has included such post-war class- require no upper anchor to the body ally restrained. Finally, the belt does Even the 850Ci's windows incor- LONG TERM LEASING with a V-12. To keep drivetrain noise ics as the 3.0 CS of the early '70s and structure. not hinder access to the rear seat porate several special features. They and vibration at a level appropriate to AUTO TOR SALE the 6-Series from 1976 through 1989. Designed primarily for two, with, For 1993, the 850Ci's Nappa leath- may be raised or lowered by a single 1088 BUICK REGAL LTD. 2-door, loaded, occasional rear seating for an addi- er seating upholstery is softer in tex- quick touchj>f. their control buttons the-V-12 engine, the manual transmis- Community excellent condition, 70,000 mllea, garaged. The model that continues this tradi- Downtown makes progressive moves ture and more luxuriously gathered. inside, or-bSftuming the key in the sion is mounted to the chassis through Must see. $9,000/ bell oiler. 201-338-5735, tion in today's BMW line is.-the tional two persons, the 8-Scries cabin evenlnpa. 201-235-8954, day», • Material textures on the instrument driver's or passenger's door lock out- hydraullcally-damped mounts. Update By Heather MacGregor , - . mittee proposed last week, including --exact amount of Jhis year's grant has make their municipal building meet low- to moderate-income range. 85OCi, a 2+2 sports coupe powered-by is a place to enjoy driving to the ful- panel, center console and door trim side. For effective sealing that helps Acoustic decoupling of the gearshift . Managing Editor' • preparation of an application for a notbeen released; however, she said, the standards of The Americans With Cpmmitteeman Jeffrey Katz said 1063 BUICK REGAL, e-cyllnder, automatic, ell BMW's 5.0-liter, V-12 engine, Intro- lest and maximize one's driving power, new transmission. Good condition. are richer, so are the headliner, carpet- minimize wind noise, they seat sec- lever, also used in the BMW 5-Series, Editor's note: This i* the first part $350,000 Community Development iCsbould be comparable to last year's Disabilities Act, she said. he did not want to jeopardize the grant duced in 1991 as the 850i, it has been skills. The changes for 1993 augment Drunk driving simulatpr $1250, Call 908-687-1B53. ing and trunk-lining materials. urely into weatherseal grooves at the helps minimize gearbox noise: inside in a seritj of articles concerning the Block Grant for downtown amount of $S million. Although a majority of the applica- by waiting to fill out the application. improved and renamed for 1993. Tho and improve the character and design 1069 BUICK REGAL, 2 door, automatic, power roof then automatically lower slightly the car, and the shift linkage has been High school swdentt aro :* revltalhation oj the downtown area. revitalizaUon. ' ' Usually, 100 projects, are funded tions are for the ADA changes, there steering, power brakes, air conditioning, tinted of this interior, while adding now Chrome inside door handles and door "Even the week's dolay may close addition of a "C" to its designation woing to step outside for ». les- from the grant Most of the'reiquests glass, am/fm stereo cassette, tilt, whltewall safety features as well. sills set new accents and for the first ' when the door is opened to free them- engineered for easy, precise gear Plans fordowntownredeyeloprnent Joyce Qarry, a Union County plan- is not a limit on the amount of propos- ^up^hat rare window of opportunity," ires, blue exterior, blue cloth interior,.68,501 more clearly expresses its coupe son in the dangers of drinking come from towns that are trying to time in the 8-Series, there is wood selves from the grooves. changes. arajnovingforward just as the com- ner who-works on the grants, said the als, she said. he said. miles. VIN HK1479479. $7805, excludes tax format. - For example, a passenger-side air- and driving when Autoland of ,' and license. EDMUND BUICK POWTIAC, 1 interior trim: bird's-eye maple. For quality listening entertainment, The 850i came standard with • Municipalities can apply for as Springfield has a competitive edge, Greenwood Avenue, Montclalr. 748-8700, bag has been added so there is now a New Jersey, the Dodge Division the full-logic audio equipment BMW's automatic stability control many different projects as they feel on the other municipalities because The , 85OCi's look is quite dual-airbag supplemental restraint Thanks to two new features, there's of Chrysler Corp., tad Mothers 1081 CADILLAC COUPE deVILLE. Absolutely o; they need, since there is not a specific greater versatility in the 850Ci cabin. includes AM and FM stereo, cassette system (ASC), which enhanced driver the plans are set with itemized costs mint, one owner car, garage kept with only unchanged. With a low coefficient, system. Bur/BMW also devoted much Against Drunk Driving bring the control on slick surfaces by reducing amount sot aside for each municipali- 53,000 miles. $4,800, best oiler. Call drag of just .29 and comparably low attention to the primary restraint sys- Skiers, especially, will appreciate two player and a six-disc CD player/ for each different project, Katz said, 608-B8a-4303. , ... Dodge Drunk Driving Simulator ty, Garry said. ' .12 coefficients of lift, the 8S0Ci's new features: fold-down rear seats changer, as well as the BMW-sound engine power whenever whcclspin He also explained that "we really tem, the scalbclts. at Jonathan Dayton Regional When the committee voted to begin 1884 CADILLAC SEDAN deVILLE, 4 door, system with 100-watt amplification, began to occur. Tho more capable haven't spent any money yet; wo just body not only slices efficiently In almost all automobiles built and a center trunk-to-interior pass High School, Sept. 27-30. automatic, power steering, power brakes, air automatic stability contol plus frac- filling out the application for the grant conditioning, tinted glass, am/lm stereo cas- through the onrushing air but man- through with a sld bag. custom-contoured equalization and 12 allocated it." . today the seatbelts are anchored at its last meeting, the outcome was sette, power windows, locks and seats,, tilt ages it effectively to enhance stability Other. 850C1 interior features help speakers. The standard BMW cellular tion system, was oDtiorial. Mayor Phil Kurnos said he was cruise, dark blue exterior, blue cloth Interior, directly to the body structure. Because Art on display for fall 4-1 in favor. '. • 86,083 miles., VIN «EB029658. $4084, ex- at cruising speeds, keep.wind noise creato tho best possible environment telephone, with voice-activated dial- optimistic about the plans to revitalize front scats' positions can be adjusted, Committeewoman Marcia Porrnan cludes tax and license. EDMUND BUICK low and virtually eliminate soiling of for comfort and attentive driving. The "ing and muting of the audio system 7 Twenty professional .ceramic' downtown and that he wanted to PONTIAC, 1 Greenwood Avenue, Montclalr, this poses challenges to the designers ASC+T also controls the engine. said she "would have liked to wait a side windows while driving. Tho trad- automatic climate-control system pro- when in,use; also offers scrolling artists will be showing their move forward with tho plans. He said ; 746-8700. who wanUoJceep the belts positioned throttle and ignition power to reduce few more weeks" to gather more itional BMW grille form, dual open- vides separate temperature selection through its number memory and dial- wares at the 2nd annual Craft the plan "made sense., It's the kind of 1885 CHEVROLET SPRINT. Manual Iransmls- as consistently as possible on the engine power, but additionally applies information. ' slon, radio, 2*door, oood condition, 80,000 ings or "kidneys," is set into a soft- occupants, no matter, how the seat is for tho left and^right sides, and ing from the steering-column control the rear brakes selectively for quicker, Exhibit and Sale at the'Palmer plan that could make It." miles, 55 miles per gallon.